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OCCLUSIONDr. Rohit Fernandez
Development of teeth
Anatomical features in brief of individual groups of teeth
Dorland’s medical dictionary – act of
closure or state of being closed
In dentistry – Relationship of maxillary
and mandibular teeth when they are in
functional contact during activity of the
To have a good understanding of
occlusion and its development it is essential
to have a proper understanding of the
masticatory system.
The masticatory system comprises
a) Skeletal component
b) Joints, ligaments and muscles and
c) Dental component.
Three major skeletal components make up the
masticatory system
 Develops from the 1st
Branchial arch at
about the 4th
week of intrauterine life.
 It is by intra membranous ossification of the
fronto-nasal and maxillary processes.
 Two maxillae are formed in this way which
are fused together in the mid-palatine suture.
The growth takes place by two mechanism –
sutural growth and surface apposition.
 Growth sites in the maxilla
o Maxillary tuberosity
o Sutures
o Alveolar border
o Nasal septum
o Lateral walls
 Superiorly it forms the floor of the nasal
cavity and the floor of each orbit
 Inferiorly it forms the palate and the
alveolar ridges which support the teeth.
 As the maxillary bones are intricately fused
to the skull, the maxillary teeth make up the
stationary components of the masticatory
 Develops from the 1st
Branchial arch at
about the 4th
week of intrauterine life.
 It is derived from the Meckel’s cartilage.
 The lower part of the body of the mandible
by membranous ossification
 The ramus and processes by cartilaginous
ossification. HOME
 The growth sites in the mandible
o Mandibular condyle
o Posterior border of Ramus
o Alveolar process
o Lower border of the mandible
o Suture {at the suture between the two
halves of the mandible fibrous connective
tissue (symphyseal cartilage) serves as a
growth site}
 It is a U-shaped bone which supports the
lower teeth and makes up the lower facial
 It is suspended below the maxilla by muscles,
ligaments and other soft tissues.
 The condyle articulates with the cranium
around which movement occurs making it the
moveable component of the masticatory
 The mandibular condyle articulates at the base of the
cranium with the squamous portion of the temporal
bone in the concave mandibular fossa called articular or
glenoid fossa.
 Immediately anterior to the mandibular fossa is a
convex bony prominence called the articular eminence.
 The posterior roof of the glenoid fossa is thin and not
suitable to sustain heavy forces, however, the articular
eminence consists of dense bone which can.
The joint which plays an important role
in the masticatory system is the Temporo-
mandibular joint.
Formed by the articulating surface of
the condyles of the mandible and the articular
fossa (bilaterally) of the temporal bone.
The ligaments in conjunction with the joint are
1. Collateral ligament
2. Capsular ligament
3. Temporo-mandibular ligament
4. Spheno-mandibular ligament
5. Stylo-mandibular ligament
The skeletal components of the
masticatory system are supported and brought
into function with the help of four pairs of
muscles called the muscles of mastication;
masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid and
lateral pterygoid muscles.
Lateral and medial
The masseter, temporalis and medial
pterygoid are responsible for closure of the
The lateral pterygoid is responsible for
opening of the mandible.
Along with these muscles the digastric
muscle also acts in the functioning of the
masticatory system by depressing the
The human dentition comprises of two
stages : a stage of deciduous dentition and a
stage of permanent dentition.
The deciduous dentition is made up of 20
teeth and the permanent dentition is made up
of 32 teeth.
Each tooth comprises of 2 basic parts –
the crown and the root
The root is attached to the alveolar bone
by numerous fibers of connective tissue called
the periodontal ligament.
Deciduous dentition
 Comprises of 20 teeth equally distributed in
the upper and lower jaws
 Based on their morphology and function
they are classified as incisors, canines and
 Each arch is divided into two quadrants,
each comprising of 5 teeth in the grouping of
2 incisors, 1 canine and 2 molars.
Permanent dentition
 Comprises of 32 teeth equally distributed in
the maxillary and mandibular jaws
 Based on their morphology and function they
are classified as incisors, canines, premolars and
 Each arch is divided into two quadrants, each
comprising of 8 teeth in the grouping of 2
incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars and 3 molars.
Development of teeth
Teeth are developed from the dental lamina
6 weeks intra uterine life – basal cells of oral
epithelium proliferate to form the dental lamina.
This serves as the primordium for the ectodermal
portion of the tooth.
Bud stage
The epithelium of the dental lamina is separate from
the underlying ectomesenchyme by a basement membrane.
From this basement membrane, round or ovoid
swellings called tooth buds (primordia for enamel organ)
The enamel organ – peripheral low columnar cells
and central polygonal cells.
Several cells of the tooth bud and the surrounding
mesenchyme undergo mitosis leading to condensation
of the ectomesenchymal cells around the tooth bud.
The condensed ectomesenchyme subjacent to the
enamel organ is the dental papilla HOME
The dental papilla and the tooth bud
together is surrounded by the dental sac.
The dental papilla forms the tooth pulp
and dentin while the dental sac forms the
cementum and the periodontal ligament.
Cap stage
The tooth bud continues to proliferate in an
unequal growth in different parts to form the
cap stage
1) Outer and inner enamel epithelium : outer cells
are cuboidal and inner cells are tall columnar.
2) Stellate reticulum : Polygonal cells situated in
the center of the enamel organ between the outer
and inner enamel organ form a network. The
inter-cellular spaces are filled with mucoid fluid
rich in albumin.
3. Dental papilla : The ectomesenchyme (neural
crest cells) that is enclosed by the invaginated
portion of the inner enamel epithelium
proliferates to form the dental papilla, which is
the formative organ of the dentin and the
primordium of the pulp. The peripheral cells of
the dental papilla enlarge to and differentiate
into odontoblasts.
4. Dental sac : The ectomesenchyme surrounding
the enamel organ and the dental papilla
undergoes condensation. Here a denser and
more fibrous layer develops which forms the
primitive dental sac. HOME
Bell stage
As the invagination of the epithelium deepens
and its margins continue to grow, the enamel
organ assumes a bell shape. Four different types
of cells are seen in this stage:
1) Inner enamel epithelium: single layer of cells
that differentiate into tall columnar cells called
2) Stratum intermedium: formed from squamous
cells between the inner enamel epithelium and
the stellate reticulum.
3) Stellate reticulum: increase in intercellular
fluid and it expands. Star shaped cells are
4) Outer enamel epithelium: cells flatten to a
low cuboidal form.
Dental papilla
The dental papilla is enclosed in the invaginated
portion of the enamel organ. Prior to enamel formation
by the inner enamel epithelium, the peripheral cells of
the mesenchymal dental papilla differentiate into
Dental sac
Before formation of dental tissues commences the
dental sac shows a circular arrangement of fibers and
resembles a capsular structure. With the development of
the root, the fibers of the dental sac differentiate into the
periodontal ligament. HOME
Dentinogenesis and Amelogenesis
After the differentiation of the cells of the dental
papilla and the inner enamel epithelium into the
odontoblasts and ameloblasts, respectively, the dentin is
laid down first. After the first layer of dentin is laid, only
then does amelogenesis commence.
Hertwig’s Epithelial Root Sheath
 Formation of root begins after enamel and dentin
formation has reached the future C.E junction
 HERS consists of the outer and inner enamel
epithelium only.
 The cells differentiate the radicular cells into
odontoblasts and the first layer of dentin is laid down.
The root sheath then loses its structural continuity.
 Single rooted and multi rooted teeth are formed by
tongue like projections from a horizontal diaphragm.
features in brief of
individual groups
of teeth
Permanent Incisors
Human incisors have thin, blade-like crowns
which are adapted for the cutting and shearing of
food. There are two incisors per quadrant, four per
arch. The first incisor, the central incisor, is next to
the midline. The second incisor, the lateral incisor, is
distal to it.
Maxillary incisors by definition arise in the
premaxilla; mandibular incisors are the teeth that
articulate with them.
Maxillary Central Incisor
Facial: It is the most
prominent tooth in the
mouth. It has a nearly
straight incisal edge and
a gracefully curved
cervical line. The mesial
aspect presents a
straight outline; the
distal aspect is more
rounded. Mamelons are
present on freshly
erupted, unworn central
Lingual: The lingual aspect
presents a distinctive
lingual fossa that is
bordered by mesial and
distal marginal ridges,
the incisal edge, and the
prominent cingulum at
the gingival third.
Proximal: Mesial and distal
aspects present a
distinctive triangular
outline. This is true for
all of the incisors. The
incisal ridge of the crown
is aligned on the long
axis of the tooth along
with the apex of the
Incisal: The crown is
roughly triangular in
outline; the incisal edge
is nearly a straight line,
though slightly crescent
Contact Points: The mesial contact point is just about at the
incisal, owing to the very sharp mesial incisal angle. The distal
contact point is located at the junction of the incisal third and
the middle third.
Variation: The maxillary central incisor usually develops
normally. Variations include a short crown or, on occasion, and
unusually long crown. This tooth is rarely absent. The
Hutchinson incisor is a malformation due to congenital syphilis
in utero.
Maxillary Lateral Incisor
Facial: The maxillary lateral
incisor resembles the central
incisor, but is narrower mesio-
distally. The mesial outline
resembles the adjacent central
incisor; the distal outline--and
particularly the distal incisal
angle is more rounded than the
mesial incisal angle (which
resembles that of the adjacent
central incisor. The distal
incisal angle resembling the
mesial of the adjacent canine.
Lingual: On the lingual
surface, the marginal ridges
are usually prominent and
terminate into a prominent
cingulum. There is often a
deep pit where the marginal
ridges converge gingivally.
A developmental groove
often extends across the
distal of the cingulum onto
the root continuing for part
or all of its length.
Proximal: In proximal
view, the maxillary
lateral incisor resembles
the central except that
the root appears longer--
about 1 1/2 times longer
than the crown. A line
through the long axis of
the tooth bisects the
Incisal: In incisal view, this
tooth can resemble
either the central or the
canine to varying
degrees. The tooth is
narrower mesiodistally
than the upper central
incisor; however, it is
nearly as thick
Contact Points: The mesial contact is at the junction of the
incisal third and the middle third. The distal contact is is
located at the center of the middle third of the distal surface.
Variation: This tooth is quite variable. Often the tooth is
narrow, conical, and peg-shaped. It is absent either singly or
bilaterally in 1-2% of individuals. Only the lower second
premolar is more frequently missing.
The lingual pit when present can be very deep and is prone to
early caries in many individuals.
Mandibular Central Incisor
Facial: The mandibular
central incisor is the
smallest tooth in the
dental arch. It is a long,
narrow, symmetrical
tooth. The incisal edge is
straight. Mesial and
distal outlines descend
apically from the sharp
mesial and distal incisal
Lingual: The lingual
surface has no definate
marginal ridges. The
surface is concave and
the cingulum is minimal
in size.
Proximal: Both mesial land
distal surfaces present a
triangular outline. The
incisal ridge of the crown
is aligned on the long
axis of the tooth along
with the apex of the
Incisal: The incisal edge is
at right angles to a line
passing labiolingually
through the tooth
reflecting its bilateral
Contact Points: The mesial and distal contacts are at the
junction of the incisal third and the middle third.
