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Dr.Gurumeet C Wadhawa ,Assistant
Professor, Department of Chemistry.
Rayat Shikshan sansthas Veer Wajekar ASC
 Medications used to treat bacterial
 Ideally, before beginning antibiotic
therapy, the suspected areas of
infection should be cultured to
identify the causative organism and
potential antibiotic susceptibilities
 Empiric therapy: treatment of an infection
before specific culture information has
been reported or obtained
 Prophylactic therapy: treatment with
antibiotics to prevent an infection, as in
intra-abdominal surgery or after trauma
 Therapeutic response
 Decrease in specific signs and symptoms of
infection are noted (fever, elevated WBC, redness,
inflammation, drainage, pain)
 Subtherapeutic response
 Signs and symptoms of infection do not improve
 Superinfection
 Antibiotic resistance
 Host factors
 Genetic host factors
 G6PD deficiency
 Slow acetylation
 Allergic reactions
• Sulfonamides
• Penicillins
• Cephalosporins
• Tetracyclines
• Aminoglycosides
• Quinolones
• Macrolides
• clindamycin (Cleocin)
• dapsone
• linezolid (Zyvox)
• metronidazole (Flagyl)
• nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin)
• quinupristin and dalfopristin (Synercid)
• daptomycin (Cubicin)
Four common mechanisms of action
 Interference with cell wall synthesis
 Interference with protein synthesis
 Interference with DNA replication
 Acting as a metabolite to disrupt critical
metabolic reactions inside the bacterial cell
 Bactericidal: kill bacteria
 Bacteriostatic: inhibit growth of susceptible
bacteria, rather than killing them immediately;
will eventually lead to bacterial death
One of the first groups of antibiotics
 Sulfadiazine (Coptin)
 Sulfamethoxazole
 Sulfisoxazole (Gantrisin)
 Used to treat otitis media, UTIs, other conditions
Often combined with another antibiotic
 Sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (Bactrim)
 Bacteriostatic action
 Prevent synthesis of folic acid required
for synthesis of purines and nucleic acid
 Do not affect human cells or certain
bacteria—they can use preformed folic acid
 Only affect organisms that synthesize their
own folic acid
 Treatment of UTIs caused by susceptible strains
 Enterobacter spp., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp.,
Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris, Staphylococcus
 Nocardiosis (caused by Nocardia - pneumonia)
 Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PJP)
 co-trimoxazole (Bactrim, Septra)
 Upper respiratory tract infections
 trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (co-trimoxazole,
Bactrim, Septra)
 Used to treat UTIs, PJP, otitis media, other conditions
 erythromycin/sulfisoxazole (Pediazole)
 Used to treat otitis media
Body System Adverse Effects
Blood Hemolytic and aplastic anemia,
agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia
Integumentary Photosensitivity, exfoliative dermatitis,
Stevens-Johnson syndrome, epidermal
GI Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
Other Convulsions, crystalluria, toxic
nephrosis, headache,
peripheral neuritis, urticaria
 Should be taken with at least 2000 mL
of fluid per day, unless contraindicated
 Oral forms should be taken with food or
milk to reduce GI upset
 Natural penicillins
 Penicillinase-resistant penicillins
 Aminopenicillins
 Extended-spectrum penicillins
Natural penicillins
 penicillin G, penicillin V potassium
Penicillinase-resistant drugs
 cloxacillin, dicloxacillin, nafcillin, oxacillin
 amoxicillin, ampicillin, bacampicillin
Extended-spectrum drugs
 piperacillin, ticarcillin, carbenicillin
 First introduced in the 1940s
 Bactericidal: inhibit cell wall synthesis
 Kill a wide variety of bacteria
 Also called “β-lactams”
 Bacteria produce enzymes capable of
destroying penicillins
 These enzymes are known as β-lactamases
 As a result, the medication is not effect
 Chemicals used to inhibit these enzymes:
Clavulanic acid Tazobactam Sulbactam
 Bind with β-lactamase and prevent the enzyme
from breaking down the penicillin -- making the
drug more effective
 Penicillin-β-lactamase inhibitor
combination drugs
 ampicillin + sulbactam = Unasyn
 amoxicillin + clavulanic acid = Augmentin
 ticarcillin + clavulanic acid = Timentin
 piperacillin + tazobactam = Zosyn
 Penicillins enter the bacteria via the cell wall
 Inside the cell they bind to penicillin-binding protein
 Once bound, normal cell wall synthesis is
 Result: bacteria cells die from cell lysis
 Penicillins do not kill other cells in the body
 Prevention and treatment of infections
caused by susceptible bacteria, such as:
 Gram-positive bacteria
 Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus
 Allergic reactions occur in 0.7% to 4% of cases
 Urticaria, pruritus, angioedema
 Those allergic to penicillins have a fourfold to sixfold increased
risk of allergy to other β-lactam antibiotics
 Cross-reactivity between penicillins and cephalosporins is
between 1% and 18%
 Common adverse effects
 Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain
 Other adverse effects are less common
 MANY interactions!
