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Volume 1 | Issue 9 SEPTEMBER 2014 
If I wasn't Dyslexic, I probably wouldn't 
have won the Robotics in IIT Mumbai 
If I had been a better reader then that would 
have come easily. Thereafter I wouldn't try 
painting & become an International Prize 
 From the Chairman's Desk 
 Career lab in your school 
 Why Self Supervision? 
 What is my Learning Style 
 SLD Foundation Day Gallery 
 School Activities 
 Baby Camel & Mother 
 Identifying Children At-Risk 
and Early Intervention 
 Handling Children with SLD
From Our Chairman’s Desk 
Dear Reader, 
I thank all our readers and well-wishers for your continu-ous 
support. Your feedback is always encouraging and 
drives us to do better professional service. 
This month our main focus will be on Specific Learning 
Disability as October month is dedicated for disability aware-ness 
throughout the world. 
Our helikx open school has extended it’s service to other private 
schools to set up counselling and remedial professional help. We 
are happy to share the news that ,officially our centre has been 
inaugurated on vijaya Dasami day at URC matriculation school 
Erode and has signed MOU to start Assessment, Remedial and 
Coun sellin g cen tre in their campus. We th an k URC sch ool 
management for the support. 
Our students participated in multiple intelligence competition 
and brought laurels to our school. 
Helikx School Social Work and Research department has orga-nized 
state level paper presentation seminar on School Social 
Work. Certificate course for parents 
and teachers has introduced such as 
2days bare counsellor introducto-ry 
program, 5 days bare foot coun-sellor 
program and 10days advance 
program on school and general counselling. 
We are participating in school Business enterprise competition 
and mini blog competition, robotic competition in Mumbai. 
Kindly visit our school blog- and post 
your comments. 
Congrats to Alen and Roopika for meticulous effort to bring out 
every month newsletter. 
Thank you again 
Happy Reading! 
G. Senthilkumar 
Career lab in your School 
O ctober is the month for Learn-ing 
Disability Awareness. 
Helikx started the campaign 
on Learning Disability Awareness on 
24th of October on its Foundation Day 
and it lasts till November 29th. Foun-dation 
Day celebrations included the exhibition 
of paintings by Karthikeyan and photos by 
Hariprasad our former students. Karthikeyan, is 
ongoing his study in fine arts and Hariprasad 
pursuing his diploma in Multimedia. Both are 
pursuing their passion which was nurtured by 
our school’s vocational masters. 
Many teens after their secondary education think the same way 
“Now what “. The young adults affected by ADHD are uncer-tain 
about the next step that has to be taken in their life, while 
their predecessors are depressed about the their ongoing job’s 
that don’t suit them. They don’t know which job might make 
them happy. 
In this situation Career lab can be an environment to nurture 
their talent into a job. Missions should be aimed to cap-ture 
the brilliance of an individual with ADHD and Dys-lexia, 
who think and work differently. Aravind, 10th stand-ard 
student of our school has started earning from his 
paintings, which he sells through schools. “ I feel more 
confident and to write more when others comment on my 
stories” says Prassana 9th Standard student of our School 
whose stories are published online. 
A Multi prolonged approach can help the kids to overcome their 
Life coaching – Counselors can play a role of life coach in ca-reer 
lab. They can train them in goal setting, accountability, 
time management, organizing, and life style. The counselors can 
address concerns of anxieties that 
are there while taking a new pro-ject. 
Therapy – Help to continue their 
ADHD treatment to manage anxie-ty, 
depression and to overcome 
challenge with group dynamics, building self-confidence and 
enhancing interpersonal relationship. 
A stimulating environment wh ere everyone motivate their 
creation. Mentor to open up a market for their product. Career 
lab can be an open space where they can do little but not late 
and do things differently. 
By Alen Kuriakose, Trainer, HSSW
A ny kind of personal develop-ment 
endeavor involves a lot 
of aspects to consider and 
apply in order to realize one’s poten-tials. 
Once these potentials are identi-fied, 
they become your personal 
strengths and assets that can empower 
you as an individual and take you to 
greater heights. 
In order to become an effective indi-vidual, 
you have to get in touch with 
yourself. No one else knows you better 
than yourself. In some cases, people 
who fail to connect to their inner 
selves find it hard to get a hold of their 
lives. Other people tend to dominate or 
take over their lives. Would you want 
others to run your life because they 
know your strengths and weaknesses 
more than you do? 
Personal development requires more 
self-analysis; personal management 
involves more self-supervision. Alt-hough 
self-analysis and self-supervision 
are related, they are sepa-rate 
concepts. You cannot manage or 
supervise yourself unless your get to 
know the real you. Knowing oneself 
entails knowing one’s abilities, flaws, 
strengths, and behaviors. These are 
essential components to practicing 
effective self-supervision. 
Understanding Self-Analysis 
The concept of self-analysis was popu-larized 
by the famous psychologist 
Sigmund Freud. He studied and re-searched 
Why Self Supervision? 
Compiled By Mr.G Senthilkumar (HSSW) 
on the field of 
psychoanalysis, which is 
an outcome of the study of 
Self-analysis is defined as 
the process of studying 
and examining one’s per-sonality, 
emotions, and 
behavior. In psychological 
terms, the process involves an under-standing 
or comprehension of the indi-vidual’s 
subconscious and conscious 
There are various means to conduct 
self-analysis. A regular self-evaluation 
of potentials and weaknesses can 
make you realize what you need to 
develop more and what needs to be 
changed or even eliminated. Know 
your talents and abilities and develop 
them. Get in touch with your emotions. 
