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Written by Carmela Pengelly
• According to US biochemist Dr Bruce Ames, low
intake of key nutrients is as damaging to cells as
radiation exposure.
• Deficiencies of iron, zinc, B vitamins, and vitamins C, and
E cause significant DNA damage.
• Remedying micronutrient deficiencies should lead to a
major improvement in health and an increase in
longevity at low cost.
• Good nutrition reduces your risk of many of the most
common diseases, including cardiovascular disease,
diabetes, and osteoporosis.
• Right nutrient intake will give you more energy, reduce
your risk of coughs, colds and other infections and
improve mental capacity and concentration
• Nutrients should come from food, but this is not
always possible.
• Modern cultivars of vegetables and grains are lower in
vitamins and minerals compared with 40 years ago.
• Our bodies also need to keep pace with modern, fast-
moving lifestyles and this requires extra nutrients to
keep up with physiological demands.
• Supplementation can be a beneficial adjunct to a
healthy diet and lifestyle.
• A good example is the benefit of fish oil
supplementation to reduce the risk of cardiovascular
• One study showed that fish oils cut the risk of fatal
heart attacks by a third.
Common Deficiencies You
Need to Be Aware Of:
• Vitamin E is the most common dietary
deficiency in the Western world. Nearly
95% of the US population were found to
fall short.
• Vitamin E is a key antioxidant in the body.
• It works most effectively with vitamin C,
selenium and other antioxidants,
• For optimal health also include plenty of
vitamin E-rich foods in your daily diet.
Good sources include: nuts and seeds, and
green vegetables.
• At least 20% of the UK population are vitamin D
• Low levels of this vitamin are strongly correlated
with increased risk of heart disease, fatal
respiratory diseases, and bone fractures.
• Vitamin D is needed for bone metabolism and
also regulates the immune system.
• We can store vitamin D in the body, so if you
haven’t got time to supplement every day or
you’re prone to forgetting, you can take a larger
dose of between 7 and 10,000 IU once a week
for convenience.
• In previous generations, omega-3 deficiency was never an
issue, as we ate plenty of fish every week and a daily dose of
cod liver oil .
• But we’ve forgotten about these traditions, and it is deemed
unsafe now to eat more than 2-3 servings of fish a week,
because of the risk of heavy metal contamination.
• Omega-3 fatty acids is often underestimated. Omega-3 fatty
acids, which include ALA (alpha linolenic acid), from flaxseed
oil, and, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA
(docosahexaenoicacid), from fish oil, are our natural way of
regulating inflammation.
• Inflammation is part of our body’s healing mechanism but
without omega 3 fatty acids it can run amok, and is the main
driver for conditions, such as arthritis and heart disease.
Omega 3 fatty acids also play a key role in regulating
hormones. Both fish oils and flaxseed oil are effective in
relieving symptoms of a range of hormone-related
disorders, including:
• Premenstrual syndrome
• Irregular periods
• Polycystic ovary syndrome
• Benign prostate hyperplasia
As it is needed for brain development and brain health,
pregnant and breast-feeding women should always
consider a good fish oil supplement to help support their
growing babies’ brains.
• Zinc plays a part in numerous functions in the body
and over 300 enzymes are dependent on this
• It is essential for: healthy immunity; healthy skin,
hair and nails; bone health; hormone regulation and
reproductive health.
• Seafood (particularly tinned or fresh oysters) and
meat contain the richest and most bioavailable forms
of zinc.
• If you’re not a big meat or seafood eater, it is worth
considering a daily supplement.
• Iodine is used to make thyroid hormone and it is critical to brain development in unborn babies
and children.
• Iodine deficiency is the main cause of preventable brain damage worldwide.
• Iodine intake is worryingly low in the UK, particularly among younger people.
• The most detailed study to date showed that nearly 70% of teenage girls were deficient.
• Good food sources include seafood, dairy products, eggs, poultry, potatoes and sea vegetables.
• It is also contained in most good quality multivitamins, and Nu U Nutrition’s multivitamin is a
good source of iodine.
