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Analysis of Administrative theory
Analysis of Administrative theory
Analysis of Administrative theory
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................3
Importance of Administration.......................................................................................................................4
Theory of Administration..............................................................................................................................6
Implementation of Administrative theories..................................................................................................7
Nature of Administrative theories ................................................................................................................8
Scope of Administrative theory ....................................................................................................................9
Importance of Administrative theory .........................................................................................................10
Difference between the administration theory for public units and private units.....................................11
Bureaucracy ................................................................................................................................................12
Analysis of Administrative theory
Analysis of Administrative theory
Administration may be may be defined as one of the most important aspect for a government. It
is something which defines the overall implementation of different policies which are been
created by the government. Also, it is something which prepares the people for the works.
Administrative management theory may be defined as the theory which intends to find the
rational method which can be used in order to create an organization as a whole. It is a theory
which calls for the complete structure which is required and is considered important for the
purpose of administration, the clear division of the labor forces and the delegation which is based
on power and the authority. The people who had given the administrative theory includes the
Fayol, who developed the 14 different principles related to administration, Mooney, who was the
key member of the top management of General Motors. In the year 1931, he also wrote the book
titled as ‘Onward Industry’. It is a books which has been appreciated by a large number of
scholars and is considered to be a very significant contribution to this theory and Gulick who is
considered to be the dean of the public based administration and applies those theories to the
government. The theory of administrative management includes a large number of concepts such
as formalized administrative structure, division of labor etc.
Before understand different aspects of the administrative theory, it is important to analyze the
importance of the word administration. It may be defined as an activity which gives the medium
Analysis of Administrative theory
to achieve a goal. It is an effort which includes the group of people who carry out a large number
of tasks and ensure that they are achieved by the group of people and are made more explicit.
Administration may be defined as the large number and one of the most important part of
administration. This may be defined as an executive function which belong to the state.
Administration is something which may refer to the practice. Administration may refer to the
study of different kind of activities which are processing in the state, but may be related to the
legislature or the judiciary. There are a number of executives who are restricted. Administration
can refer to the list of activities which are related to the organization and management and are
financed from the money of the tax-payers. The visibility which is related to administration is
something which is very conspicuous and consistent. Administration is the process which include
consistent working. Thus, administration can be defined as the machinery for the formulation of
the plans and programs and the implementation of the same. In this research paper, the analysis
of the administration will be done. A large number of process which can be related to
administration has been discussed.
Importance of Administration
Administration may be defined as the importance related to the administration of the state. It may
be defined as the instrument which can be used for the purpose of protecting and for restricting
the state. Administration may be defined as a political system in which there is an
accomplishment of the objectives which are being popularized by the policy makers. Thus, the
focus of the administration is on the bureaucracy which includes the administration of the
government. The administration theory has gained a lot of significance in the administration of
state. It is an instrument which can be used for the purpose of protection of restricting and also
Analysis of Administrative theory
related to fostering and promotion. In the present times, administration related theories can be
implemented on the day to day basis. It is an instrument which can be used for gaining a better
significance of a number of aspects which are related to the day to day life of human beings such
as health, education, recreation, sanitation and social security (Thompson, 2011). Thus, it can be
defined as one of the creative factor, the motto of which is to do the welfare of the people. Thus,
the administration theories has been defined so as to go to the heart of the problem and find a
solution to the same.
The progress of a group, state, government or the nation is directly related to the quality of its
administration. The progress of the team, group, state or a nation can be determined by the
effectiveness of the administration, which in turn are being defined by the administrative
theories. Thus, the administration process can be defined as a moral act and administrator is a
moral agent.
Administration theories, in the present times has led to the two different kinds of usage. The first
usage of the same is as an activity. This refers to as the inquiry which is based on the intellectual
level. The second usage includes the study of the same. Administration also includes the
discipline of the activities which are being implemented in the state. A wider view of
administration has been done by a number of scholars such as LD White, Woodrow Wilson,
Pfiffner and Marshell Dimock. In the smaller sense, administration is related to the activities of
the administrative branch. The other scholars who have given their hand in the administrative
theories include the Gullick, Simon, Willoughby, Fayol, Ordway Tean. Thus administration
based theories are something which has gained a lot of importance because of the emergence of
the administrative state.
