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April 30, 2023admin
Vitamins are frequently classified as either fat-soluble or water-soluble organic
substances.. minerals that dissolve in fat, such as vitamin A, vitamin D,
vitamin E, and vitamin K, have a tendency to build up in the body. Water-
soluble vitamins, such as vitamin C and the B-complex vitamins, such as
vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and folate, must dissolve in water in order to be
absorbed by the body. the body and cannot be stored. Any water-soluble
minerals that the body does not use are mostly excreted in the urine. People
require trace amounts of organic substances called vitamins. Every one plays
a unique part in preserving health and body function. Some people may
require supplements to improve their supply, depending on their lifestyle and
overall health..
Before the 1930s, when commercially produced supplements of some
vitamins became available, people could only get their vitamins from food. In
an effort to combat the widespread nutritional inadequacies of the day, the
U.S.The government has also begun to fortify meals with certain nutrients.
Examples include adding folic acid to grain products to prevent birth
abnormalities during pregnancy and iodine to salt to prevent goitre. To prevent
deficiencies, most vitamins and multivitamins were sold to the general public
in the 1950s. Some of these products were heavily advertised in popular
periodicals, such cod liver oil with vitamin D, which was marketed as bottled
What are vitamins?
Vitamins are organic compounds that are barely detectable in natural meals.
A vitamin deficiency may raise the likelihood of acquiring specific health
problems.Vitamins are naturally occurring organic substances that are
scarcely visible in natural foods. A vitamin shortage may increase the
probability of developing certain health conditions.
Since a minerals is an organic substance, it contains carbon. It is also a
required nutrient that the body may require from meals.
Currently, 13 vitamins are recognized.
Fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins
Vitamins can dissolve in either water or fat, depending on their solubility. Below,
we describe both kinds:
Fat-soluble vitamins
The fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K are. Fat-soluble minerals are kept in
reserve by the body in the form of fatty tissue in the liver, where they can last
for days or even months.
Dietary fats facilitate the intestinal absorption of fat-soluble minerals by the
Water-soluble vitamins
Water-soluble vitamins cannot be kept in the body and have a short shelf life.
Through urination, they leave the body. People require a more consistent
supply of water-soluble vitamins than fat-soluble ones as a result.
Water-soluble vitamins include all B vitamins, including vitamin C.. Reliable
The 13 vitamins
Below, learn about each currently recognized vitamin:
Vitamin A
Their chemical names are retinol, retinal, and “the four carotenoids,” which include beta
 It is fat-soluble.
 Function: It is essential for eye health.
 Deficiency: This may cause night blindness and keratomalacia, which
causes the clear front layer of the eye to grow dry and cloudy.
 Liver, cod liver oil, carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes, butter,
spinach, collard greens, certain cheeses, eggs, apricots,
cantaloupe melon, and milk are all good sources.
Vitamin B1
Chemical name: thiamine.
 It is water-soluble.
 It is required for the production of numerous enzymes that aid in
the breakdown of blood sugar.
 Deficiency: This may cause berberi and wernicke-korsakoff syndrome.
 Yeast, pork, cereal grains, sunflower seeds, brown rice, whole
grain rye, asparagus, kale, cauliflower, potatoes, oranges, liver,
and eggs are all good sources.
Vitamin B2
Chemical name: riboflavin.
 It is water-soluble.
 It is required for the growth and development of bodily cells as well as
the metabolization of meals.
 Deficiency: Symptoms include inflammation of the lips and fissures in
the mouth.
 Asparagus, bananas, persimmons, okra, chard, cottage cheese,
milk, yoghurt, meat, eggs, fish and green beans are all good
Vitamin B3
Chemical names: niacin, niacinamide.
 It is water-soluble.
 Niacin is required by the body for cells to develop and function
 Deficiency: Low levels result in a health issue called pellagra which
causes diarrhea skin changes, and intestinal upset.
 Sources to consider:Chicken, beef, tuna, salmon, milk, eggs,
tomatoes, green vegetables, broccoli, carrots, nuts and seeds,
tofu, and lentils are other examples.
Vitamin B5
Chemical name: pantothenic acid.