• An abundance of vitamin A in natural everyday
foods, around 40-60% of people on Western
diets are not getting enough of this important
• Vitamin A comes in two forms: preformed
vitamin A, which is derived from animal products
(liver, eggs, dairy) and provitamin A – this is the
carotenoid form comes mainly from plant foods
(e.g carrots, sweetpotato, kale).
• We need vitamin A for healthy eyes, and night
blindness is one of the first obvious signs of
• Vitamin A helps metabolise iron and to make red
blood cells.
• If you find that you are chronically anaemic, it
may help to take vitamin A along with your iron
Metabolising carotenoids into an active form of vitamin A relies on you
having a healthy gut.
Taking a broad-spectrum probiotic every day will help you maintain good
gut health.
Supplementation with vitamin A, as part of a good-quality multi-vitamin is
also a good option.
It’s also important to have good levels of zinc as this mineral plays a role in:
• Transporting vitamin A to tissue throughout the body
• Mobilising stores of vitamin A
• Converting vitamin A to a usable form in the body
• Vitamin A is needed for cell growth and differentiation
and is an important vitamin for healthy embryo .
• Vitamin A, zinc, iron and a probiotic should all be
considered as part of a pregnancy supplement plan.
• However, be aware that too much preformed vitamin A
is toxic.
• The Linus Pauling Institute recommends a maximum of
1500 micrograms a day for pregnant women, including
food sources and supplementation.
• Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and is great for skin, immunity,
anti-aging and joint health.
• This vitamin is a key player in collagen production.
• A daily vitamin C supplement will help to promote collagen production
and improve signs of aging.
• It also helps to protect the skin from sun damage, especially when
combined with vitamin E.
• Vitamin C is effective against a wide range of disease-causing
pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, and against colds Candida.
• Research for its use is very mixed, but it has been shown to help
prevent colds if you are very physically active and/or if are exposed to
cold environments.
• It also works well with zinc to promote wound healing.
• Vitamin B6 is among the top 5 nutrients that
are lacking in people following a western diet.
• B6 is found in a wide variety of everyday foods
including fish, avocados, poultry, spinach and
bananas, and is needed for metabolising
• It also lowers homocysteine – high levels are
linked with cardiovascular disease.
• This vitamin is also great for relieving
symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, both on
its own and when combined with magnesium.
Are You Unknowingly Sabotaging Your Health?
Some food and drinks contain ‘antinutrients’. Antinutrients are substances that stop us from utilising
nutrients we consume or cause us to lose nutrients.
• Soft drinks that contain phosphoric acid can increase your risk of
• Too much phosphoric acid upsets the balance of phosphorus to
calcium in the body and causes calcium to leach from bones.
• A large study that looked at the diets of over 2500 men and women,
called the Framington Osteoporosis Study, found that regular cola
drinkers, particularly women, had a significantly lower bone
density than other participants.
• The healthiest option is to stick to soda water and sparkling mineral
waters as these only contain carbonic acid.
Too much caffeine is also damaging to bone health - this is another reason
why colas are more detrimental than non-caffeinated soft drinks
Bone loss from excessive caffeine is exacerbated
in women whose calcium intake is low. In a study
of a group of post-menopausal women, calcium
loss was observed when participants consumed
more than 4 ½ shots of coffee a day. This doesn’t
mean to say that you should give up coffee all
together. There is lots of evidence to suggest that
between 3 and 4 shots of coffee per day protects
against cancer.
Phytic acid, exists in many natural foods. It is
good for you in small amounts and has anti-
cancer properties. Phytic acid binds to
minerals during digestion, blocking absorption
of minerals, especially iron, calcium, zinc and
manganese. Traditionally, bread took hours, if
not days, to prepare and involved a long
fermentation process, which breaks down
phytic acid and gluten. Modern commercially-
produced breads, however, use additives and
raising agents to speed up the proving
process, which means that phytic acid and
gluten content remains high.
• Soak legumes in water and 1 cup of vinegar or lemon juice
overnight before cooking. (Rinse soaked beans before you
cook them).
• Avoid eating oats (raw or cooked) that haven’t been soaked
• See how to soak oats below.
• If you eat a lot of nuts and seeds, buy ‘activated’ ones from
the health food shop – these have been soaked and
thoroughly dried before packaging.
