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Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 1
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 2
The abdominal aorta begins at the aortic 
hiatus of the diaphragm, anterior to the 
lower border of vertebra TXII. 
It descends through the abdomen, anterior 
to the vertebral bodies, and by the time it 
ends at the level of vertebra LIV it is slightly 
to the left of midline. 
The terminal branches of the abdominal 
aorta are the two common iliac arteries. 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 3
The abdominal aorta has anterior, 
lateral, and posterior branches as it 
passes through the abdominal cavity. 
The three anterior branches supply the 
gastrointestinal viscera: 
the celiac trunk 
the superior mesenteric and 
the inferior mesenteric 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 4
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 5
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 6
A. foregut, 
B. midgut, and 
C. hindgut regions. 
 The boundaries of these regions are directly 
related to the areas of distribution of the three 
anterior branches of the abdominal aorta. 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 7
Divisions of the 
tract into 
foregut, midgut, 
and hindgut, 
summarizing the 
primary arterial 
supply to each 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 8
The foregut begins with the abdominal 
esophagus and ends just inferior to the 
major duodenal papilla, midway along the 
descending part of the duodenum. 
It includes the abdominal esophagus, 
stomach, duodenum (superior to the 
major papilla), liver, pancreas, and 
The spleen also develops in relation to 
the foregut region. The foregut is 
supplied by the celiac trunk. 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 9
Divisions of the 
tract into 
foregut, midgut, 
and hindgut, 
summarizing the 
primary arterial 
supply to each 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 10
The midgut begins just inferior to the major 
duodenal papilla, in the descending part of the 
duodenum, and ends at the junction between 
the proximal two-thirds and distal one-third of 
the transverse colon. 
It includes the duodenum (inferior to the 
major duodenal papilla), jejunum, ileum, 
cecum, appendix, ascending colon, and the 
right two-thirds of the transverse colon. 
The midgut is supplied by the superior 
mesenteric artery. 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 11
Divisions of the 
tract into 
foregut, midgut, 
and hindgut, 
summarizing the 
primary arterial 
supply to each 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 12
The hindgut begins just before the left colic 
flexure (the junction between the proximal 
two-thirds and distal one-third of the 
transverse colon) and ends midway through 
the anal canal. 
It includes the left one-third of the transverse 
colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, 
rectum, and upper part of the anal canal. 
The hindgut is supplied by the inferior 
mesenteric artery 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 13
Divisions of the 
tract into 
foregut, midgut, 
and hindgut, 
summarizing the 
primary arterial 
supply to each 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 14
The celiac trunk is the anterior branch of the 
abdominal aorta supplying the foregut. 
It arises from the abdominal aorta 
immediately below the aortic hiatus of the 
diaphragm, anterior to the upper part of 
vertebra LI. 
It immediately divides into the: 
A. left gastric, 
B. splenic, and 
C. common hepatic arteries. 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 15
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 16
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 17
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 18
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 19
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 20
The left gastric artery is the smallest branch of 
the celiac trunk. 
It ascends to the cardioesophageal junction and 
sends esophageal branches upward to the 
abdominal part of the esophagus. 
Some of these branches continue through the 
esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm and 
anastomose with esophageal branches from the 
thoracic aorta. 
The left gastric artery itself turns to the right and 
descends along the lesser curvature of the 
stomach in the lesser omentum. 
It supplies both surfaces of the stomach in this 
area and anastomoses with the right gastric artery. 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 21
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 22
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 23
The splenic artery, the largest branch of the celiac trunk, 
takes a tortuous course to the left along the superior border 
of the pancreas. 
It travels in the splenorenal ligament and divides into 
numerous branches, which enter the hilum of the spleen. 
As the splenic artery passes along the superior border of the 
pancreas, it gives off numerous small branches to supply the 
neck, body, and tail of the pancreas. 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 24
Approaching the spleen, the splenic artery gives 
off short gastric arteries, which pass through 
the gastrosplenic ligament to supply the fundus 
of the stomach. 
It also gives off the left gastro-omental artery, 
which runs to the right along the greater 
curvature of the stomach, and anastomoses with 
the right gastro-omental artery. 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 25
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 26
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 27
The common hepatic artery is a medium-sized 
branch of the celiac trunk that runs to 
the right and divides into its two terminal 
branches, the hepatic artery proper and the 
gastroduodenal artery. 
The hepatic artery proper ascends towards 
the liver in the free edge of the lesser 
It runs to the left of the bile duct and anterior 
to the portal vein, and divides into the right 
and left hepatic arteries near the porta 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 28
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 29
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 30
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 31
As the right hepatic artery nears the liver, it 
gives off the cystic artery to the gallbladder. 
