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Architecture Components
Constantine Mars
Team Lead, Senior Developer @ DataArt
Построение современной архитектуры
мобильных приложений
Software Architecture Basics
-Content Providers
-Broadcast Receivers
Android Has “Good Bones”
OS may kill app at random time
App components lifecycle is not under control
Components should not depend on each other
Can’t rely on data, stored in components
There are Everyday Problems to Solve
Simply related to Activity Lifecycle
-Separation of concerns
-Provide solid user experience
-Keep UI lean and simple
-Keep UI free of app logic
-Drive UI from model
-Use persistent model
-Assign clear responsibilities for each model class
Common Principles for staying in mind :)
Image from
Separation of Concerns...
Image from
Clean Architecture
-Modular app
-Each class responsible for one well-defined function
-Should be no god objects
-The app should be testable
Remember Good Architecture Goals...
Android Recommended Architecture
Android Recommended Architecture. Another View
Be together. not the same
“It is impossible to have one way of writing apps that will be the best for
every scenario. That being said, this recommended architecture should be
a good starting point for most use cases. If you already have a good way
of writing Android apps, you don't need to change.”
Be together. not the same
Building blocks
Architecture Components
Purpose: Display data and pass on UI events
Neither contain the UI data, nor directly manipulate data
Examples: Activity, Fragment
Views = UI Controllers = LifecycleOwners
Lifecycle = states + events
Implement Lifecycle since Beta
AppCompatActivity, Fragment
Data holder for Activity/Fragment
Survives configuration changes
NEVER references View / Activity / Fragment
public class DetailActivityViewModel extends ViewModel {
private WeatherEntry mWeather;
public DetailActivityViewModel() {}
public WeatherEntry getWeather() { return mWeather; }
public void setWeather(WeatherEntry weatherEntry) { mWeather = weatherEntry; }
ViewModel and Lifecycle
ViewModel and LifecycleOwner
public class DetailActivity extends LifecycleActivity {
DetailActivityViewModel viewModel;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(DetailActivityViewModel.class);
Represent data needed for the UI to display
An observable data holder
Lifecycle aware
Automatic subscription management
LiveData event propagation
LiveData sample implementation
Live Data
public class DetailActivityViewModel extends ViewModel {
private MutableLiveData<WeatherEntry> mWeather;
public DetailActivityViewModel() {}
public MutableLiveData<WeatherEntry> getWeather() {
return mWeather;
public void setWeather(WeatherEntry weatherEntry) {
Live Data observing
public class DetailActivity extends LifecycleActivity {
DetailActivityViewModel viewModel;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(DetailActivityViewModel.class);
viewModel.getWeather().observe(this, weatherEntry -> {
if(weatherEntry!=null) { bindWeatherToUI(weatherEntry); }
-Single source of truth
-ViewModels simply request data
from the repository
-Is a mediator between
the different data sources
Image from
Manages data from a remote data
source, such as the internet
May use REST, Cloud
Remote Network Data Source
Manages local data stored in the
Each class in the diagram only
stores a reference to the class or
classes directly "below it" and not
any classes above it
Layered architecture pattern
ORM by Google
-Less boilerplate compared to the built-in APIs
-Compile-time validation of SQL queries
-Data observation via LiveData, RxJava
Room ORM purposes
Room annotations
@Entity declaration
@Entity(tableName = "weather",
indices = {@Index(value = {"date"}, unique = true)})
public class WeatherEntry {
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
private int id;
@Entity constructors
//Room constructor
public WeatherEntry(int id, int weatherIconId, Date date, ...) {
//Json constructor - ignored by Room
public WeatherEntry(int weatherIconId, Date date,
// (!) Only one constructor should be exposed to Room
@Dao declaration
public interface WeatherDao {
@Query("SELECT * FROM weather") List<WeatherEntry> getAll();
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
void insertAll(WeatherEntry... weatherEntries);
@Delete void delete(WeatherEntry weatherEntry);
@Database declaration
@Database(entities = {WeatherEntry.class}, version = 1)
public abstract class AppDatabase extends RoomDatabase {
public abstract WeatherDao weatherDao();
@Database - a singleton
private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "weather";
