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Unusual CT Manifestations of Common
Abdominal Diseases
Rosa Bouzas-Sierra, MD---
Milagros Otero-Garcia, MD-----
Solitary linear ulcer in Sigma
CASE 1 : 55 y-old male with rectal bleeding
Solitary rectal ulcer Syndrome:
• occurring mainly in young patients who experience rectal
Giant ulcers in ileum and colon by citomegalovirus :
• in AIDS patients
• Feczko PJ et al. AJR 1980
• Balthazar EJ. AJR 1996
- Carcinoma
B- Colon Cancer
C- Submucosal Lipoma
D- Intramural Hematoma
Bowel laceration?
* Pickhardt PJ. RadioGraphics 2007
 Woman 45 y, IUD
 Acute pelvic pain, fever
 Bimanual uterine and adnexal tenderness
 WCC: 15,000/μL [reference value, <10,000/μL]
 US: No possible (very painful)---- CT
A- Pelvic Inflammatory disease (TOA)
B- Ovarian torsion
C- Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst
D- Ovarian mass
At surgery and pathologic analysis, the ovary was hemorrhagic and necrotic
- Ovarian torsion is the twisting of an ovary on its ligamentous supports
- Concomitant ovarian and tubal torsion (adnexal torsion) occur in up to 67% of
- It is generally considered an acute condition (subacute…)
- All ages
- Reproductive years (pregnancy: 5-fold – first trim.)- highest prevalence
Predisposing Conditions
- Large (>5 cm) cysts and cystic neoplasms (benign mature cystic teratomas….)
- Ovarian hyper- stimulation syndrome
- Normal ovaries (usually right ovary) in adolescent or teenagers
- Non-specific symptoms and laboratory tests. DD: PID, appendicitis…..
- Imaging plays a central diagnostic role (ovary-sparing)
Ovarian torsion
. Chang HC et al. RadioGraphics 2008
. Appelbaum HL et al. AJR 2007
. Rha SE et al. RadioGraphics 2002
Ovarian torsion Imaging findings
Color Doppler
- Complex adnexal mass
- Unilateral enlarged ovary (>4 cm)
- String of pearls sign: Multiple peripheral cysts
- Free pelvic fluid (8%)
- Decrease or absence of venous flow (93%)
- Absence of arterial flow (60-73%)
- Ovaries without flow in the vascular pedicle
- Twisted vascular pedicle: (circular vessels: “whirlpool sign“)
Ovarian torsion Imaging findings
- Adnexal mass in the midline, rotated towards the contralateral side of the pelvis
- Deviation of the uterus to the side of the affected ovary
- Free fluid
- Necrosis seems to be the cause of a cystic appearance on CT
Ovarian torsion Imaging findings
MR - Pregnant women, young girl
- MR imaging is recommended to help detect the twisted vascular pedicle
(“whirlpool sign“) or in patients with a suspected ovarian mass.
Take home message: Ovarian torsion in
a “women in their reproductive years”,
without an underlying mass
 49 y-old woman, breast cancer
 Liver and bone metastasis (IV)
 CHT induction and consolidation
No hepatic masses
Chemotherapy-induced pseudocirrhosis
Control: 20 weeks later
A- Carcinomatosis
B- Hepatic failure
C-Fluid retention
D- Peritoneal tuberculosis n Radiology: Volume258:Number1—January2011
normally instruct the cell to grow and
divide. Hence, it acts as a tyrosine kinase
inhibitor. Important to notice is a recent
discovery that cetuximab is active only
in tumors that are wild type for KRAS
(3). The exact mechanism of action is
unclear, as cetuximab recently demon-
strated antitumor activity in patients
with colorectal cancer whose disease
g. Peripheral nerves
, cisplatin, taxanes),
n and gemcitabine),
n), heart (eg, anthra-
tral nervous system
hotrexate, 5-FU) are
s (Table 3).
apies have developed
proved knowledge of
ey target cell surface
case of monoclonal
ous signaling mole-
of kinase inhibitors).
