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On the Origin of Species

Understanding Charles Darwin’s
        Famous Study

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What is Evolution?
• Evolution under the influence of natural selection leads to adaptive
  improvement. Evolution, whether under the influence of natural
  selection or not, leads to divergence and diversity. From a single ultimate
  ancestor, many hundreds of millions of separate species have, at one time
  or another, evolved. the process whereby one species splits into two is
  called speciation. Subsequent divergence leads to ever wider separation
  of taxonomic units – genera, families, orders, classes, etc. Even creatures
  as different as, say, snails and monkeys, are derived from ancestors who
  originally diverged from a single species in a speciation event.

• This paragraph, taken from an article by Richard Dawkins, can give us a
  sense of what The Origin of Species did for modern science and ultimately,
  the modern conception of man’s origin.

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Charles Darwin

Life and Times
• fifth child of a wealthy, liberal English family with a long line of
  famous ancestors
• graduated 1825 from the elite school at Shrewsbury
• entered University of Edinburgh to study medicine
• entered the University of Cambridge with the goal to become a
  priest in the Church of England, however, he became interested in
  nature, geology and biology and learned all about scientific study,
  observation, data recording and analysis from his professors Adam
  Sedgwick and John Stevens Henslow,
• After graduating from Cambridge in 1831, Darwin hired aboard the
  British survey ship HMS Beagle in order to participate in a
  scientific expedition around the world.

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•   The expedition, expected to take two years, took five years .The ship traveled
    around the world (see maps on next slides)
•   During the expedition, Darwin made discoveries about
     – Geology and how the earth was formed (uniformitarism vs.
     – Biology and Biogeography (natural variation and adaptation)
     – The Origin of Species and Anthropology (survival of the fittest, evolution)
•   After returning in 1836, Darwin spent almost 20 years analyzing the data he
    collected and writing up the results.
•   He lived outside London, was married to Emma Wedgewood and had 10
    children. Because of his wealthy background, he was able to study without the
    necessity to earn a living.
•   He first announced his theories in 1858 and published the On the Origin of
    Species in 1859. His book was an immediate success.

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Darwin spent the final 23 years of his life expanding on
  different aspects of problems raised in the Origin. His later
       - The Variation of Animals and Plants
       Under Domestication (1868)
       - The Descent of Man (1871)
       - The Expression of the Emotions in
       Animals and Man (1872)
• The importance of his work was well recognized by his
  contemporaries, yet many of his ideas were heavily
  contested and some debates continue into the present.
• He died in Downe, Kent, on April 19, 1882 and was buried
  in Westminster Abbey

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Darwin’s Influences
•   Aristotle: Plato believed that Ideas or Forms constituted matter; physical objects came
    from a permanent essence in thought that determined their existence. Aristotle saw
    matter as the fulfillment of a physical idea—the form constitutes the concept. He looked
    at the world as it was--Aristotle saw ultimate reality in physical objects, knowable through
    experience. Objects, including organisms, were composed of a potential, their matter, and of
    a reality, their form; thus, a block of marble -- matter -- has the potential to assume whatever
    form a sculptor gives it, and a seed or embryo has the potential to grow into a living plant or
    animal form. In living creatures, the form was identified with the soul; plants had the lowest
    kinds of souls, animals had higher souls which could feel, and humans alone had rational,
    reasoning souls. In turn, animals could be classified by their way of life, their actions, or, most
    importantly, by their parts.

•   Great Chain of Being—the order of things. The world has a spiritual hierarchy that
    extends from the lowest physical creature to the supernatural (amoebas to the
    archangels with intellectual abilities that are superior to our own.) This theory
    illustrated that God’s omnipotence included other planets that possibly had spiritual
    beings—it was a continuum of life that never ended, like a ladder into the heavens from
    the earth.
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Other Influences
•   Jean Baptiste Lamark (1744-1829)—all forms of life have arisen through a long
    process of continuous adjustment. Nature had an instinctive sense for improvement;
    each living creature, plant and animal, moved to a higher stage of development. The
    environment proved to be a factor in these movements toward change: the dictates
    of nature caused animals, plants to modify their features in order to survive. These
    same changes would move on to the subsequent generation.

•   Thomas Malthus ((1766-1834)—Populations tend to increase geometrically
    while food supplies increase arithmetically. Malthus was an economist who
    discriminated against any social welfare: he connected population growth with
    food abundance and he believed that this correlation was natural in order to
    maintain population growth from exceeding the natural sustenance that our
    world could give. Disease, famine and human conflict are modes to control
    population in accordance with nature. If we continue to use social reforms to
    help the poor, we will interfere with nature’s plan to maintain human survival
    as God intended it to be.
•   Darwin disagreed with this laizzez-faire cruelty, yet it gave him the basis of his
    theory of natural selection.