• Choose sourdough rye – rye is high in phytase, a natural
enzyme that breaks down phytic acid.
• Choose genuine sourdough bread (i.e one that has been
fermented for several hours).
Oats are very high in phytic acid and very low in the enzyme, phytase, which breaks down phytic
acid. This recipe includes rye flour, which helps to increase phytase levels.
1. Place 1-2 cups rolled oats in a bowl.
2. Add 1 tsp rye flour.
3. Add either:
• 2 tsp lemon juice
• 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
4. Top up with water until oats are covered.
5. Cover and soak overnight.
6. Rinse in water and cook as normal.
7. Add cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger or mixed spiced to add flavor and for an extra nutrient boost
• Cholesterol-lowering drugs, known as statins, are the most
prescribed drugs in the UK, with over 37 million prescriptions
made every year, according to GP online.
• An accepted side-effect of statins is that they inhibit the
synthesis of coenzyme Q10 in the body.
• CoQ10 is an essential component of the body’s energy-making
process and is also a potent antioxidant.
• You may experience tiredness, muscle pain and muscle weakness
if your CoQ10 is depleted.
• Most doctors recommend CoQ10 supplementation if you are on
statin therapy.
Common Medication
Pitfalls and How
to Correct Them
• Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and H2 blockers reduce stomach acid
production and are often used for conditions such as acid reflux
(heartburn) or stomach ulcers.
• While PPIs are very beneficial when prescribed correctly, the drawback
is that they reduce absorption of vitamins and minerals, particularly
calcium, magnesium, iron and B12.
• Long-term use can cause deficiencies and PPIs have been linked with
increased risk of bone fractures.
• PPIs can also disrupt gut flora balance so probiotics are useful to take if
you are on medication.
An astounding number of vitamins and minerals
are depleted in women using oral contraceptives.
These include:
• B2
• B6
• B12
• Folate
• Vitamin C
• Vitamin E
• Zinc
• Selenium
• Magnesium
The consensus among researchers is that adequate
supplementation should correct any possible deficiencies
and prevent long-term effects.
Supplements are important but cannot match the natural synergy of
nutrients found in food. You don’t have to spend a fortune on fancy,
exotic foods to get the vitamins and minerals you need. There are
plenty of ‘ordinary’ but nutrient-dense foods to choose from.
Become discerning when buying produce and
choose the freshest you possibly can. Do what your
grandmother did and give vegetables a gentle
squeeze before buying – most vegetables should
feel quite firm. If you’re buying broccoli or other
green vegetables, make sure there is no yellowing
or floppy leaves. You can often tell if fruit is good by
smelling it – fruit such as honeydew melons and
soft fruits should have quite a strong fragrance.
• Suppliers have many clever ways to increase
the shelf-life of ‘fresh’ produce, which affect
their nutrient content.
• There are plenty of online resources that
will tell you what’s in season and what’s not.
Eat the Seasons
( also tells
you what foods are imported, depending on
the time of year.
• Local farmers’ markets can be a good place
to find fresh, local and in-season produce.
Avoid processed foods and ready meals as much as you can. They
may be quick and convenient but they really won’t deliver the
nourishment you need. Opening a tin of chickpeas (look for ones
that say pre-soaked on the label) and adding it to a bag of salad
with some oil and vinegar, or whipping up a mushroom omelette,
are cheap, easy alternatives to ready meals.
