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Scalable and Modular CSS
    The Legend of the Birth of MetaCoax

/ * Denise R. Jacobs
Future. Innovation. Technology. Creativity.
Amsterdam, Netherlands
18 February 2013 */
Tweeting tall tales
I am:

This fine event is:
@fitc #FITCAms

And I’m telling the tale of:
And tell stories about CSS
I like to make stuff
The Legend of the Birth of
chapter 1
Problems in Poësia
chapter 2
The Teachings of the Masters
chapter 3
Insights and Epiphanies
chapter 4
Ousting Selector Evil
chapter 5
Chapter 1
Problems in Poësia
You know how all stories start…
There was a Kingdom called

Emperor Eric
On the surface, all was fine…

Behind the city’s walls…

It was a nightmare of dis-

Top architects and designers

Who hired builders

Some believed in mastery…

Others were not

Put together with whatever was handy

Shabby new structures

They didn’t start off evil

…but they slowly became so over

Follow suit and try to fit in
Fight by trying to become

He sent out his two most trusted

They traveled far and wide…

And found the prophet Marcot

The gospel of Responsive
He spoke of a championne

They traveled south to Mijami…

                                 Photo: Denise Jacobs
To find Djieh and Djinn!
Chapter 2
The Teachings of the Masters
They went deep into the canyons

The Dry Wind appeared to them


“Don’t Repeat Yourself”

Never repeat a style/property definition…ever.
DRY CSS: Thinking

When looking at making a style declaration for a
selector, always have an answer to the question
"Why isn’t this part of a group?”
Then figure out how to make it one.
DRY CSS: Approach

Groups define shared properties.

Group selectors with shared properties, rather
than defining them separately.

While the groups have many selectors, each
property/value pair is defined only once.

• Name the groups based on their role in the

• Use the name as an ID at the top of the list
  and a class at the bottom

• Group selectors that share properties above
  the properties they share
For example
.entry .wp-caption,
#full-article .entry img,
.recent-comment .comment-text,
.roundup h3,
#post-categories td.label,
#post-archive roundup h3,
.subscription-manager ol,
  background-color: #fff;
  border-color: #ccc;
The Ninja


Object Oriented CSS
Was ruthless

  CSS bytes/page   HTML bytes/page

  19% 44%
     decrease         decrease
OOCSS: Signs you need it

• Large number of floats = bad grid

• Large number of margins = you need a reset

• Large number of font-size & !important =
  cascade is not being leveraged
OOCSS: The Gist
• Employ DRY

• Separate structure and presentation

• Modularize
• Use CSS grids

• Keep selector chains as short as possible

• Give rules the same weight/strength

• Use <hr> as a page section delimiter

• Style classes rather than elements
OOCSS: Don’ts
• Avoid attaching classes to elements

• Avoid using IDs as styling hooks, use them for JS
  hooks and page anchors

• Avoid the descendent selector

• Don’t over-semanticize class names

• Avoid classnames that are related to the
  appearance of the style
OOCSS: The process
1. Determine the site-wide “legos” (ie, reusable
2. Separate
  – Container and Content
  – Structure and Skin
  – Contour and Background
  – Objects and Mix-ins
3. Mix and match container and content objects
   to achieve high performance design.
4. Skin for visual difference
OOCSS: The Media Module

OOCSS: The Media Module
<!-- media -->
<div class="media">
   <img class="fixedMedia" src="myImg.png" />
   <div class="text">
OOCSS: The Media Module

/* ====== media ====== */
.media {margin:10px;}
.media, .bd {overflow:hidden; _overflow:visible;
.media .img {float:left; margin-right: 10px;}
.media .img img{display:block;}
.media .imgExt{float:right; margin-left: 10px;}
The Lumberjack


Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS
SMACSS: Style categories

•   Base
•   Layout
•   Module
•   State
•   Theme
SMACSS: Curb your enthusiasm

Selectors should be “shallow” instead of “deep”

Strive for the shallowest possible.
SMACSS: Deep selector

div#childrens-footer div#col2.column
div.bestRight p.bestTitle
SMACSS: Shallow selector

SMACSS: Shallow selectors 101

• Avoid tag selectors for common elements
  unless completely predictable.

• Use class names as the right-most (key)

• Use the child selector
SMACSS: On “classitis”

You’re better off adding classes to the elements
in question and repeating the class in the HTML
than having overly-specific styles.

