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To My Father & Mother

     Late Mr. Wolvin de Silva
   Mrs. K. de Z. Wijeratne de Silva

To whom I shall remain indebted for
setting the foundation on which this
            work is based.

Human talents Management
Jayadeva de Silva

FOREWORD                                   7

HUMAN TALENTS MANAGEMENT                  11

QUALITY IS IN PEOPLE                      20

Leadership for Quality                    22

Customer Perception                       24

Employee Involvement                      25

Attitudes on Quality                      28

Customer Service                          29

Customer care                             33


EMPLOYEES                                 47

 ‘The Bored Absentee’                     59
 ‘The Immature Absentee’                  60
 ‘The Frustrated Absentee’                61
 ‘The Avenging Absentee’                  62

HERE‟S A WAY OUT                          67

Symptoms of the problem                                    67

A solution from within?                                    68
  Redeployment; A neglected area                           70
  Transfer of work                                         71
  What you can                                             71


DEVELOPMENT                               95


Influence of the Rulers in the Government                 106

The Principle of Detailed Planning                        109

Mission                                                   110

Values                                                    112

Choice of Battle Ground                                   113

The Principle of Concentration of Forces & the Need to Attack

Swiftness in Execution of Plans                           124

Deceptiveness in Actions & Strategies                     126

Anticipation of the Enemy’s Reaction and Changes in
Environment                                               127

Planning for Victory & Combat Readiness        127

ANYWAY*...                                     133


RULES OF HUMAN RELATIONS                       141


MANAGEMENT SKILLS CHECKLIST                    157


EXTRAS                                         191

“SYNOPPOR” – A New Thinking Tool to Discover
Opportunities                                  191

Common Training Terms                          193

This book is a collection of
thoughts on some very important
issues on management. During my
career, I have trained thousands of
people over the last two decades.
Many whom I trained requested me to
compile a book that could be used
for reference. I have therefore
decided to publish some selected
works on mine under the theme Human
Talents Management. This book is
aimed   at    practising   business
managers & students of management.

Any accomplishment requires the
effort of many people and this work
is not different. I thank my family
Ranjika, Ranga & Nilu and on time
my assistants Ravi Rajasinghe &

I am also grateful to Bradley,
Preethi, Dulin and Vajin for the
assistance rendered.

My thanks are due to the publisher…

Human Talents

A new concept of leadership is in
the making. Successful Companies
have already adopted the idea that
Leadership is The Art of Managing
peoples‟   talents   and not  just
getting things done.

The expression Human Resources is
misleading and dangerous “People
are not resources and resent being
treated as such” according to this
Concept. They are not pieces of
Equipment to move around according
to needs Contrary to what some
Managers claim, people are not “
Human capital”!

Employee‟s     expectations     have
drastically changed over the last
few years due to more knowledge-
based        business,        social
transformations     and     economic
evolution. New psychological needs
are evolving inline with the new

profile of people entering           the
workforce. New employees want:

(1)   To   Know more about what is
      happening in the organisation.
      Who    is   doing    what?  New
      Objectives? New Priorities? New
      Strategies?      Threats    and

(2)   To Understand why leaders have
      made decisions? Why not another
      decision? What is behind the
      decision?    What     are     the
      implications  of  the    decision

(3)   To   Contribute their    own ideas
      and   ability.    What   could  be

(4)   To   Feel Important and have a
      meaningful role to play within
      the company. Who am I within the
      organisation? Do I count? Am I
      receiving the recognition and
      respect that I desire? Do I have
      a   fair  chance  to    grow   and
      develop as a person? Effective
      leaders are looking at practical
      Ways to maximise the release of
      individual,  team   and    company

talents. The Leader is becoming
      a   nurturer   of    talents,    a
      catalyst   in search of Synergy.
      People are not resources.     They
      have resources.     That is not
      quite the same thing, as the
      table below illustrate.

   Table 1: Human Talents Management (HTM) vs. Human
   Resources Management (HRM)
               Managing Human            Managing People’s
                  Resources                  Talents

Basic           People      are     an   People              have
Assumption      important asset that     professional talents.
                the Company must         They        are       not
                use to the fullest.      resources. They have
                                         resources            i.e.:
                They are resources.      Knowledge, Skills.
                Human Resources          Experience.          The
                Planing is Critical.     release of individual
                                         talents is vital to both
                                         personal fulfilment
                                         and organisational

Role Of       Set        Objectives,     Create the right
The Leader    appraise      people’s     environment so that
              performance on a           people can perform
              factual basis and          at the highest level.
              provide the right          The leader channels
              recognition to the         people’s        energy
              right people- MBO          constructively.    He
                                         cares and shows it.
                                         How to understand
Leadership     How to recruit the         How                to
               right people.               support/Encourage.
                                           How to manage job
               How to         appraise     assignments so that
               People.                     people can perform
                                           and grow to their
               How to promote              potential.
                                         How to listen and
                                         how      to    be

      Key    Success     Factors                    For
      Tomorrow‟s Leaders Will Be

     (1)   Behaviour Flexibility
     (2)   Mental Innovation
     (3)   People Orientation

Behaviour Flexibility

Behaviour Flexibility Effective
Leaders are extremely sensitive
to their environment and adjust
(rapidly)    to   its    changes.
Watching them at work, we can say
that it is critical for the
Leaders of 90s to learn how to

  Do what you think is right in
  a situation
  Observe the impact of your
  behaviour       on     people
  (Collaborators,       Bossed,

  Maintain your behaviour if you
  get   what  you   want.      Try
  something else if you don‟t.

Mental Innovation

The ability to interpret reality in
original   and   unique   ways   is
becoming more and more pressing for
corporate   Leaders.     They   are
learning that everything is defined
and too often, artificially limited
by “Mental Programming”.

Nothing is fully known or fixed.
Everything is perceived through a
Human Mind programmed by education,
experience and training.      Human
mind can explain and control things
meaningfully, however some mental
constructions are more effective
than others.   Different situations
require different mind reactions.
Mental versatility is therefore

  Be aware of how you construct
  things in your mind
  Expand your repertoire of mental
  constructions. Try out new ways
  to explain things.     Promote a
  mind   expansion  process   among
  your people.
  Use the mental Constructions,
  which are most appropriate for
  business situations.

People Orientation

It is amazing how ineffective
Leaders are at tapping individual
talents          within           their
organisations.      Many     employees
complain bitterly not only about
how their Companies have misused
their   Professional     Skills,    but
also about managers who “do almost
everything    to    make   sure    that
employees do not perform to the
fullest of their talents “! It is
almost as if leaders are afraid of
giving    their     staff     a    fair
opportunity     to    perform.     Many
Leaders have apparently not yet
learnt that their employees are
frequently     working    far     below
Capacity. They do not realise that
an employees success is also their
own. Employees whose expectations
are not met withdraw and star to
invest their time, energy and
skills outside the organisation.
This   may   be    healthy    for   the
individual    but     not    for    the

       Care about your people and
       show them that you as a

Leader, are truly interested
       in what they do, how they
       think and feel, Be honest,
       Manipulation may succeed in
       the   short  term,  but   is
       inevitably  discovered   and

       Know    their  Professional
       talents and give them a
       chance to perform at their
       highest level.

       Expect a lot from them and
       provide the support they
       need to work well and grow
       on the job.


Managing talents is not the same as
Managing Resources. People or human
beings With feelings, ambitions and
thought power, The effective leaders
will care about people‟s talents,
adjust in a flexible way to various
corporate as well as market demands
and     promote   an   organisational
climate which tolerates or rather
encourages a variety of mental

Quality Is In People

This paper tries to highlight that
Quality and the customer care are
primarily matters of attitude and

fall within the scope of Human
Relations.   It    takes    precision,
patience and power to steer an
aircraft in the opposite direction
The same is true of any attempt to
change hardened prevailing work
attitudes.   Apart     from    massive
training and development effort a
very strong corporate will to make
hard    decisions      and     supreme
sacrifices,     is    required     for
attainment   of    99.9997%    Quality
which will delight customers.

Today‟s customers are demanding
more   from    suppliers.   The    key
differentiator between successful
companies and their competitors
will be quality.Winning in the new
market place requires finding a way
to   differentiate    yourself    from
competitors,      and     competitive
differentiation    is   not   just   a
question of providing the right
products    or   having   the    right
strategy. It also means paying
closer attention to customer care.
In the long run,people simply will
not buy from companies that are not
prepared to go that “extra mile” in
terms   of    looking   after    their
customers. Then the business that

pays attention to quality, service
and value is going to delight
customers,who in turn will ensure
that business remain successful. In
this paper we will examine the
people factor in promoting a Total
Quality    Culture     within    an

Leadership for Quality

Many   companies   both  local  and
foreign however, are not satisfied
with the pay back in their quality
improvement efforts. We feel that
the creation of a quality culture
encompassingthe total organisation
requires a revolutionary change. In
prevailing work attitude, Surveys
among    various    categories   of
employees reveal that many people
are trapped in their jobs. Could we
not, therefore, channel all that
concern into quality improvement
and make it a positive business
process? Great companies who have
great names acknowledge that they
have   great   products   but  more
importantly they have great people.

“We strive to give our best to the
customer through the quality and

reliability   of   our   goods   and
services. Perfection is not easy,
but we believe in setting high
standards and we expect and demand
from    all    employees    superior
performance      and      innovative
qualities.We recognise, appreciate
and reward a job well done by
people who take pride in working
for us” So states the business
philosophy one of leading Groups
companies in Sri Lanka.

In   a   time   of  turbulence    and
uncertainty, we must be able to
take instant action on the front
line. But to support such action,
taken at the front, everyone must
have a clear understanding about
what the organisation is trying to
achieve.   Effective    visions   are
aimed at empowering our own people
first. Customer second. The first
task of the vision is to call forth
the best from the company‟s own
people. Effective vision whilst
honouring the past prepares for the
future.       Effective       visions
statements are clear, challenging
and are about excellence. Effective
visions make sense in the turbulent

world. Effective visions are lived
in detail not broad strokes.

Customer Perception

Such Quantum steps of improvements
can be obtained only if they can
get the organisation to look at the
issues   in   totally   new   ways,
applying      creative      skills.
Tomorrow‟s    winner     must    be
entrepreneurial as a habit and will
have     to    continually     seek
improvements in their ability to
serve their customers.

Quality is not only for up market
products and suppliers who can
charge accordingly. Quality can be
built   in  to   any  business   or
service, whatever segment of the
market has been chosen as the
target. It‟s a question of meeting
the customers‟ expectations and
then giving just a little bit more.
As an example, take two hopper
boutiques. Both serve the same
range of food, both provide a few
tables for customers wanting to eat
at the premises, and both do most
of their trade in takeaways. In

terms of quality, they could differ

     a)   The   freshness    of   their
     b)   The oil, flour and coconut
          milk     they     use     for
     c)   The extent to which they can
          offer    customers    freshly
          baked hoppers rather than
          food that has been kept for
          a long time
     d)   The courtesy and efficiency
          of their service.
     e)   The cleanliness of their
     f)   The little extras that they
          provide, such as a paper
          serviette with takeaways, or
          a choice of sambols.

Employee Involvement

Goodyear, an American Company, is
reported to have introduced an
employee suggestion scheme under
the   name    “Decentralised  Idea
generation”     and    they   have
introduced the term “Associate” as
a substitute for employees.

Quality    is    certainly    about
manufacturing a product that people
can depend on every time they reach
for it. But according to Donald R
Kellogh President of Coca-Cola, it
is more than that. Quality, he
says, is a way of life that must
involve every employee every day.

We know that quality improvement is
about change. Which change you
create fear and anxiety. To manage
change and make it acceptable one
has to build an atmosphere of trust
and self-confidence. In October
1887,    William   Cooper   Proctor,
grandson of the founder of Proctor
and Gamble, introducing a profit
sharing plan stressed the core
values    of   their   business   as

“The first job we have is to
turnout quality merchandise that
consumers will buy and keep on
buying.    If  we    produce   it
efficiently and economically we
will earn a profit in which you
will share. But the profits can‟t
be distributed unless they are
earned and the company must take

care   of  its  equipment,  expand
normally, remain in a sound fiscal
position and part of the earnings
must be ploughed back into the
business”. It is clear from the
foregoing mat.

Leaders    of   the   best    companies
profoundly believe in and promote
the core values of customer-focused
quality. Quality has been, and
will, remain the key management
imperative. Leaders see quality as
the heart of the business. It is
known that the rate of progress is
slow    in     many    Total    Quality
Management      (TQM)      Programmers.
Leaders,      however,     could    set
demanding      goals.     Asia    Brown
Boveri‟s (ABB) ‟10 up Programme‟ is
an example. This plan calls for 50%
improvement in 10 key areas each
year in all business.

All this amounts to being committed
to meeting the expectations of
their clientele, all the time, and
then going further. Quality doesn‟t
just happen. It has to be planned
for and built into the way an
organisation operates. This means
that each person must be clear

about what is expected of him or
her and what they have to do to
achieve    it.     Management    by
Objectives (MBO) could be used very
effectively in this regard. Quality
will only remain at a constantly
high level if the organisation is
proactive rather than reactive.
This means that the emphasis must
be   on  thinking   ahead   and  on
preventing problems from arising in
the first place. Organisations need
to develop ways of working that
make these happen.

Attitudes on Quality

Maintaining     high   standards    in
quality depends on the attitudes of
everyone involved. Standards will
slip if mistakes and lapses are
accepted     as    inevitable.     The
positive   alternative     is   to  do
things right the first time and
every    time.    However,    if   the
occasional lapse does happen, then
there should be a positive way of
dealing with it so that people
learn from the mistake, rather than
be blamed for it. This means:

Creating an atmosphere in
       which the people concerned
       are willing to admit that
       something is wrong.

       Using it as an opportunity
       to review procedures etc. to
       prevent it happening again.

Only under such conditions, much
talked about quality circles can
function. Making quality a reality
depends on getting the right mix of
Attitude,   Skills,   Communication
Management and Expectations. Each
factor should be related closely to
the   other   and   none   can   be
considered in isolation.

Customer Service

In order to provide total quality,
it is very important that we pay
special    attention  to    customer
service and customer care. Training
of   employees   has  assumed   much
importance in this sphere. There
are some key elements crucial to

the success of Customer Service
Training. They are as follows:

    a)   Training must be tied to a
         complete  programme.  Where
         Company wide Total Quality
         Concept      (CWTQC)     is
         practised, customer service
         could be linked to that
         process, as already stated

    b)   Commitment   of   the   top
         management  is   essential.
         Senior Managers too should
         participate   in   training

    c)   Customer    Service  People
         should have freedom within
         standards. They need to be
         trained to pay attention to
         standards, and also to take
         the initiative to provide
         services not specified in
         the standards.

    d)   Service guarantees back-up
         customer   service training
         and    reinforce   employee
         commitment     to   service

standards.   Employees   will
     then        know         that
     unsatisfactory service has
     immediate       consequences.
     Service guarantees send a
     message to customers that
     the employees are determined
     to provide quality service.

d)   Use of advertising to back
     up   service   training    and
     reinforce             employee
     commitment      to     service
     standards.    Employee    will
     then         know         that
     unsatisfactory service has
     immediate        consequences.
     Service guarantees send a
     message to customers that
     the employees are determined
     to provide quality service.

e)   Use of advertising to back
     up service training enhances
     the   employee‟s   pride   in
     their work. Very often it
     reinforces    the     message
     learned in training sessions
     that service counts. It also
     gives employees a public
     image to live up to.

f)   Monitoring      of     service
     quality should be undertaken
     as a feedback mechanism.
     Employees should know what
     they are doing wrong. The
     company    can   measure   the
     compliance by employees with
     the     service     standards.
     However,             providing
     consistent     good    quality
     service     means    that    a
     customer     must     perceive
     something pleasant happening
     every time he approaches the

g)   It must be borne in mind
     that many service skills are
     simply not trainable. You
     can teach a person to say,
     but not how to say it. You
     can teach a procedure for
     handling a complaint, but
     not the attitude that will
     satisfy the customer and
     bring that person back. To
     get     superior    customer
     service, it is crucial to
     have the right people.