The gastroduodenal artery may give off the 
supraduodenal artery before descending 
posterior to the superior part of the 
Reaching the lower border of the superior 
part of the duodenum, the gastroduodenal 
artery divides into its terminal branches, the 
right gastro-omental artery and the superior 
pancreaticoduodenal artery 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 32
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 33
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 34
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 35
passes to the left, along the greater curvature of 
the stomach, eventually anastomosing with the 
left gastro-omental artery from the splenic artery. 
The right gastro-omental artery sends branches to 
both surfaces of the stomach and additional 
branches descend into the greater omentum. 
The superior pancreaticoduodenal artery divides 
into anterior and posterior branches as it descends 
and supplies the head of the pancreas and the 
These vessels eventually anastomose with anterior 
and posterior branches of the inferior 
pancreaticoduodenal artery. 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 36
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 37
The superior mesenteric artery is the anterior 
branch of the abdominal aorta supplying the 
It arises from the abdominal aorta 
immediately below the celiac artery,anterior 
to the lower part of vertebra LI. 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 38
is crossed anteriorly by the splenic vein and the 
neck of pancreas. Posterior to the artery are the 
left renal vein, the uncinate process of the 
pancreas, and the inferior part of the 
After giving off its first branch (the inferior 
pancreaticoduodenal artery) the superior 
mesenteric artery gives off jejunal and ileal 
arteries on its left. 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 39
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 40
Branching from the right side of the 
main trunk of the superior mesenteric 
artery are three vessels- 
A. the middle colic, 
B. right colic, and 
C. ileocolic arteries-which supply the 
terminal ileum, cecum, ascending 
colon, and two-thirds of the 
transverse colon. 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 41
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 42
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 43
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 44
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 45
The inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery is the 
first branch of the superior mesenteric artery. 
It divides immediately into anterior and 
posterior branches, which ascend on the 
corresponding sides of the head of the 
Superiorly, these arteries anastomose with 
anterior and posterior superior 
pancreaticoduodenal arteries. 
This arterial network supplies the head and 
uncinate process of the pancreas and the 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 46
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 47
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 48
Distal to the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery, 
the superior mesenteric artery gives off 
numerous branches. 
Arising on the left is a large number of jejunal 
and ileal arteries supplying the jejunum and most 
of the ileum. 
These branches leave the main trunk of the 
artery, pass between two layers of the 
mesentery, and form anastomosing arches or 
arcades as they pass outward to supply the small 
The number of arterial arcades increases distally 
along the gut. 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 49
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 50
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 51
There may be single and then double arcades in 
the area of the jejunum, with a continued 
increase in the number of arcades moving into 
and through the area of the ileum. 
Extending from the terminal arcade are vasa 
recta (straight arteries), which provide the final 
direct vascular supply to the walls of the small 
The vasa recta supplying the jejunum are usually 
long and close together, forming narrow windows 
visible in the mesentery. 
The vasa recta supplying the ileum are generally 
short and far apart, forming low broad windows. 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 52
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 53
The middle colic artery is the first of the three branches 
from the right side of the main trunk of the superior 
mesenteric artery. 
Arising as the superior mesenteric artery emerges from 
beneath the pancreas, the middle colic artery enters the 
transverse mesocolon and divides into right and left 
The right branch anastomoses with the right colic artery 
while the left branch anastomoses with the left colic artery, 
which is a branch of the inferior mesenteric artery. 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 54
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 55
Continuing distally along the main trunk of the 
superior mesenteric artery, the right colic artery 
is the second of the three branches from the 
right side of the main trunk of the superior 
mesenteric artery. 
It is an inconsistent branch, and passes to the 
right in a retroperitoneal position to supply the 
ascending colon. 
Nearing the colon, it divides into a descending 
branch, which anastomoses with the ileocolic 
artery, and an ascending branch, which 
anastomoses with the middle colic artery. 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 56
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 57
The final branch arising from the right side of 
the superior mesenteric artery is the ileocolic 
This passes downward and to the right towards 
the right iliac fossa where it divides into superior 
and inferior branches: 
 the superior branch passes upward along 
the ascending colon to anastomose with 
the right colic artery; 
 the inferior branch continues towards the 
ileocolic junction dividing into colic, 
cecal, appendicular, and ileal branches. 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 58
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 59
The specific pattern of distribution and origin of 
these branches is variable: 
the colic branch crosses to the ascending 
colon and passes upward to supply the first 
part of the ascending colon; 
anterior and posterior cecal branches, either 
arising as a common trunk or as separate 
branches, supply corresponding sides of the 
the appendicular branch enters the free 
margin of and supplies the mesoappendix and 
the appendix; 
the ileal branch passes to the left and ascends 
to supply the final part of the ileum before 
anastomosing with the superior mesenteric 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 60
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 61
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 62
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 63
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 64
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 65
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 66
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 67
The inferior mesenteric artery is the anterior branch of the 
abdominal aorta that supplies the hindgut. 