 Oral contraceptives
 warfarin
 Others
 Any patient taking a penicillin should be carefully
monitored for an allergic reaction for at least
30 minutes after its administration
 The effectiveness of oral penicillins is
decreased when taken with caffeine, citrus
fruit, cola beverages, fruit juices, or tomato
 Administer with at least 6 ounces of water
 Four Generations:
 Semisynthetic derivatives from a fungus
 Structurally and pharmacologically related
to penicillins
 Bactericidal action
 Broad spectrum
 Divided into groups according to antimicrobial activity
 Used for surgical prophylaxis, URIs,
otitis media
 cefazolin (Ancef and Kefzol): IV or IM
 cephalexin (Keflex): PO
 Good gram-positive coverage
 Better gram-negative coverage than first
 Cefmetazole IV Cefprozil (Cefzil) PO
 Cefoxitin (Mefoxin) IV Cefaclor (Ceclor) PO
 cefoxitin (Mefoxin): IV and IM
 Used prophylactically for abdominal or colorectal surgeries
 Also kills anaerobes
 cefuroxime (Kefurox and Ceftin): PO
 Surgical prophylaxis
 Does not kill anaerobes
ceftriaxone (Rocephin)
 IV and IM, long half-life, once-a-day dosing
 Elimination is primarily hepatic
 Easily passes meninges and diffused into CSF to treat CNS
 ceftazidime (Fortaz, Tazidime)
 IV and IM forms
 Excellent gram-negative coverage
 Used for difficult-to-treat organisms such as Pseudomonas
 Eliminated renally instead of biliary route
 Excellent spectrum of coverage
 Newest cephalosporin drugs
 Broader spectrum of antibacterial activity than
third generation, especially against gram-
positive bacteria
 Tx: UTI, Skin infections, pneumonia
 cefepime (Maxipime) GM +/-
 cefdinir
 cefditoren pivoxil (Spectracef)
 Similar to penicillins
 Mild diarrhea, abdominal cramps, rash, pruritis,
redness, edema
 Potential cross-sensitivity with penicillins
if allergies exist
 Orally administered forms should be given
with food to decrease GI upset, even
though this will delay absorption
 Some of these drugs may cause a
disulfiram (Antabuse)-like reaction when
taken with alcohol
 Very broad-spectrum antibacterial action
 Reserved for complicated body cavity and
connective tissue infections
 May cause drug-induced seizure activity
 All given parenterally
imipenem-cilastatin (Primaxin)
 Used for treatment of bone, joint, skin, and soft
tissue infections
 Cilastatin inhibits an enzyme that breaks down
meropenem (Merrem) – bacterial meningitis
ertapenem (Invanz) - newest
aztreonam (Azactam)
 Synthetic β-lactam antibiotic
 Primarily active against aerobic gram-negative
bacteria (E. coli, Klebsiella spp., Pseudomonas spp.)