The following are       some of the
proven   techniques     for  Customer
Service Training:

     a)   Film & Video for Modelling
     b)   Group Discussion
     c)   Competitor Observation
     d)   Job Rotation
     e)   Role Play
     f)   Video or Audio Feedback
     g)   Mass Audience Persuasion
     h)   Stress Training

Customer care

Customer care could be judged only
in terms of the feeling of the
customer. If the customer is not
satisfied with the service he or
she has received then that service
was not good. The writer is of the
view that this is the single most
important   truth  about    customer
care. It does not matter how hard
one has tried or how much one has
done.   The  only   judgement   that
counts is that of the customer.

The other important factor about
customer care is that good customer
care has to come as a surprise! If
the customers get what they were
expecting,   they   will   not   be
impressed. After all they expected
to get that. If they get less than
what they expected, then they will
be disappointed. Leading Companies
are continuously faced with this

Customer care is about detail. It
is about getting lots of small
things right as well as the big
picture. Very often the goods and
services   offered    by    competing
companies and organisations are not
very different. The difference very
often depends on the people who are
employed. We can learn a lot from
Japanese management in the area of
total      quality       management.
Therefore, one is tempted to ask -
Can we import not just Japanese
products but the attitude behind
them?    Quality    is    practical.
Factories, airlines and hospital
laboratories     must     also     be
practical. But quality is moral,
aesthetic,       perceptual       and
subjective. It is about delivering

above    expectations.    The   famous
Marketing expert, Philip Kotler,
Calls this the delight factor.
Quality and customer satisfaction
should be measured. Rewards should
be made on the basis of these
measurements.     There    could    be
instances when one hears that a
particular problem is not serious,
because it happened only once and
not    symptomatic    of    a   larger
problem. At our training programmes
we get detailed feedback from the
participants. There is invariably
some criticism. We have found the
criticism to be symptomatic of
larger and serious issues. Every
Customer complaint is symptomatic
of a shortcoming. Moreover, it
usually represents a very good
opportunity for improvement. Some
insist that certain parameters are
subjective.       Cleanliness       is
subjective. But it can be measured.
We only need to add a question to
our questionnaire- How clean is the
place on a scale of one to ten
where ten is „excellent‟ and one is
„very poor‟ In our experience, by
far   the   greatest    influence   on
today‟s employees are the people
who have managed them. Thus manager

have to set an example in whatever
they do.

Formal training can have an effect,
but for the most part we emulate
the managers we worked for earlier
in our careers. In the selection of
managers, organisations should be
careful   to    give    the    required
weightage    for    the    candidate‟s
attitude       towards         customer
orientation   and    the    degree   of
commitment towards total quality

In order to incite a “ Quality
Revolution”, we in Sri Lanka can
learn from the experience of other
countries, especially from Japan.
We could pay closer attention to
rework and recycling operations
with a view to promoting the
concept    “ Do it right the first
time and every time -resulting in
zero      defects”.      We    could
deliberately reduce the level of
all inventories, as overproduction,
oversupplying,      overbuying    of
anything can have a disastrous
effect   on   promoting    the Total

Quality culture. We can start and
do everything on time. If quality
is about following standards, then
we must admit that, in Sri Lanka,
the most violated standard is time.
We can pay more attention to
cleaning up the work environment.
Seemingly unimportant things like
inspecting toilets, locker rooms
and the floor will have to be
considered important.

If today‟s managers set a good
example      in      customer-oriented
quality    management      then   their
subordinates will develop believing
that this is the right way to
manage,   resulting     in    a  steady
improvement of quality. Then life
will be more pleasant for everyone.
As stressed throughout this paper
such a change in prevailing work
attitudes    and     sentiments    will
eventually lead to greater economic
success         domestically        and
internationally     bringing    greater
prosperity and quality of life for
all. Thus, Quality is in People.

Common Reasons For

When   a   new   employee   joins   a
company, he or she comes with full
of hopes and lot of enthusiasm and
he/she really wants to work. In any
case, you would select only such
people for employment, as there
exists a fairly large pool of Human
resources in the country to choose
from. However, it has been observed
by    many    managers    that    the
performance of employees is not up
to the standard they would like and
the reasons for this can be many.

We are presenting below the ten
most   common   reasons  for   Non-
performance according to a survey
done by us among managers and
executives of the private sector.

    1.   They don‟t know why they
         should perform a particular
         task or tasks.

2.    They don‟t know exactly when
      to begin or to end a task.

3.    They don‟t know what        they
      are supposed to do.

4.    They don‟t know how to do it

5.    They   think   they   are   doing

6.    They think our way won‟t
      work or their way is better.

7.    They think something else is
      more important.

8.    They are not rewarded for
      doing the things right, or
      not punished for not doing
      the things right

9.    They are not punished for
      doing wrong things, or not
      rewarded for not doing the
      wrong things.

10.   They   think   they   cannot   do

“Whatever, you experience a problem
with performance of an employee,
chances are such that the reason
could be one or more of the above.
Any good Human Resources Manager
can recommend the course of action
that should be taken to solve the

Counselling As A Method
To Understand Your

The most important attribute of
human beings is their intelligence.
This can be defined as our ability
to    make    fresh,    appropriate
responses to each new situation. It
may be impossible to prove that
every one like this. However, one
of the best sources of information
about our nature is our small
children. They usually show these
qualities to a remarkable degree-
highly intelligent, loveable and
powerful in getting what they want.
When we work closely with more and
more adults we find that this is
our inherent nature.

People respond best and learn most
when they know have the highest
expectations  of   them,  and  yet
clearly, people do not behave like

this all the time. Some behave like
this more than other people. When
we think about people around us at
work places or elsewhere, we see
that most of the time we function
amazingly well. At other times we
do not. It may be something like
fatigue or some bad news that gets
in the way or something occurs that
triggers    a    response   out    of
proportion to the actual event.
When this happens the difficulty is
something more fundamental, which
the Behavioural Scientists refer to
as „distress pattern‟. This is a
habitual way of reacting in certain
situations, which is not a fresh
accurate response but a rigid,
patterned way of reacting. Some
thing happens which reminds us of a
past   hurt.   Our   attention   goes
inwards      and      we     reacting

This   reaction    may   have   been
appropriate   long   ago   when  the
original hurt occurred, but now
completely inappropriate. Or we may
react this way because of unhelpful
messages given to us by our parents
when we were small. These patterns

are sometimes major difficulties in
highly successful and able adults.

For example little boy who was
told, “you will never make a
success of anything” might become
the man who tries to be successful
at all costs. Patterns like these
are     often     really    important
development     issues    confronting
people in Organisations. These are
usually    more    significant   than
deficiencies in knowledge or skill.
We should be able to think about
how this applies to our own selves
and to people we know. What can we
do about these difficulties?

Ones again we can learn a lot from
our small children. When they are
hurt   emotionally,   they  cry  or
express their anger. Afterwards
they feel fine again. A lot of this
can be quite hard on the parents,
but it works well for the children.
It is a natural healing process
which the behavioural scientists
call “discharge” Unfortunately we
are taught not to do this e.g. Men
don’t cry etc. Thus a natural
healing process has been blocked.
Of   course    it   would  not   be

appropriate to give immediate vent
to our feelings in most situations.
We have to learn function well
despite how we feel. However, we
have   to   recover   this    natural
healing   process.    It   is    much
healthier    than   repressing    our
feelings, taking them out on some
one else or resorting to alcohol.
Furthermore feelings can impair our
judgement in ways that are highly

Then, counselling can be offered as
a far better solution. When we are
distressed, what we need is a good
listening   to.       We  need   to
“discharge” i.e. talk about in an
appropriate way & express how we
feel. We can then re-evaluate the
experience   and   think  and   act
intelligently again.

Our patterns prevent us functioning
well. They stop us from getting our
work and the rest of our lives the
way we want it to be. Patters need
to be contradicted. For example
man, who was told as a little boy
that he would never make a success
of anything, needs to contradict
the message and accept that as a

mature man “I can make a success of
anything “. This is a simple
process and does not require expert
skills through it will require some
training. This is not theory.

It is simply a basic human process,
which help us to live and work
well. Now let us consider the
implications of the above for the
management and development of human

           At the very least we
           can    use    this    as
           background   information
           to help understand why
           talented          people
           sometimes behave less
           than intelligently. It
           may help us to respond
           more appropriately when
           they do this. (What is
           the difficulty?     What
           would help? )

           It      explains   why
           listening is often the
           most valuable thing we
           can do.

We find this is very
            useful to distinguish
            people and “patterns”.
            It becomes much easier
            to like someone when we
            realise that they are
            fine and it is only the
            “pattern”    which    is
            thoroughly    obnoxious.
            When realise it is a
            “pattern” it is easier
            to stay rational.

            It    gives    us     an
            extremely       valuable
            developmental tool and
            provides us with a way
            of working with people

  We work in Organisations where
the culture does not usually make
it easy to be open about our
difficulties.    Frankly    there   is
usually a lot of pretence. In this
environment we have to approach the
introduction of counselling as a
key leadership development tool
with a good deal of sensitively. It
requires    judgement     to    decide
whether   and   when   to    introduce
counselling to an individual or
group of people. The key factor

seems to be safety. When there is
enough trust and safety people may
be ready to use counselling.

Why people stay away from

Absenteeism   continues  to  be   a
serious problem in Sri Lanka. This
problem is extremely acute in the
case of Manual Grade employees.
In this article the author suggests
a new approach as a solution to
this problem

Before analysing why people stay
away from work it is worthwhile to
identify four major steps that
should be taken in controlling
absenteeism. These steps are so
simple that the tendency is to
ignore the importance of following

1)   Analyse the situation       to
         determine    the type       of

    2)   Confront the   employee   with
         the problem

    3)   Enforce the rules   relating
         to absenteeism

    4)   Document the   occurrence of
         absenteeism      for     each

Absentees could be categorised in
to at least four major groups and
they should be dealt with in a
manner suitable to their specific

„The Bored Absentee‟

He is bored with the work, work is
not interesting or challenging; he
often stays away from work to
participate   in   something   more
interesting. You would observe his
absence to be sporadic. He tends to
keep away just before holidays or
after holidays.

In   dealing    with   such   „bored‟
employees    you   should   ask   the
employee for his true feelings
about the job. You should point out
the problems his absence is causing
to the factory or office. Ask the
employee to agree to correct the
problem and obtain commitment from
the employee. You may point out the
advantages of good work record. To
him and also the disadvantages of
high absenteeism.

„The Immature Absentee‟

He feels that a day off is a fringe
benefit and gives no thought to the
consequences of his absence. He is
often influenced by others and does
not take his work seriously. Such
persons may be just after school..
Frequently one meets immature or
old people also in this category.

Dealing    with   such    „immature
absentees‟ should be the way you
deal with a lot of patience as you
cannot expect such persons to know
or do things you do not personally
show them. However allow them to
retain their dignity as adults. You
may ask them to deal with the
problem in a mature way and refer
them to the more attitudes required
in the business

„The Frustrated Absentee‟

He gets habitually absent in order
to relieve his frustration. He is
likely to have a long history of
aggressive behaviour. Very often
these persons find the pressures of
the day too difficult to cope with.
They usually have more number of
days absence and a long record of
absence.   Their  tolerance    limit
would be normally low and they do
not see that they are causing
problems to other employees and to
the   workplace.  Here   again   the
person should be made aware of the
consequence of his absenteeism. And
shown his own record of absenteeism
and point out the specific problem
and have a follow up on the matter.

„The Avenging Absentee‟

This    situation     is    the  most
difficult to deal with. The person
feels      victimised     or    taken
advantages of. He usually perceives
a     lot     of     injustice    and
discrimination or favouritism a lot
of injustice and discrimination or
favouritism in the factory or in
the office. Usually these persons
are prepared to defend them selves
and like to argue. It‟s not merely
the staying away from work that
gives him satisfaction but the
thought of the disruption that is
caused    by   his    absence.  These
persons too could be persuaded to
come to work. Do not show any
weakness. They themselves resent
it. Be firm and discuss the problem
of absenteeism only.

Finally, the following 10 points
will be helpful in controlling
absenteeism in the workplace.

1 Determine whether the employee
  notified you as soon as possible
  that an absence was necessary.
2 Record    the   absence    in   an
  attendance    record    book    or
  printed form.
3 Analyse the absence through in
  depth discussion; don‟t accept
  phoney excuses.
4 Decide   through   your   analysis
  which of the four types of
  absentee you are dealing with.
5 Maintaining an alternative work
  plan to ensure smooth production
  when absences do occur.
6 Confront every absence so that
  the employees know that you
  consider absence serious.
7 Keep a record of added costs
  that resulted from absenteeism.
8 Indicate      a       satisfactory
  programme to avoid absenteeism
  due to accidents.

9 Discuss    the  moral   value of
   “legitimate absence” only with
   your subordinates.
10 Remember that even the most
   abusive violator can have an
   absence that is legitimate.

    (Condensed from the materials
    presented by the author to an
    In House Training Workshop).

Manpower         Shortage?
(Within an organisation)
Here’s a way out

Most companies have no means of
dealing   effectively    with   the
development   of  people   from  an
under-utilised area to an area,
which is short of people.

Symptoms of the problem

If   you  are   suffering    from   a
shortage   of   manpower    in   your
department or company a visible
symptom   will    most   likely    by
subordinates who come to you in
increased numbers for direction and
guidance; The reason being the
workload   in  a    particular   area
increasing by leaps and bounds.
Faced with such a situation it is
essential to ascertain first and

foremost whether it is likely to
remain that way for a significant
duration before deciding on what
action need to be taken.

A solution from within?

Regrettably the action taken by
most managers is to create more
work roles and to fill them up with
new recruits. What is often not
recognised is that there may also
be    a   reduction   in    work-load
occurring in certain other areas is
usually quite difficult because
there is no automatic gauge for
indicating the under load. One
exception     however    is    direct
production work where production
managers soon recognise shortage of
work.   Even    then  it    is   only
recognised when the fall off in
work-load is large enough to be
significant in terms of actually
finding it difficult to give people
work to do.

Spreading work

In direct work (work not directly
involve    with    production)     the
organisation and the system is
quite    capable     of     generating
additional work or allowing the
existing work which has reduced in
quantity to be spread in such a way
that fall off is not perceptible in
throwing up spare people. This
provides an ideal opportunity to
improve the quantity of work and
services provided. Thus it is a
major   management     task    to   be
recognised and identified areas
where there may be fall off of
work. For example in area such as
the provision of information the
real work involved in providing the
information    gradually     decreases
while   requests    for   information
remains at the same level or

The need therefore is decisive and
firm administrative decisions to be
able to realign the resources from
the areas of work reduction or
intended work reduction in to areas
where    workload    is    patently

Redeployment; A neglected area

Moat companies have an effective
system of recruitment with printed
forms indicating requisitions for
personnel and specifically selected
staff for interviewing applicants.
Bat sadly most companies have no
means of dealing effectively with
re-deployment of people from and
under-utilised area to an area
which is short of people. Some
times the re-deployment cannot be
done directly but must be done by a
series of moves.

A company which can effectively
grapple with this realignment of
resources increases the security of
their work force by keeping numbers
down to the bare minimum necessary
and at the same time increasing the
experience at the employees can
gain by the sheer necessity of
moving them from one type of work
to another. In order to facilitate
this type of move many personnel
policies will need to be made
explicit such as the maintenance of
the income of people who are

transferred to work in a place with
which they are unfamiliar.