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Voyage of the Beagle—Various
     Aspects:Full View

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Travels Through South America:
         Atlantic Side

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Brazil—Upper South America

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Darwin’s Discovery in Argentina
Darwin was very curious about the geology of the river valley.
The walls of the valley had the same layers of shells he had seen
many times before. It was during this expedition that Darwin
theorized that the cliffs of the river valley, and indeed the Andes
Mountains themselves, had been slowly raising above sea level.
The evidence for a planet in a state of constant flux was
becoming stronger and stronger. While today we take this for
granted, in Darwin's day the notion of changes on a planetary
scale went against the view that god's creation was perfect and
thus change was Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852
                  unnecessary.                                        13
The Beagle Travels Past Cape Horn
Darwin made some of his most important
discoveries on the Pacific side of South
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To Mocha Island off The Mainland of Chile
On March 4th the Beagle entered the Harbor of Talcuhano near Concepcion.
Darwin was dropped off at the island of Quiriquina. Here he explored around
the coastline of the island and found several expanses of fresh marine rock
that had risen a few feet above sea level due to an earthquake. Darwin also
noticed raised shell beds on the cliffs above and became very excited about
this find, as it was direct evidence that the Andes mountains, and indeed all of
South America, may be very slowly raising above the ocean.
These discoveries added much weight to Charles Lyell's theory that land masses
rose up in tiny increments over extremely long periods of time. Darwin accepted
the idea that the earth must be extremely old. The next day Darwin went by
ship to Talcuhano Harbor. From the shore he rode by horse to the town of
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Another Discovery Along the
          Mainland of Chile
• Darwin head back, on March 29th, to Chile via the Uspallata Pass, just
  north of Mendoza. He spent the next few days at Villa Vicencio and
  explored the geology of the area. He was shocked to find that the local
  mountains were mainly composed of submarine lava flows, and these
  at 6,000 feet above sea level and 700 miles from the coastline! Eleven
  trees had been fossilized and 30-40 had turned into calcareous spar.
  Most of the trees were a few feet tall and snapped off at the top and 3-5
  feet in circumference, and were coniferous.
• To make matters even more confusing for Darwin, he also found huge
  numbers of petrified trees in the same area. His mind was reeling with
  questions: how long ago was this land under the ocean, how did the trees
  end up under water so they would become petrified? Darwin spent the
  next few days thinking about how Charles Lyell would interpret what he
  was seeing and also began developing some geological theories of his

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Up the Andes Mountain Range and To
The Galapagos

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Darwin’s Discovery:
Some of the specimens Darwin collected from the Galapagos:
One buzzard, two owls, three flycatchers, three species of mockingbirds,
one species of finch, one swallow, one dove, 13 species of finches (Darwin
remarked how fascinated he was by the beak gradations, but the variation
of finches confused Darwin a great deal), one turtle, one tortoise, four
lizards (sea and land iguanas and two other types), four snakes, and very
few insects.
These specimens helped Darwin come up with theories of reproduction: why
do finches have such a variety of beaks? Do they breed different beaks to
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determine their rate of survival?
Variation of Finch Beaks and the Geological Table

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The Beagle Travels to the South Pacific,
Visiting New Zealand, Tahiti and Australia.

New discoveries are made.

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Darwin’s Discovery:
 Darwin went with a guide and two horses on a 120 mile inland trip to
Bathurst, New South Wales. Darwin commented on the scant
vegetation, and contrasted it with the tropical forests of South
America. Along the way Darwin made observations on the local
wildlife and was very astonished by the creatures he saw (especially
the odd-looking platypus). He surmised there must have been a
separate act of creation just for these odd creatures.
Again, he mused on the role of reproduction and adaptation: how do
living things change in different climates? Do they take on new traits
(adapt) in order to survive the climate changes or do many die off while
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other life begins to thrive?
The Beagle
Darwin spent 5 years on this ship and his discoveries radically changed
his views on the origin of organic life.

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Questions to Consider
1.What point does Darwin prove with his ideas on Variation under
Domestication? Which examples does he use?

2.What is the difference between domestic and natural variation?

3.What is the underlying process of explaining natural variation as
opposed to controlled variation? (See “Variation under Domestication”
and compare it to “Struggle for Existence” in the text.)

4.What examples of adaptation does Darwin use? How can this theory
be used to explain the fact that the dinosaurs became extinct?

5.What are the long term implications of natural selection for the
development of humanity?

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Summary of First Four Chapters
Ch. 1 Variations under Domestication:
   Darwin uses examples such as horses, dogs, or pigeons, to prove that
  with careful selection, consequent breeding it is possible to bring out
  intended characteristics.
Ch.2 Variations under Nature:
   Darwin discusses the possibility that selection also occurs in nature,
  just slower than with domestic breeding. The issue here is adaptation to
  the corresponding natural environment that causes this amazing
  variability. Yet, one question remained: Why do these variations occur?
Ch.3 The Struggle for Existence:
   Day to day existence is a constant struggle that ensures that selection
  will occur. Those less able to adapt and thereby survive will reproduce
  and pass on the traits that made survival possible. In this way, nature
  ensures that only the fittest survive the process he terms…

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Natural Selection—Chapter 4
Ch. 4 Natural Selection.
  Natural selection explains, why certain species survive and thrive,
  others, less able to adapt, become extinct. Natural selection,
  however, also supports the notion of a slow process of adoption and
  survival. The result is a successive evolution and improvement of a
  species, and not a sudden creation of each individual species.
  The intriguing thought behind this is that there is an ongoing process
  of evolution from one particular ancestor to a variety of succeeding
  subspecies. There is additionally, a variety of subspecies that have
  not succeeded (reproduced over time) and eventually they become
• Question: What factors determine which species will survive and
  which one will die off?
• Question: How do you understand the word “selection”?
• Question: How do you understand the word “natural”?

