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no 1/2011

                                                                   The Magazine of Comarch
                                                                   Business Unit


  Customer Spotlight
  Multimedia Polska, a multi-service operator,
  has a new consolidated BSS

  In focus: BSS/OSS Transformation
  Transformation… what do you mean?
  How to avoid embarrassing challenges in
  projects – a vendor view

  Hot topic: Aiming for Perfect Customer Experience
  Service Quality and Customer Experience – where customers meet
  the network
                  Strategy,                 Operational,                                  Fulfillment                                         Assurance
              Infrastructure &           Support & Readiness
                                                                                         OSS Process Management

                                                                                                                                          SLA Monitoring

                                                                                                                                 Customer Experience Management

                                                                   Service Inventory                                        Service Quality
                                                                                                  Fulfillment                                        Service Monitoring
                                                                     Management                                              Management


                                                                   Network Inventory

                                                                                                                                                     Fault Management
                                                   Auto-discovery &                       Configuration
                                                    Reconciliation                        Management

                                                                                                      OSS Mediation

                                                                                         Field Service Management

                                                                 COMARCH BSS SUITE
                   Self Care                            Point of Sale                    Web Portal               Corporate Self Care


                                                                                                                                                      Business Process Management & Workflow
Product Management

                                                      Central Product Manager

    Operational, Support &               Fulfillment                       Assurance                                 Billing
                                                                                                                                                                                               B2B Gateway

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Application Integration Infrastructure

Customer Management                                                     Corporate Self Care
                                     Customer Order
                                      Management                             Self Care
                                                                                                                  Convergent Billing
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ESB / Integration Bus


Service Management                                                                                        Voucher & Top-Up Management

                                                                                                                 Billing Mediation

                                                                                                                Active Mediation

Resource Management
                                                                                                                 Billing Mediation
                Master Resource Management
                                                                                                                Active Mediation


                                             PRM                                                                InterPartner Billing

Service Control
                                                        Policy Management

PREFACE           3

  “One company - one service” approach?

          ransformation seems to be a permanent state of         business-driven payment models and commitment to agile

 T        business development. During the last decade,
          telecom business has been transformed by
                                                                 development and support in specific countries.

technologies like mobile communication, internet, next           There are many things that drive transformation, one
generation networks and by global economic changes like          of  them are the ever changing demands and needs of end
the digital revolution, the internet bubble, globalization or    customers. Currently Customer Experience seems to be
economic downturn. Now, after the phase of geographical          what everybody in the telecom industry is talking about.
expansion of global telecom groups, we can observe               I  was asked by an industry analysts, what I think Customer
a  consolidation of valuable assets around strong brands         Experience Management really is. Is it only a new expression
and service innovation centers.                                  for gathering more and more data about the customer’s
                                                                 behavior, service usage patterns, and the correlation of
As a software vendor and integrator we see significant           such information with more efficient computers to create
changes in the requirements for BSS and OSS solutions            new variants of tariff plans or marketing campaigns? Is
defined by communication service providers.                      there a BSS or OSS product behind it? We at Comarch see
                                                                 Customer Experience Management as a part of each mature
Currently, besides requests for specific products we receive     business. Telecom and cable operators in Europe and US             PIOTR MACHNIK
inquiries for specific OSS architectures, congestion-driven      are transforming their IT environments and organizations           Comarch SA
customer experience management or consolidation of               in order for them to be capable of delivering services             Vice President, Product
business processes around central product management             cheaper and faster while caring for saving their customers’        Management & Marketing
and around a “one company - one service” approach.               time and  money, securing their needs for comfort and              Telecommunications
                                                                 professional or personal lifestyles. So from this viewpoint        Business Unit
Apart from standard requirements related to functionality,       Customer Experience Management is not just a single
performance, compliance with technology and industry             product and is far from being merely a buzzword, but it is
standards, we get many requirements for multi-tenancy,           rather a way of thinking and a change in business focus that
white labeling, support for daughter companies within            can potentially bring huge profits in the long run.
the  whole group, centralized management of resources
(like customer premises equipment (CPE) and SIM cards)           In this issue we talk about simple and clear metrics like
and processes such as service creation and service rollout.      business efficiency measured in dollars and market share,
Additionally for traditional “license + setup + integration”     and time to market measured in days, hours and minutes.
delivery models CSPs request long term partnership options,      We will also take a look at customer experience from various
                                                                 points of view. Enjoy the magazine!

                                                                                                                                Comarch’s offices in Poland: Krakow
                  Comarch Technology Review is a publication created by Comarch experts and specialists. It is created          (HQ), Warsaw, Gdansk, Wroclaw, Poznan,
                  to assist our customers and partners in obtaining in-depth information about market trends and                Katowice, Lodz, Lublin
                  developments, and the technological possibilities of addressing the most important issues.
                                                                                                                                Worldwide Offices:
                                                                                                                                  Panama | Panamá
                  Editor-in-Chief: Katarzyna Gajewska                     Technology Review is a free publication available       United States of America | Chicago
                                  by subscription. The articles published here can be     Austria | Vienna
                  Layout & DTP: Jakub Malicki                             copied and reproduced only with the knowledge and       Belgium | Brussels
                  Photos:                                                                                         Finland | Espoo
                                                                          consent of the editors. The names of products and       France | Lille, Grenoble
                  Proofreader: Katherine Meus                             companies mentioned are trade marks and trade           Lithuania | Vilnius
                  Publisher: Comarch SA                                                                                           Germany | Dresden, Frankfurt/Main,
                                                                          names of their producers.                               Munich, Hamburg, Berlin, Muenster,
                  Al. Jana Pawła II 39a, 31-864 Kraków                                                                            Duesseldorf, Bremen
                  Tel. +48 12 64 61 000, Fax: +48 12 64 61 100                                                                    Russia | Moscow
                                                                          To receive your subscription to the electronic          Slovakia | Bratislava
                                                 version or see the previous issues, please visit:       Ukraine | Kyiv, Lviv
                  Print: Skleniarz Printing House                                                      Middle East
                                                                                                                                  United Arab Emirates | Dubai
                  ul. J. Lea 118, 31-033 Kraków                                                                                 Asia
                  Circulation: 1 500                                                                                              China | Shanghai
                                                                                                                                  Vietnam | Ho Chi Minh City

                                                              16 The advantages of product catalog-centric                        strengthened by the dropping prices of mobile

5    News in Brief                                                 BSS                                                            devices. All of this is pushing traffic in access
                                                                   In the old times, before barcodes and readers were             network to its limits.
CUSTOMER SPOTLIGHT                                                 introduced, product offering and sales processes in

8 Case Study:                                                      small grocery stores were quite simple. You would         36 Thriving as Web platform enabler – “beyond
     Grupo TVCable have obtained new flexible                      just stick a price tag to the product and put it on the        dumb” pipes
     back office systems assuring smooth order-                    shelf. The customer would then come in, take the               The advent of the mobile internet has been
     to-bill process support                                       product, and get charged by the person managing                a great success, but it also appears to have
     Being a market leader comes with specific                     the cash register. Despite the fact that entering              opened Pandora’s box. The tension is even greater
     responsibilities. Early on, Grupo TVCable realized            prices manually was more time-consuming, at least              because the real beneficiaries are over-the top-
     that adding VoIP services would address                       the product offer definition was simple and the offer          players like Google, whilst CSPs seem to have been
     a  growing market need and also entice new                    was completed in short time.                                   cast the role of “dumb pipe” providers.
     customers to sign up for an attractive product
     bundle: TV, internet, and telephony (triple-play), but   21 Increase efficiency of order-to-cash                        39 How to transform your BSS to achieve the
     the introduction of triple-play required new, flexible        processes with optimal field service                           perfect customer experience
     back office systems to assure smooth order-to-bill            management                                                     We live in a world where communications go far
     process support while guaranteeing high levels of             If you ask telecommunication executives, which                 beyond voice and SMS. A mobile phone serves for
     customer satisfaction.                                        process is crucial for their company’s operations,             video streaming, navigation, playing music and
                                                                   probably most of them will answer that it is the               e-mail, and the traditional use of voice and SMS

10   Case Study:                                                   order-to-cash or order-to-cash-related process.                can account for just a small portion of the total
     Multimedia Polska, a multi-service operator,                  Moreover, if you ask, which one is the most                    time that a handset is in use. The expansion of
     has a new consolidated BSS                                    complex and was recently or is currently planned               operators’ service offerings into data services has
     Multimedia Polska is a multi-service operator,                to be optimized or transformed, the answer would               a huge impact on the underlying platform.
     established via the consolidation of several                  be almost always the same.
     regional cable TV providers. Prior to the merger,                                                                       BEYOND BSS/OSS
     each company concentrated on its own area of             26   How will you benefit from BSS transformation              44 A new era of tagging
     interest, (cable TV, telephony and broadband)                 How can the strategic goal of any communication                Since the very beginning of human civilization
     acting independently and within its home region.              service provider – increasing the market share                 people have always had a tendency to mark and
     As a result of these acquisitions, MMP has                    – be achieved practically in mature, saturated                 label things, which at first was motivated purely
     transformed into a nationwide corporation, offering           markets with significant competition from                      by the desire to express ownership but later it
     triple-play services throughout Poland with the               established players and new entrants?                          evolved into a way to maintain order and facilitate
     need of BSS Consolidation.                                                                                                   the management of belongings.
                                                              HOT TOPIC: AIMING FOR PERFECT
                                                                                                                             46 Telework – an unexploited niche for telecom
12   Transformation… what does this mean???                   31   Service Quality and Customer Experience                        operators?
     Throughout the years of designing and delivering              – where customers meet the network                             With the constant progress of communication
     IT solutions for telecom operators I have witnessed           Customer Experience Management (CEM) may                       technologies - mobile telephony, Internet, and
     many transformations. Telcos were created                     seem to be a broad term but in practical terms                 consumer devices like PCs, laptops, netbooks,
     as startups, then formed their own business                   within the area of telecommunications, it refers to            tablets, smartphones - it is becoming more and
     model and constructed their IT to support their               monitoring the stream of transaction records from              more possible for people to work from home or other
     business yet in the end (after a few years) they              a subscriber’s perspective. Is the call setup time             locations outside their central office, distribution
     accumulated a backlog of unsolvable problems                  at an acceptable level? Are there places where                 or production sites. Telework has the potential to
     proving unbearable - so they transformed.                     setting up a GPRS session takes too long? Was                  transform working patterns and to positively impact
                                                                   MMS transferring successful?                                   health, safety and the wellbeing of the people

14   How to avoid embarrassing challenges in                                                                                      involved. Telework has the potential to become an
     projects – a vendor view                                 34   Managing network congestion problems with                      interesting part of any telecom operator’s portfolio.
     Without any doubt, embarrassing challenges                    automated Configuration Management and
     happen in projects, especially in IT. In this article         SQM                                                       TELCOSPHERE BLOG
     I will elaborate on the most common and most                  Communications service providers have created             48 Six issues about the role of BSS in the M2M
     important challenges of this kind.                            a new customer demand for faster, more reliable                business model
                                                                   services and increased network capacity for
                                                                   their subscribers with the use of smartphone’s            50 Renewal of a mobile subscription – is it
                                                                   and tablets. This trend has been additionally                  simple?

