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Use of medicinal plants
in Indigenous traditional
system of medicine and
complementary and
alternative medicine
• The World Health Organization (WHO 2003) defines traditional
medicine as sum total of al knowledge and practice used in diagnosis,
prevention, and elimination of physical, mental or social imbalance
based exclusively on practical experience and observation handed
from generation to generation, verbally or in writing.
• There are at least five principal and some other minor traditional methods through which
herbal medicines are prescribed:
1. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
2. Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine
3. Traditional Unani Medicine
4. Homeopathy
5. Siddah
6. Native North American Herbal medicine
7. Traditional Western Herbal Medicine
8. Yoga
9. Naturopathy and
10. Folk medicine.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):
• TCM diagnosis looks for patterns of disharmony or imbalances rather
than treating specific diseases.
• TCM treatments for restoring balance and harmony usually involve
the prescribing of herbal tea, decoctions, acupuncture, specific diet
counseling, massage, and other therapies including cupping,
moxibustion, exercise, and meditation.
• TCM herbal formulas are organized according to a complex hierarchy
including chief, deputy, assistant, and envoy herbs.
Classification of herbs according to TCM
• Chief-herbs: directed against the main pattern of disharmony
• Deputy herbs: two functions:
(i) aid the chief herb(s) in treating the principle pattern,
(ii) serve as a main herb directed against a coexisting pattern
• assistant-herbs: with three functions
(i) reinforce the effect of the chief and deputy herbs, and
(ii) mitigate side effects of the chief or deputy herbs, or
(iii) have an effect that is opposite to that of the chief herb
• envoy herbs: with two functions
• (i) actions of the formula on a certain channel or area of the body, and
• (ii) harmonize focus the and integrate the actions of the other herbs.
Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine
• Ayurvedic or Ayurveda is one of the oldest systems of holistic
• The term Ayurveda means ‘Science of life,’ a medical science wherein
health is achieved through a blending of physical, mental, social,
moral, and spiritual welfare.
• Its adherent strive to create harmony between the body, mind, and
spirit, maintaining that this balance prevents illness, treats acute
conditions, and contributes to a long and healthy life.
Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine
• Ayurvedic medicine uses a variety of products and practices including
herbal compounds, minerals, or metals, special diets, and other
unique health practices.
• Ayurveda recognizes three doṣhas (e.g., Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and
the five elements (e.g., earth, water, fire, air, and ether) from which
they are composed
• Three biological principles or doshas (type), Vata, Pitta, and Kapha
govern all activities of mind and body.
• Balance is the key factor, and perfect health is a state where mind,
body, and spirit are balanced.
• Ayurveda has eight ways of diagnosis such as. (i) Nadi (Pulse), (ii)
Mootra (Urine), (iii) Mala (Stool), (iv) Jihva (Tongue), (v) Shabda
(Speech), (vi) Sparsha (Touch), (vii) Druk (Vision), and (viii) Aakruti
• Curative treatment in Ayurvedic system consists of administration of
medicine both internally and externally, minor surgical operations, and
psychosomatic treatment.
• The medicinal preparations employed in this system are mainly
derived from plant materials and are presented in the form of powders,
semi-solid preparations, decoctions, elixirs, and distillates.
Astanga Ayurveda (made up of eight
(I) Kayachikitsa (generale medicine),
(ii) balachikitsa (pediatrics),
(iii) grahachikitsa (psychiatry),
(iv) urdhvaangchikitsa (treatment eyes, ears, nose, throat, and head, i.e., above
the clavicle),
(v) shalyachikitsa (surgery),
(vi) visha (toxicology),
(vii) jarachikitsa (rejuvenation or gerentorology),
(viii) vajikarana chikitsa (aphrodisiac and Eugenics therapy),
• Although the researchers have found evidences of the efficacy of
Ayurveda in treating various ailments like polycystic ovarian
syndrome rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and general health
• But there prevails a considerable bias opinion against Ayurveda in the
Western medical literatures and scientists of repute (but illiterate in
Ayurveda), often confuse herbalism and folklore Ayurveda while
acknowledging deficiencies in quality control and standardization in the
use of herbal medicine.
Traditional Unani Medicine
• It is a traditional Greco-Arabic medicine, and was developed into an
elaborate medical system in middle age by the Muslim physicians like
Al-Razi, IbnSena, Al-Zahrawi, and IbnNafis.
• Unani explains that human consists of three parts with same weight,
viz. solid part (organs), liquid part (body fluid), and gaseous part
• According to the Unani system, the basic factors composing the
human physique are four elements (fire, air, water, and earth).
• Body liquid is composed of four humors (blood, phlegm, yellow bile,
and black bile)
• According to Unani philosophy, the health and illness of a person
depend upon the balance or equilibrium of four humors in the body.
• Unani system (with four elements) differs from the Ayurvedic system of
three doshas and the Chinese system of five elements.
