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1Mustufa Sir
Augmented reality is the result of
using technology to superimpose
information — sounds, images and
text — on the world we see. Picture
the "Minority Report" or "Iron Man"
style of interactivity.
2Mustufa Sir
3Mustufa Sir
4Mustufa Sir
What is Augmented Reality?
• A combination of a real scene viewed by a
user and a virtual scene generated by a
computer that augments the scene with
additional information.
5Mustufa Sir
6Mustufa Sir
• Augmented reality (AR) is one of the biggest
technology trends right now, and it’s only
going to get bigger as AR ready smartphones
and other devices become more accessible
around the world.
• AR let us see the real-life environment right in
front of us—trees swaying in the park, dogs
chasing balls, kids playing soccer—with a
digital augmentation overlaid on it.
7Mustufa Sir
8Mustufa Sir
• Perhaps the most famous example of AR
technology is the mobile app Pokemon Go,
which was released in 2016 and quickly
became an inescapable sensation.
• In the game, players locate and capture
Pokemon characters that pop up in the real
world—on your sidewalk, in a fountain, even
in your own bathroom.
9Mustufa Sir
10Mustufa Sir
• The ultimate goal of AR is to create a system
such that a user CANNOT tell the difference
between the real world and the virtual
augmentation of it.
11Mustufa Sir
12Mustufa Sir
13Mustufa Sir
14Mustufa Sir
• In 1968, a Harvard professor and computer
scientist by the name of Ivan Sutherland
invented what he called The Sword of
Damocles. He invented this first sort of
augmented reality device with his student,
Bob Sproull.
15Mustufa Sir
• The Sword of Damocles featured a head-mounted
display that hung from the ceiling. The user
would experience computer graphics, which
made him or her feel as though they were in an
alternate reality. This technology may be
considered closer to virtual reality than
augmented reality.
16Mustufa Sir
• Augmented reality is often
presented as a kind of futuristic
technology, but a form of it has
been around for years.
• For example, the heads-up
displays in many fighter aircraft
as far back as the 1990s would
show information about the
attitude, direction and speed of
the plane, and only a few years
later they could show which
objects in the field of view were
17Mustufa Sir
18Mustufa Sir
• In 1992, Louis Rosenburg from the USAF
Armstrong’s Research Lab created the first real
operational augmented reality system, Virtual
Fixtures. A robotic system places information on
top the workers work environment to help with
efficiency. This system could be thought of as an
early version of what most AR systems currently
do today.
19Mustufa Sir
In 1998, Sportsvision uses the
1st and Ten line computer
system. This system showed
the original virtual yellow first
down marker during a live
NFL game. A variation of this
virtual first down marker is
now a norm in all televised
football games today and is a
big part of the augmented
reality history. 20Mustufa Sir
• An important advancement
in the augmented reality
technology happened in
2000 when Hirokazu Kato
from the Nara Institute of
Science and Technology in
Japan created and released
software called ARToolKit.
• Through this software, one
could capture real-world
actions and combine it with
interactions of virtual
21Mustufa Sir
• In 2003, the NFL
used the popular
Skycam, which
was used for
aerial views of the
field to insert the
virtual first down
22Mustufa Sir
• In 2009, Esquire magazine, in collaboration with
Robert Downey Jr., uses augmented reality in
their print media. By using their software on
one’s computer to scan the barcode on the
magazine, the readers can experience augmented
reality content.
23Mustufa Sir
• In 2013, Volkswagen
uses augmented
reality as their car
manuals. The use of
app through the iPad
can help users view
the internal workings
of the vehicle so the
service mechanics
know what they are
dealing with.
24Mustufa Sir
• In 2014, the Google Glass is
revealed and is made
available for consumers.
The Google Glass wasn’t as
successful as developers
hoped it would be, but it
did show the potential of
what wearable augmented
reality could be. The second
iteration already seems to
be more promising and
more useful.
25Mustufa Sir
• In 2016, Microsoft introduces the next
iteration of wearable augmented reality.
The HoloLens seems to be everything that
the Google glass wanted to be, but
certainly not as discreet and wearable in
everyday life and is undoubtedly more
26Mustufa Sir
It takes some sophisticated
technology to create
Augmented Reality (AR)
experiences. How does
Augmented Reality work? It all
comes down to location,
location, location (and
identification, identification,
27Mustufa Sir
• For AR a certain range of data (images,
animations, videos, 3D models) may be used
and people will see the result in both natural
and synthetic light.
