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Writing in blue= Improvements
Existing Product- Advergame
This advergame for Marvel’s Spiderman is very clear on what it is
about and the challenges that you will face. At the start you can
clearly see that it is only aimed for PlayStation 4 users as they
include the ps4 logo and a PlayStation to show who its for. They
also make it clear that Spiderman is the main character as you see
him going against different villains and falling further and further
as the focus stays on him. They have also shown the audience
who the villains will be and they have also shown who the main
villain will be. This is because Spiderman gets shown defeating
multiply villains in the trailer but we don’t see he defeat the
villain at the end of the trailer, showing that this is the main villain
who you will be focused on defeating throughout the game.
Existing Product- Game cover
This PS4 game has made all the key aspects very clear so that the audience knows what it is about. For
starters the makers have included the main character (Spiderman) on the front so that it can be easily
recognised. The primary audience of this game will be to older male children as it is an action game
that you have to be over 16 to play and most people interested in Spider-Man are males because the
main character is a male and will interest the them more. The game would appeal the primary
audience and 16 and up as the character in the game is young and that this game is also an escapism
for real life. The secondary audience would be older people that read the comics and have been
interested in Spiderman for a would interest the secondary audience to buy it as they might
want to know if it links to any of the comics as all. The front cover is minimalistic which is good as it
doesn’t look to messy so it looks more appealing when first seeing it. They have also successfully
advertised the name of the game by positioning the name big in the middle so it is also easy to see
and read. I also think that the back cover has been made very successfully. With the back cover they
have add two good pictures which will tell the audience that the aim of the game is to swing from
webs and fight bad guys. They have also written some details about the game to interest the reader
and make them want to buy the game. On the front cover of this game, the colour red is a big aspect.
The colour red can show many thing, In the instance it could show danger, pain and blood that might
be involved in the game. The colour red could also be a symbol for love and caring aspects that
Spiderman has for people. The male target audience will also be interested in this game as this is a
Marvel product it will have the chance that the creators can include bad guys from other parts of the
marvel universe and other game series. By having this possibility it will make the audience want to buy
and play it. Spiderman on the front cover is a symbol for a super hero, good guy and saviour but also
for danger, violence and pain for the battles that he goes through.
Existing Product- Game cover
Existing Product- Game cover
I also think that the game cover for watchdogs has been made very well to show what the game is about and it
also shows who their target audience is. The primary audience would be males over 18 as the main character is
male and he is holding a weapon. This would appeal to them because the main character is covering his face
and it adds wonder and mystery for who the character is that the primary audience would want to find out. The
secondary audience would be much older people from the age of 30 and upwards. This would be as this age
range would just want to play the game to drive around and have fun. This game would appeal to them as the
main character looks like a fully grown male who is causing chaos and destruction which appeals to the
secondary audience. From this we can gather that this is the main character for the game and that he is an
outlaw of some kind. We can tell that the game is about hacking into technology and violence shown by the
weapons and the internet/hacking line moving from the main characters phone to a civilians phone. We can tell
it is violent as the character is holding a pistol. They have aimed it at people aged 18 upwards which
successfully targets it towards their audience. For the front title of the game they have used a font to make it
look like the letters have glitched which successfully links to the hacking section of the game and symbolises
that you hack a lot in the game. The front cover and the main character is wearing a lot of dark colours which
symbolises to the audience that the game is a dark and violent game, it also symbolises that you might use
these dark colours to hid in places to evade police and enemies. The front cover is also minimalistic with detail,
this is so that it is more appealing for the audience to see and look at, this is also because people don’t
normally spend a lot of time looking at the front cover. With the back cover of the game case the creators have
added more images from the game which have a higher chance of interesting the buyer to want to get the
game. This is so that it gets people hooked to the game as this is the first game of a series of two games and will
need people to like the first game so that they have a big audience range for the second game. On the side of
the cover they have also included the symbols they the game is online, violent, includes gambling and bad
language. This is good that they have said that on the game cover so that it can tell people a little more about
the game that they haven’t already shown or said.
Existing Product- Game cover
Existing Product- Game cover
This is the game cover for the game Godzilla for the Gameboy before 1990. The primary audience for
this game would be males from the age of 13 to 18. This is because it is a monster based game where
you have to destroy and battle things. The game will be new to the gaming world and will interest older
children as it is made to entertain the audience and draw them in. The secondary audience for this game
will be adults aged 30 and upwards. This would appeal to the secondary audience as this audience will
be people older whom have already played Nintendo games a lot and have grown up playing these sort
of games. This game cover is very simple and doesn’t have much detail to it, this makes it more
appealing to originally look at. The cover also includes a lot of red which can symbolise danger, death
and destruction that might happen in the game. In this game cover you can clearly see that it is made by
Nintendo for the Gameboy which helps to aim it to the Nintendo gamers. They have also successfully
advertised which character in the game is the main character which is Godzilla in the middle. With this
game cover they have also highlighted the enemies that you will have to overcome. These enemies are
the smaller characters around the main character. They have used the dark shade of red to show that
the game will have violence. The red can also symbolise the blood of the enemy's for when you defeat
them. For the name of the game they have used a bold yellow to make it stand out more on the cover,
this will help draw attention to the game and make people want to pick it up and buy it. To make it
appealing to the primary audience they have added a big monster on the front which will make the
younger audience more interested in the game and want to play it as it is a form of entertainment and
needs to draw them in. This game allows the possibilities to link in with other monster such as King Kong
and also allows to use ideas from Films or TV shows that Godzilla has appeared in which can help to
attract the older secondary audience to want to buy and play it to see if it links with any of the other
Godzilla medias.
