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Laura Camila Quesada Vargas
César Augusto Martinez
Esperanza Palechor
Jonathan David Contreras
Group Number: 551037_4
Tutor: Dina Esperanza Bonilla
Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
Bachelor in English as a Foreign Language
Translation Techniques
July, 2018
PARAGRAPH 1- Made by: Cesar Augusto Martinez
La artesanía de la perfumería tiene un patrimonio antiguo y global. El arte
floreció en la antigua Roma, donde se decía que los emperadores se bañaban
en fragancias. Después de la caída de Roma, gran parte del conocimiento se
perdió, pero sobrevivió en las civilizaciones islámicas en la Edad Media. Los
farmacéuticos árabes y persas desarrollaron aceites esenciales de las plantas
aromáticas de la península india. Desarrollaron los procesos de destilación y
suspensión en alcohol, lo que permitió utilizar cantidades menores de materias
primas que en el proceso antiguo, mediante el cual los pétalos de las flores se
remojaban en aceite caliente. Este conocimiento fue llevado de vuelta a los
monasterios europeos durante las Cruzadas.
PARAGRAPH 2- Made by Jonathan David Contreras
Al principio, el uso de fragancias se asociaba principalmente con la sanación.
Las aguas alcohólicas aromáticas fueron ingeridas así como usadas
externamente. Las fragancias se utilizaban para purificar el aire, tanto con fines
espirituales como de salud. Durante la peste negra, se pensaba que la peste
bubónica era el resultado de un mal olor que podía evitarse inhalando
fragancias agradables como la canela. La peste negra provocó una aversión al
uso de agua para el lavado, por lo que el perfume se utilizaba comúnmente
como agente de limpieza.
Más tarde, el arte del perfume volvió a entrar en Europa, y se centró en
Venecia, principalmente porque era una importante ruta comercial y un centro
de fabricación de vidrio. Disponer de estos materiales era esencial para el
proceso de destilación. A finales del siglo XVII, el comercio se disparó en
Francia, cuando Luis XIV introdujo políticas proteccionistas y de mecenazgo
que estimularon la compra de bienes de lujo. Aquí, la perfumería estaba
reservada a los fabricantes de guantes. El vínculo surgió porque el curtido del
cuero requería sustancias pútridas. En consecuencia, los guantes fueron
perfumados antes de ser vendidos y usados. Desde 1190 existía aquí un gremio
de fabricantes de guantes y perfumes. Entrar en él requería 7 años de
formación bajo la guía de un maestro del perfume.
PARAGRAPH 3- Made by Laura Camila Quesada
El comercio de perfumes floreció durante el reinado de Luis XV, como los
principales fabricantes de guantes y perfumes, particularmente los que
comercian en París, recibian patrocinio de la corte real, donde se dice que cada
semana se usaba un perfume diferente. Los perfumistas variaron en otros
cosméticos, incluidos jabones, polvos, pinturas de cara blanca y tintes para el
cabello. No eran los únicos vendedores de productos de belleza. Distribuidores
de telas textiles, fabricantes de especias, fabricantes de vinagre y peluqueros
estaban aprovechando la popularidad de los productos perfumados. Incluso los
mismos tenderos inventaban sus propios brebajes para vender.
Durante el siglo XVIII, comenzó a surgir la industria del perfume más
moderna y capitalista, particularmente en Gran Bretaña, donde existía una
floreciente sociedad de consumo. En Francia, la revolución interrumpió
inicialmente el comercio de perfumes debido a su asociación con la
aristocracia, sin embargo, recuperó su impulso mas tarde a medida que se
buscaba una gama más amplia de mercados tanto en el mercado nacional como
en el extranjero. El sistema de gremio fué abolido en 1791, permitiendo abrir
nuevas tiendas de perfumes de alta gama en París.
PARAGRAPH 4- Made by: Esperanza Palechor
El perfume se asoció con la salud en 1810 con una ordenanza napoleónica que
requería que los perfumistas declararan los ingredientes de todos los productos
para el consumo interno. No dispuestos a divulgar sus secretos, los
comerciantes se concentraron en productos para uso externo. Napoleón afectó
a la industria de otras maneras también. Con los puertos franceses bloqueados
por los británicos durante las guerras napoleónicas, los perfumistas de Londres
pudieron dominar los mercados durante algún tiempo.