28Mustufa Sir
• AR can be displayed on various devices:
screens, glasses, handheld devices, mobile
phones, head-mounted displays. It involves
technologies like S.L.A.M., depth
tracking (briefly, a sensor data calculating the
distance to the objects)
29Mustufa Sir
30Mustufa Sir
31Mustufa Sir
Components behind AR
• Cameras and sensors. Collecting data about
user’s interactions and sending it for
processing. Cameras on devices are scanning
the surroundings and with this info, a device
locates physical objects and generates 3D
models. It may be special duty cameras, like
in Microsoft Hololens, or common
smartphone cameras to take pictures/videos.
32Mustufa Sir
33Mustufa Sir
34Mustufa Sir
• Processing. AR devices eventually should act
like little computers, something modern
smartphones already do. In the same manner,
they require a CPU, a GPU, flash memory,
RAM, Bluetooth/WiFi, a GPS, etc. to be able to
measure speed, angle, direction, orientation
in space, and so on.
35Mustufa Sir
36Mustufa Sir
37Mustufa Sir
38Mustufa Sir
• Projection. This refers to a miniature projector
on AR headsets, which takes data from
sensors and projects digital content (result of
processing) onto a surface to view. In fact, the
use of projections in AR has not been fully
invented yet to use it in commercial products
or services.
39Mustufa Sir
40Mustufa Sir
• Reflection. Some AR devices have mirrors to
assist human eyes to view virtual images.
Some have an “array of small curved mirrors”
and some have a double-sided mirror to
reflect light to a camera and to a user’s eye.
The goal of such reflection paths is to perform
a proper image alignment.
41Mustufa Sir
42Mustufa Sir
Types of Augmented Reality
1. Marker-based AR. Some also call it to image
recognition, as it requires a special visual
object and a camera to scan it. It may be
anything, from a printed QR code to special
signs. The AR device also calculates the
position and orientation of a marker to
position the content, in some cases. Thus, a
marker initiates digital animations for users to
view, and so images in a magazine may turn
into 3D models.
43Mustufa Sir
44Mustufa Sir
45Mustufa Sir
2. Markerless AR. A.k.a. location-based or position-
based augmented reality, that utilizes a GPS, a
compass, a gyroscope, and an accelerometer to
provide data based on user’s location. This data
then determines what AR content you find or get
in a certain area. With the availability of
smartphones this type of AR typically produces
maps and directions, nearby businesses info.
Applications include events and
information, business ads pop-ups, navigation
46Mustufa Sir
47Mustufa Sir
48Mustufa Sir
3. Projection-based AR. Projecting synthetic
light to physical surfaces, and in some cases
allows to interact with it. These are the
holograms we have all seen in sci-fi movies
like Star Wars. It detects user interaction with
a projection by its alterations.
49Mustufa Sir
50Mustufa Sir
51Mustufa Sir
52Mustufa Sir
4. Superimposition-based AR. Replaces the
original view with an augmented, fully or
partially. Object recognition plays a key role,
without it the whole concept is simply
impossible. We’ve all seen the example of
superimposed augmented reality in IKEA
Catalog app, that allows users to place virtual
items of their furniture catalog in their rooms.
53Mustufa Sir
54Mustufa Sir
55Mustufa Sir
Understanding the different types of
AR devices
56Mustufa Sir
Head up displays (HUD)
• As the onboard controllers on flights became more
complex, the information processing tasks for pilots
increased with added number of sensors, avionics
and flight controls.
• It is important for pilots to focus on what is
happening outside rather than looking at the array
of information inside the cockpit.
• Heads up displays were mainly invented for mission
critical applications like flight controllers and
weapons system dashboards.
57Mustufa Sir
58Mustufa Sir
• Critical information is projected on transparent
screens mounted in front of the pilot. This
enables pilots to look forward outside rather than
looking down inside the cockpit.
• A regular HUD contains three main components;
a projector unit, a viewing glass (combiner) and a
computer (symbol generator).
• HUDs help increase situational awareness by
reducing the shift of focus for pilots. Increasingly
heads up displays have been finding ways into
new automobile designs.
59Mustufa Sir
Holographic displays
• Popularized in the Star wars series, and the
Iron man series in the recent times, these type
of displays use light diffraction to generate
three dimensional forms of objects in real
• The fact that holographic displays do not
require users to wear any gear to view them is
one of their greatest advantages.
60Mustufa Sir
61Mustufa Sir
Smart glasses
• As the technology transitioned from critical
applications in defense and aviation to
commercially available products, smart glasses
have become one of the more popular types
of augmented reality devices. Like their name
suggests, these are glasses that augment your
vision. Smart glasses are of two types:
– Optical see through
– Video see through
62Mustufa Sir
Optical see through
In Optical see through glasses, the user views
reality directly through optical elements such
as holographic wave guides and other systems
that enable graphical overlay on the real
world. Microsoft’s Hololens, Magic Leap One
and the Google Glass are recent examples of
optical see through smart glasses.