Existing Product- Game cover
Existing Product- Merchandise
This merchandise is from a game called watchdogs. The primary audience for this merchandise would
be people over the age of 18 as this merchandise is advertising the game which is rated over 18. The
primary audience will also be males who play this game and want to buy merchandise for it. This
merchandise would appeal to them because if they like the game then they would want to get
merchandise for it. The secondary audience for this merchandise would be people that don’t play they
game but think that the merchandise looks appealing to wear. I like this type of merchandise as they
have used clothing that is linked to the game. In the game you can change you hat, jacket and
balaclava and the fact that they are selling all three will make people interested to buy them as the
primary audience will recognise the design and be more drawn to the products. When looking at them
you can instantly tell what they are from. This can be from either a word such as dedsec which is
import in the game or the ‘w’ shaped logo. I like that it is easy to recognise as it makes it more
appealing. They have used dark shades of colour for most of the products to symbolise the violence
and destruction caused. Dark colours also symbolise pain that the main character might have either
mentally or physically. The merchandise is also minimalistic, this is so that it doesn’t look messy or
stand out too much. This can also be more appealing to the audience to want to wear them. They have
used apparel that links to the game such as the balaclava which is a main part of the characters
clothing to hide his identity. The creators have clearly advertised that the merchandise is linked to the
game ‘watchdogs’ by using the buzz word ‘dedsec’ and by using the watchdogs WD logo. The lighter
colour parts of the merchandise could symbolise the happiness of the game and that in the end
everything works out well. This mustard yellow colour could also be used for joy and entertainment
that the audience endures showing the light side of the game. The skull pattern and grim reaper on
the jacket tells the audience that its violent and includes deaths along the way in the game which
might appeal to the primary audience more .
Existing Product- Merchandise
Existing Product- Merchandise
Sugg Merch
These two jumpers are the merchandise from the youtuber Joe Sugg and pointless blog. Their primary
audience would be aimed at younger female children from aged 10 to 17 as this is what sort of people
watch there videos. They would aim it for them as that’s their bigger range of people that are interested
in the product. The primary audience would be interested in this product because they enjoy the
YouTube videos and are hooked to want to by their merch. Their secondary audience would be older
people such as friends and family who don’t watch the videos as much but still supports them. This
product would appeal to them as they know the person and also find the merchandise appealing. For
the white jumper the two youtubers have teamed up with both their logos this will increase a larger
target range for people who will want to buy this merchandise as its advertising two YouTube channels
this is so that it increases the sales due to having two logos. The second jumper just has the sugg life
logo. This is because this is trademarked just for Joe Suggs YouTube channel is aimed at joe suggs
viewers and fans. With both of these jumpers they are very simple in design which is good so that it
doesn’t look to messy, this also makes it look a lot more appealing to the viewer to make them want to
be interested in it to buy it. Their logos are also very unique which makes it recognisable to anyone that
sees it. Jumpers are a very popular way of merchandise, this is because the are a normal everyday bit of
clothing that people where all the time. Meaning the buyer can use it on many occasions. The creators
of these jumpers have used lighter colours so that it appeals to the younger audience and stand out
more from normal clothing. They have also made multiple designs each with multiple colours. This is so
that it gives the audience more than one choice to choose and buy from. This also allows the audience
to have more than one type of design to own which can increase interest. The lighter colours can
symbolise purity and innocence as it is aimed at younger people.
Existing Product- Merchandise
Sugg Merch
Existing Product- Merchandise
Lance Stewart 210 merch
This set of merchandise is from the youtuber Lance210. The primary audience for the
merchandise would be older male teens from the age of 13 to 20. This is because they are
the main people who watch the videos and would be more interested in getting the
merchandise. This merchandise would appeal to the primary audience as they already like
the channel and will want to buy the merchandise. The secondary audience would be
younger males that watch his videos. This would appeal to them as it is minimalistic making
it less complex and easy to recognise for younger audiences. For his merchandise he has
successfully made it easily recognisable with using this username/Logo on the back of his
shirt. This product is good for his target audience who are younger people. People who tend
to way snapback hats are normally younger aged people. The logo is also different to many
thing and looks good which will make the buy want to buy the product. The design of these
products are also very simple and minimalistic, this makes it look less messy which will
improve it and make it more appealing to the target audience. He has also used darker
colours to show that its is aimed for older people as black isn’t much of a kids colour. The
dark colours can also symbolise the rude and menacing side of him, and links in with the
sense of danger as he does challenges and pranks people. The logo on the front and back of
the T-Shirt is minimal and appealing to all audience that want to buy. It fits in well and is
easily recognisable which will allow more people to want to buy it.
