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Architecting Single-Activity
With or without Fragments
Gabor Varadi
What do we think we know about
„Starting an activity
An Activity represents a single screen in an app.
You can start a new instance of an Activity by
passing an Intent to startActivity().
The Intent describes the activity to start and
carries any necessary data.”
What do we think we know about
„A Fragment represents a behavior or a portion
of user interface in an Activity. You can combine
multiple fragments in a single activity to build a
multi-pane UI and reuse a fragment in multiple
What is the truth?
Dianne Hackborn
„How should I design my Android
Once we have gotten in to this entry-point to your UI, we really don't
care how you organize the flow inside.
Make it all one activity with manual changes to its views, use
fragments (a convenience framework we provide) or some other
framework, or split it into additional internal activities. Or do all three
as needed.
As long as you are following the high-level contract of activity (it
launches in the proper state, and saves/restores in the current state),
it doesn't matter to the system.
What does that tell us?
• Activities are not „screens”, they are entry points to the
app (like a main function)
• The high-level Activity contract is showing UI for current
state, handling initial state, and persist state across
configuration change and process death
• Fragments are just a „convenience framework” —
technically they are ViewControllers with lifecycle
• Android does NOT care how you handle the flow inside
your application!
Wait, process death?
• Step 1: put app in background with HOME
• Step 2: press „Terminate application”
• Step 3: restart app from launcher
• Step 4: enjoy strange behavior 
(app restart, statics are cleared, savedInstanceState != null)
What IS the flow inside your
• Navigation
– where you are in your application (and what to show)
– where you came from, back/up navigation
– remembering navigation state across config change
and process death
• Scoping
– what data needs to be shown
– what services need to exist (singleton and subscopes)
– how to keep scoped services alive across config
Some magic tricks
(that we need to understand first)
Passing objects through the context
hierarchy: getSystemService() trick
• Any object can be exposed via the Context
hierarchy by overriding getSystemService()
• Objects from Activity (and the activity!) can be
exposed directly via Activity.getSystemService()
• Objects in subscope of Activity can be exposed
through ContextWrapper.getSystemService()
by inflating the view with a cloned layout inflater
Exposing objects through the Context
from the Activity
public class MainActivity
extends AppCompatActivity {
private static final String TAG = "MainActivity";
public static MainActivity get(Context context) {
// noinspection ResourceType
return (MainActivity)context.getSystemService(TAG);
public Object getSystemService(String name) {
if(TAG.equals(name)) {
return this; // <-- now MainActivity.get(context) works
return super.getSystemService(name);
public class KeyContextWrapper extends ContextWrapper {
public static final String TAG = "Backstack.KEY";
LayoutInflater layoutInflater;
final Object key;
public KeyContextWrapper(Context base, @NonNull Object key) {
this.key = key;
public static <T> T getKey(Context context) {
// noinspection ResourceType
Object key = context.getSystemService(TAG);
// noinspection unchecked
return (T) key;
public Object getSystemService(String name) {
if(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE.equals(name)) {
if(layoutInflater == null) {
layoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(getBaseContext())
return layoutInflater;
} else if(TAG.equals(name)) {
return key; // <-- now KeyContextWrapper.getKey(context) works
return super.getSystemService(name);
Back to application flows!
Allowing data and services to exist for the entire duration of
when the screen is visible, and not be killed on configuration
Child scopes should be able to inherit from their superscope.
