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Cell Injury
Cell Death
 Most forms of disease state begin with cell injury and consequently loss of cellular
 Cell injury is defined as- a variety of stresses a cell encounters as a result of
changes in its internal and external environment.
 The cellular response to injury varies and depends upon
 type of cell and tissue involved
 Extent of injury
 Type of injury
Cellular reponse to injury
1. Cellular Adaptation- the cell may adapt to the change and revert back to normal
after the stress removal
2. Sub Cellular changes- the residual effects may persist in the cell as evidence of
3. Intracellular accumulations- metabolites may accumulate within the cell.
4. Reversible cell injury- injury may recover
5. Irreversible cell injury- the cell dies.
Etiology of Cell Injury
 Genetic cause
 Acquired causes
Acquired Causes
Based on underlying agent:
 Hypoxia and ischaemia
 Physical agents
 Chemical agents and drugs
 Microbial agents
 Immunologic agents
 Nutritional derangement
 Psychological factors
Hypoxia & Ischemia
 Deficiency of oxygen or hypoxia results in failure to carry out cellular
 Most common, causes of hypoxia are: reduced supply of blood to cells-
 Oxygen deprivation can result from other causes like anemia, carbon
monoxide poisoning,cardio respiratory insufficiency and increase in
demand of tissues
Physical agents
 Mechanical trauma
 Thermal trauma
 Electricity
 Radiation rapid changes in atmospheric pressure
Chemical Agents
 Chemical poisons: cyanide, arsenic, mercury.
 Strong acid and alkalis
 Insecticides and pesticides
 High oxygen concentration
 Hypertonic glucose and salt
 Alcohol and narcotic drugs
 Theraputic drugs
 Microbial Agents
 Immunologic agent
Immunity is a double edged sword :
Hypersensitivity reactions
Anaphylactic reactions
Autoimmune diseases
 Nutritional derangement
 Psychological
Pathogenesis of Ischemic/Hypoxic
 Reversible cell injury
 Irreversible cell injury
Reversible Cell Injury
Damaged Na Pump (
Intercellular pH Protein Synthesis
Ultrastructural /
Functional Changes
Irreversible Cell Injury
 2 essential features:
 Inability of the cell to reverse Mitochondrial Dysfunction
 Disturbance in cell membrane function
 In addition: depletion of proteins, leakage of lysosomal enzymes into cytoplasm,
reduced intracellular pH and further reduction in ATP.
Mitochondrial Damage/Dysfunction
 Mitochondria – critical players in cell injury and cell death
 Mitochondria can be damaged by
 Cytosolic Calcium
 Oxygen Deprivation ( Hypoxia, Toxins)
 Two major consequences of mitochondrial damage
 Loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and pH
changes, resulting in failure of oxidative
phosphorylation and progressive depletion of ATP.
 Leakage of cyt C and other proteins into cytosol and to
cell death by apoptosis
Mitochondrial Dysfunction
 Morphological mitochondrial changes:
 Vacuoles in mitochondria
 Deposition of amorphous Ca in mitochondrial matrix.
Q. first step inhibited due to hypoxic injury is:
a. Oxidative phosphorylation
b. Glycogenesis
c. Detachment of ribosomes from RER
d. Cell shrinkage
Ans. A The first point of attack of hypoxia id the cells aerobic respiration, i.e. oxidative
phosphorylation by mitochondria ATP production is decreased → Na-K Pump stops →
more Na inside → cell becomes hyperosmolar →water enters → swelling of cell → bleb
formation → along with this ribosomes also detach. This process is reversible if O2 is
Membrane Damage
 Consistent feature of most form of cell injury except apoptosis.
 Mechanism:
 Accelerated degradation of membrane phospholipids.
 Cytoskeletal damage
 Toxic oxygen radicals
 Hydrolytic enzymes
 Serum estimation of liberated intracellular enzymes
Restoration of blood flow to ishemic tissue can
promote recovery of cells if they are reversibly
unjured, but can also paradoxiucallt exacerbate the
injury and cause cell death. Called Ishcemia-
reperfusion injury
Membrane Damage
Nuclear Changes
Cell Death (Myelin
Serum Enzyme estimation
Liberation of Intercellular Enzymes
Normal Kidney
Normal Kidney tubules
 Epithelial cells stain evenly pink
(eosinophilic) in cytoplasm, with
purple, basophilic, nucleic acids
confined to the nuclei
 Apical surfaces are ciliated
 Interstitia not infiltrated with immune
cells nor congested with proteins
Swollen kidney tubules
 Increased eosinophilic staining
 Decreased basophilic staining (RNA)
 Plasma membrane rounding, blebbing, loss of
cilia, due to loss of connections with
 Integrity of tubules degrading, but basement
membranes intact
 Nuclei largely intact, slightly narrowed, pyknotic
Reversible damage –cellular swelling
Reversible damage –fatty change
Intracellular accumulations of a variety of materials can occur in response to cellular injury. Here
is fatty metamorphosis (fatty change) of the liver in which deranged lipoprotein transport from
injury (most often alcoholism) leads to accumulation of lipid in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes.
 The characteristic feature of hypoxic irreversible injury is/are:
a. Vacuolization of mitochondria
b. Swelling of lysosomes
c. Calcium densities
d. All of the above
Ans: D
 Cellular swelling and fatty change are example of:
a. Reversible injury
b. Irreversible injury
c. Cellular swelling is reversible but fatty change is`irreversible
d. None of the above
Ans: A Fatty change is an indicator of reversible cell injury, manifested by
appearance of small or large lipid vacuoles in cytoplasm and occurs with hypoxia.
Basically seen in cells involved in fat metabolism as in liver.
Free Radical Mediated Cell Injury
 Ischaemic reperfusion injury
 Radiolysis of water
 Chemical toxicity
 Hyperoxia (toxicity due to oxygen therapy)
 Cellular aging
 Killing of exogenous biologic agents
 Inflammatory damage
 Destruction of tumour cells
 Chemical carcinogenesis
 Atherosclerosis
 Generation of oxygen radicals begins within mitochondrial inner membrane.