 It is water-soluble.
 Function: It is necessary for producing energy and hormones.
 Deficiency: Symptoms include paresthesia, or “pins and needles.”
 Meats, whole grains, broccoli, avocados, and yoghurt are all good
Vitamin B6
Chemical names: pyridoxine, pyridoxamine, pyridoxal.
 It is water-soluble.
 It is required for the production of red blood cells.
 Deficiency: Low levels may lead to anemia and peripheral neuropathy.
 Chickpeas, beef liver, bananas, squash, and almonds are all good
Vitamin B7
Chemical name: biotin.
 It is water-soluble.
 Its purpose is to allow the body to metabolise proteins, lipids, and
carbs. It also aids in the formation of keratin, a structural protein
found in the skin, hair, and nails.
 Deficiency: Low levels may cause dermatitis or inflammation of the
 Good sources: These include egg yolk, liver, broccoli, spinach, and
Vitamin B9
Chemical names: folic acid, folinic acid.
 It is water-soluble.
 Functions: It is essential for making DNA and RNA.
 Deficiency: During pregnancy, this can affect the fetus’s nervous
system. Doctors recommend folic acid supplements before and during
 Leafy vegetables, peas, legumes, liver, certain fortified grain
products, and sunflower seeds are all good sources.
Vitamin B12
Chemical names: cyanocobalamin, hydroxocobalamin, methyl cobalamin.
 It is water-soluble.
 Function: It is essential for a healthy nervous system.
 Deficiency: Low levels may lead to neurological problems and some
types of anemia.
 Good sources: Examples include fish, shellfish, meat, poultry, eggs,
milk and other dairy products, fortified cereals, fortified soy products,
and fortified nutritional yeast.
 Doctors may recommend that people with vegan diets take B12
Vitamin C
Chemical name: ascorbic acid.
 It is water-soluble.
 It aids in collagen creation, wound healing, and bone growth.. It also
strengthens blood vessels, supports the immune system, helps the body
absorb iron, and acts as an antioxidant.
 Deficiency can lead to scurvy, which causes bleeding gums, tooth loss,
and poor tissue development and wound healing.
 Fruit and vegetables are good sources, but heating degrades
vitamin C.
Vitamin D
Chemical names: ergocalciferol, cholecalciferol.
 It is fat-soluble.
 It is required for the proper mineralization of bone.
 Deficiency: This may cause rickets and osteomalacia, or softening of
the bones.
 Sources to consider:The body produces vitamin D when exposed
to UVB rays from the sun or other sources. The vitamin is also
found in fatty fish, eggs, cow liver, and mushrooms.
Vitamin E
Chemical names: tocopherol, tocotrienol.
 It is fat-soluble.
 Function: Its antioxidant activity helps prevent oxidative stress, an
issue that increases the risk of widespread inflammation and various
 Deficiency: This is rare, but it may cause hemolytic anemia in
newborns. This condition destroys blood cells.
 Sources to consider:Wheat germ, kiwis, almonds, eggs, nuts, leafy
greens, and vegetable oils are examples..
Vitamin K
Chemical names: phylloquinone, menaquinone.
 It is fat-soluble.
 Function: It is necessary for blood clotting.
 Deficiency: Low levels may cause an unusual susceptibility to bleeding, or
bleeding diathesis.
 Good sources: These include natter, leafy greens, pumpkins, figs, and
5 Benefits of Taking Multivitamins Daily
 Increased energy levels. When you don’t get enough vitamins, your
body has to work harder to perform simple tasks, which can lead to
fatigue and other healtWhen you don’t receive enough vitamins, your
body needs to work harder to do simple activities, which can contribute
to weariness and other health issues.h problems. …
 Improved mood. …
 Reduces stress and anxiety. …
 Improved short-term memory. …
 Maintained muscle strength.
Benefits of Vitamins in the Body
Vitamins’ many roles keep the body running smoothly.. While some vitamins
support healthy nerves and infection resistance, others may aid in proper
blood clotting or food energy absorption. You can obtain enough of the
majority of these vitamins from food if you follow the Dietary Guidelines.
What is in vitamins?