Uno de los cambios significativos en el siglo XIX fue la idea de las
marcas. Hasta entonces, las marcas habían tenido poca importancia en
la perfumería donde los bienes se consumían localmente, aunque tenían
una larga historia en otras industrias. Uno de los pioneros en este
campo fue Rimmel, quien fue nacionalizado como ciudadano Británico
en 1857. El aprovechó la expansión de los ferrocarriles para llegar a
clientes en mercados más amplios. Para hacer esto, construyó una
marca que transmitía prestigio y calidad, y valía la pena pagar un buen
precio por ella. Reconoció el papel del diseño en la mejora del valor de
sus productos, contrató a un litógrafo francés para crear las etiquetas de
sus botellas de perfume.
Cesar Augusto Martinez
First of all, I can only say that to get a good translation I took into
account 2 techniques trying to get the best results in this paragraph
Communicative translation: it attempts to render the exact contextual
meaning of the original in such a way that both content and language
are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership (1988b:
And in some parts of the texts I used Literal Translation “A word-for-
word translation can be used in some languages and not others
dependent on the sentence structure” this paragraph had some
sentences that can be translated literally.
So after making a complete reading of the PARAGRAPH 1 and in order to
obtain a general idea of ​​the work, I may advise don’t trust the dictionary alone!
One of the elementary errors we make is choosing the wrong translation from
a dictionary entry. This typically happens when the translator doesn’t know the
meaning of one of the words they are working with. To remedy this, you may
want to check a monolingual dictionary as they usually offer more complete
definitions. Also, try looking up the likely translation to make sure that it
“translates back” to the source language correctly. If we are still unsure, ask
the organization or a native speaker.
For what we learned from this exercise is a literal word for word rendering of
the text is not really a translation. We should always strive not only to convey
meaning as precisely as possible, but also tone, and to make sure the
translation reads well We must rearrange or rebuild sentences – well-expressed
ideas are far more important than consistent grammar. This is an art form, there
is always room for improvement (and debate!).
Jonathan David Contreras
When translating, I use the literal translation method, which allows for
a word-by-word translation, so that a recognition of the words that are
understood and those that are strange is made, these words are
translated and then a text is written, taking into account elements such
as sentence organization, cohesion and linguistic coherence.
It is a matter of translating the document that the translator is in charge
of as faithfully as possible, since it is his job to translate into his mother
tongue what has been expressed in another language, so that the text
can be read.
Laura Camila Quesada
The tecnique that I used for this activity was the literal translation
tecnique, which implies a word-for-word translation. In the paragraph
there were specially two very difficult words to find like: mercers and
spicers. Even I used different online resources I couldn’t find them
easy, I even tried to look for images according each word but there
were others that had very little relation to the subject of reading. In the
case of the word mercers I remember that I searched in several
resources but none fit the context, and the word spices I found it, but I
had to search only by spice, which means especia, so I deduced the
meaning of spicers as: fabricantes de especias.
Esperanza Palechor
I want to share the process I followed to do the translation exercise:
First I did a quick reading of the whole text to get an idea of ​​what this
was about and I found than it was an understandable text. In this case I
use the literal translation. Then I focused on paragraph four and did the
previous exercise but in a more specific way. Then I croaked some
words I did not remember or did not know. Immediately or at the same
time I tried to make a communicative translation so that the text is
coherent and understandable, I organized each of the ideas I did not
have major difficulties. I found a nice text through this one I knew new
Cesar Augusto Martinez
Jonathan David Contreras
Laura Camila Quesada
A strategy is a plan of action
designed to achieve an overall aim,
or the achievement of a goal or
solution to a problem.
Is a way something is done. Is also
an established, habitual, logical or
prescribed practiced or systematic
process of achiving certain ends, in
an ordered sequence or fixed steps.
Is a sistematic procedure formula
or routine and skill for completing
a specific task.
Finding a job: There are several
different strategies that can be
used to find a job,:
-Using the current skills to find a
new job.