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Ideas from Chapter 1
• Immutability vs. Variation under Nature—Does the world change?
• Darwin’s observations of nature suggest that the earth is very old.
  Geologists in Darwin’s lifetime (Charles Lyell) had studied fossils and
  worked on theories that different fossils represent different time periods in
  earth’s history. Creationists called this a part of God’s plan.
• Darwin considered the sea cliffs on the Galapagos Islands: they suggested
  that the water level gradually receded from a previous point. He found
  well-formed shells imbedded in the cliff—he hypothesized that the cliff had
  once been under water. The change couldn’t have been cataclysmic or else
  the shells would not have been intact.

• Darwin discussed the intent of animal breeders who use unconscious
  selection, a method of matching like traits in order to produce a certain
  kind of animal. Consider how certain race horses are used as studs—similar
  idea. These ideas come from “Variation Under Domestication.”

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Adaptation: A Part of Natural
• Variation among plants and animals—does the reproduction of like
  traits occur in nature?

• Darwin theorized that living creatures unconscious adapt in order to
  survive. Adaptive traits are reproduced; non-adaptive ones decrease in
  number over time.
• He looked at domesticated pigeons as an example. He couldn’t believe that
  man bred seven to eight species of the domesticated pigeon; he concluded
  that they came from a wild state that was eventually tamed. Later he wrote
  that “changed conditions of life are of the highest importance in causing
  variability, both by acting directly on the organization, and indirectly by
  affecting the reproductive system.” Variation, he believed, “is governed by
  unknown laws of which correlate growth….something…may be attributed
  to the …conditions of life. Some…may be attributed to the increased use
  of disused parts.”

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The Struggle For Existence
    Darwin understood this as both the individual struggle and the success of reproduction. He
    called it “ the doctrine of Malthus applied with manifold force to the whole animal and
    vegetable kingdoms….although some species may now be increasing…all cannot do so, for
    the world will not hold them.”
•   Members of a variety with adaptive traits live longer and have more time to reproduce, thus
    adaptive traits become dominant in a particular environment.

    Modification of a variety occurs when there is a change that results in better environmental
    adaptation. Beak, web sizes may alter; certain plants may develop a different way to seed—
    these are adaptations that modify the species. These traits continue as the creature reproduces
    to insure survival. This entire process over time is called natural selection.

    If man can cause unconscious selection through breeding, then why cannot nature do the
    same? He argues that “natural selection acts only by the preservation and accumulation of
    small inherited modifications, each profitable to the preserved being”. He believes that the
    elements of natural selection: physical alterations, reproduction, and intercrossing take place
    over long periods of time. All of these are a response to the demands of the environment.

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Chapter 6: Difficulties of Theory
• This chapter only appeared in the 6th edition to
  answer various doubts about the theory.
• He focused on natural selection, breaking it down
  from species to species.
• He relied heavily on the samples he had found
  from his journey on the Beagle.
• He discussed creatures, like the flying lemur—
  falsely classified as a bat. The flank membrane
  gave him reason to think that the lemur once had
  a longer membrane that connected fingers and
  forearms, disused through reproduction over time.
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Chapter 7: Instinct
• The closest Darwin comes to defining the term
  instinct is the following: “An action, which
  we ourselves (humans) should require
  experience to enable us to perform, when
  performed by an animal, more respectively
  by a young one, without any experience, and
  when performed by many individuals in the
  same way, without their knowing for what
  purpose it is performed, is usually said to be
  instinctive.” (paragraph 2 of Chapter 7)
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To illustrate what he calls instinct in a “state of nature”, Darwin uses
  bees—hive bees. Then he focuses on ants in great detail.
• Why are the worker ants rendered sterile? What modifications within
  reproduction are they instinctively not supposed to pass on? Darwin sees
  this as natural selection.
• Darwin looks at time: he writes: “As natural selection acts only by the
  accumulation of slight modifications of structure or instinct, each
  profitable to the individual under its conditions of life, it may
  reasonably be asked, how a long and graduated succession of modified
  architectural instincts, all tending toward the present plan of
  construction, could have profited the progenitors?” (Chapter 7, section on
  bees) In this sentence, Darwin is referring to the hive bee, but it is also
  applicable to all species in their struggle for survival.
                              Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852          31
•     Evolution postulates that new species are descended from
Chapter 9: On the                earlier species, which changed into those new species over
                                 periods of time. Evolution thus predicts that there were
Imperfection of the              organisms which existed at these transitional stages turning
                                 from one form into another. It is possible that evidence of
Geological Record                these evolutionary transformations may be found in the
                                 fossil record. This was noted by Darwin: “The number of
                                 intermediate varieties, which have formerly existed on the
                                 earth, [must] be truly enormous.”( paragraph 1 of Chapter
                           •     However, Darwin recognized that the fossil record did not
                                 contain fossils of these "intermediate" forms of life and he
                                 struggled to understand the reason:
                           •     “We continually forget how large the world is, compared
                                 with the area over which our geological formations have
                                 been carefully examined; we forget that groups of species
                                 may elsewhere have long existed and have slowly
                                 multiplied before they invaded the ancient archipelagoes
                                 of Europe and the United States. We do not make due
                                 allowance for the enormous intervals of time which have
                                 probably elapsed between our consecutive formations—
                                 longer perhaps…that the time required for …each
                                 formation.” (Chapter 9)

                           •     In other words, Darwin staunchly believed that his
                                 theory was correct, so he took issue with the
                                 presentation of the geological record (fossils, timeline) as
                                 an incomplete process that missed certain evidence of
                                 life—species that developed and declined without
                                 leaving a record of their existence.