Instead of being classitis, using multiple classes
clarifies intent and increases the semantics of
elements in question.
SMACSS: Module candidates

•   Nav bars
•   Carousels
•   Dialogs
•   Widgets
•   Tables
•   icons
SMACSS: States

State changes can be notated by class names

SMACSS: What’s in a name?
an example module:

a callout module:

a callout module with a collapsed state:
SMACSS: Words of Wisdom

“Constrain, but don’t choke.

Consider selector performance, but don’t waste
too much time on it.”
The Brit

CSS For Grown Ups
P9410 (audio)
He lived his own nightmare

CSS For Grown Ups

Don’t style pages, style modules.

Have a style module library that you can reuse.
CSS For Grown Ups

Think of your styles as being in layers:
• document – from HTML code, element
• base styles
• module styles
• layout styles
CSS For Grown Ups

Easy determination:
A tag as part of the selector = a document style

If you create a class for it, you release it from
the tag and make it a module style.
CSS For Grown Ups: Don’t

…make modules variations based on IDs, base
them on classes instead

#sidebar .promo-box = bad

.promo-box { ... } = okay

.promo-box-light { ... } = better!
CSS For Grown Ups: Modules

Related/sub-styles: module’s name extended
with two dashes

javascript class prefixed with js:
CSS For Grown Ups: Typography

CSS For Grown Ups: Helpers

“Surgical layout helpers” which are things like
paddings, margins, and gutters as separate

.margin-top {margin-top: 1em;}
Chapter 3
Insights and Epiphanies
The Masters all speak the same

Their teachings
• Ids? Not so much.

• Classes? Aww yeah!

• With selectors, less is more

• Get your module on

• Naming conventions? !Important
Can be simplified to this:

• Structure and Inform

• Reduce

• Recycle and Reuse
Structure and Inform

Structure and Inform

• Utilize a naming convention to establish
  structure and meaning

• Categorize styles in the document or into
  multiple documents

• Employ grids for consistent page structure

• Eliminate inline styles

• Write the shortest chain of elements possible
  in selectors

• Drop elements: as qualifiers and selectors

• Choose classes over ids
Recycle & Reuse

Recycle & Reuse

• Leverage the cascade better to cut down on
  redundant style declarations

• Modularize page components to reuse
  throughout site

• Extend modules through subclassing
They figured out the key!

What do you do when you build?


What should we call it? Hmmm…

measure twice, cut once css 

mtco css 

meta coa css 

And thus, MetaCoax was born!

      { Measure twice: cut once; }
Djiejh and Djinn went to Poësia…

Chapter 4
Ousting Selector Evil
Institute change in 3 phases

(1) Initial phase

• Optimize selectors

• Reduce the redundant
Optimize Selectors

• Eliminate qualifier selectors [oocss]

• Eliminate the middleman

• Have the shortest chain possible
  [oocss, smacss]
Qualified selectors

       div#           div.

   1259               836
Eliminate qualifier selectors

Selectors like
div#widget-nav div#widget-nav-slider ul li span

Could easily be simplified into
#widget-nav-slider .name span

with the exact same outcome.
Eliminate the middleman

If you must use a descendent selector, then
eliminate all unnecessary elements in it:
.widget li a

would become
.widget a
Have the shortest chain possible

For example, instead of
#toc > LI > A

it’s better to create a class, such as
Reduce the Redundant

• Leverage the cascade by relying on
  inheritance [oocss]

• Review, revise and reduce !important
  [oocss, smacss]
Leverage the cascade with
Not using the cascade

      font          font-size

    100             112
Review, revise and reduce

If there are a lot of styles that are !important
For example…


(2) Intermediate phase
• Clear the cruft

• Create preliminary portable styles [cfgu]

• Begin instituting modules based on design
  patterns [oocss, smacss, cfgu]

• Institute a Grid [oocss]
Clear the cruft
• Eliminate inline styles & decrease use of

• Eliminate styles that rely on qualifiers high in
  the DOM [oocss]

• Use classnames as key selector [smacss]

• Create preliminary portable styles [cfgu]
Eliminate styles that rely on qualifiers
high in the DOM div#lowercontent
div.children.videoitem.hover a.title {
background: #bc5b29;
color: #fff !important;
text-decoration: none;
Too high in the DOM


Create preliminary portable styles

• Typographic classes for headings, etc.[cfgu]

