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CeeCal Product Knowledge
   Introduction to Vitamins & their
   CeeCal Product Information
Introduction to Vitamins
   Essential for healthy growth, vitality and
    physical well being
   Vital for the normal functioning of our
   They occur naturally in minute quantities
    in foods and generally must be obtained
    from these foods or from dietary
   13 major vitamins which each have a
    range of functions in the body.
   Fat soluble
       Vitamins A, D, E and K
       Certain amount of fat is needed in the diet to
        help the body absorb these vitamins.
       Unused supplies can be stored in the body.
   Water soluble
       The B group vitamins and vitamin C
       They cannot be stored in the body so we need
        a daily supply of them from the diet.
   Vitamins are simply organic constituents of food
   They combine with the proteins, minerals and
    enzymes within bodies to bring about the
    chemical reactions to create energy, form living
    tissue and protect cells from damage.
   Deficiencies in one or more specific vitamins can
    leave humans open to various forms of sickness
    and disease.
   Only a few are manufactured inside the body.
   Vitamin D is manufactured in the skin from
    sunlight, while a few others can be made inside
    the gut by resident bacteria.
   All of the other vitamins can be found in foods
Factors increasing needs for Vitamins
   Various lifestyle habits such as smoking and
    consuming alcohol
   Environment hazards like pollution, various forms
    of stress; emotional or physical.
   Elderly, because of their decreased food intake
    and also their heavy use of conventional
   Pregnant women, teenagers, people who are
    dieting, those on medication (especially the
    contraceptive pill), those who eat too many
    convenience foods or ‘junk’ foods, and fussy
   Except for a very few, vitamins are relatively safe
    to take in large quantities.
   Those that have the potential to become toxic
    need to be taken in extremely large doses and
    over a very long period of time before they do so.
   Vitamin A for example must be taken in excess of
    10-20 times the RDA and over a considerable
    period of time before it produces symptoms of
    toxicity, and even then the symptoms are
   Beta-carotene provides an excellent way of
    obtaining the benefits of Vitamin A, as the body
    requires it.
Vitamin C
   Vitamin C is important for the production
    of collagen, connective tissue and protein
    fibers that give strength to our teeth and
    gums, muscles, blood vessels and skin.
   Food sources
   Vitamin C can be found in fruit and
    vegetables such as citrus fruit,
    blackcurrants, strawberries, tomatoes,
    potatoes, peppers as well as fortified
Vitamin C
   Importance
   In the immune system, vitamin C helps
    the white blood cells to fight infection.
   Vitamin C helps the body to absorb iron.
   It is believed that the so-called
    “antioxidant” properties of vitamin C help
    protect the body from the harmful effects
    of too many free radicals.
Vitamin C
   Deficiency
   Leaves the person more susceptible to infection
   Makes wounds slower to heal and can lead to
    bleeding gums, irritability and muscle wasting.
   A severe deficiency of this vitamin leads to scurvy
   Some groups of people may still have low levels
    of vitamin C
       Those who eat a lot of junk food and miss out on
        fresh fruit and vegetables
       Heavy drinkers
       Smokers: cigarette smoke increases the breakdown
        of vitamin C.
   NB: Pregnant and breast feeding mothers have
    increased requirements for vitamin C.
Vitamin C - Kinetics
   Vit C is a water-soluble vitamin.
   It is rapidly absorbed from the GIT
    and widely distributed in the body.
   Plasma concentration and total body
    store is related to daily uptake.
   It is excreted in the urine.
   The body stores up to a maximum
    of 2.5 g.
Vitamin C - Indications
   Vitamin C is a compound that is necessary for
    proper growth and health.
   It is needed in small amounts only and is usually
    available in the normal foods that are ingested.
   Vitamin C is necessary for wound healing.
   Vit C plays a major role in many oxidative and
    other metabolic reactions essential for formation
    and stabilization of collagens, conversion of folic
    acid to folinic acid, synthesis of adrenal steroids
    and catacholamines.
   It is very important for maintenance of
    intracellular tissue.