ents affect multiple
ore, have the poten-
cules that are critical
hways, causing toxic-
n previously observed
the toxicities of the
molecularly targeted
here is concern that
10.1148/radiol.10092129 Content Code:
Radiology2011; 258:41–56
EGFR= epidermal growthfactor receptor
5-FU= fluorouracil
TKI= tyrosinekinaseinhibitor
VEGF= vascular endothelial growthfactor
L.H.S. hasdisclosedfinancial relationshipswith
Peripheral edema
Weight increase
Pleural and Pericardial
Capillary protein leak syndrome
Ascites alone, should not be mistaken for disease progression
 Peritoneal carcinomatosis from ovarian tumor
 Failed available standard CHT
 “Double blind” Trial : Placebo / Antiangiogenic
CT, basal CT, 9 weeks
 A- Intestinal obstruction and perforation
 B- Partial response with gastric metastases
 C-Partial response with peritoneal carcinomatosis
 D- Partial response and GI perforation
 Oral contrast media extravasation
GI perforation secondary to
the Antiangiogenic agent
160 patients
The pathogenesis of bowel perforation is unknown, but
suggested mechanisms include ischemia with
thrombosis of intestinal mesenteric vessels
 Acute B-L Leukemia
 CHT: Since day +35 coincident with medullary recovery:
Fever and facial rash and oedema . Cultures: (-)
 Fever and facial rash and oedema disappeared with
high doses of steroids
• Pneumatosis Coli
• Pneumoperitoneum
Rutinary follow-up
• Minimal abdominal pain and
• No peritoneal signs, fever, or
A- Linear Pneumatosis Coli
B- Subclinical bowel perforation
C- Typhlitis
D- Cystic Pneumatosis Coli ( NSP)
“ Pneumoperitoneum usually
denotes a perforation of an
intra-abdominal viscus, but in
about 10% of patients, a
nonsurgical source is responsible
for free air in the peritoneum”.
• Mularski RA. et al. Crit Care Med 2000
• Mularski RA. et al. West JMed 1999
• Heng Y et al. Am J Gastro 1995
• Liu DM. Can J Emerg Med 2003
Characterization Asociation Surgical
Small collections of air within
the lamina propria
Associated with invasive
Macroscopic submucosal
- Pneumoperitoneum
. 10% of patients with small
bowel pneumatosis
. 2% of those with large
bowel pneumatosis
• Immunosupression
therapy (haematologic)
• Bevacizumab
• Immunocompromise
• Steroid usage
• Inflammatory bowel
• Post bone marrow
Represent the tracking of gas
through compromised
. Bowel ischemia or infarction +
20 days without steroids
• Take home message
• To be aware of possible
CHT toxicity manifestations
We should look for, not only
on images but in the clinical
history to help distinguish
new-onset toxicity from
disease progression.
• Reporting CHT toxicity
findings to the oncologist is
important, in order to choose
to discontinue therapy
A- Well-differenciated liposarcoma
B- Exophytic renal angiomyolipoma
C- Lipoma
D- Myelolipoma
E- N-differenciated liposarcoma
Benign Malignant
Liposarcoma: 35% of all malignant
retroperitoneal soft-tissue tumors
(a) well-differentiated (most common)
(b) myxoid and round cell
(c) pleomorphic
Retroperitoneal fatty masses in adult
• CraigWC. et al RadioGraphics 2009
Exophytic angiomyolipoma
WD liposarcoma
Myxoid liposarcoma
CT characteristics Exophytic renal
Well-differentiated liposarcoma
Defect in the Renal Parenchyma + -
Vessels in the Lesion +
(enlarged internal vessels with
aneurysm formation)
Additional Angiomyolipomas + +/-
Size Usually larger
• Careful evaluation enables accurate
differentiation of large exophytic
angiomyolipomas and well-differentiated
retroperitoneal liposarcomas
Take home message:
 Arthrosis for several years treated with NSIDs
 Neutropenia. Medulary biopsy: normal
 Hepatomegaly, abnormal liver function test and jaundice
(total bilirrubin: 14 mg)
 GP: requested an abdominal CT
 A- HCC
 B- Hipervascular Metastasis
 C- Vasculitis
 D- A-V shunt
We recomended a hepatic biopsy and antibodies determination in
order to diagnose any reumatoid disease.