private static final Object LOCK = new Object();
private static volatile AppDatabase sInstance;
public static AppDatabase getInstance(Context context) {
if (sInstance == null) { synchronized (LOCK) {
if (sInstance == null) {
sInstance = Room.databaseBuilder(context.getApplicationContext(),
AppDatabase.class, AppDatabase.DATABASE_NAME).build();
return sInstance;
Type converters
class DateConverter {
public static Date toDate(Long timestamp) {
return timestamp == null ? null : new Date(timestamp);
public static Long toTimestamp(Date date) {
return date == null ? null : date.getTime();
Repository pattern
public class WeatherRepository {
public synchronized static WeatherRepository getInstance();
public synchronized void initializeData();
private void deleteOldData();
private boolean isFetchNeeded();
private void startFetchWeatherService();
Repository - fetch data from network
mWeatherNetworkDataSource = weatherNetworkDataSource;
LiveData<WeatherEntry[]> networkData = mWeatherNetworkDataSource.getCurrentWeatherForecasts();
networkData.observeForever(newForecastsFromNetwork -> {
mExecutors.diskIO().execute(() -> {
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "New values inserted");
Repository - use LiveData
private WeatherNetworkDataSource(Context context, AppExecutors executors) {
mContext = context;
mExecutors = executors;
mDownloadedWeatherForecasts = new MutableLiveData<WeatherEntry[]>();
Check when to fetch
private boolean isFetchNeeded() {
Date today = CustomDateUtils.getNormalizedUtcDateForToday();
int count = mWeatherDao.countAllFutureWeather(today);
return (count < WeatherNetworkDataSource.NUM_DAYS);
Check when to fetch
public synchronized void initializeData() {
if (mInitialized) return;
mInitialized = true;
mExecutors.diskIO().execute(() -> {
if (isFetchNeeded()) {
And again - observe LiveData
public class DetailActivity extends LifecycleActivity {
DetailActivityViewModel viewModel;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(DetailActivityViewModel.class);
viewModel.getWeather().observe(this, weatherEntry -> {
if(weatherEntry!=null) { bindWeatherToUI(weatherEntry); }
The whole picture for sample project
Paging Library
Paging Library flow
Data source
KeyedDataSource - if you need to use data from item N to fetch item N+1.
TiledDataSource - if you need to fetch pages in range of data from any location you choose in your data store
DAO for KeyedDataSource
interface UserDao {
@Query("SELECT * from user ORDER BY name DESC LIMIT :limit")
public abstract List<User> userNameInitial(int limit);
@Query("SELECT * from user WHERE name < :key ORDER BY name DESC LIMIT :limit")
public abstract List<User> userNameLoadAfter(String key, int limit);
@Query("SELECT * from user WHERE name > :key ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT :limit")
public abstract List<User> userNameLoadBefore(String key, int limit);
KeyedDataSource implementation
public class KeyedUserQueryDataSource extends KeyedDataSource<String, User> {
@Override public boolean isInvalid() { return super.isInvalid(); }
@Override public String getKey(@NonNull User item) { return item.getName(); }
@Override public List<User> loadInitial(int pageSize) {
return mUserDao.userNameInitial(pageSize); }
@Override public List<User> loadBefore(@NonNull String userName, int pageSize) {
return mUserDao.userNameLoadBefore(userName, pageSize); }
@Override public List<User> loadAfter(@Nullable String userName, int pageSize) {
return mUserDao.userNameLoadAfter(userName, pageSize); }
TiledDataSource implementation
interface UserDao {
@Query("SELECT * FROM user ORDER BY mAge DESC")
public abstract TiledDataSource<User> loadUsersByAgeDesc();
TiledDataSource - under the hood
interface UserDao {
@Query("SELECT COUNT(*) from user")
public abstract Integer getUserCount();
@Query("SELECT * from user ORDER BY mName DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset")
public abstract List<User> userNameLimitOffset(int limit, int offset);
TiledDataSource - under the hood
public class OffsetUserQueryDataSource extends TiledDataSource<User> {
@Override public boolean isInvalid() { return super.isInvalid(); }
@Override public int countItems() { return mUserDao.getUserCount(); }
@Override public List<User> loadRange(int startPosition, int loadCount) {
return mUserDao.userNameLimitOffset(loadCount, startPosition);
Paging Library - PagedList
PagedList - loads its data in chunks (pages) from a DataSource
Paging Library - LivePagedListProvider
PagedListAdapter - listens to PagedList loading callbacks as pages are loaded, and uses DiffUtil on a
background thread to compute fine grained updates as new PagedLists are received.