Find out how well you handle positive 
and negative emotions. Know your 
personal behaviors and take stock of 
your attitude. Be keen on what turns 
other people off and what attracts 
them about your personality. Take 
personality tests to provide you objec-tive 
explanations of your personality 
issues. Ask other people what they 
think of you and your personality in 
Self-Analysis as the Initial Stage to 
It was already mentioned in the earlier 
paragraph of this article that it is diffi-cult 
to manage your own life and ac-tions 
if you do not completely know 
yourself. There are people who seem 
like a stranger to their own selves. Self 
-supervision is a highly motivating skill 
and requires other major skills to be 
utilized. Responsible people usually 
just direct their own lives without rely-ing 
on others. Self-supervised individu-als 
know themselves best and can easi-ly 
identify what works and what does 
not work for them. 
In order to properly manage your life 
and your undertakings in both person-al 
and professional aspects, you must 
study your own personality. At times, 
you find out the real you from other 
people. The people who know you tend 
to make you realize what is on your 
subconscious that is not being entered 
in your conscious mind. 
Regular Self-Analysis for an Effec-tive 
It was mentioned that before you can 
start supervising yourself, a self-check 
must be done to be fully aware of your 
real personality. It will not be very 
hard to handle your activities and oth-er 
undertakings if you know what you 
are capable of and what you are not 
good at. Self-analysis does not end at 
the initial phase of learning how to self 
-supervise; it is a continuous process. 
The more you know about yourself, the 
better you become at self-supervising. 
If you are about to establish your indi-vidual 
career, you must have already 
created an inner connection with your 
personality. When you become im-mersed 
in the corporate world, self-supervision 
is very essential. As you go 
through various experiences, you 
should also be continually developing 
your personality. 
At the start, it is normal to depend on 
other people for decisions and on what 
to do. But you must be able to get over 
this stage in the long run and learn 
how to be an independent worker. 
Good self-supervision will definitely 
take your career to greater heights 
and transform your life. Yet, always 
strive to know yourself more and more 
in the process.
Principal, Helikx Open School 
E ach person has different 
learning preferences and 
styles that benefit them, in-cluding 
auditory, visual, logical, social, 
solitary or tactile. It is not uncommon 
for people to discover certain learning 
styles that work best for them or styles 
that are preferable in certain situa-tions. 
It is also possible for individuals 
to develop learning styles never uti-lized 
in the past or further hone pre-ferred 
Visual Learning Style 
Visual learners better retain infor-mation 
presented in pictures, videos, 
graphs, and books. These people bene-fit 
when information is presented on 
an overhead projector or white board, 
on a piece of paper, or in a book. Visu-al 
learners often make sure their notes 
are very detailed and spend extra time 
reviewing information from textbooks. 
Visual learners also frequently draw 
pictures or develop diagrams when 
trying to comprehend a subject. 
Auditory Learning Style 
Auditory learners better retain infor-mation 
presented in lectures and pub-lic 
speeches, audio recordings, and 
other forms of verbal communication. 
While a visual learner would prefer to 
read a book or watch a video, auditory 
learners would prefer to attend a lec-ture. 
Tactile Learning Style 
Tactile Learners retain information 
best through hands-on participation. 
These types of people are also known 
as kinesthetic learners. For example, a 
tactile learner in an automotive repair 
class would learn better by working on 
cars rather than sitting through a lec-ture 
or reading a book. They also excel 
in classes where students are assigned 
to study in labs. 
Logical Style 
Mrs. P.V Ananthalakshmi, 
Individuals who excel at math and 
possess strong logical reasoning skills 
are usually logical learners. They no-tice 
patterns quickly and have a keen 
ability to link information that would 
seem nonrelated by others. Logical 
learners retain details better by draw-ing 
connections after organizing an 
assortment of information. 
Social Style 
Social learners usually have excellent 
written and verbal communication 
skills. These individuals are at ease 
speaking with other people and often 
comprehend their perspectives. For 
this reason, others frequently seek 
counsel from social learners. Social 
learners also learn best working with 
groups and take opportunities to meet 
individually with teachers. 
Solitary Style 
Solitary learners usually prefer to 
work by themselves in private settings. 
They usually do not rely on others for 
help when solving a problem or study-ing. 
Solitary learners frequently ana-lyze 
their learning preferences and 
methods. Since solitary learners prefer 
to work alone, it is possible for them to 
waste time on a difficult problem be-fore 
seeking assistance. 
To get the most out of your time study-ing, 
it is very helpful to identify your 
personal learning preferences and 
styles. It is very beneficial to know the 
learning styles that best suit your per-sonality 
when selecting a major, sign-ing 
up for classes, and preparing for a 
test. It can also help you when select-ing 
a future career.
 Rn. S.P Bala Subramaniam, District Governor, Rotary 
International District observing the Students Perfor-mance 
 Memories : Photo exhibition on Helikx 
 Mr. Bala Subramaniam, Manager Glaze Brooke Matric-ulation 
School on Foundation Day 
 B.ed Students of Sri. Saradha College after attending 
the orientation on SLD 
 Students creating Human Pyramid on Foundation Day 
 Dr. C. Janagavali, Principal Sri Saradha College was 
the Chief Guest. 
 Dewali Celebration in 
 Students participating 
Salem tree club’s CLEAN 
Drive, painting town 
railway junction and 
planting tree sampling 
 URC teachers after 15 
days SLD Training 
 Students & Staff on mak-ing 
of key chains
Helikx Open School Community Initiatives 
Two days Classroom Remedial teaching strategies workshop Nov 28,29 
Helikx open school and learning Centre in association with Sarada College of Education Salem organizing Two Day workshop on 
Classroom Remedial Teaching strategies for teachers. More than 500 teacher will benefit from the program. Lead faculty Mrs. 
Devipriya Psych ologist an d Secretary of Helikx open sch ool will h an dle session on Remedial strategies, Mrs. Usha Ra-makrishnan 
from Vidya Sagar Ch enn ai will h an dle session on Mu ltiple in telligen ce, Mr.G.Senthilkumar Reh abilitation 
Social worker will handle session on need for counselling. 