Vitamin C - Dosage
   Daily intake required:
   Infants and Children: Birth to 3
    years of age = 20 mg
   4 to 10 years of age = 25 mg
   Adolescent and adult males = 25-40
   Pregnant Females = 30-40 mg
   Breast-feeding females = 55 mg
Vitamin D
   Food sources
   There are only a few foods, which
    contain vitamin D.
   These include oily fish, fish oils,
    butter and eggs.
   Some foods, like margarine,
    evaporated milk and breakfast
    cereals are fortified with vitamin D.
Vitamin D
   Exposure to sunlight
   Unlike other vitamins, we can actually make
    vitamin D in our bodies as a result of exposure
    to sunlight, providing the necessary starting
    materials are there.
   Generally, about fifteen minutes of direct
    sunlight per day gives the vitamin D needed
   Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that can be
    stored in the body
   Vitamin D is vital for general well being and, in
    particular, for healthy bones and teeth.
Vitamin D
   Exposure to sunlight
   Unlike other vitamins, we can actually make
    vitamin D in our bodies as a result of exposure
    to sunlight, providing the necessary starting
    materials are there.
   Generally, about fifteen minutes of direct
    sunlight per day gives the vitamin D needed
   Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that can be
    stored in the body
   Vitamin D is vital for general well being and, in
    particular, for healthy bones and teeth.
Vitamin D
   Deficiency
   A deficiency of vitamin D in children can lead to
    rickets (bones are not formed correctly because the
    lack of vitamin D does not allow enough calcium to
    be absorbed)
   Adults who are deficient in vitamin D may suffer
    from osteomalacia (thinning of the bones).
   A lack of vitamin D may also prevent adequate
    adsorption of calcium and contribute to Osteoporosis
   Vitamin D is important throughout life. Since it is
    necessary for calcium absorption,
   With age, bodies are not able to absorb vitamin D or
    make it in the skin so efficiently.
   Older people with a good regular supply of vitamin
    D and calcium may be less likely to suffer fractures
    due to brittle or thinning bones. They should eat
    more foods rich in vitamin D
 The mineral that makes up bones
  and keeps them strong.
 99% percent of the calcium in the
  body is stored in bones and teeth.
 The remaining 1% is in the blood
  and soft tissues and is essential for
  life and health.
 Without this tiny 1% of calcium,
  muscles wouldn’t contract
  correctly, blood wouldn’t clot and
  nerves wouldn’t carry messages
   Sources
   From the calcium in diet
   From the calcium in bone
   It is mainly dietary calcium that spares, or
    protects, the calcium in bones.
   In addition to their structural role, bones are
    the emergency supply of calcium.
   The body actually tears down and builds bone
    all of the time in order to make its calcium
    available for body’s functions.
   In lack of sufficient dietary Calcium, the body
    automatically takes it from bones.
   In years, bones become weak and break easily.
    This leads to the crippling bone disease called
                    Dietary Reference Intakes
   Age Group
  0 - 6 months          210 milligrams/day
  6 - 12 months         270 milligrams/day
   1 - 3 years          500 milligrams/day
   4 - 8 years          800 milligrams/day
   9 - 18 years        1,300 milligrams/day
  Adults 19 - 50
                       1,000 milligrams/day
 Adults 51+ years      1,200 milligrams/day
 Sources in diet
 Calcium-rich foods such as low-fat
  and No-fat dairy products,
  broccoli, kale, and salmon
 Fortified food with calcium,
  including fruit juices, snack foods
  and breakfast cereals
   Calcium supplement: carbonate, citrate or
    lactate forms
      Calcium carbonate is inexpensive and
       provides more elemental calcium than
       other supplements - such as calcium
       citrate and calcium lactate
      Should be taken with meals. It may be
       better absorbed with food
      In divided doses throughout the day.
       The body can absorb only so much
       calcium at one time
   Calcium importance with age
   From birth until about age 18, bones are
    forming and growing, as children grow, it is
    equally important that their diet remain
   During late adolescence, through young
    adulthood, adult bone is formed and reaches its
    maximum strength and density
   Bones continue to accumulate calcium and
    become stronger after growing stops.