• Surgical layout helpers [cfgu]
Is surgery necessary?

    margin-top    margin-bottom

    189             112
Institute a Grid

• Use CSS3 box-sizing

• Make the grid and images fluid
Bad grid

      width   margin

    327       738
Good grid

.l-col-1-1 {float:none;}
.l-col-1-2 {width:50%; *width:43%; }
.l-col-1-3 {width:33.33333%; *width:32.33333%;}
.l-col-2-3 {width:66.66666%; *width:65.66666%;}
.l-col-1-4 {width:25%; *width:23%; }
.l-col-3-4 {width:75%; *width:72%;}
.l-col-1-5 {width:20%; *width:19%;}
.l-col-2-5 {width:40%; *width:39%;}
.l-col-3-5 {width:60%; *width:59%;}
.l-col-4-5 {width:80%; *width:79%;}
.l-col-1-6 {width:16.6%; *width:15.6%;}
Make the grid and images fluid

img {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
(3) Advanced phase

• Continue modularizing page elements
  [ocss, smacss, cfgu]

• Continue cleaning-up selectors and styles

• Separate CSS files by category [smacss]
Chapter 5

Inbred selectors banished

Ended the Specificity Wars
Ready for a responsive future

New best practices

Reset with Normalize.css

Use a better Clearfix

Still using this?

<div class="clear"></div>
.clear { clear: both; }
The New Clearfix
/* For modern browsers */
.cf:before, .cf:after {
display: table;

.cf:after { clear: both;}

/* For IE 6/7 (trigger hasLayout) */
.cf { *zoom:1; }
And a better Divider

<div class="divider"></div>
div.divider {
border-top: 1px solid #ABAA9A;
clear: both;
The Ninja says

…And Image replacement

.hide-text {
text-indent: 100%;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
Use an icon element

Instead of this:

<li class="favorite">
<span class="icon favorite"></span>
<span id="favorite-poem-insert-point"
Use an icon element

Do this:

<p><i class="icon icon-comment"></i>23
.icon {background-image: url( sprites.png ); }

.icon-comments {background-position: 0 -30px; }
Share the Love
Just revamping the code isn’t

“Even the cleanest code gets ruined by the first
non-expert to touch it.”

- Nicole Sullivan,
The Cascade, Grids, Headings, and Selectors
from an OOCSS Perspective
Website styleguide

Styleguide Creation Process
1. Determine the unique elements and components
   that will be in the styleguide. Also notate the
   main colors for text, header, links, and buttons.

2. Start styling the core elements of the pages:
   headings, links, tables, blockquotes, unordered
   and ordered lists, and forms.

3. Style the components that override the base
   styles, such as search boxes, breadcrumb
   navigation, themed buttons, and variations in
   modules. Include interaction styles:
   hover, focus, active states.
Styleguide creation process

4. Add layout last and put the components into
   place. Each layout could be presented as a
   separate document.

5. Document your coding process: naming
   conventions and the thinking behind
   decisions of grouping, classifying
   components, etc.
So everyone can access the

With the knowledge of The
The code has been improved!


         Start   Finish

   7500 2250
And made Poësia…

(You know how I’m going to end

Character list and Resources
The Marcot

…is Ethan Marcotte, the creator and author
of Responsive Web Design (RWD)
The Dry Wind

…is Jeremy Clarke, the developer of DRY
The Ninja

…is Nicole Sullivan, the creatrice of Object
Oriented CSS (OOCSS)
The Lumberjack

…is Jonathan Snook, the creator and
author of Scalable and Modular CSS
The Brit

…is Andy Hume, the creator of CSS for
Grown Ups (I like to shorten this to CFGU).

…is Jennifer Dixon, front-end developer
Illustrations by

Lorenzo Grandi
My books

The CSS Detective          Smashing Books #3             InterAct With
Guide                      &                             Web Standards:
                           #3 1/3                           
m                                                        m    

                           My chapter:
                           “Storytelling in Webdesign”
And I am…
Now I really mean it!
Thank You!


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Scalable and Modular CSS FTW!

