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Conceptual Framework for

                                                        National Conference on
         Competency Mapping, Assessment & Development, Bangalore July 23-24

The Wisdom of the Ancients
                         Right Action

             Wisdom                           Vision
       Clarity, Objectivity               Insight, Truth
West      Discernment                       Creativity     East
          Detachment                          Spirit

                      Attending to that
                       which has heart
                        and meaning
                      Impact on others

HR – Competency Key Events
 • 1929 Scientific Mgmt … FW Taylor rise of Human
   Relations Era of psychological motivation
•  1932 The Hawthorne Studies by Elton Mayo –
  Importance of human factors over physical conditions
• 1954 – Maslow hierarchy needs provided a
  framework for gaining employee’s commitment
• 1964 – JRD Tata’s Tata Mgmt Training Center
 • 1969 – The Peter Principle- Peter and Hull satirize
    promotion to the level of incompetence
• 1973 – David McClelland, a Harvard psychologist
   writes “Testing for Competence Rather than for
   Intelligence” -
 • 1980s – QCs, Attitude Surveys, Team-building
    pgms, Japanese Style of Management.
HR – Competency Key Events - 2
    • 1982 – Boyatzis’s book ‘ The Competent Manger…’,
      popularised the term Competency

•      1984 - Raven publishes ‘ Competence in Modern Society extending
      competency from academics to practitioners

•     1987 - Stephen Covey’s 7 HHEP – 7 universal competencies.

•     1990 - C.K. Prahlad’s “Core Competencies” HBR

•     1991 - UK NVQ Movement. ‘core skills’
• 1993 - ‘ Competence at Work’ a land mark book by Lyle
  M.Spencer and Signe M. Spencer. Use of competencies in 57
  federal organisations,- Peter and Hull satirize promotion to the
  level of incompetence
• 1994 – Australian National Training Board
• 1995 - Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence based on
  Competency NeResearch.
David C. McClelland

                          What Predicts
                          Life or Job?

David McClelland –
   Where are the roots of excellence?

• What predicts success in life or job? Academic/test grades ?
  or something else?
• What are those variables which would predict job
  performance ?
• Criterion samples of HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL with LESS
• Identified those ‘ characters’ associated with success
• Identified ‘thoughts’ and ‘behaviours’ that predict success

• 1970 The First model of McBer :Foreign Service
  Information Officers

Competency Framework – Business Model

                 Develop                       Develop
                 Employee                    Competency
                 Competencies                   Model


                  Assess                         Actions -
                  Employee                     Implement
                  Competencies                  Strategies

© Chandramowly                  Medha
Competency Framework - overview

                    DEVELOPMENT         MAPPING
                    DEFINITION              AND
                    DICTIONARY           MODEL

                   COMPETENCY              THROUGH
                   BUILDING AND         INTEGRATED
                   ASESSMENT                  HRS

© Chandramowly                Medha
The Making of a President/CEO

         Competencies                                     Frequency Shown

       Self-Control                                       7X

      Empathy                                             3X
       Teamwork                                           2.5X

       Self-confidence                                    2x

       Achievement Orientation                            2x

Number of times those who became president/CEO displayed competency compared with those passed over







….Uses MS office

 What is Competency?                            Ability to perform a
                                                 ….PhD. In C.S
                                              physical or intellectual or
                                           Information a person has in
                                                   emotional task
Competencies encompass
                                              specific context areas
                                           ..Experience /Exposure base

                                                 ….Controls Emotions
                                              Characteristics and consistent
                                                 Interplay of a person’s
                                              responses to situations, Main
                                                feelings, cognitions and
                                               frame req. Storage Memory,
                                                  behavioral tendencies
                                                 Physical Traits, Emotion,
                                              Stress, Bio-chemical, Built-in..
                                                        towards ….

              that promote higher performance in
                 individuals and organizations
Defining Competencies
     Clear Definitions are key because
         competencies are used for:
• People Evaluation and Selection

• Diagnose Training and Development Needs

• Guide Career Planning Decisions

• Design Training and Dev Programs

• Decide Compensation

• Provide feedback
• Set a common language for HR systems

Defining Competencies

        KNOWLEDGE                             BEHAVIORAL
           SKILL                              What one says
         What one knows                       & does resulting
       Facts, Tech, Process                        In G/P
           Credentials                          Performance

                              How one feels
                               about Job,
                              Orgn. G-Locn