   The calcium provided to bones in youth
    determines how well they will hold up later in
   By age 35 bones are about as strong as they
    are ever going to be
   No matter what age a woman is when she
    becomes pregnant, calcium is very important to
    both the mother and the baby.
   Calcium from the mother’s body is used by the
    developing baby, putting increased demands on
    the mother’s supply.
   Additional calcium should be consumed for both
    the mother’s and baby’s health.
   In the Journal of the American Medical
    Association, there is evidence that increasing
    calcium intake can help maintain normal blood
    pressure in pregnant women.
   Pregnancy-induced high blood pressure is a
    serious complication that can put both mother
    and child at risk
   When a woman enters menopause, her body
    produces much less estrogen.
   Loss of estrogen increases the risk of
   It is so important to take steps to protect from
    osteoporosis by getting enough calcium every
   Recent studies have shown estrogen plus daily
    calcium is up to three times more effective in
    building bone than estrogen alone
   Men are also vulnerable to osteoporosis and
    need to consume adequate calcium through
    their older years to prevent further bone loss,
    and in their younger years to achieve peak
    bone mass
Calcium - Overdosage
   It’s very difficult to get too much calcium
   Any excess which the body cannot use is
    excreted from the body in the urine and stool
   Daily consumption up to 2,500 mg has been
    shown to be safe.
   Additional calcium intake may actually lower
    risk for kidney stones
   Restricting calcium intake could increase the
    risk of stones
   The largest study ever conducted on calcium
    and kidney stones, published in the New
    England Journal of Medicine in 1993, and
    another published in 1997, showed that daily
    calcium intake above 850 mg decreased the
    incidence of symptomatic kidney stones.
Recommendations for adequate
calcium and vitamin D intake

   The National Institutes of Health Consensus
    Conference on Osteoporosis recommend the
    following calcium intake:
   800 mg/day for children ages 1 to 10
   1000 mg/day for men, premenopausal women,
    and postmenopausal women also taking
   1200 mg/day for teenagers and young adults
    ages 11 to 24
   1500 mg/day for post menopausal women not
    taking estrogen
   1200mg to 1500 mg/day for pregnant women
    and nursing mothers
Recommendations for adequate
calcium and vitamin D intake

   The total daily intake of calcium should not
    exceed 2000 mg
      The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute
       of Medicine recommended the following
       vitamin D intake:
   200 IU daily for men and women 19 to 50 years
   400 IU daily for men and women 51 to 70 years
   600 IU daily for men and women 71 years and
   For patients with established osteoporosis, the
    recommended dose of vitamin D is 400 IU twice
    a day.
   Excessive vitamin D leads to elevated blood
    calcium levels, which can cause significant
   Symptoms of vitamin D toxicity include loss of
    appetite, nausea, vomiting, thirst, excessive
    urination, muscular weakness, and in severe
    cases, coma.
   Consequently, intake should not exceed 1000
    IU daily.
   While adequate calcium intake and vitamin D
    levels are important to maintain bone strength,
    they are not always sufficient to fully protect
    against the rapid bone loss that can occur
    around the time of menopause.
   Estrogen replacement therapy, and medications
    that strengthen bone may also be necessary
Calcium and Vitamin C
   Calcium metabolism is very much affected
    by Vitamin C intake
   For patients who suffer from calcium
    overload, larger amounts of Vitamin C are
    an effective part of the daily regimen to
    keep calcium soluble and prevent it from
    calcifying soft tissue
   Low stomach acid levels are involved with
    elevated calcium as well, for which higher
    Vitamin C intake is also beneficial,
    however acidifying strategies are
    additionally required in most of these
Calcium and Vitamin C
   Normal amounts of Vitamin C increase
    bioavailability of average calcium levels,
    while very high intake puts extra
    demands on calcium stores (bone) to
    make up calcium loss
   There are a lot of people whose copper
    and zinc levels are excessively high, so
    Vitamin C becomes the ideal candidate
    because it is capable of lowering both
   Large amounts can at the same time
    significantly reduce calcium levels to the
    point of seriously accelerating bone loss
Vitamin B6

   Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin that
    exists in three major chemical forms:
    pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine.