14th year Helikx Open School Foundation Day 
The year 2001 marked the beginning of Helikx open school journey with one student. Every year Oct 24 is celebrated as founda-tion 
day. This year we celebrate our foundation for one month Oct 24 to Nov 29. This year theme “invisible to visible” still larger 
section of population especially parent and teacher are unable to understand this hidden disability common known as Dyslexia. So 
this year we decided to reach out to teachers, parent and public on a massive awareness campaign. More than 25 principals of 
various leading school will visit our school to see the resource room. Our aim is to set up remedial, assessment and counselling 
room in every school so that no student feel let down by teachers and parent and society. Let’s make learning a joyful journey. 
5S practice by Helikx Open School Students 
5S practice the most sorted process by all manufacturing industries all over the world to keep the work place well organised, in-troduced 
by Japanese. In Helikx open school we are very proud to state we practice this system to inculcate voluntary discipline 
among student themselves. In this process management, teachers, non teaching staffs, students are grouped in to zones. Each 
zone will be represented by all the above stakeholders, every week meeting and every day cleaning of the zone will take place. 
Monthly once audit will be done and point scored based on the work place discipline and way it’s kept organized. We are very 
proud to state our school hostel is maintained so clean by students themselves, because of this practice falling sickness have come 
done by 80%.our students participated in the 5S competition held in Erode and shared their experience and the effort was well 
appreciated. Very surprising some of our student started implementing this practice in their home. 
November 1 Salem Day Celebration Helikx student participation 
Every year Nov 1st is celebrated as Salem day to make city greener and safer to live and to show cause of heritage to next genera-tion. 
This Salem tree club organized CLEAN Drive, painting town railway junction and planting tree sampling in and around the 
Salem town railway junction. Helikx school students participated in all these activity. Kudos to our Helikx students they won third 
prize for the save earth wall painting competition. Participating in such events make student more responsible as future citizen to 
make our living place cleaner and safe for future. Congrats students and tree club. 
Helikx student at VANAGAM organic farming November 1 to 3 
As part of holistic learning process our school is tied up with varnagam trust (late namalvar organic guru) institute, to teach chil-dren 
importance of organic farming and importance of agriculture and how in school and home farming can be done. 17 students, 
3 teacher and warden are participating three days in kadavaur tamilnadu about organic farming. In our campus children given 
time to practice farming and happy to note for school kitchen vegetables grown from school farm is used in a small way. These 
aspects are linked to learning subject as per respective classes. Children from framing background are these lesson back home 
implement. Master Pradeep, is our inspiration story. Children with ADHD and ADD of our school benefited from these program’s . 
Food security importance is made sensitized to students. Importance go green and protecting nature is made priority to next gen-eration. 
We at Helikx are very happy to teach children with specific learning disability vocation that will give confidence to face 
life in better aspects. 
For more details visit
M other and a baby camel were 
lying around, and suddenly 
the baby camel asked, 
“mother, may I ask you some questions? 
Mother said, “Sure! Why son, is there 
something bothering you? Baby said, 
“Why do camels have humps?” Mother 
said “Well son, we are desert animals, we 
need the humps to store water and we are 
known to survive without water”. Baby 
said, “Okay, then why are our legs long 
and our feet rounded?” Mother said, “Son, 
obviously they are meant for walking in 
the desert. You know with these legs I can 
move around the desert better than any-one 
does!” Baby said, “Okay, then why are 
our eyelashes long? Sometimes it bothers 
my sight”. Mother with pride said, “My 
son, those long thick eyelashes are your 
protective cover. They help to protect 
your eyes from the desert sand and wind”. 
Baby after thinking said, “I see. So the 
hump is to store water when we are in the 
desert, the legs are for walking through 
the desert and these eye lashes protect 
my eyes from the desert then what in 
god’s name are we doing here in the 
Zoo!?”This story clearly addresses the 
state of a child with Learning Disability. If 
parents and teachers are able to identify 
the Skills, knowledge, abilities and experi-ences 
of a child with LD and put them at 
the right place, their true potential is dis-covered. 
Myths & Facts about Learning Disabil-ities 
1. Myth: People with LDs cannot 
People with LDs are smart and can learn. 
LDs mean learning in different ways. 
2. Myth: People with LDs are just 
People with LDs often have to work hard-er, 
but the results may not show their 
Some people with LDs may become dis-couraged 
because they have struggled so 
hard, and they may appear unmotivated 
or lazy. 
3. Myth: Accommodations give an 
unfair advantage. 
Fair is not always equal. 
Accommodations allow people with LDs to 
work to their level of their ability and not 
their disability. 
4. Myth: All LDs are outgrown by 
LDs tend to be noticed most often in 
school, but can affect all areas of life. 
Often by adulthood, people have found 
ways to use their strengths to compensate 
for their LDs. Many adults seek work 
environments that are a good fit. 
5. Myth: LDs are all the same. 
LDs are complicated and vary from person 
to person. 
LDs come in many forms and affect every-one 
The impact of 
LDs may 
change in 
different set-tings 
on the de-mands 
of the 
Ms. Thenu, CT 
Freelance Counsellor 
with LD to a Bright Future 
Every child is different and so are his 
needs. Some children have difficulty in 
reading, writing, spelling, solving math 
problems etc. These difficulties are a re-sult 
of different Learning Disabilities. 
As a teacher, one would want that all chil-dren 
get premium education and find suc-cess 
in life. And a teacher plays a very 
important role in this. This is what one 
needs to do to help children with Learning 
Divide and Rule 
Break the tasks into smaller steps. Let 
them complete one step and then give 
them instructions for the next step either 
verbally or in writing. 
Give More Time 
As these children find it difficult to read, 
they need more time. Give these students 
some extra time to finish their school 
work or while conducting test. 