Existing Product- Merchandise
Lance Steward 210 merch
Research Analysis
• What common features do the researched products have?
– Advergame: the researched advergame products show a story to them and
shows what the aim for the game is.
– Game cover: the two main cover are made buy PS4. I decided to research
these as the game I am making is going to be for the PS4 and will use their
cover as a guideline.
– Merchandise: the merchandise focus on linking to the product that they are
advertising either being a YouTube channel or a game. They also use
everyday clothing and have minimal designs.
• What aspects of the research will you include within your on work?
– Advergame: I will try to make a story for my advergame so that I can show
what the game is about and to show the key aspects of it.
– Game cover: I will use the Ps4 covers as a template I will also try not make it
look to messy and shall add items that will link to the game.
– Merchandise: my products will be everyday clothing that my target audience
would wear. I am also going to try to be minimalistic so that the products
don’t look to messy. I am going to make a logo which will be include to the
design so that they are easily recognisable to the public.
Questionnaire Analysis
Audience research
• Observation: I can see that 70% of my audience are male while 30%
are female. I will also be needing to aim it toward the males.
• What this says about my audience: I tells me that males are more
interested in my product than females.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will aim it towards
males as they are the majority of people who are interested in the
Audience research
• Observation: I can see that 100% of my audience are between 16-24 years
old. Which tells me that they are younger.
• What this says about my audience: That they are old enough to play the
game. This is good cause I wont need to limit it to younger people.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will use language and
violence that you have to be older for.
Audience research
• Observation: I can see that 60% of my audience prefer jumper
merchandise, where 30% want t-shirts and 10% want a phone case. And
0% want pop socket and a hat.
• What this says about my audience: I shows that jumpers are the most
popular merchandise and t-shirts are the second most popular.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will make two designs for
my jumper with more than one colour so there are more jumper products.
Audience research
• Observation: 50% of people wanted black merchandise where 10%
wanted grey and 40% wanted mixed colours.
• What this says about my audience: its shows that black is the mist
popular colour and mixed colour is the second popular.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will make mot of
mu merchandise black and have more than more than once colour
on them.
Audience research
• Observation: I see that 60% of my audience want a baseball cap
while 30% want a beanie and 10% want a snapback.
• What this says about my audience: it tells me that a baseball cap is
the most popular design. This will also be the most used product
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will appeal this to
the audience by making a hat that is in the style of a baseball cap.
Audience research
• Observation: I can see that 70% of the audience prefer to see the main character
on the front of the game case cover. While 10% prefer weapons and 20% prefer
• What this says about my audience: this shows that the audience prefer having
images to look at instead of a large amount of writing. They prefer images that
they can analyse to work out what they have to do.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will mainly include images and the
main character to appeal to the audience. I will also include some writing so I
appeal to the 20% of people who wanted writing.
Audience research
• Observation: from this I see that vintage cars and super cars are the most popular
at 30%. While sports cars 20% and trucks and family cars are only 10%.
• What this says about my audience: I can tell that I will have to include more super
cars which have very fast speeds and classic cars which are both fast and good
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will include more fast cars and
good looking cars that the characters can buy which will make the game better and
more appealing.
Audience research
• Observation: the survey tells me that the audience prefer to see an actual part of
game play. This is because 50% of people chose that while 30% wanted to look like a
real movie trailer and 20% wanted a car chase. 0% wanted to know details about
the character or story.
• What this says about my audience: this tells me that the audience want to see
actual gameplay. This can be so that so they can see what the game is like and they
can see if they are interested or not.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will use this to add actual game
play into the trailer, as this will appeal to 50% of the audience, I will also include a
bit of a car chase and make it look real to make sure I appeal to the whole audience.
Audience research
• Observation: I can see that 50% of the audience want a 1st person game while the
other 50% want a 3rd person game. This can give me the possibility to chose which
I want to make.
• What this says about my audience: this shows that both their needs counteract
each other as it is 50/50. this can make it difficult as if I pic only one then 50% of
the audience will be unhappy.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: to appeal to them I will have a
setting that you can either play in 1st person or 3rd person. The game will originally
be in 3rd person though.