It is the smallest of the three anterior branches of the 
abdominal aorta and arises anterior to the body of vertebra 
Initially, the inferior mesenteric artery descends anteriorly to 
the aorta and then passes to the left as it continues 
Its branches include the left colic artery, several sigmoid 
arteries, and the superior rectal artery. 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 68
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 69
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 70
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 71
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 72
The left colic artery is the first branch of the 
inferior mesenteric artery. 
It ascends retroperitoneally, dividing into ascending 
and descending branches: 
the ascending branch passes anteriorly to the left 
kidney, then enters the transverse mesocolon, and 
passes superiorly to supply the upper part of the 
descending colon and the distal part of the 
transverse colon, and anastomoses with branches of 
the middle colic artery; 
the descending branch passes inferiorly, supplying 
the lower part of the descending colon and 
anastomoses with the first sigmoid artery. 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 73
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 74
The sigmoid arteries consist of two to four 
branches, which descend to the left, in the 
sigmoid mesocolon, to supply the lowest part of 
the descending colon and the sigmoid colon. 
These branches anastomose superiorly with 
branches from the left colic artery and inferiorly 
with branches from the superior rectal artery. 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 75
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 76
The terminal branch of the inferior mesenteric artery 
is the superior rectal artery. 
This vessel descends into the pelvic cavity in the 
sigmoid mesocolon, crossing the left common iliac 
Opposite vertebra SIII, the superior rectal artery 
divides. The two terminal branches descend on each 
side of the rectum, dividing into smaller branches in 
the wall of the rectum. 
These smaller branches continue inferiorly to the 
level of the internal anal sphincter, anastomosing 
along the way with branches from the middle rectal 
arteries (from the internal iliac artery) and the 
inferior rectal arteries (from the internal pudendal 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 77
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 78
Thank you for your attention 
Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 79

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Blood supply of abdomen

  • 3. The abdominal aorta begins at the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm, anterior to the lower border of vertebra TXII. It descends through the abdomen, anterior to the vertebral bodies, and by the time it ends at the level of vertebra LIV it is slightly to the left of midline. The terminal branches of the abdominal aorta are the two common iliac arteries. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 3
  • 4. The abdominal aorta has anterior, lateral, and posterior branches as it passes through the abdominal cavity. The three anterior branches supply the gastrointestinal viscera: the celiac trunk the superior mesenteric and the inferior mesenteric arteries. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 4
  • 7. A. foregut, B. midgut, and C. hindgut regions.  The boundaries of these regions are directly related to the areas of distribution of the three anterior branches of the abdominal aorta. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 7
  • 8. Divisions of the gastrointestinal tract into foregut, midgut, and hindgut, summarizing the primary arterial supply to each segment. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 8
  • 9. The foregut begins with the abdominal esophagus and ends just inferior to the major duodenal papilla, midway along the descending part of the duodenum. It includes the abdominal esophagus, stomach, duodenum (superior to the major papilla), liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. The spleen also develops in relation to the foregut region. The foregut is supplied by the celiac trunk. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 9
  • 10. Divisions of the gastrointestinal tract into foregut, midgut, and hindgut, summarizing the primary arterial supply to each segment. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 10
  • 11. The midgut begins just inferior to the major duodenal papilla, in the descending part of the duodenum, and ends at the junction between the proximal two-thirds and distal one-third of the transverse colon. It includes the duodenum (inferior to the major duodenal papilla), jejunum, ileum, cecum, appendix, ascending colon, and the right two-thirds of the transverse colon. The midgut is supplied by the superior mesenteric artery. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 11
  • 12. Divisions of the gastrointestinal tract into foregut, midgut, and hindgut, summarizing the primary arterial supply to each segment. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 12
  • 13. The hindgut begins just before the left colic flexure (the junction between the proximal two-thirds and distal one-third of the transverse colon) and ends midway through the anal canal. It includes the left one-third of the transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, and upper part of the anal canal. The hindgut is supplied by the inferior mesenteric artery Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 13
  • 14. Divisions of the gastrointestinal tract into foregut, midgut, and hindgut, summarizing the primary arterial supply to each segment. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 14
  • 15. The celiac trunk is the anterior branch of the abdominal aorta supplying the foregut. It arises from the abdominal aorta immediately below the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm, anterior to the upper part of vertebra LI. It immediately divides into the: A. left gastric, B. splenic, and C. common hepatic arteries. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 15
  • 16. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 16
  • 17. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 17
  • 18. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 18
