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Lesson 1: Behavioral Traits of a Teenager Educ 20: Home Economics & Livelihood 
Jane H. Basto 
What is a teenager? 
A teenager, or teen, is a young person whose age falls within the range from thirteen through 
nineteen (13–19). They are called teenagers because their age number ends in "teen". Someone aged 18 
or 19 is also considered a young adult. Usage by ordinary people varies, and also varies in different 
societies. Most societies traditionally had a formal ceremony to mark the change from childhood to 
adulthood. During puberty, rapid mental and physical development occurs. Adolescence is the name for 
this transition period from childhood to adulthood. 
Changes of being an adolescent/teenager: 
As you grow into adulthood, you pass through a period called adolescence. It is the period 
between ages 12 and 19 in the average child. During adolescences, there are many changes in the body 
structure. The voice of a boy changes to a deeper masculine tone because of the development of the 
vocal cords and throat muscles. Hair begins to grow also on the face and other parts of the body. A girl’ 
legs on the other hand, develop more curves, the hips widen and the bust becomes firmer. Maturity 
usually starts about two years earlier in girls than boys. As you develop physically, you also develop 
mentally, emotionally and socially. 
As you grow up physically, you also gradually increase your mental and emotional stature. 
During your childhood days, your interest is only to yourself, your own possessions, your family, and 
the people you meet daily. As an adolescent, your interest shift to many things outside yourself and your 
immediate surroundings. 
Your emotional growth goes hand in hand with your mental growth. To understand why you and 
others of your age behave as you do, you must understand some of the behavioral traits of adolescents. It 
would be worthwhile to analyze all these traits and try to deal with it positively since they are all part to 
the changes in an adolescent’s life. 
Characteristics of Teenagers 
1. Independent, Emotional and Rebellious - Typical teenage rebellion can last up to six years and 
can include defiant behavior and rapidly changing moods. Although not all teenagers become 
rebellious, many do become more resistant to authority, often having a major impact on family 
dynamics and personal relationships. Teens form their self-concept and sense of identity by 
establishing independence from parents, sometimes engaging in emotional verbal conflict with 
family or other rebellious behavior. 
2. Energetic, Adventurous and Risk-Taking - Sleep patterns may change as teens are often full 
of energy and prefer to stay up later. Incomplete frontal lobe development makes it difficult for 
most teens to control impulses, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 
Adventurous or risk-taking behavior is not uncommon. Teens often have a need for excitement 
and adventure, which sometimes causes them to overlook the potential dangers involved in risk-taking 
activities, such as unprotected sexual activity or drug experimentation. 
3. Maturing Physically, Hormonal, Sexually Aware and Social - Teenagers may experience 
significant growth spurts between the ages of 13 and 18. Hormonal levels increase, as adolescent 
girls begin producing more estrogen. Teen girls fill out physically, begin menstruation, gain 
weight and can grow almost 10 inches taller between these ages. Teen boys also experience 
hormonal changes and begin producing more testosterone. Physical changes common in 
adolescent boys include growth of facial hair and significant weight gain. Teen boys can grow up 
to 20 inches taller between these ages. Physical and hormonal changes also bring about an 
increased sexual awareness, leading many teens to begin to experiment with their sexuality. 
Many teenagers begin to engage in sexual activity early in adolescence, according to a report in 
“Pediatrics,” the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Some teens might 
become involved in a sexual relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend or dedicate much of their 
time to socialization. Time with friends sometimes takes priority over schoolwork or time with 
4. Intellectual Growth - Teens grow intellectually during adolescence and are able to begin 
making life goals. The ability to understand abstract reasoning increases and teens begin to 
consider and conceptualize possibilities to hypothetical situations. Some teens might begin to 
question their parents’ points of view, and they may enjoy debating ideas. Organizational skills
Lesson 1: Behavioral Traits of a Teenager Educ 20: Home Economics & Livelihood 
Jane H. Basto 
tend to improve, as many teens are able to handle multiple responsibilities, including work, 
socialization and school, according to The Palo Alto Medical Foundation. However, impulsivity 
often wins over intellectual growth, and teens often act before thinking of long-term 
Here are some of the behavioral traits of adolescents: 
1. They are happy at times but become moody for some reason or another. They are sensitive and get 
easily upset. 
