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Initial Plans
Jack Bevens
Idea one – Ed Sheeran – You need me, I don’t
need you.
• Ed Sheeran’s video has one actor who is using BSL to sign the song, he had full NMF (Non manual
features – BSL). My video doesn’t need full NMF because I want to use both signs with lip pattern and
NMF. Most Deaf people can use lip pattern but really Deaf people need both lip pattern and NMF. If
there is no NMF then there is no grammatical change, but if there is no lip patern then sometimes
things can be misunderstood, so we need both. That’s why I decided to use lip pattern with sign, so
all Deaf people will understand.
• Ed Sheeran’s video has one facial expression, like a serious face. I want my video have lots of facial
expressions because I want to make my audience more excited to watch it. If I use serious face can
make the audience will feel nervous, and if there is no facial expressions at all they might feel bored.
• Ed’s video has fast signing, also there are some close ups, which meant you miss some of the signs
out. I want my video to use mid shots and long shots because sign language is very important for
Deaf audience, they need to see the actors hands and face to watch and understand my video.
• In my video I don’t need extreme close up, medium close up and close up because those shots won’t
show my actors hands so we won’t see the sign language because close up shots only focuses on the
face. I’m happy to use the other shots because they show the full body which means the audience
can see the sign language clearly.
• Ed’s video background has black and white and only one spotlight because they show he is serious in
the video. I spotted the actor who signs has limited facial expressions, he just shows sadness and
serious. Also black and white, and dark colours links to depression.
• Ed’s video had lots of tilted frame shots because that links to their song and they want to show how
cool they are. Tilted frame is more like chav’s music video. I decided my video doesn’t need titled
frame because I don’t want my video look like chav and rap. I would like my video to be more calm
and happy.
Idea two – Paul McCartney – My Valentine with
BSL from Johnny Depp and Natalie Portman
• I chose the music video because I wasn’t expecting the celebrities to be able to use ASL like they do in the music video.
• I found the music video called “My Valentine” by Paul McCartney. Two celebrities Johnny Depp and Natalie Portman can sign
as well!
• They used ASL (American Sign Language). I will use BSL (British Sign Language) because I am British.
• They used black and white. For my video I want it to be colourful clothes and background because I don’t want black and white,
it make me feel depressed and sad. So, I will choose the colours to make me feel brighter and happy.
• The music video had Johnny Depp playing a guitar. My video doesn’t need to see anyone playing musical instruments because I
want a person to sign the song.
• They had a slow editing. I decided that my video will be a medium speed and slow because I have chosen one song and that is
medium speed. Also, if the signing is very very fast, sometimes you can miss information.
• They are signing slowly and their sign language flows, because they must follow the song which is slow. My video will be
medium speed and I also want the BSL to flow because it looks more natural. I must link the BSL to my song to make the
perfect flowing signed song.
• The video shows strong depression and sad feelings because their facial expressions show sad/silent. Also, the video has lots of
close ups to see their faces more clearly. The background is dark and just one spotlight, which also suggests sadness.
• I won’t use this song to make my video, and the style of video won’t be the same as that because their video is sad and
depressing. I want my video to be more uplifting, and empowering and a happy mood. My video is about LGBT and being
proud, strong and brave. Embracing who you are and how you were born.
• They had mid shot and looking room because they doing a depression music. Natalie Portman had looking room shot because
the depression always cannot eye contract and depression can you feel weak to looking at each other.
Idea three – Lady Gaga – Born this Way (with
• I choose the song because Lady Gaga sings it for stand up for LGBTs.
• I love that song because the song link my idea to create my music video to show I am proud for who I am.
• The video of Lady Gaga sings for “Born This Way” sometimes are rude because Lady Gaga doing her sexuality way. My video will not like
her because I will doing more sensible and calm.
• I will use my BSL (British Sign Language) because I am Deaf and I want to use my sign language. Most of music videos doesn’t have any
signs for LGBT songs. That’s why I decided to use BSL in my music video for my audience who is Deaf and LGBTs as well.
• Lady Gaga’s video is creepy and makes me feel a little bit scared because they have a dark background and the group acts scared and I
think at the stat of the video goes too far when it shows birth. I want my video to make people who are worried feel more comfortable
and safe. I know Lady Gaga’s video shows support but that way can make people feel scared and uncomfortable.
• I want my video give LGBT people more confidence, and show I am supporting them and make them feel happy and relieved.