-Becoming an apprentice for a
- Going to college for a new career.
The Teaching Method: Refers to
how can be applied the answers
from the questions stated in
Teaching approaches to the day to
day instruction in front of the
students, like: Do you follow the
textbooks and curricula to the letter
with everything? Do you advocate
learning by doing?,etc.
If a classroom is becoming
distracted a teacher may use
tecniques like silent reading or
shared reading to try to rope them
in again. Another tecnique is to use
a quick physical activity to distract
all their distraction and get them all
to do the same thing at the same
time - then quickly direct them
back to work.
Esperanza Palechor
Method Strategy Technique
It is based in some
There are some methods of
Word for word translation
here it is important the word
is translated singly. literal
translation where the words
are again translated singly,
out of context , semantic
translation t must take more
account of the aesthetic
value of the SL text,
adaptive translation it is the
text is rewritten, free
translation refers it produces
the TL text without the
style, form, or content of the
original, , idiomatic
translation here it
reproduces the 'message' of
the original but tends to
distort nuances of meaning
by preferring colloquialisms
and idioms, communicative
translation it looks for
readily acceptable and
It refers to the procedures
developed to achieve an
It usually requires a plan of
action designed to achieve
an overall aim.
Krings (1986:18) defines
translation strategy as
"translator's potentially
conscious plans for solving
concrete translation
problems in the framework
of a concrete translation
Moreover, Loescher
(1991:8) defines translation
strategy as "a potentially
conscious procedure for
solving a problem faced in
translating a text, or any
segment of it.
A combination of several
strategies would result in a
more accurate
It is a procedure or skill for
completing a specific task.
It refers to the set of
knowledge or practical
knowledge to achieve a
Among some translation
techniques are:
Direct translation techniques
includes Borrowing it is the
use of the same word from a
source language to serve in
the target language, calque it
refers literal way
translation of words from
one language to another to
create a stock phrase in the
target language, literal
translation refers a word for
word could be used in some
Oblique translation
techniques includes
transposition This is the
process where parts of
speech change their
Cesar Augusto Martinez- To –Laura CamilaQuesada
Dear Laura Camila I have been going through your work and I can tell you
that sometimes we find words that are difficult to translate in spanish so, you
have done a good job trying to get the concept of the meaning, this is what
really matters sometimes. Some of the best advice you can get when you start
translating to and from English or Spanish is to translate for meaning rather
than to translate words. Sometimes what you want to translate will be
straightforward enough that there won't be much difference between the two
But more often than not, paying attention to what someone is saying not just
the words the person is using will pay off in doing a better job of conveying
the idea that someone is trying to get across.
I have alson seen some wrong words you must correct in your work
*apply - applied
*it is
To Esperanza Palechor
Dear Esperanza Palechor I have gone over your work and I can say that your words
have meaning in the paragraph chosen although this work is very good you said you
used literal translation If you opt for a literal translation, you may get unpleasant
surprises. While you must preserve the original style of the author (tone, register…),
you can’t duplicate the syntax or the grammatical construction of the source language,
unless of course it is correct in the target language. You also don’t have to keep all the
words from the source text if you want to avoid redundancy in your translation.
Conversely, don’t hesitate to add some words in your translation if you feel it will make
the meaning clearer.
About the chart you created I think it is well structured and the information is useful for
this task, I would only want advice you to use APA Rules correctly to justify the text
and I found a little mistake as well in the sentence “I use” I think you meant “I used”
Thank you very much for sharing us your work.
Jonathan David Contreras- To- Laura Camila Quesada
Dear Laura, I think it is an excellent work, except for a few words that
classmate Cesar has already mentioned, but I think it is very important to
achieve a good balance between interpreting and literal translation, because
although it is necessary in some cases to interpret what the other person wants
to say, many times a single word can change the meaning of everything.
To -Esperanza Palechor
Dear Esperanza, I think it is a very good work, an excellent translation and a
very relevant comparative table for the subject matter dealt with.
Laura Camila Quesada- To- Cesar Augusto Martinez
Thank you so much for your suggestions to my work, but also for the tips you
give on your reflection when a traslation process is performed. I also consider
that something important to do before the translation is to familiarize first with
the document or reading, and then identify relevant references sources for the
subject we are going to translate, to have more clarity on the issue.