                                                                    Comarch Technology Review 01/2011
NEWS IN BRIEF         5

     News in Brief
Vectra selects                                                                                                 Comarch Field
Comarch to shorten                                                                                             Service Management
time-to-market                                                                                                 – Product of the Year
Polish multi-play operator, Vectra has selected                                                                2011
Comarch BSS for its core billing, customer
management and self-service platform as well as                                                                On the 23rd of March 2011, Comarch received
for field force automation software.                                                                           the Golden Antenna (“Zlota Antena”) Award
                                                                                                               for its Field Service Management system,
Currently, the major challenges facing cable                                                                   which was acknowledged as “Product of the
operators regarding BSS is the result of the huge                                                              Year 2011” in the category Telecom Operator
number of products that have to be managed. As                                                                 Solutions.
most cable operators are now operating in a multi-
play model, they need to handle various types                                                                  Comarch Field Service Management has
of services (cable, Internet, voice and mobile) in                                                             already been implemented by a number of
a  consistent way and with the possibility to create                                                           operators including WildBlue Communications
bundles of multiple products.                                                                                  – a satellite internet provider from the US, and
                                                                                                               many cable & multi service operators. In 2010,
In addition, multi-channel customer service                                                                    Comarch started the FSM project for Vectra,
requires a consistent product catalog that needs                                                               a  Multi-Service Operator based in Poland.
to be exposed to all sales channels, including CSR,
self care and e-shop.                                                                                          The product has also been recognized in
                                                                                                               a  recent Stratecast (Frost & Sullivan) Report
– “Competition between telecom operators has                                                                   “OSS/BSS Global Competitive Strategies”
forced us to introduce new products increasingly                                                               dedicated to Workforce Management
faster. From a technical perspective we were                                                                   (WFM) Strategies for Changing Markets
looking for a next generation BSS platform which                                                               and Challenging Economics. Comarch FSM
would support us in pursuing a strategy of product      is designed to support various types of operators      was assessed as a solution that efficiently
innovation, streamlining and facilitating the           – including fixed, cable and mobile – and is the       optimized skilled resources and schedules
creation of new offers. We were also looking for        answer to the requirements of modern multi-play        using modifiable and adjustable ratings based
a  solution to enable easy creation of personalized,    operators.                                             on appropriate business needs.
on-demand offers for specific customers. From
a business point of view, we expected radical           Piotr Piatosa, Vice President of the Management        Comarch was awarded its first “Antenna” in
improvement of customer service quality and             Board and Head of the Telecommunications               1999 for the Tytan Billing System (currently
after the first stage of this project I’m sure that     Business Unit, Comarch S.A., claims:- “One of          the Comarch BSS Suite). In 2009, a award
Comarchs’ solutions will help us meet our goals.        the most advanced elements of our solution for         was presented for Comarch Next Generation
Together with Comarch BSS tools we can really           Vectra is Comarch Central Product Manager which        Service Management, part of the Comarch
become an important player in quad-play services        simplifies configuration of offerings associated       OSS Suite portfolio, which enables managing
on the Polish market” – Tomasz Żurański, President      with particular sales channels and regions. With       services and resources in cutting-edge
of the Management Board, Vectra S.A.                    offers being configured in one place, it is possible   telecommunications networks – Next
                                                        to radically reduce time-to-market and costs on        Generation Networks (NGN). In 2010, Comarch’s
Comarch products being implemented at Vectra            the operator’s side. For demanding customers like      Service Quality Management System was also
include Convergent Billing, Customer Management,        Vectra it is also very important to have Business      awarded a Golden Antenna in the category
Self Care, Central Product Manager, Billing             Process Management as a part of the solution           of Product of the Year / Telecom Operator
Mediation and Field Service Management. All these       to allow flexible process configuration and            Solutions.
products are a part of Comarch BSS Suite which          a  possibility of reconfiguration in the future”.

                                                       Comarch Technology Review 01/2011

 Comarch Rebuilds                                  OXYCOM, a new systems aggregator on
its BSS around                                     the polish market, chooses Comarch’s
Central Product                                    solutions
In answering the crucial requirements of           OXYCOM, the start-up company has decided                 Bogumil Butryn, Technical Department Director
modern communication service providers,            to build a BSS Platform based on Comarch’s               at OXYCOM S.A.: - “The experience and skills of
Comarch has rebuilt the architecture of            products. According to the agreement, the                Comarch’s professionals enabled us to create a
its flagship product suite – Comarch BSS           following modules will be implemented: Comarch           customized system configuration that allowed
– to support operators in optimizing IT            Convergent Billing, Comarch Service Activation,          to run optimally with our new services. Thanks to
architectures and cost savings, unlimited          Comarch Billing Mediation and Comarch ESB                the training at Comarch’s Headquarters, our BSS
innovation, acceleration of business and           (Enterprise Service Bus).                                systems’ administrators can react dynamically on
shortening of time-to-market.                                                                               the business needs that are evaluated and we can
                                                   The project has been up and running since the            expand OXYCOM’s offer. The flexibility of Comarch’s
Products within the Comarch BSS Suite have         ending of the first phase of the implementation.         portfolio allows us to build new rate models, which
been designed and developed in-house,              During this stage, main functionalities and              are later made available to our customers online.
meaning that CSPs can count on shorter             integrations were deployed, which are perceived by       The Software on Demand (SoD) or Software as a
delivery times, as well as better quality and      OXYCOM as crucial in order to deliver all its services   Service (SaaS) market is growing very fast and
more secure deployment, as compared                such as VoIP, Software on Demand (SoD), Software         so bearing an updated offer in this area has a
to suites from large vendors that arose            as a Service (SaaS) and eCommerce platform.              substantial meaning.”
as a result of mergers and acquisitions.           Currently, the project is in its second stage, during
All BSS products are based on a unified            which further functionalities are developed, mainly      Piotr Piatosa, Vice President of the Management
data model for reference data and product          focused on automation processes and system               Board and Head of the Telecommunications
catalog. This provides a short time to market,     integration, which will enable OXYCOM to activate        Business Unit, Comarch S.A., claims:- “Thanks to
while facilitating system management and           its next advanced services.                              our products from the BSS Suite, OXYCOM has
configuration. Mass and real-time, rule-based                                                               a coherent, well-integrated system that allows
data processing is the core of Comarch’s           The key component of the implemented solution            them to maintain operational and finance areas
competences. This includes service-agnostic        is Comarch Convergent Billing, a modern high             of their business. The product catalog for all
and multi-industry rating, charging and billing.   capacity and scalable billing system which               service platforms is worth mentioning, as also the
                                                   contains a Central Product Manager with all              integration with existing platforms such as eBOK,
Business process orientation based on              the products and rates of OXYCOM’s services.             CRM or eCommerce.”
TMForum eTOM means that there are no limits        The solution also supports partner data
to workflows and business processes, as they       management and inter-partner settlements,                Scheduled project completion is planned at the
are delivered out-of-the-box or configured         customer relationship management, account data           end of September 2011.
during the implementation process. It is           management along with a full integration with the
always possible to reconfigure business            existing CRM system, thanks to Enterprise Service        About OXYCOM
processes and workflows to suit particular         Bus - Comarch ESB.                                       OXYCOM S.A. is one of the most innovative
needs of the customer.                                                                                      companies from the news technologies and
                                                   Comarch Billing Mediation is a fully scalable            communications sector in Poland. Its main
Comarch BSS Suite is already implemented at        platform, responsible for data collection                advantages are: a rich portfolio of modern IT
KPN - Netherlands, Auchan SA - France, Bite        distribution, processing and system distribution.        services, a well-trained team and flexibility, through
Latvia and Lithuania, OnePhone - Germany,          It monitors the elements to which it is connected        which OXYCOM is able to adapt to customer needs.
DTMS - Germany, Belize Telemedia Limited -         and generates predefined alarms and notifications.       Among OXYCOM’s products can be found solutions
Belize, Cable Onda - Panama and many others.       Comarch Service Provisioning is responsible for          based on the cloud model, voice communications,
In 2010 the following operators also decided       fast and reliable service activation along with          as well as systems allowing for savings and IT
to use Comarch BSS Suite: GTS Poland, Fring,       complete integration with the existing platforms         outsourcing. Thanks to a group of experts, OXYCOM
OXYCOM and five others including Tier-1.           which provide services.                                  S.A. is able to meet the challenges posed by the
                                                                                                            IT market and suggest a solution tailored to his
                                                                                                            needs of any client.

                                                          Comarch Technology Review 01/2011
NEWS IN BRIEF        7

Comarch Self Care version 6.6 has been launched
Comarch has introduced the new version of its               Key improvements introduced in Comarch Self Care        Pawel Lamik, CRM and Self Care product manager,
Self Care product, with additional functionalities.         6.6 include:                                            at Comarch’s telecommunications business unit,
Comarch Self Care is a web self-service portal                                                                      said: – “We are devoted to constantly improving
enabling communication service providers to                      Ability to define additional user relationships    and developing our products based on both
reduce customer service costs and increase                       in residential and SME segments –                  customer demand and the innovative ideas of
customer satisfaction. It answers the needs of the               e.g.  household, family                            our employees. Our customers – communication
consumer and SME markets, while the Corporate                                                                       service providers - can now implement a state
Self Care product provides advanced features for                 User profile advanced management (making           of the art self-service portal for end-users
enterprises.                                                     it easy for customers to grant suitable rights     significantly faster. The new features now
                                                                 to others)                                         offer even more value to the users in terms of
Comarch Self Care enables consumers and small                                                                       convenience and flexibility in using the portal.”
businesses to browse their bills and usage,                      Notifications/escalations – specific alerts can
manage their services, and modify personal                       be created on the basis of rules or events, e.g.   Comarch Corporate Self Care provides online
information without the assistance a call center                 when a new invoice is created                      ordering, data management and reporting
agent. It helps service providers get closer to their                                                               for corporate customers. It is also a telecom
customers and deliver non-interfering, relevant                  More automated configuration (added generic        expense management solution, increasing the
messages. Comarch Self Care has already                          overview display and generic contracting,          value of a  service provider’s offer. Managers of
been implemented at: Bite Latvia and Lithuania,                  which allows implementation of the system in       an enterprise customer can set spending limits
OnePhone, Germany, KPN, The Netherlands, Auchan                  less than 10 weeks)                                for their employees and receive notifications
Telecom, France or 6GMOBILE, The Netherlands.                                                                       when the limit is exceeded. By making use of
                                                                 Case management and order basket                   virtual hierarchies, the company can delegate
                                                                 improvements – possibility of painless             responsibility for the management and control
                                                                 integration with external workflow engine          of costs and services to middle and lower
                                                                 through ESB                                        management.

 Comarch successfully delivers its billing cloud to fring,
 a global mobile VoIP leader

 Comarch signs an agreement with fring, a leader            services, in addition to monitoring and reporting       real-time AAA (Authentication, Authorization, and
 in global mobile VoIP and Video communications,            them. The project also involved business partners       Accounting), CRM functionalities and services
 for a high availability Billing Cloud service.             such as G2S and PayPal, as providers of the             monitoring.
                                                            payment services.
 Thanks to the Comarch Billing Cloud, fring has                                                                     About fring
 been able to add fringOut to its services portfolio.       – “This is another very important step for Comarch,     fring ( is a mobile communication
 fringOut lets fringsters call any landline or mobile       especially as it concerns our services in the           service that gives users internet-rich
 in the world from their mobile phone at very               cloud model, for such a prestigious customer. It        communication from their mobile phones. fring
 attractive prices, starting from 1¢/minute. As the         proves that our portfolio is both highly rated and      members make free video calls, voice calls and
 billing service is provided from the Comarch Cloud,        trustworthy among players on the telecom market.        live chat to friends on the fring network and
 the project was completed within a very short              We know that real-time billing must be more             to other social networks. Users can also make
 time. The billing service is provided to multiple fring    open to operators, and we are going to meet this        almost-free calls to friends and family worldwide
 datacenters around the globe.                              challenge” – highlights Piotr Piatosa, Vice President   to any landline or mobile phone from 1c/minute
                                                            of the Management Board and Head of the                 via fringOut. fring leverages the mobile phone’s
 The delivered solution covers the entire process           Telecommunications Business Unit, Comarch S.A.          internet connection to create these communication
 of product preparation, allowing defining details                                                                  experiences. fring is available on all major
 of the services offered to customers, providing        Comarch Billing SaaS ensures delivering                     Smartphones (including iPhone, iPod, Android and
 and reselling such services over available sales       the highest quality services to an operator’s               Symbian) on any mobile operator, and any mobile
 channels, activating, controlling and billing for such customers. It offers prepaid and postpaid billing,          internet connection (3G/4G, Wi-Fi, GPRS, EDGE).

