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Will Cave
Existing Product
This is Assassin's Creed: Chronicles. This Game is set in China, in the year 1526. The Point of View (POV) for this
game is side-on, however, there is elements of depth. This is why the game is refereed to as 2.5D and not 2D. For the
image, the game goes for a sense of photo-realism but blends it really well with elements of a cartoon, through use
of colour. The game uses the colour red as a way to guide you through the levels. This works so well, as it isn't in
your face like many visual guides are in other games. For example so many games use some kind of waypoint on
screen. This is done so well that its so seamless and it doesn't’t pull you out of what your doing to figure out where
to go. It is just so well part of the level that you almost don’t notice it, but at the same time it is obvious.
I think it appeals to people who like platform games, as that’s what I would say that it is, stealth action-adventure
platform game. It also appeals to people who like stealth and adventure games. I wouldn’t say that there is that
much action in the game, so I would say that it probably wouldn’t appeal to those who like action. It is also likely to
appeal to those who have played other games in the series. This is because they will understand what it is about.
However, this game is quite different to the other games, as they have mostly been 3D 3rd person open world
variants of what this is.
Another reason as to why it would be appealing is because its 3 games/stories in one. So people see that as like a
bargain or a good deal, which it is. They can be sold separately, but its often sold in a bundle. I chose this game
mainly because it was one of the main games that inspired me to make this game animation. I think many aspects
and elements of this game are similar to what I want to do, this means this game is good to look at. To see what
makes it work, its appeal to people etc. I learned that colour is so important, especially for use as a visual guide
though a game level/world. I think this will help me in my project, as I did want to colour in a useful way. I also
learned that its not always the visuals or story that make the game great, this game used its mechanics so well that
you don’t necessarily focus too much on story and other parts of the game.
Existing Product
This game is Thief (2014). You play as Garret in a fantasy city called “The City” in what resembles 18th-19th century London. It’s a 1st person stealth
game. Although much of the format isn't like what I am going to for my game animation, it does have very good stealth mechanics. This was one of
the games that inspired me to do this game animation. As for the lighting, the game uses light in a very good way, as there isn't much of it. This
makes the game world gloomy, resembling many thriller games. For example Outlast used lighting in this way at points in the game. It was done so
well, and fit its main purpose great. As it its mainly intended for the stealth mechanics in the game. Also the game was great for roleplaying, as you
don see the character often and you are given a more linear game world to explore and most importantly, be a thief. This game doesn't use colour
in the same way as most games, as it’s a very dark centered colour pallet. Meaning, it doesn’t use vibrant colours to help guide the player through
certain areas/points of a game. Instead it uses the dark cantered colour pallet to create a mysterious and dark atmosphere, it prides it self on you
finding you way by exploring and see where different lead. There is many hard to reach areas, without obvious ways to get there. This creates a
good amount of replay ability.
I think it appeals mainly through the heavy focus on stealth and being a sort of vigilante mixed with criminal. People play games to be entertained
ad experience something that is real, made up or just to chill. This deliverers the experience of being a vigilante and sneaking your way through the
game’s small, yet compact world. The game was originally created for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. This means it isn't going to have very good visuals,
in terms of resolution, colour pallet etc. By todays standards this isn't a very good looking game, but I don't think that is what makes a stealth game
great. No, it’s the mechanics, how it works. I think this is one of the main reasons that the game is appealing to some players, they know that the
game works really well as a stealth game. Especially if its players who play now, they wont be there for the visual quality, but they come to play
and sneak around the dark and mysterious world. The mechanics of the game are appealing to players. I chose to look at this game because I feel
as though through inspiration it developed key elements of my game animation, these where the character appearance and stealth mechanics. I
learned that darkness can be used to create a mysterious and gloomy atmosphere, in this games case, to great effect. I used to think that colour
was the main way that you could do this, I hadn't considered the darker side of the colour pallet. Even visual effects like smoke and shadows really
helped to give this game the great atmosphere that It has. I also learned how important the character’s appearance is in order to create a certain
atmosphere. I think this will all help me to really consider the use of the darker end of the colour pallet, for alleyways for example. I think it will
also help me to consider the characters appearance and see the importance of it or the certain atmosphere I want to create. This would hopefully
resemble the atmosphere of urgency in games like Pac-Man for example.
