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Unit 1 – Task 3
Collaborative Work
Tutor: Dina Esperanza Bonilla
Johanna Patricia González García – Code: 42143907
Herlinda Vanesa Quiñonez Santamaría – Code: 1121918318
Sebastián Botero Agudelo– Code: 1017158798
Diana Marcela Posada – Code: 43190701
Diego Fernando Zapata – Code: 18512824
Group: 551037_9
Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD
Escuela Ciencias de la Eduación ECEDU
Englihs as a Foreign Language Degree
Course: Translation Techniques 551037A_473
Manizales, July, 2018
Choose a paragraph, read carefully and translate it into Spanish. The text is attached
where you find this activity guide with the name: Perfume_Reading. Each student must select
a different paragraph and inform the choice in the forum, so no paragraphs are repeated
among students.
The craft of perfumery has an ancient and global heritage. The art flourished in
Ancient Rome, where the emperors were said to bathe in scent. After the fall of Rome, much
of the knowledge was lost, but survived in Islamic civilizations in the Middle Ages. Arab and
Persian pharmacists developed essential oils from the aromatic plants of the Indian peninsula.
They developed the processes of distillation and suspension in alcohol, which allowed for
smaller amounts of raw materials to be used than in the ancient process, by which flower
petals were soaked in warm oil. This knowledge was carried back to European monasteries
during the Crusades.
El oficio de la perfumería tiene un patrimonio antiguo y global. El arte floreció en la
antigua Roma, donde se decía que los emperadores se bañaban en fragancias. Después de la
caída de Roma, gran parte del conocimiento se perdió, pero sobrevivió en las civilizaciones
islámicas en la Edad Media. Los farmacéuticos árabes y persas desarrollaron aceites
esenciales de las plantas aromáticas de la península india. Desarrollaron los procesos de
destilación y suspensión en alcohol, lo que permitió que la cantidad de materia prima
utilizada fuera menor que en el proceso antiguo, mediante el cual los pétalos de las flores se
remojaban en aceite tibio. Este conocimiento fue llevado de vuelta a los monasterios
europeos durante las Cruzadas.
Write a text about the problems you faced regarding words or expressions that were
hard to translate and an explanation on the techniques used to get the results.
When translating a text, in most of the cases I feel comfortable about it, however,
when I started the translation of this paragraph 1, I could notice the text included words that
I am not very familiar with. So, at the beginning, I was kind of lost. One difficult part was to
find the exact word to change it into the target language and to be able to organize some ideas
without altering the content.
The strategy I commonly use when translating a text is proof reading, it means, I read
the whole text several times to better understand its meaning, then I start to translate. Once I
finish, I read the result several times to find mistakes or a better way to redact the ideas.
With this paragraph 1, and knowing a little more about the different techniques, at
first, I tried to translate directly by using the literal translation technique but I could not do it
with the whole text because there were some grammatical sentences and structures that
change a little bit between English and Spanish. So, I resorted to different techniques,
 Shifts or transpositions
 Adaptation
 Modulation
And, if I do not know a word, I use or sometimes a dictionary and
I always make sure that its meaning is consistent with the content of the text.
Create a chart about the difference between method, strategy and technique and give
an example of each concept.
Method Strategy Technique
 Method is a way
something is done.
 A method is a way
(procedure, planned
steps) for doing
something (concrete) in
accordance with a
definite plan.
 A method is a series of
related and progressive
acts performed by a
teacher and students to
achieve the objective of
the lesson.
 Strategy usually requires
some sort of planning.
 A strategy is a plan or
series of exercises or
stratagems for obtaining a
specific goal or result.
 A strategy is a plan of
action designed to
achieve an overall aim.
On the long term, any
strategy requires some
sort of science or art to be
 Technique is a procedure
or skill for completing a
specific task.
 It is used for sentences
and the smallest units of
 It is a process that must
comply with a series of
norms which aim to
obtain certain results in
any field: science,
education, technology
and art.
 Word-for-word translation
 Free translation.
 Idiomatic translation.
 Syntactic strategies.
 Semantic strategies.
 Pragmatic strategies.
 Direct Translation
 Oblique Translation
Some other examples
 Direct Instruction
In this case, the teacher
decides what is important
 Problem-based Learning
With PBL, the teacher
presents students with a
 Mind Maps
A common technique for
exploring self-learning is
for the students to know
and specifically explains or
demonstrates a skill, and
the student attempts to
replicate it.
This method of Direct
Instruction can vary, and it
could include reading a
book, displaying diagrams,
showing real-life examples
of the subject matter, using
props, discussing relevant
characteristics, watching a
video, or other hands-on
and/or presentational steps
directly related to a lesson
plan's stated objective.
problem, not lectures or
assignments or exercises.
Since they are not handed
"content", the learning
becomes active in the sense
that students discover and
work with content that they
determine to be necessary
to solve the problem.
the use of Mind Maps.
Teachers can create a
central node on a Mind Map
and allow students the
freedom to expand and
develop ideas. For example,
if the focus is the Human
Body, some students may
create Mind Maps on the
organs, Bones or Diseases
that affect the human
body. Later the students
would be evaluated
according to the Mind Maps
they have created and could
collaborate with each other
to improve each other’s
Mind Maps and come to a
more comprehensive
understanding of the
Human Body.
Give meaningful feedback to your mates’ task about translation.
Hello Dear Sebastian,
It is true that in each language there are native words or words that are or words created so
that things, complex situations or names cannot be understood in a much easier way,
despite that, I can notice that your work is coherent and clear and, besides, the use of
grammatical structures and vocabulary is appropriated.
It is important to highlight that when facing a translation, we will find some degree of
difficulty, since as you mentioned in your reflection we must have clarity with the main
idea of the text, the author’s intention, the objectives in order to keep the real meaning of
what it is intended to communicate.
Have a good evening.
Dear Herlinda Vanesa,
Paragraph 2, which you worked on, contains a large percentage of new vocabulary and
advanced grammatical structures, among them the passive voice that must be carefully
organized so that they sound coherently in our language once the translation is done. As
you mentioned in your reflection, it is a paragraph that in its entirety cannot be translated
literally because in Spanish it would not make sense and that is when you must make use
of the different translation techniques studied in the unit such as Calque, compensation,
modulation techniques and so on, so that there is coherence without altering the real
meaning. Taking into account the aforementioned, I can say that you have done a good
translation of the selected paragraph and an appropriate use of the different techniques.