Audience research
• Observation: finally from the research I can see that 70% if the audience prefer
online free roaming while 20% like online campaigns and 10% like offline
• What this says about my audience: I can tell that the audience prefer to roam
around and play with their friends doing different things.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will make most the game free
roaming doing challenges to get money. As this will appeal to my audience more.
Interview 1
As someone who both enjoys the games and movie side of media
I am very interested in the products that will be made for this
project. I like his ideas for the merchandise. As he has looked at
Youtubers merchandise, I feel that this will help him make
merchandise aimed better for his audience. He has included a
large merchandise range which is good so that there is more
things for people to buy, more ways to advertise the main game
and so that it makes more people interested to buy the products.
I also think that the idea to make his trailer look like an action
movie trailer is a good idea as it will make the trailer look cooler
and make the audience more interested in the product. For the
cover he has specifically mentioned that he is only making it for
the PlayStation, this does target to a large amount of people but
he wont be able to target it for Xbox or PC players as that wont be
able to play it unless that buy a PlayStation.
Name- Arran Lawrenson
Age- 20
Gender- Male
Interview 1
• Observation: That this person thinks that this
product will work and that he enjoys the products
that I will make
• What this says about my audience: This shows
that the audience is like me and enjoys games and
products that I also like.
• How will your product appeal to this
audience: As my audience said they liked the idea
of the large merchandise range I will make each
design in multiple colours to increase sales.
Interview 2
Name- Sebastian Harvey
Age- 21
Gender- Male
After seeing the research and project ideas I think that it will be a
very positive outcome. Firstly I like that he has decided to make
each merchandise product in different colours. This will help
widen the range of people who are interested in the product. He
can also make a second design for the most popular product as
that will both increase sales and make people more interested.
Next, I like that he has specifically aimed he product towards
PlayStation 4 as that might make some people want to convert to
PlayStation 4 so that they can play the game. The only downside
in aiming the product to the PlayStation 4 is that less people will
play it. If the product was aimed to Xbox and PC then they would
be aimed to target more people. Finally, with the advergame I like
that he is planning to make it look like a real advert. That will
make it look a lot better. By doing this I think that it will make
people more interested and want to buy the game.
Interview 2
• Observation: From this I can see that they like the
ideas for my game and products.
• What this says about my audience: As this
person talks a lot of ways to increase peoples
interests shows that he know how to make someone
want the game more so that it can be more popular.
• How will your product appeal to this
audience: for my merchandise I will make 2 designs
for the jumpers as they will be a more popular
product for people to buy.
Audience Profile
Category Demographic Content to appeal to this audience
Age Range
16+ • I will be including a higher ratio of images as
on my survey I found out that this is what
more of the audience are wanting.
Males • On the survey I found out that most answers
where from males. I will aim if a males as I
am a male and will know what this gender
will prefer better.
Social Status
Mid range • This will be aimed at the people with more
money as for them to buy it and get all the
merchandise from it.
Category Demographic Content to appeal to this
Age Range
Primary- 16 to 20 • I will include more images and
action into the product as that is
what the audience of this age
Secondary- Female
• On the survey I found out that
most answers where from males.
I will aim if a males as I am a
male and will know what this
gender will prefer better.
Social Status
Primary- Middle class • This will be aimed at the people
with more money as for them to
buy it and get all the
merchandise from it.
Primary- Balanced • This type of person will want to
win and be the best at this game.
This will make them more
dedicated to playing and doing
Research Evaluation
Research Evaluation
• Give an overview of how you conducted your research. Discuss the
strengths and weaknesses of each method
– Product Research- the good thing about product research is that it allows
you too look at product that have already been made to give me
inspiration. The bad thing is that I have to make it different to how
products already are so that it isn’t copy right.
– Questionnaires- I used survey monkey to get 10 questions and 10 answers.
The good thing is that you can change the product to fit the audience. The
bad thing is that you might not get the answer you wont.
– Interviews- this allows me to talk to the audience and find information
about them that I can use for secondary research. I can also get their
opinion on it so that I can act on it to improve. The bad thing is that they
don’t like the idea at all.
Research Evaluation
– What sort of a response did you get?
I got responses that had enough detail on them and level out well to near enough
give one answer for me to chose to allow me to know what sort game and
merchandise the audience wants. It also allowed me to see what sort of people was
answering the survey to allow me to aim my product at the designated people and
how to make it more appealing for them. For example I got answers letting me know
if I should do include more Images or more writing. I also got answers about types of
colours. I can use this feedback to add to my final product to make it more
aesthetically pleasing for the audience and make them more interested to buy and
– How did you distribute your survey? Give an advantage and a disadvantage
By using the survey it has given me a lot of information that I can use to improve my
idea. I have done this by making the audience only give on answer where I gave them
different options to chose from so I can see which option is most favoured.
