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Timing Controls
Various behavioral timing control constructs are available in Verilog. In Verilog, if there
are no timing control statements, the simulation time does not advance. Timing controls
provide a way to specify the simulation time at which procedural statements will
There are three methods of timing control: delay-based timing control, event-based
timing control, and level-sensitive timing control.
Delay-Based Timing Control
Delay-based timing control in an expression specifies the time duration between when
the statement is encountered and when it is executed.
Delays are specified by the symbol #.
Syntax for the delay-based timing control statement is shown below:
delay3 ::= # delay_value | # ( delay_value [ , delay_value [ ,delay_value ] ] )
delay2 ::= # delay_value | # ( delay_value [ , delay_value ] )
delay_value ::= unsigned_number | parameter_identifier | specparam_identifier |
There are three types of delay control for procedural assignments: regular delay control,
intra-assignment delay control, and zero delay control.
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Regular delay control
Regular delay control is used when a non-zero delay is specified to the left of a procedural
// no delay control
// delay control with a number. Delay execution of y = 1 by 10 units
// Delay control with identifier. Delay of 20 units
// Delay control with expression
// Delay control with identifier. Take value of y.
/* Minimum, typical and maximum delay values. Discussed in gate-level
modeling chapter.*/
//define parameters
parameter latency = 20;
parameter delta = 2;
//define register variables
reg x, y, z, p, q;
x = 0;
#10 y = 1;
#latency z = 0;
#(latency + delta) p = 1;
#y x = x + 1;
#(4:5:6) q = 0;
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Intra-assignment delay control
Instead of specifying delay control to the left of the assignment, it is possible to assign a
delay to the right of the assignment operator.
Such delay specification alters the flow of activity in a different manner.
reg x, y, z; //define register variables
//intra assignment delays
x = 0; z = 0;
y = #5 x + z;
/*Equivalent method with temporary variables and
regular delay control*/
x = 0; z = 0;
temp_xz = x + z;
#5 y = temp_xz;
/*Take value of x and z at the time=0,
evaluate x + z and then wait 5 time
units to assign value to y.*/
/*Take value of x + z at the current time and
store it in a temporary variable.
Even though x and z might change between 0 and 5*/
 Note the difference between intra-
assignment delays and regular delays.
 Regular delays defer the execution of
the entire assignment.
 Intra-assignment delays compute the
righthand-side expression at the
current time and defer the assignment
of the computed value to the left-
hand-side variable.
 Intra-assignment delays are like using
regular delays with a temporary
variable to store the current value of a
right-hand-side expression.
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module blocking_nonblocking();
reg a,b,c,d;
initial begin
#10 a = 0;
#11 a = 1;
#12 a = 0;
#13 a = 1;
initial begin
#10 b <= 0;
#11 b <= 1;
#12 b <= 0;
#13 b <= 1;
initial begin
c = #10 0;
c = #11 1;
c = #12 0;
c = #13 1;
initial begin
d <= #10 0;
d <= #11 1;
d <= #12 0;
d <= #13 1;
initial begin
$monitor("TIME = %g A = %b B = %b C = %b D = %b",$time, a, b, c, d);
#50 $finish;
Simulator Output:
TIME = 0 A = x B = x C = x D = x
TIME = 10 A = 0 B = 0 C = 0 D = 0
TIME = 11 A = 0 B = 0 C = 0 D = 1
TIME = 12 A = 0 B = 0 C = 0 D = 0
TIME = 13 A = 0 B = 0 C = 0 D = 1
TIME = 21 A = 1 B = 1 C = 1 D = 1
TIME = 33 A = 0 B = 0 C = 0 D = 1
TIME = 46 A = 1 B = 1 C = 1 D = 1
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module blocking_nonblocking();
reg a,b,c,d;
initial begin
#10 a = 0;
#11 a = 1;
#12 a = 0;
#13 a = 1;
initial begin
#10 b <= 0;
#11 b <= 1;
#12 b <= 0;
#13 b <= 1;
initial begin
c = #10 0;
c = #11 1;
c = #12 0;
c = #13 1;
initial begin
d <= #10 0;
d <= #11 1;
d <= #12 0;
d <= #13 1;
10 a <= 0;
21 a <= 1;
33 a<= 0;
46 a <= 1;
10 b <= 0;
21 b <= 1;
33 b<= 0;
46 b <= 1;
10 c <= 0;
21 c <= 1;
33 c<= 0;
46 c <= 1;
10 d <= 0;
11 d <= 1;
12 d <= 0;
13 d <= 1;
Simulator Output:
TIME = 0
TIME = 10
TIME = 11
TIME = 12
TIME = 13
TIME = 21
TIME = 33
TIME = 46
A = x
A = 0
A = 0
A = 0
A = 0
A = 1
A = 0
A = 1
B = x
B = 0
B = 0
B = 0
B = 0
B = 1
B = 0
B = 1
C = x
C = 0
C = 0
C = 0
C = 0
C = 1
C = 0
C = 1
D = x
D = 0
D = 1
D = 0
D = 1
D = 1
D = 1
D = 1
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module blocking_nonblocking();
reg a,b,c,d;
initial begin
#10 a = 0;
#11 a = 1;
#12 a = 0;
#13 a = 1;
initial begin
#10 b <= 0;
#11 b <= 1;
#12 b <= 0;
#13 b <= 1;
initial begin
c = #10 0;
c = #11 1;
c = #12 0;
c = #13 1;
initial begin
d <= #10 0;
d <= #11 1;
d <= #12 0;
d <= #13 1;
initial begin
$monitor("TIME = %g A = %b B = %b C = %b D = %b",$time, a, b, c, d);
#50 $finish;
Simulator Output:
TIME = 0 A = x B = x C = x D = x
TIME = 10 A = 0 B = 0 C = 0 D = 0
TIME = 11 A = 0 B = 0 C = 0 D = 1
TIME = 12 A = 0 B = 0 C = 0 D = 0
TIME = 13 A = 0 B = 0 C = 0 D = 1
TIME = 21 A = 1 B = 1 C = 1 D = 1
TIME = 33 A = 0 B = 0 C = 0 D = 1
TIME = 46 A = 1 B = 1 C = 1 D = 1
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Zero delay control
x = 0;
y = 0;
#0 x = 1; //zero delay control
#0 y = 1;
In this Example, four statements
x = 0, y = 0, x = 1, y = 1 are to be executed at
simulation time 0.
However, since x = 1 and y = 1 have #0, they
will be executed last. Thus, at the end of time
0, x will have value 1 and y will have value 1.
The order in which x = 1 and y = 1 are executed
is not deterministic.
Using #0 is not a recommended practice.
Procedural statements in different always-initial blocks may be evaluated at the same
simulation time.
The order of execution of these statements in different always-initial blocks is
Zero delay control is a method to ensure that a statement is executed last, after all other
statements in that simulation time are executed.
This is used to eliminate race conditions. However, if there are multiple zero delay
statements, the order between them is nondeterministic.
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Event-Based Timing Control
An event is the change in the value on a register or a net. Events can be utilized to trigger
execution of a statement or a block of statements.
There are four types of event-based timing control: regular event control,
named event control,
event OR control, and
level sensitive timing control.
Regular event control:
The @ symbol is used to specify an event control.
Statements can be executed on changes in signal value or at a positive or negative
transition of the signal value.
The keyword posedge is used for a positive transition.
@(clock) q = d;
@(posedge clock) q = d;
@(negedge clock) q = d;
q = @(posedge clock) d;
//q = d is executed whenever signal clock changes value
/*q = d is executed whenever signal clock does a positive
transition ( 0 to 1,x or z, x to 1, z to 1 )*/
/*q = d is executed whenever signal clock does a negative
transition ( 1 to 0,x or z,x to 0, z to 0) */
/*d is evaluated immediately and assigned to q at the positive
edge of clock*/ 8
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Named event control
Verilog provides the capability to declare an event and then trigger and recognize the
occurrence of that event.
The event does not hold any data. A named event is declared by the keyword event.
An event is triggered by the symbol ->. The triggering of the event is recognized by the
symbol @.
//This is an example of a data buffer storing data after the last packet of data has
event received_data;
always @(posedge clock)
//Define an event called received data
//check at each positive clock edge
//If this is the last data packet
//trigger the event received_data
always @(received_data)
data_buf = {data_pkt[0], data_pkt[1], data_pkt[2], data_pkt[3]};
//Await triggering of event received_data
//When event is triggered, store all four packets of received data in data buffer using
concatenation operator { }
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Event OR Control
Sometimes a transition on any one of multiple signals or events can trigger the execution
of a statement or a block of statements. This is expressed as an OR of events or signals.
The list of events or signals expressed as an OR is also known as a sensitivity list.
The keyword or is used to specify multiple triggers.
//A level-sensitive latch with asynchronous reset
always @( reset or clock or d)
if (reset)
q = 1'b0;
else if(clock)
q = d;
Sensitivity lists can also be specified using the "," (comma) operator instead of the or
operator. Comma operators can also be applied to sensitivity lists that have edge-
sensitive triggers.
//Wait for reset or clock or d to change
//if reset signal is high, set q to 0.
//if clock is high, latch input
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
//A level-sensitive latch with asynchronous reset
always @( reset, clock, d)
if (reset)
q = 1'b0;
else if(clock)
q = d;
A positive edge triggered D flipflop with asynchronous falling reset can be modeled as
shown below
//Wait for reset or clock or d to change
//if reset signal is high, set q to 0.
//if clock is high, latch input
//Note use of comma operatoralways @(posedge clk, negedge reset)
q <=0;
q <=d;
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
When the number of input variables to a combination logic block are very large,
sensitivity lists can become very cumbersome to write.
Moreover, if an input variable is missed from the sensitivity list, the block will not behave
like a combinational logic block.
To solve this problem, Verilog HDL contains two special symbols: @* and @(*).
Both symbols exhibit identical behavior.
These special symbols are sensitive to a change on any signal that may be read by the
statement group that follows this symbol.
Use of @* Operator
always @(a or b or c or d or e or f or g or h or p or m)
out1 = a ? b+c : d+e;
out2 = f ? g+h : p+m;
//Combination logic block using the or operator
//Cumbersome to write and it is easy to miss one input to the block
always @(*)
out1 = a ? b+c : d+e;
out2 = f ? g+h : p+m;
//Instead of the above method, use @(*) symbol
//Alternately, the @* symbol can be used
//All input variables are automatically included in the sensitivity list.
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Level-Sensitive Timing Control:
Event control discussed earlier waited for the change of a signal value or the triggering of
an event.
The symbol @ provided edge-sensitive control.
Verilog also allows level sensitive timing control, that is, the ability to wait for a certain
condition to be true before a statement or a block of statements is executed.
The keyword wait is used for level sensitive constructs.
wait (count_enable) #20 count = count + 1;.
In the above example, the value of count_enable is monitored continuously.
If count_enable is 0, the statement is not entered.
If it is logical 1, the statement count = count + 1 is executed after 20 time units.
If count_enable stays at 1, count will be incremented every 20 time units
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Conditional Statements:
Conditional statements are used for making decisions based upon certain conditions.
These conditions are used to decide whether or not a statement should be executed.
Keywords if and else are used for conditional statements.
There are three types of conditional statements:
//Type 1 conditional statement. No else statement.
//Statement executes or does not execute.
//Type 2 conditional statement. One else statement
//Either true_statement or false_statement is evaluated
//Type 3 conditional statement. Nested if-else-if.
//Choice of multiple statements. Only one is executed.
if (<expression>) true_statement ;
if (<expression>) true_statement ; else false_statement ;
if (<expression1>) true_statement1 ;
else if (<expression2>) true_statement2 ;
else if (<expression3>) true_statement3 ;
else default_statement ; 14
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
The <expression> is evaluated. If it is true (1 or a non-zero value), the true_statement is
executed. However, if it is false (zero) or ambiguous (x), the false_statement is executed.
The <expression> can contain any operators. Each true_statement or false_statement
can be a single statement or a block of multiple statements.
A block must be grouped, typically by using keywords begin and end. A single statement
need not be grouped.