63Mustufa Sir
64Mustufa Sir
Video see through
With these type of smart glasses, the user views
reality that is first captured by one or two
cameras mounted on the display. These camera
views are then combined with computer
generated imagery for the user to see. The HTC
Vive VR headset has an inbuilt camera which is
often used for creating AR experiences on the
65Mustufa Sir
66Mustufa Sir
67Mustufa Sir
Handheld AR
• Although handheld AR is a type of video see
through, it deserves special mention.
• The rise of handheld AR is the tipping point for
the technology being truly pervasive.
• Augmented reality libraries like ARKit, ARCore,
MRKit, have enabled sophisticated computer
vision algorithms to be available for anyone to
• In handheld or mobile AR, all you need is a
smartphone to have access to a host of AR
68Mustufa Sir
69Mustufa Sir
What Is The
Difference Between
Virtual Reality,
Augmented Reality
And Mixed Reality?
70Mustufa Sir
What Is Virtual Reality?
• VR is experiencing things that don’t really exist
with the help of computers.
• VR creates a realistic three-dimensional
environment which humans perceive as real.
Imagine opening your eyes and seeing a
computer-generated world all around you,
one where you can move and interact with
71Mustufa Sir
It basically refers to computer-generated environments that are designed to
replicate a person’s physical presence in a specific environment that is
designed to “feel” real.
72Mustufa Sir
How To Experience Virtual Reality
• To experience this alternate reality, VR
headsets are mandatory. Most VR headsets
are connected to a computer, a gaming
console or are standalone devices. Most
standalone VR headsets like Google Cardboard
work with smartphones.
73Mustufa Sir
74Mustufa Sir
What Is Augmented Reality?
• Unlike virtual reality which requires a headset to
experience the digital world, augmented reality uses
your existing environment and overlays digital
information on top of it. Have you ever used Snapchat
or Instagram face filters? Have you played one of the
most popular games of 2016, the Pokemon Go? Simply
put, that’s AR.
• iPhone X showcased the power of AR with the now
popular animojis, where emojis respond to facial
expressions via the camera, to animate various 3D
animated characters that can be sent as a video file
with sound.
75Mustufa Sir
76Mustufa Sir
How To Experience Augmented Reality
• AR is the most accessible reality technology as of now. You
can use your smartphone or tablet to run AR apps.
• The apps use a smartphone camera to capture the real
world environment, virtual objects are then overlain with
new information or graphics, and users can then see them
on their smartphones.
• You can also use smart glasses or headsets to experience
• Unlike VR headsets, AR glasses and headsets don’t immerse
users into a fully virtual world, instead, they just add virtual
images, animation to the real world environment.
77Mustufa Sir
78Mustufa Sir
Even Google Lens and Samsung Bixby use computer vision and
machine learning to provide digital information from your
smartphone camera.
79Mustufa Sir
What Is Mixed Reality?
• Mixed Reality is a combination of sensors,
super advanced optics and next-generation
computer power. Remember the scene from
the blockbuster movie Avengers: Infinity War,
where James Rhodes (Don Cheadle) is having
a conversation with US officials who were not
physically present there? That’s MR for you.
80Mustufa Sir
81Mustufa Sir
How To Experience Mixed Reality
• You can experience mixed reality with
holographic devices which scan the user’s
environment and places a 3D object in front of
them, which they can then view from different
angles. That’s how Microsoft’s HoloLens works. It
has built-in Windows 10 computer, lenses,
rechargeable battery and WiFi connectivity, so it
is completely wireless when in use. It also
includes built-in sensors that track the movement
of the users.
82Mustufa Sir
83Mustufa Sir
MR can also be experienced with the help of immersive devices which have
an opaque display that creates a sense of presence — hiding the real world
and replacing it with a digital experience.
84Mustufa Sir
Possible Application of
Augmented Reality
85Mustufa Sir
• In 2011, Airbus deployed its Supply
Augmented Reality Tool (SART) to improve
quality control and increase efficiency. SART
allows maintenance workers to identify parts
that need repair or replacement using digital-
enabled overlays on physical system
86Mustufa Sir
• Coca-Cola has partnered with Pristine, a tech
startup based in Austin, Texas, to test AR in
several bottling facilities for service calls,
equipment inspections, and routine audits.
87Mustufa Sir
• Ford has begun using AR technology to create
3D models that eliminate the need to build
every design prototype with clay.
88Mustufa Sir
• In 2017, GE technicians using Upskill’s Skylight
platform wired a wind turbine control panel
with virtual work instructions using smart
glasses. The AR headset improved the
technicians’ wiring performance by 34%.
