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Alternative Medicine
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Alternative Medicine
• What is Alternative Medicine?
• How can there be an alternative to
• Is there alternative chemistry, alternative
physics, biology?
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Alternative Medicine Defined
• Alternative has two possible meanings. Correctly
employed, it refers to methods that have equal value for a
particular purpose. (An example would be two antibiotics
capable of killing a particular organism.) When applied to
unproven methods, however, the term can be misleading
because methods that are unsafe or ineffective are not
reasonable alternatives to proven treatment. To emphasize
this fact, we place the word "alternative" in quotation
marks throughout this book whenever it is applied to
methods that are not based on established scientific
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Quackery Defined
• Quack originated during the Renaissance when
quicksilver or mercury was a popular remedy for
syphilis. Wandering peddlers known as
"quacksalvers" sold mercury ointment. They
would claim that their agents would cure all
diseases. The term was later shortened to
"quacks," who became a symbol of evil medical
practice. Dictionaries generally define "quack" as
a pretender to special health-related skills. This
definition implies an intent to deceive, which
would not fit promoters of unproven methods who
believe in what they are doing.
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Other Definitions
• Nontraditional incorrectly suggests that an unscientific
method is innovative, while falsely suggesting that the
scientific community is traditional (meaning staid, rigid
and close-minded). Actually, science is an antagonist of
traditional medicine as it destroys old myths and
establishes new approaches to healing. "Traditional" is
correctly used in reference to folk medicine. Folk healers,
not scientific healers, are the traditional ones. A
considerable amount of quackery stems from the
commercialization of traditional folk medicine and ancient
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Other Definitions
• Complementary and integrative are claimed to
synthesize standard and alternative methods, using the best
of both. However, no published data indicate the extent to
which practitioners who use these labels actually use
proven methods or the extent to which they burden
patients with useless methods. Typically these
practitioners employ a "heads-I-win, tails-you-lose"
strategy in which they claim credit for any improvement
experienced by the patient and blame standard treatments
for any negative effects. The result may be to undermine
the patient's confidence in standard care, reducing
compliance or having the patient wish to abandon it
altogether. Brought to you by
Other Definitions
• Holistic implies that an approach is special and
more complete because it treats the "whole
patient" and not just the disease. However, good
physicians have always paid attention to patients'
social and emotional concerns as well as their
physical problems.
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Important terms
• Fraud is defined in dictionaries as an intentional perversion of truth
for gain. The FDA has defined health fraud as promotion of an
unproven remedy for profit. Although the FDA definition eliminates
the question of intent, some people object to its use because ordinary
use of the term fraud implies an intent to deceive.
• Unscientific means contrary to scientific evidence.
• Nonscientific means not based on a scientific approach.
• Unconventional and unorthodox are used to avoid denunciation of
the method under consideration. Both of these words may falsely
imply that medical science is wed to established doctrine and is too
rigid. Brought to you by
Important Terms
• Cult is a health system based on dogma set forth by its promoter.
• Faddism is a generic term used to describe nutrition nonsense. Food
faddists are characterized by exaggerated beliefs in the role of diet and
nutrition in health and disease.
• Unproven has fewer negative connotations than most of the other
terms. It correctly implies that, under the rules of science, proponents
have the burden of proving that their methods work. Unproven
methods that appear logical and consistent with established knowledge
carry no connotation of quackery. However, methods that appear
illogical and in conflict with established knowledge should be
regarded with great suspicion and labeled more harshly.
• Questionable and dubious generally mean unproven but inconsistent
with established facts. The word "dubious" is used by critics who wish
to make it clear that they have a low opinion of the method under
consideration. Brought to you by
Important Terms
• Nontraditional incorrectly suggests that an
unscientific method is innovative, while falsely
suggesting that the scientific community is
traditional (meaning staid, rigid and close-
minded). Actually, science is an antagonist of
traditional medicine as it destroys old myths and
establishes new approaches to healing.
"Traditional" is correctly used in reference to folk
medicine. Folk healers, not scientific healers, are
the traditional ones. A considerable amount of
quackery stems from the commercialization of
traditional folk medicine and ancient dogma.
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Important Terms
• Complementary and integrative are claimed to
synthesize standard and alternative methods, using the
best of both. However, no published data indicate the
extent to which practitioners who use these labels
actually use proven methods or the extent to which they
burden patients with useless methods. Typically these
practitioners employ a "heads-I-win, tails-you-lose"
strategy in which they claim credit for any improvement
experienced by the patient and blame standard
treatments for any negative effects. The result may be to
undermine the patient's confidence in standard care,
reducing compliance or having the patient wish to
abandon it altogether. Brought to you by
Twenty-Five Ways to Spot
1. When Talking about Nutrients, They Tell Only Part of the
2. They Claim That Most Americans Are Poorly Nourished.
3. They Recommend "Nutrition Insurance" for Everyone.
4. They Say That Most Diseases Are Due to Faulty Diet
and Can Be Treated with "Nutritional" Methods.
5. They Allege That Modern Processing Methods and
Storage Remove all Nutritive Value from Our Food.
6. They Claim That Diet Is a Major Factor in Behavior.
7. They Claim That Fluoridation Is Dangerous.
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Twenty-Five Ways to Spot
8. They Claim That Soil Depletion and the Use of Pesticides and
"Chemical" Fertilizers Result in Food That Is Less Safe and Less
9. They Claim You Are in Danger of Being "Poisoned"
by Ordinary Food Additives and Preservatives.
10. They Charge That the Recommended Dietary Allowances
(RDAs) Have Been Set Too Low.
11. They Claim That under Everyday Stress, and in Certain
Diseases, Your Need for Nutrients Is Increased.
12. They Recommend "Supplements" and "Health Foods" for
Everyone. Brought to you by
Twenty-Five Ways to Spot
13. They Claim That "Natural" Vitamins are Better than
"Synthetic" Ones.
14. They Suggest That a Questionnaire Can Be Used
to Indicate Whether You Need Dietary Supplements.
15. They Say It Is Easy to Lose Weight.
16. They Promise Quick, Dramatic, Miraculous Results.
17. They Routinely Sell Vitamins and Other
"Dietary Supplements" as Part of Their Practice.
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Twenty-Five Ways to Spot
18. They Use Disclaimers Couched in Pseudomedical Jargon.
19. They Use Anecdotes and Testimonials to Support Their
20. They Claim That Sugar Is a Deadly Poison.
21. They Display Credentials Not Recognized
by Responsible Scientists or Educators.
22. They Offer to Determine Your Body's Nutritional State
with a Laboratory Test or a Questionnaire.
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Twenty-Five Ways to Spot
23. They Claim They Are Being Persecuted by
Orthodox Medicine and That Their Work Is Being
Suppressed Because It's Controversial.
24. They Warn You Not to Trust Your Doctor.
25. They Encourage Patients to Lend Political
Support to Their Treatment Methods.
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More Ploys That May Fool You
"We really care about you!"
Although being "cared about" may provide a powerful psychological
lift, it will not make a worthless remedy effective. It may also
encourage over-reliance on an inappropriate therapy.
"We treat the whole patient."
There is nothing wrong with giving due attention to a patient's lifestyle
and social and emotional concerns in addition to physical problems. In
fact, good physicians have always done this. Today, however, most
practitioners who label themselves "holistic" are engaged in quackery
and embrace the term as a marketing tool. Few actually "treat the
whole patient."
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More Ploys That May Fool You
"No side effects"
"Alternative" methods are often described as safer, gentler, and/or without side
effects. If this were true -- and often it is not -- their "remedy" would be too
weak to have any effect. Any medication potent enough to help people will be
potent enough to cause side effects. FDA approval requires evidence that the
likelihood of benefit far exceeds the probable harm.
"We attack the cause of disease."
Quacks claim that whatever they do will not only cure the ailment but will
also prevent future trouble. This claim is false. Illness can result from many
factors, both internal and external, some of which have been identified and
some of which are unknown. Scientific medical care can prevent certain
diseases and reduce the odds of getting various others.
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More Ploys That May Fool You
"We treat medicine's failures."
It is often suggested that people seek "alternatives" because doctors
are brusque, and that if doctors were more attentive, their patients
would not turn to quacks. It is true that this sometimes happens, but
most quackery does not involve medical care. Blaming doctors for
quackery's persistence is like blaming astronomers for the popularity
of astrology. Some people's needs exceed what ethical, scientific
health care can provide. Some harbor deep-seated antagonism toward
medical care and the concept of a scientific method. But the main
reason for quackery's success is its ability to seduce people who are
unsuspecting, gullible, or desperate. Several years ago, a survey done
in New Zealand found that most cancer patients who used
"alternative" therapies were satisfied with their medical care and
regarded "alternative" care only as a supplement [1]. A more recent
study found that only 4.4% of those surveyed reported relying
primarily on alternative therapies. The author concluded:Brought to you by
Signs of a Quack Device
• It is said to use little-known energies that are undetectable
by ordinary scientists.
• It can diagnose or cure people living miles away.
• It has a convoluted yet scientific-sounding name.