                                                           Comarch Technology Review 01/2011

            Grupo TVCable have obtained new
        flexible back office systems assuring
        smooth order-to-bill process support
                                 Being a market leader comes with specific            a subscriber with a unified bill for all services. This would also
                        T        responsibilities. Early on, Grupo TVCable realized
                                 that adding VoIP services would address a growing
                                                                                      simplify the payment handling process. In addition, having
                                                                                      to manage only one billing and customer care platform
COMARCH               market need and also entice new customers to sign up for        would lower OPEX for Grupo TVCable, while at the same
PRODUCTS              an attractive product bundle: TV, internet, and telephony       time allowing it to offer specially priced product bundles
& SERVICES:           (triple-play). VoIP telephony provided a viable alternative     (packages) to its subscriber base. One final challenge was
                      to traditional fixed telephony for tens of thousands of         the transformation of the BSS domain towards process-
 Comarch              households. But the introduction of triple-play required new,   driven and centralized product management, while still
 Convergent Billing   flexible back office systems to assure smooth order-to-bill     being flexible enough to allow for regional offer and pricing
                      process support while guaranteeing high levels of customer      variations to better suit individual local market conditions.
 Comarch Cash         satisfaction. Moreover, historically Grupo TVCable’s billing
 Desk                 and customer care systems were decentralized, with each
                      geographical region managing its own local customer base        Why Comarch?
 Comarch              and billing operations. As the company grew, this setup was
 Customer             becoming very inefficient and difficult to manage. A new         “Prior to implementing the Comarch solution, Grupo TVCable
 Management           system was needed to bring it all under one roof.               operated multiple regional back office instances, with
                                                                                      products, pricing, and billing managed locally in separate
 Comarch                                                                              databases and no centralized control. Early on, we realized
 Business Process     The challenge – multiple systems                                that if we wished to maintain the rapid growth of our
 Management           instead of one                                                  customer base, the back office systems must be centralized
                                                                                      in order to achieve transparency, consistency, and data
 Comarch              With the introduction of VoIP telephony, the concept of         and process unification across the entire corporation. Yet
 InterPartner         usage-based billing became a critical issue for Grupo           these systems must continue to allow us to stay attentive
 Billing (including   TVCable. The company had two options: purchase a                to regional customer needs. And this is exactly why we
 Reconciliation)      dedicated standalone VoIP billing system, or a convergent       partnered with Comarch. It allowed us to introduce the level
                      billing system that would support not only VoIP but also        of management control which is necessary to streamline
 Comarch Billing      all its existing services (CATV and internet) as well as new    customer acquisition, billing, and support structure. The
 Mediation            innovative offerings in the future. Although migration to       resulting 25% reduction in operating costs allowed us to
                      a single convergent billing system initially seemed like a      offer more attractive pricing while improving our bottom
 Comarch Service      grueling task, there were obvious long-term benefits of such    line.” – acknowledges Fernando Carrillo, VP of Information
 Provisioning         an approach. The main advantage was the ability to present      Technology at Grupo TVCable.

                                                 Comarch Technology Review 01/2011

An added benefit of having a unified data model and                       The ability to manage a unified order-to-bill cycle from
a  centralized database is management reporting. The                      a central location provided Grupo TVCable with the level
solution implemented at Grupo TVCable comes with its own                  of management control that was previously impossible.
flexible reporting engine which makes it possible to configure            Migration and switchover to the new system was performed
and execute periodic and ad hoc reports on the activities                 gradually, by region, thus unifying all customer account,
of the enterprise, both on a regional as well as a global                 contract, and financial data across the country and across         CUSTOMER
scale. It is now possible to quickly track and report on the              the enterprise. Thanks to the underlying Business Process          Grupo TVCable,
level of incoming orders, resources needed and consumed                   Management tool, approximately 40 different workflow               Ecuador
during customer installations, technician visits and their                processes were configured to simplify tasks and capture
performance, amounts billed, and amounts still outstanding.               information which previously was only noted on paper or            INDUSTRY
Historical data gathered in the system provides an                        sometimes not recorded at all, such as information related         Communications
important source of information for top management about                  to technician visits at customer sites. These business
the performance of the company, and helps make better                     processes range from basic account and contract                    Grupo TVCable is the
business decisions that will ensure Grupo TVCable’s leading               management, adds, moves, changes, equipment swaps, and             largest MSO (multi
market position and allow it to offer new innovative products             service visits, through more complex resolutions of trouble        service operator) in
and services in the future.                                               tickets, and advanced dunning scenarios. Moreover, Grupo           Ecuador. The company
                                                                          TVCable gained a competitive edge as the solution’s flexible       was founded in 1986
                                                                          configuration enabled it to launch new national and regional       when the construction
The result – increased operational                                        offers and product bundles with discounted pricing in a            of a hybrid fiber co-ax
efficiency thanks to a centralized BSS                                    matter of hours rather than days and weeks. In addition, the       cable network linking
solution                                                                  time needed to connect and begin billing a new subscriber          various major cities in
                                                                          was halved, while the time spent by technicians at customer        the country began. In
Preceded by an in-depth requirement analysis, the resulting               sites was reduced by nearly 30%. Significant cost reductions       1987, the first subscribers
Comarch BSS Suite implementation provided Grupo TVCable                   were also achieved by centralizing the IT staff needed to          took advantage of Grupo
with a centralized TV, internet, and IP telephony billing and             maintain the new BSS solution. Finally, top management can         TVCable’s comprehensive
customer care system that was still capable of supporting                 now obtain accurate, consolidated customer care and billing        programming which
regional product offers for the various geographical markets              reports in minutes, not days, as was the case in the past.         included cultural, family,
in which the company operates.                                                                                                               sports, news, movie,
                                                                                                                                             music, and children’s
                                                                                                                                             channels from all over
                                                         Billing System                                 Call Center                          the world. Since then,
                                                                                                                                             the subscriber base
         Printhouse                                                                                   Customer Management &                  has been constantly
                                     Accounting & Taxation                                          Business Process Management
                                                                                                                                             growing as the network
                                                                                                                                             coverage has expanded
                                              Rating &                                               Account    Order      Trouble
                                               Billing                                                Mgmt      Mgmt      Ticketing
                                                                                                                                             to reach other parts of
          Banks/                                                  Invoices, CDR s, Products/
                                                                       Services, Prices,                                                     the country, and as the
                                                                     Discounts, Customer
                                       Overdue Bill Callcula-     Contracts, CustomerBase                                                    product portfolio has
                                         tions & Dunning                     Data                                                            broadened to include
                                                                                                                                             internet access and
        Point of Sale                                                                                     InterPartner Billing
                                                                                                         Carrier Settlements &
                                             Cash Desk                                                       Reconciliation                  telephony services.
                                                                                                                                             Today, Grupo TVCable’s
                                                                                                                                             delivers high quality
                                                              Mediation Platform
                                                                                                                                             entertainment and
                         Billing Mediation                                    Service Provisioning Mediation
                                                                                                                                             educational offerings
                                                                                                                                             to its subscribers
        Safari C3 soft             Intraway          AURIS           DAC6000             ACC           Microwave         E-mail
           switch                Provisioning     (pin codes)        Digital TV        Analog TV       controller       Controller
                                   Gateway                           controller        controller

                                              cable                                                                     Legend:
                           EMTA              modems                                                                     Comarch
                                                Figure 1. Comarch BSS Suite at Grupo TVCable

                                                            Comarch Technology Review 01/2011

                            Multimedia Polska, a multi-service
                            operator, has a new consolidated BSS
                                      ultimedia Polska S.A. (MMP) is a multi-service         The challenge: a tool for winning price
                            M         operator, established via the consolidation of
                                      several regional cable TV providers. Prior to the

                            merger, each company concentrated on its own area                Multi-service operators face rigorous competition, with
                            of interest, (cable TV, telephony and broadband) acting          diversified geographical intensity. For instance, in some
                            independently and within its home region. As a result of         major cities (or even, in particular streets) multiple operators
                            these acquisitions, Multimedia Polska S.A. has transformed       are present, whilst at other locations, there are none at all.
CUSTOMER                    into a nationwide corporation, offering triple-play services     In order to compete effectively within these areas, operators
Multimedia Polska           throughout Poland.                                               aim to vary their pricing and adjust it to local market
S.A.                                                                                         conditions.

INDUSTRY                    The business need: BSS consolidation                             Multimedia Polska S.A. was capable of pursuing such
Communications                                                                               a demanding sales policy, thanks to the Comarch Billing
                            Consolidation resulted in the requirement for a wave of data     System, which grants an operator the ability to define
Multimedia Polska           migration efforts from legacy Business Support Systems           various “regions”, with independent pricing schemes offered
S.A. is the third largest   used by particular daughter-companies, to a single, central      to subscribers. Even the smallest of areas can receive its
nationwide cable            system capable of handling all regions and services under        own tailor-made offer (e.g. a single street perimeter), in this
operator and provider       MMP’s jurisdiction. A flexible and complete billing solution     way allowing an operator to fine-tune its pricing, and attain
of digital television,      was needed to perform the migration seamlessly, and the          a  competitive advantage over the competition.
with video on demand,       Comarch Billing System proved to be the ideal choice.
broadband and mobile                                                                         This built-in mechanism enables MMP to effortlessly win
data, and fixed-line and    Multimedia Polska S.A. decided to perform the migration from     regional price wars so typical of the multi-service industry:
mobile voice (mobilFON).    the specific systems autonomously, in order to maintain          areas penetrated by intense competition can have a lower
We were the first           control and confidentiality of the migrated data. Such an        price-tag attached with numerous discounts, whereas higher
operator in the country     operation would have been unfeasible without the in-depth        margins can be enjoyed in “virgin” geographical regions.
to offer High Definition    technical knowledge possessed by MMP’s IT personnel,
Television (HDTV) with      and thus Comarch delivered this know-how through profound        Multimedia Polska S.A. offers triple-play services including:
numerous add-on             product training, delivered as part of its solution. This
modalities, such as video   approach proved to be highly fruitful, and the customer’s             Cable TV
on demand (VoD) and         IT department succeeded in migrating a group of regional
personal video recorder     operators into the new, centralized system. Tariff plan set-up        Broadband Access
(PVR) etc.                  and overall configuration were performed by MMP, leveraging
                            for this purpose, a pre-defined API delivered by Comarch.             Video On Demand
The company has been
listed on the Warsaw                                                                              Telephony
Stock Exchange since

                                                        Comarch Technology Review 01/2011

The result: “multi-service” product                               any changes to the contractual terms, allowing MMP to
bundling                                                          dodge potential problems related to financial liquidity or          COMARCH
                                                                  customer dissatisfaction.                                           PRODUCTS
Subscribers can select between single and multiple services                                                                           & SERVICES:
from the portfolio. Since all services are managed by one
central billing system, discount schemes attached to              Why Comarch: many technologies, one                                   Comarch
customer orders can be introduced by MMP. Such discounts          billing system                                                        Convergent Billing
would apply to either single services, or service bundles
offered at more preferable prices in order to encourage           Multimedia Polska S.A. is a dynamic and highly flexible               Comarch
subscribers to order more. Even complex formulas are              operator. Possessing the relevant technical background,               Customer
possible, such as discount thresholds for one service             MMP uses various technologies to offer its services: e.g.             Management
dependant on the consumption level of another service             DSL, HFC, WiFi, etc. Most importantly, independently of the
(Cross Discount). Employing this method, the Comarch Billing      technologies in use, all services are now managed by one              Comarch Billing
System allows MMP to concentrate purely on the needs of its       billing system. This helps to reduce costs and improve daily          Mediation
subscribers.                                                      operations significantly.
The Comarch Billing System, used by MMP as a replacement          “We value the Comarch Billing System, due to its                      Business Process
for the various legacy systems of its daughter-companies,         simultaneous comprehensiveness and flexibility. This                  Management
avoided additional business obstacles deriving from               platform has seamlessly replaced various legacy systems,
diversification of payment days for particular subscribers,       and is currently used to bill all our services. In addition, we       Comarch Cash
which had been introduced by previous architecture. Some          enjoy the benefits of the new functionality it has provided us        Desk
subscribers would pay in advance, while others had down-          with, enabling the initiation of successful product bundling
payment plans defined within previous systems. MMP                and pricing policy.” – states Mr. Krzysztof Jaskolski, CTO of
needed to maintain this configuration within the new system,      Multimedia Polska S.A.
in light of the fact that attempting to unify payment schemes
for all subscribers may have led to customer churn or cash-       Moreover, the nationwide scale of MMP’s business requires
flow disadvantages for the operator. Comarch tackled this         the operator to maintain adequate technical support
issue by featuring the individual configuration of payment        resources (i.e. to perform on-site installation services).
plans – whereby the payment day can be customized for             In this way, MMP employs the Comarch WorkFlow task
each subscriber, separately.                                      management system, which is integrated with the billing
                                                                  platform, also automating the majority of task management
In this manner, data migration was performed transparently        efforts, improving daily performance even further.
for the subscribers, and there was no requirement to force

          General Ledger                                Billing System                                Call Center

            Printhouse                                                Overdue Bill               Customer Management
                                          Commissions                                             & Business Process
                                                                     Calculations &
                                           Calculating                  Dunning                      Management
          Debt Collection
                                          Accounting &                                                 Customer Contacts,
         Data warehouse                                          Invoices, CDR s, Products/           Prospects, Workflows
                                            Taxation                  Services, Prices,
                                                                    Discounts, Customer
               Bank                                              Contracts, Customer Base
                                             Rating &                       Data

           Management                                                                                          NOC /

                                                 Billing Mediation

         Voice Exchanges            VoIP Gateways               VoD Sources                   Others
                                          Figure 1. Comarch solution in MM environment

                                                    Comarch Technology Review 01/2011
                   BSS/OSS TRANSFORMATION

                                what does this mean???