89Mustufa Sir
• Cisco built an AR experience using Blippar’s
Blippbuilder to let technicians launch virtual
demonstrations straight from their devices. This
removed the need to read manuals, leading to
reduced customer support cases, a 30% increase in
installation efficiency, and a 90% increase in first-
time accuracy.
90Mustufa Sir
• AccuVein is a handheld device that can scan the vein
network of a patient that leads to a 45% reduction in
escalations. Surgeons can plan procedures before
making the first cut, models can be made of tumors,
and AR diagnostic tools can model disease
91Mustufa Sir
• World famous motorcycle brand Harley Davidson is one great
instance of a brand making the most of this trend,
by developing an an AR app that shoppers can use in-store.
Users can view a motorcycle they might be interesting in
buying in the showroom, and customize it using the app to
see which colors and features they might like.
92Mustufa Sir
• Use of headsets enables architects, engineers,
and design professionals step directly into
their buildings and spaces to see how their
designs might look, and even make virtual on
the spot changes. Urban planners can even
model how entire city layouts might look using
AR headset visualization. Any design or
modeling jobs that involve spatial
relationships are a perfect use case for AR
93Mustufa Sir
• Shipping company DHL has already implemented smart AR
glasses in some of its warehouses, where lenses display to
workers the shortest route within a warehouse to locate and
pick a certain item that needs to be shipping. Providing
workers with more efficient ways to go about their job is one
of the best ROI use cases in today's business environment.
94Mustufa Sir
• AR presents a huge opportunity for travel brands and
agents to give potential tourists an even more immersive
experience before they travel. Imagine taking a virtual
"Walkabout" Australia before on AR glasses before booking
a ticket to Sydney, or a leisurely stroll around Paris to see
what museums or cafes you might like to visit. AR promises
to make selling trips, travel, and vacations a whole lot
easier in the future.
95Mustufa Sir
• The Aurasma app, for example, is already being used in
classrooms so that students can view their classes via a
smartphone or tablet for a more rich learning environment.
Students learning about astronomy might see a full map of
the solar system, or those in a music class might be able to
see musical notes in real time as they learn to play an
96Mustufa Sir
• Entertainment brands are now seeing AR as a
great marketing opportunity to build deeper
bonds between their characters and audience.
As a matter of fact, the makers of AR
sensation Pokemon Go are soon planning to
release a Harry Potter-themed AR game that
fans can interact with day in and day out.
97Mustufa Sir
• In the event of an emergency today, people will
immediately reach for their smartphone to find
out what's going on, where to go, and whether
their loved ones are safe. Moreover, first
responders arrive on the scene of a fire or
earthquake trying to figure out who needs help,
and the best way to get them to safety. AR is
showing promise in solving both pieces of the
public safety puzzle. First responders wearing AR
glasses can be alerted to danger areas, and show
in real-time individuals that need assistance while
enabling to still be aware of their surroundings.
For those in need, geolocation enabled AR can
show them directions, and the best route to, safe
zones and areas with firefighters or medics.
98Mustufa Sir
99Mustufa Sir
• The potential scenarios are endless, the
business opportunities, unimaginable. AR
systems can spice up fairs, shows and events;
they can be deployed in stores, in e-
commerce, and in communications in general.
Well-known brands, like Nike and Nissan, are
already doing so.
100Mustufa Sir
• It is not only businesses that benefit,
consumers get a share, too, as they can access
an unprecedented service and gain accurate,
personalised information in real time.
101Mustufa Sir
• Many organizations have conducted
experiments using augmented reality
technology and the resulting outputs blew
their minds. Reports say that there was a 90%
increase in the rate of accuracy followed by a
30% decrease in time consumption by building
a basic AR project.
102Mustufa Sir
Augmented Reality’s Insights into the
Coming Future
103Mustufa Sir
1. AR’s close relationship with Artificial
Intelligence (AI)
• For example, on Instagram and Snapchat there
are various fun filters like the dog filter, bunny
ears, pig filter etc. which are based on
consumer-facing applications.
• These applications do not function unless and
until both AI and AR are combined and
104Mustufa Sir
2. AR in terms of Teaching and Training
• Both the training and teaching technologies
belong to the field of education. By using
augmented reality technology, any
information or data can be passed to a learner
in real-time.
105Mustufa Sir
3. AR’s connections with Virtual Reality
• Facebook is one of those most used social media
applications which beliefs in augmented reality
and virtual reality environments.
• Augmented Reality results in connecting people,
socializing them with the help of virtual reality.
Both virtual and augmented realities together
worked in developing the” conference calls”
where users can see one and other and at the
same time, they can interact with each other.