 When cytochrome oxidase catalyzes of oxygen (O2 ) to water (H2O)
 Intermediates between O2 and H2O are:
 Superoxide oxygen O’2 : 1 electrón
 Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 : 2 electrones
 Hydroxyl radical OH- : 3 electrons
Morphology of Irreversible Cell
 Cell death is a state of irreversible injury.
 In living body it may occur as:
 Local or focal change (autolysis, necrosis and apoptosis)
Apoptosis-normal and pathologic
Autophagy-normal and pathologic
 Changes that follow( gangrene and pathologic calcification)
 End of life ( somatic death)
Autophagy/Self Digestion
 Disintegration of the cell by its own hydrolytic enzymes liberated from lysosomes.
 It is rapid in some tissues rich in hydrolytic enzymes such as pancreas and gastric
 Morphologically , autolysis is identified by :
 Homogeneous and eosinophilic cytoplasm
 Loss of cellular details
 Remains of cell as debris
 Defined as- focal death along with
degradation of tissue by hydrolytic
enzymes liberated by cells,
accompanied by inflammation.
 2 essential features:
 Cell digestion by lytic enzymes
 Denaturation of proteins
Digestion of cellular contents and the host response may take hours to develop. The earliest
histologic evidence of necrosis may not become apparent until 4 to 12 hours.
 Cytoplasmic Changes:
 Homogenous and intensely eosinophilic (H&E)
 Occasionally: When enzymes have digested the cytoplasmic
organelles, the cytoplasm becomes vacuolated and appears moth-
 Nuclear Changes
Nuclear changes assume one of the 3 patterns, all due to the non-specific
breakdown of the DNA.
Pyknosis- condensation of nuclear chromatin
Karyolysis – undergo dissolution
Karyorrhexis- fragmentation into many clumps
Types of Tissue Necrosis
 Coagulative
 Liquefactive
 Caseous
 Fat
 Fibrinoid
 Gangrenous
Coagulative Necrosis
 Most common type
 Caused by
irreversible focal injury, mostly from sudden cessation of blood flow
(ischemia)and less often from bacterial and chemical agents
 Organs affected are: heart, kidney and spleen.
Ischemic injury to cell
Architecture of dead tissue is preserved ( for few days)
Cell Death
Denaturation of proteins & enzymes
Firm Texture of tissue
Proteolysis of dead cells
dead cells are phagocytosed leaving granular debris and fragments of
Necrosed focus is infiltrated by inflammatory cells
Eosinophilic anucleate cells
Microscopic changes are
the result of:
 Denaturation of proteins
 Enzymatic digestion of
the cell.
Gross Appearance
 Foci of coagulative necrosis:
In early stages:
pale, firm and slightly swollen.
With progression:
become more yellowish,
softer, and shrunken.
Wedge shaped kidney infarct
(coagulative necrosis)
Microscopic Appearance:
 Hallmark of coagulative necrosis:
conversion of normal cells into their
‘tombstones’ i.e. outlines of the cells
are retained so that the cell type can still
be recognised but their cytoplasm and
nuclear details are lost.
 Necrosed cells are swollen and appear
more eosinophilic than normal
Microscopic view of the edge of the infarct ,with normal kidney (N)and necrotic cell in the infarct
(I) showing preserved cellular outlines with loss of nuclei and an inflammatory infiltrate which is
difficult to discern at this magnification
Coagulative Necrosis: Myocardial infarction
Here is myocardium in which the cells are dying as a result of ischemic injury from coronary
artery occlusion. This is early in the process of necrosis. The nuclei of the myocardial fibers are
being lost. The cytoplasm is losing its structure, because no well-defined cross-striations are
 It occurs commonly due to ischemic injury and bacterial or fungal infections.
 It occurs due to degradation of tissue by the action of powerful hydrolytic enzymes.
 Transformation of the tissue into a liquid viscous mass.
 The necrotic material is frequently creamy yellow because of the presence of dead
leukocytes and is called pus.
 Common e.g. Infarct brain and abscess cavity.
Liquefactive Necrosis
(Colliquative Necrosis)
Caseous Necrosis
 Caseous (cheese like) is derived from the friable white appearance of the area of
 It is a combined feature of coagulative and liquefactive necrosis.
 Found in the center of foci of tuberculous infection.
Gross Appearance
 Foci of caseous necrosis, as the
name implies, resemble dry cheese
and are soft, granular and
 This appearance is partly attributed
to the histotoxic effects of
lipopolysaccharides present in
the capsule of the tubercle
bacilli, Mycobacterium
Microscopic Findings
 The necrosed foci are structureless,
eosinophilic and contain granular debris.
 The surrounding tissue shows
characteristic granulomatous
inflammatory reaction consisting of
epithelioid cells with interspersed giant
cells of langhan’s or foreign body type
and peripherally lymphocytes
Fat Necrosis
 Not a specific pattern
 These are:
 Following pancreatic necrosis
 Traumatic fat necrosis commonly in breast
 Fat necrosis in either of the 2 instances results in hydrolysis of neutral fat present in
adipose cells due to release to activated lipase into glycerol and free fatty acids.
 The damaged adipose cells assume cloudy appearance when only free fatty remain
behind , after glycerol leaks out.
 The leaked out free fatty acids, complex with Ca to form Ca soaps (saponification)
Gross Appearance
 Appears as yellowish-white and firm
 Ca soap imparts the necrosed foci firmer
and chalky white appearance
Microscopic Findings
 Cloudy appearance of necrosed cell.
 Surrounded by inflammatory reaction.
 Formation of calcium soaps is identified
in the tissue sections as amorphous,
granular and basophilic material.
Fibrinoid Necrosis
 It is characterized by the deposition of fibrin like material which has the
staining properties of fibrin.
 Usually seen in immune reactions involving blood vessels.
 Example: Autoimmune diseases, arthus reaction arterioles in hypertension,
peptic ulcer etc.
Microscopic Findings
 Identified by brightly eosinophilic,
hyaline-like deposition in the vessel
wall or on the luminal surface of a peptic
 Local haemorrhages may occur due to
rupture of these blood vessels.
