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CSS is simple... It’s simple to
understand. But CSS is not
simple to use or maintain.

If you’ve ever worked on a
medium to large website, you
have probably come across a
range of issues with CSS.
Lots of floats, font-size
references, heading levels
It may have started out well, but it
has become a mess?
Weight war
You need to add some CSS - so
you have to start adding to
selectors in order to win.
Your CSS is specifically tied to
HTML or location...
CSS sucks!
Developers have been telling us
for years that “CSS sucks”. We
all know it’s time for our CSS
practices to evolve.
New stuff!
Luckily, there are a wide range of
exciting new developments to
Biases aside...
Before we start... put aside any
biases. At least until after the
presentation, when you can rip
into me :)
 oc oriented css
o object
What is OOCSS?
In 2009, Nicole
Sullivan introduced a
new way of looking
at CSS. She defined
this as Object
Oriented CSS
After optimising Facebook’s CSS,
she discovered some amazing
statistics... about how we reapply
CSS properties throughout our
style sheets.
Facebook blue      261
 Unique colors     548
        colors   6,498

      padding    3,668
        h1-h6      511
“We have been doing it all
wrong.... Our best practices are
killing us”

                                   Nicole Sullivan
The purpose of OOCSS is to
encourage code reuse and,
ultimately, faster and more
efficient stylesheets that are
easier to add to and maintain.

Looking for patterns -
One of the key aims of OOCSS
is to abstract as many
components of the layout as
Can you see any repeating visual
The first layout pattern could be
the rows.






Past practice
In the past, people may have
styled these rows using a series
of IDs.



OOCSS aims
1. use a single class so that it can
be reused as needed
2. abstract the module down to
core purposes
Core purposes
These rows have two purposes:
1. clear each row
2. trigger the block formatting



Then we can write one simple,
but very powerful class that can
be reused anywhere in the layout.
.row {
!   clear: left;          Clears each row

!   overflow: hidden;     Triggers block formatting

!   zoom: 1;              Triggers haslayout in IE5-7

!   _overflow: visible;   IE6 underscore hack

Different rows
Different rows
Did you notice that two of the
rows were different? They have
different background colours and
additional padding above and
New names?
We could now add some classes
based on the purpose of these
rows - such as “news” and
.news {
!   padding: 1em 0;
!   background-color: blue;!

.footer {
!   padding: 1em 0;
!   background-color: pink;!
However, it would be better to
abstract these names further so
that they are more flexible.
.row   {
!      clear: left;
!      overflow: hidden;
!      zoom: 1;
!      _overflow: visible;

.row-alt1 {
!    padding: 1em 0;
!    background-color: blue;!

.row-alt2 {
!    padding: 1em 0;
!    background-color: pink;!
<div   class="row"></div>
<div   class="row"></div>
<div   class="row row-alt1"></div>
<div   class="row row-alt2"></div>
If you wanted, these could be
abstracted even further into
padding and backgrounds as
separate concepts.
.row-padding {
!   padding: 1em 0;

.bg-color1 {
!   background-color: blue;!

.bg-color2 {
!   background-color: pink;!
<div class="row"></div>
<div class="row"></div>
<div class="row row-padding
<div class="row row-padding
Up to you
It depends on the site and
circumstances as to how far you
think you need to abstract these
The row module
Primary module
The “row” class is our primary
module. The additional classes
are “modifiers” as they modify
the primary class.
Modifiers should not rewrite any
aspect of the primary module,
they only modify or add to the
primary module.
Types of class
Primary module Sub-module   Modifier
.row-alt1                   .row-alt1
Looking for patterns -
The second layout pattern could
be the columns. The wide layout
looks like it has four columns.
Column 1   Column 2   Column 3   Column 4
Some of the rows spread across
all columns. Others spread
across two or one column.
Column 1     Column 2   Column 3    Column 4

4 columns

2 columns               2 columns

2 columns               2 columns

1 columns   1 columns   1 columns   1 columns
Framework 1
To be safe, we should assume we
need containers for 4, 3, 2 and 1
column widths. We can convert
these column options into a
simple grid framework.
Wide layout    Class names
4 column box   .w-4col
3 column box   .w-3col
2 column box   .w-2col
1 column box   .w-1col
<div class="row">
!    <div class="w-4col"></div>
<div class="row">
!    <div class="w-2col"></div>
!    <div class="w-2col"></div>
<div class="row row-alt1">
!    <div class="w-2col"></div>
!    <div class="w-2col"></div>
<div class="row row-alt2">
!    <div class="w-1col"></div>
!    <div class="w-1col"></div>
!    <div class="w-1col"></div>
!    <div class="w-1col"></div>
The same is true of the narrow
layout, except this time it has
only two overall columns.
Column 1   Column 2
2 columns