A vitamin is an organic chemical, which means it contains carbon. It is also a
nutrient that the body may require from food. There are now 13 known
Why is it called vitamins?
In 1912, Dr. Casimir Funk is credited with coining the name vitamin. Vitamins
were previously known as vitamins (short for vital amines), but when scientists
discovered that the chemicals did not require amines, the word was reduced
to vitamins.
What is vitamin made of?
Vitamins are organic compounds, meaning they are produced by plants or
animals. Minerals are inorganic elements found in soil and water that are
absorbed by plants or consumed by animals. To develop and stay healthy,
your body need higher levels of certain mineraMinerals are inorganic
components present in soil and water that plants and animals absorb or
consume. Your body need larger quantities of some minerals, such as
calcium, to grow and maintain, such as calcium.
Main function of most Vitamins
Vitami ns are a class of nutrients r equired for healthy cell growth, devel opment, and function.
Advantages of vitamins
Numerous health advantages come from vitamins. They address your diet’s
vitamin insufficiency. They improve cell development, digestion, and the
immunological system. It improves concentration while also providing you with
additional energy.
 Meet the vitamin deficiency of your diet:
As a result of inadequate food, many people lack essential nutrients. Those
who are lacking in any of the minerals or vitamins might benefit from taking
multivitamins.. Children, expectant women, and others who are receiving
treatment can all benefit from taking multivitamins to meet their vitamin
requirements. Some people benefit from vitamins because they are fussy
 Boost your energy level
There are several liquid vitamins and chewing gums on the market that can
quickly boost your energy level. Water-soluble vitamins do not stay in your
body for a lengthy amount of time. As a result, your body demands new
vitamins to be active.
Vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid pills may increase your energy levels by
immediately diluting in the blood vessels. Because vitamins B and C are water
soluble, they dissolve in the bloodstream and circulate throughout the body,
benefiting your health.
. Extra vitamins are removed by urination.
 Increase your concentration
If you are easily distracted and have poor memory, you may be deficient in
vitamin B.. Therefore, taking vitamins B3, B9, and B12 can significantly
improve your focus and concentration. It improves your cognitive capacity,
learning ability, and productivity by improving your attention and
 Improve your immune system, digestion, and cell development.
If you become ill regularly, your immune system may be compromised. You
may be deficient in vitamins C, E, and B6, which are required to build your
immune system and keep infections at bay. Vitamin C and E pills, when
paired with a balanced diet, can help you boost your immune system..
The majority of ailments are caused by an unhealthy gut. Consequently,
maintaining a healthy gut is crucial. You can consume wholesome foods that
are clean coupled with vitamin C, vitamin D, selenium, and B vitamins to
maintain the health of your gut. You can stay healthy and prevent numerous
diseases by maintaining a healthy digestive system.Additionally, vitamins aid
in cell and hair growth and protect against disease.
Disadvantages of vitamins
Vitamins undoubtedly have many positive health effects, but taking too many
might be harmful. Although many people experience allergic reactions to
vitamin supplements, they still use them in the belief that they will be effective.
These are the effects that taking vitamin supplements in excess can have.
 Overdose can cause health disorders
It can be harmful if you take excess vitamins. There are many cases where
people found many allergic reactions. Excess vitamins can cause depression
and anxiety. Many people also suffered from very risky health disorders such
as heart palpitations and kidney failure.
Other such allergic reactions are insomnia, diarrhea, constipation, etc. So, if
you find any type of body reaction using vitamin supplements then stop as
soon as possible. Consult your doctor if you find your condition serious. If you
are one who never has consumed any vitamin supplements and you are
feeling healthy then avoid taking any type of vitamin tablets or liquids.
 Vitamins may contain toxic elements
Multivitamins are subject to very few standards, thus your vitamin supplement
may include harmful substances or additions. Therefore, taking those vitamins
carries a high risk of serious health problems. As a result, if you wish to take
vitamins, be careful to choose organic vitamin supplements from reputable
High doses of vitamin supplements are unsafe
Examples include the fact that fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K are stored in
the body and can be hazardous if consumed in large quantities. Some water-
soluble vitamins, like vitamin B6, can become toxic when taken in large doses.