Best Regards,
Dear Diana Marcela,
Reviewing your translation, it can be clearly seen that the techniques you used to make
sense of the paragraph, without changing its meaning, were appropriate, since when
reading the paragraph in Spanish, great consistency and appropriate use of grammatical
structures and vocabulary is evident.
Good job!
Choose a paragraph, read carefully and translate it into Spanish. The text is attached
where you find this activity guide with the name: Perfume Reading. Each student must select
a different paragraph and inform the choice in the forum, so no paragraphs are repeated
among students.
At first, the use of fragrances was primarily associated with healing. Aromatic
alcoholic waters were ingested as well as used externally. Fragrances were used to purify the
air, both for spiritual and health purposes. During the Black Death, the bubonic plague was
thought to have resulted from a bad odour which could be averted by inhaling pleasant
fragrances such as cinnamon. The Black Death led to an aversion to using water for washing,
and so perfume was commonly used as a cleaning agent.
Later on, the craft of perfume re-entered Europe, and was centred in Venice, chiefly
because it was an important trade route and a centre for glass-making. Having such materials
at hand was essential for the distillation process. In the late seventeenth century, trade soared
in France, when Louis XIV brought in policies of protectionism and patronage which
stimulated the purchase of luxury goods. Here, perfumery was the preserve of glove-makers.
The link arose since the tanning of leather required putrid substances. Consequently, the
gloves were scented before they were sold and worn. A glove and perfume makers’ guild had
existed here since 1190. Entering it required 7 years of formal training under a master
en el principio, el uso de fragancias estaba principalmente asociado con la curación.
Las aguas aromáticas con alcohol eran ingeridas y también usadas de manera externa. Las
fragancias eran usadas para purificar el aire, tanto para propósitos espirituales como de salud.
Durante la muerte negra, se pensaba que la plaga bubónica era el resultado de un mal olor
que podía evitarse inhalando fragancias agradables como la canela. La muerte negra condujo
a una aversión al agua para lavar, y el perfume era comúnmente usado como agente de
Mas tarde, el arte del perfume reingresaría en Europa, y su centro estaba en Venecia,
principalmente porque estaba en una importante ruta y centro para la fabricación de vidrio.
Teniendo en sus manos los principales materiales para el proceso de destilación, a finales del
siglo XVII, el comercio se disparó en Francia cuando Louis XIV trajo policías de protección
y patronaje lo que promovió la compra de artículos de lujo. Aquí, la perfumería era exclusiva
de los fabricantes de guantes, el vínculo surgió debido a que el curtido del cuero requería
sustancias pútridas en consecuencia los guantes estaban perfumados antes de ser vendidos y
gastados. El gremio de guanteros y perfumistas había existido aquí desde 1990. Para ingresar
se requiere 7 años de entrenamiento formal bajo la dirección de un maestro perfumista.
Write a text about the problems you faced regarding words or expressions that were
hard to translate and an explanation on the techniques used to get the results.
The principal problem that I had was that when I translated word by word the meaning
was not coherent with the structure of the Spanish language, so that I had that organize many
words and add some connecting words that usually we used in the Spanish language for can
to get a meaning more harmonic whit the Spanish.
Create a chart about the difference between method, strategy and technique and give
an example of each concept.
Method Strategy Technique
refers to the type of
process chosen by the
translator to translate
the text
it is a process that is
clearly controlled by
the translator
it is the combination
of the method and the
strategy allowing to
obtain a translation
that coherently
communicates the
ideas printed in the
is the fundamental
manager of the
your goal to achieve
the best results
allows the translator
to choose a route that
will lead him to his
objective (translate)
has as a fundamental
piece the method
since it is who marks
the structure to follow
in the translation
Examples when a translator
chooses the method
word by word, he
knows that he must
translate the text in a
defamed way, which
in my opinion will
give him an initial
and impressed vision
of what the text says
that he wants to
When the translator
prepares to carry out
his work, he designs a
translation strategy
based on an approach
that allows him to
arrive at a conclusion
that is as much as
possible and that
communicates the
idea that the author of
the text intends to
When I translated
paragraph 2 with the
word by word
method, I realized
that the text lacked
coherence, so I
modified the strategy
and included not only
the word-for-word
method, but also the
method of literal
translation, which led
to a different
technique that
allowed me to obtain
the best possible
result for my
Give meaningful feedback to your mates’ task about translation.
hello companions
Reading the work of jhoana companion, i could see that in many moments, we apply of
the unconscious way different techniques in the moment in the that we translation, thanks
to her activity i can see that in my translation i apply different techniques useding a little
of each one and not only the first that i had chosen.
Dear Diana
I consider that your translation is in accordance with the message in the text, and I consider
that you chose good techniques to solve the different problems that were presented in the
Dear Sebastian
like your I consider that the expressions or idioms found in this text required a special
effort to apply a technique that allowed to translate its meaning beyond the literal
Choose a paragraph, read carefully and translate it into Spanish. The text is attached
where you find this activity guide with the name: Perfume Reading. Each student must select
a different paragraph and inform the choice in the forum, so no paragraphs are repeated
among students.
Luxury fragrances were strongly associated with the affluent and prestigious cities of
London and Paris. Perfumers elsewhere tended to supply cheaper products and knock-offs of
the London and Paris brands. The United States perfume industry, which developed around
the docks in New York where French oils were being imported, began in this way. Many
American firms were founded by immigrants, such as William Colgate, who arrived in 1806.
At this time, Colgate was chiefly known as a perfumery. Its Cashmere Bouquet brand had
625 perfume varieties in the early 20th century.
Las fragancias de lujo se asociaron fuertemente con las ciudades afluentes y
prestigiosas de Londres y París. Los perfumistas en otros lugares tendían a suministrar
productos más baratos y falsificaciones de las marcas de Londres y París. La industria de los
perfumes de los Estados Unidos, que se desarrolló en los muelles de Nueva York, donde se
importaban aceites franceses, comenzó de esta manera. Muchas firmas estadounidenses
fueron fundadas por inmigrantes, como William Colgate, quien llegó en 1806. En esta época,
Colgate era principalmente conocida como perfumería. Su marca Cashmere Bouquet tenía
625 variedades de perfume a principios del siglo veinte.
