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Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
1 Introduction
1.1 What is Environment Impact Assessment (EIA)
1.2 EIA History
1.3 The process of Environmental Impact Assessment
1.4 The objectives of the EIA
1.5 EIA provides
1.6 Environmental Management Systems(EMS)
2.Case studies
2.1 Ganga River
2.2 Eel River Dam
3. Study Methodology and Objectives
3.1 Study Methodology
3.2 Water in the world
3.3 Water in Jordan
3.4 Zarqa River
4. Study Area
4.1 About Zarqa River
4.2 The location of Zarqa River
4.3 The Importance of Zarqa River
4.4 Environmental Problems for Zarqa River
5 Study site
5.1 Al Hussein Thermal Power Station
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
5.2 Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company
5.3 Samra Electricity Station
5.4 Samra Water Treatment Plant
6. Our Recommendation
 Zarqa River Authority
 Non-Governmental Organization
7. References
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
1.1 Environmental Impact Assessment )EIA(
 EIA is the subject of an environmental impact assessment of the latest
environmental studies in the present era
 Address the environmental impacts of various development activities
practiced by human
 These studies aimed at determining the outcome of this intervention in the
natural order, both environmental and cultural for minimize the negative
effects as much as possible promote the positive effects.
 EIA is the formal process used to predict the environmental consequences
(positive or negative) of a plan, policy, program, or project prior to the
decision to move forward with the proposed action.
 It defines an environmental impact assessment as a "structured analysis of the
environmental impacts of a project to minimize the negative impacts and
encourage positive indicators." And it is necessary for Development Planning
 Formal impact assessments may be governed by rules of administrative
procedure regarding public participation and documentation of decision
making, and may be subject to judicial review.
 An impact assessment may propose measures to adjust impacts to acceptable
levels or to investigate new technological solutions.
 It can be classified as environmental impacts to:
 Direct and rapid effects occur directly when doing the project.
 Indirect effects (cumulative) occur as outputs of this project. Usually easy to
measure the immediate effects, while difficult to measure the indirect effects.
In most cases, the cumulative effects of indirect be more dangerous than the initial
direct effects
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
 Formal impact assessments may be governed by rules of administrative
procedure regarding public participation and documentation of decision
making, and may be subject to judicial review.
 An impact assessment may propose measures to adjust impacts to acceptable
levels or to investigate new technological solutions.
It can be classified as environmental impacts to:
1. Direct and rapid effects occur directly when doing the project.
2. Indirect effects (cumulative) occur as outputs of this project. Usually easy to
measure the immediate effects, while difficult to measure the indirect effects.
In most cases, the cumulative effects of indirect be more dangerous than the initial
direct effects
 Systematic environmental assessment and considered part of the planning and
decision-making process on interference in the activity of the proposed
development projects.
 Based on the environmental impacts of the project the decision is made either
to the implementation of the project or stop the project or amended, and
that whether a government project or private
 The process of assessing the environmental effects have evolved even
included all technical, economic, social, political and cultural aspects and in
conjunction with the direction of development projects towards
 In these projects it must take into account the environmental, such as,
environmental pollution which has caused the project and the process of
waste disposal and waste treatment and also the relationship of the project to
natural resources such as water, electricity, and thus see how much the
project needs of these resources and to what extent will be the impact on
natural resources and facilities residential and adjacent vital or in its
1.2 EIA History
 Environmental impact assessments commenced in the 1960s, as part of
increasing environmental awareness.
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
 EIAs involved a technical evaluation intended to contribute to more objective
decision making.
 In the United States, environmental impact assessments obtained formal
status in 1969, with enactment of the National Environmental Policy Act.
 EIAs have been used increasingly around the world. The number of
"Environmental Assessments" filed every year "has vastly overtaken the
number of more rigorous Environmental Impact Statements (EIS).
1.3 The process of Environmental Impact Assessment are:
 Demonstrate environmental impact EIA.
 Options and application of alternatives to achieve the effects.
 Control elements of the project and its environment after application
 Put the expectations of the likely effects of the future.
 Suggest some solutions to the expected effects.
 A report for decision-makers.
This subject has become of growing interest at the global level, where all the
international organizations recommend using the environmental impact of
development projects in the various evaluation studies and so as to maintain a
sustainable development.
 It highlights the importance of environmental impact as effective in
protecting the environment evaluation, and a beacon in the hands of
decision-makers and planners, in order to develop scenarios based upon the
development process
1.4 The objectives of the EIA
 Ensure the protection of the environment and natural resources and
conservation, including aspects related to human health.
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
 Achieve a degree of continuous monitoring and environmental monitoring
for development projects to ensure the environmentally security
 Improve the industry and decision-making process through the vision and
clarify the environmental negative returns, especially to help them in making
decisions and appropriate actions
 Find some kind of balance between the environment and development
projects to achieve the common interest and mutual between them
 Ensure economic hydration meet the needs of present without compromising
the ability of future generations to meet their needs
1.5 EIA provides
1. Modify the design and improvement
2. Ensure the efficient use of resources
3. Strengthen the social aspects
4. Identifying negative impacts and how to mitigate them
5. The provision of information for decision-makers
6. Avoid the destruction of the environment
7. Provide protection for human health
1.6 Environmental Management Systems(EMS)
EMS refers to the management of an organization's environmental programs in a
comprehensive, systematic, planned and documented manner.
It includes the organizational structure, planning and resources for developing,
implementing and maintaining policy for environmental protection.
It’s a system and database which integrates procedures and processes for
training of personnel, monitoring, summarizing, and reporting of specialized
environmental performance information
The goals of EMS are to increase compliance and reduce waste
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
1.6 Environmental Management Systems(EMS)
Waste reduction goes beyond compliance to reduce environmental impact. Waste
reduction begins at the design phase through pollution prevention and waste
minimization. At the end of the life cycle, waste is reduced by recycling.
Serves as a tool, or process, to improve environmental performance and
information mainly "design, pollution control and waste minimization, training,
reporting to top management, and the setting of goals“
Successful companies today are not only measured by how much profitable their
products are but also how well they respond to the call to protect the natural
Everyone is responsible: Every member of the organization takes full
responsibility for his or her own action and works hard to make sure that EMS is
fully implemented
1.6 Environmental Management Systems(EMS)
 Plan what you’re going to do
 Do what you planned to do
 Check to ensure that you did what you planned
 Act to make improvements.
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
2.Case studies
Ganga River
Eel River Dam
2.1 About Ganga River
 Location Uttarakhand, India
 Length 2,525 km (1,569 mi)
 It flows through the nations of India and Bangladesh.
The 2,525 km (1,569 mi) river rises in the western Himalayas in the
Indian state of Uttarakhand, and flows south and east through the Gangetic
Plain of North India into Bangladesh, where it empties into the Bay of
The Ganga is the largest river in India with an extraordinary religious
importance for Hindus.
Serving an estimated population of 500 million people or more, which is
larger than any other river in the world.
It is considered to be the fifth most polluted river in the world
2.1 About Ganga River
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
2.1 The River importance
 The densely populated Ganga basin is inhabited by 37 per cent of
India's population. The entire Ganga basin system effectively drains
eight states of India. About 47 per cent of the total irrigated area in
India is located in the Ganga basin alone. It has been a major source of
navigation and communication since ancient times. The Indo-Gangetic
plain has witnessed the blossoming of India's great creative talent.
2.1 Pollution Causes
The main causes are the increase in the population density, the enhanced
per capita pollutants discharged to the river and the meager dry season water
flows in the river due to upstream uses.
Human waste : A large proportion of the waste in the Ganges is from this
population through domestic usage like bathing, laundry and public defecation
Industrial waste : Industrial effluents are about 12% of the total volume
of effluent reaching the Ganges. Although a relatively low proportion, they
are a cause for major concern because they are often toxic and non-
Religious events: During festival seasons, over 70 million people bathe
in the Ganges over a few weeks to clean themselves from their past sins. Some
materials like food, waste or leaves are left in the Ganges for ritualistic
2.1 Pollution Causes
1. Domestic and industrial wastes.
2. Solid garbage thrown directly into the river
3. Non-point sources of pollution from agricultural run-off containing residues
of harmful pesticides and fertilizers.
4. Animal carcasses and half-burned and unburned human corpses thrown into
the river
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
5. Defecation on the banks by the low-income people
6. Mass bathing and ritualistic practices
2.2 The Environmental Impact Assessment for the Removal
of the Eel River Dam
Environmental Assessment Methods
 The EIA evaluated the Decommissioning or removal of the Eel River dam,
including the earthern dyke, concrete water control structure, and
ancillary infrastructure (e.g., fish passage facilities) in consideration of the
following Project Objectives:
 a long-term solution to fish passage;
 the establishment of conditions that lead to the natural re-establishment of
salt marsh wetlands upstream of the current dam location; and
 improvement of habitat for soft-shelled clams and other shellfish upstream
and downstream of the dam.
1. Confederations
2. Bathymetry
3. Geomorphology
4. Flooding
5. Atmospheric Environment
6. Climate
7. Air Quality
8. Sound Quality
9. soil Quality
10. Fish Habitat and Fish
11. Water Quality
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
2.2 The Environmental Impact Assessment for
the Removal of the Eel River Dam
 The Project will result in significant environmental effects that may be
positive on the following components:
1. Wetlands
2. Vegetation
3. Migratory Birds
4. Vessel Navigation
 Current Use of Land and Resources for Traditional Purposes by Aboriginal
1. Tourism
2. Recreation
3. Labor and Economy
4. Bacteriological Environment.
 the Project will result in positive environmental effects on Fish Habitat and
 The Project will rectify the fish passage issue, and thus the fish passage
Project Objective will be achieved.