Unfortunately with this, I did get multiple of the same answer so it will be hard to use
the response as I didn’t get a conclusion of what answer is most favoured meaning I
had to decide which to use and aim for. The answer didn’t have much detail about
them which could have made it a little harder for the audience to chose,

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2. fmp research improved

  • 2. Existing Product- Advergame This advergame for Marvel’s Spiderman is very clear on what it is about and the challenges that you will face. At the start you can clearly see that it is only aimed for PlayStation 4 users as they include the ps4 logo and a PlayStation to show who its for. They also make it clear that Spiderman is the main character as you see him going against different villains and falling further and further as the focus stays on him. They have also shown the audience who the villains will be and they have also shown who the main villain will be. This is because Spiderman gets shown defeating multiply villains in the trailer but we don’t see he defeat the villain at the end of the trailer, showing that this is the main villain who you will be focused on defeating throughout the game.
  • 3. Existing Product- Game cover Spiderman This PS4 game has made all the key aspects very clear so that the audience knows what it is about. For starters the makers have included the main character (Spiderman) on the front so that it can be easily recognised. The primary audience of this game will be to older male children as it is an action game that you have to be over 16 to play and most people interested in Spider-Man are males because the main character is a male and will interest the them more. The game would appeal the primary audience and 16 and up as the character in the game is young and that this game is also an escapism for real life. The secondary audience would be older people that read the comics and have been interested in Spiderman for a would interest the secondary audience to buy it as they might want to know if it links to any of the comics as all. The front cover is minimalistic which is good as it doesn’t look to messy so it looks more appealing when first seeing it. They have also successfully advertised the name of the game by positioning the name big in the middle so it is also easy to see and read. I also think that the back cover has been made very successfully. With the back cover they have add two good pictures which will tell the audience that the aim of the game is to swing from webs and fight bad guys. They have also written some details about the game to interest the reader and make them want to buy the game. On the front cover of this game, the colour red is a big aspect. The colour red can show many thing, In the instance it could show danger, pain and blood that might be involved in the game. The colour red could also be a symbol for love and caring aspects that Spiderman has for people. The male target audience will also be interested in this game as this is a Marvel product it will have the chance that the creators can include bad guys from other parts of the marvel universe and other game series. By having this possibility it will make the audience want to buy and play it. Spiderman on the front cover is a symbol for a super hero, good guy and saviour but also for danger, violence and pain for the battles that he goes through.
  • 4. Existing Product- Game cover Spiderman
  • 5. Existing Product- Game cover Watchdogs I also think that the game cover for watchdogs has been made very well to show what the game is about and it also shows who their target audience is. The primary audience would be males over 18 as the main character is male and he is holding a weapon. This would appeal to them because the main character is covering his face and it adds wonder and mystery for who the character is that the primary audience would want to find out. The secondary audience would be much older people from the age of 30 and upwards. This would be as this age range would just want to play the game to drive around and have fun. This game would appeal to them as the main character looks like a fully grown male who is causing chaos and destruction which appeals to the secondary audience. From this we can gather that this is the main character for the game and that he is an outlaw of some kind. We can tell that the game is about hacking into technology and violence shown by the weapons and the internet/hacking line moving from the main characters phone to a civilians phone. We can tell it is violent as the character is holding a pistol. They have aimed it at people aged 18 upwards which successfully targets it towards their audience. For the front title of the game they have used a font to make it look like the letters have glitched which successfully links to the hacking section of the game and symbolises that you hack a lot in the game. The front cover and the main character is wearing a lot of dark colours which symbolises to the audience that the game is a dark and violent game, it also symbolises that you might use these dark colours to hid in places to evade police and enemies. The front cover is also minimalistic with detail, this is so that it is more appealing for the audience to see and look at, this is also because people don’t normally spend a lot of time looking at the front cover. With the back cover of the game case the creators have added more images from the game which have a higher chance of interesting the buyer to want to get the game. This is so that it gets people hooked to the game as this is the first game of a series of two games and will need people to like the first game so that they have a big audience range for the second game. On the side of the cover they have also included the symbols they the game is online, violent, includes gambling and bad language. This is good that they have said that on the game cover so that it can tell people a little more about the game that they haven’t already shown or said.