  • 19. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 19
  • 20. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 20
  • 21. The left gastric artery is the smallest branch of the celiac trunk. It ascends to the cardioesophageal junction and sends esophageal branches upward to the abdominal part of the esophagus. Some of these branches continue through the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm and anastomose with esophageal branches from the thoracic aorta. The left gastric artery itself turns to the right and descends along the lesser curvature of the stomach in the lesser omentum. It supplies both surfaces of the stomach in this area and anastomoses with the right gastric artery. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 21
  • 22. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 22
  • 23. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 23
  • 24. The splenic artery, the largest branch of the celiac trunk, takes a tortuous course to the left along the superior border of the pancreas. It travels in the splenorenal ligament and divides into numerous branches, which enter the hilum of the spleen. As the splenic artery passes along the superior border of the pancreas, it gives off numerous small branches to supply the neck, body, and tail of the pancreas. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 24
  • 25. Approaching the spleen, the splenic artery gives off short gastric arteries, which pass through the gastrosplenic ligament to supply the fundus of the stomach. It also gives off the left gastro-omental artery, which runs to the right along the greater curvature of the stomach, and anastomoses with the right gastro-omental artery. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 25
  • 26. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 26
  • 27. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 27
  • 28. The common hepatic artery is a medium-sized branch of the celiac trunk that runs to the right and divides into its two terminal branches, the hepatic artery proper and the gastroduodenal artery. The hepatic artery proper ascends towards the liver in the free edge of the lesser omentum. It runs to the left of the bile duct and anterior to the portal vein, and divides into the right and left hepatic arteries near the porta hepatis. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 28
  • 29. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 29
  • 30. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 30
  • 31. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 31
  • 32. As the right hepatic artery nears the liver, it gives off the cystic artery to the gallbladder. The gastroduodenal artery may give off the supraduodenal artery before descending posterior to the superior part of the duodenum. Reaching the lower border of the superior part of the duodenum, the gastroduodenal artery divides into its terminal branches, the right gastro-omental artery and the superior pancreaticoduodenal artery Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 32
  • 33. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 33
  • 34. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 34
  • 35. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 35
  • 36. passes to the left, along the greater curvature of the stomach, eventually anastomosing with the left gastro-omental artery from the splenic artery. The right gastro-omental artery sends branches to both surfaces of the stomach and additional branches descend into the greater omentum. The superior pancreaticoduodenal artery divides into anterior and posterior branches as it descends and supplies the head of the pancreas and the duodenum. These vessels eventually anastomose with anterior and posterior branches of the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 36
  • 37. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 37
  • 38. The superior mesenteric artery is the anterior branch of the abdominal aorta supplying the midgut. It arises from the abdominal aorta immediately below the celiac artery,anterior to the lower part of vertebra LI. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 38
  • 39. is crossed anteriorly by the splenic vein and the neck of pancreas. Posterior to the artery are the left renal vein, the uncinate process of the pancreas, and the inferior part of the duodenum. After giving off its first branch (the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery) the superior mesenteric artery gives off jejunal and ileal arteries on its left. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 39
  • 40. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 40
  • 41. Branching from the right side of the main trunk of the superior mesenteric artery are three vessels- A. the middle colic, B. right colic, and C. ileocolic arteries-which supply the terminal ileum, cecum, ascending colon, and two-thirds of the transverse colon. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 41
  • 42. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 42
  • 43. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 43
  • 44. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 44
  • 45. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 45
  • 46. The inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery is the first branch of the superior mesenteric artery. It divides immediately into anterior and posterior branches, which ascend on the corresponding sides of the head of the pancreas. Superiorly, these arteries anastomose with anterior and posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal arteries. This arterial network supplies the head and uncinate process of the pancreas and the duodenum Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 46
  • 47. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 47
  • 48. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 48
  • 49. Distal to the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery, the superior mesenteric artery gives off numerous branches. Arising on the left is a large number of jejunal and ileal arteries supplying the jejunum and most of the ileum. These branches leave the main trunk of the artery, pass between two layers of the mesentery, and form anastomosing arches or arcades as they pass outward to supply the small intestine. The number of arterial arcades increases distally along the gut. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 49