Teach to Share 
Since these children find it difficult to 
read and write, one could try to allow 
these students to borrow books and notes 
from their classmates. Perhaps one can 
give them textbooks-on-tape. Teachers 
could also allow them to use a tape re-corder 
to record whatever is being taught 
or dictated. 
Use Technology 
Parents and teachers can allow these stu-dents 
to make use of a computer so that 
they don’t do spelling mistakes or they 
can simply use it to record what is being 
Baby Camel 
and Mother
Identifying Children At-Risk and Early Intervention 
"Every student 
can learn, just 
not on the same 
day, or the same 
way. " - George 
T he way we grew up during our child-hood 
and the way today's children are 
growing are not the same. The various 
factors involved in child rearing like: 
house, weather, technology, food and 
availability of people have changed. Eve-rything 
have changed to, so-called better 
living . But what is really happening is, as 
we advance scientifically we are experi-encing 
more and more challenges in child 
development. Scientist are still pondering 
what could be the reason for so many 
child development issues that we are fac-ing 
today. They are weighing so many 
factors from life style changes, food hab-its, 
hereditary, etc. But none of them led 
to any fruitful findings. 
Children develop at normal pace will 
achieve age appropriate growths at the 
right time or sometimes earlier than ex-pected. 
But when we consider children 
who does not reach those milestones on 
time, they can be grouped under two 
different categories. They are as follows: 
1. Children who develop slowly and 
2. Children who are At-Risk of developing 
a disability. 
When a child is experiencing developmen-tal 
delays, he/she may not be reaching 
age appropriate milestones. One of the 
early yellow flag rises when a child is not 
reaching the age appropriate mile stones 
The only way to distinguish a slow devel-opment 
from At- Risk is through proactive 
observation. The very first step that a 
parent could do is to observe carefully 
child's development and if they feel there 
is repeated developmental delay, then it 
should be communicated to the child's 
pediatrician and consequently get appro-priate 
help from appropriate specials like 
psychologist, Occupational therapist or 
early intervention specialist, if needed. 
This should be done only by professionals 
who are trained to evaluate various disa-bilities 
and disorders. This evaluation will 
involve combination of one on one consul-tation, 
observation report from family 
members, teachers or other related adults 
involved in that child's life. 
Early (yellow) signals for ages 0-3. A 
child who fails to achieve the following 
age appropriate mile stone repeatedly 
may fall under "At-Risk" group: 
Physical: Reaching, Rolling, Crawling and 
Cognitive: Thinking, Learning, solving 
problem . 
Communication: Talking, Listening, Un-derstanding. 
Social and Emotional: Playing, Feeling 
secure and happy. 
Self Help : Eating, Dressing. 
A child At -Risk of developing a disability 
in the future should be intervened at the 
early stage to bridge the gap in develop-ment. 
Early intervention not only saves 
the child from unnecessary stress but 
also provides alternate ways to develop 
the skills that the child is lagging. Also 
early intervention helps parents to under-stand 
their child better and provide nec-essary 
help to the child. 
Early Red Signal for school age chil-dren. 
The most prominent sign for onset 
of disability is there will be a distinctive 
and unexplained gap between perfor-mance 
and age appropriate achievement 
at school. Learning disability is different 
from intellectual inability, sensory impair-ment 
and autism spectrum disorder. Stu-dents 
with learning disability struggle to 
acquire the skills needed for their aca-demic 
performance. Learning disability is 
lifelong, that why it's crucial to identify as 
early as possible and proper supportive 
actions should be provided to promote 
learning by adopting alternate ways. The 
sooner the alternate course of action is 
taken it's better for the child, as the goal 
here is to bridge the gap between the 
performance and achievement not only 
academically but also socially . 
Sometimes Learning Disability(LD) will be 
found along with Attention-Deficit/ 
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) but they 
are not the same. LD may affect a per-son's 
ability in Listening, Speaking, Read-ing, 
Writing, Spelling, Reasoning and 
Mathematics. Getting professional help to 
identify, evaluate and provide necessary 
help that the child needs will help the 
parents to be well informed and help their 
child get closer to their dreams. 
Author's Insight: Many paren ts and 
students has the question why do we need 
to label a person with their disability? We 
have common core instruction method 
and each child learns differently, if we 
could individualize instruction according 
to individual child's need there won't be 
any need for labeling, but the only way to 
help a child with LD is to provide him 
with alternate course of instruction that 
would help him understand and learn. 
"Pink and red flags: Identifying children 
at risk" presented by Meg Drake M.A in 
learning disability, Canada, New Jersey 
Montessori association corporation, 
March 2011-2012.. 
National center for Learning Disability, 
By Murugalakshmi Thirumalai , USA
Handling children with 
Specific Learning Disability 
By Ms Jainy John, 
Helikx School Social Worker 
“S pecific earning disability is a disor-der 
in one or more of the basic psy-chological 
processes in understanding or in 
using language, spoken or written, that may 
manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell or do mathematical calcula-tions, 
including conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental 
aphasia. However, learning disabilities do not include learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor 
disabilities, of mental retardation, of emotional disturbance, or environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage”. This is the 
detailed definition given by The American Special Education Law, the individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 2002). 
When we talk about how to handle children with specific learning disabilities, it is mandatory to understand their issues and chal-lenges. 
The learning disabled children face many challenges which we can discriminate under three headings. They are Academic 
issues, Behavior issues, Emotional issuesSince they have a stigma as a learning disabled child these mentioned issues arise alter-natively 
with their disability. It can be categorized under three headings as below. 