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The Gradual Change or Adaptation of
Darwin was convinced the transition of species took
place. He suggested a process—look at the circled
shapes above and imagine them to be reproductive traits
that are discarded or strengthened over a long period of
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Chapter 11—Geographical
•   In this chapter, Darwin explores species migration. Why do pigeons survive in
    multiple climates, while elephants are only found in warm climates? Why do some
    species seem to travel and form subspecies while others remain exclusive to a
    particular territory?
•   Darwin writes: “I believe…in no law of necessary development. As the variability
    of each species is an independent property and will be taken advantage of by
    natural selection, so the degree of modification in different species will be no
    uniform (standard) quality.” (Chapter 11)
•   So the process of natural selection allows for migration-in other words, it is part of
    the adaptation process for some species to seek out other environments; it is also
    crucial for other species to remain in the place of their origin—this insures the
    survival of the species and subspecies in both cases.
•   Some of this is intuitive—think about instinct from chapter 7. Some of this is
    also reliant on how a particular species travels—birds fly, fish swim, so it can
    be easier for them to travel than certain mammals. However, certain birds and
    fish cannot survive in different climates. So the process of natural selection
    determines both the impulse to migrate and the necessary adaption to various
    climates. The animals that cannot survive elsewhere will stay put.

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Drawings of possible

The first images shows various species
that Darwin found in the Galapagos
during his voyage on the Beagle.

The second drawing shows a
hypothesis of Darwin’s theory of
species evolution through the process
of migration. Macroevolution covers
the movement/adaptation of animal
and plant life in their entirety

Microevolution shows the changes
over time within each species. For
example, are tortoises the original
species for what we call the common
turtle? If so, how did turtles end up in
the Northern Hemisphere? Are they a
subspecies of the Pacific tortoise? How
did the turtle evolve as a subspecies
and why does it live in cooler

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More on Migration
• Darwin writes: “If, for instance, a number of species, which stand in
  direct competition with each other, migrate in a body into a new and
  isolated country, there will be little liable to modification, for neither
  migration or isolation can do anything. These principles come into
  play only by bringing new organisms into new relations with
  each other (the life forms that exist in the place of migration—my
• Darwin writes: “It is obvious that the several the several species of
  the same genus, though inhabiting the most different quarters of the
  world, must originally have proceeded from the same source as
  they have descended from the same progenitor.”
• Darwin came to these conclusions largely from his study of
  finches and pigeons. (see slide 19)

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Conclusion of Text—Chapter 14
• John Whitfield, a science writer from England wrote the following
  on Chapter 14: “As its title suggests, the fourteenth and final chapter
  of the origin, 'Recapitulation and Conclusion', mostly restates things
  that Darwin has already said, often several times.”
• “This relentless piling, sorting and re-arranging of evidence can
  make Darwin seem a little OCD, like an intellectual version of Wall-
  E. But he also knows that beneath all the case studies, there's a
  logical core to evolution by natural selection, even if he can't put it
  in an equation. Darwin brackets this chapter by showing that, if you
  accept the most basic evidence the living world puts before your
  eyes, evolution follows as surely as a lever moves a stone.”
• “And as the reader lowers the book, it points him or her outward.
  Evolution isn't an abstraction, it's not just something you see on the
  Galapagos Islands. It's going on right now, all around you. This is
  how you see the world now.”

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As Darwin Puts It:
• “Thus, from the war of nature, from famine and
  death, the most exalted object which we are
  capable of conceiving, namely, the production of
  the higher animals, directly follows. “
• “There is grandeur in this view of life, with its
  several powers, having been originally breathed
  into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this
  planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed
  law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless
  forms most beautiful and most wonderful have
  been, and are being, evolved. “(Chapter 14)

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Introduction to Social Darwinism(present at
              the APS exhibit)
 Marx was greatly influenced by Darwin and he respected his ideas. He wanted
to dedicate his major work, Das Kapital,to him, but Darwin refused the honor.
Marx misunderstood the theory of natural selection as a method to
manipulate the means (mode) of production so that the exchange of
commodities would benefit workers in a communist society.
 Marx wanted to recreate the entire economic model (capitalism) into
communism: he thought that natural selection would work as a force to
improve man as a species, so it was logical to assume that the next step for
man’s survival would be to throw off the chains of wage slavery as a necessary
step in his evolution. Darwin saw this as a misreading of his theory.
One result of Darwin’s Origin of Species was Social Darwinism. This idea
came from Herbert Spencer’s term, survival of the fittest. Darwin used this
term to name the process of natural selection in nature as living creatures
struggle for their existence. These beings develop variations that grant them an
advantage as they compete for food and shelter. Darwin saw this as an
unconscious tool of nature.
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What is Social Darwinism?
•   Social Darwinism: literally a process of elimination in a capitalist society. The
    strong adapt to the rigors of the free market system and the poor decline. Society
    must coexist as a unit, similar to the creatures in a jungle, and each person takes on
    traits to ensure his survival. Ultimately, it promotes the group that has the dominant
    traits that lead it to take over their environment. This theory became the basis for
    some of the most heinous acts in history: it was used to justify ruthless business
    practices of the industrial tycoons, the conquest of the Americas, the genocide of
    Native Americans, Imperialism in countries like India, Vietnam, and much of
    Africa. Perhaps the most odious example is Nazism:

•   Ernst Haeckel, a 19th German biologist, used the Origin of Species to assert his
    vision of the German people as a superior race. He believed that nations had to
    fight to survive as organisms did or they would perish. Society must be ruled by the
    same laws of competition and aggression that are found in nature. Individual life
    was unimportant. The Jews, Gypsies, Africans and Slavic people were inferior.
    Heinrich Himmler admired Haeckel and formed an Aryan youth movement in 1918.