The provision of effective training
is also essential.

 Transfer of work

It is sometime possible however to
transfer work instead of people
from an overload area to an under-
loaded one. Where this can be done
and   it   can    be   seen    to   be
advantageous then it is preferable
to   moving     people    since    the
continued    existence   of    working
groups   and   managerial    feel   of
individual        performance       is

 What you can

When the workload in a particular
area increases each manager at
whatever level must search within
his own resources to find ways of
re-deploying people or to adjust

work in such a way to take care of
the work level. When it reaches the
stage where this becomes impossible
he must then refer to his own
manager indicating the steps he has
taken to attempt to deal with the
problems and ask his own manager to
see if within his wider area of
resources   the  problems   can  be
resolved. This process must be
repeated until the whole of the
company has been considered with
regard to re-deployment.

Finally the necessity of additional
work must be reviewed with care
before new roles are created and
the alternatives of achieving the
same results by other means such as
capital investments should also be
fully explored.

Human Resources
Development For Small &
Medium Scale Industry In
The Private Sector

Human Resources Development (HRD)
has to be, first and foremost
linked to the Strategic Planning of
an Organisation, as the letter
provides vital foresights and needs
of Human Resources, in future. The
Strategic plan of an Organisation
has to be based on the macro level
plans    of    the     country.    The
government         strategy        for
industrialisation is to create an
industrial structure capable of
operating     in     a     competitive
environment, thus supporting the
country‟s    export     base    whilst
meeting the demands of the domestic
market.    Production    for    export
markets will require competitive
advantage over other competitor

nations if it is to be economically
visible.   The   quality   of   our
products also should be of such
standards to be able to complete in
the   international   markets.   An
Organisation has to then answer the
following questions.

What is it that an organisation is
required to produce?
What are its outputs or results?
What skills are required to produce
those results?

The function of HRD is to help
people to do their jobs to the set
standards. For this purpose all
employees    should   have    clearly
defined       objectives.       Total
comprehension of individual roles,
responsibilities and standards of
performance required of them is of
paramount    importance.    Employers
have to ensure that the employee
compensation is compatible with
their contribution, so that desired
employee     performance    can    be
stimulated. Whoever has developed
his ability to the extent where he
can     meet     or    exceed     job
requirements,     he     should    be

equitably   compensated   for   his

A    gap   between    the    desired
performance and the current actual
performance could mean interalia a
training need. The important point
about identification of training
needs is that the Organisation must
know what constitutes the standards
or desired performance and what the
current actual performance is, at
sufficient    level     of   detail.
Thereafter, systematic training and
development could be initiated,
which is really a cyclic process
consisting    of    the    following

    Identification   of   training
    Determination of the outcome
    Implementation   of   training
    Measurement and analysis of
    results and feedback.

It may not be possible for a Medium
or a Small Scale Industry to have
full time specialised trainers.

Even    otherwise,     the    final
responsibility to train and develop
employees should be with the line
managers. Reproduced below is a
policy compiled by the author for a
large Group of Company.

      Human Resource is the most
      valuable    asset      of   the
      Company.    The    only    real
      advantage    we    have    over
      competitors        in       the
      increasingly tough business
      world is in the quality and
      quantity    of     our    human
      resources.    In    order    to
      increase our advantage over
      competitors,    we    must   do
      everything we can to improve
      their skills, effectiveness
      and their motivation.

      Put the right person in the
      right place and develop such
      employee‟s ability to utmost
      so that both, the employee
      and   the    Company   would

      Assign    maximum   possible
      responsibility for the human
      resources   management   and

development,    to   operating

       Selection   and   evaluation
       based       upon      actual
       achievement      of      the

Human Resources Development should
be    carried    out    to    achieve
development    objectives    of   the
individual and the company, to a
matching process, which will result
in   a   satisfactory    relationship
between the two.

Human Resources Development should
be therefore, based on employees
self-enlightenment     supported    by
management. This can be achieved by
creating     the     right     working
environment    providing     necessary
motivation towards the development
of their personal knowledge, skills
and abilities. Human Relations thus
become an integral part of this
process,   as    the   personnel   the
Organisation has recruited, trained
and   compensated     have     to   be
integrated into jobs in such a
manner that they work together
productively     and    co-operatively

with a sense of economic, social
and   psychological   satisfaction.
Opportunities   for  training   and
development should be given to all
employees contingent upon their
capacity for development.

The private sector in our country
has identified the inadequacy of
management expertise, specially at
the middle and supervisory levels,
as the major constraint facing
them.. Government has undertaken to
provide   every    encouragement    to
training institutions and firms to
develop     the     required     human
resources. The National Institute
of Business Management, originally
conceived to train managers for the
public sector, has been converted
by amending the law, to a general
management    training     institution
with emphasis on private sector
needs.    In    order    to    further
facilitate training in management
and     technical      skills,     the
government is preparing proposals
for funding skills development by
assisting    firms     and    teaching
institutions with loans and grants.
This scheme is likely to be based
on similar successful schemes in

Singapore,   Malaysia    and   South

At the organisation level, one must
consider three major inputs into
its management development process,
as follows:

    1. The overall requirements of
       the organisation and its
       associated           strategic
       business plan.
    2. The mutually agreed needs of
       the    individual     managers
       arrived at as part of their
       performance    appraisal   and
       goal setting process.
    3. The   requirement     of   the
       organisation for career and
       succession planning to cater
       for requirements and/ or
       (Please see Annexure 11 for
       a    suggested     Development
       Model on HRD).

Some Companies use the Assessment
Centre   method   to    evaluate  as
objectively    as    possible,   the
general management ability of their
future managers. At the Personal
Assessment Centre the behaviour of

potential managers are observed
through a variety of standardised
performance situations. The centre
staffs uses a comprehensive rating
scheme and a system of inferencing
thereof. Some of the dimensions
used are defined below.

  1   Oral Communications

      To   what   extent    can  this
      individual express himself (in
      English)? Executives have to
      present    oral    reports   at
      various meeting.

  2   Written Communications

      To   what   extent    can  this
      individual effectively express
      his or her ideas in writing
      (Language    is    English   of

  3   Leadership Skills

      How effectively can he lead a
      group to accomplish a task
      without arousing hostility?

4   Forcefulness

    To   what  extent            does  this
    individual   make            an   early
    impact on others?

5   Energy

    To   what  extents   can   this
    individual         continuously
    maintain a high level of work

6   Likeability

    To   what  extent            does this
    individual make             a likeable
    impact on others?

7   Awareness of Social Environment

    To   what   extent   can   this
    individual   perceive    subtle
    cues   in  the   behaviour   of
    others towards him or her.

8   Behaviour Flexibility

     To what extent              does this
     individual, when            motivated,

modify his or her         behaviour
     to reach a goal?

9   Self Objectivity

    To   what   extent  can   this
    individual realise his or her
    own assets and liabilities?

10 Inner Work Standards

    To   what   extent does this
    individual want to do a good
    job, even if he or she could
    get by with doing a less

11 Managerial Identification

    To   what  extent   does        this
    individual      relate            to
    Management‟s     views           and

12 Resistance to Stress

    To   what   extent can   this
    individual‟s work performance
    stand up in face of unusual

13 Range of Interests

    To   what   extent  can   this
    individual interested in a
    variety of fields of activity,
    such as science, politics,
    sport and art etc.?

14 Organising and Planning

    To   what  extent  can   this
    individual        effectively
    organise and plan his or her

15 Decision Making

    To   what   extent  can   this
    individual make decision of
    high quality and how likely is
    he or she to make decision
    when required?

16 Scholastic Aptitude

    To   what  extent   does  this
    individual compare to other
    individuals in his or her
    ability to learn new things?

Author does not claim credit for
the HRD System outlined here. The
paper is an overview of the Human
Resources Development effort that
should be undertaken for small &
Medium   Scale    Industry   in   the
private sector. In conclusion, what
is needed is work within a sound
strategic plan based on economic
realities   and    set   within   the
cultural,   social,    environmental,
religious and political aspirations
of the Nation, we should compare
where   we   have   the   comparative
advantage and develop our resources
the most important being the human

I would summarise what I have
covered in this paper as follows

    1. The   vital    link   between
       strategic planning and Human
       Resources    Management   and

    2. All   employees  must   have
       clearly defined objectives.

    3. Process    of      Management
       Succession  is     intimately

linked    with     Management

4. Use of assessment Centres to
   evaluate            employees
   objectively    for    general
   management ability.

5. Human Resources Development
   should be based on self-

6. Line Managers have the final
   responsibility to train and
   develop    employees   under
   their purview.

7. Human Resources Development
   should be carried out to
   achieve    the   development
   objectives   of   both   the
   individuals and Group

8 Need to improve and develop
  each   individual’s   ability
  should be emphasised.

9. Human Resources Development
  should be made an integral
  part   of   the  performance

10. Development     of    young
  executives   with   potential
  for managerial development.

11.The      opportunity    for
   training                and
   development should be given
   to every body.

12. Employee compensation has
  to be compatible with their

13. Human   Relations to   be
  considered as an integral
  part of the Human Resources

Annexure 1

                                  Developmental Model For
                        Human Resources Management And Development


                                             Primarily initiated &
                                          managed by the Organisation

                                                                             Career or job choice
 Planning for Staffing,                   Job analysis. Recruitment &
Strategic Planing. Human                    selection Introduction,
  Resources Planning &                      Socialisation, Initial
     Human Resources                      Training. Job Design & Job          Early career issue:
      Inventorying                                assignment                Locating one‟s area of
                                                                            contribution. Learning
                                    Supervising & coaching performance          how o fit into
  Planning for growth &             appraisal & judgement of potential      Organisation, becoming
 development, Inventory            Organisational rewards. Promotions &      productive, seeing a
  of development plans,                other job changes. Training &        future for one-self in
 follow up & evaluation              Development opportunities, Career              career.
  of development plans             counselling, joint career planing and
                                                 follow-up                    Mid career issues:
                                                                            locating one‟s carer
 Planning for levelling                     Continuing education &             anchor & building
   off & disengagement                     retraining, Job redesign.        one‟s career around it
                                         Job redesign, Job enrichment
                                          & job rotation. Alternative
                                         patterns of work and rewards.       Late career issues:
                                                                           becoming a mentor :using
Planning for replacement                                                      one‟s experience &
     and restaffing                                                                 wisdom
                                          Updating of Human resources
                                           inventorying. Information
                                         systems for job openings new      New human resources from
                                             cycle of recruitment.           inside or outside the

Human Resources Development System
                                                                    TRAINING PROGRAMS & COURCES          PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL &        CAREER DEVELOPMENT
                               Orientation courses for new comers
                                                                    In-house training programmes    Joint      evaluation      of
                                                                    conducted   by   the    Human   performance     based      on
                                                                    Resources         Development   participatively       pre-set     Personnel Assessment
Support for Self Development

                                                                    Department   based   on   the   objectives.                       Center.
                                                                    general     training      and
                                                                    development needs of the
                                                                    Company                         Rating scale is also used
                                                                                                    for performance appraisal.        Management dimensions
                                                                    Specific training programmes    Under this method appraisal       Evaluation   by    the
                                                                    arranged   by    the   Human    is    done    by   evaluating     Group        Executive
                                                                    Resources        Development    skills,     qualities     and     Directorate.
                                                                    Department depending on the     characteristics of employee
                                                                    specific   needs    of   the    such    as   Initiative   and
                                                                    Company/Department concerned
                                                                                                    drive, attitude to work,
                                                                                                    Inner      work     standard,     Succession Plan.
                                                                     Training   programmes   and    leadership skills etc.,
                                                                    courses conducted by outside
                                                                    Training Organisations.         Use    of    counseling    to
                                                                                                    maintain         constructive
                                                                                                    employee attitude and to
                                                                     Overseas Training              assist   them   to   overcome
                                                                                                    problems related to their
                                                                                                    work performance.

                                                                                                                                   Training and
                                                                                                                                   Development Needs

Principles For Human
Talents Management And
   1. We recognise the vital link
      between Strategic Planning
      and      Human       Resources
      Management and Development
      (HRMD). Strategic Planning
      provides our management with
      vital   foresight   into   the
      problems and needs of human
      resources, of them.

   2. We recognise the need for all
     employees to have clearly
     defined objectives for their
     total comprehension of the
     individual             roles,
     responsibilities          and
     standards required of them.

   3. We ensure that the process of
     management       succession     is
     intimately        linked      with

management       development.
  Accordingly,   a     manpower
  succession plan is useful
  tool for ensuring that top
  management   positions    can
  quickly be filled whenever
  there is a vacancy at that

4. We are committed to the use
  of   Assessment    Centres   to
  evaluate              employees
  objectively     for     general
  management ability- through
  behaviour     observation,    a
  variety     of     standardised
  performance    situations,    a
  comprehensive         behaviour
  rating Scheme and a system of
  inferencing thereof.

5. We   believe      that    Human
  Resources Development should
  be based on worker self-
  enlightenment     supported   by
  Senior     Management:        by
  creating the right working
  environment and facilitating
  management      of      oriented
  motivation     of     individual
  workers       towards        the

development of their personal
  skills, improved performance
  and      enhanced      career

6. We believe that line Managers
  have the final responsibility
  to    train     and    develop
  employees      under     their
  purview.    Accordingly,    we
  ensure that Line Managers
  undertake full responsibility
  for developing the potential
  of subordinates, while Staff
  Managers, in turn, do not
  deprive   line   Managers   of
  their competence.

7. We   believe     that     Human
  Resources Development should
  be carried out to achieve
  development     objectives    of
  both the individual and the
  company through a matching
  process that would bring the
  company     and      individuals
  together    in     a    mutually
  satisfactory relationship.

8. We emphasise   the need to
  improve  and    develop each

individual,      ability     to
   keeping all the managers and
   executives abreast of the
   latest developments in the
   technical    and     management
   fields    through     mandatory
   attendance of a selection of
   training    and     development
   programmes sponsored by the
   Group, NIBM, SLBDC and other
   Organisations each year.

9. We  believe in making human
   resources    development     an
   integral    part     of     the
   performance   Appraisal,     so
   that no Manager or Executive
   may be promoted unless he/she
   has    successfully     trained
   another to take over his/her

10. We  are   committed   to   the
   development       of      young
   Executives with potential for
   managerial    development    by
   giving them every opportunity
   to   advance   their    careers
   (through training programmes
   and   counselling    sessions),
   simultaneously fulfilling the
   needs of the company.

11. We  believe the opportunity
   for training and development
   should    be  given   to  all
   employees equally, Contingent
   upon    their   capacity  for

12. We believe in making employee
   compensation compatible with
   their contributions in order
   to   stimulate  the   desired
   employee behaviour. Whenever
   an employee has developed
   his/her ability to extent
   where such a person can meet
   or exceed job requirement,
   he/she should be equitably
   compensated    for    his/her

13. We consider Human Relations
   to be an integral part of
   Human Resources Management,
   so that the personal we have
   recruited,   trained,   placed
   and    compensated    may   be
   integrated into a job in such
   a manner as to motivate them
   to work together productively
   and co-operatively and with a

sense of economic, social and
psychological satisfaction.