 All of the current water quality concerns and sediment quality issues will
be rectified. Soft-shelled clam stocks will have the opportunity to replenish
and the Project Objective of improving habitat for clams and other
shellfish will be met.
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
The Case Study
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions and
Save The Future Do It Now
Environmental Impact Assessment
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
3. Study Methodology and Objectives
3.1 Study Methodology
 Introduction
 The need for the project
 Project Description
 Description of affected environment : Elements, Explanation
 Environmental monitoring to be followed
3.2 Study Objectives
Water is the source of life.
 It covers 70% of the Earth. But only small portion of this precious natural
resource is fit for human consumption. Out of the earth’s total water, 97%
is stored in oceans which is not fit for human consumption. The further
3% is stored in various sources like rivers, lakes, and under-ground
Jordan world’s second water-poorest country
 Jordan now ranks as the world’s second water-poorest country, where
water per capita is 88 per cent below the international water poverty line
of 1,000 cubic meters annually. “Jordan is living a water crisis and a huge
challenge due to the limited resources, as water per capita share is less than
1,200 cubic meters of water annually, while water per capita share in
neighboring and regional countries exceeds 1,250 cubic meters annually,”
Nasser underscored.*
*(Source. Jordan Times, Oct 22,2014)
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
3.3 Study Objectives
Water in Jordan
 Water use per capita in is among the lowest in the world (150 Cubic
Meter per capita (CMC)
 Water poverty of 1,000 cubic meters per person per year limit
 Jordan's per capita share of water of 50 m 3 per year
 It decreased with the presence of refugees to 120 cubic meters per year
 By the year 2025, if current trends continue, per capita water supply will
fall from the current 200 cubic meters per person to only 91 cubic meters
 Kingdom rank 7 of the poorest Arab countries in the region to contain the
quality of those waters
 Department of Statistics Jordan irbid
3.3 Study Objectives
Water in Jordan
World water per capita.* the shares of water in Jordan.**
* The source. Ministry of Water and Irrigation, HKJ
**The Office the Geography and Environment Jordan Amman
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
3.4 Study Objectives
Al Zarqa river is a potential area in Jordan and with reference to water
poverty and the complication of the river pollution which pass through three
governmental major cities in Jordan and at the end discharge its polluted
water in the king Talal dam with capacity of 83mcm we want to concentrate
on the idea of the causes actions and revival of the river water and put some
recommendation to solve the problem for us and for the next generations.
The rehabilitation of Zarqa River will be part of the water solution in Jordan
as it’s the third river in Jordan
Wastewater is becoming a resource for agriculture gradually replacing
4.1 About Zarqa River
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
The location of al Zarqa river
The location of al Zarqa river
4.2 The location of Zarqa River
 Zarqa River Basin extends from the Syrian border in the North of Jordan
to south of Amman and westward toward the Jordan Rift valley.
 The entire basin encompasses approximately 4,154 square kilometers, of
which 3,739 sq km are within Jordan.
It is the second largest tributary of the lower Jordan River, after the
Yarmouk River and the third largest river in the region by annual
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
The location of Al Zarqa River
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
The catchment area of Zarqa River.
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
Historical Background
AL Zarqa River
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
4.3The Importance of Zarqa River
Historical Background
The geological
origins of the
Zarqa River
30 million
All early settlements started around river banksAin Ghazal the
known human
7200 BCE
They settlement around Zarqa River banksChechen
The population grew rapidly with an influx of Palestinian
1. Agricultural
2. Industrial
3. Commercial sectors prospered due to construction of
I. industries roads leading to other governorates
II. borders with neighboring Arab countries
of Palestinian
1950 to
Radical changes in the environmental and natural patterns
I. The deep aquifer water exploitation for potable water for
agricultural and industrial purposes.
II. The destruction of the natural forests adjacent to the river.
III. The discharge of industrial and domestic wastewater to the
river to an extent that makes rehabilitation difficult and
Increasing in
1980 to
The start of the Environmental awareness in JordanThe establish
The population of Jordan increased rabidly as 10% of the
Jordanian population at that time
The return of
from Kuwait
The river pollution is under controlled by the authorities
statements (We think there is no control for the pollution
after the study and the observation for the area )
 50% of the
of the
 70% of the
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
4.3 The Importance of Zarqa River
Social economical aspects
 Ain Ghazal is one of the earliest known human settlements with evidence
of domesticated animals
 Zarqa, Jordan's second largest city, is built on the banks of the Zarqa
River, and is the largest settlement along its course. The town of Zarqa
was founded in 1902 by Chechen immigrants. Its population grew rapidly
with an influx of Palestinian refugees who fled the West bank during the
Six-day war.
 The Zarqa River also flows through Jerash. Inhabited since the Bronze
Age, Jerash was an important Greco-Roman city
 The Zarqa river basin is considered the most important basin in Jordan:
1. 50% of the population of the country reside on it.
2. 70% of the industrial activities and has witnessed a sudden expansion in
urban development such as building, roads, new universities, scattered
urban centers and other infrastructure.
4.3 The Importance of Zarqa River
 Because of its importance, the basin has gone under different studies by
local and international organizations as well as the interest of many
agencies from donating countries such as USAID, EU, JICA and GTZ.
 The number of civil societies and NGOs as well as their opinion is growing
with regards to the protection of the environment and the natural
 To evaluate the real impact of the small industries and services, a special
focus was
given to the areas adjacent to banks of the river and its tributaries.
The ministries and agencies place the Zarqa River as the top of the national
agenda to find sustainable and effective strategic solutions to stop and
minimize the impacts of pollution leading to the river and to restore the
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
Al Zarqa River
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
4.4 Environmental Problems for Zarqa River
1. Damping illegally wastewater
2. small industries(industrial and services sector waste discharges)
3. Reduced base flow and water problem
4. Agricultural Activities beside the Zarqa River
5. High population in the area, damping solid waste
The main Environmental Problems for Zarqa River
Damping illegally wastewater
 Cause Sewage flows untreated directly into the river through dry
riverbeds (wadis)
 Resulted in the pollution of the river and create a smell
1. Despite the construction of sewage treatment plants in a few locations
 Cause these stations often received more contaminated water
which cannot be deal with it.
 Resulted the plant can’t handle the big amount so they discharge it
illegally in the water half treated or without treatment
2. Damping poison material to the river which
 Cause no supervision from the municipality and its high cost to
damp it in the right way
 Resulted hazard disease for human and life
1. sewer line leaks( manhole damage)
2. overflow from sewers manholes
The presence of a large number of sewage
flowing into the exits without serious
control of successive governments.
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
Agricultural Activities beside the Zarqa River
1. Cause Over pumping of groundwater for agriculture
 Resulted low storing in the underground level which create dry
2. farming irrigation/fertilizing/pesticide practices.
 Cause no regulation no fesses no control
 Resulted high polluted water and soil with chemical material and
poison unfair exploitation of water
3. Desertification.
 Cause up use for land and water
 Resulted pure land for agriculture and high average of salt in the
soil and water
1. It deteriorated the quality of groundwater and surface water as a result of
the depletion of aquifers for domestic, agricultural
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
High population in the area, damping solid waste
 Cause no control on the immigration to the area (political reasons)
 Resulted low storing in the underground level which create dry
 Bedouin stability (localization) which results
 Cause no regulation cultural issues should be taken in
 Resulted in the excessive livestock grazing in a certain area
1. Land holdings:
 Cause no clear regulation.
 Resulted on the abolition of group family land holdings to take
advantage of the emergence of privately owned land unsustainable
and unjust rights of pastoralists in the region
Illegal waste Sites near Zarqa West Pump Station
Household waste: 435,000 to 465,000 tons/year
Commercial waste: 29,000 to 36,500 tons/year
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
Reduced base flow and water problem.
Most important problemsIssue
- Difficulties in law enforcement
- Competition among sectors
- Lack of public awareness and extension programs
- No single responsible authority
- High demand compared to supply
- Industrial activities and absence of cropping pattern and appropriate
land use
Water Demand
- Over abstraction compared to safe yield
- Climate change and rainfall variability
Water supply
- Deterioration of groundwater quality due to over abstraction
- Overgrazing and unsupervised agricultural activities
- Industrial pollution and solid wastes
Water Quality
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
Section of Zarqa River after Zarqa West Pump Station
4.4 Environmental Problems for Zarqa River
1. Dumping of industrial wastes
 Cause Industries in the Study Area cover a wide range of sectors,
including food, chemicals, construction, textiles, leather, pulp and
paper, the medical sector and Jordan’s main petroleum refinery.
 Resulted Surface and groundwater resources pollution caused by
2. chemical or paint factory discharges
 Cause no governmental control and no public awareness
 Resulted extreme damage for ground and underground water
3. 70 factories is on the side of the river
 Cause no clear regulation for environmental issues for the factories
 Resulted
environmental catastrophes.
sever and fatal diseases.
Number of industryWastewater Disposal/end use
26Discharge to public sewage
25Transport to disposal
1No information
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
Locations of Industries Within on the river(71 factories)
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
4.4 Environmental Problems for Zarqa River
Industrial Wastewater
 At present there are no organized facilities for the central treatment of
industrial wastes.