Academic issues Behavior issues Emotional issues 
Hand writing problems Foul language Inferior complex 
Comprehension Nail biting Superior complex 
Mathematics Bullying Anxiety 
Exam fear Stealing Stress 
Spelling problem Telling lies Mood strings 
Memory problems Absenteeism Falling behind peers 
Listening Gang fighting/formation Withdrawal 
Grammar/ concept Playful attitude Single parenting 
Poor reading and revising habit Damaging school property Abuse(verbal/physical) 
Poor school work Disturbing others Temper tantrum 
For the academic problem students facing we can give remedial teaching with the help of a trained special educators who can 
understand their difficulties completely so that they can empathize with them. Individual Education Plan (IEP) is needed to pre-pare 
for all the children after a detailed assessment both formal and informal. Behavior issues have to be treated by behavior 
management technique. Identifying behavior problem is the first step to give intervention followed by behavior recording inter-vention 
giving and observing the changes is the major steps under behavior management programme. Emotional issues should be 
handled by giving adequate training. Emotions, Identification of emotions, handling different emotions, respecting the feelings of 
others these are the major trainings needed for the children with emotional issues. 
If we are able to handle these three areas of issues we can be successful in handling students with specific learning disability. 
149 Alamelu Nagar, Pagalapatty Road, Muthunaickenpatty, Salem - 636 303 |

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Bg september 2014.

  • 1. 1 AN OFFICAL NEWSLETTER OF SCHOOL SOCIAL WORK & RESEARCH DEPARTMENT OF HELIKX OPEN SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIFIC LEARNING DISABILITIES | | +91-98427-33318 Volume 1 | Issue 9 SEPTEMBER 2014 If I wasn't Dyslexic, I probably wouldn't have won the Robotics in IIT Mumbai If I had been a better reader then that would have come easily. Thereafter I wouldn't try painting & become an International Prize Winner. OCTOBER IS SPECFIC LEARNING DISABILITY AWARENESS MONTH JOIN WITH US TO RAISE THE AWARENESS FROM OCTOBER 24 HELIKX FOUNDATION DAY TO NOVEMBER 29  From the Chairman's Desk  Career lab in your school  Why Self Supervision?  What is my Learning Style  SLD Foundation Day Gallery  School Activities  Baby Camel & Mother  Identifying Children At-Risk and Early Intervention  Handling Children with SLD
  • 2. 2 From Our Chairman’s Desk Dear Reader, I thank all our readers and well-wishers for your continu-ous support. Your feedback is always encouraging and drives us to do better professional service. This month our main focus will be on Specific Learning Disability as October month is dedicated for disability aware-ness throughout the world. Our helikx open school has extended it’s service to other private schools to set up counselling and remedial professional help. We are happy to share the news that ,officially our centre has been inaugurated on vijaya Dasami day at URC matriculation school Erode and has signed MOU to start Assessment, Remedial and Coun sellin g cen tre in their campus. We th an k URC sch ool management for the support. Our students participated in multiple intelligence competition and brought laurels to our school. Helikx School Social Work and Research department has orga-nized state level paper presentation seminar on School Social Work. Certificate course for parents and teachers has introduced such as 2days bare counsellor introducto-ry program, 5 days bare foot coun-sellor program and 10days advance program on school and general counselling. We are participating in school Business enterprise competition and mini blog competition, robotic competition in Mumbai. Kindly visit our school blog- and post your comments. Congrats to Alen and Roopika for meticulous effort to bring out every month newsletter. Thank you again Happy Reading! G. Senthilkumar Career lab in your School O ctober is the month for Learn-ing Disability Awareness. Helikx started the campaign on Learning Disability Awareness on 24th of October on its Foundation Day and it lasts till November 29th. Foun-dation Day celebrations included the exhibition of paintings by Karthikeyan and photos by Hariprasad our former students. Karthikeyan, is ongoing his study in fine arts and Hariprasad pursuing his diploma in Multimedia. Both are pursuing their passion which was nurtured by our school’s vocational masters. Many teens after their secondary education think the same way “Now what “. The young adults affected by ADHD are uncer-tain about the next step that has to be taken in their life, while their predecessors are depressed about the their ongoing job’s that don’t suit them. They don’t know which job might make them happy. In this situation Career lab can be an environment to nurture their talent into a job. Missions should be aimed to cap-ture the brilliance of an individual with ADHD and Dys-lexia, who think and work differently. Aravind, 10th stand-ard student of our school has started earning from his paintings, which he sells through schools. “ I feel more confident and to write more when others comment on my stories” says Prassana 9th Standard student of our School whose stories are published online. A Multi prolonged approach can help the kids to overcome their problems: Life coaching – Counselors can play a role of life coach in ca-reer lab. They can train them in goal setting, accountability, time management, organizing, and life style. The counselors can address concerns of anxieties that are there while taking a new pro-ject. Therapy – Help to continue their ADHD treatment to manage anxie-ty, depression and to overcome challenge with group dynamics, building self-confidence and enhancing interpersonal relationship. A stimulating environment wh ere everyone motivate their creation. Mentor to open up a market for their product. Career lab can be an open space where they can do little but not late and do things differently. EDITORIAL By Alen Kuriakose, Trainer, HSSW