Top 10 Nutrient-Packed
Everyday Foods
Nutrient How Much (Daily)
Vitamin D 1000 I.U for maintenance (more if you are
Magnesium 200-300 mg
Probiotics At least 10 billion CFU
Fish Oil At least 1 g (more if you suffer joint or heart
B vitamins At least 1-2 mg for most B vitamins
Vitamin C At least 200 mg
Zinc At least 8 mg
THANKSFor w atc hing & Lis tening

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7 Vital Nutrients You're Not Getting and How to Stop Sabotaging Your Health

  • 2. • According to US biochemist Dr Bruce Ames, low intake of key nutrients is as damaging to cells as radiation exposure. • Deficiencies of iron, zinc, B vitamins, and vitamins C, and E cause significant DNA damage. • Remedying micronutrient deficiencies should lead to a major improvement in health and an increase in longevity at low cost. • Good nutrition reduces your risk of many of the most common diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis. • Right nutrient intake will give you more energy, reduce your risk of coughs, colds and other infections and improve mental capacity and concentration WHY WE NEED GOOD NUTRITION
  • 3. • Nutrients should come from food, but this is not always possible. • Modern cultivars of vegetables and grains are lower in vitamins and minerals compared with 40 years ago. • Our bodies also need to keep pace with modern, fast- moving lifestyles and this requires extra nutrients to keep up with physiological demands. • Supplementation can be a beneficial adjunct to a healthy diet and lifestyle. • A good example is the benefit of fish oil supplementation to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events. • One study showed that fish oils cut the risk of fatal heart attacks by a third. ARE SUPPLEMENTS WORTH IT?
  • 5. • Vitamin E is the most common dietary deficiency in the Western world. Nearly 95% of the US population were found to fall short. • Vitamin E is a key antioxidant in the body. • It works most effectively with vitamin C, selenium and other antioxidants, • For optimal health also include plenty of vitamin E-rich foods in your daily diet. Good sources include: nuts and seeds, and green vegetables. VITAMIN E
  • 6. • At least 20% of the UK population are vitamin D deficient. • Low levels of this vitamin are strongly correlated with increased risk of heart disease, fatal respiratory diseases, and bone fractures. • Vitamin D is needed for bone metabolism and also regulates the immune system. • We can store vitamin D in the body, so if you haven’t got time to supplement every day or you’re prone to forgetting, you can take a larger dose of between 7 and 10,000 IU once a week for convenience. VITAMIN D
  • 7. • In previous generations, omega-3 deficiency was never an issue, as we ate plenty of fish every week and a daily dose of cod liver oil . • But we’ve forgotten about these traditions, and it is deemed unsafe now to eat more than 2-3 servings of fish a week, because of the risk of heavy metal contamination. • Omega-3 fatty acids is often underestimated. Omega-3 fatty acids, which include ALA (alpha linolenic acid), from flaxseed oil, and, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoicacid), from fish oil, are our natural way of regulating inflammation. • Inflammation is part of our body’s healing mechanism but without omega 3 fatty acids it can run amok, and is the main driver for conditions, such as arthritis and heart disease. OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS (1/2)
  • 8. Omega 3 fatty acids also play a key role in regulating hormones. Both fish oils and flaxseed oil are effective in relieving symptoms of a range of hormone-related disorders, including: • Premenstrual syndrome • Irregular periods • Polycystic ovary syndrome • Benign prostate hyperplasia As it is needed for brain development and brain health, pregnant and breast-feeding women should always consider a good fish oil supplement to help support their growing babies’ brains. OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS (2/2)
  • 9. • Zinc plays a part in numerous functions in the body and over 300 enzymes are dependent on this mineral. • It is essential for: healthy immunity; healthy skin, hair and nails; bone health; hormone regulation and reproductive health. • Seafood (particularly tinned or fresh oysters) and meat contain the richest and most bioavailable forms of zinc. • If you’re not a big meat or seafood eater, it is worth considering a daily supplement. ZINC
  • 10. • Iodine is used to make thyroid hormone and it is critical to brain development in unborn babies and children. • Iodine deficiency is the main cause of preventable brain damage worldwide. • Iodine intake is worryingly low in the UK, particularly among younger people. • The most detailed study to date showed that nearly 70% of teenage girls were deficient. • Good food sources include seafood, dairy products, eggs, poultry, potatoes and sea vegetables. • It is also contained in most good quality multivitamins, and Nu U Nutrition’s multivitamin is a good source of iodine. IODINE