 Some industries are permitted to discharge their wastewater to the
municipal sewer systems, either untreated or after pretreatment, others
recycle their effluent for on-site irrigation purposes.
 Some industries dispose of their wastewater by tanker truck, and may
sometimes discharge it in nearby valleys. The discharging of industrial
wastewater to valleys has resulted in pollution of the surface and
groundwater resources in the Zarqa River Basin.
 The Environmental Protection Law No 52 for 2006 provides the MoE
with the legal support to close down factories that do not comply with the
national standards for wastewater discharges.
Industrial illegal wastewater discharges
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
The factories daily amount of waste water and polluted amount
Average daily wastewater flow and pollution concentration from industry
Average daily wastewater flow and pollution concentration from
interested industry with high organic content.
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
The chemicals names for the polluted elements in the industrial wastewater
biochemical reactions (BOD)
Total dissolved solids (TDS)
Oxidizable chemicals (COD)
Total suspended solids (TSS)
non-filterable residue (NFR)
Total suspended solids (TSS)
We see from this number that there is a huge amount of pollution and poisoned
material in the industry wastewater discharges which they through it illegally in
the river water which causes a severe pollution for the water people agriculture
and even visual pollution.
illegal dumping of solid waste
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
How to control river pollution?
 Controlling river pollution is in our own interest.
As citizens of Jordan we have to protect our environment.
Similarly, the government also has a duty to protect the environment for the
welfare of its citizens.
There are many ways we can protect the river from pollution.
Some immediate ways to control pollution are:
 Industries should install machineries to remove contaminants from their
One way to do so is installation of Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP).
This way we can control pollution at the source itself.
The towns and cities should also have facilities to clean the sewage. All
towns and cities must have Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) that clean up
the sewage.
Farmers should give up chemicals and pesticides in farming and should
instead adopt organic methods of farming thus reducing chemical pollution
of rivers.
Proper drainage and sewage systems should be adopted that will not allow
the polluted water to mix with river water.
 Implement comprehensive monitoring and enforcement programs from
Greater Amman Municipality, WAJ, MOH, MOE, Police Rangers, Zarqa
Municipality, Ruseifa Municipality and Hashemiyeh Municipality to ensure
the success of plan for the recovery of Zarqa River.
 Enforce environmental regulations and standards.
 Define the responsibility for environmental management of Zarqa River to
avoid the duplication, Update the environmental legislation, standards and
review of the sector policy to avoid duplication of efforts.
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
5.Rectangular of pollution on Al Zarqa River
considered the most polluted area in the river
Study site: Al-Hashmyah town, Zarqa
• Al Hussein Thermal Power Station
• Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company
• Samra Electricity Station
• Samra Water Treatment Plant
How the rectangular of pollution polluted
al Zarqa river.
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
5.1 Study site
Al Hashimeya.
 Inhabited by nearly 70 thousand people
 East of Amman It is bounded by Longitude 36° 04′ to9º 09′ east and
Latitude 32º 04′ to 32 10 north.
 Climate is a semi-arid Mediterranean. Hot and dry conditions in summer
 Lack of rain in winter. The average annual rate rainfall is 142 mm.
 This town is the most polluted city in Jordan specially on Al Zarqa river.
 The water pollution has resulted from many factories and companies in the
area .
Potential water pollution sources include,
Rectangular of pollution on Al Zarqa River
considered the most polluted area in the river
 Samra Water Treatment Plant.
 Samra Electricity Station
 Al Hussein Thermal Power Station
 Petroleum Refinery
And every one of these has a different impact on water quality.
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
Location map
Map for Al Zarqa River group work
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
Google earth group work
Map for Al Zarqa River (rectangular of pollution) group work
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
5.1 Al Hussein Thermal Power Station
Google earth group work
5.1 Al Hussein Thermal Power Station
It was established in 1974
 The station use heavy fuel oil and water as feedstock in the electric power
generation.It provide about Kingdom (95%) of the energy
Sources of pollution
 It burn (600) thousand tons of heavy fuel oil annually.
 It contains a (53%) of sulfur
 It raises (96) tons of sulfur dioxide a day in the air
 It raises nitrogen oxides and carbon harmful to the environment .
 It discharge high percentage of salts waste water resulting from the water
used in the production of electricity
 It increase the salt in the river and in the groundwater
Source ,Ad-Dustour Newspaper . Number 17263-date 7th
of august 2015
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
 pollution from SOx, H2S, CO, CO2
 NOx, and particulate emission.
 groundwater pollutants are sulphates and chlorides from acids, and sodium
from caustic
 soda used for regeneration.
 It will lead to negative influences
 on the environment due to SO and nitrogen-bearing emissions during
 The residual (tailings) and ashes might cause groundwater contamination if
not disposed of in safe places.
Source, National Environment Strategy For Jordan A Resource Book of Information and Guidelines
for Action, Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs & the Environment Department of Environment
IUCN – The World Conservation Union
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
5.2 Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company
Google earth group work
5.2 Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company
 It is a national company
 It was established in 1956
 It began production in 1960
 It produce energy oil & mineral oils.
o Sources of pollution
 it burned (200) thousand tons of heavy fuel oil annually,
 which means put (33) thousand tons of sulfur dioxide a day,
 It release
 nitrogen oxides
 carbon
 hydrocarbons volatile
 Wastewater
 Solid waste
 Part of the waste illegally through in the river
 The other part they send it to samara purification.
Source, Ad-Dustour Newspaper . Number 17263-date 7th
of august 2015
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
5.2 Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company
 is refining basic oil,
 storing, importing and distributing petroleum products.
 They use heavy equipment and machinery, consumes chemicals and burns
fuel in process units, heaters and boilers as a source of energy.
 As with other heavy industries
 some pollutants in gas, liquid and solid
 forms are produced, as a result of different
processing activities, Noise from heavy equipment and
 rotating machinery is another pollution problem.
 • Air pollution, Which causes acid rain
 • Waste-water pollution.
 • Spent lube oil.
 • Solid and liquid wastes.
 • Potentially hazardous health effects.
 • Alteration of land.
 Destroy underground water.
Pollution from illegal
discharge for wastewater from
Petroleum Refinery
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
Oil illegal discharge in the river from Jordan
Petroleum Refinery Company
Source, Google earth group work
5.2 Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
Zarqa River pollution from the Petroleum Refinery source(Al
Hashimiya Municipality )
5.2 Law cases against Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
 In 05/03/2014 strange smell came from the Brigade of Jordan Petroleum
Refinery Company where citizens gathered in front of Al Hashemite health
 Wasfee al Zyoud vice president of Al Hashimeye Contact the ministers of
environment and health to inform them of the situation
 the Hashemite and the health center was closed faces citizens.
 Prompting the police to connect to the environment, civil defense and
transport the injured to the Al Zarqa hospital which gave tem medical
reports that they inhaled sulfur gas.
Medical reports and pollution unprecedented in Al Hashimeyah
Saturday 0.24 2 December / January 2015 14:32 al Sabeel newspaper
2.5 Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company case on
5.3 Samra Electricity Station
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
Google earth group work
5.3 Samra Electricity Station
 Samra founded a company to generate electricity Private Shareholding by
the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 1997
 The company is wholly owned by the Government, with a capital value of
fifty one million Jordanian dinars.
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
5.3 According to the Samra Electricity Station
 Safety and the environment
 Occupational Health, Safety and Environment (HSE):
 The company adopts a system of labor administration operations based
on the built-in system operations based on the application of the
requirements of international standards framed for the management of
quality, environment and occupational health and safety ISO9001-
ISO14001-OHSAS18001. As a result of the effective operations of the
system built application (ISO9001-ISO14001-OHSAS18001) and after
external auditing company SGS Samra company has got to generate
certificates Alkahrabaaly three specifications in October 2012.
 As a result of the efforts of all stakeholders it has been registered for
the first phase of "300 MW combined cycle project" to the United
Nations (Ref. 4958) under the umbrella of the
 Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol to reduce global
warming from greenhouse gas emissions.
 This project is aimed at reducing the emission of about 300,000 tons
per year of carbon dioxide equivalent as the second largest recorded
project in Jordan. And that as a result of the fluctuation and
interruption of the supply of Egyptian gas to the Kingdom as a result of
the bombing of the Egyptian gas line many times, the company's
project returns within the clean development mechanism had been
delayed until the return of natural gas. -Samra Electricity Station
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
5.3 Clear conflict what is the truth
 Regarding to the Samra Electricity Station they got
1. management of quality, environment and occupational health and safety
 the United Nations (Ref. 4958) under the umbrella of the Clean
Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol to reduce global warming
from greenhouse gas emissions.
 All of this disease.
 Death.
 Environmental vandalism
 River and city distortion.
 Documentation.
 now they tell you they got ISO & OHSAS
5.3 Summery for the situation
 Samra Electricity Station
 Al Hussein Thermal Power Station
 petroleum refinery
This three big industrial project are very important for Jordan industry
and income but they are highly polluted.
They causes different kinds of poison gases which causes
1. Potentially hazardous health effects.
2. Acidic rain which destroy the river water and agriculture
They have highly polluted wastewater(solid & liquid) which causes.