• Lady Gaga’s video has lots of close ups, mid-shots and long shots, she shows her dance and, at the start of the video, giving birth. The
video has fast editing because her song is quite a fast speed.
• My video will have mid-shots and long shots because it is very important for my audience to see the sign language. I don’t need to use
close ups because if I did then my audience will miss the sign language, as you won’t be able to see my actors hands.
• Lady Gaga has a gun to shoot people who reject people who are different and people they don’t accept (LGBTs). Also the scene Lady Gaga
had low angle shot because she want to show to stronger and confident than the homophobic. I want my video, at the end, to close the
door. When my actor has finished signing the song, then the door will shut to make the homophobic people realise that people in the
LGBT community are brave, braver than homophobic people.
• My video won’t be the same as Lady Gaga’s video because my video will show standing up to homophobic people, and bullies who reject
the LGBT community. My scenes will show lesbian and gay couples. Also I want show that doesn’t matter who you are like LGBT, white,
Black, Asian, Muslins and others religions, we are all human, everyone is equal. I want my video show that we are standing up and
supporting the LGBT community. This is important to me because I am gay.
• In Lady GaGa’s video, it looks like it is set in space and it shows the world, my video won’t because it is hard to create that. I wat my video
to include real people, not a fake image of the world.
• Also, my video will not include birth, because the people I want to act in it will not be comfortable, also it is very graphic. I like that Lady
GaGa’s video includes this because it shows you should be proud of how you were born. I was to show the same message, and want
people to feel proud, but will not include birth in my video.
Mind map of ideas
[summary of ideas]
• 5 strengths of your ideas you could use
1. At the end of Lady GaGa’s “Born this Way”, she closes two doors, as if to say she is sgutting the people
who don’t’ accept her out. I can do with the doors because my area have two doors that I can slam.
2. I can film in the area I live in because my area is a fairly quiet place and isn’t busy with lots of people.
3. I can do some work with the green screen effect because I know how to use green screen effects and
put green screen effects onto my video because I did it in my advert film which included some green
screen effects.
4. I can wear drag queen clothes because dressing in drag can show stronger support to LGBT
community. I am a very open minded person, I am happy and open to dressing up. Some people are
nervous or close minded and closed and they don’t want get involved with dressing up.
5. My sister and one deaf friend might be in my video because I knew they will love to acting in my video,
and they can both sign, they are both Deaf so they both understand BSL is important.
• 5 weaknesses of you ideas
1. I know some of my Deaf friends wouldn’t like to be in my video because some of them are shy, but I
will try to asking my group for volunteers to do some sign language in my video.
2. I can’t create any big special effects like space and earth that is used in the Born this Way video
because that is too hard and I will probably struggle to create it. I would like to make a normal video
with some simple special effects.
3. I might not be able to find any actors for signing the song because I know someone who has never
been an actor before might not be professional with their facial expressions and they will be nervous
in my video too. They might feel too shy to do it.
4. I can’t film in my house because I don’t want to film in my house as my house is private, plus my mum
doesn’t like college filming in the house. I must use outside of the house like the street or the park.
5. If all my Deaf friends won’t wear drag clothes, then l could take part in the video and create a role and
I will wear the drag. Drag is important because dressing in drag links to LGBT.
Final idea – artist/title/info
• “Born This Way” by Lady GaGa
• Why did she create “Born This Way”? Lady GaGa watched her fans grow up and they told her their
stories about horrible experiences during their life. Lady GaGa decided to created her video for show
her support to her fans. She wanted to remind them that they are not alone because she shows her
support. Lady GaGa knew that if her fans felt alone, that can often lead to suicide. Also Lady GaGa had
a celebrity friend - Elton John who is gay and she shows her support to him too.
• I watched some other LGBT songs. Lady GaGa’s video had links to another song called “The Greatest”
By Sia. I researched on YouTube and I found a list of LGBT songs. I needed to find the celebrities who
are similar to Lady GaGa, and her song for LGBT. Now, I found two celebrities that have similar songs. I
noticed two songs are different Lyrics but they are similar as they both show support to the LGBT
community. Sia’s video is similar to Lady GaGa’s because they are both quite strange videos. They both
have groups of people dancing together. They also both show that the people in the video want to
show that they are tough, and they are strong, they know who they are and they accept it. They reject
anyone that rejects them.
