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The Latest in Creation Science 
Fred Williams 
B.S. Electrical Engineering
AM 670 – Friday @ 3:00PM 
What is Evolution? 
Mistakes + Natural Selection
Why don’t they 
give an example? 
Holt Biology, 1996, pg 324 
The random 
“The fact that the genetic code can 
simultaneously write two kinds of 
information means that many DNA 
changes that appear to alter protein 
sequences may actually cause 
disease by disrupting gene control 
programs or even both mechanisms 
Genome scientist Dr. John Stamatoyannopoulus
Evolutionary microbiologist James Shapiro, University of Chicago… 
“There are no detailed Darwinian accounts 
for the evolution of any fundamental 
biochemical or cellular systems, only a 
variety of wishful speculations.”
Natural selection reduces information! 
male female
Natural selection reduces information! 
male female 
X X X 
Result: loss of genes for 
short and medium length hair
Selective Breeding = LOSS of Information!
Bill Nye – “No Gorillas here!”
The Evolution Definition Shell Game 
The Evolution Definition Shell Game 
Study casts doubt on creationism 
October 24, 2007 
The St Bernard dog – named after the 11th century priest Bernard of Menthon – may have ironically 
challenged the theory of creationism, say scientists. Biologists at The University of Manchester say 
that changes to the shape of the breed’s head over the years can only be explained through 
evolution and natural selection. 
The team, led by Dr Chris Klingenberg in the Faculty of Life Sciences, examined the skulls of 47 St 
Bernards spanning 120 years, from modern examples to those of dogs dating back to the time when 
the breed standard was first defined. “We discovered that features stipulated in the breed standard of 
the St Bernard became more exaggerated over time as breeders selected dogs that had the desired 
physical attributes,” said Dr Klingenberg. “In effect they have applied selection to move the 
evolutionary process a considerable way forward, providing a unique opportunity to observe sustained 
evolutionary change under known selective pressures.” 
The findings, published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences tomorrow 
(Wednesday), are based on studies of St Bernard skulls donated by Swiss breeders to the Natural 
History Museum in Berne. Compared to their ancestors, modern St Bernards have broader skulls, 
while the angle between the nose and the forehead is steeper in modern dogs and they have also 
developed a more pronounced ridge above the eyes. 
“These changes are exactly in those features described as desirable in the breed standards. They are 
clearly not due to other factors such as general growth and they provide the animal with no physical 
advantage, so we can be confident that they have evolved purely through the selective 
considerations of breeders. 
Source: University of Manchester
“Evolution makes 
predictions, creation cannot” 
RSR's List of Creation 
Science Predictions 
• 1998 - Debate with Eugenie Scott – DNA is not junk 
• Dr. Russ Humphries planetary magnetic field strengths 
• Hubble deep field images would look like nearby galaxies 
• 100s more!
Mar 2012 - RSR predicts that 
the Russian scientists who 
evaluate the data obtained 
from their 2-mile deep bore 
hole into Lake Vostok in 
Antarctica will be surprised to 
find evidence that seems to 
contradict the old-earth belief 
that it has been sealed off 
from light and air for 15 
million years (i.e., three times 
longer than it took to allegedly 
evolve humans from chimp-like 
"Many of the species we sequenced are what we 
would expect to find in a lake. Most of the 
organisms appear to be aquatic (freshwater), and 
many are species that usually live in ocean or 
lake sediments." - Scott Rogers, Bowling Green State 
University professor of biological sciences
Slight deterioration over time 
years ago 
years ago 
years ago 
years ago 
Unlike the others, the male Y 
Chromosome changes very little! 
years ago 
years ago 
“Horrendously Different!”
Team leader Dr. David Page of the Whitehead 
Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, 
Mass said in the journal Nature (Jan 2010) that 
the human and chimp Y chromosomes are 
“horrendously different from each other”. 
How different? Between 30 – 47%! 
Dr Page continued: “…the difference in MSY 
gene content in chimpanzee and human is more 
comparable to the difference in autosomal gene 
content in chicken and human…”. 
Horrendous indeed!
“We never ever find a higher animal 
mixed with a lower one” 
According to Dr. Donald Burge, the curator of vertebrate paleontology at 
the College of Eastern Utah Prehistoric Museum, mammal fossils are found 
in nearly every dinosaur dig that he has ever been associated with… 
“We find mammals in almost all of our 
[dinosaur dig] sites. These were not noticed 
years ago … . 
Cretaceous duck ruffles feathers, BBC news,, 
20 January 2005 
Mesozoic Squirrel, Nature 444:889–893, 2006 
Dinosaur-eating mammal discovered in China,14 January 2005 
“To the surprise of many, ducks, squirrels, platypus, 
beaver-like and badger-like creatures have all been 
found in ‘dinosaur-era’ rock layers along 
with bees, cockroaches, frogs and pine trees.”
“Evolution makes 
predictions, creation cannot” 
Famous evolutionist J.B.S. Haldane in 1949 
predicted that evolution could never produce 
“various mechanisms, such as the wheel and 
magnet, which would be useless till fairly 
God’s Evidence for Creation 
Rom 1:18-20 - For since the creation of the 
being understood by the things that are 
made, even His eternal power and Godhead, 
so that they are without excuse.
There is no evidence 
of a global flood
Global Flood, or slow processes over 
The Grand Canyon Mount St Helens
Collapsed bubble temps can 
rise as high as 27,000ºF… ‘as 
hot as the surface of a bright 
star’. _ Nature 2005
Colorado Flood, Sept 2013
Millions of years are missing! 