• It was invented by a "world famous" doctor that is not
actually well known.
• It has bright lights that serve no apparent purpose.
• It has knobs and dials that serve no practical purpose.
• It shakes, rattles, rolls, sucks, shocks, or warms your body.
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Signs of a Quack Device
• It supposedly can cure just about anything.
• It is available only through the mail or at special outlets.
• You can't find one at a regular doctor's office.
• The manufacturer isn't exactly sure how or why it works.
• To get results, the patient must face a certain direction or
use the device only at unusual times.
• You're supposed to use it even if there's nothing wrong
with you.
• The FDA has outlawed it.
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Alex Chiu- Exemplar of Quackery
• Why does Alex Chiu teach people how to build their own Immortality
Devices? Why does Alex Chiu give out FREE Immortality Devices?
• ANSWER: Once a while, some nice hearted people will spend some money and buy
the devices from me. I don't need so much money. All I need is enough money to pay
for rent and food. I believe that the Immortality Device is the most important invention
in human history. But now, so many people are laughing at it. This invention is so
incredible, it makes people laugh. But this invention is so important to me. So I am
teaching everyone how to build the device. I am also giving the devices out for free. I
think it's very important to educate people about this new invention. I don't want this
invention to be forgotten because this invention is the most important invention in
human history. I must educate everyone and make sure everyone knows how important
this invention is.
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• In business since 1996.
• TV stations refuse to let me sell this product on TV. Radio
stations do not want to air my commercial. Government
agencies and giant drug companies ignore this invention.
They fear and hate this new invention. The only place
where I can sell physical immortality is on the internet.
• Immortality Device
• Stops aging permanently!!
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What do you think rapture is? Answer: Ones who believe
shall not perish and will have everlasting life. Immortality
Device is believed to allow humans to stay physically
young forever. US PATENT # 5,989,178. The most important
invention in human history. SEE OUR
TESTIMONIALS HERE! Alex Chiu knows what causes
you to age and hereby discovered a great solution to stop
you from aging. See how to make the Immortality Device
* Attention! You can also receive FREE Immortality Rings if
you help me out!
Actually, the best way to find out the truth is to search for 'Alex
Chiu's immortality rings testimonial' on Yahoo or Google. My
invention is very famous, and millions of people are already
using it. (They either made their own rings or bought the
devices from me.) The search engine tells the entire truth.
So do your own research on search engines.
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• Why does Alex Chiu teach people how to build their own
Immortality Devices?
• Why does Alex Chiu give out FREE Immortality Devices?
• ANSWER: Once a while, some nice hearted people will spend some
money and buy the devices from me. I don't need so much money.
All I need is enough money to pay for rent and food. I believe that the
Immortality Device is the most important invention in human history.
But now, so many people are laughing at it. This invention is so
incredible, it makes people laugh. But this invention is so important to
me. So I am teaching everyone how to build the device. I am also
giving the devices out for free. I think it's very important to educate
people about this new invention. I don't want this invention to be
forgotten because this invention is the most important invention in
human history. I must educate everyone and make sure everyone
knows how important this invention is. Brought to you by
Common Misconceptions About
• Although most Americans are harmed by quackery, few
perceive it as a serious problem and even fewer are
interested in trying to do anything about it. Many
misconceptions appear to contribute to this situation:
• Misconception #1: Quackery is easy to spot. Quackery
is far more difficult to spot than most people realize.
Modern promoters use scientific jargon that can fool
people not familiar with the concepts being discussed.
Even health professionals can have difficulty in
separating fact from fiction in fields unrelated to their
expertise. Brought to you by
• Misconception #2: Personal experience is the best way to
tell whether something works. When you feel better after
having used a product or procedure, it is natural to give
credit to whatever you have done. This can be misleading,
however, because most ailments resolve themselves and
those that don't can have variable symptoms. Even serious
conditions can have sufficient day-to-day variation to
enable quack methods to gain large followings. In
addition, taking action often produces temporary relief of
symptoms (a placebo effect). For these reasons, controlled
scientific studies are usually necessary to establish whether
health methods actually work.
Common Misconceptions About
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Common Misconceptions About
• Misconception #3: Most victims of quackery are easy to fool.
Individuals who buy one diet book or "magic" diet pill after another
are indeed gullible. And so are many people who follow whatever fads
are in vogue. But the majority of quackery's victims are merely
unsuspecting. People tend to believe what they hear the most. And
quack ideas -- particularly about nutrition -- are everywhere. Another
large group of quackery's victims is composed of individuals who
have serious or chronic diseases that make them feel desperate enough
to try anything that offers hope. Alienated people -- many of whom are
paranoid -- form another victim group. These people tend to believe
that our food supply is unsafe; that drugs do more harm than good; and
that doctors, drug companies, large food companies, and government
agencies are not interested in protecting the public. Such beliefs make
them vulnerable to those who offer foods and healing approaches
alleged to be "natural." Brought to you by
Common Misconceptions About
• Misconception #4: Quackery's victims deserve what they
get. This is based on the idea that people who are gullible
should "know better" and therefore deserve whatever they
get. This feeling is a major reason why journalists,
enforcement officials, judges, and legislators seldom give
priority to combating quackery. As noted above, however,
most victims are not gullible. Nor do people deserve to
suffer or die because of ignorance or desperation.
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Common Misconceptions About
• Misconception #5: All quacks are frauds and crooks.
Quackery is often discussed as though all of its promoters
are engaged in deliberate deception. This is untrue.
Promoters of mail-order quackery are almost always hit-
and-run artists who know their products are fakes but hope
to profit before the Postal Service shuts them down. But
most other promoters of quackery seem to be true
believers, zealots, and devotees whose problem is lack of
criticism -- a failure to apply skepticism to the favored
therapy, very much like a religious person who blindly
accepts "the faith."
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Common Misconceptions About
• Misconception #6: Most quackery is dangerous. Quackery can
seriously harm or kill people by inducing them to abandon or delay
effective treatment for serious conditions. It can also wreck the life of
people who are so thoroughly misled that they devote themselves to
promoting the methods and welfare of the quack. Although the
number of people harmed in these ways cannot be determined, it is not
large enough or obvious enough to arouse a general public outcry.
Most victims of quackery are harmed economically rather than
physically. Moreover, many people believe that an unscientific method
has helped them. In most cases, they have confused cause-and-effect
and coincidence. But sometimes an unproven approach actually
relieves emotionally related symptoms by lowering the person's
tension level.
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Common Misconceptions About
• Misconception #7: "Minor" forms of quackery are harmless. Quackery
involving small sums of money and no physical harm is often viewed as
harmless. Examples are "nutrition insurance" with vitamin pills and wearing a
copper bracelet for arthritis. But their use indicates confusion on the part of
the user and vulnerability to more serious forms of quackery. There is also
harm to society. Money wasted on quackery would be better spent for
research, but much of it goes into the pockets of people (such as vitamin
pushers) who are spreading misinformation and trying to weaken consumer
protection laws.
• Misconception #8: Government protects us. Although various government
agencies are involved in fighting quackery, most don't give it sufficient
priority to be effective. Moreover, the agencies involved lack a coordinated
plan to maximize their effectiveness.
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• 1997/88 ITALY
• COST: UP TO $5000 / MONTH
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Natural Substances are Poisonous
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Common Misconceptions About
• Misconception #9: Quackery's success represents medicine's failure.
It is often suggested that people turn to quacks when doctors are
brusque with them, and that if doctors were more attentive, their
patients would not turn to quacks. It is true that this sometimes
happens, but most quackery does not involve medical care. Doctors
should pay attention to the emotions of their patients and make a
special effort to explain things to them. But blaming medicine for
quackery is like considering the success of astrology the fault of
astronomy. Some people's needs exceed what ethical, scientific health
care can provide. The main reason for quackery's success is its ability
to seduce unsuspecting people. Several years ago a survey done in
New Zealand found that most cancer patients who used "alternative"
therapies were satisfied with their medical care and regarded
"alternative" care only as a supplement.
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Common Misconceptions About
• Misconception #10: "Alternative" methods have moved toward the
scientific mainstream. In 1991, Congress passed a law ordering the
National Institutes of Health (NIH) to establish an office (now called
the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
(NCCAM) to foster research into unconventional practices. It remains
to be seen whether any useful research will be done as a result.
Meanwhile, of course, "alternative" proponents have been labeling the
very establishment of the NIH office as "scientific acceptance" -- and
media outlets have been repeating this claim without bothering to
investigate whether it is true.
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Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked
• Promoters of quackery know how to appeal to
every aspect of human vulnerability. What sells is
not the quality of their products but their ability to
influence their audience. Here are ten strategies to
avoid being quacked:
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Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked
1. Remember that quackery seldom looks outlandish.
Its promoters often use scientific terms and quote (or misquote) from
scientific references. Some actually have reputable scientific training
but have gone astray.
2. Ignore any practitioner who says that most diseases are caused
by faulty nutrition or can be remedied by taking supplements.
Although some diseases are related to diet, most are not. Moreover, in
most cases where diet actually is a factor in a person's health problem,
the solution is not to take vitamins but to alter the diet.