   It performs a wide variety of functions in
    your body and is essential for your good
   For example, vitamin B6 is needed for
    more than 100 enzymes involved in
    protein metabolism.
   It is also essential for red blood cell
   The nervous and immune systems need
    vitamin B6 to function efficiently.
Vitamin B6
   Hemoglobin within red blood cells
    carries oxygen to tissues. Your body
    needs vitamin B6 to make
    hemoglobin. Vitamin B6 also helps
    increase the amount of oxygen
    carried by hemoglobin. A vitamin B6
    deficiency can result in a form of
    anemia that is similar to iron
    deficiency anemia.
Vitamin B6
   Vitamin B6, through its involvement in protein
    metabolism and cellular growth, is important
    to the immune system.
   It helps maintain the health of lymphoid
    organs (thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes)
    that make your white blood cells.
   Animal studies show that a vitamin B6
    deficiency can decrease your antibody
    production and suppress your immune
Vitamin B6
   Vitamin B6 also helps maintain your blood
    glucose (sugar) within a normal range. When
    caloric intake is low your body needs vitamin
   B6 to help convert stored carbohydrate or
    other nutrients to glucose to maintain normal
    blood sugar levels.
   While a shortage of vitamin B6 will limit these
    functions, supplements of this vitamin do not
    enhance them in well-nourished individuals.
When can a vitamin B6
deficiency occur?
   Vitamin B6 deficiency can occur in individuals
    with poor quality diets that are deficient in
    many nutrients.
   Symptoms occur during later stages of
    deficiency, when intake has been very low for
    an extended time.
   Signs of vitamin B6 deficiency include
    dermatitis (skin inflammation), glossitis (a sore
    tongue), depression, confusion, and
   Vitamin B6 deficiency also can cause anemia.
   Some of these symptoms can also result from a
    variety of medical conditions other than vitamin
    B6 deficiency.
What is the health risk of too much
vitamin B6?
   Too much vitamin B6 can result in
    nerve damage to the arms and
    legs. This neuropathy is usually
    related to high intake of vitamin
    B6 from supplements, and is
    reversible when supplementation
    is stopped.
CeCal Product Information
   CeeCal is presented as effervescent
    tablets (10 tabs per tube)
    containing the following ingredients:
       Calcium Carbonate 625 mg USP
        (equivalent to 250 mg elemental
       Vitamin C 1000 mg USP
       Vitamin D 200 IU
       Vitamin B6 5 mg
The End

Thank You

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Cee cal

  • 2. Topics  Introduction to Vitamins & their Functions  CeeCal Product Information
  • 3. Introduction to Vitamins  Essential for healthy growth, vitality and physical well being  Vital for the normal functioning of our bodies.  They occur naturally in minute quantities in foods and generally must be obtained from these foods or from dietary supplements.  13 major vitamins which each have a range of functions in the body.
  • 4. Classification  Fat soluble  Vitamins A, D, E and K  Certain amount of fat is needed in the diet to help the body absorb these vitamins.  Unused supplies can be stored in the body.  Water soluble  The B group vitamins and vitamin C  They cannot be stored in the body so we need a daily supply of them from the diet.
  • 5. Origin  Vitamins are simply organic constituents of food  They combine with the proteins, minerals and enzymes within bodies to bring about the chemical reactions to create energy, form living tissue and protect cells from damage.  Deficiencies in one or more specific vitamins can leave humans open to various forms of sickness and disease.  Only a few are manufactured inside the body.  Vitamin D is manufactured in the skin from sunlight, while a few others can be made inside the gut by resident bacteria.  All of the other vitamins can be found in foods
  • 6. Factors increasing needs for Vitamins  Various lifestyle habits such as smoking and consuming alcohol  Environment hazards like pollution, various forms of stress; emotional or physical.  Elderly, because of their decreased food intake and also their heavy use of conventional medications  Pregnant women, teenagers, people who are dieting, those on medication (especially the contraceptive pill), those who eat too many convenience foods or ‘junk’ foods, and fussy eaters.