  • 3. 3 A ny kind of personal develop-ment endeavor involves a lot of aspects to consider and apply in order to realize one’s poten-tials. Once these potentials are identi-fied, they become your personal strengths and assets that can empower you as an individual and take you to greater heights. In order to become an effective indi-vidual, you have to get in touch with yourself. No one else knows you better than yourself. In some cases, people who fail to connect to their inner selves find it hard to get a hold of their lives. Other people tend to dominate or take over their lives. Would you want others to run your life because they know your strengths and weaknesses more than you do? Personal development requires more self-analysis; personal management involves more self-supervision. Alt-hough self-analysis and self-supervision are related, they are sepa-rate concepts. You cannot manage or supervise yourself unless your get to know the real you. Knowing oneself entails knowing one’s abilities, flaws, strengths, and behaviors. These are essential components to practicing effective self-supervision. Understanding Self-Analysis The concept of self-analysis was popu-larized by the famous psychologist Sigmund Freud. He studied and re-searched Why Self Supervision? Compiled By Mr.G Senthilkumar (HSSW) on the field of psychoanalysis, which is an outcome of the study of self-analysis. Self-analysis is defined as the process of studying and examining one’s per-sonality, emotions, and behavior. In psychological terms, the process involves an under-standing or comprehension of the indi-vidual’s subconscious and conscious mind. There are various means to conduct self-analysis. A regular self-evaluation of potentials and weaknesses can make you realize what you need to develop more and what needs to be changed or even eliminated. Know your talents and abilities and develop them. Get in touch with your emotions. Find out how well you handle positive and negative emotions. Know your personal behaviors and take stock of your attitude. Be keen on what turns other people off and what attracts them about your personality. Take personality tests to provide you objec-tive explanations of your personality issues. Ask other people what they think of you and your personality in general. Self-Analysis as the Initial Stage to Self-Supervision It was already mentioned in the earlier paragraph of this article that it is diffi-cult to manage your own life and ac-tions if you do not completely know yourself. There are people who seem like a stranger to their own selves. Self -supervision is a highly motivating skill and requires other major skills to be utilized. Responsible people usually just direct their own lives without rely-ing on others. Self-supervised individu-als know themselves best and can easi-ly identify what works and what does not work for them. In order to properly manage your life and your undertakings in both person-al and professional aspects, you must study your own personality. At times, you find out the real you from other people. The people who know you tend to make you realize what is on your subconscious that is not being entered in your conscious mind. Regular Self-Analysis for an Effec-tive Self-Supervision It was mentioned that before you can start supervising yourself, a self-check must be done to be fully aware of your real personality. It will not be very hard to handle your activities and oth-er undertakings if you know what you are capable of and what you are not good at. Self-analysis does not end at the initial phase of learning how to self -supervise; it is a continuous process. The more you know about yourself, the better you become at self-supervising. If you are about to establish your indi-vidual career, you must have already created an inner connection with your personality. When you become im-mersed in the corporate world, self-supervision is very essential. As you go through various experiences, you should also be continually developing your personality. At the start, it is normal to depend on other people for decisions and on what to do. But you must be able to get over this stage in the long run and learn how to be an independent worker. Good self-supervision will definitely take your career to greater heights and transform your life. Yet, always strive to know yourself more and more in the process.
  • 4. Principal, Helikx Open School 4 E ach person has different learning preferences and styles that benefit them, in-cluding auditory, visual, logical, social, solitary or tactile. It is not uncommon for people to discover certain learning styles that work best for them or styles that are preferable in certain situa-tions. It is also possible for individuals to develop learning styles never uti-lized in the past or further hone pre-ferred styles. Visual Learning Style Visual learners better retain infor-mation presented in pictures, videos, graphs, and books. These people bene-fit when information is presented on an overhead projector or white board, on a piece of paper, or in a book. Visu-al learners often make sure their notes are very detailed and spend extra time reviewing information from textbooks. Visual learners also frequently draw pictures or develop diagrams when trying to comprehend a subject. Auditory Learning Style Auditory learners better retain infor-mation presented in lectures and pub-lic speeches, audio recordings, and other forms of verbal communication. While a visual learner would prefer to read a book or watch a video, auditory learners would prefer to attend a lec-ture. Tactile Learning Style Tactile Learners retain information best through hands-on participation. These types of people are also known as kinesthetic learners. For example, a tactile learner in an automotive repair class would learn better by working on cars rather than sitting through a lec-ture or reading a book. They also excel in classes where students are assigned to study in labs. Logical Style Mrs. P.V Ananthalakshmi, Individuals who excel at math and possess strong logical reasoning skills are usually logical learners. They no-tice patterns quickly and have a keen ability to link information that would seem nonrelated by others. Logical learners retain details better by draw-ing connections after organizing an assortment of information. Social Style Social learners usually have excellent written and verbal communication skills. These individuals are at ease speaking with other people and often comprehend their perspectives. For this reason, others frequently seek counsel from social learners. Social learners also learn best working with groups and take opportunities to meet individually with teachers. Solitary Style Solitary learners usually prefer to work by themselves in private settings. They usually do not rely on others for help when solving a problem or study-ing. Solitary learners frequently ana-lyze their learning preferences and methods. Since solitary learners prefer to work alone, it is possible for them to waste time on a difficult problem be-fore seeking assistance. To get the most out of your time study-ing, it is very helpful to identify your personal learning preferences and styles. It is very beneficial to know the learning styles that best suit your per-sonality when selecting a major, sign-ing up for classes, and preparing for a test. It can also help you when select-ing a future career.