• Lady GaGa’s music has four genres: Pop music, Electronic music, Dance music and Electronic dance
music. This style of music is good for me, because when I put the music in Premier, it will be very clear
for me to see the beat of the music. I will be working with the sound waves, in a visual way, rather
than relying on listening to the music. They lyrics of Sia’s song are similar to Lady GaGa’s because they
both have a strong message about being who you are. Sia’s song has some lyrics “Don’t Give Up, I
won’t give up, don’t give up, no no no. I’m free to be greatest, I’m alive, I’m free to be greatest here
tonight, the greatest.” Lady Gaga’s song has some lyrics “I’m beautiful in my way, cause God makes no
mistake, I’m on the right track, baby I was born this way, don’t hide yourself in regret, just love
yourself.” Both songs want to encourage people to be strong and love yourself. I think they want to
help make their fans not regret who they are and what they have done.
Final idea – track summary
• The song is 7 minutes 18 seconds. When I film my video, I will be cutting the song down, so that it
will be about 2 or 3 minutes.
• The pace of the song is quite fast, you can see this in the video, there are lots of shot changes and
they happen quite quickly. Also the dancing in the video is very fast, which links to the rhythm of the
song, which is also fast.
• The meaning of the song is to show Lady GaGa’s support, to encourage her fans to be confident and
love who they are. Also the song will remind them not to be regretful of who they are. They song and
the video also shows open mindedness, and acceptance of everyone, no matter who you are.
• The lyrics in “Born this Way” are important, here is a quote: “whether you’re broke or evergreen,
you’re black, white, beige, chola descent, you’re lebeanese, you’re orient, whether life’s disabilities,
left you outcast, bullied, or teased, rejoice and love yourself today, cause baby you were born this
way, no matter gay straight or bi, lesbian transgendered life, I’m on the right track baby, I was to
survive, no matter black, white or beige chola or orient made, I’m on the right track baby,I was born
to brave, i’m beautiful in my way.” This means you should be happy with who you are, everyone is
human. You should accept the person you are and there are lots of people like you. I like the words “I
was born to be brave” because it makes me feel like I was born to be strong, and I can stand up for
myself, bullies can’t control me. I also like the words “I was to survive”, I like this because, although I
know some people have killed themselves, but it shows I haven’t, I have survived the bullies and hard
experiences. Also, this song makes me feel like I can survive because I have their support. Your race,
religion, sexuality, none of it matters, everyone should always feel accepted. The song makes you feel
• I want to use this theme in my video, I want to show my support to even more people, all over the
world. I know some places in the world, and some people don’t have support, and some places
people don’t have rights. I want to show them that they have my support, and there are other people
out there like them. Also, I know Lady GaGa is straight, I want to show my views and support because
I am really gay, and I want to show and prove that I can do anything.
Final idea – your idea
• I will be filming near my house and the area where I live because my area is a quiet place and this is easier for
• I would like to my video background to be outside on the street because I want the LGBT community to be brave,
to walk outside and show the people who don’t accepted them that they are out, they are brave and they don’t
• I will use the green screen effect because I want to take the photo from my actors who will be signing and I will put
them in my video. So my video will start with one person, then I will use the green screen to add more and more
actors in.
• I want 5 actors in my video but this might depend because I know some of my friends might not like being filmed,
and so won’t want to be in my video. If my friends can’t, I will ask my group in class. If I use the group in my class,
then I will just ask them to do a couple of signs, because I know they don’t know full BSL. So maybe they will do
one or two signs each, I will have to show them and teach them the signs. I will use sings like “Proud, happy,
confident, accepting, strong, brave, empowered, open minded, support, respect, no regrets, ‘this is me’, uplifting.”
If I use my friends who are Deaf and know BSL fully, then I will get one person to sign the whole song (this will be
the person in drag), then the other 4 people to repeat some of what the main person says, like “born this way”
and “you are beautiful the way you are”.
• They will wear normal clothes because they will be in the background, but one main role will be dressed up as a
drag queen because the person who will be singing in drag links to my theme. If my friends cannot do the video,
and I have to ask my class mates, they will also be wearing their normal clothes. It is really important to me that I
want to show gay / lesbian couples, so I really hope class don’t mind acting for the camera, because it will link with
my LGBT theme.
• My theme will show my support to LGBT people. My theme will be similar to Lady GaGa’s theme and I will change
some things so it is different from her video.