  • 1. Scalable and Modular CSS FTW! The Legend of the Birth of MetaCoax / * Denise R. Jacobs Future. Innovation. Technology. Creativity. Amsterdam, Netherlands 18 February 2013 */
  • 2. Tweeting tall tales I am: @denisejacobs This fine event is: @fitc #FITCAms And I’m telling the tale of: #metacoax
  • 3. And tell stories about CSS
  • 4. I like to make stuff
  • 5. The Legend of the Birth of MetaCoax chapter 1 Problems in Poësia chapter 2 The Teachings of the Masters chapter 3 Insights and Epiphanies chapter 4 Ousting Selector Evil chapter 5 Triumph!
  • 7. You know how all stories start…
  • 8. There was a Kingdom called Poësia
  • 10. On the surface, all was fine…
  • 11. Behind the city’s walls…
  • 12. It was a nightmare of dis- organization
  • 13. Top architects and designers
  • 14. Who hired builders
  • 15. Some believed in mastery…
  • 16. Others were not
  • 17. Put together with whatever was handy
  • 18. Shabby new structures
  • 19. They didn’t start off evil
  • 20. …but they slowly became so over time
  • 21. Follow suit and try to fit in
  • 22. Fight by trying to become !important
  • 23. He sent out his two most trusted aides…
  • 24. They traveled far and wide…
  • 25. And found the prophet Marcot
  • 26. The gospel of Responsive
  • 27. He spoke of a championne
  • 28. They traveled south to Mijami… Photo: Denise Jacobs
  • 29. To find Djieh and Djinn!
  • 30. Chapter 2 The Teachings of the Masters
  • 31. They went deep into the canyons
  • 32. The Dry Wind appeared to them
  • 34. DRY CSS “Don’t Repeat Yourself” Never repeat a style/property definition…ever.
  • 35. DRY CSS: Thinking When looking at making a style declaration for a selector, always have an answer to the question "Why isn’t this part of a group?” Then figure out how to make it one.
  • 36. DRY CSS: Approach Groups define shared properties. Group selectors with shared properties, rather than defining them separately. While the groups have many selectors, each property/value pair is defined only once.
  • 37. DRY CSS: How • Name the groups based on their role in the design • Use the name as an ID at the top of the list and a class at the bottom • Group selectors that share properties above the properties they share
  • 38. For example #LIGHT-WHITE-BACKGROUND, .translation, .entry .wp-caption, #full-article .entry img, .recent-comment .comment-text, .roundup h3, .post-header-sharing, #post-categories td.label, #post-archive roundup h3, .subscription-manager ol, .light-white-background { background-color: #fff; border-color: #ccc; }
  • 39.
  • 40. The Ninja
  • 43. Outcome CSS bytes/page HTML bytes/page 19% 44% decrease decrease
  • 44. OOCSS: Signs you need it • Large number of floats = bad grid • Large number of margins = you need a reset css • Large number of font-size & !important = cascade is not being leveraged
  • 45. OOCSS: The Gist • Employ DRY • Separate structure and presentation • Modularize
  • 46. OOCSS: Do’s • Use CSS grids • Keep selector chains as short as possible • Give rules the same weight/strength • Use <hr> as a page section delimiter • Style classes rather than elements
  • 47. OOCSS: Don’ts • Avoid attaching classes to elements • Avoid using IDs as styling hooks, use them for JS hooks and page anchors • Avoid the descendent selector • Don’t over-semanticize class names • Avoid classnames that are related to the appearance of the style
  • 48. OOCSS: The process 1. Determine the site-wide “legos” (ie, reusable pieces) 2. Separate – Container and Content – Structure and Skin – Contour and Background – Objects and Mix-ins 3. Mix and match container and content objects to achieve high performance design. 4. Skin for visual difference
  • 49. OOCSS: The Media Module
  • 50. OOCSS: The Media Module <!-- media --> <div class="media"> <img class="fixedMedia" src="myImg.png" /> <div class="text"> ... </div> </div>
  • 51. OOCSS: The Media Module /* ====== media ====== */ .media {margin:10px;} .media, .bd {overflow:hidden; _overflow:visible; zoom:1;} .media .img {float:left; margin-right: 10px;} .media .img img{display:block;} .media .imgExt{float:right; margin-left: 10px;}
  • 52. The Lumberjack
  • 53. SMACSS Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS
  • 54. SMACSS: Style categories • Base • Layout • Module • State • Theme
  • 55. SMACSS: Curb your enthusiasm Selectors should be “shallow” instead of “deep” Strive for the shallowest possible.
  • 56. SMACSS: Deep selector div#childrens-footer div#col2.column div.bestRight p.bestTitle
  • 58. SMACSS: Shallow selectors 101 • Avoid tag selectors for common elements unless completely predictable. • Use class names as the right-most (key) selector • Use the child selector