Existing Product
The game is Fallout 4. Set in a world broken by war. You are given the freedom to choice how you want to play the game, what kind of
person you want to be, who you help, ally with or destroy, and even the kind of world you want to make. You could be for the people
an help anyone you can, build settlements etc. Or you could be quite evil and reject those asking for you aid, not create any alliances
etc. I chose to look at this game because of a few reasons. Firstly, how it takes it self serious, but also doesn’t. Bethesda's games have
known to be a bit prone to having weird glitches, Fallout 4 is no different. That plus the thousands of goofy mods you can use, like for
example one that adds Thomas the tank-engine into the game. Secondly, is the atmosphere it creates, what I mean the intro to the
game was so powerful, and it sets the game up for you to have the freedom to do with that what you will. Lastly , the game inspired
my disguise mechanic for the character. The character “The Stranger” wears the outfit shown in the top left image, this is what
inspired the disguise. The location is a real place, as the game spans across a region which includes Boston, Massachusetts and an are
of new England called “The Commonwealth”. However, its set in the future, in the year 2287.
The game uses its lighting quite well, as its used for the sun, this moves and works well to give a sense of in-game time passing. It uses
a better colour pallet than the last game, Fallout 3 used a very dull and lacking colour pallet. The refresh of colour is definitely
appreciated. In-game architecture, like the mass-fusion building is so colourful, using quite bright blues and reds. The game appeals to
many people, some of his comes from the series as a hole. For example people who enjoyed previous games in the series are likely to
buy any new ones as well. The game also appeals to those who like to modify their games, Bethesda supports this. Its one of the only
games that you can mod with support from the developer on consoles. PC is different, as you can access the code of the game on PC,
leading to some tampering or modifications. The modding community, supported by Bethesda, is one of the best I have seen. From
this I have learned that games can be goofy and not take themselves seriously, to great effect with players. This will definitely help me
to keep in mind that it should fun first and serious second. Games are an escape from the world of responsibility and deadlines, so I
don’t think they should always be serious, fun is what matters.
Existing Product
The game is Mark Of The Ninja. It’s a side-scrolling stealth action plat-former. As far as I can tell, it is a
fictional setting, but I will say that it is beautiful. I think this brought a key element to my brainstorming
period, this was the visuals. The game is so similar to what I originally pictured my game animation looking
like. This should help me in production. The game uses lighting to great effect. It sets the scene so well
done, really making the environment believable. The game uses mainly darker colours, to show the
shadows and the nighttime setting. However, it does use lighter colours, in order to show lights and lighting
on the foreground and in the background.
I think it appeals to the audience through a few ways. Firstly, the game is a lower budget game, this draws
some people in as lower budget. well done games show skill and passion. Another way is though the
appearance. The game is quite unique, as in that many side-on 3rd person plat-forming games are bright
and draw people in that way. But this game uses the dark so well that it draws people in to its unique
appearance. I chose to look at this game due to its visuals. They really looked like what I pictured my
animation having. I've learned to use the visuals to my advantage, to really capture the setting and
atmosphere that I both want and need for this game type. I think this will help me to keep the visuals in
mind while I'm preparing and creating it during the production.
Research Analysis
• What common features do the researched products
– Many showed the visual aspects that they brought to my concept. I
used at least One image for each game that showed its level design.
For each of the games I used an image that showed of if it was 2D,
2.5D or 3D. They all brought aspects to my game animation concept
that I feel are key to making it the way that I picture it.
• What aspects of the research will you include within
your own production work?
• I will try to include many things, from each of the games, they all brought
something that will be useful. I think I will try to use colour as a visual
mechanic of sorts. To guide the player. I will also try to use darker colours,
to show things like shadows and dark alleyways. This should make the
lighting seem more apparent.