2. Teenagers want to prove their independence. However, they still need the guidance and direction of 
their parents. 
3. Adolescents tend to be irritable and restless. They do not want being criticized. 
4. Teenagers appreciate their parent’s help, but they prefer to do things by themselves. 
5. Adolescents are inquisitive. They tend to question directions and regulations. 
(As part of the changes in teenagers, they become interested with the opposite sex and start to 
develop crushes). 
6. Teenagers become aware of the differences in boy-girl relationships. They become interested in the 
opposite sex and develop crushes. As teenagers, they develop relationships with the latter. 
7. They are mostly ambitious and idealistic. They seem enthusiastic in helping the less fortunate. 
8. Adolescents tend to be very independent and permissive which oftentimes cause conflict and age 
9. Teenagers are self-centered and are concerned much about themselves. 
Loneliness in Teenagers 
Teenagers naturally face many challenges and pressures on the road to adulthood, and it can be 
difficult for parents to tell the difference between typical teen moodiness and loneliness. Try to spend as 
much time as possible with your teen, and talk to her about what's going on in her life. Being an 
involved parent will help you determine how she's really feeling. 
Causes - According to the Women's and Children's Health Network, there are many possible causes of 
teen loneliness. For example, If a teen is being bullied or teased, he may feel lonely. Losing a friend or 
loved one can also cause lonely feelings, as can moving to a new school. If you have recently divorced 
or separated from your teen's other parent, this can trigger feelings of loneliness or isolation. Teens who 
are coping with a serious illness that causes them to miss school or their favorite activities can also feel 
Signs - Teens that are lonely may seem shy and unsure of themselves. A lonely teen may seem generally 
sad and withdrawn, or she may not seem to know how to handle herself in social situations. Anxiety can 
also be a sign of loneliness. A lonely teen may seem uninterested in things her peers like, and she may 
even avoid others, according to Janis R. Bullock, an early childhood education professor at Montana 
State University, in an article on the Gulf Bend Center's website. 
Lonely teens may become lonely adults. They may have trouble making friends and feel sad, alienated 
and bored, Bullock says. If a teen is lonely, she may not learn from the peer relationships and 
interactions that she needs to form healthy relationships in the future. 
How to Help - Encourage your teen to talk about his feelings, and make sure he knows you won't judge 
him. If he's interested in anything, encourage him to join a sport, club or group to meet peers with 
similar interests. Work with him to improve his social skills -- shyness or anxiety might be holding him 
back and contributing to his loneliness. 
Professional Help - If your teen seems depressed as well as lonely, consider getting her professional 
help. Talking to her doctor about her feelings can help, as can speaking with a school counselor or even 
a professional therapist. Another option is a support group -- through a group, she can talk to other teens 
going through similar situations. If you’re local hospital or community center doesn't offer support 
groups, check out support groups online. Just remind your teen to use caution if she seeks support 
online. For instance, she should never give out her personal information on the Internet.
Lesson 1: Behavioral Traits of a Teenager Educ 20: Home Economics & Livelihood 
Jane H. Basto 
How Culture Differences Affect Teenagers 
Changing bodies, hormones and their emerging identities as young adults all tremendously affect 
teenagers. Consciously or not, their cultural backgrounds also influence them. Embracing elements of a 
teen’s cultural background can reinforce positive self-image. Some cultural characteristics might 
become hurdles that teens need to overcome in order to finish school or accept authority. Teens might 
also consciously adopt norms of new cultures as part of their adolescent identity, for example, deciding 
to join a church group or study abroad. 
School Behavior - Cultural differences can affect the way teens communicate at school. For example, 
students from Latin American and Asian cultures might demonstrate respect for their teacher by 
avoiding eye contact, according to Great Native American cultural norms consider eye 
contact with the teacher, or volunteering an answer, to be showing off. Teachers who don't pay attention 
to cultural differences might make assumptions about a teen’s level of respect or attentiveness in class 
based on these behaviors. This could result in teens missing chances for enrichment or advancement 
Parenting - Different parenting styles related to cultural background impact teens. For example, Asian 
families may emphasize interdependence and family harmony to their teens, according to the Carnegie 
Mellon Research Showcase. Caucasian families may draw from a more permissive, less authoritarian 
parenting style in comparison. Different parenting styles will impart varying cultural values to teens. 