Military   Lessons              For
Business Managers

The Art of War by Sun Tzu is the
oldest military classic known in
Chinese literature, Sun Tzu‟s Art of
War is in fact a very short book.
It    contains   less    than    6200
characters   of  classical    Chinese
literary writing. The book has only
13 chapters with each chapter barely
a page long.     The fact that the
original work of Sun Tzu was in
literary writing has created many
problems for scholars in capturing
the full meanings and implications
of his thoughts.    This is largely
attributed to the complexity of the
Chinese Language. Prof. Wee of the
National University of Singapore in
his book, has provided the closest
meanings in English for the terms
used in Sun Tzu‟s original writings.
The idea of an analogy between the
world of business and that of the

battlefield is not a novel one. One
would hear of car wars, cola wars
and such economic wars almost daily.
Various studies relating to the
application of military strategies
to business practices have been
published.     For example Marketing
Warfare by Rie‟s and Trout (1986)
has been based on the works of the
German General Karl Von Clausewitz,
which were written in 1832.      The
word strategy comes from the Greek
word     strategos.       Originally
referring to a general, the word
came to refer to “The art of the
general” or “What the general does”.
Today, strategy refers to the art
and science of directing resources
to optimise the chances of victory
and reduce the effects of tactical

The business world is like the
battlefield.     In fact businesses
have    collapsed      through     poor
planning, resulting in the loss of
capital and employment. This is no
different   from   war,    where   poor
planning can lead to the loss of
men,   equipment    and   the    battle
itself; in the case of Companies in

the business world, the impact of
 losses   can   at  times   be   felt
 throughout many other sectors of the
 economy, just as losses in war can
 literally tear a nation apart. Thus
 the challenges facing a Military
 Head of State and the CEO of a
 Company is comparable. Please refer
 Table 1.

 Table   1:  Comparison   between  a
 Military Head of State and a CEO of
 a Company

Military          Business

1. To consolidate 1. Protect      the
   his     present    Market Share of
   government         business.
   within        a
   territory and 2. Finding       new
   to protect it      markets   whose
   from external      needs might be
   aggression         met    by   the
2. To expand his      products.
   either       by 3. Exploring   and
   conquering         developing new
   neighbour          products    for

states                  existing

3. By   embarking 4. Developing new
   on        more    businesses with
   ambitious         new products in
   expeditions to    new markets.
   far away lands

 Influence of the Rulers in the Government

 In war, people should be in perfect
 accord with their Ruler and be
 willing to accompany him in life and
 in death without any fear of danger.
 If the leader is wise and capable he
 will be able to gain the moral
 support of his subjects so much so
 that   they  will   be  willing   to
 accompany him through the thick and
 thin of a battle and the ups and
 downs of the state. While this may
 seem unthinkable, in reality there
 are examples such as suicide bombers
 who are willing to lay down their

lives for their leader           (although
this may evoke some uncomfortable
feelings among us).         This kind of
influence can be observed outside
the battlefield when one examines
the role governments have played in
the    success     of    industries     in
countries like Japan, Singapore and
South Korea.         For example, the
Japanese    Ministry     of    Trade   and
Industry     (MITI)     is    known    for
charting    the    overall      industrial
policy    for    the   country.        The
Japanese government will also not
hesitate to support their industries
in various ways such as through
government guarantees and financing
similarly in NICs, the governments
have     greatly     encouraged      their
companies     to    have     an    outward
orientation      and     have     packaged
various incentives to help them
achieve such objectives. The result
is that these countries are export
driven.      On the other hand one
witnesses      corrupt        and     weak
governments that are responsible for
the    decay     in    their      national
economies.     It is well known that
many    African,     Asian     and   Latin
American         countries          suffer
economically because of incapable

governments    that   are   unable   to
exercise leadership.        In today‟s
business    world,    many    countries
including Sri Lanka rely on foreign
investment to stimulate economic
growth. One key determinant of the
inflow of foreign investment is the
level of political stability, which
in turn depends heavily on political
leadership. An enlightened ruler
will create the climate for the rise
of the nation.        For business a
capable    government    will   provide
political     stability    and    hence
attract    foreign   investments    and
stimulate economic growth, while a
corrupt government will only sow the
seeds of economic decay. The first
step   in   the   strategic    decision
making process whether in military
or business is Situation Appraisal.
This     involves     assessing     the
desirability of engaging in combat.
Having    thoroughly    appraised   the
situation, one would next proceed to
formulation of goals and strategies.
The choice of strategies has to be
compatible with the goals selected
and has to be appropriate to a given
situation.      Next would be the
Evaluation of Strategies at which
the strategist has to assess the

effectiveness    of     the    proposed
strategies. Once they are evaluated
as feasible and effective, the next
stage    would   be    Implementation.
During this stage the tactical &
operational aspects of effective
implementation      is      considered.
Finally to ensure success, there
must   be   Controls   with    Feedback

The Principle of Detailed Planning

Strategic Management must begin with
detailed planning.      Focus is not
whether a Company or an army plan or
does not plan, rather it is how
detailed the planning is.            This
would encompass consideration of
facts, which are micro as well as
macro,   controllable    as    well    as
uncontrollable, internal as well as
external, static as well as dynamic,
human as well as non-human, tangible
as well as intangible.        In short,
detailed    planning    has      to    be
exhaustive     in     coverage        and
consideration.     Detailed planning
cannot be carried out on the basis
of     intuition,     gut       feeling,
calculated     guesses      or      other

subjective means.         It must be
based on intelligence, which can be
obtained by men who have knowledge
of the enemy or the competitive
situation. Thus there is a need to
actively collect, store, analyse and
utilise     information     for    the
development    of    more    effective
strategies.         The     successful
acquisition    and   utilisation    of
information for strategic purposes
is   an   important    factor,   which
determines the competitiveness of a
country or a business.


In the days before radio and other
forms   of    modern    communication,
ancient armies solved the problem of
keeping the combat unit together and
moving forward with a „standard‟ or
„ensign‟. This device was simply a
tall pole with a flag or other
symbol representing the combat unit
that could be seen above the dust
and   confusion    of    the   battle.
Soldiers used this standard as a
rallying point, giving them a focus
and   helping   to    ensure   unified
efforts in combat. The mission and

mission statement, we believe, serve
the same function for the modern
enterprise – to provide a sense of
guidance, orientation, and direction
in the complexity and occasional
flurry of the enterprises day-to-day
existence.         In     an     era   of
discontinuous change, the Mission
Statement    takes     on     even   more
importance as the single statement
that provides long-term focus for
the efforts of the enterprise. Thus
it should have a vision component,
describing what the enterprise needs
to accomplish, what business it is
in (or intends to be in) and what
significant contribution it expects
to make. Then the mission statement
should have a „theme‟ component
describing    how     the      enterprise
intends to achieve its objectives.
This   theme    component      helps   to
distinguish    the    enterprise     from
others   by    defining      its   unique


Like in the battlefield, in business
too people have to operate under
tremendous strains. It may be the
„religious faith‟ or „faith in their
ruler‟ which provides the support
and   guidance    for    the    military
general    in      the     battlefront.
Similarly, in business management,
we need to believe in something. It
has to be a belief in something more
important     and      immortal     than
ourselves that will give us a will
to succeed and a kind of serenity in
stress. What we mean here is a set
of values which communicates itself
to those are who are being lead, and
helps sustain their determination to
be successful.      This is extremely
important in difficult situations,
because people who are so inspired
and motivated really can do the
apparently impossible.

Choice of Battle Ground

In military combat as well as in
business   one   of   the    important
factors to ensure success is to
choose    battlegrounds     carefully.
Choosing   the   right   battleground
enables the army and the Company to
exhibit its strengths better and
camouflage   its   weaknesses.      In
addition it will also enable the
firm to exploit opportunities in the
market – for example through niching
strategies one could cushion the
effects    of    threats     in    the
environment.       In    choosing    a
battleground to compete, a Company
should opt for one in which it has
distinct    advantages     over    its
competitors.   It can also look for
areas ignored by the competitors.
An understanding and appreciation of
the characteristics of different
battlegrounds will help decide the
appropriateness of a given strategy.
Let us examine the different types
of battlegrounds.

Dispersive Ground

This is a battle situation in which
the army is fighting in its own
territory.     For example, one of
Israels‟ military strategies has
always been to avoid fighting a war
within her own territory.          Its
occupation of the Westbank, Golan
Heights and Gaza Strip typify her
resolve not to fight in her own
territory.    In the business world
one observes that the United States
is facing a problem of exports from
Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hongkong
and Singapore. The US has chosen
passive and defensive strategies by
trying to fight on its own soil,
rather than concentrate on a more
aggressive   and   offensive    export
drive (which would be analogus to
fighting beyond one‟s territory).
On the other hand a Firm competing
with two many brands in the same
market could be in a dispersive
battleground.      In    such   cases,
Company has to ensure the unit of
purpose    among     all     personnel

Accessible Ground

This is a ground that is open and
equally accessible to the enemy and
yourself.   In such grounds ancient
war strategy was to prevent the
enemy from entering your territory.
In the business world one finds
businesses where the market entry
and exit are very easy.      There is
then the need to protect market
share by building up strong defenses
through improvement of the total
system   that   include   production,
marketing,       advertising       and
promotion,     inventory      control,
planning and distribution outlets –
so much so that the walls become
thick and impenetrable.

  Frontier Ground

When the army has made only a
shallow penetration into the enemy‟s
territory the ground is considered
frontier   in   nature.     Military
strategy would be not to stop in
frontier ground and to keep the
forces closely linked. In the area
of   foreign   market   entry,   the
Japanese can be hailed as gurus of

this strategy of never stopping at
frontier    ground.        With    the
coordinated efforts needed in a
frontier ground situation, without
rushing    into    foreign     markets
simultaneously, Toyota entered the
US market followed by other Japanese
Automobile Companies.

    Entrapping Ground

One in which it is easy to get in
but difficult to get out.   It is a
type of ground that is filled with
boobytraps.     Businesses with low
capital but high operating costs can
be   entrapping    too.    This   is
especially so where there are strong
labour unions or labour laws that
prevent management from retrenching
workers.    At times the unions may
even obstruct any modernization or
mechanization efforts.

  Constricted Ground

In essence, a constricted ground is
one in which the access route is
narrow   and    retreat   route   is
tortuous. It is the type of ground
that is difficult to get into and at

the same time difficult to get out.
To   survive    in     a  constricted
environment,    resourcefulness    is
required    in     the   design    of
strategies.    This is because the
competitive advantage enjoyed is
often very narrow and at the same
time this advantage is vulnerable to
attacks.     If technology is the
competitive advantage it becomes
very important to build on this
strength and defend it as much as
possible      through      continuous

  Key Ground

Is one which is equally advantageous
to the enemy and yourself. Owing to
its   importance,    it  is   highly
contentious and the forces of both
sides are likely to contest bitterly
for it.      For example, with the
opening of China many multinational
Companies view the Chinese market as
a key market owing to the vast
business    potential.      It    is
therefore, not surprising to witness
many Companies rushing into Chinese
markets.     If one were to apply
military strategies one should avoid

attacking the enemy on key ground.
Rather, it is important to improve
your supporting skills – rush up all
your rear forces and elements. The
way the Japanese have handled the
Americans and Europeans in the world
markets is a good example.

  Focal Ground

When a state is surrounded by three
other   states,     its   ground    is
considered focal. In such a ground
the enclosed state forms the key to
the other three states in that the
one who captures it can have a
commanding    situation  over    other
states.    Thus it can be expected
that the focal ground be always
under threat of siege. The strategy
here is to be-friend neighbouring
states and to strengthen ties with
the allies. The small producers in
an oligopolistic market structure
are in focal grounds.     If you are
the small producer, it is very
important not to agitate the larger
competitors. It is better to follow
the leader than to lead them.       To
survive    in    such   a    business
situation, there is a need to also

strengthen ties with allies.  These
allies would include the suppliers,
customers, bankers, labour unions
and   government   bodies.      One
remembers how the strong support
received    by   Chryslers   allies
prevented it from going bankrupt or
being squeezed out by much larger
Companies like General Motors and

  Indifferent Ground

Indifferent or indecisive ground is
a situation that is dis-advantageous
to both the enemy and yourself. In
such situations, there is absolutely
no advantage in making the first
move.   When China first opened up,
many Companies were hesitant to go
in as they were uncertain about the
Chinese Policy.       Many Companies
sidelined themselves and preferred
to gain from the experiences of the
early entrants.     In the same way
Japanese concentrated on applied R &
D   and  Production    Technology of
American and European Firms.

Treacherous Ground

When the Army is travelling in
mountain forests, dangerous passes,
marshy swamps or other difficult
terrain it is in treacherous ground.
In such a situation the Army does
not encamp but should move swiftly.
In the mature state of the product
life cycle, the market is saturated
with   all   kinds  of   competitive
products.       It   is   therefore,
important not to stay too long in
matured markets.

  Desolate Ground

In war, as the battle progresses,
grounds    that    were   originally
captured and deemed valuable might
lose their appeal as they become
less   crucial  to   the  subsequent
conduct of war.      One should not
linger on that ground.     Much the
same way Companies should not stay
in declining markets.       Japanese
Companies abandoned labour intensive

industries such as textiles, once
they   realised   that   the    other
developing Countries are able to
operate more cheaply than them.

  Distant Ground

In distant ground both sides are
away from home base and are equally
matched in forces.     It is to the
best interest of both sides to avoid
direct battles which would confer
little advantage to either side.
The Japanese penetration of foreign
markets again provides a very good
example of this avoidance of direct
battle in distant ground.

  Serious Ground

It is one on which the army has
penetrated   deep   into   the   enemy
territory and has left behind many
of the enemies fortified cities and
towns.     In this case the army
normally plunders    the resources of
the enemy but protect its supply
routes to ensure a continuous flow
of provisions.    In the same way, a
Company   operating   in   a   foreign

market should seriously consider
relying as much as possible on local
resources, which include all factors
of production like labour, capital,
technology,      management,     raw
materials and other supplies.

  Death Ground

This is a situation in which the
army can only survive if it fights
with the courage of desperation,
where the only way to survive is
fight.     Chrysler Corporation of
United States was on the verge of
bankruptcy between 1978 and 1982.
Lee Iaococca made it abundantly
clear to his employees that the only
way to survive was to fight.     His
efforts resulted in a drastic change
in the behaviour and loyalty of the
workers towards management.

The Principle of Concentration of Forces &
the Need to Attack

This means economising of forces; In
other words application of minimum
of strength to a point other than
the decisive one in order to pave

the way for the application of mass
force at the point of decision. The
idea   is   to   use   one‟s   limited
available force to strike at the
enemy‟s weakest point where victory
can be better assured.        What is
important is relative strength and
not absolute strength at the point
of contact.      Relative superiority
can be achieved by clever choice of
battleground,     maintaining    strict
secrecy of one‟s battle plan and
using deception.        In war, the
invincibility in defence depends on
one‟s   own    efforts,    while    the
opportunity for victory depends on
the enemy.     It follows that those
skilled in warfare can make them
invincible but cannot cause the
enemy to be vulnerable. In ancient
times, those skilful in warfare
first made themselves invulnerable
before waiting for opportunities to
defeat the enemy. Even when one is
playing a competitive game like
football, the only way to win is to
kick the ball into the opponent‟s
goal, as one cannot win by only
defending one‟s goal.     Similarly in
competitive business, one has to
compete openly for market share,
rather than defending one’s own

market share. This may be specially
done when the market is not growing
and in times of recession. Over the
last two decades, countries like
Japan, Singapore, South Korea and
Hong    Kong    had   been    pursuing
attacking         strategies        in
international trade.    However as in
war,   in   any   corporate   planning
decision too, it is essential to
have a contingency plan.

Swiftness in Execution of Plans

Once a detailed plan is developed
based    on     information    gathered
through     intelligence     and    the
battleground chosen, it is important
that the plan be executed swiftly.
Swiftness includes perfect timing
(as it catches others off guard, and
hence minimizes opposition), the
maintenance of momentum and the
avoidance of protracted campaigns.
It   also    demands    that  the   co-
ordination be perfect.       All these
are   equally     valid   in   business
situations. Like in war, throughout

the business one should maintain
adaptability      in     manoeuvres.
Adaptability in manoeuvres entails,
provision for creativity, innovation
and the exercise of initiatives. To
move ahead of competitors, a Company
must    encourage    the   flow    of
innovative ideas on all fronts –
products,      service,     marketing
strategies etc.