• I want my video to show LGBT and then I hope my audience will be more comfortable and accepting and feel
closer and connected to LGBT. It can make my audience feel confident and happy themselves. I will make my video
a little bit funny because I want to give my audience a good laugh and I’m a funny and opened mind person.
• My imagery will be colourful because I want colours to link to rainbows for LGBT. I want to use slow editing
because I need my audience to see full and clearly my sign language and to make them understand.
Final idea – techniques and styles
• Four shots: extreme close up, medium close up, close up, big close up. These are four shots
that I don’t need because these shots only focus on the face. If I use these shots then my
audience can’t see the sign language. Sign language is very important for the Deaf audience
to be able to watch and understand my video, so I want my audience to always be ale to
see the sign language.
• Other shots: Medium long shot, looking room shot, long shot, very long shot, high angle
shot (birds eye), two shot, over the shoulder shot, titled frame, walking room shot, low
angle shot (worms eye). I will be using these shots because when using these shots, you
can see the sign language very clearly, you will be able to see the facial expressions, body
language, and hand movements, which are all part of BSL.
• In the filming I will use a fixed camera with a tripod because I want my scenes to be smooth
and a clear movement. If I use hand camera and it’s possible I will be shaking and this can
look messy and my scenes wont have a high enough quality. I want my scenes to be good
quality because I want my video to look professional. If the quality of my video isn’t very
good, then my audience might not want to watch it.
• My video will not use lip syncing, because I will be using BSL, so my actor will not use their
voice. They will be signing, some of the signs have the lip pattern, but some signs do not,
they just use a facial expression, so this means it will be more like a performance.
• I would like my video to have plain white lights, and not coloured lighting because the lights
can make my scenes look more clear. I don’t want my scene to look dark because this can
ruin my video. I want my video to look professional. So, I will ask to use some clear white
lights for the filming.
• 5 strengths of your ideas you could use
1. I have one of my friends who will be made me up to become a drag queen. The make up is
important because most of video always has to have to make up on.
2. I have some drag queen clothes because I have brought them before.
3. If I finish the filming very early then I can start editing my scenes.
4. I can book a quiet room for filming in that won’t be busy with lots of people.
5. I have a plenty of people that I can ask who might be willing to act in my music video.
• 5 weaknesses of you ideas
1. If my Deaf friends say no, I will ask some of my class mates if they will be in my video.
2. If I don’t have enough time to finish my filming then I will have to do it for homework. Or, if some my
Deaf friends might be late or delaying then i will ask some of my class mates to take over from them.
3. If I didn’t bring drag queen clothes and I will be my fault. I will ask to borrow from fashion desiger
course or try and make something myself. The fashion department might not have anything clothes,
so I would ahve to get my actor to wear normal clothes but wear more make up.
4. If I can’t afford a wig or if the shop is empty as doesn’t have any, then I will have to slightly change
the plan, so my actor will have normal hair and still put make up on to see proper drag queen.
5. If some of my Deaf friends do not concentrate during some bits of the song, I will tell them off and
they have to learn not to distact each other. If they keep still like that, I will replace them by my class
Potential research targets
• I researched two music videos and they help me to idea for use BSL in music video because I am
Deaf and I want to use BSL in my video.
• I researched three music video and all the same as depression and strange. My video will be
different from them because I want my video be sensible, funny and comfortable.
• I would like my video medium flow editing because my actor will signing the song and I will be
careful with editing because I want to make sure the scene can see my actor fully sign the song.
• I need a studio lighting because I want my scene more bright and clear to make a look
professional. If I don’t have lighting during the filming then, my scene will look dark and not
• I need the performance because I want some actors doing more professional acting. I don’t want
some of actors who never acting before and they will ruin my scene. If my class mate who is
hearing might begin the filming and I will teach them one or two sign languages.
• I know how to fixed the camera on the tripod because I did created two short films which is I been
learn how to fixed it.
• I want to the camera is movement. I don’t want the camera just one shot and no move will be
boring. I like the movement because it’s can make the audience feel enthusiast.
• Some of BSL songs a person who is signing the song and have music video beside the person. The
person just stood and signing the song. My video will be different from them because I don’t need
the video of music because I have my actor will be song. Also I don’t like my actor just stood and
signing that all and I prefer they use movement because I want my music video more interesting
and amazing.