//Type 1 statements
if(!lock) buffer = data;
if(enable) out = in;
//Type 2 statements
if (number_queued < MAX_Q_DEPTH)
data_queue = data;
number_queued = number_queued + 1;
$display("Queue Full. Try again"); 15
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
//Type 3 statements
//Execute statements based on ALU control signal.
if (alu_control == 0)
y = x + z;
else if(alu_control == 1)
y = x - z;
else if(alu_control == 2)
y = x * z;
$display("Invalid ALU control signal");
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Examples on Conditional Statements
module simple_if();
reg latch;
wire enable,din;
always @ (enable or din)
if (enable)
latch <= din;
module if_else();
reg dff;
wire clk,din,reset;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset) begin
dff <= 0;
dff <= din;
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module nested_if(counter, clk, reset, enable, up_en, down_en);
output reg [3:0] counter;
input clk, reset, enable, up_en, down_en;
always @ (posedge clk)
// If reset is asserted
/* If counter is enable and
up count is asserted */
/* If counter is enable and
down count is asserted */
// If counting is disabled
// Redundant code
if (reset == 1'b0) begin
counter <= 4'b0000;
else if (enable == 1'b1 && up_en == 1'b1)
counter <= counter + 1'b1;
else if (enable == 1'b1 && down_en == 1'b1)
counter <= counter - 1'b1;
counter <= counter;
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module stimulus();
reg [3:0] counter;
reg clk,reset,enable, up_en, down_en;
always @ (posedge clk)
$monitor ("@%0dns reset=%b enable=%b up=%b down=%b count=%b“, $time,
reset, enable, up_en, down_en,counter);
$display("@%0dns Driving all inputs to know state",$time);c
clk = 0;
reset = 0;
enable = 0;
up_en = 0;
down_en = 0;
#3 reset = 1;
$display("@%0dns De-Asserting reset",$time);
#4 enable = 1;
$display("@%0dns De-Asserting enable",$time);
#4 up_en = 1;
$display("@%0dns Putting counter in up count mode",$time);
#10 up_en = 0;
down_en = 1;
$display("@%0dns Putting counter in down count mode",$time);
#8 $finish;
always #1 clk = ~clk;
endmodule 19
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
@0ns Driving all inputs to know state
@0ns reset=0 enable=0 up=0 down=0 count=xxxx
@1ns reset=0 enable=0 up=0 down=0 count=0000
@3ns De-Asserting reset
@3ns reset=1 enable=0 up=0 down=0 count=0000
@7ns De-Asserting enable
@7ns reset=1 enable=1 up=0 down=0 count=0000
@11ns Putting counter in up count mode
@11ns reset=1 enable=1 up=1 down=0 count=0001
@13ns reset=1 enable=1 up=1 down=0 count=0010
@15ns reset=1 enable=1 up=1 down=0 count=0011
@17ns reset=1 enable=1 up=1 down=0 count=0100
@19ns reset=1 enable=1 up=1 down=0 count=0101
@21ns Putting counter in down count mode
@21ns reset=1 enable=1 up=0 down=1 count=0100
@23ns reset=1 enable=1 up=0 down=1 count=0011
@25ns reset=1 enable=1 up=0 down=1 count=0010
@27ns reset=1 enable=1 up=0 down=1 count=0001
Simulator Output:
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module parallel_if();
reg [3:0] counter;
wire clk,reset,enable, up_en, down_en;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset == 1'b0)
counter <= 4'b0000;
if (enable == 1'b1 && up_en == 1'b1) begin
counter <= counter + 1'b1;
if (enable == 1'b1 && down_en == 1'b1)
counter <= counter - 1'b1;
//If reset is asserted
/* If counter is enable and
up count is mode*/
/* If counter is enable and
down count is mode*/
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module Full_Adder_Behavioral_Verilog( input X1, X2, Cin, output S, Cout ); reg[1:0]
always @(*)
temp = {1'b0,X1} + {1'b0,X2}+{1'b0,Cin};
assign S = temp[0];
assign Cout = temp[1];
$monitor(“%g: a=%b; B=%b; Cin=%b; S=%b; Cout=%b”, $time, X1, X2, Cin, S, Cout);
module Testbench_Behavioral_adder();
reg A,B,Cin; wire S,Cout; //Verilog code for the structural full adder
Full_Adder_Behavioral_Verilog Behavioral_adder(.X1(A), .X2(B), .Cin(Cin), .S(S), .Cout(Cout) );
A = 0; B = 0; Cin = 0;
#5; A = 0; B = 0; Cin = 1;
#5; A = 0; B = 1; Cin = 0;
#5; A = 0; B = 1; Cin = 1;
#5; A = 1; B = 0; Cin = 0;
#5; A = 1; B = 0; Cin = 1;
#5; A = 1; B = 1; Cin = 0;
#5; A = 1; B = 1; Cin = 1;
#5; end
Stimulator output:
#0: A = 0; B = 0; Cin = 0; S=0; Cout=0
#5: A = 0; B = 0; Cin = 1; S=1; Cout=0
#10: A = 0; B = 1; Cin = 0; S=1; Cout=0
#15: A = 0; B = 1; Cin = 1; S=0; Cout=1
#20: A = 1; B = 0; Cin = 0; S=1; Cout=0
#25: A = 1; B = 0; Cin = 1; S=0; Cout=1
#30: A = 1; B = 1; Cin = 0; S=0; Cout=1
#35: A = 1; B = 1; Cin = 1; S=1; Cout=122
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Multiway Branching:
case Statement
The keywords case, endcase, and default are used in the case statement.
case (expression)
alternative1: statement1;
alternative2: statement2;
alternative3: statement3;
default: default_statement;
Each of statement1, statement2 ,
default_statement can be a single statement or a
block of multiple statements.
If none of the alternatives matches, the default_statement is executed. The
default_statement is optional.
For the first alternative that matches, the corresponding statement or block is executed.
A block of multiple statements must be grouped
by keywords begin and end.
The expression is compared to the alternatives in
the order they are written.
Placing of multiple default statements in one case statement is not allowed.
The case statements can be nested. 23
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
//Execute statements based on the ALU control signal
reg [1:0] alu_control;
case (alu_control)
2'd0 : y = x + z;
2'd1 : y = x - z;
2'd2 : y = x * z;
default : $display("Invalid ALU control signal");
//Type 3 statements
//Execute statements based on ALU control signal.
if (alu_control == 0)
y = x + z;
else if(alu_control == 1)
y = x - z;
else if(alu_control == 2)
y = x * z;
$display("Invalid ALU control signal");
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module mux4_to_1 (out, i0, i1, i2, i3, s1, s0);
// Port declarations from the I/O diagram
output out;
input i0, i1, i2, i3;
input s1, s0;
reg out;
always @(s1 or s0 or i0 or i1 or i2 or i3)
case ({s1, s0}) //Switch based on concatenation
of control signals
2'd0 : out = i0;
2'd1 : out = i1;
2'd2 : out = i2;
2'd3 : out = i3;
default: $display("Invalid control signals");
The case statement can also act like a many-to-one multiplexer.
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module mux4_to_1 (out, i0, i1, i2, i3, s1, s0);
// Port declarations from the I/O diagram
output out;
input i0, i1, i2, i3;
input s1, s0;
reg out;
always @(s1 or s0 or i0 or i1 or i2 or i3)
case ({s1, s0}) //Switch based on concatenation
of control signals
2'd0 : out = i0;
2'd1 : out = i1;
2'd2 : out = i2;
2'd3 : out = i3;
default: $display("Invalid control signals");
The case statement can also act like a many-to-one multiplexer.
The case statement compares 0, 1, x,
and z values in the expression and the
alternative bit for bit.
If the expression and the alternative are
of unequal bit width, they are zero filled
to match the bit width of the widest of
the expression and the alternative.
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module demultiplexer1_to_4 (out0, out1, out2, out3, in, s1, s0);
// Port declarations from the I/O diagram
output out0, out1, out2, out3;
reg out0, out1, out2, out3;
input in;
input s1, s0;
always @(s1 or s0 or in)
case ({s1, s0}) //Switch based on control signals
2'b00 : begin out0 = in; out1 = 1'bz; out2 = 1'bz; out3 = 1'bz; end
2'b01 : begin out0 = 1'bz; out1 = in; out2 = 1'bz; out3 = 1'bz; end
2'b10 : begin out0 = 1'bz; out1 = 1'bz; out2 = in; out3 = 1'bz; end
2'b11 : begin out0 = 1'bz; out1 = 1'bz; out2 = 1'bz; out3 = in; end
2'bx0, 2'bx1, 2'bxz, 2'bxx, 2'b0x, 2'b1x, 2'bzx : begin
out0 = 1'bx; out1 = 1'bx; out2 = 1'bx; out3 = 1'bx; end
2'bz0, 2'bz1, 2'bzz, 2'b0z, 2'b1z : begin
out0 = 1'bz; out1 = 1'bz; out2 = 1'bz; out3 = 1'bz; end
default: $display("Unspecified control signals");
In the demultiplexer, multiple
input signal combinations such as
2'bz0, 2'bz1, 2,bzz, 2'b0z, and 2'b1z
that cause the same block to be
executed are put together with a
comma (,) symbol.
Case Statement with x and z
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
casex, casez Keywords
There are two variations of the case statement. They are denoted by keywords, casex and
• casez treats all z values in the case alternatives or the case expression as don‘t cares.
All bit positions with z can also represented by ? in that position.
• casex treats all x and z values in the case item or the case expression as don‘t cares.
The use of casex and casez allows comparison of only non-x or -z positions in the case
expression and the case alternatives.
encoding Next_state
1xxx 3
x1xx 2
xx1x 1
xxx1 0
Default 0
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
casex, casez Keywords
reg [3:0] encoding;
integer state;
casex (encoding)
4'b1xxx : next_state = 3;
4'bx1xx : next_state = 2;
4'bxx1x : next_state = 1;
4'bxxx1 : next_state = 0;
default : next_state = 0;
There are two variations of the case statement. They are denoted by keywords, casex and
• casez treats all z values in the case alternatives or the case expression as don‘t cares.
All bit positions with z can also represented by ? in that position.
• casex treats all x and z values in the case item or the case expression as don‘t cares.
The use of casex and casez allows comparison of only non-x or -z positions in the case
expression and the case alternatives.
encoding Next_state
1xxx 3
x1xx 2
xx1x 1
xxx1 0
Default 0
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
casex, casez Keywords
Thus, an input
encoding = 4'b10xz would cause next_state = 3 to be executed
encoding = 4'b11zz would cause
encoding = 4‘b0000 would cause
encoding = 4'bxz11 would cause
encoding = 4'b00xz would cause
encoding = 4'b1111 would cause
encoding = 4'bzxxz would cause
reg [3:0] encoding;
integer state;
casex (encoding)
4'b1xxx : next_state = 3;
4'bx1xx : next_state = 2;
4'bxx1x : next_state = 1;
4'bxxx1 : next_state = 0;
default : next_state = 0;
There are two variations of the case statement. They are denoted by keywords, casex and
• casez treats all z values in the case alternatives or the case expression as don‘t cares.
All bit positions with z can also represented by ? in that position.
• casex treats all x and z values in the case item or the case expression as don‘t cares.
The use of casex and casez allows comparison of only non-x or -z positions in the case
expression and the case alternatives.
next_state = 2 to be executed
next_state = 0 to be executed
next_state = 1 to be executed
next_state = 0 to be executed
next_state = 0 to be executed
next_state = 0 to be executed
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
casex, casez Keywords
reg [3:0] encoding;
integer state;
casez (encoding)
4'b1zzz : next_state = 3;
4'bz1zz : next_state = 2;
4'bzz1z : next_state = 1;
4'bzzzz : next_state = 0;
default : next_state = 0;
There are two variations of the case statement. They are denoted by keywords, casex and
• casez treats all z values in the case alternatives or the case expression as don‘t cares.
All bit positions with z can also represented by ? in that position.
• casex treats all x and z values in the case item or the case expression as don‘t cares.
The use of casex and casez allows comparison of only non-x or -z positions in the case
expression and the case alternatives.