Vitamin B12 deficiency can be concealed by high folate doses.

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  • 1. Vitamins April 30, 2023admin Vitamins are frequently classified as either fat-soluble or water-soluble organic substances.. minerals that dissolve in fat, such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K, have a tendency to build up in the body. Water- soluble vitamins, such as vitamin C and the B-complex vitamins, such as vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and folate, must dissolve in water in order to be absorbed by the body. the body and cannot be stored. Any water-soluble minerals that the body does not use are mostly excreted in the urine. People require trace amounts of organic substances called vitamins. Every one plays a unique part in preserving health and body function. Some people may require supplements to improve their supply, depending on their lifestyle and overall health.. Before the 1930s, when commercially produced supplements of some vitamins became available, people could only get their vitamins from food. In an effort to combat the widespread nutritional inadequacies of the day, the U.S.The government has also begun to fortify meals with certain nutrients. Examples include adding folic acid to grain products to prevent birth abnormalities during pregnancy and iodine to salt to prevent goitre. To prevent deficiencies, most vitamins and multivitamins were sold to the general public in the 1950s. Some of these products were heavily advertised in popular periodicals, such cod liver oil with vitamin D, which was marketed as bottled sunshine. What are vitamins?
  • 2. Vitamins are organic compounds that are barely detectable in natural meals. A vitamin deficiency may raise the likelihood of acquiring specific health problems.Vitamins are naturally occurring organic substances that are scarcely visible in natural foods. A vitamin shortage may increase the probability of developing certain health conditions. Since a minerals is an organic substance, it contains carbon. It is also a required nutrient that the body may require from meals. Currently, 13 vitamins are recognized. Fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins Vitamins can dissolve in either water or fat, depending on their solubility. Below, we describe both kinds: Fat-soluble vitamins The fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K are. Fat-soluble minerals are kept in reserve by the body in the form of fatty tissue in the liver, where they can last for days or even months. Dietary fats facilitate the intestinal absorption of fat-soluble minerals by the organism. Water-soluble vitamins
  • 3. Water-soluble vitamins cannot be kept in the body and have a short shelf life. Through urination, they leave the body. People require a more consistent supply of water-soluble vitamins than fat-soluble ones as a result. Water-soluble vitamins include all B vitamins, including vitamin C.. Reliable Source. The 13 vitamins Below, learn about each currently recognized vitamin: Vitamin A Their chemical names are retinol, retinal, and “the four carotenoids,” which include beta carotene.  It is fat-soluble.  Function: It is essential for eye health.  Deficiency: This may cause night blindness and keratomalacia, which causes the clear front layer of the eye to grow dry and cloudy.  Liver, cod liver oil, carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes, butter, spinach, collard greens, certain cheeses, eggs, apricots, cantaloupe melon, and milk are all good sources. Vitamin B1 Chemical name: thiamine.
  • 4.  It is water-soluble.  It is required for the production of numerous enzymes that aid in the breakdown of blood sugar.  Deficiency: This may cause berberi and wernicke-korsakoff syndrome.  Yeast, pork, cereal grains, sunflower seeds, brown rice, whole grain rye, asparagus, kale, cauliflower, potatoes, oranges, liver, and eggs are all good sources. Vitamin B2 Chemical name: riboflavin.  It is water-soluble.  It is required for the growth and development of bodily cells as well as the metabolization of meals.  Deficiency: Symptoms include inflammation of the lips and fissures in the mouth.  Asparagus, bananas, persimmons, okra, chard, cottage cheese, milk, yoghurt, meat, eggs, fish and green beans are all good sources. Vitamin B3 Chemical names: niacin, niacinamide.  It is water-soluble.  Niacin is required by the body for cells to develop and function properly.  Deficiency: Low levels result in a health issue called pellagra which causes diarrhea skin changes, and intestinal upset.  Sources to consider:Chicken, beef, tuna, salmon, milk, eggs, tomatoes, green vegetables, broccoli, carrots, nuts and seeds, tofu, and lentils are other examples. Vitamin B5 Chemical name: pantothenic acid.  It is water-soluble.  Function: It is necessary for producing energy and hormones.  Deficiency: Symptoms include paresthesia, or “pins and needles.”  Meats, whole grains, broccoli, avocados, and yoghurt are all good sources.