Write a text about the problems you faced regarding words or expressions that were
hard to translate and an explanation on the techniques used to get the results.
As in each language there are "native" words or words created so that things, or
complex situations or names cannot be understood in a much easier way, is like the case of
the phrasal verbs, so the difficulty at the time of to translate a sentence, a word or a paragraph
is that, is to try to first understand what the text speaks to us, who intends who wrote it, what
are its objectives and thus be able to reference us much easier, in this way then at the time of
the translation, you must be very careful not to change the meaning of what you want to say
or try to use words that are similar or close to what can be the translation that is needed, so
the help of synonyms and antonyms will help not only to that translation but also to increase
the vocabulary.
Create a chart about the difference between method, strategy and technique and give
an example of each concept.
Is a way something is
Example: the way the
teacher can teach the same
subject but in a different
way, as they say in
mathematics, the order of
the factors does not alter the
Usually requires some
sort of
Example: plan of action, in
this case for the teacher will
be the lesson plan.
Is a procedure or
skill for
completing a
specific task
Example: in this case, the
teacher can be use a quick
physical activity
to distract their distraction
Give meaningful feedback to your mates’ task about translation.
Hello peer, I believe that in general we use a little bit of every technique because I think
all help in a different way and reading all of them I can said that use all. I believe too that
the personal experience of each of us, the experience that we have as a teachers, as a
students, as a people who like the english help us too to do this tasks and this translation.
well, reading all the documents, I think that when reading each of the translations that were
made and speaking from the way I give my work I think that the most used technique or
the one that helped me the most is the literal translation, since the text allowed to use it,
besides that in other translations, perhaps the complexity of the text or of the words maybe
unknown to some the technique that they could have used is Oblique Translation
Techniques since it allows them that the text does not "suffer" a lot when translating it and
does not change much its meaning also we could support in modulation and adaptation and
thus be able to deliver the translations as previously said without changing the idea, what
the writer wanted to express and the purpose of the text.
Choose a paragraph, read carefully and translate it into Spanish. The text is attached
where you find this activity guide with the name: Perfume_Reading. Each student must select
a different paragraph and inform the choice in the forum, so no paragraphs are repeated
among students
Perfume became less associated with health in 1810 with a Napoleonic ordinance
which required perfumers to declare the ingredients of all products for internal consumption.
Unwilling to divulge their secrets, traders concentrated on products for external use.
Napoleon affected the industry in other ways too. With French ports blockaded by the British
during the Napoleonic wars, the London perfumers were able to dominate the markets for
some time.
One of the significant changes in the nineteenth century was the idea of branding.
Until then, trademarks had had little significance in the perfumery where goods were
consumed locally, although they had a long history in other industries. One of the pioneers
in this field was Rimmel who was nationalized as a British citizen in 1857. He took advantage
of the spread of railroads to reach customers in wider markets. To do this, he built a brand
which conveyed prestige and quality, and were worth paying a premium for. He recognized
the role of design in enhancing the value of his products, hiring a French lithographer to
create the labels for his perfume bottles.
El perfume se asoció menos con la salud en 1810 con una ordenanza napoleónica que
requería que los perfumistas declararan los ingredientes de todos los productos de consumo
interno. Nodispuestos a divulgar sus secretos, los comerciantes se concentraron en productos
de consumo externo. Napoleón también afectó a la industria de otras maneras. Con los
puertos franceses bloqueados por los británicos durante las guerras napoleónicas, los
perfumistas londinenses pudieron dominar los mercados durante algún tiempo.
Uno de los cambios significativos en el siglo XIX fue la idea de “marca”. Hasta
entonces, las marcas habían tenido poca importancia en la perfumería donde los bienes se
consumían localmente, aunque tenían una larga historia en otras industrias. Uno de los
pioneros en este campo fue Rimmel, quien fue nacionalizado como ciudadano británico en
1857. Aprovechó la expansión de los ferrocarriles para llegar a clientes en mercados más
amplios. Para hacer esto, construyó una marca que transmitía prestigio y calidad, y valía la
pena pagar un extra por ella. Reconoció el papel del diseño en la mejora del valor de sus
productos, contratando a un litógrafo francés para crear las etiquetas de sus botellas de
Write a text about the problems you faced regarding words or expressions that were
hard to translate and an explanation on the techniques used to get the results.
In order to translate paragraph 4 some problems were found in the following
In the expression "the traders concentrated on products for external use". The first
technique used to translate it properly was the “literal translation” because they had
translatable words in English. However, I notice that a change in the expression would make
it more understandable. So, change "external use" to "foreign consumption". To do this, use
the "reformulation or equivalence" technique.
In the case of the word "branding", having the same use and meaning in Spanish and
English in different geographical areas, not needing translation, the technique used was
Finally, the phrase "were worth paying a premium for" I found that it could be
translated literaly as "prima" or "bonus". But to arrive at a fluid compression, "extra" was
used using the "reformulation or equivalence" technique. Also, I could use the phrase “pagar
de más”.
Create a chart about the difference between method, strategy and technique and give
an example of each concept.
STRATEGY Development of a
comprehensive plan to
achieve objectives through
a method, technique and
tools. This must be
flexible and adapted to the
The teacher makes a teaching-learning strategy. To do
this, he analyzes the conditions of the classroom,
students and resources. Then, he establishes general
and specific objectives. Choose a method according to
the phases by the objectives. Design evaluations
according to the progress achieved in each stage.
Finally, review what has been done to improve it in
the next opportunity.
METHOD Set of steps using a valid
criterion to develop an
orderly procedure.
To apply the action research method in the classroom
we have the following steps. First, you need students
and teachers who are part of a teaching-learning
strategy. Second, identify the objectives established in
the strategy. Third, analyze a problematic area in this
process. Fourth, establish a specific problem to be
solved through action. Fifth, schedule the action.
Sixth, Apply that action to the chosen problem.
Evaluate the effects of the action and repeat the
TECHNIQUE Specific activity
performed by a tool
enabling a task.