  • 50. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 50
  • 51. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 51
  • 52. There may be single and then double arcades in the area of the jejunum, with a continued increase in the number of arcades moving into and through the area of the ileum. Extending from the terminal arcade are vasa recta (straight arteries), which provide the final direct vascular supply to the walls of the small intestine. The vasa recta supplying the jejunum are usually long and close together, forming narrow windows visible in the mesentery. The vasa recta supplying the ileum are generally short and far apart, forming low broad windows. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 52
  • 53. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 53
  • 54. The middle colic artery is the first of the three branches from the right side of the main trunk of the superior mesenteric artery. Arising as the superior mesenteric artery emerges from beneath the pancreas, the middle colic artery enters the transverse mesocolon and divides into right and left branches. The right branch anastomoses with the right colic artery while the left branch anastomoses with the left colic artery, which is a branch of the inferior mesenteric artery. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 54
  • 55. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 55
  • 56. Continuing distally along the main trunk of the superior mesenteric artery, the right colic artery is the second of the three branches from the right side of the main trunk of the superior mesenteric artery. It is an inconsistent branch, and passes to the right in a retroperitoneal position to supply the ascending colon. Nearing the colon, it divides into a descending branch, which anastomoses with the ileocolic artery, and an ascending branch, which anastomoses with the middle colic artery. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 56
  • 57. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 57
  • 58. The final branch arising from the right side of the superior mesenteric artery is the ileocolic artery. This passes downward and to the right towards the right iliac fossa where it divides into superior and inferior branches:  the superior branch passes upward along the ascending colon to anastomose with the right colic artery;  the inferior branch continues towards the ileocolic junction dividing into colic, cecal, appendicular, and ileal branches. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 58
  • 59. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 59
  • 60. The specific pattern of distribution and origin of these branches is variable: the colic branch crosses to the ascending colon and passes upward to supply the first part of the ascending colon; anterior and posterior cecal branches, either arising as a common trunk or as separate branches, supply corresponding sides of the cecum; the appendicular branch enters the free margin of and supplies the mesoappendix and the appendix; the ileal branch passes to the left and ascends to supply the final part of the ileum before anastomosing with the superior mesenteric artery. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 60
  • 61. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 61
  • 62. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 62
  • 63. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 63
  • 64. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 64
  • 65. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 65
  • 66. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 66
  • 67. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 67
  • 68. The inferior mesenteric artery is the anterior branch of the abdominal aorta that supplies the hindgut. It is the smallest of the three anterior branches of the abdominal aorta and arises anterior to the body of vertebra LIII. Initially, the inferior mesenteric artery descends anteriorly to the aorta and then passes to the left as it continues inferiorly. Its branches include the left colic artery, several sigmoid arteries, and the superior rectal artery. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 68
  • 69. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 69
  • 70. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 70
  • 71. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 71
  • 72. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 72
  • 73. The left colic artery is the first branch of the inferior mesenteric artery. It ascends retroperitoneally, dividing into ascending and descending branches: the ascending branch passes anteriorly to the left kidney, then enters the transverse mesocolon, and passes superiorly to supply the upper part of the descending colon and the distal part of the transverse colon, and anastomoses with branches of the middle colic artery; the descending branch passes inferiorly, supplying the lower part of the descending colon and anastomoses with the first sigmoid artery. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 73
  • 74. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 74
  • 75. The sigmoid arteries consist of two to four branches, which descend to the left, in the sigmoid mesocolon, to supply the lowest part of the descending colon and the sigmoid colon. These branches anastomose superiorly with branches from the left colic artery and inferiorly with branches from the superior rectal artery. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 75
  • 76. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 76
  • 77. The terminal branch of the inferior mesenteric artery is the superior rectal artery. This vessel descends into the pelvic cavity in the sigmoid mesocolon, crossing the left common iliac vessels. Opposite vertebra SIII, the superior rectal artery divides. The two terminal branches descend on each side of the rectum, dividing into smaller branches in the wall of the rectum. These smaller branches continue inferiorly to the level of the internal anal sphincter, anastomosing along the way with branches from the middle rectal arteries (from the internal iliac artery) and the inferior rectal arteries (from the internal pudendal artery). Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 77
  • 78. Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 78
  • 79. Thank you for your attention Muhammad Ramzan Ul Rehman 79