Questionnaire Analysis
Audience research
• Observation: This shows that
me that the most preferred POV
is side-on. I thought that it
would be, as most recent 2-d
games are. The more you play
through it, the ore you start to
prefer it, its inevitable.
• What this says about my
audience: That the majority of
them answered as I thought
they would. It shows that my
audience is what I thought hey
would be, mainly.
• How will your product
appeal to this audience: I
intend to make my game with
the 2-d side-on POV. This should
mainly appeal to my audience.
Audience research
• Observation: Most of them answered, and
most had game they preferred.
• What this says about my audience: It tells
me that my audience was a diverse group of
gamers, mostly. As I said, some didn’t have a
preferred game.
• How will your product appeal to this
audience: Each of them prefer different games,
mostly for different reasons. So it would be
unlikely that one thing could appeal to them all.
But, I think that most of them would be draw in
for different reasons. Some like games that are
easy to get into, some like games that go on for
hours and hours, some like good graphics, some
like combat. Each like Thiers for different
reasons, but I think most will be drawn to mine.
And if not, there is others out there who would
be, it just how you reach them.
Audience research
• Observation: This shows me that
customisation is definitely some thing I
should include in some way. Even just to
show a customization screen. This should
help me to decide on how to include it
during production. I will try to show that it
doesn't cost anything, some games use the
customisation as a way to get more money
out of players. that is truly ant-consumer.
• What this says about my audience:
That they, mostly, are for customisation in
games. Some do because of how it lets
them to be different or be themselves.
• How will your product appeal to this
Audience research
• Observation: This showed me that there is a
range of preferred characters, and some great
reasons as well. This was helpful to se what
people thought about the character they
chose or even that people didn't’t choose
one. It all comes together to show me that
characters are key, but that also some people
don’t want an in-depth character. Sometimes
people like to just have fun and mess around.
I think many modern games lack this, or just
forgot their core motive.
• What this says about my audience: It
tells me they either had a character the
preferred, liked loads and couldn’t choice, or
didn't’t have one. These are all valid
responses. As in, some games don’t really
have characters, just skins or appearances.
Some are focused around the character/s,
and some have loads of good characters.
• How will your product appeal to this
audience: I think it will appeal to them
through the simplicity and raw fun of it.
Stripped back if you will. This would turn
away some people, but attract more.
Audience research
• Observation: This showed me that the
audience wen for roleplaying as he highest,
and action/action adventure as the next most
• What this says about my audience: This
tells me that on the whole, they are quite a
typical group of gamers. There exceptions of
• How will your product appeal to this
audience: I think it will appeal to them
through the strategy aspects to my game. The
strategically making your way to through the
level and collecting the money. I would
probably class it as casual as well, this most
likely appeals to a group of gamers. Maybe
those who just want a quick 5-1 minutes of
gameplay, but nothing taxing or challenging,
just fun.
Audience research
• Observation: This shows me that
they mostly had really good
reasons for their choice on the
previous question.
• What this says about my
audience: It tells me that on the
whole they had their own great
reasons for their choices. For
example some people were more
casual in their gaming, this was
shown with “It is usually laid back
and relaxing”.
• How will your product appeal to
this audience: I think it will appeal
to them through the main core of
it, the casual and simple aim of it. I
want it to be simple to grasp and
casual to play. The kind where you
could share it with others, this has
been gone for a while.
Audience research
• Observation: This showed me that majority prefers the single player genre more than the
multiplayer genre.
• What this says about my audience: This tells me that they prefer single player, why as well.
Seeing the answers from previous questions, I can say that I think the more casual and chill
gamers were most likely the ones in the single player category. As most casual games are single
player, but there are exceptions. Like Journey for example, that is casual but multiplayer.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I think it would appeal through it being
single player, but I have thought of trying to include some kind of multiplayer aspect, not
sure though.
Audience research
• Observation: This showed me that
almost all of them did think it was
• What this says about my audience:
They mostly gave really good reasons
for their answer. For example someone
said both, yes and no. As “It depends on
the type of game”, I couldn’t agree
more. They understood both sides and
gave a really good answer that will help
me to keep the story as a matter to be
brought up in production.