1 columns   1 columns

1 columns   1 columns

1 columns   1 columns
Framework 2
We could also create a second,
different grid for narrow screen.
This would allow us to control
whether columns sat beside each
other or below at a narrower
screen size.
Narrow layout   Class names
2 column box    .n-2col
1 column box    .n-2col
<div class="row">
!    <div class="w-4col"></div>
<div class="row">
!    <div class="w-2col n-2col"></div>
!    <div class="w-2col n-2col"></div>
<div class="row row-alt1">
!    <div class="w-2col n-2col"></div>
!    <div class="w-2col n-2col"></div>
<div class="row row-alt2">
!    <div class="w-1col n-2col"></div>
!    <div class="w-1col n-2col"></div>
!    <div class="w-1col n-2col"></div>
!    <div class="w-1col n-2col"></div>
With these two simple grids, we
can control complicated layouts -
both wide and narrow.
Looking for patterns -
You may have noticed that there
were also a series of smaller
boxes, each with an image to the
left or right.
Core purpose
1. contain content
2. feature object to left or right
3. content beside feature object
4. margin below
Adaptable box
We need to create an adaptable box:
- could be placed anywhere
- any width or height
- any feature content
- feature content could be left/right
- any content inside the body
We need to be able to target
- the overall box
- the object (left or right)
- the body content within the box
- a possible heading (h1-h6)
- possibly even the contents itself
                     box body
                    This is a heading heading
      box feature
                    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consect etuer
                    adipi scing elit sed diam nonummy nibh
                                                box content
                    euismod tinunt ut laoreet dolore magna
                    aliquam erat volut.
There are a range of possible
 class we could use here.

.box { }
.box-feature { }
.box-feature-alt { }
.box-body { }
.box-heading { }
.box-content { }
Do not give the box a width -
allow it to spread to fit the width
of any parent container.
Contain floats
This box module must contain
(and therefore wrap around)
either a left or right floating
object. We can solve this by
triggering the block formatting
context on the parent.
.box {
!   overflow: hidden;     Triggers block formatting

!   zoom: 1;
!   _overflow: visible;
!   margin-bottom: 1em;
Location Agnostic
 The box must work when placed
 anywhere within the layout. The
 box must be “location agnostic”.

aside .box { }
.box { }
Sit beside
The box may contain objects that
have varying widths. We need our
content box (“box-body”) to sit
beside these objects, regardless
of their widths.
BFC again
We can solve this by triggering
the block formatting context on
the “box-body” class.
This is a heading
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consect etuer
adipi scing elit sed diam nonummy nibh
euismod tinunt ut laoreet dolore magna
aliquam erat volut.
.box-body {
!   overflow: hidden;     Triggers block formatting

!   zoom: 1;
!   _overflow: visible;
The box module
Powerful box
We have just made a very
powerful box. Nicole Sullivan
refers to this box as the “media”
.box,.box-body {
!    overflow: hidden;
!    zoom: 1;
!    _overflow: visible;

.box { margin: 0 0 10px; }

.box-feature {
!    float: left;
!    margin: 0 10px 0 0;

.box-feature-alt {
!    float: right;
!    margin: 0 0 0 10px;
Primary module
In this case, the “box” class is
our primary module. There are no
modifiers, but there are a range of
Sub-modules are other classes
associated with the primary
module. They do not alter or add
directly to the primary module.
Types of class
Primary module Sub-module    Modifier
.row-alt1                    .row-alt1
.box          .box-feature
Moving forward
Semantic classes
For years, we have been taught
to keep our markup clean and
only use “semantic” class names.
Break the rules?
OOCSS seems to break both of
these rules - and in a big way.
But have we been thinking about
“semantic” class names in the
wrong way?
HTML class names offer no
semantic value to search engines
or screen readers, aside from

Rather than concerning
ourselves with creating semantic
class names, I think we should be
thinking about creating sensible
class names. Sensible class
names offer semantics, but they

also offer flexibility/reusability.
If your class is called “blue” and
you want to change it to red, you
have far bigger problems than
class names to deal with!


