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CS 354
Vector Graphics &
Path Rendering
Mark Kilgard
University of Texas
April 10, 2012
CS 354                                        2

         Today’s material
        In-class quiz
            On Bézier curves lecture
        Lecture topic
          Project 3
          Vector graphics & path rendering
CS 354                            3

         My Office Hours
        Tuesday, before class
            Painter (PAI) 5.35
            8:45 a.m. to 9:15
        Thursday, after class
            ACE 6.302
            11:00 a.m. to 12

        Randy’s office hours
            Monday & Wednesday
            11 a.m. to 12:00
            Painter (PAI) 5.33
CS 354                                               4

         Last time, this time
        Last lecture, we discussed
            Bezier curves
        This lecture
          Resolution-independent 2D graphics
          Path rendering
        Projects
          Schedule demos with TA for Project 2
          Project 3 due Wednesday, April 18, 2012
                 Get started!
CS 354                                                                        5

                                 On a sheet of paper
         Daily Quiz              • Write your EID, name, and date
                                 • Write #1, #2, #3, followed by its answer
        How many control points           Multiple choice:
         are used to define a cubic         Geometric continuity
         Bézier curve?                      across two curved
                                            segments always means
        Multiple choice: What
         percent of a Bézier curve          a) The two segments are
         is contained within the            identical
         convex hull of its control
                                            b) The shared end points
         points?                            of the segments have the
                                            same tangent magnitude
         a)   33.33%
         b)   50%                           c) The shared edge points
         c)   66.66%                        have the identical tangent
         d)   100%                          directions
                                            d) The shared end points
                                            are Euclidean variant
CS 354                                             6

         Project 3
        Accept Biovision Hierarchy (BVH) files
         containing motion capture data
            Hierarchy of affine transformations
        Visualize a stick figure
            Animate the figure
CS 354                                                    7

         Vector Graphics
      Confusing term
      Used to describe several kinds of graphics
            Wireframe rendering

            Plotting or calligraphic rendering

                                     HP DesignJet

            Resolution-independent 2D graphics

                         Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
CS 354                                                                                    8

         Taxonomy of Rendering

                                  2D                3D

                     resolution                          processes primitives
                  independence                               or samples

           independent      dependent                    primitives    samples

       path                    2D primitive         3D primitive                  ray
     rendering                 rasterization        rasterization               tracing

   Examples                    Examples            Examples                Examples
   PostScript, PDF,            GDI, Xlib           OpenGL,                 Mental Ray
   SVG, TrueType,                                  Direct3D
   Adobe Flash,
   Microsoft Silverlight,    Notice large number of path rendering standards
   Apple Quartz 2D
CS 354                                                                     9

         Path Rendering Standards
Document       Resolution-   Immersive      2D Graphics     Office
Printing and   Independent   Web            Programming     Productivity
Exchange       Fonts         Experience     Interfaces      Applications

                                               Java 2D
               OpenType        Flash

                                 Scalable      Mac OS X
                                 Vector        2D API     Adobe Illustrator

Open XML
Paper (XPS)                                                  Inkscape
                                                           Open Source
CS 354                                                                                       10

                                   2D                  3D

                     resolution                             processes primitives
                  independence                                  or samples

            independent      dependent                      primitives    samples

           path                 2D primitive       3D primitive                      ray
         rendering              rasterization      rasterization                   tracing

   Examples                     Examples           Examples                   Examples
   PostScript, PDF,             GDI, Xlib          OpenGL,                    Mental Ray
   SVG, TrueType,                                  Direct3D
   Adobe Flash,
   Microsoft Silverlight,
   Apple Quartz 2D

                            GPUs already excel at these rendering paradigms

         3D Rendering vs. Path Rendering
CS 354

 Characteristic                  GPU 3D rendering                        Path rendering
 Dimensionality                  Projective 3D                           2D, typically affine
 Pixel mapping                   Resolution independent                  Resolution independent
 Occlusion                       Depth buffering                         Painter’s algorithm
 Rendering primitives            Points, lines, triangles                Paths
 Primitive constituents          Vertices                                Control points
 Constituents per primitive      1, 2, or 3 respectively                 Unbounded
 Topology of filled primitives   Always convex                           Can be concave, self-intersecting,
                                                                         and have holes
 Degree of primitives            1st order (linear)                      Up to 3rd order (cubic)
 Rendering modes                 Filled, wire-frame                      Filling, stroking
 Line properties                 Width, stipple pattern                  Width, dash pattern, capping, join
 Color processing                Programmable shading                    Painting + filter effects
 Text rendering                  No direct support (2nd class support)   Omni-present (1st class support)
 Raster operations               Blending                                Brushes, blend modes,
 Color model                     RGB or sRGB                             RGB, sRGB, CYMK, or grayscale
 Clipping operations             Clip planes, scissoring, stenciling     Clipping to an arbitrary clip path
 Coverage determination          Per-color sample                        Sub-color sample
CS 354                                                                                      12

                                  2D                  3D

                     resolution                            processes primitives
                  independence                                 or samples

            independent     dependent                      primitives    samples

           path                2D primitive       3D primitive                      ray
         rendering             rasterization      rasterization                   tracing
   Examples                    Examples           Examples                   Examples
   PostScript, PDF,            GDI, Xlib          OpenGL,                    Mental Ray
   SVG, TrueType,                                 Direct3D
   Adobe Flash,
   Microsoft Silverlight,
   Apple Quartz 2D
                                  Conventional wisdom says
                                GPUs aren’t well-positioned for
                            accelerating these rendering paradigms
               Conventional wisdom is WRONG—though rest of this lecture
                                         focuses on just path rendering
CS 354                                                                       13

         Seminal Path Rendering Paper
        John Warnock & Douglas Wyatt, Xerox PARC
             Presented SIGGRAPH 1982
        Warnock with Chuck Geschke founds Adobe Systems
         same year
             $20.1 billion market capitalization today (NVDA + AMD = $14.3 B)

 John Warnock      Chuck Geschke
CS 354                                                14

         Filling vs. Stroking Paths

 just filling                              just stroking

                                filling + stroke =
                                   intended content
CS 354                                       15

         Content Defined by Control Points
        Bezier Control points!
CS 354                                                                 16

         Types of Path Commands
        MoveTo x,y                  Bezier curve segments
        LineTo x,y                      QuadraticCurveTo
            VerticalLineTo y             x1,y1,x2,y2
            HorizontalLineTo x
                                         CubicCurveTo
        ClosePath                   Partial elliptical arc
                                         ArcTo
        Variants                         rx,ry,x-axis-rotation,
            Smooth curves                x,y
            Relative
CS 354                                                                 17

         Path Examples:
         PostScript Path Syntax
        Heart
            300 300 moveto
             100 400 100 200 300 100 curveto
             500 200 500 400 300 300 curveto closepath
        Star
            100 180 moveto
             40 10 lineto 190 120 lineto 10 120 lineto 160 10 lineto
CS 354                                                    18

         Path Examples:
         SVG Path Syntax

        Heart
            M300 300 C 100 400,100 200,300 100,500
             200,500 400,300 300Z
        Star
            M100,180 L40,10 L190,120 L10,120 L160,10 z

  SVG = Scalable Vector Graphics
CS 354                                              19

         Paths Can Get Very Complicated
        Single path…
            22,439 commands; 116,424 coordinates
CS 354                                                       20

         Curved Path Commands
        Cubic Path Segments      Quadratic Path

                                  Partial elliptical arcs
CS 354                                                          21

         What does “Inside” Mean for a
         Filled Path?
        Two fill rules: even-odd & non-zero

                even-odd          non-zero

                                   counting enters and leaves
                                     for even-odd fill mode
CS 354                                                     22

         Holes Can Be Authored or Avoided
               outer = clockwise       outer = clockwise
           inner = counter-clockwise   inner = clockwise

                    even-odd                non-zero
CS 354                                                      23