Analysis of Administrative theory
Theory of Administration
According to the words of EN Gladden, the word administration is something which is very
pompous, but carries a very humble meaning. He suggests the same to be the means by which
the people care other people who are below them and manage the affairs of the state. He adds
that the administration can be defined as the process which includes the collective effort of
different groups of people including the public sector, the private sector, civil sector, military or
other large scale industries. In the present times, administration is something which has a large
number of distinguishable features. The purpose of the administration can be reoriented or
changed according to the time and they may vary with respect to the number of complexity.
Another view has been given by Woodrow Wilson who states, the administration may be defined
as the application of the law or the rules in a definite manner. Be it a company, a state or a
nation, the implementation of the laws which are made for the state is something which governs
the administration. Another definition of Administration has been given by Pfiffner who
describes the administration to consist of each and every operation which may lead to the
fulfillment of a public related policy.
Gladden has given a further idea about the same. He has tried to idealize administration as the
administration and has defined the same to be something which includes the administration of
the government. Another definition has been given by the professor LD White, who has stated
that administration consists of each of the operations which are carried out in an efficient manner
for the purpose of enforcement of a specific policy.
Another explanation has been explained by Luther Gullick who states that administration is a
process which can be linked to science and has to deal with each and every thing which is done
Analysis of Administrative theory
with the government and is concerned with the branch where the work related to the government
is carried out.
According to Waldo, administration is something which leads to the management in such a way
that it leads to the wellbeing of state.
Implementation of Administrative theories
Administrative theories has a large number of usages. It can be referred to as something which
includes discipline related to any intellectual plan and study. Maintenance of the law and order in
the state is nothing more than an activity and is an important part of the administration. Though,
administration is a discipline which includes a large number of functions and is also related to a
large number of subjects such as economics, sociology etc. From the above mentioned theories
it can be observed that the theories related to administration can be implemented for the
betterment of a unit which may range from an organization or a nation. The concept of
administration can be implemented in two different senses. On one hand, it can include all those
activities which has which are concerned with the specific organization and is for a specific
branch only. Another view is the wider view of the same which includes the use of
administration on the nation's perspective for the management of a nation by the judicial branch
of government.
Analysis of Administrative theory
Nature of Administrative theories
There can be two different views of administration. The very first view of the same is the
integral view which includes the overall sum of all the activities which may be undertaken in
order to fulfill the public policies. This includes a number of non-technical activities and also
manual and clerical activities. Thus all the activities right from top management to clerical unit
are of varying significance but contribute to the growth of administrative machinery.
Dimock states that the administration may be considered with respect to what and how related to
the government (Wren et al,.2002). Among this, ‘What’ has been related to the subject matter and
indicates the technical knowledge which is related to the field which leads to the proper
administration. ‘How’ may be defined as the technique related to the management which
involves the principles according to whom different cooperative programs are implemented in a
successful manner.
Another view of administration is the managerial view. It is the view which includes all those
people who are the part of the performance group related to the managerial function within the
organization. According to this kind of view, it can be said that, administration consists of only
those kinds of managerial functions where the people are engaged in the overall performance of
the people. It can be defined as the group of all those people who keeps the responsibility to have
the administration in an effective manner and to run the same in an effective manner.
According to Gullick, administrative process may be defined as something where the things are
needed to be done in order to accomplish a given set of objectives. The job of the administration
with this perspective is to organization each and every activity which are there in an organization
in such a manner that the desirable results can be easily obtained (Griffiths, 1959).