Move forward
In order to move forward,
especially on large scale sites, we
cannot keep using old practices.
OOCSS offers front end
developers an alternative - light
weight, modular CSS that can be
re-used repeatedly across sites.
css achi
What is SMACSS?
SMACSS is more style guide than
rigid framework - an attempt to
document a consistent approach
to site development when using

In 2011, Jonathan
Snook introduced a
new way of looking at
CSS architecture.
He called this
Scalable and Modular
Architecture for CSS
Base rules
Layout rules
Module (and sub-module) rules
State rules
Theme rules
Base rules are the defaults. They
are almost exclusively single
element selectors.
Layout rules divide the page into
sections. Layouts hold one or
more modules together.
Modules are the reusable,
modular parts of our design. They
are the callouts, the sidebar
sections, the product lists and so
SMACSS allows for
primary modules, modifiers
and sub-modules, though they
are labelled slightly differently.
Primary module   Sub-module      Modifier
                 Sub-component   Sub-module
.row-alt1                        .row-alt1
.box             .box-feature
State rules are ways to describe
how our modules or layouts will
look when in a particular state. Is
it hidden or expanded?
Theme rules describe how the
layout or modules might look.
Naming Convention
Avoid IDs
Use classes rather than IDs for
styling purposes. Classes are
more flexible. Using classes can
reduce specificity issues.
Class names should be
meaningful for other authors, so
that other developers can
understand their purpose.
Class names should follow
understandable patterns.
Use “pseudo-namespaces” as
prefixes - so that modules,
modifiers and sub-modules can
be identified.
 Possibly use different naming
 conventions for modifiers,
 sub-modules and states.

.example-widget { }
.example-widget--modifier { }
.example-widget__sub-module { }
.example-widget--is-somestate { }
Decouple HTML/CSS
I’ve noticed that designers
traditionally write CSS that is
deeply tied to the HTML that it is
designed to style. How do we
begin to decouple the two for
more flexible development with

less refactoring?
So how do we “decouple” our
1. using additional class names
2. using child selectors
To see this in action, let’s look at
the “box” example from earlier.
What if we wanted to style the
heading inside the “box-body”.
This is a heading            heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consect etuer
adipi scing elit sed diam nonummy nibh
euismod tinunt ut laoreet dolore magna
aliquam erat volut.
Style the h2?
We could style this heading using
something like this:

.box { }
.box h2 { }
<div class="box">
!   <img class="box-feature"
!   src="dummy-140.png" alt="">
!   <div class="box-body">
!   !   <h2>Heading</h2>
!   !   </p>Lorem ipsum dolor</p>
!   </div>
The problem is that the CSS is
“coupled” with the HTML. What
happens if there is an <h3>
element inside the box?
One solution would be to set all
heading levels.

.box   { }
.box   h1 {   }
.box   h2 {   }
.box   h3 {   }
.box   h4 {   }
.box   h5 {   }
.box   h6 {   }
Use a class
However, the safest way to
“uncouple” the CSS and HTML
would be to use a simple class.
<div class="box">
!   <img class="box-feature"
!   src="dummy-140.png" alt="">
!   <div class="box-body">
!   !   <h2 class="box-heading">
!   !   !   Heading</h2>
!   !   </p>Lorem ipsum dolor</p>
!   </div>
More flexible
Now our HTML and CSS are more
flexible. It doesn’t matter what
heading level is used.

.box { }
.box-heading { }
a closer look at
The following “module” guidelines
apply regardless of whether you
are coming from OOCSS or
Rule 1:
keep modules simple
By making your base objects this
simple your choices become
boolean; you use the object or
you don’t. The object is either
entirely suitable as a basis, or
entirely _un_suitable.

Keep ‘em simple
The base module should be
defined as simply as possible.
This means that they are highly
Let’s use an example of our “row”
 class. What if we added some
 padding to this rule?

.row {
!   clear: left;
!   overflow: hidden;
!   padding: 20px 0;
But what if we want a row that
doesn’t have padding? The
problem is that this rule is now
very specifically defined. It is
therefore not as flexible.
Rule 2:
don’t undo styles
Any CSS that unsets styles (apart
from in a reset) should start
ringing alarm bells... Rulesets
should only ever inherit and add
to previous ones, never undo.