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module case_compare;
reg sel;
initial begin
#1 $display ("n Driving 0");
sel = 0;
#1 $display ("n Driving 1");
sel = 1;
#1 $display ("n Driving x");
sel = 1'bx;
#1 $display ("n Driving z");
sel = 1'bz;
#1 $finish;
always @ (sel)
case (sel)
1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel");
Comparing case, casex & casez satements
always @ (sel)
casex (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casez (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel");
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module case_compare;
reg sel;
initial begin
#1 $display ("n Driving 0");
sel = 0;
#1 $display ("n Driving 1");
sel = 1;
#1 $display ("n Driving x");
sel = 1'bx;
#1 $display ("n Driving z");
sel = 1'bz;
#1 $finish;
always @ (sel)
case (sel)
1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casex (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casez (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel");
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Simulator Output
Driving 0
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module case_compare;
reg sel;
initial begin
#1 $display ("n Driving 0");
sel = 0;
#1 $display ("n Driving 1");
sel = 1;
#1 $display ("n Driving x");
sel = 1'bx;
#1 $display ("n Driving z");
sel = 1'bz;
#1 $finish;
always @ (sel)
case (sel)
1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casex (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casez (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel");
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module case_compare;
reg sel;
initial begin
#1 $display ("n Driving 0");
sel = 0;
#1 $display ("n Driving 1");
sel = 1;
#1 $display ("n Driving x");
sel = 1'bx;
#1 $display ("n Driving z");
sel = 1'bz;
#1 $finish;
always @ (sel)
case (sel)
1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casex (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casez (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel");
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module case_compare;
reg sel;
initial begin
#1 $display ("n Driving 0");
sel = 0;
#1 $display ("n Driving 1");
sel = 1;
#1 $display ("n Driving x");
sel = 1'bx;
#1 $display ("n Driving z");
sel = 1'bz;
#1 $finish;
always @ (sel)
case (sel)
1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casex (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casez (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel");
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Simulator Output
Driving 0
Normal : Logic 0 on sel
CASEX : Logic 0 on sel
CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module case_compare;
reg sel;
initial begin
#1 $display ("n Driving 0");
sel = 0;
#1 $display ("n Driving 1");
sel = 1;
#1 $display ("n Driving x");
sel = 1'bx;
#1 $display ("n Driving z");
sel = 1'bz;
#1 $finish;
always @ (sel)
case (sel)
1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casex (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casez (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel");
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Simulator Output
Driving 0
Normal : Logic 0 on sel
CASEX : Logic 0 on sel
CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel
Driving 1
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module case_compare;
reg sel;
initial begin
#1 $display ("n Driving 0");
sel = 0;
#1 $display ("n Driving 1");
sel = 1;
#1 $display ("n Driving x");
sel = 1'bx;
#1 $display ("n Driving z");
sel = 1'bz;
#1 $finish;
always @ (sel)
case (sel)
1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casex (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casez (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel");
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module case_compare;
reg sel;
initial begin
#1 $display ("n Driving 0");
sel = 0;
#1 $display ("n Driving 1");
sel = 1;
#1 $display ("n Driving x");
sel = 1'bx;
#1 $display ("n Driving z");
sel = 1'bz;
#1 $finish;
always @ (sel)
case (sel)
1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casex (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casez (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel");
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module case_compare;
reg sel;
initial begin
#1 $display ("n Driving 0");
sel = 0;
#1 $display ("n Driving 1");
sel = 1;
#1 $display ("n Driving x");
sel = 1'bx;
#1 $display ("n Driving z");
sel = 1'bz;
#1 $finish;
always @ (sel)
case (sel)
1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casex (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casez (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel");
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Simulator Output
Driving 0
Normal : Logic 0 on sel
CASEX : Logic 0 on sel
CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel
Driving 1
Normal : Logic 1 on sel
CASEX : Logic 1 on sel
CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module case_compare;
reg sel;
initial begin
#1 $display ("n Driving 0");
sel = 0;
#1 $display ("n Driving 1");
sel = 1;
#1 $display ("n Driving x");
sel = 1'bx;
#1 $display ("n Driving z");
sel = 1'bz;
#1 $finish;
always @ (sel)
case (sel)
1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casex (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casez (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel");
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Simulator Output
Driving 0
Normal : Logic 0 on sel
CASEX : Logic 0 on sel
CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel
Driving 1
Normal : Logic 1 on sel
CASEX : Logic 1 on sel
CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel
Driving x
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module case_compare;
reg sel;
initial begin
#1 $display ("n Driving 0");
sel = 0;
#1 $display ("n Driving 1");
sel = 1;
#1 $display ("n Driving x");
sel = 1'bx;
#1 $display ("n Driving z");
sel = 1'bz;
#1 $finish;
always @ (sel)
case (sel)
1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casex (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casez (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel");
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module case_compare;
reg sel;
initial begin
#1 $display ("n Driving 0");
sel = 0;
#1 $display ("n Driving 1");
sel = 1;
#1 $display ("n Driving x");
sel = 1'bx;
#1 $display ("n Driving z");
sel = 1'bz;
#1 $finish;
always @ (sel)
case (sel)
1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casex (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casez (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel");
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module case_compare;
reg sel;
initial begin
#1 $display ("n Driving 0");
sel = 0;
#1 $display ("n Driving 1");
sel = 1;
#1 $display ("n Driving x");
sel = 1'bx;
#1 $display ("n Driving z");
sel = 1'bz;
#1 $finish;
always @ (sel)
case (sel)
1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casex (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casez (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel");
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Simulator Output
Driving 0
Normal : Logic 0 on sel
CASEX : Logic 0 on sel
CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel
Driving 1
Normal : Logic 1 on sel
CASEX : Logic 1 on sel
CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel
Driving x
Normal : Logic x on sel
CASEX : Logic 0 on sel
CASEZ : Logic x on sel
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module case_compare;
reg sel;
initial begin
#1 $display ("n Driving 0");
sel = 0;
#1 $display ("n Driving 1");
sel = 1;
#1 $display ("n Driving x");
sel = 1'bx;
#1 $display ("n Driving z");
sel = 1'bz;
#1 $finish;
always @ (sel)
case (sel)
1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casex (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casez (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel");
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Simulator Output
Driving 0
Normal : Logic 0 on sel
CASEX : Logic 0 on sel
CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel
Driving 1
Normal : Logic 1 on sel
CASEX : Logic 1 on sel
CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel
Driving x
Normal : Logic x on sel
CASEX : Logic 0 on sel
CASEZ : Logic x on sel
Driving z
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module case_compare;
reg sel;
initial begin
#1 $display ("n Driving 0");
sel = 0;
#1 $display ("n Driving 1");
sel = 1;
#1 $display ("n Driving x");
sel = 1'bx;
#1 $display ("n Driving z");
sel = 1'bz;
#1 $finish;
always @ (sel)
case (sel)
1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casex (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casez (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel");
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module case_compare;
reg sel;
initial begin
#1 $display ("n Driving 0");
sel = 0;
#1 $display ("n Driving 1");
sel = 1;
#1 $display ("n Driving x");
sel = 1'bx;
#1 $display ("n Driving z");
sel = 1'bz;
#1 $finish;
always @ (sel)
case (sel)
1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casex (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casez (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel");
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module case_compare;
reg sel;
initial begin
#1 $display ("n Driving 0");
sel = 0;
#1 $display ("n Driving 1");
sel = 1;
#1 $display ("n Driving x");
sel = 1'bx;
#1 $display ("n Driving z");
sel = 1'bz;
#1 $finish;
always @ (sel)
case (sel)
1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casex (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casez (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel");
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Simulator Output
Driving 0
Normal : Logic 0 on sel
CASEX : Logic 0 on sel
CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel
Driving 1
Normal : Logic 1 on sel
CASEX : Logic 1 on sel
CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel
Driving x
Normal : Logic x on sel
CASEX : Logic 0 on sel
CASEZ : Logic x on sel
Driving z
Normal : Logic z on sel
CASEX : Logic 0 on sel
CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module case_compare;
reg sel;
initial begin
#1 $display ("n Driving 0");
sel = 0;
#1 $display ("n Driving 1");
sel = 1;
#1 $display ("n Driving x");
sel = 1'bx;
#1 $display ("n Driving z");
sel = 1'bz;
#1 $finish;
always @ (sel)
case (sel)
1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casex (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel");
always @ (sel)
casez (sel)
1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel");
1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel");
1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel");
1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel");
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Simulator Output with timing analysis
Driving 0
Normal : Logic 0 on sel
CASEX : Logic 0 on sel
CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel
Driving 1
Normal : Logic 1 on sel
CASEX : Logic 1 on sel
CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel
Driving x
Normal : Logic x on sel
CASEX : Logic 0 on sel
CASEZ : Logic x on sel
Driving z
Normal : Logic z on sel
CASEX : Logic 0 on sel
CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel
$finish #5 58
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
•There are four types of looping statements in Verilog: while, for, repeat, and forever.
•The syntax of these loops is very similar to the syntax of loops in the C programming
•All looping statements can appear only inside an initial or always block. Loops
may contain delay expressions.
While Loop:
•The keyword while is used to specify this loop.
•The while loop executes until the while expression is not true. If the loop is entered
when the while-expression is not true, the loop is not executed at all.
•Each expression can contain the operators. Any logical expression can be specified with
these operators.
•If multiple statements are to be executed in the loop, they must be grouped typically
using keywords begin and end.
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
integer count;
count = 0;
while (count < 128)
$display("Count = %d", count);
count = count + 1;
'define TRUE 1'b1';
'define FALSE 1'b0;
reg [15:0] flag;
integer i; //integer to keep count
reg continue;
flag = 16'b 0010_0000_0000_0000;
i = 0;
continue = 'TRUE;
while((i < 16) && continue)
if (flag[i])
$display("Encountered a TRUE bit at element number %d", i);
continue = 'FALSE;
i = i + 1;
//Execute loop till count is 127.
//exit at count 128
//Multiple conditions using
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
For Loop
The keyword for is used to specify this loop. The for loop contains three parts:
• An initial condition
• A check to see if the terminating condition is true
• A procedural assignment to change value of the control variable
integer count;
for ( count=0; count < 128; count = count + 1)
$display("Count = %d", count);
The initialization condition and the incrementing procedural assignment are included
in the for loop and do not need to be specified separately. Thus, the for loop provides
a more compact loop structure than the while loop.
Note, however, that the while loop is more general-purpose than the for loop. The for
loop cannot be used in place of the while loop in all situations.
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
'define MAX_STATES 32
integer state [0: 'MAX_STATES-1];
integer i;
for(i = 0; i < 32; i = i + 2)
state[i] = 0;
for(i = 1; i < 32; i = i + 2)
state[i] = 1;
//Integer array state with elements 0:31
//initialize all even locations with 0
//initialize all odd locations with 1
for loops are generally used when there is a fixed beginning and end to the loop.
If the loop is simply looping on a certain condition, it is better to use the while loop.
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Repeat Loop
The keyword repeat is used for this loop.
The repeat construct executes the loop a fixed number of times. A repeat construct
cannot be used to loop on a general logical expression. A while loop is used for that
A repeat construct must contain a number, which can be a constant, a variable or a signal
value. However, if the number is a variable or signal value, it is evaluated only when the
loop starts and not during the loop execution.
integer count;
count = 0;
$display("Count = %d", count);
count = count + 1;
The counter expressed with the repeat loop
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
module data_buffer(data_start, data, clock);
parameter cycles = 8;
input data_start;
input [15:0] data;
input clock;
reg [15:0] buffer [0:7];
integer i;
always @(posedge clock)
i = 0;
@(posedge clock) buffer[i] = data;
i = i + 1;
//data start signal is true
//Store data at the posedge of next 8 clock cycles
//waits till next posedge to latch data
Data buffer module example
•After it receives a data_start
•Reads data for next 8 cycles.
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Forever loop
•The keyword forever is used to express this loop.
•The loop does not contain any expression and executes forever until the $finish task is
encountered. The loop is equivalent to a while loop with an expression that always
evaluates to true, e.g., while (1).
•A forever loop can be exited by use of the disable statement.
•A forever loop is typically used in conjunction with timing control constructs.
•If timing control constructs are not used, the Verilog simulator would execute this
statement infinitely without advancing simulation time and the rest of the design would
never be executed.
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Example 1: Clock generation
//Use forever loop instead of always block
reg clock;
clock = 1'b0;
forever #10 clock = ~clock; //Clock with period of 20 units
Example 2: Synchronize two register values at every positive edge of clock
reg clock;
reg x, y;
forever @(posedge clock) x = y
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Sequential and Parallel Blocks:
Block statements are used to group multiple statements to act together as one.
In previous examples, we used keywords begin and end to group multiple statements.
Thus, we used sequential blocks where the statements in the block execute one after
In this section we discuss the block types: sequential blocks and parallel blocks.
Block Types:
There are two types of blocks: sequential blocks and parallel blocks.
Sequential blocks:
The keywords begin and end are used to group statements into sequential blocks.
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Sequential blocks have the following characteristics:
• The statements in a sequential block are processed in the order they are specified.
A statement is executed only after its preceding statement completes execution
• If delay or event control is specified, it is relative to the simulation time when the
previous statement in the block completed execution,
(except for nonblocking assignments with intra-assignment timing control).
reg x, y;
reg [1:0] z, w;
x = 1'b0;
y = 1'b1;
z = {x, y};
w = {y, x};
//Illustration 1: Sequential block
without delay
//Illustration 2: Sequential blocks with delay.
reg x, y;
reg [1:0] z, w;
x = 1'b0; //completes at simulation time 0
#5 y = 1'b1; //completes at simulation time 5
#10 z = {x, y}; //completes at simulation time 15
#20 w = {y, x}; //completes at simulation time 35
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Parallel blocks:
Parallel blocks, specified by keywords fork and join, provide interesting simulation
Parallel blocks have the following characteristics:
• Statements in a parallel block are executed concurrently.
• Ordering of statements is controlled by the delay or event control assigned to each
• If delay or event control is specified, it is relative to the time the block was entered.