  • 6. Existing Product- Game cover Watchdogs
  • 7. Existing Product- Game cover Godzilla This is the game cover for the game Godzilla for the Gameboy before 1990. The primary audience for this game would be males from the age of 13 to 18. This is because it is a monster based game where you have to destroy and battle things. The game will be new to the gaming world and will interest older children as it is made to entertain the audience and draw them in. The secondary audience for this game will be adults aged 30 and upwards. This would appeal to the secondary audience as this audience will be people older whom have already played Nintendo games a lot and have grown up playing these sort of games. This game cover is very simple and doesn’t have much detail to it, this makes it more appealing to originally look at. The cover also includes a lot of red which can symbolise danger, death and destruction that might happen in the game. In this game cover you can clearly see that it is made by Nintendo for the Gameboy which helps to aim it to the Nintendo gamers. They have also successfully advertised which character in the game is the main character which is Godzilla in the middle. With this game cover they have also highlighted the enemies that you will have to overcome. These enemies are the smaller characters around the main character. They have used the dark shade of red to show that the game will have violence. The red can also symbolise the blood of the enemy's for when you defeat them. For the name of the game they have used a bold yellow to make it stand out more on the cover, this will help draw attention to the game and make people want to pick it up and buy it. To make it appealing to the primary audience they have added a big monster on the front which will make the younger audience more interested in the game and want to play it as it is a form of entertainment and needs to draw them in. This game allows the possibilities to link in with other monster such as King Kong and also allows to use ideas from Films or TV shows that Godzilla has appeared in which can help to attract the older secondary audience to want to buy and play it to see if it links with any of the other Godzilla medias.
  • 8. Existing Product- Game cover Godzilla
  • 9. Existing Product- Merchandise Watchdogs This merchandise is from a game called watchdogs. The primary audience for this merchandise would be people over the age of 18 as this merchandise is advertising the game which is rated over 18. The primary audience will also be males who play this game and want to buy merchandise for it. This merchandise would appeal to them because if they like the game then they would want to get merchandise for it. The secondary audience for this merchandise would be people that don’t play they game but think that the merchandise looks appealing to wear. I like this type of merchandise as they have used clothing that is linked to the game. In the game you can change you hat, jacket and balaclava and the fact that they are selling all three will make people interested to buy them as the primary audience will recognise the design and be more drawn to the products. When looking at them you can instantly tell what they are from. This can be from either a word such as dedsec which is import in the game or the ‘w’ shaped logo. I like that it is easy to recognise as it makes it more appealing. They have used dark shades of colour for most of the products to symbolise the violence and destruction caused. Dark colours also symbolise pain that the main character might have either mentally or physically. The merchandise is also minimalistic, this is so that it doesn’t look messy or stand out too much. This can also be more appealing to the audience to want to wear them. They have used apparel that links to the game such as the balaclava which is a main part of the characters clothing to hide his identity. The creators have clearly advertised that the merchandise is linked to the game ‘watchdogs’ by using the buzz word ‘dedsec’ and by using the watchdogs WD logo. The lighter colour parts of the merchandise could symbolise the happiness of the game and that in the end everything works out well. This mustard yellow colour could also be used for joy and entertainment that the audience endures showing the light side of the game. The skull pattern and grim reaper on the jacket tells the audience that its violent and includes deaths along the way in the game which might appeal to the primary audience more .
  • 11. Existing Product- Merchandise Sugg Merch These two jumpers are the merchandise from the youtuber Joe Sugg and pointless blog. Their primary audience would be aimed at younger female children from aged 10 to 17 as this is what sort of people watch there videos. They would aim it for them as that’s their bigger range of people that are interested in the product. The primary audience would be interested in this product because they enjoy the YouTube videos and are hooked to want to by their merch. Their secondary audience would be older people such as friends and family who don’t watch the videos as much but still supports them. This product would appeal to them as they know the person and also find the merchandise appealing. For the white jumper the two youtubers have teamed up with both their logos this will increase a larger target range for people who will want to buy this merchandise as its advertising two YouTube channels this is so that it increases the sales due to having two logos. The second jumper just has the sugg life logo. This is because this is trademarked just for Joe Suggs YouTube channel is aimed at joe suggs viewers and fans. With both of these jumpers they are very simple in design which is good so that it doesn’t look to messy, this also makes it look a lot more appealing to the viewer to make them want to be interested in it to buy it. Their logos are also very unique which makes it recognisable to anyone that sees it. Jumpers are a very popular way of merchandise, this is because the are a normal everyday bit of clothing that people where all the time. Meaning the buyer can use it on many occasions. The creators of these jumpers have used lighter colours so that it appeals to the younger audience and stand out more from normal clothing. They have also made multiple designs each with multiple colours. This is so that it gives the audience more than one choice to choose and buy from. This also allows the audience to have more than one type of design to own which can increase interest. The lighter colours can symbolise purity and innocence as it is aimed at younger people.
  • 13. Existing Product- Merchandise Lance Stewart 210 merch This set of merchandise is from the youtuber Lance210. The primary audience for the merchandise would be older male teens from the age of 13 to 20. This is because they are the main people who watch the videos and would be more interested in getting the merchandise. This merchandise would appeal to the primary audience as they already like the channel and will want to buy the merchandise. The secondary audience would be younger males that watch his videos. This would appeal to them as it is minimalistic making it less complex and easy to recognise for younger audiences. For his merchandise he has successfully made it easily recognisable with using this username/Logo on the back of his shirt. This product is good for his target audience who are younger people. People who tend to way snapback hats are normally younger aged people. The logo is also different to many thing and looks good which will make the buy want to buy the product. The design of these products are also very simple and minimalistic, this makes it look less messy which will improve it and make it more appealing to the target audience. He has also used darker colours to show that its is aimed for older people as black isn’t much of a kids colour. The dark colours can also symbolise the rude and menacing side of him, and links in with the sense of danger as he does challenges and pranks people. The logo on the front and back of the T-Shirt is minimal and appealing to all audience that want to buy. It fits in well and is easily recognisable which will allow more people to want to buy it.