• How will your product appeal to this
audience: I think it will appeal to them
through its simple story and really that
it doesn’t require an in-depth one, just
enough to set the scene.
Audience research
• Observation: This shows me that Most
really thought it is important to any
• What this says about my audience:
They gave so many really good answers to
this. As some said it made it “more
immersive”, “keeps you coming back”,
“aesthetically pleasing”, “ more realistic”
etc. it tells me they mostly think its
important and know how it can influence
a game.
• How will your product appeal to this
audience: I think it will appeal through
the setting I want to use, the city. I think
it will be appealing to them, as it
something that is done quite a bit, but
not always in and out of buildings.
Audience research
• Observation: It shows me that my audience was mostly female. This is interesting as there didn’t
used to be as much female gamers as there is now. Mainly due to it being aimed at males. Its good to
see in increase, not sure it will even out though. Many modern games and game franchises are aimed
at males thought he level of action. Although, this is stereotypical.
• What this says about my audience: It tells me that I have a larger female audience, I should in
theory aim my game towards them. But, I am going for more of a neutral stance, hopefully pleasing
• How will your product appeal to this audience: Through it being fair to both, as its simple and
casual. Not really specifically aimed at either one. Just at casual gamers. The kind who would want to spend
around 10-20 minutes at most, often found to play mobile games. As these are lower in their production cost,
less taxing and require less of on input. Most of the time anyway.
Interview 1
• In your opinion, what kind of print video game advertisement would be most
effective? (poster, leaflet, magazine, internet banners, website etc.)
• 1. Depends what type of platform your game is meant for. If it is for a phone
probably internet banners on websites and other game apps. If it is for an x-
box or something then probably a video adverts on the tv. They are most
likely to be noticed by people who would enjoy to play the videogame.
• To you, what makes a video game memorable? (please reference a
game you have played)
• 2. For me the most memorable parts differ from each game for example in
jetpack joyride the most memorable thing to me are the scientists running on
the bottom but in the game geometry dash the most memorable thing is the
music. You should think of something unique to make your own game
memorable. Thinking about your game idea I think the characters will have
the most impact.
Interview 1
• Observation: This was helpful to see someone else's thoughts on
advertisement and what makes a game memorable. This should help in
my production. As I will try, if I can, to include aspects that might be
memorable. In addition, this will help me to really decide what kind of
advertisement I would use, and what platform it should be on.
• What this says about my audience: That they understand what
works in advertisements and videogames, and what doesn’t work as well.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I think the
appealing part would be the Music, but also something unique and
different. Many games show this as being an appealing factor.
Interview 2
• In your opinion, what kind of print video game advertisement would be
most effective? (poster, leaflet, magazine, internet banners, website etc.)
• internet, as they have the most accessible information, as it doesn't mean
having to buy a magazine
• To you, what makes a video game memorable? (please reference
a game you have played)
• the plot, as for example, I remember more about playing COD world at
war and black ops compared to infinity war, as the plot was a good
developing story, whereas infinity war was confusing, as it had smaller
missions involved with the plot, making a mess of the story.
Interview 2
• Observation: This was also helpful, as it was useful to have their insight
on advertisement methods, and what makes a game memorable. This will
help me in the production of my game. As he had a point, plot is so key to
most games, this will definitely be used throughout the rest of this project.