Enhance group performance.
      Establish challenging SMART goals
      Dev Tracking Sys to monitor Per
      Provide effective FB on progress

                      2 Key Competencies of     Manage
Develop                    Sales              Subordinate
Selling Skills           Supervisor           Performance

                 Est. +ve Rel. with Team
                 Dev. through coaching skills
                 Teach Key phases of Model
                 Improve team performance
                  Achieve group objective

Manage Subordinate Performance
The ability to enhance group performance by setting
SMART goals, develop tracking systems that
objectively monitor performance, and provide
effective feedback to employees on goal process and
Develop Selling Skills
The capacity to establish positive relationship with
subordinates and develop them through application of
coaching skills, teach subordinates how to apply the
key phases of consultative selling model and improve
individual performance through their use of
consultative skills
Behavioral indicators of  Strategic Thinking for each
                     level of proficiency are:

• Critically evaluates strategies for profit growth
and increased revenues
• Assesses problems in context of
organizational strategies
• Considers only immediate issues when
making decisions at the expense of long-term
issues.              Medha

Conceptual Thinking
    Ability to understand complex situations and see the relationships
     between situations that are not obvious. It also involves seeing
    complex underlying relationships within situations and the use of
                creative, conceptual, or inductive reasoning.

1. Relies on past experience:
2. Analyzes patterns:
3. Applies theories:
4. Integrates complex data or situations:
5. Creates new concepts for complex issues:
6. Creates new theories:
Competency grouping

    • Functional/Technical, Core, Leadership
    • Core, Job, Personal
    • Personal, Team, Operational
    • Behavioral, Functional, Core, Role
    • Threshold, Differentiating

Source: B.T.Novations
Competencies result from collaboration
among different parts
of an organization. Usually these
resources must be integrated with other
resources in order to form a capability.

Typically, competencies reside in
a company’s people, not in its assets
on the balance sheet.

A competency model is a blueprint of
company’s potentially valuable
competitive capability.
Generic Competency Models
        • Customisable Dictionaries and Database
            offered by consulting firms reduce the
            cost of research and time.
        • Generic model are not been developed for your
               company and may lose precision in
               describing behavioural indictors in business
         • It will lack the language and vocabulary
                common to the orgnisation.
        • The models will be in the ballpark, but not a
              home run.
Source: Susan Ennis – Leadership
Communication Inc                  Medha
Competency Models
• Models developed for services (Public
  Service, Education..) of most of the
  States of the US, Canada, Australia…
• 1980 –95 Models developed for most of the
     fortune 500 companies. AT&T studies, CCL,
     DDI, Lominger, SHL….
 • 1995 –2000 onwards… Models adapted in
      Indian       MNCs and others
• 2000 onwards Competency Vendors,
      Consultants, Competency Dictionaries,
SHL Competency Map

 Role                                               Individual     Culture
Director/                         Business                         Specific
Senior                             Leading

             People and


      (After Farrell C and Thomson N, Competency Mapping™, 1997)
The Hay EQ Competency
          Self Awareness                  Social Awareness

• Emotional Self-Awareness       • Empathy
• Accurate Self-Assessment       • Organisational Awareness
• Self-Confidence                • Service Orientation

         Self Management                     Social Skills
                                 •    Developing others
•   Self-Control                 •    Leadership
•   Trustworthiness              •    Influence
•   Conscientiousness            •    Communication
•   Adaptability                 •    Change Catalyst
•   Achievement Orientation      •    Conflict Management
•   Initiative                   •    Building Bonds
                                 •    Teamwork &Collaboration

Steps in developing a Competency Model
Create a Competency Systems Team
Identify Performance Measures and Validation
Develop a List of Tentative Competencies

Define Competencies and Behavioral Indicators

Develop an Initial Competency Model
Cross-Check The Initial Model
Refine the Model
Validate the Model
       BUSINESS VISION                    Selection: JD, BEI                    COMPETENCY
           / GOALS                         PMP: Measures,
                                          T&D: Curriculum                         MODEL
      Drives change strategy,             Demand Prediction
      Defines organizational                Career Dev, SP,               List of Competencies, Human
                                         Individual Feedback             Values, Comprehensive
      needs, Provides model
        context to Mission                                                Definitions for levels,
                                Execute Actions and Implement Strategies Behavioral Indictors,

                                Evaluate Results with Planning and Strategies
            OBJECTIVE                                                             PILOT - DATA
      Develop Competency                  AWARENESS                             Pilot group / work unit
    Model, Map across, aligning                                                    Star Performers-
        HRS to enhance                    WORKSHOP                              Success Factors, DATA
       Organisational and                                                       main themes/patterns,
      People Effectiveness           Awareness Workshop                          Define competencies,
                                   For Leaders and Managers                           Draft model
                                    Introductory Workshop
                                        For cross section,
                                         Best Practices,
                                         Consultation &
© Chandramowly                             Medha
Individual development Behavioral data around each of the
competencies collected on an ongoing basis enhances the specificity
and effectiveness of feedback for individual development.