LivePagedListProvider - provides a LiveData<PagedList>, given a
means to construct a DataSource
LivePagedListProvider generation by DAO
interface UserDao {
@Query("SELECT * FROM user ORDER BY lastName ASC")
public abstract LivePagedListProvider<Integer, User> usersByLastName();
Paging Library - PagedListAdapter
PagedListAdapter - listens to PagedList loading callbacks as pages are
loaded, and uses DiffUtil on a background thread to compute fine grained
updates as new PagedLists are received.
PagedListAdapter usage pattern - DAO
interface UserDao {
@Query("SELECT * FROM user ORDER BY lastName ASC")
public abstract LivePagedListProvider<Integer, User> usersByLastName();
PagedListAdapter usage pattern -
class MyViewModel extends ViewModel {
public final LiveData<PagedList<User>> usersList;
public MyViewModel(UserDao userDao) {
usersList = userDao.usersByLastName().create(
/* initial load position */ 0,
new PagedList.Config.Builder()
PagedListAdapter usage pattern - binding
class MyActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedState) {
MyViewModel viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(MyViewModel.class);
RecyclerView recyclerView = findViewById(;
UserAdapter<User> adapter = new UserAdapter();
viewModel.usersList.observe(this, pagedList -> adapter.setList(pagedList));
PagedListAdapter implementation
class UserAdapter extends PagedListAdapter<User, UserViewHolder> {
public UserAdapter() { super(DIFF_CALLBACK); }
@Override public void onBindViewHolder(UserViewHolder holder, int position) {
User user = getItem(position);
if (user != null) { holder.bindTo(user);
} else { holder.clear(); }
PagedListAdapter implementation
class UserAdapter extends PagedListAdapter<User, UserViewHolder> {
public static final DiffCallback<User> DIFF_CALLBACK = new DiffCallback<User>() {
@Override public boolean areItemsTheSame( @NonNull User oldUser, @NonNull User
newUser) { return oldUser.getId() == newUser.getId(); }
@Override public boolean areContentsTheSame( @NonNull User oldUser, @NonNull User
newUser) { return oldUser.equals(newUser); }
Paging Library flow
Sneak peek :)
UI Controller - Instrumentation
ViewModel - JUnit
Repository - JUnit, MockWebServer
Scalability and advices
Almost there...
What if...
I use RxJava?
I already have MVP?
I love Kotlin?
I’m working on legacy project?
Typical questions
The Answer is...
Read, watch and visit...
Guide to App Architecture
Architecture Components
I/O ‘17 Architecture Components Introduction -
Solving the Lifecycle Problem -
Persistence and Offline -
Architecture Components on GDD Europe -
GDD Europe CodeLabs
Google Github samples
What to read and watch :)
Android MVP Helper
Clean Architecture
MVP + Dagger2 + Rx
Architecture the Lost Years by Uncle Bob
Alternatives to consider
Where to go :)
Thank you! :)
Constantine Mars
Mobile Architecture Club

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Architecture Components

  • 1. Architecture Components Constantine Mars Team Lead, Senior Developer @ DataArt Построение современной архитектуры мобильных приложений
  • 4. App-hopping OS may kill app at random time App components lifecycle is not under control Components should not depend on each other Can’t rely on data, stored in components There are Everyday Problems to Solve
  • 5. Simply related to Activity Lifecycle
  • 6. -Separation of concerns -Provide solid user experience -Keep UI lean and simple -Keep UI free of app logic -Drive UI from model -Use persistent model -Assign clear responsibilities for each model class Common Principles for staying in mind :)
  • 9. -Modular app -Each class responsible for one well-defined function -Should be no god objects -The app should be testable Remember Good Architecture Goals...