 Bactericidal
 Used for moderately severe systemic infections
and UTIs
 Prevent protein synthesis within bacterial cells
 Considered bacteriostatic - Bacteria will eventually die
 In high enough concentrations, may also be
 erythromycin (E-mycin
 azithromycin (Zithromax)
 clarithromycin (Biaxin)
Adverse Effects: GI effects, primarily with erythromycin
 Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hepatotoxicity, flatulence,
jaundice, anorexia
 Newer drugs, azithromycin and clarithromycin: fewer GI
adverse effects, longer duration of action, better efficacy,
better tissue penetration
 These drugs are highly protein-bound and will cause
severe interactions with other protein-bound
 The absorption of oral erythromycin is enhanced
when taken on an empty stomach, but because
of the high incidence of GI upset, many drugs
are taken after a meal or snack
telithromycin (Ketek)
 Only drug in this class
 Better antibacterial coverage than macrolides
 Active against gram-positive bacteria, including
multi-drug resistant strains of S. pneumoniae
 Active against selected gram-negative bacteria
 Indications:
 Community-acquired pneumonia, acute bacterial sinusitis,
bacterial exacerbations of chronic bronchitis
 Adverse reactions include:
 Headache, dizziness, GI discomfort, altered potassium levels,
prolonged QT intervals
 Natural and semisynthetic
 Obtained from cultures of Streptomyces
 Bacteriostatic—inhibit bacterial growth
 Inhibit protein synthesis
 Stop many essential functions of the bacteria
 demeclocycline (Declomycin)
 oxytetracycline
 tetracycline
 doxycycline (Doryx, Vibramycin)
 Minocycline
Strong affinity for calcium
 Discoloration of permanent teeth and tooth
enamel in fetuses and children, or nursing infants if
taken by the mother
 May retard fetal skeletal development if taken
during pregnancy
Alteration in intestinal flora may result in:
 Superinfection (overgrowth of nonsusceptible
organisms such as Candida)
 Diarrhea
 Pseudomembranous colitis
 Milk products, iron preparations, antacids, and
other dairy products should be avoided because of
the chelation and drug-binding that occurs
 All medications should be taken with 6 to 8 ounces
of fluid, preferably water
 Due to photosensitivity, avoid sunlight and
tanning beds
 Before beginning therapy, assess drug allergies; renal,
liver, and cardiac function; and other lab studies
 Be sure to obtain patient health history, including
immune status
 Assess for conditions that may be contraindications to
antibiotic use or that may indicate cautious use
 Assess for potential drug interactions
 It is ESSENTIAL to obtain cultures from
appropriate sites BEFORE beginning
antibiotic therapy
 Each class of antibiotics has specific adverse
effects and drug interactions that must be
carefully assessed and monitored
 The most common adverse effects of antibiotics
are nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
 All oral antibiotics are absorbed better if taken with
at least 6 to 8 ounces of water
Monitor for therapeutic effects
 Improvement of signs and symptoms of infection
 Return to normal vital signs
 Negative culture and sensitivity tests
 Disappearance of fever, lethargy, drainage, and
Monitor for adverse reactions
 Therapeutic drug monitoring
 Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)
 Concentration-dependent killing
 Once-daily dosing vs. multi-daily dosing
 Peak and trough blood levels
 Synergistic effects
 Post-antibiotic effect (PAE)
 Ototoxicity
 Temporary or permanent hearing loss, balance
 Nephrotoxicity
 Varying degrees of reduced renal function
 Rising serum creatinine may indicate reduced creatinine
Monitor trough levels every 3 days while on
therapy or as ordered
 gentamicin (Garamycin)
 kanamycin
 neomycin (Neo-Fradin)
 streptomycin
 tobramycin (Nebcin)
 amikacin (Amikin)
 netilmicin
 paromomycin
 Natural and semisynthetic
 Produced from Streptomyces
 Poor oral absorption; no PO forms
 Very potent antibiotics with serious toxicities
 Bactericidal; prevents protein synthesis
 Kill mostly gram-negative; some gram-positive
 Used to kill gram-negative bacteria Pseudomonas,
E. coli, Proteus, Klebsiella, Serratia
 Often used in combination with other antibiotics for
synergistic effects
 Certain gram-positive infections that are resistant to other
 Aminoglycosides poorly absorbed through the GI tract - given IV
 Exception: neomycin
 Given orally or by enema - decontaminate the GI tract
before surgical procedures
 Ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity are
the most significant
 Headache
 Paresthesia
 Fever
 Superinfections
 Vertigo
 Skin rash
 Dizziness
 ciprofloxacin (Cipro)
 norfloxacin (Noroxin)
