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Your Cleanse is complete and now you start the burn phase of the 24 day challenge program.
Your green cleanse box is replaced with the purple Metabolic Nutrition System box (MNS Max
3). This phase will continue to teach you when to eat, how much and in what ratios of protein,
carbohydrate and fat. It is still very important to not skip meals, over eat OR eat less than the
required amount. Not eating is just as much of a cheat as overeating! This is not a diet and we
need to strengthen your metabolism through feeding the body. Typical diets will weaken the
metabolism and that is why most people yo yo diet. We are providing maximum nutrition and
strengthening the body’s ability to be able to burn food for energy efficiently.

You will have 2 different meal plans that make up a 4 day cycle.
It is very important to not eat additional carbs on your burn days and equally important to eat
all the extra food on your refuel days. Your schedule for the next two weeks looks like this:
Burn days 1( ) 2( ) 3( ) Refuel day 4( )
Burn days 5( ) 6( ) 7( ) Refuel day 8( )
Burn days 9( ) 10( ) 11( ) Refuel day 12( )
Burn days on 13( ) 14 ( )

After the 24 day challenge you have the option to move forward to the Carb Challenge or to
maintain the results you have achieved. Please discuss your progress and goals with your
Advocare nutrition coach no later than your second refuel day to determine what is the next
best step for you.

** In your meal schedule chart means optional. Options are:

1) Additional servings of Catalyst are optional for increased fat burning and muscle definition.
2) ThermoPlus is optional for increased fat burning and recommended if you do not workout or are fairly
inactive right now.
3) Muscle Gain is optional as your 4th meal on the burn phase. If you are busy and on the go, Muscle Gain is
fast and more easily digestible and lighter on your system than other proteins. It is only $3 per meal.
Shopping Guide/Food Portion Chart
       Under 130lbs = small (S)             131-175lbs = medium (M)                176-225lb + = large            (L) 225+ = (XL)

 Meal Replacement                                                                               Low/Med
       (MR)                   Protein                  Fruit              Vegetables         Glycemic Carbs              Healthy Fats
 Muscle Gain (MG)                                                       Add more green
      Shakes                                                             veggies at any
Serving Size:            Serving Size:           Serving Size:         Serving Size:         Serving Size:         Serving Size:

MR:                      S – 3oz                 S – ¼ c, ½ fruit      S – ¾ cup             S – ¼ cup (2 oz)      S & M – 1/8 cup
S – 1 packet             M – 4oz                 M – ½ c, 1sm fruit    M – 1 cup             M – ½ cup (4 oz)
M – 1 packet             L – 6oz                 L & XL – ¾ c, 1 lrg   L – 1 1/2 cups        L – 3/4 cup (6 oz)    L & XL - 1/4 cup
L – 1 packet             XL – 8oz                fruit                                       XL – 1 cup (8oz)
XL – 1 packet plus 1                                                   Choose From:                                Choose From:
scoop muscle gain.       Choose From:            Choose From:          Asparagus             Choose From:          Almonds
                         White fish              Grapefruit            Any Green salad       Sweet potato          Walnuts
MG:                                              Green apples                                                      Cashews
                         Salmon                                        Green beans           Yams
S (12.5g) – 1 scoop                                                                                                Seeds
                         Tuna                    Peaches               Peppers               Brown rice
M (25g) – 2 scoops                                                                                                 Raw unsalted nuts only!!!
L (37.5) – 3 scoops      Chicken                 Pears                 Spinach               Oatmeal**
XL (50) – 4 scoops       Turkey breast           Any berries           Onions                Black beans           Avocado
                         Ground turkey           Plums                 Tomatoes                                    S – 1 oz
Choose From:                                     Prunes                Cucumbers             ** Measure when       M – 1.5 oz
Meal Replacement         Eggs whites:            Papaya                Celery                dry. Measure all      L – 2 oz
Shake – can be           S – 6 (3/4c)            Oranges               Cauliflower           others once           XL – 2.5 oz
substituted for a        M – 8 (1 c)             Cantaloupe            Collard Greens        cooked.
breakfast, lunch or      L – 10 (1 1/4c)         Honeydew              Cabbage
                                                                                                                   Peanut butter or Almond
dinner meal.             XL – 12 (1.5c)          Kiwi                                        Note – black
                                                                       Broccoli                                    S – 2 tsp
Muscle Gain Shake-
                                                 Figs                  Mushrooms             beans have more
                         1 egg white =                                                                             M - 1 tbsp.
can be substituted for   3gr protein                                   Zucchini              fat than the          L – 1.5 tbsp
protein in meals         Using yokes must be                                                 others.               XL – 2 tbsp
1-6.                     only when               Purchase:             Cooking Method:                             No added sugar, oil or salt!
Add water and ice if     combining a fat and     Fresh or frozen       Eat raw, steam,       Cooking Method:
desired                  a protein. Egg                                bake, or bbq          Steam, bake, or       Olive oil
                         whites are for “just”                                               broil                 S – ½ tbsp.
DO NOT add any fruit     protein.                                                                                  M - 1 tbsp
                                                                       DO NOT cook in
milk, juice, etc.                                DO NOT choose                                                     L – 1.5 tbsp
                                                                       oil.                  DO NOT choose
                         Cooking Method:                                                                           XL – 2tbsp
                                                 canned or dried                             instant rice or
When to have:            Steam, bake, broil
MR – refuel day                                                        When to have:         oatmeal or add oil    Egg Yoke
                         or bbq                                        Burn days - Meal      to the carbs.         Use when combining a fat
Meal 1
                                                 When to have:         1, 3 and 5                                  & protein.
                         DO NOT fry              Refuel days only                            When to have:         S – 1 whole, 4 whites
MG – Anytime for         No skin                 on meal 2only         Refuel days –         Burn days – none      M – 2 whole. 4 whites
your protein serving     No breading                                                                               L – 3 whole, 4 whites
                                                                       Meal 3, 4 and 5
                         Rinse canned tuna                                                   Refuel days –         XL – 4 whole, 4 whites
                         or chicken.                                   You can add more      Meal 3 and 4
                                                                                                                   When to have:
                                                                       leafy greens or                             Burn days – Meals 1, 2,
                         When to have:                                 celery at any time.
                         Burn days                                                                                 3 and 5
                         All Meals
                         (option on meal 2)                                                                        Refuel days – Meal 5

                         Refuel days
                         Meals 2-5
Burn Day Chart
Time 2-3 hours         Event                      What to Take                                                           Hydration
                       Wake up                            MNS “before breakfast” Packet                                 Drink H2O
                                                          (3) Catalyst
                                                           (2) Thermo Plus (optional)
20- 30 min after       Breakfast                          Protein + fat + veggie                                        Drink H2O
mns before pack                                           MNS w/ breakfast and w/ lunch Packets
                       AM Snack                           1 fat serving                                                 Drink H2O
                                                          ½ protein serving + ½ Fat serving
                       Prior to Lunch                     MNS “before lunch” Packet                                     Drink H2O
                                                          (1-2) Thermo Plus (optional)
20-30min after         Lunch                              Protein + Vegetable + ½ serving Fat                           Drink H2O
MNS pack
                       Afternoon Snack                    Muscle Gain Shake or a serving of protein                     Drink H2O
                                                          Spark or Slam
                       Dinner                             Protein + Vegetable + ½ fat                                   Drink H2O
                       Optional 6 Meal                    Protein + Vegetable
                       after dinner
                       Before Bed                          (3) Catalyst
                                                           (3) Omega Plex
Water                                                      Water: 1.0 Gallon Per Day
Exercise               Eat your next meal                 Daily Exercise – Follow the Plan given below                   Optional Post workout recovery
                       within 15 to 45                   Optional: Spark or Muscle fuel 15 minutes prior                shake for those doing the 24 day
                       minutes post                       Take 3 Catalyst immediately before exercise.                  to for definition to lose the last 5
                       workout if you are                 Catalyst supports muscle and forces body to go after           to 10 pounds AND have intense
                       not doing post                     stored fat as energy source while working out.                 workouts. No 6 meal after
                       workout shake!                   For weight loss do not eat 1.5 to 2 hours prior to              dinner if you do the Post
                                                          cardio so you maximize fat burn. UNLESS you                    recovery shake.
                                                          workout within 30 minutes of waking then take (3)
                                                          catalyst and a spark or slam and workout.
Extras                                                  You may have 1 extra Spark, slam or Rehydrate, sugar
                                                  free gum, sugar free jello, decaf tea, extra leafy greens,
                                                  cucumber or celery.