                                            hroughout the years of designing and delivering        platforms, employees of different group members will still
                                   T        IT  solutions for telecom operators I have witnessed
                                            many transformations. Telcos were created
                                                                                                   be organized differently and they will use these platforms in
                                                                                                   their unique ways.
                                as startups, then formed their own business model and
                                constructed their IT to support their business yet in the end
                                (after a few years) they accumulated a backlog of unsolvable       So what is this “Business
                                problems proving unbearable - so they transformed.                 Transformation”?

                                A question comes to mind… they went through                        Business Transformation, i.e. changing the way of doing
                                a  transformation, but what does this mean? Usually they           business. Thus, Business Transformation is about changing
                                would have transformed their aging IT, having it replaced with     organization, changing business processes, changing
                                a new more powerful and flexible package.                          patterns of interactions and somewhere at the bottom of
TOMASZ OMIECINSKI                                                                                  the whole process, adjusting IT in order for it to match new
Comarch SA                      And so a second question springs to mind: did that solve           realities (where “adjusting” is most often just an euphemism
Senior Manager,                 the accumulated backlog problem? Well, typically it would          for “replacing”).
Convergent BSS/OSS Solutions,   have solved IT- related problems, but… problems which
Telecommunications Business     were caused outside of IT still remained, regardless of how        Business Transformation is much more than just changing IT.
Unit                            many times IT itself was transformed. Furthermore, if IT was       However, changing IT may be the best known and controlled
                                transformed but business was not changed, then soon                element of all transformation aspects. After all, IT has been
                                enough the old patterns of doing business would start to           changed, modified or transformed many times in the lifetime
IDEAS IN BRIEF:                 imprint old problems onto new IT.                                  of any mature CSP, so they know how to avoid typical
 Not all problems               So is there a way of solving the unsolvable through
 can be solved by               transformation? Yes there is. Business Transformation is the       Business Transformation is difficult as it requires changing
 changing IT                    correct answer.                                                    an employees’ way of working, changing their habits,
                                                                                                   re-distributing responsibilities, changing organization
 All problems                   The right time for Business Transformation comes naturally         charts (and in turn –titles and positions). This means that
 can be solved                  with the maturity of the telecommunications industry. Telcos       the first and most important thing that is needed for such
 by transforming                were formed years ago, through the course of this time             a  transformation is the commitment of the executives, i.e.
 business                       they grew, acquired other telcos or were acquired (some            the effective decision makers. When an organization is being
                                even many times over) to finally end up in multi-technology        changed, vigorous disputes are held (“I want my team left
 Changing                       business groups. Nowadays, large telcos are often organized        intact”), generating endless e-mail chains that are bound
 business affects               as multiple companies doing more or less the same things,          to occur and could well impact the transformation. Unless
 an organization’s              but using different means and bravely solving problems that        Management is prepared to use all of their executive powers
 structure, end to              they uniquely and unpredictably bring upon themselves.             to firmly tell their employees “We are transforming and that
 end processes                  It is worth noting that even if a group itself standardizes IT     means that you are transforming too”.
 and IT

                                                             Comarch Technology Review 01/2011

OK, let’s get started…but how?                             A second opinion should also be taken into                How will the transformation
                                                           account, and rather than going for a theoretical          efforts pay off?
Gaining commitment will not be possible if there           consulting view, it would be better to choose an
is no concrete transformation plan, which must             experienced IT partner who would share their                1. It is THE way to free the CSP from the backlog
clearly define to what and how the business will           experiences in this area. What we mean is an                   of problems accumulated throughout the
transform. As it is often easier to setup a new            IT partner that has already delivered complete                 years.
business than to transform a mature organization,          business support suites on its own to a number
the creation of such a plan must not be taken              of CSPs. An IT partner who has built up its own             2. It is THE way to re-compose business,
lightly. The difficulty is in defining transformation      portfolio of best practices and standardized                   preparing it for new challenges.
plans which grow with the size of the business             systems in real-life projects. This is one of
undergoing the transformation. In this context,            circumstances where multi-vendor solutions                  3. It is THE most comprehensive way to
transforming multi-market & multi-country                  delivered by multiple integrators truly fail. Multi-           effectively invigorate a mature organization
businesses into a single “pan-geographical                 party deliveries do not allow a party to build                 to make it competitive and ready to race
business unit” elevates the challenge to yet               up practice in running end-to-end business                     head-to-head with those who have not been
another level.                                             processes, navigating them through various                     burdened with years of bad experiences.
                                                           organizations and effectively supporting them in
So how does one climb such a mountain? Well,               different IT systems.
one way is to hire a leading consulting company,                                                                     Why am I telling you all this?
which would provide thousands of hours of
services. As a result, a detailed report would be          What does it take to execute the                          I am currently taking part in a transformation
filed that would summarize all of the existing             transformation?                                           program – a multi-market and multi-country
problems and would hold a list of means to                                                                           Business Transformation. Comarch is supporting
address them. The report would leave the decision            1. The management’s commitment and                      it not only with BSS/OSS Suite components, but
to the operator and each of the possible “ways out”             readiness to defend the program against              provides CSPs with access to experience gathered
would be accompanied with tens (if not hundreds)                people who are prepared to go all the way to         in previous projects.
of pros and cons to make the decision process a                 derail the transformation in order to protect
little bit “easier”. After drawing up such a report CSP         their old ways.                                      The transformation is tiresome, the amount of work
will not differ from where it started, apart from the                                                                is phenomenal (as I said, complexity grows quickly
fact that now it would have a “summary problem               2. Strength and dedication, never minding the           with the size of the business undergoing the
report” – which could make it easier to explain to              sleepless nights when forming and then               transformation), yet I am personally proud that we
people that the problems exists and have to be                  executing transformation plan. A plan that           are the IT partner supporting the transformation,
addressed.                                                      has to be sound and robust if it is to result in     and it is my privilege to work with people who have
                                                                the management’s “GO” call.                          the right attitude and show admirable commitment
Is there another way? Well, the operator could                                                                       to actually making things happen. People who
go back to the good old TMF eTOM to decompose                3. Exquisite program/project management skills          have prepared the plan and took their executives
its Frameworx (especially the Business Process                  in order to execute the plan in a controlled         message seriously. People who have organized
Framework – in its brand new Release 9 of course)               manner, knowing that the transformation will         themselves in multiple streams and work tirelessly
taking it apart in order to reconstruct the CSP’s               span across multiple levels, and will happen         on “seemingly unrelated” paths, all of which lead to
own business like a jigsaw puzzle. One should also              in multiple parallel streams that will affect the    one common goal. People who have embarked on
bear in mind all of the past experiences in order               whole organization.                                  a climb of the “transformation mountain”, no matter
to avoid missing some aspects that have been                                                                         what it takes.
inadequately dealt with before. Surprisingly as it           4. And last but not least – an IT partner. Yes,
may sound, although multi-market transformations                “IT partner” and not “IT vendor”. Business           Perhaps in one of the next issues of this magazine
present additional challenges, they also bring                  Transformation requires an IT partner who will       I will be able to present how this transformation
big advantages as they allow to combine multi-                  be prepared to be there with the CSP in the          was actually carried out and how it transformed
party and multi-country experiences into a single               long run. A partner who is ready to support          the businesses involved. As of now I can only say
business setup.                                                 the transformation planning process a long           that if you are tired of old problems that reoccur
                                                                time before IT delivery starts. A partner with       over and over again, regardless of the times IT has
                                                                goals that reach far beyond selling licenses or      been changed – don’t be scared and go all the
                                                                man days of work.                                    way, follow the Business Transformation path.

                                                          Comarch Technology Review 01/2011
                   BSS/OSS TRANSFORMATION

                             How to avoid embarrassing challenges in
                             projects – a vendor view

                                       ithout any doubt, embarrassing challenges               the users to switch to the new solution which would enable
                              W        happen in projects, especially in IT. In this article
                                       I will elaborate on the most common and most
                                                                                               them to work more efficiently.

                            important challenges of this kind.                                 What was the root cause for all these issues? It was only
                                                                                               after a few months that we found out that a project owner
                            The conclusions, which can generally be drawn from this            was not defined on the customer side. This is definitely
                            article, are based on the completion of five large OSS projects    the most difficult kind of challenge, as the vendor cannot
                            for the largest players on the telecom market. These projects      really change it. In this case, management was obviously
                            have consumed a combined total of more than 18 years in            not supporting our project, limiting resources as much as
                            their collective completion. Thousands of man days have            possible and handing over the overall responsibility to us.
                            been invested, with circa two hundred team members, just           So, we just presented our expectations concerning project
                            by Comarch alone.                                                  management and put a lot of effort to contact users: Webex
 MAREK CIENKIEWICZ                                                                             sessions were organized to demonstrate system capabilities
 Comarch SA                                                                                    and they convinced some users but still, Comarch was
 Implementation             A lack of a project owner on the                                   the one taking the risk of making technical decisions,
 Department Manager, OSS    customer’s side                                                    influencing system acceptance in a negative way.
 Core, Telecommunications
 Business Unit              Let’s take a look at the first case. After the initial
                            implementation was finished, the first worrying signs              Imprecise definition of project
                            started to appear during prototyping sessions: future users        requirements and scope
                            complained about a number of functionalities. They said,
IDEAS IN BRIEF:             that the system was not designed in a way that would suite         The next challenge is, in my opinion, very common and
                            their current work, and that they would prefer to stick with       has been present in a greater or lesser extent in almost all
 Defining project           their current solutions. This tendency was becoming stronger       projects. Project scope is usually based upon the customer’s
 owner is the clue          and stronger. Nevertheless, as a result of the management’s        request for proposal (RFP), the vendor’s offer and results
                            decision, the next project phases were already defined.            of an analysis. Some project assumptions were taken
 Precise definition of      Unfortunately, the customer had not yet assigned a project         from the offer and due to several reasons (lying on both
 requirements and           manager or a technical manager able to make a binding              sides) analysis was not detailed enough. This resulted in
 scope                      decision on the project scope. The project team existed, but       misunderstandings regarding the scope of the work and
                            no clear responsibilities were assigned to customer’s team         revealed its full effect during acceptance tests. Questions
 Correct project            members. As a result, nobody really encouraged the end             appeared: is this particular feature “in scope” vs. “not in
 organization               users to take advantage of our system – and consequently,          scope”? Such doubts may seriously endanger system
                            they did not show interest either. Management didn’t push          acceptance.

                                                         Comarch Technology Review 01/2011

The reason was simple: imprecise definition of requirements          One of the key means to overcome this is to set up a project
and scope – a difficult challenge to deal with. First, you           communication plan specifying who can communicate with
must convince the customer to define his requirements                whom, when and by what means. Being introduced by a pro-
precisely (which is already a challenge when dealing with big        active project manager, the plan guarantees success – at
enterprises): either by doing so in advance, before the project      least in project organization.
starts (even more challenging), or by participating in the
creation of the work scope during analysis. Precise wording          A project without challenges is not exciting. Therefore it is
in offers is self-evident.                                           not the challenges that we should focus on, but rather the
                                                                     way to deal with them. Having right means in place and time
A very interesting solution for this problem has a commercial        is what we should concentrate on. This is the reason why
nature: the analysis may be ordered separately to the                project management methodologies have been developed.
implementation. This offers advantages for both sides. The           The Project Management Institute (PMI), PRINCE 2 and
customer gets exactly what it wants for a reasonable price,          Scrum are the most common in the IT world. There should
because the vendor does not have to assume a higher                  be no struggle to introduce changes in the strict approach.
implementation budget for risk coverage – as the scope               In one of our projects we achieved very interesting effects
is known. Unfortunately, customers resist to accept this             by setting up the base of project management on a formal
proposal, especially at the project start. They prefer to have       methodology, like PMI or PRINCE 2, and use Agile/Scrum
a  fixed price for the entire scope and not risk – as they think –   elements to a required extent in chosen project phases
wasting money on analysis which could lead to “nowhere”.             such as analysis and specific configuration of software
                                                                     (which were combined into one phase). Such an approach
                                                                     enables to create a product in a flexible way, fulfilling
Incorrect project organization                                       customer requirements much faster in comparison to
                                                                     a strict waterfall-like management style. The project team
The last embarrassing challenge, which is wide spread, can           reacts quicker to changes and the customer observes the
sometimes be seen in the tiniest elements. Team members              progress of product development in regular, relatively short
are not prepared for workshops or testing, the training              intervals, of a maximum of two-three weeks. During this
environment is not prepared or firewall rules are not set.           time, organizational, reporting and commercial framework of
Questions are answered after a significant amount of time,           the project remains according to traditional methodologies,
due to lack of interest or communication issues. Such signs          which is beneficial for the customer and us.
can be easily neglected by project managers because they
might think they belong to “normal” issues or depend on
the customer and as such are the vendor’s concern. This
is not always the case. The issue here is incorrect project

 A project without challenges is not exciting. Therefore it is not the challenges that we
 should focus on, but rather the way to deal with them.