         Scan-line Edge Algorithms
        Intersect path edges with scan-line lines
            Then find & color pixels “inside” path edges
                 Quite sequential algorithm
CS 354                                                    24

         Filling of Segmented Path by Adding
         and Subtracting Coverage
        Incremental steps to determine the filled
         coverage of a path constructed from line
            Next step is to extend this to curved path
CS 354                                                    25

Filling of Curved Path by Adding
and Subtracting Coverage

                        Each (order-independent) step
                        adds or subtracts coverage
                        with the next being the curved
                        path region.

                            Credit: [Rueda 2008]
CS 354                                                   26

         Handling Curved Edges
        Conventional CPU approach
            Sub-divide curved edges until pixel-sized
        Loop & Blinn [2005] show a better way
            Use GPU to “discard” samples efficiently
        Example shader for quadratic Bezier curve
            if (s*s > t) discard;
CS 354                                                                                27

         Massively Parallel GPU-accelerated
         Path Rendering Visualized
                           Anchored triangle   Anchored triangle
                            fans geometry       fans net stencil
                                                                   Stencil =1

      Path commands
     and control points                                               Resulting net
                                                                    coverage in stencil

                          Curved segment       Curved segment
                             geometry            net stencil

                                                                   Stencil -1
                                                                   Stencil +1
Credit: [Kokoji 2006]
CS 354                                                                  28

         Stroking: Pen Analogy
        Pull a pen along the path
            The pen’s “tip” should be
               Centered on the path
               Orthogonal to the path

        Mathematical version of this
            Offset curves
                 Studied by Leibniz as parallel curves
            Requires higher-order curves to express
               Offset curve of arbitrary cubic curve = 10th order
               Offset curve of arbitrary quadratic curve = 6th order
CS 354                                                29

         Tiger with Stroking
        Stroking offsets features (whiskers, etc.)

           filled & stroked          stroked only
CS 354                                                      30

         Diagram of Circles Sweeping a Generating
         Curve to Generate Offset Curves

                           green = generating curve
                           red = “positive” offset curve
                           blue = “negative” offset curve
CS 354                                                         31

         Offset Curve Examples

          black = generating curve

          red = offset curve (at two different offset radii)
CS 354                                                         32

         Offset Curves
         Form Complex Cusps!

          black = generating curve

          red = offset curve (at two different offset radii)
CS 354                                                                       33

           Stroking is Hard
          Topological occur with increasing stroke width
               Holes can fill in when stroke width increases

         radius=1                                               radius=13

CS 354                                                                                                                              34

         Stroking Can Be Large Share of
         Relative Frame Time
        Visualizing relative cost in normalize frame time
                                       Percent of Path Rendering Frame Time




                                                                                                                         151 paths
  60%                                                                                                              1,384 path commands
                                                                                           Path Stroking             6,370 coordinates
  50%                                                                                      Path Filling
                                                                                           Present/Swap Overhead       1024x1024
  40%                                                                                                                16 samples/pixel
                                                                                                                       for OpenGL

  20%                                                                                                               Test configuration
                                                                                                                    Core i7 @ 3.07 Ghz
                                                                                                                     GeForce GT 430
         OpenGL   Direct2D GPU   Direct2D Warp   Qt          Skia      Cairo   OpenVG RI
                                                                                                                   Fast CPU, slow GPU

                                    Path Rendering Implementation
CS 354                                                                     35

         Cubic Bezier folding situation
        Cubic path segment has limited parametric
            Algebraic rasterization has to respect that extent

                                                      Image: Tero Karras
CS 354                                                      36

         Sharp turns
        Butt end caps create non-linear
         boundaries on the stroked path segment

                                       Image: Tero Karras
CS 354                                                         37

         Butt cases
        End of curve overlaps curve itself

                                          Image: Tero Karras
CS 354                                                         38

         Butt cases
        Butt ends intersect each other

                                          Image: Tero Karras
CS 354                                               39

         Butt cases
        Butt ends have turns

                                Image: Tero Karras
CS 354                                            40

         Butt cases
        Shared end points

                             Image: Tero Karras
CS 354                                                            41
                                         Single stroked cubic
         Comparing Six Path Renderers    segment overlapped;
         on a Hard Case                  there should be a small hole

                                         

  NV_path_rendering            Cairo               Direct2D
          Skia                  Qt        OpenVG Reference Imp.
                                         

  weird big holes      weird big holes
CS 354                                                                       42
                                                Single stroked cubic
         Comparing Six Path Renderers           with tight control points;
         on Another Hard Case                   should look like butterfly

                                               

  NV_path_rendering              Cairo                     Direct2D

         Skia                     Qt             OpenVG Reference Imp.
                                              

  tessellation visible   curves “smooshed” in
CS 354                                                            43

         Rasterization Rules
         Pixels are blended once per path
            Semi-opaque objects are common
            Implies a two step process
             1.   Determine stencil of path’s filled or stroked
             2.   Then paint that region
            Porter-Duff compositing operations apply
         Partial coverage is converted to alpha
            Careful about conflation!
CS 354                                                 44

         Conflation Artifacts
        Happens whenever coverage is converted into
         alpha term
        Common when paths share exact seams

                                            

         conflation free          lots of conflation
CS 354
                                     Real                  45

                                   same scene, GPU-rendered
                                           without conflation

         artifacts abound,
         rendered by Skia

   conflation is aliasing &
   edge coverage percents
   are un-predicable in general;
   means conflated pixels
   flicker when animated slowly
CS 354                                                                                            46

     Artists Can Easily Contribute to
     Conflation Artifacts
    Consider this American Samoa Seal scene
    Zooming into the detail shows some artifacts
     in the hashing
            Everything in scene is 100% opaque, but
             conflation leads to ghosting


         NVpr-rendered: good, no conflation                Skia-rendered: bad, shows conflation
CS 354                                                                47

         Stroking Properties
        Line width
                            flat / butt        round         square
        End caps
        Join style
            Miter limit
                              miter            round          bevel
        Dashing
            Dash pattern
            Dash caps
            Dash offset                  dashing examples
CS 354                                                                                      48

         Dashing of Stroked Paths

                                                   Artist made
                                                  windows with
                                Same cake          dashed line
                              missing dashed        segment
                              stroking details
                                                                       Technical diagrams
                                                                        and charts often
                                                                        employ dashing

    Frosting on cake is dashed
    elliptical arcs with round
    end caps for “beaded” look;
    flowers are also dashing
                                      Dashing character outlines for quilted look
CS 354                                      49

         Text Glyphs are Defined by Paths
CS 354                                                           50

         Glyphs Outlines Have Control Points
        Cubic Bezier control points
            Typical of PostScript fonts

                          4 control points per curved segments
CS 354                                                           51

         Glyphs Outlines Have Control Points

        Quadratic Bezier Curves
            Typical of TrueType fonts

                          3 control points per curved segments
CS 354                                                    52

         Clipping Paths by Arbitrary Paths

           unclipped tiger   tiger with pink background
                                   clipped to heart
CS 354                                                                  53

         Complex Clipping Example

                                                        cowboy clip is
         tiger is 240 paths                        the union of 1,366 paths

                              result of clipping tiger
                              to the union of all the
                              cowboy paths
CS 354                            54

         Color Gradients
        No per-vertex color as
         in OpenGL
            Since no vertexes!
        Instead color
         assigned with
            Constant color
            Linear gradients
            Radial gradients
            Image gradients
CS 354                                              55

         Gradient Examples
        Artists do amazing things with gradients
CS 354                          56

         Looks 3D

        But really all fake…
CS 354                                                                      57

         Example Composite
         SVG Filter Effect
                         GaussianBlur of alpha

  source graphic

                                                 offset blur     lighting

                   add             composite
     covered                                                   specular
     source                    covered
                               specular            merge
CS 354                                                               58

         Path Rendering Trends
        Most graphics people interactive with will be resolution-
         independent 2D
          Resolution-dependent 2D “bitmap” graphics
           is way-of-the-past
          Tablets, smart phones, etc. drive this
        Denser screens
          Apple’s Retinal display
          Larger touch screens too
          Means more pixels to draw
        More interactivity
          Static PDFs  interactive HTML 5 style content
          Touch interaction demands low latency
          Means path rendering needs to be faster
        Power matters
            CPUs inefficient path rendering won’t cut it
CS 354                                           59

        Mixing path rendering and 3D graphics
            All accelerated by GPUs
CS 354                                                     60

     Example of Bump Mapping
     on Path Rendered Text
        Phrase “Brick wall!” is path rendered and bump
         mapped with a fragment shader

                                   light source position
CS 354                                                           61

         Next Class
        Next lecture
            Typography
            The specialized problem of rendering legible text

        Project 3
            Begin work
            Due Wednesday, April 18, 2012

        (Project 4 will be a simple ray tracer and
         immediately follow Project 3)

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CS 354 Vector Graphics & Path Rendering

  • 1. CS 354 Vector Graphics & Path Rendering Mark Kilgard University of Texas April 10, 2012
  • 2. CS 354 2 Today’s material  In-class quiz  On Bézier curves lecture  Lecture topic  Project 3  Vector graphics & path rendering
  • 3. CS 354 3 My Office Hours  Tuesday, before class  Painter (PAI) 5.35  8:45 a.m. to 9:15  Thursday, after class  ACE 6.302  11:00 a.m. to 12  Randy’s office hours  Monday & Wednesday  11 a.m. to 12:00  Painter (PAI) 5.33
  • 4. CS 354 4 Last time, this time  Last lecture, we discussed  Bezier curves  This lecture  Resolution-independent 2D graphics  Path rendering  Projects  Schedule demos with TA for Project 2  Project 3 due Wednesday, April 18, 2012  Get started!
  • 5. CS 354 5 On a sheet of paper Daily Quiz • Write your EID, name, and date • Write #1, #2, #3, followed by its answer  How many control points  Multiple choice: are used to define a cubic Geometric continuity Bézier curve? across two curved segments always means  Multiple choice: What percent of a Bézier curve a) The two segments are is contained within the identical convex hull of its control b) The shared end points points? of the segments have the same tangent magnitude a) 33.33% b) 50% c) The shared edge points c) 66.66% have the identical tangent d) 100% directions d) The shared end points are Euclidean variant means
  • 6. CS 354 6 Project 3  Accept Biovision Hierarchy (BVH) files containing motion capture data  Hierarchy of affine transformations  Visualize a stick figure  Animate the figure
  • 7. CS 354 7 Vector Graphics  Confusing term  Used to describe several kinds of graphics  Wireframe rendering  Plotting or calligraphic rendering HP DesignJet  Resolution-independent 2D graphics Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
  • 8. CS 354 8 Taxonomy of Rendering scene dimensionality 2D 3D resolution processes primitives independence or samples independent dependent primitives samples path 2D primitive 3D primitive ray rendering rasterization rasterization tracing Examples Examples Examples Examples PostScript, PDF, GDI, Xlib OpenGL, Mental Ray SVG, TrueType, Direct3D Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, Notice large number of path rendering standards Apple Quartz 2D
  • 9. CS 354 9 Path Rendering Standards Document Resolution- Immersive 2D Graphics Office Printing and Independent Web Programming Productivity Exchange Fonts Experience Interfaces Applications Java 2D API OpenType Flash QtGui API TrueType Scalable Mac OS X Vector 2D API Adobe Illustrator Graphics Open XML Paper (XPS) Inkscape Open Source
  • 10. CS 354 10 scene dimensionality 2D 3D resolution processes primitives independence or samples independent dependent primitives samples path 2D primitive 3D primitive ray rendering rasterization rasterization tracing Examples Examples Examples Examples PostScript, PDF, GDI, Xlib OpenGL, Mental Ray SVG, TrueType, Direct3D Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, Apple Quartz 2D GPUs already excel at these rendering paradigms
  • 11. 11 3D Rendering vs. Path Rendering CS 354 Characteristic GPU 3D rendering Path rendering Dimensionality Projective 3D 2D, typically affine Pixel mapping Resolution independent Resolution independent Occlusion Depth buffering Painter’s algorithm Rendering primitives Points, lines, triangles Paths Primitive constituents Vertices Control points Constituents per primitive 1, 2, or 3 respectively Unbounded Topology of filled primitives Always convex Can be concave, self-intersecting, and have holes Degree of primitives 1st order (linear) Up to 3rd order (cubic) Rendering modes Filled, wire-frame Filling, stroking Line properties Width, stipple pattern Width, dash pattern, capping, join style Color processing Programmable shading Painting + filter effects Text rendering No direct support (2nd class support) Omni-present (1st class support) Raster operations Blending Brushes, blend modes, compositing Color model RGB or sRGB RGB, sRGB, CYMK, or grayscale Clipping operations Clip planes, scissoring, stenciling Clipping to an arbitrary clip path Coverage determination Per-color sample Sub-color sample
  • 12. CS 354 12 scene dimensionality 2D 3D resolution processes primitives independence or samples independent dependent primitives samples path 2D primitive 3D primitive ray rendering rasterization rasterization tracing Examples Examples Examples Examples PostScript, PDF, GDI, Xlib OpenGL, Mental Ray SVG, TrueType, Direct3D Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, Apple Quartz 2D Conventional wisdom says GPUs aren’t well-positioned for accelerating these rendering paradigms Conventional wisdom is WRONG—though rest of this lecture focuses on just path rendering
  • 13. CS 354 13 Seminal Path Rendering Paper  John Warnock & Douglas Wyatt, Xerox PARC  Presented SIGGRAPH 1982  Warnock with Chuck Geschke founds Adobe Systems same year  $20.1 billion market capitalization today (NVDA + AMD = $14.3 B) John Warnock Chuck Geschke
  • 14. CS 354 14 Filling vs. Stroking Paths just filling just stroking filling + stroke = intended content
  • 15. CS 354 15 Content Defined by Control Points  Bezier Control points!
  • 16. CS 354 16 Types of Path Commands  MoveTo x,y  Bezier curve segments  LineTo x,y  QuadraticCurveTo  VerticalLineTo y x1,y1,x2,y2  HorizontalLineTo x  CubicCurveTo x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3  ClosePath  Partial elliptical arc  ArcTo  Variants rx,ry,x-axis-rotation, large-arc-flag,sweep-flag,  Smooth curves x,y  Relative
  • 17. CS 354 17 Path Examples: PostScript Path Syntax  Heart  300 300 moveto 100 400 100 200 300 100 curveto 500 200 500 400 300 300 curveto closepath  Star  100 180 moveto 40 10 lineto 190 120 lineto 10 120 lineto 160 10 lineto closepath
  • 18. CS 354 18 Path Examples: SVG Path Syntax  Heart  M300 300 C 100 400,100 200,300 100,500 200,500 400,300 300Z  Star  M100,180 L40,10 L190,120 L10,120 L160,10 z SVG = Scalable Vector Graphics
  • 19. CS 354 19 Paths Can Get Very Complicated  Single path…  22,439 commands; 116,424 coordinates
  • 20. CS 354 20 Curved Path Commands  Cubic Path Segments  Quadratic Path Segments  Partial elliptical arcs
  • 21. CS 354 21 What does “Inside” Mean for a Filled Path?  Two fill rules: even-odd & non-zero even-odd non-zero counting enters and leaves for even-odd fill mode