         Use food portion chart to select or substitute foods within the same category. The portion size will be determined from the weight category on
                                                                 the top of the food portion chart.

     Cycle 1                                Cycle 2                              Cycle 3                              Cycle 4
        o Burn                                 o Burn                               o Burn                               o Burn
        o Burn                                 o Burn                               o Burn                               o Burn
        o Burn                                 o Burn                               o Burn
        o Refuel                               o Refuel                             o Refuel
Refuel Day Chart
Times spaced 2-     Event                       What to Take                                                      Hydration
3 hours apart.
                    Wake up                             MNS “before breakfast” Packet                            Drink H2O
                                                        (3) Catalyst
                                                        (1-2) Thermo Plus**
20- 30 min after    Breakfast                            Meal Replacement Shake                                   Drink H2O
MNS                                                     MNS w/ breakfast and w/ lunch Packets
                    AM Snack                            ½ Protein + a fruit                                      Drink H2O
                    Prior to Lunch                      MNS “before lunch” Packet                                Drink H2O
                                                        (1-2) Thermo Plus**
20- 30 min after    Lunch                               Protein +Vegetable + Carbohydrate                        Drink H2O
                    Afternoon Snack                     Protein + Vegetable + Carbohydrate                       Drink H2O
                                                        Spark or Slam
                    Dinner                              Protein + Vegetable + fat                                Drink H2O
                    PM snack                            ½ serving of Muscle gain** mixed in with ½ cup of        Drink H2O
                                                         nonfat plain Greek Yogurt (or just muscle gain)
                    Before Bed                           (3) Catalyst**
                                                        (2) Omega Plex
Water                                                    Water: 1.0 Gallon Per Day
                                                        Spark or rehydrate anytime
Exercise                                                 Daily Exercise – Follow the Plan!
                                                        Take 3 Catalyst just before exercise
                                                        Optional: Spark or Muscle fuel 15 minutes prior

     Refueling is vital for increased metabolism to create your success; make sure you eat everything you are supposed to eat!

                                                                    ** = optional

                            Foods to Omit                                                                 You Can Have:
Flour Products: bread, all pasta, crackers, chips, tortillas, pita bread,      small amounts of splenda or stevia
flour products of any kind, fried or breaded food, etc.                        small amounts of zero calorie butter sprays or butter buds
Sweets: sugar, honey, cakes, cookies, brownies, etc.                           all types of pure vinegar
Dairy Products: milk, cottage cheese, butter, yogurt, cream bases              small amounts of yellow mustard
soups or sauces, etc.                                                          herbs, spices, and seasoning are great! **
Snacks: soda, drinks, chips, popcorn, etc.                                     sugar free gum, sugar free jello and teas are great!
Starchy Vegetables: corn, peas, squash, potatoes, etc.
Avoid: over salting your food, creamy dressings or sauces, BBQ                           **limit salt intake and keep it steady. To maximize after pic,
sauce                                                                          cut out salt completely the last 5 days and slowly decrease water intake.
Healthy Eating Tips
1) Get rid of the food items that cause you problems (e.g., chips, cheese, etc.)
     Sometimes we develop a “taste addiction”
     Don’t buy these foods, don’t stock them in your house – in fact, purge them from your house so you won’t be

2) Focus on “Good Carbohydrates”
     When you do eat carbohydrates on your plan, make sure they are “good” carbohydrates (e.g., whole grain rice,
        sweet potatoes, etc.).
     Eliminate all flour products if you can – these have a tendency to spike your insulin levels and if you are not
        immediately burning this off with exercise, you will store it as fat

3) Make sure you are always stocked up on fresh cut up vegetables, proteins and healthy carbohydrates
     It is always easier to eat right when it is convenient
     For example, if an “eating trigger point” for you is when you first come home, then reach for the veggies!
     Prepare several types of protein sources and other foods in advance and store them in the refrigerator for the
       week (e.g., cook a week’s worth of chicken breasts, and prepare some whole grain brown rice to reheat)

4) Always ensure you are stocked up on the non cooking food items
      Have plenty of Muscle Gain, Meal Replacement Shakes or AdvoCare Bars on hand in case you need a fast/
        healthy snack or you need to take something on the go for later

5) Space meals and snacks every 2 to 3 hours apart
      Never go more than 4 hours without eating – DO NOT Skip Meals for it will slow your metabolism!