 levofloxacin (Levaquin)
 gatifloxacin (Tequin)
 moxifloxacin (Avelox)
 gemifloxacin (Factive)
 Also called “quinolones”
 Excellent oral absorption
 Absorption reduced by antacids
 Effective against gram-negative organisms and
some gram-positive organisms
 Mechanism of Action:
 Bactericidal
 Alter DNA of bacteria, causing death
 Do not affect human DNA
 Lower respiratory tract infections
 Bone and joint infections
 Infectious diarrhea
 Urinary tract infections
 Skin infections
 Sexually transmitted diseases
 Anthrax
Body System Adverse Effects
CNS Headache, dizziness, fatigue,
depression, restlessness, insomnia
GI Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
constipation, thrush, increased LFTs
Integumentary Rash, pruritus, urticaria, flushing,
photosensitivity (with lomefloxacin)
Other Fever, chills, blurred vision, tinnitus
 clindamycin (Cleocin)
 dapsone
 linezolid (Zyvox)
 metronidazole (Flagyl)
 nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin)
 quinupristin and dalfopristin (Synercid)
 daptomycin (Cubicin)
 clindamycin (Cleocin)
 Used for chronic bone infections, GU
infections, intraabdominal infections, other
serious infections
 May cause pseudomembranous colitis
 dapsone
 Used for leprosy (Hansen’s disease), PJP
pneumonia associated with HIV/AIDS, other
 linezolid (Zyvox)
 New class: oxazolidinones
 Used to treat vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus
faecium (VREF, VRE), hospital-acquired skin and
skin structure infections, including those with
 May cause hypotension, serotonin syndrome if taken
with SSRIs, and reactions if taken with tyramine-
containing foods
 nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin)
 Primarily used for UTIs (E. coli, S. aureus,
Klebsiella spp., Enterobacter spp.)
 Use carefully if renal function is impaired
 Drug concentrates in the urine
 Usually well-tolerated if patient is kept well-
 quinupristin and dalfopristin (Synercid)
 30:70 combination, work synergistically
 Used for bacteremia and infections caused by
vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE) and
other complicated skin infections
 May cause arthralgias, myalgias
 daptomycin (Cubicin)
 New class: lipopeptide
 Used to treat complicated skin and soft-tissue
 Natural, bactericidal antibiotic - Destroys cell wall
 Treatment of choice for MRSA, and other gram-positive infections
 Must monitor blood levels to ensure therapeutic levels and prevent toxicity
 May cause ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity
 Should be infused over 60 minutes -- Monitor IV site closely
 Red man syndrome may occur
 Flushing/itching of head, neck, face, upper trunk
 Antihistamine may be ordered to reduce these effects
 Ensure adequate hydration (2 L fluids/24 hr) if not contraindicated to
prevent nephrotoxicity
 Before beginning therapy, assess drug allergies;
hepatic, renal, and cardiac function
 Be sure to obtain thorough patient health history,
including immune status
 Assess for conditions that may be contraindications
to antibiotic use or that may indicate cautious use
 Assess for potential drug interactions
It is ESSENTIAL to obtain cultures
from appropriate sites BEFORE
beginning antibiotic therapy
 Patients should be instructed to take antibiotics
exactly as prescribed and for the length of time
prescribed; they should not stop taking the
medication early when they feel better
 Assess for signs and symptoms of superinfection:
fever, perineal itching, cough, lethargy, or any
unusual discharge
 For safety reasons, check the name of the
medication carefully because there are many drugs
that sound alike or have similar spellings
 Each class of antibiotics has specific
adverse effects and drug
interactions that must be carefully
assessed and monitored
 Monitor peak and trough blood levels of
these drugs to prevent nephrotoxicity and
 Symptoms of ototoxicity include dizziness,
tinnitus, and hearing loss
 Symptoms of nephrotoxicity include urinary
casts, proteinuria, and increased BUN and
serum creatinine levels
Monitor for therapeutic effects
 Improvement of signs and symptoms of infection
 Return to normal vital signs
 Negative culture and sensitivity tests
 Disappearance of fever, lethargy, drainage, and
Monitor for adverse reactions

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  • 1. Dr.Gurumeet C Wadhawa ,Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry. Rayat Shikshan sansthas Veer Wajekar ASC College,Phunde,Uran
  • 2.  Medications used to treat bacterial infections  Ideally, before beginning antibiotic therapy, the suspected areas of infection should be cultured to identify the causative organism and potential antibiotic susceptibilities
  • 3.