•   (His work was featured in the APS exhibit along with Eugenics, an offshoot of
    Darwin’s research into heredity and genetics. Note: these terms came AFTER
    Darwin’s death.)          Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852                   44
Design For Darwin Birthday Cake

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On the Origin of Species 852

  • 1. On the Origin of Species Understanding Charles Darwin’s Famous Study Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 1
  • 2. What is Evolution? • Evolution under the influence of natural selection leads to adaptive improvement. Evolution, whether under the influence of natural selection or not, leads to divergence and diversity. From a single ultimate ancestor, many hundreds of millions of separate species have, at one time or another, evolved. the process whereby one species splits into two is called speciation. Subsequent divergence leads to ever wider separation of taxonomic units – genera, families, orders, classes, etc. Even creatures as different as, say, snails and monkeys, are derived from ancestors who originally diverged from a single species in a speciation event. • • This paragraph, taken from an article by Richard Dawkins, can give us a sense of what The Origin of Species did for modern science and ultimately, the modern conception of man’s origin. Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 2
  • 4. Charles Darwin Life and Times • fifth child of a wealthy, liberal English family with a long line of famous ancestors • graduated 1825 from the elite school at Shrewsbury • entered University of Edinburgh to study medicine • entered the University of Cambridge with the goal to become a priest in the Church of England, however, he became interested in nature, geology and biology and learned all about scientific study, observation, data recording and analysis from his professors Adam Sedgwick and John Stevens Henslow, • After graduating from Cambridge in 1831, Darwin hired aboard the British survey ship HMS Beagle in order to participate in a scientific expedition around the world. Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 4
  • 5. Darwin… • The expedition, expected to take two years, took five years .The ship traveled around the world (see maps on next slides) • During the expedition, Darwin made discoveries about – Geology and how the earth was formed (uniformitarism vs. catastrophism) – Biology and Biogeography (natural variation and adaptation) – The Origin of Species and Anthropology (survival of the fittest, evolution) • After returning in 1836, Darwin spent almost 20 years analyzing the data he collected and writing up the results. • He lived outside London, was married to Emma Wedgewood and had 10 children. Because of his wealthy background, he was able to study without the necessity to earn a living. • He first announced his theories in 1858 and published the On the Origin of Species in 1859. His book was an immediate success. Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 5
  • 6. Darwin… Darwin spent the final 23 years of his life expanding on different aspects of problems raised in the Origin. His later books-including - The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication (1868) - The Descent of Man (1871) - The Expression of the Emotions in Animals and Man (1872) • The importance of his work was well recognized by his contemporaries, yet many of his ideas were heavily contested and some debates continue into the present. • He died in Downe, Kent, on April 19, 1882 and was buried in Westminster Abbey Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 6
  • 7. Darwin’s Influences • Aristotle: Plato believed that Ideas or Forms constituted matter; physical objects came from a permanent essence in thought that determined their existence. Aristotle saw matter as the fulfillment of a physical idea—the form constitutes the concept. He looked at the world as it was--Aristotle saw ultimate reality in physical objects, knowable through experience. Objects, including organisms, were composed of a potential, their matter, and of a reality, their form; thus, a block of marble -- matter -- has the potential to assume whatever form a sculptor gives it, and a seed or embryo has the potential to grow into a living plant or animal form. In living creatures, the form was identified with the soul; plants had the lowest kinds of souls, animals had higher souls which could feel, and humans alone had rational, reasoning souls. In turn, animals could be classified by their way of life, their actions, or, most importantly, by their parts. • Great Chain of Being—the order of things. The world has a spiritual hierarchy that extends from the lowest physical creature to the supernatural (amoebas to the archangels with intellectual abilities that are superior to our own.) This theory illustrated that God’s omnipotence included other planets that possibly had spiritual beings—it was a continuum of life that never ended, like a ladder into the heavens from the earth. Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 7
  • 8. Other Influences • Jean Baptiste Lamark (1744-1829)—all forms of life have arisen through a long process of continuous adjustment. Nature had an instinctive sense for improvement; each living creature, plant and animal, moved to a higher stage of development. The environment proved to be a factor in these movements toward change: the dictates of nature caused animals, plants to modify their features in order to survive. These same changes would move on to the subsequent generation. • Thomas Malthus ((1766-1834)—Populations tend to increase geometrically while food supplies increase arithmetically. Malthus was an economist who discriminated against any social welfare: he connected population growth with food abundance and he believed that this correlation was natural in order to maintain population growth from exceeding the natural sustenance that our world could give. Disease, famine and human conflict are modes to control population in accordance with nature. If we continue to use social reforms to help the poor, we will interfere with nature’s plan to maintain human survival as God intended it to be. • Darwin disagreed with this laizzez-faire cruelty, yet it gave him the basis of his theory of natural selection. Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 8
  • 9. Voyage of the Beagle—Various Aspects:Full View Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 9
  • 10. Travels Through South America: Atlantic Side Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 10
  • 11. Brazil—Upper South America Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 11
  • 13. Darwin’s Discovery in Argentina Darwin was very curious about the geology of the river valley. The walls of the valley had the same layers of shells he had seen many times before. It was during this expedition that Darwin theorized that the cliffs of the river valley, and indeed the Andes Mountains themselves, had been slowly raising above sea level. The evidence for a planet in a state of constant flux was becoming stronger and stronger. While today we take this for granted, in Darwin's day the notion of changes on a planetary scale went against the view that god's creation was perfect and thus change was Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 unnecessary. 13