Things that set out to solve scoping problem:
- Activity: onRetainCustomNonConfigurationInstance()
- Fragment: retained fragments
- Loaders
- square/Mortar: MortarScope
- lyft/Scoop: Scoop
- zhuinden/Service-Tree: ServiceTree
- Architectural Components: ViewModel
Goal of scoping
• The goal is to make sure the data and services exist for as long as
the scope
• When the scope is destroyed (as it is no longer needed), the data
and services are torn down along with it
• In advanced use:
– scoped data becomes a dependency that is provided to
constructor, but obtained asynchronously and observed for
(LiveData, BehaviorRelay, Observable + RxReplayingShare)
– Dagger component is subscoped, and provides the data as
scoped dependency
– The Dagger component is stored in the scope to survive
configuration changes
dependencies = {SingletonComponent.class},
modules = {ChatModule.class})
interface ChatComponent {
ChatPresenter chatPresenter();
void inject(ChatView chatView);
static class ChatModule {
private final int chatId;
Observable<Chat> chat(ChatRepository chatRepository) {
return chatRepository.getChat(chatId);
static class ChatPresenter implements Presenter<ChatView> {
ChatPresenter(Observable<Chat> chat) {
// ...
String scopeTag = chatKey.toString();
MortarScope childScope = parentScope.findChild(scopeTag);
if (childScope == null) {
childScope = parentScope.buildChild()
return childScope;
ChatComponent component =
Creating/Destroying Scopes: Mortar
The common approach to simplifying
the problem
• Create only Singleton scope (and a single global
injector), everything else is unscoped
• Unscoped dependencies have their state
persisted to Bundle, and restored if state exists
• Also: if the ViewController is preserved even
without its view hierarchy, then it can BE the
(retained fragments, Conductor’s Controller)
• We must know where we are, remember where we have been
• This state must be preserved across configuration changes and
process death
• Things that set out to solve Navigation problem:
– Activity record stack
– Fragment backstack
– square/flow 0.8
– lyft/scoop
– square/flow 1.0-alpha3
– terrakok/Cicerone (no backstack, only command queue)
– bluelinelabs/Conductor
– zhuinden/simple-stack
– wealthfront/magellan (don’t use it – does NOT preserve state
across process death!!!)
Checklist for what a backstack should
be able to do
• Handling state persistence across config change /
process death
• Should receive both the previous and the new state on
state change
• Animations are asynchronous – operations must be
• State changer is not always available (after onPause) –
operations must be enqueued
How do Activities handle navigation?
• Intents to start new Activities
• Parameters are provided in the extras Bundle, generally
as a dynamically typed storage with string keys
• Intents have „intent flags” to manipulate „task stack”
• Downsides:
– You can’t easily tell what Activities exist in the background
– Modifying stack needs tricky combinations of intent flags
(no fine-grained control)
– No notifications about change (previous state, new state)
– Complicated lifecycle if multiple Activities exist
D/MainActivity: onCreate
D/MainActivity: onStart
D/MainActivity: onResume
D/MainActivity: onPostResume
--- START SECOND ACTIVITY in onPostResume()
D/MainActivity: onPause
D/SecondActivity: onCreate
D/SecondActivity: onStart
D/SecondActivity: onResume
D/SecondActivity: onPostResume
D/MainActivity: onSaveInstanceState
D/MainActivity: onStop
D/SecondActivity: onPause
D/MainActivity: onStart
D/MainActivity: onResume
D/MainActivity: onPostResume
D/SecondActivity: onStop
D/SecondActivity: onDestroy
How are Fragments generally used for
• FragmentTransactions (begin/commit)
• Tutorials typically show „replace()” in conjunction with
• The backstack stores transactions (operations) with a tag to
pop to (inclusive/exclusive)
• (Parameters are also provided as Bundle, called arguments)
• Downsides:
– onBackstackChanged() provides change notification, but does
not provide previous and new states (also it’s kinda random)
– Stack stores operations instead of active fragments, so
asymmetric navigation is super-difficult
– commit() runs transaction on the NEXT event loop
(what about onPause?