Analysis of Administrative theory
The above mentioned views which have been provided by the theorists different from one
another largely. The integral view which has been provided by the administrative theories
includes the activities which are being performed by each and every member who is a part of the
administration and the managerial view is something which restricts them from a number of
Scope of Administrative theory
In order to understand the scope of administration, Poscorb gave his view related to the subject
matter of administration. According to the POSDCORB view, administration includes planning,
organization, staffing, and direction, coordinating, reporting and budgeting. Planning may be
defined as the process of working out on a specific plan which includes the outline of different
kinds of things which may be implemented, the methods which are required to implement the
plan (Stout, M., & Staton, 2011). Organization may be defined as the process which includes the
proper establishment of a large number of formal structures which are related to the set of
authority through which the work has been divided among different people, arranged as per the
plan, defined among the people and coordinated. Another method is the process of staffing which
includes the process related to staffing which includes the overall process related to recruitment
and the training of a number of personal and the conditions related to work. Direction on the
other hand may be defined as making a number of decisions and issuing the orders and
instructions which are related to orders. Reporting is another part which includes the process of
informing an agency where the execution has to be responsible about what exactly has been
going on. Budgeting is another part of administration which includes the fixing of the budget for
any process and also to control the accounting (Hodgkinson, 1996).
Analysis of Administrative theory
According to the theorist Gullick, the POSDCORD view is something which is the important
part of each and every nature related to the administration.
Another view for the same is the Subject Matter view. It is similar to the integral view which
specifies that the total sum of the activities related which are done in administration are vast.
Importance of Administrative theory
It is important to implement the administrative theory as it is one such instrument for the purpose
of governance. It is important because it says to promote and preserve the activities related to the
welfare of the human beings. It is something which has a huge impact on the people and their
life. Thus, administrative theory is something which has a huge importance to the people and
also the democracy.
Administrative theory is something which defines the administration. It has a huge role on the
life of the people. Administration is one such branch which connects the people more effectively
than any other thing. Administration has a large number of departments including the
employment exchanges, different industry based departments, medicine departments and other
agricultural departments, which affects the citizens in some or the other manner. Because of the
advancement of science in the present times, it is of huge importance to have the proper
coordination between the other communities and the administration (Hodgkinson,1996).
Another importance of the administrative theory is to study the ideas which are related to
democracy including the progress of the nation, the prosperity and the protection of the common
man. Administration theory further states that an administrator should be neutral in politics and
Analysis of Administrative theory
should serve to the power in a faithful manner. This is one of the most important role of the
administration and needs to possess the right skills and aptitude for getting along with the tasks
related to administration (Sergiovanni et al, 1986).
Another importance of the administrative is that it is important for the life of the people. Thus, it
is also important that the people should be taught to be the part of administration. Administrative
theory is important because the principles of the theory can be implied in the day to day world.
It is the importance of the administrative theories which will help the administrator to conceive
proper reasons and to ensure that he can give good arguments. It is something which would add
to the richness of the mind. It is something which can comprehend to the different phenomenon
which are related self-confidence. Thus, it can be specified that the administrative theory educate
the administrators.
A yet another importance of administrative theory is that it helps in the understanding of the
nature of state, the social relations, the political culture and a number of other things. This is
something which has a lot of impact over the people. With the help of administrative theory, it is
easy to understand the principles of administration in an effective manner.
Difference between the administration theory for public units and
private units
Though public and private administration theories are something which is very important
elements of administration, but they have a number of differences. On one hand, private
administration theories includes all those principles where the management is done by the private
individual majorly for the purpose of earning profit while the primary motive of the public
administration theory is to ensure that nation should grow in a proper manner (Sergiovanni &
Analysis of Administrative theory
Corbally, 1986). While private administration includes the motive of earning more and more
profit, the motive of public administration is the welfare of people. Another different is the
service and cost related differences. In public administration there is a relation between different
services which are provided by the government. There is no requirement to earn money from the
same. While in private administration theories, they are more focused on how the money can be
extracted from the public.
