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Atlassian Summit 2010

…the journey making Confluence an Enterprise Standard
for Knowledge Management…

                                        Deutsche Bahn AG
                                        DB Training
                                        Michael Mielke
                                        Frankfurt 2010, 04, 20
Deutsche Bahn carries more than 4.7 million passengers
per day on around 30,000 trains

                                                  Passenger Transport
                                                    Revenues                           €11 billion
                                                    No. on payroll                        64,000
                                                    Stations/stopping points               5,700
                                                    Locomotives                            2,200
                                                    Railcars/carriages                    21,100
                                                    Busses                                 4,100

    Long-Distance                         Regional                                                              DB Vertrieb
                                                                               Urban Transit
    Transport                             Transport                                                             (Sales)
     Passengers/day        0.3 million    Passengers/day       3.1 million    Passengers/day   1.3 million    Tickets/year     254 million
     Trains/day                1,300      Trains/day              24,200      Trains/day           3,500      Data records/day 1.5 million
     No. on payroll           16,000      No. on payroll          29,000      No. on payroll      12,600      No. on payroll        6,700
     Revenues             € 2.9billion    Revenues            € 6.4billion    Revenues         €1.7billion    Revenues         € 0.1billion

Source: Facts and Figures, Deutsche Bahn (2004)
…implementing an Enterprise Standard
                                   is a long journey…

  We started 2006…today we are running 4 Full Confluence Licenses and support more than 15000
  Users and 200 Spaces…we still are growing…
Aim of project „Marvin“

                                                Focus is the improvement of Knowledge within TQM-Team

                                                Specific aims:

                                                1. More transparency & re-use of existing knowledge
                                                     Templates for everdy-day work
                                                     Useable presentations for short-time meetings
                                                2. Optimal cast & usage of experience
                                                     „Whom can is ask needing information X?“
                                                     „Who has contact to customer Y?“

                                                3. Improving the availability for our customers
                                                     Preparation of offers by Knowledge-Management

                                                4. Improved sheduling by an active developement of topics
                                                     Active creation of new topics
                                                     Overview on topics developement-level

DB Training | GE Beratung (TQM-Team), 6/14/10                                4
People, Playgrounds, Prospects, Projects

                                 Who are we? What are our talents?
                                 What is faszinating us?

                                 Creation of topics
                                 Creation of new consulting-products

                                 Customers & contact to customers
                                 Knowledge on customers problems and current issues

                                 Information on Projects: Who was involved?
                                 What experiences have been made in an project?

DB Training | GE Beratung (TQM-Team), 6/14/10                  5
4P: Find the connections between thefour dimensions
                                                                            I look for...

    + Contexts,
    Standards,                                   People                Play-                 Prospects              Projects

                 People                          Phonebook,            This Employees is     This employee has      The employee
                                                 Employee-Profile,     working on which      made experiences       worked in which
                                                 Org Chart             topics?               whit which             projects ?
I come                                                                                       customers?
                 Playgrounds                     Who is dealing with   Overview on topics,   Among which            Which projects to a
                                                 a specific problem?   Framework             customers this topic   specific issue have
                                                                       Navigator, Product-   is a current issue?    been
                                                                       Navigator                                    accomplished?

                 Prospects                       Who are the contact   From the              Customer database,     What are the
                                                 persons? Who          perspective of this   Org Charts of          customers projects
                                                 knows this            customer, what are    customers,             we worked on?
                                                 customer?             the current issues?   Customer-
                 Projects                        Who was involved      What are the topics   references, contact    Project database,
                                                 in this project?      handled in this       persons to a           project-controlling,
                                                                       project?              project, customers     project-portfolio-
                                                                                             feedback               management

 DB Training | GE Beratung (TQM-Team), 6/14/10                              6
Implementing Wiki unifies various companies and customers
information requirements…

                                          Companies perspective

                   concern                                    business                          customer

             Usability                                    easy ITK-integration             Easy information exchange
             Age structure                                Easy use                         Intuitive usability
             Information exchange                         No high education afford         No complex User-Training
             Interface problems easy to                   Services and Support easy to      necessary
              solve                                        purchase                          Teamwork on content possible
             Low costs                                                                      Easy publishing of content
             Kind-of-industrial-standard                                                    No extra hardware and
             Law-concept                                                                     licenses necessary
             CI capable
             BP / experience exchange