  • 4.  Empiric therapy: treatment of an infection before specific culture information has been reported or obtained  Prophylactic therapy: treatment with antibiotics to prevent an infection, as in intra-abdominal surgery or after trauma
  • 5.  Therapeutic response  Decrease in specific signs and symptoms of infection are noted (fever, elevated WBC, redness, inflammation, drainage, pain)  Subtherapeutic response  Signs and symptoms of infection do not improve
  • 6.  Superinfection  Antibiotic resistance  Host factors  Genetic host factors  G6PD deficiency  Slow acetylation  Allergic reactions
  • 7. • Sulfonamides • Penicillins • Cephalosporins • Tetracyclines • Aminoglycosides • Quinolones • Macrolides
  • 8. • clindamycin (Cleocin) • dapsone • linezolid (Zyvox) • metronidazole (Flagyl) • nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin) • quinupristin and dalfopristin (Synercid) • daptomycin (Cubicin)
  • 9. Four common mechanisms of action  Interference with cell wall synthesis  Interference with protein synthesis  Interference with DNA replication  Acting as a metabolite to disrupt critical metabolic reactions inside the bacterial cell
  • 10.
  • 11.  Bactericidal: kill bacteria  Bacteriostatic: inhibit growth of susceptible bacteria, rather than killing them immediately; will eventually lead to bacterial death
  • 12. One of the first groups of antibiotics  Sulfadiazine (Coptin)  Sulfamethoxazole  Sulfisoxazole (Gantrisin)  Used to treat otitis media, UTIs, other conditions Often combined with another antibiotic  Sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (Bactrim)
  • 13.  Bacteriostatic action  Prevent synthesis of folic acid required for synthesis of purines and nucleic acid  Do not affect human cells or certain bacteria—they can use preformed folic acid  Only affect organisms that synthesize their own folic acid
  • 14.  Treatment of UTIs caused by susceptible strains of:  Enterobacter spp., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris, Staphylococcus aureus  Nocardiosis (caused by Nocardia - pneumonia)  Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PJP)  co-trimoxazole (Bactrim, Septra)  Upper respiratory tract infections
  • 15.  trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (co-trimoxazole, Bactrim, Septra)  Used to treat UTIs, PJP, otitis media, other conditions  erythromycin/sulfisoxazole (Pediazole)  Used to treat otitis media
  • 16. Body System Adverse Effects Blood Hemolytic and aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia Integumentary Photosensitivity, exfoliative dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, epidermal necrolysis GI Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pancreatitis Other Convulsions, crystalluria, toxic nephrosis, headache, peripheral neuritis, urticaria
  • 17. Sulfonamides  Should be taken with at least 2000 mL of fluid per day, unless contraindicated  Oral forms should be taken with food or milk to reduce GI upset
  • 18.  Natural penicillins  Penicillinase-resistant penicillins  Aminopenicillins  Extended-spectrum penicillins
  • 19.