Pinpoint Organisational Strengths and Gaps Simply compare the
collective Competency levels against the competencies in the
defined model.
Plan for future talent requirements. Determine which roles, areas
of expertise, and competencies are likely to be the most critical
for immediate future

Job Banding Competencies and areas of expertise can be used
as the basis for job descriptions and Band Profile Levels for
Organisation and Groups

Identify Work Expectations :The most effective performance
management process uses both quantitative goals ( “what” and
“how many”) and behavioral competencies (“how”).

Individual Dev.
Competency          Areas             Achievement objective
Modeling           360 DFB, Dev Indl. Dev demonstrated
                          Job Profile
                     Performance          Competencies
                   Changed Training Curriculum
Engine                      Tests           Employee
                   Behaviours Group Trg NeedsResults
Driving                 Selection         Development
                      Process Categorisation
                       Promotion              Plans
HR Systems                    Self-Dev Planning
                      BEI – S T A R
                         -Criteria for elevation
             Recruitment- Linked to level
             Selection & of proficiency Key Positions &
              Promotion -Pay Integrated Development
                                      `    Define levels
                               for Knowledge
                                   HRS Assess degree of
                         And Skill
                                           Target gaps for
                 Compensation              Dev
                       and            Succession
                     Benefits          Planning

Is dedicated to meeting the expectations and requirements of internal and external
customers; gets first-hand customer information and uses it for improvements in products
and services; talks and acts with customers in mind; establishes and maintains effective
relationships with customers and gains their trust and respect.
Sample Questions :
       Tell me about when you lost an internal/external customer.
       Who are your internal customers? What’s different about dealing with them
                                    than external?
      When are exceptions to customers warranted and not warranted?

Observations :
    Investigation of root causes/understands principles of business
    Understands customer policies, problems – has a framework rather than a one at a time approach
    Learning from other organizations
    Likes talking with/listening to people
    Can deal with conflicts – irate customers, sales objections, etc.
    Going out of one’s way customer service
The organization shall…

 Determine the necessary competence for
    personnel performing work affecting
 Provide training or take other actions to
    satisfy those needs
 Evaluate the effectiveness of the action
 Maintain appropriate records of the
    training, skills and experience

HR Generalist Competencies
                                           Developmental Stages

                       1. LEARN                       2. APPLY                    3. MASTER                  STRATEGIZE

Focus of Stage   Learning related              Technical and operational     Human Relationship          Conceptual and
                                                                             oriented                    business related
Some Key         Learns activities/tasks       Demonstrates                  Demonstrates full mastery    Provides strategic
                 associated with               understanding of              of competency.              leadership and vision related
Behaviors/       competency related to own     competency in own areas       Shares own expertise in     to this competency to the
Milestones       work/role.                    of work                       this competency for the     organization.
                 Learns to work/cooperate      Makes significant             good of the organization.   Promotes growth and
                 with colleagues in this       contribution in this          Develops, mentors, and      development of the
                 competency.                   competency to the work        coaches others.             organization.
                 Depends on others for         team.
                 instructions, guidance, and   Is independent; works
                 direction.                    without significant

Primary Focus    Operational                   Tactical                      Tactical                    Strategic
Direction of     The organization              The organization influences   The Individual influences   The Individual
                 influences the                the Individual.               the Organization.           influences the
                 Individual.                                                                             Organization.

Psychological    Learning how to work.         Applying and further          Empowering others and       Coping with the unknown.
                                               developing skills in          "letting go" of hands on
Issues                                         competency area.              delivery.

1: My Ideal Self-
                                        Who do
       Practicing the                 I want to be?
       new behaviour
 Building new neural path-
       Ways through                                             2: My Real Self-
        to mastery                                                 Who am I?