Bureaucracy may be defined as the process which can be used to define any specific system. This
includes the creation of a proper hierarchy for the purpose of administration which includes a
number of sections, divisions, bureaus and departments. Thus, bureaucracy may be defined as the
system of administration which the expert civil servants does the administration related to the
state and its affairs in a proper hierarchy. Bureaucracy may include different types such as
guardian bureaucracy, caste based bureaucracy, patronage bureaucracy, and merit based
Thus, bureaucracy may be defined as the type of administrative organizations which includes a
number of civil servants for a proper aggrandizement. This can be determined as the
indispensable in the democratic system of government.
Administration is one of the most important process for a nation or an organization. Be it a
private administration or a public administration, it is something which holds primary
importance. A large number of administrative theories has been defined by the scholars in order
to ensure that the administration can be done in an effective manner. In this research paper, the
Analysis of Administrative theory
study has been done on the theories of administration. Administrative theories are important for
the proper administration of the state and to ensure that the administrators are able to do the
administration in an effective manner. The importance of the theories of administration has been
studied. In addition to this, the views of the scholars on the administration theories has been
studied and analyzed. Other than this the nature of different kinds of administrative theories has
been analyzed. Further, the scope of different theories of administration has been studied.
Bureaucracy, on the other has also been analyzed as a part of the research. To conclude, it can be
stated that administrative theories are important to ensure that the administrators are able to do
the administration of the state in a proper manner and are necessary to take valuable decisions in
an organizations.
Thompson, J. D. (2011). Organizations in action: Social science bases of administrative
theory (Vol. 1). Transaction publishers.
Griffiths, D. E. (1959). Administrative theory. Appleton-Century-Crofts.
Stout, M., & Staton, C. M. (2011). The ontology of process philosophy in Follett's administrative
theory. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 33(2), 268-292.
Hodgkinson, C. (1996). Administrative philosophy: Values and motivations in administrative
Analysis of Administrative theory
Griffiths, D. E. (1964). Administrative theory and change in organizations.Innovation in
education, 425-36.
Sergiovanni, T. J., & Corbally, J. E. (1986). Leadership and organizational culture: New
perspectives on administrative theory and practice. University of Illinois Press.
Wren, D. A., Bedeian, A. G., & Breeze, J. D. (2002). The foundations of Henri Fayol's
administrative theory. Management Decision, 40(9), 906-918.

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Analysis of administrative theory

  • 1. 1 Analysis of Administrative theory Analysis of Administrative theory
  • 2. 2 Analysis of Administrative theory Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................3 Importance of Administration.......................................................................................................................4 Theory of Administration..............................................................................................................................6 Implementation of Administrative theories..................................................................................................7 Nature of Administrative theories ................................................................................................................8 Scope of Administrative theory ....................................................................................................................9 Importance of Administrative theory .........................................................................................................10 Difference between the administration theory for public units and private units.....................................11 Bureaucracy ................................................................................................................................................12 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................................12 References...................................................................................................................................................13
  • 3. 3 Analysis of Administrative theory Analysis of Administrative theory Introduction Administration may be may be defined as one of the most important aspect for a government. It is something which defines the overall implementation of different policies which are been created by the government. Also, it is something which prepares the people for the works. Administrative management theory may be defined as the theory which intends to find the rational method which can be used in order to create an organization as a whole. It is a theory which calls for the complete structure which is required and is considered important for the purpose of administration, the clear division of the labor forces and the delegation which is based on power and the authority. The people who had given the administrative theory includes the Fayol, who developed the 14 different principles related to administration, Mooney, who was the key member of the top management of General Motors. In the year 1931, he also wrote the book titled as ‘Onward Industry’. It is a books which has been appreciated by a large number of scholars and is considered to be a very significant contribution to this theory and Gulick who is considered to be the dean of the public based administration and applies those theories to the government. The theory of administrative management includes a large number of concepts such as formalized administrative structure, division of labor etc. Before understand different aspects of the administrative theory, it is important to analyze the importance of the word administration. It may be defined as an activity which gives the medium