• Unani treatments for restoring equilibrium and normal body functions
involve the prescribing of herbal and mineral medicines, specific diets
as well as exercise, massage, and Turkish baths, among other
• Unani system of medicine has been found to be efficacious in
conditions like rheumatic arthritis, jaundice, filariasis, eczema, sinusitis,
and bronchial asthma. Treatment in Unani consists of three
components, viz. preventive, promotive, and curative.
• For the prevention of disease and promotion of health, the Unani
system emphasizes six essentials:
(a) pure air
(b) food and water
(c) physical movement and rest
(d) psychic movement and rest
(e) sleep and wakefulness, and
(f) retention of useful materials and evacuation of waste materials from
the body.
• Homoeopathy is a system of alternative medicine created in 1796 by Christian
Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann based on the concept of like cures like, e.g., a
substance that causes to develop symptoms of a disease in healthy person will cure
disease of similar symptoms of a sick person.
• Homoeopathy is a method of treating diseases by administering drugs which have
been experimentally proved to possess the power to produce similar symptoms on
healthy human beings.
• German physician, came to know from a materiamedica that Cinchona bark was
effective in treating malaria because of its astringency and began to research
Cinchona’s effect on the human body by self-application.
• The drug induced malaria-like symptoms in him and he claimed that it would do so in
any healthy individual. This led him to postulate a healing principle, like cures like and
gave the name homeopathy
• Homoeopathy has its own areas of strength in therapeutics, and it is
particularly useful in treatment for allergies, bronchial asthma,
autoimmune disorders, diabetes, arthritis, epilepsy, skin eruptions,
mental or emotional disorders, and viral infections.
• Many surgical, gynecological, and obstetrical and pediatric conditions
and ailments affecting the eyes, nose, ear, teeth, skin, sexual organs,
etc. are amenable to homoeopathic treatment.
• Homoeopathy can also be useful for de-addiction from drugs,
tobacco, and alcohol. Apart from the curative aspects, Homoeopathic
medicines are also used in preventive and promotive health care
• Homeopathic medicines are essentially nano-medicines because only
miniscule amounts of the original drug substance are used and
therefore they do not cause and adverse effect (toxic, poisonous or
side effects).
• Aromatherapy (or essential oil therapy) is the treatment or prevention
of disease including pain and anxiety reduction, enhancement of
energy and short-term memory, relaxation, hair loss prevention, and
reduction of eczema-induced itching by the use of essential or volatile
• Essential oils, the pure essence of a plant, have been found to provide
both psychological and physical benefits when used correctly and
• Essential oils from different plant sources have been found to posses
various degrees of antimicrobial, anti-viral, nematicidal, antifungal,
insecticidal, and antioxidant properties.
• Two basic mechanisms are offered to explain the purported effects,
(i) the influence of aroma or essential oils may influence the brain,
especially the limbic system through the olfactory system; and
(ii) the effects of essential oils may be direct and pharmacological.
Aromatherapy employs various plant materials and aromatic plant oils, including
(i) essential oils (e.g., eucalyptus oil, grapefruit oil, incense reed diffusers; the essential oil
profiles area details <90 essential oils)
(ii) absolutes (e.g., rose absolute, fragrant butters, concretes, enfleurage pommades)
(iii) carrier oils (e.g. sweet almond oil)
(iv) herbal distillates (e.g., rosewater, chamomile, rose, and lemon balm)
(v) infusions (e.g., infusion of chamomile)
(vi) phytoncides consisting of various volatile organic compounds (many terpene-based
fragrant oils and sulfuric compounds from Allium spp. are phytoncides, but less commonly
used in aromatherapy due to their disagreeable odors)
(vii) aroma lamp or vaporizer; and
(viii) other miscellaneous aroma compounds and natural ingredients (e.g., cold pressed
vegetable oils, jojoba—a liquid wax,
Uses of essential oils:
Different essential oils have different uses and effects, e.g.,
1. basil essential oils: is used to sharpen concentration, alleviate
symptoms of depression, and relieve headaches and migraines;
2. bergamot oil: is useful for the urinary tract and digestive tract, and in
combined with eucalyptus oil relieves skin problems, including those
caused by stress and chicken pox; black
3. pepper oil: is commonly used for stimulating the circulation, muscular
aches and pains, and bruises, and when combined with ginger
essential oil, it is used to reduce arthritis pain and improve flexibility;
4.chamomile essential oil: is applied in treatment of eczema; citronella oil
acts as an insect repellent
5. clove oil possesses antimicrobial, antioxidant, and antifungal properties,
acts as topical analgesic, or painkiller (commonly used for toothache and
also used as an antispasmodic antiemetic), prevents vomiting and nausea,
and as a carminative, prevents gas in the gut.
6. eucalyptus oil relieves the airways during a cold or flu.
7. geranium oil can be used for skin problems, reduces stress, and
functions as a mosquito repellant.
8. jasmine oil is an aphrodisiac.
9. lavender oil is used as an antiseptic for minor cuts and burns and to
enhance relaxation and sleep, relieves headache and migraine symptoms;
• Aromatherapy utilizes blends of therapeutic essential oils and the
modes of application include that can be issued through topical
application (for general massage, baths, compresses, therapeutic skin
• inhalation (for respiratory disinfection, decongestant, expectoration as
well as psychological effects), aerial diffusion (for environmental
fragrancing or aerial disinfection) or water immersion to stimulate the
desired response.