Don’t undo
Leading on from the first rule, you
should avoid writing rules to undo
a previous module.
For example, what if you wanted
 almost all of your headings to
 have a border-bottom?

h2 {
!   font-size: 1.5em
!   margin-bottom: 1em;
!   padding-bottom: 1em;
!   border-bottom: 1px solid red;
But in some cases you might
want a heading without a
You could write a new rule like

.no-border {
!   padding-bottom: 0;
!   border-bottom: none;
This is not ideal. It is much better
to write sub-modules that add
styles, rather than write sub-
modules to undo styles.
So, a better way might be to
write two rules like this:
/* default style */
h2 {
!   font-size: 1.5em
!   margin-bottom: 1em;

/* only when border needed */
.headline {
!   padding-bottom: 1em;
!   border-bottom: 1px solid red;
Rule 3:
extend but don’t
Don’t modify
Base modules can be extended
using sub-modules. However, the
base module itself should never
be modified.
This is based on the object
oriented programming “open/
close principle”.
Software entities (classes,
modules, functions, etc.) should
be open for extension, but closed
for modification.

If a based module needs to be
modified to suit a specific case, it
is probably better to create a
new module.
Rule 4:
think before adding
   new modules
Don’t rush
It is always tempting to add a
module based on your need at
the time... as well as based on
the needs of the system.
This often happens after the initial
planning and build has been
done. It’s easy to be tempted by
“I’ll just drop this new class in
at the bottom of my CSS”.
However, adding poorly
structured new modules, without
rigorous abstraction, will lead to
bloated, hard-to-manage CSS.
Comment conventions
There is a growing trend to use
the DocBlock as an overall
comment convention. In fact, a
movement around this type of
commenting began over 6 years
ago with the CSSdoc group
"A DocBlock is an extended C++-
style PHP comment that begins
with "/**" and has an "*" at the
beginning of every line.
DocBlocks precede the element
they are documenting...

 * Short desc
 * Long description first sentence starts
 * and continues on this line for a while
 * finally concluding here at the end of
 * this paragraph
 * The blank line above denotes a paragraph
Formatting CSS rules
Single line?
In the early days of CSS, a lot of
developers preferred single line
CSS rules as they could easily
see the selectors.
Today, with the complexity of
individual rules, most developers
seem to prefer either the
multi-line format, or multi-line
with indenting format.
CSS Tricks rule formatting poll

Multi-line Format with Indenting                                     44%
Multi-line Format                                                    28%
Single-line Format                                                   11%
Single-line Format with Indenting/Tabbing                             5%
Mostly Single-line Format                                             5%
Single-line Format with Tabbing                                       4%
Other                                                                 3%

                    *CSS-tricks poll:
.navigation_rss_icon {
!   position: absolute;
!   left: 940px;
!   bottom: 0px;

#navigation_rss {
!   position: absolute;
!   left: 720px;
!   font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
!   text-transform: uppercase;
!   color: #897567;
!   line-height: 2.5em;

#navigation_rss li {
!   display: inline;

#navigation_rss li a:link, #navigation_rss li a:visited {
!   color: #fffffe;
!   text-decoration: none;
.navigation_rss_icon {
    position: absolute;
    left: 940px;
    bottom: 0px;

#navigation_rss {
    position: absolute;
    left: 720px;
    font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    color: #897567;
    line-height: 2.5em;

    #navigation_rss li {
        display: inline;

        #navigation_rss li a:link, #navigation_rss li a:visited {
            color: #fffffe;
            text-decoration: none;
Declaration order
Similarly, many developers used
to prefer to sort their declarations
Today, most people prefer to
group their declarations by type.
CSS Tricks declaration formatting poll

Grouped by type 45%                                                 45%
Random - 39%                                                        39%
Alphabet - 14%                                                      14%
By line - 2%                                                         2%

                   *CSS-tricks poll:
.selector {
  /* Positioning */
  position: absolute;
  z-index: 10;
  top: 0;
  right: 0;

  /* Display & Box Model */
  display: inline-block;
  overflow: hidden;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  padding: 10px;
  border: 10px solid #333;
  margin: 10px;

  /* Color */
  background: #000;
  color: #fff

  /* Text */
Of course, many tools and pre-
processors take care of this for
you. If your tools do not have this
capability, take a look at CSS
get busy!
Russ Weakley
Max Design


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CSS - OOCSS, SMACSS and more