Notice the fundamental difference between sequential and parallel blocks. All
statements in a parallel block start at the time when the block was entered. Thus, the
order in which the statements are written in the block is not important.
reg x, y;
reg [1:0] z, w;
x = 1'b0;
#5 y = 1'b1;
#10 z = {x, y};
#20 w = {y, x};
//Example 1: Parallel blocks with delay.
//completes at simulation time 0
//completes at simulation time 5
//completes at simulation time 10
//completes at simulation time 20
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Generate Blocks:
Generate statements allow Verilog code to be generated dynamically at elaboration time
before the simulation begins.
This facilitates the creation of parameterized models. Generate statements are particularly
convenient when the same operation or module instance is repeated for multiple bits of a
vector, or when certain Verilog code is conditionally included based on parameter
Generate statements allow control over the declaration of variables, functions, and tasks,
as well as control over instantiations.
All generate instantiations are coded with a module scope and require the keywords
generate - endgenerate
Generated instantiations can be one or more of the following types:
• Modules
• User defined primitives
• Verilog gate primitives
• Continuous assignments
• initial and always blocks
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Generated declarations and instantiations can be conditionally instantiated into a design.
Generated variable declarations and instantiations can be multiply instantiated into a
Generated instances have unique identifier names and can be referenced
To support interconnection between structural elements and/or procedural blocks,
generate statements permit the following Verilog data types to be declared within
the generate scope:
• net, reg
• integer, real, time, realtime
• event
Parameter redefinition using ordered or named assignment or a defparam statement can
be declared with the generate scope.
However, a defparam statement within a generate scope is allowed to modify the value
of a parameter only in the same generate scope or within the hierarchy instantiated
within the generate scope.
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Task and function declarations are permitted within the generate scope but not within a
generate loop. Generated tasks and functions have unique identifier names and can be
referenced hierarchically.
Connections to generated module instances are handled in the same way as with normal
module instances.
There are three methods to create generate statements:
• Generate loop
• Generate conditional
• Generate case
Generate Loop
A generate loop permits one or more of the following to be
instantiated multiple times using a for loop:
• Variable declarations
• Modules
• User defined primitives, Gate primitives
• Continuous assignments
• initial and always blocks
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Example: Bit-wise Xor of Two N-bit Buses
bitwise_xor (out, i0, i1);
parameter N = 32;
output [N-1:0] out;
input [N-1:0] i0, i1;
genvar j;
//Generate the bit-wise Xor with a single loop
generate for (j=0; j<N; j=j+1) begin: xor_loop
xor g1 (out[j], i0[j], i1[j]);
end //end of the for loop inside the generate block
endgenerate //end of the generate block
// As an alternate style, the xor gates could be replaced by always blocks.
//reg [N-1:0] out;
//generate for (j=0; j<N; j=j+1) begin: bit
//always @(i0[j] or i1[j]) out[j] = i0[j] ^ i1[j];
// Port declarations
// 32-bit bus by default
// Declare a temporary loop variable. This variable is used only in the
evaluation of generate blocks. This variable does not exist during the
simulation of a Verilog design
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Prior to the beginning of the simulation, the simulator elaborates (unrolls) the
code in the generate blocks to create a flat representation without the generate
The unrolled code is then simulated. Thus, generate blocks are simply a convenient way of
replacing multiple repetitive Verilog statements with a single statement inside a loop.
• genvar is a keyword used to declare variables that are used only in the evaluation
of generate block. genvars do not exist during simulation of the design.
• The value of a genvar can be defined only by a generate loop.
• Generate loops can be nested. However, two generate loops using the same
genvar as an index variable cannot be nested.
• The name xor_loop assigned to the generate loop is used for hierarchical name
referencing of the variables inside the generate loop. Therefore, the relative
hierarchical names of the xor gates will be xor_loop[0].g1, xor_loop[1].g1, .......,
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Generated Ripple Adder
module ripple_adder(co, sum, a0, a1, ci);
parameter N = 4; // 4-bit bus by default
output [N-1:0] sum;
output co;
input [N-1:0] a0, a1;
input ci;
wire [N-1:0] carry;
assign carry[0] = ci;
genvar i;
//Generate the bit-wise Xor with a single loop
generate for (i=0; i<N; i=i+1) begin: r_loop
wire t1, t2, t3;
xor g1 (t1, a0[i], a1[i]);
xor g2 (sum[i], t1, carry[i]);
and g3 (t2, a0[i], a1[i]);
and g4 (t3, t1, carry[i]);
or g5 (carry[i+1], t2, t3);
end //end of the for loop inside the generate block
endgenerate //end of the generate block
// Port declarations
//Local wire declaration
//Assign 0th bit of carry equal to carry input
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
// For the above generate loop, the following relative hierarchical instance names are
// xor : r_loop[0].g1, r_loop[1].g1, r_loop[2].g1, r_loop[3].g1
r_loop[0].g2, r_loop[1].g2, r_loop[2].g2, r_loop[3].g2
// and : r_loop[0].g3, r_loop[1].g3, r_loop[2].g3, r_loop[3].g3
r_loop[0].g4, r_loop[1].g4, r_loop[2].g4, r_loop[3].g4
// or : r_loop[0].g5, r_loop[1].g5, r_loop[2].g5, r_loop[3].g5
// Generated instances are connected with the following generated nets
// Nets: r_loop[0].t1, r_loop[0].t2, r_loop[0].t3
// r_loop[1].t1, r_loop[1].t2, r_loop[1].t3
// r_loop[2].t1, r_loop[2].t2, r_loop[2].t3
// r_loop[3].t1, r_loop[3].t2, r_loop[3].t3
assign co = carry[N];
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Generate Conditional
A generate conditional is like an if-else-if generate construct that permits the following
Verilog constructs to be conditionally instantiated into another module based on an
expression that is deterministic at the time the design is elaborated:
• Modules
• User defined primitives, Gate primitives
• Continuous assignments
• initial and always blocks
Parametrized Multiplier using Generate Conditional
module multiplier (product, a0, a1);
parameter a0_width = 8; // 8-bit bus by default
parameter a1_width = 8; // 8-bit bus by default
localparam product_width = a0_width + a1_width;
output [product_width -1:0] product;
input [a0_width-1:0] a0;
input [a1_width-1:0] a1;
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
// Instantiate the type of multiplier conditionally.
// Depending on the value of the a0_width and a1_width
// parameters at the time of instantiation, the appropriate
// multiplier will be instantiated.
if (a0_width <8) || (a1_width < 8)
cla_multiplier #(a0_width, a1_width) m0 (product, a0, a1);
tree_multiplier #(a0_width, a1_width) m0 (product, a0, a1);
endgenerate //end of the generate block
Generate Case:
A generate case permits the following Verilog constructs to be conditionally instantiated
into another module based on a select-one-of-many case construct that is deterministic at
the time the design is elaborated:
• Modules
• User defined primitives, Gate primitives
• Continuous assignments
• initial and always blocks
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Generate Case Example
module adder(co, sum, a0, a1, ci);
parameter N = 4; // 4-bit bus by default
output [N-1:0] sum;
output co;
input [N-1:0] a0, a1;
input ci;
// Instantiate the appropriate adder based on the width of the bus.
// This is based on parameter N that can be redefined at instantiation time.
case (N)
1: adder_1bit adder1(c0, sum, a0, a1, ci); //1-bit implementation
2: adder_2bit adder2(c0, sum, a0, a1, ci); //2-bit implementation
default: adder_cla #(N) adder3(c0, sum, a0, a1, ci);
// Port declarations
//Special cases for 1 and 2 bit adders
// Default is N-bit carry look ahead adder
//end of the generate block
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Examples :
4-to-1 Multiplexer
module mux4_to_1 (out, i0, i1, i2, i3, s1, s0);
output out;
input i0, i1, i2, i3;
input s1, s0;
reg out;
always @(s1 or s0 or i0 or i1 or i2 or i3)
case ({s1, s0})
2'b00: out = i0;
2'b01: out = i1;
2'b10: out = i2;
2'b11: out = i3;
default: out = 1'bx;
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Behavioral 4-bit Counter Description
module counter(Q , clock, clear);
output [3:0] Q;
input clock, clear;
reg [3:0] Q;
always @( posedge clear or negedge clock)
if (clear)
Q <= 4'd0;
Q <= Q + 1;
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
The following specifications must be considered:
• The traffic signal for the main highway gets highest priority because cars are
continuously present on the main highway. Thus, the main highway signal
remains green by default.
• Occasionally, cars from the country road arrive at the traffic signal. The traffic
signal for the country road must turn green only long enough to let the cars on the
country road go.
• As soon as there are no cars on the country road, the country road traffic signal
turns yellow and then red and the traffic signal on the main highway turns green
• There is a sensor to detect cars waiting on the country road. The sensor sends a
signal X as input to the controller. X = 1 if there are cars on the country road;
otherwise, X= 0.
• There are delays on transitions from S1 to S2, from S2 to S3, and from S4 to S0.
The delays must be controllable.
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Traffic Signal Controller
`define TRUE 1'b1
`define FALSE 1'b0
`define Y2RDELAY 3 //Yellow to red delay
`define R2GDELAY 2 //Red to green delay
module sig_control
(hwy, cntry, X, clock, clear);
output [1:0] hwy, cntry;
reg [1:0] hwy, cntry;
input X;
input clock, clear;
parameter RED = 2'd0,
YELLOW = 2'd1,
GREEN = 2'd2;
//State definition HWY CNTRY
parameter S0 = 3'd0, //GREEN RED
S1 = 3'd1, //YELLOW RED
S2 = 3'd2, //RED RED
S3 = 3'd3, //RED GREEN
S4 = 3'd4; //RED YELLOW
//I/O ports
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
//Internal state variables
reg [2:0] state;
reg [2:0] next_state;
//state changes only at positive edge of clock
always @(posedge clock)
if (clear)
state <= S0; //Controller starts in S0 state
state <= next_state; //State change
//Compute values of main signal and country signal
always @(state)
hwy = GREEN; //Default Light Assignment for Highway light
cntry = RED; //Default Light Assignment for Country light
S0: ; // No change, use default
S1: hwy = YELLOW;
S2: hwy = RED;
S3: begin
hwy = RED;
cntry = GREEN;
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
S4: begin
hwy = RED;
cntry = `YELLOW;
//State machine using case statements
always @(state or X)
case (state)
S0: if(X)
next_state = S1;
next_state = S0;
S1: begin //delay some positive edges of clock
repeat(`Y2RDELAY) @(posedge clock) ;
next_state = S2;
S2: begin //delay some positive edges of clock
repeat(`R2GDELAY) @(posedge clock);
next_state = S3;
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
S3: if(X)
next_state = S3;
next_state = S4;
S4: begin //delay some positive edges of clock
repeat(`Y2RDELAY) @(posedge clock) ;
next_state = S0;
default: next_state = S0;
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Stimulus for Traffic Signal Controller
//Stimulus Module
module stimulus;
wire [1:0] MAIN_SIG, CNTRY_SIG;
//if TRUE, indicates that there is car on
//the country road
//Instantiate signal controller
//Set up monitor
$monitor($time, " Main Sig = %b Country Sig = %b Car_on_cntry = %b",
//Set up clock
forever #5 CLOCK = ~CLOCK;
//control clear signal
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
repeat (5) @(negedge CLOCK);
//apply stimulus
repeat(20)@(negedge CLOCK); CAR_ON_CNTRY_RD = `TRUE;
repeat(10)@(negedge CLOCK); CAR_ON_CNTRY_RD = `FALSE;
repeat(20)@(negedge CLOCK); CAR_ON_CNTRY_RD = `TRUE;
repeat(10)@(negedge CLOCK); CAR_ON_CNTRY_RD = `FALSE;
repeat(20)@(negedge CLOCK); CAR_ON_CNTRY_RD = `TRUE;
repeat(10)@(negedge CLOCK); CAR_ON_CNTRY_RD = `FALSE;
repeat(10)@(negedge CLOCK); $stop;
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
• Samir Palnitkar, “Verilog HDL-A Guide to
Digital Design and Synthesis”, Pearson, 2003
Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT,
Prof. Anand H. D.