                                       5. Developing
                                   Trusting relationships
                                   That help, support and
   4. Experimenting                   Encourage each
                                                                      My Strengths-
 With new behaviour,                     Step in the
                                                                      where my Ideal
thoughts and feelings                     process
                                                                      & Real Self are

                 3.  My Learning
                Agenda- Building on                   My Gaps-
                my Strengths while                  where my Ideal
                   reducing Gaps                   and Real Self differ
                                                                          5 Discoveries
1: My Ideal Self-
                                               Who do
          Practicing the                     I want to be?
          new behaviour
    Building new neural path-
          Ways through                                                 2: My Real Self-
           to mastery                                                     Who am I?

                                              5. Developing
                                          Trusting relationships
                                          That help, support and
     4. Experimenting                        Encourage each
                                                                             My Strengths-
   With new behaviour,                          Step in the
                                                                             where my Ideal
  thoughts and feelings                          process
                                                                             & Real Self are

                        3.  My Learning
                       Agenda- Building on                   My Gaps-
                       my Strengths while                  where my Ideal
                          reducing Gaps                   and Real Self differ
Source: The New Leaders
                                                                                 5 Discoveries
– Goleman & Boyatzis                           Medha
States of Career Growth
  Defining Career Path Stages for an individual

Four States of Career
    • Stage 1 – Depending on others
    • State 2 – Contributing independently
    • Stage 3 - Contributing through others
    • Stage 4 - Organisational Leadership

Source: B.T.Novations
Development Activities: How do we
make it happen?

• New leader who is still becoming acquainted
  with his team determines that two of his direct
  reports inefficiently manage their time.

• Instead of focusing on addressing the specific
  needs of the two individuals, he sends his
  entire team through a time-management

Development Activities: How do we
select Participants?

• A company sends all of its leaders through
a multiple-course leadership development
      Higher-Level leaders, who have been in
leadership positions for some time, gain little
in the way of new skills they actually can use.
     They view their time spent in training as
wasted time. Training Effectiveness is Last

Development Activities: How do we
          make it interesting?

“I’m going to spend the next three days d h a
                                    M e teaching you things that you already know.”
Competency Based Workshop
    Execution –   Competencies for Getting things done
    Developing Emotional Intelligence   Competencies
    Developing Leadership and Managerial Competencies

    Building Competencies     for success
    Building Value Based Competencies

    Building a Competency model

   Competency       based Performance Management Process

   Competency       Based Selection (BEI)

   Coaching Pilot - Building coaches to develop   Competencies
   Team Building and Team Fitness Competencies

    Cutting Edge -Competency based 5 P model

1997..2004                   Medha
The 5 Competency Layers






The 5 Sheaths

                        Material (Anna)

                           Vital (PrAna)

                            Mental (ManO)


                        Bliss (Aananda)

cm o w l y @


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Building Competencies Ihrd Conf Presentation Chandramowly