  • 2. what’s wro ng with CSS
  • 3. “ CSS is simple... It’s simple to understand. But CSS is not simple to use or maintain. ”
  • 4. Issues If you’ve ever worked on a medium to large website, you have probably come across a range of issues with CSS.
  • 5. Repetition Lots of floats, font-size references, heading levels repeated...
  • 6. Unmanageable It may have started out well, but it has become a mess?
  • 7. Weight war You need to add some CSS - so you have to start adding to selectors in order to win.
  • 8. Coupling Your CSS is specifically tied to HTML or location...
  • 9. CSS sucks! Developers have been telling us for years that “CSS sucks”. We all know it’s time for our CSS practices to evolve.
  • 10. New stuff! Luckily, there are a wide range of exciting new developments to explore.
  • 11. Biases aside... Before we start... put aside any biases. At least until after the presentation, when you can rip into me :)
  • 12. ss oc oriented css o object
  • 14. In 2009, Nicole Sullivan introduced a new way of looking at CSS. She defined this as Object Oriented CSS (OOCSS).
  • 15. Statistics After optimising Facebook’s CSS, she discovered some amazing statistics... about how we reapply CSS properties throughout our style sheets.
  • 16. Facebook: Facebook blue 261 Unique colors 548 colors 6,498 Salesforce: padding 3,668 h1-h6 511
  • 17. “ “We have been doing it all wrong.... Our best practices are killing us” ” Nicole Sullivan
  • 18. “ The purpose of OOCSS is to encourage code reuse and, ultimately, faster and more efficient stylesheets that are easier to add to and maintain. ”
  • 20. Abstraction One of the key aims of OOCSS is to abstract as many components of the layout as possible.
  • 21. Example Can you see any repeating visual patterns?
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24. Rows The first layout pattern could be the rows.
  • 27. Past practice In the past, people may have styled these rows using a series of IDs.
  • 29. OOCSS aims 1. use a single class so that it can be reused as needed 2. abstract the module down to core purposes
  • 30. Core purposes These rows have two purposes: 1. clear each row 2. trigger the block formatting context.
  • 32. Re-use Then we can write one simple, but very powerful class that can be reused anywhere in the layout.
  • 33. .row { ! clear: left; Clears each row ! overflow: hidden; Triggers block formatting ! zoom: 1; Triggers haslayout in IE5-7 ! _overflow: visible; IE6 underscore hack }
  • 35. Different rows Did you notice that two of the rows were different? They have different background colours and additional padding above and below.
  • 36.
  • 37. New names? We could now add some classes based on the purpose of these rows - such as “news” and “footer”.
  • 38. .news { ! padding: 1em 0; ! background-color: blue;! } .footer { ! padding: 1em 0; ! background-color: pink;! }
  • 39. Abstract However, it would be better to abstract these names further so that they are more flexible.
  • 40. .row { ! clear: left; ! overflow: hidden; ! zoom: 1; ! _overflow: visible; } .row-alt1 { ! padding: 1em 0; ! background-color: blue;! } .row-alt2 { ! padding: 1em 0; ! background-color: pink;! }
  • 41. <div class="row"></div> <div class="row"></div> <div class="row row-alt1"></div> <div class="row row-alt2"></div>
  • 42. Further If you wanted, these could be abstracted even further into padding and backgrounds as separate concepts.
  • 43. .row-padding { ! padding: 1em 0; } .bg-color1 { ! background-color: blue;! } .bg-color2 { ! background-color: pink;! }
  • 44. <div class="row"></div> <div class="row"></div> <div class="row row-padding bg-color1"></div> <div class="row row-padding bg-color2"></div>
  • 45. Up to you It depends on the site and circumstances as to how far you think you need to abstract these concepts.
  • 47. Primary module The “row” class is our primary module. The additional classes are “modifiers” as they modify the primary class.
  • 48. Modifiers Modifiers should not rewrite any aspect of the primary module, they only modify or add to the primary module.
  • 49. Types of class Primary module Sub-module Modifier .row-alt1 .row-alt1
  • 50. Looking for patterns - columns
  • 51. Columns The second layout pattern could be the columns. The wide layout looks like it has four columns.
  • 52. Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
  • 53. Patterns Some of the rows spread across all columns. Others spread across two or one column.
  • 54. Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 4 columns 2 columns 2 columns 2 columns 2 columns 1 columns 1 columns 1 columns 1 columns
  • 55. Framework 1 To be safe, we should assume we need containers for 4, 3, 2 and 1 column widths. We can convert these column options into a simple grid framework.