106Mustufa Sir
4. AR is overtaking the Automobile Industry
• Autonomous cars may take a few more years’
time to come into reality. Meanwhile, many
automobile companies are making use of
augmented reality and artificial intelligence
technologies to mark their presence in the
market. The automobile industry is an advent of
augmented reality businesses. In the year 2019,
we are going to see developments in terms of
voice assistants like Siri. There will also be a
growth of augmented reality in cars.
107Mustufa Sir
108Mustufa Sir
109Mustufa Sir
110Mustufa Sir
111Mustufa Sir
112Mustufa Sir
Thank you
113Mustufa Sir

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Augmented Reality

  • 2. Augmented reality is the result of using technology to superimpose information — sounds, images and text — on the world we see. Picture the "Minority Report" or "Iron Man" style of interactivity. 2Mustufa Sir
  • 5. What is Augmented Reality? • A combination of a real scene viewed by a user and a virtual scene generated by a computer that augments the scene with additional information. 5Mustufa Sir
  • 7. • Augmented reality (AR) is one of the biggest technology trends right now, and it’s only going to get bigger as AR ready smartphones and other devices become more accessible around the world. • AR let us see the real-life environment right in front of us—trees swaying in the park, dogs chasing balls, kids playing soccer—with a digital augmentation overlaid on it. 7Mustufa Sir
  • 9. • Perhaps the most famous example of AR technology is the mobile app Pokemon Go, which was released in 2016 and quickly became an inescapable sensation. • In the game, players locate and capture Pokemon characters that pop up in the real world—on your sidewalk, in a fountain, even in your own bathroom. 9Mustufa Sir
  • 11. • The ultimate goal of AR is to create a system such that a user CANNOT tell the difference between the real world and the virtual augmentation of it. 11Mustufa Sir
  • 15. History • In 1968, a Harvard professor and computer scientist by the name of Ivan Sutherland invented what he called The Sword of Damocles. He invented this first sort of augmented reality device with his student, Bob Sproull. 15Mustufa Sir
  • 16. • The Sword of Damocles featured a head-mounted display that hung from the ceiling. The user would experience computer graphics, which made him or her feel as though they were in an alternate reality. This technology may be considered closer to virtual reality than augmented reality. 16Mustufa Sir
  • 17. • Augmented reality is often presented as a kind of futuristic technology, but a form of it has been around for years. • For example, the heads-up displays in many fighter aircraft as far back as the 1990s would show information about the attitude, direction and speed of the plane, and only a few years later they could show which objects in the field of view were targets. 17Mustufa Sir
  • 19. • In 1992, Louis Rosenburg from the USAF Armstrong’s Research Lab created the first real operational augmented reality system, Virtual Fixtures. A robotic system places information on top the workers work environment to help with efficiency. This system could be thought of as an early version of what most AR systems currently do today. 19Mustufa Sir
  • 20. In 1998, Sportsvision uses the 1st and Ten line computer system. This system showed the original virtual yellow first down marker during a live NFL game. A variation of this virtual first down marker is now a norm in all televised football games today and is a big part of the augmented reality history. 20Mustufa Sir
  • 21. • An important advancement in the augmented reality technology happened in 2000 when Hirokazu Kato from the Nara Institute of Science and Technology in Japan created and released software called ARToolKit. • Through this software, one could capture real-world actions and combine it with interactions of virtual objects. 21Mustufa Sir
  • 22. • In 2003, the NFL used the popular Skycam, which was used for aerial views of the field to insert the virtual first down marker. 22Mustufa Sir
  • 23. • In 2009, Esquire magazine, in collaboration with Robert Downey Jr., uses augmented reality in their print media. By using their software on one’s computer to scan the barcode on the magazine, the readers can experience augmented reality content. 23Mustufa Sir
  • 24. • In 2013, Volkswagen uses augmented reality as their car manuals. The use of the MARTA app through the iPad can help users view the internal workings of the vehicle so the service mechanics know what they are dealing with. 24Mustufa Sir
  • 25. • In 2014, the Google Glass is revealed and is made available for consumers. The Google Glass wasn’t as successful as developers hoped it would be, but it did show the potential of what wearable augmented reality could be. The second iteration already seems to be more promising and more useful. 25Mustufa Sir
  • 26. • In 2016, Microsoft introduces the next iteration of wearable augmented reality. The HoloLens seems to be everything that the Google glass wanted to be, but certainly not as discreet and wearable in everyday life and is undoubtedly more expensive. 26Mustufa Sir
  • 27. THE SCIENCE OF AUGMENTED REALITY It takes some sophisticated technology to create Augmented Reality (AR) experiences. How does Augmented Reality work? It all comes down to location, location, location (and identification, identification, identification). 27Mustufa Sir