Pride - Ethnic pride, or taking ownership of a teen’s cultural background, can be as important as self-esteem 
for a teen’s mental health, according to Northwestern University. Culture and ethnic pride aren’t 
synonymous, but a person’s ethnic background can affect his family’s choices and norms. When teens 
embrace their family’s ethnic background, this tends to have positive payoffs. Parents can bolster ethnic 
pride and embrace family culture by exposing teens to positive images in the media. This provides 
positive role models and helps counterbalance any negative images of their culture or ethnic background 
that they may have encountered. 
Distress - Cultural differences can also influence how teens manifest distress, according to research 
published in the journal "The American Psychologist." Some cultures stigmatize accessing mental health 
services to address distress, so teens and their families might be more reluctant to seek help. Teens from 
some cultures, for example, Latin American cultures, might turn to a faith counselor rather than therapist 
or doctor for support. African-American cultures that promote the importance of male “coolness” or 
aggression might discourage male teens from expressing distress. In some Asian cultures, losing face or 
experiencing dishonor might be cause for suicidal thoughts or attempts. 
Stereotypes - Although cultural differences can provide some context in examining a teenager’s 
development, it’s important to resist generalizations or stereotypes that prevent parents from assessing 
their teen as an individual. Cultural differences shouldn’t offer a blanket explanation for a teen’s 
behavior choices or self-identity. 
The Effects of Stereotyping Teenagers 
For decades teenagers have been labeled jocks, nerds, preps and punks, but stereotyping isn't 
usually productive or beneficial to a teen's mental and emotional development. A stereotype is a 
judgment about an individual based on real or imagined characteristics of a particular group, according 
to the website Facing History and Ourselves. Stereotyping can be done by parents, teachers, coaches and 
peers. When a teenager is stereotyped, she might assume she has to measure up to certain standards. 
Stereotyping puts a teen in a box, making little room for growth beyond society's limited labels and 
often unjustified expectations. 
Poor Self-Image - Some stereotypes result in a poor self-image. Teens who are labeled weird, asocial, 
awkward, hyperactive or unpopular might suffer from isolation and rejection, feeling like misfits in their
Lesson 1: Behavioral Traits of a Teenager Educ 20: Home Economics & Livelihood 
Jane H. Basto 
high schools or neighborhoods. Some might struggle with depression, have trouble fitting in with peer 
groups. Even attractive, popular students can suffer from stereotyping when they feel that they can't live 
up to their parents' or peers' athletic, academic or social expectations. For example, teenagers are often 
stereotyped and labeled according to their physical appearance, so many struggle with a low self-esteem 
when they can't meet society's body-image and beauty expectations, according to Cornell University's 
Cooperative Extension. 
Discrimination - Teen stereotyping often pits one group against another, resulting in discriminatory 
behavior. Those of a particular race might get teased or called rude and disrespectful nicknames by those 
of another race. For example, a Native American teenager might get called, "Chief," "Tonto" or 
"Indian," rather than by his real name, according to Facing History and Ourselves. Discriminatory 
behavior can lead to bullying, such as cyber bullying, physical abuse and violence. Discrimination is one 
of the most harmful effects of stereotyping because it's usually based on race or gender -- factors that 
have nothing to do with a person's values or character traits. 
Generalizations - Stereotyping also hurts those who make judgments about teens because it causes 
them to ignore differences. People who stereotype classify teens according to generalizations. They 
often infer characteristics and abilities on all members of the group that might not be true, according to 
Saul McLeod, a college psychology lecturer in the United Kingdom. For example, stereotyping all teens 
in the school band as nerds is an unfair characterization. Some band members might struggle with their 
school work and get bad grades or have athletic abilities and play competitive team sports -- opposites of 
the nerdy stereotype. 
Missed Opportunities - Missed opportunities and unmet goals are often the effects of teen stereotyping. 