The participant observation is the most used technique
in the classroom because almost always the teacher
who applies in the classroom where he teaches. To
apply this technique, you have to be attentive to the
environment, behaviors and language of the
participants in the study. You can use a field diary, a
record of observation or photographs.
Give meaningful feedback to your mates’ task about translation.
Johanna Patricia
I think the technique used by Johana is good, that is, to give a general
reading of the text to identify which words are unknown, for the case
of this paragraph for example I just did not know a couple of words,
what I did was to do second reading and I am looking for the meaning
of the words I dont know for the translation process to see which one
better, if the verb, the noun, the adjective and give meaning to the
Herlinda Vanesa
I think the translation problem you pose is very common, sometimes
a translation of a sentence needs connectors and articles that the
sentence in English itself did not bring, but we have to be careful with
that, because they can change the meaning.
Sebastián Botero According to what I read in your reflection I suppose that you did it
global way, maybe you did not find any difficulty to translation the
paragraph, however, is ideal that you tell us which technique the
traduction you used to reach the final of translation.
Choose a paragraph, read carefully and translate it into Spanish. The text is attached
where you find this activity guide with the name: Perfume_Reading. Each student must select
a different paragraph and inform the choice in the forum, so no paragraphs are repeated
among students
The trade in perfume flourished during the reign of Louis XV, as the master glove-
and-perfume makers, particularly those trading in Paris, received patronage from the royal
court, where it is said that a different perfume was used each week. The perfumers diversified
into other cosmetics including soaps, powders, white face paints and hair dyes. They were
not the sole sellers of beauty products. Mercers, spicers, vinegar-makers and wig-makers
were all cashing in on the popularity of perfumed products. Even simple shopkeepers were
coming up with their own concoctions to sell.
During the eighteenth century, more modern, capitalist perfume industry began to
emerge, particularly in Britain where there was a flourishing consumer society. In France,
the revolution initially disrupted the perfume trade due to its association with aristocracy,
however, it regained momentum later as a wider range of markets were sought both in the
domestic and overseas markets. The guild system was abolished in 1791, allowing new high-
end perfumery shops to open in Paris.
El comercio del perfume floreció durante el reinado de Luis XC, mientras el guante
maestro y hacedor de perfumes recibía patrocinios de la corte real, particularmente aquellos
perfumes que se comercializaban en parís, donde se ha dicho que un diferente perfume se
usaba cada semana. Las perfumerías se diversificaron en cosméticos incluyendo jabones,
polvos, pinturas para rostros blancos y tintes para el cabello. Ellos no fueron los únicos
vendedores de productos de belleza. Mercenarios, vendedores de especias, hacedores de
vinagre y hacedores de pelucas, estaban todos monetizándose con la popularidad de los
productos perfumados .Inclusive simples tenderos estaban viniendo con sus brebajes para
Durante la época más moderna del siglo 18, la industria capitalista del perfume
comenzó a emerger, particularmente in Bretaña donde estaba floreciendo una sociedad
consumidora. In Francia, la revolución inicialmente interrumpió el comercio de los perfumes
debido a su asociación con la aristocracia, como sea, este recobro su momento después en
una gama más ancha de mercados que fueron buscado en ambos, los mercados domésticos y
los mercados exteriores. El gremio fue abolido en 1971, permitiendo a nuevas tiendas de
perfumería de alta clase, ser abiertas en Paris.
Write a text about the problems you faced regarding words or expressions that were
hard to translate and an explanation on the techniques used to get the results
According this activity , I found different problems that I had to solve after the
translating process I mean I had to read it a couple of times after a final paragraph was
finished ,because as a translator I had to use different techniques as adaptation ,also translate
word by word , then I use accommodation of words just to find the meaning of the author
when for example he said “ the master glove” , there are terms that mean something according
the context and this is related to those times, at the end it is a good exercise because I Iike
history and stories about kings and queens are pretty good for me.
Create a chart about the difference between method, strategy and technique and give
an example of each concept.
STRATEGY I think that a strategy is the main
idea that you have in order to get a
final result, the techniques are part
of the strategy, the method is the
way the strategy is going to be
taken, but the strategy is the most
important idea you have to get an
expected result, the strategy must
have a plan B, a plan C in order to
never fail.
A good example will be when a teacher
knows his group of students for the first time
, so he must analyze them , ask them about
the topics that they already saw, also try to
find their learning styles , just to see how is
the route he is going to take, then he will be
able to choose the right method and the
techniques he is going to use in class in
METHOD A method is like a process that
must be done step by step, you
can’t miss one step because it can
go wrong, and the process may not
end as expected.
A good method you should be in class, I will
begin by separate groups of student with
different learning styles , so in each group
will always be different ways of learning and
this will complement students between them ,
then they will have to do different didactics
games such as roll playing, round tables of
knowledge, forums .
TECHNIQUE A technique is something special
you use to get something ,in
translation there are different
techniques such as calque , literal
translation , borrowing they are all
specify their action and they are all
different from each other
For example you as a student must find a
specific topic in a book that the teacher gave
you, so one of the techniques you have to use
is scanning, searching for the words that are
related to this.
Give meaningful feedback to your mates’ task about translation
 Bergen, D. (n. d.). Translation strategies and the students of translation. Jorma
Tommola, 1, 109-125. Retrieved July 21, 2010,
from .
 Bosco, G. (n.d.). Translation Techniques. Retrieved March 22, 2017,
• Liao, P. (2006). EFL Learners' Beliefs about and Strategy Use of Translation in
English Learning. RELC Journal, 37(2), 191-215. doi:10.1177/0033688206067428.
Retrieved from
 Newmark, Peter. (1988). A textbook of translation. New York: Sanghai Foreign
Language Education Press.
 Ordudari, M. (july 2007). Translation procedures, strategies, and
methods. Translation Journal, 11(3). Retrieved March 22, 2017,
 Popovic, R. (n.d.). The place of translation in Language Teaching [PDF].