  • 28. • For AR a certain range of data (images, animations, videos, 3D models) may be used and people will see the result in both natural and synthetic light. 28Mustufa Sir
  • 29. • AR can be displayed on various devices: screens, glasses, handheld devices, mobile phones, head-mounted displays. It involves technologies like S.L.A.M., depth tracking (briefly, a sensor data calculating the distance to the objects) 29Mustufa Sir
  • 32. Components behind AR • Cameras and sensors. Collecting data about user’s interactions and sending it for processing. Cameras on devices are scanning the surroundings and with this info, a device locates physical objects and generates 3D models. It may be special duty cameras, like in Microsoft Hololens, or common smartphone cameras to take pictures/videos. 32Mustufa Sir
  • 35. • Processing. AR devices eventually should act like little computers, something modern smartphones already do. In the same manner, they require a CPU, a GPU, flash memory, RAM, Bluetooth/WiFi, a GPS, etc. to be able to measure speed, angle, direction, orientation in space, and so on. 35Mustufa Sir
  • 39. • Projection. This refers to a miniature projector on AR headsets, which takes data from sensors and projects digital content (result of processing) onto a surface to view. In fact, the use of projections in AR has not been fully invented yet to use it in commercial products or services. 39Mustufa Sir
  • 41. • Reflection. Some AR devices have mirrors to assist human eyes to view virtual images. Some have an “array of small curved mirrors” and some have a double-sided mirror to reflect light to a camera and to a user’s eye. The goal of such reflection paths is to perform a proper image alignment. 41Mustufa Sir
  • 43. Types of Augmented Reality 1. Marker-based AR. Some also call it to image recognition, as it requires a special visual object and a camera to scan it. It may be anything, from a printed QR code to special signs. The AR device also calculates the position and orientation of a marker to position the content, in some cases. Thus, a marker initiates digital animations for users to view, and so images in a magazine may turn into 3D models. 43Mustufa Sir
  • 46. 2. Markerless AR. A.k.a. location-based or position- based augmented reality, that utilizes a GPS, a compass, a gyroscope, and an accelerometer to provide data based on user’s location. This data then determines what AR content you find or get in a certain area. With the availability of smartphones this type of AR typically produces maps and directions, nearby businesses info. Applications include events and information, business ads pop-ups, navigation support. 46Mustufa Sir
  • 49. 3. Projection-based AR. Projecting synthetic light to physical surfaces, and in some cases allows to interact with it. These are the holograms we have all seen in sci-fi movies like Star Wars. It detects user interaction with a projection by its alterations. 49Mustufa Sir
  • 53. 4. Superimposition-based AR. Replaces the original view with an augmented, fully or partially. Object recognition plays a key role, without it the whole concept is simply impossible. We’ve all seen the example of superimposed augmented reality in IKEA Catalog app, that allows users to place virtual items of their furniture catalog in their rooms. 53Mustufa Sir
  • 56. Understanding the different types of AR devices 56Mustufa Sir
  • 57. Head up displays (HUD) • As the onboard controllers on flights became more complex, the information processing tasks for pilots increased with added number of sensors, avionics and flight controls. • It is important for pilots to focus on what is happening outside rather than looking at the array of information inside the cockpit. • Heads up displays were mainly invented for mission critical applications like flight controllers and weapons system dashboards. 57Mustufa Sir
  • 59. • Critical information is projected on transparent screens mounted in front of the pilot. This enables pilots to look forward outside rather than looking down inside the cockpit. • A regular HUD contains three main components; a projector unit, a viewing glass (combiner) and a computer (symbol generator). • HUDs help increase situational awareness by reducing the shift of focus for pilots. Increasingly heads up displays have been finding ways into new automobile designs. 59Mustufa Sir
  • 60. Holographic displays • Popularized in the Star wars series, and the Iron man series in the recent times, these type of displays use light diffraction to generate three dimensional forms of objects in real space. • The fact that holographic displays do not require users to wear any gear to view them is one of their greatest advantages. 60Mustufa Sir
  • 62. Smart glasses • As the technology transitioned from critical applications in defense and aviation to commercially available products, smart glasses have become one of the more popular types of augmented reality devices. Like their name suggests, these are glasses that augment your vision. Smart glasses are of two types: – Optical see through – Video see through 62Mustufa Sir
  • 63. Optical see through In Optical see through glasses, the user views reality directly through optical elements such as holographic wave guides and other systems that enable graphical overlay on the real world. Microsoft’s Hololens, Magic Leap One and the Google Glass are recent examples of optical see through smart glasses. 63Mustufa Sir