6) Breakfast is a MUST!
      Always have this within 30-45minutes of walking in the morning – ensure your body gets into “fat burning”
        mode” and not “fat storage” mode.

7) Use Spark as needed to keep your energy levels up throughout the day
     You can increase your Energy Drink consumption to keep your energy up

8) Drink 1 to 1.5 gallons of water a day

9) Continue to eat a sensible dinner
     DO NOT have any carbohydrates at dinner time – FOLLOW THE EATING PLAN. But… if you are VERY hungry eat
        extra veggies!

10) After Dinner Snack (OPTIONAL)
      If you need to have a snack after dinner, your best option is a 1/2 of a serving of Muscle Gain.
      Muscle Gain should really be thought of as "Muscle Lean" - this product feeds your muscles and increases your
         metabolism – which helps you to burn more fat.

12) Night Time Refresher
      Before going to bed, drink an AdvoCare Rehydrate - This flushes out the toxins from your system, and also
        keeps you well hydrated throughout the night.

13) Take additional AdvoCare Omega Plex (Omega 3 Supplement) for better results
Supplement Guide
AdvoCare Product & Benefits                    When to take it                                 Special Instructions/
                                                                                              Additional Information
Metabolic Nutrition             MNS consists of 4 plastic packets of pills:     ♦ Be sure you have an empty stomach when
                                                                                                     st       nd
System (MNS)                                                                    you take both the 1 and 2 Color Packets.
                                ♦ 1 Color Packet (Silver, Gold, or Yellow):     ♦ Watch your time… EAT 30 – 45 minutes after
◊ all-day energy                Take this packet first thing in the morning     each Color Packet to get the best effect the
◊ appetite control              when you wake up, on an empty stomach.          product has to offer.
◊ boosts metabolism             You MUST eat 30 – 45 minutes later for it to    ♦ If you get too much energy, you can eat food
◊ full-spectrum of vitamins,    work correctly.                                 SOONER than the 30 – 45 minute time range.
minerals, and herbs                                                             So, if you take your Color Packets on an empty
                                ♦ 2 Color Packet (Silver, Gold, or Yellow):     stomach and eat 15 – 20 minutes later, rather
                                Take this packet half way through the day, on   than 30 – 45 minutes later, you will tone down
Three versions to choose        an empty stomach. You MUST eat 30 – 45          the energy. If you still get too much energy,
from: (not everyone has the     minutes later for it to work correctly.         switch over to one of the other versions of MNS
same biochemistry, so three                                                     for better compatibility to your biochemistry.
                                   rd   th
versions are available)         ♦ 3 & 4 White Packets: Take both of these                                     st    nd
                                                                                ♦ Be sure to separate the 1 and 2 Color
                                packets at the same time with food.             Packets by at least 4 hours. Otherwise, you will
♦Max Energy                                                                     get “overlapping” energy.
                                ** Your stomach is considered “empty” two       ♦ With the White Packets, it might help to take
♦Max Appetite Control           hours after eating your last bite of food       them in the middle of your meal, allowing food
                                                                                to surround them.
♦Max 3                                                                          ♦ The White Packets are a CRITICAL component
                                                                                to weight and craving control. Be sure to take
                                                                                them every day.
Spark                           Take Spark at anytime during the day that       If you take Spark on an empty stomach, you will
◊ mental focus                  you need an energy boost or a boost in          feel the mental focus and energy at a much
◊ energy                        mental energy/focus.                            greater level.
◊ craving control
Meal Replacement Shake          Drink for breakfast, 30 – 45 minutes after      Do not mix this shake with other types of
◊ supports metabolism           taking your 1 MNS Color Packet.                 proteins (milk, soy milk, etc.). It is best to mix it
◊ supports muscle tone                                                          with water to desired thickness (or blend it with
                                                                                ice and water.) For faster weight loss results,
                                                                                do not add fruit or juice.
Catalyst                        ♦ Take (3) Catalyst capsules on an empty        ♦ The more Catalyst you take, the faster the
◊ supports muscle tone          stomach anytime you are not able to have        toning results.
◊ enhances strength & energy    protein within a 3 hour window.                 ♦ Catalyst must be taken on an empty stomach.
◊ supports appetite control     ♦ Take (3) Catalyst capsules 5 minutes prior    ♦ If you want to eat after taking Catalyst, wait at
                                to your energy expenditures throughout the      least 30 minutes before doing so.
Muscle Gain Shake               ♦ Take this in between meals or as often as     ♦ Mix with water only. You can add ice and
◊ Provides protein for muscle   needed to meet your protein needs.              blend if desired.
toning and growth
◊ High quality protein
Body Fat and Measurements Sheet