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Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked
3. Be wary of anecdotes and testimonials.
If someone claims to have been helped by an unorthodox remedy, ask
yourself and possibly your doctor whether there might be another
explanation. Most single episodes of disease recover with the passage
of time, and most chronic ailments have symptom-free periods. Most
people who give testimonials about recovery from cancer have
undergone effective treatment as well as unorthodox treatment, but
give credit to the latter. Some testimonials are complete fabrications.
4. Be wary of pseudomedical jargon.
Instead of offering to treat your disease, some quacks will promise to
"detoxify" your body, "balance" its chemistry, release its "nerve
energy," or "bring it in harmony with nature," or to correct supposed
"weaknesses" of various organs. The use of concepts that are
impossible to measure enables success to be claimed even though
nothing has actually been accomplished. Brought to you by
Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked
5. Don't fall for paranoid accusations.
Unconventional practitioners often claim that the medical
profession, drug companies, and the government are
conspiring to suppress whatever method they espouse. No
evidence to support such a theory has ever been
demonstrated. It also flies in the face of logic to believe
that large numbers of people would oppose the
development of treatment methods that might someday
help themselves or their loved ones.
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Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked
6. Forget about "secret cures."
True scientists share their knowledge as part of the
process of scientific development. Quacks may
keep their methods secret to prevent others from
demonstrating that they don't work. No one who
actually discovered a cure would have reason to
keep it secret. If a method works-especially for a
serious disease-the discoverer would gain
enormous fame, fortune and personal satisfaction
by sharing the discovery with others.
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Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked
7. Be wary of herbal remedies.
Herbs are promoted primarily through literature based on
hearsay, folklore and tradition. As medical science
developed, it became apparent that most herbs did not
deserve good reputations, and most that did were replaced
by synthetic compounds that are more effective. Many
herbs contain hundreds or even thousands of chemicals
that have not been completely cataloged. While some may
turn out to be useful, others could well prove toxic. With
safe and effective treatment available, treatment with herbs
rarely makes sense.
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Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked
8. Be skeptical of any product claimed to be effective
against a wide range of unrelated diseases-particularly
diseases that are serious.
There is no such thing as a panacea or "cure-all."
• 9. Ignore appeals to your vanity.
One of quackery's most powerful appeals is the suggestion
to "think for yourself" instead of following the collective
wisdom of the scientific community. A similar appeal is
the idea that although a remedy has not been proven to
work for other people, it still might work for you.
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Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked
10. Don't let desperation cloud your judgment!
If you feel that your doctor isn't doing enough to
help you, or if you have been told that your
condition is incurable and don't wish to accept this
fate without a struggle, don't stray from scientific
health care in a desperate attempt to find a
solution. Instead, discuss your feelings with your
doctor and consider a consultation with a
recognized expert.
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Why Bogus Therapies Often Seem to Work
1. The disease may have run its natural course.
2. Many diseases are cyclical.
3. The placebo effect may be responsible.
4. People who hedge their bets credit the wrong thing.
5. The original diagnosis or prognosis may have been incorrect.
6. Temporary mood improvement can be confused with cure.
7. Psychological needs can distort what people perceive and do.
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Case History-Debbie Benson
• My good friend Debbie Benson died July 15,
1997, at age fifty-five. I had known her for
thirty years. Her official diagnosis was breast
cancer, but she was really a victim of
quackery. Conventional treatment might have
saved her, but she rejected the advice of her
oncologist and went to "natural healers."
• Debbie was a registered nurse at the Kaiser
hospital in Portland, Oregon, but she had a
deep distrust of standard medical practice.
She didn't have a mammogram for nine years,
and when she did -- in March 1996 -- it
showed a cancerous lump in her breast. She
had the lump removed, but she refused the
additional treatment her doctor
recommended. Instead she went to a
naturopath who gave her -- among other
things -- some "Pesticide Removal
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Case History-Debbie Benson
• Soon after that, lymph nodes swelled in
Debbie's armpit. The naturopath said that this
was merely the effect of the herbal remedies he
was giving her and not to worry. Belatedly, she
returned to her oncologist at Kaiser hospital,
where the lymph nodes were biopsied and
found to be cancerous. Once again, she refused
the recommended treatment. Unfortunately, the
cancer was spreading throughout her body.
• Debbie continued to patronize "alternative
healers" in the Portland area. One even claimed
to diagnose her with a pendulum! She found
another lump in her breast, but the cancer had
invaded her liver and was no longer treatable
by standard methods.
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Case History-Debbie Benson
• During the last weeks of her life,
another naturopath gave Debbie a
skin preparation that was supposed
to draw the tumor out of her. This
stuff caused an ugly open sore on
her breast. By this time, her liver
was failing and she felt awful. The
naturopath told Debbie she was
feeling bad as a result of this
medicine, and to get more sleep.
When Debbie became too weak to
get out of bed and the imminence
of her death was obvious, the
naturopath blamed Debbie's turn
for the worse on "giving up."
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Case History- Matthew swan
• Matthew Swan, age 16 months, died of spinal
meningitis in 1977 in Detroit, Michigan. His
parents, Doug and Rita Swan, both lifelong
Christian Scientists, retained Christian Science
practitioners for spiritual "treatments."
• Christian Science contends that illness is an
illusion caused by faulty beliefs, and that prayer
heals by replacing bad thoughts with good ones.
Christian Science practitioners work by trying to
argue the sick thoughts out of the person's mind.
In Matthew's case, the practitioners repeatedly
said they were healing him and interpreted his
symptoms as evidence of healing. For example,
one practitioner who observed the baby's
convulsions said he might be "gritting his teeth"
because he was "planning some great
achievement." The practitioners demanded more
faith and gratitude from the Swans. They
complained that the Swans' fears and other sins
were obstructing their treatment.
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Case History- Matthew swan
• After nearly two weeks of serious
illness, a practitioner said Matthew
might have a broken bone and that
Christian Scientists are allowed to
go to doctors for setting of broken
bones. The Swans took Matthew to
a hospital, where the disease was
diagnosed as Hemophilus influenza
meningitis. He lived for a week in
intensive care. The Christian
Science practitioners would not
pray for him while he had medical
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• 1997/88 ITALY
• COST: UP TO $5000 / MONTH
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Dietary Supplements
Blue-Green Algae
• Blue-green algae (one of eleven groups of algae) are microscopic plants that
grow mainly in brackish ponds and lakes throughout the world. Of the more
than 1500 known species, some are useful as food, while others have been
reported to cause gastroenteritis and hepatitis. Spirulina entered the limelight
in 1981 when The National Enquirer promoted it as an "all natural," "safe diet
pill" that contains phenylalanine (an amino acid), which "acts directly on the
appetite center." The article also said it was "an incredible 65% protein,
making it the most protein-packed food in the world."
• These claims are bunkum. The FDA has concluded that there is no evidence
that spirulina (or phenylalanine) is effective as an appetite suppressant. The
FDA has also noted that the "65% protein" claim is meaningless because,
taken according to their label, spirulina products provide only negligible
amounts of protein.
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Dietary Supplements
Blue-Green Algae
• At the trial on January 9, 1986, the government introduced additional
evidence of the widespread use of blue-green algae Manna products,
and of the therapeutic claims that were made for these products. Victor
Kollman denied that he had made therapeutic claims. . . . Nevertheless
he continued to claim his product has a beneficial effect on the human
body . . . as a food, and not a drug. The government showed that taken
at the recommended dosage of 1.5 grams, its value as a nutrient is
negligible. Further, the cost of the defendant's products, which exceeds
$300 per pound, is so high as compared to other sources of the same
nutrients that it is apparent that these products are not intended to be
used as a food.
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Dietary Supplements
Blue-Green Algae
• Spirulina / Blue Green Algae
• The Spirulina is Earth's oldest living plant (3.6 billion years ago) and first photosynthetic
life form that created our oxygen atmosphere so all life could evolve. Spirulina is the
most nutritious, concentrated food known to man containing antioxidants,
phytonutrients, probiotics, and nutraceuticals. Spirulina is the best whole food source of
protein, betacarotene, GLA, B Vitamins, minerals, chlorophill, sulfolipids, glyco-lipids,
super oxide dimustase, phycocyanin, enzymes, RNA, DNA, and supplies many nutrients
that are lacking in most people's diets.
• Aging Alcoholism Allergies Anemia Anti-aging Arthritis Breast
cancer Cancer Cardiovascular diseaseDepression Diets Drug abuse
Eczema Energy Eye problems Food supplement General nutrition Goiter Gout Mercury
poisoning Heavy metal poisoning Hypoglycemia Immune problemsLiver disease
• Nutrition Obesity Ovarian cancer Pancreatitis Senility Skin careSkin
problems Stress Ulcers Weighloss
• Youthfulness Brought to you by
Spirulina: Health Food or
• Low protein source
• For instance, it’s claimed that spirulina is a rich source of protein. True, the plant
contains 62 - 68% protein but you’ll spend less by eating white fish which has 97%
protein, chicken (80%) or white lean beef (79%). Moreover, the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) said most spirulina products provide only negligible amounts of
protein when taken as directed by their labels. Some products advertised as spirulina
have no spirulina at all.