  • 56. Wide layout Class names 4 column box .w-4col 3 column box .w-3col 2 column box .w-2col 1 column box .w-1col
  • 57. <div class="row"> ! <div class="w-4col"></div> </div> <div class="row"> ! <div class="w-2col"></div> ! <div class="w-2col"></div> </div> <div class="row row-alt1"> ! <div class="w-2col"></div> ! <div class="w-2col"></div> </div> <div class="row row-alt2"> ! <div class="w-1col"></div> ! <div class="w-1col"></div> ! <div class="w-1col"></div> ! <div class="w-1col"></div> </div>
  • 58. Narrow The same is true of the narrow layout, except this time it has only two overall columns.
  • 59. Column 1 Column 2
  • 60. 2 columns 1 columns 1 columns 1 columns 1 columns 1 columns 1 columns
  • 61. Framework 2 We could also create a second, different grid for narrow screen. This would allow us to control whether columns sat beside each other or below at a narrower screen size.
  • 62. Narrow layout Class names 2 column box .n-2col 1 column box .n-2col
  • 63. <div class="row"> ! <div class="w-4col"></div> </div> <div class="row"> ! <div class="w-2col n-2col"></div> ! <div class="w-2col n-2col"></div> </div> <div class="row row-alt1"> ! <div class="w-2col n-2col"></div> ! <div class="w-2col n-2col"></div> </div> <div class="row row-alt2"> ! <div class="w-1col n-2col"></div> ! <div class="w-1col n-2col"></div> ! <div class="w-1col n-2col"></div> ! <div class="w-1col n-2col"></div> </div>
  • 64. Control! With these two simple grids, we can control complicated layouts - both wide and narrow.
  • 66. Boxes? You may have noticed that there were also a series of smaller boxes, each with an image to the left or right.
  • 67.
  • 68. Core purpose 1. contain content 2. feature object to left or right 3. content beside feature object 4. margin below
  • 69. Adaptable box We need to create an adaptable box: - could be placed anywhere - any width or height - any feature content - feature content could be left/right - any content inside the body
  • 70. Target We need to be able to target - the overall box - the object (left or right) - the body content within the box - a possible heading (h1-h6) - possibly even the contents itself
  • 71. box box body This is a heading heading box box feature Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consect etuer adipi scing elit sed diam nonummy nibh box content euismod tinunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volut.
  • 72. There are a range of possible class we could use here. .box { } .box-feature { } .box-feature-alt { } .box-body { } .box-heading { } .box-content { }
  • 73. Width Do not give the box a width - allow it to spread to fit the width of any parent container.
  • 74. Contain floats This box module must contain (and therefore wrap around) either a left or right floating object. We can solve this by triggering the block formatting context on the parent.
  • 75. .box { ! overflow: hidden; Triggers block formatting ! zoom: 1; ! _overflow: visible; ! margin-bottom: 1em; }
  • 76. Location Agnostic The box must work when placed anywhere within the layout. The box must be “location agnostic”. aside .box { } .box { }
  • 77. Sit beside The box may contain objects that have varying widths. We need our content box (“box-body”) to sit beside these objects, regardless of their widths.
  • 78. BFC again We can solve this by triggering the block formatting context on the “box-body” class.
  • 79. box-body This is a heading Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consect etuer adipi scing elit sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tinunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volut.
  • 80. .box-body { ! overflow: hidden; Triggers block formatting ! zoom: 1; ! _overflow: visible; }
  • 82. Powerful box We have just made a very powerful box. Nicole Sullivan refers to this box as the “media” element.
  • 83. .box,.box-body { ! overflow: hidden; ! zoom: 1; ! _overflow: visible; } .box { margin: 0 0 10px; } .box-feature { ! float: left; ! margin: 0 10px 0 0; } .box-feature-alt { ! float: right; ! margin: 0 0 0 10px; }
  • 84. Primary module In this case, the “box” class is our primary module. There are no modifiers, but there are a range of sub-modules.
  • 85. Sub-modules Sub-modules are other classes associated with the primary module. They do not alter or add directly to the primary module.
  • 86. Types of class Primary module Sub-module Modifier .row-alt1 .row-alt1 .box .box-feature .box-body
  • 88. Semantic classes For years, we have been taught to keep our markup clean and only use “semantic” class names.
  • 89. Break the rules? OOCSS seems to break both of these rules - and in a big way. But have we been thinking about “semantic” class names in the wrong way?
  • 90. “ HTML class names offer no semantic value to search engines or screen readers, aside from microformats. ”