„Cannot perform after onSaveInstanceState()”)
Principle of Flow (and its variants)
• „Flow” is a custom backstack to store current state and
• Content of the backstack is saved to and restored from
Bundle (for process death) as Parcelables
• State is represented as immutable parcelable value objects,
called Keys
• Keys contain all necessary data in order to set up the initial
state (like Intent extras), but as typed values of the class
• List of previous / new keys are both available („Traversal”,…)
public abstract class TaskDetailKey
implements Key, Parcelable {
public abstract String taskId(); // <- instead of static final TASK_ID = „TASK_ID”;
public static TaskDetailKey create(String taskId) {
return new AutoValue_TaskDetailKey(R.layout.path_taskdetail, taskId);
public int menu() {
public boolean isFabVisible() {
return true;
public View.OnClickListener fabClickListener(View view) {
return v -> {
public int fabDrawableIcon() {
return R.drawable.ic_edit;
data class TaskDetailKey(val taskId: String)
: Key, PaperParcelable {
override fun layout() = R.layout.task_detail
override fun menu() =
override fun isFabVisible() = true
override fun fabClickListener(view: View) {
return View.OnClickListener {
v -> (view as SecondView).editTask()
override fun fabDrawableIcon() = R.drawable.ic_edit
companion object {
@JvmField val CREATOR = PaperParcelTaskDetailKey.CREATOR
public void setupViewsForKey(Key key, View newView) {
if(key.shouldShowUp()) {
setDrawerLockMode(LOCK_MODE_LOCKED_CLOSED, GravityCompat.START);
} else {
setDrawerLockMode(LOCK_MODE_UNLOCKED, GravityCompat.START);
if(key.isFabVisible()) {
} else {
if(key.fabDrawableIcon() != 0) {
Example: set up view by key
Displaying the View for a given Key
• Our Key specifies what we want to show
• We need to handle the events of the views (clicks, text
changes, etc.)
• For that, we need a „ViewController” (which can be used
inside an Activity, so not an Activity)
• Possible options:
– Custom ViewGroup
– Fragment
– lyft/scoop’s ViewController
– square/coordinators’s Coordinator
– bluelinelabs/Conductor’s Controller
Creating a Custom Viewgroup
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android:text="Go to next"/>
public class FirstView extends RelativeLayout {
/* constructors call init(); */
Backstack backstack;
FirstKey firstKey;
private void init(Context context) {
if(!isInEditMode()) {
backstack = BackstackService.get(context);
firstKey = Backstack.getKey(context);
public void clickButton(View view) {
protected void onFinishInflate() {
/* onAttachedToWindow, onDetachedFromWindow */
Step-by-step handling view navigation
RelativeLayout root;
public void handleStateChange(StateChange stateChange,
Callback completionCallback) {
if(stateChange.topNewState().equals(stateChange.topPreviousState())) {
Key newKey = stateChange.topNewState();
Context newContext = stateChange.createContext(this, newKey);
View view = LayoutInflater.from(newContext)
.inflate(newKey.layout(), root, false);
// + lifecycle integration callbacks!
( onCreate(), onPostResume(), onPause(),
onRetainCustomNonConfigurationInstance(), onDestroy() )
Same thing using library defaults
Navigator.install(this, root,
Or showing off some configuration builders...
.create(this, root))
.install(this, root,
Navigation using the backstack
.build(), StateChange.REPLACE);
TasksKey.create(), TaskDetailKey.create(taskId)),
But what about Fragments?
• Fragments are also ViewControllers
• Activity provides them with lifecycle integration
out of the box
• FragmentManager keeps track of them and their
state transitions
• All added fragments are recreated after process
death by super.onCreate() in Activity
• (Supports nesting out of the box... with caveats)
Fragment Ops beyond „replace”
• Other useful operators of FragmentTransaction:
– Add/remove:
• Create fragment and its view hierarchy
• Destroy view hierarchy, and fragment as well
– Attach/detach:
• Restore view state, (re-)create view hierarchy
• preserve view state, but destroy view hierarchy
– commitNow():
• Execute the fragment transaction synchronously
• Note: this method cannot be used alongside addToBackStack()
• Using these operators, we can combine this with a custom
backstack, by keeping the fragments and their state alive,
but only the currently visible view hierarchy.