• Inhaling essential oils stimulates the olfactory system, the part of the
brain connected to smell, including the nose and the brain. As the
molecules reach the brain, they affect limbic system and the limbic
system is linked to the emotions, the heart rate, blood pressure,
breathing, memory, stress, and hormone balance. It is assumed that
the essential oil therapy, in this way, brings about positive holistic effect
on the body.
• During topical application through massage oils, medicaments are
absorbed through the skin and boost circulation and thereby cure the
affected area. Essential oils are never applied directly to the skin, they
must be diluted with carrier oil (sweet almond oil or olive oil) and an
allergy test should be done before trying a new essential oil.
• Aromatherapy is a complementary therapy or as a form of alternative
medicine. It does not provide a cure for diseases, rashes, or illnesses,
but it can support conventional treatment of various conditions.
• It helps to reduce a number of ailments (e.g., nausea, pain, and body
aches; anxiety, agitation, stress, depression, fatigue, and insomnia;
headaches and circulatory problems; menstrual and menopausal
problems; alopecia, or hair loss; some types of psoriasis).
Traditional Siddha Medicine
• The term Siddha means ‘achievements,’ and Siddhars were saintly
persons who achieved ‘results’ in medicine. It is not well circulated
among the scientific community compared to other traditional systems
such as Ayurveda, Unani, TCM, and Kampo.
• The Siddha system of medicine emphasizes that medical treatment is
oriented not merely to disease but has to take into account the patient,
the environment, age, sex, race, habits, mental frame, habitat, diet,
appetite, physical condition, physiological constitution, etc.
• This means the treatment has to be individualistic and ensures a low
probability of incorrect diagnosis or treatment.
• The diagnosis of diseases in Siddha involves identifying its causes through
the examination of eight sites including pulse, eyes, voice, color of body,
touch, tongue, the status of the digestive system (faeces), and urine.
• The system has developed a rich and unique treasure house of drug
knowledge in which use of metals and minerals is liberally made.
• Siddha medicines containing mercury, silver, arsenic, lead, and sulfur have
been found to be effective in treating certain infectious diseases including
venereal diseases.
• The Siddha system is effective in treating chronic cases of liver, skin
diseases, especially psoriasis, rheumatic problems, anemia, prostate
enlargement, bleeding piles, peptic ulcer, and even psychiatric diseases.
• The resources of SSM have been categorized into three groups such
(i) plant products
(ii) inorganic substances (e.g., mercury, silver, arsenic, lead, sulfur), and
(iii) animal products (e.g., human and canine skulls ‘ash-chunnam) and
they are characterized by means of taste, quality, potency, specific
action, etc.
• Yoga is a primitive, preventive, and curative intervention.
• It consists of eight components viz., restraint, observance of austerity,
physical postures, breathing exercise, restraining of sense organs,
contemplation, meditation, and samadhi.
• These steps in the practice of Yoga have the potential to improve
social and personal behavior and to improve physical health by
encouraging better circulation of oxygenated blood in the body,
restraining the sense organs and thereby inducing tranquility and
serenity of mind.
• The practice of Yoga has also been found to be useful in the
prevention of certain psychosomatic disorders or diseases and
improves individual resistance and ability to endure stressful situations.
• Yogic practice assumes to improve intelligence and memory and
help in developing resistance to situations of strain and stress and also
help individual to develop an integrated personality.
• Meditation can stabilize emotional changes and prevent abnormal
functions of the vital organs of the body such as restrains the sense
organs and controls the nervous system.
• Naturopathy is a drugless, non-invasive therapy involving the use of natural
materials in its treatment based on the theories of vitality, toxemia, self-
healing capacity of the body, and the principles of healthy living.
Naturopathy is a scientific system of healing, stimulating the bodys’ inherent
power to regain health with the help of five great elements of nature—Earth,
Water, Air, Fire, and Ether.
• Naturopathy is a system of treatment as well as a way of life-living in
harmony with constructive principles of Nature on the physical, mental, moral,
and spiritual planes.
• It is a call to return to nature and to resort to a simple way of living in
harmony with the self, society, and environment, advocating better health
without medicines.
• It is very effective in chronic, allergic, and stress-related disorders. The
theory and practice of Naturopathy are based on a holistic view-point.
It is widely practiced, globally accepted, and recognized by the World
Health Organization.
Folk Medicine
• Folk medicine is a simple form of traditional medicine as practiced by
people isolated from modern medical services involving the use of
plant, animal, and other natural-derived remedies on an empirical basis
from time immemorial.
• Organic, psychic, and social phenomena are strangely intermingled
in folk medicine. Folk medical practice, a simple form of traditional
medical practice, offers healthcare services to the rural people with or
without the use of medicinal preparations.
• Folk medicine consists of both material and non-material components.