  • 5. 5 HELIKX 14th FOUNDATION DAY CELEBRATION  Rn. S.P Bala Subramaniam, District Governor, Rotary International District observing the Students Perfor-mance  Memories : Photo exhibition on Helikx  Mr. Bala Subramaniam, Manager Glaze Brooke Matric-ulation School on Foundation Day  B.ed Students of Sri. Saradha College after attending the orientation on SLD  Students creating Human Pyramid on Foundation Day  Dr. C. Janagavali, Principal Sri Saradha College was the Chief Guest.  Dewali Celebration in Campus  Students participating Salem tree club’s CLEAN Drive, painting town railway junction and planting tree sampling  URC teachers after 15 days SLD Training  Students & Staff on mak-ing of key chains
  • 6. 6 Helikx Open School Community Initiatives Two days Classroom Remedial teaching strategies workshop Nov 28,29 Helikx open school and learning Centre in association with Sarada College of Education Salem organizing Two Day workshop on Classroom Remedial Teaching strategies for teachers. More than 500 teacher will benefit from the program. Lead faculty Mrs. Devipriya Psych ologist an d Secretary of Helikx open sch ool will h an dle session on Remedial strategies, Mrs. Usha Ra-makrishnan from Vidya Sagar Ch enn ai will h an dle session on Mu ltiple in telligen ce, Mr.G.Senthilkumar Reh abilitation Social worker will handle session on need for counselling. 14th year Helikx Open School Foundation Day The year 2001 marked the beginning of Helikx open school journey with one student. Every year Oct 24 is celebrated as founda-tion day. This year we celebrate our foundation for one month Oct 24 to Nov 29. This year theme “invisible to visible” still larger section of population especially parent and teacher are unable to understand this hidden disability common known as Dyslexia. So this year we decided to reach out to teachers, parent and public on a massive awareness campaign. More than 25 principals of various leading school will visit our school to see the resource room. Our aim is to set up remedial, assessment and counselling room in every school so that no student feel let down by teachers and parent and society. Let’s make learning a joyful journey. 5S practice by Helikx Open School Students 5S practice the most sorted process by all manufacturing industries all over the world to keep the work place well organised, in-troduced by Japanese. In Helikx open school we are very proud to state we practice this system to inculcate voluntary discipline among student themselves. In this process management, teachers, non teaching staffs, students are grouped in to zones. Each zone will be represented by all the above stakeholders, every week meeting and every day cleaning of the zone will take place. Monthly once audit will be done and point scored based on the work place discipline and way it’s kept organized. We are very proud to state our school hostel is maintained so clean by students themselves, because of this practice falling sickness have come done by 80%.our students participated in the 5S competition held in Erode and shared their experience and the effort was well appreciated. Very surprising some of our student started implementing this practice in their home. November 1 Salem Day Celebration Helikx student participation Every year Nov 1st is celebrated as Salem day to make city greener and safer to live and to show cause of heritage to next genera-tion. This Salem tree club organized CLEAN Drive, painting town railway junction and planting tree sampling in and around the Salem town railway junction. Helikx school students participated in all these activity. Kudos to our Helikx students they won third prize for the save earth wall painting competition. Participating in such events make student more responsible as future citizen to make our living place cleaner and safe for future. Congrats students and tree club. Helikx student at VANAGAM organic farming November 1 to 3 As part of holistic learning process our school is tied up with varnagam trust (late namalvar organic guru) institute, to teach chil-dren importance of organic farming and importance of agriculture and how in school and home farming can be done. 17 students, 3 teacher and warden are participating three days in kadavaur tamilnadu about organic farming. In our campus children given time to practice farming and happy to note for school kitchen vegetables grown from school farm is used in a small way. These aspects are linked to learning subject as per respective classes. Children from framing background are these lesson back home implement. Master Pradeep, is our inspiration story. Children with ADHD and ADD of our school benefited from these program’s . Food security importance is made sensitized to students. Importance go green and protecting nature is made priority to next gen-eration. We at Helikx are very happy to teach children with specific learning disability vocation that will give confidence to face life in better aspects. For more details visit
  • 7. 7 M other and a baby camel were lying around, and suddenly the baby camel asked, “mother, may I ask you some questions? Mother said, “Sure! Why son, is there something bothering you? Baby said, “Why do camels have humps?” Mother said “Well son, we are desert animals, we need the humps to store water and we are known to survive without water”. Baby said, “Okay, then why are our legs long and our feet rounded?” Mother said, “Son, obviously they are meant for walking in the desert. You know with these legs I can move around the desert better than any-one does!” Baby said, “Okay, then why are our eyelashes long? Sometimes it bothers my sight”. Mother with pride said, “My son, those long thick eyelashes are your protective cover. They help to protect your eyes from the desert sand and wind”. Baby after thinking said, “I see. So the hump is to store water when we are in the desert, the legs are for walking through the desert and these eye lashes protect my eyes from the desert then what in god’s name are we doing here in the Zoo!?”This story clearly addresses the state of a child with Learning Disability. If parents and teachers are able to identify the Skills, knowledge, abilities and experi-ences of a child with LD and put them at the right place, their true potential is dis-covered. Myths & Facts about Learning Disabil-ities 1. Myth: People with LDs cannot learn. Fact: People with LDs are smart and can learn. LDs mean learning in different ways. 2. Myth: People with LDs are just lazy. Fact: People with LDs often have to work hard-er, but the results may not show their efforts. Some people with LDs may become dis-couraged because they have struggled so hard, and they may appear unmotivated or lazy. 3. Myth: Accommodations give an unfair advantage. Fact: Fair is not always equal. Accommodations allow people with LDs to work to their level of their ability and not their disability. 4. Myth: All LDs are outgrown by adulthood. Fact: LDs tend to be noticed most often in school, but can affect all areas of life. Often by adulthood, people have found ways to use their strengths to compensate for their LDs. Many adults seek work environments that are a good fit. 5. Myth: LDs are all the same. Fact: LDs are complicated and vary from person to person. LDs come in many forms and affect every-one differently. The impact of LDs may change in different set-tings depend-ing on the de-mands of the situa-tion. Guide Chil-dren Ms. Thenu, CT Freelance Counsellor with LD to a Bright Future Every child is different and so are his needs. Some children have difficulty in reading, writing, spelling, solving math problems etc. These difficulties are a re-sult of different Learning Disabilities. As a teacher, one would want that all chil-dren get premium education and find suc-cess in life. And a teacher plays a very important role in this. This is what one needs to do to help children with Learning Disabilities. Divide and Rule Break the tasks into smaller steps. Let them complete one step and then give them instructions for the next step either verbally or in writing. Give More Time As these children find it difficult to read, they need more time. Give these students some extra time to finish their school work or while conducting test. Teach to Share Since these children find it difficult to read and write, one could try to allow these students to borrow books and notes from their classmates. Perhaps one can give them textbooks-on-tape. Teachers could also allow them to use a tape re-corder to record whatever is being taught or dictated. Use Technology Parents and teachers can allow these stu-dents to make use of a computer so that they don’t do spelling mistakes or they can simply use it to record what is being taught Baby Camel and Mother