• I need the green screen because I will take the video the actors on the green screen then I will put
it on my video to make look more actors and I like some actors just appearance for some signs
then they will be gone. I want to show to my audience for no matter what, black, white, Asian or

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1. initial plans

  • 2. Idea one – Ed Sheeran – You need me, I don’t need you. • Ed Sheeran’s video has one actor who is using BSL to sign the song, he had full NMF (Non manual features – BSL). My video doesn’t need full NMF because I want to use both signs with lip pattern and NMF. Most Deaf people can use lip pattern but really Deaf people need both lip pattern and NMF. If there is no NMF then there is no grammatical change, but if there is no lip patern then sometimes things can be misunderstood, so we need both. That’s why I decided to use lip pattern with sign, so all Deaf people will understand. • Ed Sheeran’s video has one facial expression, like a serious face. I want my video have lots of facial expressions because I want to make my audience more excited to watch it. If I use serious face can make the audience will feel nervous, and if there is no facial expressions at all they might feel bored. • Ed’s video has fast signing, also there are some close ups, which meant you miss some of the signs out. I want my video to use mid shots and long shots because sign language is very important for Deaf audience, they need to see the actors hands and face to watch and understand my video. • In my video I don’t need extreme close up, medium close up and close up because those shots won’t show my actors hands so we won’t see the sign language because close up shots only focuses on the face. I’m happy to use the other shots because they show the full body which means the audience can see the sign language clearly. • Ed’s video background has black and white and only one spotlight because they show he is serious in the video. I spotted the actor who signs has limited facial expressions, he just shows sadness and serious. Also black and white, and dark colours links to depression. • Ed’s video had lots of tilted frame shots because that links to their song and they want to show how cool they are. Tilted frame is more like chav’s music video. I decided my video doesn’t need titled frame because I don’t want my video look like chav and rap. I would like my video to be more calm and happy.
  • 3. Idea two – Paul McCartney – My Valentine with BSL from Johnny Depp and Natalie Portman • I chose the music video because I wasn’t expecting the celebrities to be able to use ASL like they do in the music video. • I found the music video called “My Valentine” by Paul McCartney. Two celebrities Johnny Depp and Natalie Portman can sign as well! • They used ASL (American Sign Language). I will use BSL (British Sign Language) because I am British. • They used black and white. For my video I want it to be colourful clothes and background because I don’t want black and white, it make me feel depressed and sad. So, I will choose the colours to make me feel brighter and happy. • The music video had Johnny Depp playing a guitar. My video doesn’t need to see anyone playing musical instruments because I want a person to sign the song. • They had a slow editing. I decided that my video will be a medium speed and slow because I have chosen one song and that is medium speed. Also, if the signing is very very fast, sometimes you can miss information. • They are signing slowly and their sign language flows, because they must follow the song which is slow. My video will be medium speed and I also want the BSL to flow because it looks more natural. I must link the BSL to my song to make the perfect flowing signed song. • The video shows strong depression and sad feelings because their facial expressions show sad/silent. Also, the video has lots of close ups to see their faces more clearly. The background is dark and just one spotlight, which also suggests sadness. • I won’t use this song to make my video, and the style of video won’t be the same as that because their video is sad and depressing. I want my video to be more uplifting, and empowering and a happy mood. My video is about LGBT and being proud, strong and brave. Embracing who you are and how you were born. • They had mid shot and looking room because they doing a depression music. Natalie Portman had looking room shot because the depression always cannot eye contract and depression can you feel weak to looking at each other.