• Translation Techniques (2018) Recovered of

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Unit 1 task 3 collaborative work group551037 9

  • 1. Unit 1 – Task 3 Collaborative Work Tutor: Dina Esperanza Bonilla Students: Johanna Patricia González García – Code: 42143907 Herlinda Vanesa Quiñonez Santamaría – Code: 1121918318 Sebastián Botero Agudelo– Code: 1017158798 Diana Marcela Posada – Code: 43190701 Diego Fernando Zapata – Code: 18512824 Group: 551037_9 Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD Escuela Ciencias de la Eduación ECEDU Englihs as a Foreign Language Degree Course: Translation Techniques 551037A_473 Manizales, July, 2018
  • 2. STUDENT: JOHANNA PATRICIA GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA TASK 1. TRANSLATION Choose a paragraph, read carefully and translate it into Spanish. The text is attached where you find this activity guide with the name: Perfume_Reading. Each student must select a different paragraph and inform the choice in the forum, so no paragraphs are repeated among students. PARAGRAPH 1 The craft of perfumery has an ancient and global heritage. The art flourished in Ancient Rome, where the emperors were said to bathe in scent. After the fall of Rome, much of the knowledge was lost, but survived in Islamic civilizations in the Middle Ages. Arab and Persian pharmacists developed essential oils from the aromatic plants of the Indian peninsula. They developed the processes of distillation and suspension in alcohol, which allowed for smaller amounts of raw materials to be used than in the ancient process, by which flower petals were soaked in warm oil. This knowledge was carried back to European monasteries during the Crusades. PÁRRAFO 1 El oficio de la perfumería tiene un patrimonio antiguo y global. El arte floreció en la antigua Roma, donde se decía que los emperadores se bañaban en fragancias. Después de la caída de Roma, gran parte del conocimiento se perdió, pero sobrevivió en las civilizaciones islámicas en la Edad Media. Los farmacéuticos árabes y persas desarrollaron aceites esenciales de las plantas aromáticas de la península india. Desarrollaron los procesos de destilación y suspensión en alcohol, lo que permitió que la cantidad de materia prima utilizada fuera menor que en el proceso antiguo, mediante el cual los pétalos de las flores se remojaban en aceite tibio. Este conocimiento fue llevado de vuelta a los monasterios europeos durante las Cruzadas.
  • 3. TASK 2. REFLECTION Write a text about the problems you faced regarding words or expressions that were hard to translate and an explanation on the techniques used to get the results. When translating a text, in most of the cases I feel comfortable about it, however, when I started the translation of this paragraph 1, I could notice the text included words that I am not very familiar with. So, at the beginning, I was kind of lost. One difficult part was to find the exact word to change it into the target language and to be able to organize some ideas without altering the content. The strategy I commonly use when translating a text is proof reading, it means, I read the whole text several times to better understand its meaning, then I start to translate. Once I finish, I read the result several times to find mistakes or a better way to redact the ideas. With this paragraph 1, and knowing a little more about the different techniques, at first, I tried to translate directly by using the literal translation technique but I could not do it with the whole text because there were some grammatical sentences and structures that change a little bit between English and Spanish. So, I resorted to different techniques, including:  Shifts or transpositions  Adaptation  Modulation And, if I do not know a word, I use or sometimes a dictionary and I always make sure that its meaning is consistent with the content of the text. TASK 3. CHART Create a chart about the difference between method, strategy and technique and give an example of each concept.
  • 4. Method Strategy Technique Definition  Method is a way something is done.  A method is a way (procedure, planned steps) for doing something (concrete) in accordance with a definite plan.  A method is a series of related and progressive acts performed by a teacher and students to achieve the objective of the lesson.  Strategy usually requires some sort of planning.  A strategy is a plan or series of exercises or stratagems for obtaining a specific goal or result.  A strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve an overall aim. On the long term, any strategy requires some sort of science or art to be deployed.  Technique is a procedure or skill for completing a specific task.  It is used for sentences and the smallest units of language.  It is a process that must comply with a series of norms which aim to obtain certain results in any field: science, education, technology and art. Examples  Word-for-word translation  Free translation.  Idiomatic translation.  Syntactic strategies.  Semantic strategies.  Pragmatic strategies.  Direct Translation Techniques.  Oblique Translation Techniques. Some other examples  Direct Instruction In this case, the teacher decides what is important  Problem-based Learning With PBL, the teacher presents students with a  Mind Maps A common technique for exploring self-learning is
  • 5. for the students to know and specifically explains or demonstrates a skill, and the student attempts to replicate it. This method of Direct Instruction can vary, and it could include reading a book, displaying diagrams, showing real-life examples of the subject matter, using props, discussing relevant characteristics, watching a video, or other hands-on and/or presentational steps directly related to a lesson plan's stated objective. problem, not lectures or assignments or exercises. Since they are not handed "content", the learning becomes active in the sense that students discover and work with content that they determine to be necessary to solve the problem. the use of Mind Maps. Teachers can create a central node on a Mind Map and allow students the freedom to expand and develop ideas. For example, if the focus is the Human Body, some students may create Mind Maps on the organs, Bones or Diseases that affect the human body. Later the students would be evaluated according to the Mind Maps they have created and could collaborate with each other to improve each other’s Mind Maps and come to a more comprehensive understanding of the Human Body. TASK 4. FEEDBACK Give meaningful feedback to your mates’ task about translation. Hello Dear Sebastian, It is true that in each language there are native words or words that are or words created so that things, complex situations or names cannot be understood in a much easier way,
  • 6. despite that, I can notice that your work is coherent and clear and, besides, the use of grammatical structures and vocabulary is appropriated. It is important to highlight that when facing a translation, we will find some degree of difficulty, since as you mentioned in your reflection we must have clarity with the main idea of the text, the author’s intention, the objectives in order to keep the real meaning of what it is intended to communicate. Have a good evening. Johanna Dear Herlinda Vanesa, Paragraph 2, which you worked on, contains a large percentage of new vocabulary and advanced grammatical structures, among them the passive voice that must be carefully organized so that they sound coherently in our language once the translation is done. As you mentioned in your reflection, it is a paragraph that in its entirety cannot be translated literally because in Spanish it would not make sense and that is when you must make use of the different translation techniques studied in the unit such as Calque, compensation, modulation techniques and so on, so that there is coherence without altering the real meaning. Taking into account the aforementioned, I can say that you have done a good translation of the selected paragraph and an appropriate use of the different techniques. Best Regards, Johanna Dear Diana Marcela,
  • 7. Reviewing your translation, it can be clearly seen that the techniques you used to make sense of the paragraph, without changing its meaning, were appropriate, since when reading the paragraph in Spanish, great consistency and appropriate use of grammatical structures and vocabulary is evident. Good job! Johanna STUDENT: HERLINDA VANESA QUIÑONEZ SANTAMARIA TASK 1. TRANSLATION Choose a paragraph, read carefully and translate it into Spanish. The text is attached where you find this activity guide with the name: Perfume Reading. Each student must select a different paragraph and inform the choice in the forum, so no paragraphs are repeated among students. PARAGRAPH 2 At first, the use of fragrances was primarily associated with healing. Aromatic alcoholic waters were ingested as well as used externally. Fragrances were used to purify the air, both for spiritual and health purposes. During the Black Death, the bubonic plague was thought to have resulted from a bad odour which could be averted by inhaling pleasant fragrances such as cinnamon. The Black Death led to an aversion to using water for washing, and so perfume was commonly used as a cleaning agent. Later on, the craft of perfume re-entered Europe, and was centred in Venice, chiefly because it was an important trade route and a centre for glass-making. Having such materials at hand was essential for the distillation process. In the late seventeenth century, trade soared in France, when Louis XIV brought in policies of protectionism and patronage which stimulated the purchase of luxury goods. Here, perfumery was the preserve of glove-makers.