  • 59. SMACSS: On “classitis” You’re better off adding classes to the elements in question and repeating the class in the HTML than having overly-specific styles. Instead of being classitis, using multiple classes clarifies intent and increases the semantics of elements in question.
  • 60. SMACSS: Module candidates • Nav bars • Carousels • Dialogs • Widgets • Tables • icons
  • 61. SMACSS: States State changes can be notated by class names like .is-active .is-collapsed .btn-pressed
  • 62. SMACSS: What’s in a name? an example module: .example a callout module: .callout a callout module with a collapsed state:
  • 63. SMACSS: Words of Wisdom “Constrain, but don’t choke. Consider selector performance, but don’t waste too much time on it.”
  • 64. The Brit
  • 65. CSS For Grown Ups grown-ups-maturing-best-practises P9410 (audio)
  • 66. He lived his own nightmare
  • 67. CSS For Grown Ups Don’t style pages, style modules. Have a style module library that you can reuse.
  • 68. CSS For Grown Ups Think of your styles as being in layers: • document – from HTML code, element selectors • base styles • module styles • layout styles
  • 69. CSS For Grown Ups Easy determination: A tag as part of the selector = a document style If you create a class for it, you release it from the tag and make it a module style.
  • 70. CSS For Grown Ups: Don’t …make modules variations based on IDs, base them on classes instead #sidebar .promo-box = bad .promo-box { ... } = okay .promo-box-light { ... } = better!
  • 71. CSS For Grown Ups: Modules .promo-box Related/sub-styles: module’s name extended with two dashes .promo-box--eco javascript class prefixed with js: .js-login
  • 72. CSS For Grown Ups: Typography .h-headline .h-subheadline .h-byline .h-promo
  • 73. CSS For Grown Ups: Helpers “Surgical layout helpers” which are things like paddings, margins, and gutters as separate classes. .margin-top {margin-top: 1em;}
  • 75. The Masters all speak the same truths
  • 76. Their teachings • Ids? Not so much. • Classes? Aww yeah! • With selectors, less is more • Get your module on • Naming conventions? !Important
  • 77. Can be simplified to this: • Structure and Inform • Reduce • Recycle and Reuse
  • 78. Structure and Inform
  • 79. Structure and Inform • Utilize a naming convention to establish structure and meaning • Categorize styles in the document or into multiple documents • Employ grids for consistent page structure
  • 81. Reduce • Eliminate inline styles • Write the shortest chain of elements possible in selectors • Drop elements: as qualifiers and selectors • Choose classes over ids
  • 82. Recycle & Reuse
  • 83. Recycle & Reuse • Leverage the cascade better to cut down on redundant style declarations • Modularize page components to reuse throughout site • Extend modules through subclassing
  • 84. They figured out the key!
  • 85. What do you do when you build?
  • 86. Exactly!
  • 87. What should we call it? Hmmm… measure twice, cut once css  mtco css  meta coa css  MetaCoax!
  • 88. And thus, MetaCoax was born! { Measure twice: cut once; }
  • 89. Djiejh and Djinn went to Poësia…
  • 91. Institute change in 3 phases
  • 92. (1) Initial phase • Optimize selectors • Reduce the redundant
  • 93. Optimize Selectors • Eliminate qualifier selectors [oocss] • Eliminate the middleman • Have the shortest chain possible [oocss, smacss]
  • 94. Qualified selectors div# div. 1259 836
  • 95. Eliminate qualifier selectors Selectors like div#widget-nav div#widget-nav-slider ul li span Could easily be simplified into #widget-nav-slider .name span with the exact same outcome.
  • 96. Eliminate the middleman If you must use a descendent selector, then eliminate all unnecessary elements in it: .widget li a would become .widget a
  • 97. Have the shortest chain possible For example, instead of #toc > LI > A it’s better to create a class, such as .toc-anchor
  • 98. Reduce the Redundant • Leverage the cascade by relying on inheritance [oocss] • Review, revise and reduce !important [oocss, smacss]
  • 99. Leverage the cascade with inheritance color font-family font-size font-style font-variant font-weight font line-height list-style-image list-style-position list-style-type list-style text-align text-indent text-transform visibility white-space word-spacing
  • 100. Not using the cascade font font-size 100 112
  • 101. Review, revise and reduce !important If there are a lot of styles that are !important then…
  • 102. UR DOIN’ IT WRONG
  • 103. For example… !important 126