                                                        Comarch Technology Review 01/2011
                  BSS/OSS TRANSFORMATION

                           The advantages of product
                                 catalog-centric BSS
                                 n the old times, before barcodes and readers were    Challenge 1 – difficulties in managing
                         I       introduced, product offering and sales processes
                                 in small grocery stores were quite simple. You
                                                                                      multiple systems

                      would just stick a price tag to the product and put it on the   The operators that have existed on the market for many
                      shelf. The customer would then come in, take the product,       years may have products defined and maintained in multiple
IDEAS IN BRIEF:       and get charged by the person managing the cash register.       systems from different vendors. One billing system handles
                      Despite the fact that entering prices manually was more         mobile services, another deals with fixed line telephony
 The disadvantages    time-consuming, at least the product offer definition was       services, and yet another is for cable TV services. All these
 of having multiple   simple and the offer was completed in short time.               systems need to support sales-related applications such
 product catalogs                                                                     as CRM, a self care portal and a point of sale system.
                      In the telecom business, the situation also used to be much     A customer service agent should use the same CRM
 How Comarch          simpler then it is today. Nowadays, product offers and          applications for mobile, fixed and cable TV services, so the
 approaches BSS       definitions consist of many different elements including        sales-related applications need to be able to use all the
 transformation in    price, target group, distribution channel and offer validity    product data that has been scattered across many systems,
 terms of a product   time. And since an operator often has thousands of products     and present this data in a unified format.
 catalog-centric      created, managed and offered by multiple departments,
 architecture         managing the product portfolio may become very complex          Developing a telecom operator’s business (adding new
                      and ineffective. This drawback grows even greater, as           business models, entering new regions, involving in mergers
 What impact can      product lifetimes get shorter (e.g. promotions / personalized   & acquisitions) calls for the addition of new systems,
 a product catalog    prices) and the number of product variations keeps growing.     databases, terminologies, data structures and new levels
 have on customer                                                                     of information quality. As a result, the operator has multiple
 experience           The situation can be better pictured from the end-customer’s    data models for products managed in various systems. The
                      perspective. A customer notices an offer about a new            old BSS system that handles fixed line services may not be
                      smartphone with attractive, low monthly fees. He goes to        as flexible as the new system that handles mobile service
                      a point of sale and wants to purchase the smartphone with       offerings.
                      a mobile broadband service. The dealer enters the order
                      into the system and tells the customer the estimated time       If the old and new systems are using different terminologies
                      when the service will become active. The estimated time         to describe the same things, systems cease to “speak the
                      comes, but the service doesn’t become active. As a result,      same language”. In turn, the people working with product
                      the customer gets frustrated and returns the smartphone to      data (e.g. product managers and call center agents), who
                      the point of sale. Then he goes to another operator’s point     need to get an overview of product status, face difficulties
                      of sale, where he buys a similar smartphone and gets the        in obtaining the information they want. This increases the
                      service activated in one hour. What went wrong?                 amount of time-consuming manual work, entailing more
                                                                                      costs and errors in the service delivery process. Bringing new
                                                                                      services into the market using a platform with no common

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Comarch Technology Review Magazine 2011/01