1. The material components consist of medicinal preparations from
plants and animal products. These are dispensed usually in their raw
forms and are used in treating simple diseases like cold, cough, fever,
indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, dysentery, intestinal worms.
2. The non-material components consist of religious and spiritual
• The religious items include:
(i) religious verses from holy books are either written on papers and given as
amulets, or encapsulated into small size metallic capsule or box followed by
wax seal to make airtight for wearing on body; or recited and blown on the
face or body of the patient, or on water to be drunk, or on food to be eaten,
or on string to make knots and the to be fastened around arms, necks or
waist; and
(ii) sacrifices and offerings given in the name of God and deities.
• Belief of the rural people regarding disease causation
• Treatment of patients with psychological problems such as insanity, various
types of phobias, and depression and fear of supernatural creatures.
• Kabiraj
• Exorcism
• To find out a thief or to isolate an offender different magical techniques are
• Aynapara (sanctified mirror), batichalan (throwing an incantated bowl), lathi or
chatachalan (sanctified bamboo stick or peel) etc., are used for tracing out a
thief, or finding out the amulets utilized by malicious persons to put a curse
on someone.
• Magical practitioners take recourse to incantation. They are called bede or
ozha and are invited to perform exorcism whenever a person is bitten by a
snake or has diseases such as pain, rheumatism, toothache.
Traditional North American Medicine
• Traditional Native American Medicine is a general term for the systems
of healing used by all Native American nations or tribes that have
been practiced in some cases for at least 10,000 years.
• In Canada, it is also known as aboriginal traditional medicine. For
thousands of years, Native Americans have used herbs to heal the
body, purify the spirit, and bring balance into their lives and their
• So in Traditional Native American Medicine, due consideration is given
on the role of spirituality in the healing process as they believe that all
things in nature are connected and that spirits can promote health or
cause illness.
• All three traditional systems of medicine such as Native American, traditional
Chinese medicine (TCM), and Ayurvedic followed the same basic principle in
healing although they were distantly separated by space, time, and culture.
• Tobacco was used in healing numerous ailments, in rituals and ceremonies.
• Sage was also important healing herb to Native Americans for multiple
problems of the stomach, colon, kidneys, liver, lungs, skin, etc., and it
was also used to protect against bad spirits.
• Other remedies for common colds include American Ginseng or Bonset;
herbs for aches and pains including wild black Cherry, Pennyroyal, and Hops;
remedies for fever, including Dogwood, Feverwort, and Willow bark.
Traditional Western Herbal Medicine
• Greek and Roman physicians
• Treatment, prevention of disease and maintenance of health
• Unique and separate system of THM
• Formalized system of Western THM
• Conventional modern medicine
• Herbs of western and oriental origin
Use of medicinal plants
in complementary and
Alternative Medicine
• The field of complementary and alternative medicine, the non-
mainstream medicine i.e., not part of standard medical care, is known
as CAM.
• Alternative medicine is any practice that is put forward as having the
healing effects of medicine, but is not founded on evidence gathered
using the scientific method. Chelation therapy in heart disease.
• Complementary medicine is used together with conventional or
modern medical treatment in a belief that it ‘complements’ the
treatment while alternative medicine is used alone without modern
medicine. e.g; Acupuncture to relieve vomiting, chronic pain.
• Integrative medicine= alternative medicine + modern medicine
• Alternative therapies lack scientific validation and their effectiveness is
not proven scientifically
• Methods based on traditional medical practices
• CAM is not well researched
• Criticism on unscientific beliefs
Modern Medicine
• Modern medicine refers to mainstream, conventional, orthodox or
allopathic medicine.
• Allopathic medicine is also called Western medicine, biomedicine,
regular medicine, or evidence-based medicine.
• Practice of modern medicine by MD, DO, AHP, PT, Psychologist and
registered nurses.
• Extraction and chemical synthesis of Modern medicine
• Classification based on their effect e.g: antibiotics, psychotherapeutics,
analgesics etc
• Mixture of active ingredients e.g; Alka-Salzer (Antacid)
• Have trade name and generic name e.g; Aspirin/Caprin
Scientific Basis of Herbal Medicine and
Its Merits and Demerits
• Herbal medicine remains largely an unproven, inexact science.
• The US Department of Health and Human Services, National Center
for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) has only been
in operation since 1992.
• Compared to the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which
was founded over 100 years ago, NCCAM is in its infancy and has only
begun to scratch the surface of scientific research.
• Plant based sources of modern drugs.
• Aspirin from willow bark, digitalis from foxglove
Advantages of Herbal Medicine
• More effective for long-standing health complaints
• Fewer side effects
• Vioxx (rofecoxib), a well-known prescription drug uses to treat arthritis,
was recalled due to increased risk of cardiovascular complications.
• Herbs cost much less than prescription medications.
• Availabitility e.g; Peppermint, cammomile
Disadvantages of Herbal Medicine
• Serious illness
• Sudden illness/accident
• Harm through self dosing with herbs
• Harvesting herbs in wild
• Interaction with other medication e.g; St. John’s Wort, can interact with
prescription medication such as antidepressants.