  • 104. (2) Intermediate phase • Clear the cruft • Create preliminary portable styles [cfgu] • Begin instituting modules based on design patterns [oocss, smacss, cfgu] • Institute a Grid [oocss]
  • 105. Clear the cruft • Eliminate inline styles & decrease use of <span> • Eliminate styles that rely on qualifiers high in the DOM [oocss] • Use classnames as key selector [smacss] • Create preliminary portable styles [cfgu]
  • 106. Eliminate styles that rely on qualifiers high in the DOM div#lowercontent div.children.videoitem.hover a.title { background: #bc5b29; color: #fff !important; text-decoration: none; }
  • 107. Too high in the DOM body# 936
  • 108. Create preliminary portable styles • Typographic classes for headings, etc.[cfgu] • Surgical layout helpers [cfgu]
  • 109. Is surgery necessary? margin-top margin-bottom 189 112
  • 110. Institute a Grid • Use CSS3 box-sizing • Make the grid and images fluid
  • 111. Bad grid width margin 327 738
  • 112. Good grid .l-col-1-1 {float:none;} .l-col-1-2 {width:50%; *width:43%; } .l-col-1-3 {width:33.33333%; *width:32.33333%;} .l-col-2-3 {width:66.66666%; *width:65.66666%;} .l-col-1-4 {width:25%; *width:23%; } .l-col-3-4 {width:75%; *width:72%;} .l-col-1-5 {width:20%; *width:19%;} .l-col-2-5 {width:40%; *width:39%;} .l-col-3-5 {width:60%; *width:59%;} .l-col-4-5 {width:80%; *width:79%;} .l-col-1-6 {width:16.6%; *width:15.6%;}
  • 113. Make the grid and images fluid img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; }
  • 114. (3) Advanced phase • Continue modularizing page elements [ocss, smacss, cfgu] • Continue cleaning-up selectors and styles • Separate CSS files by category [smacss]
  • 116. Structure
  • 117. Inbred selectors banished
  • 119. Ready for a responsive future
  • 120. New best practices
  • 121. Reset with Normalize.css
  • 122. Use a better Clearfix Still using this? <div class="clear"></div> … .clear { clear: both; }
  • 123. The New Clearfix /* For modern browsers */ .cf:before, .cf:after { content:""; display: table; } .cf:after { clear: both;} /* For IE 6/7 (trigger hasLayout) */ .cf { *zoom:1; }
  • 124. And a better Divider Seriously? <div class="divider"></div> … div.divider { border-top: 1px solid #ABAA9A; clear: both; }
  • 126. …And Image replacement .hide-text { text-indent: 100%; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; }
  • 127. Use an icon element Instead of this: <li class="favorite"> <span class="icon favorite"></span> <span id="favorite-poem-insert-point" class="favorite"></span> </li>
  • 128. Use an icon element Do this: <p><i class="icon icon-comment"></i>23 comments</p> ... .icon {background-image: url( sprites.png ); } .icon-comments {background-position: 0 -30px; }
  • 130. Just revamping the code isn’t enough… “Even the cleanest code gets ruined by the first non-expert to touch it.” - Nicole Sullivan, The Cascade, Grids, Headings, and Selectors from an OOCSS Perspective
  • 131. Website styleguide
  • 132. Styleguide Creation Process 1. Determine the unique elements and components that will be in the styleguide. Also notate the main colors for text, header, links, and buttons. 2. Start styling the core elements of the pages: headings, links, tables, blockquotes, unordered and ordered lists, and forms. 3. Style the components that override the base styles, such as search boxes, breadcrumb navigation, themed buttons, and variations in modules. Include interaction styles: hover, focus, active states.
  • 133. Styleguide creation process 4. Add layout last and put the components into place. Each layout could be presented as a separate document. 5. Document your coding process: naming conventions and the thinking behind decisions of grouping, classifying components, etc.
  • 134. So everyone can access the treasures
  • 135. With the knowledge of The Masters
  • 136. The code has been improved!
  • 137. Srsly! Start Finish 7500 2250
  • 138. And made Poësia…
  • 139. (You know how I’m going to end this)
  • 140. Character list and Resources
  • 141. The Marcot …is Ethan Marcotte, the creator and author of Responsive Web Design (RWD)
  • 142. The Dry Wind …is Jeremy Clarke, the developer of DRY CSS.
  • 143. The Ninja …is Nicole Sullivan, the creatrice of Object Oriented CSS (OOCSS)
  • 144. The Lumberjack …is Jonathan Snook, the creator and author of Scalable and Modular CSS (SMACSS) &
  • 145. The Brit …is Andy Hume, the creator of CSS for Grown Ups (I like to shorten this to CFGU).
  • 146. Djinn …is Jennifer Dixon, front-end developer extraordinaire
  • 148. My books The CSS Detective Smashing Books #3 InterAct With Guide & Web Standards: #3 1/3 m m My chapter: “Storytelling in Webdesign”
  • 150. Now I really mean it!
  • 151. Thank You!