  • 7. Overdosage  Except for a very few, vitamins are relatively safe to take in large quantities.  Those that have the potential to become toxic need to be taken in extremely large doses and over a very long period of time before they do so.  Vitamin A for example must be taken in excess of 10-20 times the RDA and over a considerable period of time before it produces symptoms of toxicity, and even then the symptoms are reversible.  Beta-carotene provides an excellent way of obtaining the benefits of Vitamin A, as the body requires it.
  • 8. Vitamin C  Vitamin C is important for the production of collagen, connective tissue and protein fibers that give strength to our teeth and gums, muscles, blood vessels and skin.  Food sources  Vitamin C can be found in fruit and vegetables such as citrus fruit, blackcurrants, strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers as well as fortified drinks
  • 9. Vitamin C  Importance  In the immune system, vitamin C helps the white blood cells to fight infection.  Vitamin C helps the body to absorb iron.  It is believed that the so-called “antioxidant” properties of vitamin C help protect the body from the harmful effects of too many free radicals.
  • 10. Vitamin C  Deficiency  Leaves the person more susceptible to infection  Makes wounds slower to heal and can lead to bleeding gums, irritability and muscle wasting.  A severe deficiency of this vitamin leads to scurvy  Some groups of people may still have low levels of vitamin C  Those who eat a lot of junk food and miss out on fresh fruit and vegetables  Heavy drinkers  Smokers: cigarette smoke increases the breakdown of vitamin C.  NB: Pregnant and breast feeding mothers have increased requirements for vitamin C.
  • 11. Vitamin C - Kinetics  Vit C is a water-soluble vitamin.  It is rapidly absorbed from the GIT and widely distributed in the body.  Plasma concentration and total body store is related to daily uptake.  It is excreted in the urine.  The body stores up to a maximum of 2.5 g.
  • 12. Vitamin C - Indications  Vitamin C is a compound that is necessary for proper growth and health.  It is needed in small amounts only and is usually available in the normal foods that are ingested.  Vitamin C is necessary for wound healing.  Vit C plays a major role in many oxidative and other metabolic reactions essential for formation and stabilization of collagens, conversion of folic acid to folinic acid, synthesis of adrenal steroids and catacholamines.  It is very important for maintenance of intracellular tissue.
  • 13. Vitamin C - Dosage  Daily intake required:  Infants and Children: Birth to 3 years of age = 20 mg  4 to 10 years of age = 25 mg  Adolescent and adult males = 25-40 mg  Pregnant Females = 30-40 mg  Breast-feeding females = 55 mg
  • 14. Vitamin D  Food sources  There are only a few foods, which contain vitamin D.  These include oily fish, fish oils, butter and eggs.  Some foods, like margarine, evaporated milk and breakfast cereals are fortified with vitamin D.
  • 15. Vitamin D  Exposure to sunlight  Unlike other vitamins, we can actually make vitamin D in our bodies as a result of exposure to sunlight, providing the necessary starting materials are there.  Generally, about fifteen minutes of direct sunlight per day gives the vitamin D needed  Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that can be stored in the body  Vitamin D is vital for general well being and, in particular, for healthy bones and teeth.
  • 16. Vitamin D  Exposure to sunlight  Unlike other vitamins, we can actually make vitamin D in our bodies as a result of exposure to sunlight, providing the necessary starting materials are there.  Generally, about fifteen minutes of direct sunlight per day gives the vitamin D needed  Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that can be stored in the body  Vitamin D is vital for general well being and, in particular, for healthy bones and teeth.