1. Pollution for the river water
2. It will increase the pressure on Samara WWTP.
3. Sever environmental problems.
They illegally discharge their industrial wastewater in the river
They send the rest of the wastewater to Samra WWTP which will
causes the following
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
5.4 Samra Water Treatment Plant.
Google earth group work
5.5 Pipe lines to Samra WWTP
Google earth group work
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
5.4 Samra Water Treatment Plant
Samra Wastewater Treatment Plant Jordan (Report)
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
 biochemical reactions (BOD) ‫األكسجين‬‫الممتص‬ ‫الحيوي‬
 Total dissolved solids (TDS)‫المذابة‬ ‫الصلبة‬ ‫السامة‬ ‫المواد‬
 Oxidizable chemicals (COD)‫الكيميائي‬ ‫األكسجين‬ ‫المستهلك‬ ‫نسبة‬‫العضوية‬ ‫المواد‬
‫البيولوجية‬ ‫للحياة‬ ‫سامة‬ ‫مركبات‬ ‫على‬ ‫تحتوي‬
 Total suspended solids (TSS)‫العالقة‬ ‫الصلبة‬ ‫المواد‬ ‫مجموع‬
 non-filterable residue (NFR)‫للتصفية‬ ‫قابلة‬ ‫غير‬ ‫بقايا‬
 Total suspended solids (TSS) ‫العالقة‬ ‫الصلبة‬ ‫المواد‬ ‫مجموع‬
and Alzboon, 2008; As’ad, 2006).
‫المرجع‬:‫السروى‬ ‫أحمد‬-‫مياه‬ ‫معالجة‬‫الصناعي‬ ‫الصرف‬-‫العلمي‬ ‫الكتب‬ ‫دار‬
Table 2 predicated water
Table 1 raw material waste water
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
5.4 Waste water properties
 The average daily inflow to the plant is
156746 m3/d in 1997
224175 m3/d in 2006
which equals more than 330% of the average designed flow.
 The daily BOD5 loads are about 129 tons/d;
equal to a 163% loading increase compared to the design criteria.
 The total suspended solid load is
42.02 tons/d in 1986
100 tons/d in 2003
42 tons/d plant design criteria.
The overflow rate in addition to the high organic load cause significant
deterioration in the plant efficiency
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
5.4 What Is The Truth
 The political reason for the pollution is the lake of financial resources
The real issues that there is a big financial grand for Samra wastewater treatment
The question is
If we have this continues Grand why we have this pollution problem.
Samra wastewater treatment plant Jordan repot
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
5.4 Wells Locations Relative to As-Samra WWTP
Wells name .Petroleum Refinery WS-1 … Al-Oleimat WS-2… AlHussein
Thermal PlantWS-3…AL hasimiya WS-4
Fayad AzyodWS-5… Faisal AdogmyWS-6…Pipsi industrY WS-7… Nezar
Sha'sha'Aws-8…Paper industryWS-9
AlHashimiya WS-11… Fares Al-MoasherWS-12… Khalaf Al- MfaddiWS-13…
Khalaf Salman WS-14…TahaWS-15
Abu-RiyadWS-16… Al-Baghal WS-17.
source : ESIA for the expansion of as-samra wastewater treatment plant
Illustration (group work)
groundwater wells monitored and documented by RSS for (March 2009 – February 2010-
20111) annual averages
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
(1) Testing Waste Water for Fecal Coliforms and/or E.coli using Colilert® and Colilert®-18 &
Quanti-Tray® Gil Dichter World Wide Technical Support Manager, Water
(3) Water for livestock: interpreting water quality tests April 2014, Primefact 533, second edition Dr
Greg Curran, Senior Regional Animal Health Manager – Western Division Animal & Plant Biosecurity,
Broken Hill
source : ESIA for the expansion of as-samra wastewater treatment plant Illustration (group work)
(1) Testing Waste Water for Fecal Coliforms and/or E.coli using Colilert® and Colilert®-18 &
Quanti-Tray® Gil Dichter World Wide Technical Support Manager, Water
(3) Water for livestock: interpreting water quality tests April 2014, Primefact 533, second edition Dr
Greg Curran, Senior Regional Animal Health Manager – Western Division Animal & Plant Biosecurity,
Broken Hill
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
High temperature from pollution increase fly numbers
The polluted water caused high water
Temperature which increase very fast the
number of fly
around 15 % of flies from sludge source at
As-Samra WWTP will reach residential areas.
These flies will interact with the already existing fly population in such areas.
I think As-Samra WWTP should have mitigation plan: actions against insects and
take care about affected people.
ESIA for the expansion of as-samra wastewater treatment plant
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
 Our Recommendation
Zarqa River Authority
 6. Our recommendation
We wish one day it will be reality.
 We want to establish Zarqa River Authority
 The purpose of foundation “Zarqa River Authority” is the conflict between all
the municipality in Amman, Zarqa and Jarsh and the Minster of
Environment .
 The “Zarqa River Authority” will be responsible in front of communities and
both public and privet sectors
 There are funds for the rivers and still no programs or actions for the River
 The River issues is a part of the community participation and awareness for
those issues
 Zarqa River Authority
 It’s an independent authority will be in charge of Zarqa River
that flows through (Amman, Zarqa and Jarsh) , and has a
administrative, controlling put laws and monitoring over the
River, the activates around the river banks and over it’s Basins
 Located in Zarqa city
 Stockholders :
1. The local community in (Zarqa,Amman and Jarash)
2. Minister of Water and Irrigation.
3. Minster of Environment
4. Public and privet sector
5. The factories and intuitions around the river banks
6. The Royal Society for the Protection of Environment
7. Royal Society for the Protection of Nature
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
Authority areas : The River and it’s banks as it shown in map (1)
The location of Zarqa River Authority map1
 Zarqa River Authority
 The right to observe the activity's around the river banks and
punish the contrary.
 The right to questions the Minster of Environment and to
observe its work about the River
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
 Any new project will have to take It’s approval for
construction after giving EIA for the project
 All Factories should have treatment for there west water
 All factories should have wells for the treated west water
 All factories should have air filtrations
 All the factories should make regular maintenance and the
Authority will observe the factories’ conditions
 Punishment for any one who don’t follow the regulation
 There will be fine for any one who don’t follow the
regulation .
1. The factory will be given a first warning for the first time and
pay a fine (1000-10.0000 ) JD
2. After the second warning the factory will be shut down (1 -12)
3. After the third warning the factory will be should down until
founding a solutions for all the problems
 Any factory will use solar power, recycling and water recycling
will be reduce the registration fesses
 Every year any factory had no fines will be given a reduce from
registration fesses
o Non-Governmental Organization
o Establishing a non-governmental organization from
volunteers and local society that :
 Helping cleaning the river
 Monitoring the river
 Hot-line for complaining
 An office in the Authority for the organization
 Guidance and awareness sessions in Environmental issues for
schools, universities and local communities
 How should non-governmental organization and us contribute
to make the rivers clean?
 It is our duty to protect our environment.
 An individual effort may not be sufficient to clean our rivers,
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
 but when all of us contribute towards this goal it becomes a big
 Thus it can help in cleaning up our rivers.
 There are many ways you can contribute towards a clean river
in your locality:
1. Promoting communities participation in local river cleaning up
2. Organizing awareness programs and meetings on the river
pollution and its threats
3. Distribution of literature on the causes and ill effects of river
4. Talking to our family and friends for spreading awareness on
the importance of good water quality and clean a rivers.
Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
 7. References
 Gideon, Raja 1991 The Potential Impact of Industrial Wastes on Water
Resources in Amman-Zarqa Basin. Proceedings of the Second Environmental
Pollution Symposium, 1990, Friederich Ebert Stiftung Goethe-Institut,
Amman Water Research and Study Center. University of Jordan, Amman.
Information and Guidelines for Action, Ministry of Municipal & Rural
Affairs & the Environment Department of Environment IUCN – The World
Conservation Union
 Ad-Dustour Newspaper . Number 17263-date 7th
of august 2015
 ‫التنمية‬ ‫تأثيرات‬ ‫“تقييم‬Development impact assessment” ‫و‬ ‫روبرت‬ ،‫بورشيل‬ِ‫ـ‬‫ل‬;‫أبو‬
‫محمد‬ ‫ناصر‬ ،‫عنزة‬[‫مترجم‬].;‫المجيد‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫محمد‬ ،‫عربيات‬[‫مترجم‬].
Information and Guidelines for Action, Ministry of Municipal & Rural
Affairs & the Environment Department of Environment IUCN – The World
Conservation Union
 Zarqa River pollution from the Petroleum Refinery source(Al Hashimiya
Municipality )
 Samara Electricity Station
 ‫المرجع‬:‫السروى‬ ‫أحمد‬-‫الصناعي‬ ‫الصرف‬ ‫مياه‬ ‫معالجة‬-‫العلمية‬ ‫الكتب‬ ‫دار‬
 *(Barjenbruch and Alzboon, 2008; As’ad, 2006).