  • 20. Natural penicillins  penicillin G, penicillin V potassium Penicillinase-resistant drugs  cloxacillin, dicloxacillin, nafcillin, oxacillin Aminopenicillins  amoxicillin, ampicillin, bacampicillin Extended-spectrum drugs  piperacillin, ticarcillin, carbenicillin
  • 21.  First introduced in the 1940s  Bactericidal: inhibit cell wall synthesis  Kill a wide variety of bacteria  Also called “β-lactams”  Bacteria produce enzymes capable of destroying penicillins  These enzymes are known as β-lactamases  As a result, the medication is not effect
  • 22.  Chemicals used to inhibit these enzymes: Clavulanic acid Tazobactam Sulbactam  Bind with β-lactamase and prevent the enzyme from breaking down the penicillin -- making the drug more effective  Penicillin-β-lactamase inhibitor combination drugs  ampicillin + sulbactam = Unasyn  amoxicillin + clavulanic acid = Augmentin  ticarcillin + clavulanic acid = Timentin  piperacillin + tazobactam = Zosyn
  • 23.  Penicillins enter the bacteria via the cell wall  Inside the cell they bind to penicillin-binding protein  Once bound, normal cell wall synthesis is disrupted  Result: bacteria cells die from cell lysis  Penicillins do not kill other cells in the body
  • 24.  Prevention and treatment of infections caused by susceptible bacteria, such as:  Gram-positive bacteria  Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus
  • 25.  Allergic reactions occur in 0.7% to 4% of cases  Urticaria, pruritus, angioedema  Those allergic to penicillins have a fourfold to sixfold increased risk of allergy to other β-lactam antibiotics  Cross-reactivity between penicillins and cephalosporins is between 1% and 18%  Common adverse effects  Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain  Other adverse effects are less common
  • 26.  MANY interactions!  NSAIDs  Oral contraceptives  warfarin  Others
  • 27.  Any patient taking a penicillin should be carefully monitored for an allergic reaction for at least 30 minutes after its administration  The effectiveness of oral penicillins is decreased when taken with caffeine, citrus fruit, cola beverages, fruit juices, or tomato juice  Administer with at least 6 ounces of water
  • 28.  Four Generations:  Semisynthetic derivatives from a fungus  Structurally and pharmacologically related to penicillins  Bactericidal action  Broad spectrum  Divided into groups according to antimicrobial activity
  • 29.  Used for surgical prophylaxis, URIs, otitis media  cefazolin (Ancef and Kefzol): IV or IM  cephalexin (Keflex): PO
  • 30.  Good gram-positive coverage  Better gram-negative coverage than first generation  Cefmetazole IV Cefprozil (Cefzil) PO  Cefoxitin (Mefoxin) IV Cefaclor (Ceclor) PO  cefoxitin (Mefoxin): IV and IM  Used prophylactically for abdominal or colorectal surgeries  Also kills anaerobes  cefuroxime (Kefurox and Ceftin): PO  Surgical prophylaxis  Does not kill anaerobes
  • 31. ceftriaxone (Rocephin)  IV and IM, long half-life, once-a-day dosing  Elimination is primarily hepatic  Easily passes meninges and diffused into CSF to treat CNS infections  ceftazidime (Fortaz, Tazidime)  IV and IM forms  Excellent gram-negative coverage  Used for difficult-to-treat organisms such as Pseudomonas  Eliminated renally instead of biliary route  Excellent spectrum of coverage
  • 32.  Newest cephalosporin drugs  Broader spectrum of antibacterial activity than third generation, especially against gram- positive bacteria  Tx: UTI, Skin infections, pneumonia  cefepime (Maxipime) GM +/-  cefdinir  cefditoren pivoxil (Spectracef)
  • 33.  Similar to penicillins  Mild diarrhea, abdominal cramps, rash, pruritis, redness, edema  Potential cross-sensitivity with penicillins if allergies exist
  • 34.  Orally administered forms should be given with food to decrease GI upset, even though this will delay absorption  Some of these drugs may cause a disulfiram (Antabuse)-like reaction when taken with alcohol
  • 35.  Very broad-spectrum antibacterial action  Reserved for complicated body cavity and connective tissue infections  May cause drug-induced seizure activity  All given parenterally imipenem-cilastatin (Primaxin)  Used for treatment of bone, joint, skin, and soft tissue infections  Cilastatin inhibits an enzyme that breaks down imipenem meropenem (Merrem) – bacterial meningitis ertapenem (Invanz) - newest
  • 36. aztreonam (Azactam)  Synthetic β-lactam antibiotic  Primarily active against aerobic gram-negative bacteria (E. coli, Klebsiella spp., Pseudomonas spp.)  Bactericidal  Used for moderately severe systemic infections and UTIs