  • 8. 8 Identifying Children At-Risk and Early Intervention "Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or the same way. " - George Evans T he way we grew up during our child-hood and the way today's children are growing are not the same. The various factors involved in child rearing like: house, weather, technology, food and availability of people have changed. Eve-rything have changed to, so-called better living . But what is really happening is, as we advance scientifically we are experi-encing more and more challenges in child development. Scientist are still pondering what could be the reason for so many child development issues that we are fac-ing today. They are weighing so many factors from life style changes, food hab-its, hereditary, etc. But none of them led to any fruitful findings. Children develop at normal pace will achieve age appropriate growths at the right time or sometimes earlier than ex-pected. But when we consider children who does not reach those milestones on time, they can be grouped under two different categories. They are as follows: 1. Children who develop slowly and 2. Children who are At-Risk of developing a disability. When a child is experiencing developmen-tal delays, he/she may not be reaching age appropriate milestones. One of the early yellow flag rises when a child is not reaching the age appropriate mile stones repeatedly. The only way to distinguish a slow devel-opment from At- Risk is through proactive observation. The very first step that a parent could do is to observe carefully child's development and if they feel there is repeated developmental delay, then it should be communicated to the child's pediatrician and consequently get appro-priate help from appropriate specials like psychologist, Occupational therapist or early intervention specialist, if needed. This should be done only by professionals who are trained to evaluate various disa-bilities and disorders. This evaluation will involve combination of one on one consul-tation, observation report from family members, teachers or other related adults involved in that child's life. Early (yellow) signals for ages 0-3. A child who fails to achieve the following age appropriate mile stone repeatedly may fall under "At-Risk" group: Physical: Reaching, Rolling, Crawling and Walking. Cognitive: Thinking, Learning, solving problem . Communication: Talking, Listening, Un-derstanding. Social and Emotional: Playing, Feeling secure and happy. Self Help : Eating, Dressing. A child At -Risk of developing a disability in the future should be intervened at the early stage to bridge the gap in develop-ment. Early intervention not only saves the child from unnecessary stress but also provides alternate ways to develop the skills that the child is lagging. Also early intervention helps parents to under-stand their child better and provide nec-essary help to the child. Early Red Signal for school age chil-dren. The most prominent sign for onset of disability is there will be a distinctive and unexplained gap between perfor-mance and age appropriate achievement at school. Learning disability is different from intellectual inability, sensory impair-ment and autism spectrum disorder. Stu-dents with learning disability struggle to acquire the skills needed for their aca-demic performance. Learning disability is lifelong, that why it's crucial to identify as early as possible and proper supportive actions should be provided to promote learning by adopting alternate ways. The sooner the alternate course of action is taken it's better for the child, as the goal here is to bridge the gap between the performance and achievement not only academically but also socially . Sometimes Learning Disability(LD) will be found along with Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) but they are not the same. LD may affect a per-son's ability in Listening, Speaking, Read-ing, Writing, Spelling, Reasoning and Mathematics. Getting professional help to identify, evaluate and provide necessary help that the child needs will help the parents to be well informed and help their child get closer to their dreams. Author's Insight: Many paren ts and students has the question why do we need to label a person with their disability? We have common core instruction method and each child learns differently, if we could individualize instruction according to individual child's need there won't be any need for labeling, but the only way to help a child with LD is to provide him with alternate course of instruction that would help him understand and learn. Reference: "Pink and red flags: Identifying children at risk" presented by Meg Drake M.A in learning disability, Canada, New Jersey Montessori association corporation, March 2011-2012.. National center for Learning Disability, By Murugalakshmi Thirumalai , USA
  • 9. 9 Handling children with Specific Learning Disability By Ms Jainy John, Helikx School Social Worker “S pecific earning disability is a disor-der in one or more of the basic psy-chological processes in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell or do mathematical calcula-tions, including conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia. However, learning disabilities do not include learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities, of mental retardation, of emotional disturbance, or environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage”. This is the detailed definition given by The American Special Education Law, the individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 2002). When we talk about how to handle children with specific learning disabilities, it is mandatory to understand their issues and chal-lenges. The learning disabled children face many challenges which we can discriminate under three headings. They are Academic issues, Behavior issues, Emotional issuesSince they have a stigma as a learning disabled child these mentioned issues arise alter-natively with their disability. It can be categorized under three headings as below. Academic issues Behavior issues Emotional issues Hand writing problems Foul language Inferior complex Comprehension Nail biting Superior complex Mathematics Bullying Anxiety Exam fear Stealing Stress Spelling problem Telling lies Mood strings Memory problems Absenteeism Falling behind peers Listening Gang fighting/formation Withdrawal Grammar/ concept Playful attitude Single parenting Poor reading and revising habit Damaging school property Abuse(verbal/physical) Poor school work Disturbing others Temper tantrum For the academic problem students facing we can give remedial teaching with the help of a trained special educators who can understand their difficulties completely so that they can empathize with them. Individual Education Plan (IEP) is needed to pre-pare for all the children after a detailed assessment both formal and informal. Behavior issues have to be treated by behavior management technique. Identifying behavior problem is the first step to give intervention followed by behavior recording inter-vention giving and observing the changes is the major steps under behavior management programme. Emotional issues should be handled by giving adequate training. Emotions, Identification of emotions, handling different emotions, respecting the feelings of others these are the major trainings needed for the children with emotional issues. If we are able to handle these three areas of issues we can be successful in handling students with specific learning disability. 149 Alamelu Nagar, Pagalapatty Road, Muthunaickenpatty, Salem - 636 303 |
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