Body Measurements

                                             Measurements in inches on both sides of body (where applicable)


(Widest part of the shoulder)
(At nipple line)
(At belly button)
(Widest part of the butt/hip area)
                                     R   L    R     L      R      L     R      L     R      L     R      L     R   L
(Between hip bone and Knee cap)
(Larges part of the calve)
(Largest part of the arm)

Pics Taken
- Facing front
- Facing to the right
- Facing back

AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge: 14 Day Burn Phase

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AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge: 14 Day Burn Phase

  • 1. 24 DAY CHALLENGE BURN PHASE: DAYS 11-24 Your Cleanse is complete and now you start the burn phase of the 24 day challenge program. Your green cleanse box is replaced with the purple Metabolic Nutrition System box (MNS Max 3). This phase will continue to teach you when to eat, how much and in what ratios of protein, carbohydrate and fat. It is still very important to not skip meals, over eat OR eat less than the required amount. Not eating is just as much of a cheat as overeating! This is not a diet and we need to strengthen your metabolism through feeding the body. Typical diets will weaken the metabolism and that is why most people yo yo diet. We are providing maximum nutrition and strengthening the body’s ability to be able to burn food for energy efficiently. You will have 2 different meal plans that make up a 4 day cycle. It is very important to not eat additional carbs on your burn days and equally important to eat all the extra food on your refuel days. Your schedule for the next two weeks looks like this: Burn days 1( ) 2( ) 3( ) Refuel day 4( ) Burn days 5( ) 6( ) 7( ) Refuel day 8( ) Burn days 9( ) 10( ) 11( ) Refuel day 12( ) Burn days on 13( ) 14 ( ) After the 24 day challenge you have the option to move forward to the Carb Challenge or to maintain the results you have achieved. Please discuss your progress and goals with your Advocare nutrition coach no later than your second refuel day to determine what is the next best step for you. ** In your meal schedule chart means optional. Options are: 1) Additional servings of Catalyst are optional for increased fat burning and muscle definition. 2) ThermoPlus is optional for increased fat burning and recommended if you do not workout or are fairly inactive right now. 3) Muscle Gain is optional as your 4th meal on the burn phase. If you are busy and on the go, Muscle Gain is fast and more easily digestible and lighter on your system than other proteins. It is only $3 per meal.
  • 2. Shopping Guide/Food Portion Chart Under 130lbs = small (S) 131-175lbs = medium (M) 176-225lb + = large (L) 225+ = (XL) Meal Replacement Low/Med (MR) Protein Fruit Vegetables Glycemic Carbs Healthy Fats Muscle Gain (MG) Add more green Shakes veggies at any time. Serving Size: Serving Size: Serving Size: Serving Size: Serving Size: Serving Size: MR: S – 3oz S – ¼ c, ½ fruit S – ¾ cup S – ¼ cup (2 oz) S & M – 1/8 cup S – 1 packet M – 4oz M – ½ c, 1sm fruit M – 1 cup M – ½ cup (4 oz) M – 1 packet L – 6oz L & XL – ¾ c, 1 lrg L – 1 1/2 cups L – 3/4 cup (6 oz) L & XL - 1/4 cup L – 1 packet XL – 8oz fruit XL – 1 cup (8oz) XL – 1 packet plus 1 Choose From: Choose From: scoop muscle gain. Choose From: Choose From: Asparagus Choose From: Almonds White fish Grapefruit Any Green salad Sweet potato Walnuts MG: Green apples Cashews Salmon Green beans Yams S (12.5g) – 1 scoop Seeds Tuna Peaches Peppers Brown rice M (25g) – 2 scoops Raw unsalted nuts only!!! L (37.5) – 3 scoops Chicken Pears Spinach Oatmeal** XL (50) – 4 scoops Turkey breast Any berries Onions Black beans Avocado Ground turkey Plums Tomatoes S – 1 oz Choose From: Prunes Cucumbers ** Measure when M – 1.5 oz Meal Replacement Eggs whites: Papaya Celery dry. Measure all