Editor's Notes

  1. In a land far away,
  2. Whose emperor was…
  3. …who was deeply troubled.
  4. On the surface, the kingdom looked as if it should with all of the necessary elements in place,
  5. While some of the builders believed in their craft/were concerned with the mastery of their craft and were committed to building structures that could scale and stand the test of time…
  6. Others were a rag-tag bunch…
  7. who would hastily build with whatever was handy,
  8. ending up with each new structures of selectors shabbily tacked on to the last.New builders came and went, so that ones being added to build the kingdom had no way of know the intentions of the builders before them.
  9. The structures of the selectors they created didn’t start off evil…
  10. But over time, they became more established and caused problems based on their position in the hierarchy.
  11. New selectors that came after them had to try to establish themselves by any means possible. So, no matter how ridiculous they looked, they would try to fit in by being long and unwieldy…
  12. Or fight by making themselves !importantHe’d heard tell that there were wise masters whose teachings could guide and provide structure to the work of the architects and builders, but half-crazed and feverish with the single-minded goal of seeing the kingdom to completion as they originally planned it, his hired design and building experts poo-pooed his suggestions and dismissed the legends relegating them to mere fantasy.
  13. Eric did not become ruler of his kingdom merely because of his impressive stature, regal bearing, and fine form. Being born of the stuff of myth himself, he knew that there had to be some verity in the legends. He sent out two of his most trusted aides Haliec and Vidad (whom he affectionately referred to at Scully and Mulder, because they were always actively seeking the truth) into the world to bring back a champion who could use this deep knowledge to bring order to the chaos within the kingdom.
  14. He spoke to them of a new responsive world, a world where a kingdom, if built correctly, could be accessed by all peoples through all ways and methods. No seeker of information would be turned away from the treasures that a kingdom contained. Even though this wasn’t the work of the masters that they initially sought, their eyes and hearts glowed at the possibility of taking their beloved kingdom to the next level by responding to the needs of their visitors. The wisdom of the Marcot renewed their lagging hope and passion to find a person who would banish the evil selectors from their kingdom once and for all, establish order, and prepare for a future of responsive greatness.
  15. The prophet Marcot saw the fire in their eyes and knew their hearts were pure and that they were true seekers. “There is one could help you,” he said. “Her name is Djiejh. I hear that she spreads the knowledge of the work of the masters. She may have answers for you.”
  16. They went south to the land of the sun and sea (Mijhami), They went south to the land of the sun and sea (Mijhami), where they found Djiejh and conveyed their king’s angst, frustration, and growing concern around the large and still growing ranks of evil selectors and their renegade rules that were behind the shiny façade of their kingdom. Djiejh heard them out, [and felt honor-bound to help them] and then spoke to them of the teachings of the Ninja. “We’ve heard of the Ninja!” they exclaimed! “She’s real? She’s not just a legend?”
  17. Djiejh spoke of the masters: The Ninja in the Area of the Bay, The Lumberjack, who hailed from the Great White North, and The Brit in the land of Londia. And finally, Djiejh related that calling upon the elemental The Dry Wind could help with the process and maintain order.
  18. The Ninja is one of my disciples and has taken my practices to another level. Seek her in the Area of the Bay.
  19. Large number of font-size = cascade is not being leveraged, also over-fussiness: few font sizes are readable - and small differences are not easily detectable.
  20. Employ DRY: endeavor to create and apply as many reusable pieces of code as possible.Separate structure and presentation: avoid coupling the CSS too tightly to presentation/displayModularize: find common elements and presentation and abstract these into reusable code (aka modules)
  21. Keep selector chains as short as possible: the browser can parse the CSS faster and it avoids specificity warsGive rules the same weight/strength so that you and mix and match them to extend an object through subclassingUse &lt;hr&gt; as a page section delimiter (instead of having top or bottom borders be part of an element)Style classes rather than elements