  • 11. • An abundance of vitamin A in natural everyday foods, around 40-60% of people on Western diets are not getting enough of this important vitamin. • Vitamin A comes in two forms: preformed vitamin A, which is derived from animal products (liver, eggs, dairy) and provitamin A – this is the carotenoid form comes mainly from plant foods (e.g carrots, sweetpotato, kale). • We need vitamin A for healthy eyes, and night blindness is one of the first obvious signs of deficiency. • Vitamin A helps metabolise iron and to make red blood cells. • If you find that you are chronically anaemic, it may help to take vitamin A along with your iron supplement. VITAMIN A
  • 12. Metabolising carotenoids into an active form of vitamin A relies on you having a healthy gut. Taking a broad-spectrum probiotic every day will help you maintain good gut health. Supplementation with vitamin A, as part of a good-quality multi-vitamin is also a good option. It’s also important to have good levels of zinc as this mineral plays a role in: • Transporting vitamin A to tissue throughout the body • Mobilising stores of vitamin A • Converting vitamin A to a usable form in the body VITAMIN A HELPERS
  • 13. • Vitamin A is needed for cell growth and differentiation and is an important vitamin for healthy embryo . • Vitamin A, zinc, iron and a probiotic should all be considered as part of a pregnancy supplement plan. • However, be aware that too much preformed vitamin A is toxic. • The Linus Pauling Institute recommends a maximum of 1500 micrograms a day for pregnant women, including food sources and supplementation. PREGNANCY
  • 14. • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and is great for skin, immunity, anti-aging and joint health. • This vitamin is a key player in collagen production. • A daily vitamin C supplement will help to promote collagen production and improve signs of aging. • It also helps to protect the skin from sun damage, especially when combined with vitamin E. • Vitamin C is effective against a wide range of disease-causing pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, and against colds Candida. • Research for its use is very mixed, but it has been shown to help prevent colds if you are very physically active and/or if are exposed to cold environments. • It also works well with zinc to promote wound healing. VITAMIN C
  • 15. • Vitamin B6 is among the top 5 nutrients that are lacking in people following a western diet. • B6 is found in a wide variety of everyday foods including fish, avocados, poultry, spinach and bananas, and is needed for metabolising protein. • It also lowers homocysteine – high levels are linked with cardiovascular disease. • This vitamin is also great for relieving symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, both on its own and when combined with magnesium. VITAMIN B6
  • 16. Are You Unknowingly Sabotaging Your Health? Some food and drinks contain ‘antinutrients’. Antinutrients are substances that stop us from utilising nutrients we consume or cause us to lose nutrients. • Soft drinks that contain phosphoric acid can increase your risk of osteoporosis. • Too much phosphoric acid upsets the balance of phosphorus to calcium in the body and causes calcium to leach from bones. • A large study that looked at the diets of over 2500 men and women, called the Framington Osteoporosis Study, found that regular cola drinkers, particularly women, had a significantly lower bone density than other participants. • The healthiest option is to stick to soda water and sparkling mineral waters as these only contain carbonic acid. PHOSPHORIC ACID
  • 17. Too much caffeine is also damaging to bone health - this is another reason why colas are more detrimental than non-caffeinated soft drinks Bone loss from excessive caffeine is exacerbated in women whose calcium intake is low. In a study of a group of post-menopausal women, calcium loss was observed when participants consumed more than 4 ½ shots of coffee a day. This doesn’t mean to say that you should give up coffee all together. There is lots of evidence to suggest that between 3 and 4 shots of coffee per day protects against cancer. CAFFEINE
  • 18. PHYTIC ACID Phytic acid, exists in many natural foods. It is good for you in small amounts and has anti- cancer properties. Phytic acid binds to minerals during digestion, blocking absorption of minerals, especially iron, calcium, zinc and manganese. Traditionally, bread took hours, if not days, to prepare and involved a long fermentation process, which breaks down phytic acid and gluten. Modern commercially- produced breads, however, use additives and raising agents to speed up the proving process, which means that phytic acid and gluten content remains high.
  • 19. HOW TO REDUCE YOUR PHYTIC ACID INTAKE • Soak legumes in water and 1 cup of vinegar or lemon juice overnight before cooking. (Rinse soaked beans before you cook them). • Avoid eating oats (raw or cooked) that haven’t been soaked beforehand. • See how to soak oats below. • If you eat a lot of nuts and seeds, buy ‘activated’ ones from the health food shop – these have been soaked and thoroughly dried before packaging. • Choose sourdough rye – rye is high in phytase, a natural enzyme that breaks down phytic acid. • Choose genuine sourdough bread (i.e one that has been fermented for several hours).