  • 91. “ Rather than concerning ourselves with creating semantic class names, I think we should be thinking about creating sensible class names. Sensible class names offer semantics, but they ” also offer flexibility/reusability.
  • 92. “ If your class is called “blue” and you want to change it to red, you have far bigger problems than class names to deal with! ”
  • 93. Move forward In order to move forward, especially on large scale sites, we cannot keep using old practices.
  • 94. Solution? OOCSS offers front end developers an alternative - light weight, modular CSS that can be re-used repeatedly across sites.
  • 95. acss srmtecture css achi
  • 97. “ SMACSS is more style guide than rigid framework - an attempt to document a consistent approach to site development when using CSS. ”
  • 98. In 2011, Jonathan Snook introduced a new way of looking at CSS architecture. He called this Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS (SMACSS)
  • 100. Categories Base rules Layout rules Module (and sub-module) rules State rules Theme rules
  • 101. Base Base rules are the defaults. They are almost exclusively single element selectors.
  • 102. Layout Layout rules divide the page into sections. Layouts hold one or more modules together.
  • 103. Modules Modules are the reusable, modular parts of our design. They are the callouts, the sidebar sections, the product lists and so on.
  • 104. SMACSS allows for primary modules, modifiers and sub-modules, though they are labelled slightly differently.
  • 105. Primary module Sub-module Modifier Sub-component Sub-module .row-alt1 .row-alt1 .box .box-feature .box-body
  • 106. States State rules are ways to describe how our modules or layouts will look when in a particular state. Is it hidden or expanded?
  • 107. Themes Theme rules describe how the layout or modules might look.
  • 109. Avoid IDs Use classes rather than IDs for styling purposes. Classes are more flexible. Using classes can reduce specificity issues.
  • 110. Meaningful Class names should be meaningful for other authors, so that other developers can understand their purpose.
  • 111. Pattern Class names should follow understandable patterns.
  • 112. Prefixes Use “pseudo-namespaces” as prefixes - so that modules, modifiers and sub-modules can be identified.
  • 113. Modifiers Possibly use different naming conventions for modifiers, sub-modules and states. .example-widget { } .example-widget--modifier { } .example-widget__sub-module { } .example-widget--is-somestate { }
  • 115. “ I’ve noticed that designers traditionally write CSS that is deeply tied to the HTML that it is designed to style. How do we begin to decouple the two for more flexible development with ” less refactoring?
  • 116. Decouple So how do we “decouple” our HTML and CSS. 1. using additional class names 2. using child selectors
  • 117. Example To see this in action, let’s look at the “box” example from earlier. What if we wanted to style the heading inside the “box-body”.
  • 118. This is a heading heading Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consect etuer adipi scing elit sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tinunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volut.
  • 119. Style the h2? We could style this heading using something like this: .box { } .box h2 { }
  • 120. <div class="box"> ! <img class="box-feature" ! src="dummy-140.png" alt=""> ! <div class="box-body"> ! ! <h2>Heading</h2> ! ! </p>Lorem ipsum dolor</p> ! </div> </div>
  • 121. Problem? The problem is that the CSS is “coupled” with the HTML. What happens if there is an <h3> element inside the box?
  • 122. One solution would be to set all heading levels. .box { } .box h1 { } .box h2 { } .box h3 { } .box h4 { } .box h5 { } .box h6 { }
  • 123. Use a class However, the safest way to “uncouple” the CSS and HTML would be to use a simple class.
  • 124. <div class="box"> ! <img class="box-feature" ! src="dummy-140.png" alt=""> ! <div class="box-body"> ! ! <h2 class="box-heading"> ! ! ! Heading</h2> ! ! </p>Lorem ipsum dolor</p> ! </div> </div>
  • 125. More flexible Now our HTML and CSS are more flexible. It doesn’t matter what heading level is used. .box { } .box-heading { }
  • 126. a closer look at modules
  • 127. Guidelines The following “module” guidelines apply regardless of whether you are coming from OOCSS or SMACSS.
  • 129. “ By making your base objects this simple your choices become boolean; you use the object or you don’t. The object is either entirely suitable as a basis, or entirely _un_suitable. ”
  • 130. Keep ‘em simple The base module should be defined as simply as possible. This means that they are highly flexible.
  • 131. Let’s use an example of our “row” class. What if we added some padding to this rule? .row { ! clear: left; ! overflow: hidden; ! padding: 20px 0; }