• Another sales pitch is that spirulina is packed with vitamins. But nutritionists say you’ll
get more vitamins from broccoli and other green vegetables.
• Dieters may be enticed by ads which say spirulina only has 3.9 calories per gram. They
may be surprised to know that sugar contains 4 calories to the gram while bread has only
2 calories per gram. Both are cheaper than spirulina.
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Spirulina: Health Food or
• Contaminated
• Because it has a considerable amount of vitamin B12, spirulina is usually recommended
to strict vegetarians who can’t get this vitamin from plant sources. But Dr. Varro Tyler, a
world renowned authority on herbs at Purdue University, said spirulina’s vitamin B12
content is due mainly to contamination with insect or animal fecal matter. This is not
surprising since spirulina grows in open lakes and ponds and is not thoroughly washed
before it’s dried.
• In Health Schemes, Scams and Frauds, Dr. Stephen Barrett, a psychiatrist and board
member of the National Council Against Health Fraud, Inc. said an FDA analysis of one
popular product called Blue Green Manna contained "15 whole or equivalent adult flies,
164 adult fly fragments, 41 whole or equivalent maggots, 59 maggot fragments, one ant,
five ant fragments, one adult cicada, one cicada pupa, 763 insect fragments, nine ticks,
four mites, 1,000 ostracods, two rat or mouse hairs, four bird feathers, six bird-feather
barbules, and 10,500 water fleas." Some strains of spirulina also have toxins that can
cause nausea, diarrhea and throat infections.
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Toxic Algae Causes Tumors,
• "In test animals injection of the toxic algae causes tumors, and larger
doses can cause death within minutes. Batches of contaminated
spirulina have been seized by the FDA. Since the toxins are not
routinely tested for by all manufacturers, it would seem that using the
algae is like playing Russian roulette," according to nutritionist Kurt
Butler in A Consumer’s Guide to Alternative Medicine.
• Spirulina promoters are apparently aware of this but tell their
customers that these side effects are signs that their products are
working and "cleansing" the body. In truth, you’re probably poisoning
yourself without knowing it.
Brought to you by
• Modern Naturopathy was founded by Dr. Benedict Lust (pronounced "Loost"),
M.D. and D.O. (doctor of Osteopathy), in 1896. Dr. Lust combined ancient
natural therapies with hydrotherapy and eclectic medicine to create the discipline
of Naturopathy. The philosophy of naturopathic medicine is to heal in harmony
with the natural functions of the body without harm. Naturopathic physicians
direct treatments designed to support and restore the natural healing
mechanisms of the body. There is a growing body of medical research to
validate these principles. There were many naturopathic practitioners early in the
20th Century, but after WWII, with the advent of antibiotics and other "miracle
drugs" and the increased reliance on high tech heroic interventions, the number
of practitioners waned. Natural medicine was thought to be old fashioned.
• The motto of mid-century America was "better living through chemistry". There
was little money in natural products that could not be trademarked or patented.
Even though many of these herbal, homeopathic, and natural remedies were
very effective , quite frankly, they weren't profitable from a pharmaceutical
company's point of view. As a result of this decline and pressure by the AMA
(American Medical Association), many states repealed licensing laws due to
Brought to you by
The San Francisco Medical Research Foundation
Board of Advisors
• C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Founder and President, American Holistic Medical
• Richard Kunin M.D. ,Founder The Orthomolecular Medical Society Society
• Leonard Horowitz, Ph.D. Author: Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola - Nature, Accident, or
• Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati Ph.D Author: HIV Does Not Cause AIDS
• Jonathan Collins, M.D., Editor, Townsend Newsletter for Doctors
• Elson Haas, M.D. , Author
• Richard Shames M.D., Author
• Ann Spencer, Ph.D., President , International Medical Hypnotherapy Association
• Stephen Levine, Ph.D. Director of Research Nutricology, Inc.
• John Downing, Ph.D., O.D.
• Michael P. Joseph, D.C.
• Raphael Rettner D.C.
• William Lavelle O.M.D. L.A.c.
• William Cunningham B.A. C.BT. Director: White Dove Healing Clinic
• Mark Becker, Publisher New Life Magazine Brought to you by
The San Francisco Medical Research Foundation
Board of Advisors
• Scott Minor, Editor Well Being Journal
• Bernice Strock, Editor Publisher ìTo Your Health Magazineí
• Paul English, Publisher Free Spirit Magazine
• Iasos, Artist Musician
• Ivan Dryer, President Laser Images Inc.
• Michael Hutchinson Author, ìMegaBrainî
• Patricia Kramer, Director World School of Massage and Advanced
Healing Techniques
• Ursala Hanrahan, Spiritual Healer
• Rev. Harpreet Sandhu, M.S., CHT,
• President, Inner Revelations Inc.
• Mark Johnson, C.E.O. Trinity Water
Brought to you by
The Ligth Party and Da-Vid
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Do Viruses Cause Disease?
• Dear Karl,
• My doctor tells me that the HIV (virus) is the cause of AIDS and that other diseases are
also caused by viruses.
• I'd like to hear what you think.
• Thanks,
• Helen
• ------------------------------------------------------------------------
• Dear Helen,
• You can't imagine how deep and how philosophical that question is.
• The word "cause" is the key to the question -- and the answer.
• When you drop a stone on your foot -- and it hurts, what is the cause?
• Most people would probably say that the stone caused the pain.
• But, if you really think about it you'd probably realize that the stone is not the true
cause, only a tool, and that it is you, yourself, who is the cause of the pain. It was you
who dropped the stone on your foot, so you are the cause of the pain.
• It seems more clear when the "tool" being used is part of your body.
• You hit a guy in the face with your fist! He bleeds! Brought to you by
Do Viruses Cause Disease?
• Would you say that "Helen hit him in the face!" or "Helen's hand hit him
in the face!” Your hand is not "you" but is certainly part of you.
• The stone is not even "part" of you, but it is simply a tool that "you" used
when you dropped it on your foot.
• It was a mistake? OK, but "who" made the mistake, and how can a
"mistake," suddenly, cause the stone to become cause?
• I've thought a great deal about this and actually wrote on this subject
years ago.
• I invite you to look at an article I wrote, recently revised, called: "Let's
Kill Stones!"
• The idea of "killing" stones seems foolish, and it is. But the same label of
"foolish" is hardly ever applied when instead of "stone" you speak of the
"virus." The virus is no more alive than a stone, and therefore cannot
cause anything.
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Growth Hormone Scams
• The Bottom Line
• Although growth hormone levels decline with age, it has
not been proven that trying to maintain the levels that exist
in young persons is beneficial. Considering the high cost,
significant side effects, and lack of proven effectiveness,
HGH shots appear to be a very poor investment. So called
"growth-hormone releasers," oral "growth hormone," and
"homeopathic HGH" products are fakes.
Brought to you by
Growth Hormone Scams
• Human growth hormone (HGH) is a substance secreted by the
pituitary gland that promotes growth during childhood and
adolescence. Growth hormone acts on the liver and other tissues
to stimulate production of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I),
which is responsible for the growth-promoting effects of growth
hormone and also reflects the amount produced. Blood levels of
circulating IGF-I tend to decrease as people age or become obese
[1]. Many marketers would like you to believe that boosting HGH
blood levels can reduce body fat; build muscle; improve sex life,
sleep quality, vision and memory; restore hair growth and color;
strengthen the immune system; normalize blood sugar; increase
energy; and "turn back your body's biological clock." This article
traces the history of these claims and why you should disregard
Brought to you by
Growth Hormone Scams
• In 1990, The New England Journal of Medicine published a study
that attracted mainstream media attention. The study involved 12
men, aged 61 to 81, who were apparently healthy but had IGF-I
levels below those found in normal young men. The 12 men were
given growth hormone injections three times a week for six months
and compared with 9 men who received no treatment. The treatment
resulted in a decrease in adipose (fatty) tissue and increases in lean
body (muscle) mass and lumbar spine density [11]. An
accompanying editorial warned that some of the subjects had
experienced side effects and that the long-range effects of
administering HGH to healthy adults were unknown. It also warned
that the hormone shots were expensive and that the study had not
examined whether the men who received the hormone had
substantially improved their muscle strength, mobility, or quality of
life [1].
Brought to you by
Growth Hormone Scams
• Despite the warning, the study inspired many offbeat
physicians to market themselves as "anti-aging
specialists." Many such physicians offer expensive tests
that supposedly determine the patient's "biological age,"
which they promise to lower with expensive hormone
shots and dietary supplements. In 2001, NBC's Dateline
showed what happened when a 57-year-old woman visited
a Cenegenics clinic in Las Vegas, Nevada, where she
underwent $1,500 worth of tests and was offered a
hormone and 40-pill-a-day supplement program that would
cost $1,500 a month. She was told that although she tested
at "age 54,"her hormone levels were "sub-optimal" and
that optimal would be the level of a 30-year -old [12].