To: Jonathan David Contreras
Your traslation is very interesting, besides the literal translation tecnique is one
of the most common translation tecniques, I used it too. It has some advantages
and disadvantages too, for example a disadvantage is that Languages have to
be closely related in a cultural sense to translate, and sometimes it is difficult
to recognize. But almost always translations are accurate.
To -Esperanza Palechor
I am agree with you that it was a nice text to translate because we can learn
new things, and you have done a great job, to highlight, we can use different
techniques and methods to translate, in your case, the technique you used
allows to do a more accurate translation.
Esperanza Palechor – To-Cesar Augusto
I really liked the reflection you did about the translation exercise ecause you
did clear and concrete recomendations.
In the chart of the differences you took key elements in each concept and I
liked the design that you used for the presentation.
Thank you.
*Bosco, G. (n.d.). Translation Techniques. Retrieved Oct 05,
*Preciado, P. D., & Silva, M. (2007). English Translation Techniques
[Ebook]. Retrieved Oct 05, 2017,
tra%20translations%20techniques&f=false Umbral Digital
*Bosco, G. (n.d.). Translation Techniques. Retrieved March 22, 2017,
*Ordudari, M. (july 2007). Translation procedures, strategies, and
methods. Translation Journal, 11(3). Retrieved March 22, 2017,
*Bussinesdictionary;(2018); Strategy,[online article]. Retrieved from:
*Bussinesdictionary;(2018); Method,[online article]. Retrieved from:
*Bussinesdictionary;(2018);Thecnique,[online article]. Retrieved from:
* Ulya, R,(2016); What is the difference between strategy, technique, method and approach
in terms of teaching. [online article]. Retrieved from:
* Ordudari, M. (july 2007). Translation procedures, strategies, and methods. Translation
Journal, 11(3). Retrieved March 22, 2017,
* Net industries (Education- Knowledge – Information) (n.d) Translation - The Concept Of
Translation And Its Complexity. Retrieved March 22, 2017,
* Bosco, G. (n.d.). Translation Techniques. Retrieved March 22, 2017,

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Collaborative work

  • 1. TASK 3 Laura Camila Quesada Vargas César Augusto Martinez Esperanza Palechor Jonathan David Contreras Group Number: 551037_4 Tutor: Dina Esperanza Bonilla Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia Bachelor in English as a Foreign Language Translation Techniques July, 2018
  • 2. TASK 1- TRANSLATION PARAGRAPH 1- Made by: Cesar Augusto Martinez La artesanía de la perfumería tiene un patrimonio antiguo y global. El arte floreció en la antigua Roma, donde se decía que los emperadores se bañaban en fragancias. Después de la caída de Roma, gran parte del conocimiento se perdió, pero sobrevivió en las civilizaciones islámicas en la Edad Media. Los farmacéuticos árabes y persas desarrollaron aceites esenciales de las plantas aromáticas de la península india. Desarrollaron los procesos de destilación y suspensión en alcohol, lo que permitió utilizar cantidades menores de materias primas que en el proceso antiguo, mediante el cual los pétalos de las flores se remojaban en aceite caliente. Este conocimiento fue llevado de vuelta a los monasterios europeos durante las Cruzadas.
  • 3. PARAGRAPH 2- Made by Jonathan David Contreras Al principio, el uso de fragancias se asociaba principalmente con la sanación. Las aguas alcohólicas aromáticas fueron ingeridas así como usadas externamente. Las fragancias se utilizaban para purificar el aire, tanto con fines espirituales como de salud. Durante la peste negra, se pensaba que la peste bubónica era el resultado de un mal olor que podía evitarse inhalando fragancias agradables como la canela. La peste negra provocó una aversión al uso de agua para el lavado, por lo que el perfume se utilizaba comúnmente como agente de limpieza.