  • 12. Be together. not the same
  • 13. “It is impossible to have one way of writing apps that will be the best for every scenario. That being said, this recommended architecture should be a good starting point for most use cases. If you already have a good way of writing Android apps, you don't need to change.” Be together. not the same
  • 15. Purpose: Display data and pass on UI events Neither contain the UI data, nor directly manipulate data Examples: Activity, Fragment Views = UI Controllers = LifecycleOwners
  • 16. Lifecycle = states + events
  • 17. Implement Lifecycle since Beta AppCompatActivity, Fragment
  • 18. ViewModel Data holder for Activity/Fragment Survives configuration changes NEVER references View / Activity / Fragment
  • 19. ViewModel public class DetailActivityViewModel extends ViewModel { private WeatherEntry mWeather; public DetailActivityViewModel() {} public WeatherEntry getWeather() { return mWeather; } public void setWeather(WeatherEntry weatherEntry) { mWeather = weatherEntry; } }
  • 21. ViewModel and LifecycleOwner public class DetailActivity extends LifecycleActivity { DetailActivityViewModel viewModel; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); ... viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(DetailActivityViewModel.class); } ...
  • 22. Represent data needed for the UI to display An observable data holder Lifecycle aware Automatic subscription management LiveData
  • 25. Live Data public class DetailActivityViewModel extends ViewModel { private MutableLiveData<WeatherEntry> mWeather; public DetailActivityViewModel() {} public MutableLiveData<WeatherEntry> getWeather() { return mWeather; } public void setWeather(WeatherEntry weatherEntry) { mWeather.postValue(weatherEntry); } }
  • 26. Live Data observing public class DetailActivity extends LifecycleActivity { DetailActivityViewModel viewModel; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); ... viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(DetailActivityViewModel.class); viewModel.getWeather().observe(this, weatherEntry -> { if(weatherEntry!=null) { bindWeatherToUI(weatherEntry); } }); }
  • 27. -Single source of truth -ViewModels simply request data from the repository -Is a mediator between the different data sources Repository Image from
  • 28. Manages data from a remote data source, such as the internet May use REST, Cloud Remote Network Data Source
  • 29. Manages local data stored in the database Model
  • 30. Each class in the diagram only stores a reference to the class or classes directly "below it" and not any classes above it Layered architecture pattern
  • 32. -Less boilerplate compared to the built-in APIs -Compile-time validation of SQL queries -Data observation via LiveData, RxJava Room ORM purposes
  • 35. @Entity declaration @Entity(tableName = "weather", indices = {@Index(value = {"date"}, unique = true)}) public class WeatherEntry { @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) private int id; … }
  • 36. @Entity constructors //Room constructor public WeatherEntry(int id, int weatherIconId, Date date, ...) { //Json constructor - ignored by Room @Ignore public WeatherEntry(int weatherIconId, Date date, // (!) Only one constructor should be exposed to Room ...