Gangrenous Necrosis
 Not a specific pattern.
 Term is commonly used in clinical
 Usually applied to a limb, generally the
lower leg, that has lost its blood supply
and has undergone, typically, coagulative
 Potentially life-threatening condition
 caused by a critically insufficient blood supply(necrosis) to tissue.
 This may occur after an injury or infection, or in people suffering from any
chronic health problem affecting blood circulation.
 Risk factors: Diabetes and long-term smoking
3 Types
 Dry
 Wet
 Gas
 In either type of gangrene, coagulation necrosis undergo liquefaction by the
action of putrefactive bacteria.
Dry Gangrene
 Form of coagulative necrosis.
 develops in ischemic tissue.
 Etiopathogenesis:
• Peripheral artery disease (c/m)
• Acute limb ischemia
Limit oxygen
in ishchemic
• Bacteria fails to survive
• Limits putrefaction
• Affected part is dry, shrunken and dark reddish black.
• Line of separation present
Wet Gangrene
 Characterized by thriving bacteria.
 Poor prognosis (compared to dry gangrene) due to septicemia resulting from the
free communication between infected fluid and circulatory fluid.
 The tissue is infected by saprogenic microorganisms eg.Clostridium perfringens or
Bacillus fusiformis , which cause tissue to swell and emit a fetid smell.
 The affected part is edematous,soft, putrid, rotten and dark
Blockage of
&/or arterial
Stagnation of
Rapid growth of
Toxin production
Septicemia &
cell death
Gas Gangrene
 Bacterial infection that produces gas within tissues.
 Caused by Clostridium, most commonly alpha toxin (exotoxin)producing
Clostridium perfringens, or various non-clostridial species.
 These environmental bacteria may enter the muscle through a wound and subsequently
proliferate in necrotic tissue and secrete powerful toxins.
 Infection spreads rapidly as the gases produced by bacteria expand and infiltrate
healthy tissue in the vicinity.
 Because of its ability to quickly spread to surrounding tissues, gas gangrene
should be treated as a medical emergency.
Q. Myocardial infarct is an example of:
a. Coagulation necrosis
b. Liquefactive necrosis
c. Caseous necrosis
d. Cell death nut not of necrosis
Ans. A
Q. Hypoxic death leads to:
a. Coagulation necrosis
b. Liquefactive necrosis
c. Caseous necrosis
d. Cell death nut not of necrosis
Ans. A
Q. Disappearance of nuclear chromatin is called as:
A. Pyknosis
B. Karyolysis
C. Karyorrhexis
D. None
Ans. (A) pyknosis, characterized by nuclear shrinkage & increased basophilia. Here. the DNA
apparently condenses into a solid, shrunken basophilia mass.
Q. The fading of Nuclear chromatin is
a. Karyolysis b. Karyorrhexis c. Pyknosis d. Cytolysis
Ans. A
Q. Pyknosis is characterized by
a. Nuclear basophilia
b. Nuclear Shrinkage
c. Nucleus disintegration
d. Nucleolus disintegration
Ans. B
Q. A glassy homogenous, increased eosinophilia with moth eaten appearance in a cell is indicated of:
a. Reversible fatty change
b. Reversible hypoxia
c. Necrosis
d. B and C
Ans. C
Q. Karyolysis leads to:
a. Decreased eosinophilia
b. Increased eosinophilia
c. Decreased basophilia
d. Increased basophilia
Ans. C
Due to Karyolysis the basophilia decreases but a necrotic cell in initial stages is characterized by
increased eosinophilia. Increase in basophilia is typical of pyknosis
Q.Which of the following is correctly matched
a. Caseating necrosis – Tuberculosis
b. Caseation - yellow fever
c. Fat necrosis – Pancreatitis
d. Gumma – infarction
Ans. A & C
Q. Caseation necrosis is suggestive of-
A. Tuberculosis B. Sarcoidosis C. Leprosy D. Mid line lethal granuloma
Ans. ‘A’
Q. Liquefaction necrosis is commonly seen in
a. Brain b. Lung c. Liver d.Spleen
Ans. A
Q. Liquefaction necrosis is commonly seen in
a. Brain b. Lung c. Liver d. Spleen
Ans. A
Q. Coagulation necrosis is seen in all cells (except in):
a. Liver b. Heart c. Brain d. Lungs
Ans. C
The process of coagulative necrosis is characteristic of hypoxic death of cells
in all tissues except the brain.
Q. Hypoxic death leads to:
a. Coagulation necrosis b. Liquefactive necrosis
c. Caseous necrosis d. Cell death nut not of necrosis
Ans. A
Q. Gangrene is the death of a part accompanied by
a. Suppuration b. Putrefaction c. Calcification d. Coagulation
Ans. B Gangrene is a form of necrosis of tissue with superadded putrefaction.
Q. Gangrene is defined as:
a. Necrosis of body parts
b. Coagulative necrosis of body parts
c. Necrosis with putrefaction
d. All are true
Ans. C
 Apoptosis in Greek meaning ‘falling off’ or‘dropping off’.
 Defined as:
 coordinated and internally programmed cell death
Pathway of cell death which is induced by a tightly regulated suicide program in
which cell destined to die activate intrinsic enzymes that degrade the cells own
nuclear DNA and nuclear and cytoplasmic protein.
Cellular changes
 Shrinking of cell with dense cytoplasm and almost
normal but tightly packed organelles.
 Chromatin condensation around the periphery of nucleus
(most characteristic feature)
 Cytoplasmic blebbing with formation of membrane bound
near-spherical bodies called apoptotic bodies containing
compacted organelles.