  • 4. Más tarde, el arte del perfume volvió a entrar en Europa, y se centró en Venecia, principalmente porque era una importante ruta comercial y un centro de fabricación de vidrio. Disponer de estos materiales era esencial para el proceso de destilación. A finales del siglo XVII, el comercio se disparó en Francia, cuando Luis XIV introdujo políticas proteccionistas y de mecenazgo que estimularon la compra de bienes de lujo. Aquí, la perfumería estaba reservada a los fabricantes de guantes. El vínculo surgió porque el curtido del cuero requería sustancias pútridas. En consecuencia, los guantes fueron perfumados antes de ser vendidos y usados. Desde 1190 existía aquí un gremio de fabricantes de guantes y perfumes. Entrar en él requería 7 años de formación bajo la guía de un maestro del perfume.
  • 5. PARAGRAPH 3- Made by Laura Camila Quesada El comercio de perfumes floreció durante el reinado de Luis XV, como los principales fabricantes de guantes y perfumes, particularmente los que comercian en París, recibian patrocinio de la corte real, donde se dice que cada semana se usaba un perfume diferente. Los perfumistas variaron en otros cosméticos, incluidos jabones, polvos, pinturas de cara blanca y tintes para el cabello. No eran los únicos vendedores de productos de belleza. Distribuidores de telas textiles, fabricantes de especias, fabricantes de vinagre y peluqueros estaban aprovechando la popularidad de los productos perfumados. Incluso los mismos tenderos inventaban sus propios brebajes para vender.
  • 6. Durante el siglo XVIII, comenzó a surgir la industria del perfume más moderna y capitalista, particularmente en Gran Bretaña, donde existía una floreciente sociedad de consumo. En Francia, la revolución interrumpió inicialmente el comercio de perfumes debido a su asociación con la aristocracia, sin embargo, recuperó su impulso mas tarde a medida que se buscaba una gama más amplia de mercados tanto en el mercado nacional como en el extranjero. El sistema de gremio fué abolido en 1791, permitiendo abrir nuevas tiendas de perfumes de alta gama en París.
  • 7. PARAGRAPH 4- Made by: Esperanza Palechor El perfume se asoció con la salud en 1810 con una ordenanza napoleónica que requería que los perfumistas declararan los ingredientes de todos los productos para el consumo interno. No dispuestos a divulgar sus secretos, los comerciantes se concentraron en productos para uso externo. Napoleón afectó a la industria de otras maneras también. Con los puertos franceses bloqueados por los británicos durante las guerras napoleónicas, los perfumistas de Londres pudieron dominar los mercados durante algún tiempo.
  • 8. Uno de los cambios significativos en el siglo XIX fue la idea de las marcas. Hasta entonces, las marcas habían tenido poca importancia en la perfumería donde los bienes se consumían localmente, aunque tenían una larga historia en otras industrias. Uno de los pioneros en este campo fue Rimmel, quien fue nacionalizado como ciudadano Británico en 1857. El aprovechó la expansión de los ferrocarriles para llegar a clientes en mercados más amplios. Para hacer esto, construyó una marca que transmitía prestigio y calidad, y valía la pena pagar un buen precio por ella. Reconoció el papel del diseño en la mejora del valor de sus productos, contrató a un litógrafo francés para crear las etiquetas de sus botellas de perfume.
  • 9. * Cesar Augusto Martinez First of all, I can only say that to get a good translation I took into account 2 techniques trying to get the best results in this paragraph Communicative translation: it attempts to render the exact contextual meaning of the original in such a way that both content and language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership (1988b: 45-47). And in some parts of the texts I used Literal Translation “A word-for- word translation can be used in some languages and not others dependent on the sentence structure” this paragraph had some sentences that can be translated literally.
  • 10. So after making a complete reading of the PARAGRAPH 1 and in order to obtain a general idea of ​​the work, I may advise don’t trust the dictionary alone! One of the elementary errors we make is choosing the wrong translation from a dictionary entry. This typically happens when the translator doesn’t know the meaning of one of the words they are working with. To remedy this, you may want to check a monolingual dictionary as they usually offer more complete definitions. Also, try looking up the likely translation to make sure that it “translates back” to the source language correctly. If we are still unsure, ask the organization or a native speaker.