  • 37. Dao
  • 38. @Dao declaration @Dao public interface WeatherDao { @Query("SELECT * FROM weather") List<WeatherEntry> getAll(); @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE) void insertAll(WeatherEntry... weatherEntries); @Delete void delete(WeatherEntry weatherEntry); }
  • 40. @Database declaration @Database(entities = {WeatherEntry.class}, version = 1) @TypeConverters(DateConverter.class) public abstract class AppDatabase extends RoomDatabase { public abstract WeatherDao weatherDao(); }
  • 41. @Database - a singleton private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "weather"; private static final Object LOCK = new Object(); private static volatile AppDatabase sInstance; public static AppDatabase getInstance(Context context) { if (sInstance == null) { synchronized (LOCK) { if (sInstance == null) { sInstance = Room.databaseBuilder(context.getApplicationContext(), AppDatabase.class, AppDatabase.DATABASE_NAME).build(); } }} return sInstance; }
  • 42. Type converters class DateConverter { @TypeConverter public static Date toDate(Long timestamp) { return timestamp == null ? null : new Date(timestamp); } @TypeConverter public static Long toTimestamp(Date date) { return date == null ? null : date.getTime(); } }
  • 45. Repository pattern public class WeatherRepository { public synchronized static WeatherRepository getInstance(); public synchronized void initializeData(); private void deleteOldData(); private boolean isFetchNeeded(); private void startFetchWeatherService(); }
  • 46. Repository - fetch data from network mWeatherNetworkDataSource = weatherNetworkDataSource; LiveData<WeatherEntry[]> networkData = mWeatherNetworkDataSource.getCurrentWeatherForecasts(); networkData.observeForever(newForecastsFromNetwork -> { mExecutors.diskIO().execute(() -> { mWeatherDao.bulkInsert(newForecastsFromNetwork); Log.d(LOG_TAG, "New values inserted"); }); });
  • 47. Repository - use LiveData private WeatherNetworkDataSource(Context context, AppExecutors executors) { mContext = context; mExecutors = executors; mDownloadedWeatherForecasts = new MutableLiveData<WeatherEntry[]>(); }
  • 48. Check when to fetch private boolean isFetchNeeded() { Date today = CustomDateUtils.getNormalizedUtcDateForToday(); int count = mWeatherDao.countAllFutureWeather(today); return (count < WeatherNetworkDataSource.NUM_DAYS); }
  • 49. Check when to fetch public synchronized void initializeData() { if (mInitialized) return; mInitialized = true; mExecutors.diskIO().execute(() -> { if (isFetchNeeded()) { startFetchWeatherService(); } }); }
  • 50. And again - observe LiveData public class DetailActivity extends LifecycleActivity { DetailActivityViewModel viewModel; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); ... viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(DetailActivityViewModel.class); viewModel.getWeather().observe(this, weatherEntry -> { if(weatherEntry!=null) { bindWeatherToUI(weatherEntry); } }); }
  • 51. The whole picture for sample project
  • 54. Data source KeyedDataSource - if you need to use data from item N to fetch item N+1. TiledDataSource - if you need to fetch pages in range of data from any location you choose in your data store
  • 55. DAO for KeyedDataSource @Dao interface UserDao { @Query("SELECT * from user ORDER BY name DESC LIMIT :limit") public abstract List<User> userNameInitial(int limit); @Query("SELECT * from user WHERE name < :key ORDER BY name DESC LIMIT :limit") public abstract List<User> userNameLoadAfter(String key, int limit); @Query("SELECT * from user WHERE name > :key ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT :limit") public abstract List<User> userNameLoadBefore(String key, int limit); }
  • 56. KeyedDataSource implementation public class KeyedUserQueryDataSource extends KeyedDataSource<String, User> { @Override public boolean isInvalid() { return super.isInvalid(); } @Override public String getKey(@NonNull User item) { return item.getName(); } @Override public List<User> loadInitial(int pageSize) { return mUserDao.userNameInitial(pageSize); } @Override public List<User> loadBefore(@NonNull String userName, int pageSize) { return mUserDao.userNameLoadBefore(userName, pageSize); } @Override public List<User> loadAfter(@Nullable String userName, int pageSize) { return mUserDao.userNameLoadAfter(userName, pageSize); } }