 Phagocytosis of apoptotic bodies by macrophages
 No acute inflammation
Histopathological examintaion
 Apoptotic cell appear as
 Round or oval mass
 Intensely eosinophilic cytoplasm
 Fragments of dense nuclear chromatin
Causes of Apoptosis
DNA damage
ic drug/hypoxia)
Embryogenesis &
Organ atrophy
after duct
Viral Infections
like HIV/Adeno
Accumulation of
Death of the cells have served
their function E.g. neutrophil &
Elimination of
Cell loss in
proliferating cell
Molecular Mechanism of Apoptosis
 Result from activation of enzyme called caspases (cysteine-aspartic-acid-
 Two Phases:
1. Initiation phase: activation of caspases
2. Execution phase: degradation of cellular component by caspases.
 Two pathways on caspase activation:
 The Intrinsic Pathway (Mitochondrial)
 The Extrinsic Pathway ( Death receptor initiated)
 Initiators of apoptosis
1. Absence of stimuli e.g. Hormone, growth factors, cytokines.
2. Activators of programmed cell death. E.g.TNF receptors.
3. Intracellular stimuli e.g. Heat, radiation, hypoxia
 Regulators of apoptosis
 Anti-apoptotic: BCL 2, BCL-XL and MCL1
 Pro-apoptotic: BAX & BAK
 Sensors: BAD, BIM, BID, Puma & Noxa
Intrinsic -Mitochondrial pathway
• Synthesis of anti-
apoptotic molecules
(Bcl-2) promoted by
Growth factors & other
survival signals
1.Deprivation of
growth factors
2.ER Stress
3. DNA damage
• Activation of
sensor BH3
only protein
protein BAX &
• Proapoptotic
increase mito.
Leak out of mito.
Proteins in to
cytoplasm like Cyt
• Binding of Cyt c to a
protein called APAF
• Forms apoptosomes
Apoptosome bind with
casepase-9 (Initiater
caspase )which initiate
process of activation
• Activated
Execution Phse
 BH3 Also bind to and block the function of
antiapoptotic protein
 The synthesis of Antiapoptotic protein is
declined due to def of survival signals
• Bcl-2 is over expressed in most follicular B-cell
lymphomas – allowing abnormal cells to
Essence of intrinsic
(mitochondrial) pathway
 Pro-apoptotic and protective molecules that regulate mitochondrial permeability
and the release of death molecules sequestered in the mitochondria are
maintained in balance normally.
 Imbalance initiates the death pathway.
Extrinsic pathway
(Death Receptor Initiated)
 Death receptors are members of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family and a
related protein called Fas (CD95).
 These molecules contain a death domain.
Fas expressed on
the surface linked
death domain if
activated apoptosis
is intitated
Mechanism of
Initiators of apoptosis
(transmembrane, intracellar)
Regulators of apoptosis
(bcl-2, others)
Programmed cell death
Fas receptor
(cytotoxic T cells)
DNA damage
free radicals
Mitochondrial injury
DNA damage
Difference between Necrosis &
Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
Normal Cell Apoptotic cell with
step ladder pattern
Necrotic cells,
DNA in all
different length.
Smearing patterbn
 Form of cell death which resemble necrosis morphologically and apoptosis
mechanistically as a form of programmed cell death
 Triggered by
• Ligation of TNFR1
• Viral proteins
 Caspase independent
 RIP1 & RIP 3 complex dependent
 Inflammation present
 Inflammatory form of programmed cell death
 Infection with intracellular pathogens
 Involve activation of caspase 1 & caspase 11
Q. Gene inhibiting apoptosis is:
a. bcl2 b. P53 c.Ras d. N-myc
Ans. A
Q. Which of the following features is seen in apoptosis but not in necrosis?
A. Inter nucleosome cleavage of DNA
B. Inflammation
C. Pyknosis
D. Cytoplasmic hyper eosinoplilia
E. Karyolysis
Necrosis or Apoptosis ?
Ans: Necrosis
Lots of leukocytes
Does apoptosis involve an
inflammatory response?

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Cell injury, adaptation and apoptosis

  • 2.  Most forms of disease state begin with cell injury and consequently loss of cellular function.  Cell injury is defined as- a variety of stresses a cell encounters as a result of changes in its internal and external environment.  The cellular response to injury varies and depends upon  type of cell and tissue involved  Extent of injury  Type of injury
  • 3. Cellular reponse to injury 1. Cellular Adaptation- the cell may adapt to the change and revert back to normal after the stress removal 2. Sub Cellular changes- the residual effects may persist in the cell as evidence of injury. 3. Intracellular accumulations- metabolites may accumulate within the cell. 4. Reversible cell injury- injury may recover 5. Irreversible cell injury- the cell dies.
  • 4.
  • 5. Etiology of Cell Injury  Genetic cause  Acquired causes
  • 6. Acquired Causes Based on underlying agent:  Hypoxia and ischaemia  Physical agents  Chemical agents and drugs  Microbial agents  Immunologic agents  Nutritional derangement  Psychological factors
  • 7. Hypoxia & Ischemia  Deficiency of oxygen or hypoxia results in failure to carry out cellular activities.  Most common, causes of hypoxia are: reduced supply of blood to cells- ischemia  Oxygen deprivation can result from other causes like anemia, carbon monoxide poisoning,cardio respiratory insufficiency and increase in demand of tissues
  • 8. Physical agents  Mechanical trauma  Thermal trauma  Electricity  Radiation rapid changes in atmospheric pressure
  • 9. Chemical Agents  Chemical poisons: cyanide, arsenic, mercury.  Strong acid and alkalis  Insecticides and pesticides  High oxygen concentration  Hypertonic glucose and salt  Alcohol and narcotic drugs  Theraputic drugs
  • 10.  Microbial Agents  Immunologic agent Immunity is a double edged sword : Hypersensitivity reactions Anaphylactic reactions Autoimmune diseases  Nutritional derangement  Psychological
  • 11. Pathogenesis of Ischemic/Hypoxic Injury  Reversible cell injury  Irreversible cell injury
  • 12. Reversible Cell Injury Hypoxia/Ischemia ATP Damaged Na Pump ( Membrane) Intercellular pH Protein Synthesis Ultrastructural / Functional Changes REVERSIBLE CELL INJURY
  • 13.