  • 11. For what we learned from this exercise is a literal word for word rendering of the text is not really a translation. We should always strive not only to convey meaning as precisely as possible, but also tone, and to make sure the translation reads well We must rearrange or rebuild sentences – well-expressed ideas are far more important than consistent grammar. This is an art form, there is always room for improvement (and debate!).
  • 12. Jonathan David Contreras When translating, I use the literal translation method, which allows for a word-by-word translation, so that a recognition of the words that are understood and those that are strange is made, these words are translated and then a text is written, taking into account elements such as sentence organization, cohesion and linguistic coherence. It is a matter of translating the document that the translator is in charge of as faithfully as possible, since it is his job to translate into his mother tongue what has been expressed in another language, so that the text can be read.
  • 13. Laura Camila Quesada The tecnique that I used for this activity was the literal translation tecnique, which implies a word-for-word translation. In the paragraph there were specially two very difficult words to find like: mercers and spicers. Even I used different online resources I couldn’t find them easy, I even tried to look for images according each word but there were others that had very little relation to the subject of reading. In the case of the word mercers I remember that I searched in several resources but none fit the context, and the word spices I found it, but I had to search only by spice, which means especia, so I deduced the meaning of spicers as: fabricantes de especias.
  • 14. Esperanza Palechor I want to share the process I followed to do the translation exercise: First I did a quick reading of the whole text to get an idea of ​​what this was about and I found than it was an understandable text. In this case I use the literal translation. Then I focused on paragraph four and did the previous exercise but in a more specific way. Then I croaked some words I did not remember or did not know. Immediately or at the same time I tried to make a communicative translation so that the text is coherent and understandable, I organized each of the ideas I did not have major difficulties. I found a nice text through this one I knew new things.
  • 17. Laura Camila Quesada CONCEPTS STRATEGY METHOD TECHNIQUE DEFINITION A strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve an overall aim, or the achievement of a goal or solution to a problem. Is a way something is done. Is also an established, habitual, logical or prescribed practiced or systematic process of achiving certain ends, in an ordered sequence or fixed steps. Is a sistematic procedure formula or routine and skill for completing a specific task. EXAMPLES Finding a job: There are several different strategies that can be used to find a job,: -Using the current skills to find a new job. -Becoming an apprentice for a trade. - Going to college for a new career. The Teaching Method: Refers to how can be applied the answers from the questions stated in Teaching approaches to the day to day instruction in front of the students, like: Do you follow the textbooks and curricula to the letter with everything? Do you advocate learning by doing?,etc. If a classroom is becoming distracted a teacher may use tecniques like silent reading or shared reading to try to rope them in again. Another tecnique is to use a quick physical activity to distract all their distraction and get them all to do the same thing at the same time - then quickly direct them back to work.
  • 18. Esperanza Palechor Method Strategy Technique It is based in some principles. There are some methods of translation: Word for word translation here it is important the word is translated singly. literal translation where the words are again translated singly, out of context , semantic translation t must take more account of the aesthetic value of the SL text, adaptive translation it is the text is rewritten, free translation refers it produces the TL text without the style, form, or content of the original, , idiomatic translation here it reproduces the 'message' of the original but tends to distort nuances of meaning by preferring colloquialisms and idioms, communicative translation it looks for readily acceptable and It refers to the procedures developed to achieve an objective. It usually requires a plan of action designed to achieve an overall aim. Krings (1986:18) defines translation strategy as "translator's potentially conscious plans for solving concrete translation problems in the framework of a concrete translation task. Moreover, Loescher (1991:8) defines translation strategy as "a potentially conscious procedure for solving a problem faced in translating a text, or any segment of it. A combination of several strategies would result in a more accurate understanding. It is a procedure or skill for completing a specific task. It refers to the set of knowledge or practical knowledge to achieve a result. Among some translation techniques are: Direct translation techniques includes Borrowing it is the use of the same word from a source language to serve in the target language, calque it refers literal way translation of words from one language to another to create a stock phrase in the target language, literal translation refers a word for word could be used in some languages. Oblique translation techniques includes transposition This is the process where parts of speech change their
  • 19. * Cesar Augusto Martinez- To –Laura CamilaQuesada Dear Laura Camila I have been going through your work and I can tell you that sometimes we find words that are difficult to translate in spanish so, you have done a good job trying to get the concept of the meaning, this is what really matters sometimes. Some of the best advice you can get when you start translating to and from English or Spanish is to translate for meaning rather than to translate words. Sometimes what you want to translate will be straightforward enough that there won't be much difference between the two approaches.