The company must be capable        of
capitalizing the opportunities     as
and when they arise.

When large-scale integrated circuits
(LSI)    first    appeared,    western
countries quickly explored them for
usage    for   missile    and    space
development.    Whereas the Japanese
saw the opportunity for the use of
same   in   pocket   calculators   and
watches.   Price of the LSI circuit
dropped, due to large-scale use in
the Japanese industries, and the
product quality was also stabilised.

Deceptiveness in Actions & Strategies

All warfare is based on deception.
The enemy should not know where you
intend to attack; If he does not
know where you intend to attack he
must defend in many places.          The
more places he defends the more
scattered are his forces and the
weaker his force at any one point.
In    order    to   achieve     distinct
advantage in combat, one must choose
the    battleground     that   is   more
advantageous to oneself than to the
enemy; and bring the enemy to where
you want to fight through the use of
baits and deception.        At the same
time one should not succumb to
enemy‟s baits.         While the term
deceptive      tactics     seems    very
unethical the truth is that baits
are used in the business world too.
One of the commonly used methods for
less developing countries to attract
foreign investments is the offer of
incentives such as exemption from
taxes     through    pioneer     status,
unlimited repatriation of earnings
etc.         Even    among     developed
countries, baits have been used for
economic and political reasons.

Anticipation of the Enemy‟s Reaction and
Changes in Environment

It will be naive to assume that when
one embarks on an offensive, the
enemy will not react.      In other
words, it is dangerous to assume
that the enemy is not capable of
strategising   nor   is   developing
effective responses.    In essence,
there is a need to modify a strategy
that may be carefully evaluated and
implemented because of the reactions
of the enemy and the changes in the

Planning for Victory & Combat Readiness

One    over-riding   principle    for
victory in war is that of unity. To
win there must be unity of minds and
hearts   from   the  ruler   to   the
subjects of the state. To make the
war a successful one the appointment
of the generals must be based on the
ability   of   the  skills   of   the
candidates. Just like in the army,
the way a business is structured and
organised will have a serious effect
on   the   success.     This   aspect

includes      effective      policies,
programmes,    operating   procedures,
channels of communication, lines of
authority and responsibility.      The
organisation and structure of a
company is one area that must be
considered in strategic Planning.
What would be the best way to
organise the Company to face the
future. Very often the strategy is
decided based on the structure. The
structure should follow the strategy
and not the other way. If a company
wants    to   encourage    creativity,
innovation      and    entrepreneurial
spirit, what is the best way to
structure the company? The strength
of an army does not depend on large
forces.     Army should not advance
relying on sheer numbers.      What is
more important is the training of
men and officers in the army as well
as in the business. The quality of
the people is definitely competitive
and it is very interesting to note
that the more successful companies
are   also    those   with   a   heavy
commitment     to   Human    Resources
Development.    The level of training
will dictate the state of combat
readiness of the firm.      With well-
trained personnel, the firm can

engage   in   more    activities   with
greater confidence.        Furthermore,
they are better able to handle
difficult situations and yet produce
superior results. Another important
dimension to winning a war is
discipline.        Comprehensive    and
elaborate measures to direct human
behaviour are required to achieve
organisational goals and objectives.
Companies that place heavy emphasis
on their reward system are normally
in a stronger position.        Japanese
companies    have   a    tradition   of
sending their executives for annual
executive training camps where the
training    not    only    incorporates
military style discipline but also
includes doses of spiritual and
social values such as learning self
sacrifice,    humility,    hard   work,
suffering and tolerance.      Therefore
the need to be „combat fit‟ should
be the aim of every Company. Staff
training and development auditing
and improvement of every aspect of
the    corporate    resources    should
always be part and parcel of the
activities of the Company.

Efficient and effective management
of organisations is critical for the
country‟s     development   efforts.
Increasing   competition   at   both
national and international level
requires     strategic    managerial
thinking by the business community.
The idea of an analogy between the
world of business and that of the
battlefield was explored as some of
the ancient writings on war offer
valuable insights into the nature of
modern business practices and help
explain   some    of  the  startling
economic trends in our times.

Mother Teresa


People are unreasonable,        illogical
and self-centered.

Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse
you of selfish and true enemies.

Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win
false friends and true enemies.

Succeed anyway.

Honesty   and     frankness     make    you

Be honest and frank anyway.

The good you do         today    will   be
forgotten tomorrow.
Be good anyway.

Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva
Humantalents Management  byJayadeva de Silva

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Humantalents Management byJayadeva de Silva