A teen might have the skills and talents to pursue a college degree in art or play collegiate sports but 
never follow her dreams because she is stereotyped a loser or a reject. Some teens might forgo certain 
career paths because they are labeled "dumb jocks" and never apply to college or pursue educational 
opportunities. Stereotyping makes teens resistant to change and unwilling to pursue new opportunities 
because they feel they will always be the nerd, slut, dork, loser, punk, prep or jock they have always 
Teenagers and the Importance of Friends 
During the teenage years, friendships are important for several reasons. Teenagers typically 
spend more time with their peers than they do with their parents, siblings or other social contacts. 
Therefore, friends influence many aspects of a teenager’s life. Healthy friendships can help teenagers 
avoid delinquency, isolation and many of the negative characteristics that are associated with this period 
of life. 
Acceptance and Confidence - Healthy friendships help teenagers feel accepted and confident and can 
pave the way for the development of other positive social ties. Confidence and feeling accepted are 
integral characteristics for a teen’s social and emotional development. When a teenager feels as if he is a 
part of a group, he is less likely to be negatively affected by bullying and other forms of rejection. Teens 
who feel confident and accepted may also be less likely to engage in the bullying of others. 
Positive Influence - Friends can be positive influences in the scholastic, social and personal aspects of a 
teenager’s life. Because friends often share common goals and/or interests, they can persuade a teen to 
make good choices. They can deter delinquency and conflict, encourage success in school and provide 
the basis for a larger network of associations that will be helpful later in life. Friendships can also help a 
teen get back on track with her goals and/or plans for the future when other, more negative influences 
are present. 
Trustworthy Confidant - The teenage years are often stressful. Having trustworthy, loyal friends is 
important to help teenagers deal with the stress and uncertainty that is a normal part of development. As 
noted by adolescent specialist Maria de Guzman, “healthy friendships provide youths with social 
support for dealing with some of the challenges of adolescence." Friends can serve as a sounding board 
for issues such as relationships, school, work and conflict with parents.
Lesson 1: Behavioral Traits of a Teenager Educ 20: Home Economics & Livelihood 
Jane H. Basto 
Healthy Fun and Excitement - Friends are also outlets for fun and excitement. Friendships or peer 
groups help teenagers find healthy ways to have fun outside of home, school and work. With unhealthy 
peer influences, a teenager may engage in negative behavior. Healthy friendships, on the other hand, 
encourage pastimes that do not involve risk of delinquency or harm. An article posted in the University 
of Illinois Extension notes that, through companionship, recreation and common goals, friendships 
promote fun and excitement. 
Top Things Parents Should Be Talking to Teenagers About 
When you’re typically placid or easygoing child transitions into the teen years, you may stand shell-shocked 
with the abrupt change. Although communication between parents and teenagers may be 
challenging, don’t overlook important topics. Daily discussions should be open and honest, keeping the 
dialogue engaging to include topics relevant to a teenager’s life. 
Personal Issues - Teenagers have lots of things going on, between school, extracurricular activities, 
peers, family, homework and chores. While teenagers try to juggle everything, don’t forget that they are 
also focusing on personal interests such as hobbies, music and sports. Take an interest in your child’s 
life, concerns, interests and issues. Ask questions, be available to provide support and encourage your 
child whenever possible. Strive to connect and engage with your child positively every day to maintain a 
close relationship. 
Health - Keep lines of communication open regarding sexual maturity and activity so you can provide 
support and answers if you’re teen needs help. Help your teen seek medical care to stay physically 
healthy during the teenage years. Maintaining emotional health involves watching for issues such as 
depression, anxiety, eating disorders, aggression or isolation from peers and family. If you see this type 
of behavior, get dialogues going to offer support and assistance for your teen. You may need to arrange 
professional counseling or treatment. 
Safety - Teen safety is a huge topic, encompassing many different subjects. Communicate openly about 
your concerns regarding Internet safety, substance abuse, privacy issues, cell phone usage, safe driving 
practices, piercings and tattoos, firearms and family rules regarding conduct. Teenagers often encounter 
situations frequently where the teen must make a decision regarding conduct or actions. By talking about 
various issues and related situations, you can give your teenager the tools necessary to make responsible 
decisions, states the American Academy of Pediatrics. 