L – 2 oz Shake – can be S – 6 (3/4c) Oranges Cauliflower others once XL – 2.5 oz substituted for a M – 8 (1 c) Cantaloupe Collard Greens cooked. breakfast, lunch or L – 10 (1 1/4c) Honeydew Cabbage Peanut butter or Almond dinner meal. XL – 12 (1.5c) Kiwi Note – black butter Broccoli S – 2 tsp Muscle Gain Shake- Figs Mushrooms beans have more 1 egg white = M - 1 tbsp. can be substituted for 3gr protein Zucchini fat than the L – 1.5 tbsp protein in meals Using yokes must be others. XL – 2 tbsp 1-6. only when Purchase: Cooking Method: No added sugar, oil or salt! Add water and ice if combining a fat and Fresh or frozen Eat raw, steam, Cooking Method: desired a protein. Egg bake, or bbq Steam, bake, or Olive oil whites are for “just” broil S – ½ tbsp. DO NOT add any fruit protein. M - 1 tbsp DO NOT cook in milk, juice, etc. DO NOT choose L – 1.5 tbsp oil. DO NOT choose Cooking Method: XL – 2tbsp canned or dried instant rice or When to have: Steam, bake, broil MR – refuel day When to have: oatmeal or add oil Egg Yoke or bbq Burn days - Meal to the carbs. Use when combining a fat Meal 1 When to have: 1, 3 and 5 & protein. DO NOT fry Refuel days only When to have: S – 1 whole, 4 whites MG – Anytime for No skin on meal 2only Refuel days – Burn days – none M – 2 whole. 4 whites your protein serving No breading L – 3 whole, 4 whites Meal 3, 4 and 5 Rinse canned tuna Refuel days – XL – 4 whole, 4 whites or chicken. You can add more Meal 3 and 4 When to have: leafy greens or Burn days – Meals 1, 2, When to have: celery at any time. Burn days 3 and 5 All Meals (option on meal 2) Refuel days – Meal 5 Refuel days Meals 2-5
  • 3. Burn Day Chart Time 2-3 hours Event What to Take Hydration apart. Wake up  MNS “before breakfast” Packet Drink H2O  (3) Catalyst  (2) Thermo Plus (optional) 20- 30 min after Breakfast  Protein + fat + veggie Drink H2O mns before pack  MNS w/ breakfast and w/ lunch Packets AM Snack  1 fat serving Drink H2O OR  ½ protein serving + ½ Fat serving Prior to Lunch  MNS “before lunch” Packet Drink H2O  (1-2) Thermo Plus (optional) 20-30min after Lunch  Protein + Vegetable + ½ serving Fat Drink H2O MNS pack Afternoon Snack  Muscle Gain Shake or a serving of protein Drink H2O  Spark or Slam Dinner  Protein + Vegetable + ½ fat Drink H2O th Optional 6 Meal  Protein + Vegetable after dinner Before Bed (3) Catalyst (3) Omega Plex Water Water: 1.0 Gallon Per Day Exercise Eat your next meal Daily Exercise – Follow the Plan given below Optional Post workout recovery within 15 to 45  Optional: Spark or Muscle fuel 15 minutes prior shake for those doing the 24 day minutes post  Take 3 Catalyst immediately before exercise. to for definition to lose the last 5 workout if you are Catalyst supports muscle and forces body to go after to 10 pounds AND have intense th not doing post stored fat as energy source while working out. workouts. No 6 meal after workout shake!  For weight loss do not eat 1.5 to 2 hours prior to dinner if you do the Post cardio so you maximize fat burn. UNLESS you recovery shake. workout within 30 minutes of waking then take (3) catalyst and a spark or slam and workout. Extras You may have 1 extra Spark, slam or Rehydrate, sugar free gum, sugar free jello, decaf tea, extra leafy greens, cucumber or celery. Use food portion chart to select or substitute foods within the same category. The portion size will be determined from the weight category on the top of the food portion chart. Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 o Burn o Burn o Burn o Burn o Burn o Burn o Burn o Burn o Burn o Burn o Burn o Refuel o Refuel o Refuel