  • 65. Video see through With these type of smart glasses, the user views reality that is first captured by one or two cameras mounted on the display. These camera views are then combined with computer generated imagery for the user to see. The HTC Vive VR headset has an inbuilt camera which is often used for creating AR experiences on the device. 65Mustufa Sir
  • 68. Handheld AR • Although handheld AR is a type of video see through, it deserves special mention. • The rise of handheld AR is the tipping point for the technology being truly pervasive. • Augmented reality libraries like ARKit, ARCore, MRKit, have enabled sophisticated computer vision algorithms to be available for anyone to use. • In handheld or mobile AR, all you need is a smartphone to have access to a host of AR experiences. 68Mustufa Sir
  • 70. What Is The Difference Between Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality And Mixed Reality? 70Mustufa Sir
  • 71. What Is Virtual Reality? • VR is experiencing things that don’t really exist with the help of computers. • VR creates a realistic three-dimensional environment which humans perceive as real. Imagine opening your eyes and seeing a computer-generated world all around you, one where you can move and interact with 71Mustufa Sir
  • 72. It basically refers to computer-generated environments that are designed to replicate a person’s physical presence in a specific environment that is designed to “feel” real. 72Mustufa Sir
  • 73. How To Experience Virtual Reality • To experience this alternate reality, VR headsets are mandatory. Most VR headsets are connected to a computer, a gaming console or are standalone devices. Most standalone VR headsets like Google Cardboard work with smartphones. 73Mustufa Sir
  • 75. What Is Augmented Reality? • Unlike virtual reality which requires a headset to experience the digital world, augmented reality uses your existing environment and overlays digital information on top of it. Have you ever used Snapchat or Instagram face filters? Have you played one of the most popular games of 2016, the Pokemon Go? Simply put, that’s AR. • iPhone X showcased the power of AR with the now popular animojis, where emojis respond to facial expressions via the camera, to animate various 3D animated characters that can be sent as a video file with sound. 75Mustufa Sir
  • 77. How To Experience Augmented Reality • AR is the most accessible reality technology as of now. You can use your smartphone or tablet to run AR apps. • The apps use a smartphone camera to capture the real world environment, virtual objects are then overlain with new information or graphics, and users can then see them on their smartphones. • You can also use smart glasses or headsets to experience AR. • Unlike VR headsets, AR glasses and headsets don’t immerse users into a fully virtual world, instead, they just add virtual images, animation to the real world environment. 77Mustufa Sir
  • 79. Even Google Lens and Samsung Bixby use computer vision and machine learning to provide digital information from your smartphone camera. 79Mustufa Sir
  • 80. What Is Mixed Reality? • Mixed Reality is a combination of sensors, super advanced optics and next-generation computer power. Remember the scene from the blockbuster movie Avengers: Infinity War, where James Rhodes (Don Cheadle) is having a conversation with US officials who were not physically present there? That’s MR for you. 80Mustufa Sir
  • 82. How To Experience Mixed Reality • You can experience mixed reality with holographic devices which scan the user’s environment and places a 3D object in front of them, which they can then view from different angles. That’s how Microsoft’s HoloLens works. It has built-in Windows 10 computer, lenses, rechargeable battery and WiFi connectivity, so it is completely wireless when in use. It also includes built-in sensors that track the movement of the users. 82Mustufa Sir
  • 84. MR can also be experienced with the help of immersive devices which have an opaque display that creates a sense of presence — hiding the real world and replacing it with a digital experience. 84Mustufa Sir
  • 85. Possible Application of Augmented Reality 85Mustufa Sir
  • 86. • In 2011, Airbus deployed its Supply Augmented Reality Tool (SART) to improve quality control and increase efficiency. SART allows maintenance workers to identify parts that need repair or replacement using digital- enabled overlays on physical system components. 86Mustufa Sir
  • 87. • Coca-Cola has partnered with Pristine, a tech startup based in Austin, Texas, to test AR in several bottling facilities for service calls, equipment inspections, and routine audits. 87Mustufa Sir
  • 88. • Ford has begun using AR technology to create 3D models that eliminate the need to build every design prototype with clay. 88Mustufa Sir
  • 89. • In 2017, GE technicians using Upskill’s Skylight platform wired a wind turbine control panel with virtual work instructions using smart glasses. The AR headset improved the technicians’ wiring performance by 34%. 89Mustufa Sir
  • 90. • Cisco built an AR experience using Blippar’s Blippbuilder to let technicians launch virtual demonstrations straight from their devices. This removed the need to read manuals, leading to reduced customer support cases, a 30% increase in installation efficiency, and a 90% increase in first- time accuracy. 90Mustufa Sir
  • 91. • AccuVein is a handheld device that can scan the vein network of a patient that leads to a 45% reduction in escalations. Surgeons can plan procedures before making the first cut, models can be made of tumors, and AR diagnostic tools can model disease conditions. 91Mustufa Sir