  • 37.  Prevent protein synthesis within bacterial cells  Considered bacteriostatic - Bacteria will eventually die  In high enough concentrations, may also be bactericidal  erythromycin (E-mycin  azithromycin (Zithromax)  clarithromycin (Biaxin) Adverse Effects: GI effects, primarily with erythromycin  Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hepatotoxicity, flatulence, jaundice, anorexia  Newer drugs, azithromycin and clarithromycin: fewer GI adverse effects, longer duration of action, better efficacy, better tissue penetration
  • 38.  These drugs are highly protein-bound and will cause severe interactions with other protein-bound drugs  The absorption of oral erythromycin is enhanced when taken on an empty stomach, but because of the high incidence of GI upset, many drugs are taken after a meal or snack
  • 39. telithromycin (Ketek)  Only drug in this class  Better antibacterial coverage than macrolides  Active against gram-positive bacteria, including multi-drug resistant strains of S. pneumoniae  Active against selected gram-negative bacteria  Indications:  Community-acquired pneumonia, acute bacterial sinusitis, bacterial exacerbations of chronic bronchitis  Adverse reactions include:  Headache, dizziness, GI discomfort, altered potassium levels, prolonged QT intervals
  • 40.  Natural and semisynthetic  Obtained from cultures of Streptomyces  Bacteriostatic—inhibit bacterial growth  Inhibit protein synthesis  Stop many essential functions of the bacteria  demeclocycline (Declomycin)  oxytetracycline  tetracycline  doxycycline (Doryx, Vibramycin)  Minocycline
  • 41. Strong affinity for calcium  Discoloration of permanent teeth and tooth enamel in fetuses and children, or nursing infants if taken by the mother  May retard fetal skeletal development if taken during pregnancy Alteration in intestinal flora may result in:  Superinfection (overgrowth of nonsusceptible organisms such as Candida)  Diarrhea  Pseudomembranous colitis
  • 42.  Milk products, iron preparations, antacids, and other dairy products should be avoided because of the chelation and drug-binding that occurs  All medications should be taken with 6 to 8 ounces of fluid, preferably water  Due to photosensitivity, avoid sunlight and tanning beds
  • 43.  Before beginning therapy, assess drug allergies; renal, liver, and cardiac function; and other lab studies  Be sure to obtain patient health history, including immune status  Assess for conditions that may be contraindications to antibiotic use or that may indicate cautious use  Assess for potential drug interactions  It is ESSENTIAL to obtain cultures from appropriate sites BEFORE beginning antibiotic therapy
  • 44.  Each class of antibiotics has specific adverse effects and drug interactions that must be carefully assessed and monitored  The most common adverse effects of antibiotics are nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea  All oral antibiotics are absorbed better if taken with at least 6 to 8 ounces of water
  • 45. Monitor for therapeutic effects  Improvement of signs and symptoms of infection  Return to normal vital signs  Negative culture and sensitivity tests  Disappearance of fever, lethargy, drainage, and redness Monitor for adverse reactions
  • 46.  Therapeutic drug monitoring  Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)  Concentration-dependent killing  Once-daily dosing vs. multi-daily dosing  Peak and trough blood levels  Synergistic effects  Post-antibiotic effect (PAE)
  • 47.  Ototoxicity  Temporary or permanent hearing loss, balance problems  Nephrotoxicity  Varying degrees of reduced renal function  Rising serum creatinine may indicate reduced creatinine clearance Monitor trough levels every 3 days while on therapy or as ordered
  • 48.  gentamicin (Garamycin)  kanamycin  neomycin (Neo-Fradin)  streptomycin  tobramycin (Nebcin)  amikacin (Amikin)  netilmicin  paromomycin
  • 49.  Natural and semisynthetic  Produced from Streptomyces  Poor oral absorption; no PO forms  Very potent antibiotics with serious toxicities  Bactericidal; prevents protein synthesis  Kill mostly gram-negative; some gram-positive
  • 50.  Used to kill gram-negative bacteria Pseudomonas, E. coli, Proteus, Klebsiella, Serratia  Often used in combination with other antibiotics for synergistic effects  Certain gram-positive infections that are resistant to other antibiotics  Aminoglycosides poorly absorbed through the GI tract - given IV  Exception: neomycin  Given orally or by enema - decontaminate the GI tract before surgical procedures