Variation: This tooth is consistent in development and is is
rarely absent. The upper incisor region is a common site for
supernumerary teeth which may occasionally occur in the
midline; such a variant is called a mesodens.
Mandibular Lateral Incisor
Facial: This tooth
resembles the central
incisor, but is somewhat
larger in most
proportions. It is a more
rounded tooth; this is
especially evident in the
distal incisal angle in
unworn specimens.
There is a lack of the
bilateral symmetry seen
in the central.
Lingual: Except for the
lack of symmetry, this
tooth resemble the
Proximal: Like the central,
the crown presents a
triangular outline. When
viewed critically, the
rotation of the incisal
edge can be seen.
Incisal: The incisal edge
'twisted' from the 90
degree angle with a line
passing labiolingually
through the tooth.
Contact Points: The mesial and distal contacts are at the
junction of the incisal third and the middle third.
Variation: This tooth is stable, but variations in root length
and direction are occasionally seen.
Permanent Canine
Human canines are the longest and most stable of
teeth in the dental arch. Only one tooth of this class is
present in each quadrant. In traditional dental literature,
canines are considered the cornerstones of the dental
arch. They are the only teeth in the dentition with a
single cusp. They are especially anchored as prehensile
teeth in the group from whence they get their name, the
Maxillary canines by definition are the teeth in the
maxilla distal, but closest to the incisors. Mandibular
canines are those lower teeth that articulate with the
mesial aspect of the upper canine. HOME
Maxillary Canine
Facial: The canine is approximately 1
mm narrower than the central
incisor. Its mesial aspect resembles
the adjacent lateral incisor; the
distal aspect anticipates the first
premolar proximal to it. The
canine is slightly darker and more
yellow in the color than the incisor
teeth. The labial surface is smooth,
with a well developed middle lobe
(labial ridge) extending the full
length of the crown cervically from
the cusp tip. The distal cusp ridge
is longer than the mesial cusp
Lingual: Distinct mesial
and distal marginal
ridges, a well-developed
cingulum, and the cusp
ridges form the
boundaries of the lingual
surface. The prominent
lingual ridge extends
from the cusp tip to the
cingulum, dividing the
lingual surface into
mesial and distal fossae.
Proximal: The mesial and
distal aspects present a
triangular outline. They
resemble the incisors,
but are more robust--
especially in the
cingulum region.
Incisal: The asymmetry of
this tooth is readily
apparent from this
aspect. It usually thicker
labiolingually than it is
mesiodistally. The tip of
the cusp is displaced
labially and mesial to the
central long axis of this
Contact point: The mesial contact point is at the
junction of the incisal and middle third. Distally, the
contact is situated more cervically. It is at the middle
of the middle third.
Variation: Each of the major features of this tooth are
'variations on a theme.' In some persons, a cusp-like
tubercle is found on the cingulum. Lingual pits occur
only infrequently. On occasion, the root is unusually
long or unusually short.
Mandibular Canine
Facial: The mandibular canine is
noticeably narrower mesiodistally than
the upper, but the root may be as long
as that of the upper canine. In an
individual person,the lower canine is
often shorter than that of the upper
canine. The mandibular canine is wider
mesiodistally than either lower incisor.
A distinctive feature is the nearly
straight outline of the mesial aspect of
the crown and root. When the tooth is
unworn, the mesial cusp ridge appears
as a sort of 'shoulder' on the tooth. The
mesial cusp ridge is much shorter than
the distal cusp ridge
Lingual: The marginal
ridges and cingulum are
less prominent than
those of the maxillary
canine. The lingual
surface is smooth and
regular. The lingual
ridge, if present, is
usually rather subtle in
its expression.
Proximal: The mesial and
distal aspects present a
triangular outline. The
cingulum as noted is less
well developed. When
the crown and root are
viewed from the
proximal, this tooth
uniquely presents a
crescent-like profile
similar to a cashew nut.
Incisal: The mesiodistal
dimension is clearly less
than the labiolingual
dimension. The mesial and
distal 'halves' of the tooth
are more identical than the
upper canine from this
perspective. You will recall
that the cusp tip of the
maxillary canine is facial to
a ling through the long axis.
In the mandibular canine,
the unworn incisal edge is
on the line through the long
axis of this tooth.
Contact point: The mesial contact point is at the
junction of the incisal and middle third. Distally, the
contact is situated more cervically. It is at the middle
of the middle third.
Variation: On occasion, the root is bifurcated near its
tip. The double root may, or may not be accompanied
by deep depressions in the root.
The premolar teeth are transitional teeth
located between the canine and molar teeth. There
are two premolars per quadrant and are identified
as first and second premolars. They have at least
two cusps.
Premolar teeth by definition are permanent
teeth distal to the canines preceded by deciduous
Utilized in the initial breakdown of food
Maxillary First Premolar
Facial: The buccal surface
is quite rounded and this
tooth resembles the
maxillary canine. The
buccal cusp is long; from
that cusp tip, the
prominent buccal ridge
descends to the cervical
line of the tooth.
Lingual: The lingual cusp is
smaller and the tip of
that cusp is shifted
toward the mesial. The
lingual surface is
rounded in all aspects.
Proximal: The mesial aspect of
this tooth has a distinctive
concavity in the cervical third
that extends onto the root. It
is called variously the mesial
developmental depression,
mesial concavity, or the
'canine fossa'--a misleading
description since it is on the
premolar. The distal aspect of
the maxillary first permanent
molar also has a
developmental depression.
The mesial marginal
developmental groove is a
distinctive feature of this
Occlusal: There are two well-
defined cusps buccal and
lingual. The larger cusp is
the buccal; its cusp tip is
located midway
mesiodistally. The lingual
cusp tip is shifted mesially.
The occlusal outline
presents a hexagonal
appearance. On the mesial
marginal ridge is a
distinctive feature, the
mesial marginal
developmental groove.
Contact Points; Height of Curvature: The distal contact
area is located more buccal than is the mesial contact area.
Both contact points are at the junction of the occlusal and
middle third of the tooth.
Variation: Most upper first premolars of people in our
society have two roots; however, a single root is found in
about 20% of teeth. Three rooted premolars are found
Maxillary Second Premolar
Facial: This tooth closely
resembles the maxillary
first premolar but is a
less defined copy of its
companion to the mesial.
The buccal cusp is
shorter, less pointed, and
more rounded than the
Lingual: Again, this tooth
resembles the first. The
lingual cusp, however, is
more nearly as large as
the buccal cusp.
Proximal: Mesial and distal
surfaces are rounded.
The mesial
depression and mesial
marginal ridge are not
present on the second
Occlusal: The crown
outline is rounded,
ovoid, and is less clearly
defined than is the first.
Contact Points; Height of Curvature: When viewed from
the facial, the distal contact area is located more cervically
than is the mesial contact area.
Variation: The occlusal anatomy is more variable in the
second than in the first. There is wide variability is root
size, curvature, and form.
Mandibular First Premolar
Facial: The outline is very
nearly symmetrical
bilaterally, displaying a
large, pointed buccal
cusp. From it descends a
large, well developed
buccal ridge.
Lingual: This tooth has the
smallest and most ill-
defined lingual cusp of
any of the premolars. A
distinctive feature is the
developmental groove.
(Remember the mesial
marginal developmental
groove in the upper first
premolar? That one is
mesial. The one on the
lower is toward the
Proximal: The large buccal
cusp tip is centered over
the root tip, about at the
long axis of this tooth.
The very large buccal
cusp and much reduced
lingual cusp are very
evident. You should keep
in mind that the mesial
marginal ridge is more
cervical than the distal
contact ridge; each
anticipate the shape of
their respective adjacent
Occlusal: The occlusal outline is
diamond-shaped. (Review of
premolar occlusal outlines: the
upper first is hexagonal, the
upper second is ovoid, the
lower first is diamond, and the
lower second is square.) The
large buccal cusp dominates
the occlusal surface. Marginal
ridges are well developed and
the mesiolingual developmental
groove is consistently present.
There are mesial and distal
fossae with pits, affectionately
known as 'snake eyes' when
they are restored.
Contact Points; Height of Curvature: When viewed from the
facial, each contact area/height of curvature is at about the
same height.
Variation: This is a variable tooth in both crown and root. It
may, in some persons, more nearly resemble the lower
second premolar.
Mandibular Second Premolar
Facial: From this aspect,
the tooth somewhat
resembles the first, but
the buccal cusp is less
pronounced. The tooth is
larger than the first.
Lingual: Two significant
variations are seen in
this view. The most
common is the three-
cusp form which has two
lingual cusps. The mesial
of those is the larger of
the two. The other form
is the two-cusp for with a
single lingual cusp. In
that variant, the lingual
cusp tip is shifted to the
Proximal: The buccal cusp
is shorter than the first.
The lingual cusp (or
cusps) are much better
developed than the first
and give the lingual a
full, well-developed
Occlusal: The two or three cusp
versions become clearly
evident. In the three-cusp
version, the developmental
grooves present a distinctive
'Y' shape and have a central
pit. In the two cusp version, a
single developmental groove
crosses the transverse ridge
from mesial to distal.
(Review: the lower second
premolar is larger than the
first, while the upper first
premolar is just slightly larger
than the upper second.)
Contact Points; Height of Curvature: From the facial,
the mesial contact is more occlusal than the distal
contact. Why? The distal marginal ridge is lower than
the mesial marginal ridge.
Variation: There may be one or two lingual cusps. This
tooth is sometimes missing; only the third molars and
upper lateral incisors are missing more frequently than
this tooth.
Permanent Molar Teeth
The permanent molars occupy the most
posterior portion of the dental arch. They have the
largest occlusal surfaces of any of the teeth and
have from three to five major cusps.
Molar teeth by definition are cheek teeth that
are NOT preceded by primary teeth. Permanent
molars are accessional teeth without primary
predecessors. In contrast to the molars, permanent
incisors, canines, and premolars are succedaneous
(successional teeth). These teeth are important in
chewing and maintaining the vertical dimension.
Maxillary First Permanent
Facial: The mesiobuccal
and distobuccal cusps
dominate the facial
outline. They are
separated by the buccal
developmental groove.
All three roots are
visible. The buccal roots
present a 'plier handle'
appearance with the
large lingual root
centered between them.
Lingual: Two cusps of unequal
size dominate the occlusal
profile. The cusps are
separated by the lingual
developmental groove which
is continuous with the
distolingual (or distal oblique)
groove. The larger
mesiolingual cusp often
displays the Carabelli trait. It
is a variable feature. It
appears most often as a cusp
of variable size, but is
occasionally expressed merely
as a pit.
Proximal: In mesial perspective
the mesiolingual cusp, mesial
marginal ridge, and
mesiobuccal cusp comprise
the occlusal outline. When
present, the Carabelli trait is
seen in this view. In its distal
aspect, the two distal cusps
are clearly seen; however,
the distal marginal ridge is
somewhat shorter than the
mesial one. A small
concavity on the distal
surface that continues onto
the distobuccal root is
occasionally described.
Occlusal: The tooth outline is
somewhat rhomboidal with four
distinct cusps. The cusp order
according to size is: mesiolingual,
mesiobuccal, distobuccal, and
distolingual. The tips of the
mesiolingual, mesiobuccal, and
distobuccal cusps form the trigon,
reflecting the evolutionary origins
of the maxillary molar. The
distolingual cusp is called the
talon (heel) and is a more recent
acquisition in evolutionary
history. A frequent feature of
maxillary molars is the Carabelli
trait located on the mesiolingual
Contact Points; Height of Curvature: The mesial
contact is above, but close to, the mesial marginal ridge.