  • 1. no 1/2011 [13] The Magazine of Comarch Telecommunications Business Unit IN THIS ISSUE: Customer Spotlight Multimedia Polska, a multi-service operator, has a new consolidated BSS In focus: BSS/OSS Transformation Transformation… what do you mean? How to avoid embarrassing challenges in projects – a vendor view Hot topic: Aiming for Perfect Customer Experience Service Quality and Customer Experience – where customers meet the network
  • 2. COMARCH OSS SUITE Strategy, Operational, Fulfillment Assurance Infrastructure & Support & Readiness Product OSS Process Management Management Customer SLA Monitoring Customer Experience Management Management Service Service Service Inventory Service Quality Fulfillment Service Monitoring Management Management Inventory Planning Service Management Activation Network Inventory Resource Management Performance Fault Management Management Auto-discovery & Configuration Reconciliation Management OSS Mediation Field Service Management COMARCH BSS SUITE Market/Sales Self Care Point of Sale Web Portal Corporate Self Care CRM Business Process Management & Workflow Product Management Central Product Manager Operational, Support & Fulfillment Assurance Billing B2B Gateway Readiness Application Integration Infrastructure Customer Management Corporate Self Care Customer Order Management Self Care Convergent Billing ESB / Integration Bus CRM Service Management Voucher & Top-Up Management Billing Mediation Active Mediation Resource Management Billing Mediation Master Resource Management Active Mediation Supplier/Partner B2BGW BPM PRM InterPartner Billing Service Control Policy Management AAA
  • 3. PREFACE 3 “One company - one service” approach? ransformation seems to be a permanent state of business-driven payment models and commitment to agile T business development. During the last decade, telecom business has been transformed by development and support in specific countries. technologies like mobile communication, internet, next There are many things that drive transformation, one generation networks and by global economic changes like of  them are the ever changing demands and needs of end the digital revolution, the internet bubble, globalization or customers. Currently Customer Experience seems to be economic downturn. Now, after the phase of geographical what everybody in the telecom industry is talking about. expansion of global telecom groups, we can observe I  was asked by an industry analysts, what I think Customer a  consolidation of valuable assets around strong brands Experience Management really is. Is it only a new expression and service innovation centers. for gathering more and more data about the customer’s behavior, service usage patterns, and the correlation of As a software vendor and integrator we see significant such information with more efficient computers to create changes in the requirements for BSS and OSS solutions new variants of tariff plans or marketing campaigns? Is defined by communication service providers. there a BSS or OSS product behind it? We at Comarch see Customer Experience Management as a part of each mature Currently, besides requests for specific products we receive business. Telecom and cable operators in Europe and US PIOTR MACHNIK inquiries for specific OSS architectures, congestion-driven are transforming their IT environments and organizations Comarch SA customer experience management or consolidation of in order for them to be capable of delivering services Vice President, Product business processes around central product management cheaper and faster while caring for saving their customers’ Management & Marketing and around a “one company - one service” approach. time and  money, securing their needs for comfort and Telecommunications professional or personal lifestyles. So from this viewpoint Business Unit Apart from standard requirements related to functionality, Customer Experience Management is not just a single performance, compliance with technology and industry product and is far from being merely a buzzword, but it is standards, we get many requirements for multi-tenancy, rather a way of thinking and a change in business focus that white labeling, support for daughter companies within can potentially bring huge profits in the long run. the  whole group, centralized management of resources (like customer premises equipment (CPE) and SIM cards) In this issue we talk about simple and clear metrics like and processes such as service creation and service rollout. business efficiency measured in dollars and market share, Additionally for traditional “license + setup + integration” and time to market measured in days, hours and minutes. delivery models CSPs request long term partnership options, We will also take a look at customer experience from various points of view. Enjoy the magazine! Comarch’s offices in Poland: Krakow Comarch Technology Review is a publication created by Comarch experts and specialists. It is created (HQ), Warsaw, Gdansk, Wroclaw, Poznan, to assist our customers and partners in obtaining in-depth information about market trends and Katowice, Lodz, Lublin developments, and the technological possibilities of addressing the most important issues. Worldwide Offices: Americas Panama | Panamá Editor-in-Chief: Katarzyna Gajewska Technology Review is a free publication available United States of America | Chicago Europe by subscription. The articles published here can be Austria | Vienna Layout & DTP: Jakub Malicki copied and reproduced only with the knowledge and Belgium | Brussels Photos: Finland | Espoo consent of the editors. The names of products and France | Lille, Grenoble Proofreader: Katherine Meus companies mentioned are trade marks and trade Lithuania | Vilnius Publisher: Comarch SA Germany | Dresden, Frankfurt/Main, names of their producers. Munich, Hamburg, Berlin, Muenster, Al. Jana Pawła II 39a, 31-864 Kraków Duesseldorf, Bremen Tel. +48 12 64 61 000, Fax: +48 12 64 61 100 Russia | Moscow To receive your subscription to the electronic Slovakia | Bratislava version or see the previous issues, please visit: Ukraine | Kyiv, Lviv Print: Skleniarz Printing House Middle East United Arab Emirates | Dubai ul. J. Lea 118, 31-033 Kraków Asia Circulation: 1 500 China | Shanghai Vietnam | Ho Chi Minh City
  • 4. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS WHAT’S NEW 16 The advantages of product catalog-centric strengthened by the dropping prices of mobile 5 News in Brief BSS devices. All of this is pushing traffic in access In the old times, before barcodes and readers were network to its limits. CUSTOMER SPOTLIGHT introduced, product offering and sales processes in 8 Case Study: small grocery stores were quite simple. You would 36 Thriving as Web platform enabler – “beyond Grupo TVCable have obtained new flexible just stick a price tag to the product and put it on the dumb” pipes back office systems assuring smooth order- shelf. The customer would then come in, take the The advent of the mobile internet has been to-bill process support product, and get charged by the person managing a great success, but it also appears to have Being a market leader comes with specific the cash register. Despite the fact that entering opened Pandora’s box. The tension is even greater responsibilities. Early on, Grupo TVCable realized prices manually was more time-consuming, at least because the real beneficiaries are over-the top- that adding VoIP services would address the product offer definition was simple and the offer players like Google, whilst CSPs seem to have been a  growing market need and also entice new was completed in short time. cast the role of “dumb pipe” providers. customers to sign up for an attractive product bundle: TV, internet, and telephony (triple-play), but 21 Increase efficiency of order-to-cash 39 How to transform your BSS to achieve the the introduction of triple-play required new, flexible processes with optimal field service perfect customer experience back office systems to assure smooth order-to-bill management We live in a world where communications go far process support while guaranteeing high levels of If you ask telecommunication executives, which beyond voice and SMS. A mobile phone serves for customer satisfaction. process is crucial for their company’s operations, video streaming, navigation, playing music and probably most of them will answer that it is the e-mail, and the traditional use of voice and SMS 10 Case Study: order-to-cash or order-to-cash-related process. can account for just a small portion of the total Multimedia Polska, a multi-service operator, Moreover, if you ask, which one is the most time that a handset is in use. The expansion of has a new consolidated BSS complex and was recently or is currently planned operators’ service offerings into data services has Multimedia Polska is a multi-service operator, to be optimized or transformed, the answer would a huge impact on the underlying platform. established via the consolidation of several be almost always the same. regional cable TV providers. Prior to the merger, BEYOND BSS/OSS each company concentrated on its own area of 26 How will you benefit from BSS transformation 44 A new era of tagging interest, (cable TV, telephony and broadband) How can the strategic goal of any communication Since the very beginning of human civilization acting independently and within its home region. service provider – increasing the market share people have always had a tendency to mark and As a result of these acquisitions, MMP has – be achieved practically in mature, saturated label things, which at first was motivated purely transformed into a nationwide corporation, offering markets with significant competition from by the desire to express ownership but later it triple-play services throughout Poland with the established players and new entrants? evolved into a way to maintain order and facilitate need of BSS Consolidation. the management of belongings. HOT TOPIC: AIMING FOR PERFECT IN FOCUS: BSS/OSS TRANSFORMATION CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE 46 Telework – an unexploited niche for telecom 12 Transformation… what does this mean??? 31 Service Quality and Customer Experience operators? Throughout the years of designing and delivering – where customers meet the network With the constant progress of communication IT solutions for telecom operators I have witnessed Customer Experience Management (CEM) may technologies - mobile telephony, Internet, and many transformations. Telcos were created seem to be a broad term but in practical terms consumer devices like PCs, laptops, netbooks, as startups, then formed their own business within the area of telecommunications, it refers to tablets, smartphones - it is becoming more and model and constructed their IT to support their monitoring the stream of transaction records from more possible for people to work from home or other business yet in the end (after a few years) they a subscriber’s perspective. Is the call setup time locations outside their central office, distribution accumulated a backlog of unsolvable problems at an acceptable level? Are there places where or production sites. Telework has the potential to proving unbearable - so they transformed. setting up a GPRS session takes too long? Was transform working patterns and to positively impact MMS transferring successful? health, safety and the wellbeing of the people 14 How to avoid embarrassing challenges in involved. Telework has the potential to become an projects – a vendor view 34 Managing network congestion problems with interesting part of any telecom operator’s portfolio. Without any doubt, embarrassing challenges automated Configuration Management and happen in projects, especially in IT. In this article SQM TELCOSPHERE BLOG I will elaborate on the most common and most Communications service providers have created 48 Six issues about the role of BSS in the M2M important challenges of this kind. a new customer demand for faster, more reliable business model services and increased network capacity for their subscribers with the use of smartphone’s 50 Renewal of a mobile subscription – is it and tablets. This trend has been additionally simple? Comarch Technology Review 01/2011
  • 5. NEWS IN BRIEF 5 News in Brief Vectra selects Comarch Field Comarch to shorten Service Management time-to-market – Product of the Year Polish multi-play operator, Vectra has selected 2011 Comarch BSS for its core billing, customer management and self-service platform as well as On the 23rd of March 2011, Comarch received for field force automation software. the Golden Antenna (“Zlota Antena”) Award for its Field Service Management system, Currently, the major challenges facing cable which was acknowledged as “Product of the operators regarding BSS is the result of the huge Year 2011” in the category Telecom Operator number of products that have to be managed. As Solutions. most cable operators are now operating in a multi- play model, they need to handle various types Comarch Field Service Management has of services (cable, Internet, voice and mobile) in already been implemented by a number of a  consistent way and with the possibility to create operators including WildBlue Communications bundles of multiple products. – a satellite internet provider from the US, and many cable & multi service operators. In 2010, In addition, multi-channel customer service Comarch started the FSM project for Vectra, requires a consistent product catalog that needs a  Multi-Service Operator based in Poland. to be exposed to all sales channels, including CSR, self care and e-shop. The product has also been recognized in a  recent Stratecast (Frost & Sullivan) Report – “Competition between telecom operators has “OSS/BSS Global Competitive Strategies” forced us to introduce new products increasingly dedicated to Workforce Management faster. From a technical perspective we were (WFM) Strategies for Changing Markets looking for a next generation BSS platform which and Challenging Economics. Comarch FSM would support us in pursuing a strategy of product is designed to support various types of operators was assessed as a solution that efficiently innovation, streamlining and facilitating the – including fixed, cable and mobile – and is the optimized skilled resources and schedules creation of new offers. We were also looking for answer to the requirements of modern multi-play using modifiable and adjustable ratings based a  solution to enable easy creation of personalized, operators. on appropriate business needs. on-demand offers for specific customers. From a business point of view, we expected radical Piotr Piatosa, Vice President of the Management Comarch was awarded its first “Antenna” in improvement of customer service quality and Board and Head of the Telecommunications 1999 for the Tytan Billing System (currently after the first stage of this project I’m sure that Business Unit, Comarch S.A., claims:- “One of the Comarch BSS Suite). In 2009, a award Comarchs’ solutions will help us meet our goals. the most advanced elements of our solution for was presented for Comarch Next Generation Together with Comarch BSS tools we can really Vectra is Comarch Central Product Manager which Service Management, part of the Comarch become an important player in quad-play services simplifies configuration of offerings associated OSS Suite portfolio, which enables managing on the Polish market” – Tomasz Żurański, President with particular sales channels and regions. With services and resources in cutting-edge of the Management Board, Vectra S.A. offers being configured in one place, it is possible telecommunications networks – Next to radically reduce time-to-market and costs on Generation Networks (NGN). In 2010, Comarch’s Comarch products being implemented at Vectra the operator’s side. For demanding customers like Service Quality Management System was also include Convergent Billing, Customer Management, Vectra it is also very important to have Business awarded a Golden Antenna in the category Self Care, Central Product Manager, Billing Process Management as a part of the solution of Product of the Year / Telecom Operator Mediation and Field Service Management. All these to allow flexible process configuration and Solutions. products are a part of Comarch BSS Suite which a  possibility of reconfiguration in the future”. Comarch Technology Review 01/2011
  • 6. 6 NEWS IN BRIEF Comarch Rebuilds OXYCOM, a new systems aggregator on its BSS around the polish market, chooses Comarch’s Central Product solutions Manager In answering the crucial requirements of OXYCOM, the start-up company has decided Bogumil Butryn, Technical Department Director modern communication service providers, to build a BSS Platform based on Comarch’s at OXYCOM S.A.: - “The experience and skills of Comarch has rebuilt the architecture of products. According to the agreement, the Comarch’s professionals enabled us to create a its flagship product suite – Comarch BSS following modules will be implemented: Comarch customized system configuration that allowed – to support operators in optimizing IT Convergent Billing, Comarch Service Activation, to run optimally with our new services. Thanks to architectures and cost savings, unlimited Comarch Billing Mediation and Comarch ESB the training at Comarch’s Headquarters, our BSS innovation, acceleration of business and (Enterprise Service Bus). systems’ administrators can react dynamically on shortening of time-to-market. the business needs that are evaluated and we can The project has been up and running since the expand OXYCOM’s offer. The flexibility of Comarch’s Products within the Comarch BSS Suite have ending of the first phase of the implementation. portfolio allows us to build new rate models, which been designed and developed in-house, During this stage, main functionalities and are later made available to our customers online. meaning that CSPs can count on shorter integrations were deployed, which are perceived by The Software on Demand (SoD) or Software as a delivery times, as well as better quality and OXYCOM as crucial in order to deliver all its services Service (SaaS) market is growing very fast and more secure deployment, as compared such as VoIP, Software on Demand (SoD), Software so bearing an updated offer in this area has a to suites from large vendors that arose as a Service (SaaS) and eCommerce platform. substantial meaning.” as a result of mergers and acquisitions. Currently, the project is in its second stage, during All BSS products are based on a unified which further functionalities are developed, mainly Piotr Piatosa, Vice President of the Management data model for reference data and product focused on automation processes and system Board and Head of the Telecommunications catalog. This provides a short time to market, integration, which will enable OXYCOM to activate Business Unit, Comarch S.A., claims:- “Thanks to while facilitating system management and its next advanced services. our products from the BSS Suite, OXYCOM has configuration. Mass and real-time, rule-based a coherent, well-integrated system that allows data processing is the core of Comarch’s The key component of the implemented solution them to maintain operational and finance areas competences. This includes service-agnostic is Comarch Convergent Billing, a modern high of their business. The product catalog for all and multi-industry rating, charging and billing. capacity and scalable billing system which service platforms is worth mentioning, as also the contains a Central Product Manager with all integration with existing platforms such as eBOK, Business process orientation based on the products and rates of OXYCOM’s services. CRM or eCommerce.” TMForum eTOM means that there are no limits The solution also supports partner data to workflows and business processes, as they management and inter-partner settlements, Scheduled project completion is planned at the are delivered out-of-the-box or configured customer relationship management, account data end of September 2011. during the implementation process. It is management along with a full integration with the always possible to reconfigure business existing CRM system, thanks to Enterprise Service About OXYCOM processes and workflows to suit particular Bus - Comarch ESB. OXYCOM S.A. is one of the most innovative needs of the customer. companies from the news technologies and Comarch Billing Mediation is a fully scalable communications sector in Poland. Its main Comarch BSS Suite is already implemented at platform, responsible for data collection advantages are: a rich portfolio of modern IT KPN - Netherlands, Auchan SA - France, Bite distribution, processing and system distribution. services, a well-trained team and flexibility, through Latvia and Lithuania, OnePhone - Germany, It monitors the elements to which it is connected which OXYCOM is able to adapt to customer needs. DTMS - Germany, Belize Telemedia Limited - and generates predefined alarms and notifications. Among OXYCOM’s products can be found solutions Belize, Cable Onda - Panama and many others. Comarch Service Provisioning is responsible for based on the cloud model, voice communications, In 2010 the following operators also decided fast and reliable service activation along with as well as systems allowing for savings and IT to use Comarch BSS Suite: GTS Poland, Fring, complete integration with the existing platforms outsourcing. Thanks to a group of experts, OXYCOM OXYCOM and five others including Tier-1. which provide services. S.A. is able to meet the challenges posed by the IT market and suggest a solution tailored to his needs of any client. Comarch Technology Review 01/2011