  • 4. 4 Analysis of Administrative theory to achieve a goal. It is an effort which includes the group of people who carry out a large number of tasks and ensure that they are achieved by the group of people and are made more explicit. Administration may be defined as the large number and one of the most important part of administration. This may be defined as an executive function which belong to the state. Administration is something which may refer to the practice. Administration may refer to the study of different kind of activities which are processing in the state, but may be related to the legislature or the judiciary. There are a number of executives who are restricted. Administration can refer to the list of activities which are related to the organization and management and are financed from the money of the tax-payers. The visibility which is related to administration is something which is very conspicuous and consistent. Administration is the process which include consistent working. Thus, administration can be defined as the machinery for the formulation of the plans and programs and the implementation of the same. In this research paper, the analysis of the administration will be done. A large number of process which can be related to administration has been discussed. Importance of Administration Administration may be defined as the importance related to the administration of the state. It may be defined as the instrument which can be used for the purpose of protecting and for restricting the state. Administration may be defined as a political system in which there is an accomplishment of the objectives which are being popularized by the policy makers. Thus, the focus of the administration is on the bureaucracy which includes the administration of the government. The administration theory has gained a lot of significance in the administration of state. It is an instrument which can be used for the purpose of protection of restricting and also
  • 5. 5 Analysis of Administrative theory related to fostering and promotion. In the present times, administration related theories can be implemented on the day to day basis. It is an instrument which can be used for gaining a better significance of a number of aspects which are related to the day to day life of human beings such as health, education, recreation, sanitation and social security (Thompson, 2011). Thus, it can be defined as one of the creative factor, the motto of which is to do the welfare of the people. Thus, the administration theories has been defined so as to go to the heart of the problem and find a solution to the same. The progress of a group, state, government or the nation is directly related to the quality of its administration. The progress of the team, group, state or a nation can be determined by the effectiveness of the administration, which in turn are being defined by the administrative theories. Thus, the administration process can be defined as a moral act and administrator is a moral agent. Administration theories, in the present times has led to the two different kinds of usage. The first usage of the same is as an activity. This refers to as the inquiry which is based on the intellectual level. The second usage includes the study of the same. Administration also includes the discipline of the activities which are being implemented in the state. A wider view of administration has been done by a number of scholars such as LD White, Woodrow Wilson, Pfiffner and Marshell Dimock. In the smaller sense, administration is related to the activities of the administrative branch. The other scholars who have given their hand in the administrative theories include the Gullick, Simon, Willoughby, Fayol, Ordway Tean. Thus administration based theories are something which has gained a lot of importance because of the emergence of the administrative state.
  • 6. 6 Analysis of Administrative theory Theory of Administration According to the words of EN Gladden, the word administration is something which is very pompous, but carries a very humble meaning. He suggests the same to be the means by which the people care other people who are below them and manage the affairs of the state. He adds that the administration can be defined as the process which includes the collective effort of different groups of people including the public sector, the private sector, civil sector, military or other large scale industries. In the present times, administration is something which has a large number of distinguishable features. The purpose of the administration can be reoriented or changed according to the time and they may vary with respect to the number of complexity. Another view has been given by Woodrow Wilson who states, the administration may be defined as the application of the law or the rules in a definite manner. Be it a company, a state or a nation, the implementation of the laws which are made for the state is something which governs the administration. Another definition of Administration has been given by Pfiffner who describes the administration to consist of each and every operation which may lead to the fulfillment of a public related policy. Gladden has given a further idea about the same. He has tried to idealize administration as the administration and has defined the same to be something which includes the administration of the government. Another definition has been given by the professor LD White, who has stated that administration consists of each of the operations which are carried out in an efficient manner for the purpose of enforcement of a specific policy. Another explanation has been explained by Luther Gullick who states that administration is a process which can be linked to science and has to deal with each and every thing which is done
  • 7. 7 Analysis of Administrative theory with the government and is concerned with the branch where the work related to the government is carried out. According to Waldo, administration is something which leads to the management in such a way that it leads to the wellbeing of state. Implementation of Administrative theories Administrative theories has a large number of usages. It can be referred to as something which includes discipline related to any intellectual plan and study. Maintenance of the law and order in the state is nothing more than an activity and is an important part of the administration. Though, administration is a discipline which includes a large number of functions and is also related to a large number of subjects such as economics, sociology etc. From the above mentioned theories it can be observed that the theories related to administration can be implemented for the betterment of a unit which may range from an organization or a nation. The concept of administration can be implemented in two different senses. On one hand, it can include all those activities which has which are concerned with the specific organization and is for a specific branch only. Another view is the wider view of the same which includes the use of administration on the nation's perspective for the management of a nation by the judicial branch of government.