  • 1. To My Father & Mother Late Mr. Wolvin de Silva & Mrs. K. de Z. Wijeratne de Silva To whom I shall remain indebted for setting the foundation on which this work is based. 1
  • 3. Contents FOREWORD 7 HUMAN TALENTS MANAGEMENT 11 QUALITY IS IN PEOPLE 20 Leadership for Quality 22 Customer Perception 24 Employee Involvement 25 Attitudes on Quality 28 Customer Service 29 Customer care 33 COMMON REASONS FOR NON-PERFORMANCE 41 COUNSELLING AS A METHOD TO UNDERSTAND YOUR EMPLOYEES 47 WHY PEOPLE STAY AWAY FROM WORK 57 ‘The Bored Absentee’ 59 ‘The Immature Absentee’ 60 ‘The Frustrated Absentee’ 61 ‘The Avenging Absentee’ 62 3
  • 4. MANPOWER SHORTAGE? (WITHIN AN ORGANISATION) HERE‟S A WAY OUT 67 Symptoms of the problem 67 A solution from within? 68 Redeployment; A neglected area 70 Transfer of work 71 What you can 71 HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT FOR SMALL & MEDIUM SCALE INDUSTRY IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR 75 PRINCIPLES FOR HUMAN TALENTS MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 95 MILITARY LESSONS FOR BUSINESS MANAGERS 103 Influence of the Rulers in the Government 106 The Principle of Detailed Planning 109 Mission 110 Values 112 Choice of Battle Ground 113 The Principle of Concentration of Forces & the Need to Attack 122 Swiftness in Execution of Plans 124 Deceptiveness in Actions & Strategies 126 Anticipation of the Enemy’s Reaction and Changes in Environment 127 4
  • 5. Planning for Victory & Combat Readiness 127 ANYWAY*... 133 “A VERY GOOD MOTIVATION FOR ONESELF” 137 RULES OF HUMAN RELATIONS 141 FUTURE OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 145 MANAGEMENT SKILLS CHECKLIST 157 HOW TO IDENTIFY GOOD MANAGEMENT POTENTIAL169 EXTRAS 191 “SYNOPPOR” – A New Thinking Tool to Discover Opportunities 191 Common Training Terms 193 5
  • 6. 6
  • 7. Foreword This book is a collection of thoughts on some very important issues on management. During my career, I have trained thousands of people over the last two decades. Many whom I trained requested me to compile a book that could be used for reference. I have therefore decided to publish some selected works on mine under the theme Human Talents Management. This book is aimed at practising business managers & students of management. Any accomplishment requires the effort of many people and this work is not different. I thank my family Ranjika, Ranga & Nilu and on time my assistants Ravi Rajasinghe & Hiranthi. I am also grateful to Bradley, Preethi, Dulin and Vajin for the assistance rendered. My thanks are due to the publisher… 7
  • 8. 8
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  • 11. 1 Human Talents Management A new concept of leadership is in the making. Successful Companies have already adopted the idea that Leadership is The Art of Managing peoples‟ talents and not just getting things done. The expression Human Resources is misleading and dangerous “People are not resources and resent being treated as such” according to this Concept. They are not pieces of Equipment to move around according to needs Contrary to what some Managers claim, people are not “ Human capital”! Employee‟s expectations have drastically changed over the last few years due to more knowledge- based business, social transformations and economic evolution. New psychological needs are evolving inline with the new 11
  • 12. profile of people entering the workforce. New employees want: (1) To Know more about what is happening in the organisation. Who is doing what? New Objectives? New Priorities? New Strategies? Threats and problems? (2) To Understand why leaders have made decisions? Why not another decision? What is behind the decision? What are the implications of the decision made? (3) To Contribute their own ideas and ability. What could be tomorrow? (4) To Feel Important and have a meaningful role to play within the company. Who am I within the organisation? Do I count? Am I receiving the recognition and respect that I desire? Do I have a fair chance to grow and develop as a person? Effective leaders are looking at practical Ways to maximise the release of individual, team and company 12
  • 13. talents. The Leader is becoming a nurturer of talents, a catalyst in search of Synergy. People are not resources. They have resources. That is not quite the same thing, as the table below illustrate. Table 1: Human Talents Management (HTM) vs. Human Resources Management (HRM) Managing Human Managing People’s Resources Talents Basic People are an People have Assumption important asset that professional talents. the Company must They are not use to the fullest. resources. They have resources i.e.: They are resources. Knowledge, Skills. Human Resources Experience. The Planing is Critical. release of individual talents is vital to both personal fulfilment and organisational success. 13
  • 14. Role Of Set Objectives, Create the right The Leader appraise people’s environment so that performance on a people can perform factual basis and at the highest level. provide the right The leader channels recognition to the people’s energy right people- MBO constructively. He cares and shows it. How to understand people. Leadership How to recruit the How to right people. support/Encourage. How to manage job How to appraise assignments so that People. people can perform and grow to their How to promote potential. effectively. How to listen and how to be understood Key Success Factors For Tomorrow‟s Leaders Will Be (1) Behaviour Flexibility (2) Mental Innovation (3) People Orientation 14
  • 15. Behaviour Flexibility Behaviour Flexibility Effective Leaders are extremely sensitive to their environment and adjust (rapidly) to its changes. Watching them at work, we can say that it is critical for the Leaders of 90s to learn how to learn. Do what you think is right in a situation Observe the impact of your behaviour on people (Collaborators, Bossed, Customers….) Maintain your behaviour if you get what you want. Try something else if you don‟t. 15
  • 16. Mental Innovation The ability to interpret reality in original and unique ways is becoming more and more pressing for corporate Leaders. They are learning that everything is defined and too often, artificially limited by “Mental Programming”. Nothing is fully known or fixed. Everything is perceived through a Human Mind programmed by education, experience and training. Human mind can explain and control things meaningfully, however some mental constructions are more effective than others. Different situations require different mind reactions. Mental versatility is therefore important. Be aware of how you construct things in your mind Expand your repertoire of mental constructions. Try out new ways to explain things. Promote a mind expansion process among your people. Use the mental Constructions, which are most appropriate for business situations. 16
  • 17. People Orientation It is amazing how ineffective Leaders are at tapping individual talents within their organisations. Many employees complain bitterly not only about how their Companies have misused their Professional Skills, but also about managers who “do almost everything to make sure that employees do not perform to the fullest of their talents “! It is almost as if leaders are afraid of giving their staff a fair opportunity to perform. Many Leaders have apparently not yet learnt that their employees are frequently working far below Capacity. They do not realise that an employees success is also their own. Employees whose expectations are not met withdraw and star to invest their time, energy and skills outside the organisation. This may be healthy for the individual but not for the organisation. Care about your people and show them that you as a 17
  • 18. Leader, are truly interested in what they do, how they think and feel, Be honest, Manipulation may succeed in the short term, but is inevitably discovered and resented. Know their Professional talents and give them a chance to perform at their highest level. Expect a lot from them and provide the support they need to work well and grow on the job. Conclusion Managing talents is not the same as Managing Resources. People or human beings With feelings, ambitions and thought power, The effective leaders will care about people‟s talents, adjust in a flexible way to various corporate as well as market demands and promote an organisational climate which tolerates or rather encourages a variety of mental styles. 18
  • 19. 19
  • 20. 2 Quality Is In People This paper tries to highlight that Quality and the customer care are primarily matters of attitude and 20
  • 21. fall within the scope of Human Relations. It takes precision, patience and power to steer an aircraft in the opposite direction The same is true of any attempt to change hardened prevailing work attitudes. Apart from massive training and development effort a very strong corporate will to make hard decisions and supreme sacrifices, is required for attainment of 99.9997% Quality which will delight customers. Today‟s customers are demanding more from suppliers. The key differentiator between successful companies and their competitors will be quality.Winning in the new market place requires finding a way to differentiate yourself from competitors, and competitive differentiation is not just a question of providing the right products or having the right strategy. It also means paying closer attention to customer care. In the long run,people simply will not buy from companies that are not prepared to go that “extra mile” in terms of looking after their customers. Then the business that 21
  • 22. pays attention to quality, service and value is going to delight customers,who in turn will ensure that business remain successful. In this paper we will examine the people factor in promoting a Total Quality Culture within an organisation. Leadership for Quality Many companies both local and foreign however, are not satisfied with the pay back in their quality improvement efforts. We feel that the creation of a quality culture encompassingthe total organisation requires a revolutionary change. In prevailing work attitude, Surveys among various categories of employees reveal that many people are trapped in their jobs. Could we not, therefore, channel all that concern into quality improvement and make it a positive business process? Great companies who have great names acknowledge that they have great products but more importantly they have great people. “We strive to give our best to the customer through the quality and 22
  • 23. reliability of our goods and services. Perfection is not easy, but we believe in setting high standards and we expect and demand from all employees superior performance and innovative qualities.We recognise, appreciate and reward a job well done by people who take pride in working for us” So states the business philosophy one of leading Groups companies in Sri Lanka. In a time of turbulence and uncertainty, we must be able to take instant action on the front line. But to support such action, taken at the front, everyone must have a clear understanding about what the organisation is trying to achieve. Effective visions are aimed at empowering our own people first. Customer second. The first task of the vision is to call forth the best from the company‟s own people. Effective vision whilst honouring the past prepares for the future. Effective visions statements are clear, challenging and are about excellence. Effective visions make sense in the turbulent 23
  • 24. world. Effective visions are lived in detail not broad strokes. Customer Perception Such Quantum steps of improvements can be obtained only if they can get the organisation to look at the issues in totally new ways, applying creative skills. Tomorrow‟s winner must be entrepreneurial as a habit and will have to continually seek improvements in their ability to serve their customers. Quality is not only for up market products and suppliers who can charge accordingly. Quality can be built in to any business or service, whatever segment of the market has been chosen as the target. It‟s a question of meeting the customers‟ expectations and then giving just a little bit more. As an example, take two hopper boutiques. Both serve the same range of food, both provide a few tables for customers wanting to eat at the premises, and both do most of their trade in takeaways. In 24
  • 25. terms of quality, they could differ on: a) The freshness of their hoppers. b) The oil, flour and coconut milk they use for preparation. c) The extent to which they can offer customers freshly baked hoppers rather than food that has been kept for a long time d) The courtesy and efficiency of their service. e) The cleanliness of their surroundings. f) The little extras that they provide, such as a paper serviette with takeaways, or a choice of sambols. Employee Involvement Goodyear, an American Company, is reported to have introduced an employee suggestion scheme under the name “Decentralised Idea generation” and they have introduced the term “Associate” as a substitute for employees. 25
  • 26. Quality is certainly about manufacturing a product that people can depend on every time they reach for it. But according to Donald R Kellogh President of Coca-Cola, it is more than that. Quality, he says, is a way of life that must involve every employee every day. We know that quality improvement is about change. Which change you create fear and anxiety. To manage change and make it acceptable one has to build an atmosphere of trust and self-confidence. In October 1887, William Cooper Proctor, grandson of the founder of Proctor and Gamble, introducing a profit sharing plan stressed the core values of their business as follows: “The first job we have is to turnout quality merchandise that consumers will buy and keep on buying. If we produce it efficiently and economically we will earn a profit in which you will share. But the profits can‟t be distributed unless they are earned and the company must take 26
  • 27. care of its equipment, expand normally, remain in a sound fiscal position and part of the earnings must be ploughed back into the business”. It is clear from the foregoing mat. Leaders of the best companies profoundly believe in and promote the core values of customer-focused quality. Quality has been, and will, remain the key management imperative. Leaders see quality as the heart of the business. It is known that the rate of progress is slow in many Total Quality Management (TQM) Programmers. Leaders, however, could set demanding goals. Asia Brown Boveri‟s (ABB) ‟10 up Programme‟ is an example. This plan calls for 50% improvement in 10 key areas each year in all business. All this amounts to being committed to meeting the expectations of their clientele, all the time, and then going further. Quality doesn‟t just happen. It has to be planned for and built into the way an organisation operates. This means that each person must be clear 27
  • 28. about what is expected of him or her and what they have to do to achieve it. Management by Objectives (MBO) could be used very effectively in this regard. Quality will only remain at a constantly high level if the organisation is proactive rather than reactive. This means that the emphasis must be on thinking ahead and on preventing problems from arising in the first place. Organisations need to develop ways of working that make these happen. Attitudes on Quality Maintaining high standards in quality depends on the attitudes of everyone involved. Standards will slip if mistakes and lapses are accepted as inevitable. The positive alternative is to do things right the first time and every time. However, if the occasional lapse does happen, then there should be a positive way of dealing with it so that people learn from the mistake, rather than be blamed for it. This means: 28
  • 29. Creating an atmosphere in which the people concerned are willing to admit that something is wrong. Using it as an opportunity to review procedures etc. to prevent it happening again. Only under such conditions, much talked about quality circles can function. Making quality a reality depends on getting the right mix of Attitude, Skills, Communication Management and Expectations. Each factor should be related closely to the other and none can be considered in isolation. Customer Service In order to provide total quality, it is very important that we pay special attention to customer service and customer care. Training of employees has assumed much importance in this sphere. There are some key elements crucial to 29
  • 30. the success of Customer Service Training. They are as follows: a) Training must be tied to a complete programme. Where Company wide Total Quality Concept (CWTQC) is practised, customer service could be linked to that process, as already stated above. b) Commitment of the top management is essential. Senior Managers too should participate in training sessions. c) Customer Service People should have freedom within standards. They need to be trained to pay attention to standards, and also to take the initiative to provide services not specified in the standards. d) Service guarantees back-up customer service training and reinforce employee commitment to service 30
  • 31. standards. Employees will then know that unsatisfactory service has immediate consequences. Service guarantees send a message to customers that the employees are determined to provide quality service. d) Use of advertising to back up service training and reinforce employee commitment to service standards. Employee will then know that unsatisfactory service has immediate consequences. Service guarantees send a message to customers that the employees are determined to provide quality service. e) Use of advertising to back up service training enhances the employee‟s pride in their work. Very often it reinforces the message learned in training sessions that service counts. It also gives employees a public image to live up to. 31
  • 32. f) Monitoring of service quality should be undertaken as a feedback mechanism. Employees should know what they are doing wrong. The company can measure the compliance by employees with the service standards. However, providing consistent good quality service means that a customer must perceive something pleasant happening every time he approaches the company. g) It must be borne in mind that many service skills are simply not trainable. You can teach a person to say, but not how to say it. You can teach a procedure for handling a complaint, but not the attitude that will satisfy the customer and bring that person back. To get superior customer service, it is crucial to have the right people. 32
  • 33. The following are some of the proven techniques for Customer Service Training: a) Film & Video for Modelling b) Group Discussion c) Competitor Observation d) Job Rotation e) Role Play f) Video or Audio Feedback g) Mass Audience Persuasion h) Stress Training Customer care Customer care could be judged only in terms of the feeling of the customer. If the customer is not satisfied with the service he or she has received then that service was not good. The writer is of the view that this is the single most important truth about customer care. It does not matter how hard one has tried or how much one has done. The only judgement that counts is that of the customer. 33
  • 34. The other important factor about customer care is that good customer care has to come as a surprise! If the customers get what they were expecting, they will not be impressed. After all they expected to get that. If they get less than what they expected, then they will be disappointed. Leading Companies are continuously faced with this problem. Customer care is about detail. It is about getting lots of small things right as well as the big picture. Very often the goods and services offered by competing companies and organisations are not very different. The difference very often depends on the people who are employed. We can learn a lot from Japanese management in the area of total quality management. Therefore, one is tempted to ask - Can we import not just Japanese products but the attitude behind them? Quality is practical. Factories, airlines and hospital laboratories must also be practical. But quality is moral, aesthetic, perceptual and subjective. It is about delivering 34
  • 35. above expectations. The famous Marketing expert, Philip Kotler, Calls this the delight factor. Quality and customer satisfaction should be measured. Rewards should be made on the basis of these measurements. There could be instances when one hears that a particular problem is not serious, because it happened only once and not symptomatic of a larger problem. At our training programmes we get detailed feedback from the participants. There is invariably some criticism. We have found the criticism to be symptomatic of larger and serious issues. Every Customer complaint is symptomatic of a shortcoming. Moreover, it usually represents a very good opportunity for improvement. Some insist that certain parameters are subjective. Cleanliness is subjective. But it can be measured. We only need to add a question to our questionnaire- How clean is the place on a scale of one to ten where ten is „excellent‟ and one is „very poor‟ In our experience, by far the greatest influence on today‟s employees are the people who have managed them. Thus manager 35
  • 36. have to set an example in whatever they do. Formal training can have an effect, but for the most part we emulate the managers we worked for earlier in our careers. In the selection of managers, organisations should be careful to give the required weightage for the candidate‟s attitude towards customer orientation and the degree of commitment towards total quality management. In order to incite a “ Quality Revolution”, we in Sri Lanka can learn from the experience of other countries, especially from Japan. We could pay closer attention to rework and recycling operations with a view to promoting the concept “ Do it right the first time and every time -resulting in zero defects”. We could deliberately reduce the level of all inventories, as overproduction, oversupplying, overbuying of anything can have a disastrous effect on promoting the Total 36
  • 37. Quality culture. We can start and do everything on time. If quality is about following standards, then we must admit that, in Sri Lanka, the most violated standard is time. We can pay more attention to cleaning up the work environment. Seemingly unimportant things like inspecting toilets, locker rooms and the floor will have to be considered important. If today‟s managers set a good example in customer-oriented quality management then their subordinates will develop believing that this is the right way to manage, resulting in a steady improvement of quality. Then life will be more pleasant for everyone. As stressed throughout this paper such a change in prevailing work attitudes and sentiments will eventually lead to greater economic success domestically and internationally bringing greater prosperity and quality of life for all. Thus, Quality is in People. 37
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  • 41. 3 Common Reasons For Non-Performance When a new employee joins a company, he or she comes with full of hopes and lot of enthusiasm and he/she really wants to work. In any case, you would select only such people for employment, as there exists a fairly large pool of Human resources in the country to choose from. However, it has been observed by many managers that the performance of employees is not up to the standard they would like and the reasons for this can be many. We are presenting below the ten most common reasons for Non- performance according to a survey done by us among managers and executives of the private sector. 1. They don‟t know why they should perform a particular task or tasks. 41
  • 42. 2. They don‟t know exactly when to begin or to end a task. 3. They don‟t know what they are supposed to do. 4. They don‟t know how to do it 5. They think they are doing it. 6. They think our way won‟t work or their way is better. 7. They think something else is more important. 8. They are not rewarded for doing the things right, or not punished for not doing the things right 9. They are not punished for doing wrong things, or not rewarded for not doing the wrong things. 10. They think they cannot do it. 42
  • 43. “Whatever, you experience a problem with performance of an employee, chances are such that the reason could be one or more of the above. Any good Human Resources Manager can recommend the course of action that should be taken to solve the problem.” 43
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  • 47. 4 Counselling As A Method To Understand Your Employees The most important attribute of human beings is their intelligence. This can be defined as our ability to make fresh, appropriate responses to each new situation. It may be impossible to prove that every one like this. However, one of the best sources of information about our nature is our small children. They usually show these qualities to a remarkable degree- highly intelligent, loveable and powerful in getting what they want. When we work closely with more and more adults we find that this is our inherent nature. People respond best and learn most when they know have the highest expectations of them, and yet clearly, people do not behave like 47
  • 48. this all the time. Some behave like this more than other people. When we think about people around us at work places or elsewhere, we see that most of the time we function amazingly well. At other times we do not. It may be something like fatigue or some bad news that gets in the way or something occurs that triggers a response out of proportion to the actual event. When this happens the difficulty is something more fundamental, which the Behavioural Scientists refer to as „distress pattern‟. This is a habitual way of reacting in certain situations, which is not a fresh accurate response but a rigid, patterned way of reacting. Some thing happens which reminds us of a past hurt. Our attention goes inwards and we reacting intelligently. This reaction may have been appropriate long ago when the original hurt occurred, but now completely inappropriate. Or we may react this way because of unhelpful messages given to us by our parents when we were small. These patterns 48