                                                   Reduction in costs in management
                                         A         Compatible to given Components
                                                   Migration
                                         A         Reduction in number and open Interfaces
                                         E         Given Licenses and potential users
DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10                        7
Advantages to implement Wiki from an enterprise

                                               Usability
                                               Consideration of the demographical development
                                               Cross organizational and cross functional approach
                                               Safety Topics
                                               Exchange of content is easy
                                               Cost Efficiency
                                               Many worldwide companies use Confluence and it is kind-of-industrial-
                                               Available User Management
                                               Exchange of Experience
                                               Fits easy in existing ICT Networks
                                               User Friendly, useable without high training effort

                                               Teamwork on a single content is possible

                                               Easy to publish content

                                               …

DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10                         8
We compared various available systems due to our requirements
before we decided to use Confluence…

                                                    …we tried a few before we made our decision…

                                                       There are several providers on the marked solving different
                                                       problems in individual ways

                                                       To make the best choice we defined our requirements before we
                                                       tried some systems

                                                       Two independent surveys came to the same result.

DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10                    9
Comparison Table

                                                       Confluence                   MediaWiki                       TWiki                         XWiki
 Version                                        2.7                          1.11.1                       TWiki 4.2.0                  1.3
 Licens                                         commercial                   GPL                          GPL                          LGPL
 language                                       Java                         PHP                          Perl                         Java
 storage                                        Database                     Database                     File, RCS                    Database
 Usergroup                                      Enterprise                   Finaluser                    Small to middle class        Work-groups, developer
 MySQL                                          yes                          yes                          no                           yes
 Oracle                                         yes                          optional                     no                           yes
 Accountmanagement                              yes                          no                           yes                          yes
 E-Mail news                                    yes                          optional                     yes                          yes
 Comments                                       Threaded                     Discussion                   Threaded                     Threaded
 Syntax Highlighting                            yes                          Plugin                       Plugin                       yes
 Quoting                                        yes                          no                           yes                          yes
 Scripting                                      Macros, Plugins,             Optional                     JavaScript, TWiki            Velocity & groovy &
                                                JavaScript and more                                       Vars, powerful API           very powerful API
 PDF Export                                     yes                          optional                     Plugin                       yes

                                                             (Quelle: Auszug aus der Präsentation „Wiki-Produktvergleich“, DB Systel, 08.07.2009 von Diana Paulußen)

DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10                                  10
Main Enterprise Users and ICT Requirements

                                                                Confluence   MediaWiki   TWiki   XWiki

                                                Cutting costs
Handles all requirements

                                                Support &
Handles some requirements
                                                Used in

Handles few requirements

DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10                     11
Confluence has become an so called Industry Standard

                                                                         Many internationally working companies are
                                                                         focusing on knowledge management
                                                                         Companies who tried to develop their own
                                                                         wiki-like software systems have failed and
                                                                         lost a lot of money…
                                                                         Big Blue invested a lot within two years trying to
                                                                         develop their own system…they finally have
                                                                         implemented Confluence.
                                                                         Sun Microsystems made Confluence Wiki a core
                                                                         system of their Community Equity Strategy.


DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10                   12
Interface Management to other related ICT Services

                                        BKU: Group-Folder Management and MS-Office Integration

    Lotus                                                               WebDav               Audio / Video

         Mail                                                                                     Bahn TV
         Databases                                                                                Podcast
         Sametime                                                                                 Documenta-

    Print                                           Wiki                                     Document-
                                                       Spaces / knowledge management        Management
         Newsletter                                   Discussion
         DB Welt                                      Teamwork on single content                 ECM
         Update                                                                                    (CoreMedia)
                                                                                                   Lifelink / Share
                                                                                                    Point / Alfresco

DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10                  13
…a lot of our organizational units are very satisfied with
our Wiki and the Knowledge Management Approach…

                                                                       Customer Voices
                                                           Wiki established a great knowledge and
                                                            communication platform for our teams…

                  …a few of our main clients…              We could significantly increase networking with
                                                            clients and colleagues, thank you Marvin…
     DB Mobility Logistics AG                             Now we can provide fast and simple information for
                                                            our clients and we get their feedback fast was well…
     Deutsche Bahn AG
                                                           Thanks to Marvin, we network a lot more…please
     DB Netz AG                                            push blogging and chat as well…