M. Tech. (PhD.)
Assistant Professor,
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bengaluru-56
Phone: 9844518832

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Concepts of Behavioral modelling in Verilog HDL

  • 1. Timing Controls Various behavioral timing control constructs are available in Verilog. In Verilog, if there are no timing control statements, the simulation time does not advance. Timing controls provide a way to specify the simulation time at which procedural statements will execute. There are three methods of timing control: delay-based timing control, event-based timing control, and level-sensitive timing control. Delay-Based Timing Control Delay-based timing control in an expression specifies the time duration between when the statement is encountered and when it is executed. Delays are specified by the symbol #. Syntax for the delay-based timing control statement is shown below: delay3 ::= # delay_value | # ( delay_value [ , delay_value [ ,delay_value ] ] ) delay2 ::= # delay_value | # ( delay_value [ , delay_value ] ) delay_value ::= unsigned_number | parameter_identifier | specparam_identifier | mintypmax_expression There are three types of delay control for procedural assignments: regular delay control, intra-assignment delay control, and zero delay control. 1 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 2. Regular delay control Regular delay control is used when a non-zero delay is specified to the left of a procedural assignment. // no delay control // delay control with a number. Delay execution of y = 1 by 10 units // Delay control with identifier. Delay of 20 units // Delay control with expression // Delay control with identifier. Take value of y. /* Minimum, typical and maximum delay values. Discussed in gate-level modeling chapter.*/ //define parameters parameter latency = 20; parameter delta = 2; //define register variables reg x, y, z, p, q; initial begin x = 0; #10 y = 1; #latency z = 0; #(latency + delta) p = 1; #y x = x + 1; #(4:5:6) q = 0; end 2 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 3. Intra-assignment delay control Instead of specifying delay control to the left of the assignment, it is possible to assign a delay to the right of the assignment operator. Such delay specification alters the flow of activity in a different manner. reg x, y, z; //define register variables //intra assignment delays initial begin x = 0; z = 0; y = #5 x + z; end /*Equivalent method with temporary variables and regular delay control*/ initial begin x = 0; z = 0; temp_xz = x + z; #5 y = temp_xz; end /*Take value of x and z at the time=0, evaluate x + z and then wait 5 time units to assign value to y.*/ /*Take value of x + z at the current time and store it in a temporary variable. Even though x and z might change between 0 and 5*/  Note the difference between intra- assignment delays and regular delays.  Regular delays defer the execution of the entire assignment.  Intra-assignment delays compute the righthand-side expression at the current time and defer the assignment of the computed value to the left- hand-side variable.  Intra-assignment delays are like using regular delays with a temporary variable to store the current value of a right-hand-side expression. 3 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 4. module blocking_nonblocking(); reg a,b,c,d; initial begin #10 a = 0; #11 a = 1; #12 a = 0; #13 a = 1; end initial begin #10 b <= 0; #11 b <= 1; #12 b <= 0; #13 b <= 1; end initial begin c = #10 0; c = #11 1; c = #12 0; c = #13 1; end initial begin d <= #10 0; d <= #11 1; d <= #12 0; d <= #13 1; end initial begin $monitor("TIME = %g A = %b B = %b C = %b D = %b",$time, a, b, c, d); #50 $finish; end Simulator Output: TIME = 0 A = x B = x C = x D = x TIME = 10 A = 0 B = 0 C = 0 D = 0 TIME = 11 A = 0 B = 0 C = 0 D = 1 TIME = 12 A = 0 B = 0 C = 0 D = 0 TIME = 13 A = 0 B = 0 C = 0 D = 1 TIME = 21 A = 1 B = 1 C = 1 D = 1 TIME = 33 A = 0 B = 0 C = 0 D = 1 TIME = 46 A = 1 B = 1 C = 1 D = 1 4 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 5. module blocking_nonblocking(); reg a,b,c,d; initial begin #10 a = 0; #11 a = 1; #12 a = 0; #13 a = 1; end initial begin #10 b <= 0; #11 b <= 1; #12 b <= 0; #13 b <= 1; end initial begin c = #10 0; c = #11 1; c = #12 0; c = #13 1; end initial begin d <= #10 0; d <= #11 1; d <= #12 0; d <= #13 1; end 10 a <= 0; 21 a <= 1; 33 a<= 0; 46 a <= 1; 10 b <= 0; 21 b <= 1; 33 b<= 0; 46 b <= 1; 10 c <= 0; 21 c <= 1; 33 c<= 0; 46 c <= 1; 10 d <= 0; 11 d <= 1; 12 d <= 0; 13 d <= 1; Simulator Output: TIME = 0 TIME = 10 TIME = 11 TIME = 12 TIME = 13 TIME = 21 TIME = 33 TIME = 46 A = x A = 0 A = 0 A = 0 A = 0 A = 1 A = 0 A = 1 B = x B = 0 B = 0 B = 0 B = 0 B = 1 B = 0 B = 1 C = x C = 0 C = 0 C = 0 C = 0 C = 1 C = 0 C = 1 D = x D = 0 D = 1 D = 0 D = 1 D = 1 D = 1 D = 1 5 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 6. module blocking_nonblocking(); reg a,b,c,d; initial begin #10 a = 0; #11 a = 1; #12 a = 0; #13 a = 1; end initial begin #10 b <= 0; #11 b <= 1; #12 b <= 0; #13 b <= 1; end initial begin c = #10 0; c = #11 1; c = #12 0; c = #13 1; end initial begin d <= #10 0; d <= #11 1; d <= #12 0; d <= #13 1; end initial begin $monitor("TIME = %g A = %b B = %b C = %b D = %b",$time, a, b, c, d); #50 $finish; end Simulator Output: TIME = 0 A = x B = x C = x D = x TIME = 10 A = 0 B = 0 C = 0 D = 0 TIME = 11 A = 0 B = 0 C = 0 D = 1 TIME = 12 A = 0 B = 0 C = 0 D = 0 TIME = 13 A = 0 B = 0 C = 0 D = 1 TIME = 21 A = 1 B = 1 C = 1 D = 1 TIME = 33 A = 0 B = 0 C = 0 D = 1 TIME = 46 A = 1 B = 1 C = 1 D = 1 6 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 7. Zero delay control initial begin x = 0; y = 0; end initial begin #0 x = 1; //zero delay control #0 y = 1; end In this Example, four statements x = 0, y = 0, x = 1, y = 1 are to be executed at simulation time 0. However, since x = 1 and y = 1 have #0, they will be executed last. Thus, at the end of time 0, x will have value 1 and y will have value 1. The order in which x = 1 and y = 1 are executed is not deterministic. Using #0 is not a recommended practice. Procedural statements in different always-initial blocks may be evaluated at the same simulation time. The order of execution of these statements in different always-initial blocks is nondeterministic. Zero delay control is a method to ensure that a statement is executed last, after all other statements in that simulation time are executed. This is used to eliminate race conditions. However, if there are multiple zero delay statements, the order between them is nondeterministic. 7 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 8. Event-Based Timing Control An event is the change in the value on a register or a net. Events can be utilized to trigger execution of a statement or a block of statements. There are four types of event-based timing control: regular event control, named event control, event OR control, and level sensitive timing control. Regular event control: The @ symbol is used to specify an event control. Statements can be executed on changes in signal value or at a positive or negative transition of the signal value. The keyword posedge is used for a positive transition. @(clock) q = d; @(posedge clock) q = d; @(negedge clock) q = d; q = @(posedge clock) d; //q = d is executed whenever signal clock changes value /*q = d is executed whenever signal clock does a positive transition ( 0 to 1,x or z, x to 1, z to 1 )*/ /*q = d is executed whenever signal clock does a negative transition ( 1 to 0,x or z,x to 0, z to 0) */ /*d is evaluated immediately and assigned to q at the positive edge of clock*/ 8 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 9. Named event control Verilog provides the capability to declare an event and then trigger and recognize the occurrence of that event. The event does not hold any data. A named event is declared by the keyword event. An event is triggered by the symbol ->. The triggering of the event is recognized by the symbol @. //This is an example of a data buffer storing data after the last packet of data has arrived. event received_data; always @(posedge clock) begin if(last_data_packet) ->received_data; end //Define an event called received data //check at each positive clock edge //If this is the last data packet //trigger the event received_data always @(received_data) data_buf = {data_pkt[0], data_pkt[1], data_pkt[2], data_pkt[3]}; //Await triggering of event received_data //When event is triggered, store all four packets of received data in data buffer using concatenation operator { } 9 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 10. Event OR Control Sometimes a transition on any one of multiple signals or events can trigger the execution of a statement or a block of statements. This is expressed as an OR of events or signals. The list of events or signals expressed as an OR is also known as a sensitivity list. The keyword or is used to specify multiple triggers. //A level-sensitive latch with asynchronous reset always @( reset or clock or d) begin if (reset) q = 1'b0; else if(clock) q = d; end Sensitivity lists can also be specified using the "," (comma) operator instead of the or operator. Comma operators can also be applied to sensitivity lists that have edge- sensitive triggers. //Wait for reset or clock or d to change //if reset signal is high, set q to 0. //if clock is high, latch input 10 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 11. //A level-sensitive latch with asynchronous reset always @( reset, clock, d) begin if (reset) q = 1'b0; else if(clock) q = d; end A positive edge triggered D flipflop with asynchronous falling reset can be modeled as shown below //Wait for reset or clock or d to change //if reset signal is high, set q to 0. //if clock is high, latch input //Note use of comma operatoralways @(posedge clk, negedge reset) if(!reset) q <=0; else q <=d; end 11 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 12. When the number of input variables to a combination logic block are very large, sensitivity lists can become very cumbersome to write. Moreover, if an input variable is missed from the sensitivity list, the block will not behave like a combinational logic block. To solve this problem, Verilog HDL contains two special symbols: @* and @(*). Both symbols exhibit identical behavior. These special symbols are sensitive to a change on any signal that may be read by the statement group that follows this symbol. Use of @* Operator always @(a or b or c or d or e or f or g or h or p or m) begin out1 = a ? b+c : d+e; out2 = f ? g+h : p+m; end //Combination logic block using the or operator //Cumbersome to write and it is easy to miss one input to the block always @(*) begin out1 = a ? b+c : d+e; out2 = f ? g+h : p+m; end //Instead of the above method, use @(*) symbol //Alternately, the @* symbol can be used //All input variables are automatically included in the sensitivity list. 12 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 13. Level-Sensitive Timing Control: Event control discussed earlier waited for the change of a signal value or the triggering of an event. The symbol @ provided edge-sensitive control. Verilog also allows level sensitive timing control, that is, the ability to wait for a certain condition to be true before a statement or a block of statements is executed. The keyword wait is used for level sensitive constructs. always wait (count_enable) #20 count = count + 1;. In the above example, the value of count_enable is monitored continuously. If count_enable is 0, the statement is not entered. If it is logical 1, the statement count = count + 1 is executed after 20 time units. If count_enable stays at 1, count will be incremented every 20 time units 13 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 14. Conditional Statements: Conditional statements are used for making decisions based upon certain conditions. These conditions are used to decide whether or not a statement should be executed. Keywords if and else are used for conditional statements. There are three types of conditional statements: //Type 1 conditional statement. No else statement. //Statement executes or does not execute. //Type 2 conditional statement. One else statement //Either true_statement or false_statement is evaluated //Type 3 conditional statement. Nested if-else-if. //Choice of multiple statements. Only one is executed. if (<expression>) true_statement ; if (<expression>) true_statement ; else false_statement ; if (<expression1>) true_statement1 ; else if (<expression2>) true_statement2 ; else if (<expression3>) true_statement3 ; else default_statement ; 14 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 15. The <expression> is evaluated. If it is true (1 or a non-zero value), the true_statement is executed. However, if it is false (zero) or ambiguous (x), the false_statement is executed. The <expression> can contain any operators. Each true_statement or false_statement can be a single statement or a block of multiple statements. A block must be grouped, typically by using keywords begin and end. A single statement need not be grouped. //Type 1 statements if(!lock) buffer = data; if(enable) out = in; //Type 2 statements if (number_queued < MAX_Q_DEPTH) begin data_queue = data; number_queued = number_queued + 1; end else $display("Queue Full. Try again"); 15 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 16. //Type 3 statements //Execute statements based on ALU control signal. if (alu_control == 0) y = x + z; else if(alu_control == 1) y = x - z; else if(alu_control == 2) y = x * z; else $display("Invalid ALU control signal"); 16 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 17. Examples on Conditional Statements module simple_if(); reg latch; wire enable,din; always @ (enable or din) if (enable) Begin latch <= din; end endmodule module if_else(); reg dff; wire clk,din,reset; always @ (posedge clk) if (reset) begin dff <= 0; end else begin dff <= din; end endmodule 17 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 18. module nested_if(counter, clk, reset, enable, up_en, down_en); output reg [3:0] counter; input clk, reset, enable, up_en, down_en; always @ (posedge clk) // If reset is asserted /* If counter is enable and up count is asserted */ /* If