Key for the Fragment
public abstract class BaseKey implements Key {
public String getFragmentTag() {
return toString();
public final BaseFragment newFragment() {
BaseFragment fragment = createFragment();
Bundle bundle = fragment.getArguments();
if (bundle == null) {
bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putParcelable("KEY", this); // => <T> T getKey() { … }
return fragment;
protected abstract BaseFragment createFragment();
Handling state change with Fragments
• Remove all Fragments that were in previous
state, but are no longer in the new state
(if they are still in new state, then just detach
• Create and add all fragments that are in the new
state and not yet added
• In the new state, if the current top already exists
but is detached, then attach it, if it doesn’t exist,
then create it and add it
(and detach all other non-top fragments)
• Commit transaction now
public class FragmentStateChanger {
public void handleStateChange(StateChange stateChange) {
FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();
for(Object _oldKey : stateChange.getPreviousState()) {
Key oldKey = (Key) _oldKey;
Fragment fragment = fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(oldKey.getFragmentTag());
if(fragment != null) {
if(!stateChange.getNewState().contains(oldKey)) {
} else if(!fragment.isDetached()) {
for(Object _newKey : stateChange.getNewState()) {
Key newKey = (Key) _newKey;
Fragment fragment = fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(newKey.getFragmentTag());
if(newKey.equals(stateChange.topNewState())) {
if(fragment != null && fragment.isDetached()) {
} else {
fragment = newKey.createFragment();
fragmentTransaction.add(containerId, fragment, newKey.getFragmentTag());
} else if(fragment != null && !fragment.isDetached()) {
Navigation using the backstack
(with fragments)
.build(), StateChange.REPLACE);
TasksKey.create(), TaskDetailKey.create(taskId)),
Additional resources
Advocating against Android Fragments
Simpler Apps with Flow and Mortar
Michael Yotive: State of Fragments in 2017
Simplified Fragment Navigation using a custom
Thank you for your attention!

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Architecting Single Activity Applications (With or Without Fragments)

  • 1. Architecting Single-Activity Applications With or without Fragments Gabor Varadi @zhuinden
  • 2. What do we think we know about Activities? From „Starting an activity An Activity represents a single screen in an app. You can start a new instance of an Activity by passing an Intent to startActivity(). The Intent describes the activity to start and carries any necessary data.”
  • 3. What do we think we know about Fragments? From „A Fragment represents a behavior or a portion of user interface in an Activity. You can combine multiple fragments in a single activity to build a multi-pane UI and reuse a fragment in multiple activities.”
  • 4. What is the truth?
  • 5. Dianne Hackborn „How should I design my Android application?” Activity Once we have gotten in to this entry-point to your UI, we really don't care how you organize the flow inside. Make it all one activity with manual changes to its views, use fragments (a convenience framework we provide) or some other framework, or split it into additional internal activities. Or do all three as needed. As long as you are following the high-level contract of activity (it launches in the proper state, and saves/restores in the current state), it doesn't matter to the system.
  • 6. What does that tell us? • Activities are not „screens”, they are entry points to the app (like a main function) • The high-level Activity contract is showing UI for current state, handling initial state, and persist state across configuration change and process death • Fragments are just a „convenience framework” — technically they are ViewControllers with lifecycle integration • Android does NOT care how you handle the flow inside your application!