  22. Avoid the descendent selector (i.e. don’t use .sidebar h3)Avoid IDs as styling hooksAvoid attaching classes to elements in your stylesheet (i.e. don’t do div.header or h1.title)Don’t over-semanticize class names: overly semantic names prevent reuse, and classnames should convey useful information to developers.Avoid classnames that are related to the appearance of the styleAvoid using IDs for CSS styling, use them for JS hooks and page anchors predominantly
  23. Determine the site-wide “legos” (ie, reusable pieces), such as:Headings Lists (e.g. action list, external link list, product list, or feature list) Module headers and footers Grids Buttons Rounded corner boxes Tabs, Carousel, toggle blocks Objects and Mix-ins  Skin for visual differenceSkins/themes are the module’s presentation – how it looks. The goal is very predictable skins, values that can be easily calculated or measured.
  24. Like OOCSS, SMACSS is about identifying patterns in your design and codifying them, and has a great structure for naming classes in a meaningful and useful way
  25. Base - defaults: single element selectorsLayout – divides the page into sectionsModule – reusable, modular part of the design: callouts, sidebar sections, product lists, etc.State – ways to describe how the module or layout looks in a particular stateTheme – describe how modules or layouts might lookIn small projects, can all be in the same file. In larger projects, multiple files are recommended.
  26. Using a class is preferable, even if you think the element is going to stay predictable.
  27. You’re better off adding classes to the elements in question and repeating the class in the HTML (and potentially committing “classitis”) than having overly-specific styles. Instead of being classitis, using multiple classes clarifies intent and increases the semantics of elements in question.
  28. Some further methodologies with modules include avoiding conditional styling based on the module’s location on the page or on the website with sub-class module components, tying media-queries to the module or layout component instead of grouping them separately, which allows for the module to be kept together and for isolated testing of the module; and only using !important on state styles if necessary, but none others.
  29. In the naming convention for modules, include the name of the module itself.
  30. In Londia
  31. Worked at Clearleft and The Guardianwe’ve become obsessed with web standards to the degree that we strive to keep content and session separate to ridiculous lengths. In addition to web standards, managing complexity is an important factor to consider.  We need to optimize code for change, and let go of the idea that we will write HTML which we will never touch again, and do then just manage all of the presentation on the CSS side. In truth, we will always have to revamp the HTML along with the CSS.
  32. The goal is this: when creating selectors, be aware of whether they are document, base or module, and make an effort to keep them all modular level.
  33. But one WITH ids!
  34. The names of the modules again should be descriptive/semantic and not tied to location or appearance:
  35. Instead of styling headings by the elements, typographic classes are suggested, which can then be applied to h1-h6, p, dd, and any other tags, but the visual presentation will be the same:
  36. To handle presentation issues, it’s recommended to use helpersThe above style would be the style that you could add to whatever element needed it on the page, instead of wrapping that style into a component.
  37. Providing good information and organizing it is critical for clarity and understanding.
  38. Distilling even further, Djieh and Djinn discovered the essence – the key!
  39. Buoyed by their discoveries and new knowledge, they went to Poesia to implement their MetaCoax approach to taming the selectors that were running amok in the kingdom.
  40. The goal is to make the stylesheet a little more lightweight and easier to maintain and update with the minimum amount of time and effort investment. The focus is on giving structure and organization to the stylesheet, reducing redundancy and better reuse of styles, And optimizing the selectors
  41. Adopt a “3 or less” rule
  42. Reduces location dependencyIncrease portabilityReduces chances of selector breakageDecreases specificity/Avoids specificity warsPrevents over-use of !importantCan make code more forgiving
  43. Normalize.css “normalizes” the code to a common baseline rather than reseting the base styling for elements across all browsers.
  44. the Kellum method ( of hiding the text offscreen using the -9999px; hack (and creating a huge invisible box in the process), this new technique hides the text while leaving it accessible to screen readers.
  45. From 7500 lines to 2200 linesBetter in IE6 &amp; IE7
  46. …a better place for everyone – both visitors and builders alike.