• Inferior quality herbs

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Use of medicinal plants in indigenous traditional system

  • 1. Use of medicinal plants in Indigenous traditional system of medicine and complementary and alternative medicine (CAMs)
  • 2. Introduction: • The World Health Organization (WHO 2003) defines traditional medicine as sum total of al knowledge and practice used in diagnosis, prevention, and elimination of physical, mental or social imbalance based exclusively on practical experience and observation handed from generation to generation, verbally or in writing.
  • 3. Introduction: • There are at least five principal and some other minor traditional methods through which herbal medicines are prescribed: 1. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) 2. Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine 3. Traditional Unani Medicine 4. Homeopathy 5. Siddah 6. Native North American Herbal medicine 7. Traditional Western Herbal Medicine 8. Yoga 9. Naturopathy and 10. Folk medicine.
  • 4. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): • TCM diagnosis looks for patterns of disharmony or imbalances rather than treating specific diseases. • TCM treatments for restoring balance and harmony usually involve the prescribing of herbal tea, decoctions, acupuncture, specific diet counseling, massage, and other therapies including cupping, moxibustion, exercise, and meditation. • TCM herbal formulas are organized according to a complex hierarchy including chief, deputy, assistant, and envoy herbs.
  • 5. Classification of herbs according to TCM • Chief-herbs: directed against the main pattern of disharmony • Deputy herbs: two functions: (i) aid the chief herb(s) in treating the principle pattern, (ii) serve as a main herb directed against a coexisting pattern • assistant-herbs: with three functions (i) reinforce the effect of the chief and deputy herbs, and (ii) mitigate side effects of the chief or deputy herbs, or (iii) have an effect that is opposite to that of the chief herb • envoy herbs: with two functions • (i) actions of the formula on a certain channel or area of the body, and • (ii) harmonize focus the and integrate the actions of the other herbs.
  • 6. Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine • Ayurvedic or Ayurveda is one of the oldest systems of holistic medicine. • The term Ayurveda means ‘Science of life,’ a medical science wherein health is achieved through a blending of physical, mental, social, moral, and spiritual welfare. • Its adherent strive to create harmony between the body, mind, and spirit, maintaining that this balance prevents illness, treats acute conditions, and contributes to a long and healthy life.
  • 7. Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine • Ayurvedic medicine uses a variety of products and practices including herbal compounds, minerals, or metals, special diets, and other unique health practices. • Ayurveda recognizes three doṣhas (e.g., Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and the five elements (e.g., earth, water, fire, air, and ether) from which they are composed • Three biological principles or doshas (type), Vata, Pitta, and Kapha govern all activities of mind and body. • Balance is the key factor, and perfect health is a state where mind, body, and spirit are balanced.
  • 8.
  • 9. • Ayurveda has eight ways of diagnosis such as. (i) Nadi (Pulse), (ii) Mootra (Urine), (iii) Mala (Stool), (iv) Jihva (Tongue), (v) Shabda (Speech), (vi) Sparsha (Touch), (vii) Druk (Vision), and (viii) Aakruti (Appearance) • Curative treatment in Ayurvedic system consists of administration of medicine both internally and externally, minor surgical operations, and psychosomatic treatment. • The medicinal preparations employed in this system are mainly derived from plant materials and are presented in the form of powders, semi-solid preparations, decoctions, elixirs, and distillates.
  • 10. Astanga Ayurveda (made up of eight parts). (I) Kayachikitsa (generale medicine), (ii) balachikitsa (pediatrics), (iii) grahachikitsa (psychiatry), (iv) urdhvaangchikitsa (treatment eyes, ears, nose, throat, and head, i.e., above the clavicle), (v) shalyachikitsa (surgery), (vi) visha (toxicology), (vii) jarachikitsa (rejuvenation or gerentorology), (viii) vajikarana chikitsa (aphrodisiac and Eugenics therapy),
  • 11. • Although the researchers have found evidences of the efficacy of Ayurveda in treating various ailments like polycystic ovarian syndrome rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and general health interventions. • But there prevails a considerable bias opinion against Ayurveda in the Western medical literatures and scientists of repute (but illiterate in Ayurveda), often confuse herbalism and folklore Ayurveda while acknowledging deficiencies in quality control and standardization in the use of herbal medicine.
  • 12. Traditional Unani Medicine • It is a traditional Greco-Arabic medicine, and was developed into an elaborate medical system in middle age by the Muslim physicians like Al-Razi, IbnSena, Al-Zahrawi, and IbnNafis. • Unani explains that human consists of three parts with same weight, viz. solid part (organs), liquid part (body fluid), and gaseous part (spirit). • According to the Unani system, the basic factors composing the human physique are four elements (fire, air, water, and earth).
  • 13.
  • 14. • Body liquid is composed of four humors (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile) • According to Unani philosophy, the health and illness of a person depend upon the balance or equilibrium of four humors in the body. • Unani system (with four elements) differs from the Ayurvedic system of three doshas and the Chinese system of five elements.