 ESIA for the expansion of as-samra wastewater treatment plant
 (1) Testing Waste Water for Fecal Coliforms and/or E.coli using Colilert®
and Colilert®-18 & Quanti-Tray® Gil Dichter World Wide Technical
Support Manager, Water
 (3) Water for livestock: interpreting water quality tests April 2014,
Primefact 533, second edition Dr Greg Curran, Senior Regional Animal
Health Manager – Western Division Animal & Plant Biosecurity, Broken
 (4)

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Al zarqa river pollution causes, actions and revival ………rectangular of pollution

  • 1. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 What is Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) 1.2 EIA History 1.3 The process of Environmental Impact Assessment 1.4 The objectives of the EIA 1.5 EIA provides 1.6 Environmental Management Systems(EMS) 2.Case studies 2.1 Ganga River 2.2 Eel River Dam 3. Study Methodology and Objectives 3.1 Study Methodology 3.2 Water in the world 3.3 Water in Jordan 3.4 Zarqa River 4. Study Area 4.1 About Zarqa River 4.2 The location of Zarqa River 4.3 The Importance of Zarqa River 4.4 Environmental Problems for Zarqa River 5 Study site 5.1 Al Hussein Thermal Power Station
  • 2. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 5.2 Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company 5.3 Samra Electricity Station 5.4 Samra Water Treatment Plant 6. Our Recommendation  Zarqa River Authority  Non-Governmental Organization 7. References
  • 3. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 1.1 Environmental Impact Assessment )EIA(  EIA is the subject of an environmental impact assessment of the latest environmental studies in the present era  Address the environmental impacts of various development activities practiced by human  These studies aimed at determining the outcome of this intervention in the natural order, both environmental and cultural for minimize the negative effects as much as possible promote the positive effects.  EIA is the formal process used to predict the environmental consequences (positive or negative) of a plan, policy, program, or project prior to the decision to move forward with the proposed action.  It defines an environmental impact assessment as a "structured analysis of the environmental impacts of a project to minimize the negative impacts and encourage positive indicators." And it is necessary for Development Planning  Formal impact assessments may be governed by rules of administrative procedure regarding public participation and documentation of decision making, and may be subject to judicial review.  An impact assessment may propose measures to adjust impacts to acceptable levels or to investigate new technological solutions.  It can be classified as environmental impacts to:  Direct and rapid effects occur directly when doing the project.  Indirect effects (cumulative) occur as outputs of this project. Usually easy to measure the immediate effects, while difficult to measure the indirect effects. In most cases, the cumulative effects of indirect be more dangerous than the initial direct effects
  • 4. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution  Formal impact assessments may be governed by rules of administrative procedure regarding public participation and documentation of decision making, and may be subject to judicial review.  An impact assessment may propose measures to adjust impacts to acceptable levels or to investigate new technological solutions. It can be classified as environmental impacts to: 1. Direct and rapid effects occur directly when doing the project. 2. Indirect effects (cumulative) occur as outputs of this project. Usually easy to measure the immediate effects, while difficult to measure the indirect effects. In most cases, the cumulative effects of indirect be more dangerous than the initial direct effects  Systematic environmental assessment and considered part of the planning and decision-making process on interference in the activity of the proposed development projects.  Based on the environmental impacts of the project the decision is made either to the implementation of the project or stop the project or amended, and that whether a government project or private  The process of assessing the environmental effects have evolved even included all technical, economic, social, political and cultural aspects and in conjunction with the direction of development projects towards sustainability.  In these projects it must take into account the environmental, such as, environmental pollution which has caused the project and the process of waste disposal and waste treatment and also the relationship of the project to natural resources such as water, electricity, and thus see how much the project needs of these resources and to what extent will be the impact on natural resources and facilities residential and adjacent vital or in its surroundings. 1.2 EIA History  Environmental impact assessments commenced in the 1960s, as part of increasing environmental awareness.
  • 5. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution  EIAs involved a technical evaluation intended to contribute to more objective decision making.  In the United States, environmental impact assessments obtained formal status in 1969, with enactment of the National Environmental Policy Act.  EIAs have been used increasingly around the world. The number of "Environmental Assessments" filed every year "has vastly overtaken the number of more rigorous Environmental Impact Statements (EIS). 1.3 The process of Environmental Impact Assessment are:  Demonstrate environmental impact EIA.  Options and application of alternatives to achieve the effects.  Control elements of the project and its environment after application options.  Put the expectations of the likely effects of the future.  Suggest some solutions to the expected effects.  A report for decision-makers. This subject has become of growing interest at the global level, where all the international organizations recommend using the environmental impact of development projects in the various evaluation studies and so as to maintain a sustainable development.  It highlights the importance of environmental impact as effective in protecting the environment evaluation, and a beacon in the hands of decision-makers and planners, in order to develop scenarios based upon the development process 1.4 The objectives of the EIA  Ensure the protection of the environment and natural resources and conservation, including aspects related to human health.
  • 6. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution  Achieve a degree of continuous monitoring and environmental monitoring for development projects to ensure the environmentally security  Improve the industry and decision-making process through the vision and clarify the environmental negative returns, especially to help them in making decisions and appropriate actions  Find some kind of balance between the environment and development projects to achieve the common interest and mutual between them  Ensure economic hydration meet the needs of present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs 1.5 EIA provides 1. Modify the design and improvement 2. Ensure the efficient use of resources 3. Strengthen the social aspects 4. Identifying negative impacts and how to mitigate them 5. The provision of information for decision-makers 6. Avoid the destruction of the environment 7. Provide protection for human health 1.6 Environmental Management Systems(EMS) EMS refers to the management of an organization's environmental programs in a comprehensive, systematic, planned and documented manner. It includes the organizational structure, planning and resources for developing, implementing and maintaining policy for environmental protection. It’s a system and database which integrates procedures and processes for training of personnel, monitoring, summarizing, and reporting of specialized environmental performance information The goals of EMS are to increase compliance and reduce waste
  • 7. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 1.6 Environmental Management Systems(EMS) Waste reduction goes beyond compliance to reduce environmental impact. Waste reduction begins at the design phase through pollution prevention and waste minimization. At the end of the life cycle, waste is reduced by recycling. Serves as a tool, or process, to improve environmental performance and information mainly "design, pollution control and waste minimization, training, reporting to top management, and the setting of goals“ Successful companies today are not only measured by how much profitable their products are but also how well they respond to the call to protect the natural environment Everyone is responsible: Every member of the organization takes full responsibility for his or her own action and works hard to make sure that EMS is fully implemented 1.6 Environmental Management Systems(EMS)  Plan what you’re going to do  Do what you planned to do  Check to ensure that you did what you planned  Act to make improvements.
  • 8. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 2.Case studies Ganga River Eel River Dam 2.1 About Ganga River  Location Uttarakhand, India  Length 2,525 km (1,569 mi)  It flows through the nations of India and Bangladesh. The 2,525 km (1,569 mi) river rises in the western Himalayas in the Indian state of Uttarakhand, and flows south and east through the Gangetic Plain of North India into Bangladesh, where it empties into the Bay of Bengal. The Ganga is the largest river in India with an extraordinary religious importance for Hindus. Serving an estimated population of 500 million people or more, which is larger than any other river in the world. It is considered to be the fifth most polluted river in the world 2.1 About Ganga River
  • 9. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 2.1 The River importance  The densely populated Ganga basin is inhabited by 37 per cent of India's population. The entire Ganga basin system effectively drains eight states of India. About 47 per cent of the total irrigated area in India is located in the Ganga basin alone. It has been a major source of navigation and communication since ancient times. The Indo-Gangetic plain has witnessed the blossoming of India's great creative talent. 2.1 Pollution Causes The main causes are the increase in the population density, the enhanced per capita pollutants discharged to the river and the meager dry season water flows in the river due to upstream uses. Human waste : A large proportion of the waste in the Ganges is from this population through domestic usage like bathing, laundry and public defecation Industrial waste : Industrial effluents are about 12% of the total volume of effluent reaching the Ganges. Although a relatively low proportion, they are a cause for major concern because they are often toxic and non- biodegradable Religious events: During festival seasons, over 70 million people bathe in the Ganges over a few weeks to clean themselves from their past sins. Some materials like food, waste or leaves are left in the Ganges for ritualistic reasons. 2.1 Pollution Causes 1. Domestic and industrial wastes. 2. Solid garbage thrown directly into the river 3. Non-point sources of pollution from agricultural run-off containing residues of harmful pesticides and fertilizers. 4. Animal carcasses and half-burned and unburned human corpses thrown into the river
  • 10. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 5. Defecation on the banks by the low-income people 6. Mass bathing and ritualistic practices 2.2 The Environmental Impact Assessment for the Removal of the Eel River Dam Environmental Assessment Methods  The EIA evaluated the Decommissioning or removal of the Eel River dam, including the earthern dyke, concrete water control structure, and ancillary infrastructure (e.g., fish passage facilities) in consideration of the following Project Objectives:  a long-term solution to fish passage;  the establishment of conditions that lead to the natural re-establishment of salt marsh wetlands upstream of the current dam location; and  improvement of habitat for soft-shelled clams and other shellfish upstream and downstream of the dam. 1. Confederations 2. Bathymetry 3. Geomorphology 4. Flooding 5. Atmospheric Environment 6. Climate 7. Air Quality 8. Sound Quality 9. soil Quality 10. Fish Habitat and Fish 11. Water Quality
  • 11. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 2.2 The Environmental Impact Assessment for the Removal of the Eel River Dam  The Project will result in significant environmental effects that may be positive on the following components: 1. Wetlands 2. Vegetation 3. Migratory Birds 4. Vessel Navigation  Current Use of Land and Resources for Traditional Purposes by Aboriginal Persons 1. Tourism 2. Recreation 3. Labor and Economy 4. Bacteriological Environment.  the Project will result in positive environmental effects on Fish Habitat and Fish.  The Project will rectify the fish passage issue, and thus the fish passage Project Objective will be achieved.  All of the current water quality concerns and sediment quality issues will be rectified. Soft-shelled clam stocks will have the opportunity to replenish and the Project Objective of improving habitat for clams and other shellfish will be met.