  • 22. CS 354 22 Holes Can Be Authored or Avoided outer = clockwise outer = clockwise inner = counter-clockwise inner = clockwise even-odd non-zero
  • 23. CS 354 23 Scan-line Edge Algorithms  Intersect path edges with scan-line lines  Then find & color pixels “inside” path edges  Quite sequential algorithm
  • 24. CS 354 24 Filling of Segmented Path by Adding and Subtracting Coverage  Incremental steps to determine the filled coverage of a path constructed from line segments  Next step is to extend this to curved path segments…
  • 25. CS 354 25 Filling of Curved Path by Adding and Subtracting Coverage Each (order-independent) step adds or subtracts coverage with the next being the curved path region. Credit: [Rueda 2008]
  • 26. CS 354 26 Handling Curved Edges  Conventional CPU approach  Sub-divide curved edges until pixel-sized  Loop & Blinn [2005] show a better way  Use GPU to “discard” samples efficiently  Example shader for quadratic Bezier curve  if (s*s > t) discard;
  • 27. CS 354 27 Massively Parallel GPU-accelerated Path Rendering Visualized Anchored triangle Anchored triangle fans geometry fans net stencil Stencil =1 Path commands and control points Resulting net coverage in stencil Curved segment Curved segment geometry net stencil Stencil -1 Stencil +1 Credit: [Kokoji 2006]
  • 28. CS 354 28 Stroking: Pen Analogy  Pull a pen along the path  The pen’s “tip” should be  Centered on the path  Orthogonal to the path  Mathematical version of this  Offset curves  Studied by Leibniz as parallel curves  Requires higher-order curves to express  Offset curve of arbitrary cubic curve = 10th order  Offset curve of arbitrary quadratic curve = 6th order
  • 29. CS 354 29 Tiger with Stroking  Stroking offsets features (whiskers, etc.) filled & stroked stroked only
  • 30. CS 354 30 Diagram of Circles Sweeping a Generating Curve to Generate Offset Curves green = generating curve red = “positive” offset curve blue = “negative” offset curve
  • 31. CS 354 31 Offset Curve Examples black = generating curve red = offset curve (at two different offset radii)
  • 32. CS 354 32 Offset Curves Form Complex Cusps! black = generating curve red = offset curve (at two different offset radii)
  • 33. CS 354 33 Stroking is Hard  Topological occur with increasing stroke width  Holes can fill in when stroke width increases radius=1 radius=13 radius=22 radius=46
  • 34. CS 354 34 Stroking Can Be Large Share of Relative Frame Time  Visualizing relative cost in normalize frame time Percent of Path Rendering Frame Time 100% 90% 80% 70% 151 paths 60% 1,384 path commands Path Stroking 6,370 coordinates 50% Path Filling Present/Swap Overhead 1024x1024 40% 16 samples/pixel for OpenGL 30% 20% Test configuration Core i7 @ 3.07 Ghz 10% GeForce GT 430 0% OpenGL Direct2D GPU Direct2D Warp Qt Skia Cairo OpenVG RI Fast CPU, slow GPU Path Rendering Implementation
  • 35. CS 354 35 Cubic Bezier folding situation  Cubic path segment has limited parametric extent  Algebraic rasterization has to respect that extent Image: Tero Karras
  • 36. CS 354 36 Sharp turns  Butt end caps create non-linear boundaries on the stroked path segment Image: Tero Karras
  • 37. CS 354 37 Butt cases  End of curve overlaps curve itself Image: Tero Karras
  • 38. CS 354 38 Butt cases  Butt ends intersect each other Image: Tero Karras
  • 39. CS 354 39 Butt cases  Butt ends have turns Image: Tero Karras
  • 40. CS 354 40 Butt cases  Shared end points Image: Tero Karras
  • 41. CS 354 41 Single stroked cubic Comparing Six Path Renderers segment overlapped; on a Hard Case there should be a small hole    feathers? NV_path_rendering Cairo Direct2D Skia Qt OpenVG Reference Imp.    weird big holes weird big holes
  • 42. CS 354 42 Single stroked cubic Comparing Six Path Renderers with tight control points; on Another Hard Case should look like butterfly    feathers? NV_path_rendering Cairo Direct2D Skia Qt OpenVG Reference Imp.    tessellation visible curves “smooshed” in
  • 43. CS 354 43 Rasterization Rules  Pixels are blended once per path  Semi-opaque objects are common  Implies a two step process 1. Determine stencil of path’s filled or stroked region 2. Then paint that region  Porter-Duff compositing operations apply  Partial coverage is converted to alpha  Careful about conflation!
  • 44. CS 354 44 Conflation Artifacts  Happens whenever coverage is converted into alpha term  Common when paths share exact seams   conflation free lots of conflation
  • 45. CS 354 Real 45 Flash Scene same scene, GPU-rendered without conflation conflation artifacts abound, rendered by Skia conflation is aliasing & edge coverage percents are un-predicable in general; means conflated pixels flicker when animated slowly
  • 46. CS 354 46 Artists Can Easily Contribute to Conflation Artifacts  Consider this American Samoa Seal scene  Zooming into the detail shows some artifacts in the hashing  Everything in scene is 100% opaque, but conflation leads to ghosting conflation artifacts NVpr-rendered: good, no conflation Skia-rendered: bad, shows conflation
  • 47. CS 354 47 Stroking Properties  Line width flat / butt round square  End caps  Join style  Miter limit miter round bevel  Dashing  Dash pattern  Dash caps  Dash offset dashing examples
  • 48. CS 354 48 Dashing of Stroked Paths Artist made windows with Same cake dashed line missing dashed segment stroking details Technical diagrams and charts often employ dashing Frosting on cake is dashed elliptical arcs with round end caps for “beaded” look; flowers are also dashing Dashing character outlines for quilted look
  • 49. CS 354 49 Text Glyphs are Defined by Paths
  • 50. CS 354 50 Glyphs Outlines Have Control Points  Cubic Bezier control points  Typical of PostScript fonts 4 control points per curved segments
  • 51. CS 354 51 Glyphs Outlines Have Control Points  Quadratic Bezier Curves  Typical of TrueType fonts 3 control points per curved segments
  • 52. CS 354 52 Clipping Paths by Arbitrary Paths unclipped tiger tiger with pink background clipped to heart
  • 53. CS 354 53 Complex Clipping Example cowboy clip is tiger is 240 paths the union of 1,366 paths result of clipping tiger to the union of all the cowboy paths
  • 54. CS 354 54 Color Gradients  No per-vertex color as in OpenGL  Since no vertexes!  Instead color assigned with  Constant color  Linear gradients  Radial gradients  Image gradients
  • 55. CS 354 55 Gradient Examples  Artists do amazing things with gradients
  • 56. CS 354 56 Looks 3D  But really all fake…
  • 57. CS 354 57 Example Composite SVG Filter Effect GaussianBlur of alpha offset source graphic blur specular offset blur lighting “in” add composite covered specular specular source covered specular merge final result
  • 58. CS 354 58 Path Rendering Trends  Most graphics people interactive with will be resolution- independent 2D  Resolution-dependent 2D “bitmap” graphics is way-of-the-past  Tablets, smart phones, etc. drive this  Denser screens  Apple’s Retinal display  Larger touch screens too  Means more pixels to draw  More interactivity  Static PDFs  interactive HTML 5 style content  Touch interaction demands low latency  Means path rendering needs to be faster  Power matters  CPUs inefficient path rendering won’t cut it
  • 59. CS 354 59 Soon  Mixing path rendering and 3D graphics  All accelerated by GPUs
  • 60. CS 354 60 Example of Bump Mapping on Path Rendered Text  Phrase “Brick wall!” is path rendered and bump mapped with a fragment shader light source position
  • 61. CS 354 61 Next Class  Next lecture  Typography  The specialized problem of rendering legible text  Project 3  Begin work  Due Wednesday, April 18, 2012  (Project 4 will be a simple ray tracer and immediately follow Project 3)