  • 14. The Beagle Travels Past Cape Horn Darwin made some of his most important discoveries on the Pacific side of South America. Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 14
  • 15. To Mocha Island off The Mainland of Chile On March 4th the Beagle entered the Harbor of Talcuhano near Concepcion. Darwin was dropped off at the island of Quiriquina. Here he explored around the coastline of the island and found several expanses of fresh marine rock that had risen a few feet above sea level due to an earthquake. Darwin also noticed raised shell beds on the cliffs above and became very excited about this find, as it was direct evidence that the Andes mountains, and indeed all of South America, may be very slowly raising above the ocean. These discoveries added much weight to Charles Lyell's theory that land masses rose up in tiny increments over extremely long periods of time. Darwin accepted the idea that the earth must be extremely old. The next day Darwin went by ship to Talcuhano Harbor. From the shore he rode by horse to the town of Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 15 Concepcion.
  • 16. Another Discovery Along the Mainland of Chile • Darwin head back, on March 29th, to Chile via the Uspallata Pass, just north of Mendoza. He spent the next few days at Villa Vicencio and explored the geology of the area. He was shocked to find that the local mountains were mainly composed of submarine lava flows, and these at 6,000 feet above sea level and 700 miles from the coastline! Eleven trees had been fossilized and 30-40 had turned into calcareous spar. Most of the trees were a few feet tall and snapped off at the top and 3-5 feet in circumference, and were coniferous. • To make matters even more confusing for Darwin, he also found huge numbers of petrified trees in the same area. His mind was reeling with questions: how long ago was this land under the ocean, how did the trees end up under water so they would become petrified? Darwin spent the next few days thinking about how Charles Lyell would interpret what he was seeing and also began developing some geological theories of his own. Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 16
  • 17. Up the Andes Mountain Range and To The Galapagos Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 17
  • 18. Darwin’s Discovery: Some of the specimens Darwin collected from the Galapagos: One buzzard, two owls, three flycatchers, three species of mockingbirds, one species of finch, one swallow, one dove, 13 species of finches (Darwin remarked how fascinated he was by the beak gradations, but the variation of finches confused Darwin a great deal), one turtle, one tortoise, four lizards (sea and land iguanas and two other types), four snakes, and very few insects. These specimens helped Darwin come up with theories of reproduction: why do finches have such a variety of beaks? Do they breed different beaks to Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 18 determine their rate of survival?
  • 19. Variation of Finch Beaks and the Geological Table Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 19
  • 20. The Beagle Travels to the South Pacific, Visiting New Zealand, Tahiti and Australia. New discoveries are made. Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 20
  • 21. Darwin’s Discovery: Darwin went with a guide and two horses on a 120 mile inland trip to Bathurst, New South Wales. Darwin commented on the scant vegetation, and contrasted it with the tropical forests of South America. Along the way Darwin made observations on the local wildlife and was very astonished by the creatures he saw (especially the odd-looking platypus). He surmised there must have been a separate act of creation just for these odd creatures. Again, he mused on the role of reproduction and adaptation: how do living things change in different climates? Do they take on new traits (adapt) in order to survive the climate changes or do many die off while Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 21 other life begins to thrive?
  • 22. The Beagle Darwin spent 5 years on this ship and his discoveries radically changed his views on the origin of organic life. Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 22
  • 23. Questions to Consider 1.What point does Darwin prove with his ideas on Variation under Domestication? Which examples does he use? 2.What is the difference between domestic and natural variation? 3.What is the underlying process of explaining natural variation as opposed to controlled variation? (See “Variation under Domestication” and compare it to “Struggle for Existence” in the text.) 4.What examples of adaptation does Darwin use? How can this theory be used to explain the fact that the dinosaurs became extinct? 5.What are the long term implications of natural selection for the development of humanity? Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 23
  • 24. Summary of First Four Chapters Ch. 1 Variations under Domestication: Darwin uses examples such as horses, dogs, or pigeons, to prove that with careful selection, consequent breeding it is possible to bring out intended characteristics. Ch.2 Variations under Nature: Darwin discusses the possibility that selection also occurs in nature, just slower than with domestic breeding. The issue here is adaptation to the corresponding natural environment that causes this amazing variability. Yet, one question remained: Why do these variations occur? Ch.3 The Struggle for Existence: Day to day existence is a constant struggle that ensures that selection will occur. Those less able to adapt and thereby survive will reproduce and pass on the traits that made survival possible. In this way, nature ensures that only the fittest survive the process he terms… Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 24
  • 25. Natural Selection—Chapter 4 Ch. 4 Natural Selection. Natural selection explains, why certain species survive and thrive, others, less able to adapt, become extinct. Natural selection, however, also supports the notion of a slow process of adoption and survival. The result is a successive evolution and improvement of a species, and not a sudden creation of each individual species. The intriguing thought behind this is that there is an ongoing process of evolution from one particular ancestor to a variety of succeeding subspecies. There is additionally, a variety of subspecies that have not succeeded (reproduced over time) and eventually they become extinct. • Question: What factors determine which species will survive and which one will die off? • Question: How do you understand the word “selection”? • Question: How do you understand the word “natural”? Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 25
  • 26. Ideas from Chapter 1 • Immutability vs. Variation under Nature—Does the world change? • Darwin’s observations of nature suggest that the earth is very old. Geologists in Darwin’s lifetime (Charles Lyell) had studied fossils and worked on theories that different fossils represent different time periods in earth’s history. Creationists called this a part of God’s plan. • Darwin considered the sea cliffs on the Galapagos Islands: they suggested that the water level gradually receded from a previous point. He found well-formed shells imbedded in the cliff—he hypothesized that the cliff had once been under water. The change couldn’t have been cataclysmic or else the shells would not have been intact. • Darwin discussed the intent of animal breeders who use unconscious selection, a method of matching like traits in order to produce a certain kind of animal. Consider how certain race horses are used as studs—similar idea. These ideas come from “Variation Under Domestication.” Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 26
  • 27. Adaptation: A Part of Natural Selection • Variation among plants and animals—does the reproduction of like traits occur in nature? • Darwin theorized that living creatures unconscious adapt in order to survive. Adaptive traits are reproduced; non-adaptive ones decrease in number over time. • He looked at domesticated pigeons as an example. He couldn’t believe that man bred seven to eight species of the domesticated pigeon; he concluded that they came from a wild state that was eventually tamed. Later he wrote that “changed conditions of life are of the highest importance in causing variability, both by acting directly on the organization, and indirectly by affecting the reproductive system.” Variation, he believed, “is governed by unknown laws of which correlate growth….something…may be attributed to the …conditions of life. Some…may be attributed to the increased use of disused parts.” Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 27
  • 28. The Struggle For Existence Darwin understood this as both the individual struggle and the success of reproduction. He called it “ the doctrine of Malthus applied with manifold force to the whole animal and vegetable kingdoms….although some species may now be increasing…all cannot do so, for the world will not hold them.” • Members of a variety with adaptive traits live longer and have more time to reproduce, thus adaptive traits become dominant in a particular environment. Modification of a variety occurs when there is a change that results in better environmental adaptation. Beak, web sizes may alter; certain plants may develop a different way to seed— these are adaptations that modify the species. These traits continue as the creature reproduces to insure survival. This entire process over time is called natural selection. If man can cause unconscious selection through breeding, then why cannot nature do the same? He argues that “natural selection acts only by the preservation and accumulation of small inherited modifications, each profitable to the preserved being”. He believes that the elements of natural selection: physical alterations, reproduction, and intercrossing take place over long periods of time. All of these are a response to the demands of the environment. Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 28
  • 29. Chapter 6: Difficulties of Theory • This chapter only appeared in the 6th edition to answer various doubts about the theory. • He focused on natural selection, breaking it down from species to species. • He relied heavily on the samples he had found from his journey on the Beagle. • He discussed creatures, like the flying lemur— falsely classified as a bat. The flank membrane gave him reason to think that the lemur once had a longer membrane that connected fingers and forearms, disused through reproduction over time. Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 29
  • 30. Chapter 7: Instinct • The closest Darwin comes to defining the term instinct is the following: “An action, which we ourselves (humans) should require experience to enable us to perform, when performed by an animal, more respectively by a young one, without any experience, and when performed by many individuals in the same way, without their knowing for what purpose it is performed, is usually said to be instinctive.” (paragraph 2 of Chapter 7) Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 30
  • 31. To illustrate what he calls instinct in a “state of nature”, Darwin uses bees—hive bees. Then he focuses on ants in great detail. • Why are the worker ants rendered sterile? What modifications within reproduction are they instinctively not supposed to pass on? Darwin sees this as natural selection. • Darwin looks at time: he writes: “As natural selection acts only by the accumulation of slight modifications of structure or instinct, each profitable to the individual under its conditions of life, it may reasonably be asked, how a long and graduated succession of modified architectural instincts, all tending toward the present plan of construction, could have profited the progenitors?” (Chapter 7, section on bees) In this sentence, Darwin is referring to the hive bee, but it is also applicable to all species in their struggle for survival. Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 31
  • 32. Evolution postulates that new species are descended from Chapter 9: On the earlier species, which changed into those new species over periods of time. Evolution thus predicts that there were Imperfection of the organisms which existed at these transitional stages turning from one form into another. It is possible that evidence of Geological Record these evolutionary transformations may be found in the fossil record. This was noted by Darwin: “The number of intermediate varieties, which have formerly existed on the earth, [must] be truly enormous.”( paragraph 1 of Chapter 9) • However, Darwin recognized that the fossil record did not contain fossils of these "intermediate" forms of life and he struggled to understand the reason: • “We continually forget how large the world is, compared with the area over which our geological formations have been carefully examined; we forget that groups of species may elsewhere have long existed and have slowly multiplied before they invaded the ancient archipelagoes of Europe and the United States. We do not make due allowance for the enormous intervals of time which have probably elapsed between our consecutive formations— longer perhaps…that the time required for …each formation.” (Chapter 9) • In other words, Darwin staunchly believed that his theory was correct, so he took issue with the presentation of the geological record (fossils, timeline) as an incomplete process that missed certain evidence of life—species that developed and declined without leaving a record of their existence. Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 32
  • 35. The Gradual Change or Adaptation of Species Darwin was convinced the transition of species took place. He suggested a process—look at the circled shapes above and imagine them to be reproductive traits that are discarded or strengthened over a long period of Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 35 time.
  • 37. Chapter 11—Geographical Distribution • In this chapter, Darwin explores species migration. Why do pigeons survive in multiple climates, while elephants are only found in warm climates? Why do some species seem to travel and form subspecies while others remain exclusive to a particular territory? • Darwin writes: “I believe…in no law of necessary development. As the variability of each species is an independent property and will be taken advantage of by natural selection, so the degree of modification in different species will be no uniform (standard) quality.” (Chapter 11) • So the process of natural selection allows for migration-in other words, it is part of the adaptation process for some species to seek out other environments; it is also crucial for other species to remain in the place of their origin—this insures the survival of the species and subspecies in both cases. • Some of this is intuitive—think about instinct from chapter 7. Some of this is also reliant on how a particular species travels—birds fly, fish swim, so it can be easier for them to travel than certain mammals. However, certain birds and fish cannot survive in different climates. So the process of natural selection determines both the impulse to migrate and the necessary adaption to various climates. The animals that cannot survive elsewhere will stay put. Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 37
  • 38. Drawings of possible migrations The first images shows various species that Darwin found in the Galapagos during his voyage on the Beagle. The second drawing shows a hypothesis of Darwin’s theory of species evolution through the process of migration. Macroevolution covers the movement/adaptation of animal and plant life in their entirety Microevolution shows the changes over time within each species. For example, are tortoises the original species for what we call the common turtle? If so, how did turtles end up in the Northern Hemisphere? Are they a subspecies of the Pacific tortoise? How did the turtle evolve as a subspecies and why does it live in cooler climates?. Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 38
  • 39. More on Migration • Darwin writes: “If, for instance, a number of species, which stand in direct competition with each other, migrate in a body into a new and isolated country, there will be little liable to modification, for neither migration or isolation can do anything. These principles come into play only by bringing new organisms into new relations with each other (the life forms that exist in the place of migration—my note).” • Darwin writes: “It is obvious that the several the several species of the same genus, though inhabiting the most different quarters of the world, must originally have proceeded from the same source as they have descended from the same progenitor.” • Darwin came to these conclusions largely from his study of finches and pigeons. (see slide 19) Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 39
  • 40. Conclusion of Text—Chapter 14 • John Whitfield, a science writer from England wrote the following on Chapter 14: “As its title suggests, the fourteenth and final chapter of the origin, 'Recapitulation and Conclusion', mostly restates things that Darwin has already said, often several times.” • “This relentless piling, sorting and re-arranging of evidence can make Darwin seem a little OCD, like an intellectual version of Wall- E. But he also knows that beneath all the case studies, there's a logical core to evolution by natural selection, even if he can't put it in an equation. Darwin brackets this chapter by showing that, if you accept the most basic evidence the living world puts before your eyes, evolution follows as surely as a lever moves a stone.” • “And as the reader lowers the book, it points him or her outward. Evolution isn't an abstraction, it's not just something you see on the Galapagos Islands. It's going on right now, all around you. This is how you see the world now.” Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 40
  • 41. As Darwin Puts It: • “Thus, from the war of nature, from famine and death, the most exalted object which we are capable of conceiving, namely, the production of the higher animals, directly follows. “ • “There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved. “(Chapter 14) Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 41
  • 43. Epilogue Introduction to Social Darwinism(present at the APS exhibit) Marx was greatly influenced by Darwin and he respected his ideas. He wanted to dedicate his major work, Das Kapital,to him, but Darwin refused the honor. Marx misunderstood the theory of natural selection as a method to manipulate the means (mode) of production so that the exchange of commodities would benefit workers in a communist society. Marx wanted to recreate the entire economic model (capitalism) into communism: he thought that natural selection would work as a force to improve man as a species, so it was logical to assume that the next step for man’s survival would be to throw off the chains of wage slavery as a necessary step in his evolution. Darwin saw this as a misreading of his theory. One result of Darwin’s Origin of Species was Social Darwinism. This idea came from Herbert Spencer’s term, survival of the fittest. Darwin used this term to name the process of natural selection in nature as living creatures struggle for their existence. These beings develop variations that grant them an advantage as they compete for food and shelter. Darwin saw this as an unconscious tool of nature. Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 43
  • 44. What is Social Darwinism? • Social Darwinism: literally a process of elimination in a capitalist society. The strong adapt to the rigors of the free market system and the poor decline. Society must coexist as a unit, similar to the creatures in a jungle, and each person takes on traits to ensure his survival. Ultimately, it promotes the group that has the dominant traits that lead it to take over their environment. This theory became the basis for some of the most heinous acts in history: it was used to justify ruthless business practices of the industrial tycoons, the conquest of the Americas, the genocide of Native Americans, Imperialism in countries like India, Vietnam, and much of Africa. Perhaps the most odious example is Nazism: • Ernst Haeckel, a 19th German biologist, used the Origin of Species to assert his vision of the German people as a superior race. He believed that nations had to fight to survive as organisms did or they would perish. Society must be ruled by the same laws of competition and aggression that are found in nature. Individual life was unimportant. The Jews, Gypsies, Africans and Slavic people were inferior. Heinrich Himmler admired Haeckel and formed an Aryan youth movement in 1918. • (His work was featured in the APS exhibit along with Eugenics, an offshoot of Darwin’s research into heredity and genetics. Note: these terms came AFTER Darwin’s death.) Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 44
  • 45. Design For Darwin Birthday Cake Bertolino--Origin of Species--Mosaic 852 45