  • 14. Irreversible Cell Injury  2 essential features:  Inability of the cell to reverse Mitochondrial Dysfunction  Disturbance in cell membrane function  In addition: depletion of proteins, leakage of lysosomal enzymes into cytoplasm, reduced intracellular pH and further reduction in ATP.
  • 15. Mitochondrial Damage/Dysfunction  Mitochondria – critical players in cell injury and cell death  Mitochondria can be damaged by  Cytosolic Calcium  ROS  Oxygen Deprivation ( Hypoxia, Toxins)  Two major consequences of mitochondrial damage  Loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and pH changes, resulting in failure of oxidative phosphorylation and progressive depletion of ATP.  Leakage of cyt C and other proteins into cytosol and to cell death by apoptosis
  • 16. Mitochondrial Dysfunction  Morphological mitochondrial changes:  Vacuoles in mitochondria  Deposition of amorphous Ca in mitochondrial matrix.
  • 17. Q. first step inhibited due to hypoxic injury is: a. Oxidative phosphorylation b. Glycogenesis c. Detachment of ribosomes from RER d. Cell shrinkage Ans. A The first point of attack of hypoxia id the cells aerobic respiration, i.e. oxidative phosphorylation by mitochondria ATP production is decreased → Na-K Pump stops → more Na inside → cell becomes hyperosmolar →water enters → swelling of cell → bleb formation → along with this ribosomes also detach. This process is reversible if O2 is supplied.
  • 18. Membrane Damage  Consistent feature of most form of cell injury except apoptosis.  Mechanism:  Accelerated degradation of membrane phospholipids.  Cytoskeletal damage  Toxic oxygen radicals  Hydrolytic enzymes  Serum estimation of liberated intracellular enzymes
  • 19. Restoration of blood flow to ishemic tissue can promote recovery of cells if they are reversibly unjured, but can also paradoxiucallt exacerbate the injury and cause cell death. Called Ishcemia- reperfusion injury
  • 20. Membrane Damage Nuclear Changes (Pyknosis,Karyolysis,Karyorrhaxis) Cell Death (Myelin Figure) Serum Enzyme estimation (SGOT,LDH) Liberation of Intercellular Enzymes
  • 21.
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  • 23.
  • 25. Normal Kidney tubules  Epithelial cells stain evenly pink (eosinophilic) in cytoplasm, with purple, basophilic, nucleic acids confined to the nuclei  Apical surfaces are ciliated  Interstitia not infiltrated with immune cells nor congested with proteins
  • 26. Swollen kidney tubules  Increased eosinophilic staining  Decreased basophilic staining (RNA)  Plasma membrane rounding, blebbing, loss of cilia, due to loss of connections with cytoskeleton  Integrity of tubules degrading, but basement membranes intact  Nuclei largely intact, slightly narrowed, pyknotic
  • 28. Reversible damage –fatty change Intracellular accumulations of a variety of materials can occur in response to cellular injury. Here is fatty metamorphosis (fatty change) of the liver in which deranged lipoprotein transport from injury (most often alcoholism) leads to accumulation of lipid in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes.
  • 29.  The characteristic feature of hypoxic irreversible injury is/are: a. Vacuolization of mitochondria b. Swelling of lysosomes c. Calcium densities d. All of the above Ans: D  Cellular swelling and fatty change are example of: a. Reversible injury b. Irreversible injury c. Cellular swelling is reversible but fatty change is`irreversible d. None of the above Ans: A Fatty change is an indicator of reversible cell injury, manifested by appearance of small or large lipid vacuoles in cytoplasm and occurs with hypoxia. Basically seen in cells involved in fat metabolism as in liver.
  • 30. Free Radical Mediated Cell Injury  Ischaemic reperfusion injury  Radiolysis of water  Chemical toxicity  Hyperoxia (toxicity due to oxygen therapy)  Cellular aging  Killing of exogenous biologic agents  Inflammatory damage  Destruction of tumour cells  Chemical carcinogenesis  Atherosclerosis
  • 31.
  • 32.  Generation of oxygen radicals begins within mitochondrial inner membrane.  When cytochrome oxidase catalyzes of oxygen (O2 ) to water (H2O)  Intermediates between O2 and H2O are:  Superoxide oxygen O’2 : 1 electrón  Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 : 2 electrones  Hydroxyl radical OH- : 3 electrons
  • 33.
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  • 35.
  • 36. Morphology of Irreversible Cell Injury  Cell death is a state of irreversible injury.  In living body it may occur as:  Local or focal change (autolysis, necrosis and apoptosis) Necrosis-pathologic Apoptosis-normal and pathologic Autophagy-normal and pathologic  Changes that follow( gangrene and pathologic calcification)  End of life ( somatic death)
  • 37. Autophagy/Self Digestion  Disintegration of the cell by its own hydrolytic enzymes liberated from lysosomes.  It is rapid in some tissues rich in hydrolytic enzymes such as pancreas and gastric mucosa.  Morphologically , autolysis is identified by :  Homogeneous and eosinophilic cytoplasm  Loss of cellular details  Remains of cell as debris
  • 38. Necrosis  Defined as- focal death along with degradation of tissue by hydrolytic enzymes liberated by cells, accompanied by inflammation.  2 essential features:  Cell digestion by lytic enzymes  Denaturation of proteins
  • 39. Digestion of cellular contents and the host response may take hours to develop. The earliest histologic evidence of necrosis may not become apparent until 4 to 12 hours.
  • 40.  Cytoplasmic Changes:  Homogenous and intensely eosinophilic (H&E)  Occasionally: When enzymes have digested the cytoplasmic organelles, the cytoplasm becomes vacuolated and appears moth- eaten.
  • 41.  Nuclear Changes Nuclear changes assume one of the 3 patterns, all due to the non-specific breakdown of the DNA. Pyknosis- condensation of nuclear chromatin Karyolysis – undergo dissolution Karyorrhexis- fragmentation into many clumps
  • 42. Types of Tissue Necrosis  Coagulative  Liquefactive  Caseous  Fat  Fibrinoid  Gangrenous
  • 43. Coagulative Necrosis  Most common type  Caused by irreversible focal injury, mostly from sudden cessation of blood flow (ischemia)and less often from bacterial and chemical agents  Organs affected are: heart, kidney and spleen.