  • 5. Vitamin B6 Chemical names: pyridoxine, pyridoxamine, pyridoxal.  It is water-soluble.  It is required for the production of red blood cells.  Deficiency: Low levels may lead to anemia and peripheral neuropathy.  Chickpeas, beef liver, bananas, squash, and almonds are all good sources. Vitamin B7 Chemical name: biotin.  It is water-soluble.  Its purpose is to allow the body to metabolise proteins, lipids, and carbs. It also aids in the formation of keratin, a structural protein found in the skin, hair, and nails.  Deficiency: Low levels may cause dermatitis or inflammation of the intestines.  Good sources: These include egg yolk, liver, broccoli, spinach, and cheese. Vitamin B9 Chemical names: folic acid, folinic acid.  It is water-soluble.  Functions: It is essential for making DNA and RNA.  Deficiency: During pregnancy, this can affect the fetus’s nervous system. Doctors recommend folic acid supplements before and during pregnancy.  Leafy vegetables, peas, legumes, liver, certain fortified grain products, and sunflower seeds are all good sources. Vitamin B12 Chemical names: cyanocobalamin, hydroxocobalamin, methyl cobalamin.  It is water-soluble.  Function: It is essential for a healthy nervous system.  Deficiency: Low levels may lead to neurological problems and some types of anemia.
  • 6.  Good sources: Examples include fish, shellfish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk and other dairy products, fortified cereals, fortified soy products, and fortified nutritional yeast.  Doctors may recommend that people with vegan diets take B12 supplements. Vitamin C Chemical name: ascorbic acid.  It is water-soluble.  It aids in collagen creation, wound healing, and bone growth.. It also strengthens blood vessels, supports the immune system, helps the body absorb iron, and acts as an antioxidant.  Deficiency can lead to scurvy, which causes bleeding gums, tooth loss, and poor tissue development and wound healing.  Fruit and vegetables are good sources, but heating degrades vitamin C. Vitamin D Chemical names: ergocalciferol, cholecalciferol.  It is fat-soluble.  It is required for the proper mineralization of bone.  Deficiency: This may cause rickets and osteomalacia, or softening of the bones.  Sources to consider:The body produces vitamin D when exposed to UVB rays from the sun or other sources. The vitamin is also found in fatty fish, eggs, cow liver, and mushrooms. Vitamin E Chemical names: tocopherol, tocotrienol.  It is fat-soluble.  Function: Its antioxidant activity helps prevent oxidative stress, an issue that increases the risk of widespread inflammation and various diseases.  Deficiency: This is rare, but it may cause hemolytic anemia in newborns. This condition destroys blood cells.  Sources to consider:Wheat germ, kiwis, almonds, eggs, nuts, leafy greens, and vegetable oils are examples..
  • 7. Vitamin K Chemical names: phylloquinone, menaquinone.  It is fat-soluble.  Function: It is necessary for blood clotting.  Deficiency: Low levels may cause an unusual susceptibility to bleeding, or bleeding diathesis.  Good sources: These include natter, leafy greens, pumpkins, figs, and parsley. 5 Benefits of Taking Multivitamins Daily  Increased energy levels. When you don’t get enough vitamins, your body has to work harder to perform simple tasks, which can lead to fatigue and other healtWhen you don’t receive enough vitamins, your body needs to work harder to do simple activities, which can contribute to weariness and other health issues.h problems. …  Improved mood. …  Reduces stress and anxiety. …
  • 8.  Improved short-term memory. …  Maintained muscle strength. Benefits of Vitamins in the Body Vitamins’ many roles keep the body running smoothly.. While some vitamins support healthy nerves and infection resistance, others may aid in proper blood clotting or food energy absorption. You can obtain enough of the majority of these vitamins from food if you follow the Dietary Guidelines. What is in vitamins? A vitamin is an organic chemical, which means it contains carbon. It is also a nutrient that the body may require from food. There are now 13 known vitamins. Why is it called vitamins? In 1912, Dr. Casimir Funk is credited with coining the name vitamin. Vitamins were previously known as vitamins (short for vital amines), but when scientists discovered that the chemicals did not require amines, the word was reduced to vitamins. What is vitamin made of? Vitamins are organic compounds, meaning they are produced by plants or animals. Minerals are inorganic elements found in soil and water that are absorbed by plants or consumed by animals. To develop and stay healthy, your body need higher levels of certain mineraMinerals are inorganic components present in soil and water that plants and animals absorb or consume. Your body need larger quantities of some minerals, such as calcium, to grow and maintain, such as calcium.