It is somewhat buccal to the center of the crown
mesiodistally. The distal contact is similarly above the
distal marginal ridge but is centered buccolingually.
Variation: Deviation from the accepted normal is
infrequent. The Carabelli trait is a variable feature. It is
of special interest to the dental anthropologist in tracing
human evolutionary history.
Maxillary Second Permanent
Facial: The crown is shorter occluso-
cervically and narrower
mesiodistally when compared to
the first molar. The distobuccal
cusp is visibly smaller than the
mesiobuccal cusp. The two buccal
roots are more nearly parallel. The
roots are more parallel; the apex of
the mesial root is on line with the
with the buccal developmental
groove. Mesial and distal roots tend
to be about the same length.
Lingual: The distolingual
cusp is smaller than the
mesiolingual cusp. The
Carabelli trait is absent.
Proximal: The crown is
shorter than the first
molar and the palatal
root has less divergence.
The roots tend to remain
within the crown profile.
Occlusal: The distolingual cusp
is smaller on the second than
on the first molar. When it is
much reduced in size, the
crown outline is described as
'heart-shaped.' The Carabelli
trait is usually absent. The
order of cusp size, largest to
smallest, is the same as the
first but is more exaggerated:
mesiolingual, mesiobuccal,
distobuccal, and distolingual.
Contact Points: Height of Curvature: Both mesial and
distal contacts tend to be centered buccolingually below the
marginal ridges. Since the molars become shorter, moving
from first to this molar, the contacts tend to appear more
toward the center of the proximal surfaces.
Variation: The distolingual cusp is the most variable
feature of this tooth. When it is large, the occlusal is
somewhat rhomboidal; when reduced in size the crown is
described as triangular or 'heart-shaped.' At times, the
root may be fused.
Maxillary Third Permanent
Facial: The crown is
usually shorter in both
axial and mesiodistal
dimensions. Two buccal
roots are present, but in
most cases they are
fused. The mesial buccal
cusp is larger than the
distal buccal cusp.
Lingual: In most thirds,
there is just one large
lingual cusp. In some
cases there is a poorly
developed distolingual
cusp and a lingual
groove. The lingual root
is often fused to the to
buccal cusps.
Proximal: The outline of
the crown is rounded; it
is often described as
bulbous in dental
literature. Technically,
the mesial surface is the
only 'proximal' surface.
The distal surface does
not contact another
Occlusal: The crown of this
tooth is the smallest of
the maxillary molars.
The first molar is the
largest in the series. The
outline of the occlusal
surface can be described
as heart-shaped. The
mesial lingual cusp is the
largest, the mesial buccal
is second in size, and the
distal buccal cusp is the
Contact Points; Height of Curvature: This tooth is rounded
and variable in shape. The distal surface has no contact with
any other tooth.
Variation: They are the most variable teeth in the dentition.
Impaction occurs frequently. Some resemble the adjacent
second molar; others may have many cusps, small 'cusplets',
and many grooves.
Mandibular First Permanent
Facial: The lower first permanent molar has the
widest mesiodistal diameter of all of the molar
teeth. Three cusps cusps separated by
developmental grooves make up the occlusal
outline seen in this view. Moving from mesial to
distal, these features form the occlusal outline as
follows: mesiobuccal cusp, mesiobuccal
developmental groove, distobuccal cusp,
distobuccal developmental groove, and the distal
cusp. The mesiobuccal cusp is usually the widest of
the cusps and is generally considered the largest of
the five cusps. The distal cusp is smaller than any
of the buccal cusps and it contributes little to the
buccal surface. The two roots of this tooth are
clearly seen. The distal root is usually less curved
than the mesial root.
Lingual: Three cusps make up
the occlusal profile in this
view: the mesiolingual, the
distolingual, and the distal
cusp which is somewhat
lower in profile. The
mesiobuccal cusp is usually
the widest and highest of the
three. A short lingual
developmental groove
separates the two lingual
Proximal: The distinctive height of
curvature seen in the cervical
third of the buccal surface is
called the cervical ridge. The
mesial surface may be flat or
concave in its cervical third . It is
highly convex in its middle and
occlusal thirds. The occlusal
profile is marked by the
mesiobuccal cusp, mesiolingual
cusp, and the mesial marginal
ridge that connects them. The
mesial root is the broadest
buccolingually of any of the lower
molar roots. The distal surface of
the crown is narrower
buccolingually than the mesial
surface. Three cusps are seen
from the distal aspect: the
distobuccal cusp, the distal cusp,
and the distolingual cusp. HOME
Occlusal: This tooth
presents a pentagonal
occlusal outline that is
distinctive for this tooth.
There are five cusps. Of
them, the mesiobuccal
cusp is the largest, the
distal cusp is the
smallest. The two buccal
grooves and the single
lingual groove form the
"Y5" pattern distinctive
for this tooth. The five
cusp and "Y5" pattern is
important in dental
Contact Points; Height of Curvature: The mesial contact is
centered buccolingually just below the marginal ridge. The
distal contact is centered over the distal root, but is buccal to
the center point of the distal marginal ridge.
Variation: Most lower first molars have five cusps.
Occasionally the distal cusp is missing. More rarely, in large
molars, the distal cusp is joined by a sixth cusp, the 'cusp six'
or tuberculum sextum. Two mesial roots are seen on
occasion; this Sinodont feature is occasionally seen clinically,
particularly in persons of North American Indian heritage.
Mandibular Second Molar
Facial: When compared to the
first molar, the second molar
crown is shorter both
mesiodistally and from the
cervix to the occlusal
surface. The two well-
developed buccal cusps form
the occlusal outline. There is
no distal cusp as on the first
molar. A buccal
developmental groove
appears between the buccal
cusps and passes midway
down the buccal surface
toward the cervix.
Lingual: The crown is
shorter than that of the
first molar. The occlusal
outline is formed by the
mesiolingual and
distolingal cusps.
Proximal: The mesial
profile resembles that of
the first molar. The
distal profile is formed
by the distobuccal cusp,
distal marginal ridge,
and the distolingual
cusp. Unlike the first
molar, there is no distal
fifth cusp.
Occlusal: There are four
well developed cusps
with developmental
grooves that meet at a
right angle to form the
distinctive "+4" pattern
characteristic of this
Contact Points; Height of Curvature: When moving distally
from first to third molar, the proximal surfaces become
progressively more rounded. The net effect is to displace the
contact area cervically and away from the crest of the
marginal ridges.
Variation: Morphologically this is a stable tooth. Five-cusp
versions are seen on occasion, however root variability is
greater than in the first molar.
Mandibular Third Molar
Facial: The crown is often
short and has a rounded
Lingual: Similarly, the
crown is short and the
crown is bulbous.
Proximal: Mesially and
distally, this tooth
resembles the first and
second molars. The crown
of the third molar,
however, is shorter than
either of the other molars.
Technically, only the
mesial surface is a
'proximal' surface.
Occlusal: Four or five
cusps may be present.
This surface can be a
good copy of the first or
second molar, or poorly
developed with many
accessory grooves. The
occlusal outline is often
ovoid and the occlusal
surface is constricted.
Occasionally, the surface
has so many grooves that
it is described as
crenulated--a condition
seen in the great apes.
Contact Points; Height of Curvature: The rounded mesial
surface has its contact area more cervical than any other
lower molar. There is no tooth distal to the third molar.
Variation: This is an extremely variable tooth and on
occasion it is missing. While the most common anomaly of
upper third molars is that they are undersized, lower third
molars can be undersized or oversized. Lower third molars
fail to erupt in many persons.
Primary dentition
Central incisor
Lateral incisor
First molar
Second molar
Permament dentition
First molars
Central incisor
Lateral incisor
Mandibular canines
First premolars
Second premolars
Maxillary canines
Second molars
Third molars
Maxillary Mandibular
Eruption Root
Eruption Root
A 7 ½ 10 6 8
B 9 11 7 13
C 18 19 16 20
D 14 16 12 16
E 24 29 20 27
Maxillary Mandibular
Eruption Root
Eruption Root
CI 7-8 10 6-7 9
LI 8-9 11 7-8 10
C 11-12 13-15 9-10 12-14
PM 10-12 12-13 10-12 12-13
PM 10-12 12-14 11-12 13-14
M 6-7 9-10 6-7 9-10
M 12-13 14-16 11-13 14-15
M 17-21 18-25 17-21 18-25
(Permanent dentition)
Mandibular Permanent Incisor
 Permanent central incisors develop lingually and apically
to the primary incisors
 Permanent lateral incisors occupy a position lingual to the
central incisors. The developing lateral incisor may be seen
in close proximity to the lingual cortical plate of the
mandibular symphysis
 Crowns of both central and lateral are lingually inclined
The incisal path of eruption of the teeth is oblique and
usually directed labially relative to primary incisors
 As the permanent incisors erupt they resorb the lingual
aspect of the primary incisor roots
 On completion of eruption they occupy a more labial
Maxillary Permanent Incisor
 Eruption takes place after the mandibular lateral
has erupted
 Central incisor precedes lateral incisor
The path of eruption is more labial and oblique
than that of mandibular permanent incisors
(resulting in a more labial positioning of maxillary
 There is a distal tilting of the crowns of the central
incisors on eruption causing a mild midline
diastema. This gets closed with the eruption of the
lateral incisors
Mandibular Permanent Canines
 During the eruption, the axis is directed
mesially and lingually
 The permanent cuspids erupt along the
distal aspect of the roots of the permanent
lateral incisors
 Upon eruption, their final positioning,
relative to their predecessors, is labial with a
mesial inclination
Maxillary Permanent Canines
 This is the last tooth to erupt anterior to the
molars in this arch
As they erupt, they are directed towards the
distal aspect of the maxillary permanent
lateral incisor roots and erupt in the dental
 Their final position in the arch is labial in
their relation with the lateral incisors and 1st
Mandibular and Maxillary First Premolars
 It develops beneath the first primary molar and is
enclosed by its roots
 The path of eruption is directly towards the
occlusal plane
 Resorbs the roots of the first primary molar to
weaken its support and pushes it out to occupy its
position in the arch
Mandibular Second Premolars
 Last tooth to erupt anterior to the first molar
 There are three possible paths
 Distal path of eruption – This is considered the
best as there is no loss of space. As the 2nd
premolar erupts distally, it resorbs the distal root
of the 2nd
primary molar and glides along the
mesial surface of the 1st
permanent molar. This is
considered the normal path of eruption.