counter is enable and down count is asserted */ // If counting is disabled // Redundant code if (reset == 1'b0) begin counter <= 4'b0000; end else if (enable == 1'b1 && up_en == 1'b1) begin counter <= counter + 1'b1; end else if (enable == 1'b1 && down_en == 1'b1) begin counter <= counter - 1'b1; end else begin counter <= counter; end 18 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 19. module stimulus(); reg [3:0] counter; reg clk,reset,enable, up_en, down_en; always @ (posedge clk) initial begin $monitor ("@%0dns reset=%b enable=%b up=%b down=%b count=%b“, $time, reset, enable, up_en, down_en,counter); $display("@%0dns Driving all inputs to know state",$time);c clk = 0; reset = 0; enable = 0; up_en = 0; down_en = 0; #3 reset = 1; $display("@%0dns De-Asserting reset",$time); #4 enable = 1; $display("@%0dns De-Asserting enable",$time); #4 up_en = 1; $display("@%0dns Putting counter in up count mode",$time); #10 up_en = 0; down_en = 1; $display("@%0dns Putting counter in down count mode",$time); #8 $finish; end always #1 clk = ~clk; endmodule 19 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 20. @0ns Driving all inputs to know state @0ns reset=0 enable=0 up=0 down=0 count=xxxx @1ns reset=0 enable=0 up=0 down=0 count=0000 @3ns De-Asserting reset @3ns reset=1 enable=0 up=0 down=0 count=0000 @7ns De-Asserting enable @7ns reset=1 enable=1 up=0 down=0 count=0000 @11ns Putting counter in up count mode @11ns reset=1 enable=1 up=1 down=0 count=0001 @13ns reset=1 enable=1 up=1 down=0 count=0010 @15ns reset=1 enable=1 up=1 down=0 count=0011 @17ns reset=1 enable=1 up=1 down=0 count=0100 @19ns reset=1 enable=1 up=1 down=0 count=0101 @21ns Putting counter in down count mode @21ns reset=1 enable=1 up=0 down=1 count=0100 @23ns reset=1 enable=1 up=0 down=1 count=0011 @25ns reset=1 enable=1 up=0 down=1 count=0010 @27ns reset=1 enable=1 up=0 down=1 count=0001 Simulator Output: 20 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 21. module parallel_if(); reg [3:0] counter; wire clk,reset,enable, up_en, down_en; always @ (posedge clk) if (reset == 1'b0) begin counter <= 4'b0000; end else begin if (enable == 1'b1 && up_en == 1'b1) begin counter <= counter + 1'b1; end if (enable == 1'b1 && down_en == 1'b1) begin counter <= counter - 1'b1; end end endmodule //If reset is asserted /* If counter is enable and up count is mode*/ /* If counter is enable and down count is mode*/ 21 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 22. module Full_Adder_Behavioral_Verilog( input X1, X2, Cin, output S, Cout ); reg[1:0] temp; always @(*) begin temp = {1'b0,X1} + {1'b0,X2}+{1'b0,Cin}; end assign S = temp[0]; assign Cout = temp[1]; $monitor(“%g: a=%b; B=%b; Cin=%b; S=%b; Cout=%b”, $time, X1, X2, Cin, S, Cout); endmodule module Testbench_Behavioral_adder(); reg A,B,Cin; wire S,Cout; //Verilog code for the structural full adder Full_Adder_Behavioral_Verilog Behavioral_adder(.X1(A), .X2(B), .Cin(Cin), .S(S), .Cout(Cout) ); Initial begin A = 0; B = 0; Cin = 0; #5; A = 0; B = 0; Cin = 1; #5; A = 0; B = 1; Cin = 0; #5; A = 0; B = 1; Cin = 1; #5; A = 1; B = 0; Cin = 0; #5; A = 1; B = 0; Cin = 1; #5; A = 1; B = 1; Cin = 0; #5; A = 1; B = 1; Cin = 1; #5; end endmodule Stimulator output: #0: A = 0; B = 0; Cin = 0; S=0; Cout=0 #5: A = 0; B = 0; Cin = 1; S=1; Cout=0 #10: A = 0; B = 1; Cin = 0; S=1; Cout=0 #15: A = 0; B = 1; Cin = 1; S=0; Cout=1 #20: A = 1; B = 0; Cin = 0; S=1; Cout=0 #25: A = 1; B = 0; Cin = 1; S=0; Cout=1 #30: A = 1; B = 1; Cin = 0; S=0; Cout=1 #35: A = 1; B = 1; Cin = 1; S=1; Cout=122 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 23. Multiway Branching: case Statement The keywords case, endcase, and default are used in the case statement. case (expression) alternative1: statement1; alternative2: statement2; alternative3: statement3; ... ... default: default_statement; endcase Each of statement1, statement2 , default_statement can be a single statement or a block of multiple statements. If none of the alternatives matches, the default_statement is executed. The default_statement is optional. For the first alternative that matches, the corresponding statement or block is executed. A block of multiple statements must be grouped by keywords begin and end. The expression is compared to the alternatives in the order they are written. Placing of multiple default statements in one case statement is not allowed. The case statements can be nested. 23 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 24. //Execute statements based on the ALU control signal reg [1:0] alu_control; ... ... case (alu_control) 2'd0 : y = x + z; 2'd1 : y = x - z; 2'd2 : y = x * z; default : $display("Invalid ALU control signal"); endcase //Type 3 statements //Execute statements based on ALU control signal. if (alu_control == 0) y = x + z; else if(alu_control == 1) y = x - z; else if(alu_control == 2) y = x * z; else $display("Invalid ALU control signal"); 24 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 25. module mux4_to_1 (out, i0, i1, i2, i3, s1, s0); // Port declarations from the I/O diagram output out; input i0, i1, i2, i3; input s1, s0; reg out; always @(s1 or s0 or i0 or i1 or i2 or i3) case ({s1, s0}) //Switch based on concatenation of control signals 2'd0 : out = i0; 2'd1 : out = i1; 2'd2 : out = i2; 2'd3 : out = i3; default: $display("Invalid control signals"); endcase endmodule The case statement can also act like a many-to-one multiplexer. 25 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 26. module mux4_to_1 (out, i0, i1, i2, i3, s1, s0); // Port declarations from the I/O diagram output out; input i0, i1, i2, i3; input s1, s0; reg out; always @(s1 or s0 or i0 or i1 or i2 or i3) case ({s1, s0}) //Switch based on concatenation of control signals 2'd0 : out = i0; 2'd1 : out = i1; 2'd2 : out = i2; 2'd3 : out = i3; default: $display("Invalid control signals"); endcase endmodule The case statement can also act like a many-to-one multiplexer. The case statement compares 0, 1, x, and z values in the expression and the alternative bit for bit. If the expression and the alternative are of unequal bit width, they are zero filled to match the bit width of the widest of the expression and the alternative. 26 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 27. module demultiplexer1_to_4 (out0, out1, out2, out3, in, s1, s0); // Port declarations from the I/O diagram output out0, out1, out2, out3; reg out0, out1, out2, out3; input in; input s1, s0; always @(s1 or s0 or in) case ({s1, s0}) //Switch based on control signals 2'b00 : begin out0 = in; out1 = 1'bz; out2 = 1'bz; out3 = 1'bz; end 2'b01 : begin out0 = 1'bz; out1 = in; out2 = 1'bz; out3 = 1'bz; end 2'b10 : begin out0 = 1'bz; out1 = 1'bz; out2 = in; out3 = 1'bz; end 2'b11 : begin out0 = 1'bz; out1 = 1'bz; out2 = 1'bz; out3 = in; end 2'bx0, 2'bx1, 2'bxz, 2'bxx, 2'b0x, 2'b1x, 2'bzx : begin out0 = 1'bx; out1 = 1'bx; out2 = 1'bx; out3 = 1'bx; end 2'bz0, 2'bz1, 2'bzz, 2'b0z, 2'b1z : begin out0 = 1'bz; out1 = 1'bz; out2 = 1'bz; out3 = 1'bz; end default: $display("Unspecified control signals"); endcase endmodule In the demultiplexer, multiple input signal combinations such as 2'bz0, 2'bz1, 2,bzz, 2'b0z, and 2'b1z that cause the same block to be executed are put together with a comma (,) symbol. Case Statement with x and z 27 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 28. casex, casez Keywords There are two variations of the case statement. They are denoted by keywords, casex and casez. • casez treats all z values in the case alternatives or the case expression as don‘t cares. All bit positions with z can also represented by ? in that position. • casex treats all x and z values in the case item or the case expression as don‘t cares. The use of casex and casez allows comparison of only non-x or -z positions in the case expression and the case alternatives. encoding Next_state 1xxx 3 x1xx 2 xx1x 1 xxx1 0 Default 0 28 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 29. casex, casez Keywords reg [3:0] encoding; integer state; casex (encoding) 4'b1xxx : next_state = 3; 4'bx1xx : next_state = 2; 4'bxx1x : next_state = 1; 4'bxxx1 : next_state = 0; default : next_state = 0; endcase There are two variations of the case statement. They are denoted by keywords, casex and casez. • casez treats all z values in the case alternatives or the case expression as don‘t cares. All bit positions with z can also represented by ? in that position. • casex treats all x and z values in the case item or the case expression as don‘t cares. The use of casex and casez allows comparison of only non-x or -z positions in the case expression and the case alternatives. encoding Next_state 1xxx 3 x1xx 2 xx1x 1 xxx1 0 Default 0 29 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 30. casex, casez Keywords Thus, an input encoding = 4'b10xz would cause next_state = 3 to be executed encoding = 4'b11zz would cause encoding = 4‘b0000 would cause encoding = 4'bxz11 would cause encoding = 4'b00xz would cause encoding = 4'b1111 would cause encoding = 4'bzxxz would cause reg [3:0] encoding; integer state; casex (encoding) 4'b1xxx : next_state = 3; 4'bx1xx : next_state = 2; 4'bxx1x : next_state = 1; 4'bxxx1 : next_state = 0; default : next_state = 0; endcase There are two variations of the case statement. They are denoted by keywords, casex and casez. • casez treats all z values in the case alternatives or the case expression as don‘t cares. All bit positions with z can also represented by ? in that position. • casex treats all x and z values in the case item or the case expression as don‘t cares. The use of casex and casez allows comparison of only non-x or -z positions in the case expression and the case alternatives. next_state = 2 to be executed next_state = 0 to be executed next_state = 1 to be executed next_state = 0 to be executed next_state = 0 to be executed next_state = 0 to be executed 30 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 31. casex, casez Keywords reg [3:0] encoding; integer state; casez (encoding) 4'b1zzz : next_state = 3; 4'bz1zz : next_state = 2; 4'bzz1z : next_state = 1; 4'bzzzz : next_state = 0; default : next_state = 0; endcase There are two variations of the case statement. They are denoted by keywords, casex and casez. • casez treats all z values in the case alternatives or the case expression as don‘t cares. All bit positions with z can also represented by ? in that position. • casex treats all x and z values in the case item or the case expression as don‘t cares. The use of casex and casez allows comparison of only non-x or -z positions in the case expression and the case alternatives. 31 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 32. module case_compare; reg sel; initial begin #1 $display ("n Driving 0"); sel = 0; #1 $display ("n Driving 1"); sel = 1; #1 $display ("n Driving x"); sel = 1'bx; #1 $display ("n Driving z"); sel = 1'bz; #1 $finish; end always @ (sel) case (sel) 1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel"); endcase Comparing case, casex & casez satements always @ (sel) casex (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casez (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel"); endcase endmodule SIMULATOR OUTPUT ? 32 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 33. module case_compare; reg sel; initial begin #1 $display ("n Driving 0"); sel = 0; #1 $display ("n Driving 1"); sel = 1; #1 $display ("n Driving x"); sel = 1'bx; #1 $display ("n Driving z"); sel = 1'bz; #1 $finish; end always @ (sel) case (sel) 1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casex (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casez (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel"); endcase endmodule 33 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 34. Simulator Output Driving 0 34 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 35. module case_compare; reg sel; initial begin #1 $display ("n Driving 0"); sel = 0; #1 $display ("n Driving 1"); sel = 1; #1 $display ("n Driving x"); sel = 1'bx; #1 $display ("n Driving z"); sel = 1'bz; #1 $finish; end always @ (sel) case (sel) 1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casex (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casez (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel"); endcase endmodule 35 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 36. module case_compare; reg sel; initial begin #1 $display ("n Driving 0"); sel = 0; #1 $display ("n Driving 1"); sel = 1; #1 $display ("n Driving x"); sel = 1'bx; #1 $display ("n Driving z"); sel = 1'bz; #1 $finish; end always @ (sel) case (sel) 1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casex (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casez (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel"); endcase endmodule 36 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 37. module case_compare; reg sel; initial begin #1 $display ("n Driving 0"); sel = 0; #1 $display ("n Driving 1"); sel = 1; #1 $display ("n Driving x"); sel = 1'bx; #1 $display ("n Driving z"); sel = 1'bz; #1 $finish; end always @ (sel) case (sel) 1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casex (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casez (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel"); endcase endmodule 37 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 38. Simulator Output Driving 0 Normal : Logic 0 on sel CASEX : Logic 0 on sel CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel 38 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 39. module case_compare; reg sel; initial begin #1 $display ("n Driving 0"); sel = 0; #1 $display ("n Driving 1"); sel = 1; #1 $display ("n Driving x"); sel = 1'bx; #1 $display ("n Driving z"); sel = 1'bz; #1 $finish; end always @ (sel) case (sel) 1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casex (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casez (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel"); endcase endmodule 39 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 40. Simulator Output Driving 0 Normal : Logic 0 on sel CASEX : Logic 0 on sel CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel Driving 1 40 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 41. module case_compare; reg sel; initial begin #1 $display ("n Driving 0"); sel = 0; #1 $display ("n Driving 1"); sel = 1; #1 $display ("n Driving x"); sel = 1'bx; #1 $display ("n Driving z"); sel = 1'bz; #1 $finish; end always @ (sel) case (sel) 1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casex (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casez (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel"); endcase endmodule 41 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 42. module case_compare; reg sel; initial begin #1 $display ("n Driving 0"); sel = 0; #1 $display ("n Driving 1"); sel = 1; #1 $display ("n Driving x"); sel = 1'bx; #1 $display ("n Driving z"); sel = 1'bz; #1 $finish; end always @ (sel) case (sel) 1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casex (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casez (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel"); endcase endmodule 42 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 43. module case_compare; reg sel; initial begin #1 $display ("n Driving 0"); sel = 0; #1 $display ("n Driving 1"); sel = 1; #1 $display ("n Driving x"); sel = 1'bx; #1 $display ("n Driving z"); sel = 1'bz; #1 $finish; end always @ (sel) case (sel) 1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casex (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casez (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel"); endcase endmodule 43 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 44. Simulator Output Driving 0 Normal : Logic 0 on sel CASEX : Logic 0 on sel CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel Driving 1 Normal : Logic 1 on sel CASEX : Logic 1 on sel CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel 44 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 45. module case_compare; reg sel; initial begin #1 $display ("n Driving 0"); sel = 0; #1 $display ("n Driving 1"); sel = 1; #1 $display ("n Driving x"); sel = 1'bx; #1 $display ("n Driving z"); sel = 1'bz; #1 $finish; end always @ (sel) case (sel) 1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casex (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casez (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel"); endcase endmodule 45 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 46. Simulator Output Driving 0 Normal : Logic 0 on sel CASEX : Logic 0 on sel CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel Driving 1 Normal : Logic 1 on sel CASEX : Logic 1 on sel CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel Driving x 46 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 47. module case_compare; reg sel; initial begin #1 $display ("n Driving 0"); sel = 0; #1 $display ("n Driving 1"); sel = 1; #1 $display ("n Driving x"); sel = 1'bx; #1 $display ("n Driving z"); sel = 1'bz; #1 $finish; end always @ (sel) case (sel) 1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casex (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casez (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel"); endcase endmodule 47 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 48. module case_compare; reg sel; initial begin #1 $display ("n Driving 0"); sel = 0; #1 $display ("n Driving 1"); sel = 1; #1 $display ("n Driving x"); sel = 1'bx; #1 $display ("n Driving z"); sel = 1'bz; #1 $finish; end always @ (sel) case (sel) 1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casex (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casez (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel"); endcase endmodule 48 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 49. module case_compare; reg sel; initial begin #1 $display ("n Driving 0"); sel = 0; #1 $display ("n Driving 1"); sel = 1; #1 $display ("n Driving x"); sel = 1'bx; #1 $display ("n Driving z"); sel = 1'bz; #1 $finish; end always @ (sel) case (sel) 1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casex (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casez (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel"); endcase endmodule 49 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 50. Simulator Output Driving 0 Normal : Logic 0 on sel CASEX : Logic 0 on sel CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel Driving 1 Normal : Logic 1 on sel CASEX : Logic 1 on sel CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel Driving x Normal : Logic x on sel CASEX : Logic 0 on sel CASEZ : Logic x on sel 50 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 51. module case_compare; reg sel; initial begin #1 $display ("n Driving 0"); sel = 0; #1 $display ("n Driving 1"); sel = 1; #1 $display ("n Driving x"); sel = 1'bx; #1 $display ("n Driving z"); sel = 1'bz; #1 $finish; end always @ (sel) case (sel) 1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casex (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casez (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel"); endcase endmodule 51 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 52. Simulator Output Driving 0 Normal : Logic 0 on sel CASEX : Logic 0 on sel CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel Driving 1 Normal : Logic 1 on sel CASEX : Logic 1 on sel CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel Driving x Normal : Logic x on sel CASEX : Logic 0 on sel CASEZ : Logic x on sel Driving z 52 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 53. module case_compare; reg sel; initial begin #1 $display ("n Driving 0"); sel = 0; #1 $display ("n Driving 1"); sel = 1; #1 $display ("n Driving x"); sel = 1'bx; #1 $display ("n Driving z"); sel = 1'bz; #1 $finish; end always @ (sel) case (sel) 1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casex (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casez (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel"); endcase endmodule 53 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 54. module case_compare; reg sel; initial begin #1 $display ("n Driving 0"); sel = 0; #1 $display ("n Driving 1"); sel = 1; #1 $display ("n Driving x"); sel = 1'bx; #1 $display ("n Driving z"); sel = 1'bz; #1 $finish; end always @ (sel) case (sel) 1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casex (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casez (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel"); endcase endmodule 54 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 55. module case_compare; reg sel; initial begin #1 $display ("n Driving 0"); sel = 0; #1 $display ("n Driving 1"); sel = 1; #1 $display ("n Driving x"); sel = 1'bx; #1 $display ("n Driving z"); sel = 1'bz; #1 $finish; end always @ (sel) case (sel) 1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casex (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casez (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel"); endcase endmodule 55 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 56. Simulator Output Driving 0 Normal : Logic 0 on sel CASEX : Logic 0 on sel CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel Driving 1 Normal : Logic 1 on sel CASEX : Logic 1 on sel CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel Driving x Normal : Logic x on sel CASEX : Logic 0 on sel CASEZ : Logic x on sel Driving z Normal : Logic z on sel CASEX : Logic 0 on sel CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel 56 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 57. module case_compare; reg sel; initial begin #1 $display ("n Driving 0"); sel = 0; #1 $display ("n Driving 1"); sel = 1; #1 $display ("n Driving x"); sel = 1'bx; #1 $display ("n Driving z"); sel = 1'bz; #1 $finish; end always @ (sel) case (sel) 1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casex (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel"); endcase always @ (sel) casez (sel) 1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel"); 1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel"); 1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel"); 1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel"); endcase endmodule 57 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 58. Simulator Output with timing analysis Driving 0 Normal : Logic 0 on sel CASEX : Logic 0 on sel CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel Driving 1 Normal : Logic 1 on sel CASEX : Logic 1 on sel CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel Driving x Normal : Logic x on sel CASEX : Logic 0 on sel CASEZ : Logic x on sel Driving z Normal : Logic z on sel CASEX : Logic 0 on sel CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel #1 #2 #3 #4 $finish #5 58 Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56
  • 59. Loops Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 59 •There are four types of looping statements in Verilog: while, for, repeat, and forever. •The syntax of these loops is very similar to the syntax of loops in the C programming language. •All looping statements can appear only inside an initial or always block. Loops may contain delay expressions. While Loop: •The keyword while is used to specify this loop. •The while loop executes until the while expression is not true. If the loop is entered when the while-expression is not true, the loop is not executed at all. •Each expression can contain the operators. Any logical expression can be specified with these operators. •If multiple statements are to be executed in the loop, they must be grouped typically using keywords begin and end.
  • 60. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 60 Example1: integer count; initial begin count = 0; while (count < 128) begin $display("Count = %d", count); count = count + 1; end end Example2: 'define TRUE 1'b1'; 'define FALSE 1'b0; reg [15:0] flag; integer i; //integer to keep count reg continue; initial begin flag = 16'b 0010_0000_0000_0000; i = 0; continue = 'TRUE; while((i < 16) && continue) begin if (flag[i]) begin $display("Encountered a TRUE bit at element number %d", i); continue = 'FALSE; end i = i + 1; end end //Execute loop till count is 127. //exit at count 128 //Multiple conditions using operators.
  • 61. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 61 For Loop The keyword for is used to specify this loop. The for loop contains three parts: • An initial condition • A check to see if the terminating condition is true • A procedural assignment to change value of the control variable integer count; initial for ( count=0; count < 128; count = count + 1) $display("Count = %d", count); The initialization condition and the incrementing procedural assignment are included in the for loop and do not need to be specified separately. Thus, the for loop provides a more compact loop structure than the while loop. Note, however, that the while loop is more general-purpose than the for loop. The for loop cannot be used in place of the while loop in all situations.
  • 62. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 62 Example: 'define MAX_STATES 32 integer state [0: 'MAX_STATES-1]; integer i; initial begin for(i = 0; i < 32; i = i + 2) state[i] = 0; for(i = 1; i < 32; i = i + 2) state[i] = 1; end //Integer array state with elements 0:31 //initialize all even locations with 0 //initialize all odd locations with 1 for loops are generally used when there is a fixed beginning and end to the loop. If the loop is simply looping on a certain condition, it is better to use the while loop.
  • 63. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 63 Repeat Loop The keyword repeat is used for this loop. The repeat construct executes the loop a fixed number of times. A repeat construct cannot be used to loop on a general logical expression. A while loop is used for that purpose. A repeat construct must contain a number, which can be a constant, a variable or a signal value. However, if the number is a variable or signal value, it is evaluated only when the loop starts and not during the loop execution. integer count; initial begin count = 0; repeat(128) begin $display("Count = %d", count); count = count + 1; end end The counter expressed with the repeat loop
  • 64. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 64 Example: module data_buffer(data_start, data, clock); parameter cycles = 8; input data_start; input [15:0] data; input clock; reg [15:0] buffer [0:7]; integer i; always @(posedge clock) begin if(data_start) begin i = 0; repeat(cycles) begin @(posedge clock) buffer[i] = data; i = i + 1; end end end endmodule //data start signal is true //Store data at the posedge of next 8 clock cycles //waits till next posedge to latch data Data buffer module example •After it receives a data_start signal. •Reads data for next 8 cycles.
  • 65. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 65 Forever loop •The keyword forever is used to express this loop. •The loop does not contain any expression and executes forever until the $finish task is encountered. The loop is equivalent to a while loop with an expression that always evaluates to true, e.g., while (1). •A forever loop can be exited by use of the disable statement. •A forever loop is typically used in conjunction with timing control constructs. •If timing control constructs are not used, the Verilog simulator would execute this statement infinitely without advancing simulation time and the rest of the design would never be executed.
  • 66. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 66 Example 1: Clock generation //Use forever loop instead of always block reg clock; initial begin clock = 1'b0; forever #10 clock = ~clock; //Clock with period of 20 units end Example 2: Synchronize two register values at every positive edge of clock reg clock; reg x, y; initial forever @(posedge clock) x = y
  • 67. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 67 Sequential and Parallel Blocks: Block statements are used to group multiple statements to act together as one. In previous examples, we used keywords begin and end to group multiple statements. Thus, we used sequential blocks where the statements in the block execute one after another. In this section we discuss the block types: sequential blocks and parallel blocks. Block Types: There are two types of blocks: sequential blocks and parallel blocks. Sequential blocks: The keywords begin and end are used to group statements into sequential blocks.