• What this says about my audience: This tells me that they
understand the key parts to a memorable game, and also the most
effective advertisement method, in their opinion.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I think the plot
will appeal to this audience. That, for them, was a key part for memorable
1. Will Cave. (2018) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on 11/04/2018)
2. Clara Johnson. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 19/04/2018)
3. Andreas Mina. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 17/04/2018)
4. Bethesda Game Studios (2015) Fallout 4.
5. Edios Montréal (2014) Thief.
6. Ubisoft Montréal (2015) Assassin’s Creed: Chronicles.
7. Klei Entertainment (2012) Mark Of The Ninja.
8. point of view:
9. AC Chronicles:'s_Creed_Chronicles
10. Survey monkey-video game survey:
11. Thief wiki:
12. Thief images:
13. mark of the ninja wiki:

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3. research

  • 2. Existing Product This is Assassin's Creed: Chronicles. This Game is set in China, in the year 1526. The Point of View (POV) for this game is side-on, however, there is elements of depth. This is why the game is refereed to as 2.5D and not 2D. For the image, the game goes for a sense of photo-realism but blends it really well with elements of a cartoon, through use of colour. The game uses the colour red as a way to guide you through the levels. This works so well, as it isn't in your face like many visual guides are in other games. For example so many games use some kind of waypoint on screen. This is done so well that its so seamless and it doesn't’t pull you out of what your doing to figure out where to go. It is just so well part of the level that you almost don’t notice it, but at the same time it is obvious. I think it appeals to people who like platform games, as that’s what I would say that it is, stealth action-adventure platform game. It also appeals to people who like stealth and adventure games. I wouldn’t say that there is that much action in the game, so I would say that it probably wouldn’t appeal to those who like action. It is also likely to appeal to those who have played other games in the series. This is because they will understand what it is about. However, this game is quite different to the other games, as they have mostly been 3D 3rd person open world variants of what this is. Another reason as to why it would be appealing is because its 3 games/stories in one. So people see that as like a bargain or a good deal, which it is. They can be sold separately, but its often sold in a bundle. I chose this game mainly because it was one of the main games that inspired me to make this game animation. I think many aspects and elements of this game are similar to what I want to do, this means this game is good to look at. To see what makes it work, its appeal to people etc. I learned that colour is so important, especially for use as a visual guide though a game level/world. I think this will help me in my project, as I did want to colour in a useful way. I also learned that its not always the visuals or story that make the game great, this game used its mechanics so well that you don’t necessarily focus too much on story and other parts of the game.
  • 3. Existing Product This game is Thief (2014). You play as Garret in a fantasy city called “The City” in what resembles 18th-19th century London. It’s a 1st person stealth game. Although much of the format isn't like what I am going to for my game animation, it does have very good stealth mechanics. This was one of the games that inspired me to do this game animation. As for the lighting, the game uses light in a very good way, as there isn't much of it. This makes the game world gloomy, resembling many thriller games. For example Outlast used lighting in this way at points in the game. It was done so well, and fit its main purpose great. As it its mainly intended for the stealth mechanics in the game. Also the game was great for roleplaying, as you don see the character often and you are given a more linear game world to explore and most importantly, be a thief. This game doesn't use colour in the same way as most games, as it’s a very dark centered colour pallet. Meaning, it doesn’t use vibrant colours to help guide the player through certain areas/points of a game. Instead it uses the dark cantered colour pallet to create a mysterious and dark atmosphere, it prides it self on you finding you way by exploring and see where different lead. There is many hard to reach areas, without obvious ways to get there. This creates a good amount of replay ability. I think it appeals mainly through the heavy focus on stealth and being a sort of vigilante mixed with criminal. People play games to be entertained ad experience something that is real, made up or just to chill. This deliverers the experience of being a vigilante and sneaking your way through the game’s small, yet compact world. The game was originally created for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. This means it isn't going to have very good visuals, in terms of resolution, colour pallet etc. By todays standards this isn't a very good looking game, but I don't think that is what makes a stealth game great. No, it’s the mechanics, how it works. I think this is one of the main reasons that the game is appealing to some players, they know that the game works really well as a stealth game. Especially if its players who play now, they wont be there for the visual quality, but they come to play and sneak around the dark and mysterious world. The mechanics of the game are appealing to players. I chose to look at this game because I feel as though through inspiration it developed key elements of my game animation, these where the character appearance and stealth mechanics. I learned that darkness can be used to create a mysterious and gloomy atmosphere, in this games case, to great effect. I used to think that colour was the main way that you could do this, I hadn't considered the darker side of the colour pallet. Even visual effects like smoke and shadows really helped to give this game the great atmosphere that It has. I also learned how important the character’s appearance is in order to create a certain atmosphere. I think this will all help me to really consider the use of the darker end of the colour pallet, for alleyways for example. I think it will also help me to consider the characters appearance and see the importance of it or the certain atmosphere I want to create. This would hopefully resemble the atmosphere of urgency in games like Pac-Man for example.