  • 9. Main function of most Vitamins Vitami ns are a class of nutrients r equired for healthy cell growth, devel opment, and function. Advantages of vitamins Numerous health advantages come from vitamins. They address your diet’s vitamin insufficiency. They improve cell development, digestion, and the immunological system. It improves concentration while also providing you with additional energy.  Meet the vitamin deficiency of your diet: As a result of inadequate food, many people lack essential nutrients. Those who are lacking in any of the minerals or vitamins might benefit from taking multivitamins.. Children, expectant women, and others who are receiving treatment can all benefit from taking multivitamins to meet their vitamin requirements. Some people benefit from vitamins because they are fussy eaters.  Boost your energy level There are several liquid vitamins and chewing gums on the market that can quickly boost your energy level. Water-soluble vitamins do not stay in your
  • 10. body for a lengthy amount of time. As a result, your body demands new vitamins to be active. Vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid pills may increase your energy levels by immediately diluting in the blood vessels. Because vitamins B and C are water soluble, they dissolve in the bloodstream and circulate throughout the body, benefiting your health. . Extra vitamins are removed by urination.  Increase your concentration If you are easily distracted and have poor memory, you may be deficient in vitamin B.. Therefore, taking vitamins B3, B9, and B12 can significantly improve your focus and concentration. It improves your cognitive capacity, learning ability, and productivity by improving your attention and concentration.  Improve your immune system, digestion, and cell development. If you become ill regularly, your immune system may be compromised. You may be deficient in vitamins C, E, and B6, which are required to build your immune system and keep infections at bay. Vitamin C and E pills, when paired with a balanced diet, can help you boost your immune system.. The majority of ailments are caused by an unhealthy gut. Consequently, maintaining a healthy gut is crucial. You can consume wholesome foods that are clean coupled with vitamin C, vitamin D, selenium, and B vitamins to maintain the health of your gut. You can stay healthy and prevent numerous diseases by maintaining a healthy digestive system.Additionally, vitamins aid in cell and hair growth and protect against disease. Disadvantages of vitamins
  • 11. Vitamins undoubtedly have many positive health effects, but taking too many might be harmful. Although many people experience allergic reactions to vitamin supplements, they still use them in the belief that they will be effective. These are the effects that taking vitamin supplements in excess can have.  Overdose can cause health disorders It can be harmful if you take excess vitamins. There are many cases where people found many allergic reactions. Excess vitamins can cause depression and anxiety. Many people also suffered from very risky health disorders such as heart palpitations and kidney failure. Other such allergic reactions are insomnia, diarrhea, constipation, etc. So, if you find any type of body reaction using vitamin supplements then stop as soon as possible. Consult your doctor if you find your condition serious. If you are one who never has consumed any vitamin supplements and you are feeling healthy then avoid taking any type of vitamin tablets or liquids.  Vitamins may contain toxic elements Multivitamins are subject to very few standards, thus your vitamin supplement may include harmful substances or additions. Therefore, taking those vitamins carries a high risk of serious health problems. As a result, if you wish to take
  • 12. vitamins, be careful to choose organic vitamin supplements from reputable companies. High doses of vitamin supplements are unsafe Examples include the fact that fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K are stored in the body and can be hazardous if consumed in large quantities. Some water- soluble vitamins, like vitamin B6, can become toxic when taken in large doses. Vitamin B12 deficiency can be concealed by high folate doses. Reference  minerals#:~:text=High%20doses%20of%20vitamin%20supplements%20are%20 unsafe&text=Such%20as%3A,can%20hide%20vitamin%20B12%20deficiencies.  