 Occlusal path of eruption – Here there is a loss
of space owing to the mesial shifting of the 1st
permanent molar at the time of exfoliation of the
primary molar. HOME
 Mesial path of eruption – Least desirable path
of eruption. This occurs owing to the blocking out
of space for the 2nd
premolar due to an increased
time lapse between the exfoliation of the 2nd
primary molar and the eruption of the 2nd
Mandibular Second Premolars
Identical to the first premolar in its path of
eruption. Mostly follows an occlusal path of
Mandibular First Permanent Molar
 The first permanent teeth to erupt
 Prior to eruption, the crowns are canted mesially and
lingually, with their bony crypts positioned at the angle
formed by the junction of the body of the mandible and the
anterior border of the ramus
 Movement of the tooth occlusally, along with the
resorption of the anterior border of the ascending ramus,
facilitates the eruption of the tooth
 During the course of eruption, the molar undergoes a
rotation, re-orienting the crown with the occlusal plane
 Ultimately they are positioned with a slight mesial tilt and a
slight lingual inclination in the transverse axis
 Flush terminal plane later changes to Class I relationship
Maxillary First Permanent Molar
 The Crowns are distally and buccally oriented in their
 As the maxillary arch gets lengthened due to appositional
growth at the tuberosities, the maxillary 1St
permanent molar
rotates mesially and the crowns are uprighted so that they
move vertically towards the occlusal plane
 On completion of eruption, they are inclined mesially on
their long axis and buccally in their transverse axis
Mandibular Second Permanent Molar
 Crypts positioned at base of the ascending ramus
 Space for eruption is gained by resorption of the anterior
border of the ramus
 In the crypts, the crowns are pointed mesially, almost at
right angles to the occlusal plane
 The crown rotates in a distal direction and erupts against
the mandibular 1st
permanent molar in and occlusal direction
Maxillary Second Permanent Molar
 Position in crypt and pathway of eruption is similar to the
permanent molar
 Mesiobuccal inclination of the tooth in its final occlusal
Stage Age in years Characteristics
First stage 3
Second stage 6
Third stage 6 – 9
Fourth stage 9 – 12
Fifth stage 12
Primary dentition
Eruption of 1st
permanent molar
Exchange of incisors
Exchange of lateral
Eruption of 2nd
Primary tooth buds form at 6 weeks IUL
Commence erupting at 6 months post birth and
goes upto 2 ½ years of age when the 2nd
molar occludes
At the age of 3 the primary dentition is established
From 3 – 5 years no activity
From 5 – 6 years, the size of the dental arch begins
to change due to eruptive forces from the first
permanent molar
Spaces in primary dentition
Primate space – mesial to maxillary canine,
distal to mandibular canine
Developmental space – between the incisors
Occlusal relationship of 2nd
primary molars
 Eruption and root completion of the 2nd
primary molar
marks the completion of the primary dentition development
 The relationship of the distal surfaces of the maxillary and
mandibular primary molars is one of the most important
factors to influence the future occlusion of the permanent
 Terminal plane – Mesiodistal relation of the max. and
mand. 2nd
primary molars when in centric occlusion
Three types:
a) Flush terminal plane
b) Mesial step
c) Distal step
Size of the dental arch
 Size can be measured by the dental arch width
between the primary canines and between the 2nd
primary molars
 Length can be measured from the most labial
surface of the primary Central incisor to the canine
and to the 2nd
primary molars
A.Inter canine width
B.Inter molar width
C.Anterior arch
D.Total arch length
permanent molar is the key to the permanent
The prediction of the occlusion of the 1st
molars is known at the primary dentition stage
a)Flush terminal plane – If there are dental spaces
existing in the primary dental arch, the 1st
molar will
erupt into CLASS I. If not, it becomes a cusp-to-
cusp occlusion
b) Mesial step – Erupts directly into CLASS I
c) Distal step – Directly and definitely into CLASS II
The physiologic spaces get closed due to mesially
directed eruptive forces of permanent molars HOME
Some cases of Flush terminal plane go in for
CLASS III when physiologic spaces are absent
in the mandible
The active growth of the mandible also
regulates the occlusion (forward and downward
growth of mandible)
 This commences after the eruption of the 1st
 Total sum of the mesiodistal widths of permanent
incisors is greater than that of primary incisors bye
about 7mm in maxilla and 5mm in mandible
 Moorress (1965) observed some degree of crowding of
anteriors during their eruption, which is transient
 Regulating factors for arrangement of permanent
incisors are:
a) Interdental spaces between primary incisors
b) Increase of intercanine width
c) Increase of anterior length in dental arch
d) Change of tooth axis of incisors
e) Ugly duckling stage
(Canines and Premolars)
 Limited by the mesial surface of the 1st
molar distally
and distal surface of the lateral incisor
 Two factors permit smooth eruptive pathways
a) Leeway space – The combined width of the
permanent lateral teeth is less than that of the
primary lateral teeth by about 1mm in the maxilla
and 3mm in the mandible
b)Order of exchange – Eruption pattern sequences usually
seen are 3-4-5, 4-3-5, 4-5-3
In the mandible it is usually 3-4-5 and as the
permanent canine is larger than the primary canine,
crowding is very common immediately after the exchange
of canines.
If the pattern isn’t changed the crowding gets
alleviated after the exfoliation of the 2nd
primary molar.
If the sequence changes to 4-3-5 or 4-5-3, there isn’t
efficient utilization of the Leeway space and teeth get
 Occurs after the eruption of all the permanent teeth in
the dental arch upto the 1st
permanent molar is complete
 Its eruptive pathway is guided by the destal surface of
the 1st
permanent molar
 The dental arch length may be less than in primary
dentition owing to closure of Leeway space and this can
cause crowding of the 2nd
molar. However, this gets
compensated by the growth of the mandible in a forward
downward direction.
Posterior controlling factor (Condylar guidance)
Anterior controlling factor (Anterior
Vertical determinants
1. Effect of condylar guidance on cusp height
2. Effect of anterior guidance on cusp height
3. Effect of plane of occlusion on cusp height
4. Effect of curve of spee on cusp height
5. Effect of mandibular lateral translation
movement on cusp height
Horizontal determinants
1. Effect of distance from the rotating condyle
2. Effect of distance from midsagittal plane
3. Effect of distance from rotating condyle and
fossa from midsagittal plane
4. Effect of mandibular lateral translation movement
5. Effect of intercondylar distance
Posterior controlling factor
(Condylar guidance)
 As the condyle moves out of centric relation it
descends along the articular eminence
 If the articular eminence is steep, the condyle
describes a steep vertically inclined path and if
flatter, the path is less vertically inclined
 The angle at which the condyle moves away
from a horizontal reference plane is referred to as
the condylar guidance angle
 The CGA is steeper for the orbiting condyle in a
latero-trussive movement of the mandible as the
medial wall of the mandibular fossa is steeper
than the articular eminence in front
 The two TMJ’s provide the guidance for the
posterior portion of the mandible and are largely
responsible for determining the character of
mandibular movement posteriorly. Thus they
become the posterior controlling factor
 It is a fixed factor
Anterior controlling factor
(Anterior guidance)
 The anterior teeth guide the movement of the
anterior portion of the mandible
 As the mandible protrudes, the incisal edge of
the mandibular anterior teeth occlude with the
lingual surfaces of the maxillary anterior teeth
The steepness of the lingual surface determines
the amount of vertical movement of the mandible
 It is a variable factor
Vertical determinants
1.Effect of condylar guidance on cusp height
Steeper the articular
eminence, more is
the descent of the
condyle, resulting in
greater vertical
movement. Thus
allowing for steeper
posterior cusps
2. Effect of anterior guidance on cusp height
Increased horizontal overlap decreases
the anterior guidance angle. There is less
vertical movement of the mandible leading to
flatter posterior cusps
Increased vertical overlap increases the
anterior guidance angle. There is more vertical
movement of the mandible leading to steeper
posterior cusps
3. Effect of plane of occlusion on cusp
 Plane of occlusion is an imaginary line touching
the incisal edges of the maxillary anterior teeth
and the cusps of the maxillary posterior teeth
 Depending on the angulation of the plane of
occlusion in relations to the horizontal plane, the
degree of movement of the tooth varies. If less
degree of movement is seen – flatter cusps; and if
more degree of movement is seen – taller cusps.
4. Effect of curve of spee on cusp height
 Curve of spee is an antero - posterior curve
extending from the tip of the mandibular canine
along the buccal cusp tips of the mandibular
posterior teeth
 Its degree of curvature influences the height of the
posterior cusps. Flatter the curve of spee, greater is
the angle away from the maxillary posteriors – taller
cusp. More acute curve of spee, smaller the angle of
mandibular posterior tooth movement – flatter
 Orientation of the curve of spee also
influences cusp height
 Radius perpendicular to horizontal reference
Posterior teeth located distal to the radius
need shorter cusps and those mesial to the
radius need taller teeth
Rotated posteriorly : Shorter cusps
Rotated anteriorly : Taller cusps
5. Effect of mandibular lateral translation
movement on cusp height
 This is a bodily sideshift of the mandible where
the orbiting condyle moves downwards, forwards
and inwards. The degree of inward movement of the
orbiting condyle is determined by two factors
(1) Morphology of medial wall of mandibular
(2) Inner horiz. Portion of TM ligament, which
attaches to the lateral pole of the rotating condyle
 The lateral translation has three attributes:
amount, direction and timing
 The amount of lateral translation depends on the
tightness of the inner horizontal portion of the TM
ligament attached to the lateral
 pole of the rotating condyle. Looser the ligament,
greater is the amount of lateral translation, posterior
cusps should be shorter to permit lateral translation
without contact
 The direction of shift of the rotating condyle is
determined by morphology and ligamentous attachment
of the rotating TMJ. Movement occurs within a 60˚ cone
permitting superior, inferior, anterior and posterior
movements in addition to the lateral translation. The
vertical movement of the rotating condyle during a
lateral translation helps determine cusp height.
Latero-superior movement – shorter posterior cusps
Latero inferior movement – longer posterior cusps HOME
 The time of lateral translation is of great influence on
occlusal morphology. If late, there is less influence as the
maxillary and mandibular cusps are beyond functional
range. If early, a shift is seen even before the condyle
begins to translate (immediate side shift). If it occurs along
with an eccentric movement, the movement is called
progressive side shift. The more immediate the side shift,
the shorter are the posterior teeth cusps to avoid
Horizontal determinants
1.Effect of distance from the rotating condyle
Increased distance – wider angle between
laterotrussive and mediotrussive pathways, flatter
centric cusps
2. Effect of distance from midsagittal plane
Increased distance – wider angle between
laterotrussive and mediotrussive pathways, flatter
centric cusps
3. Effect of distance from rotating condyle and
fossa from midsagittal plane
They generally counter act each other. The
combination of the two positional relationships is what
determines the exact pathways of the centric cusp tips.