  • 4. Existing Product The game is Fallout 4. Set in a world broken by war. You are given the freedom to choice how you want to play the game, what kind of person you want to be, who you help, ally with or destroy, and even the kind of world you want to make. You could be for the people an help anyone you can, build settlements etc. Or you could be quite evil and reject those asking for you aid, not create any alliances etc. I chose to look at this game because of a few reasons. Firstly, how it takes it self serious, but also doesn’t. Bethesda's games have known to be a bit prone to having weird glitches, Fallout 4 is no different. That plus the thousands of goofy mods you can use, like for example one that adds Thomas the tank-engine into the game. Secondly, is the atmosphere it creates, what I mean the intro to the game was so powerful, and it sets the game up for you to have the freedom to do with that what you will. Lastly , the game inspired my disguise mechanic for the character. The character “The Stranger” wears the outfit shown in the top left image, this is what inspired the disguise. The location is a real place, as the game spans across a region which includes Boston, Massachusetts and an are of new England called “The Commonwealth”. However, its set in the future, in the year 2287. The game uses its lighting quite well, as its used for the sun, this moves and works well to give a sense of in-game time passing. It uses a better colour pallet than the last game, Fallout 3 used a very dull and lacking colour pallet. The refresh of colour is definitely appreciated. In-game architecture, like the mass-fusion building is so colourful, using quite bright blues and reds. The game appeals to many people, some of his comes from the series as a hole. For example people who enjoyed previous games in the series are likely to buy any new ones as well. The game also appeals to those who like to modify their games, Bethesda supports this. Its one of the only games that you can mod with support from the developer on consoles. PC is different, as you can access the code of the game on PC, leading to some tampering or modifications. The modding community, supported by Bethesda, is one of the best I have seen. From this I have learned that games can be goofy and not take themselves seriously, to great effect with players. This will definitely help me to keep in mind that it should fun first and serious second. Games are an escape from the world of responsibility and deadlines, so I don’t think they should always be serious, fun is what matters.
  • 5. Existing Product The game is Mark Of The Ninja. It’s a side-scrolling stealth action plat-former. As far as I can tell, it is a fictional setting, but I will say that it is beautiful. I think this brought a key element to my brainstorming period, this was the visuals. The game is so similar to what I originally pictured my game animation looking like. This should help me in production. The game uses lighting to great effect. It sets the scene so well done, really making the environment believable. The game uses mainly darker colours, to show the shadows and the nighttime setting. However, it does use lighter colours, in order to show lights and lighting on the foreground and in the background. I think it appeals to the audience through a few ways. Firstly, the game is a lower budget game, this draws some people in as lower budget. well done games show skill and passion. Another way is though the appearance. The game is quite unique, as in that many side-on 3rd person plat-forming games are bright and draw people in that way. But this game uses the dark so well that it draws people in to its unique appearance. I chose to look at this game due to its visuals. They really looked like what I pictured my animation having. I've learned to use the visuals to my advantage, to really capture the setting and atmosphere that I both want and need for this game type. I think this will help me to keep the visuals in mind while I'm preparing and creating it during the production.
  • 6. Research Analysis • What common features do the researched products have? – Many showed the visual aspects that they brought to my concept. I used at least One image for each game that showed its level design. For each of the games I used an image that showed of if it was 2D, 2.5D or 3D. They all brought aspects to my game animation concept that I feel are key to making it the way that I picture it. • What aspects of the research will you include within your own production work? • I will try to include many things, from each of the games, they all brought something that will be useful. I think I will try to use colour as a visual mechanic of sorts. To guide the player. I will also try to use darker colours, to show things like shadows and dark alleyways. This should make the lighting seem more apparent.