  • 44. Ischemic injury to cell Architecture of dead tissue is preserved ( for few days) Cell Death Denaturation of proteins & enzymes Firm Texture of tissue Proteolysis of dead cells dead cells are phagocytosed leaving granular debris and fragments of cells Necrosed focus is infiltrated by inflammatory cells Eosinophilic anucleate cells v v Microscopic changes are the result of:  Denaturation of proteins  Enzymatic digestion of the cell.
  • 45. Gross Appearance  Foci of coagulative necrosis: In early stages: pale, firm and slightly swollen. With progression: become more yellowish, softer, and shrunken. Wedge shaped kidney infarct (coagulative necrosis)
  • 46. Microscopic Appearance:  Hallmark of coagulative necrosis: conversion of normal cells into their ‘tombstones’ i.e. outlines of the cells are retained so that the cell type can still be recognised but their cytoplasm and nuclear details are lost.  Necrosed cells are swollen and appear more eosinophilic than normal
  • 47. Microscopic view of the edge of the infarct ,with normal kidney (N)and necrotic cell in the infarct (I) showing preserved cellular outlines with loss of nuclei and an inflammatory infiltrate which is difficult to discern at this magnification
  • 48. Coagulative Necrosis: Myocardial infarction Here is myocardium in which the cells are dying as a result of ischemic injury from coronary artery occlusion. This is early in the process of necrosis. The nuclei of the myocardial fibers are being lost. The cytoplasm is losing its structure, because no well-defined cross-striations are seen
  • 49.  It occurs commonly due to ischemic injury and bacterial or fungal infections.  It occurs due to degradation of tissue by the action of powerful hydrolytic enzymes.  Transformation of the tissue into a liquid viscous mass.  The necrotic material is frequently creamy yellow because of the presence of dead leukocytes and is called pus.  Common e.g. Infarct brain and abscess cavity. Liquefactive Necrosis (Colliquative Necrosis)
  • 50. Caseous Necrosis  Caseous (cheese like) is derived from the friable white appearance of the area of necrosis.  It is a combined feature of coagulative and liquefactive necrosis.  Found in the center of foci of tuberculous infection.
  • 51. Gross Appearance  Foci of caseous necrosis, as the name implies, resemble dry cheese and are soft, granular and yellowish.  This appearance is partly attributed to the histotoxic effects of lipopolysaccharides present in the capsule of the tubercle bacilli, Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  • 52. Microscopic Findings  The necrosed foci are structureless, eosinophilic and contain granular debris.  The surrounding tissue shows characteristic granulomatous inflammatory reaction consisting of epithelioid cells with interspersed giant cells of langhan’s or foreign body type and peripherally lymphocytes
  • 53. Fat Necrosis  Not a specific pattern  These are:  Following pancreatic necrosis  Traumatic fat necrosis commonly in breast  Fat necrosis in either of the 2 instances results in hydrolysis of neutral fat present in adipose cells due to release to activated lipase into glycerol and free fatty acids.  The damaged adipose cells assume cloudy appearance when only free fatty remain behind , after glycerol leaks out.  The leaked out free fatty acids, complex with Ca to form Ca soaps (saponification)
  • 54. Gross Appearance  Appears as yellowish-white and firm deposits.  Ca soap imparts the necrosed foci firmer and chalky white appearance
  • 55. Microscopic Findings  Cloudy appearance of necrosed cell.  Surrounded by inflammatory reaction.  Formation of calcium soaps is identified in the tissue sections as amorphous, granular and basophilic material.
  • 56. Fibrinoid Necrosis  It is characterized by the deposition of fibrin like material which has the staining properties of fibrin.  Usually seen in immune reactions involving blood vessels.  Example: Autoimmune diseases, arthus reaction arterioles in hypertension, peptic ulcer etc.
  • 57. Microscopic Findings  Identified by brightly eosinophilic, hyaline-like deposition in the vessel wall or on the luminal surface of a peptic ulcer.  Local haemorrhages may occur due to rupture of these blood vessels.
  • 58. Gangrenous Necrosis  Not a specific pattern.  Term is commonly used in clinical practice.  Usually applied to a limb, generally the lower leg, that has lost its blood supply and has undergone, typically, coagulative necrosis
  • 59. Gangrene  Potentially life-threatening condition  caused by a critically insufficient blood supply(necrosis) to tissue.  This may occur after an injury or infection, or in people suffering from any chronic health problem affecting blood circulation.  Risk factors: Diabetes and long-term smoking
  • 60. 3 Types  Dry  Wet  Gas  In either type of gangrene, coagulation necrosis undergo liquefaction by the action of putrefactive bacteria.
  • 61. Dry Gangrene  Form of coagulative necrosis.  develops in ischemic tissue.  Etiopathogenesis: Causes • Peripheral artery disease (c/m) • Acute limb ischemia Limit oxygen in ishchemic limb • Bacteria fails to survive • Limits putrefaction Dry Gangrene • Affected part is dry, shrunken and dark reddish black. • Line of separation present
  • 62. Wet Gangrene  Characterized by thriving bacteria.  Poor prognosis (compared to dry gangrene) due to septicemia resulting from the free communication between infected fluid and circulatory fluid.  The tissue is infected by saprogenic microorganisms eg.Clostridium perfringens or Bacillus fusiformis , which cause tissue to swell and emit a fetid smell.  The affected part is edematous,soft, putrid, rotten and dark Blockage of venous(mainly) &/or arterial blood Stagnation of blood Rapid growth of bacteria Toxin production Septicemia & cell death
  • 63. Gas Gangrene  Bacterial infection that produces gas within tissues.  Caused by Clostridium, most commonly alpha toxin (exotoxin)producing Clostridium perfringens, or various non-clostridial species.  These environmental bacteria may enter the muscle through a wound and subsequently proliferate in necrotic tissue and secrete powerful toxins.  Infection spreads rapidly as the gases produced by bacteria expand and infiltrate healthy tissue in the vicinity.  Because of its ability to quickly spread to surrounding tissues, gas gangrene should be treated as a medical emergency.