Curvature of dental arch causes the two
components to counter act each other and negate their
4. Effect of mandibular lateral translation movement
Increased lateral movement, increases the angle
between laterotrussive and mediotrussive pathways
The direction of rotation of the rotating condyle also
plays a role
Lateral and anterior direction – Increased angle (flatter cusp)
Lateral and posterior direction – decreased angle (sharper
5. Effect of intercondylar distance
Increase in distance, reduces the angle
between laterotrussive and mediotrussive
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Anatomy and dev of occlusion/ oral surgery courses

  • 3. DEFINITION OF OCCLUSION Dorland’s medical dictionary – act of closure or state of being closed In dentistry – Relationship of maxillary and mandibular teeth when they are in functional contact during activity of the mandible. HOME
  • 4. To have a good understanding of occlusion and its development it is essential to have a proper understanding of the masticatory system. The masticatory system comprises a) Skeletal component b) Joints, ligaments and muscles and c) Dental component. HOME
  • 6. Three major skeletal components make up the masticatory system MAXILLA MANDIBLE TEMPORAL BONE HOME
  • 7. MAXILLA  Develops from the 1st Branchial arch at about the 4th week of intrauterine life.  It is by intra membranous ossification of the fronto-nasal and maxillary processes.  Two maxillae are formed in this way which are fused together in the mid-palatine suture. HOME
  • 8. The growth takes place by two mechanism – sutural growth and surface apposition.  Growth sites in the maxilla o Maxillary tuberosity o Sutures o Alveolar border o Nasal septum o Lateral walls HOME
  • 9.  Superiorly it forms the floor of the nasal cavity and the floor of each orbit  Inferiorly it forms the palate and the alveolar ridges which support the teeth.  As the maxillary bones are intricately fused to the skull, the maxillary teeth make up the stationary components of the masticatory system. HOME
  • 10. HOME
  • 11. MANDIBLE  Develops from the 1st Branchial arch at about the 4th week of intrauterine life.  It is derived from the Meckel’s cartilage.  The lower part of the body of the mandible by membranous ossification  The ramus and processes by cartilaginous ossification. HOME
  • 12.  The growth sites in the mandible o Mandibular condyle o Posterior border of Ramus o Alveolar process o Lower border of the mandible o Suture {at the suture between the two halves of the mandible fibrous connective tissue (symphyseal cartilage) serves as a growth site} HOME
  • 13.  It is a U-shaped bone which supports the lower teeth and makes up the lower facial skeleton.  It is suspended below the maxilla by muscles, ligaments and other soft tissues.  The condyle articulates with the cranium around which movement occurs making it the moveable component of the masticatory system. HOME
  • 14. HOME
  • 15. TEMPORAL BONE  The mandibular condyle articulates at the base of the cranium with the squamous portion of the temporal bone in the concave mandibular fossa called articular or glenoid fossa.  Immediately anterior to the mandibular fossa is a convex bony prominence called the articular eminence.  The posterior roof of the glenoid fossa is thin and not suitable to sustain heavy forces, however, the articular eminence consists of dense bone which can. HOME
  • 16. HOME
  • 18. The joint which plays an important role in the masticatory system is the Temporo- mandibular joint. Formed by the articulating surface of the condyles of the mandible and the articular fossa (bilaterally) of the temporal bone. HOME
  • 19. The ligaments in conjunction with the joint are 1. Collateral ligament 2. Capsular ligament 3. Temporo-mandibular ligament 4. Spheno-mandibular ligament 5. Stylo-mandibular ligament HOME
  • 20. The skeletal components of the masticatory system are supported and brought into function with the help of four pairs of muscles called the muscles of mastication; masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid and lateral pterygoid muscles. HOME
  • 24. The masseter, temporalis and medial pterygoid are responsible for closure of the mandible The lateral pterygoid is responsible for opening of the mandible. Along with these muscles the digastric muscle also acts in the functioning of the masticatory system by depressing the mandible. HOME
  • 26. The human dentition comprises of two stages : a stage of deciduous dentition and a stage of permanent dentition. The deciduous dentition is made up of 20 teeth and the permanent dentition is made up of 32 teeth. Each tooth comprises of 2 basic parts – the crown and the root The root is attached to the alveolar bone by numerous fibers of connective tissue called the periodontal ligament. HOME
  • 27. Deciduous dentition  Comprises of 20 teeth equally distributed in the upper and lower jaws  Based on their morphology and function they are classified as incisors, canines and molars.  Each arch is divided into two quadrants, each comprising of 5 teeth in the grouping of 2 incisors, 1 canine and 2 molars. HOME
  • 28. Permanent dentition  Comprises of 32 teeth equally distributed in the maxillary and mandibular jaws  Based on their morphology and function they are classified as incisors, canines, premolars and molars.  Each arch is divided into two quadrants, each comprising of 8 teeth in the grouping of 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars and 3 molars. HOME
  • 29. Development of teeth Teeth are developed from the dental lamina 6 weeks intra uterine life – basal cells of oral epithelium proliferate to form the dental lamina. This serves as the primordium for the ectodermal portion of the tooth. HOME
  • 30. Bud stage The epithelium of the dental lamina is separate from the underlying ectomesenchyme by a basement membrane. From this basement membrane, round or ovoid swellings called tooth buds (primordia for enamel organ) arise. The enamel organ – peripheral low columnar cells and central polygonal cells. Several cells of the tooth bud and the surrounding mesenchyme undergo mitosis leading to condensation of the ectomesenchymal cells around the tooth bud. The condensed ectomesenchyme subjacent to the enamel organ is the dental papilla HOME
  • 31. The dental papilla and the tooth bud together is surrounded by the dental sac. The dental papilla forms the tooth pulp and dentin while the dental sac forms the cementum and the periodontal ligament. HOME
  • 32. Cap stage The tooth bud continues to proliferate in an unequal growth in different parts to form the cap stage 1) Outer and inner enamel epithelium : outer cells are cuboidal and inner cells are tall columnar. 2) Stellate reticulum : Polygonal cells situated in the center of the enamel organ between the outer and inner enamel organ form a network. The inter-cellular spaces are filled with mucoid fluid rich in albumin. HOME
  • 33. 3. Dental papilla : The ectomesenchyme (neural crest cells) that is enclosed by the invaginated portion of the inner enamel epithelium proliferates to form the dental papilla, which is the formative organ of the dentin and the primordium of the pulp. The peripheral cells of the dental papilla enlarge to and differentiate into odontoblasts. 4. Dental sac : The ectomesenchyme surrounding the enamel organ and the dental papilla undergoes condensation. Here a denser and more fibrous layer develops which forms the primitive dental sac. HOME
  • 34. HOME
  • 35. Bell stage As the invagination of the epithelium deepens and its margins continue to grow, the enamel organ assumes a bell shape. Four different types of cells are seen in this stage: 1) Inner enamel epithelium: single layer of cells that differentiate into tall columnar cells called ameloblasts. 2) Stratum intermedium: formed from squamous cells between the inner enamel epithelium and the stellate reticulum. HOME
  • 36. 3) Stellate reticulum: increase in intercellular fluid and it expands. Star shaped cells are seen. 4) Outer enamel epithelium: cells flatten to a low cuboidal form. HOME
  • 37. Dental papilla The dental papilla is enclosed in the invaginated portion of the enamel organ. Prior to enamel formation by the inner enamel epithelium, the peripheral cells of the mesenchymal dental papilla differentiate into odontoblasts. Dental sac Before formation of dental tissues commences the dental sac shows a circular arrangement of fibers and resembles a capsular structure. With the development of the root, the fibers of the dental sac differentiate into the periodontal ligament. HOME
  • 38. Dentinogenesis and Amelogenesis After the differentiation of the cells of the dental papilla and the inner enamel epithelium into the odontoblasts and ameloblasts, respectively, the dentin is laid down first. After the first layer of dentin is laid, only then does amelogenesis commence. HOME
  • 39. Hertwig’s Epithelial Root Sheath  Formation of root begins after enamel and dentin formation has reached the future C.E junction  HERS consists of the outer and inner enamel epithelium only.  The cells differentiate the radicular cells into odontoblasts and the first layer of dentin is laid down. The root sheath then loses its structural continuity.  Single rooted and multi rooted teeth are formed by tongue like projections from a horizontal diaphragm. HOME
  • 40. HOME
  • 41. Anatomical features in brief of individual groups of teeth
  • 42. Permanent Incisors Human incisors have thin, blade-like crowns which are adapted for the cutting and shearing of food. There are two incisors per quadrant, four per arch. The first incisor, the central incisor, is next to the midline. The second incisor, the lateral incisor, is distal to it. Maxillary incisors by definition arise in the premaxilla; mandibular incisors are the teeth that articulate with them. HOME
  • 43. Maxillary Central Incisor Facial: It is the most prominent tooth in the mouth. It has a nearly straight incisal edge and a gracefully curved cervical line. The mesial aspect presents a straight outline; the distal aspect is more rounded. Mamelons are present on freshly erupted, unworn central incisors. HOME
  • 44. Lingual: The lingual aspect presents a distinctive lingual fossa that is bordered by mesial and distal marginal ridges, the incisal edge, and the prominent cingulum at the gingival third. HOME
  • 45. Proximal: Mesial and distal aspects present a distinctive triangular outline. This is true for all of the incisors. The incisal ridge of the crown is aligned on the long axis of the tooth along with the apex of the tooth. HOME
  • 46. Incisal: The crown is roughly triangular in outline; the incisal edge is nearly a straight line, though slightly crescent shaped. HOME
  • 47. Contact Points: The mesial contact point is just about at the incisal, owing to the very sharp mesial incisal angle. The distal contact point is located at the junction of the incisal third and the middle third. Variation: The maxillary central incisor usually develops normally. Variations include a short crown or, on occasion, and unusually long crown. This tooth is rarely absent. The Hutchinson incisor is a malformation due to congenital syphilis in utero. HOME
  • 48. Maxillary Lateral Incisor Facial: The maxillary lateral incisor resembles the central incisor, but is narrower mesio- distally. The mesial outline resembles the adjacent central incisor; the distal outline--and particularly the distal incisal angle is more rounded than the mesial incisal angle (which resembles that of the adjacent central incisor. The distal incisal angle resembling the mesial of the adjacent canine. HOME
  • 49. Lingual: On the lingual surface, the marginal ridges are usually prominent and terminate into a prominent cingulum. There is often a deep pit where the marginal ridges converge gingivally. A developmental groove often extends across the distal of the cingulum onto the root continuing for part or all of its length. HOME
  • 50. Proximal: In proximal view, the maxillary lateral incisor resembles the central except that the root appears longer-- about 1 1/2 times longer than the crown. A line through the long axis of the tooth bisects the crown. HOME
  • 51. Incisal: In incisal view, this tooth can resemble either the central or the canine to varying degrees. The tooth is narrower mesiodistally than the upper central incisor; however, it is nearly as thick labiolingually. HOME
  • 52. Contact Points: The mesial contact is at the junction of the incisal third and the middle third. The distal contact is is located at the center of the middle third of the distal surface. Variation: This tooth is quite variable. Often the tooth is narrow, conical, and peg-shaped. It is absent either singly or bilaterally in 1-2% of individuals. Only the lower second premolar is more frequently missing. The lingual pit when present can be very deep and is prone to early caries in many individuals. HOME
  • 53. Mandibular Central Incisor Facial: The mandibular central incisor is the smallest tooth in the dental arch. It is a long, narrow, symmetrical tooth. The incisal edge is straight. Mesial and distal outlines descend apically from the sharp mesial and distal incisal angles. HOME