  • 8. Audience research • Observation: This shows that me that the most preferred POV is side-on. I thought that it would be, as most recent 2-d games are. The more you play through it, the ore you start to prefer it, its inevitable. • What this says about my audience: That the majority of them answered as I thought they would. It shows that my audience is what I thought hey would be, mainly. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I intend to make my game with the 2-d side-on POV. This should mainly appeal to my audience.
  • 9. Audience research • Observation: Most of them answered, and most had game they preferred. • What this says about my audience: It tells me that my audience was a diverse group of gamers, mostly. As I said, some didn’t have a preferred game. • How will your product appeal to this audience: Each of them prefer different games, mostly for different reasons. So it would be unlikely that one thing could appeal to them all. But, I think that most of them would be draw in for different reasons. Some like games that are easy to get into, some like games that go on for hours and hours, some like good graphics, some like combat. Each like Thiers for different reasons, but I think most will be drawn to mine. And if not, there is others out there who would be, it just how you reach them.
  • 10. Audience research • Observation: This shows me that customisation is definitely some thing I should include in some way. Even just to show a customization screen. This should help me to decide on how to include it during production. I will try to show that it doesn't cost anything, some games use the customisation as a way to get more money out of players. that is truly ant-consumer. • What this says about my audience: That they, mostly, are for customisation in games. Some do because of how it lets them to be different or be themselves. • How will your product appeal to this audience:
  • 11. Audience research • Observation: This showed me that there is a range of preferred characters, and some great reasons as well. This was helpful to se what people thought about the character they chose or even that people didn't’t choose one. It all comes together to show me that characters are key, but that also some people don’t want an in-depth character. Sometimes people like to just have fun and mess around. I think many modern games lack this, or just forgot their core motive. • What this says about my audience: It tells me they either had a character the preferred, liked loads and couldn’t choice, or didn't’t have one. These are all valid responses. As in, some games don’t really have characters, just skins or appearances. Some are focused around the character/s, and some have loads of good characters. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I think it will appeal to them through the simplicity and raw fun of it. Stripped back if you will. This would turn away some people, but attract more.
  • 12. Audience research • Observation: This showed me that the audience wen for roleplaying as he highest, and action/action adventure as the next most popular. • What this says about my audience: This tells me that on the whole, they are quite a typical group of gamers. There exceptions of course. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I think it will appeal to them through the strategy aspects to my game. The strategically making your way to through the level and collecting the money. I would probably class it as casual as well, this most likely appeals to a group of gamers. Maybe those who just want a quick 5-1 minutes of gameplay, but nothing taxing or challenging, just fun.
  • 13. Audience research • Observation: This shows me that they mostly had really good reasons for their choice on the previous question. • What this says about my audience: It tells me that on the whole they had their own great reasons for their choices. For example some people were more casual in their gaming, this was shown with “It is usually laid back and relaxing”. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I think it will appeal to them through the main core of it, the casual and simple aim of it. I want it to be simple to grasp and casual to play. The kind where you could share it with others, this has been gone for a while.
  • 14. Audience research • Observation: This showed me that majority prefers the single player genre more than the multiplayer genre. • What this says about my audience: This tells me that they prefer single player, why as well. Seeing the answers from previous questions, I can say that I think the more casual and chill gamers were most likely the ones in the single player category. As most casual games are single player, but there are exceptions. Like Journey for example, that is casual but multiplayer. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I think it would appeal through it being single player, but I have thought of trying to include some kind of multiplayer aspect, not sure though.
  • 15. Audience research • Observation: This showed me that almost all of them did think it was important. • What this says about my audience: They mostly gave really good reasons for their answer. For example someone said both, yes and no. As “It depends on the type of game”, I couldn’t agree more. They understood both sides and gave a really good answer that will help me to keep the story as a matter to be brought up in production. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I think it will appeal to them through its simple story and really that it doesn’t require an in-depth one, just enough to set the scene.