  • 15. Research Analysis • What common features do the researched products have? – Advergame: the researched advergame products show a story to them and shows what the aim for the game is. – Game cover: the two main cover are made buy PS4. I decided to research these as the game I am making is going to be for the PS4 and will use their cover as a guideline. – Merchandise: the merchandise focus on linking to the product that they are advertising either being a YouTube channel or a game. They also use everyday clothing and have minimal designs. • What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? – Advergame: I will try to make a story for my advergame so that I can show what the game is about and to show the key aspects of it. – Game cover: I will use the Ps4 covers as a template I will also try not make it look to messy and shall add items that will link to the game. – Merchandise: my products will be everyday clothing that my target audience would wear. I am also going to try to be minimalistic so that the products don’t look to messy. I am going to make a logo which will be include to the design so that they are easily recognisable to the public.
  • 17. Audience research • Observation: I can see that 70% of my audience are male while 30% are female. I will also be needing to aim it toward the males. • What this says about my audience: I tells me that males are more interested in my product than females. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will aim it towards males as they are the majority of people who are interested in the product.
  • 18. Audience research • Observation: I can see that 100% of my audience are between 16-24 years old. Which tells me that they are younger. • What this says about my audience: That they are old enough to play the game. This is good cause I wont need to limit it to younger people. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will use language and violence that you have to be older for.
  • 19. Audience research • Observation: I can see that 60% of my audience prefer jumper merchandise, where 30% want t-shirts and 10% want a phone case. And 0% want pop socket and a hat. • What this says about my audience: I shows that jumpers are the most popular merchandise and t-shirts are the second most popular. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will make two designs for my jumper with more than one colour so there are more jumper products.
  • 20. Audience research • Observation: 50% of people wanted black merchandise where 10% wanted grey and 40% wanted mixed colours. • What this says about my audience: its shows that black is the mist popular colour and mixed colour is the second popular. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will make mot of mu merchandise black and have more than more than once colour on them.
  • 21. Audience research • Observation: I see that 60% of my audience want a baseball cap while 30% want a beanie and 10% want a snapback. • What this says about my audience: it tells me that a baseball cap is the most popular design. This will also be the most used product design. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will appeal this to the audience by making a hat that is in the style of a baseball cap.
  • 22. Audience research • Observation: I can see that 70% of the audience prefer to see the main character on the front of the game case cover. While 10% prefer weapons and 20% prefer writing. • What this says about my audience: this shows that the audience prefer having images to look at instead of a large amount of writing. They prefer images that they can analyse to work out what they have to do. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will mainly include images and the main character to appeal to the audience. I will also include some writing so I appeal to the 20% of people who wanted writing.
  • 23. Audience research • Observation: from this I see that vintage cars and super cars are the most popular at 30%. While sports cars 20% and trucks and family cars are only 10%. • What this says about my audience: I can tell that I will have to include more super cars which have very fast speeds and classic cars which are both fast and good looking. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will include more fast cars and good looking cars that the characters can buy which will make the game better and more appealing.
  • 24. Audience research • Observation: the survey tells me that the audience prefer to see an actual part of game play. This is because 50% of people chose that while 30% wanted to look like a real movie trailer and 20% wanted a car chase. 0% wanted to know details about the character or story. • What this says about my audience: this tells me that the audience want to see actual gameplay. This can be so that so they can see what the game is like and they can see if they are interested or not. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will use this to add actual game play into the trailer, as this will appeal to 50% of the audience, I will also include a bit of a car chase and make it look real to make sure I appeal to the whole audience.
  • 25. Audience research • Observation: I can see that 50% of the audience want a 1st person game while the other 50% want a 3rd person game. This can give me the possibility to chose which I want to make. • What this says about my audience: this shows that both their needs counteract each other as it is 50/50. this can make it difficult as if I pic only one then 50% of the audience will be unhappy. • How will your product appeal to this audience: to appeal to them I will have a setting that you can either play in 1st person or 3rd person. The game will originally be in 3rd person though.
  • 26. Audience research • Observation: finally from the research I can see that 70% if the audience prefer online free roaming while 20% like online campaigns and 10% like offline campaign. • What this says about my audience: I can tell that the audience prefer to roam around and play with their friends doing different things. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will make most the game free roaming doing challenges to get money. As this will appeal to my audience more.