  • 49. are sometimes major difficulties in highly successful and able adults. For example little boy who was told, “you will never make a success of anything” might become the man who tries to be successful at all costs. Patterns like these are often really important development issues confronting people in Organisations. These are usually more significant than deficiencies in knowledge or skill. We should be able to think about how this applies to our own selves and to people we know. What can we do about these difficulties? Ones again we can learn a lot from our small children. When they are hurt emotionally, they cry or express their anger. Afterwards they feel fine again. A lot of this can be quite hard on the parents, but it works well for the children. It is a natural healing process which the behavioural scientists call “discharge” Unfortunately we are taught not to do this e.g. Men don’t cry etc. Thus a natural healing process has been blocked. Of course it would not be 49
  • 50. appropriate to give immediate vent to our feelings in most situations. We have to learn function well despite how we feel. However, we have to recover this natural healing process. It is much healthier than repressing our feelings, taking them out on some one else or resorting to alcohol. Furthermore feelings can impair our judgement in ways that are highly detrimental. Then, counselling can be offered as a far better solution. When we are distressed, what we need is a good listening to. We need to “discharge” i.e. talk about in an appropriate way & express how we feel. We can then re-evaluate the experience and think and act intelligently again. Our patterns prevent us functioning well. They stop us from getting our work and the rest of our lives the way we want it to be. Patters need to be contradicted. For example man, who was told as a little boy that he would never make a success of anything, needs to contradict the message and accept that as a 50
  • 51. mature man “I can make a success of anything “. This is a simple process and does not require expert skills through it will require some training. This is not theory. It is simply a basic human process, which help us to live and work well. Now let us consider the implications of the above for the management and development of human resources. At the very least we can use this as background information to help understand why talented people sometimes behave less than intelligently. It may help us to respond more appropriately when they do this. (What is the difficulty? What would help? ) It explains why listening is often the most valuable thing we can do. 51
  • 52. We find this is very useful to distinguish people and “patterns”. It becomes much easier to like someone when we realise that they are fine and it is only the “pattern” which is thoroughly obnoxious. When realise it is a “pattern” it is easier to stay rational. It gives us an extremely valuable developmental tool and provides us with a way of working with people We work in Organisations where the culture does not usually make it easy to be open about our difficulties. Frankly there is usually a lot of pretence. In this environment we have to approach the introduction of counselling as a key leadership development tool with a good deal of sensitively. It requires judgement to decide whether and when to introduce counselling to an individual or group of people. The key factor 52
  • 53. seems to be safety. When there is enough trust and safety people may be ready to use counselling. 53
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  • 57. 5 Why people stay away from Work Absenteeism continues to be a serious problem in Sri Lanka. This problem is extremely acute in the case of Manual Grade employees. In this article the author suggests a new approach as a solution to this problem Before analysing why people stay away from work it is worthwhile to identify four major steps that should be taken in controlling absenteeism. These steps are so simple that the tendency is to ignore the importance of following them. 57
  • 58. 1) Analyse the situation to determine the type of absenteeism. 2) Confront the employee with the problem 3) Enforce the rules relating to absenteeism 4) Document the occurrence of absenteeism for each employee. Absentees could be categorised in to at least four major groups and they should be dealt with in a manner suitable to their specific problem. 58
  • 59. „The Bored Absentee‟ He is bored with the work, work is not interesting or challenging; he often stays away from work to participate in something more interesting. You would observe his absence to be sporadic. He tends to keep away just before holidays or after holidays. In dealing with such „bored‟ employees you should ask the employee for his true feelings about the job. You should point out the problems his absence is causing to the factory or office. Ask the employee to agree to correct the problem and obtain commitment from the employee. You may point out the advantages of good work record. To him and also the disadvantages of high absenteeism. 59
  • 60. „The Immature Absentee‟ He feels that a day off is a fringe benefit and gives no thought to the consequences of his absence. He is often influenced by others and does not take his work seriously. Such persons may be just after school.. Frequently one meets immature or old people also in this category. Dealing with such „immature absentees‟ should be the way you deal with a lot of patience as you cannot expect such persons to know or do things you do not personally show them. However allow them to retain their dignity as adults. You may ask them to deal with the problem in a mature way and refer them to the more attitudes required in the business 60
  • 61. „The Frustrated Absentee‟ He gets habitually absent in order to relieve his frustration. He is likely to have a long history of aggressive behaviour. Very often these persons find the pressures of the day too difficult to cope with. They usually have more number of days absence and a long record of absence. Their tolerance limit would be normally low and they do not see that they are causing problems to other employees and to the workplace. Here again the person should be made aware of the consequence of his absenteeism. And shown his own record of absenteeism and point out the specific problem and have a follow up on the matter. 61
  • 62. „The Avenging Absentee‟ This situation is the most difficult to deal with. The person feels victimised or taken advantages of. He usually perceives a lot of injustice and discrimination or favouritism a lot of injustice and discrimination or favouritism in the factory or in the office. Usually these persons are prepared to defend them selves and like to argue. It‟s not merely the staying away from work that gives him satisfaction but the thought of the disruption that is caused by his absence. These persons too could be persuaded to come to work. Do not show any weakness. They themselves resent it. Be firm and discuss the problem of absenteeism only. 62
  • 63. Finally, the following 10 points will be helpful in controlling absenteeism in the workplace. 1 Determine whether the employee notified you as soon as possible that an absence was necessary. 2 Record the absence in an attendance record book or printed form. 3 Analyse the absence through in depth discussion; don‟t accept phoney excuses. 4 Decide through your analysis which of the four types of absentee you are dealing with. 5 Maintaining an alternative work plan to ensure smooth production when absences do occur. 6 Confront every absence so that the employees know that you consider absence serious. 7 Keep a record of added costs that resulted from absenteeism. 8 Indicate a satisfactory programme to avoid absenteeism due to accidents. 63
  • 64. 9 Discuss the moral value of “legitimate absence” only with your subordinates. 10 Remember that even the most abusive violator can have an absence that is legitimate. (Condensed from the materials presented by the author to an In House Training Workshop). 64
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  • 67. 6 Manpower Shortage? (Within an organisation) Here’s a way out Most companies have no means of dealing effectively with the development of people from an under-utilised area to an area, which is short of people. Symptoms of the problem If you are suffering from a shortage of manpower in your department or company a visible symptom will most likely by subordinates who come to you in increased numbers for direction and guidance; The reason being the workload in a particular area increasing by leaps and bounds. Faced with such a situation it is essential to ascertain first and 67
  • 68. foremost whether it is likely to remain that way for a significant duration before deciding on what action need to be taken. A solution from within? Regrettably the action taken by most managers is to create more work roles and to fill them up with new recruits. What is often not recognised is that there may also be a reduction in work-load occurring in certain other areas is usually quite difficult because there is no automatic gauge for indicating the under load. One exception however is direct production work where production managers soon recognise shortage of work. Even then it is only recognised when the fall off in work-load is large enough to be significant in terms of actually finding it difficult to give people work to do. 68
  • 69. Spreading work In direct work (work not directly involve with production) the organisation and the system is quite capable of generating additional work or allowing the existing work which has reduced in quantity to be spread in such a way that fall off is not perceptible in throwing up spare people. This provides an ideal opportunity to improve the quantity of work and services provided. Thus it is a major management task to be recognised and identified areas where there may be fall off of work. For example in area such as the provision of information the real work involved in providing the information gradually decreases while requests for information remains at the same level or increases. The need therefore is decisive and firm administrative decisions to be able to realign the resources from the areas of work reduction or intended work reduction in to areas where workload is patently increasing. 69
  • 70. Redeployment; A neglected area Moat companies have an effective system of recruitment with printed forms indicating requisitions for personnel and specifically selected staff for interviewing applicants. Bat sadly most companies have no means of dealing effectively with re-deployment of people from and under-utilised area to an area which is short of people. Some times the re-deployment cannot be done directly but must be done by a series of moves. A company which can effectively grapple with this realignment of resources increases the security of their work force by keeping numbers down to the bare minimum necessary and at the same time increasing the experience at the employees can gain by the sheer necessity of moving them from one type of work to another. In order to facilitate this type of move many personnel policies will need to be made explicit such as the maintenance of the income of people who are 70
  • 71. transferred to work in a place with which they are unfamiliar. The provision of effective training is also essential. Transfer of work It is sometime possible however to transfer work instead of people from an overload area to an under- loaded one. Where this can be done and it can be seen to be advantageous then it is preferable to moving people since the continued existence of working groups and managerial feel of individual performance is important. What you can When the workload in a particular area increases each manager at whatever level must search within his own resources to find ways of re-deploying people or to adjust 71
  • 72. work in such a way to take care of the work level. When it reaches the stage where this becomes impossible he must then refer to his own manager indicating the steps he has taken to attempt to deal with the problems and ask his own manager to see if within his wider area of resources the problems can be resolved. This process must be repeated until the whole of the company has been considered with regard to re-deployment. Finally the necessity of additional work must be reviewed with care before new roles are created and the alternatives of achieving the same results by other means such as capital investments should also be fully explored. 72
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  • 75. 7 Human Resources Development For Small & Medium Scale Industry In The Private Sector Human Resources Development (HRD) has to be, first and foremost linked to the Strategic Planning of an Organisation, as the letter provides vital foresights and needs of Human Resources, in future. The Strategic plan of an Organisation has to be based on the macro level plans of the country. The government strategy for industrialisation is to create an industrial structure capable of operating in a competitive environment, thus supporting the country‟s export base whilst meeting the demands of the domestic market. Production for export markets will require competitive advantage over other competitor 75
  • 76. nations if it is to be economically visible. The quality of our products also should be of such standards to be able to complete in the international markets. An Organisation has to then answer the following questions. What is it that an organisation is required to produce? What are its outputs or results? What skills are required to produce those results? The function of HRD is to help people to do their jobs to the set standards. For this purpose all employees should have clearly defined objectives. Total comprehension of individual roles, responsibilities and standards of performance required of them is of paramount importance. Employers have to ensure that the employee compensation is compatible with their contribution, so that desired employee performance can be stimulated. Whoever has developed his ability to the extent where he can meet or exceed job requirements, he should be 76
  • 77. equitably compensated for his contribution. A gap between the desired performance and the current actual performance could mean interalia a training need. The important point about identification of training needs is that the Organisation must know what constitutes the standards or desired performance and what the current actual performance is, at sufficient level of detail. Thereafter, systematic training and development could be initiated, which is really a cyclic process consisting of the following element: Identification of training needs. Determination of the outcome expectations. Implementation of training strategies. Measurement and analysis of results and feedback. It may not be possible for a Medium or a Small Scale Industry to have full time specialised trainers. 77
  • 78. Even otherwise, the final responsibility to train and develop employees should be with the line managers. Reproduced below is a policy compiled by the author for a large Group of Company. Human Resource is the most valuable asset of the Company. The only real advantage we have over competitors in the increasingly tough business world is in the quality and quantity of our human resources. In order to increase our advantage over competitors, we must do everything we can to improve their skills, effectiveness and their motivation. Put the right person in the right place and develop such employee‟s ability to utmost so that both, the employee and the Company would benefit. Assign maximum possible responsibility for the human resources management and 78
  • 79. development, to operating managers. Selection and evaluation based upon actual achievement of the individual. Human Resources Development should be carried out to achieve development objectives of the individual and the company, to a matching process, which will result in a satisfactory relationship between the two. Human Resources Development should be therefore, based on employees self-enlightenment supported by management. This can be achieved by creating the right working environment providing necessary motivation towards the development of their personal knowledge, skills and abilities. Human Relations thus become an integral part of this process, as the personnel the Organisation has recruited, trained and compensated have to be integrated into jobs in such a manner that they work together productively and co-operatively 79
  • 80. with a sense of economic, social and psychological satisfaction. Opportunities for training and development should be given to all employees contingent upon their capacity for development. The private sector in our country has identified the inadequacy of management expertise, specially at the middle and supervisory levels, as the major constraint facing them.. Government has undertaken to provide every encouragement to training institutions and firms to develop the required human resources. The National Institute of Business Management, originally conceived to train managers for the public sector, has been converted by amending the law, to a general management training institution with emphasis on private sector needs. In order to further facilitate training in management and technical skills, the government is preparing proposals for funding skills development by assisting firms and teaching institutions with loans and grants. This scheme is likely to be based on similar successful schemes in 80
  • 81. Singapore, Malaysia and South Korea. At the organisation level, one must consider three major inputs into its management development process, as follows: 1. The overall requirements of the organisation and its associated strategic business plan. 2. The mutually agreed needs of the individual managers arrived at as part of their performance appraisal and goal setting process. 3. The requirement of the organisation for career and succession planning to cater for requirements and/ or resignations, (Please see Annexure 11 for a suggested Development Model on HRD). Some Companies use the Assessment Centre method to evaluate as objectively as possible, the general management ability of their future managers. At the Personal Assessment Centre the behaviour of 81
  • 82. potential managers are observed through a variety of standardised performance situations. The centre staffs uses a comprehensive rating scheme and a system of inferencing thereof. Some of the dimensions used are defined below. 1 Oral Communications To what extent can this individual express himself (in English)? Executives have to present oral reports at various meeting. 2 Written Communications To what extent can this individual effectively express his or her ideas in writing (Language is English of course)? 3 Leadership Skills How effectively can he lead a group to accomplish a task without arousing hostility? 82
  • 83. 4 Forcefulness To what extent does this individual make an early impact on others? 5 Energy To what extents can this individual continuously maintain a high level of work activity? 6 Likeability To what extent does this individual make a likeable impact on others? 7 Awareness of Social Environment To what extent can this individual perceive subtle cues in the behaviour of others towards him or her. 8 Behaviour Flexibility To what extent does this individual, when motivated, 83
  • 84. modify his or her behaviour to reach a goal? 9 Self Objectivity To what extent can this individual realise his or her own assets and liabilities? 10 Inner Work Standards To what extent does this individual want to do a good job, even if he or she could get by with doing a less acceptable? 11 Managerial Identification To what extent does this individual relate to Management‟s views and problems? 12 Resistance to Stress To what extent can this individual‟s work performance stand up in face of unusual pressure? 84
  • 85. 13 Range of Interests To what extent can this individual interested in a variety of fields of activity, such as science, politics, sport and art etc.? 14 Organising and Planning To what extent can this individual effectively organise and plan his or her work? 15 Decision Making To what extent can this individual make decision of high quality and how likely is he or she to make decision when required? 16 Scholastic Aptitude To what extent does this individual compare to other individuals in his or her ability to learn new things? 85
  • 86. Author does not claim credit for the HRD System outlined here. The paper is an overview of the Human Resources Development effort that should be undertaken for small & Medium Scale Industry in the private sector. In conclusion, what is needed is work within a sound strategic plan based on economic realities and set within the cultural, social, environmental, religious and political aspirations of the Nation, we should compare where we have the comparative advantage and develop our resources the most important being the human resources. I would summarise what I have covered in this paper as follows 1. The vital link between strategic planning and Human Resources Management and Development. 2. All employees must have clearly defined objectives. 3. Process of Management Succession is intimately 86
  • 87. linked with Management Development. 4. Use of assessment Centres to evaluate employees objectively for general management ability. 5. Human Resources Development should be based on self- enlightenment. 6. Line Managers have the final responsibility to train and develop employees under their purview. 7. Human Resources Development should be carried out to achieve the development objectives of both the individuals and Group 8 Need to improve and develop each individual’s ability should be emphasised. 9. Human Resources Development should be made an integral part of the performance appraisal 87
  • 88. 10. Development of young executives with potential for managerial development. 11.The opportunity for training and development should be given to every body. 12. Employee compensation has to be compatible with their contribution. 13. Human Relations to be considered as an integral part of the Human Resources Management. 88
  • 89. Annexure 1 Developmental Model For Human Resources Management And Development ORIGANISATIONAL NEEDS MATCHING PROCESS INDIVIDUAL NEEDS Primarily initiated & managed by the Organisation Career or job choice Planning for Staffing, Job analysis. Recruitment & Strategic Planing. Human selection Introduction, Resources Planning & Socialisation, Initial Human Resources Training. Job Design & Job Early career issue: Inventorying assignment Locating one‟s area of contribution. Learning Supervising & coaching performance how o fit into Planning for growth & appraisal & judgement of potential Organisation, becoming development, Inventory Organisational rewards. Promotions & productive, seeing a of development plans, other job changes. Training & future for one-self in follow up & evaluation Development opportunities, Career career. of development plans counselling, joint career planing and follow-up Mid career issues: locating one‟s carer Planning for levelling Continuing education & anchor & building off & disengagement retraining, Job redesign. one‟s career around it Job redesign, Job enrichment & job rotation. Alternative patterns of work and rewards. Late career issues: becoming a mentor :using Planning for replacement one‟s experience & and restaffing wisdom Updating of Human resources inventorying. Information systems for job openings new New human resources from cycle of recruitment. inside or outside the Organisation. 89
  • 90.
  • 91. Human Resources Development System TRAINING PROGRAMS & COURCES PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL & CAREER DEVELOPMENT COUNSELLING Orientation courses for new comers In-house training programmes Joint evaluation of conducted by the Human performance based on Resources Development participatively pre-set Personnel Assessment Support for Self Development Department based on the objectives. Center. general training and development needs of the Company Rating scale is also used for performance appraisal. Management dimensions Specific training programmes Under this method appraisal Evaluation by the arranged by the Human is done by evaluating Group Executive Resources Development skills, qualities and Directorate. Department depending on the characteristics of employee specific needs of the such as Initiative and Company/Department concerned f drive, attitude to work, Inner work standard, Succession Plan. Training programmes and leadership skills etc., courses conducted by outside Training Organisations. Use of counseling to maintain constructive employee attitude and to Overseas Training assist them to overcome problems related to their work performance. Training and Development Needs 91
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  • 95. 8 Principles For Human Talents Management And Development 1. We recognise the vital link between Strategic Planning and Human Resources Management and Development (HRMD). Strategic Planning provides our management with vital foresight into the problems and needs of human resources, of them. 2. We recognise the need for all employees to have clearly defined objectives for their total comprehension of the individual roles, responsibilities and standards required of them. 3. We ensure that the process of management succession is intimately linked with 95
  • 96. management development. Accordingly, a manpower succession plan is useful tool for ensuring that top management positions can quickly be filled whenever there is a vacancy at that level 4. We are committed to the use of Assessment Centres to evaluate employees objectively for general management ability- through behaviour observation, a variety of standardised performance situations, a comprehensive behaviour rating Scheme and a system of inferencing thereof. 5. We believe that Human Resources Development should be based on worker self- enlightenment supported by Senior Management: by creating the right working environment and facilitating management of oriented motivation of individual workers towards the 96
  • 97. development of their personal skills, improved performance and enhanced career prospects. 6. We believe that line Managers have the final responsibility to train and develop employees under their purview. Accordingly, we ensure that Line Managers undertake full responsibility for developing the potential of subordinates, while Staff Managers, in turn, do not deprive line Managers of their competence. 7. We believe that Human Resources Development should be carried out to achieve development objectives of both the individual and the company through a matching process that would bring the company and individuals together in a mutually satisfactory relationship. 8. We emphasise the need to improve and develop each 97