  • 8. 8 Analysis of Administrative theory Nature of Administrative theories There can be two different views of administration. The very first view of the same is the integral view which includes the overall sum of all the activities which may be undertaken in order to fulfill the public policies. This includes a number of non-technical activities and also manual and clerical activities. Thus all the activities right from top management to clerical unit are of varying significance but contribute to the growth of administrative machinery. Dimock states that the administration may be considered with respect to what and how related to the government (Wren et al,.2002). Among this, ‘What’ has been related to the subject matter and indicates the technical knowledge which is related to the field which leads to the proper administration. ‘How’ may be defined as the technique related to the management which involves the principles according to whom different cooperative programs are implemented in a successful manner. Another view of administration is the managerial view. It is the view which includes all those people who are the part of the performance group related to the managerial function within the organization. According to this kind of view, it can be said that, administration consists of only those kinds of managerial functions where the people are engaged in the overall performance of the people. It can be defined as the group of all those people who keeps the responsibility to have the administration in an effective manner and to run the same in an effective manner. According to Gullick, administrative process may be defined as something where the things are needed to be done in order to accomplish a given set of objectives. The job of the administration with this perspective is to organization each and every activity which are there in an organization in such a manner that the desirable results can be easily obtained (Griffiths, 1959).
  • 9. 9 Analysis of Administrative theory The above mentioned views which have been provided by the theorists different from one another largely. The integral view which has been provided by the administrative theories includes the activities which are being performed by each and every member who is a part of the administration and the managerial view is something which restricts them from a number of activities. Scope of Administrative theory In order to understand the scope of administration, Poscorb gave his view related to the subject matter of administration. According to the POSDCORB view, administration includes planning, organization, staffing, and direction, coordinating, reporting and budgeting. Planning may be defined as the process of working out on a specific plan which includes the outline of different kinds of things which may be implemented, the methods which are required to implement the plan (Stout, M., & Staton, 2011). Organization may be defined as the process which includes the proper establishment of a large number of formal structures which are related to the set of authority through which the work has been divided among different people, arranged as per the plan, defined among the people and coordinated. Another method is the process of staffing which includes the process related to staffing which includes the overall process related to recruitment and the training of a number of personal and the conditions related to work. Direction on the other hand may be defined as making a number of decisions and issuing the orders and instructions which are related to orders. Reporting is another part which includes the process of informing an agency where the execution has to be responsible about what exactly has been going on. Budgeting is another part of administration which includes the fixing of the budget for any process and also to control the accounting (Hodgkinson, 1996).