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Growth Hormone Scams
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Alternative medicine

  • 2. Alternative Medicine • What is Alternative Medicine? • How can there be an alternative to medicine? • Is there alternative chemistry, alternative physics, biology? Brought to you by
  • 3. Alternative Medicine Defined • Alternative has two possible meanings. Correctly employed, it refers to methods that have equal value for a particular purpose. (An example would be two antibiotics capable of killing a particular organism.) When applied to unproven methods, however, the term can be misleading because methods that are unsafe or ineffective are not reasonable alternatives to proven treatment. To emphasize this fact, we place the word "alternative" in quotation marks throughout this book whenever it is applied to methods that are not based on established scientific knowledge. Brought to you by
  • 4. Quackery Defined • Quack originated during the Renaissance when quicksilver or mercury was a popular remedy for syphilis. Wandering peddlers known as "quacksalvers" sold mercury ointment. They would claim that their agents would cure all diseases. The term was later shortened to "quacks," who became a symbol of evil medical practice. Dictionaries generally define "quack" as a pretender to special health-related skills. This definition implies an intent to deceive, which would not fit promoters of unproven methods who believe in what they are doing. Brought to you by
  • 5. Other Definitions • Nontraditional incorrectly suggests that an unscientific method is innovative, while falsely suggesting that the scientific community is traditional (meaning staid, rigid and close-minded). Actually, science is an antagonist of traditional medicine as it destroys old myths and establishes new approaches to healing. "Traditional" is correctly used in reference to folk medicine. Folk healers, not scientific healers, are the traditional ones. A considerable amount of quackery stems from the commercialization of traditional folk medicine and ancient dogma. Brought to you by
  • 6. Other Definitions • Complementary and integrative are claimed to synthesize standard and alternative methods, using the best of both. However, no published data indicate the extent to which practitioners who use these labels actually use proven methods or the extent to which they burden patients with useless methods. Typically these practitioners employ a "heads-I-win, tails-you-lose" strategy in which they claim credit for any improvement experienced by the patient and blame standard treatments for any negative effects. The result may be to undermine the patient's confidence in standard care, reducing compliance or having the patient wish to abandon it altogether. Brought to you by
  • 7. Other Definitions • Holistic implies that an approach is special and more complete because it treats the "whole patient" and not just the disease. However, good physicians have always paid attention to patients' social and emotional concerns as well as their physical problems. Brought to you by
  • 8. Important terms • Fraud is defined in dictionaries as an intentional perversion of truth for gain. The FDA has defined health fraud as promotion of an unproven remedy for profit. Although the FDA definition eliminates the question of intent, some people object to its use because ordinary use of the term fraud implies an intent to deceive. • Unscientific means contrary to scientific evidence. • Nonscientific means not based on a scientific approach. • Unconventional and unorthodox are used to avoid denunciation of the method under consideration. Both of these words may falsely imply that medical science is wed to established doctrine and is too rigid. Brought to you by
  • 9. Important Terms • Cult is a health system based on dogma set forth by its promoter. • Faddism is a generic term used to describe nutrition nonsense. Food faddists are characterized by exaggerated beliefs in the role of diet and nutrition in health and disease. • Unproven has fewer negative connotations than most of the other terms. It correctly implies that, under the rules of science, proponents have the burden of proving that their methods work. Unproven methods that appear logical and consistent with established knowledge carry no connotation of quackery. However, methods that appear illogical and in conflict with established knowledge should be regarded with great suspicion and labeled more harshly. • Questionable and dubious generally mean unproven but inconsistent with established facts. The word "dubious" is used by critics who wish to make it clear that they have a low opinion of the method under consideration. Brought to you by
  • 10. Important Terms • Nontraditional incorrectly suggests that an unscientific method is innovative, while falsely suggesting that the scientific community is traditional (meaning staid, rigid and close- minded). Actually, science is an antagonist of traditional medicine as it destroys old myths and establishes new approaches to healing. "Traditional" is correctly used in reference to folk medicine. Folk healers, not scientific healers, are the traditional ones. A considerable amount of quackery stems from the commercialization of traditional folk medicine and ancient dogma. Brought to you by
  • 11. Important Terms • Complementary and integrative are claimed to synthesize standard and alternative methods, using the best of both. However, no published data indicate the extent to which practitioners who use these labels actually use proven methods or the extent to which they burden patients with useless methods. Typically these practitioners employ a "heads-I-win, tails-you-lose" strategy in which they claim credit for any improvement experienced by the patient and blame standard treatments for any negative effects. The result may be to undermine the patient's confidence in standard care, reducing compliance or having the patient wish to abandon it altogether. Brought to you by
  • 12. Twenty-Five Ways to Spot Quacks 1. When Talking about Nutrients, They Tell Only Part of the Story. 2. They Claim That Most Americans Are Poorly Nourished. 3. They Recommend "Nutrition Insurance" for Everyone. 4. They Say That Most Diseases Are Due to Faulty Diet and Can Be Treated with "Nutritional" Methods. 5. They Allege That Modern Processing Methods and Storage Remove all Nutritive Value from Our Food. 6. They Claim That Diet Is a Major Factor in Behavior. 7. They Claim That Fluoridation Is Dangerous. Brought to you by
  • 13. Twenty-Five Ways to Spot Quacks 8. They Claim That Soil Depletion and the Use of Pesticides and "Chemical" Fertilizers Result in Food That Is Less Safe and Less Nourishing. 9. They Claim You Are in Danger of Being "Poisoned" by Ordinary Food Additives and Preservatives. 10. They Charge That the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) Have Been Set Too Low. 11. They Claim That under Everyday Stress, and in Certain Diseases, Your Need for Nutrients Is Increased. 12. They Recommend "Supplements" and "Health Foods" for Everyone. Brought to you by
  • 14. Twenty-Five Ways to Spot Quacks 13. They Claim That "Natural" Vitamins are Better than "Synthetic" Ones. 14. They Suggest That a Questionnaire Can Be Used to Indicate Whether You Need Dietary Supplements. 15. They Say It Is Easy to Lose Weight. 16. They Promise Quick, Dramatic, Miraculous Results. 17. They Routinely Sell Vitamins and Other "Dietary Supplements" as Part of Their Practice. Brought to you by
  • 15. Twenty-Five Ways to Spot Quacks 18. They Use Disclaimers Couched in Pseudomedical Jargon. 19. They Use Anecdotes and Testimonials to Support Their Claims. 20. They Claim That Sugar Is a Deadly Poison. 21. They Display Credentials Not Recognized by Responsible Scientists or Educators. 22. They Offer to Determine Your Body's Nutritional State with a Laboratory Test or a Questionnaire. Brought to you by
  • 16. Twenty-Five Ways to Spot Quacks 23. They Claim They Are Being Persecuted by Orthodox Medicine and That Their Work Is Being Suppressed Because It's Controversial. 24. They Warn You Not to Trust Your Doctor. 25. They Encourage Patients to Lend Political Support to Their Treatment Methods. Brought to you by
  • 17. More Ploys That May Fool You "We really care about you!" Although being "cared about" may provide a powerful psychological lift, it will not make a worthless remedy effective. It may also encourage over-reliance on an inappropriate therapy. "We treat the whole patient." There is nothing wrong with giving due attention to a patient's lifestyle and social and emotional concerns in addition to physical problems. In fact, good physicians have always done this. Today, however, most practitioners who label themselves "holistic" are engaged in quackery and embrace the term as a marketing tool. Few actually "treat the whole patient." Brought to you by
  • 18. More Ploys That May Fool You "No side effects" "Alternative" methods are often described as safer, gentler, and/or without side effects. If this were true -- and often it is not -- their "remedy" would be too weak to have any effect. Any medication potent enough to help people will be potent enough to cause side effects. FDA approval requires evidence that the likelihood of benefit far exceeds the probable harm. "We attack the cause of disease." Quacks claim that whatever they do will not only cure the ailment but will also prevent future trouble. This claim is false. Illness can result from many factors, both internal and external, some of which have been identified and some of which are unknown. Scientific medical care can prevent certain diseases and reduce the odds of getting various others. Brought to you by
  • 19. More Ploys That May Fool You "We treat medicine's failures." It is often suggested that people seek "alternatives" because doctors are brusque, and that if doctors were more attentive, their patients would not turn to quacks. It is true that this sometimes happens, but most quackery does not involve medical care. Blaming doctors for quackery's persistence is like blaming astronomers for the popularity of astrology. Some people's needs exceed what ethical, scientific health care can provide. Some harbor deep-seated antagonism toward medical care and the concept of a scientific method. But the main reason for quackery's success is its ability to seduce people who are unsuspecting, gullible, or desperate. Several years ago, a survey done in New Zealand found that most cancer patients who used "alternative" therapies were satisfied with their medical care and regarded "alternative" care only as a supplement [1]. A more recent study found that only 4.4% of those surveyed reported relying primarily on alternative therapies. The author concluded:Brought to you by