  • 51.  Ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity are the most significant  Headache  Paresthesia  Fever  Superinfections  Vertigo  Skin rash  Dizziness 
  • 52.  ciprofloxacin (Cipro)  norfloxacin (Noroxin)  levofloxacin (Levaquin)  gatifloxacin (Tequin)  moxifloxacin (Avelox)  gemifloxacin (Factive)
  • 53.  Also called “quinolones”  Excellent oral absorption  Absorption reduced by antacids  Effective against gram-negative organisms and some gram-positive organisms  Mechanism of Action:  Bactericidal  Alter DNA of bacteria, causing death  Do not affect human DNA
  • 54.  Lower respiratory tract infections  Bone and joint infections  Infectious diarrhea  Urinary tract infections  Skin infections  Sexually transmitted diseases  Anthrax
  • 55. Body System Adverse Effects CNS Headache, dizziness, fatigue, depression, restlessness, insomnia GI Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, thrush, increased LFTs Integumentary Rash, pruritus, urticaria, flushing, photosensitivity (with lomefloxacin) Other Fever, chills, blurred vision, tinnitus
  • 56.  clindamycin (Cleocin)  dapsone  linezolid (Zyvox)  metronidazole (Flagyl)  nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin)  quinupristin and dalfopristin (Synercid)  daptomycin (Cubicin)
  • 57.  clindamycin (Cleocin)  Used for chronic bone infections, GU infections, intraabdominal infections, other serious infections  May cause pseudomembranous colitis
  • 58.  dapsone  Used for leprosy (Hansen’s disease), PJP pneumonia associated with HIV/AIDS, other uses
  • 59.  linezolid (Zyvox)  New class: oxazolidinones  Used to treat vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VREF, VRE), hospital-acquired skin and skin structure infections, including those with MRSA  May cause hypotension, serotonin syndrome if taken with SSRIs, and reactions if taken with tyramine- containing foods
  • 60.  nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin)  Primarily used for UTIs (E. coli, S. aureus, Klebsiella spp., Enterobacter spp.)  Use carefully if renal function is impaired  Drug concentrates in the urine  Usually well-tolerated if patient is kept well- hydrated
  • 61.  quinupristin and dalfopristin (Synercid)  30:70 combination, work synergistically  Used for bacteremia and infections caused by vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE) and other complicated skin infections  May cause arthralgias, myalgias
  • 62.  daptomycin (Cubicin)  New class: lipopeptide  Used to treat complicated skin and soft-tissue infections
  • 63.  Natural, bactericidal antibiotic - Destroys cell wall  Treatment of choice for MRSA, and other gram-positive infections  Must monitor blood levels to ensure therapeutic levels and prevent toxicity  May cause ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity  Should be infused over 60 minutes -- Monitor IV site closely  Red man syndrome may occur  Flushing/itching of head, neck, face, upper trunk  Antihistamine may be ordered to reduce these effects  Ensure adequate hydration (2 L fluids/24 hr) if not contraindicated to prevent nephrotoxicity
  • 64.  Before beginning therapy, assess drug allergies; hepatic, renal, and cardiac function  Be sure to obtain thorough patient health history, including immune status  Assess for conditions that may be contraindications to antibiotic use or that may indicate cautious use  Assess for potential drug interactions
  • 65. It is ESSENTIAL to obtain cultures from appropriate sites BEFORE beginning antibiotic therapy
  • 66.  Patients should be instructed to take antibiotics exactly as prescribed and for the length of time prescribed; they should not stop taking the medication early when they feel better  Assess for signs and symptoms of superinfection: fever, perineal itching, cough, lethargy, or any unusual discharge  For safety reasons, check the name of the medication carefully because there are many drugs that sound alike or have similar spellings
  • 67.  Each class of antibiotics has specific adverse effects and drug interactions that must be carefully assessed and monitored
  • 68. Aminoglycosides  Monitor peak and trough blood levels of these drugs to prevent nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity  Symptoms of ototoxicity include dizziness, tinnitus, and hearing loss  Symptoms of nephrotoxicity include urinary casts, proteinuria, and increased BUN and serum creatinine levels
  • 69. Monitor for therapeutic effects  Improvement of signs and symptoms of infection  Return to normal vital signs  Negative culture and sensitivity tests  Disappearance of fever, lethargy, drainage, and redness Monitor for adverse reactions