  • 132. But what if we want a row that doesn’t have padding? The problem is that this rule is now very specifically defined. It is therefore not as flexible.
  • 134. “ Any CSS that unsets styles (apart from in a reset) should start ringing alarm bells... Rulesets should only ever inherit and add to previous ones, never undo. ”
  • 135. Don’t undo Leading on from the first rule, you should avoid writing rules to undo a previous module.
  • 136. For example, what if you wanted almost all of your headings to have a border-bottom? h2 { ! font-size: 1.5em ! margin-bottom: 1em; ! padding-bottom: 1em; ! border-bottom: 1px solid red; }
  • 137. But in some cases you might want a heading without a border-bottom.
  • 138. You could write a new rule like this: .no-border { ! padding-bottom: 0; ! border-bottom: none; }
  • 139. This is not ideal. It is much better to write sub-modules that add styles, rather than write sub- modules to undo styles.
  • 140. So, a better way might be to write two rules like this:
  • 141. /* default style */ h2 { ! font-size: 1.5em ! margin-bottom: 1em; } /* only when border needed */ .headline { ! padding-bottom: 1em; ! border-bottom: 1px solid red; }
  • 142. Rule 3: extend but don’t modify
  • 143. Don’t modify Base modules can be extended using sub-modules. However, the base module itself should never be modified.
  • 144. This is based on the object oriented programming “open/ close principle”.
  • 145. “ Software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension, but closed for modification. ”
  • 146. If a based module needs to be modified to suit a specific case, it is probably better to create a new module.
  • 147. Rule 4: think before adding new modules
  • 148. Don’t rush It is always tempting to add a module based on your need at the time... as well as based on the needs of the system.
  • 149. This often happens after the initial planning and build has been done. It’s easy to be tempted by “I’ll just drop this new class in at the bottom of my CSS”.
  • 150. However, adding poorly structured new modules, without rigorous abstraction, will lead to bloated, hard-to-manage CSS.
  • 153. DocBlock There is a growing trend to use the DocBlock as an overall comment convention. In fact, a movement around this type of commenting began over 6 years ago with the CSSdoc group
  • 154. “ "A DocBlock is an extended C++- style PHP comment that begins with "/**" and has an "*" at the beginning of every line. DocBlocks precede the element they are documenting... ”
  • 155. /** * Short desc * * Long description first sentence starts * and continues on this line for a while * finally concluding here at the end of * this paragraph * * The blank line above denotes a paragraph */
  • 157. Single line? In the early days of CSS, a lot of developers preferred single line CSS rules as they could easily see the selectors.
  • 158. Multi-line Today, with the complexity of individual rules, most developers seem to prefer either the multi-line format, or multi-line with indenting format.
  • 159. CSS Tricks rule formatting poll Multi-line Format with Indenting 44% Multi-line Format 28% Single-line Format 11% Single-line Format with Indenting/Tabbing 5% Mostly Single-line Format 5% Single-line Format with Tabbing 4% Other 3% *CSS-tricks poll:
  • 160. .navigation_rss_icon { ! position: absolute; ! left: 940px; ! bottom: 0px; } #navigation_rss { ! position: absolute; ! left: 720px; ! font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; ! text-transform: uppercase; ! color: #897567; ! line-height: 2.5em; } #navigation_rss li { ! display: inline; } #navigation_rss li a:link, #navigation_rss li a:visited { ! color: #fffffe; ! text-decoration: none;
  • 161. .navigation_rss_icon { position: absolute; left: 940px; bottom: 0px; } #navigation_rss { position: absolute; left: 720px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; color: #897567; line-height: 2.5em; } #navigation_rss li { display: inline; } #navigation_rss li a:link, #navigation_rss li a:visited { color: #fffffe; text-decoration: none;
  • 163. Alphabet? Similarly, many developers used to prefer to sort their declarations alphabetically.
  • 164. Group Today, most people prefer to group their declarations by type.
  • 165. CSS Tricks declaration formatting poll Grouped by type 45% 45% Random - 39% 39% Alphabet - 14% 14% By line - 2% 2% *CSS-tricks poll:
  • 166. .selector { /* Positioning */ position: absolute; z-index: 10; top: 0; right: 0; /* Display & Box Model */ display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; width: 100px; height: 100px; padding: 10px; border: 10px solid #333; margin: 10px; /* Color */ background: #000; color: #fff /* Text */
  • 167. Of course, many tools and pre- processors take care of this for you. If your tools do not have this capability, take a look at CSS Comb
  • 169. Russ Weakley Max Design Site: Twitter: Slideshare: Linkedin: