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CS 354
Mark Kilgard
University of Texas
April 12, 2012
CS 354                                                  2

         Today’s material
        In-class quiz
            On path rendering lecture
        Lecture topic
          Project 3
          Digital typography
                 Presentation of text with computers
CS 354                            3

         My Office Hours
        Tuesday, before class
            Painter (PAI) 5.35
            8:45 a.m. to 9:15
        Thursday, after class
            ACE 6.302
            11:00 a.m. to 12

        Randy’s office hours
            Monday & Wednesday
            11 a.m. to 12:00
            Painter (PAI) 5.33
CS 354                                                 4

         Last time, this time
        Last lecture, we discussed
            Resolution-independent 2D graphics
            Path rendering
        This lecture
            Digital typography
        Projects
            Schedule demos with TA for Project 2
            Project 3 due Wednesday, April 18, 2012
                 Get started!
            Coming next: Project 4 on ray tracing
CS 354                                                                          5

                                   On a sheet of paper
         Daily Quiz                • Write your EID, name, and date
                                   • Write #1, #2, #3, followed by its answer
        What are the two standard           Multiple choice:
         fill modes for filling paths?        Conflation artifacts are
                                              possible in path rendering
         _______ & ________                   when
        Multiple choice: The                 a) Opacity and sub-pixel
         curve for the stroke of a            coverage are kept
         2D cubic path segment is:            separate
                                              b) Pixels are given color
         a) less than 3rd order               values that exceed the
         b) 3rd order                         [0,1] range
         c) greater than 3rd order
         d) not defined by a                  c) A path self-intersects
         polynomial curve                     itself
                                              d) The scene is too
CS 354                                             6

         Project 3
        Accept Biovision Hierarchy (BVH) files
         containing motion capture data
            Hierarchy of affine transformations
        Visualize a stick figure
            Animate the figure
CS 354                                                                                   7

         BVH File Example: Hierarchy
     ROOT root
         OFFSET 0.00 0.00 0.00
         CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Xrotation Yrotation Zrotation
         JOINT lfemur
               OFFSET 3.80421 -3.76868 0.00000
               CHANNELS 3 Xrotation Yrotation Zrotation
               JOINT ltibia
                         OFFSET 0.00000 -17.76572 0.00000
                         CHANNELS 3 Xrotation Yrotation Zrotation
                         JOINT lfoot
                                   OFFSET 0.00000 -16.34445 0.00000
                                   CHANNELS 3 Xrotation Yrotation Zrotation
                                   JOINT ltoes
                                             OFFSET 0.00000 -1.60934 6.00613
                                             CHANNELS 3 Xrotation Yrotation Zrotation
                                             End Site
                                                        OFFSET 0.00000 0.00000 2.66486
         JOINT rfemur
CS 354                                                                    8

         BVH File Example: Motion
     Frames: 36794
     Frame Time: 0.008333
      35.7416 40.7156 -2.9287 -0.9370 -5.2352 -2.6200 -2.7851 13.2004
        4.3302 13.0957 0.0202 -0.0129 -11.9830 8.6358 1.0661 -4.2888
        0.0247 0.0111 -2.4067 -3.3140 1.1483 12.0155 -0.0016 0.0030
        -11.2183 -6.3590 -1.9419 -9.9284 -0.0039 -0.0030 -4.1054 0.3749
        -0.0837 2.2164 0.9015 0.4619 0.1135 1.1612 0.4322 0.4981
        -6.1446 -2.0691 -1.3898 -6.0820 -1.7213 -3.3008 -6.0705 -1.3006
        -0.2821 1.1947 0.0054 -20.4349 -0.0327 -1.3623 -0.0780 -6.1668
        0.0685 0.3048 11.4786 2.7558 -0.5726 -3.6453 -0.0360 -57.6996
        8.0905 10.1719 -0.0236 19.2380 0.0399 33.3954 -26.0372 6.7530
      35.7416 40.7156 -2.9287 -0.9365 -5.2352 -2.6195 -2.7850 13.2004
        4.3303 13.0956 0.0202 -0.0129 -11.9830 8.6358 1.0661 -4.2888
        0.0247 0.0111 -2.4066 -3.3140 1.1485 12.0154 -0.0016 0.0030
        -11.2183 -6.3590 -1.9419 -9.9284 -0.0039 -0.0030 -4.1078 0.3751
        -0.0879 2.2190 0.9024 0.4657 0.1129 1.1575 0.4347 0.5033
        -6.1518 -2.0799 -1.3851 -6.0914 -1.7271 -3.2960 -6.0801 -1.3037
        -0.2984 1.1874 0.0057 -20.3011 -0.0729 -1.3614 -0.0780 -5.9355
        0.0689 0.0176 10.6160 2.9421 -0.5602 -3.6492 -0.0353 -57.6698
        8.1021 10.1816 -0.0236 19.2560 0.0399 33.3102 -26.1956 6.6386
CS 354                                               9

         Legacy Typography
        Metal movable type

                         …but now we use computers
CS 354                                               10

         But Now Type ≈ Math
        Fonts are now represented by filled paths
            Defined by piecewise Bezier segments
        Fonts are defined by math now
          Not chunks of cast metal
          Plato’s ideals win!
CS 354                                                     11

         Cubic Bezier Segment Review
        Four control points define a cubic Bezier curve
            Over parametric range [0,1]
            Defined by 3rd order polynomial
CS 354                                                           12

         Connected Continuity Between
         Two Bezier Segments
        4th point of 1st segment is
              1st curve of the 2nd segment

                                               2 nd


         1 st


                           control point
                     shared by both segments
CS 354                                                           13

         Tangent Continuity Between
         Two Bezier Segments
        Tangent of 1st segment equal to tangent of
         the 2nd curve
                                               2 nd




         1 st

                           control point
                     shared by both segments
CS 354                                                            14

         PostScript (Adobe) Fonts
        Cubic Bezier control points
            Good artistic control

                           4 control points per curved segments
CS 354                                                              15

         TrueType (Apple/Microsoft ) Fonts
        Quadratic Bezier Curves
            Cheaper evaluation than cubics
            Typically requires more control points

                             3 control points per curved segments
CS 354                                                                               16

             MetaFont Approach
            Preceded PostScript and TrueType fonts
              Designed by Douglas Knuth (Stanford)
              Used by Knuth’s TeX typesetting system

            Glyphs defined by strokes
                Not filled path contours
            Glyphs specified with a programming language
                Not friendly to artists—don’t expect artists to write programs to
                 define glyphs
CS 354                               17

         One Word, Three Typefaces
CS 354   18
CS 354                                                       19

         Careful: Strong
         Opinions Ahead
        Everyone who
         reads is arguably a
         student of
            You can have an
             opinion about type

        But designers and
         artists care about
         typography a lot
            And for good

                                  Example strong sentiment
CS 354   20
CS 354                              21

         Glyph Variety
      Typeface
      Serifs
      Style
      Weight
      Point size
      Character spacing
            Mono-spaced,
             proportional, kerned
CS 354                                      22

         Oldstyle (Renaissance) typefaces
CS 354                      23

         Modern typefaces
CS 354                          24

         Slab Serif typefaces
CS 354                         25

         San Serif typefaces
CS 354                                                       26

         Most Famous San Serif Typeface
        Hurray for Helvetica!
            Exhibited at New York Modern of Modern Art
            And subject of a documentary
        Not to be confused with its TrueType clone, Arial
CS 354                                27

         Style within a Typeface
        Italic
            Slanted with
            Different glyph shapes
        Oblique
            Slanted but
            Same glyph shape
        Other styles
            Small Caps
CS 354                                         28

        How “heavy” or “light” is the type?
CS 354             29

CS 354                                              30

         Text layout
        Line spacing
            Leading, inter-line spacing
        Justification
            Left, right, centered, justified

        Style sheets or templates
          Define document-wide layout parameters
          Headers, footnotes, columns, etc.
CS 354                                                    31

         Typographical Units
        Legacy units
            Specialized to the domain of typesetting
                 Pre-dates the Metric system
            Points (pt)
                 Traditional: 72 pt ≡ 0.996 inches
                 Adobe: 72 pt ≡ 1in
            Picas (pc)
                 12 pt = 1 pc
        Font-relative units
            Em—originally width of capital “M”
            En—half the size of “M”
                 typically size of space between words
            Now Em corresponds to Point Size of font
CS 354                                                          32

         Point Size
        Type is historically measured in points
            1/72nd of an inch
        Problem
          Pixel size ≠ point size
          Used to be approximately true for 72 dpi
               DPI = dots per inch, or PPI = pixels per inch
               Newer displays are 96 to 120 dpi

            Often used as an approximation anyway
CS 354                                               33

         Font Metrics

        Metrics for all glyphs in a font
            Typeface at a particular point size
        Point size of font ≈ ascender + descender
CS 354                                                                         34

         Glyph Metrics
        Glyph metrics vary with each glyph in a font
            Intended to be “consistent” with other glyphs in font

             Horizontal metrics                             Vertical metrics
                                  Image credit: FreeType 2 Tutorial
CS 354                                                       35

        Spacing between two glyphs is customized to
         the two glyph’s shapes
            Improves readability
            Generally encoded as ad hoc table by typeface
CS 354                                                   36

        Joins two or more
         characters into a
            Given “type set” feel
             to text
            Sometimes stylistic,
             Sometimes archaic
            Sometimes called
        Ligatures vary with
         language and script         common modern
         system                      English ligatures
CS 354                     37

         Combining Marks
CS 354                                                             38

         Character Sets
        Mapping of integers to characters
            Then font maps character to glyphs
        Used to be many character sets
            Tower of Babel for text interchange 
            ASCII (7-bit) for America
            IBM has EBCDIC
                 Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
            ISO/IEC 8859-1 for Western Europe
            Huge problem for East Asian languages (CJK)
        Unicode has fixed the problem…
CS 354                                                       39

        International standard (1991)
            Now on version 6.1
            New character points keep getting added
        One encoding for basically all human writing
            More than 249,763 characters so far
                 1,114,112 maximum
            In over 100 scripts
        TrueType and OpenType support Unicode
            All typefaces are incomplete in their support
CS 354                         40

         Overlaps with ASCII
CS 354                     41

         CJK Extension-A
CS 354                                                  42

         What is a computer font?
        Map of character points to “characters”
            Unicode, ASCII, etc.
      Map of “characters” to glyphs
      Font-wide metrics
      Per-glyph information
          Glyph outline
          Metrics for each glyph
          Kerning information w.r.t. adjacent glyphs
          Hints
CS 354                                                  43

         Encodings for Unicode
        Can’t use 8-bit characters for all Unicode
            Even 16-bit integer isn’t enough!
        UTF-8
            Variable-width 8-bit encoding
            Can represent every Unicode character
            Used by Linux and the web
        UTF-16
            Variable width 16-bit character encoding
            Used by Windows
        UTF-32
            32 bits per character points
            Easiest to process, least compact
CS 354                                               44

         Rendering Outline Glyphs
        Conventional method
            CPU-based scan-line
            Augmented by hinting
        Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields (ADFs)
            MERL’s Saffron type system
        Glyphs are static so
         is effective
            Bitmaps often cached
CS 354                                                                                45

         Massively Parallel GPU-accelerated
         Path Rendering Visualized
                           Anchored triangle   Anchored triangle
                            fans geometry       fans net stencil
                                                                   Stencil =1

      Path commands
     and control points                                               Resulting net
                                                                    coverage in stencil

                          Curved segment       Curved segment
                             geometry            net stencil

                                                                   Stencil -1
                                                                   Stencil +1
Credit: [Kokoji 2006]
CS 354                                                                                                          46

         Typographic Tension
                                        “Is the tex
                                                  t positione
                                                              d accurate
                                                 other text              ly relative
                                                            and gr aph               to
                                       ”                               ics?”
                                    ad? ”
                                  re ble?
                               to ia
                             sy ntif

                          ea     e

                                                                                     “Is tely
                        xt rs id

                       e e


                                                                                         t he r ep
                  “Is lett

                                                                                             t y p r es e

                                                                                                  ef a nt e
                                                                                                      ce d?
                       Legibility &                                 Geometric

                       readability                                  fidelity
        Tension resolved by increased pixel density!
        Challenge: PC displays have maintained a fairly
         constant pixel density over decades
        New computing form factors changing this
            Tablets, smart phones, e-readers, wall touch screens
CS 354                                                                47

         Improving Legibility
        When screens are 75 to 100 dpi
            Legibility of text suffers
        Strategies
            Anti-aliasing glyphs
                 Disadvantage: makes characters blurry
                 Disadvantage: small features get lost
            Hinting
                 Adjust glyph outline to preserve glyph features
                 Anti-anti-aliasing technique
            ClearType
                 Exploit knowledge of pixel’s color geometry
            Increase pixel density
                 Assumes resolution-independent 2D
                 Hard when window system depends on bitmap content
CS 354                         48

         Pixel Density
        More pixels in the
         same area provide a
         sharper glyph
CS 354                                                             49

         Font Hinting
        Overall idea
            “improving the appearance of small text at low
            Constrains the scaling of glyphs to match designers
             intent at particular device resolutions
            Harder than it sounds!
        TrueType approach
            Outlines defined with quadratic Bezier segments
            Hints defined with an assembly-like imperative
             programming language to express per-glyph
CS 354                                                  50

         Glyph Hinting Example
        Modify the outline to better match the
         device’s pixel grid

            master outline         better sampling
            poorly sampled         after grid fitting
CS 354                                                      51

         Glyph Hinting Example
        Outline is fitted to the device grid
            Diagonal control

              master outline       fitted & rasterized to
               with hints                device grid
CS 354                                                                     52

        Advantages
            Increases spatial resolution for glyphs
                 Uses sub-pixel rendering
        Disadvantages
            Color fringing on text
            Assumes black text on white background
            Text must be aligned to orthogonal pixel grid
            Depends on knowledge of RGB pixel geometry
                 Can vary by monitor
            Complicates text rendering
                 Requires knowledge of device grid, glyph geometry, and
                  RGB pixel geometry
            Windows only due to Intellectual Property restrictions
CS 354                53

  without ClearType

  with ClearType
CS 354                                  54

         Programs to Design Typefaces

               FontLab Studio 5.0
CS 354                                                    55

         Font and Typographic APIs
        Windows
            DirectWrite atop GDI or Direct2D
            Legacy GDI
        Linux / cross platform
            Cairo
            FontConfig
            FreeType 2
            Pango
        Mac OS X
            Core Text
            Advanced Text Services for Unicode Imaging
CS 354                                                                              56

         DirectWrite Functionality

        DirectWrite integrates a lot of typographic functionality
             Similar to Apple’s integrated approach with Apple Type Services for
              Unicode Imaging (ATSUI), now Core Text
        Where Linux unbundles these components
           Cairo = path rendering, including text
           FontConfig = to locate font resources
           FreeType2 = font loading, font rasterizer
           Pango = text layout, script processing
CS 354                                                                57

         OpenGL Ignores Text
        OpenGL ambivalent about text
            glBitmap closest thing API support
            Relying on window system interfaces to populate
             display lists with bitmap
                 glXUseXFont, wglUseFontBitmaps
        Quite unique among render systems in this
            Xlib, GDI, PostScript, PHIGS, PEX, Quartz 2D, Java
             2D, Qt, SVG, OpenVG, Flash, Cairo, Silverlight,
             Direct3D/Direct2D/DirectWrite support first-class text
            Lack of text isn’t good; it’s anomalous and odd
CS 354                                                         58

         OpenGL Bitmap Fonts
        GLUT includes implementation
          glutBitmapCharacter
          Calls glBitmap with pre-compiled bitmap data

        Also window system specific routines to get bitmaps
         from system fonts
          wglUseFontBitmaps for Windows
          glXUseXFont for X Window System (Linux)
CS 354                                                        59

         OpenGL Stroke Fonts
        Draw glyph’s stroke as line segments
            Can transform arbitrarily
            Use glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH) for anti-aliasing
            glutStrokeCharacter does this
CS 354                                                    60

         Other Text Approaches
        Pack glyphs in texture atlas
            Then draw textured rectangles with the
             correct texture coordinates for each glyph
CS 354                                                                               61

           First-class Text Support in
           Various Rendering Systems
    Rendering system                 Vendor / Sponsor            First-class text?
    Cairo                            Open source                 Yes
    Direct2D / Direct3D              Microsoft                   Yes
    Flash                            Adobe                       Yes
    GDI                              Microsoft                   Yes
    Java 2D                          Sun                         Yes
    OpenGL                           Khronos                     No
    OpenVG                           Khronos                     Yes
    Office Open XML                  Microsoft / ECMA            Yes
    PDF                              Adobe                       Yes
    PHIGS                            ISO                         Yes
    PostScript                       Adobe                       Yes
    Qt                               Nokia                       Yes
    Quart 2D                         Apple                       Yes
    Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)   World Wide Web Consortium   Yes
    Silverlight                      Microsoft                   Yes
    Xlib                             X Consortium                Yes
CS 354                                                                         62

         How did OpenGL’s lack of text
         support last for so long?
        OpenGL was designed in 1992
          Pre-Unicode world
          Fonts were bitmaps of ASCII back then
                 Now TrueType and OpenType dominate
            The primitive initial state of OpenGL’s font support has become
             mistaken for a philosophical dictate
        Text-based applications uniformly ignore OpenGL
            Not a good thing
        3D applications have their expectations adjusted to
         expect lousy text
          Not a good thing
          Example: Quake 2 console text is miniscule because textured
           bitmap characters assumed text sized for 800x600 display
CS 354                                                                                 63

         The World Has Changed
         Since 1992
        Unicode universally accepted now
          Systems ship with near-complete, resolution-independent Unicode
           fonts now
          Good fonts come with your operating system license
          International character of web makes UTF-8 text common today
          Windows adoption of UTF-16 makes that common within Windows
        Web has expanded font repertoire of systems
          Content providers and users expect wide range of available fonts
          Fonts have standard names embedded in web content
          These font names span operating systems
        Screen resolution has increased
          1992: 640x480 aliased
          2009: 1920x1200+ multisampled
          Needing all text to be in small point sizes to fit screen isn’t a mandate
        3D support and acceleration is pervasive now
            Text makes sense mixed with 3D content today
CS 354                                                        64

         Direct Path Rendering of
         Text in OpenGL
        Recent work
            NV_path_rendering provides GPU-acceleration of
             paths, including glyphs
            Glyph support is first-class
CS 354                                                  65

         Digital Typography Trends
        Hinting is going away
          Mainly due to denser screens
          Expectation of antialiased font appearance
          Text not always presented axis-aligned
        More font variety in web content
          Improving standards
          More available fonts
          Even font variety for East Asian writing
CS 354                                                               66

         Next Class
        Next lecture
            Ray casting and ray tracing
            An alternative 3D rendering approach to rasterization

        Project 3
            Begin work
            Due Wednesday, April 18, 2012

        (Project 4 will be a simple ray tracer and
         immediately follow Project 3)
CS 354                                                                  67

      Pat Hanrahan (Stanford)
      Microsoft Typography
        Beat Stamm’s The Raster Tragedy at
         Low-Resolution Revisited

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CS 354 Typography

  • 2. CS 354 2 Today’s material  In-class quiz  On path rendering lecture  Lecture topic  Project 3  Digital typography  Presentation of text with computers
  • 3. CS 354 3 My Office Hours  Tuesday, before class  Painter (PAI) 5.35  8:45 a.m. to 9:15  Thursday, after class  ACE 6.302  11:00 a.m. to 12  Randy’s office hours  Monday & Wednesday  11 a.m. to 12:00  Painter (PAI) 5.33
  • 4. CS 354 4 Last time, this time  Last lecture, we discussed  Resolution-independent 2D graphics  Path rendering  This lecture  Digital typography  Projects  Schedule demos with TA for Project 2  Project 3 due Wednesday, April 18, 2012  Get started!  Coming next: Project 4 on ray tracing
  • 5. CS 354 5 On a sheet of paper Daily Quiz • Write your EID, name, and date • Write #1, #2, #3, followed by its answer  What are the two standard  Multiple choice: fill modes for filling paths? Conflation artifacts are possible in path rendering _______ & ________ when  Multiple choice: The a) Opacity and sub-pixel curve for the stroke of a coverage are kept 2D cubic path segment is: separate b) Pixels are given color a) less than 3rd order values that exceed the b) 3rd order [0,1] range c) greater than 3rd order d) not defined by a c) A path self-intersects polynomial curve itself d) The scene is too complex
  • 6. CS 354 6 Project 3  Accept Biovision Hierarchy (BVH) files containing motion capture data  Hierarchy of affine transformations  Visualize a stick figure  Animate the figure
  • 7. CS 354 7 BVH File Example: Hierarchy HIERARCHY ROOT root { OFFSET 0.00 0.00 0.00 CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Xrotation Yrotation Zrotation JOINT lfemur { OFFSET 3.80421 -3.76868 0.00000 CHANNELS 3 Xrotation Yrotation Zrotation JOINT ltibia { OFFSET 0.00000 -17.76572 0.00000 CHANNELS 3 Xrotation Yrotation Zrotation JOINT lfoot { OFFSET 0.00000 -16.34445 0.00000 CHANNELS 3 Xrotation Yrotation Zrotation JOINT ltoes { OFFSET 0.00000 -1.60934 6.00613 CHANNELS 3 Xrotation Yrotation Zrotation End Site { OFFSET 0.00000 0.00000 2.66486 } } } } } JOINT rfemur {
  • 8. CS 354 8 BVH File Example: Motion MOTION Frames: 36794 Frame Time: 0.008333 35.7416 40.7156 -2.9287 -0.9370 -5.2352 -2.6200 -2.7851 13.2004 4.3302 13.0957 0.0202 -0.0129 -11.9830 8.6358 1.0661 -4.2888 0.0247 0.0111 -2.4067 -3.3140 1.1483 12.0155 -0.0016 0.0030 -11.2183 -6.3590 -1.9419 -9.9284 -0.0039 -0.0030 -4.1054 0.3749 -0.0837 2.2164 0.9015 0.4619 0.1135 1.1612 0.4322 0.4981 -6.1446 -2.0691 -1.3898 -6.0820 -1.7213 -3.3008 -6.0705 -1.3006 -0.2821 1.1947 0.0054 -20.4349 -0.0327 -1.3623 -0.0780 -6.1668 0.0685 0.3048 11.4786 2.7558 -0.5726 -3.6453 -0.0360 -57.6996 8.0905 10.1719 -0.0236 19.2380 0.0399 33.3954 -26.0372 6.7530 35.7416 40.7156 -2.9287 -0.9365 -5.2352 -2.6195 -2.7850 13.2004 4.3303 13.0956 0.0202 -0.0129 -11.9830 8.6358 1.0661 -4.2888 0.0247 0.0111 -2.4066 -3.3140 1.1485 12.0154 -0.0016 0.0030 -11.2183 -6.3590 -1.9419 -9.9284 -0.0039 -0.0030 -4.1078 0.3751 -0.0879 2.2190 0.9024 0.4657 0.1129 1.1575 0.4347 0.5033 -6.1518 -2.0799 -1.3851 -6.0914 -1.7271 -3.2960 -6.0801 -1.3037 -0.2984 1.1874 0.0057 -20.3011 -0.0729 -1.3614 -0.0780 -5.9355 0.0689 0.0176 10.6160 2.9421 -0.5602 -3.6492 -0.0353 -57.6698 8.1021 10.1816 -0.0236 19.2560 0.0399 33.3102 -26.1956 6.6386
  • 9. CS 354 9 Legacy Typography  Metal movable type …but now we use computers
  • 10. CS 354 10 But Now Type ≈ Math  Fonts are now represented by filled paths  Defined by piecewise Bezier segments  Fonts are defined by math now  Not chunks of cast metal  Plato’s ideals win!
  • 11. CS 354 11 Cubic Bezier Segment Review  Four control points define a cubic Bezier curve  Over parametric range [0,1]  Defined by 3rd order polynomial
  • 12. CS 354 12 Connected Continuity Between Two Bezier Segments  4th point of 1st segment is 1st curve of the 2nd segment t en 2 nd gm se se gm 1 st en t control point shared by both segments
  • 13. CS 354 13 Tangent Continuity Between Two Bezier Segments  Tangent of 1st segment equal to tangent of the 2nd curve 2 nd t se en gm gm en se t 1 st control point shared by both segments
  • 14. CS 354 14 PostScript (Adobe) Fonts  Cubic Bezier control points  Good artistic control 4 control points per curved segments
  • 15. CS 354 15 TrueType (Apple/Microsoft ) Fonts  Quadratic Bezier Curves  Cheaper evaluation than cubics  Typically requires more control points 3 control points per curved segments
  • 16. CS 354 16 MetaFont Approach  Preceded PostScript and TrueType fonts  Designed by Douglas Knuth (Stanford)  Used by Knuth’s TeX typesetting system  Glyphs defined by strokes  Not filled path contours  Glyphs specified with a programming language  Not friendly to artists—don’t expect artists to write programs to define glyphs
  • 17. CS 354 17 One Word, Three Typefaces
  • 18. CS 354 18
  • 19. CS 354 19 Careful: Strong Opinions Ahead  Everyone who reads is arguably a student of typography  You can have an opinion about type  But designers and artists care about typography a lot  And for good reason! Example strong sentiment
  • 20. CS 354 20
  • 21. CS 354 21 Glyph Variety  Typeface  Serifs  Style  Weight  Point size  Character spacing  Mono-spaced, proportional, kerned
  • 22. CS 354 22 Oldstyle (Renaissance) typefaces
  • 23. CS 354 23 Modern typefaces
  • 24. CS 354 24 Slab Serif typefaces
  • 25. CS 354 25 San Serif typefaces
  • 26. CS 354 26 Most Famous San Serif Typeface  Hurray for Helvetica!  Exhibited at New York Modern of Modern Art  And subject of a documentary  Not to be confused with its TrueType clone, Arial
  • 27. CS 354 27 Style within a Typeface  Italic  Slanted with  Different glyph shapes  Oblique  Slanted but  Same glyph shape  Other styles  Small Caps
  • 28. CS 354 28 Weight  How “heavy” or “light” is the type?
  • 29. CS 354 29 Stretch
  • 30. CS 354 30 Text layout  Line spacing  Leading, inter-line spacing  Justification  Left, right, centered, justified  Style sheets or templates  Define document-wide layout parameters  Headers, footnotes, columns, etc.
  • 31. CS 354 31 Typographical Units  Legacy units  Specialized to the domain of typesetting  Pre-dates the Metric system  Points (pt)  Traditional: 72 pt ≡ 0.996 inches  Adobe: 72 pt ≡ 1in  Picas (pc)  12 pt = 1 pc  Font-relative units  Em—originally width of capital “M”  En—half the size of “M”  typically size of space between words  Now Em corresponds to Point Size of font
  • 32. CS 354 32 Point Size  Type is historically measured in points  1/72nd of an inch  Problem  Pixel size ≠ point size  Used to be approximately true for 72 dpi  DPI = dots per inch, or PPI = pixels per inch  Newer displays are 96 to 120 dpi  Often used as an approximation anyway
  • 33. CS 354 33 Font Metrics  Metrics for all glyphs in a font  Typeface at a particular point size  Point size of font ≈ ascender + descender
  • 34. CS 354 34 Glyph Metrics  Glyph metrics vary with each glyph in a font  Intended to be “consistent” with other glyphs in font Horizontal metrics Vertical metrics Image credit: FreeType 2 Tutorial
  • 35. CS 354 35 Kerning  Spacing between two glyphs is customized to the two glyph’s shapes  Improves readability  Generally encoded as ad hoc table by typeface
  • 36. CS 354 36 Ligatures  Joins two or more characters into a glyph  Given “type set” feel to text  Sometimes stylistic, Sometimes archaic  Sometimes called digraphs  Ligatures vary with language and script common modern system English ligatures
  • 37. CS 354 37 Combining Marks
  • 38. CS 354 38 Character Sets  Mapping of integers to characters  Then font maps character to glyphs  Used to be many character sets  Tower of Babel for text interchange   ASCII (7-bit) for America  IBM has EBCDIC  Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code  ISO/IEC 8859-1 for Western Europe  Huge problem for East Asian languages (CJK)  Unicode has fixed the problem…
  • 39. CS 354 39 Unicode  International standard (1991)  Now on version 6.1  New character points keep getting added  One encoding for basically all human writing systems  More than 249,763 characters so far  1,114,112 maximum  In over 100 scripts  TrueType and OpenType support Unicode  All typefaces are incomplete in their support
  • 40. CS 354 40 Overlaps with ASCII
  • 41. CS 354 41 CJK Extension-A
  • 42. CS 354 42 What is a computer font?  Map of character points to “characters”  Unicode, ASCII, etc.  Map of “characters” to glyphs  Font-wide metrics  Per-glyph information  Glyph outline  Metrics for each glyph  Kerning information w.r.t. adjacent glyphs  Hints
  • 43. CS 354 43 Encodings for Unicode  Can’t use 8-bit characters for all Unicode  Even 16-bit integer isn’t enough!  UTF-8  Variable-width 8-bit encoding  Can represent every Unicode character  Used by Linux and the web  UTF-16  Variable width 16-bit character encoding  Used by Windows  UTF-32  32 bits per character points  Easiest to process, least compact
  • 44. CS 354 44 Rendering Outline Glyphs  Conventional method  CPU-based scan-line rasterization  Augmented by hinting  Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields (ADFs)  MERL’s Saffron type system  Glyphs are static so pre-computation is effective  Bitmaps often cached
  • 45. CS 354 45 Massively Parallel GPU-accelerated Path Rendering Visualized Anchored triangle Anchored triangle fans geometry fans net stencil Stencil =1 Path commands and control points Resulting net coverage in stencil Curved segment Curved segment geometry net stencil Stencil -1 Stencil +1 Credit: [Kokoji 2006]
  • 46. CS 354 46 Typographic Tension “Is the tex t positione d accurate other text ly relative and gr aph to ” ics?” ad? ” re ble? to ia sy ntif ac ea e c “Is tely xt rs id ur e e a t t he r ep “Is lett t y p r es e re “A ef a nt e ce d? Legibility & Geometric ” readability fidelity  Tension resolved by increased pixel density!  Challenge: PC displays have maintained a fairly constant pixel density over decades  New computing form factors changing this  Tablets, smart phones, e-readers, wall touch screens
  • 47. CS 354 47 Improving Legibility  When screens are 75 to 100 dpi  Legibility of text suffers  Strategies  Anti-aliasing glyphs  Disadvantage: makes characters blurry  Disadvantage: small features get lost  Hinting  Adjust glyph outline to preserve glyph features  Anti-anti-aliasing technique  ClearType  Exploit knowledge of pixel’s color geometry  Increase pixel density  Assumes resolution-independent 2D  Hard when window system depends on bitmap content
  • 48. CS 354 48 Pixel Density Helps  More pixels in the same area provide a sharper glyph
  • 49. CS 354 49 Font Hinting  Overall idea  “improving the appearance of small text at low resolution”  Constrains the scaling of glyphs to match designers intent at particular device resolutions  Harder than it sounds!  TrueType approach  Outlines defined with quadratic Bezier segments  Hints defined with an assembly-like imperative programming language to express per-glyph adjustments
  • 50. CS 354 50 Glyph Hinting Example  Modify the outline to better match the device’s pixel grid master outline better sampling poorly sampled after grid fitting
  • 51. CS 354 51 Glyph Hinting Example  Outline is fitted to the device grid  Diagonal control master outline fitted & rasterized to with hints device grid
  • 52. CS 354 52 ClearType  Advantages  Increases spatial resolution for glyphs  Uses sub-pixel rendering  Disadvantages  Color fringing on text  Assumes black text on white background  Text must be aligned to orthogonal pixel grid  Depends on knowledge of RGB pixel geometry  Can vary by monitor  Complicates text rendering  Requires knowledge of device grid, glyph geometry, and RGB pixel geometry  Windows only due to Intellectual Property restrictions
  • 53. CS 354 53 without ClearType with ClearType
  • 54. CS 354 54 Programs to Design Typefaces FontLab Studio 5.0
  • 55. CS 354 55 Font and Typographic APIs  Windows  DirectWrite atop GDI or Direct2D  Legacy GDI  Linux / cross platform  Cairo  FontConfig  FreeType 2  Pango  Mac OS X  Core Text  Advanced Text Services for Unicode Imaging