  • 98. individual, ability to keeping all the managers and executives abreast of the latest developments in the technical and management fields through mandatory attendance of a selection of training and development programmes sponsored by the Group, NIBM, SLBDC and other Organisations each year. 9. We believe in making human resources development an integral part of the performance Appraisal, so that no Manager or Executive may be promoted unless he/she has successfully trained another to take over his/her job. 10. We are committed to the development of young Executives with potential for managerial development by giving them every opportunity to advance their careers (through training programmes and counselling sessions), simultaneously fulfilling the needs of the company. 98
  • 99. 11. We believe the opportunity for training and development should be given to all employees equally, Contingent upon their capacity for development. 12. We believe in making employee compensation compatible with their contributions in order to stimulate the desired employee behaviour. Whenever an employee has developed his/her ability to extent where such a person can meet or exceed job requirement, he/she should be equitably compensated for his/her contribution. 13. We consider Human Relations to be an integral part of Human Resources Management, so that the personal we have recruited, trained, placed and compensated may be integrated into a job in such a manner as to motivate them to work together productively and co-operatively and with a 99
  • 100. sense of economic, social and psychological satisfaction. 100
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  • 103. 9 Military Lessons For Business Managers The Art of War by Sun Tzu is the oldest military classic known in Chinese literature, Sun Tzu‟s Art of War is in fact a very short book. It contains less than 6200 characters of classical Chinese literary writing. The book has only 13 chapters with each chapter barely a page long. The fact that the original work of Sun Tzu was in literary writing has created many problems for scholars in capturing the full meanings and implications of his thoughts. This is largely attributed to the complexity of the Chinese Language. Prof. Wee of the National University of Singapore in his book, has provided the closest meanings in English for the terms used in Sun Tzu‟s original writings. The idea of an analogy between the world of business and that of the 103
  • 104. battlefield is not a novel one. One would hear of car wars, cola wars and such economic wars almost daily. Various studies relating to the application of military strategies to business practices have been published. For example Marketing Warfare by Rie‟s and Trout (1986) has been based on the works of the German General Karl Von Clausewitz, which were written in 1832. The word strategy comes from the Greek word strategos. Originally referring to a general, the word came to refer to “The art of the general” or “What the general does”. Today, strategy refers to the art and science of directing resources to optimise the chances of victory and reduce the effects of tactical defects. The business world is like the battlefield. In fact businesses have collapsed through poor planning, resulting in the loss of capital and employment. This is no different from war, where poor planning can lead to the loss of men, equipment and the battle itself; in the case of Companies in 104
  • 105. the business world, the impact of losses can at times be felt throughout many other sectors of the economy, just as losses in war can literally tear a nation apart. Thus the challenges facing a Military Head of State and the CEO of a Company is comparable. Please refer Table 1. Table 1: Comparison between a Military Head of State and a CEO of a Company Military Business 1. To consolidate 1. Protect the his present Market Share of government business. within a defined territory and 2. Finding new to protect it markets whose from external needs might be aggression met by the current 2. To expand his products. present territory either by 3. Exploring and conquering developing new neighbour products for 105
  • 106. states existing markets. Or 3. By embarking 4. Developing new on more businesses with ambitious new products in expeditions to new markets. far away lands and territories. Influence of the Rulers in the Government In war, people should be in perfect accord with their Ruler and be willing to accompany him in life and in death without any fear of danger. If the leader is wise and capable he will be able to gain the moral support of his subjects so much so that they will be willing to accompany him through the thick and thin of a battle and the ups and downs of the state. While this may seem unthinkable, in reality there are examples such as suicide bombers who are willing to lay down their 106
  • 107. lives for their leader (although this may evoke some uncomfortable feelings among us). This kind of influence can be observed outside the battlefield when one examines the role governments have played in the success of industries in countries like Japan, Singapore and South Korea. For example, the Japanese Ministry of Trade and Industry (MITI) is known for charting the overall industrial policy for the country. The Japanese government will also not hesitate to support their industries in various ways such as through government guarantees and financing similarly in NICs, the governments have greatly encouraged their companies to have an outward orientation and have packaged various incentives to help them achieve such objectives. The result is that these countries are export driven. On the other hand one witnesses corrupt and weak governments that are responsible for the decay in their national economies. It is well known that many African, Asian and Latin American countries suffer economically because of incapable 107
  • 108. governments that are unable to exercise leadership. In today‟s business world, many countries including Sri Lanka rely on foreign investment to stimulate economic growth. One key determinant of the inflow of foreign investment is the level of political stability, which in turn depends heavily on political leadership. An enlightened ruler will create the climate for the rise of the nation. For business a capable government will provide political stability and hence attract foreign investments and stimulate economic growth, while a corrupt government will only sow the seeds of economic decay. The first step in the strategic decision making process whether in military or business is Situation Appraisal. This involves assessing the desirability of engaging in combat. Having thoroughly appraised the situation, one would next proceed to formulation of goals and strategies. The choice of strategies has to be compatible with the goals selected and has to be appropriate to a given situation. Next would be the Evaluation of Strategies at which the strategist has to assess the 108
  • 109. effectiveness of the proposed strategies. Once they are evaluated as feasible and effective, the next stage would be Implementation. During this stage the tactical & operational aspects of effective implementation is considered. Finally to ensure success, there must be Controls with Feedback Mechanisms. The Principle of Detailed Planning Strategic Management must begin with detailed planning. Focus is not whether a Company or an army plan or does not plan, rather it is how detailed the planning is. This would encompass consideration of facts, which are micro as well as macro, controllable as well as uncontrollable, internal as well as external, static as well as dynamic, human as well as non-human, tangible as well as intangible. In short, detailed planning has to be exhaustive in coverage and consideration. Detailed planning cannot be carried out on the basis of intuition, gut feeling, calculated guesses or other 109
  • 110. subjective means. It must be based on intelligence, which can be obtained by men who have knowledge of the enemy or the competitive situation. Thus there is a need to actively collect, store, analyse and utilise information for the development of more effective strategies. The successful acquisition and utilisation of information for strategic purposes is an important factor, which determines the competitiveness of a country or a business. Mission In the days before radio and other forms of modern communication, ancient armies solved the problem of keeping the combat unit together and moving forward with a „standard‟ or „ensign‟. This device was simply a tall pole with a flag or other symbol representing the combat unit that could be seen above the dust and confusion of the battle. Soldiers used this standard as a rallying point, giving them a focus and helping to ensure unified efforts in combat. The mission and 110
  • 111. mission statement, we believe, serve the same function for the modern enterprise – to provide a sense of guidance, orientation, and direction in the complexity and occasional flurry of the enterprises day-to-day existence. In an era of discontinuous change, the Mission Statement takes on even more importance as the single statement that provides long-term focus for the efforts of the enterprise. Thus it should have a vision component, describing what the enterprise needs to accomplish, what business it is in (or intends to be in) and what significant contribution it expects to make. Then the mission statement should have a „theme‟ component describing how the enterprise intends to achieve its objectives. This theme component helps to distinguish the enterprise from others by defining its unique characteristics. 111
  • 112. Values Like in the battlefield, in business too people have to operate under tremendous strains. It may be the „religious faith‟ or „faith in their ruler‟ which provides the support and guidance for the military general in the battlefront. Similarly, in business management, we need to believe in something. It has to be a belief in something more important and immortal than ourselves that will give us a will to succeed and a kind of serenity in stress. What we mean here is a set of values which communicates itself to those are who are being lead, and helps sustain their determination to be successful. This is extremely important in difficult situations, because people who are so inspired and motivated really can do the apparently impossible. 112
  • 113. Choice of Battle Ground In military combat as well as in business one of the important factors to ensure success is to choose battlegrounds carefully. Choosing the right battleground enables the army and the Company to exhibit its strengths better and camouflage its weaknesses. In addition it will also enable the firm to exploit opportunities in the market – for example through niching strategies one could cushion the effects of threats in the environment. In choosing a battleground to compete, a Company should opt for one in which it has distinct advantages over its competitors. It can also look for areas ignored by the competitors. An understanding and appreciation of the characteristics of different battlegrounds will help decide the appropriateness of a given strategy. Let us examine the different types of battlegrounds. 113
  • 114. Dispersive Ground This is a battle situation in which the army is fighting in its own territory. For example, one of Israels‟ military strategies has always been to avoid fighting a war within her own territory. Its occupation of the Westbank, Golan Heights and Gaza Strip typify her resolve not to fight in her own territory. In the business world one observes that the United States is facing a problem of exports from Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hongkong and Singapore. The US has chosen passive and defensive strategies by trying to fight on its own soil, rather than concentrate on a more aggressive and offensive export drive (which would be analogus to fighting beyond one‟s territory). On the other hand a Firm competing with two many brands in the same market could be in a dispersive battleground. In such cases, Company has to ensure the unit of purpose among all personnel involved. 114
  • 115. Accessible Ground This is a ground that is open and equally accessible to the enemy and yourself. In such grounds ancient war strategy was to prevent the enemy from entering your territory. In the business world one finds businesses where the market entry and exit are very easy. There is then the need to protect market share by building up strong defenses through improvement of the total system that include production, marketing, advertising and promotion, inventory control, planning and distribution outlets – so much so that the walls become thick and impenetrable. Frontier Ground When the army has made only a shallow penetration into the enemy‟s territory the ground is considered frontier in nature. Military strategy would be not to stop in frontier ground and to keep the forces closely linked. In the area of foreign market entry, the Japanese can be hailed as gurus of 115
  • 116. this strategy of never stopping at frontier ground. With the coordinated efforts needed in a frontier ground situation, without rushing into foreign markets simultaneously, Toyota entered the US market followed by other Japanese Automobile Companies. Entrapping Ground One in which it is easy to get in but difficult to get out. It is a type of ground that is filled with boobytraps. Businesses with low capital but high operating costs can be entrapping too. This is especially so where there are strong labour unions or labour laws that prevent management from retrenching workers. At times the unions may even obstruct any modernization or mechanization efforts. Constricted Ground In essence, a constricted ground is one in which the access route is narrow and retreat route is tortuous. It is the type of ground that is difficult to get into and at 116
  • 117. the same time difficult to get out. To survive in a constricted environment, resourcefulness is required in the design of strategies. This is because the competitive advantage enjoyed is often very narrow and at the same time this advantage is vulnerable to attacks. If technology is the competitive advantage it becomes very important to build on this strength and defend it as much as possible through continuous upgrading. Key Ground Is one which is equally advantageous to the enemy and yourself. Owing to its importance, it is highly contentious and the forces of both sides are likely to contest bitterly for it. For example, with the opening of China many multinational Companies view the Chinese market as a key market owing to the vast business potential. It is therefore, not surprising to witness many Companies rushing into Chinese markets. If one were to apply military strategies one should avoid 117
  • 118. attacking the enemy on key ground. Rather, it is important to improve your supporting skills – rush up all your rear forces and elements. The way the Japanese have handled the Americans and Europeans in the world markets is a good example. Focal Ground When a state is surrounded by three other states, its ground is considered focal. In such a ground the enclosed state forms the key to the other three states in that the one who captures it can have a commanding situation over other states. Thus it can be expected that the focal ground be always under threat of siege. The strategy here is to be-friend neighbouring states and to strengthen ties with the allies. The small producers in an oligopolistic market structure are in focal grounds. If you are the small producer, it is very important not to agitate the larger competitors. It is better to follow the leader than to lead them. To survive in such a business situation, there is a need to also 118
  • 119. strengthen ties with allies. These allies would include the suppliers, customers, bankers, labour unions and government bodies. One remembers how the strong support received by Chryslers allies prevented it from going bankrupt or being squeezed out by much larger Companies like General Motors and Ford. Indifferent Ground Indifferent or indecisive ground is a situation that is dis-advantageous to both the enemy and yourself. In such situations, there is absolutely no advantage in making the first move. When China first opened up, many Companies were hesitant to go in as they were uncertain about the Chinese Policy. Many Companies sidelined themselves and preferred to gain from the experiences of the early entrants. In the same way Japanese concentrated on applied R & D and Production Technology of American and European Firms. 119
  • 120. Treacherous Ground When the Army is travelling in mountain forests, dangerous passes, marshy swamps or other difficult terrain it is in treacherous ground. In such a situation the Army does not encamp but should move swiftly. In the mature state of the product life cycle, the market is saturated with all kinds of competitive products. It is therefore, important not to stay too long in matured markets. Desolate Ground In war, as the battle progresses, grounds that were originally captured and deemed valuable might lose their appeal as they become less crucial to the subsequent conduct of war. One should not linger on that ground. Much the same way Companies should not stay in declining markets. Japanese Companies abandoned labour intensive 120
  • 121. industries such as textiles, once they realised that the other developing Countries are able to operate more cheaply than them. Distant Ground In distant ground both sides are away from home base and are equally matched in forces. It is to the best interest of both sides to avoid direct battles which would confer little advantage to either side. The Japanese penetration of foreign markets again provides a very good example of this avoidance of direct battle in distant ground. Serious Ground It is one on which the army has penetrated deep into the enemy territory and has left behind many of the enemies fortified cities and towns. In this case the army normally plunders the resources of the enemy but protect its supply routes to ensure a continuous flow of provisions. In the same way, a Company operating in a foreign 121
  • 122. market should seriously consider relying as much as possible on local resources, which include all factors of production like labour, capital, technology, management, raw materials and other supplies. Death Ground This is a situation in which the army can only survive if it fights with the courage of desperation, where the only way to survive is fight. Chrysler Corporation of United States was on the verge of bankruptcy between 1978 and 1982. Lee Iaococca made it abundantly clear to his employees that the only way to survive was to fight. His efforts resulted in a drastic change in the behaviour and loyalty of the workers towards management. The Principle of Concentration of Forces & the Need to Attack This means economising of forces; In other words application of minimum of strength to a point other than the decisive one in order to pave 122
  • 123. the way for the application of mass force at the point of decision. The idea is to use one‟s limited available force to strike at the enemy‟s weakest point where victory can be better assured. What is important is relative strength and not absolute strength at the point of contact. Relative superiority can be achieved by clever choice of battleground, maintaining strict secrecy of one‟s battle plan and using deception. In war, the invincibility in defence depends on one‟s own efforts, while the opportunity for victory depends on the enemy. It follows that those skilled in warfare can make them invincible but cannot cause the enemy to be vulnerable. In ancient times, those skilful in warfare first made themselves invulnerable before waiting for opportunities to defeat the enemy. Even when one is playing a competitive game like football, the only way to win is to kick the ball into the opponent‟s goal, as one cannot win by only defending one‟s goal. Similarly in competitive business, one has to compete openly for market share, rather than defending one’s own 123
  • 124. market share. This may be specially done when the market is not growing and in times of recession. Over the last two decades, countries like Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Hong Kong had been pursuing attacking strategies in international trade. However as in war, in any corporate planning decision too, it is essential to have a contingency plan. Swiftness in Execution of Plans Once a detailed plan is developed based on information gathered through intelligence and the battleground chosen, it is important that the plan be executed swiftly. Swiftness includes perfect timing (as it catches others off guard, and hence minimizes opposition), the maintenance of momentum and the avoidance of protracted campaigns. It also demands that the co- ordination be perfect. All these are equally valid in business situations. Like in war, throughout 124
  • 125. the business one should maintain adaptability in manoeuvres. Adaptability in manoeuvres entails, provision for creativity, innovation and the exercise of initiatives. To move ahead of competitors, a Company must encourage the flow of innovative ideas on all fronts – products, service, marketing strategies etc. The company must be capable of capitalizing the opportunities as and when they arise. When large-scale integrated circuits (LSI) first appeared, western countries quickly explored them for usage for missile and space development. Whereas the Japanese saw the opportunity for the use of same in pocket calculators and watches. Price of the LSI circuit dropped, due to large-scale use in the Japanese industries, and the product quality was also stabilised. 125
  • 126. Deceptiveness in Actions & Strategies All warfare is based on deception. The enemy should not know where you intend to attack; If he does not know where you intend to attack he must defend in many places. The more places he defends the more scattered are his forces and the weaker his force at any one point. In order to achieve distinct advantage in combat, one must choose the battleground that is more advantageous to oneself than to the enemy; and bring the enemy to where you want to fight through the use of baits and deception. At the same time one should not succumb to enemy‟s baits. While the term deceptive tactics seems very unethical the truth is that baits are used in the business world too. One of the commonly used methods for less developing countries to attract foreign investments is the offer of incentives such as exemption from taxes through pioneer status, unlimited repatriation of earnings etc. Even among developed countries, baits have been used for economic and political reasons. 126
  • 127. Anticipation of the Enemy‟s Reaction and Changes in Environment It will be naive to assume that when one embarks on an offensive, the enemy will not react. In other words, it is dangerous to assume that the enemy is not capable of strategising nor is developing effective responses. In essence, there is a need to modify a strategy that may be carefully evaluated and implemented because of the reactions of the enemy and the changes in the environment. Planning for Victory & Combat Readiness One over-riding principle for victory in war is that of unity. To win there must be unity of minds and hearts from the ruler to the subjects of the state. To make the war a successful one the appointment of the generals must be based on the ability of the skills of the candidates. Just like in the army, the way a business is structured and organised will have a serious effect on the success. This aspect 127
  • 128. includes effective policies, programmes, operating procedures, channels of communication, lines of authority and responsibility. The organisation and structure of a company is one area that must be considered in strategic Planning. What would be the best way to organise the Company to face the future. Very often the strategy is decided based on the structure. The structure should follow the strategy and not the other way. If a company wants to encourage creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit, what is the best way to structure the company? The strength of an army does not depend on large forces. Army should not advance relying on sheer numbers. What is more important is the training of men and officers in the army as well as in the business. The quality of the people is definitely competitive and it is very interesting to note that the more successful companies are also those with a heavy commitment to Human Resources Development. The level of training will dictate the state of combat readiness of the firm. With well- trained personnel, the firm can 128
  • 129. engage in more activities with greater confidence. Furthermore, they are better able to handle difficult situations and yet produce superior results. Another important dimension to winning a war is discipline. Comprehensive and elaborate measures to direct human behaviour are required to achieve organisational goals and objectives. Companies that place heavy emphasis on their reward system are normally in a stronger position. Japanese companies have a tradition of sending their executives for annual executive training camps where the training not only incorporates military style discipline but also includes doses of spiritual and social values such as learning self sacrifice, humility, hard work, suffering and tolerance. Therefore the need to be „combat fit‟ should be the aim of every Company. Staff training and development auditing and improvement of every aspect of the corporate resources should always be part and parcel of the activities of the Company. 129
  • 130. Efficient and effective management of organisations is critical for the country‟s development efforts. Increasing competition at both national and international level requires strategic managerial thinking by the business community. The idea of an analogy between the world of business and that of the battlefield was explored as some of the ancient writings on war offer valuable insights into the nature of modern business practices and help explain some of the startling economic trends in our times. 130
  • 132. 132
  • 133. 10 Anyway*... People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish and true enemies. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Be good anyway. 133