  • 7. Wait, process death? • Step 1: put app in background with HOME • Step 2: press „Terminate application” • Step 3: restart app from launcher • Step 4: enjoy strange behavior  (app restart, statics are cleared, savedInstanceState != null)
  • 8. What IS the flow inside your application? • Navigation – where you are in your application (and what to show) – where you came from, back/up navigation – remembering navigation state across config change and process death • Scoping – what data needs to be shown – what services need to exist (singleton and subscopes) – how to keep scoped services alive across config change
  • 9. Some magic tricks (that we need to understand first)
  • 10. Passing objects through the context hierarchy: getSystemService() trick • Any object can be exposed via the Context hierarchy by overriding getSystemService() • Objects from Activity (and the activity!) can be exposed directly via Activity.getSystemService() • Objects in subscope of Activity can be exposed through ContextWrapper.getSystemService() by inflating the view with a cloned layout inflater LayoutInflater.from(baseContext) .cloneInContext(contextWrapper);
  • 11. Exposing objects through the Context from the Activity public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private static final String TAG = "MainActivity"; public static MainActivity get(Context context) { // noinspection ResourceType return (MainActivity)context.getSystemService(TAG); } @Override public Object getSystemService(String name) { if(TAG.equals(name)) { return this; // <-- now MainActivity.get(context) works } return super.getSystemService(name); } }
  • 12. public class KeyContextWrapper extends ContextWrapper { public static final String TAG = "Backstack.KEY"; LayoutInflater layoutInflater; final Object key; public KeyContextWrapper(Context base, @NonNull Object key) { super(base); this.key = key; } public static <T> T getKey(Context context) { // noinspection ResourceType Object key = context.getSystemService(TAG); // noinspection unchecked return (T) key; } @Override public Object getSystemService(String name) { if(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE.equals(name)) { if(layoutInflater == null) { layoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(getBaseContext()) .cloneInContext(this); } return layoutInflater; } else if(TAG.equals(name)) { return key; // <-- now KeyContextWrapper.getKey(context) works } return super.getSystemService(name); } }
  • 14. Scoping Allowing data and services to exist for the entire duration of when the screen is visible, and not be killed on configuration changes. Child scopes should be able to inherit from their superscope. Things that set out to solve scoping problem: - Activity: onRetainCustomNonConfigurationInstance() - Fragment: retained fragments - Loaders - square/Mortar: MortarScope - lyft/Scoop: Scoop - zhuinden/Service-Tree: ServiceTree - Architectural Components: ViewModel
  • 15. Goal of scoping • The goal is to make sure the data and services exist for as long as the scope • When the scope is destroyed (as it is no longer needed), the data and services are torn down along with it • In advanced use: – scoped data becomes a dependency that is provided to constructor, but obtained asynchronously and observed for changes (LiveData, BehaviorRelay, Observable + RxReplayingShare) – Dagger component is subscoped, and provides the data as scoped dependency – The Dagger component is stored in the scope to survive configuration changes
  • 16. @Subscope @dagger.Component( dependencies = {SingletonComponent.class}, modules = {ChatModule.class}) ) interface ChatComponent { ChatPresenter chatPresenter(); void inject(ChatView chatView); } @dagger.Module static class ChatModule { private final int chatId; @Provides @Subscope Observable<Chat> chat(ChatRepository chatRepository) { return chatRepository.getChat(chatId); } } @Subscope static class ChatPresenter implements Presenter<ChatView> { @Inject ChatPresenter(Observable<Chat> chat) { // ... } }
  • 17. String scopeTag = chatKey.toString(); MortarScope childScope = parentScope.findChild(scopeTag); if (childScope == null) { childScope = parentScope.buildChild() .withService(DaggerService.SERVICE_NAME, key.createComponent(parentScope)) .build(scopeTag); } return childScope; ---------------------------------------------------- ChatComponent component = DaggerService.<ChatComponent>getService(context); ---------------------------------------------------- MortarScope.getScope(context).destroy(); Creating/Destroying Scopes: Mortar
  • 18. The common approach to simplifying the problem • Create only Singleton scope (and a single global injector), everything else is unscoped • Unscoped dependencies have their state persisted to Bundle, and restored if state exists • Also: if the ViewController is preserved even without its view hierarchy, then it can BE the scope! (retained fragments, Conductor’s Controller)
  • 19. Navigation • We must know where we are, remember where we have been • This state must be preserved across configuration changes and process death • Things that set out to solve Navigation problem: – Activity record stack – Fragment backstack – square/flow 0.8 – lyft/scoop – square/flow 1.0-alpha3 – terrakok/Cicerone (no backstack, only command queue) – bluelinelabs/Conductor – zhuinden/simple-stack – wealthfront/magellan (don’t use it – does NOT preserve state across process death!!!)