  • 10. 10 Analysis of Administrative theory According to the theorist Gullick, the POSDCORD view is something which is the important part of each and every nature related to the administration. Another view for the same is the Subject Matter view. It is similar to the integral view which specifies that the total sum of the activities related which are done in administration are vast. Importance of Administrative theory It is important to implement the administrative theory as it is one such instrument for the purpose of governance. It is important because it says to promote and preserve the activities related to the welfare of the human beings. It is something which has a huge impact on the people and their life. Thus, administrative theory is something which has a huge importance to the people and also the democracy. Administrative theory is something which defines the administration. It has a huge role on the life of the people. Administration is one such branch which connects the people more effectively than any other thing. Administration has a large number of departments including the employment exchanges, different industry based departments, medicine departments and other agricultural departments, which affects the citizens in some or the other manner. Because of the advancement of science in the present times, it is of huge importance to have the proper coordination between the other communities and the administration (Hodgkinson,1996). Another importance of the administrative theory is to study the ideas which are related to democracy including the progress of the nation, the prosperity and the protection of the common man. Administration theory further states that an administrator should be neutral in politics and
  • 11. 11 Analysis of Administrative theory should serve to the power in a faithful manner. This is one of the most important role of the administration and needs to possess the right skills and aptitude for getting along with the tasks related to administration (Sergiovanni et al, 1986). Another importance of the administrative is that it is important for the life of the people. Thus, it is also important that the people should be taught to be the part of administration. Administrative theory is important because the principles of the theory can be implied in the day to day world. It is the importance of the administrative theories which will help the administrator to conceive proper reasons and to ensure that he can give good arguments. It is something which would add to the richness of the mind. It is something which can comprehend to the different phenomenon which are related self-confidence. Thus, it can be specified that the administrative theory educate the administrators. A yet another importance of administrative theory is that it helps in the understanding of the nature of state, the social relations, the political culture and a number of other things. This is something which has a lot of impact over the people. With the help of administrative theory, it is easy to understand the principles of administration in an effective manner. Difference between the administration theory for public units and private units Though public and private administration theories are something which is very important elements of administration, but they have a number of differences. On one hand, private administration theories includes all those principles where the management is done by the private individual majorly for the purpose of earning profit while the primary motive of the public administration theory is to ensure that nation should grow in a proper manner (Sergiovanni &
  • 12. 12 Analysis of Administrative theory Corbally, 1986). While private administration includes the motive of earning more and more profit, the motive of public administration is the welfare of people. Another different is the service and cost related differences. In public administration there is a relation between different services which are provided by the government. There is no requirement to earn money from the same. While in private administration theories, they are more focused on how the money can be extracted from the public. Bureaucracy Bureaucracy may be defined as the process which can be used to define any specific system. This includes the creation of a proper hierarchy for the purpose of administration which includes a number of sections, divisions, bureaus and departments. Thus, bureaucracy may be defined as the system of administration which the expert civil servants does the administration related to the state and its affairs in a proper hierarchy. Bureaucracy may include different types such as guardian bureaucracy, caste based bureaucracy, patronage bureaucracy, and merit based bureaucracy. Thus, bureaucracy may be defined as the type of administrative organizations which includes a number of civil servants for a proper aggrandizement. This can be determined as the indispensable in the democratic system of government. Conclusion Administration is one of the most important process for a nation or an organization. Be it a private administration or a public administration, it is something which holds primary importance. A large number of administrative theories has been defined by the scholars in order to ensure that the administration can be done in an effective manner. In this research paper, the
  • 13. 13 Analysis of Administrative theory study has been done on the theories of administration. Administrative theories are important for the proper administration of the state and to ensure that the administrators are able to do the administration in an effective manner. The importance of the theories of administration has been studied. In addition to this, the views of the scholars on the administration theories has been studied and analyzed. Other than this the nature of different kinds of administrative theories has been analyzed. Further, the scope of different theories of administration has been studied. Bureaucracy, on the other has also been analyzed as a part of the research. To conclude, it can be stated that administrative theories are important to ensure that the administrators are able to do the administration of the state in a proper manner and are necessary to take valuable decisions in an organizations. References Thompson, J. D. (2011). Organizations in action: Social science bases of administrative theory (Vol. 1). Transaction publishers. Griffiths, D. E. (1959). Administrative theory. Appleton-Century-Crofts. Stout, M., & Staton, C. M. (2011). The ontology of process philosophy in Follett's administrative theory. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 33(2), 268-292. Hodgkinson, C. (1996). Administrative philosophy: Values and motivations in administrative life.
  • 14. 14 Analysis of Administrative theory Griffiths, D. E. (1964). Administrative theory and change in organizations.Innovation in education, 425-36. Sergiovanni, T. J., & Corbally, J. E. (1986). Leadership and organizational culture: New perspectives on administrative theory and practice. University of Illinois Press. Wren, D. A., Bedeian, A. G., & Breeze, J. D. (2002). The foundations of Henri Fayol's administrative theory. Management Decision, 40(9), 906-918.