  • 64. Q. Myocardial infarct is an example of: a. Coagulation necrosis b. Liquefactive necrosis c. Caseous necrosis d. Cell death nut not of necrosis Ans. A Q. Hypoxic death leads to: a. Coagulation necrosis b. Liquefactive necrosis c. Caseous necrosis d. Cell death nut not of necrosis Ans. A
  • 65. Q. Disappearance of nuclear chromatin is called as: A. Pyknosis B. Karyolysis C. Karyorrhexis D. None Ans. (A) pyknosis, characterized by nuclear shrinkage & increased basophilia. Here. the DNA apparently condenses into a solid, shrunken basophilia mass. Q. The fading of Nuclear chromatin is a. Karyolysis b. Karyorrhexis c. Pyknosis d. Cytolysis Ans. A Q. Pyknosis is characterized by a. Nuclear basophilia b. Nuclear Shrinkage c. Nucleus disintegration d. Nucleolus disintegration Ans. B
  • 66. Q. A glassy homogenous, increased eosinophilia with moth eaten appearance in a cell is indicated of: a. Reversible fatty change b. Reversible hypoxia c. Necrosis d. B and C Ans. C Q. Karyolysis leads to: a. Decreased eosinophilia b. Increased eosinophilia c. Decreased basophilia d. Increased basophilia Ans. C Due to Karyolysis the basophilia decreases but a necrotic cell in initial stages is characterized by increased eosinophilia. Increase in basophilia is typical of pyknosis
  • 67. Q.Which of the following is correctly matched a. Caseating necrosis – Tuberculosis b. Caseation - yellow fever c. Fat necrosis – Pancreatitis d. Gumma – infarction Ans. A & C Q. Caseation necrosis is suggestive of- A. Tuberculosis B. Sarcoidosis C. Leprosy D. Mid line lethal granuloma Ans. ‘A’ Q. Liquefaction necrosis is commonly seen in a. Brain b. Lung c. Liver d.Spleen Ans. A
  • 68. Q. Liquefaction necrosis is commonly seen in a. Brain b. Lung c. Liver d. Spleen Ans. A Q. Coagulation necrosis is seen in all cells (except in): a. Liver b. Heart c. Brain d. Lungs Ans. C The process of coagulative necrosis is characteristic of hypoxic death of cells in all tissues except the brain. Q. Hypoxic death leads to: a. Coagulation necrosis b. Liquefactive necrosis c. Caseous necrosis d. Cell death nut not of necrosis Ans. A
  • 69. Q. Gangrene is the death of a part accompanied by a. Suppuration b. Putrefaction c. Calcification d. Coagulation Ans. B Gangrene is a form of necrosis of tissue with superadded putrefaction. Q. Gangrene is defined as: a. Necrosis of body parts b. Coagulative necrosis of body parts c. Necrosis with putrefaction d. All are true Ans. C
  • 70. Apoptosis  Apoptosis in Greek meaning ‘falling off’ or‘dropping off’.  Defined as:  coordinated and internally programmed cell death Pathway of cell death which is induced by a tightly regulated suicide program in which cell destined to die activate intrinsic enzymes that degrade the cells own nuclear DNA and nuclear and cytoplasmic protein.
  • 71. Cellular changes  Shrinking of cell with dense cytoplasm and almost normal but tightly packed organelles.  Chromatin condensation around the periphery of nucleus (most characteristic feature)  Cytoplasmic blebbing with formation of membrane bound near-spherical bodies called apoptotic bodies containing compacted organelles.  Phagocytosis of apoptotic bodies by macrophages  No acute inflammation
  • 72. Histopathological examintaion  Apoptotic cell appear as  Round or oval mass  Intensely eosinophilic cytoplasm  Fragments of dense nuclear chromatin
  • 73. Causes of Apoptosis Physiological DNA damage (Radiation/cytotox ic drug/hypoxia) Embryogenesis & fetal Development Organ atrophy after duct obstruction Viral Infections like HIV/Adeno Pathological Hormone dependent involution Accumulation of missfolded proteins Death of the cells have served their function E.g. neutrophil & lymphocyte Elimination of self-Reactive lymphocytes Cell loss in proliferating cell population
  • 74. Molecular Mechanism of Apoptosis  Result from activation of enzyme called caspases (cysteine-aspartic-acid- proteases)  Two Phases: 1. Initiation phase: activation of caspases 2. Execution phase: degradation of cellular component by caspases.  Two pathways on caspase activation:  The Intrinsic Pathway (Mitochondrial)  The Extrinsic Pathway ( Death receptor initiated)
  • 75.  Initiators of apoptosis 1. Absence of stimuli e.g. Hormone, growth factors, cytokines. 2. Activators of programmed cell death. E.g.TNF receptors. 3. Intracellular stimuli e.g. Heat, radiation, hypoxia  Regulators of apoptosis  Anti-apoptotic: BCL 2, BCL-XL and MCL1  Pro-apoptotic: BAX & BAK  Sensors: BAD, BIM, BID, Puma & Noxa
  • 76. Intrinsic -Mitochondrial pathway • Synthesis of anti- apoptotic molecules (Bcl-2) promoted by Growth factors & other survival signals 1.Deprivation of growth factors 2.ER Stress 3. DNA damage • Activation of sensor BH3 only protein Activate Proapoptotic protein BAX & BAN • Proapoptotic protein increase mito. Permeability Leak out of mito. Proteins in to cytoplasm like Cyt c • Binding of Cyt c to a protein called APAF • Forms apoptosomes Apoptosome bind with casepase-9 (Initiater caspase )which initiate autoamplification process of activation • Activated Executers Caspases (caspase-3) Execution Phse  BH3 Also bind to and block the function of antiapoptotic protein  The synthesis of Antiapoptotic protein is declined due to def of survival signals • Bcl-2 is over expressed in most follicular B-cell lymphomas – allowing abnormal cells to proliferate.