  • 1. Conceptual Framework for National Conference on Competency Mapping, Assessment & Development, Bangalore July 23-24 Medha
  • 2.
  • 4. The Wisdom of the Ancients North Power Presence Right Action Responsibility Wisdom Vision Clarity, Objectivity Insight, Truth West Discernment Creativity East Detachment Spirit Emotion Attending to that which has heart and meaning Impact on others South Medha
  • 5. HR – Competency Key Events • 1929 Scientific Mgmt … FW Taylor rise of Human Relations Era of psychological motivation • 1932 The Hawthorne Studies by Elton Mayo – Importance of human factors over physical conditions • 1954 – Maslow hierarchy needs provided a framework for gaining employee’s commitment • 1964 – JRD Tata’s Tata Mgmt Training Center • 1969 – The Peter Principle- Peter and Hull satirize promotion to the level of incompetence • 1973 – David McClelland, a Harvard psychologist writes “Testing for Competence Rather than for Intelligence” - • 1980s – QCs, Attitude Surveys, Team-building pgms, Japanese Style of Management. Medha
  • 6. HR – Competency Key Events - 2 • 1982 – Boyatzis’s book ‘ The Competent Manger…’, popularised the term Competency • 1984 - Raven publishes ‘ Competence in Modern Society extending competency from academics to practitioners • 1987 - Stephen Covey’s 7 HHEP – 7 universal competencies. • 1990 - C.K. Prahlad’s “Core Competencies” HBR • 1991 - UK NVQ Movement. ‘core skills’ • 1993 - ‘ Competence at Work’ a land mark book by Lyle M.Spencer and Signe M. Spencer. Use of competencies in 57 federal organisations,- Peter and Hull satirize promotion to the level of incompetence • 1994 – Australian National Training Board • 1995 - Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence based on Competency NeResearch. Medha
  • 7. David C. McClelland What Predicts Success in Life or Job? (1917-1998) Medha
  • 8. David McClelland – Where are the roots of excellence? • What predicts success in life or job? Academic/test grades ? or something else? • What are those variables which would predict job performance ? • Criterion samples of HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL with LESS SUCCESSFUL • Identified those ‘ characters’ associated with success • Identified ‘thoughts’ and ‘behaviours’ that predict success • 1970 The First model of McBer :Foreign Service Information Officers Medha
  • 9. Competency Framework – Business Model Develop Develop Employee Competency Competencies Model Desired Objectives Execute Assess Actions - Employee Implement Competencies Strategies © Chandramowly Medha
  • 11. The Making of a President/CEO Competencies Frequency Shown Self-Control 7X Empathy 3X Teamwork 2.5X Self-confidence 2x Achievement Orientation 2x Number of times those who became president/CEO displayed competency compared with those passed over Medha
  • 12. Skill Knowledge Attitude Attributes Values Motives Medha
  • 13. Skill Knowledge Attitude Attributes Values Motives Medha
  • 14. Medha
  • 15. ….Uses MS office What is Competency? Ability to perform a ….PhD. In C.S physical or intellectual or Information a person has in emotional task Competencies encompass specific context areas ..Experience /Exposure base Predictable… ….Controls Emotions Characteristics and consistent Interplay of a person’s responses to situations, Main feelings, cognitions and frame req. Storage Memory, behavioral tendencies Physical Traits, Emotion, Stress, Bio-chemical, Built-in.. towards …. that promote higher performance in individuals and organizations Medha
  • 16. Defining Competencies Clear Definitions are key because competencies are used for: • People Evaluation and Selection • Diagnose Training and Development Needs • Guide Career Planning Decisions • Design Training and Dev Programs • Decide Compensation • Provide feedback • Set a common language for HR systems Medha
  • 17. Defining Competencies RESULTS JOB PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE BEHAVIORAL SKILL What one says What one knows & does resulting Facts, Tech, Process In G/P Credentials Performance MOTIVATIONAL How one feels about Job, Orgn. G-Locn COMPETENCIES Medha
  • 19. Enhance group performance. Establish challenging SMART goals Dev Tracking Sys to monitor Per Provide effective FB on progress 2 Key Competencies of Manage Develop Sales Subordinate Selling Skills Supervisor Performance Est. +ve Rel. with Team Dev. through coaching skills Teach Key phases of Model Improve team performance Achieve group objective Medha
  • 20. Manage Subordinate Performance The ability to enhance group performance by setting SMART goals, develop tracking systems that objectively monitor performance, and provide effective feedback to employees on goal process and accomplishment Develop Selling Skills The capacity to establish positive relationship with subordinates and develop them through application of coaching skills, teach subordinates how to apply the key phases of consultative selling model and improve individual performance through their use of consultative skills Medha
  • 21. Behavioral indicators of Strategic Thinking for each level of proficiency are: Superior • Critically evaluates strategies for profit growth and increased revenues Average • Assesses problems in context of organizational strategies Marginal • Considers only immediate issues when making decisions at the expense of long-term issues. Medha