6 million 
“In fact, according to average erosion rates, many or all of the layers 
should be gone. Since they are there and flat, this indicates that the 
millions of years postulated for these gaps never occurred. These flat 
gaps are so common, that they pretty much challenge the validity of the 
whole geologic time scale.” - Dr. Ariel Roth
Where is THIS ROCK?
It’s in the 
Rapid burial?
Other Evidence for Global 
1) Billions of dead things 
2) buried in rock strata 
3) laid down by water 
4) all over the Earth 
-Ken Ham
All mounts 
covered with 
All major 
covered with 
“This discovery suggests that Earth’s surface 
water actually came from within…rather than 
the prevailing theory of icy comets striking 
Earth billions of years ago.”
Dinosaurs - The Evolutionist’s favorite 
evangelism tool…
Evolutionist Propaganda is Rampant in 
Today’s Schools, it Starts Early… 
Copyright Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P. 1999
Dinosaurs and People 
Pictograph from 
Havasupai Canyon 
In Grand Canyon 
National Park.
The Last Days 
For this they willfully forget: that by the 
word of God the heavens were of old, and 
the earth standing out of water and in the 
water, by which the world that then existed 
perished, being flooded with water. 
2 Peter 3:5-6
Ceremonial Burial Stones from 
Peruvian Tombs 
(c.a. 500-1500 AD) 
What kind of Dino does this 
look like?
Dinosaur Figurines from Mexico 
(from the Chupicuaro Culture 800 BC – 200 AD)
Incorrect early drawing of 1875 Improved but still incorrect in 1895 
Correct drawing today. Recent 
fossified tendons in the tail showed 
the tail did not droop but stood out 
The ancient Chupicuaro people already 
knew what they looked like 2500 years 
The Iguanadon…
Carlisle Cathedral 
Northern England
Carlisle Cathedral 
Tomb of Bishop Richard Bell 
Died in 1496
Brass Engravings 
Dinosaur Pictures
Khmer Civilization 
Cambodia, 8th – 14th Century
Khmer Civilization 
Cambodia, 8th – 14th Century
Khmer Civilization 
Cambodia, 8th – 14th Century
Khmer Civilization 
Cambodia, 8th – 14th Century
Are Dinosaurs Mentioned in the Bible?
Are Dinosaurs Mentioned in the Bible? 
Job 40:15-18 
Behold now behemoth, which I made 
with thee; he eateth grass as an ox… 
He moveth his tail like a cedar … 
His bones are as strong pieces of brass; 
his bones are like bars of iron. 
He is the chief of the ways of God;
He moveth his tail like a cedar . . .
Out of his mouth go burning lamps, 
and sparks of fire leap out. 
Job 41:19
Bombardier Beetle 
Chemical storage 
Sparks of Fire
Dinosaurs and Dragons
Unfossilized T-Rex bones 
Mary Schweitzer of Montana St. University on a T Rex bone in their 
‘…It was exactly like looking at a slice of 
modern bone. But of course, I couldn’t 
believe it. I said to the lab technician: “The 
bones are, after all, 65 million years old. 
How could blood cells survive that long?”’1 
1. Mary Schweitzer, Montana St U. Museum of the Rockies; cited on p. 160 of V. Morell, ‘Dino DNA: The hunt and the hype’, Science 
261(5118):160–162, July 1993. 
Actual photomicrograph of dino leg bone
T-rex Soft Tissue 
elastic tissue 
Soft fibrous 
Red blood cells, fibrous tissue, blood vessels
“It was totally shocking…The finding certainly 
shows fossilization does not proceed as science 
had assumed” - Mary Schweitzer
Others with original biological material 
- Tissue from an "80 Million" Year Old Hadrosaur, with 
blood cell protein amino acid chains partially 
sequenced at Harvard University. 
– National Geographic, 2009 
- Tissue from "70-million year old" Mosasaur 
– PLOS One, 2011 
- “One of the world's most famous fossils... 
Archaeopteryx – also contains remnants of the 
feathers' soft tissue. ... It's amazing that that chemistry 
is preserved after 150 million years.” 
– New Scientist, 2010
Evolution vs Creation Predictions 
Via “Rational” Wiki, April 2014 
From the Journal Bone, Jan 2013: 
“These data are the first to support preservation of multiple 
proteins and to present multiple lines of evidence for 
material consistent with DNA in dinosaurs…”
What happened to the Dinosaurs?
• “Death Star” 
• Cataracts led to blindness 
• Shrinking brain – stupidity 
• Chronic constipation 
• Overeating 
• Starvation 
• Poisonous plants 
• Mass suicide 
• Dino wars 
• Global Warming!
What Happened to the 
The Genesis Flood
Dinosaurs on the Ark 
And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort 
shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with 
thee; they shall be male and female. (Genesis 6:20) 
Dinosaurs were on the Ark and 
they came off the Ark
Dinosaurs Survived the Flood
Did the Ark look like this?
The Ark was BIG! 
450 feet long 75 feet wide 45 feet tall
95,000 square feet of cargo space 
(equivalent to 522 railroad cars) 
16,000 animal “kinds” would occupy 
only 15 railroad cars
How could Noah put all the BIG 
dinosaurs on the Ark? 
He took the young dinosaurs
The Ark Compared to a Large Cruise Ship
Noah’s Ark Compared to the Titanic:
Bill Nye’s Missing Link: 
Tiktaalik, the “fish - 
NY Times April 2006 – the 
“long sought missing link”!