  • 4. Idea three – Lady Gaga – Born this Way (with BSL) • I choose the song because Lady Gaga sings it for stand up for LGBTs. • I love that song because the song link my idea to create my music video to show I am proud for who I am. • The video of Lady Gaga sings for “Born This Way” sometimes are rude because Lady Gaga doing her sexuality way. My video will not like her because I will doing more sensible and calm. • I will use my BSL (British Sign Language) because I am Deaf and I want to use my sign language. Most of music videos doesn’t have any signs for LGBT songs. That’s why I decided to use BSL in my music video for my audience who is Deaf and LGBTs as well. • Lady Gaga’s video is creepy and makes me feel a little bit scared because they have a dark background and the group acts scared and I think at the stat of the video goes too far when it shows birth. I want my video to make people who are worried feel more comfortable and safe. I know Lady Gaga’s video shows support but that way can make people feel scared and uncomfortable. • I want my video give LGBT people more confidence, and show I am supporting them and make them feel happy and relieved. • Lady Gaga’s video has lots of close ups, mid-shots and long shots, she shows her dance and, at the start of the video, giving birth. The video has fast editing because her song is quite a fast speed. • My video will have mid-shots and long shots because it is very important for my audience to see the sign language. I don’t need to use close ups because if I did then my audience will miss the sign language, as you won’t be able to see my actors hands. • Lady Gaga has a gun to shoot people who reject people who are different and people they don’t accept (LGBTs). Also the scene Lady Gaga had low angle shot because she want to show to stronger and confident than the homophobic. I want my video, at the end, to close the door. When my actor has finished signing the song, then the door will shut to make the homophobic people realise that people in the LGBT community are brave, braver than homophobic people. • My video won’t be the same as Lady Gaga’s video because my video will show standing up to homophobic people, and bullies who reject the LGBT community. My scenes will show lesbian and gay couples. Also I want show that doesn’t matter who you are like LGBT, white, Black, Asian, Muslins and others religions, we are all human, everyone is equal. I want my video show that we are standing up and supporting the LGBT community. This is important to me because I am gay. • In Lady GaGa’s video, it looks like it is set in space and it shows the world, my video won’t because it is hard to create that. I wat my video to include real people, not a fake image of the world. • Also, my video will not include birth, because the people I want to act in it will not be comfortable, also it is very graphic. I like that Lady GaGa’s video includes this because it shows you should be proud of how you were born. I was to show the same message, and want people to feel proud, but will not include birth in my video.
  • 5. Mind map of ideas [summary of ideas]
  • 6. Summary • 5 strengths of your ideas you could use 1. At the end of Lady GaGa’s “Born this Way”, she closes two doors, as if to say she is sgutting the people who don’t’ accept her out. I can do with the doors because my area have two doors that I can slam. 2. I can film in the area I live in because my area is a fairly quiet place and isn’t busy with lots of people. 3. I can do some work with the green screen effect because I know how to use green screen effects and put green screen effects onto my video because I did it in my advert film which included some green screen effects. 4. I can wear drag queen clothes because dressing in drag can show stronger support to LGBT community. I am a very open minded person, I am happy and open to dressing up. Some people are nervous or close minded and closed and they don’t want get involved with dressing up. 5. My sister and one deaf friend might be in my video because I knew they will love to acting in my video, and they can both sign, they are both Deaf so they both understand BSL is important. • 5 weaknesses of you ideas 1. I know some of my Deaf friends wouldn’t like to be in my video because some of them are shy, but I will try to asking my group for volunteers to do some sign language in my video. 2. I can’t create any big special effects like space and earth that is used in the Born this Way video because that is too hard and I will probably struggle to create it. I would like to make a normal video with some simple special effects. 3. I might not be able to find any actors for signing the song because I know someone who has never been an actor before might not be professional with their facial expressions and they will be nervous in my video too. They might feel too shy to do it. 4. I can’t film in my house because I don’t want to film in my house as my house is private, plus my mum doesn’t like college filming in the house. I must use outside of the house like the street or the park. 5. If all my Deaf friends won’t wear drag clothes, then l could take part in the video and create a role and I will wear the drag. Drag is important because dressing in drag links to LGBT.
  • 7. Final idea – artist/title/info • “Born This Way” by Lady GaGa • Why did she create “Born This Way”? Lady GaGa watched her fans grow up and they told her their stories about horrible experiences during their life. Lady GaGa decided to created her video for show her support to her fans. She wanted to remind them that they are not alone because she shows her support. Lady GaGa knew that if her fans felt alone, that can often lead to suicide. Also Lady GaGa had a celebrity friend - Elton John who is gay and she shows her support to him too. • I watched some other LGBT songs. Lady GaGa’s video had links to another song called “The Greatest” By Sia. I researched on YouTube and I found a list of LGBT songs. I needed to find the celebrities who are similar to Lady GaGa, and her song for LGBT. Now, I found two celebrities that have similar songs. I noticed two songs are different Lyrics but they are similar as they both show support to the LGBT community. Sia’s video is similar to Lady GaGa’s because they are both quite strange videos. They both have groups of people dancing together. They also both show that the people in the video want to show that they are tough, and they are strong, they know who they are and they accept it. They reject anyone that rejects them. • Lady GaGa’s music has four genres: Pop music, Electronic music, Dance music and Electronic dance music. This style of music is good for me, because when I put the music in Premier, it will be very clear for me to see the beat of the music. I will be working with the sound waves, in a visual way, rather than relying on listening to the music. They lyrics of Sia’s song are similar to Lady GaGa’s because they both have a strong message about being who you are. Sia’s song has some lyrics “Don’t Give Up, I won’t give up, don’t give up, no no no. I’m free to be greatest, I’m alive, I’m free to be greatest here tonight, the greatest.” Lady Gaga’s song has some lyrics “I’m beautiful in my way, cause God makes no mistake, I’m on the right track, baby I was born this way, don’t hide yourself in regret, just love yourself.” Both songs want to encourage people to be strong and love yourself. I think they want to help make their fans not regret who they are and what they have done.
  • 8. Final idea – track summary • The song is 7 minutes 18 seconds. When I film my video, I will be cutting the song down, so that it will be about 2 or 3 minutes. • The pace of the song is quite fast, you can see this in the video, there are lots of shot changes and they happen quite quickly. Also the dancing in the video is very fast, which links to the rhythm of the song, which is also fast. • The meaning of the song is to show Lady GaGa’s support, to encourage her fans to be confident and love who they are. Also the song will remind them not to be regretful of who they are. They song and the video also shows open mindedness, and acceptance of everyone, no matter who you are. • The lyrics in “Born this Way” are important, here is a quote: “whether you’re broke or evergreen, you’re black, white, beige, chola descent, you’re lebeanese, you’re orient, whether life’s disabilities, left you outcast, bullied, or teased, rejoice and love yourself today, cause baby you were born this way, no matter gay straight or bi, lesbian transgendered life, I’m on the right track baby, I was to survive, no matter black, white or beige chola or orient made, I’m on the right track baby,I was born to brave, i’m beautiful in my way.” This means you should be happy with who you are, everyone is human. You should accept the person you are and there are lots of people like you. I like the words “I was born to be brave” because it makes me feel like I was born to be strong, and I can stand up for myself, bullies can’t control me. I also like the words “I was to survive”, I like this because, although I know some people have killed themselves, but it shows I haven’t, I have survived the bullies and hard experiences. Also, this song makes me feel like I can survive because I have their support. Your race, religion, sexuality, none of it matters, everyone should always feel accepted. The song makes you feel empowered. • I want to use this theme in my video, I want to show my support to even more people, all over the world. I know some places in the world, and some people don’t have support, and some places people don’t have rights. I want to show them that they have my support, and there are other people out there like them. Also, I know Lady GaGa is straight, I want to show my views and support because I am really gay, and I want to show and prove that I can do anything.
  • 9. Final idea – your idea • I will be filming near my house and the area where I live because my area is a quiet place and this is easier for filming. • I would like to my video background to be outside on the street because I want the LGBT community to be brave, to walk outside and show the people who don’t accepted them that they are out, they are brave and they don’t care. • I will use the green screen effect because I want to take the photo from my actors who will be signing and I will put them in my video. So my video will start with one person, then I will use the green screen to add more and more actors in. • I want 5 actors in my video but this might depend because I know some of my friends might not like being filmed, and so won’t want to be in my video. If my friends can’t, I will ask my group in class. If I use the group in my class, then I will just ask them to do a couple of signs, because I know they don’t know full BSL. So maybe they will do one or two signs each, I will have to show them and teach them the signs. I will use sings like “Proud, happy, confident, accepting, strong, brave, empowered, open minded, support, respect, no regrets, ‘this is me’, uplifting.” If I use my friends who are Deaf and know BSL fully, then I will get one person to sign the whole song (this will be the person in drag), then the other 4 people to repeat some of what the main person says, like “born this way” and “you are beautiful the way you are”. • They will wear normal clothes because they will be in the background, but one main role will be dressed up as a drag queen because the person who will be singing in drag links to my theme. If my friends cannot do the video, and I have to ask my class mates, they will also be wearing their normal clothes. It is really important to me that I want to show gay / lesbian couples, so I really hope class don’t mind acting for the camera, because it will link with my LGBT theme. • My theme will show my support to LGBT people. My theme will be similar to Lady GaGa’s theme and I will change some things so it is different from her video. • I want my video to show LGBT and then I hope my audience will be more comfortable and accepting and feel closer and connected to LGBT. It can make my audience feel confident and happy themselves. I will make my video a little bit funny because I want to give my audience a good laugh and I’m a funny and opened mind person. • My imagery will be colourful because I want colours to link to rainbows for LGBT. I want to use slow editing because I need my audience to see full and clearly my sign language and to make them understand.