  • 23. Conceptual Thinking Ability to understand complex situations and see the relationships between situations that are not obvious. It also involves seeing complex underlying relationships within situations and the use of creative, conceptual, or inductive reasoning. 1. Relies on past experience: 2. Analyzes patterns: 3. Applies theories: 4. Integrates complex data or situations: 5. Creates new concepts for complex issues: 6. Creates new theories: Medha
  • 24. Competency grouping • Functional/Technical, Core, Leadership • Core, Job, Personal • Personal, Team, Operational • Behavioral, Functional, Core, Role • Threshold, Differentiating Source: B.T.Novations Medha
  • 25. Assumptions Competencies result from collaboration among different parts of an organization. Usually these resources must be integrated with other resources in order to form a capability. Typically, competencies reside in a company’s people, not in its assets on the balance sheet. A competency model is a blueprint of company’s potentially valuable competitive capability. Medha
  • 26. Generic Competency Models • Customisable Dictionaries and Database offered by consulting firms reduce the cost of research and time. • Generic model are not been developed for your company and may lose precision in describing behavioural indictors in business context. • It will lack the language and vocabulary common to the orgnisation. • The models will be in the ballpark, but not a home run. Source: Susan Ennis – Leadership Communication Inc Medha
  • 27. Competency Models • Models developed for services (Public Service, Education..) of most of the States of the US, Canada, Australia… • 1980 –95 Models developed for most of the fortune 500 companies. AT&T studies, CCL, DDI, Lominger, SHL…. • 1995 –2000 onwards… Models adapted in Indian MNCs and others • 2000 onwards Competency Vendors, Consultants, Competency Dictionaries, Libraries.. Medha
  • 28. SHL Competency Map Role Individual Culture Director/ Business Specific Specific Senior Leading Manager Aligning Organisation Manager Organising People and Tasks Supervisor Technical and Professional Staff (After Farrell C and Thomson N, Competency Mapping™, 1997) Medha
  • 29. The Hay EQ Competency Framework Self Awareness Social Awareness • Emotional Self-Awareness • Empathy • Accurate Self-Assessment • Organisational Awareness • Self-Confidence • Service Orientation Self Management Social Skills • Developing others • Self-Control • Leadership • Trustworthiness • Influence • Conscientiousness • Communication • Adaptability • Change Catalyst • Achievement Orientation • Conflict Management • Initiative • Building Bonds • Teamwork &Collaboration Medha
  • 30. Steps in developing a Competency Model Create a Competency Systems Team Identify Performance Measures and Validation Sample Develop a List of Tentative Competencies Define Competencies and Behavioral Indicators Develop an Initial Competency Model Cross-Check The Initial Model Refine the Model Validate the Model Medha
  • 31. INTEGRATED HRM DRAFT BUSINESS VISION Selection: JD, BEI COMPETENCY / GOALS PMP: Measures, T&D: Curriculum MODEL Drives change strategy, Demand Prediction Defines organizational Career Dev, SP, List of Competencies, Human Individual Feedback Values, Comprehensive needs, Provides model context to Mission Definitions for levels, Execute Actions and Implement Strategies Behavioral Indictors, Dictionary Evaluate Results with Planning and Strategies OBJECTIVE PILOT - DATA Develop Competency AWARENESS Pilot group / work unit Model, Map across, aligning Star Performers- HRS to enhance WORKSHOP Success Factors, DATA Organisational and main themes/patterns, People Effectiveness Awareness Workshop Define competencies, For Leaders and Managers Draft model Introductory Workshop For cross section, Best Practices, Consultation & BEI © Chandramowly Medha
  • 33. Medha
  • 34. Medha
  • 35. Individual development Behavioral data around each of the competencies collected on an ongoing basis enhances the specificity and effectiveness of feedback for individual development. Pinpoint Organisational Strengths and Gaps Simply compare the collective Competency levels against the competencies in the defined model. Plan for future talent requirements. Determine which roles, areas of expertise, and competencies are likely to be the most critical for immediate future Job Banding Competencies and areas of expertise can be used as the basis for job descriptions and Band Profile Levels for Organisation and Groups Identify Work Expectations :The most effective performance management process uses both quantitative goals ( “what” and “how many”) and behavioral competencies (“how”). Medha
  • 36. Individual Dev. Competency Areas Achievement objective Modeling 360 DFB, Dev Indl. Dev demonstrated Plan Job Profile Needs Performance Competencies Changed Training Curriculum Engine Tests Employee Behaviours Group Trg NeedsResults Management Driving Selection Development Process Categorisation Beh. Promotion Plans HR Systems Self-Dev Planning BEI – S T A R -Criteria for elevation Competency Recruitment- Linked to level Based Selection & of proficiency Key Positions & Training Promotion -Pay Integrated Development ` Define levels for Knowledge HRS Assess degree of strategies And Skill Match Target gaps for Compensation Dev and Succession Benefits Planning Medha