The Future - Teenagers may worry or wonder about current events, especially as they impact the 
future. Talk about issues and happenings in the world with your teenager. Help your teenager dissect and 
understand events. Discuss your teenager’s future plans as well, asking questions, providing support and 
giving input as desired. Help your child navigate her course to achieve her goals by providing calm and 
reassuring support. 
References -problems/39350.html -traits-of-adolescence-or-teenagers -teenagers-4502.html -characteristics-teenagers-12960.html -importance-friends-6135.html -characteristics-teenagers-12960.html

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Behavioral Traits of a Teenager

  • 1. Lesson 1: Behavioral Traits of a Teenager Educ 20: Home Economics & Livelihood Jane H. Basto Page1 What is a teenager? A teenager, or teen, is a young person whose age falls within the range from thirteen through nineteen (13–19). They are called teenagers because their age number ends in "teen". Someone aged 18 or 19 is also considered a young adult. Usage by ordinary people varies, and also varies in different societies. Most societies traditionally had a formal ceremony to mark the change from childhood to adulthood. During puberty, rapid mental and physical development occurs. Adolescence is the name for this transition period from childhood to adulthood. Changes of being an adolescent/teenager: As you grow into adulthood, you pass through a period called adolescence. It is the period between ages 12 and 19 in the average child. During adolescences, there are many changes in the body structure. The voice of a boy changes to a deeper masculine tone because of the development of the vocal cords and throat muscles. Hair begins to grow also on the face and other parts of the body. A girl’ legs on the other hand, develop more curves, the hips widen and the bust becomes firmer. Maturity usually starts about two years earlier in girls than boys. As you develop physically, you also develop mentally, emotionally and socially. As you grow up physically, you also gradually increase your mental and emotional stature. During your childhood days, your interest is only to yourself, your own possessions, your family, and the people you meet daily. As an adolescent, your interest shift to many things outside yourself and your immediate surroundings. Your emotional growth goes hand in hand with your mental growth. To understand why you and others of your age behave as you do, you must understand some of the behavioral traits of adolescents. It would be worthwhile to analyze all these traits and try to deal with it positively since they are all part to the changes in an adolescent’s life. Characteristics of Teenagers 1. Independent, Emotional and Rebellious - Typical teenage rebellion can last up to six years and can include defiant behavior and rapidly changing moods. Although not all teenagers become rebellious, many do become more resistant to authority, often having a major impact on family dynamics and personal relationships. Teens form their self-concept and sense of identity by establishing independence from parents, sometimes engaging in emotional verbal conflict with family or other rebellious behavior. 2. Energetic, Adventurous and Risk-Taking - Sleep patterns may change as teens are often full of energy and prefer to stay up later. Incomplete frontal lobe development makes it difficult for most teens to control impulses, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Adventurous or risk-taking behavior is not uncommon. Teens often have a need for excitement and adventure, which sometimes causes them to overlook the potential dangers involved in risk-taking activities, such as unprotected sexual activity or drug experimentation. 3. Maturing Physically, Hormonal, Sexually Aware and Social - Teenagers may experience significant growth spurts between the ages of 13 and 18. Hormonal levels increase, as adolescent girls begin producing more estrogen. Teen girls fill out physically, begin menstruation, gain weight and can grow almost 10 inches taller between these ages. Teen boys also experience hormonal changes and begin producing more testosterone. Physical changes common in adolescent boys include growth of facial hair and significant weight gain. Teen boys can grow up to 20 inches taller between these ages. Physical and hormonal changes also bring about an increased sexual awareness, leading many teens to begin to experiment with their sexuality. Many teenagers begin to engage in sexual activity early in adolescence, according to a report in “Pediatrics,” the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Some teens might become involved in a sexual relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend or dedicate much of their time to socialization. Time with friends sometimes takes priority over schoolwork or time with family. 4. Intellectual Growth - Teens grow intellectually during adolescence and are able to begin making life goals. The ability to understand abstract reasoning increases and teens begin to consider and conceptualize possibilities to hypothetical situations. Some teens might begin to question their parents’ points of view, and they may enjoy debating ideas. Organizational skills