Cronic hepatitis with severe
inflammatory activity
Necrotic Arteritis in medium
size hepatic artery
Autoimmune Hepatitis, Aneurism
Outcome: normalization of all
parameters after appropriate treatment
Liver Aneurysm
ANA(+)/ ENA(+)/ antiSSA(+)
—58-year-old man with polyarteritis nodosa.
Tarhan N C et al. AJR 2003;180:1617-1619
- Hepatomegaly is seen in 39% to 40%
- Steatosis due to glucocorticoid therapy or to SLE itself
- Arteritis (21%) of SLE
- Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of the liver, is a rare but important
complication of SLE associated with noncirrhotic portal
- Autoinmune hepatitis. The most common one, is the classic
“lupoid hepatitis” with chronic active hepatitis
• Up to 4,7% of patients with SLE have chronic active hepatitis
• Up to 10% of patients with Autoinmune hepatitis have SLE
- In 53% in those with active SLE and abdominal pain. Involves small arteries
- CT: shows ischemic bowel disease
- Opportunistic infections (eg. Mucormycosis) may mimic GI vasculitis and should
be suspected in these immunocompromised patients with not active LES
- Perforation from peptic ulcer disease ( 6% to 8%)
- Pernicious anemia
- Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis (benign pneumoperitoneum)
- Necrotizing enterocolitis
- CMV enteritis, prone to salmonella infection
- Intestinal obstruction without a mechanical cause. Initial manifestation of lupus (
41% to 50% .
- Associated urinary tract involvement with ureterohydronephrosis, suggesting a
smooth muscle dysmotilityand secondary vesiculoureteric reflux or to fibrosis of the
ureterovesicular junction. One- third of patients have interstitial cystitis
- Recurrent pancreatitis occurs in 43% of patients. Chronic pancreatitis in 14%
- Primary sclerosing cholangitis and autoimmune cholangiopathy.
- Acute pancreatitis is a rare. Associated with thrombosis and cutaneous vasculitis.
- Ascites from infection, bowel infarction, perforation, pancreatitis, mesenteric
vasculitis, or serositis.
- Chronic ascites lupus can be due to nephrotic syndrome, heart failure, protein-
losing enteropathy, constrictive pericarditis, lupus peritonitis, or indolent infections
such as tuberculosis.
‘‘Hepatic disease may be more common in SLE than is usually thought
and we should be aware of it ”
* Abraham S. Ann Rheum Dis 2004
** Ebert EC. J Clin Gastroenterol 2011
Patients with liver disease should be treated as soon as possible,
especially those patients with jaundice or persistent increase of liver
enzymes values”
Take home message:
CASE 8: 65 year-old woman
 Left lumbar pain, fever, leukocyturia and WCC rise, … suggesting acute Pyelonephritis
 Fecaluria and pneumaturia
• History: pelvic surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy
CT 6 months before, Post-surgery, RT and CHT April-2007
First CT. Post-surgery Dec- 2006
A- Bladder tumor and ureteral infiltration
B- Colon cancer
C- Ovarian cancer
D- Ureteral tumor and colonic invasion
The patient has an acute pyelonephritis secundary to an ureteral fistula
Nov- 2006
Nov- 2006
Ovarian cancer (Transitional Type. GIII, PT1c. FIGO I)
----------- Partial response
Colonic-ureteral fistulae
Fistulas in Malignant Gynecologic Disease
- As a result of a primary or recurrent tumor
- As a consequence of:
Surgery (particularly if the surgical procedure is radical and complex or
if the surgical field includes previously irradiated tissue)
Radiation therapy (eg, cervical, colorectal, endometrial cancer)
- Vesicovaginal and enterovaginal fistulas (more frequent)
- Ureterovaginal, enterovesical, enterocutaneous, and uretero-alimentary
. Narayanan P et al. RadioGraphics 2009
. Yu NC et al. RadioGraphics 2004
Cervical cancer. Radiotherapy
Nephrectomy. Entero-cutaneous fistulae
- Ureterocolic fistulas are most common and can be caused by urinary
calculi, iatrogenic trauma, diverticulitis, radiation therapy, transitional cell
carcinoma, and tuberculosis
• Symptoms: flank pain, hematuria, recurrent urinary tract infections,
pneumaturia, fecaluria, and diarrhea
• Diagnosis: Retrograde pyelography, and contrast-enhanced CT: Gas in the
Barium studies of the intestinal tract often will not reveal the
Uretero–Alimentary Tract Fistula
- Right ureter: terminal ileum, cecum, appendix,
and ascending colon and their mesenteries
- Left ureter: descending colon and sigmoid
colon and their mesenteries
- Either ureter may be injured during surgery, or
radiation performed on these structures, or
engulfed in an adjacent mass
. Avritscher R et al. RadioGraphics 2004
I would add: The ovary
Take home message:
CASE 9 : 24 year-old man. Down Syndrome
 No abdominal complaints
 Abdominal mass (at manual exploration)
 Right mass effect that displaces right
abdominal structures
A- Teratoma
B- Sarcoma
C- Germ cell neoplasm
D- Leukemia
Blood test: normal
AFT: 0.9 (0.0-12)
Beta HCG: 440.9 (0.0-6.0)
T1 T2
DWI, b:600
Pathology: Classical seminoma TIIIB (T1N3MOS2)
Metastatic disease from a testicular germ cell neoplasm
Down Syndrome Cancer Incidence in DS
Testicular cancer
Other cancers
- Acute lymphocytic
- Acute non-lymphocytic
- 19-fold higher
- Seminomatous (gonadal and extragonadal)
- 50-fold higher (0.5% compared with an expected incidence of 0.087%
in the general population)
- Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, stomach, colon, small intestine, breast,
endometrial, brain, kidney, liver cancers…
* Hill DA et al. Arch Intern Med. 2003 … N: 4872 (DS)
** Goldacre MJ et al. Arch Dis Child 2004 ....N: 1453 (DS)--- 460 000(NDS)
*** Rima d et al. European Journal of Medical Genetics 2006
**** Cools M et al. Human Pathology 2006
• Because of improvement in medical care, a higher proportion of children
with DS are now surviving beyond adolescence
• Therefore, more patients reach the predisposition age range when
testicular cancer is most prevalent (35 years)
• Testicular palpation in this population should be considered a
component of routine physical examination
Take home message:
Happy Spring
Everybody !!!!!
Thank you very much for your attention

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Abdominal radiology congress... scottsdale 2012

  • 1. Unusual CT Manifestations of Common Abdominal Diseases Rosa Bouzas-Sierra, MD--- Milagros Otero-Garcia, MD----- Spain
  • 3. Rectosigmoidoscopy: Solitary linear ulcer in Sigma CASE 1 : 55 y-old male with rectal bleeding
  • 4. Solitary rectal ulcer Syndrome: • occurring mainly in young patients who experience rectal bleeding Giant ulcers in ileum and colon by citomegalovirus : • in AIDS patients • Feczko PJ et al. AJR 1980 • Balthazar EJ. AJR 1996 - Carcinoma
  • 5. CTC
  • 6.
  • 7. A- GIST B- Colon Cancer C- Submucosal Lipoma D- Intramural Hematoma
  • 8. Bowel laceration? * Pickhardt PJ. RadioGraphics 2007
  • 9.  Woman 45 y, IUD  Acute pelvic pain, fever  Bimanual uterine and adnexal tenderness  WCC: 15,000/μL [reference value, <10,000/μL]  US: No possible (very painful)---- CT
  • 10. A- Pelvic Inflammatory disease (TOA) B- Ovarian torsion C- Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst D- Ovarian mass
  • 11. At surgery and pathologic analysis, the ovary was hemorrhagic and necrotic
  • 12. - Ovarian torsion is the twisting of an ovary on its ligamentous supports - Concomitant ovarian and tubal torsion (adnexal torsion) occur in up to 67% of cases - It is generally considered an acute condition (subacute…) - All ages - Reproductive years (pregnancy: 5-fold – first trim.)- highest prevalence Predisposing Conditions - Large (>5 cm) cysts and cystic neoplasms (benign mature cystic teratomas….) - Ovarian hyper- stimulation syndrome - Normal ovaries (usually right ovary) in adolescent or teenagers - Non-specific symptoms and laboratory tests. DD: PID, appendicitis….. - Imaging plays a central diagnostic role (ovary-sparing) Ovarian torsion . Chang HC et al. RadioGraphics 2008 . Appelbaum HL et al. AJR 2007 . Rha SE et al. RadioGraphics 2002
  • 13. Ovarian torsion Imaging findings US Color Doppler - Complex adnexal mass - Unilateral enlarged ovary (>4 cm) - String of pearls sign: Multiple peripheral cysts - Free pelvic fluid (8%) - Decrease or absence of venous flow (93%) - Absence of arterial flow (60-73%) - Ovaries without flow in the vascular pedicle - Twisted vascular pedicle: (circular vessels: “whirlpool sign“)
  • 14. Ovarian torsion Imaging findings CT - Adnexal mass in the midline, rotated towards the contralateral side of the pelvis - Deviation of the uterus to the side of the affected ovary - Free fluid - Necrosis seems to be the cause of a cystic appearance on CT
  • 15. T2 FSTIRT2 Ovarian torsion Imaging findings MR - Pregnant women, young girl - MR imaging is recommended to help detect the twisted vascular pedicle (“whirlpool sign“) or in patients with a suspected ovarian mass.
  • 16. Take home message: Ovarian torsion in a “women in their reproductive years”, without an underlying mass
  • 17.  49 y-old woman, breast cancer  Liver and bone metastasis (IV)  CHT induction and consolidation No hepatic masses Chemotherapy-induced pseudocirrhosis Control: 20 weeks later
  • 18.
  • 19. A- Carcinomatosis B- Hepatic failure C-Fluid retention D- Peritoneal tuberculosis
  • 20. n Radiology: Volume258:Number1—January2011 normally instruct the cell to grow and divide. Hence, it acts as a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Important to notice is a recent discovery that cetuximab is active only in tumors that are wild type for KRAS (3). The exact mechanism of action is unclear, as cetuximab recently demon- strated antitumor activity in patients with colorectal cancer whose disease g. Peripheral nerves , cisplatin, taxanes), n and gemcitabine), n), heart (eg, anthra- tral nervous system hotrexate, 5-FU) are s (Table 3). apies have developed proved knowledge of ey target cell surface case of monoclonal ous signaling mole- of kinase inhibitors). ents affect multiple ore, have the poten- cules that are critical hways, causing toxic- n previously observed the toxicities of the molecularly targeted here is concern that Publishedonline 10.1148/radiol.10092129 Content Code: Radiology2011; 258:41–56 Abbreviations: EGFR= epidermal growthfactor receptor 5-FU= fluorouracil TKI= tyrosinekinaseinhibitor VEGF= vascular endothelial growthfactor L.H.S. hasdisclosedfinancial relationshipswith AstraZenecaandNovartis.
  • 21. Peripheral edema Weight increase Pleural and Pericardial effusions Ascites Capillary protein leak syndrome Ascites alone, should not be mistaken for disease progression
  • 22.  Peritoneal carcinomatosis from ovarian tumor  Failed available standard CHT  “Double blind” Trial : Placebo / Antiangiogenic CT, basal CT, 9 weeks
  • 23.
  • 24.  A- Intestinal obstruction and perforation  B- Partial response with gastric metastases  C-Partial response with peritoneal carcinomatosis  D- Partial response and GI perforation
  • 25.  Oral contrast media extravasation GI perforation secondary to the Antiangiogenic agent
  • 26. 160 patients The pathogenesis of bowel perforation is unknown, but suggested mechanisms include ischemia with thrombosis of intestinal mesenteric vessels
  • 27.  Acute B-L Leukemia  CHT: Since day +35 coincident with medullary recovery: Fever and facial rash and oedema . Cultures: (-)  Fever and facial rash and oedema disappeared with high doses of steroids
  • 28. • Pneumatosis Coli • Pneumoperitoneum Rutinary follow-up • Minimal abdominal pain and distension • No peritoneal signs, fever, or leukocytosis
  • 29. A- Linear Pneumatosis Coli B- Subclinical bowel perforation C- Typhlitis D- Cystic Pneumatosis Coli ( NSP)
  • 30. “ Pneumoperitoneum usually denotes a perforation of an intra-abdominal viscus, but in about 10% of patients, a nonsurgical source is responsible for free air in the peritoneum”.
  • 31. • Mularski RA. et al. Crit Care Med 2000 • Mularski RA. et al. West JMed 1999
  • 32. • Heng Y et al. Am J Gastro 1995 • Liu DM. Can J Emerg Med 2003 Pneumatosis Type Characterization Asociation Surgical treatment Microvesicular pneumatosis Small collections of air within the lamina propria Associated with invasive procedures - Cystic Pneumatosis Macroscopic submucosal cysts (mm-cm) - Pneumoperitoneum . 10% of patients with small bowel pneumatosis . 2% of those with large bowel pneumatosis • COPD • Immunosupression therapy (haematologic) • Bevacizumab • Immunocompromise • Steroid usage • Inflammatory bowel disease • Post bone marrow transplantation - Linear Pneumatosis Represent the tracking of gas through compromised submucosa . Bowel ischemia or infarction +
  • 33. 20 days without steroids
  • 34. • Take home message • To be aware of possible CHT toxicity manifestations We should look for, not only on images but in the clinical history to help distinguish new-onset toxicity from disease progression. • Reporting CHT toxicity findings to the oncologist is important, in order to choose to discontinue therapy
  • 35.
  • 36. A- Well-differenciated liposarcoma B- Exophytic renal angiomyolipoma C- Lipoma D- Myelolipoma E- N-differenciated liposarcoma
  • 37. Benign Malignant Angiomyolipoma Lipoma Hibernoma Myelolipoma Liposarcoma: 35% of all malignant retroperitoneal soft-tissue tumors (a) well-differentiated (most common) (b) myxoid and round cell (c) pleomorphic Retroperitoneal fatty masses in adult • CraigWC. et al RadioGraphics 2009
  • 39. CT characteristics Exophytic renal angiomyolipoma Well-differentiated liposarcoma Defect in the Renal Parenchyma + - Vessels in the Lesion + (enlarged internal vessels with aneurysm formation) - Additional Angiomyolipomas + +/- Size Usually larger
  • 40. • Careful evaluation enables accurate differentiation of large exophytic angiomyolipomas and well-differentiated retroperitoneal liposarcomas Take home message:
  • 41.  Arthrosis for several years treated with NSIDs  Neutropenia. Medulary biopsy: normal  Hepatomegaly, abnormal liver function test and jaundice (total bilirrubin: 14 mg)  GP: requested an abdominal CT
  • 42.
  • 43.  A- HCC  B- Hipervascular Metastasis  C- Vasculitis  D- A-V shunt We recomended a hepatic biopsy and antibodies determination in order to diagnose any reumatoid disease.
  • 44. Cronic hepatitis with severe inflammatory activity Necrotic Arteritis in medium size hepatic artery Autoimmune Hepatitis, Aneurism Outcome: normalization of all parameters after appropriate treatment Liver Aneurysm ANA(+)/ ENA(+)/ antiSSA(+) LES
  • 45. —58-year-old man with polyarteritis nodosa. Tarhan N C et al. AJR 2003;180:1617-1619
  • 46. HEPATIC INVOLVEMENT - Hepatomegaly is seen in 39% to 40% - Steatosis due to glucocorticoid therapy or to SLE itself - Arteritis (21%) of SLE - Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of the liver, is a rare but important complication of SLE associated with noncirrhotic portal hypertension. - Autoinmune hepatitis. The most common one, is the classic “lupoid hepatitis” with chronic active hepatitis • Up to 4,7% of patients with SLE have chronic active hepatitis • Up to 10% of patients with Autoinmune hepatitis have SLE
  • 47. INTESTINAL VASCULITIS GASTRIC INVOLVEMENT COLON AND SMALL BOWEL INVOLVEMENT INTESTINAL PSEUDOOBSTRUCTION PANCREATIC AND GALLBLADDER INVOLVEMENT PERITONITIS AND ASCITES MALABSORPTION AND PROTEIN-LOSING ENTEROPATHY - In 53% in those with active SLE and abdominal pain. Involves small arteries - CT: shows ischemic bowel disease - Opportunistic infections (eg. Mucormycosis) may mimic GI vasculitis and should be suspected in these immunocompromised patients with not active LES - Perforation from peptic ulcer disease ( 6% to 8%) - Pernicious anemia - Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis (benign pneumoperitoneum) - Necrotizing enterocolitis - CMV enteritis, prone to salmonella infection - Intestinal obstruction without a mechanical cause. Initial manifestation of lupus ( 41% to 50% . - Associated urinary tract involvement with ureterohydronephrosis, suggesting a smooth muscle dysmotilityand secondary vesiculoureteric reflux or to fibrosis of the ureterovesicular junction. One- third of patients have interstitial cystitis - Recurrent pancreatitis occurs in 43% of patients. Chronic pancreatitis in 14% - Primary sclerosing cholangitis and autoimmune cholangiopathy. - Acute pancreatitis is a rare. Associated with thrombosis and cutaneous vasculitis. - Ascites from infection, bowel infarction, perforation, pancreatitis, mesenteric vasculitis, or serositis. - Chronic ascites lupus can be due to nephrotic syndrome, heart failure, protein- losing enteropathy, constrictive pericarditis, lupus peritonitis, or indolent infections such as tuberculosis.
  • 48. ‘‘Hepatic disease may be more common in SLE than is usually thought and we should be aware of it ” * Abraham S. Ann Rheum Dis 2004 ** Ebert EC. J Clin Gastroenterol 2011 Patients with liver disease should be treated as soon as possible, especially those patients with jaundice or persistent increase of liver enzymes values” Take home message:
  • 49. CASE 8: 65 year-old woman  Left lumbar pain, fever, leukocyturia and WCC rise, … suggesting acute Pyelonephritis  Fecaluria and pneumaturia • History: pelvic surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy Dec-2007
  • 50. CT 6 months before, Post-surgery, RT and CHT April-2007
  • 52. A- Bladder tumor and ureteral infiltration B- Colon cancer C- Ovarian cancer D- Ureteral tumor and colonic invasion The patient has an acute pyelonephritis secundary to an ureteral fistula
  • 55. Ovarian cancer (Transitional Type. GIII, PT1c. FIGO I) ----------- Partial response Colonic-ureteral fistulae
  • 56. Fistulas in Malignant Gynecologic Disease - As a result of a primary or recurrent tumor - As a consequence of: Surgery (particularly if the surgical procedure is radical and complex or if the surgical field includes previously irradiated tissue) Radiation therapy (eg, cervical, colorectal, endometrial cancer) Types: - Vesicovaginal and enterovaginal fistulas (more frequent) - Ureterovaginal, enterovesical, enterocutaneous, and uretero-alimentary tract . Narayanan P et al. RadioGraphics 2009 . Yu NC et al. RadioGraphics 2004
  • 59. - Ureterocolic fistulas are most common and can be caused by urinary calculi, iatrogenic trauma, diverticulitis, radiation therapy, transitional cell carcinoma, and tuberculosis • Symptoms: flank pain, hematuria, recurrent urinary tract infections, pneumaturia, fecaluria, and diarrhea • Diagnosis: Retrograde pyelography, and contrast-enhanced CT: Gas in the ureter Barium studies of the intestinal tract often will not reveal the fistula Uretero–Alimentary Tract Fistula
  • 60. - Right ureter: terminal ileum, cecum, appendix, and ascending colon and their mesenteries - Left ureter: descending colon and sigmoid colon and their mesenteries - Either ureter may be injured during surgery, or radiation performed on these structures, or engulfed in an adjacent mass . Avritscher R et al. RadioGraphics 2004 I would add: The ovary Take home message:
  • 61. CASE 9 : 24 year-old man. Down Syndrome  No abdominal complaints  Abdominal mass (at manual exploration)  Right mass effect that displaces right abdominal structures
  • 62.
  • 63. A- Teratoma B- Sarcoma C- Germ cell neoplasm D- Leukemia
  • 64. Blood test: normal AFT: 0.9 (0.0-12) Beta HCG: 440.9 (0.0-6.0)
  • 65. T1 T2
  • 67. Pathology: Classical seminoma TIIIB (T1N3MOS2)
  • 68. Metastatic disease from a testicular germ cell neoplasm
  • 69. Down Syndrome Cancer Incidence in DS Leukemia Testicular cancer Other cancers - Acute lymphocytic - Acute non-lymphocytic - 19-fold higher - Seminomatous (gonadal and extragonadal) - 50-fold higher (0.5% compared with an expected incidence of 0.087% in the general population) - Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, stomach, colon, small intestine, breast, endometrial, brain, kidney, liver cancers… * Hill DA et al. Arch Intern Med. 2003 … N: 4872 (DS) ** Goldacre MJ et al. Arch Dis Child 2004 ....N: 1453 (DS)--- 460 000(NDS) *** Rima d et al. European Journal of Medical Genetics 2006 **** Cools M et al. Human Pathology 2006
  • 70. • Because of improvement in medical care, a higher proportion of children with DS are now surviving beyond adolescence • Therefore, more patients reach the predisposition age range when testicular cancer is most prevalent (35 years) • Testicular palpation in this population should be considered a component of routine physical examination Take home message:
  • 71. Happy Spring Everybody !!!!! Thank you very much for your attention

Editor's Notes

  1. Ocasionally takes a subacute or intermittent chronic course. Understanding the imaging appearance of ovarian torsion will lead to conservative, ovary-sparing treatment.
  2. Ascites alone should not be mistaken for disease progression.
  3. The incidence of bevacizumab- associated gastrointestinal perforation is slightly higher in cases of ovarian cancer. than in those of colon cancer (5.4% vs 1.7%)
  4. surgicalemergency
  5. Pneumatosiscystoidesintestinalis is characterized by multiple intramural gas-filled cysts that may be throughout the gastrointestinal tract but are most commonly found at the terminal ileum. The condition is generally benign and asymptomatic .Pneumatosiscystoidesintestinalis is generally found in conjunction with other primary disease processes,
  6. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).Reporting this finding to the oncologist is important, because he or she may choose to discontinue therapy.
  7. May grow to be large and bulky, extending into the perinephric space (exophytic or extrarenalWell-differenciated subtype (perinephric space)
  8. Liposarcoma and exophytic renal angiomyolipoma. On occasion, their appearances may be so similar that they can be confused on imaging and even sometimes at histologic examination. However, their differentiation is important because the prognosis and treatment are different. For liposarcomas, surgical resection—usually with the adjacent kidney—is necessary. Angiomyolipomas, may hemorrhage and require emergent treatment (embolization or surgery) if life-threatening bleeding occurs, but they do not necessarily require surgery.
  9. NonsteroidalAntiinflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
  10. Residual mass
  11. Ovarian carcinoma (Transitional Type. GIII, PT1c. FIGO I). At surgery the tumor was confined to the ovary. There was neither ureteral nor bowel infiltration
  12. Ovarian carcinoma (Transitional Type. GIII, PT1c. FIGO I). At surgery the tumor was confined to the ovary. There was neither ureteral nor bowel infiltration
  13. Fistulas may occur Radiation therapy may precipitate fistula formation by inducing progressive Endarteritisobliterans, whichmayresult in necrosis and breakdown of mucosalsurfaces.and these fistulas mayoccur up to 30 Fistulas also may develop as a complication
  14. CT cistography
  15. Right ureter is related to the
  16. 19-fold higher (95% CI. 10.4 to 31.5) than the rate in the comparison cohort. For other cancers combined,