Oops! Tetrapods are 10 million years 
(allegedly) older than the thing they 
were supposed to have evolved from! 
“These results force us to reconsider our whole picture of 
the transition from fish to land animals.” - Palaentologist Per 
Ahlberg of Uppsala University, Sweden
“The evolutionary origin of 
this highly modified order 
of mammals is becoming 
increasingly well 
documented” Douglas Futuyma, 
Evolutionary Biology, 1998, p 196
A whale of a tale 
“Among the important 
recent discoveries is 
Pakicetus, known from a 
skull found in a riverine” 
Douglas Futuyma, Evolutionary Biology, 
1998, p 196
RSR's List of Missing 
Transitional Fossils 
Evolutionist Paleontologist Mark Czarnecki: “A 
major problem in proving the theory has been 
the fossil record… This record has never 
revealed traces of Darwin’s hypothetical 
intermediate variants – instead species 
appear and disappear abruptly, and this 
anomaly has fueled the creationist argument 
that each species was created by God.”
How Old is the Earth? 
"Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?" (Job 38:4). 
Public Schools 
4.6 billion years 
6000 years
Helium Diffusion in Zircons
Helium Diffusion in Zircons 
“This sequence of events places the burden of disproof on the critics, 
because they must explain how, if there is no truth to our model, the 
data ‘accidentally by sheer coincidence just happened by blind chance’ 
to fall right on the predictions of our model.” 
Dr Russell Humphreys, ICR 
 Galaxy spirals missing millions of years of deformation 
 Comets could not last more than 100,000 years 
 Our magnetic field is decaying too fast 
 DNA extracted from allegedly 130-million year old weevil! 
 Fossilized school of Jellyfish in 7 “million year old” layers! 
 Mitochondrial Eve is 6000 years old! 
 Jesus was a Young Earth Creationist!
The Axis of Evil 
NASA’s WMAP satellite… showed that some hot and 
cold spots in the CMB are not distributed randomly, 
as expected, but are aligned along what Magueijo 
dubbed the ‘axis of evil’. – New Scientist, 2007
The Ecliptic Plane
Ecliptic Plane Top View
Ecliptic Plane Side View
What is intriguing even further is why such anisotropies should 
lie about a great circle decided purely by the orientation of earth’s 
rotation axis and/or the axis of its revolution around the sun? - 
Ashok K. Singal, May 2013, Division, Physical Research Laboratory, Navrangpura, 
Ahmedabad, India
Ecliptic Plane 
Cool lobe 
Warm lobe
Modern cosmology is built on the assumption that 
the universe is essentially the same in whichever 
direction we look. If the cosmic radiation has a 
preferred direction, that assumption may have to go 
- along with our best theories about cosmic history. 
– New Scientist, 2009 
“The discovery casts doubts on all contemporary 
concepts of the nature and development of the 
universe,” - Leonid Speransky, astrophysicist, the 
Lomonosov State University in Moscow, 2006
Planck to the 
“This disaster might be averted if we can show that the 
axis arises from some oddity in the way our telescopes 
and satellites observe the radiation….The European 
Space Agency's recently launched Planck space telescope 
might settle the issue when it makes the most sensitive 
maps yet of the CMB. Until then, the axis of evil continues 
to terrorise us.” – New Scientist, 2009
"The fact that Planck has made such a 
significant detection of these anomalies 
erases any doubts about their reality; it 
can no longer be said that they are 
artefacts of the measurements. They are 
real and we have to look for a credible 
- Paolo Natoli, European Space Agency, March 2013
The Axis of Good! 
Isaiah 5, 20-21: 
Woe to those who call evil good, and 
good evil; Who put darkness for light, 
and light for darkness; Who put bitter 
for sweet, Woe to those who are wise in 
their own eyes, And prudent in their own sight! 
and sweet for bitter! 
Psalms 9, 1-2: 
The heavens declare the glory of God; 
And the firmament shows His handiwork. 
Day unto day utters speech, 
And night unto night reveals knowledge.
“Evolution makes predictions, 
creation cannot” 
Carnegie Institution For Science: 
Today the universe is filled with galaxies that have 
largely stopped forming stars, a sign of galactic 
maturity. But in the distant past, galaxies were still 
actively growing by consuming gas and turning it 
into stars. This means that mature galaxies 
should have been almost non-existent when 
the universe was still young.
RSR's List of Evidence Against the Big Bang… 
“ Fifteen mature galaxies were found at a 
record-breaking average distance of 12 billion 
light years, when the universe was just 1.6 
billion years old…. The finding raises new 
questions about how these galaxies formed so 
rapidly and why they stopped forming stars so 
early. It is an enigma that these galaxies 
seem to come out of nowhere.” 
Carnegie Institute for Science, May 14th, 2014
The Bible & Genetics 
“Now the sons of Noah who 
went out of the ark were Shem, 
Ham, and Japheth… These three 
were the sons of Noah, and from 
these the whole earth was 
Gen 9:18-19
…But the LORD came down 
to see the city and the tower 
which the sons of men had 
built. And the LORD said, 
“Indeed the people are one and they all have one 
language… “Come, let Us go down and there 
confuse their language, that they may not 
understand one another’s speech.” So the LORD 
scattered them abroad from there over the face of 
all the earth, and they ceased building the city. 
Gen 11:1-8
These were the families of the 
sons of Noah, according to their 
generations, in their nations; and 
from these the nations were 
divided on the earth after the 
Gen 10:32
The Bible & Genetics 
 Y Chromosome - Male inheritance 
 NO variation found in non-coding introns! 
 All men trace back to single male ancestor 
 MtDNA – Female inheritance 
 4 main groups of variation found 
 All groups go back to one ‘Mitochondrial Eve’
MtDNA Migration 
L type - Nearly all Africans. 
M type - Ethiopian, Somali, Indian, Siberians, 
northern East and Central Asians, America. 
N type - Various parts of Asia, some Australia. 
R type - Almost all European populations and a large 
number of Middle-Eastern population. Some Chinese.
An Immoral Act… 
‘None of you shall approach anyone near of 
kin to uncover nakedness: I am the Lord. You 
shall not uncover the nakedness of your father, 
which is the nakedness of your mother…You 
shall not uncover the nakedness of your 
father’s wife; it is the nakedness of your 
father… The man who lies with his father’s 
wife has uncovered his father’s nakedness’ 
Also see Lev 20:20-21, Ezekiel 22:10–11 
Lev 18:6-8, 20:11
Why was Canaan Cursed? 
“Then he drank of the wine and was drunk, and became 
uncovered in his tent. And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw 
the nakedness of his father, and told his two brothers 
outside. But Shem and Japheth took a garment, laid it on 
both their shoulders, and went backward and covered the 
nakedness of their father. Their faces were turned away, 
and they did not see their father’s nakedness. So Noah 
awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had 
done to him. Then he said: “Cursed be Canaan; A servant 
of servants He shall be to his brethren.” 
Genesis 9:21-25
Why was Canaan Cursed? 
“Now the sons of Noah who went 
out of the ark were Shem, Ham, 
and Japheth. And Ham was the 
father of Canaan. These three 
were the sons of Noah, and from 
these the whole earth was 
Gen 9:18-19
Origin of Language 
Darwin: “Language slowly and unconsciously 
developed by many steps [from primitive language 
consisting of grunts]” (Darwin, 1871, p. 55).
Origin of Language 
People with least complex cultures have 
sophisticated languages, with complex 
grammar and large vocabularies, can 
name and discuss anything that occurs in 
the sphere occupied by their speaker…the 
oldest language that can reasonably be 
reconstructed is already modern, 
sophisticated, and complete from an 
evolutionary point of view. 
Simpson, G.G. 1966. The biological nature of man. Science 152:476–477.
Origin of Language 
MIT professor Noam Chomsky (1972): “Many 
attempts have been made to determine an 
evolutionary origin of language, and all have 
Defending the Bible 
For the weapons of our warfare 
are not carnal but mighty in God 
for pulling down strongholds, 
casting down arguments and 
every high thing that exalts itself 
against the knowledge of God. 
2 Corinthians 10:4-5
“Faith”, from Webster’s Dictionary: 
2 a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to 
God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines 
of a religion b (1) : firm belief in something 
for which there is no proof (2) : complete 
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, 
the evidence of things not seen. 
Hebrews 11:1
“John the Baptist has sent us to You, 
saying, 'Are You the Coming One, or do we 
look for another?‘” 
Jesus answered and said to them, "Go and tell 
John the things you have seen and heard: that 
the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are 
cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, 
the poor have the gospel preached to them. 
And blessed is he who is not offended 
because of Me." 
Luke 7: 20-23
"And do not be afraid of their 
threats, nor be troubled." But 
sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, 
and always be ready to give a 
defense to everyone who asks you 
a reason for the hope that is in you, 
with meekness and fear. 
1 Peter 3:14-15
Literature on 
“beneficial” Mutations 
 453,732 “mutation” hits 
 Only 186 were “beneficial” 
 Of the 186, when examined closely 
showed a loss of some function (loss 
of information)
DNA encrypts 12 
 A rare beneficial 
mutation has to also 
not break functionality 
of the other 12 codes
 Hailed as ancestor from 1960-1980s 
 Based on a handful of teeth and jaw 
 Entire jaw found in 1977
"With these credentials, I had 
managed to get some funding for my 
first expedition as a co-leader. I 
knew, though, that I had to prove 
myself by finding some hominids 
(ape-men) or the money would dry 
up." - Donald Johanson (Lucy’s discoverer), 
Ancestors- In Search of Human Origins, pg. 51
What the Evidence really 
 Stooped gait (did not habitually 
walk upright) 
 Curved fingers and toes 
 Knuckle-walker 
 Lived in trees (arboreal) 
They are just 
bloody apes! 
- Lord Solly Zuckerman
Was Lucy a Bonobo? 
Reconstruction of “Lucy” 
(Australopithecus Afarensis) Bonobo (Pygmy Chimpanzee) 
“Bonobos stand apart from the other great apes…Physically, 
their anatomy most closely resembles Australopithecus 
…Bonobos walk bipedally on two feet more easily and for longer 
periods of time than the other apes.” 
•The Bonobo Conservation Initiative, What is a Bonobo,
Was Lucy a Bonobo? 
Reconstructed skull of Australopithecus 
Afarensis specimen A.L.444-2 
Bonobo skull 
Lucy: Saint Louis Museum
Evolution Rejects the Evidence 
“Professor Betsy Schumann, evolutionist 
expert, admits that the statue's feet 
‘probably are not accurate’, but when asked 
whether the statue should be changed, she 
‘Absolutely not’.” 
Creation ex nihilo, Dec 1996, p.52. 
In other words, evolution must use 
bad science to deceive people
Radioisotope Dating 
 No radioactive ‘daughter’ 
elements present at start 
 No loss or gain of daughter or 
parent elements (closed 
 Constant Decay Rate 
The fossil record of the living great apes is poor. 
The orangutan is actually the only great ape that 
has a fossil record. No African fossil has ever 
been found that is related to chimpanzees or 
gorillas. – National Geographic, June 2004
Evolutionists keep trying 
to turn our dead ancestors 
into humans!
RSR’s List Shows 
 List of Not So Old Things 
 Scientists Doubting Darwin & the Big Bang 
 List of Missing Fossils 
 List of Creation Predictions 
 List of Genomes that Just Don’t Fit 
 List of Evidences against the Big Bang 
 List of Fine-tuned Features 
 List of Dinosaur Soft Tissue 
 List of Shocked Evolutionists 
 List of Answers to HydroPlate theory Objections
The Giraffe 
 heart weighs over 24 
pounds and pumps 16 
gallons a minute 
 Special one-way, back-flow 
preventer valves in 
the neck to regulate the 
flow of blood to the head 
 blood vessels in the 
giraffe's head are very 
 Blood vessels near feet 
are thicker and much less 

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  • 1. The Latest in Creation Science Fred Williams B.S. Electrical Engineering
  • 2.
  • 3. AM 670 – Friday @ 3:00PM WWW.RSR.ORG
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  • 5. What is Evolution? Mistakes + Natural Selection
  • 6. Why don’t they give an example? Holt Biology, 1996, pg 324 The random “beneficial mutation” Illusion
  • 7.
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  • 9. Mutation “The fact that the genetic code can simultaneously write two kinds of information means that many DNA changes that appear to alter protein sequences may actually cause disease by disrupting gene control programs or even both mechanisms simultaneously” Genome scientist Dr. John Stamatoyannopoulus
  • 10. Evolutionary microbiologist James Shapiro, University of Chicago… “There are no detailed Darwinian accounts for the evolution of any fundamental biochemical or cellular systems, only a variety of wishful speculations.”
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  • 12. Natural selection reduces information! X male female X X X Result: loss of genes for short and medium length hair
  • 13. Selective Breeding = LOSS of Information!
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  • 18. Study casts doubt on creationism October 24, 2007 The St Bernard dog – named after the 11th century priest Bernard of Menthon – may have ironically challenged the theory of creationism, say scientists. Biologists at The University of Manchester say that changes to the shape of the breed’s head over the years can only be explained through evolution and natural selection. The team, led by Dr Chris Klingenberg in the Faculty of Life Sciences, examined the skulls of 47 St Bernards spanning 120 years, from modern examples to those of dogs dating back to the time when the breed standard was first defined. “We discovered that features stipulated in the breed standard of the St Bernard became more exaggerated over time as breeders selected dogs that had the desired physical attributes,” said Dr Klingenberg. “In effect they have applied selection to move the evolutionary process a considerable way forward, providing a unique opportunity to observe sustained evolutionary change under known selective pressures.” The findings, published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences tomorrow (Wednesday), are based on studies of St Bernard skulls donated by Swiss breeders to the Natural History Museum in Berne. Compared to their ancestors, modern St Bernards have broader skulls, while the angle between the nose and the forehead is steeper in modern dogs and they have also developed a more pronounced ridge above the eyes. “These changes are exactly in those features described as desirable in the breed standards. They are clearly not due to other factors such as general growth and they provide the animal with no physical advantage, so we can be confident that they have evolved purely through the selective considerations of breeders. Source: University of Manchester
  • 19. “Evolution makes predictions, creation cannot” RSR's List of Creation Science Predictions See • 1998 - Debate with Eugenie Scott – DNA is not junk • Dr. Russ Humphries planetary magnetic field strengths • Hubble deep field images would look like nearby galaxies • 100s more!
  • 20. Mar 2012 - RSR predicts that the Russian scientists who evaluate the data obtained from their 2-mile deep bore hole into Lake Vostok in Antarctica will be surprised to find evidence that seems to contradict the old-earth belief that it has been sealed off from light and air for 15 million years (i.e., three times longer than it took to allegedly evolve humans from chimp-like creatures).
  • 21. "Many of the species we sequenced are what we would expect to find in a lake. Most of the organisms appear to be aquatic (freshwater), and many are species that usually live in ocean or lake sediments." - Scott Rogers, Bowling Green State University professor of biological sciences
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24. Chromosomes Slight deterioration over time 6000 years ago 4000 years ago 2000 years ago Today
  • 25. 6000 years ago Unlike the others, the male Y Chromosome changes very little! 4000 years ago 2000 years ago Today
  • 28. Team leader Dr. David Page of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, Mass said in the journal Nature (Jan 2010) that the human and chimp Y chromosomes are “horrendously different from each other”. How different? Between 30 – 47%! Dr Page continued: “…the difference in MSY gene content in chimpanzee and human is more comparable to the difference in autosomal gene content in chicken and human…”. Horrendous indeed!
  • 29.
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32. “We never ever find a higher animal mixed with a lower one” According to Dr. Donald Burge, the curator of vertebrate paleontology at the College of Eastern Utah Prehistoric Museum, mammal fossils are found in nearly every dinosaur dig that he has ever been associated with… “We find mammals in almost all of our [dinosaur dig] sites. These were not noticed years ago … . Cretaceous duck ruffles feathers, BBC news,, 20 January 2005 Mesozoic Squirrel, Nature 444:889–893, 2006 Dinosaur-eating mammal discovered in China,14 January 2005 “To the surprise of many, ducks, squirrels, platypus, beaver-like and badger-like creatures have all been found in ‘dinosaur-era’ rock layers along with bees, cockroaches, frogs and pine trees.”