  • 7. NEWS IN BRIEF 7 Comarch Self Care version 6.6 has been launched Comarch has introduced the new version of its Key improvements introduced in Comarch Self Care Pawel Lamik, CRM and Self Care product manager, Self Care product, with additional functionalities. 6.6 include: at Comarch’s telecommunications business unit, Comarch Self Care is a web self-service portal said: – “We are devoted to constantly improving enabling communication service providers to Ability to define additional user relationships and developing our products based on both reduce customer service costs and increase in residential and SME segments – customer demand and the innovative ideas of customer satisfaction. It answers the needs of the e.g.  household, family our employees. Our customers – communication consumer and SME markets, while the Corporate service providers - can now implement a state Self Care product provides advanced features for User profile advanced management (making of the art self-service portal for end-users enterprises. it easy for customers to grant suitable rights significantly faster. The new features now to others) offer even more value to the users in terms of Comarch Self Care enables consumers and small convenience and flexibility in using the portal.” businesses to browse their bills and usage, Notifications/escalations – specific alerts can manage their services, and modify personal be created on the basis of rules or events, e.g. Comarch Corporate Self Care provides online information without the assistance a call center when a new invoice is created ordering, data management and reporting agent. It helps service providers get closer to their for corporate customers. It is also a telecom customers and deliver non-interfering, relevant More automated configuration (added generic expense management solution, increasing the messages. Comarch Self Care has already overview display and generic contracting, value of a  service provider’s offer. Managers of been implemented at: Bite Latvia and Lithuania, which allows implementation of the system in an enterprise customer can set spending limits OnePhone, Germany, KPN, The Netherlands, Auchan less than 10 weeks) for their employees and receive notifications Telecom, France or 6GMOBILE, The Netherlands. when the limit is exceeded. By making use of Case management and order basket virtual hierarchies, the company can delegate improvements – possibility of painless responsibility for the management and control integration with external workflow engine of costs and services to middle and lower through ESB management. Comarch successfully delivers its billing cloud to fring, a global mobile VoIP leader Comarch signs an agreement with fring, a leader services, in addition to monitoring and reporting real-time AAA (Authentication, Authorization, and in global mobile VoIP and Video communications, them. The project also involved business partners Accounting), CRM functionalities and services for a high availability Billing Cloud service. such as G2S and PayPal, as providers of the monitoring. payment services. Thanks to the Comarch Billing Cloud, fring has About fring been able to add fringOut to its services portfolio. – “This is another very important step for Comarch, fring ( is a mobile communication fringOut lets fringsters call any landline or mobile especially as it concerns our services in the service that gives users internet-rich in the world from their mobile phone at very cloud model, for such a prestigious customer. It communication from their mobile phones. fring attractive prices, starting from 1¢/minute. As the proves that our portfolio is both highly rated and members make free video calls, voice calls and billing service is provided from the Comarch Cloud, trustworthy among players on the telecom market. live chat to friends on the fring network and the project was completed within a very short We know that real-time billing must be more to other social networks. Users can also make time. The billing service is provided to multiple fring open to operators, and we are going to meet this almost-free calls to friends and family worldwide datacenters around the globe. challenge” – highlights Piotr Piatosa, Vice President to any landline or mobile phone from 1c/minute of the Management Board and Head of the via fringOut. fring leverages the mobile phone’s The delivered solution covers the entire process Telecommunications Business Unit, Comarch S.A. internet connection to create these communication of product preparation, allowing defining details experiences. fring is available on all major of the services offered to customers, providing Comarch Billing SaaS ensures delivering Smartphones (including iPhone, iPod, Android and and reselling such services over available sales the highest quality services to an operator’s Symbian) on any mobile operator, and any mobile channels, activating, controlling and billing for such customers. It offers prepaid and postpaid billing, internet connection (3G/4G, Wi-Fi, GPRS, EDGE). Comarch Technology Review 01/2011
  • 8. 8 CUSTOMER SPOTLIGHT Grupo TVCable have obtained new flexible back office systems assuring smooth order-to-bill process support Being a market leader comes with specific a subscriber with a unified bill for all services. This would also T responsibilities. Early on, Grupo TVCable realized that adding VoIP services would address a growing simplify the payment handling process. In addition, having to manage only one billing and customer care platform COMARCH market need and also entice new customers to sign up for would lower OPEX for Grupo TVCable, while at the same PRODUCTS an attractive product bundle: TV, internet, and telephony time allowing it to offer specially priced product bundles & SERVICES: (triple-play). VoIP telephony provided a viable alternative (packages) to its subscriber base. One final challenge was to traditional fixed telephony for tens of thousands of the transformation of the BSS domain towards process- Comarch households. But the introduction of triple-play required new, driven and centralized product management, while still Convergent Billing flexible back office systems to assure smooth order-to-bill being flexible enough to allow for regional offer and pricing process support while guaranteeing high levels of customer variations to better suit individual local market conditions. Comarch Cash satisfaction. Moreover, historically Grupo TVCable’s billing Desk and customer care systems were decentralized, with each geographical region managing its own local customer base Why Comarch? Comarch and billing operations. As the company grew, this setup was Customer becoming very inefficient and difficult to manage. A new “Prior to implementing the Comarch solution, Grupo TVCable Management system was needed to bring it all under one roof. operated multiple regional back office instances, with products, pricing, and billing managed locally in separate Comarch databases and no centralized control. Early on, we realized Business Process The challenge – multiple systems that if we wished to maintain the rapid growth of our Management instead of one customer base, the back office systems must be centralized in order to achieve transparency, consistency, and data Comarch With the introduction of VoIP telephony, the concept of and process unification across the entire corporation. Yet InterPartner usage-based billing became a critical issue for Grupo these systems must continue to allow us to stay attentive Billing (including TVCable. The company had two options: purchase a to regional customer needs. And this is exactly why we Reconciliation) dedicated standalone VoIP billing system, or a convergent partnered with Comarch. It allowed us to introduce the level billing system that would support not only VoIP but also of management control which is necessary to streamline Comarch Billing all its existing services (CATV and internet) as well as new customer acquisition, billing, and support structure. The Mediation innovative offerings in the future. Although migration to resulting 25% reduction in operating costs allowed us to a single convergent billing system initially seemed like a offer more attractive pricing while improving our bottom Comarch Service grueling task, there were obvious long-term benefits of such line.” – acknowledges Fernando Carrillo, VP of Information Provisioning an approach. The main advantage was the ability to present Technology at Grupo TVCable. Mediation Comarch Technology Review 01/2011
  • 9. CUSTOMER SPOTLIGHT 9 An added benefit of having a unified data model and The ability to manage a unified order-to-bill cycle from a  centralized database is management reporting. The a central location provided Grupo TVCable with the level solution implemented at Grupo TVCable comes with its own of management control that was previously impossible. flexible reporting engine which makes it possible to configure Migration and switchover to the new system was performed and execute periodic and ad hoc reports on the activities gradually, by region, thus unifying all customer account, of the enterprise, both on a regional as well as a global contract, and financial data across the country and across CUSTOMER scale. It is now possible to quickly track and report on the the enterprise. Thanks to the underlying Business Process Grupo TVCable, level of incoming orders, resources needed and consumed Management tool, approximately 40 different workflow Ecuador during customer installations, technician visits and their processes were configured to simplify tasks and capture performance, amounts billed, and amounts still outstanding. information which previously was only noted on paper or INDUSTRY Historical data gathered in the system provides an sometimes not recorded at all, such as information related Communications important source of information for top management about to technician visits at customer sites. These business the performance of the company, and helps make better processes range from basic account and contract Grupo TVCable is the business decisions that will ensure Grupo TVCable’s leading management, adds, moves, changes, equipment swaps, and largest MSO (multi market position and allow it to offer new innovative products service visits, through more complex resolutions of trouble service operator) in and services in the future. tickets, and advanced dunning scenarios. Moreover, Grupo Ecuador. The company TVCable gained a competitive edge as the solution’s flexible was founded in 1986 configuration enabled it to launch new national and regional when the construction The result – increased operational offers and product bundles with discounted pricing in a of a hybrid fiber co-ax efficiency thanks to a centralized BSS matter of hours rather than days and weeks. In addition, the cable network linking solution time needed to connect and begin billing a new subscriber various major cities in was halved, while the time spent by technicians at customer the country began. In Preceded by an in-depth requirement analysis, the resulting sites was reduced by nearly 30%. Significant cost reductions 1987, the first subscribers Comarch BSS Suite implementation provided Grupo TVCable were also achieved by centralizing the IT staff needed to took advantage of Grupo with a centralized TV, internet, and IP telephony billing and maintain the new BSS solution. Finally, top management can TVCable’s comprehensive customer care system that was still capable of supporting now obtain accurate, consolidated customer care and billing programming which regional product offers for the various geographical markets reports in minutes, not days, as was the case in the past. included cultural, family, in which the company operates. sports, news, movie, music, and children’s channels from all over Billing System Call Center the world. Since then, the subscriber base Printhouse Customer Management & has been constantly Accounting & Taxation Business Process Management growing as the network coverage has expanded Rating & Account Order Trouble Billing Mgmt Mgmt Ticketing to reach other parts of Banks/ Invoices, CDR s, Products/ payments Services, Prices, the country, and as the Discounts, Customer Overdue Bill Callcula- Contracts, CustomerBase product portfolio has tions & Dunning Data broadened to include internet access and Point of Sale InterPartner Billing Carrier Settlements & Cash Desk Reconciliation telephony services. Today, Grupo TVCable’s delivers high quality communication, Mediation Platform entertainment and Billing Mediation Service Provisioning Mediation educational offerings to its subscribers nationwide. Safari C3 soft Intraway AURIS DAC6000 ACC Microwave E-mail switch Provisioning (pin codes) Digital TV Analog TV controller Controller Gateway controller controller cable Legend: EMTA modems Comarch solution Figure 1. Comarch BSS Suite at Grupo TVCable Comarch Technology Review 01/2011
  • 10. 10 CUSTOMER SPOTLIGHT Multimedia Polska, a multi-service operator, has a new consolidated BSS ultimedia Polska S.A. (MMP) is a multi-service The challenge: a tool for winning price M operator, established via the consolidation of several regional cable TV providers. Prior to the wars merger, each company concentrated on its own area Multi-service operators face rigorous competition, with of interest, (cable TV, telephony and broadband) acting diversified geographical intensity. For instance, in some independently and within its home region. As a result of major cities (or even, in particular streets) multiple operators these acquisitions, Multimedia Polska S.A. has transformed are present, whilst at other locations, there are none at all. CUSTOMER into a nationwide corporation, offering triple-play services In order to compete effectively within these areas, operators Multimedia Polska throughout Poland. aim to vary their pricing and adjust it to local market S.A. conditions. INDUSTRY The business need: BSS consolidation Multimedia Polska S.A. was capable of pursuing such Communications a demanding sales policy, thanks to the Comarch Billing Consolidation resulted in the requirement for a wave of data System, which grants an operator the ability to define Multimedia Polska migration efforts from legacy Business Support Systems various “regions”, with independent pricing schemes offered S.A. is the third largest used by particular daughter-companies, to a single, central to subscribers. Even the smallest of areas can receive its nationwide cable system capable of handling all regions and services under own tailor-made offer (e.g. a single street perimeter), in this operator and provider MMP’s jurisdiction. A flexible and complete billing solution way allowing an operator to fine-tune its pricing, and attain of digital television, was needed to perform the migration seamlessly, and the a  competitive advantage over the competition. with video on demand, Comarch Billing System proved to be the ideal choice. broadband and mobile This built-in mechanism enables MMP to effortlessly win data, and fixed-line and Multimedia Polska S.A. decided to perform the migration from regional price wars so typical of the multi-service industry: mobile voice (mobilFON). the specific systems autonomously, in order to maintain areas penetrated by intense competition can have a lower We were the first control and confidentiality of the migrated data. Such an price-tag attached with numerous discounts, whereas higher operator in the country operation would have been unfeasible without the in-depth margins can be enjoyed in “virgin” geographical regions. to offer High Definition technical knowledge possessed by MMP’s IT personnel, Television (HDTV) with and thus Comarch delivered this know-how through profound Multimedia Polska S.A. offers triple-play services including: numerous add-on product training, delivered as part of its solution. This modalities, such as video approach proved to be highly fruitful, and the customer’s Cable TV on demand (VoD) and IT department succeeded in migrating a group of regional personal video recorder operators into the new, centralized system. Tariff plan set-up Broadband Access (PVR) etc. and overall configuration were performed by MMP, leveraging for this purpose, a pre-defined API delivered by Comarch. Video On Demand The company has been listed on the Warsaw Telephony Stock Exchange since 2006. Comarch Technology Review 01/2011
  • 11. CUSTOMER SPOTLIGHT 11 The result: “multi-service” product any changes to the contractual terms, allowing MMP to bundling dodge potential problems related to financial liquidity or COMARCH customer dissatisfaction. PRODUCTS Subscribers can select between single and multiple services & SERVICES: from the portfolio. Since all services are managed by one central billing system, discount schemes attached to Why Comarch: many technologies, one Comarch customer orders can be introduced by MMP. Such discounts billing system Convergent Billing would apply to either single services, or service bundles offered at more preferable prices in order to encourage Multimedia Polska S.A. is a dynamic and highly flexible Comarch subscribers to order more. Even complex formulas are operator. Possessing the relevant technical background, Customer possible, such as discount thresholds for one service MMP uses various technologies to offer its services: e.g. Management dependant on the consumption level of another service DSL, HFC, WiFi, etc. Most importantly, independently of the (Cross Discount). Employing this method, the Comarch Billing technologies in use, all services are now managed by one Comarch Billing System allows MMP to concentrate purely on the needs of its billing system. This helps to reduce costs and improve daily Mediation subscribers. operations significantly. Comarch The Comarch Billing System, used by MMP as a replacement “We value the Comarch Billing System, due to its Business Process for the various legacy systems of its daughter-companies, simultaneous comprehensiveness and flexibility. This Management avoided additional business obstacles deriving from platform has seamlessly replaced various legacy systems, diversification of payment days for particular subscribers, and is currently used to bill all our services. In addition, we Comarch Cash which had been introduced by previous architecture. Some enjoy the benefits of the new functionality it has provided us Desk subscribers would pay in advance, while others had down- with, enabling the initiation of successful product bundling payment plans defined within previous systems. MMP and pricing policy.” – states Mr. Krzysztof Jaskolski, CTO of needed to maintain this configuration within the new system, Multimedia Polska S.A. in light of the fact that attempting to unify payment schemes for all subscribers may have led to customer churn or cash- Moreover, the nationwide scale of MMP’s business requires flow disadvantages for the operator. Comarch tackled this the operator to maintain adequate technical support issue by featuring the individual configuration of payment resources (i.e. to perform on-site installation services). plans – whereby the payment day can be customized for In this way, MMP employs the Comarch WorkFlow task each subscriber, separately. management system, which is integrated with the billing platform, also automating the majority of task management In this manner, data migration was performed transparently efforts, improving daily performance even further. for the subscribers, and there was no requirement to force General Ledger Billing System Call Center Printhouse Overdue Bill Customer Management Commissions & Business Process Calculations & Calculating Dunning Management Debt Collection Agency Accounting & Customer Contacts, Data warehouse Invoices, CDR s, Products/ Prospects, Workflows Taxation Services, Prices, Discounts, Customer Bank Contracts, Customer Base Rating & Data Others Billing ESB Resource Management NOC / provisioning Billing Mediation Voice Exchanges VoIP Gateways VoD Sources Others Legend: Comarch solution Figure 1. Comarch solution in MM environment Comarch Technology Review 01/2011