  • 12. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution The Case Study Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions and Revival Save The Future Do It Now Environmental Impact Assessment
  • 13. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 3. Study Methodology and Objectives 3.1 Study Methodology  Introduction  The need for the project  Project Description  Description of affected environment : Elements, Explanation  Environmental monitoring to be followed 3.2 Study Objectives Water is the source of life.  It covers 70% of the Earth. But only small portion of this precious natural resource is fit for human consumption. Out of the earth’s total water, 97% is stored in oceans which is not fit for human consumption. The further 3% is stored in various sources like rivers, lakes, and under-ground aquifers. Jordan world’s second water-poorest country  Jordan now ranks as the world’s second water-poorest country, where water per capita is 88 per cent below the international water poverty line of 1,000 cubic meters annually. “Jordan is living a water crisis and a huge challenge due to the limited resources, as water per capita share is less than 1,200 cubic meters of water annually, while water per capita share in neighboring and regional countries exceeds 1,250 cubic meters annually,” Nasser underscored.* *(Source. Jordan Times, Oct 22,2014)
  • 14. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 3.3 Study Objectives Water in Jordan  Water use per capita in is among the lowest in the world (150 Cubic Meter per capita (CMC)  Water poverty of 1,000 cubic meters per person per year limit  Jordan's per capita share of water of 50 m 3 per year  It decreased with the presence of refugees to 120 cubic meters per year  By the year 2025, if current trends continue, per capita water supply will fall from the current 200 cubic meters per person to only 91 cubic meters  Kingdom rank 7 of the poorest Arab countries in the region to contain the quality of those waters  Department of Statistics Jordan irbid 3.3 Study Objectives Water in Jordan World water per capita.* the shares of water in Jordan.** * The source. Ministry of Water and Irrigation, HKJ **The Office the Geography and Environment Jordan Amman
  • 15. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 3.4 Study Objectives Al Zarqa river is a potential area in Jordan and with reference to water poverty and the complication of the river pollution which pass through three governmental major cities in Jordan and at the end discharge its polluted water in the king Talal dam with capacity of 83mcm we want to concentrate on the idea of the causes actions and revival of the river water and put some recommendation to solve the problem for us and for the next generations. The rehabilitation of Zarqa River will be part of the water solution in Jordan as it’s the third river in Jordan Wastewater is becoming a resource for agriculture gradually replacing freshwater. 4.1 About Zarqa River
  • 16. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution The location of al Zarqa river The location of al Zarqa river 4.2 The location of Zarqa River  Zarqa River Basin extends from the Syrian border in the North of Jordan to south of Amman and westward toward the Jordan Rift valley.  The entire basin encompasses approximately 4,154 square kilometers, of which 3,739 sq km are within Jordan. It is the second largest tributary of the lower Jordan River, after the Yarmouk River and the third largest river in the region by annual discharge
  • 17. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution The location of Al Zarqa River
  • 18. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution The catchment area of Zarqa River.
  • 19. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution Historical Background AL Zarqa River
  • 20. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
  • 21. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 4.3The Importance of Zarqa River Historical Background ImpactEventYear The geological origins of the Zarqa River 30 million years All early settlements started around river banksAin Ghazal the earliest known human settlements. 7200 BCE They settlement around Zarqa River banksChechen immigrants 1858-1905 The population grew rapidly with an influx of Palestinian refugees 1. Agricultural 2. Industrial 3. Commercial sectors prospered due to construction of I. industries roads leading to other governorates II. borders with neighboring Arab countries The immigration of Palestinian 1950 to 1980 Radical changes in the environmental and natural patterns I. The deep aquifer water exploitation for potable water for agricultural and industrial purposes. II. The destruction of the natural forests adjacent to the river. III. The discharge of industrial and domestic wastewater to the river to an extent that makes rehabilitation difficult and costly Increasing in the population 1980 to 1990 The start of the Environmental awareness in JordanThe establish ofThe Environmental Ministry 1996 The population of Jordan increased rabidly as 10% of the Jordanian population at that time The return of Jordanian from Kuwait 1990 The river pollution is under controlled by the authorities statements (We think there is no control for the pollution after the study and the observation for the area )  50% of the population of the country  70% of the industrial activities Presents situation
  • 22. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 4.3 The Importance of Zarqa River Social economical aspects  Ain Ghazal is one of the earliest known human settlements with evidence of domesticated animals  Zarqa, Jordan's second largest city, is built on the banks of the Zarqa River, and is the largest settlement along its course. The town of Zarqa was founded in 1902 by Chechen immigrants. Its population grew rapidly with an influx of Palestinian refugees who fled the West bank during the Six-day war.  The Zarqa River also flows through Jerash. Inhabited since the Bronze Age, Jerash was an important Greco-Roman city  The Zarqa river basin is considered the most important basin in Jordan: 1. 50% of the population of the country reside on it. 2. 70% of the industrial activities and has witnessed a sudden expansion in urban development such as building, roads, new universities, scattered urban centers and other infrastructure. 4.3 The Importance of Zarqa River  Because of its importance, the basin has gone under different studies by local and international organizations as well as the interest of many agencies from donating countries such as USAID, EU, JICA and GTZ.  The number of civil societies and NGOs as well as their opinion is growing with regards to the protection of the environment and the natural  To evaluate the real impact of the small industries and services, a special focus was given to the areas adjacent to banks of the river and its tributaries. The ministries and agencies place the Zarqa River as the top of the national agenda to find sustainable and effective strategic solutions to stop and minimize the impacts of pollution leading to the river and to restore the river.
  • 23. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution ENVIRONMENTALLY BLACK SPOTS" IN JORDAN Al Zarqa River
  • 24. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 4.4 Environmental Problems for Zarqa River 1. Damping illegally wastewater 2. small industries(industrial and services sector waste discharges) 3. Reduced base flow and water problem 4. Agricultural Activities beside the Zarqa River 5. High population in the area, damping solid waste The main Environmental Problems for Zarqa River Damping illegally wastewater  Cause Sewage flows untreated directly into the river through dry riverbeds (wadis)  Resulted in the pollution of the river and create a smell 1. Despite the construction of sewage treatment plants in a few locations  Cause these stations often received more contaminated water which cannot be deal with it.  Resulted the plant can’t handle the big amount so they discharge it illegally in the water half treated or without treatment 2. Damping poison material to the river which  Cause no supervision from the municipality and its high cost to damp it in the right way  Resulted hazard disease for human and life 1. sewer line leaks( manhole damage) 2. overflow from sewers manholes The presence of a large number of sewage flowing into the exits without serious control of successive governments.
  • 25. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution Agricultural Activities beside the Zarqa River 1. Cause Over pumping of groundwater for agriculture  Resulted low storing in the underground level which create dry wells 2. farming irrigation/fertilizing/pesticide practices.  Cause no regulation no fesses no control  Resulted high polluted water and soil with chemical material and poison unfair exploitation of water 3. Desertification.  Cause up use for land and water  Resulted pure land for agriculture and high average of salt in the soil and water 1. It deteriorated the quality of groundwater and surface water as a result of the depletion of aquifers for domestic, agricultural
  • 26. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution High population in the area, damping solid waste  Cause no control on the immigration to the area (political reasons)  Resulted low storing in the underground level which create dry wells  Bedouin stability (localization) which results  Cause no regulation cultural issues should be taken in confederation.  Resulted in the excessive livestock grazing in a certain area 1. Land holdings:  Cause no clear regulation.  Resulted on the abolition of group family land holdings to take advantage of the emergence of privately owned land unsustainable and unjust rights of pastoralists in the region Illegal waste Sites near Zarqa West Pump Station Household waste: 435,000 to 465,000 tons/year Commercial waste: 29,000 to 36,500 tons/year
  • 27. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution Reduced base flow and water problem. Most important problemsIssue - Difficulties in law enforcement - Competition among sectors - Lack of public awareness and extension programs - No single responsible authority Water Management - High demand compared to supply - Industrial activities and absence of cropping pattern and appropriate land use Water Demand - Over abstraction compared to safe yield - Climate change and rainfall variability Water supply - Deterioration of groundwater quality due to over abstraction - Overgrazing and unsupervised agricultural activities - Industrial pollution and solid wastes Water Quality
  • 28. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution Section of Zarqa River after Zarqa West Pump Station 4.4 Environmental Problems for Zarqa River 1. Dumping of industrial wastes  Cause Industries in the Study Area cover a wide range of sectors, including food, chemicals, construction, textiles, leather, pulp and paper, the medical sector and Jordan’s main petroleum refinery.  Resulted Surface and groundwater resources pollution caused by wastewater. 2. chemical or paint factory discharges  Cause no governmental control and no public awareness  Resulted extreme damage for ground and underground water 3. 70 factories is on the side of the river  Cause no clear regulation for environmental issues for the factories  Resulted environmental catastrophes. sever and fatal diseases. Number of industryWastewater Disposal/end use 1evaporation 4irrigation 14reuse 26Discharge to public sewage 25Transport to disposal 1No information 71total
  • 29. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution Locations of Industries Within on the river(71 factories)
  • 30. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 4.4 Environmental Problems for Zarqa River Industrial Wastewater  At present there are no organized facilities for the central treatment of industrial wastes.  Some industries are permitted to discharge their wastewater to the municipal sewer systems, either untreated or after pretreatment, others recycle their effluent for on-site irrigation purposes.  Some industries dispose of their wastewater by tanker truck, and may sometimes discharge it in nearby valleys. The discharging of industrial wastewater to valleys has resulted in pollution of the surface and groundwater resources in the Zarqa River Basin.  The Environmental Protection Law No 52 for 2006 provides the MoE with the legal support to close down factories that do not comply with the national standards for wastewater discharges. Industrial illegal wastewater discharges
  • 31. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution The factories daily amount of waste water and polluted amount Average daily wastewater flow and pollution concentration from industry Average daily wastewater flow and pollution concentration from interested industry with high organic content.