     DB Fernverkehr AG                                    Please keep moving this great approach…you are
                                                            forcing our managers to play an active and visible
     DB Regio AG                                           role here…

     DB Vertrieb GmbH                                     Thank you Marvin to bringing fun back to work…it is
                                                            a lot easier to find useful information now…
     DB ProjektBau GmbH
                                                           Collaborating is actually fun, I never thought that's
                                                            possible working together virtually…
     DB Energie GmbH

     DB Station & Service AG
                                                              Quelle: TQM-Survey „Interview Results Wiki-System-Usage“,
                                                              Schulte / Becker, Frankfurt am Main, 27.09.2009
DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10   14
…our Knowledge Management Approach…

                                                                                                                              Best Practise                          media-                 Floorwalking
                                                                  Newsletter            Podcast and           Project-
                   communication             Kick-off meeting                                                                     Day                                workshop               support
                                                                min. 1 per month        Storytelling          homepage                                                                      in the office
                                                                                                                               (3 per year)                        (min 1 per month)

                                                                                                           extension of                                         support of operative
                knowledge mapping          Structures-workshop           basic structures
                                                                                                           structures                                           processes
                                                analog                                                                                                                           Plug-ins
                                                access                                                                          local Space 1

                     infrastructure /                                                              Global Space                                                                using the systems
                                              basic systems           digital access                                            local Space 2
                        platform                                                                      Wiki

                                                group-                                                                                                                           integration
                                                                                                                                local Space 3

                                              concept of-                                  competition              actions like                                laudation &                 agreement on
                   motivation                 motivation                                   awards                   Treasure-hunt                               appreciation                objectives
                                                                  less rules

                                           communities of           identification of
                                                                                                         rules & benefits                                         rooms & moderators
                                              practice              experts

                                                                                                                                    deployment of

            Integration of:
            Management of                                           report on topics                   scheduling &

                                        Circles of innovation                                                                                                      competition

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Award &
            improvements &                                          rules                              communication

                                                                    analysis of systems                  concept of                                               integration in
                                        KVP, proposals wanted
                                                                                                       implementation                                             overall concept
DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10                                            15
Control loop for a successful Knowledge-Platform

       Concept of motivation                                       Concept of communication

              Creating & maintaining                                 initiating, sponsoring,
              commitment                                             defining tasks
                                                                     analysis of systems

  Integrating other
  platforms &
Monitoring and                                        circle             Gathering & structuring
evaluating processes                                                     the collection of
and contents                                                             knowledge,
    Continuous endorsement
    of content Optmizing systems                                    Distributing & connecting

      Concept of integration                                        Concept of architecture
DB Training,|GE Beratung, (TQM-Team), 6/14/10
   Training GE Beratung Michael Mielke, 6/14/10         16
The single most overlooked aspect of changing the way
people think and act is „WII FM?“

Lessons Learned:
WII FM: What‘s In It For Me?
          –  As long as you cannot answer that question convincingly for everyone affected by the change
             you want to put in place, don‘t expect results.
          –  Make sure you understand the formal an informal measurement systems

          –  Design a clear message and vision for the change
          –  Inform people early, inform them often

Feedback, Feedback, Feedback
          –  Dialogues, focus groups, feedback loops
          –  People support what they help to create

DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10      17
Project „Marvin“ – factors for success

…what leads us to success…

          strategic top-down-approach
          sponsoring by the management
          aim of project was clearly defined
          Active project-team
          own roadmap including guidelines/ milestones, but a also hight flexibility
          external consulting / project-support
          reconditioning of projects hypothesis + visionary work oriented on solution and resources (Future-
           History-Process, metaphor)
          4P-Approach
          elaborated Change-Management-Approach
          creation of a learning wiki system (principle of self-organization)
          long-run change-approach
DB Training | GE Beratung (TQM-Team), 6/14/10             18
Next Level using Confluence for Corporate Innovation Lab

With SketchUp designed 3D Model of the CIL

         The Pensive                                            Innovation Area


     Meeting Room

DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10    19
Different Areas for certain functionalities…
                         The Information / Innovation
                                                        The Information / Innovation Area
                                                              …come together with some “crazy”, “weird”, creative
                                                               people who can imagine….
                                                              Setup our screens with all useful information you have
                                                               due to a certain problem you want to solve…
                                                              Visualize your current services associative with some
                                                               good pictures and do the same with your customers…

                                                                              …when you look at all the information
                                                                              you are typically moving in your head
                                                                              while thinking about a solution for a
                                                                              certain problem, you will get that
                                                                              great idea faster, if you do that
                                                                              together with some people mentioned
                                                                              above the results will even come
                                                                              faster and more innovative.