  • 10. Final idea – techniques and styles • Four shots: extreme close up, medium close up, close up, big close up. These are four shots that I don’t need because these shots only focus on the face. If I use these shots then my audience can’t see the sign language. Sign language is very important for the Deaf audience to be able to watch and understand my video, so I want my audience to always be ale to see the sign language. • Other shots: Medium long shot, looking room shot, long shot, very long shot, high angle shot (birds eye), two shot, over the shoulder shot, titled frame, walking room shot, low angle shot (worms eye). I will be using these shots because when using these shots, you can see the sign language very clearly, you will be able to see the facial expressions, body language, and hand movements, which are all part of BSL. • In the filming I will use a fixed camera with a tripod because I want my scenes to be smooth and a clear movement. If I use hand camera and it’s possible I will be shaking and this can look messy and my scenes wont have a high enough quality. I want my scenes to be good quality because I want my video to look professional. If the quality of my video isn’t very good, then my audience might not want to watch it. • My video will not use lip syncing, because I will be using BSL, so my actor will not use their voice. They will be signing, some of the signs have the lip pattern, but some signs do not, they just use a facial expression, so this means it will be more like a performance. • I would like my video to have plain white lights, and not coloured lighting because the lights can make my scenes look more clear. I don’t want my scene to look dark because this can ruin my video. I want my video to look professional. So, I will ask to use some clear white lights for the filming.
  • 11. Summary • 5 strengths of your ideas you could use 1. I have one of my friends who will be made me up to become a drag queen. The make up is important because most of video always has to have to make up on. 2. I have some drag queen clothes because I have brought them before. 3. If I finish the filming very early then I can start editing my scenes. 4. I can book a quiet room for filming in that won’t be busy with lots of people. 5. I have a plenty of people that I can ask who might be willing to act in my music video. • 5 weaknesses of you ideas 1. If my Deaf friends say no, I will ask some of my class mates if they will be in my video. 2. If I don’t have enough time to finish my filming then I will have to do it for homework. Or, if some my Deaf friends might be late or delaying then i will ask some of my class mates to take over from them. 3. If I didn’t bring drag queen clothes and I will be my fault. I will ask to borrow from fashion desiger course or try and make something myself. The fashion department might not have anything clothes, so I would ahve to get my actor to wear normal clothes but wear more make up. 4. If I can’t afford a wig or if the shop is empty as doesn’t have any, then I will have to slightly change the plan, so my actor will have normal hair and still put make up on to see proper drag queen. 5. If some of my Deaf friends do not concentrate during some bits of the song, I will tell them off and they have to learn not to distact each other. If they keep still like that, I will replace them by my class mates.
  • 12. Potential research targets • I researched two music videos and they help me to idea for use BSL in music video because I am Deaf and I want to use BSL in my video. • I researched three music video and all the same as depression and strange. My video will be different from them because I want my video be sensible, funny and comfortable. • I would like my video medium flow editing because my actor will signing the song and I will be careful with editing because I want to make sure the scene can see my actor fully sign the song. • I need a studio lighting because I want my scene more bright and clear to make a look professional. If I don’t have lighting during the filming then, my scene will look dark and not clearly. • I need the performance because I want some actors doing more professional acting. I don’t want some of actors who never acting before and they will ruin my scene. If my class mate who is hearing might begin the filming and I will teach them one or two sign languages. • I know how to fixed the camera on the tripod because I did created two short films which is I been learn how to fixed it. • I want to the camera is movement. I don’t want the camera just one shot and no move will be boring. I like the movement because it’s can make the audience feel enthusiast. • Some of BSL songs a person who is signing the song and have music video beside the person. The person just stood and signing the song. My video will be different from them because I don’t need the video of music because I have my actor will be song. Also I don’t like my actor just stood and signing that all and I prefer they use movement because I want my music video more interesting and amazing. • I need the green screen because I will take the video the actors on the green screen then I will put it on my video to make look more actors and I like some actors just appearance for some signs then they will be gone. I want to show to my audience for no matter what, black, white, Asian or orient.

Editor's Notes

  1. What techniques, resources, locations, etc will you need to research?