  • 33. “Evolution makes predictions, creation cannot” Famous evolutionist J.B.S. Haldane in 1949 predicted that evolution could never produce “various mechanisms, such as the wheel and magnet, which would be useless till fairly perfect.”
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36. God’s Evidence for Creation Rom 1:18-20 - For since the creation of the world being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.
  • 37. There is no evidence of a global flood
  • 38.
  • 39. Global Flood, or slow processes over time? The Grand Canyon Mount St Helens
  • 40. Cavitation Collapsed bubble temps can rise as high as 27,000ºF… ‘as hot as the surface of a bright star’. _ Nature 2005
  • 42. Millions of years are missing! 6 million years? “In fact, according to average erosion rates, many or all of the layers should be gone. Since they are there and flat, this indicates that the millions of years postulated for these gaps never occurred. These flat gaps are so common, that they pretty much challenge the validity of the whole geologic time scale.” - Dr. Ariel Roth
  • 43. Where is THIS ROCK?
  • 44. It’s in the GRAND CANYON!!! Which formed quickly!
  • 46. Other Evidence for Global Flood? 1) Billions of dead things 2) buried in rock strata 3) laid down by water 4) all over the Earth -Ken Ham
  • 47. Moses: All mounts covered with floodwaters. Fossils: All major ranges covered with seashells!
  • 48. “This discovery suggests that Earth’s surface water actually came from within…rather than the prevailing theory of icy comets striking Earth billions of years ago.”
  • 49. Dinosaurs - The Evolutionist’s favorite evangelism tool…
  • 50. Evolutionist Propaganda is Rampant in Today’s Schools, it Starts Early… Copyright Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P. 1999
  • 51. Dinosaurs and People Pictograph from Havasupai Canyon In Grand Canyon National Park.
  • 52. The Last Days For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. 2 Peter 3:5-6
  • 53.
  • 54. Ceremonial Burial Stones from Peruvian Tombs (c.a. 500-1500 AD) What kind of Dino does this look like?
  • 55. Dinosaur Figurines from Mexico (from the Chupicuaro Culture 800 BC – 200 AD)
  • 56. Incorrect early drawing of 1875 Improved but still incorrect in 1895 Correct drawing today. Recent fossified tendons in the tail showed the tail did not droop but stood out straight. The ancient Chupicuaro people already knew what they looked like 2500 years ago! The Iguanadon…
  • 58. Carlisle Cathedral Carpet Tomb of Bishop Richard Bell Died in 1496
  • 59. Brass Engravings Long Tail Long Neck Dinosaur Pictures
  • 60. Khmer Civilization Cambodia, 8th – 14th Century
  • 61. Khmer Civilization Cambodia, 8th – 14th Century
  • 62. Khmer Civilization Cambodia, 8th – 14th Century
  • 63. Khmer Civilization Cambodia, 8th – 14th Century
  • 64.
  • 65. Are Dinosaurs Mentioned in the Bible?
  • 66. Are Dinosaurs Mentioned in the Bible? Job 40:15-18 Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox… He moveth his tail like a cedar … His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron. He is the chief of the ways of God;
  • 67. He moveth his tail like a cedar . . .
  • 68.
  • 69. Leviathan Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out. Job 41:19
  • 70. Bombardier Beetle Chemical storage chamber Sparks of Fire
  • 72. Unfossilized T-Rex bones Mary Schweitzer of Montana St. University on a T Rex bone in their possession: ‘…It was exactly like looking at a slice of modern bone. But of course, I couldn’t believe it. I said to the lab technician: “The bones are, after all, 65 million years old. How could blood cells survive that long?”’1 1. Mary Schweitzer, Montana St U. Museum of the Rockies; cited on p. 160 of V. Morell, ‘Dino DNA: The hunt and the hype’, Science 261(5118):160–162, July 1993. Actual photomicrograph of dino leg bone
  • 73. T-rex Soft Tissue T-rex elastic tissue Fresh tissue Soft fibrous tissue Red blood cells, fibrous tissue, blood vessels
  • 74. “It was totally shocking…The finding certainly shows fossilization does not proceed as science had assumed” - Mary Schweitzer
  • 75. Others with original biological material - Tissue from an "80 Million" Year Old Hadrosaur, with blood cell protein amino acid chains partially sequenced at Harvard University. – National Geographic, 2009 - Tissue from "70-million year old" Mosasaur – PLOS One, 2011 - “One of the world's most famous fossils... Archaeopteryx – also contains remnants of the feathers' soft tissue. ... It's amazing that that chemistry is preserved after 150 million years.” – New Scientist, 2010
  • 76. Evolution vs Creation Predictions Via “Rational” Wiki, April 2014 From the Journal Bone, Jan 2013: “These data are the first to support preservation of multiple proteins and to present multiple lines of evidence for material consistent with DNA in dinosaurs…”
  • 77. What happened to the Dinosaurs?
  • 78. • “Death Star” • Cataracts led to blindness • Shrinking brain – stupidity • Chronic constipation • Overeating • Starvation • Poisonous plants • Mass suicide • Dino wars • AIDS • Global Warming!
  • 79. What Happened to the Dinosaurs? The Genesis Flood
  • 80. Dinosaurs on the Ark And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female. (Genesis 6:20) Dinosaurs were on the Ark and they came off the Ark
  • 82. Did the Ark look like this?
  • 83.
  • 84. The Ark was BIG! 450 feet long 75 feet wide 45 feet tall
  • 85. 95,000 square feet of cargo space (equivalent to 522 railroad cars) 16,000 animal “kinds” would occupy only 15 railroad cars
  • 86. How could Noah put all the BIG dinosaurs on the Ark? He took the young dinosaurs
  • 87. NOAH’S ARK WAS TECHNICALLY FEASIABLE…  The Ark Compared to a Large Cruise Ship
  • 88. Noah’s Ark Compared to the Titanic:
  • 89. Bill Nye’s Missing Link: Tiktaalik, the “fish - lizard”
  • 90. NY Times April 2006 – the “long sought missing link”!
  • 91. Oops! Tetrapods are 10 million years (allegedly) older than the thing they were supposed to have evolved from! “These results force us to reconsider our whole picture of the transition from fish to land animals.” - Palaentologist Per Ahlberg of Uppsala University, Sweden
  • 92. “The evolutionary origin of this highly modified order of mammals is becoming increasingly well documented” Douglas Futuyma, Evolutionary Biology, 1998, p 196
  • 93. A whale of a tale Pakicetus “Among the important recent discoveries is Pakicetus, known from a skull found in a riverine” Douglas Futuyma, Evolutionary Biology, 1998, p 196
  • 94. RSR's List of Missing Transitional Fossils Evolutionist Paleontologist Mark Czarnecki: “A major problem in proving the theory has been the fossil record… This record has never revealed traces of Darwin’s hypothetical intermediate variants – instead species appear and disappear abruptly, and this anomaly has fueled the creationist argument that each species was created by God.”
  • 95. How Old is the Earth? "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?" (Job 38:4). Public Schools 4.6 billion years Bible 6000 years
  • 97. Helium Diffusion in Zircons “This sequence of events places the burden of disproof on the critics, because they must explain how, if there is no truth to our model, the data ‘accidentally by sheer coincidence just happened by blind chance’ to fall right on the predictions of our model.” Dr Russell Humphreys, ICR
  • 98.  Galaxy spirals missing millions of years of deformation  Comets could not last more than 100,000 years  Our magnetic field is decaying too fast  DNA extracted from allegedly 130-million year old weevil!  Fossilized school of Jellyfish in 7 “million year old” layers!  Mitochondrial Eve is 6000 years old!  Jesus was a Young Earth Creationist!
  • 99. The Axis of Evil NASA’s WMAP satellite… showed that some hot and cold spots in the CMB are not distributed randomly, as expected, but are aligned along what Magueijo dubbed the ‘axis of evil’. – New Scientist, 2007
  • 103. What is intriguing even further is why such anisotropies should lie about a great circle decided purely by the orientation of earth’s rotation axis and/or the axis of its revolution around the sun? - Ashok K. Singal, May 2013, Division, Physical Research Laboratory, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, India
  • 104. Ecliptic Plane Cool lobe Warm lobe
  • 105. Modern cosmology is built on the assumption that the universe is essentially the same in whichever direction we look. If the cosmic radiation has a preferred direction, that assumption may have to go - along with our best theories about cosmic history. – New Scientist, 2009 “The discovery casts doubts on all contemporary concepts of the nature and development of the universe,” - Leonid Speransky, astrophysicist, the Lomonosov State University in Moscow, 2006
  • 106. Planck to the Rescue? “This disaster might be averted if we can show that the axis arises from some oddity in the way our telescopes and satellites observe the radiation….The European Space Agency's recently launched Planck space telescope might settle the issue when it makes the most sensitive maps yet of the CMB. Until then, the axis of evil continues to terrorise us.” – New Scientist, 2009
  • 107. "The fact that Planck has made such a significant detection of these anomalies erases any doubts about their reality; it can no longer be said that they are artefacts of the measurements. They are real and we have to look for a credible explanation," - Paolo Natoli, European Space Agency, March 2013
  • 108. The Axis of Good! Isaiah 5, 20-21: Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, And prudent in their own sight! and sweet for bitter! Psalms 9, 1-2: The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge.
  • 109. “Evolution makes predictions, creation cannot” Carnegie Institution For Science: Today the universe is filled with galaxies that have largely stopped forming stars, a sign of galactic maturity. But in the distant past, galaxies were still actively growing by consuming gas and turning it into stars. This means that mature galaxies should have been almost non-existent when the universe was still young.
  • 110. RSR's List of Evidence Against the Big Bang… “ Fifteen mature galaxies were found at a record-breaking average distance of 12 billion light years, when the universe was just 1.6 billion years old…. The finding raises new questions about how these galaxies formed so rapidly and why they stopped forming stars so early. It is an enigma that these galaxies seem to come out of nowhere.” Carnegie Institute for Science, May 14th, 2014
  • 111. The Bible & Genetics “Now the sons of Noah who went out of the ark were Shem, Ham, and Japheth… These three were the sons of Noah, and from these the whole earth was populated.” Gen 9:18-19
  • 112. …But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. And the LORD said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language… “Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. Gen 11:1-8
  • 113. These were the families of the sons of Noah, according to their generations, in their nations; and from these the nations were divided on the earth after the flood. Gen 10:32
  • 114. The Bible & Genetics  Y Chromosome - Male inheritance  NO variation found in non-coding introns!  All men trace back to single male ancestor  MtDNA – Female inheritance  4 main groups of variation found  All groups go back to one ‘Mitochondrial Eve’
  • 115. MtDNA Migration L type - Nearly all Africans. M type - Ethiopian, Somali, Indian, Siberians, northern East and Central Asians, America. N type - Various parts of Asia, some Australia. R type - Almost all European populations and a large number of Middle-Eastern population. Some Chinese.