  • 20. Checklist for what a backstack should be able to do • Handling state persistence across config change / process death • Should receive both the previous and the new state on state change • Animations are asynchronous – operations must be enqueued • State changer is not always available (after onPause) – operations must be enqueued
  • 21. How do Activities handle navigation? • Intents to start new Activities • Parameters are provided in the extras Bundle, generally as a dynamically typed storage with string keys • Intents have „intent flags” to manipulate „task stack” (CLEAR_TOP, REORDER_TO_FRONT, etc.) • Downsides: – You can’t easily tell what Activities exist in the background – Modifying stack needs tricky combinations of intent flags (no fine-grained control) – No notifications about change (previous state, new state) – Complicated lifecycle if multiple Activities exist
  • 22. --- APP START D/MainActivity: onCreate D/MainActivity: onStart D/MainActivity: onResume D/MainActivity: onPostResume --- START SECOND ACTIVITY in onPostResume() D/MainActivity: onPause D/SecondActivity: onCreate D/SecondActivity: onStart D/SecondActivity: onResume D/SecondActivity: onPostResume D/MainActivity: onSaveInstanceState D/MainActivity: onStop --- FINISH SECOND ACTIVITY D/SecondActivity: onPause D/MainActivity: onStart D/MainActivity: onResume D/MainActivity: onPostResume D/SecondActivity: onStop D/SecondActivity: onDestroy
  • 23. How are Fragments generally used for navigation? • FragmentTransactions (begin/commit) • Tutorials typically show „replace()” in conjunction with „addToBackStack()” • The backstack stores transactions (operations) with a tag to pop to (inclusive/exclusive) • (Parameters are also provided as Bundle, called arguments) • Downsides: – onBackstackChanged() provides change notification, but does not provide previous and new states (also it’s kinda random) – Stack stores operations instead of active fragments, so asymmetric navigation is super-difficult – commit() runs transaction on the NEXT event loop (what about onPause? „Cannot perform after onSaveInstanceState()”)
  • 24. Principle of Flow (and its variants) • „Flow” is a custom backstack to store current state and history • Content of the backstack is saved to and restored from Bundle (for process death) as Parcelables • State is represented as immutable parcelable value objects, called Keys • Keys contain all necessary data in order to set up the initial state (like Intent extras), but as typed values of the class • List of previous / new keys are both available („Traversal”,…)
  • 25. @AutoValue public abstract class TaskDetailKey implements Key, Parcelable { public abstract String taskId(); // <- instead of static final TASK_ID = „TASK_ID”; public static TaskDetailKey create(String taskId) { return new AutoValue_TaskDetailKey(R.layout.path_taskdetail, taskId); } @Override public int menu() { return; } @Override public boolean isFabVisible() { return true; } @Override public View.OnClickListener fabClickListener(View view) { return v -> { ((TaskDetailView)view).editTask(); }; } @Override public int fabDrawableIcon() { return R.drawable.ic_edit; } }
  • 26. @PaperParcel data class TaskDetailKey(val taskId: String) : Key, PaperParcelable { override fun layout() = R.layout.task_detail override fun menu() = override fun isFabVisible() = true override fun fabClickListener(view: View) { return View.OnClickListener { v -> (view as SecondView).editTask() } } override fun fabDrawableIcon() = R.drawable.ic_edit companion object { @JvmField val CREATOR = PaperParcelTaskDetailKey.CREATOR } }
  • 27. public void setupViewsForKey(Key key, View newView) { if(key.shouldShowUp()) { setDrawerLockMode(LOCK_MODE_LOCKED_CLOSED, GravityCompat.START); MainActivity.get(getContext()).getSupportActionBar() .setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); drawerToggle.setDrawerIndicatorEnabled(false); } else { setDrawerLockMode(LOCK_MODE_UNLOCKED, GravityCompat.START); MainActivity.get(getContext()).getSupportActionBar() .setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(false); drawerToggle.setDrawerIndicatorEnabled(true); } drawerToggle.syncState(); setCheckedItem(key.navigationViewId()); MainActivity.get(getContext()).supportInvalidateOptionsMenu(); if(key.isFabVisible()) { fabAddTask.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { fabAddTask.setVisibility(View.GONE); } fabAddTask.setOnClickListener(key.fabClickListener(newView)); if(key.fabDrawableIcon() != 0) { fabAddTask.setImageResource(key.fabDrawableIcon()); } } Example: set up view by key