  • 2. Lesson 1: Behavioral Traits of a Teenager Educ 20: Home Economics & Livelihood Jane H. Basto Page2 tend to improve, as many teens are able to handle multiple responsibilities, including work, socialization and school, according to The Palo Alto Medical Foundation. However, impulsivity often wins over intellectual growth, and teens often act before thinking of long-term consequences. Here are some of the behavioral traits of adolescents: 1. They are happy at times but become moody for some reason or another. They are sensitive and get easily upset. 2. Teenagers want to prove their independence. However, they still need the guidance and direction of their parents. 3. Adolescents tend to be irritable and restless. They do not want being criticized. 4. Teenagers appreciate their parent’s help, but they prefer to do things by themselves. 5. Adolescents are inquisitive. They tend to question directions and regulations. (As part of the changes in teenagers, they become interested with the opposite sex and start to develop crushes). 6. Teenagers become aware of the differences in boy-girl relationships. They become interested in the opposite sex and develop crushes. As teenagers, they develop relationships with the latter. 7. They are mostly ambitious and idealistic. They seem enthusiastic in helping the less fortunate. 8. Adolescents tend to be very independent and permissive which oftentimes cause conflict and age gaps. 9. Teenagers are self-centered and are concerned much about themselves. Loneliness in Teenagers Teenagers naturally face many challenges and pressures on the road to adulthood, and it can be difficult for parents to tell the difference between typical teen moodiness and loneliness. Try to spend as much time as possible with your teen, and talk to her about what's going on in her life. Being an involved parent will help you determine how she's really feeling. Causes - According to the Women's and Children's Health Network, there are many possible causes of teen loneliness. For example, If a teen is being bullied or teased, he may feel lonely. Losing a friend or loved one can also cause lonely feelings, as can moving to a new school. If you have recently divorced or separated from your teen's other parent, this can trigger feelings of loneliness or isolation. Teens who are coping with a serious illness that causes them to miss school or their favorite activities can also feel lonely. Signs - Teens that are lonely may seem shy and unsure of themselves. A lonely teen may seem generally sad and withdrawn, or she may not seem to know how to handle herself in social situations. Anxiety can also be a sign of loneliness. A lonely teen may seem uninterested in things her peers like, and she may even avoid others, according to Janis R. Bullock, an early childhood education professor at Montana State University, in an article on the Gulf Bend Center's website. Consequences Lonely teens may become lonely adults. They may have trouble making friends and feel sad, alienated and bored, Bullock says. If a teen is lonely, she may not learn from the peer relationships and interactions that she needs to form healthy relationships in the future. How to Help - Encourage your teen to talk about his feelings, and make sure he knows you won't judge him. If he's interested in anything, encourage him to join a sport, club or group to meet peers with similar interests. Work with him to improve his social skills -- shyness or anxiety might be holding him back and contributing to his loneliness. Professional Help - If your teen seems depressed as well as lonely, consider getting her professional help. Talking to her doctor about her feelings can help, as can speaking with a school counselor or even a professional therapist. Another option is a support group -- through a group, she can talk to other teens going through similar situations. If you’re local hospital or community center doesn't offer support groups, check out support groups online. Just remind your teen to use caution if she seeks support online. For instance, she should never give out her personal information on the Internet.