  • 15. • Unani treatments for restoring equilibrium and normal body functions involve the prescribing of herbal and mineral medicines, specific diets as well as exercise, massage, and Turkish baths, among other therapies. • Unani system of medicine has been found to be efficacious in conditions like rheumatic arthritis, jaundice, filariasis, eczema, sinusitis, and bronchial asthma. Treatment in Unani consists of three components, viz. preventive, promotive, and curative.
  • 16. • For the prevention of disease and promotion of health, the Unani system emphasizes six essentials: (a) pure air (b) food and water (c) physical movement and rest (d) psychic movement and rest (e) sleep and wakefulness, and (f) retention of useful materials and evacuation of waste materials from the body.
  • 17. Homoeopathy: • Homoeopathy is a system of alternative medicine created in 1796 by Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann based on the concept of like cures like, e.g., a substance that causes to develop symptoms of a disease in healthy person will cure disease of similar symptoms of a sick person. • Homoeopathy is a method of treating diseases by administering drugs which have been experimentally proved to possess the power to produce similar symptoms on healthy human beings. • German physician, came to know from a materiamedica that Cinchona bark was effective in treating malaria because of its astringency and began to research Cinchona’s effect on the human body by self-application. • The drug induced malaria-like symptoms in him and he claimed that it would do so in any healthy individual. This led him to postulate a healing principle, like cures like and gave the name homeopathy
  • 18. • Homoeopathy has its own areas of strength in therapeutics, and it is particularly useful in treatment for allergies, bronchial asthma, autoimmune disorders, diabetes, arthritis, epilepsy, skin eruptions, mental or emotional disorders, and viral infections. • Many surgical, gynecological, and obstetrical and pediatric conditions and ailments affecting the eyes, nose, ear, teeth, skin, sexual organs, etc. are amenable to homoeopathic treatment. • Homoeopathy can also be useful for de-addiction from drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. Apart from the curative aspects, Homoeopathic medicines are also used in preventive and promotive health care
  • 19. • Homeopathic medicines are essentially nano-medicines because only miniscule amounts of the original drug substance are used and therefore they do not cause and adverse effect (toxic, poisonous or side effects).
  • 20. Aromatherapy • Aromatherapy (or essential oil therapy) is the treatment or prevention of disease including pain and anxiety reduction, enhancement of energy and short-term memory, relaxation, hair loss prevention, and reduction of eczema-induced itching by the use of essential or volatile oils. • Essential oils, the pure essence of a plant, have been found to provide both psychological and physical benefits when used correctly and safely. • Essential oils from different plant sources have been found to posses various degrees of antimicrobial, anti-viral, nematicidal, antifungal, insecticidal, and antioxidant properties.
  • 21. • Two basic mechanisms are offered to explain the purported effects, e.g., (i) the influence of aroma or essential oils may influence the brain, especially the limbic system through the olfactory system; and (ii) the effects of essential oils may be direct and pharmacological.
  • 22. Aromatherapy employs various plant materials and aromatic plant oils, including (i) essential oils (e.g., eucalyptus oil, grapefruit oil, incense reed diffusers; the essential oil profiles area details <90 essential oils) (ii) absolutes (e.g., rose absolute, fragrant butters, concretes, enfleurage pommades) (iii) carrier oils (e.g. sweet almond oil) (iv) herbal distillates (e.g., rosewater, chamomile, rose, and lemon balm) (v) infusions (e.g., infusion of chamomile) (vi) phytoncides consisting of various volatile organic compounds (many terpene-based fragrant oils and sulfuric compounds from Allium spp. are phytoncides, but less commonly used in aromatherapy due to their disagreeable odors) (vii) aroma lamp or vaporizer; and (viii) other miscellaneous aroma compounds and natural ingredients (e.g., cold pressed vegetable oils, jojoba—a liquid wax,
  • 23. Uses of essential oils: Different essential oils have different uses and effects, e.g., 1. basil essential oils: is used to sharpen concentration, alleviate symptoms of depression, and relieve headaches and migraines; 2. bergamot oil: is useful for the urinary tract and digestive tract, and in combined with eucalyptus oil relieves skin problems, including those caused by stress and chicken pox; black 3. pepper oil: is commonly used for stimulating the circulation, muscular aches and pains, and bruises, and when combined with ginger essential oil, it is used to reduce arthritis pain and improve flexibility;
  • 24. 4.chamomile essential oil: is applied in treatment of eczema; citronella oil acts as an insect repellent 5. clove oil possesses antimicrobial, antioxidant, and antifungal properties, acts as topical analgesic, or painkiller (commonly used for toothache and also used as an antispasmodic antiemetic), prevents vomiting and nausea, and as a carminative, prevents gas in the gut. 6. eucalyptus oil relieves the airways during a cold or flu. 7. geranium oil can be used for skin problems, reduces stress, and functions as a mosquito repellant. 8. jasmine oil is an aphrodisiac. 9. lavender oil is used as an antiseptic for minor cuts and burns and to enhance relaxation and sleep, relieves headache and migraine symptoms;
  • 25. • Aromatherapy utilizes blends of therapeutic essential oils and the modes of application include that can be issued through topical application (for general massage, baths, compresses, therapeutic skin care), • inhalation (for respiratory disinfection, decongestant, expectoration as well as psychological effects), aerial diffusion (for environmental fragrancing or aerial disinfection) or water immersion to stimulate the desired response.