  • 32. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution The chemicals names for the polluted elements in the industrial wastewater biochemical reactions (BOD) Total dissolved solids (TDS) Oxidizable chemicals (COD) Total suspended solids (TSS) non-filterable residue (NFR) Total suspended solids (TSS) We see from this number that there is a huge amount of pollution and poisoned material in the industry wastewater discharges which they through it illegally in the river water which causes a severe pollution for the water people agriculture and even visual pollution. illegal dumping of solid waste
  • 33. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution How to control river pollution?  Controlling river pollution is in our own interest. As citizens of Jordan we have to protect our environment. Similarly, the government also has a duty to protect the environment for the welfare of its citizens. There are many ways we can protect the river from pollution. Some immediate ways to control pollution are:  Industries should install machineries to remove contaminants from their wastewater. One way to do so is installation of Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP). This way we can control pollution at the source itself. The towns and cities should also have facilities to clean the sewage. All towns and cities must have Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) that clean up the sewage. Farmers should give up chemicals and pesticides in farming and should instead adopt organic methods of farming thus reducing chemical pollution of rivers. Proper drainage and sewage systems should be adopted that will not allow the polluted water to mix with river water. Recommendations  Implement comprehensive monitoring and enforcement programs from Greater Amman Municipality, WAJ, MOH, MOE, Police Rangers, Zarqa Municipality, Ruseifa Municipality and Hashemiyeh Municipality to ensure the success of plan for the recovery of Zarqa River.  Enforce environmental regulations and standards.  Define the responsibility for environmental management of Zarqa River to avoid the duplication, Update the environmental legislation, standards and review of the sector policy to avoid duplication of efforts.
  • 34. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 5.Rectangular of pollution on Al Zarqa River considered the most polluted area in the river Study site: Al-Hashmyah town, Zarqa • Al Hussein Thermal Power Station • Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company • Samra Electricity Station • Samra Water Treatment Plant How the rectangular of pollution polluted al Zarqa river.
  • 35. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 5.1 Study site Al Hashimeya.  Inhabited by nearly 70 thousand people  East of Amman It is bounded by Longitude 36° 04′ to9º 09′ east and Latitude 32º 04′ to 32 10 north.  Climate is a semi-arid Mediterranean. Hot and dry conditions in summer  Lack of rain in winter. The average annual rate rainfall is 142 mm.  This town is the most polluted city in Jordan specially on Al Zarqa river.  The water pollution has resulted from many factories and companies in the area . Potential water pollution sources include, Rectangular of pollution on Al Zarqa River considered the most polluted area in the river  Samra Water Treatment Plant.  Samra Electricity Station  Al Hussein Thermal Power Station  Petroleum Refinery And every one of these has a different impact on water quality.
  • 36. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution Location map Map for Al Zarqa River group work
  • 37. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution Google earth group work Map for Al Zarqa River (rectangular of pollution) group work
  • 38. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 5.1 Al Hussein Thermal Power Station Google earth group work 5.1 Al Hussein Thermal Power Station It was established in 1974  The station use heavy fuel oil and water as feedstock in the electric power generation.It provide about Kingdom (95%) of the energy Sources of pollution  It burn (600) thousand tons of heavy fuel oil annually.  It contains a (53%) of sulfur  It raises (96) tons of sulfur dioxide a day in the air  It raises nitrogen oxides and carbon harmful to the environment .  It discharge high percentage of salts waste water resulting from the water used in the production of electricity  It increase the salt in the river and in the groundwater Source ,Ad-Dustour Newspaper . Number 17263-date 7th of august 2015
  • 39. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution  pollution from SOx, H2S, CO, CO2  NOx, and particulate emission.  groundwater pollutants are sulphates and chlorides from acids, and sodium from caustic  soda used for regeneration.  It will lead to negative influences  on the environment due to SO and nitrogen-bearing emissions during combustion.  The residual (tailings) and ashes might cause groundwater contamination if not disposed of in safe places. Source, National Environment Strategy For Jordan A Resource Book of Information and Guidelines for Action, Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs & the Environment Department of Environment IUCN – The World Conservation Union
  • 40. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 5.2 Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company Google earth group work 5.2 Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company  It is a national company  It was established in 1956  It began production in 1960  It produce energy oil & mineral oils. o Sources of pollution  it burned (200) thousand tons of heavy fuel oil annually,  which means put (33) thousand tons of sulfur dioxide a day,  It release  nitrogen oxides  carbon  hydrocarbons volatile  Wastewater  Solid waste  Part of the waste illegally through in the river  The other part they send it to samara purification. Source, Ad-Dustour Newspaper . Number 17263-date 7th of august 2015
  • 41. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 5.2 Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company  is refining basic oil,  storing, importing and distributing petroleum products.  They use heavy equipment and machinery, consumes chemicals and burns fuel in process units, heaters and boilers as a source of energy.  As with other heavy industries  some pollutants in gas, liquid and solid  forms are produced, as a result of different processing activities, Noise from heavy equipment and  rotating machinery is another pollution problem.  • Air pollution, Which causes acid rain  • Waste-water pollution.  • Spent lube oil.  • Solid and liquid wastes.  • Potentially hazardous health effects.  • Alteration of land.  Destroy underground water. Pollution from illegal discharge for wastewater from Petroleum Refinery
  • 42. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution Oil illegal discharge in the river from Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company Source, Google earth group work 5.2 Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company
  • 43. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution Zarqa River pollution from the Petroleum Refinery source(Al Hashimiya Municipality ) 5.2 Law cases against Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company
  • 44. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution  In 05/03/2014 strange smell came from the Brigade of Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company where citizens gathered in front of Al Hashemite health center  Wasfee al Zyoud vice president of Al Hashimeye Contact the ministers of environment and health to inform them of the situation  the Hashemite and the health center was closed faces citizens.  Prompting the police to connect to the environment, civil defense and transport the injured to the Al Zarqa hospital which gave tem medical reports that they inhaled sulfur gas. Medical reports and pollution unprecedented in Al Hashimeyah Saturday 0.24 2 December / January 2015 14:32 al Sabeel newspaper 2.5 Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company case on 05/03/2014 5.3 Samra Electricity Station
  • 45. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution Google earth group work 5.3 Samra Electricity Station  Samra founded a company to generate electricity Private Shareholding by the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 1997  The company is wholly owned by the Government, with a capital value of fifty one million Jordanian dinars.