  • 3. Lesson 1: Behavioral Traits of a Teenager Educ 20: Home Economics & Livelihood Jane H. Basto Page3 How Culture Differences Affect Teenagers Changing bodies, hormones and their emerging identities as young adults all tremendously affect teenagers. Consciously or not, their cultural backgrounds also influence them. Embracing elements of a teen’s cultural background can reinforce positive self-image. Some cultural characteristics might become hurdles that teens need to overcome in order to finish school or accept authority. Teens might also consciously adopt norms of new cultures as part of their adolescent identity, for example, deciding to join a church group or study abroad. School Behavior - Cultural differences can affect the way teens communicate at school. For example, students from Latin American and Asian cultures might demonstrate respect for their teacher by avoiding eye contact, according to Great Native American cultural norms consider eye contact with the teacher, or volunteering an answer, to be showing off. Teachers who don't pay attention to cultural differences might make assumptions about a teen’s level of respect or attentiveness in class based on these behaviors. This could result in teens missing chances for enrichment or advancement opportunities. Parenting - Different parenting styles related to cultural background impact teens. For example, Asian families may emphasize interdependence and family harmony to their teens, according to the Carnegie Mellon Research Showcase. Caucasian families may draw from a more permissive, less authoritarian parenting style in comparison. Different parenting styles will impart varying cultural values to teens. Pride - Ethnic pride, or taking ownership of a teen’s cultural background, can be as important as self-esteem for a teen’s mental health, according to Northwestern University. Culture and ethnic pride aren’t synonymous, but a person’s ethnic background can affect his family’s choices and norms. When teens embrace their family’s ethnic background, this tends to have positive payoffs. Parents can bolster ethnic pride and embrace family culture by exposing teens to positive images in the media. This provides positive role models and helps counterbalance any negative images of their culture or ethnic background that they may have encountered. Distress - Cultural differences can also influence how teens manifest distress, according to research published in the journal "The American Psychologist." Some cultures stigmatize accessing mental health services to address distress, so teens and their families might be more reluctant to seek help. Teens from some cultures, for example, Latin American cultures, might turn to a faith counselor rather than therapist or doctor for support. African-American cultures that promote the importance of male “coolness” or aggression might discourage male teens from expressing distress. In some Asian cultures, losing face or experiencing dishonor might be cause for suicidal thoughts or attempts. Stereotypes - Although cultural differences can provide some context in examining a teenager’s development, it’s important to resist generalizations or stereotypes that prevent parents from assessing their teen as an individual. Cultural differences shouldn’t offer a blanket explanation for a teen’s behavior choices or self-identity. The Effects of Stereotyping Teenagers For decades teenagers have been labeled jocks, nerds, preps and punks, but stereotyping isn't usually productive or beneficial to a teen's mental and emotional development. A stereotype is a judgment about an individual based on real or imagined characteristics of a particular group, according to the website Facing History and Ourselves. Stereotyping can be done by parents, teachers, coaches and peers. When a teenager is stereotyped, she might assume she has to measure up to certain standards. Stereotyping puts a teen in a box, making little room for growth beyond society's limited labels and often unjustified expectations. Poor Self-Image - Some stereotypes result in a poor self-image. Teens who are labeled weird, asocial, awkward, hyperactive or unpopular might suffer from isolation and rejection, feeling like misfits in their
  • 4. Lesson 1: Behavioral Traits of a Teenager Educ 20: Home Economics & Livelihood Jane H. Basto Page4 high schools or neighborhoods. Some might struggle with depression, have trouble fitting in with peer groups. Even attractive, popular students can suffer from stereotyping when they feel that they can't live up to their parents' or peers' athletic, academic or social expectations. For example, teenagers are often stereotyped and labeled according to their physical appearance, so many struggle with a low self-esteem when they can't meet society's body-image and beauty expectations, according to Cornell University's Cooperative Extension. Discrimination - Teen stereotyping often pits one group against another, resulting in discriminatory behavior. Those of a particular race might get teased or called rude and disrespectful nicknames by those of another race. For example, a Native American teenager might get called, "Chief," "Tonto" or "Indian," rather than by his real name, according to Facing History and Ourselves. Discriminatory behavior can lead to bullying, such as cyber bullying, physical abuse and violence. Discrimination is one of the most harmful effects of stereotyping because it's usually based on race or gender -- factors that have nothing to do with a person's values or character traits. Generalizations - Stereotyping also hurts those who make judgments about teens because it causes them to ignore differences. People who stereotype classify teens according to generalizations. They often infer characteristics and abilities on all members of the group that might not be true, according to Saul McLeod, a college psychology lecturer in the United Kingdom. For example, stereotyping all teens in the school band as nerds is an unfair characterization. Some band members might struggle with their