  • 57. TiledDataSource implementation @Dao interface UserDao { @Query("SELECT * FROM user ORDER BY mAge DESC") public abstract TiledDataSource<User> loadUsersByAgeDesc(); }
  • 58. TiledDataSource - under the hood @Dao interface UserDao { @Query("SELECT COUNT(*) from user") public abstract Integer getUserCount(); @Query("SELECT * from user ORDER BY mName DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset") public abstract List<User> userNameLimitOffset(int limit, int offset); }
  • 59. TiledDataSource - under the hood public class OffsetUserQueryDataSource extends TiledDataSource<User> { @Override public boolean isInvalid() { return super.isInvalid(); } @Override public int countItems() { return mUserDao.getUserCount(); } @Override public List<User> loadRange(int startPosition, int loadCount) { return mUserDao.userNameLimitOffset(loadCount, startPosition); } }
  • 60. Paging Library - PagedList DataSource PagedList - loads its data in chunks (pages) from a DataSource PagedListAdapter LivePagedListProvider
  • 61. Paging Library - LivePagedListProvider DataSource PagedList PagedListAdapter - listens to PagedList loading callbacks as pages are loaded, and uses DiffUtil on a background thread to compute fine grained updates as new PagedLists are received. LivePagedListProvider - provides a LiveData<PagedList>, given a means to construct a DataSource
  • 62. LivePagedListProvider generation by DAO @Dao interface UserDao { @Query("SELECT * FROM user ORDER BY lastName ASC") public abstract LivePagedListProvider<Integer, User> usersByLastName(); }
  • 63. Paging Library - PagedListAdapter DataSource PagedList PagedListAdapter - listens to PagedList loading callbacks as pages are loaded, and uses DiffUtil on a background thread to compute fine grained updates as new PagedLists are received. LivePagedListProvider
  • 64. PagedListAdapter usage pattern - DAO @Dao interface UserDao { @Query("SELECT * FROM user ORDER BY lastName ASC") public abstract LivePagedListProvider<Integer, User> usersByLastName(); }
  • 65. PagedListAdapter usage pattern - PagedList.Config class MyViewModel extends ViewModel { public final LiveData<PagedList<User>> usersList; public MyViewModel(UserDao userDao) { usersList = userDao.usersByLastName().create( /* initial load position */ 0, new PagedList.Config.Builder() .setPageSize(50) .setPrefetchDistance(50) .build()); } }
  • 66. PagedListAdapter usage pattern - binding class MyActivity extends AppCompatActivity { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedState) { super.onCreate(savedState); MyViewModel viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(MyViewModel.class); RecyclerView recyclerView = findViewById(; UserAdapter<User> adapter = new UserAdapter(); viewModel.usersList.observe(this, pagedList -> adapter.setList(pagedList)); recyclerView.setAdapter(adapter); } }
  • 67. PagedListAdapter implementation class UserAdapter extends PagedListAdapter<User, UserViewHolder> { public UserAdapter() { super(DIFF_CALLBACK); } @Override public void onBindViewHolder(UserViewHolder holder, int position) { User user = getItem(position); if (user != null) { holder.bindTo(user); } else { holder.clear(); } } ...
  • 68. PagedListAdapter implementation class UserAdapter extends PagedListAdapter<User, UserViewHolder> { ... public static final DiffCallback<User> DIFF_CALLBACK = new DiffCallback<User>() { @Override public boolean areItemsTheSame( @NonNull User oldUser, @NonNull User newUser) { return oldUser.getId() == newUser.getId(); } @Override public boolean areContentsTheSame( @NonNull User oldUser, @NonNull User newUser) { return oldUser.equals(newUser); } } }
  • 71. UI Controller - Instrumentation
  • 73. Repository - JUnit, MockWebServer
  • 75. What if... I use RxJava? I already have MVP? I love Kotlin? I’m working on legacy project? Typical questions
  • 77. Read, watch and visit... Links
  • 78. Guide to App Architecture Architecture Components I/O ‘17 Architecture Components Introduction - Solving the Lifecycle Problem - Persistence and Offline - Architecture Components on GDD Europe - GDD Europe CodeLabs Google Github samples What to read and watch :)
  • 79. Android MVP Helper Moxy Mosby Clean Architecture Reark MVP + Dagger2 + Rx Architecture the Lost Years by Uncle Bob Alternatives to consider
  • 81. Thank you! :) Constantine Mars @ConstantineMars +ConstantineMars Mobile Architecture Club