  • 28. Interview 1 As someone who both enjoys the games and movie side of media I am very interested in the products that will be made for this project. I like his ideas for the merchandise. As he has looked at Youtubers merchandise, I feel that this will help him make merchandise aimed better for his audience. He has included a large merchandise range which is good so that there is more things for people to buy, more ways to advertise the main game and so that it makes more people interested to buy the products. I also think that the idea to make his trailer look like an action movie trailer is a good idea as it will make the trailer look cooler and make the audience more interested in the product. For the cover he has specifically mentioned that he is only making it for the PlayStation, this does target to a large amount of people but he wont be able to target it for Xbox or PC players as that wont be able to play it unless that buy a PlayStation. Name- Arran Lawrenson Age- 20 Gender- Male
  • 29. Interview 1 • Observation: That this person thinks that this product will work and that he enjoys the products that I will make • What this says about my audience: This shows that the audience is like me and enjoys games and products that I also like. • How will your product appeal to this audience: As my audience said they liked the idea of the large merchandise range I will make each design in multiple colours to increase sales.
  • 30. Interview 2 Name- Sebastian Harvey Age- 21 Gender- Male After seeing the research and project ideas I think that it will be a very positive outcome. Firstly I like that he has decided to make each merchandise product in different colours. This will help widen the range of people who are interested in the product. He can also make a second design for the most popular product as that will both increase sales and make people more interested. Next, I like that he has specifically aimed he product towards PlayStation 4 as that might make some people want to convert to PlayStation 4 so that they can play the game. The only downside in aiming the product to the PlayStation 4 is that less people will play it. If the product was aimed to Xbox and PC then they would be aimed to target more people. Finally, with the advergame I like that he is planning to make it look like a real advert. That will make it look a lot better. By doing this I think that it will make people more interested and want to buy the game.
  • 31. Interview 2 • Observation: From this I can see that they like the ideas for my game and products. • What this says about my audience: As this person talks a lot of ways to increase peoples interests shows that he know how to make someone want the game more so that it can be more popular. • How will your product appeal to this audience: for my merchandise I will make 2 designs for the jumpers as they will be a more popular product for people to buy.
  • 32. Audience Profile Category Demographic Content to appeal to this audience Age Range 16+ • I will be including a higher ratio of images as on my survey I found out that this is what more of the audience are wanting. Gender Males • On the survey I found out that most answers where from males. I will aim if a males as I am a male and will know what this gender will prefer better. Social Status Mid range • This will be aimed at the people with more money as for them to buy it and get all the merchandise from it. Category Demographic Content to appeal to this audience Age Range Primary- 16 to 20 • I will include more images and action into the product as that is what the audience of this age prefer. Gender Primary-Males Secondary- Female • On the survey I found out that most answers where from males. I will aim if a males as I am a male and will know what this gender will prefer better. Social Status Primary- Middle class • This will be aimed at the people with more money as for them to buy it and get all the merchandise from it. Psychographic Primary- Balanced • This type of person will want to win and be the best at this game. This will make them more dedicated to playing and doing challenges.
  • 34. Research Evaluation • Give an overview of how you conducted your research. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each method – Product Research- the good thing about product research is that it allows you too look at product that have already been made to give me inspiration. The bad thing is that I have to make it different to how products already are so that it isn’t copy right. – Questionnaires- I used survey monkey to get 10 questions and 10 answers. The good thing is that you can change the product to fit the audience. The bad thing is that you might not get the answer you wont. – Interviews- this allows me to talk to the audience and find information about them that I can use for secondary research. I can also get their opinion on it so that I can act on it to improve. The bad thing is that they don’t like the idea at all.
  • 35. Research Evaluation – What sort of a response did you get? I got responses that had enough detail on them and level out well to near enough give one answer for me to chose to allow me to know what sort game and merchandise the audience wants. It also allowed me to see what sort of people was answering the survey to allow me to aim my product at the designated people and how to make it more appealing for them. For example I got answers letting me know if I should do include more Images or more writing. I also got answers about types of colours. I can use this feedback to add to my final product to make it more aesthetically pleasing for the audience and make them more interested to buy and play. – How did you distribute your survey? Give an advantage and a disadvantage By using the survey it has given me a lot of information that I can use to improve my idea. I have done this by making the audience only give on answer where I gave them different options to chose from so I can see which option is most favoured. Unfortunately with this, I did get multiple of the same answer so it will be hard to use the response as I didn’t get a conclusion of what answer is most favoured meaning I had to decide which to use and aim for. The answer didn’t have much detail about them which could have made it a little harder for the audience to chose,

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  5. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  6. Choose a historical product (pre-1990) similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  7. Choose a historical product (pre-1990) similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  8. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  9. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  10. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  11. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  12. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  13. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  14. Discuss the existing product research, surveys and interviews
  15. Discuss the responses you got from your survey Discuss distributing your evaluation digitally