  • 4. Refuel Day Chart Times spaced 2- Event What to Take Hydration 3 hours apart. Wake up  MNS “before breakfast” Packet Drink H2O  (3) Catalyst  (1-2) Thermo Plus** 20- 30 min after Breakfast Meal Replacement Shake Drink H2O MNS  MNS w/ breakfast and w/ lunch Packets AM Snack  ½ Protein + a fruit Drink H2O Prior to Lunch  MNS “before lunch” Packet Drink H2O  (1-2) Thermo Plus** 20- 30 min after Lunch  Protein +Vegetable + Carbohydrate Drink H2O MNS Afternoon Snack  Protein + Vegetable + Carbohydrate Drink H2O  Spark or Slam Dinner  Protein + Vegetable + fat Drink H2O PM snack  ½ serving of Muscle gain** mixed in with ½ cup of Drink H2O nonfat plain Greek Yogurt (or just muscle gain) Before Bed  (3) Catalyst**  (2) Omega Plex Water Water: 1.0 Gallon Per Day  Spark or rehydrate anytime Exercise Daily Exercise – Follow the Plan!  Take 3 Catalyst just before exercise  Optional: Spark or Muscle fuel 15 minutes prior Refueling is vital for increased metabolism to create your success; make sure you eat everything you are supposed to eat! ** = optional Foods to Omit You Can Have: Flour Products: bread, all pasta, crackers, chips, tortillas, pita bread, small amounts of splenda or stevia flour products of any kind, fried or breaded food, etc. small amounts of zero calorie butter sprays or butter buds Sweets: sugar, honey, cakes, cookies, brownies, etc. all types of pure vinegar Dairy Products: milk, cottage cheese, butter, yogurt, cream bases small amounts of yellow mustard soups or sauces, etc. herbs, spices, and seasoning are great! ** Snacks: soda, drinks, chips, popcorn, etc. sugar free gum, sugar free jello and teas are great! Starchy Vegetables: corn, peas, squash, potatoes, etc. Avoid: over salting your food, creamy dressings or sauces, BBQ **limit salt intake and keep it steady. To maximize after pic, sauce cut out salt completely the last 5 days and slowly decrease water intake.
  • 5. Healthy Eating Tips 1) Get rid of the food items that cause you problems (e.g., chips, cheese, etc.)  Sometimes we develop a “taste addiction”  Don’t buy these foods, don’t stock them in your house – in fact, purge them from your house so you won’t be tempted! 2) Focus on “Good Carbohydrates”  When you do eat carbohydrates on your plan, make sure they are “good” carbohydrates (e.g., whole grain rice, sweet potatoes, etc.).  Eliminate all flour products if you can – these have a tendency to spike your insulin levels and if you are not immediately burning this off with exercise, you will store it as fat 3) Make sure you are always stocked up on fresh cut up vegetables, proteins and healthy carbohydrates  It is always easier to eat right when it is convenient  For example, if an “eating trigger point” for you is when you first come home, then reach for the veggies!  Prepare several types of protein sources and other foods in advance and store them in the refrigerator for the week (e.g., cook a week’s worth of chicken breasts, and prepare some whole grain brown rice to reheat) 4) Always ensure you are stocked up on the non cooking food items  Have plenty of Muscle Gain, Meal Replacement Shakes or AdvoCare Bars on hand in case you need a fast/ healthy snack or you need to take something on the go for later 5) Space meals and snacks every 2 to 3 hours apart  Never go more than 4 hours without eating – DO NOT Skip Meals for it will slow your metabolism! 6) Breakfast is a MUST!  Always have this within 30-45minutes of walking in the morning – ensure your body gets into “fat burning” mode” and not “fat storage” mode. 7) Use Spark as needed to keep your energy levels up throughout the day  You can increase your Energy Drink consumption to keep your energy up 8) Drink 1 to 1.5 gallons of water a day 9) Continue to eat a sensible dinner  DO NOT have any carbohydrates at dinner time – FOLLOW THE EATING PLAN. But… if you are VERY hungry eat extra veggies! 10) After Dinner Snack (OPTIONAL)  If you need to have a snack after dinner, your best option is a 1/2 of a serving of Muscle Gain.  Muscle Gain should really be thought of as "Muscle Lean" - this product feeds your muscles and increases your metabolism – which helps you to burn more fat. 12) Night Time Refresher  Before going to bed, drink an AdvoCare Rehydrate - This flushes out the toxins from your system, and also keeps you well hydrated throughout the night. 13) Take additional AdvoCare Omega Plex (Omega 3 Supplement) for better results