                                                    …most of the information needed is available in our wiki…
DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10               20
Different Areas for certain functionalities…
                        The Pensive, your room to

                                          The Pensive
                                          Teamwork and Innovation is fast and highly dynamic. Sometimes
                                          you might need a quit place to think about the new idea on your
                                          own. The Pensive is a quit room to think, a place to escape from
                                          the rush of the other areas. Get in if you need, but come back as

DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10                    21
Different Areas for certain functionalities…
                    The Meeting Room and Decision Area

                                      The Meeting Room
                                      This Room is dedicated to decision! You have worked out some ideas in the other
                                      areas and now you want to go ahead. Develop your concept, project plans or
                                      roadmap, assign resources and finally specify your decision.
                                      This room is fully equipped with all infrastructure you need, no excuses…

DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10                  22
Proof on Concept

     June 24-25th we are proof this concept running 5 different CIL
      parallel in one of our training facilities.

     This approach combines “classic” infrastructure with knowledge
      and information management based on confluence 3.X
…getting further…

…2011 will be back here as a sponsor…
Thank you for your interest!!!


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Making Confluence an Enterprise Standard for Knowledge Management - Atlassian Summit 2010

  • 1. Atlassian Summit 2010 …the journey making Confluence an Enterprise Standard for Knowledge Management… Deutsche Bahn AG DB Training Michael Mielke Frankfurt 2010, 04, 20
  • 2. Deutsche Bahn carries more than 4.7 million passengers per day on around 30,000 trains Passenger Transport   Revenues €11 billion   No. on payroll 64,000   Stations/stopping points 5,700   Locomotives 2,200   Railcars/carriages 21,100   Busses 4,100 Long-Distance Regional DB Vertrieb Urban Transit Transport Transport (Sales)  Passengers/day 0.3 million  Passengers/day 3.1 million  Passengers/day 1.3 million  Tickets/year 254 million  Trains/day 1,300  Trains/day 24,200  Trains/day 3,500  Data records/day 1.5 million  No. on payroll 16,000  No. on payroll 29,000  No. on payroll 12,600  No. on payroll 6,700  Revenues € 2.9billion  Revenues € 6.4billion  Revenues €1.7billion  Revenues € 0.1billion Source: Facts and Figures, Deutsche Bahn (2004)
  • 3. …implementing an Enterprise Standard is a long journey… We started 2006…today we are running 4 Full Confluence Licenses and support more than 15000 Users and 200 Spaces…we still are growing…
  • 4. Aim of project „Marvin“ Focus is the improvement of Knowledge within TQM-Team Specific aims: 1. More transparency & re-use of existing knowledge   Templates for everdy-day work   Useable presentations for short-time meetings 2. Optimal cast & usage of experience   „Whom can is ask needing information X?“   „Who has contact to customer Y?“ 3. Improving the availability for our customers   Preparation of offers by Knowledge-Management 4. Improved sheduling by an active developement of topics   Active creation of new topics   Overview on topics developement-level DB Training | GE Beratung (TQM-Team), 6/14/10 4
  • 5. People, Playgrounds, Prospects, Projects People   Who are we? What are our talents?   What is faszinating us? Playground   Creation of topics   Creation of new consulting-products Prospects   Customers & contact to customers   Knowledge on customers problems and current issues Projects   Information on Projects: Who was involved?   What experiences have been made in an project? DB Training | GE Beratung (TQM-Team), 6/14/10 5
  • 6. 4P: Find the connections between thefour dimensions I look for... + Contexts, Standards, People Play- Prospects Projects grounds Templates People Phonebook, This Employees is This employee has The employee Employee-Profile, working on which made experiences worked in which Org Chart topics? whit which projects ? I come customers? from... Playgrounds Who is dealing with Overview on topics, Among which Which projects to a a specific problem? Framework customers this topic specific issue have Navigator, Product- is a current issue? been Navigator accomplished? Prospects Who are the contact From the Customer database, What are the persons? Who perspective of this Org Charts of customers projects knows this customer, what are customers, we worked on? customer? the current issues? Customer- management, Pipeline Projects Who was involved What are the topics references, contact Project database, in this project? handled in this persons to a project-controlling, project? project, customers project-portfolio- feedback management DB Training | GE Beratung (TQM-Team), 6/14/10 6