  • 92. • World famous motorcycle brand Harley Davidson is one great instance of a brand making the most of this trend, by developing an an AR app that shoppers can use in-store. Users can view a motorcycle they might be interesting in buying in the showroom, and customize it using the app to see which colors and features they might like. 92Mustufa Sir
  • 93. • Use of headsets enables architects, engineers, and design professionals step directly into their buildings and spaces to see how their designs might look, and even make virtual on the spot changes. Urban planners can even model how entire city layouts might look using AR headset visualization. Any design or modeling jobs that involve spatial relationships are a perfect use case for AR tech. 93Mustufa Sir
  • 94. • Shipping company DHL has already implemented smart AR glasses in some of its warehouses, where lenses display to workers the shortest route within a warehouse to locate and pick a certain item that needs to be shipping. Providing workers with more efficient ways to go about their job is one of the best ROI use cases in today's business environment. 94Mustufa Sir
  • 95. • AR presents a huge opportunity for travel brands and agents to give potential tourists an even more immersive experience before they travel. Imagine taking a virtual "Walkabout" Australia before on AR glasses before booking a ticket to Sydney, or a leisurely stroll around Paris to see what museums or cafes you might like to visit. AR promises to make selling trips, travel, and vacations a whole lot easier in the future. 95Mustufa Sir
  • 96. • The Aurasma app, for example, is already being used in classrooms so that students can view their classes via a smartphone or tablet for a more rich learning environment. Students learning about astronomy might see a full map of the solar system, or those in a music class might be able to see musical notes in real time as they learn to play an instrument. 96Mustufa Sir
  • 97. • Entertainment brands are now seeing AR as a great marketing opportunity to build deeper bonds between their characters and audience. As a matter of fact, the makers of AR sensation Pokemon Go are soon planning to release a Harry Potter-themed AR game that fans can interact with day in and day out. 97Mustufa Sir
  • 98. • In the event of an emergency today, people will immediately reach for their smartphone to find out what's going on, where to go, and whether their loved ones are safe. Moreover, first responders arrive on the scene of a fire or earthquake trying to figure out who needs help, and the best way to get them to safety. AR is showing promise in solving both pieces of the public safety puzzle. First responders wearing AR glasses can be alerted to danger areas, and show in real-time individuals that need assistance while enabling to still be aware of their surroundings. For those in need, geolocation enabled AR can show them directions, and the best route to, safe zones and areas with firefighters or medics. 98Mustufa Sir
  • 100. • The potential scenarios are endless, the business opportunities, unimaginable. AR systems can spice up fairs, shows and events; they can be deployed in stores, in e- commerce, and in communications in general. Well-known brands, like Nike and Nissan, are already doing so. • 100Mustufa Sir
  • 101. • It is not only businesses that benefit, consumers get a share, too, as they can access an unprecedented service and gain accurate, personalised information in real time. 101Mustufa Sir
  • 102. • Many organizations have conducted experiments using augmented reality technology and the resulting outputs blew their minds. Reports say that there was a 90% increase in the rate of accuracy followed by a 30% decrease in time consumption by building a basic AR project. 102Mustufa Sir
  • 103. Augmented Reality’s Insights into the Coming Future 103Mustufa Sir
  • 104. 1. AR’s close relationship with Artificial Intelligence (AI) • For example, on Instagram and Snapchat there are various fun filters like the dog filter, bunny ears, pig filter etc. which are based on consumer-facing applications. • These applications do not function unless and until both AI and AR are combined and operated. 104Mustufa Sir
  • 105. 2. AR in terms of Teaching and Training • Both the training and teaching technologies belong to the field of education. By using augmented reality technology, any information or data can be passed to a learner in real-time. 105Mustufa Sir
  • 106. 3. AR’s connections with Virtual Reality • Facebook is one of those most used social media applications which beliefs in augmented reality and virtual reality environments. • Augmented Reality results in connecting people, socializing them with the help of virtual reality. Both virtual and augmented realities together worked in developing the” conference calls” where users can see one and other and at the same time, they can interact with each other. 106Mustufa Sir
  • 107. 4. AR is overtaking the Automobile Industry • Autonomous cars may take a few more years’ time to come into reality. Meanwhile, many automobile companies are making use of augmented reality and artificial intelligence technologies to mark their presence in the market. The automobile industry is an advent of augmented reality businesses. In the year 2019, we are going to see developments in terms of voice assistants like Siri. There will also be a growth of augmented reality in cars. 107Mustufa Sir