  • 54. Lingual: The lingual surface has no definate marginal ridges. The surface is concave and the cingulum is minimal in size. HOME
  • 55. Proximal: Both mesial land distal surfaces present a triangular outline. The incisal ridge of the crown is aligned on the long axis of the tooth along with the apex of the tooth. HOME
  • 56. Incisal: The incisal edge is at right angles to a line passing labiolingually through the tooth reflecting its bilateral symmetry. HOME
  • 57. Contact Points: The mesial and distal contacts are at the junction of the incisal third and the middle third. Variation: This tooth is consistent in development and is is rarely absent. The upper incisor region is a common site for supernumerary teeth which may occasionally occur in the midline; such a variant is called a mesodens. HOME
  • 58. Mandibular Lateral Incisor Facial: This tooth resembles the central incisor, but is somewhat larger in most proportions. It is a more rounded tooth; this is especially evident in the distal incisal angle in unworn specimens. There is a lack of the bilateral symmetry seen in the central. HOME
  • 59. Lingual: Except for the lack of symmetry, this tooth resemble the central. HOME
  • 60. Proximal: Like the central, the crown presents a triangular outline. When viewed critically, the rotation of the incisal edge can be seen. HOME
  • 61. Incisal: The incisal edge 'twisted' from the 90 degree angle with a line passing labiolingually through the tooth. HOME
  • 62. Contact Points: The mesial and distal contacts are at the junction of the incisal third and the middle third. Variation: This tooth is stable, but variations in root length and direction are occasionally seen. HOME
  • 63. Permanent Canine Human canines are the longest and most stable of teeth in the dental arch. Only one tooth of this class is present in each quadrant. In traditional dental literature, canines are considered the cornerstones of the dental arch. They are the only teeth in the dentition with a single cusp. They are especially anchored as prehensile teeth in the group from whence they get their name, the Carnivora. Maxillary canines by definition are the teeth in the maxilla distal, but closest to the incisors. Mandibular canines are those lower teeth that articulate with the mesial aspect of the upper canine. HOME
  • 64. Maxillary Canine Facial: The canine is approximately 1 mm narrower than the central incisor. Its mesial aspect resembles the adjacent lateral incisor; the distal aspect anticipates the first premolar proximal to it. The canine is slightly darker and more yellow in the color than the incisor teeth. The labial surface is smooth, with a well developed middle lobe (labial ridge) extending the full length of the crown cervically from the cusp tip. The distal cusp ridge is longer than the mesial cusp ridge. HOME
  • 65. Lingual: Distinct mesial and distal marginal ridges, a well-developed cingulum, and the cusp ridges form the boundaries of the lingual surface. The prominent lingual ridge extends from the cusp tip to the cingulum, dividing the lingual surface into mesial and distal fossae. HOME
  • 66. Proximal: The mesial and distal aspects present a triangular outline. They resemble the incisors, but are more robust-- especially in the cingulum region. HOME
  • 67. Incisal: The asymmetry of this tooth is readily apparent from this aspect. It usually thicker labiolingually than it is mesiodistally. The tip of the cusp is displaced labially and mesial to the central long axis of this tooth. HOME
  • 68. Contact point: The mesial contact point is at the junction of the incisal and middle third. Distally, the contact is situated more cervically. It is at the middle of the middle third. Variation: Each of the major features of this tooth are 'variations on a theme.' In some persons, a cusp-like tubercle is found on the cingulum. Lingual pits occur only infrequently. On occasion, the root is unusually long or unusually short. HOME
  • 69. Mandibular Canine Facial: The mandibular canine is noticeably narrower mesiodistally than the upper, but the root may be as long as that of the upper canine. In an individual person,the lower canine is often shorter than that of the upper canine. The mandibular canine is wider mesiodistally than either lower incisor. A distinctive feature is the nearly straight outline of the mesial aspect of the crown and root. When the tooth is unworn, the mesial cusp ridge appears as a sort of 'shoulder' on the tooth. The mesial cusp ridge is much shorter than the distal cusp ridge HOME
  • 70. Lingual: The marginal ridges and cingulum are less prominent than those of the maxillary canine. The lingual surface is smooth and regular. The lingual ridge, if present, is usually rather subtle in its expression. HOME
  • 71. Proximal: The mesial and distal aspects present a triangular outline. The cingulum as noted is less well developed. When the crown and root are viewed from the proximal, this tooth uniquely presents a crescent-like profile similar to a cashew nut. HOME
  • 72. Incisal: The mesiodistal dimension is clearly less than the labiolingual dimension. The mesial and distal 'halves' of the tooth are more identical than the upper canine from this perspective. You will recall that the cusp tip of the maxillary canine is facial to a ling through the long axis. In the mandibular canine, the unworn incisal edge is on the line through the long axis of this tooth. HOME
  • 73. Contact point: The mesial contact point is at the junction of the incisal and middle third. Distally, the contact is situated more cervically. It is at the middle of the middle third. Variation: On occasion, the root is bifurcated near its tip. The double root may, or may not be accompanied by deep depressions in the root. HOME
  • 74. Premolar The premolar teeth are transitional teeth located between the canine and molar teeth. There are two premolars per quadrant and are identified as first and second premolars. They have at least two cusps. Premolar teeth by definition are permanent teeth distal to the canines preceded by deciduous molars. Utilized in the initial breakdown of food HOME
  • 75. Maxillary First Premolar Facial: The buccal surface is quite rounded and this tooth resembles the maxillary canine. The buccal cusp is long; from that cusp tip, the prominent buccal ridge descends to the cervical line of the tooth. HOME
  • 76. Lingual: The lingual cusp is smaller and the tip of that cusp is shifted toward the mesial. The lingual surface is rounded in all aspects. HOME
  • 77. Proximal: The mesial aspect of this tooth has a distinctive concavity in the cervical third that extends onto the root. It is called variously the mesial developmental depression, mesial concavity, or the 'canine fossa'--a misleading description since it is on the premolar. The distal aspect of the maxillary first permanent molar also has a developmental depression. The mesial marginal developmental groove is a distinctive feature of this tooth. HOME
  • 78. Occlusal: There are two well- defined cusps buccal and lingual. The larger cusp is the buccal; its cusp tip is located midway mesiodistally. The lingual cusp tip is shifted mesially. The occlusal outline presents a hexagonal appearance. On the mesial marginal ridge is a distinctive feature, the mesial marginal developmental groove. HOME
  • 79. Contact Points; Height of Curvature: The distal contact area is located more buccal than is the mesial contact area. Both contact points are at the junction of the occlusal and middle third of the tooth. Variation: Most upper first premolars of people in our society have two roots; however, a single root is found in about 20% of teeth. Three rooted premolars are found occasionally. HOME
  • 80. Maxillary Second Premolar Facial: This tooth closely resembles the maxillary first premolar but is a less defined copy of its companion to the mesial. The buccal cusp is shorter, less pointed, and more rounded than the first. HOME
  • 81. Lingual: Again, this tooth resembles the first. The lingual cusp, however, is more nearly as large as the buccal cusp. HOME
  • 82. Proximal: Mesial and distal surfaces are rounded. The mesial developmental depression and mesial marginal ridge are not present on the second premolar. HOME
  • 83. Occlusal: The crown outline is rounded, ovoid, and is less clearly defined than is the first. HOME
  • 84. Contact Points; Height of Curvature: When viewed from the facial, the distal contact area is located more cervically than is the mesial contact area. Variation: The occlusal anatomy is more variable in the second than in the first. There is wide variability is root size, curvature, and form. HOME
  • 85. Mandibular First Premolar Facial: The outline is very nearly symmetrical bilaterally, displaying a large, pointed buccal cusp. From it descends a large, well developed buccal ridge. HOME
  • 86. Lingual: This tooth has the smallest and most ill- defined lingual cusp of any of the premolars. A distinctive feature is the mesiolingual developmental groove. (Remember the mesial marginal developmental groove in the upper first premolar? That one is mesial. The one on the lower is toward the lingual.) HOME
  • 87. Proximal: The large buccal cusp tip is centered over the root tip, about at the long axis of this tooth. The very large buccal cusp and much reduced lingual cusp are very evident. You should keep in mind that the mesial marginal ridge is more cervical than the distal contact ridge; each anticipate the shape of their respective adjacent teeth. HOME
  • 88. Occlusal: The occlusal outline is diamond-shaped. (Review of premolar occlusal outlines: the upper first is hexagonal, the upper second is ovoid, the lower first is diamond, and the lower second is square.) The large buccal cusp dominates the occlusal surface. Marginal ridges are well developed and the mesiolingual developmental groove is consistently present. There are mesial and distal fossae with pits, affectionately known as 'snake eyes' when they are restored. HOME
  • 89. Contact Points; Height of Curvature: When viewed from the facial, each contact area/height of curvature is at about the same height. Variation: This is a variable tooth in both crown and root. It may, in some persons, more nearly resemble the lower second premolar. HOME
  • 90. Mandibular Second Premolar Facial: From this aspect, the tooth somewhat resembles the first, but the buccal cusp is less pronounced. The tooth is larger than the first. HOME
  • 91. Lingual: Two significant variations are seen in this view. The most common is the three- cusp form which has two lingual cusps. The mesial of those is the larger of the two. The other form is the two-cusp for with a single lingual cusp. In that variant, the lingual cusp tip is shifted to the mesial. HOME
  • 92. Proximal: The buccal cusp is shorter than the first. The lingual cusp (or cusps) are much better developed than the first and give the lingual a full, well-developed profile. HOME
  • 93. Occlusal: The two or three cusp versions become clearly evident. In the three-cusp version, the developmental grooves present a distinctive 'Y' shape and have a central pit. In the two cusp version, a single developmental groove crosses the transverse ridge from mesial to distal. (Review: the lower second premolar is larger than the first, while the upper first premolar is just slightly larger than the upper second.) HOME
  • 94. Contact Points; Height of Curvature: From the facial, the mesial contact is more occlusal than the distal contact. Why? The distal marginal ridge is lower than the mesial marginal ridge. Variation: There may be one or two lingual cusps. This tooth is sometimes missing; only the third molars and upper lateral incisors are missing more frequently than this tooth. HOME
  • 95. Permanent Molar Teeth The permanent molars occupy the most posterior portion of the dental arch. They have the largest occlusal surfaces of any of the teeth and have from three to five major cusps. Molar teeth by definition are cheek teeth that are NOT preceded by primary teeth. Permanent molars are accessional teeth without primary predecessors. In contrast to the molars, permanent incisors, canines, and premolars are succedaneous (successional teeth). These teeth are important in chewing and maintaining the vertical dimension. HOME
  • 96. Maxillary First Permanent Molar Facial: The mesiobuccal and distobuccal cusps dominate the facial outline. They are separated by the buccal developmental groove. All three roots are visible. The buccal roots present a 'plier handle' appearance with the large lingual root centered between them. HOME
  • 97. Lingual: Two cusps of unequal size dominate the occlusal profile. The cusps are separated by the lingual developmental groove which is continuous with the distolingual (or distal oblique) groove. The larger mesiolingual cusp often displays the Carabelli trait. It is a variable feature. It appears most often as a cusp of variable size, but is occasionally expressed merely as a pit. HOME