  • 7. Implementing Wiki unifies various companies and customers information requirements… Companies perspective concern business customer   Usability   easy ITK-integration   Easy information exchange   Age structure   Easy use   Intuitive usability   Information exchange   No high education afford   No complex User-Training   Interface problems easy to   Services and Support easy to necessary solve purchase   Teamwork on content possible   Low costs   Easy publishing of content   Kind-of-industrial-standard   No extra hardware and   Law-concept licenses necessary   CI capable   BP / experience exchange A D V   Reduction in costs in management A   Compatible to given Components N T   Migration A   Reduction in number and open Interfaces G E   Given Licenses and potential users S DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10 7
  • 8. Advantages to implement Wiki from an enterprise perspective   Usability   Consideration of the demographical development   Cross organizational and cross functional approach   Safety Topics   Exchange of content is easy   Cost Efficiency   Many worldwide companies use Confluence and it is kind-of-industrial- standard   Available User Management   Exchange of Experience   Fits easy in existing ICT Networks   User Friendly, useable without high training effort   Teamwork on a single content is possible   Easy to publish content   … DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10 8
  • 9. We compared various available systems due to our requirements before we decided to use Confluence… …we tried a few before we made our decision…   There are several providers on the marked solving different problems in individual ways   To make the best choice we defined our requirements before we tried some systems   Two independent surveys came to the same result. DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10 9
  • 10. Comparison Table Confluence MediaWiki TWiki XWiki Version 2.7 1.11.1 TWiki 4.2.0 1.3 Licens commercial GPL GPL LGPL language Java PHP Perl Java storage Database Database File, RCS Database Usergroup Enterprise Finaluser Small to middle class Work-groups, developer companies MySQL yes yes no yes Oracle yes optional no yes Accountmanagement yes no yes yes E-Mail news yes optional yes yes Comments Threaded Discussion Threaded Threaded Syntax Highlighting yes Plugin Plugin yes Quoting yes no yes yes Scripting Macros, Plugins, Optional JavaScript, TWiki Velocity & groovy & JavaScript and more Vars, powerful API very powerful API PDF Export yes optional Plugin yes (Quelle: Auszug aus der Präsentation „Wiki-Produktvergleich“, DB Systel, 08.07.2009 von Diana Paulußen) DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10 10
  • 11. Main Enterprise Users and ICT Requirements Confluence MediaWiki TWiki XWiki Usability Interface management ITK- Integration keys: Cutting costs Handles all requirements Support & Service Handles some requirements Used in Industries Handles few requirements DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10 11
  • 12. Confluence has become an so called Industry Standard Many internationally working companies are focusing on knowledge management today… Companies who tried to develop their own wiki-like software systems have failed and lost a lot of money… Examples Big Blue invested a lot within two years trying to develop their own system…they finally have implemented Confluence. Sun Microsystems made Confluence Wiki a core system of their Community Equity Strategy. Quelle: DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10 12
  • 13. Interface Management to other related ICT Services BKU: Group-Folder Management and MS-Office Integration Lotus WebDav Audio / Video   Mail   Bahn TV   Databases   Podcast   Sametime   Documenta- tionen Print Wiki Document-   Spaces / knowledge management Management   Newsletter   Discussion   DB Welt   Teamwork on single content   ECM   Update (CoreMedia)   Lifelink / Share Point / Alfresco DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10 13
  • 14. …a lot of our organizational units are very satisfied with our Wiki and the Knowledge Management Approach… Customer Voices   Wiki established a great knowledge and communication platform for our teams… …a few of our main clients…   We could significantly increase networking with clients and colleagues, thank you Marvin…   DB Mobility Logistics AG   Now we can provide fast and simple information for our clients and we get their feedback fast was well…   Deutsche Bahn AG   Thanks to Marvin, we network a lot more…please   DB Netz AG push blogging and chat as well…   DB Fernverkehr AG   Please keep moving this great approach…you are forcing our managers to play an active and visible   DB Regio AG role here…   DB Vertrieb GmbH   Thank you Marvin to bringing fun back to work…it is a lot easier to find useful information now…   DB ProjektBau GmbH   Collaborating is actually fun, I never thought that's possible working together virtually…   DB Energie GmbH   DB Station & Service AG Quelle: TQM-Survey „Interview Results Wiki-System-Usage“, Schulte / Becker, Frankfurt am Main, 27.09.2009 DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10 14