  • 8. The link arose since the tanning of leather required putrid substances. Consequently, the gloves were scented before they were sold and worn. A glove and perfume makers’ guild had existed here since 1190. Entering it required 7 years of formal training under a master perfumer. PARRAFO 2 en el principio, el uso de fragancias estaba principalmente asociado con la curación. Las aguas aromáticas con alcohol eran ingeridas y también usadas de manera externa. Las fragancias eran usadas para purificar el aire, tanto para propósitos espirituales como de salud. Durante la muerte negra, se pensaba que la plaga bubónica era el resultado de un mal olor que podía evitarse inhalando fragancias agradables como la canela. La muerte negra condujo a una aversión al agua para lavar, y el perfume era comúnmente usado como agente de limpieza. Mas tarde, el arte del perfume reingresaría en Europa, y su centro estaba en Venecia, principalmente porque estaba en una importante ruta y centro para la fabricación de vidrio. Teniendo en sus manos los principales materiales para el proceso de destilación, a finales del siglo XVII, el comercio se disparó en Francia cuando Louis XIV trajo policías de protección y patronaje lo que promovió la compra de artículos de lujo. Aquí, la perfumería era exclusiva de los fabricantes de guantes, el vínculo surgió debido a que el curtido del cuero requería sustancias pútridas en consecuencia los guantes estaban perfumados antes de ser vendidos y gastados. El gremio de guanteros y perfumistas había existido aquí desde 1990. Para ingresar se requiere 7 años de entrenamiento formal bajo la dirección de un maestro perfumista. TASK 2. REFLECTION Write a text about the problems you faced regarding words or expressions that were hard to translate and an explanation on the techniques used to get the results.
  • 9. The principal problem that I had was that when I translated word by word the meaning was not coherent with the structure of the Spanish language, so that I had that organize many words and add some connecting words that usually we used in the Spanish language for can to get a meaning more harmonic whit the Spanish. TASK 3. CHART Create a chart about the difference between method, strategy and technique and give an example of each concept. Method Strategy Technique refers to the type of process chosen by the translator to translate the text it is a process that is clearly controlled by the translator it is the combination of the method and the strategy allowing to obtain a translation that coherently communicates the ideas printed in the text is the fundamental manager of the strategy your goal to achieve the best results allows the translator to choose a route that will lead him to his objective (translate) has as a fundamental piece the method since it is who marks the structure to follow in the translation
  • 10. Examples when a translator chooses the method word by word, he knows that he must translate the text in a defamed way, which in my opinion will give him an initial and impressed vision of what the text says that he wants to translate When the translator prepares to carry out his work, he designs a translation strategy based on an approach that allows him to arrive at a conclusion that is as much as possible and that correctly communicates the idea that the author of the text intends to give. When I translated paragraph 2 with the word by word method, I realized that the text lacked coherence, so I modified the strategy and included not only the word-for-word method, but also the method of literal translation, which led to a different technique that allowed me to obtain the best possible result for my translation TASK 4. FEEDBACK Give meaningful feedback to your mates’ task about translation. hello companions Reading the work of jhoana companion, i could see that in many moments, we apply of the unconscious way different techniques in the moment in the that we translation, thanks to her activity i can see that in my translation i apply different techniques useding a little of each one and not only the first that i had chosen.
  • 11. Dear Diana I consider that your translation is in accordance with the message in the text, and I consider that you chose good techniques to solve the different problems that were presented in the translation Dear Sebastian like your I consider that the expressions or idioms found in this text required a special effort to apply a technique that allowed to translate its meaning beyond the literal STUDENT: SEBASTIÁN BOTERO AGUDELO TASK 1. TRANSLATION Choose a paragraph, read carefully and translate it into Spanish. The text is attached where you find this activity guide with the name: Perfume Reading. Each student must select a different paragraph and inform the choice in the forum, so no paragraphs are repeated among students. PARAGRAPH 5 Luxury fragrances were strongly associated with the affluent and prestigious cities of London and Paris. Perfumers elsewhere tended to supply cheaper products and knock-offs of the London and Paris brands. The United States perfume industry, which developed around the docks in New York where French oils were being imported, began in this way. Many American firms were founded by immigrants, such as William Colgate, who arrived in 1806. At this time, Colgate was chiefly known as a perfumery. Its Cashmere Bouquet brand had 625 perfume varieties in the early 20th century. PÁRRAFO 5:
  • 12. Las fragancias de lujo se asociaron fuertemente con las ciudades afluentes y prestigiosas de Londres y París. Los perfumistas en otros lugares tendían a suministrar productos más baratos y falsificaciones de las marcas de Londres y París. La industria de los perfumes de los Estados Unidos, que se desarrolló en los muelles de Nueva York, donde se importaban aceites franceses, comenzó de esta manera. Muchas firmas estadounidenses fueron fundadas por inmigrantes, como William Colgate, quien llegó en 1806. En esta época, Colgate era principalmente conocida como perfumería. Su marca Cashmere Bouquet tenía 625 variedades de perfume a principios del siglo veinte. TASK 2. REFLECTION Write a text about the problems you faced regarding words or expressions that were hard to translate and an explanation on the techniques used to get the results. As in each language there are "native" words or words created so that things, or complex situations or names cannot be understood in a much easier way, is like the case of the phrasal verbs, so the difficulty at the time of to translate a sentence, a word or a paragraph is that, is to try to first understand what the text speaks to us, who intends who wrote it, what are its objectives and thus be able to reference us much easier, in this way then at the time of the translation, you must be very careful not to change the meaning of what you want to say or try to use words that are similar or close to what can be the translation that is needed, so the help of synonyms and antonyms will help not only to that translation but also to increase the vocabulary. TASK 3. CHART Create a chart about the difference between method, strategy and technique and give an example of each concept.