  • 98. Proximal: In mesial perspective the mesiolingual cusp, mesial marginal ridge, and mesiobuccal cusp comprise the occlusal outline. When present, the Carabelli trait is seen in this view. In its distal aspect, the two distal cusps are clearly seen; however, the distal marginal ridge is somewhat shorter than the mesial one. A small concavity on the distal surface that continues onto the distobuccal root is occasionally described. HOME
  • 99. Occlusal: The tooth outline is somewhat rhomboidal with four distinct cusps. The cusp order according to size is: mesiolingual, mesiobuccal, distobuccal, and distolingual. The tips of the mesiolingual, mesiobuccal, and distobuccal cusps form the trigon, reflecting the evolutionary origins of the maxillary molar. The distolingual cusp is called the talon (heel) and is a more recent acquisition in evolutionary history. A frequent feature of maxillary molars is the Carabelli trait located on the mesiolingual cusp. HOME
  • 100. Contact Points; Height of Curvature: The mesial contact is above, but close to, the mesial marginal ridge. It is somewhat buccal to the center of the crown mesiodistally. The distal contact is similarly above the distal marginal ridge but is centered buccolingually. Variation: Deviation from the accepted normal is infrequent. The Carabelli trait is a variable feature. It is of special interest to the dental anthropologist in tracing human evolutionary history. HOME
  • 101. Maxillary Second Permanent Molar Facial: The crown is shorter occluso- cervically and narrower mesiodistally when compared to the first molar. The distobuccal cusp is visibly smaller than the mesiobuccal cusp. The two buccal roots are more nearly parallel. The roots are more parallel; the apex of the mesial root is on line with the with the buccal developmental groove. Mesial and distal roots tend to be about the same length. HOME
  • 102. Lingual: The distolingual cusp is smaller than the mesiolingual cusp. The Carabelli trait is absent. HOME
  • 103. Proximal: The crown is shorter than the first molar and the palatal root has less divergence. The roots tend to remain within the crown profile. HOME
  • 104. Occlusal: The distolingual cusp is smaller on the second than on the first molar. When it is much reduced in size, the crown outline is described as 'heart-shaped.' The Carabelli trait is usually absent. The order of cusp size, largest to smallest, is the same as the first but is more exaggerated: mesiolingual, mesiobuccal, distobuccal, and distolingual. HOME
  • 105. Contact Points: Height of Curvature: Both mesial and distal contacts tend to be centered buccolingually below the marginal ridges. Since the molars become shorter, moving from first to this molar, the contacts tend to appear more toward the center of the proximal surfaces. Variation: The distolingual cusp is the most variable feature of this tooth. When it is large, the occlusal is somewhat rhomboidal; when reduced in size the crown is described as triangular or 'heart-shaped.' At times, the root may be fused. HOME
  • 106. Maxillary Third Permanent Molar Facial: The crown is usually shorter in both axial and mesiodistal dimensions. Two buccal roots are present, but in most cases they are fused. The mesial buccal cusp is larger than the distal buccal cusp. HOME
  • 107. Lingual: In most thirds, there is just one large lingual cusp. In some cases there is a poorly developed distolingual cusp and a lingual groove. The lingual root is often fused to the to buccal cusps. HOME
  • 108. Proximal: The outline of the crown is rounded; it is often described as bulbous in dental literature. Technically, the mesial surface is the only 'proximal' surface. The distal surface does not contact another tooth. HOME
  • 109. Occlusal: The crown of this tooth is the smallest of the maxillary molars. The first molar is the largest in the series. The outline of the occlusal surface can be described as heart-shaped. The mesial lingual cusp is the largest, the mesial buccal is second in size, and the distal buccal cusp is the smallest. HOME
  • 110. Contact Points; Height of Curvature: This tooth is rounded and variable in shape. The distal surface has no contact with any other tooth. Variation: They are the most variable teeth in the dentition. Impaction occurs frequently. Some resemble the adjacent second molar; others may have many cusps, small 'cusplets', and many grooves. HOME
  • 111. Mandibular First Permanent Molar Facial: The lower first permanent molar has the widest mesiodistal diameter of all of the molar teeth. Three cusps cusps separated by developmental grooves make up the occlusal outline seen in this view. Moving from mesial to distal, these features form the occlusal outline as follows: mesiobuccal cusp, mesiobuccal developmental groove, distobuccal cusp, distobuccal developmental groove, and the distal cusp. The mesiobuccal cusp is usually the widest of the cusps and is generally considered the largest of the five cusps. The distal cusp is smaller than any of the buccal cusps and it contributes little to the buccal surface. The two roots of this tooth are clearly seen. The distal root is usually less curved than the mesial root. HOME
  • 112. Lingual: Three cusps make up the occlusal profile in this view: the mesiolingual, the distolingual, and the distal cusp which is somewhat lower in profile. The mesiobuccal cusp is usually the widest and highest of the three. A short lingual developmental groove separates the two lingual cusps HOME
  • 113. Proximal: The distinctive height of curvature seen in the cervical third of the buccal surface is called the cervical ridge. The mesial surface may be flat or concave in its cervical third . It is highly convex in its middle and occlusal thirds. The occlusal profile is marked by the mesiobuccal cusp, mesiolingual cusp, and the mesial marginal ridge that connects them. The mesial root is the broadest buccolingually of any of the lower molar roots. The distal surface of the crown is narrower buccolingually than the mesial surface. Three cusps are seen from the distal aspect: the distobuccal cusp, the distal cusp, and the distolingual cusp. HOME
  • 114. Occlusal: This tooth presents a pentagonal occlusal outline that is distinctive for this tooth. There are five cusps. Of them, the mesiobuccal cusp is the largest, the distal cusp is the smallest. The two buccal grooves and the single lingual groove form the "Y5" pattern distinctive for this tooth. The five cusp and "Y5" pattern is important in dental anthropology. HOME
  • 115. Contact Points; Height of Curvature: The mesial contact is centered buccolingually just below the marginal ridge. The distal contact is centered over the distal root, but is buccal to the center point of the distal marginal ridge. Variation: Most lower first molars have five cusps. Occasionally the distal cusp is missing. More rarely, in large molars, the distal cusp is joined by a sixth cusp, the 'cusp six' or tuberculum sextum. Two mesial roots are seen on occasion; this Sinodont feature is occasionally seen clinically, particularly in persons of North American Indian heritage. HOME
  • 116. Mandibular Second Molar Facial: When compared to the first molar, the second molar crown is shorter both mesiodistally and from the cervix to the occlusal surface. The two well- developed buccal cusps form the occlusal outline. There is no distal cusp as on the first molar. A buccal developmental groove appears between the buccal cusps and passes midway down the buccal surface toward the cervix. HOME
  • 117. Lingual: The crown is shorter than that of the first molar. The occlusal outline is formed by the mesiolingual and distolingal cusps. HOME
  • 118. Proximal: The mesial profile resembles that of the first molar. The distal profile is formed by the distobuccal cusp, distal marginal ridge, and the distolingual cusp. Unlike the first molar, there is no distal fifth cusp. HOME
  • 119. Occlusal: There are four well developed cusps with developmental grooves that meet at a right angle to form the distinctive "+4" pattern characteristic of this tooth. HOME
  • 120. Contact Points; Height of Curvature: When moving distally from first to third molar, the proximal surfaces become progressively more rounded. The net effect is to displace the contact area cervically and away from the crest of the marginal ridges. Variation: Morphologically this is a stable tooth. Five-cusp versions are seen on occasion, however root variability is greater than in the first molar. HOME
  • 121. Mandibular Third Molar Facial: The crown is often short and has a rounded outline. HOME
  • 122. Lingual: Similarly, the crown is short and the crown is bulbous. HOME
  • 123. Proximal: Mesially and distally, this tooth resembles the first and second molars. The crown of the third molar, however, is shorter than either of the other molars. Technically, only the mesial surface is a 'proximal' surface. HOME
  • 124. Occlusal: Four or five cusps may be present. This surface can be a good copy of the first or second molar, or poorly developed with many accessory grooves. The occlusal outline is often ovoid and the occlusal surface is constricted. Occasionally, the surface has so many grooves that it is described as crenulated--a condition seen in the great apes. HOME
  • 125. Contact Points; Height of Curvature: The rounded mesial surface has its contact area more cervical than any other lower molar. There is no tooth distal to the third molar. Variation: This is an extremely variable tooth and on occasion it is missing. While the most common anomaly of upper third molars is that they are undersized, lower third molars can be undersized or oversized. Lower third molars fail to erupt in many persons. HOME
  • 129. Primary dentition Central incisor Lateral incisor First molar Canine Second molar HOME
  • 130. Permament dentition First molars Central incisor Lateral incisor Mandibular canines First premolars Second premolars Maxillary canines Second molars Third molars HOME
  • 132. Deciduous Tooth Maxillary Mandibular Eruption Root complete Eruption Root complete A 7 ½ 10 6 8 B 9 11 7 13 C 18 19 16 20 D 14 16 12 16 E 24 29 20 27 HOME
  • 133. Permanent Tooth Maxillary Mandibular Eruption Root complete Eruption Root complete CI 7-8 10 6-7 9 LI 8-9 11 7-8 10 C 11-12 13-15 9-10 12-14 1ST PM 10-12 12-13 10-12 12-13 2ND PM 10-12 12-14 11-12 13-14 1ST M 6-7 9-10 6-7 9-10 2ND M 12-13 14-16 11-13 14-15 3RD M 17-21 18-25 17-21 18-25
  • 134. PATH OF ERUPTION (Permanent dentition) HOME
  • 135. Mandibular Permanent Incisor  Permanent central incisors develop lingually and apically to the primary incisors  Permanent lateral incisors occupy a position lingual to the central incisors. The developing lateral incisor may be seen in close proximity to the lingual cortical plate of the mandibular symphysis  Crowns of both central and lateral are lingually inclined The incisal path of eruption of the teeth is oblique and usually directed labially relative to primary incisors  As the permanent incisors erupt they resorb the lingual aspect of the primary incisor roots  On completion of eruption they occupy a more labial inclination HOME
  • 136. Maxillary Permanent Incisor  Eruption takes place after the mandibular lateral has erupted  Central incisor precedes lateral incisor The path of eruption is more labial and oblique than that of mandibular permanent incisors (resulting in a more labial positioning of maxillary incisors)  There is a distal tilting of the crowns of the central incisors on eruption causing a mild midline diastema. This gets closed with the eruption of the lateral incisors HOME
  • 137. Mandibular Permanent Canines  During the eruption, the axis is directed mesially and lingually  The permanent cuspids erupt along the distal aspect of the roots of the permanent lateral incisors  Upon eruption, their final positioning, relative to their predecessors, is labial with a mesial inclination HOME
  • 138. Maxillary Permanent Canines  This is the last tooth to erupt anterior to the molars in this arch As they erupt, they are directed towards the distal aspect of the maxillary permanent lateral incisor roots and erupt in the dental arch  Their final position in the arch is labial in their relation with the lateral incisors and 1st premolar HOME
  • 139. Mandibular and Maxillary First Premolars  It develops beneath the first primary molar and is enclosed by its roots  The path of eruption is directly towards the occlusal plane  Resorbs the roots of the first primary molar to weaken its support and pushes it out to occupy its position in the arch HOME
  • 140. Mandibular Second Premolars  Last tooth to erupt anterior to the first molar  There are three possible paths  Distal path of eruption – This is considered the best as there is no loss of space. As the 2nd premolar erupts distally, it resorbs the distal root of the 2nd primary molar and glides along the mesial surface of the 1st permanent molar. This is considered the normal path of eruption.  Occlusal path of eruption – Here there is a loss of space owing to the mesial shifting of the 1st permanent molar at the time of exfoliation of the 2nd primary molar. HOME