  • 15. …our Knowledge Management Approach… Best Practise media- Floorwalking Newsletter Podcast and Project- communication Kick-off meeting Day workshop support min. 1 per month Storytelling homepage in the office (3 per year) (min 1 per month) extension of support of operative knowledge mapping Structures-workshop basic structures structures processes integration analog Plug-ins access local Space 1 infrastructure / Global Space using the systems basic systems digital access local Space 2 platform Wiki group- integration local Space 3 folders Plug-ins open concept of- competition actions like laudation & agreement on access, motivation motivation awards Treasure-hunt appreciation objectives less rules communities of identification of rules & benefits rooms & moderators practice experts deployment of communication Integration of: Management of report on topics scheduling & platforms Circles of innovation competition Award & improvements & rules communication innovations analysis of systems concept of integration in KVP, proposals wanted implementation overall concept DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10 15
  • 16. Control loop for a successful Knowledge-Platform Concept of motivation Concept of communication Creating & maintaining initiating, sponsoring, commitment defining tasks analysis of systems Integrating other platforms & systems Implementati on Monitoring and circle Gathering & structuring evaluating processes the collection of and contents knowledge, Qualification Continuous endorsement of content Optmizing systems Distributing & connecting knowledge Concept of integration Concept of architecture DB Training,|GE Beratung, (TQM-Team), 6/14/10 Training GE Beratung Michael Mielke, 6/14/10 16
  • 17. The single most overlooked aspect of changing the way people think and act is „WII FM?“ Lessons Learned: WII FM: What‘s In It For Me? –  As long as you cannot answer that question convincingly for everyone affected by the change you want to put in place, don‘t expect results. –  Make sure you understand the formal an informal measurement systems Communicate –  Design a clear message and vision for the change –  Inform people early, inform them often Feedback, Feedback, Feedback –  Dialogues, focus groups, feedback loops –  People support what they help to create DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10 17
  • 18. Project „Marvin“ – factors for success …what leads us to success…   strategic top-down-approach   sponsoring by the management   aim of project was clearly defined   Active project-team   own roadmap including guidelines/ milestones, but a also hight flexibility   external consulting / project-support   reconditioning of projects hypothesis + visionary work oriented on solution and resources (Future- History-Process, metaphor)   4P-Approach   elaborated Change-Management-Approach   creation of a learning wiki system (principle of self-organization)   long-run change-approach DB Training | GE Beratung (TQM-Team), 6/14/10 18
  • 19. Next Level using Confluence for Corporate Innovation Lab With SketchUp designed 3D Model of the CIL The Pensive Innovation Area Workshop- Area Meeting Room Workshop- Area DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10 19
  • 20. Different Areas for certain functionalities… The Information / Innovation Area The Information / Innovation Area   …come together with some “crazy”, “weird”, creative people who can imagine….   Setup our screens with all useful information you have due to a certain problem you want to solve…   Visualize your current services associative with some good pictures and do the same with your customers… …when you look at all the information you are typically moving in your head while thinking about a solution for a certain problem, you will get that great idea faster, if you do that together with some people mentioned above the results will even come faster and more innovative. …most of the information needed is available in our wiki… DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10 20
  • 21. Different Areas for certain functionalities… The Pensive, your room to think… The Pensive Teamwork and Innovation is fast and highly dynamic. Sometimes you might need a quit place to think about the new idea on your own. The Pensive is a quit room to think, a place to escape from the rush of the other areas. Get in if you need, but come back as well… DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10 21
  • 22. Different Areas for certain functionalities… The Meeting Room and Decision Area The Meeting Room This Room is dedicated to decision! You have worked out some ideas in the other areas and now you want to go ahead. Develop your concept, project plans or roadmap, assign resources and finally specify your decision. This room is fully equipped with all infrastructure you need, no excuses… DB Training, GE Beratung, Michael Mielke, 6/14/10 22
  • 23. Proof on Concept   June 24-25th we are proof this concept running 5 different CIL parallel in one of our training facilities.   This approach combines “classic” infrastructure with knowledge and information management based on confluence 3.X
  • 24. …getting further…
  • 25. …2011 will be back here as a sponsor…
  • 26. Thank you for your interest!!! Questions?