  • 28. Displaying the View for a given Key • Our Key specifies what we want to show • We need to handle the events of the views (clicks, text changes, etc.) • For that, we need a „ViewController” (which can be used inside an Activity, so not an Activity) • Possible options: – Custom ViewGroup – Fragment – lyft/scoop’s ViewController – square/coordinators’s Coordinator – bluelinelabs/Conductor’s Controller
  • 29. Creating a Custom Viewgroup <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <com.zhuinden.simplestackdemoexample.common.FirstView xmlns:android="" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"> <Button android:id="@+id/first_button" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_centerInParent="true" android:text="Go to next"/> </com.zhuinden.simplestackdemoexample.common.FirstView>
  • 30. public class FirstView extends RelativeLayout { /* constructors call init(); */ Backstack backstack; FirstKey firstKey; private void init(Context context) { if(!isInEditMode()) { backstack = BackstackService.get(context); firstKey = Backstack.getKey(context); } } @OnClick( public void clickButton(View view) { backstack.goTo(SecondKey.create()); } @Override protected void onFinishInflate() { super.onFinishInflate(); ButterKnife.bind(this); } /* onAttachedToWindow, onDetachedFromWindow */ }
  • 31. Step-by-step handling view navigation (Simple-Stack) @BindView( RelativeLayout root; @Override public void handleStateChange(StateChange stateChange, Callback completionCallback) { if(stateChange.topNewState().equals(stateChange.topPreviousState())) { completionCallback.stateChangeComplete(); return; } backstackDelegate.persistViewToState(root.getChildAt(0)); root.removeAllViews(); Key newKey = stateChange.topNewState(); Context newContext = stateChange.createContext(this, newKey); View view = LayoutInflater.from(newContext) .inflate(newKey.layout(), root, false); backstackDelegate.restoreViewFromState(view); root.addView(view); completionCallback.stateChangeComplete(); } // + lifecycle integration callbacks! ( onCreate(), onPostResume(), onPause(), onRetainCustomNonConfigurationInstance(), onDestroy() )
  • 32. Same thing using library defaults Navigator.install(this, root, HistoryBuilder.single(FirstKey.create())); Or showing off some configuration builders... Navigator.configure() .setStateChanger(DefaultStateChanger .configure() .create(this, root)) .install(this, root, HistoryBuilder.single(FirstKey.create()));
  • 33. Navigation using the backstack backstack.goTo(TaskDetailsKey.create(taskId)); backstack.goBack(); backstack.setHistory( HistoryBuilder.from(backstack) .removeLast() .add(TaskDetailsKey.create(taskId)) .build(), StateChange.REPLACE); backstack.setHistory( HistoryBuilder.single(TasksKey.create()), StateChange.BACKWARD); backstack.setHistory( HistoryBuilder.from( TasksKey.create(), TaskDetailKey.create(taskId)), StateChange.FORWARD);
  • 34. But what about Fragments? • Fragments are also ViewControllers • Activity provides them with lifecycle integration out of the box • FragmentManager keeps track of them and their state transitions • All added fragments are recreated after process death by super.onCreate() in Activity • (Supports nesting out of the box... with caveats)
  • 35. Fragment Ops beyond „replace” • Other useful operators of FragmentTransaction: – Add/remove: • Create fragment and its view hierarchy • Destroy view hierarchy, and fragment as well – Attach/detach: • Restore view state, (re-)create view hierarchy • preserve view state, but destroy view hierarchy – commitNow(): • Execute the fragment transaction synchronously • Note: this method cannot be used alongside addToBackStack() • Using these operators, we can combine this with a custom backstack, by keeping the fragments and their state alive, but only the currently visible view hierarchy.