  • 77. Essence of intrinsic (mitochondrial) pathway  Pro-apoptotic and protective molecules that regulate mitochondrial permeability and the release of death molecules sequestered in the mitochondria are maintained in balance normally.  Imbalance initiates the death pathway.
  • 78. Extrinsic pathway (Death Receptor Initiated)  Death receptors are members of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family and a related protein called Fas (CD95).  These molecules contain a death domain.
  • 79. Fas expressed on the surface linked death domain if activated apoptosis is intitated
  • 80.
  • 81. Mechanism of Apoptosis Initiators of apoptosis (transmembrane, intracellar) Regulators of apoptosis (bcl-2, others) Programmed cell death Fas receptor activation (cytotoxic T cells) DNA damage (radiation, chemotherapy, free radicals PHAGOCYTOSIS APOPTOSIS Mitochondrial injury DNA damage P53 Bax ceramide Caspases
  • 83. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Normal Cell Apoptotic cell with step ladder pattern Necrotic cells, DNA in all different length. Smearing patterbn
  • 84. Necroptosis:  Form of cell death which resemble necrosis morphologically and apoptosis mechanistically as a form of programmed cell death  Triggered by • Ligation of TNFR1 • Viral proteins  Caspase independent  RIP1 & RIP 3 complex dependent  Inflammation present Pyroptosis:  Inflammatory form of programmed cell death  Infection with intracellular pathogens  Involve activation of caspase 1 & caspase 11
  • 85. Q. Gene inhibiting apoptosis is: a. bcl2 b. P53 c.Ras d. N-myc Ans. A Q. Which of the following features is seen in apoptosis but not in necrosis? A. Inter nucleosome cleavage of DNA B. Inflammation C. Pyknosis D. Cytoplasmic hyper eosinoplilia E. Karyolysis Ans:A
  • 86. Necrosis or Apoptosis ? Ans: Necrosis Lots of leukocytes Does apoptosis involve an inflammatory response?
  • 87.

Editor's Notes

  1. Cellular response to adverse effect
  2. Clinically imp because it contributes to tissue damage during myocardial and cerebral infarction following therapy to restore blood
  3. Cellular swelling (synonyms: hydropic change, vacuolar degeneration, cellular edema) is an acute reversible change resulting as a response to nonlethal injuries. It is an intracytoplasmic accumulation of water due to incapacity of the cells to maintain the ionic and fluid homeostasis. It is easy to be observed in parenchymal organs : liver (hepatitis, hypoxia), kidney (shock), myocardium (hypoxia, phosphate intoxication). It may be local or diffuse, affecting the whole organ.
  4. Necrotic cells are unable to maintain membrane integrity and their contents often leak out, a process that may elicit inflammation in the surrounding tissue. The enzymes that digest the necrotic cell are derived from the lysosomes of the dying cells themselves and from the lysosomes of leukocytes that are called in as part of the inflammatory reaction.
  5. (attributable in part to the loss of cytoplasmic RNA (which binds the blue dye, haematoxylin) and in part to denatured cytoplasmic proteins (which bind the red dye, eosin).
  6. Architecture of dead tissues is preserved for a span of at least some days. Tissues exhibit a firm texture Injury denatures proteins and enzymes blocking proteolysis of the dead cells; Eosinophilic, anucleatecells may persist for days or weeks. Ultimately the necrotic cells are removed by phagocytosis of the cellular debris by infiltrating leukocytes. CoagulativeNecrosis
  7. Microscopically, the renal cortex has undergone anoxic injury at the left so that the cells appear pale and ghost-like. There is a hemorrhagic zone in the middle where the cells are dying or have not quite died, and then normal renal parenchyma at the far right.
  8. The line of separation usually brings about complete separation, with eventual falling off of the gangrenous tissue if it is not removed surgically, a process
  9. Wet gangrene usually develops rapidly due to blockage of venous (mainly) and/or arterial blood flow The affected part is saturated with stagnant blood, which promotes the rapid growth of bacteria. The toxic products formed by bacteria are absorbed, causing systemic manifestationof septicemia and finally death.
  10. In human body about 1 lakh cells are produced every second by mitosis and almost similar number die by apoptosis Because it is genetically regulated therefore referred as programmed cell death
  11. In physiological situation death by apoptosis is a normal phenomenon serves to eliminate cells that are no longer needed and to maintain a steady number of various cell population in tissue. Hormone dependent involution after withdrawal of hormones: Prostate glandular epithelium after castration, Regression of lactating breast after weaning and endometrial shedding •neutrophils in acute inflammation and lymphocytes after immune response becoz they are deprived of necessary survival signals like growth factors Improperly folded protein is due to mutation in gene encoding these proteins or extrinsic factors such as damaged caused by ROS. extensive accumulation of these protein caused ER stress leads to apoptosis. Pathologic atrophy of organ and tissues on withdrawal of stimuli eg. Atrophy of kidney or salivary gland on obstruction of ureter or ducts respectively.
  12. Caspases so named as they are cysteine proteases that cleaves proteins after aspartic residues.. • Synthesized as inactive precursors; activated by proteolytic cleavage. • Family of at least 12 proteases, a few of which are involved in inflammation, and many of which are involved in apoptosis The presence of activated cleaved active caspases is a marker of apoptosis.
  13. Anti apoptotic protein resides in outer mitochondrial membranes as well as the cytosol and ER membrane. By keeping the mitochondrial outer membrane impermeable that prevent leakge of cyt c and other death inducing proteins Pro apoptotic proteins promote mitochondrial outer membrane permeability by forming channels in outer mito membrane Sensors contains only one BH domain third of four, therefore also known as BH3 only proteuns. It sense the cellular stress and damage and regulate the balance between the pro and anti apoptotic proteins.
  14. .APAF-apoptosis activating factor 1 Apoptosome is a wheel like hexamer.
  15. RIP1 & RIP 3 reduces mito oxidation which leads to reduced ATP , causes ROS production and permeabilize lysosomal membrane thereby causing cellular swelling, membrane damage and necrosis. RIP(Receptor associated kinase )