  • 20. Signs of a Quack Device • It is said to use little-known energies that are undetectable by ordinary scientists. • It can diagnose or cure people living miles away. • It has a convoluted yet scientific-sounding name. • It was invented by a "world famous" doctor that is not actually well known. • It has bright lights that serve no apparent purpose. • It has knobs and dials that serve no practical purpose. • It shakes, rattles, rolls, sucks, shocks, or warms your body. Brought to you by
  • 21. Signs of a Quack Device • It supposedly can cure just about anything. • It is available only through the mail or at special outlets. • You can't find one at a regular doctor's office. • The manufacturer isn't exactly sure how or why it works. • To get results, the patient must face a certain direction or use the device only at unusual times. • You're supposed to use it even if there's nothing wrong with you. • The FDA has outlawed it. Brought to you by
  • 22. Alex Chiu- Exemplar of Quackery • Why does Alex Chiu teach people how to build their own Immortality Devices? Why does Alex Chiu give out FREE Immortality Devices? • ANSWER: Once a while, some nice hearted people will spend some money and buy the devices from me. I don't need so much money. All I need is enough money to pay for rent and food. I believe that the Immortality Device is the most important invention in human history. But now, so many people are laughing at it. This invention is so incredible, it makes people laugh. But this invention is so important to me. So I am teaching everyone how to build the device. I am also giving the devices out for free. I think it's very important to educate people about this new invention. I don't want this invention to be forgotten because this invention is the most important invention in human history. I must educate everyone and make sure everyone knows how important this invention is. Brought to you by
  • 23. • In business since 1996. • TV stations refuse to let me sell this product on TV. Radio stations do not want to air my commercial. Government agencies and giant drug companies ignore this invention. They fear and hate this new invention. The only place where I can sell physical immortality is on the internet. • Immortality Device • Stops aging permanently!! Brought to you by
  • 25. ALEX CHIU'S IMMORTALITY DEVICE .. What do you think rapture is? Answer: Ones who believe shall not perish and will have everlasting life. Immortality Device is believed to allow humans to stay physically young forever. US PATENT # 5,989,178. The most important invention in human history. SEE OUR TESTIMONIALS HERE! Alex Chiu knows what causes you to age and hereby discovered a great solution to stop you from aging. See how to make the Immortality Device yourself. * Attention! You can also receive FREE Immortality Rings if you help me out! Actually, the best way to find out the truth is to search for 'Alex Chiu's immortality rings testimonial' on Yahoo or Google. My invention is very famous, and millions of people are already using it. (They either made their own rings or bought the devices from me.) The search engine tells the entire truth. So do your own research on search engines. Brought to you by
  • 26. • Why does Alex Chiu teach people how to build their own Immortality Devices? • Why does Alex Chiu give out FREE Immortality Devices? • ANSWER: Once a while, some nice hearted people will spend some money and buy the devices from me. I don't need so much money. All I need is enough money to pay for rent and food. I believe that the Immortality Device is the most important invention in human history. But now, so many people are laughing at it. This invention is so incredible, it makes people laugh. But this invention is so important to me. So I am teaching everyone how to build the device. I am also giving the devices out for free. I think it's very important to educate people about this new invention. I don't want this invention to be forgotten because this invention is the most important invention in human history. I must educate everyone and make sure everyone knows how important this invention is. Brought to you by
  • 27. Common Misconceptions About Quackery • Although most Americans are harmed by quackery, few perceive it as a serious problem and even fewer are interested in trying to do anything about it. Many misconceptions appear to contribute to this situation: • Misconception #1: Quackery is easy to spot. Quackery is far more difficult to spot than most people realize. Modern promoters use scientific jargon that can fool people not familiar with the concepts being discussed. Even health professionals can have difficulty in separating fact from fiction in fields unrelated to their expertise. Brought to you by
  • 28. • Misconception #2: Personal experience is the best way to tell whether something works. When you feel better after having used a product or procedure, it is natural to give credit to whatever you have done. This can be misleading, however, because most ailments resolve themselves and those that don't can have variable symptoms. Even serious conditions can have sufficient day-to-day variation to enable quack methods to gain large followings. In addition, taking action often produces temporary relief of symptoms (a placebo effect). For these reasons, controlled scientific studies are usually necessary to establish whether health methods actually work. Common Misconceptions About Quackery Brought to you by
  • 29. Common Misconceptions About Quackery • Misconception #3: Most victims of quackery are easy to fool. Individuals who buy one diet book or "magic" diet pill after another are indeed gullible. And so are many people who follow whatever fads are in vogue. But the majority of quackery's victims are merely unsuspecting. People tend to believe what they hear the most. And quack ideas -- particularly about nutrition -- are everywhere. Another large group of quackery's victims is composed of individuals who have serious or chronic diseases that make them feel desperate enough to try anything that offers hope. Alienated people -- many of whom are paranoid -- form another victim group. These people tend to believe that our food supply is unsafe; that drugs do more harm than good; and that doctors, drug companies, large food companies, and government agencies are not interested in protecting the public. Such beliefs make them vulnerable to those who offer foods and healing approaches alleged to be "natural." Brought to you by
  • 30. Common Misconceptions About Quackery • Misconception #4: Quackery's victims deserve what they get. This is based on the idea that people who are gullible should "know better" and therefore deserve whatever they get. This feeling is a major reason why journalists, enforcement officials, judges, and legislators seldom give priority to combating quackery. As noted above, however, most victims are not gullible. Nor do people deserve to suffer or die because of ignorance or desperation. Brought to you by
  • 31. Common Misconceptions About Quackery • Misconception #5: All quacks are frauds and crooks. Quackery is often discussed as though all of its promoters are engaged in deliberate deception. This is untrue. Promoters of mail-order quackery are almost always hit- and-run artists who know their products are fakes but hope to profit before the Postal Service shuts them down. But most other promoters of quackery seem to be true believers, zealots, and devotees whose problem is lack of criticism -- a failure to apply skepticism to the favored therapy, very much like a religious person who blindly accepts "the faith." Brought to you by
  • 32. Common Misconceptions About Quackery • Misconception #6: Most quackery is dangerous. Quackery can seriously harm or kill people by inducing them to abandon or delay effective treatment for serious conditions. It can also wreck the life of people who are so thoroughly misled that they devote themselves to promoting the methods and welfare of the quack. Although the number of people harmed in these ways cannot be determined, it is not large enough or obvious enough to arouse a general public outcry. Most victims of quackery are harmed economically rather than physically. Moreover, many people believe that an unscientific method has helped them. In most cases, they have confused cause-and-effect and coincidence. But sometimes an unproven approach actually relieves emotionally related symptoms by lowering the person's tension level. Brought to you by
  • 33. Common Misconceptions About Quackery • Misconception #7: "Minor" forms of quackery are harmless. Quackery involving small sums of money and no physical harm is often viewed as harmless. Examples are "nutrition insurance" with vitamin pills and wearing a copper bracelet for arthritis. But their use indicates confusion on the part of the user and vulnerability to more serious forms of quackery. There is also harm to society. Money wasted on quackery would be better spent for research, but much of it goes into the pockets of people (such as vitamin pushers) who are spreading misinformation and trying to weaken consumer protection laws. • Misconception #8: Government protects us. Although various government agencies are involved in fighting quackery, most don't give it sufficient priority to be effective. Moreover, the agencies involved lack a coordinated plan to maximize their effectiveness. Brought to you by
  • 40. Natural Substances are Poisonous TOBACCO ARISTOLOCHIA CHAPARELLE GERMANDER EPHEDRA Brought to you by
  • 41. Common Misconceptions About Quackery • Misconception #9: Quackery's success represents medicine's failure. It is often suggested that people turn to quacks when doctors are brusque with them, and that if doctors were more attentive, their patients would not turn to quacks. It is true that this sometimes happens, but most quackery does not involve medical care. Doctors should pay attention to the emotions of their patients and make a special effort to explain things to them. But blaming medicine for quackery is like considering the success of astrology the fault of astronomy. Some people's needs exceed what ethical, scientific health care can provide. The main reason for quackery's success is its ability to seduce unsuspecting people. Several years ago a survey done in New Zealand found that most cancer patients who used "alternative" therapies were satisfied with their medical care and regarded "alternative" care only as a supplement. Brought to you by
  • 42. Common Misconceptions About Quackery • Misconception #10: "Alternative" methods have moved toward the scientific mainstream. In 1991, Congress passed a law ordering the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to establish an office (now called the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) to foster research into unconventional practices. It remains to be seen whether any useful research will be done as a result. Meanwhile, of course, "alternative" proponents have been labeling the very establishment of the NIH office as "scientific acceptance" -- and media outlets have been repeating this claim without bothering to investigate whether it is true. Brought to you by