  • 16. Audience research • Observation: This shows me that Most really thought it is important to any game. • What this says about my audience: They gave so many really good answers to this. As some said it made it “more immersive”, “keeps you coming back”, “aesthetically pleasing”, “ more realistic” etc. it tells me they mostly think its important and know how it can influence a game. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I think it will appeal through the setting I want to use, the city. I think it will be appealing to them, as it something that is done quite a bit, but not always in and out of buildings.
  • 17. Audience research • Observation: It shows me that my audience was mostly female. This is interesting as there didn’t used to be as much female gamers as there is now. Mainly due to it being aimed at males. Its good to see in increase, not sure it will even out though. Many modern games and game franchises are aimed at males thought he level of action. Although, this is stereotypical. • What this says about my audience: It tells me that I have a larger female audience, I should in theory aim my game towards them. But, I am going for more of a neutral stance, hopefully pleasing both. • How will your product appeal to this audience: Through it being fair to both, as its simple and casual. Not really specifically aimed at either one. Just at casual gamers. The kind who would want to spend around 10-20 minutes at most, often found to play mobile games. As these are lower in their production cost, less taxing and require less of on input. Most of the time anyway.
  • 19. Interview 1 • In your opinion, what kind of print video game advertisement would be most effective? (poster, leaflet, magazine, internet banners, website etc.) • 1. Depends what type of platform your game is meant for. If it is for a phone probably internet banners on websites and other game apps. If it is for an x- box or something then probably a video adverts on the tv. They are most likely to be noticed by people who would enjoy to play the videogame. • To you, what makes a video game memorable? (please reference a game you have played) • 2. For me the most memorable parts differ from each game for example in jetpack joyride the most memorable thing to me are the scientists running on the bottom but in the game geometry dash the most memorable thing is the music. You should think of something unique to make your own game memorable. Thinking about your game idea I think the characters will have the most impact.
  • 20. Interview 1 • Observation: This was helpful to see someone else's thoughts on advertisement and what makes a game memorable. This should help in my production. As I will try, if I can, to include aspects that might be memorable. In addition, this will help me to really decide what kind of advertisement I would use, and what platform it should be on. • What this says about my audience: That they understand what works in advertisements and videogames, and what doesn’t work as well. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I think the appealing part would be the Music, but also something unique and different. Many games show this as being an appealing factor.
  • 21. Interview 2 • In your opinion, what kind of print video game advertisement would be most effective? (poster, leaflet, magazine, internet banners, website etc.) • internet, as they have the most accessible information, as it doesn't mean having to buy a magazine • To you, what makes a video game memorable? (please reference a game you have played) • the plot, as for example, I remember more about playing COD world at war and black ops compared to infinity war, as the plot was a good developing story, whereas infinity war was confusing, as it had smaller missions involved with the plot, making a mess of the story.
  • 22. Interview 2 • Observation: This was also helpful, as it was useful to have their insight on advertisement methods, and what makes a game memorable. This will help me in the production of my game. As he had a point, plot is so key to most games, this will definitely be used throughout the rest of this project. • What this says about my audience: This tells me that they understand the key parts to a memorable game, and also the most effective advertisement method, in their opinion. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I think the plot will appeal to this audience. That, for them, was a key part for memorable game.
  • 24. Bibliography 1. Will Cave. (2018) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on 11/04/2018) 2. Clara Johnson. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 19/04/2018) 3. Andreas Mina. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 17/04/2018) 4. Bethesda Game Studios (2015) Fallout 4. 5. Edios Montréal (2014) Thief. 6. Ubisoft Montréal (2015) Assassin’s Creed: Chronicles. 7. Klei Entertainment (2012) Mark Of The Ninja. 8. point of view: 9. AC Chronicles:'s_Creed_Chronicles 10. Survey monkey-video game survey: 11. Thief wiki: 12. Thief images: h_PWrO-DtH8gAa9t7rADg&q=thief+stealth&oq=thief+stealth&gs_l=psy- ab.3... 13. mark of the ninja wiki:

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  5. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.