  • 13. METHOD STRATEGY TECHNIQUE Is a way something is done Example: the way the teacher can teach the same subject but in a different way, as they say in mathematics, the order of the factors does not alter the result Usually requires some sort of planning Example: plan of action, in this case for the teacher will be the lesson plan. Is a procedure or skill for completing a specific task Example: in this case, the teacher can be use a quick physical activity to distract their distraction TASK 4. FEEDBACK Give meaningful feedback to your mates’ task about translation. Hello peer, I believe that in general we use a little bit of every technique because I think all help in a different way and reading all of them I can said that use all. I believe too that the personal experience of each of us, the experience that we have as a teachers, as a students, as a people who like the english help us too to do this tasks and this translation. well, reading all the documents, I think that when reading each of the translations that were made and speaking from the way I give my work I think that the most used technique or the one that helped me the most is the literal translation, since the text allowed to use it, besides that in other translations, perhaps the complexity of the text or of the words maybe unknown to some the technique that they could have used is Oblique Translation
  • 14. Techniques since it allows them that the text does not "suffer" a lot when translating it and does not change much its meaning also we could support in modulation and adaptation and thus be able to deliver the translations as previously said without changing the idea, what the writer wanted to express and the purpose of the text. STUDENT: DIANA MARCELA POSADA ORTIZ TASK 1. TRANSLATION Choose a paragraph, read carefully and translate it into Spanish. The text is attached where you find this activity guide with the name: Perfume_Reading. Each student must select a different paragraph and inform the choice in the forum, so no paragraphs are repeated among students PARAGRPH 4 Perfume became less associated with health in 1810 with a Napoleonic ordinance which required perfumers to declare the ingredients of all products for internal consumption. Unwilling to divulge their secrets, traders concentrated on products for external use. Napoleon affected the industry in other ways too. With French ports blockaded by the British during the Napoleonic wars, the London perfumers were able to dominate the markets for some time. One of the significant changes in the nineteenth century was the idea of branding. Until then, trademarks had had little significance in the perfumery where goods were consumed locally, although they had a long history in other industries. One of the pioneers in this field was Rimmel who was nationalized as a British citizen in 1857. He took advantage of the spread of railroads to reach customers in wider markets. To do this, he built a brand which conveyed prestige and quality, and were worth paying a premium for. He recognized the role of design in enhancing the value of his products, hiring a French lithographer to create the labels for his perfume bottles.
  • 15. PÁRRAFO 4 El perfume se asoció menos con la salud en 1810 con una ordenanza napoleónica que requería que los perfumistas declararan los ingredientes de todos los productos de consumo interno. Nodispuestos a divulgar sus secretos, los comerciantes se concentraron en productos de consumo externo. Napoleón también afectó a la industria de otras maneras. Con los puertos franceses bloqueados por los británicos durante las guerras napoleónicas, los perfumistas londinenses pudieron dominar los mercados durante algún tiempo. Uno de los cambios significativos en el siglo XIX fue la idea de “marca”. Hasta entonces, las marcas habían tenido poca importancia en la perfumería donde los bienes se consumían localmente, aunque tenían una larga historia en otras industrias. Uno de los pioneros en este campo fue Rimmel, quien fue nacionalizado como ciudadano británico en 1857. Aprovechó la expansión de los ferrocarriles para llegar a clientes en mercados más amplios. Para hacer esto, construyó una marca que transmitía prestigio y calidad, y valía la pena pagar un extra por ella. Reconoció el papel del diseño en la mejora del valor de sus productos, contratando a un litógrafo francés para crear las etiquetas de sus botellas de perfume. TASK 2. REFLECTION Write a text about the problems you faced regarding words or expressions that were hard to translate and an explanation on the techniques used to get the results. In order to translate paragraph 4 some problems were found in the following sentences. In the expression "the traders concentrated on products for external use". The first technique used to translate it properly was the “literal translation” because they had translatable words in English. However, I notice that a change in the expression would make
  • 16. it more understandable. So, change "external use" to "foreign consumption". To do this, use the "reformulation or equivalence" technique. In the case of the word "branding", having the same use and meaning in Spanish and English in different geographical areas, not needing translation, the technique used was "borrowing". Finally, the phrase "were worth paying a premium for" I found that it could be translated literaly as "prima" or "bonus". But to arrive at a fluid compression, "extra" was used using the "reformulation or equivalence" technique. Also, I could use the phrase “pagar de más”. TASK 3. CHART Create a chart about the difference between method, strategy and technique and give an example of each concept. CONCEPT EXAMPLE STRATEGY Development of a comprehensive plan to achieve objectives through a method, technique and tools. This must be flexible and adapted to the conditions. The teacher makes a teaching-learning strategy. To do this, he analyzes the conditions of the classroom, students and resources. Then, he establishes general and specific objectives. Choose a method according to the phases by the objectives. Design evaluations according to the progress achieved in each stage. Finally, review what has been done to improve it in the next opportunity. METHOD Set of steps using a valid criterion to develop an orderly procedure. To apply the action research method in the classroom we have the following steps. First, you need students and teachers who are part of a teaching-learning strategy. Second, identify the objectives established in
  • 17. the strategy. Third, analyze a problematic area in this process. Fourth, establish a specific problem to be solved through action. Fifth, schedule the action. Sixth, Apply that action to the chosen problem. Evaluate the effects of the action and repeat the process. TECHNIQUE Specific activity performed by a tool enabling a task. The participant observation is the most used technique in the classroom because almost always the teacher who applies in the classroom where he teaches. To apply this technique, you have to be attentive to the environment, behaviors and language of the participants in the study. You can use a field diary, a record of observation or photographs. TASK 4. FEEDBACK Give meaningful feedback to your mates’ task about translation. TO Johanna Patricia Gonzalez I think the technique used by Johana is good, that is, to give a general reading of the text to identify which words are unknown, for the case of this paragraph for example I just did not know a couple of words, what I did was to do second reading and I am looking for the meaning of the words I dont know for the translation process to see which one better, if the verb, the noun, the adjective and give meaning to the translation. Herlinda Vanesa Quiñonez I think the translation problem you pose is very common, sometimes a translation of a sentence needs connectors and articles that the