  • 20. Oats are very high in phytic acid and very low in the enzyme, phytase, which breaks down phytic acid. This recipe includes rye flour, which helps to increase phytase levels. 1. Place 1-2 cups rolled oats in a bowl. 2. Add 1 tsp rye flour. 3. Add either: • 2 tsp lemon juice • 2 tsp apple cider vinegar 4. Top up with water until oats are covered. 5. Cover and soak overnight. 6. Rinse in water and cook as normal. 7. Add cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger or mixed spiced to add flavor and for an extra nutrient boost HOW TO PREPARE YOUR MORNING PORRIDGE PROPERLY
  • 21. • Cholesterol-lowering drugs, known as statins, are the most prescribed drugs in the UK, with over 37 million prescriptions made every year, according to GP online. • An accepted side-effect of statins is that they inhibit the synthesis of coenzyme Q10 in the body. • CoQ10 is an essential component of the body’s energy-making process and is also a potent antioxidant. • You may experience tiredness, muscle pain and muscle weakness if your CoQ10 is depleted. • Most doctors recommend CoQ10 supplementation if you are on statin therapy. Common Medication Pitfalls and How to Correct Them STATINS
  • 22. PROTON PUMP INHIBITORS • Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and H2 blockers reduce stomach acid production and are often used for conditions such as acid reflux (heartburn) or stomach ulcers. • While PPIs are very beneficial when prescribed correctly, the drawback is that they reduce absorption of vitamins and minerals, particularly calcium, magnesium, iron and B12. • Long-term use can cause deficiencies and PPIs have been linked with increased risk of bone fractures. • PPIs can also disrupt gut flora balance so probiotics are useful to take if you are on medication.
  • 23. An astounding number of vitamins and minerals are depleted in women using oral contraceptives. These include: • B2 • B6 • B12 • Folate • Vitamin C • Vitamin E • Zinc • Selenium • Magnesium The consensus among researchers is that adequate supplementation should correct any possible deficiencies and prevent long-term effects. CONTRACEPTIVE PILL
  • 24. EATING HEALTHY WITHOUT BLOWING YOUR BUDGET Supplements are important but cannot match the natural synergy of nutrients found in food. You don’t have to spend a fortune on fancy, exotic foods to get the vitamins and minerals you need. There are plenty of ‘ordinary’ but nutrient-dense foods to choose from.
  • 25. GOLDEN RULES FOR HEALTHY EATING Become discerning when buying produce and choose the freshest you possibly can. Do what your grandmother did and give vegetables a gentle squeeze before buying – most vegetables should feel quite firm. If you’re buying broccoli or other green vegetables, make sure there is no yellowing or floppy leaves. You can often tell if fruit is good by smelling it – fruit such as honeydew melons and soft fruits should have quite a strong fragrance. 1. BUY FRESH
  • 26. 2. BUY IN SEASON. BUY LOCAL • Suppliers have many clever ways to increase the shelf-life of ‘fresh’ produce, which affect their nutrient content. • There are plenty of online resources that will tell you what’s in season and what’s not. Eat the Seasons ( also tells you what foods are imported, depending on the time of year. • Local farmers’ markets can be a good place to find fresh, local and in-season produce.
  • 27. 3. MAKE YOUR OWN Avoid processed foods and ready meals as much as you can. They may be quick and convenient but they really won’t deliver the nourishment you need. Opening a tin of chickpeas (look for ones that say pre-soaked on the label) and adding it to a bag of salad with some oil and vinegar, or whipping up a mushroom omelette, are cheap, easy alternatives to ready meals.
  • 29.
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  • 31. CORE SUPPLEMENTS Nutrient How Much (Daily) Vitamin D 1000 I.U for maintenance (more if you are deficient) Magnesium 200-300 mg Probiotics At least 10 billion CFU Fish Oil At least 1 g (more if you suffer joint or heart problems) B vitamins At least 1-2 mg for most B vitamins Vitamin C At least 200 mg Zinc At least 8 mg
  • 32. THANKSFor w atc hing & Lis tening