  • 26. • Inhaling essential oils stimulates the olfactory system, the part of the brain connected to smell, including the nose and the brain. As the molecules reach the brain, they affect limbic system and the limbic system is linked to the emotions, the heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress, and hormone balance. It is assumed that the essential oil therapy, in this way, brings about positive holistic effect on the body. • During topical application through massage oils, medicaments are absorbed through the skin and boost circulation and thereby cure the affected area. Essential oils are never applied directly to the skin, they must be diluted with carrier oil (sweet almond oil or olive oil) and an allergy test should be done before trying a new essential oil.
  • 27. • Aromatherapy is a complementary therapy or as a form of alternative medicine. It does not provide a cure for diseases, rashes, or illnesses, but it can support conventional treatment of various conditions. • It helps to reduce a number of ailments (e.g., nausea, pain, and body aches; anxiety, agitation, stress, depression, fatigue, and insomnia; headaches and circulatory problems; menstrual and menopausal problems; alopecia, or hair loss; some types of psoriasis).
  • 28. Traditional Siddha Medicine • The term Siddha means ‘achievements,’ and Siddhars were saintly persons who achieved ‘results’ in medicine. It is not well circulated among the scientific community compared to other traditional systems such as Ayurveda, Unani, TCM, and Kampo. • The Siddha system of medicine emphasizes that medical treatment is oriented not merely to disease but has to take into account the patient, the environment, age, sex, race, habits, mental frame, habitat, diet, appetite, physical condition, physiological constitution, etc. • This means the treatment has to be individualistic and ensures a low probability of incorrect diagnosis or treatment.
  • 29. • The diagnosis of diseases in Siddha involves identifying its causes through the examination of eight sites including pulse, eyes, voice, color of body, touch, tongue, the status of the digestive system (faeces), and urine. • The system has developed a rich and unique treasure house of drug knowledge in which use of metals and minerals is liberally made. • Siddha medicines containing mercury, silver, arsenic, lead, and sulfur have been found to be effective in treating certain infectious diseases including venereal diseases. • The Siddha system is effective in treating chronic cases of liver, skin diseases, especially psoriasis, rheumatic problems, anemia, prostate enlargement, bleeding piles, peptic ulcer, and even psychiatric diseases.
  • 30. • The resources of SSM have been categorized into three groups such as (i) plant products (ii) inorganic substances (e.g., mercury, silver, arsenic, lead, sulfur), and (iii) animal products (e.g., human and canine skulls ‘ash-chunnam) and they are characterized by means of taste, quality, potency, specific action, etc.
  • 31. Yoga • Yoga is a primitive, preventive, and curative intervention. • It consists of eight components viz., restraint, observance of austerity, physical postures, breathing exercise, restraining of sense organs, contemplation, meditation, and samadhi. • These steps in the practice of Yoga have the potential to improve social and personal behavior and to improve physical health by encouraging better circulation of oxygenated blood in the body, restraining the sense organs and thereby inducing tranquility and serenity of mind.
  • 32. • The practice of Yoga has also been found to be useful in the prevention of certain psychosomatic disorders or diseases and improves individual resistance and ability to endure stressful situations. • Yogic practice assumes to improve intelligence and memory and help in developing resistance to situations of strain and stress and also help individual to develop an integrated personality. • Meditation can stabilize emotional changes and prevent abnormal functions of the vital organs of the body such as restrains the sense organs and controls the nervous system.
  • 33. Naturopathy • Naturopathy is a drugless, non-invasive therapy involving the use of natural materials in its treatment based on the theories of vitality, toxemia, self- healing capacity of the body, and the principles of healthy living. Naturopathy is a scientific system of healing, stimulating the bodys’ inherent power to regain health with the help of five great elements of nature—Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Ether. • Naturopathy is a system of treatment as well as a way of life-living in harmony with constructive principles of Nature on the physical, mental, moral, and spiritual planes. • It is a call to return to nature and to resort to a simple way of living in harmony with the self, society, and environment, advocating better health without medicines.
  • 34. • It is very effective in chronic, allergic, and stress-related disorders. The theory and practice of Naturopathy are based on a holistic view-point. It is widely practiced, globally accepted, and recognized by the World Health Organization.
  • 35. Folk Medicine • Folk medicine is a simple form of traditional medicine as practiced by people isolated from modern medical services involving the use of plant, animal, and other natural-derived remedies on an empirical basis from time immemorial. • Organic, psychic, and social phenomena are strangely intermingled in folk medicine. Folk medical practice, a simple form of traditional medical practice, offers healthcare services to the rural people with or without the use of medicinal preparations.