  • 18. sentence in English itself did not bring, but we have to be careful with that, because they can change the meaning. Sebastián Botero According to what I read in your reflection I suppose that you did it global way, maybe you did not find any difficulty to translation the paragraph, however, is ideal that you tell us which technique the traduction you used to reach the final of translation. STUDENT: DIEGO FERNANDO ZAPATA TRUJILLO TASK 1. TRANSLATION Choose a paragraph, read carefully and translate it into Spanish. The text is attached where you find this activity guide with the name: Perfume_Reading. Each student must select a different paragraph and inform the choice in the forum, so no paragraphs are repeated among students PARAGRAPH 3 The trade in perfume flourished during the reign of Louis XV, as the master glove- and-perfume makers, particularly those trading in Paris, received patronage from the royal court, where it is said that a different perfume was used each week. The perfumers diversified into other cosmetics including soaps, powders, white face paints and hair dyes. They were not the sole sellers of beauty products. Mercers, spicers, vinegar-makers and wig-makers were all cashing in on the popularity of perfumed products. Even simple shopkeepers were coming up with their own concoctions to sell. During the eighteenth century, more modern, capitalist perfume industry began to emerge, particularly in Britain where there was a flourishing consumer society. In France, the revolution initially disrupted the perfume trade due to its association with aristocracy, however, it regained momentum later as a wider range of markets were sought both in the
  • 19. domestic and overseas markets. The guild system was abolished in 1791, allowing new high- end perfumery shops to open in Paris. PÁRRAFO 3 El comercio del perfume floreció durante el reinado de Luis XC, mientras el guante maestro y hacedor de perfumes recibía patrocinios de la corte real, particularmente aquellos perfumes que se comercializaban en parís, donde se ha dicho que un diferente perfume se usaba cada semana. Las perfumerías se diversificaron en cosméticos incluyendo jabones, polvos, pinturas para rostros blancos y tintes para el cabello. Ellos no fueron los únicos vendedores de productos de belleza. Mercenarios, vendedores de especias, hacedores de vinagre y hacedores de pelucas, estaban todos monetizándose con la popularidad de los productos perfumados .Inclusive simples tenderos estaban viniendo con sus brebajes para venderlos. Durante la época más moderna del siglo 18, la industria capitalista del perfume comenzó a emerger, particularmente in Bretaña donde estaba floreciendo una sociedad consumidora. In Francia, la revolución inicialmente interrumpió el comercio de los perfumes debido a su asociación con la aristocracia, como sea, este recobro su momento después en una gama más ancha de mercados que fueron buscado en ambos, los mercados domésticos y los mercados exteriores. El gremio fue abolido en 1971, permitiendo a nuevas tiendas de perfumería de alta clase, ser abiertas en Paris. TASK 2. REFLECTION Write a text about the problems you faced regarding words or expressions that were hard to translate and an explanation on the techniques used to get the results According this activity , I found different problems that I had to solve after the translating process I mean I had to read it a couple of times after a final paragraph was finished ,because as a translator I had to use different techniques as adaptation ,also translate
  • 20. word by word , then I use accommodation of words just to find the meaning of the author when for example he said “ the master glove” , there are terms that mean something according the context and this is related to those times, at the end it is a good exercise because I Iike history and stories about kings and queens are pretty good for me. TASK 3. CHART Create a chart about the difference between method, strategy and technique and give an example of each concept. CONCEPT EXAMPLE STRATEGY I think that a strategy is the main idea that you have in order to get a final result, the techniques are part of the strategy, the method is the way the strategy is going to be taken, but the strategy is the most important idea you have to get an expected result, the strategy must have a plan B, a plan C in order to never fail. A good example will be when a teacher knows his group of students for the first time , so he must analyze them , ask them about the topics that they already saw, also try to find their learning styles , just to see how is the route he is going to take, then he will be able to choose the right method and the techniques he is going to use in class in METHOD A method is like a process that must be done step by step, you can’t miss one step because it can go wrong, and the process may not end as expected. A good method you should be in class, I will begin by separate groups of student with different learning styles , so in each group will always be different ways of learning and this will complement students between them , then they will have to do different didactics
  • 21. games such as roll playing, round tables of knowledge, forums . TECHNIQUE A technique is something special you use to get something ,in translation there are different techniques such as calque , literal translation , borrowing they are all specify their action and they are all different from each other For example you as a student must find a specific topic in a book that the teacher gave you, so one of the techniques you have to use is scanning, searching for the words that are related to this. TASK 4. FEEDBACK Give meaningful feedback to your mates’ task about translation
  • 22.
  • 23. References  Bergen, D. (n. d.). Translation strategies and the students of translation. Jorma Tommola, 1, 109-125. Retrieved July 21, 2010, from .  Bosco, G. (n.d.). Translation Techniques. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from • Liao, P. (2006). EFL Learners' Beliefs about and Strategy Use of Translation in English Learning. RELC Journal, 37(2), 191-215. doi:10.1177/0033688206067428. Retrieved from  Newmark, Peter. (1988). A textbook of translation. New York: Sanghai Foreign Language Education Press.  Ordudari, M. (july 2007). Translation procedures, strategies, and methods. Translation Journal, 11(3). Retrieved March 22, 2017, from  Popovic, R. (n.d.). The place of translation in Language Teaching [PDF]. Http:// df • Translation Techniques (2018) Recovered of   approach.html  