  • 43. Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked • Promoters of quackery know how to appeal to every aspect of human vulnerability. What sells is not the quality of their products but their ability to influence their audience. Here are ten strategies to avoid being quacked: Brought to you by
  • 44. Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked 1. Remember that quackery seldom looks outlandish. Its promoters often use scientific terms and quote (or misquote) from scientific references. Some actually have reputable scientific training but have gone astray. 2. Ignore any practitioner who says that most diseases are caused by faulty nutrition or can be remedied by taking supplements. Although some diseases are related to diet, most are not. Moreover, in most cases where diet actually is a factor in a person's health problem, the solution is not to take vitamins but to alter the diet. Brought to you by
  • 45. Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked 3. Be wary of anecdotes and testimonials. If someone claims to have been helped by an unorthodox remedy, ask yourself and possibly your doctor whether there might be another explanation. Most single episodes of disease recover with the passage of time, and most chronic ailments have symptom-free periods. Most people who give testimonials about recovery from cancer have undergone effective treatment as well as unorthodox treatment, but give credit to the latter. Some testimonials are complete fabrications. 4. Be wary of pseudomedical jargon. Instead of offering to treat your disease, some quacks will promise to "detoxify" your body, "balance" its chemistry, release its "nerve energy," or "bring it in harmony with nature," or to correct supposed "weaknesses" of various organs. The use of concepts that are impossible to measure enables success to be claimed even though nothing has actually been accomplished. Brought to you by
  • 46. Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked 5. Don't fall for paranoid accusations. Unconventional practitioners often claim that the medical profession, drug companies, and the government are conspiring to suppress whatever method they espouse. No evidence to support such a theory has ever been demonstrated. It also flies in the face of logic to believe that large numbers of people would oppose the development of treatment methods that might someday help themselves or their loved ones. Brought to you by
  • 47. Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked 6. Forget about "secret cures." True scientists share their knowledge as part of the process of scientific development. Quacks may keep their methods secret to prevent others from demonstrating that they don't work. No one who actually discovered a cure would have reason to keep it secret. If a method works-especially for a serious disease-the discoverer would gain enormous fame, fortune and personal satisfaction by sharing the discovery with others. Brought to you by
  • 48. Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked 7. Be wary of herbal remedies. Herbs are promoted primarily through literature based on hearsay, folklore and tradition. As medical science developed, it became apparent that most herbs did not deserve good reputations, and most that did were replaced by synthetic compounds that are more effective. Many herbs contain hundreds or even thousands of chemicals that have not been completely cataloged. While some may turn out to be useful, others could well prove toxic. With safe and effective treatment available, treatment with herbs rarely makes sense. Brought to you by
  • 49. Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked 8. Be skeptical of any product claimed to be effective against a wide range of unrelated diseases-particularly diseases that are serious. There is no such thing as a panacea or "cure-all." • 9. Ignore appeals to your vanity. One of quackery's most powerful appeals is the suggestion to "think for yourself" instead of following the collective wisdom of the scientific community. A similar appeal is the idea that although a remedy has not been proven to work for other people, it still might work for you. • Brought to you by
  • 50. Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked 10. Don't let desperation cloud your judgment! If you feel that your doctor isn't doing enough to help you, or if you have been told that your condition is incurable and don't wish to accept this fate without a struggle, don't stray from scientific health care in a desperate attempt to find a solution. Instead, discuss your feelings with your doctor and consider a consultation with a recognized expert. Brought to you by
  • 51. Why Bogus Therapies Often Seem to Work 1. The disease may have run its natural course. 2. Many diseases are cyclical. 3. The placebo effect may be responsible. 4. People who hedge their bets credit the wrong thing. 5. The original diagnosis or prognosis may have been incorrect. 6. Temporary mood improvement can be confused with cure. 7. Psychological needs can distort what people perceive and do. Brought to you by
  • 52. Case History-Debbie Benson • My good friend Debbie Benson died July 15, 1997, at age fifty-five. I had known her for thirty years. Her official diagnosis was breast cancer, but she was really a victim of quackery. Conventional treatment might have saved her, but she rejected the advice of her oncologist and went to "natural healers." • Debbie was a registered nurse at the Kaiser hospital in Portland, Oregon, but she had a deep distrust of standard medical practice. She didn't have a mammogram for nine years, and when she did -- in March 1996 -- it showed a cancerous lump in her breast. She had the lump removed, but she refused the additional treatment her doctor recommended. Instead she went to a naturopath who gave her -- among other things -- some "Pesticide Removal Tinctures." Brought to you by
  • 53. Case History-Debbie Benson • Soon after that, lymph nodes swelled in Debbie's armpit. The naturopath said that this was merely the effect of the herbal remedies he was giving her and not to worry. Belatedly, she returned to her oncologist at Kaiser hospital, where the lymph nodes were biopsied and found to be cancerous. Once again, she refused the recommended treatment. Unfortunately, the cancer was spreading throughout her body. • Debbie continued to patronize "alternative healers" in the Portland area. One even claimed to diagnose her with a pendulum! She found another lump in her breast, but the cancer had invaded her liver and was no longer treatable by standard methods. Brought to you by
  • 54. Case History-Debbie Benson • During the last weeks of her life, another naturopath gave Debbie a skin preparation that was supposed to draw the tumor out of her. This stuff caused an ugly open sore on her breast. By this time, her liver was failing and she felt awful. The naturopath told Debbie she was feeling bad as a result of this medicine, and to get more sleep. When Debbie became too weak to get out of bed and the imminence of her death was obvious, the naturopath blamed Debbie's turn for the worse on "giving up." Brought to you by
  • 55. Case History- Matthew swan • Matthew Swan, age 16 months, died of spinal meningitis in 1977 in Detroit, Michigan. His parents, Doug and Rita Swan, both lifelong Christian Scientists, retained Christian Science practitioners for spiritual "treatments." • Christian Science contends that illness is an illusion caused by faulty beliefs, and that prayer heals by replacing bad thoughts with good ones. Christian Science practitioners work by trying to argue the sick thoughts out of the person's mind. In Matthew's case, the practitioners repeatedly said they were healing him and interpreted his symptoms as evidence of healing. For example, one practitioner who observed the baby's convulsions said he might be "gritting his teeth" because he was "planning some great achievement." The practitioners demanded more faith and gratitude from the Swans. They complained that the Swans' fears and other sins were obstructing their treatment. Brought to you by
  • 56. Case History- Matthew swan • After nearly two weeks of serious illness, a practitioner said Matthew might have a broken bone and that Christian Scientists are allowed to go to doctors for setting of broken bones. The Swans took Matthew to a hospital, where the disease was diagnosed as Hemophilus influenza meningitis. He lived for a week in intensive care. The Christian Science practitioners would not pray for him while he had medical care. Brought to you by
  • 58. Dietary Supplements Blue-Green Algae • Blue-green algae (one of eleven groups of algae) are microscopic plants that grow mainly in brackish ponds and lakes throughout the world. Of the more than 1500 known species, some are useful as food, while others have been reported to cause gastroenteritis and hepatitis. Spirulina entered the limelight in 1981 when The National Enquirer promoted it as an "all natural," "safe diet pill" that contains phenylalanine (an amino acid), which "acts directly on the appetite center." The article also said it was "an incredible 65% protein, making it the most protein-packed food in the world." • These claims are bunkum. The FDA has concluded that there is no evidence that spirulina (or phenylalanine) is effective as an appetite suppressant. The FDA has also noted that the "65% protein" claim is meaningless because, taken according to their label, spirulina products provide only negligible amounts of protein. Brought to you by
  • 59. Dietary Supplements Blue-Green Algae • At the trial on January 9, 1986, the government introduced additional evidence of the widespread use of blue-green algae Manna products, and of the therapeutic claims that were made for these products. Victor Kollman denied that he had made therapeutic claims. . . . Nevertheless he continued to claim his product has a beneficial effect on the human body . . . as a food, and not a drug. The government showed that taken at the recommended dosage of 1.5 grams, its value as a nutrient is negligible. Further, the cost of the defendant's products, which exceeds $300 per pound, is so high as compared to other sources of the same nutrients that it is apparent that these products are not intended to be used as a food. Brought to you by
  • 60. Dietary Supplements Blue-Green Algae • Spirulina / Blue Green Algae • The Spirulina is Earth's oldest living plant (3.6 billion years ago) and first photosynthetic life form that created our oxygen atmosphere so all life could evolve. Spirulina is the most nutritious, concentrated food known to man containing antioxidants, phytonutrients, probiotics, and nutraceuticals. Spirulina is the best whole food source of protein, betacarotene, GLA, B Vitamins, minerals, chlorophill, sulfolipids, glyco-lipids, super oxide dimustase, phycocyanin, enzymes, RNA, DNA, and supplies many nutrients that are lacking in most people's diets. : • Aging Alcoholism Allergies Anemia Anti-aging Arthritis Breast cancer Cancer Cardiovascular diseaseDepression Diets Drug abuse Eczema Energy Eye problems Food supplement General nutrition Goiter Gout Mercury poisoning Heavy metal poisoning Hypoglycemia Immune problemsLiver disease Mononucleosis • Nutrition Obesity Ovarian cancer Pancreatitis Senility Skin careSkin problems Stress Ulcers Weighloss • Youthfulness Brought to you by