  • 20. But more often than not, paying attention to what someone is saying not just the words the person is using will pay off in doing a better job of conveying the idea that someone is trying to get across. I have alson seen some wrong words you must correct in your work *apply - applied *it is *approaches *tecniques
  • 21. To Esperanza Palechor Dear Esperanza Palechor I have gone over your work and I can say that your words have meaning in the paragraph chosen although this work is very good you said you used literal translation If you opt for a literal translation, you may get unpleasant surprises. While you must preserve the original style of the author (tone, register…), you can’t duplicate the syntax or the grammatical construction of the source language, unless of course it is correct in the target language. You also don’t have to keep all the words from the source text if you want to avoid redundancy in your translation. Conversely, don’t hesitate to add some words in your translation if you feel it will make the meaning clearer. About the chart you created I think it is well structured and the information is useful for this task, I would only want advice you to use APA Rules correctly to justify the text and I found a little mistake as well in the sentence “I use” I think you meant “I used” Thank you very much for sharing us your work.
  • 22. Jonathan David Contreras- To- Laura Camila Quesada Dear Laura, I think it is an excellent work, except for a few words that classmate Cesar has already mentioned, but I think it is very important to achieve a good balance between interpreting and literal translation, because although it is necessary in some cases to interpret what the other person wants to say, many times a single word can change the meaning of everything. To -Esperanza Palechor Dear Esperanza, I think it is a very good work, an excellent translation and a very relevant comparative table for the subject matter dealt with.
  • 23. Laura Camila Quesada- To- Cesar Augusto Martinez Thank you so much for your suggestions to my work, but also for the tips you give on your reflection when a traslation process is performed. I also consider that something important to do before the translation is to familiarize first with the document or reading, and then identify relevant references sources for the subject we are going to translate, to have more clarity on the issue. To: Jonathan David Contreras Your traslation is very interesting, besides the literal translation tecnique is one of the most common translation tecniques, I used it too. It has some advantages and disadvantages too, for example a disadvantage is that Languages have to be closely related in a cultural sense to translate, and sometimes it is difficult to recognize. But almost always translations are accurate.
  • 24. To -Esperanza Palechor I am agree with you that it was a nice text to translate because we can learn new things, and you have done a great job, to highlight, we can use different techniques and methods to translate, in your case, the technique you used allows to do a more accurate translation. Esperanza Palechor – To-Cesar Augusto I really liked the reflection you did about the translation exercise ecause you did clear and concrete recomendations. In the chart of the differences you took key elements in each concept and I liked the design that you used for the presentation. Thank you.
  • 25. * *Bosco, G. (n.d.). Translation Techniques. Retrieved Oct 05, 2017,from *Preciado, P. D., & Silva, M. (2007). English Translation Techniques [Ebook]. Retrieved Oct 05, 2017, from 1&dq=petra%20translations%20techniques&pg=PP1#v=onepage&q=pe tra%20translations%20techniques&f=false Umbral Digital *Bosco, G. (n.d.). Translation Techniques. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from
  • 26. *Ordudari, M. (july 2007). Translation procedures, strategies, and methods. Translation Journal, 11(3). Retrieved March 22, 2017, from *Bussinesdictionary;(2018); Strategy,[online article]. Retrieved from: *Bussinesdictionary;(2018); Method,[online article]. Retrieved from: *Bussinesdictionary;(2018);Thecnique,[online article]. Retrieved from:
  • 27. * Ulya, R,(2016); What is the difference between strategy, technique, method and approach in terms of teaching. [online article]. Retrieved from: * Ordudari, M. (july 2007). Translation procedures, strategies, and methods. Translation Journal, 11(3). Retrieved March 22, 2017, from * Net industries (Education- Knowledge – Information) (n.d) Translation - The Concept Of Translation And Its Complexity. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from * Bosco, G. (n.d.). Translation Techniques. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from