  • 141.  Mesial path of eruption – Least desirable path of eruption. This occurs owing to the blocking out of space for the 2nd premolar due to an increased time lapse between the exfoliation of the 2nd primary molar and the eruption of the 2nd bicuspid. Mandibular Second Premolars Identical to the first premolar in its path of eruption. Mostly follows an occlusal path of eruption. HOME
  • 142. Mandibular First Permanent Molar  The first permanent teeth to erupt  Prior to eruption, the crowns are canted mesially and lingually, with their bony crypts positioned at the angle formed by the junction of the body of the mandible and the anterior border of the ramus  Movement of the tooth occlusally, along with the resorption of the anterior border of the ascending ramus, facilitates the eruption of the tooth  During the course of eruption, the molar undergoes a rotation, re-orienting the crown with the occlusal plane  Ultimately they are positioned with a slight mesial tilt and a slight lingual inclination in the transverse axis  Flush terminal plane later changes to Class I relationship HOME
  • 143. Maxillary First Permanent Molar  The Crowns are distally and buccally oriented in their crypts.  As the maxillary arch gets lengthened due to appositional growth at the tuberosities, the maxillary 1St permanent molar rotates mesially and the crowns are uprighted so that they move vertically towards the occlusal plane  On completion of eruption, they are inclined mesially on their long axis and buccally in their transverse axis HOME
  • 144. Mandibular Second Permanent Molar  Crypts positioned at base of the ascending ramus  Space for eruption is gained by resorption of the anterior border of the ramus  In the crypts, the crowns are pointed mesially, almost at right angles to the occlusal plane  The crown rotates in a distal direction and erupts against the mandibular 1st permanent molar in and occlusal direction HOME
  • 145. Maxillary Second Permanent Molar  Position in crypt and pathway of eruption is similar to the 1st permanent molar  Mesiobuccal inclination of the tooth in its final occlusal position HOME
  • 147. Stage Age in years Characteristics First stage 3 Second stage 6 Third stage 6 – 9 Fourth stage 9 – 12 Fifth stage 12 Primary dentition Eruption of 1st permanent molar Exchange of incisors Exchange of lateral teeth Eruption of 2nd molar HOME
  • 149. Primary tooth buds form at 6 weeks IUL Commence erupting at 6 months post birth and goes upto 2 ½ years of age when the 2nd primary molar occludes At the age of 3 the primary dentition is established From 3 – 5 years no activity From 5 – 6 years, the size of the dental arch begins to change due to eruptive forces from the first permanent molar HOME
  • 150. Spaces in primary dentition Primate space – mesial to maxillary canine, distal to mandibular canine Developmental space – between the incisors HOME
  • 151. Occlusal relationship of 2nd primary molars  Eruption and root completion of the 2nd primary molar marks the completion of the primary dentition development  The relationship of the distal surfaces of the maxillary and mandibular primary molars is one of the most important factors to influence the future occlusion of the permanent dentition  Terminal plane – Mesiodistal relation of the max. and mand. 2nd primary molars when in centric occlusion Three types: a) Flush terminal plane b) Mesial step c) Distal step HOME
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  • 155. Size of the dental arch  Size can be measured by the dental arch width between the primary canines and between the 2nd primary molars  Length can be measured from the most labial surface of the primary Central incisor to the canine and to the 2nd primary molars A.Inter canine width B.Inter molar width C.Anterior arch length D.Total arch length HOME
  • 157. 1st permanent molar is the key to the permanent occlusion The prediction of the occlusion of the 1st permanent molars is known at the primary dentition stage a)Flush terminal plane – If there are dental spaces existing in the primary dental arch, the 1st molar will erupt into CLASS I. If not, it becomes a cusp-to- cusp occlusion b) Mesial step – Erupts directly into CLASS I occlusion c) Distal step – Directly and definitely into CLASS II occlusion The physiologic spaces get closed due to mesially directed eruptive forces of permanent molars HOME
  • 158. Some cases of Flush terminal plane go in for CLASS III when physiologic spaces are absent in the mandible The active growth of the mandible also regulates the occlusion (forward and downward growth of mandible) HOME
  • 159. HOME
  • 161.  This commences after the eruption of the 1st molar begins  Total sum of the mesiodistal widths of permanent incisors is greater than that of primary incisors bye about 7mm in maxilla and 5mm in mandible  Moorress (1965) observed some degree of crowding of anteriors during their eruption, which is transient  Regulating factors for arrangement of permanent incisors are: a) Interdental spaces between primary incisors b) Increase of intercanine width c) Increase of anterior length in dental arch d) Change of tooth axis of incisors e) Ugly duckling stage HOME
  • 162. EXCHANGE OF LATERAL TEETH (Canines and Premolars) HOME
  • 163.  Limited by the mesial surface of the 1st molar distally and distal surface of the lateral incisor  Two factors permit smooth eruptive pathways a) Leeway space – The combined width of the permanent lateral teeth is less than that of the primary lateral teeth by about 1mm in the maxilla and 3mm in the mandible HOME
  • 164. b)Order of exchange – Eruption pattern sequences usually seen are 3-4-5, 4-3-5, 4-5-3 In the mandible it is usually 3-4-5 and as the permanent canine is larger than the primary canine, crowding is very common immediately after the exchange of canines. If the pattern isn’t changed the crowding gets alleviated after the exfoliation of the 2nd primary molar. If the sequence changes to 4-3-5 or 4-5-3, there isn’t efficient utilization of the Leeway space and teeth get crowded HOME
  • 166.  Occurs after the eruption of all the permanent teeth in the dental arch upto the 1st permanent molar is complete  Its eruptive pathway is guided by the destal surface of the 1st permanent molar  The dental arch length may be less than in primary dentition owing to closure of Leeway space and this can cause crowding of the 2nd molar. However, this gets compensated by the growth of the mandible in a forward downward direction. HOME
  • 168. Posterior controlling factor (Condylar guidance) Anterior controlling factor (Anterior guidance) Vertical determinants 1. Effect of condylar guidance on cusp height 2. Effect of anterior guidance on cusp height 3. Effect of plane of occlusion on cusp height 4. Effect of curve of spee on cusp height 5. Effect of mandibular lateral translation movement on cusp height Horizontal determinants 1. Effect of distance from the rotating condyle 2. Effect of distance from midsagittal plane 3. Effect of distance from rotating condyle and fossa from midsagittal plane 4. Effect of mandibular lateral translation movement 5. Effect of intercondylar distance HOME
  • 170.  As the condyle moves out of centric relation it descends along the articular eminence  If the articular eminence is steep, the condyle describes a steep vertically inclined path and if flatter, the path is less vertically inclined  The angle at which the condyle moves away from a horizontal reference plane is referred to as the condylar guidance angle HOME
  • 171.  The CGA is steeper for the orbiting condyle in a latero-trussive movement of the mandible as the medial wall of the mandibular fossa is steeper than the articular eminence in front  The two TMJ’s provide the guidance for the posterior portion of the mandible and are largely responsible for determining the character of mandibular movement posteriorly. Thus they become the posterior controlling factor  It is a fixed factor HOME
  • 173.  The anterior teeth guide the movement of the anterior portion of the mandible  As the mandible protrudes, the incisal edge of the mandibular anterior teeth occlude with the lingual surfaces of the maxillary anterior teeth The steepness of the lingual surface determines the amount of vertical movement of the mandible  It is a variable factor HOME
  • 175. 1.Effect of condylar guidance on cusp height Steeper the articular eminence, more is the descent of the condyle, resulting in greater vertical movement. Thus allowing for steeper posterior cusps HOME
  • 176. 2. Effect of anterior guidance on cusp height Increased horizontal overlap decreases the anterior guidance angle. There is less vertical movement of the mandible leading to flatter posterior cusps HOME
  • 177. Increased vertical overlap increases the anterior guidance angle. There is more vertical movement of the mandible leading to steeper posterior cusps HOME
  • 178. 3. Effect of plane of occlusion on cusp height  Plane of occlusion is an imaginary line touching the incisal edges of the maxillary anterior teeth and the cusps of the maxillary posterior teeth  Depending on the angulation of the plane of occlusion in relations to the horizontal plane, the degree of movement of the tooth varies. If less degree of movement is seen – flatter cusps; and if more degree of movement is seen – taller cusps. HOME
  • 179. HOME
  • 180. 4. Effect of curve of spee on cusp height  Curve of spee is an antero - posterior curve extending from the tip of the mandibular canine along the buccal cusp tips of the mandibular posterior teeth  Its degree of curvature influences the height of the posterior cusps. Flatter the curve of spee, greater is the angle away from the maxillary posteriors – taller cusp. More acute curve of spee, smaller the angle of mandibular posterior tooth movement – flatter cusps. HOME
  • 181. HOME
  • 182.  Orientation of the curve of spee also influences cusp height  Radius perpendicular to horizontal reference plane Posterior teeth located distal to the radius need shorter cusps and those mesial to the radius need taller teeth Rotated posteriorly : Shorter cusps Rotated anteriorly : Taller cusps HOME
  • 183. HOME
  • 184. 5. Effect of mandibular lateral translation movement on cusp height  This is a bodily sideshift of the mandible where the orbiting condyle moves downwards, forwards and inwards. The degree of inward movement of the orbiting condyle is determined by two factors (1) Morphology of medial wall of mandibular fossa (2) Inner horiz. Portion of TM ligament, which attaches to the lateral pole of the rotating condyle  The lateral translation has three attributes: amount, direction and timing HOME
  • 185.  The amount of lateral translation depends on the tightness of the inner horizontal portion of the TM ligament attached to the lateral  pole of the rotating condyle. Looser the ligament, greater is the amount of lateral translation, posterior cusps should be shorter to permit lateral translation without contact  The direction of shift of the rotating condyle is determined by morphology and ligamentous attachment of the rotating TMJ. Movement occurs within a 60˚ cone permitting superior, inferior, anterior and posterior movements in addition to the lateral translation. The vertical movement of the rotating condyle during a lateral translation helps determine cusp height. Latero-superior movement – shorter posterior cusps Latero inferior movement – longer posterior cusps HOME
  • 186.  The time of lateral translation is of great influence on occlusal morphology. If late, there is less influence as the maxillary and mandibular cusps are beyond functional range. If early, a shift is seen even before the condyle begins to translate (immediate side shift). If it occurs along with an eccentric movement, the movement is called progressive side shift. The more immediate the side shift, the shorter are the posterior teeth cusps to avoid interference. HOME
  • 188. 1.Effect of distance from the rotating condyle Increased distance – wider angle between laterotrussive and mediotrussive pathways, flatter centric cusps HOME
  • 189. 2. Effect of distance from midsagittal plane Increased distance – wider angle between laterotrussive and mediotrussive pathways, flatter centric cusps HOME
  • 190. 3. Effect of distance from rotating condyle and fossa from midsagittal plane They generally counter act each other. The combination of the two positional relationships is what determines the exact pathways of the centric cusp tips. Curvature of dental arch causes the two components to counter act each other and negate their effect HOME
  • 191. 4. Effect of mandibular lateral translation movement Increased lateral movement, increases the angle between laterotrussive and mediotrussive pathways The direction of rotation of the rotating condyle also plays a role Lateral and anterior direction – Increased angle (flatter cusp) Lateral and posterior direction – decreased angle (sharper cusp) HOME
  • 192. 5. Effect of intercondylar distance Increase in distance, reduces the angle between laterotrussive and mediotrussive pathways HOME