  • 61. Spirulina: Health Food or Fraud? • Low protein source • For instance, it’s claimed that spirulina is a rich source of protein. True, the plant contains 62 - 68% protein but you’ll spend less by eating white fish which has 97% protein, chicken (80%) or white lean beef (79%). Moreover, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said most spirulina products provide only negligible amounts of protein when taken as directed by their labels. Some products advertised as spirulina have no spirulina at all. • Another sales pitch is that spirulina is packed with vitamins. But nutritionists say you’ll get more vitamins from broccoli and other green vegetables. • Dieters may be enticed by ads which say spirulina only has 3.9 calories per gram. They may be surprised to know that sugar contains 4 calories to the gram while bread has only 2 calories per gram. Both are cheaper than spirulina. Brought to you by
  • 62. Spirulina: Health Food or Fraud • Contaminated • Because it has a considerable amount of vitamin B12, spirulina is usually recommended to strict vegetarians who can’t get this vitamin from plant sources. But Dr. Varro Tyler, a world renowned authority on herbs at Purdue University, said spirulina’s vitamin B12 content is due mainly to contamination with insect or animal fecal matter. This is not surprising since spirulina grows in open lakes and ponds and is not thoroughly washed before it’s dried. • In Health Schemes, Scams and Frauds, Dr. Stephen Barrett, a psychiatrist and board member of the National Council Against Health Fraud, Inc. said an FDA analysis of one popular product called Blue Green Manna contained "15 whole or equivalent adult flies, 164 adult fly fragments, 41 whole or equivalent maggots, 59 maggot fragments, one ant, five ant fragments, one adult cicada, one cicada pupa, 763 insect fragments, nine ticks, four mites, 1,000 ostracods, two rat or mouse hairs, four bird feathers, six bird-feather barbules, and 10,500 water fleas." Some strains of spirulina also have toxins that can cause nausea, diarrhea and throat infections. Brought to you by
  • 63. Toxic Algae Causes Tumors, • "In test animals injection of the toxic algae causes tumors, and larger doses can cause death within minutes. Batches of contaminated spirulina have been seized by the FDA. Since the toxins are not routinely tested for by all manufacturers, it would seem that using the algae is like playing Russian roulette," according to nutritionist Kurt Butler in A Consumer’s Guide to Alternative Medicine. • Spirulina promoters are apparently aware of this but tell their customers that these side effects are signs that their products are working and "cleansing" the body. In truth, you’re probably poisoning yourself without knowing it. Brought to you by
  • 64. NATUROPATHY • • Modern Naturopathy was founded by Dr. Benedict Lust (pronounced "Loost"), M.D. and D.O. (doctor of Osteopathy), in 1896. Dr. Lust combined ancient natural therapies with hydrotherapy and eclectic medicine to create the discipline of Naturopathy. The philosophy of naturopathic medicine is to heal in harmony with the natural functions of the body without harm. Naturopathic physicians direct treatments designed to support and restore the natural healing mechanisms of the body. There is a growing body of medical research to validate these principles. There were many naturopathic practitioners early in the 20th Century, but after WWII, with the advent of antibiotics and other "miracle drugs" and the increased reliance on high tech heroic interventions, the number of practitioners waned. Natural medicine was thought to be old fashioned. • The motto of mid-century America was "better living through chemistry". There was little money in natural products that could not be trademarked or patented. Even though many of these herbal, homeopathic, and natural remedies were very effective , quite frankly, they weren't profitable from a pharmaceutical company's point of view. As a result of this decline and pressure by the AMA (American Medical Association), many states repealed licensing laws due to inactivity. Brought to you by
  • 65. The San Francisco Medical Research Foundation Board of Advisors • C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Founder and President, American Holistic Medical Association • Richard Kunin M.D. ,Founder The Orthomolecular Medical Society Society • Leonard Horowitz, Ph.D. Author: Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola - Nature, Accident, or Intentional? • Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati Ph.D Author: HIV Does Not Cause AIDS • Jonathan Collins, M.D., Editor, Townsend Newsletter for Doctors • Elson Haas, M.D. , Author • Richard Shames M.D., Author • Ann Spencer, Ph.D., President , International Medical Hypnotherapy Association • Stephen Levine, Ph.D. Director of Research Nutricology, Inc. • John Downing, Ph.D., O.D. • Michael P. Joseph, D.C. • Raphael Rettner D.C. • William Lavelle O.M.D. L.A.c. • William Cunningham B.A. C.BT. Director: White Dove Healing Clinic • Mark Becker, Publisher New Life Magazine Brought to you by
  • 66. The San Francisco Medical Research Foundation Board of Advisors • Scott Minor, Editor Well Being Journal • Bernice Strock, Editor Publisher ìTo Your Health Magazineí • Paul English, Publisher Free Spirit Magazine • Iasos, Artist Musician • Ivan Dryer, President Laser Images Inc. • Michael Hutchinson Author, ìMegaBrainî • Patricia Kramer, Director World School of Massage and Advanced Healing Techniques • Ursala Hanrahan, Spiritual Healer • Rev. Harpreet Sandhu, M.S., CHT, • President, Inner Revelations Inc. • Mark Johnson, C.E.O. Trinity Water Brought to you by
  • 67. The Ligth Party and Da-Vid • Brought to you by
  • 68. Do Viruses Cause Disease? • Dear Karl, • My doctor tells me that the HIV (virus) is the cause of AIDS and that other diseases are also caused by viruses. • I'd like to hear what you think. • Thanks, • Helen • ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Dear Helen, • You can't imagine how deep and how philosophical that question is. • The word "cause" is the key to the question -- and the answer. • When you drop a stone on your foot -- and it hurts, what is the cause? • Most people would probably say that the stone caused the pain. • But, if you really think about it you'd probably realize that the stone is not the true cause, only a tool, and that it is you, yourself, who is the cause of the pain. It was you who dropped the stone on your foot, so you are the cause of the pain. • It seems more clear when the "tool" being used is part of your body. • You hit a guy in the face with your fist! He bleeds! Brought to you by
  • 69. Do Viruses Cause Disease? • Would you say that "Helen hit him in the face!" or "Helen's hand hit him in the face!” Your hand is not "you" but is certainly part of you. • The stone is not even "part" of you, but it is simply a tool that "you" used when you dropped it on your foot. • It was a mistake? OK, but "who" made the mistake, and how can a "mistake," suddenly, cause the stone to become cause? • I've thought a great deal about this and actually wrote on this subject years ago. • I invite you to look at an article I wrote, recently revised, called: "Let's Kill Stones!" • The idea of "killing" stones seems foolish, and it is. But the same label of "foolish" is hardly ever applied when instead of "stone" you speak of the "virus." The virus is no more alive than a stone, and therefore cannot cause anything. Brought to you by
  • 70. Growth Hormone Scams • The Bottom Line • Although growth hormone levels decline with age, it has not been proven that trying to maintain the levels that exist in young persons is beneficial. Considering the high cost, significant side effects, and lack of proven effectiveness, HGH shots appear to be a very poor investment. So called "growth-hormone releasers," oral "growth hormone," and "homeopathic HGH" products are fakes. Brought to you by
  • 71. Growth Hormone Scams • Human growth hormone (HGH) is a substance secreted by the pituitary gland that promotes growth during childhood and adolescence. Growth hormone acts on the liver and other tissues to stimulate production of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), which is responsible for the growth-promoting effects of growth hormone and also reflects the amount produced. Blood levels of circulating IGF-I tend to decrease as people age or become obese [1]. Many marketers would like you to believe that boosting HGH blood levels can reduce body fat; build muscle; improve sex life, sleep quality, vision and memory; restore hair growth and color; strengthen the immune system; normalize blood sugar; increase energy; and "turn back your body's biological clock." This article traces the history of these claims and why you should disregard them. Brought to you by
  • 72. Growth Hormone Scams • In 1990, The New England Journal of Medicine published a study that attracted mainstream media attention. The study involved 12 men, aged 61 to 81, who were apparently healthy but had IGF-I levels below those found in normal young men. The 12 men were given growth hormone injections three times a week for six months and compared with 9 men who received no treatment. The treatment resulted in a decrease in adipose (fatty) tissue and increases in lean body (muscle) mass and lumbar spine density [11]. An accompanying editorial warned that some of the subjects had experienced side effects and that the long-range effects of administering HGH to healthy adults were unknown. It also warned that the hormone shots were expensive and that the study had not examined whether the men who received the hormone had substantially improved their muscle strength, mobility, or quality of life [1]. Brought to you by
  • 73. Growth Hormone Scams • Despite the warning, the study inspired many offbeat physicians to market themselves as "anti-aging specialists." Many such physicians offer expensive tests that supposedly determine the patient's "biological age," which they promise to lower with expensive hormone shots and dietary supplements. In 2001, NBC's Dateline showed what happened when a 57-year-old woman visited a Cenegenics clinic in Las Vegas, Nevada, where she underwent $1,500 worth of tests and was offered a hormone and 40-pill-a-day supplement program that would cost $1,500 a month. She was told that although she tested at "age 54,"her hormone levels were "sub-optimal" and that optimal would be the level of a 30-year -old [12]. Brought to you by
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