  • 17. Vitamin D  Deficiency  A deficiency of vitamin D in children can lead to rickets (bones are not formed correctly because the lack of vitamin D does not allow enough calcium to be absorbed)  Adults who are deficient in vitamin D may suffer from osteomalacia (thinning of the bones).  A lack of vitamin D may also prevent adequate adsorption of calcium and contribute to Osteoporosis  Vitamin D is important throughout life. Since it is necessary for calcium absorption,  With age, bodies are not able to absorb vitamin D or make it in the skin so efficiently.  Older people with a good regular supply of vitamin D and calcium may be less likely to suffer fractures due to brittle or thinning bones. They should eat more foods rich in vitamin D
  • 18. Calcium  The mineral that makes up bones and keeps them strong.  99% percent of the calcium in the body is stored in bones and teeth.  The remaining 1% is in the blood and soft tissues and is essential for life and health.  Without this tiny 1% of calcium, muscles wouldn’t contract correctly, blood wouldn’t clot and nerves wouldn’t carry messages
  • 19. Calcium  Sources  From the calcium in diet  From the calcium in bone  It is mainly dietary calcium that spares, or protects, the calcium in bones.  In addition to their structural role, bones are the emergency supply of calcium.  The body actually tears down and builds bone all of the time in order to make its calcium available for body’s functions.  In lack of sufficient dietary Calcium, the body automatically takes it from bones.  In years, bones become weak and break easily. This leads to the crippling bone disease called "osteoporosis."
  • 20. Calcium Dietary Reference Intakes  Age Group (DRI)  0 - 6 months  210 milligrams/day  6 - 12 months  270 milligrams/day  1 - 3 years  500 milligrams/day  4 - 8 years  800 milligrams/day  9 - 18 years  1,300 milligrams/day  Adults 19 - 50  1,000 milligrams/day years  Adults 51+ years  1,200 milligrams/day
  • 21. Calcium  Sources in diet  Calcium-rich foods such as low-fat and No-fat dairy products, broccoli, kale, and salmon  Fortified food with calcium, including fruit juices, snack foods and breakfast cereals
  • 22. Calcium  Calcium supplement: carbonate, citrate or lactate forms  Calcium carbonate is inexpensive and provides more elemental calcium than other supplements - such as calcium citrate and calcium lactate  Should be taken with meals. It may be better absorbed with food  In divided doses throughout the day. The body can absorb only so much calcium at one time
  • 23. Calcium  Calcium importance with age  From birth until about age 18, bones are forming and growing, as children grow, it is equally important that their diet remain calcium-rich  During late adolescence, through young adulthood, adult bone is formed and reaches its maximum strength and density  Bones continue to accumulate calcium and become stronger after growing stops.  The calcium provided to bones in youth determines how well they will hold up later in life.  By age 35 bones are about as strong as they are ever going to be
  • 24. Calcium  No matter what age a woman is when she becomes pregnant, calcium is very important to both the mother and the baby.  Calcium from the mother’s body is used by the developing baby, putting increased demands on the mother’s supply.  Additional calcium should be consumed for both the mother’s and baby’s health.  In the Journal of the American Medical Association, there is evidence that increasing calcium intake can help maintain normal blood pressure in pregnant women.  Pregnancy-induced high blood pressure is a serious complication that can put both mother and child at risk  When a woman enters menopause, her body produces much less estrogen.
  • 25. Calcium  Loss of estrogen increases the risk of osteoporosis.  It is so important to take steps to protect from osteoporosis by getting enough calcium every day  Recent studies have shown estrogen plus daily calcium is up to three times more effective in building bone than estrogen alone  Men are also vulnerable to osteoporosis and need to consume adequate calcium through their older years to prevent further bone loss, and in their younger years to achieve peak bone mass
  • 26. Calcium - Overdosage  It’s very difficult to get too much calcium  Any excess which the body cannot use is excreted from the body in the urine and stool  Daily consumption up to 2,500 mg has been shown to be safe.  Additional calcium intake may actually lower risk for kidney stones  Restricting calcium intake could increase the risk of stones  The largest study ever conducted on calcium and kidney stones, published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1993, and another published in 1997, showed that daily calcium intake above 850 mg decreased the incidence of symptomatic kidney stones.
  • 27. Recommendations for adequate calcium and vitamin D intake  The National Institutes of Health Consensus Conference on Osteoporosis recommend the following calcium intake:  800 mg/day for children ages 1 to 10  1000 mg/day for men, premenopausal women, and postmenopausal women also taking estrogen  1200 mg/day for teenagers and young adults ages 11 to 24  1500 mg/day for post menopausal women not taking estrogen  1200mg to 1500 mg/day for pregnant women and nursing mothers
  • 28. Recommendations for adequate calcium and vitamin D intake  The total daily intake of calcium should not exceed 2000 mg  The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine recommended the following vitamin D intake:  200 IU daily for men and women 19 to 50 years old  400 IU daily for men and women 51 to 70 years old  600 IU daily for men and women 71 years and older  For patients with established osteoporosis, the recommended dose of vitamin D is 400 IU twice a day.