  • 46. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 5.3 According to the Samra Electricity Station  Safety and the environment  Occupational Health, Safety and Environment (HSE):  The company adopts a system of labor administration operations based on the built-in system operations based on the application of the requirements of international standards framed for the management of quality, environment and occupational health and safety ISO9001- ISO14001-OHSAS18001. As a result of the effective operations of the system built application (ISO9001-ISO14001-OHSAS18001) and after external auditing company SGS Samra company has got to generate certificates Alkahrabaaly three specifications in October 2012.  As a result of the efforts of all stakeholders it has been registered for the first phase of "300 MW combined cycle project" to the United Nations (Ref. 4958) under the umbrella of the  Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol to reduce global warming from greenhouse gas emissions.  This project is aimed at reducing the emission of about 300,000 tons per year of carbon dioxide equivalent as the second largest recorded project in Jordan. And that as a result of the fluctuation and interruption of the supply of Egyptian gas to the Kingdom as a result of the bombing of the Egyptian gas line many times, the company's project returns within the clean development mechanism had been delayed until the return of natural gas. -Samra Electricity Station
  • 47. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 5.3 Clear conflict what is the truth  Regarding to the Samra Electricity Station they got 1. management of quality, environment and occupational health and safety ISO9001-ISO14001-OHSAS18001  the United Nations (Ref. 4958) under the umbrella of the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol to reduce global warming from greenhouse gas emissions.  All of this disease.  Death.  Environmental vandalism  River and city distortion.  Documentation.  now they tell you they got ISO & OHSAS 5.3 Summery for the situation  Samra Electricity Station  Al Hussein Thermal Power Station  petroleum refinery This three big industrial project are very important for Jordan industry and income but they are highly polluted. They causes different kinds of poison gases which causes 1. Potentially hazardous health effects. 2. Acidic rain which destroy the river water and agriculture They have highly polluted wastewater(solid & liquid) which causes. 1. Pollution for the river water 2. It will increase the pressure on Samara WWTP. 3. Sever environmental problems. They illegally discharge their industrial wastewater in the river They send the rest of the wastewater to Samra WWTP which will causes the following
  • 48. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 5.4 Samra Water Treatment Plant. Google earth group work 5.5 Pipe lines to Samra WWTP Google earth group work
  • 49. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 5.4 Samra Water Treatment Plant Samra Wastewater Treatment Plant Jordan (Report)
  • 50. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution  biochemical reactions (BOD) ‫األكسجين‬‫الممتص‬ ‫الحيوي‬  Total dissolved solids (TDS)‫المذابة‬ ‫الصلبة‬ ‫السامة‬ ‫المواد‬  Oxidizable chemicals (COD)‫الكيميائي‬ ‫األكسجين‬ ‫المستهلك‬ ‫نسبة‬‫العضوية‬ ‫المواد‬ ‫البيولوجية‬ ‫للحياة‬ ‫سامة‬ ‫مركبات‬ ‫على‬ ‫تحتوي‬  Total suspended solids (TSS)‫العالقة‬ ‫الصلبة‬ ‫المواد‬ ‫مجموع‬  non-filterable residue (NFR)‫للتصفية‬ ‫قابلة‬ ‫غير‬ ‫بقايا‬  Total suspended solids (TSS) ‫العالقة‬ ‫الصلبة‬ ‫المواد‬ ‫مجموع‬ Table 1-2SAMRA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT JORDAN (report) (Barjenbruch and Alzboon, 2008; As’ad, 2006). ‫المرجع‬:‫السروى‬ ‫أحمد‬-‫مياه‬ ‫معالجة‬‫الصناعي‬ ‫الصرف‬-‫العلمي‬ ‫الكتب‬ ‫دار‬ Table 2 predicated water Table 1 raw material waste water
  • 51. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 5.4 Waste water properties  The average daily inflow to the plant is 156746 m3/d in 1997 224175 m3/d in 2006 which equals more than 330% of the average designed flow.  The daily BOD5 loads are about 129 tons/d; equal to a 163% loading increase compared to the design criteria.  The total suspended solid load is 42.02 tons/d in 1986 100 tons/d in 2003 42 tons/d plant design criteria. The overflow rate in addition to the high organic load cause significant deterioration in the plant efficiency
  • 52. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
  • 53. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 5.4 What Is The Truth  The political reason for the pollution is the lake of financial resources The real issues that there is a big financial grand for Samra wastewater treatment plant The question is If we have this continues Grand why we have this pollution problem. Samra wastewater treatment plant Jordan repot
  • 54. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution 5.4 Wells Locations Relative to As-Samra WWTP Wells name .Petroleum Refinery WS-1 … Al-Oleimat WS-2… AlHussein Thermal PlantWS-3…AL hasimiya WS-4 Fayad AzyodWS-5… Faisal AdogmyWS-6…Pipsi industrY WS-7… Nezar Sha'sha'Aws-8…Paper industryWS-9 AlHashimiya WS-11… Fares Al-MoasherWS-12… Khalaf Al- MfaddiWS-13… Khalaf Salman WS-14…TahaWS-15 Abu-RiyadWS-16… Al-Baghal WS-17. source : ESIA for the expansion of as-samra wastewater treatment plant Illustration (group work) groundwater wells monitored and documented by RSS for (March 2009 – February 2010- 20111) annual averages
  • 55. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution (1) Testing Waste Water for Fecal Coliforms and/or E.coli using Colilert® and Colilert®-18 & Quanti-Tray® Gil Dichter World Wide Technical Support Manager, Water (2) - ENVIRO SCI INQUARY (3) Water for livestock: interpreting water quality tests April 2014, Primefact 533, second edition Dr Greg Curran, Senior Regional Animal Health Manager – Western Division Animal & Plant Biosecurity, Broken Hill (4) source : ESIA for the expansion of as-samra wastewater treatment plant Illustration (group work) (1) Testing Waste Water for Fecal Coliforms and/or E.coli using Colilert® and Colilert®-18 & Quanti-Tray® Gil Dichter World Wide Technical Support Manager, Water (2) - ENVIRO SCI INQUARY (3) Water for livestock: interpreting water quality tests April 2014, Primefact 533, second edition Dr Greg Curran, Senior Regional Animal Health Manager – Western Division Animal & Plant Biosecurity, Broken Hill
  • 56. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution High temperature from pollution increase fly numbers The polluted water caused high water Temperature which increase very fast the number of fly around 15 % of flies from sludge source at As-Samra WWTP will reach residential areas. These flies will interact with the already existing fly population in such areas. I think As-Samra WWTP should have mitigation plan: actions against insects and take care about affected people. ESIA for the expansion of as-samra wastewater treatment plant
  • 57. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution
  • 58. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution  Our Recommendation Zarqa River Authority  6. Our recommendation We wish one day it will be reality.  We want to establish Zarqa River Authority  The purpose of foundation “Zarqa River Authority” is the conflict between all the municipality in Amman, Zarqa and Jarsh and the Minster of Environment .  The “Zarqa River Authority” will be responsible in front of communities and both public and privet sectors  There are funds for the rivers and still no programs or actions for the River problems  The River issues is a part of the community participation and awareness for those issues  Zarqa River Authority  It’s an independent authority will be in charge of Zarqa River that flows through (Amman, Zarqa and Jarsh) , and has a administrative, controlling put laws and monitoring over the River, the activates around the river banks and over it’s Basins  Located in Zarqa city  Stockholders : 1. The local community in (Zarqa,Amman and Jarash) 2. Minister of Water and Irrigation. 3. Minster of Environment 4. Public and privet sector 5. The factories and intuitions around the river banks 6. The Royal Society for the Protection of Environment 7. Royal Society for the Protection of Nature
  • 59. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution Authority areas : The River and it’s banks as it shown in map (1) The location of Zarqa River Authority map1  Zarqa River Authority  The right to observe the activity's around the river banks and punish the contrary.  The right to questions the Minster of Environment and to observe its work about the River
  • 60. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution  Any new project will have to take It’s approval for construction after giving EIA for the project  All Factories should have treatment for there west water  All factories should have wells for the treated west water  All factories should have air filtrations  All the factories should make regular maintenance and the Authority will observe the factories’ conditions  Punishment for any one who don’t follow the regulation  There will be fine for any one who don’t follow the regulation . 1. The factory will be given a first warning for the first time and pay a fine (1000-10.0000 ) JD 2. After the second warning the factory will be shut down (1 -12) months 3. After the third warning the factory will be should down until founding a solutions for all the problems  Any factory will use solar power, recycling and water recycling will be reduce the registration fesses  Every year any factory had no fines will be given a reduce from registration fesses o Non-Governmental Organization o Establishing a non-governmental organization from volunteers and local society that :  Helping cleaning the river  Monitoring the river  Hot-line for complaining  An office in the Authority for the organization  Guidance and awareness sessions in Environmental issues for schools, universities and local communities  How should non-governmental organization and us contribute to make the rivers clean?  It is our duty to protect our environment.  An individual effort may not be sufficient to clean our rivers,
  • 61. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution  but when all of us contribute towards this goal it becomes a big effort.  Thus it can help in cleaning up our rivers.  There are many ways you can contribute towards a clean river in your locality: 1. Promoting communities participation in local river cleaning up 2. Organizing awareness programs and meetings on the river pollution and its threats 3. Distribution of literature on the causes and ill effects of river pollution 4. Talking to our family and friends for spreading awareness on the importance of good water quality and clean a rivers.
  • 62. Al Zarqa River Pollution Causes, Actions And Revival ………Rectangular Of Pollution  7. References  Gideon, Raja 1991 The Potential Impact of Industrial Wastes on Water Resources in Amman-Zarqa Basin. Proceedings of the Second Environmental Pollution Symposium, 1990, Friederich Ebert Stiftung Goethe-Institut, Amman Water Research and Study Center. University of Jordan, Amman.  NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT STRATEGY FOR JORDAN A Resource Book of Information and Guidelines for Action, Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs & the Environment Department of Environment IUCN – The World Conservation Union  Ad-Dustour Newspaper . Number 17263-date 7th of august 2015  ‫التنمية‬ ‫تأثيرات‬ ‫“تقييم‬Development impact assessment” ‫و‬ ‫روبرت‬ ،‫بورشيل‬ِ‫ـ‬‫ل‬;‫أبو‬ ‫محمد‬ ‫ناصر‬ ،‫عنزة‬[‫مترجم‬].;‫المجيد‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫محمد‬ ،‫عربيات‬[‫مترجم‬].  NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT STRATEGY FOR JORDAN A Resource Book of Information and Guidelines for Action, Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs & the Environment Department of Environment IUCN – The World Conservation Union  Zarqa River pollution from the Petroleum Refinery source(Al Hashimiya Municipality )  Samara Electricity Station  ‫المرجع‬:‫السروى‬ ‫أحمد‬-‫الصناعي‬ ‫الصرف‬ ‫مياه‬ ‫معالجة‬-‫العلمية‬ ‫الكتب‬ ‫دار‬  Table 1-2SAMRA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT JORDAN (report)  *(Barjenbruch and Alzboon, 2008; As’ad, 2006).  ESIA for the expansion of as-samra wastewater treatment plant  (1) Testing Waste Water for Fecal Coliforms and/or E.coli using Colilert® and Colilert®-18 & Quanti-Tray® Gil Dichter World Wide Technical Support Manager, Water  (2) - ENVIRO SCI INQUARY  (3) Water for livestock: interpreting water quality tests April 2014, Primefact 533, second edition Dr Greg Curran, Senior Regional Animal Health Manager – Western Division Animal & Plant Biosecurity, Broken Hill  (4)