  • 37. CUSTOMER FOCUS Is dedicated to meeting the expectations and requirements of internal and external customers; gets first-hand customer information and uses it for improvements in products and services; talks and acts with customers in mind; establishes and maintains effective relationships with customers and gains their trust and respect. Sample Questions : Tell me about when you lost an internal/external customer. Who are your internal customers? What’s different about dealing with them than external? When are exceptions to customers warranted and not warranted? Observations : Investigation of root causes/understands principles of business Understands customer policies, problems – has a framework rather than a one at a time approach Learning from other organizations Likes talking with/listening to people Can deal with conflicts – irate customers, sales objections, etc. Going out of one’s way customer service Medha
  • 38. The organization shall… Determine the necessary competence for personnel performing work affecting quality Provide training or take other actions to satisfy those needs Evaluate the effectiveness of the action taken Maintain appropriate records of the training, skills and experience Medha
  • 40. HR Generalist Competencies Developmental Stages 4.LEAD/ 1. LEARN 2. APPLY 3. MASTER STRATEGIZE Focus of Stage Learning related Technical and operational Human Relationship Conceptual and oriented business related Some Key Learns activities/tasks Demonstrates Demonstrates full mastery Provides strategic associated with understanding of of competency. leadership and vision related Behaviors/ competency related to own competency in own areas Shares own expertise in to this competency to the Milestones work/role. of work this competency for the organization. Learns to work/cooperate Makes significant good of the organization. Promotes growth and with colleagues in this contribution in this Develops, mentors, and development of the competency. competency to the work coaches others. organization. Depends on others for team. instructions, guidance, and Is independent; works direction. without significant guidance. Primary Focus Operational Tactical Tactical Strategic Direction of The organization The organization influences The Individual influences The Individual influences the the Individual. the Organization. influences the Influence Individual. Organization. Psychological Learning how to work. Applying and further Empowering others and Coping with the unknown. developing skills in "letting go" of hands on Issues competency area. delivery. Medha
  • 41. Medha
  • 42. 1: My Ideal Self- Who do Practicing the I want to be? new behaviour Building new neural path- Ways through 2: My Real Self- to mastery Who am I? 5. Developing Trusting relationships That help, support and 4. Experimenting Encourage each My Strengths- With new behaviour, Step in the where my Ideal thoughts and feelings process & Real Self are Similar 3. My Learning Agenda- Building on My Gaps- my Strengths while where my Ideal reducing Gaps and Real Self differ 5 Discoveries Medha
  • 43. 1: My Ideal Self- Who do Practicing the I want to be? new behaviour Building new neural path- Ways through 2: My Real Self- to mastery Who am I? 5. Developing Trusting relationships That help, support and 4. Experimenting Encourage each My Strengths- With new behaviour, Step in the where my Ideal thoughts and feelings process & Real Self are Similar 3. My Learning Agenda- Building on My Gaps- my Strengths while where my Ideal reducing Gaps and Real Self differ Source: The New Leaders 5 Discoveries – Goleman & Boyatzis Medha
  • 44. States of Career Growth Defining Career Path Stages for an individual Medha
  • 45. Four States of Career Growth • Stage 1 – Depending on others • State 2 – Contributing independently • Stage 3 - Contributing through others • Stage 4 - Organisational Leadership Source: B.T.Novations Medha
  • 46. Medha
  • 47. Development Activities: How do we make it happen? • New leader who is still becoming acquainted with his team determines that two of his direct reports inefficiently manage their time. • Instead of focusing on addressing the specific needs of the two individuals, he sends his entire team through a time-management course. Medha
  • 48. Development Activities: How do we select Participants? • A company sends all of its leaders through a multiple-course leadership development program. Higher-Level leaders, who have been in leadership positions for some time, gain little in the way of new skills they actually can use. They view their time spent in training as wasted time. Training Effectiveness is Last Medha
  • 49. Development Activities: How do we make it interesting? Medha
  • 50. “I’m going to spend the next three days d h a M e teaching you things that you already know.”
  • 51. Competency Based Workshop Modules Execution – Competencies for Getting things done Developing Emotional Intelligence Competencies Developing Leadership and Managerial Competencies Building Competencies for success Building Value Based Competencies Building a Competency model Competency based Performance Management Process Competency Based Selection (BEI) Coaching Pilot - Building coaches to develop Competencies Team Building and Team Fitness Competencies Cutting Edge -Competency based 5 P model 1997..2004 Medha
  • 52. The 5 Competency Layers Skill Knowledge Attitude Attributes/Values Motives Medha
  • 53. The 5 Sheaths Material (Anna) Vital (PrAna) Mental (ManO) Wisdom(VijnAna) Bliss (Aananda) Medha
  • 54. cm o w l y @ Medha