  • 12. 12 IN FOCUS: BSS/OSS TRANSFORMATION BSS/OSS TRANSFORMATION Transformation… what does this mean??? hroughout the years of designing and delivering platforms, employees of different group members will still T IT  solutions for telecom operators I have witnessed many transformations. Telcos were created be organized differently and they will use these platforms in their unique ways. as startups, then formed their own business model and constructed their IT to support their business yet in the end (after a few years) they accumulated a backlog of unsolvable So what is this “Business problems proving unbearable - so they transformed. Transformation”? A question comes to mind… they went through Business Transformation, i.e. changing the way of doing a  transformation, but what does this mean? Usually they business. Thus, Business Transformation is about changing would have transformed their aging IT, having it replaced with organization, changing business processes, changing a new more powerful and flexible package. patterns of interactions and somewhere at the bottom of TOMASZ OMIECINSKI the whole process, adjusting IT in order for it to match new Comarch SA And so a second question springs to mind: did that solve realities (where “adjusting” is most often just an euphemism Senior Manager, the accumulated backlog problem? Well, typically it would for “replacing”). Convergent BSS/OSS Solutions, have solved IT- related problems, but… problems which Telecommunications Business were caused outside of IT still remained, regardless of how Business Transformation is much more than just changing IT. Unit many times IT itself was transformed. Furthermore, if IT was However, changing IT may be the best known and controlled transformed but business was not changed, then soon element of all transformation aspects. After all, IT has been enough the old patterns of doing business would start to changed, modified or transformed many times in the lifetime IDEAS IN BRIEF: imprint old problems onto new IT. of any mature CSP, so they know how to avoid typical mistakes. Not all problems So is there a way of solving the unsolvable through can be solved by transformation? Yes there is. Business Transformation is the Business Transformation is difficult as it requires changing changing IT correct answer. an employees’ way of working, changing their habits, re-distributing responsibilities, changing organization All problems The right time for Business Transformation comes naturally charts (and in turn –titles and positions). This means that can be solved with the maturity of the telecommunications industry. Telcos the first and most important thing that is needed for such by transforming were formed years ago, through the course of this time a  transformation is the commitment of the executives, i.e. business they grew, acquired other telcos or were acquired (some the effective decision makers. When an organization is being even many times over) to finally end up in multi-technology changed, vigorous disputes are held (“I want my team left Changing business groups. Nowadays, large telcos are often organized intact”), generating endless e-mail chains that are bound business affects as multiple companies doing more or less the same things, to occur and could well impact the transformation. Unless an organization’s but using different means and bravely solving problems that Management is prepared to use all of their executive powers structure, end to they uniquely and unpredictably bring upon themselves. to firmly tell their employees “We are transforming and that end processes It is worth noting that even if a group itself standardizes IT means that you are transforming too”. and IT Comarch Technology Review 01/2011
  • 13. IN FOCUS: BSS/OSS TRANSFORMATION 13 OK, let’s get started…but how? A second opinion should also be taken into How will the transformation account, and rather than going for a theoretical efforts pay off? Gaining commitment will not be possible if there consulting view, it would be better to choose an is no concrete transformation plan, which must experienced IT partner who would share their 1. It is THE way to free the CSP from the backlog clearly define to what and how the business will experiences in this area. What we mean is an of problems accumulated throughout the transform. As it is often easier to setup a new IT partner that has already delivered complete years. business than to transform a mature organization, business support suites on its own to a number the creation of such a plan must not be taken of CSPs. An IT partner who has built up its own 2. It is THE way to re-compose business, lightly. The difficulty is in defining transformation portfolio of best practices and standardized preparing it for new challenges. plans which grow with the size of the business systems in real-life projects. This is one of undergoing the transformation. In this context, circumstances where multi-vendor solutions 3. It is THE most comprehensive way to transforming multi-market & multi-country delivered by multiple integrators truly fail. Multi- effectively invigorate a mature organization businesses into a single “pan-geographical party deliveries do not allow a party to build to make it competitive and ready to race business unit” elevates the challenge to yet up practice in running end-to-end business head-to-head with those who have not been another level. processes, navigating them through various burdened with years of bad experiences. organizations and effectively supporting them in So how does one climb such a mountain? Well, different IT systems. one way is to hire a leading consulting company, Why am I telling you all this? which would provide thousands of hours of services. As a result, a detailed report would be What does it take to execute the I am currently taking part in a transformation filed that would summarize all of the existing transformation? program – a multi-market and multi-country problems and would hold a list of means to Business Transformation. Comarch is supporting address them. The report would leave the decision 1. The management’s commitment and it not only with BSS/OSS Suite components, but to the operator and each of the possible “ways out” readiness to defend the program against provides CSPs with access to experience gathered would be accompanied with tens (if not hundreds) people who are prepared to go all the way to in previous projects. of pros and cons to make the decision process a derail the transformation in order to protect little bit “easier”. After drawing up such a report CSP their old ways. The transformation is tiresome, the amount of work will not differ from where it started, apart from the is phenomenal (as I said, complexity grows quickly fact that now it would have a “summary problem 2. Strength and dedication, never minding the with the size of the business undergoing the report” – which could make it easier to explain to sleepless nights when forming and then transformation), yet I am personally proud that we people that the problems exists and have to be executing transformation plan. A plan that are the IT partner supporting the transformation, addressed. has to be sound and robust if it is to result in and it is my privilege to work with people who have the management’s “GO” call. the right attitude and show admirable commitment Is there another way? Well, the operator could to actually making things happen. People who go back to the good old TMF eTOM to decompose 3. Exquisite program/project management skills have prepared the plan and took their executives its Frameworx (especially the Business Process in order to execute the plan in a controlled message seriously. People who have organized Framework – in its brand new Release 9 of course) manner, knowing that the transformation will themselves in multiple streams and work tirelessly taking it apart in order to reconstruct the CSP’s span across multiple levels, and will happen on “seemingly unrelated” paths, all of which lead to own business like a jigsaw puzzle. One should also in multiple parallel streams that will affect the one common goal. People who have embarked on bear in mind all of the past experiences in order whole organization. a climb of the “transformation mountain”, no matter to avoid missing some aspects that have been what it takes. inadequately dealt with before. Surprisingly as it 4. And last but not least – an IT partner. Yes, may sound, although multi-market transformations “IT partner” and not “IT vendor”. Business Perhaps in one of the next issues of this magazine present additional challenges, they also bring Transformation requires an IT partner who will I will be able to present how this transformation big advantages as they allow to combine multi- be prepared to be there with the CSP in the was actually carried out and how it transformed party and multi-country experiences into a single long run. A partner who is ready to support the businesses involved. As of now I can only say business setup. the transformation planning process a long that if you are tired of old problems that reoccur time before IT delivery starts. A partner with over and over again, regardless of the times IT has goals that reach far beyond selling licenses or been changed – don’t be scared and go all the man days of work. way, follow the Business Transformation path. Comarch Technology Review 01/2011
  • 14. 14 IN FOCUS: BSS/OSS TRANSFORMATION BSS/OSS TRANSFORMATION How to avoid embarrassing challenges in projects – a vendor view ithout any doubt, embarrassing challenges the users to switch to the new solution which would enable W happen in projects, especially in IT. In this article I will elaborate on the most common and most them to work more efficiently. important challenges of this kind. What was the root cause for all these issues? It was only after a few months that we found out that a project owner The conclusions, which can generally be drawn from this was not defined on the customer side. This is definitely article, are based on the completion of five large OSS projects the most difficult kind of challenge, as the vendor cannot for the largest players on the telecom market. These projects really change it. In this case, management was obviously have consumed a combined total of more than 18 years in not supporting our project, limiting resources as much as their collective completion. Thousands of man days have possible and handing over the overall responsibility to us. been invested, with circa two hundred team members, just So, we just presented our expectations concerning project by Comarch alone. management and put a lot of effort to contact users: Webex MAREK CIENKIEWICZ sessions were organized to demonstrate system capabilities Comarch SA and they convinced some users but still, Comarch was Implementation A lack of a project owner on the the one taking the risk of making technical decisions, Department Manager, OSS customer’s side influencing system acceptance in a negative way. Core, Telecommunications Business Unit Let’s take a look at the first case. After the initial implementation was finished, the first worrying signs Imprecise definition of project started to appear during prototyping sessions: future users requirements and scope complained about a number of functionalities. They said, IDEAS IN BRIEF: that the system was not designed in a way that would suite The next challenge is, in my opinion, very common and their current work, and that they would prefer to stick with has been present in a greater or lesser extent in almost all Defining project their current solutions. This tendency was becoming stronger projects. Project scope is usually based upon the customer’s owner is the clue and stronger. Nevertheless, as a result of the management’s request for proposal (RFP), the vendor’s offer and results decision, the next project phases were already defined. of an analysis. Some project assumptions were taken Precise definition of Unfortunately, the customer had not yet assigned a project from the offer and due to several reasons (lying on both requirements and manager or a technical manager able to make a binding sides) analysis was not detailed enough. This resulted in scope decision on the project scope. The project team existed, but misunderstandings regarding the scope of the work and no clear responsibilities were assigned to customer’s team revealed its full effect during acceptance tests. Questions Correct project members. As a result, nobody really encouraged the end appeared: is this particular feature “in scope” vs. “not in organization users to take advantage of our system – and consequently, scope”? Such doubts may seriously endanger system they did not show interest either. Management didn’t push acceptance. Comarch Technology Review 01/2011
  • 15. IN FOCUS: BSS/OSS TRANSFORMATION 15 The reason was simple: imprecise definition of requirements One of the key means to overcome this is to set up a project and scope – a difficult challenge to deal with. First, you communication plan specifying who can communicate with must convince the customer to define his requirements whom, when and by what means. Being introduced by a pro- precisely (which is already a challenge when dealing with big active project manager, the plan guarantees success – at enterprises): either by doing so in advance, before the project least in project organization. starts (even more challenging), or by participating in the creation of the work scope during analysis. Precise wording A project without challenges is not exciting. Therefore it is in offers is self-evident. not the challenges that we should focus on, but rather the way to deal with them. Having right means in place and time A very interesting solution for this problem has a commercial is what we should concentrate on. This is the reason why nature: the analysis may be ordered separately to the project management methodologies have been developed. implementation. This offers advantages for both sides. The The Project Management Institute (PMI), PRINCE 2 and customer gets exactly what it wants for a reasonable price, Scrum are the most common in the IT world. There should because the vendor does not have to assume a higher be no struggle to introduce changes in the strict approach. implementation budget for risk coverage – as the scope In one of our projects we achieved very interesting effects is known. Unfortunately, customers resist to accept this by setting up the base of project management on a formal proposal, especially at the project start. They prefer to have methodology, like PMI or PRINCE 2, and use Agile/Scrum a  fixed price for the entire scope and not risk – as they think – elements to a required extent in chosen project phases wasting money on analysis which could lead to “nowhere”. such as analysis and specific configuration of software (which were combined into one phase). Such an approach enables to create a product in a flexible way, fulfilling Incorrect project organization customer requirements much faster in comparison to a strict waterfall-like management style. The project team The last embarrassing challenge, which is wide spread, can reacts quicker to changes and the customer observes the sometimes be seen in the tiniest elements. Team members progress of product development in regular, relatively short are not prepared for workshops or testing, the training intervals, of a maximum of two-three weeks. During this environment is not prepared or firewall rules are not set. time, organizational, reporting and commercial framework of Questions are answered after a significant amount of time, the project remains according to traditional methodologies, due to lack of interest or communication issues. Such signs which is beneficial for the customer and us. can be easily neglected by project managers because they might think they belong to “normal” issues or depend on the customer and as such are the vendor’s concern. This is not always the case. The issue here is incorrect project organization. A project without challenges is not exciting. Therefore it is not the challenges that we should focus on, but rather the way to deal with them. Comarch Technology Review 01/2011
  • 16. 16 IN FOCUS: BSS/OSS TRANSFORMATION BSS/OSS TRANSFORMATION The advantages of product catalog-centric BSS n the old times, before barcodes and readers were Challenge 1 – difficulties in managing I introduced, product offering and sales processes in small grocery stores were quite simple. You multiple systems would just stick a price tag to the product and put it on the The operators that have existed on the market for many shelf. The customer would then come in, take the product, years may have products defined and maintained in multiple IDEAS IN BRIEF: and get charged by the person managing the cash register. systems from different vendors. One billing system handles Despite the fact that entering prices manually was more mobile services, another deals with fixed line telephony The disadvantages time-consuming, at least the product offer definition was services, and yet another is for cable TV services. All these of having multiple simple and the offer was completed in short time. systems need to support sales-related applications such product catalogs as CRM, a self care portal and a point of sale system. In the telecom business, the situation also used to be much A customer service agent should use the same CRM How Comarch simpler then it is today. Nowadays, product offers and applications for mobile, fixed and cable TV services, so the approaches BSS definitions consist of many different elements including sales-related applications need to be able to use all the transformation in price, target group, distribution channel and offer validity product data that has been scattered across many systems, terms of a product time. And since an operator often has thousands of products and present this data in a unified format. catalog-centric created, managed and offered by multiple departments, architecture managing the product portfolio may become very complex Developing a telecom operator’s business (adding new and ineffective. This drawback grows even greater, as business models, entering new regions, involving in mergers What impact can product lifetimes get shorter (e.g. promotions / personalized & acquisitions) calls for the addition of new systems, a product catalog prices) and the number of product variations keeps growing. databases, terminologies, data structures and new levels have on customer of information quality. As a result, the operator has multiple experience The situation can be better pictured from the end-customer’s data models for products managed in various systems. The perspective. A customer notices an offer about a new old BSS system that handles fixed line services may not be smartphone with attractive, low monthly fees. He goes to as flexible as the new system that handles mobile service a point of sale and wants to purchase the smartphone with offerings. a mobile broadband service. The dealer enters the order into the system and tells the customer the estimated time If the old and new systems are using different terminologies when the service will become active. The estimated time to describe the same things, systems cease to “speak the comes, but the service doesn’t become active. As a result, same language”. In turn, the people working with product the customer gets frustrated and returns the smartphone to data (e.g. product managers and call center agents), who the point of sale. Then he goes to another operator’s point need to get an overview of product status, face difficulties of sale, where he buys a similar smartphone and gets the in obtaining the information they want. This increases the service activated in one hour. What went wrong? amount of time-consuming manual work, entailing more costs and errors in the service delivery process. Bringing new services into the market using a platform with no common Comarch Technology Review 01/2011