  • 56. CS 354 56 DirectWrite Functionality  DirectWrite integrates a lot of typographic functionality  Similar to Apple’s integrated approach with Apple Type Services for Unicode Imaging (ATSUI), now Core Text  Where Linux unbundles these components  Cairo = path rendering, including text  FontConfig = to locate font resources  FreeType2 = font loading, font rasterizer  Pango = text layout, script processing
  • 57. CS 354 57 OpenGL Ignores Text  OpenGL ambivalent about text  glBitmap closest thing API support  Relying on window system interfaces to populate display lists with bitmap  glXUseXFont, wglUseFontBitmaps  Quite unique among render systems in this ambivalence!  Xlib, GDI, PostScript, PHIGS, PEX, Quartz 2D, Java 2D, Qt, SVG, OpenVG, Flash, Cairo, Silverlight, Direct3D/Direct2D/DirectWrite support first-class text  Lack of text isn’t good; it’s anomalous and odd
  • 58. CS 354 58 OpenGL Bitmap Fonts  GLUT includes implementation  glutBitmapCharacter  Calls glBitmap with pre-compiled bitmap data  Also window system specific routines to get bitmaps from system fonts  wglUseFontBitmaps for Windows  glXUseXFont for X Window System (Linux)
  • 59. CS 354 59 OpenGL Stroke Fonts  Draw glyph’s stroke as line segments  Can transform arbitrarily  Use glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH) for anti-aliasing  glutStrokeCharacter does this
  • 60. CS 354 60 Other Text Approaches  Pack glyphs in texture atlas  Then draw textured rectangles with the correct texture coordinates for each glyph
  • 61. CS 354 61 First-class Text Support in Various Rendering Systems Rendering system Vendor / Sponsor First-class text? Cairo Open source Yes Direct2D / Direct3D Microsoft Yes Flash Adobe Yes GDI Microsoft Yes Java 2D Sun Yes OpenGL Khronos No OpenVG Khronos Yes Office Open XML Microsoft / ECMA Yes PDF Adobe Yes PHIGS ISO Yes PostScript Adobe Yes Qt Nokia Yes Quart 2D Apple Yes Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) World Wide Web Consortium Yes Silverlight Microsoft Yes Xlib X Consortium Yes
  • 62. CS 354 62 How did OpenGL’s lack of text support last for so long?  OpenGL was designed in 1992  Pre-Unicode world  Fonts were bitmaps of ASCII back then  Now TrueType and OpenType dominate  The primitive initial state of OpenGL’s font support has become mistaken for a philosophical dictate  Text-based applications uniformly ignore OpenGL  Not a good thing  3D applications have their expectations adjusted to expect lousy text  Not a good thing  Example: Quake 2 console text is miniscule because textured bitmap characters assumed text sized for 800x600 display
  • 63. CS 354 63 The World Has Changed Since 1992  Unicode universally accepted now  Systems ship with near-complete, resolution-independent Unicode fonts now  Good fonts come with your operating system license  International character of web makes UTF-8 text common today  Windows adoption of UTF-16 makes that common within Windows  Web has expanded font repertoire of systems  Content providers and users expect wide range of available fonts  Fonts have standard names embedded in web content  These font names span operating systems  Screen resolution has increased  1992: 640x480 aliased  2009: 1920x1200+ multisampled  Needing all text to be in small point sizes to fit screen isn’t a mandate anymore  3D support and acceleration is pervasive now  Text makes sense mixed with 3D content today
  • 64. CS 354 64 Direct Path Rendering of Text in OpenGL  Recent work  NV_path_rendering provides GPU-acceleration of paths, including glyphs  Glyph support is first-class
  • 65. CS 354 65 Digital Typography Trends  Hinting is going away  Mainly due to denser screens  Expectation of antialiased font appearance  Text not always presented axis-aligned  More font variety in web content  Improving standards  More available fonts  Even font variety for East Asian writing systems
  • 66. CS 354 66 Next Class  Next lecture  Ray casting and ray tracing  An alternative 3D rendering approach to rasterization  Project 3  Begin work  Due Wednesday, April 18, 2012  (Project 4 will be a simple ray tracer and immediately follow Project 3)
  • 67. CS 354 67 Credits  Pat Hanrahan (Stanford)  Microsoft Typography   Beat Stamm’s The Raster Tragedy at Low-Resolution Revisited 