  • 29. Precautions  Excessive vitamin D leads to elevated blood calcium levels, which can cause significant toxicity.  Symptoms of vitamin D toxicity include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, thirst, excessive urination, muscular weakness, and in severe cases, coma.  Consequently, intake should not exceed 1000 IU daily.  While adequate calcium intake and vitamin D levels are important to maintain bone strength, they are not always sufficient to fully protect against the rapid bone loss that can occur around the time of menopause.  Estrogen replacement therapy, and medications that strengthen bone may also be necessary
  • 30. Calcium and Vitamin C  Calcium metabolism is very much affected by Vitamin C intake  For patients who suffer from calcium overload, larger amounts of Vitamin C are an effective part of the daily regimen to keep calcium soluble and prevent it from calcifying soft tissue  Low stomach acid levels are involved with elevated calcium as well, for which higher Vitamin C intake is also beneficial, however acidifying strategies are additionally required in most of these cases
  • 31. Calcium and Vitamin C  Normal amounts of Vitamin C increase bioavailability of average calcium levels, while very high intake puts extra demands on calcium stores (bone) to make up calcium loss  There are a lot of people whose copper and zinc levels are excessively high, so Vitamin C becomes the ideal candidate because it is capable of lowering both  Large amounts can at the same time significantly reduce calcium levels to the point of seriously accelerating bone loss
  • 32. Vitamin B6  Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin that exists in three major chemical forms: pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine.  It performs a wide variety of functions in your body and is essential for your good health.  For example, vitamin B6 is needed for more than 100 enzymes involved in protein metabolism.  It is also essential for red blood cell metabolism.  The nervous and immune systems need vitamin B6 to function efficiently.
  • 33. Vitamin B6  Hemoglobin within red blood cells carries oxygen to tissues. Your body needs vitamin B6 to make hemoglobin. Vitamin B6 also helps increase the amount of oxygen carried by hemoglobin. A vitamin B6 deficiency can result in a form of anemia that is similar to iron deficiency anemia.
  • 34. Vitamin B6  Vitamin B6, through its involvement in protein metabolism and cellular growth, is important to the immune system.  It helps maintain the health of lymphoid organs (thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes) that make your white blood cells.  Animal studies show that a vitamin B6 deficiency can decrease your antibody production and suppress your immune response.
  • 35. Vitamin B6  Vitamin B6 also helps maintain your blood glucose (sugar) within a normal range. When caloric intake is low your body needs vitamin  B6 to help convert stored carbohydrate or other nutrients to glucose to maintain normal blood sugar levels.  While a shortage of vitamin B6 will limit these functions, supplements of this vitamin do not enhance them in well-nourished individuals.
  • 36. When can a vitamin B6 deficiency occur?  Vitamin B6 deficiency can occur in individuals with poor quality diets that are deficient in many nutrients.  Symptoms occur during later stages of deficiency, when intake has been very low for an extended time.  Signs of vitamin B6 deficiency include dermatitis (skin inflammation), glossitis (a sore tongue), depression, confusion, and convulsions.  Vitamin B6 deficiency also can cause anemia.  Some of these symptoms can also result from a variety of medical conditions other than vitamin B6 deficiency.
  • 37. What is the health risk of too much vitamin B6?  Too much vitamin B6 can result in nerve damage to the arms and legs. This neuropathy is usually related to high intake of vitamin B6 from supplements, and is reversible when supplementation is stopped.
  • 39. CeeCal is presented as effervescent tablets (10 tabs per tube) containing the following ingredients:  Calcium Carbonate 625 mg USP (equivalent to 250 mg elemental calcium)  Vitamin C 1000 mg USP  Vitamin D 200 IU  Vitamin B6 5 mg