  • 116. An Immoral Act… ‘None of you shall approach anyone near of kin to uncover nakedness: I am the Lord. You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father, which is the nakedness of your mother…You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father’s wife; it is the nakedness of your father… The man who lies with his father’s wife has uncovered his father’s nakedness’ Also see Lev 20:20-21, Ezekiel 22:10–11 Lev 18:6-8, 20:11
  • 117. Why was Canaan Cursed? “Then he drank of the wine and was drunk, and became uncovered in his tent. And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brothers outside. But Shem and Japheth took a garment, laid it on both their shoulders, and went backward and covered the nakedness of their father. Their faces were turned away, and they did not see their father’s nakedness. So Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done to him. Then he said: “Cursed be Canaan; A servant of servants He shall be to his brethren.” Genesis 9:21-25
  • 118. Why was Canaan Cursed? “Now the sons of Noah who went out of the ark were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. And Ham was the father of Canaan. These three were the sons of Noah, and from these the whole earth was populated.” Gen 9:18-19
  • 119. Origin of Language Darwin Bible Darwin: “Language slowly and unconsciously developed by many steps [from primitive language consisting of grunts]” (Darwin, 1871, p. 55).
  • 120. Origin of Language People with least complex cultures have sophisticated languages, with complex grammar and large vocabularies, can name and discuss anything that occurs in the sphere occupied by their speaker…the oldest language that can reasonably be reconstructed is already modern, sophisticated, and complete from an evolutionary point of view. Simpson, G.G. 1966. The biological nature of man. Science 152:476–477.
  • 121. Origin of Language MIT professor Noam Chomsky (1972): “Many attempts have been made to determine an evolutionary origin of language, and all have failed”.
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  • 125. Defending the Bible For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
  • 126. “Faith”, from Webster’s Dictionary: 2 a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2) : complete trust Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1
  • 127. “John the Baptist has sent us to You, saying, 'Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?‘” Jesus answered and said to them, "Go and tell John the things you have seen and heard: that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me." Luke 7: 20-23
  • 128. "And do not be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled." But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear. 1 Peter 3:14-15
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  • 133. Literature on “beneficial” Mutations  453,732 “mutation” hits  Only 186 were “beneficial”  Of the 186, when examined closely showed a loss of some function (loss of information)
  • 134. DNA encrypts 12 codes  A rare beneficial mutation has to also not break functionality of the other 12 codes
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  • 136. Ramapithecus  Hailed as ancestor from 1960-1980s  Based on a handful of teeth and jaw fragments  Entire jaw found in 1977
  • 137. “Lucy” "With these credentials, I had managed to get some funding for my first expedition as a co-leader. I knew, though, that I had to prove myself by finding some hominids (ape-men) or the money would dry up." - Donald Johanson (Lucy’s discoverer), Ancestors- In Search of Human Origins, pg. 51
  • 138. What the Evidence really shows:  Stooped gait (did not habitually walk upright)  Curved fingers and toes  Knuckle-walker  Lived in trees (arboreal) They are just bloody apes! - Lord Solly Zuckerman
  • 139. Was Lucy a Bonobo? Reconstruction of “Lucy” (Australopithecus Afarensis) Bonobo (Pygmy Chimpanzee) “Bonobos stand apart from the other great apes…Physically, their anatomy most closely resembles Australopithecus …Bonobos walk bipedally on two feet more easily and for longer periods of time than the other apes.” •The Bonobo Conservation Initiative, What is a Bonobo,
  • 140. Was Lucy a Bonobo? Reconstructed skull of Australopithecus Afarensis specimen A.L.444-2 Bonobo skull IDENTICAL!
  • 141. Lucy: Saint Louis Museum
  • 142. Evolution Rejects the Evidence “Professor Betsy Schumann, evolutionist expert, admits that the statue's feet ‘probably are not accurate’, but when asked whether the statue should be changed, she says, ‘Absolutely not’.” Creation ex nihilo, Dec 1996, p.52. In other words, evolution must use bad science to deceive people
  • 143. Radioisotope Dating  No radioactive ‘daughter’ elements present at start  No loss or gain of daughter or parent elements (closed system)  Constant Decay Rate Potassium Argon Assumptions:
  • 144. The fossil record of the living great apes is poor. The orangutan is actually the only great ape that has a fossil record. No African fossil has ever been found that is related to chimpanzees or gorillas. – National Geographic, June 2004
  • 145. Evolutionists keep trying to turn our dead ancestors into humans!
  • 146. RSR’s List Shows  List of Not So Old Things  Scientists Doubting Darwin & the Big Bang  List of Missing Fossils  List of Creation Predictions  List of Genomes that Just Don’t Fit  List of Evidences against the Big Bang  List of Fine-tuned Features  List of Dinosaur Soft Tissue  List of Shocked Evolutionists  List of Answers to HydroPlate theory Objections
  • 147. The Giraffe  heart weighs over 24 pounds and pumps 16 gallons a minute  Special one-way, back-flow preventer valves in the neck to regulate the flow of blood to the head  blood vessels in the giraffe's head are very elastic  Blood vessels near feet are thicker and much less elastic