  • 36. • Folk medicine consists of both material and non-material components. 1. The material components consist of medicinal preparations from plants and animal products. These are dispensed usually in their raw forms and are used in treating simple diseases like cold, cough, fever, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, dysentery, intestinal worms. 2. The non-material components consist of religious and spiritual items.
  • 37. • The religious items include: (i) religious verses from holy books are either written on papers and given as amulets, or encapsulated into small size metallic capsule or box followed by wax seal to make airtight for wearing on body; or recited and blown on the face or body of the patient, or on water to be drunk, or on food to be eaten, or on string to make knots and the to be fastened around arms, necks or waist; and (ii) sacrifices and offerings given in the name of God and deities. • Belief of the rural people regarding disease causation • Treatment of patients with psychological problems such as insanity, various types of phobias, and depression and fear of supernatural creatures.
  • 38. • Kabiraj • Exorcism • To find out a thief or to isolate an offender different magical techniques are used. • Aynapara (sanctified mirror), batichalan (throwing an incantated bowl), lathi or chatachalan (sanctified bamboo stick or peel) etc., are used for tracing out a thief, or finding out the amulets utilized by malicious persons to put a curse on someone. • Magical practitioners take recourse to incantation. They are called bede or ozha and are invited to perform exorcism whenever a person is bitten by a snake or has diseases such as pain, rheumatism, toothache.
  • 39. Traditional North American Medicine • Traditional Native American Medicine is a general term for the systems of healing used by all Native American nations or tribes that have been practiced in some cases for at least 10,000 years. • In Canada, it is also known as aboriginal traditional medicine. For thousands of years, Native Americans have used herbs to heal the body, purify the spirit, and bring balance into their lives and their surroundings. • So in Traditional Native American Medicine, due consideration is given on the role of spirituality in the healing process as they believe that all things in nature are connected and that spirits can promote health or cause illness.
  • 40. • All three traditional systems of medicine such as Native American, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and Ayurvedic followed the same basic principle in healing although they were distantly separated by space, time, and culture. • Tobacco was used in healing numerous ailments, in rituals and ceremonies. • Sage was also important healing herb to Native Americans for multiple problems of the stomach, colon, kidneys, liver, lungs, skin, etc., and it was also used to protect against bad spirits. • Other remedies for common colds include American Ginseng or Bonset; herbs for aches and pains including wild black Cherry, Pennyroyal, and Hops; remedies for fever, including Dogwood, Feverwort, and Willow bark.
  • 41. Traditional Western Herbal Medicine • Greek and Roman physicians • Treatment, prevention of disease and maintenance of health • Unique and separate system of THM • Formalized system of Western THM • Conventional modern medicine • Herbs of western and oriental origin
  • 42. Use of medicinal plants in complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAMs)
  • 43. • The field of complementary and alternative medicine, the non- mainstream medicine i.e., not part of standard medical care, is known as CAM. • Alternative medicine is any practice that is put forward as having the healing effects of medicine, but is not founded on evidence gathered using the scientific method. Chelation therapy in heart disease. • Complementary medicine is used together with conventional or modern medical treatment in a belief that it ‘complements’ the treatment while alternative medicine is used alone without modern medicine. e.g; Acupuncture to relieve vomiting, chronic pain.
  • 44. • Integrative medicine= alternative medicine + modern medicine • Alternative therapies lack scientific validation and their effectiveness is not proven scientifically • Methods based on traditional medical practices • CAM is not well researched • Criticism on unscientific beliefs
  • 45. Modern Medicine • Modern medicine refers to mainstream, conventional, orthodox or allopathic medicine. • Allopathic medicine is also called Western medicine, biomedicine, regular medicine, or evidence-based medicine. • Practice of modern medicine by MD, DO, AHP, PT, Psychologist and registered nurses. • Extraction and chemical synthesis of Modern medicine • Classification based on their effect e.g: antibiotics, psychotherapeutics, analgesics etc
  • 46. • Mixture of active ingredients e.g; Alka-Salzer (Antacid) • Have trade name and generic name e.g; Aspirin/Caprin
  • 47. Scientific Basis of Herbal Medicine and Its Merits and Demerits • Herbal medicine remains largely an unproven, inexact science. • The US Department of Health and Human Services, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) has only been in operation since 1992. • Compared to the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which was founded over 100 years ago, NCCAM is in its infancy and has only begun to scratch the surface of scientific research.
  • 48. • Plant based sources of modern drugs. • Aspirin from willow bark, digitalis from foxglove
  • 49. Advantages of Herbal Medicine • More effective for long-standing health complaints • Fewer side effects • Vioxx (rofecoxib), a well-known prescription drug uses to treat arthritis, was recalled due to increased risk of cardiovascular complications. • Herbs cost much less than prescription medications. • Availabitility e.g; Peppermint, cammomile
  • 50. Disadvantages of Herbal Medicine • Serious illness • Sudden illness/accident • Harm through self dosing with herbs • Harvesting herbs in wild • Interaction with other medication e.g; St. John’s Wort, can interact with prescription medication such as antidepressants. • Inferior quality herbs