school work and get bad grades or have athletic abilities and play competitive team sports -- opposites of the nerdy stereotype. Missed Opportunities - Missed opportunities and unmet goals are often the effects of teen stereotyping. A teen might have the skills and talents to pursue a college degree in art or play collegiate sports but never follow her dreams because she is stereotyped a loser or a reject. Some teens might forgo certain career paths because they are labeled "dumb jocks" and never apply to college or pursue educational opportunities. Stereotyping makes teens resistant to change and unwilling to pursue new opportunities because they feel they will always be the nerd, slut, dork, loser, punk, prep or jock they have always been. Teenagers and the Importance of Friends During the teenage years, friendships are important for several reasons. Teenagers typically spend more time with their peers than they do with their parents, siblings or other social contacts. Therefore, friends influence many aspects of a teenager’s life. Healthy friendships can help teenagers avoid delinquency, isolation and many of the negative characteristics that are associated with this period of life. Acceptance and Confidence - Healthy friendships help teenagers feel accepted and confident and can pave the way for the development of other positive social ties. Confidence and feeling accepted are integral characteristics for a teen’s social and emotional development. When a teenager feels as if he is a part of a group, he is less likely to be negatively affected by bullying and other forms of rejection. Teens who feel confident and accepted may also be less likely to engage in the bullying of others. Positive Influence - Friends can be positive influences in the scholastic, social and personal aspects of a teenager’s life. Because friends often share common goals and/or interests, they can persuade a teen to make good choices. They can deter delinquency and conflict, encourage success in school and provide the basis for a larger network of associations that will be helpful later in life. Friendships can also help a teen get back on track with her goals and/or plans for the future when other, more negative influences are present. Trustworthy Confidant - The teenage years are often stressful. Having trustworthy, loyal friends is important to help teenagers deal with the stress and uncertainty that is a normal part of development. As noted by adolescent specialist Maria de Guzman, “healthy friendships provide youths with social support for dealing with some of the challenges of adolescence." Friends can serve as a sounding board for issues such as relationships, school, work and conflict with parents.
  • 5. Lesson 1: Behavioral Traits of a Teenager Educ 20: Home Economics & Livelihood Jane H. Basto Page5 Healthy Fun and Excitement - Friends are also outlets for fun and excitement. Friendships or peer groups help teenagers find healthy ways to have fun outside of home, school and work. With unhealthy peer influences, a teenager may engage in negative behavior. Healthy friendships, on the other hand, encourage pastimes that do not involve risk of delinquency or harm. An article posted in the University of Illinois Extension notes that, through companionship, recreation and common goals, friendships promote fun and excitement. Top Things Parents Should Be Talking to Teenagers About When you’re typically placid or easygoing child transitions into the teen years, you may stand shell-shocked with the abrupt change. Although communication between parents and teenagers may be challenging, don’t overlook important topics. Daily discussions should be open and honest, keeping the dialogue engaging to include topics relevant to a teenager’s life. Personal Issues - Teenagers have lots of things going on, between school, extracurricular activities, peers, family, homework and chores. While teenagers try to juggle everything, don’t forget that they are also focusing on personal interests such as hobbies, music and sports. Take an interest in your child’s life, concerns, interests and issues. Ask questions, be available to provide support and encourage your child whenever possible. Strive to connect and engage with your child positively every day to maintain a close relationship. Health - Keep lines of communication open regarding sexual maturity and activity so you can provide support and answers if you’re teen needs help. Help your teen seek medical care to stay physically healthy during the teenage years. Maintaining emotional health involves watching for issues such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, aggression or isolation from peers and family. If you see this type of behavior, get dialogues going to offer support and assistance for your teen. You may need to arrange professional counseling or treatment. Safety - Teen safety is a huge topic, encompassing many different subjects. Communicate openly about your concerns regarding Internet safety, substance abuse, privacy issues, cell phone usage, safe driving practices, piercings and tattoos, firearms and family rules regarding conduct. Teenagers often encounter situations frequently where the teen must make a decision regarding conduct or actions. By talking about various issues and related situations, you can give your teenager the tools necessary to make responsible decisions, states the American Academy of Pediatrics. The Future - Teenagers may worry or wonder about current events, especially as they impact the future. Talk about issues and happenings in the world with your teenager. Help your teenager dissect and understand events. Discuss your teenager’s future plans as well, asking questions, providing support and giving input as desired. Help your child navigate her course to achieve her goals by providing calm and reassuring support. References -problems/39350.html -traits-of-adolescence-or-teenagers -teenagers-4502.html -characteristics-teenagers-12960.html -importance-friends-6135.html -characteristics-teenagers-12960.html