  • 68. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 68 Sequential blocks have the following characteristics: • The statements in a sequential block are processed in the order they are specified. A statement is executed only after its preceding statement completes execution • If delay or event control is specified, it is relative to the simulation time when the previous statement in the block completed execution, (except for nonblocking assignments with intra-assignment timing control). reg x, y; reg [1:0] z, w; initial begin x = 1'b0; y = 1'b1; z = {x, y}; w = {y, x}; end //Illustration 1: Sequential block without delay //Illustration 2: Sequential blocks with delay. reg x, y; reg [1:0] z, w; initial begin x = 1'b0; //completes at simulation time 0 #5 y = 1'b1; //completes at simulation time 5 #10 z = {x, y}; //completes at simulation time 15 #20 w = {y, x}; //completes at simulation time 35 end
  • 69. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 69 Parallel blocks: Parallel blocks, specified by keywords fork and join, provide interesting simulation features. Parallel blocks have the following characteristics: • Statements in a parallel block are executed concurrently. • Ordering of statements is controlled by the delay or event control assigned to each statement. • If delay or event control is specified, it is relative to the time the block was entered. Notice the fundamental difference between sequential and parallel blocks. All statements in a parallel block start at the time when the block was entered. Thus, the order in which the statements are written in the block is not important. reg x, y; reg [1:0] z, w; initial fork x = 1'b0; #5 y = 1'b1; #10 z = {x, y}; #20 w = {y, x}; join //Example 1: Parallel blocks with delay. //completes at simulation time 0 //completes at simulation time 5 //completes at simulation time 10 //completes at simulation time 20
  • 70. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 70 Generate Blocks: Generate statements allow Verilog code to be generated dynamically at elaboration time before the simulation begins. This facilitates the creation of parameterized models. Generate statements are particularly convenient when the same operation or module instance is repeated for multiple bits of a vector, or when certain Verilog code is conditionally included based on parameter definitions. Generate statements allow control over the declaration of variables, functions, and tasks, as well as control over instantiations. All generate instantiations are coded with a module scope and require the keywords generate - endgenerate Generated instantiations can be one or more of the following types: • Modules • User defined primitives • Verilog gate primitives • Continuous assignments • initial and always blocks
  • 71. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 71 Generated declarations and instantiations can be conditionally instantiated into a design. Generated variable declarations and instantiations can be multiply instantiated into a design. Generated instances have unique identifier names and can be referenced hierarchically. To support interconnection between structural elements and/or procedural blocks, generate statements permit the following Verilog data types to be declared within the generate scope: • net, reg • integer, real, time, realtime • event Parameter redefinition using ordered or named assignment or a defparam statement can be declared with the generate scope. However, a defparam statement within a generate scope is allowed to modify the value of a parameter only in the same generate scope or within the hierarchy instantiated within the generate scope.
  • 72. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 72 Task and function declarations are permitted within the generate scope but not within a generate loop. Generated tasks and functions have unique identifier names and can be referenced hierarchically. Connections to generated module instances are handled in the same way as with normal module instances. There are three methods to create generate statements: • Generate loop • Generate conditional • Generate case Generate Loop A generate loop permits one or more of the following to be instantiated multiple times using a for loop: • Variable declarations • Modules • User defined primitives, Gate primitives • Continuous assignments • initial and always blocks
  • 73. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 73 Example: Bit-wise Xor of Two N-bit Buses bitwise_xor (out, i0, i1); parameter N = 32; output [N-1:0] out; input [N-1:0] i0, i1; genvar j; //Generate the bit-wise Xor with a single loop generate for (j=0; j<N; j=j+1) begin: xor_loop xor g1 (out[j], i0[j], i1[j]); end //end of the for loop inside the generate block endgenerate //end of the generate block // As an alternate style, the xor gates could be replaced by always blocks. //reg [N-1:0] out; //generate for (j=0; j<N; j=j+1) begin: bit //always @(i0[j] or i1[j]) out[j] = i0[j] ^ i1[j]; //end //endgenerate endmodule // Port declarations // 32-bit bus by default // Declare a temporary loop variable. This variable is used only in the evaluation of generate blocks. This variable does not exist during the simulation of a Verilog design
  • 74. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 74 Prior to the beginning of the simulation, the simulator elaborates (unrolls) the code in the generate blocks to create a flat representation without the generate blocks. The unrolled code is then simulated. Thus, generate blocks are simply a convenient way of replacing multiple repetitive Verilog statements with a single statement inside a loop. • genvar is a keyword used to declare variables that are used only in the evaluation of generate block. genvars do not exist during simulation of the design. • The value of a genvar can be defined only by a generate loop. • Generate loops can be nested. However, two generate loops using the same genvar as an index variable cannot be nested. • The name xor_loop assigned to the generate loop is used for hierarchical name referencing of the variables inside the generate loop. Therefore, the relative hierarchical names of the xor gates will be xor_loop[0].g1, xor_loop[1].g1, ......., xor_loop[31].g1
  • 75. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 75 Generated Ripple Adder module ripple_adder(co, sum, a0, a1, ci); parameter N = 4; // 4-bit bus by default output [N-1:0] sum; output co; input [N-1:0] a0, a1; input ci; wire [N-1:0] carry; assign carry[0] = ci; genvar i; //Generate the bit-wise Xor with a single loop generate for (i=0; i<N; i=i+1) begin: r_loop wire t1, t2, t3; xor g1 (t1, a0[i], a1[i]); xor g2 (sum[i], t1, carry[i]); and g3 (t2, a0[i], a1[i]); and g4 (t3, t1, carry[i]); or g5 (carry[i+1], t2, t3); end //end of the for loop inside the generate block endgenerate //end of the generate block // Port declarations //Local wire declaration //Assign 0th bit of carry equal to carry input
  • 76. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 76 // For the above generate loop, the following relative hierarchical instance names are generated // xor : r_loop[0].g1, r_loop[1].g1, r_loop[2].g1, r_loop[3].g1 r_loop[0].g2, r_loop[1].g2, r_loop[2].g2, r_loop[3].g2 // and : r_loop[0].g3, r_loop[1].g3, r_loop[2].g3, r_loop[3].g3 r_loop[0].g4, r_loop[1].g4, r_loop[2].g4, r_loop[3].g4 // or : r_loop[0].g5, r_loop[1].g5, r_loop[2].g5, r_loop[3].g5 // Generated instances are connected with the following generated nets // Nets: r_loop[0].t1, r_loop[0].t2, r_loop[0].t3 // r_loop[1].t1, r_loop[1].t2, r_loop[1].t3 // r_loop[2].t1, r_loop[2].t2, r_loop[2].t3 // r_loop[3].t1, r_loop[3].t2, r_loop[3].t3 assign co = carry[N]; endmodule
  • 77. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 77 Generate Conditional A generate conditional is like an if-else-if generate construct that permits the following Verilog constructs to be conditionally instantiated into another module based on an expression that is deterministic at the time the design is elaborated: • Modules • User defined primitives, Gate primitives • Continuous assignments • initial and always blocks Parametrized Multiplier using Generate Conditional module multiplier (product, a0, a1); parameter a0_width = 8; // 8-bit bus by default parameter a1_width = 8; // 8-bit bus by default localparam product_width = a0_width + a1_width; output [product_width -1:0] product; input [a0_width-1:0] a0; input [a1_width-1:0] a1;
  • 78. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 78 // Instantiate the type of multiplier conditionally. // Depending on the value of the a0_width and a1_width // parameters at the time of instantiation, the appropriate // multiplier will be instantiated. Generate if (a0_width <8) || (a1_width < 8) cla_multiplier #(a0_width, a1_width) m0 (product, a0, a1); else tree_multiplier #(a0_width, a1_width) m0 (product, a0, a1); endgenerate //end of the generate block endmodule Generate Case: A generate case permits the following Verilog constructs to be conditionally instantiated into another module based on a select-one-of-many case construct that is deterministic at the time the design is elaborated: • Modules • User defined primitives, Gate primitives • Continuous assignments • initial and always blocks
  • 79. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 79 Generate Case Example module adder(co, sum, a0, a1, ci); parameter N = 4; // 4-bit bus by default output [N-1:0] sum; output co; input [N-1:0] a0, a1; input ci; // Instantiate the appropriate adder based on the width of the bus. // This is based on parameter N that can be redefined at instantiation time. generate case (N) 1: adder_1bit adder1(c0, sum, a0, a1, ci); //1-bit implementation 2: adder_2bit adder2(c0, sum, a0, a1, ci); //2-bit implementation default: adder_cla #(N) adder3(c0, sum, a0, a1, ci); endcase endgenerate endmodule // Port declarations //Special cases for 1 and 2 bit adders // Default is N-bit carry look ahead adder //end of the generate block
  • 80. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 80 Examples : 4-to-1 Multiplexer module mux4_to_1 (out, i0, i1, i2, i3, s1, s0); output out; input i0, i1, i2, i3; input s1, s0; reg out; always @(s1 or s0 or i0 or i1 or i2 or i3) begin case ({s1, s0}) 2'b00: out = i0; 2'b01: out = i1; 2'b10: out = i2; 2'b11: out = i3; default: out = 1'bx; endcase end endmodule
  • 81. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 81 Behavioral 4-bit Counter Description module counter(Q , clock, clear); output [3:0] Q; input clock, clear; reg [3:0] Q; always @( posedge clear or negedge clock) begin if (clear) Q <= 4'd0; else Q <= Q + 1; end endmodule
  • 82. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 82 The following specifications must be considered: • The traffic signal for the main highway gets highest priority because cars are continuously present on the main highway. Thus, the main highway signal remains green by default. • Occasionally, cars from the country road arrive at the traffic signal. The traffic signal for the country road must turn green only long enough to let the cars on the country road go. • As soon as there are no cars on the country road, the country road traffic signal turns yellow and then red and the traffic signal on the main highway turns green again. • There is a sensor to detect cars waiting on the country road. The sensor sends a signal X as input to the controller. X = 1 if there are cars on the country road; otherwise, X= 0. • There are delays on transitions from S1 to S2, from S2 to S3, and from S4 to S0. The delays must be controllable.
  • 83. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 83
  • 84. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 84 Traffic Signal Controller `define TRUE 1'b1 `define FALSE 1'b0 `define Y2RDELAY 3 //Yellow to red delay `define R2GDELAY 2 //Red to green delay module sig_control (hwy, cntry, X, clock, clear); output [1:0] hwy, cntry; reg [1:0] hwy, cntry; input X; input clock, clear; parameter RED = 2'd0, YELLOW = 2'd1, GREEN = 2'd2; //State definition HWY CNTRY parameter S0 = 3'd0, //GREEN RED S1 = 3'd1, //YELLOW RED S2 = 3'd2, //RED RED S3 = 3'd3, //RED GREEN S4 = 3'd4; //RED YELLOW //Delays //I/O ports
  • 85. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 85 //Internal state variables reg [2:0] state; reg [2:0] next_state; //state changes only at positive edge of clock always @(posedge clock) if (clear) state <= S0; //Controller starts in S0 state else state <= next_state; //State change //Compute values of main signal and country signal always @(state) begin hwy = GREEN; //Default Light Assignment for Highway light cntry = RED; //Default Light Assignment for Country light case(state) S0: ; // No change, use default S1: hwy = YELLOW; S2: hwy = RED; S3: begin hwy = RED; cntry = GREEN; end
  • 86. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 86 S4: begin hwy = RED; cntry = `YELLOW; end endcase end //State machine using case statements always @(state or X) begin case (state) S0: if(X) next_state = S1; else next_state = S0; S1: begin //delay some positive edges of clock repeat(`Y2RDELAY) @(posedge clock) ; next_state = S2; end S2: begin //delay some positive edges of clock repeat(`R2GDELAY) @(posedge clock); next_state = S3; end
  • 87. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 87 S3: if(X) next_state = S3; else next_state = S4; S4: begin //delay some positive edges of clock repeat(`Y2RDELAY) @(posedge clock) ; next_state = S0; end default: next_state = S0; endcase end endmodule
  • 88. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 88 Stimulus for Traffic Signal Controller //Stimulus Module module stimulus; wire [1:0] MAIN_SIG, CNTRY_SIG; reg CAR_ON_CNTRY_RD; //if TRUE, indicates that there is car on //the country road reg CLOCK, CLEAR; //Instantiate signal controller sig_control SC(MAIN_SIG, CNTRY_SIG, CAR_ON_CNTRY_RD, CLOCK, CLEAR); //Set up monitor initial $monitor($time, " Main Sig = %b Country Sig = %b Car_on_cntry = %b", MAIN_SIG, CNTRY_SIG, CAR_ON_CNTRY_RD); //Set up clock initial begin CLOCK = `FALSE; forever #5 CLOCK = ~CLOCK; end //control clear signal initial
  • 89. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 89 begin CLEAR = `TRUE; repeat (5) @(negedge CLOCK); CLEAR = `FALSE; end //apply stimulus initial begin CAR_ON_CNTRY_RD = `FALSE; repeat(20)@(negedge CLOCK); CAR_ON_CNTRY_RD = `TRUE; repeat(10)@(negedge CLOCK); CAR_ON_CNTRY_RD = `FALSE; repeat(20)@(negedge CLOCK); CAR_ON_CNTRY_RD = `TRUE; repeat(10)@(negedge CLOCK); CAR_ON_CNTRY_RD = `FALSE; repeat(20)@(negedge CLOCK); CAR_ON_CNTRY_RD = `TRUE; repeat(10)@(negedge CLOCK); CAR_ON_CNTRY_RD = `FALSE; repeat(10)@(negedge CLOCK); $stop; end endmodule
  • 90. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 90 References • Samir Palnitkar, “Verilog HDL-A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis”, Pearson, 2003 •
  • 91. Verilog HDL_18EC44 by Anand H D, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru-56 91 Prof. Anand H. D. M. Tech. (PhD.) Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bengaluru-56 Email: Phone: 9844518832