  • 36. Key for the Fragment public abstract class BaseKey implements Key { @Override public String getFragmentTag() { return toString(); } @Override public final BaseFragment newFragment() { BaseFragment fragment = createFragment(); Bundle bundle = fragment.getArguments(); if (bundle == null) { bundle = new Bundle(); } bundle.putParcelable("KEY", this); // => <T> T getKey() { … } fragment.setArguments(bundle); return fragment; } protected abstract BaseFragment createFragment(); }
  • 37. Handling state change with Fragments • Remove all Fragments that were in previous state, but are no longer in the new state (if they are still in new state, then just detach them) • Create and add all fragments that are in the new state and not yet added • In the new state, if the current top already exists but is detached, then attach it, if it doesn’t exist, then create it and add it (and detach all other non-top fragments) • Commit transaction now
  • 38. public class FragmentStateChanger { public void handleStateChange(StateChange stateChange) { FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction(); for(Object _oldKey : stateChange.getPreviousState()) { Key oldKey = (Key) _oldKey; Fragment fragment = fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(oldKey.getFragmentTag()); if(fragment != null) { if(!stateChange.getNewState().contains(oldKey)) { fragmentTransaction.remove(fragment); } else if(!fragment.isDetached()) { fragmentTransaction.detach(fragment); } } } for(Object _newKey : stateChange.getNewState()) { Key newKey = (Key) _newKey; Fragment fragment = fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(newKey.getFragmentTag()); if(newKey.equals(stateChange.topNewState())) { if(fragment != null && fragment.isDetached()) { fragmentTransaction.attach(fragment); } else { fragment = newKey.createFragment(); fragmentTransaction.add(containerId, fragment, newKey.getFragmentTag()); } } else if(fragment != null && !fragment.isDetached()) { fragmentTransaction.detach(fragment); } } fragmentTransaction.commitNow(); } }
  • 39. Navigation using the backstack (with fragments) backstack.goTo(TaskDetailsKey.create(taskId)); backstack.goBack(); backstack.setHistory( HistoryBuilder.from(backstack) .removeLast() .add(TaskDetailsKey.create(taskId)) .build(), StateChange.REPLACE); backstack.setHistory( HistoryBuilder.single(TasksKey.create()), StateChange.BACKWARD); backstack.setHistory( HistoryBuilder.from( TasksKey.create(), TaskDetailKey.create(taskId)), StateChange.FORWARD);
  • 41. Additional resources Advocating against Android Fragments Simpler Apps with Flow and Mortar Michael Yotive: State of Fragments in 2017 Simplified Fragment Navigation using a custom backstack
  • 42. Thank you for your attention! Q/A?

Editor's Notes

  1. Communication between same-level components => superscoped service with change listeners
  2. Flow: Traversal, Scoop: RouteChange, Simple-Stack: StateChange, Conductor: RouterTransaction Keys were also once called „Screen”
  3. This code runs for the current top state, both on forward AND back navigation!
  4. Mortar’s ViewPresenter was responsible for Custom Viewgroup’s onSaveInstanceState() integration. It wasn’t particularly good though and could result in very hard to fix state persistence bugs.
  5. Touchlab: Advanced RxJava + Conductor -