  • 6. Supplement Guide AdvoCare Product & Benefits When to take it Special Instructions/ Additional Information Metabolic Nutrition MNS consists of 4 plastic packets of pills: ♦ Be sure you have an empty stomach when st nd System (MNS) you take both the 1 and 2 Color Packets. st ♦ 1 Color Packet (Silver, Gold, or Yellow): ♦ Watch your time… EAT 30 – 45 minutes after ◊ all-day energy Take this packet first thing in the morning each Color Packet to get the best effect the ◊ appetite control when you wake up, on an empty stomach. product has to offer. ◊ boosts metabolism You MUST eat 30 – 45 minutes later for it to ♦ If you get too much energy, you can eat food ◊ full-spectrum of vitamins, work correctly. SOONER than the 30 – 45 minute time range. minerals, and herbs So, if you take your Color Packets on an empty nd ♦ 2 Color Packet (Silver, Gold, or Yellow): stomach and eat 15 – 20 minutes later, rather Take this packet half way through the day, on than 30 – 45 minutes later, you will tone down Three versions to choose an empty stomach. You MUST eat 30 – 45 the energy. If you still get too much energy, from: (not everyone has the minutes later for it to work correctly. switch over to one of the other versions of MNS same biochemistry, so three for better compatibility to your biochemistry. rd th versions are available) ♦ 3 & 4 White Packets: Take both of these st nd ♦ Be sure to separate the 1 and 2 Color packets at the same time with food. Packets by at least 4 hours. Otherwise, you will ♦Max Energy get “overlapping” energy. ** Your stomach is considered “empty” two ♦ With the White Packets, it might help to take ♦Max Appetite Control hours after eating your last bite of food them in the middle of your meal, allowing food to surround them. ♦Max 3 ♦ The White Packets are a CRITICAL component to weight and craving control. Be sure to take them every day. Spark Take Spark at anytime during the day that If you take Spark on an empty stomach, you will ◊ mental focus you need an energy boost or a boost in feel the mental focus and energy at a much ◊ energy mental energy/focus. greater level. ◊ craving control Meal Replacement Shake Drink for breakfast, 30 – 45 minutes after Do not mix this shake with other types of st ◊ supports metabolism taking your 1 MNS Color Packet. proteins (milk, soy milk, etc.). It is best to mix it ◊ supports muscle tone with water to desired thickness (or blend it with ice and water.) For faster weight loss results, do not add fruit or juice. Catalyst ♦ Take (3) Catalyst capsules on an empty ♦ The more Catalyst you take, the faster the ◊ supports muscle tone stomach anytime you are not able to have toning results. ◊ enhances strength & energy protein within a 3 hour window. ♦ Catalyst must be taken on an empty stomach. ◊ supports appetite control ♦ Take (3) Catalyst capsules 5 minutes prior ♦ If you want to eat after taking Catalyst, wait at to your energy expenditures throughout the least 30 minutes before doing so. day. Muscle Gain Shake ♦ Take this in between meals or as often as ♦ Mix with water only. You can add ice and ◊ Provides protein for muscle needed to meet your protein needs. blend if desired. toning and growth ◊ High quality protein
  • 7. Body Fat and Measurements Sheet Name: Body Measurements Measurements in inches on both sides of body (where applicable) Date Neck Shoulders (Widest part of the shoulder) Chest (At nipple line) Waist (At belly button) Hips (Widest part of the butt/hip area) R L R L R L R L R L R L R L Thighs (Between hip bone and Knee cap) Calves (Larges part of the calve) Arms (Largest part of the arm) Pics Taken - Facing front - Facing to the right - Facing back Notes: