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@)!& gf]e]Da/
jif{ * c+s !)!
o; c+sdf s] s] <
(What is inside ?)
à sfd a9L ePsf zx/================!
(Cities with more jobs)
à # xhf/ % ;o e"6fgL========‍‍‍‍‍=======@
(35 hundreds Bhutanese)
à a+unfb]zdf /f]lxªUof z/0ffyL{===#
(Rohingya Refugees in B’desh)
à d x'FM Dof;Ro';]6; /fHo========‍‍‍‍‍==$
(I am state of Massachusetts)
à rNtLsf c+u|]hL zAb ^^==========$
(Most common Eng. words 66)
sfd sxf“ kfOG5 < eGg]
k|Zgsf] hjfkmdf o'P;P 6'8]
(USA Today) n] Pp6f n]v
k|sflzt u/]sf] 5 . n]v tof/
kfbf{ /f]huf/L;DaGwL sfd ug]{
j]a;fO6 Unf;8'c/ (Glass-
door) nfO{ d'Vo cfwf/ lnPsf]
5 .
oxfF ;"rLj4 sfdx?
;'?cftL sfd xf]Ogg . lzlIft, af“sL k[i7 @ df
s'g zx/df sfd <
@% 7fpFsf] rrf{,
napolis), OlG8ofgf
#= 	 sG;f; l;6L (Kansas
City), ldh'/L
$= 	 /]ln3–b'xf{d (Raleigh-
Durham), gy{
%= 	 ;]G6 n'O; (St. Louis),
^= 	 d]lDkm; (Memphis),
bIf, k|fljlws cflbn] ug]{ sfd
x'g .
@% zx/ <
o;/L agfOPsf] ;"rLdf
/f]huf/Ldf klxnf] dWo–klZrdL
zx/ k]G;ne]lgof /fHosf]
lk6;ju{ b]lvPsf] 5 .
!= 	 lk6;ju{ (Pittsburgh),
@= 	 OlG8ofgfkf]ln; (India-
cfly{s jif{ @)!^÷)!&
cd]l/sfdf # xhf/ % ;o %) e"6fgL k'g:yf{lkt
;]K6]Da/ @)!& cGt;Dd s"n (# xhf/ ( ;o !$
cfly{s jif{ ;g @)!^÷)!&
df cd]l/sfdf # xhf/ %
;o %) e"6fgL z/0ffyL{nfO{
k'g:yf{kgf ul/Psf] 5 .
cd]l/sfsf] cfly{s jif{
cS6f]a/ ! df ;'¿ eP/
;]K6]Da/ #) df ;lsG5 . of]
tYofÍ ;g @)!^ cS6f]a/ !
df ;'¿ eP/ @)!& ;]K6]Da/
#) ;Ddsf] xf] .
o;/L ;g @)!& sf]
;]K6]Da/ cGt -cfly{s jif{
Go' ≈ofD;/ /fHosf] x'S;]6l:yt d]G6]lgª OlG8k]G8]G; gfds 8]–s]o/df cfgf] b}lgsLdf Jo:t
g]kfnL–efifL e"6fgL j[4–j[4f . tl:a/M /fh]z sf]O/fnf
&= 	 sf]nDa; (Columbus),
*= 	 l;lG;Gof6L (Cincinnati),
(= 	 lSneNof08 (Cleveland),
!)=	 n'Olen (Louisville),
!!=	 ald{ªu3d (Birmingham),
!@=	 8]6«f]O6 (Detroit), ldl;ug
!#=	 ldlgofkf]ln;–;]G6 kn
(Minneapolis-St. Paul),
!$=	 xf6{kmf]8{ (Hartford),
!%=	 cf]Snxfdf l;6L (Okla-
homa City), cf]Snxfdf
;g @))* kl5 cd]l/sfdf
klxnf]k6s Ps cfly{s
jif{df ;aeGbf sd e"6fgL
k'g:yf{lkt ePsf 5g .
!^=	 jfl;ªu6g l8;L (Wash-
ington, D.C.) –
!&=	 l;of6n (Seattle),
!*=	 c6nfG6f (Atlanta),
!(=	 aflN6df]/ (Baltimore),
@)=	 Gof;len (Nashville),
sfdsf ljifoM sd
k9fO /fd|f] sdfO,
x/fO/x]sf sfd, w]/}
sfd lbg] sDkgLaf/]
cIfl/sfsf c+sM %#,
%* / &$ klg x]g'{xf]; .
@!=	 ldNjfsL (Milwaukee,
WI), lj:sfG;g
@@=	 ;fg xf];] (San Jose,
Calif.), Soflnkmf]lg{of
@#=	 l;sfuf] (Chicago),
@$=	 ;fnf]{6 (Charlotte), gy{
@%=	 8fn;–kmf]6{jy{ (Dallas-
Fort Worth), 6]S;; .
adf{ -DofGdf_ sf sl/a ^ nfv
%) xhf/ /f]lxªUof z/0ffyL{
a+unfb]z cfPsf 5g . ToxfFsf]
;/sf/sf] bdg v]Kg g;s]/
b]zaf6 efu]sf] atfOPsf] 5 .
sf] x'g, /f]lxªUof <
ofGdfsf w]/} dflg; af}4 wd{
dfG5g . Ps tYofªs–
cg';f/ ToxfF !) nfv
/f]lxªUof d';ndfg 5g . oL
d';ndfgx?nfO{ d'Vo ¿k
cj}w a+unfb]zL k|jf;L x'g
eg]/ e]befj ul/b} cfPsf]
5 . pgL k':tf}+ ToxfF a:b}
cfPsf 5g . t/ DofGdfsf]
;/sf/ pgLx?nfO{ gful/stf
lbg dflg/x]sf] 5}g .
/vfOg /fHodf ;g @)!@
b]lv ;fDk|bflos lx+;f hf/L
5 . oL lx+;fdf w]/} ;+Vofdf
dflg;sf] Hofg uof] / Ps
nfveGbf a9L dflg; klxn] g}
lj:yflkt eO;s]sf 5g .
cfly{s jif{ @))&÷)* b]lv cfly{s jif{ @)!^÷)!& ;Dd
;g @)!^÷)!& sf] cGt_
;Dd cd]l/sfdf k'g:yf{lkt
e"6fgLsf] ;+Vof (# xhf/ (
;o !$ k'u]sf] 5 .
xfn;Ddsf cfly{s
jif{x? x]bf{ o;k6s ;aeGbf
sd ePsf] xf] . g]kfnaf6
k'g:yf{kgf aGb ug{ nfUbf /
cd]l/sfsf] gofF ;/sf/sf] gofF
gLltsf sf/0f klg o;/L
36]sf] xf] .
s"n slt <
:6]6 l8kf6{d]G6sf] tYofÍ–
cg';f/ cf=j= @)!^÷!&
df ljZjsf ljleGg d'n'ssf
s"n %# xhf/ & ;o !^
z/0ffyL{nfO{ cd]l/sfdf
k'g:yf{kgf ul/Psf] 5 .
;g !(&% cd]l/sfn]
cf}krfl/s ¿kdf z/0ffyL{
k'g:yf{kgf yfn]sf] xf] .
;g @))& df e"6fgLnfO{
g]kfnaf6 t];|f] d'n's
k'g:yf{kgf ug]{ lg0f{o
ul/Psf] lyof] . ;g @))*
dfr{ $ df k'gjf{;sf nflu
e"6fgL z/0ffyL{sf] klxnf] v]k
g]kfnaf6 cd]l/sf p8]sf]
lyof] .
a+unfb]zdf ^ nfv
%) xhf/
/f]lxªUof z/0ffyL{
la6 dfbf{dfb}{
dfdeGbf sfd
;]K6]Da/ clGtd;Dd cd]l/sfdf
# xhf/ % ;o %) e"6fgL
k'g:yf{lkt x'g'ePsf] 5 . ;g
@))* df z'¿ ePotf Pp6f
cfly{s jif{df ;aeGbf sd
k'g:yf{lkt x'g'ePsf] xf] .
g]kfnaf6 n}hfg] qmd /f]lsg
nfUg' / cd]l/sfsf] gofF gLlt
Ps} a]nf k/]sf] 5 . ;+of]u klg
eGg'k5{ . cd]l/sfn] 36fP klg
s6fP klg /f]s]sf] eg] 5}g .
/f]Sg' klg x'Fb}g . k'g:yf{kgfsf]
sfd uj{sf] ljifo xf] .
sfdsf ljifodf xfdLn]
gofF hfgsf/L lbPsf 5f}+ . of]
cd]l/sfdf htf sfd, ptf g}
hfd . dfG5]nfO{ dfdn]
eGbf tfG5 sfdn], of]
cd]l/sfdf . wGojfb
Editor : Rajesh Koirala, Advisors : Doug Hall, Sattan Acharya, Tara Acharya, Tika Acharya, and Bhagirath Khatiwada
Bhutanese Community of New Hampshire, 510 Chestnut Street, Manchester, NH 03101, Email:
c+u|]hL zAb ;"rL 66
c+u|]hLdf ;fwf/0f af]nrfn ug{ rflxg] sl/a # xhf/ zAbdWo]af6 5o;67Lcf}+ ;"rL -efu ^^_
• defeat:
lqmof– x/fpg', k/f:t ug{',
3f]K6ofpg', kmTo ug{', ax;df
7]pNofpg', eUg ;+sNk u/fpg',
km]n Vjfpg', n't] sfg nfpg',
lg/fzf x'g', ljkmn kfg'{, lgikmn
kfg'{ .
gfd– x/n, xf/, k/fho,
c;kmntf, ljkmntf, kN6fjfhL,
a/afbL .
• defence:
gfd– /Iff, arfp, k|lt/Iff,
k|ltjfb, arfpsf] k|aGw,
kIfkf]if0f, k'li6, df]rf{aGbL,
k|lt/Iff;DaGwL ax; .
• defend:
lqmof– arfpg', /Iff ug{',
/f]Sg', x6fpg', k|ltjfbL lbg' jf
p;sf tkm{af6 ax; ug{', cf]8
ug{', k|lt/Iff ug'{, ;dy{g ug'{,
k|ltjfb ug'{ .
• deficit:
gfd– 3f6f, Go"gtf, sdL,
cNktf, gk'u, 36L, ck'u .
• define:
lqmof– kl/efiff ug{', kl/eflift
ug{', ;Ldf l:y/ ug{', :ki6
kfg'{, cfsf/ :ki‍6;Fu b]vfpg',
JofVof ug{', nIf0f atfpg',
ls6fg ug{', xb tf]Sg' .
• definite:
gfd– v;f]vf;, 7f]s'jf, lgot,
lglZ‍rt, lglb{i‍6, kSsf, :ki6,
;fkm ;fkm, lgZrofTds .
• definition:
gfd– kl/efiff, :ki6 ljj/0f,
lg?k0f, JofVof, lgZrog .
• degree:
gfd– kb, >]0fL, bhf{, :yfg,
kbjL, pkflw, kof{o, cf1lKt,
k|df0f–kq, k|dfl0fsf, lsQf,
dfqf, sf]l6, 3ft, kf/f, c+z,
tfkdfg, l:ylt, qmd, sbd,
kl/df0f, pkflw–kq .
• delay:
lqmof– l9nf] ug'{ jf x'g', AofFnf]
ug'{, lwªGofO ug'{, a]/ ug'{ jf
x'g', ljnDa ug'{ jf x'g' .
lqmof–ljz]if0f– l9nfO, ;':tL,
6fnd6f]n, AofFnf], ljnDa,
:yug, ca]/, ca]nf . qmdzM
d Dof;Ro';]6; /fHo
x'F . Dof;Ro';]6;,
cd]l/sfsf] pQ/–k"jL{
/fHo xf] . Dof;Ro';]6;sf]
/fhwfgL / 7"nf] zx/
af]:6g (Boston) zx/ xf] .
n n n
Dof;Ro';]6;sf] k"j{df
cfGw| dxf;fu/ (Atlantic
Ocean), blIf0fdf sg]l6s6
(Connecticut) tyf /f]8
cfONof08 (Rhode Island),
pQ/df Go' XofD;/ (New
Hampshire) tyf ed{G6 (Ver-
mont) / klZrddf Go'of]s{
(New York) /fHo 5g .
n n n
ju{ lsnf]ld6/_ 5 .
n n n
Dof;Ro';]6;sf] hg;+Vof
^* nfv %( xhf/ * ;o
!( 5 . w]/} hg;+Vof ePsf
/fHodf of] !% cf}+ xf] . Go'
O+uNof08 (New England)
eg]/ lrlgg] o;
If]qsf ^ /fHodWo]
of] 3gf cfjfbL
ePsf] /fHodf xf] .
n n n
j]a;fO6 www.mass.
gov xf] .
n n n
o; /fHonfO{ a] :6]6 (The
Bay State) sf pkgfdn]
lrlgG5 .
n n n
o; /fHonfO{ 5f]6s/Ldf
MA n]lvG5 .
n n n
Dof;Ro';]6;, cd]l/sfsf]
!# j6f ;+:yfkg /fHodWo]
Ps /fHo xf] .
n n n
Dof;Ro';]6;df !$ j6f
sfpG6L (county) 5g .
n n n
of] cd]l/sfsf] $$ cf}+ 7"nf]
/fHo xf] . o;sf] If]qkmn
!) xhf/ % ;o ^% ju{
dfOn -@& xhf/ # ;o #&

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Aksharica - 095 (अक्षरिका - ०९५)Aksharica - 095 (अक्षरिका - ०९५)
Aksharica - 095 (अक्षरिका - ०९५)Rajesh Koirala
Aksharica - 099 (अक्षरिका - ०९९)
Aksharica - 099 (अक्षरिका - ०९९)Aksharica - 099 (अक्षरिका - ०९९)
Aksharica - 099 (अक्षरिका - ०९९)Rajesh Koirala
Aksharica - 049 (अक्षरिका - ०४९)
Aksharica - 049 (अक्षरिका - ०४९)Aksharica - 049 (अक्षरिका - ०४९)
Aksharica - 049 (अक्षरिका - ०४९)Rajesh Koirala
Aksharica - 104 (अक्षरिका - १०४)
Aksharica - 104 (अक्षरिका - १०४)Aksharica - 104 (अक्षरिका - १०४)
Aksharica - 104 (अक्षरिका - १०४)Rajesh Koirala
Aksharica - 052 (अक्षरिका - ०५२)
Aksharica - 052 (अक्षरिका - ०५२)Aksharica - 052 (अक्षरिका - ०५२)
Aksharica - 052 (अक्षरिका - ०५२)Rajesh Koirala
Aksharica - 015 (अक्षरिका - ०१५)
Aksharica - 015 (अक्षरिका - ०१५)Aksharica - 015 (अक्षरिका - ०१५)
Aksharica - 015 (अक्षरिका - ०१५)Rajesh Koirala
Aksharica - 051 (अक्षरिका - ०५१)
Aksharica - 051 (अक्षरिका - ०५१)Aksharica - 051 (अक्षरिका - ०५१)
Aksharica - 051 (अक्षरिका - ०५१)Rajesh Koirala
Aksharica - 067 (अक्षरिका - ०६७)
Aksharica - 067 (अक्षरिका - ०६७)Aksharica - 067 (अक्षरिका - ०६७)
Aksharica - 067 (अक्षरिका - ०६७)Rajesh Koirala
Aksharica - 098 (अक्षरिका - ०९८)
Aksharica - 098 (अक्षरिका - ०९८)Aksharica - 098 (अक्षरिका - ०९८)
Aksharica - 098 (अक्षरिका - ०९८)Rajesh Koirala
Aksharica - 090 (अक्षरिका - ०९०)
Aksharica - 090 (अक्षरिका - ०९०)Aksharica - 090 (अक्षरिका - ०९०)
Aksharica - 090 (अक्षरिका - ०९०)Rajesh Koirala
Aksharica - 094 (अक्षरिका - ०९४)
Aksharica - 094 (अक्षरिका - ०९४)Aksharica - 094 (अक्षरिका - ०९४)
Aksharica - 094 (अक्षरिका - ०९४)Rajesh Koirala
Aksharica - 047 (अक्षरिका - ०४७)
Aksharica - 047 (अक्षरिका - ०४७)Aksharica - 047 (अक्षरिका - ०४७)
Aksharica - 047 (अक्षरिका - ०४७)Rajesh Koirala
Aksharica - 112 (अक्षरिका - ११२)
Aksharica - 112 (अक्षरिका - ११२) Aksharica - 112 (अक्षरिका - ११२)
Aksharica - 112 (अक्षरिका - ११२) Rajesh Koirala
Aksharica - 116 (अक्षरिका - ११६)
Aksharica - 116 (अक्षरिका - ११६)Aksharica - 116 (अक्षरिका - ११६)
Aksharica - 116 (अक्षरिका - ११६)Rajesh Koirala
Aksharica - 039 (अक्षरिका - ०३९)
Aksharica - 039 (अक्षरिका - ०३९)Aksharica - 039 (अक्षरिका - ०३९)
Aksharica - 039 (अक्षरिका - ०३९)Rajesh Koirala
Presentation Rangeli.pdf
Presentation Rangeli.pdfPresentation Rangeli.pdf
Presentation Rangeli.pdfYagyaSharma17

Similar to Cities with Jobs and Rohingya Refugees (20)

Aksharica - 103 (अक्षरिका - १०३)
Aksharica - 103 (अक्षरिका - १०३)Aksharica - 103 (अक्षरिका - १०३)
Aksharica - 103 (अक्षरिका - १०३)
Aksharica - 093 (अक्षरिका - ०९३)
Aksharica - 093 (अक्षरिका - ०९३)Aksharica - 093 (अक्षरिका - ०९३)
Aksharica - 093 (अक्षरिका - ०९३)
Aksharica - 082 (अक्षरिका - ०८२)
Aksharica - 082 (अक्षरिका - ०८२)Aksharica - 082 (अक्षरिका - ०८२)
Aksharica - 082 (अक्षरिका - ०८२)
Aksharica - 048 (अक्षरिका - ०४८)
Aksharica - 048 (अक्षरिका - ०४८)Aksharica - 048 (अक्षरिका - ०४८)
Aksharica - 048 (अक्षरिका - ०४८)
Aksharica - 095 (अक्षरिका - ०९५)
Aksharica - 095 (अक्षरिका - ०९५)Aksharica - 095 (अक्षरिका - ०९५)
Aksharica - 095 (अक्षरिका - ०९५)
Aksharica - 099 (अक्षरिका - ०९९)
Aksharica - 099 (अक्षरिका - ०९९)Aksharica - 099 (अक्षरिका - ०९९)
Aksharica - 099 (अक्षरिका - ०९९)
Aksharica - 049 (अक्षरिका - ०४९)
Aksharica - 049 (अक्षरिका - ०४९)Aksharica - 049 (अक्षरिका - ०४९)
Aksharica - 049 (अक्षरिका - ०४९)
Aksharica - 104 (अक्षरिका - १०४)
Aksharica - 104 (अक्षरिका - १०४)Aksharica - 104 (अक्षरिका - १०४)
Aksharica - 104 (अक्षरिका - १०४)
Aksharica - 052 (अक्षरिका - ०५२)
Aksharica - 052 (अक्षरिका - ०५२)Aksharica - 052 (अक्षरिका - ०५२)
Aksharica - 052 (अक्षरिका - ०५२)
Aksharica - 015 (अक्षरिका - ०१५)
Aksharica - 015 (अक्षरिका - ०१५)Aksharica - 015 (अक्षरिका - ०१५)
Aksharica - 015 (अक्षरिका - ०१५)
Aksharica - 051 (अक्षरिका - ०५१)
Aksharica - 051 (अक्षरिका - ०५१)Aksharica - 051 (अक्षरिका - ०५१)
Aksharica - 051 (अक्षरिका - ०५१)
Aksharica - 067 (अक्षरिका - ०६७)
Aksharica - 067 (अक्षरिका - ०६७)Aksharica - 067 (अक्षरिका - ०६७)
Aksharica - 067 (अक्षरिका - ०६७)
Aksharica - 098 (अक्षरिका - ०९८)
Aksharica - 098 (अक्षरिका - ०९८)Aksharica - 098 (अक्षरिका - ०९८)
Aksharica - 098 (अक्षरिका - ०९८)
Aksharica - 090 (अक्षरिका - ०९०)
Aksharica - 090 (अक्षरिका - ०९०)Aksharica - 090 (अक्षरिका - ०९०)
Aksharica - 090 (अक्षरिका - ०९०)
Aksharica - 094 (अक्षरिका - ०९४)
Aksharica - 094 (अक्षरिका - ०९४)Aksharica - 094 (अक्षरिका - ०९४)
Aksharica - 094 (अक्षरिका - ०९४)
Aksharica - 047 (अक्षरिका - ०४७)
Aksharica - 047 (अक्षरिका - ०४७)Aksharica - 047 (अक्षरिका - ०४७)
Aksharica - 047 (अक्षरिका - ०४७)
Aksharica - 112 (अक्षरिका - ११२)
Aksharica - 112 (अक्षरिका - ११२) Aksharica - 112 (अक्षरिका - ११२)
Aksharica - 112 (अक्षरिका - ११२)
Aksharica - 116 (अक्षरिका - ११६)
Aksharica - 116 (अक्षरिका - ११६)Aksharica - 116 (अक्षरिका - ११६)
Aksharica - 116 (अक्षरिका - ११६)
Aksharica - 039 (अक्षरिका - ०३९)
Aksharica - 039 (अक्षरिका - ०३९)Aksharica - 039 (अक्षरिका - ०३९)
Aksharica - 039 (अक्षरिका - ०३९)
Presentation Rangeli.pdf
Presentation Rangeli.pdfPresentation Rangeli.pdf
Presentation Rangeli.pdf

More from Rajesh Koirala

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Aksharica - 121 (अक्षरिका - १२१)Aksharica - 121 (अक्षरिका - १२१)
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Aksharica - 120 (अक्षरिका - १२०)
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Aksharica - 118 (अक्षरिका - ११८)
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Aksharica - 117 (अक्षरिका - ११७)
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Aksharica - 115 (अक्षरिका - ११५)
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Rajesh Koirala's books, and MagazinesRajesh Koirala's books, and Magazines
Rajesh Koirala's books, and MagazinesRajesh Koirala
Aksharica - 114 (अक्षरिका - ११४)
Aksharica - 114 (अक्षरिका - ११४)Aksharica - 114 (अक्षरिका - ११४)
Aksharica - 114 (अक्षरिका - ११४)Rajesh Koirala
Aksharica - 111 (अक्षरिका - १११)
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Aksharica - 110 (अक्षरिका - ११०)
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Aksharica - 109 (अक्षरिका - १०९)
Aksharica - 109 (अक्षरिका - १०९)Aksharica - 109 (अक्षरिका - १०९)
Aksharica - 109 (अक्षरिका - १०९)Rajesh Koirala
Aksharica - 108 (अक्षरिका - १०८)
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Aksharica - 100 (अक्षरिका - १००)
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Aksharica - 097 (अक्षरिका - ०९७)
Aksharica - 097 (अक्षरिका - ०९७)Aksharica - 097 (अक्षरिका - ०९७)
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Aksharica - 092 (अक्षरिका - ०९२)
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Aksharica - 118 (अक्षरिका - ११८)
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Aksharica - 115 (अक्षरिका - ११५)
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Rajesh Koirala's books, and Magazines
Aksharica - 114 (अक्षरिका - ११४)
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Aksharica - 111 (अक्षरिका - १११)
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Aksharica - 108 (अक्षरिका - १०८)
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Aksharica - 100 (अक्षरिका - १००)
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Aksharica - 100 (अक्षरिका - १००)
Aksharica - 097 (अक्षरिका - ०९७)
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Aksharica - 097 (अक्षरिका - ०९७)
Aksharica - 092 (अक्षरिका - ०९२)
Aksharica - 092 (अक्षरिका - ०९२)Aksharica - 092 (अक्षरिका - ०९२)
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Cities with Jobs and Rohingya Refugees

  • 1. @)!& gf]e]Da/ jif{ * c+s !)! o; c+sdf s] s] < (What is inside ?) à sfd a9L ePsf zx/================! (Cities with more jobs) à # xhf/ % ;o e"6fgL========‍‍‍‍‍=======@ (35 hundreds Bhutanese) à a+unfb]zdf /f]lxªUof z/0ffyL{===# (Rohingya Refugees in B’desh) à d x'FM Dof;Ro';]6; /fHo========‍‍‍‍‍==$ (I am state of Massachusetts) à rNtLsf c+u|]hL zAb ^^==========$ (Most common Eng. words 66) sfd sxf“ kfOG5 < eGg] k|Zgsf] hjfkmdf o'P;P 6'8] (USA Today) n] Pp6f n]v k|sflzt u/]sf] 5 . n]v tof/ kfbf{ /f]huf/L;DaGwL sfd ug]{ j]a;fO6 Unf;8'c/ (Glass- door) nfO{ d'Vo cfwf/ lnPsf] 5 . oxfF ;"rLj4 sfdx? ;'?cftL sfd xf]Ogg . lzlIft, af“sL k[i7 @ df s'g zx/df sfd < @% 7fpFsf] rrf{, napolis), OlG8ofgf #= sG;f; l;6L (Kansas City), ldh'/L $= /]ln3–b'xf{d (Raleigh- Durham), gy{ Sof/f]nfOgf %= ;]G6 n'O; (St. Louis), ldh'/L ^= d]lDkm; (Memphis), bIf, k|fljlws cflbn] ug]{ sfd x'g . @% zx/ < o;/L agfOPsf] ;"rLdf /f]huf/Ldf klxnf] dWo–klZrdL zx/ k]G;ne]lgof /fHosf] lk6;ju{ b]lvPsf] 5 . != lk6;ju{ (Pittsburgh), k]G;ne]lgof @= OlG8ofgfkf]ln; (India-
  • 2. @ @)!&gf]e]Da/,jif{*c+s!)! cfly{s jif{ @)!^÷)!& cd]l/sfdf # xhf/ % ;o %) e"6fgL k'g:yf{lkt ;]K6]Da/ @)!& cGt;Dd s"n (# xhf/ ( ;o !$ cfly{s jif{ ;g @)!^÷)!& df cd]l/sfdf # xhf/ % ;o %) e"6fgL z/0ffyL{nfO{ k'g:yf{kgf ul/Psf] 5 . cd]l/sfsf] cfly{s jif{ cS6f]a/ ! df ;'¿ eP/ ;]K6]Da/ #) df ;lsG5 . of] tYofÍ ;g @)!^ cS6f]a/ ! df ;'¿ eP/ @)!& ;]K6]Da/ #) ;Ddsf] xf] . o;/L ;g @)!& sf] ;]K6]Da/ cGt -cfly{s jif{ Go' ≈ofD;/ /fHosf] x'S;]6l:yt d]G6]lgª OlG8k]G8]G; gfds 8]–s]o/df cfgf] b}lgsLdf Jo:t g]kfnL–efifL e"6fgL j[4–j[4f . tl:a/M /fh]z sf]O/fnf 6]g];L &= sf]nDa; (Columbus), cf]xfof] *= l;lG;Gof6L (Cincinnati), cf]xfof] (= lSneNof08 (Cleveland), cf]xfof] !)= n'Olen (Louisville), s]G6sL !!= ald{ªu3d (Birmingham), cnfafdf !@= 8]6«f]O6 (Detroit), ldl;ug !#= ldlgofkf]ln;–;]G6 kn (Minneapolis-St. Paul), ldg];f]6f !$= xf6{kmf]8{ (Hartford), sg]l6s6 !%= cf]Snxfdf l;6L (Okla- homa City), cf]Snxfdf ;g @))* kl5 cd]l/sfdf klxnf]k6s Ps cfly{s jif{df ;aeGbf sd e"6fgL k'g:yf{lkt ePsf 5g . !^= jfl;ªu6g l8;L (Wash- ington, D.C.) – !&= l;of6n (Seattle), jfl;ªu6g !*= c6nfG6f (Atlanta), hlh{of !(= aflN6df]/ (Baltimore), d]l/Nof08 @)= Gof;len (Nashville), 6]g];L sfdsf ljifoM sd k9fO /fd|f] sdfO, x/fO/x]sf sfd, w]/} sfd lbg] sDkgLaf/] cIfl/sfsf c+sM %#, %* / &$ klg x]g'{xf]; . @!= ldNjfsL (Milwaukee, WI), lj:sfG;g @@= ;fg xf];] (San Jose, Calif.), Soflnkmf]lg{of @#= l;sfuf] (Chicago), Olngf]o @$= ;fnf]{6 (Charlotte), gy{ Sof/f]nfOgf @%= 8fn;–kmf]6{jy{ (Dallas- Fort Worth), 6]S;; .
  • 3. #@)!&gf]e]Da/,jif{*c+s!)! adf{ -DofGdf_ sf sl/a ^ nfv %) xhf/ /f]lxªUof z/0ffyL{ a+unfb]z cfPsf 5g . ToxfFsf] ;/sf/sf] bdg v]Kg g;s]/ b]zaf6 efu]sf] atfOPsf] 5 . sf] x'g, /f]lxªUof < ofGdfsf w]/} dflg; af}4 wd{ dfG5g . Ps tYofªs– cg';f/ ToxfF !) nfv /f]lxªUof d';ndfg 5g . oL d';ndfgx?nfO{ d'Vo ¿k cj}w a+unfb]zL k|jf;L x'g eg]/ e]befj ul/b} cfPsf] 5 . pgL k':tf}+ ToxfF a:b} cfPsf 5g . t/ DofGdfsf] ;/sf/ pgLx?nfO{ gful/stf lbg dflg/x]sf] 5}g . /vfOg /fHodf ;g @)!@ b]lv ;fDk|bflos lx+;f hf/L 5 . oL lx+;fdf w]/} ;+Vofdf dflg;sf] Hofg uof] / Ps nfveGbf a9L dflg; klxn] g} lj:yflkt eO;s]sf 5g . cfly{s jif{ @))&÷)* b]lv cfly{s jif{ @)!^÷)!& ;Dd ;g @)!^÷)!& sf] cGt_ ;Dd cd]l/sfdf k'g:yf{lkt e"6fgLsf] ;+Vof (# xhf/ ( ;o !$ k'u]sf] 5 . xfn;Ddsf cfly{s jif{x? x]bf{ o;k6s ;aeGbf sd ePsf] xf] . g]kfnaf6 k'g:yf{kgf aGb ug{ nfUbf / cd]l/sfsf] gofF ;/sf/sf] gofF gLltsf sf/0f klg o;/L 36]sf] xf] . s"n slt < :6]6 l8kf6{d]G6sf] tYofÍ– cg';f/ cf=j= @)!^÷!& df ljZjsf ljleGg d'n'ssf s"n %# xhf/ & ;o !^ z/0ffyL{nfO{ cd]l/sfdf k'g:yf{kgf ul/Psf] 5 . ;g !(&% cd]l/sfn] cf}krfl/s ¿kdf z/0ffyL{ k'g:yf{kgf yfn]sf] xf] . cf/De ;g @))& df e"6fgLnfO{ g]kfnaf6 t];|f] d'n's k'g:yf{kgf ug]{ lg0f{o ul/Psf] lyof] . ;g @))* dfr{ $ df k'gjf{;sf nflu e"6fgL z/0ffyL{sf] klxnf] v]k g]kfnaf6 cd]l/sf p8]sf] lyof] . a+unfb]zdf ^ nfv %) xhf/ /f]lxªUof z/0ffyL{
  • 4. $ la6 dfbf{dfb}{ dfdeGbf sfd ;]K6]Da/ clGtd;Dd cd]l/sfdf # xhf/ % ;o %) e"6fgL k'g:yf{lkt x'g'ePsf] 5 . ;g @))* df z'¿ ePotf Pp6f cfly{s jif{df ;aeGbf sd k'g:yf{lkt x'g'ePsf] xf] . g]kfnaf6 n}hfg] qmd /f]lsg nfUg' / cd]l/sfsf] gofF gLlt Ps} a]nf k/]sf] 5 . ;+of]u klg eGg'k5{ . cd]l/sfn] 36fP klg s6fP klg /f]s]sf] eg] 5}g . /f]Sg' klg x'Fb}g . k'g:yf{kgfsf] sfd uj{sf] ljifo xf] . sfdsf ljifodf xfdLn] gofF hfgsf/L lbPsf 5f}+ . of] cd]l/sfdf htf sfd, ptf g} hfd . dfG5]nfO{ dfdn] eGbf tfG5 sfdn], of] cd]l/sfdf . wGojfb Editor : Rajesh Koirala, Advisors : Doug Hall, Sattan Acharya, Tara Acharya, Tika Acharya, and Bhagirath Khatiwada Bhutanese Community of New Hampshire, 510 Chestnut Street, Manchester, NH 03101, Email: @)!&gf]e]Da/,jif{*c+s!)! c+u|]hL zAb ;"rL 66 c+u|]hLdf ;fwf/0f af]nrfn ug{ rflxg] sl/a # xhf/ zAbdWo]af6 5o;67Lcf}+ ;"rL -efu ^^_ • defeat: lqmof– x/fpg', k/f:t ug{', 3f]K6ofpg', kmTo ug{', ax;df 7]pNofpg', eUg ;+sNk u/fpg', km]n Vjfpg', n't] sfg nfpg', lg/fzf x'g', ljkmn kfg'{, lgikmn kfg'{ . gfd– x/n, xf/, k/fho, c;kmntf, ljkmntf, kN6fjfhL, a/afbL . • defence: gfd– /Iff, arfp, k|lt/Iff, k|ltjfb, arfpsf] k|aGw, kIfkf]if0f, k'li6, df]rf{aGbL, k|lt/Iff;DaGwL ax; . • defend: lqmof– arfpg', /Iff ug{', /f]Sg', x6fpg', k|ltjfbL lbg' jf p;sf tkm{af6 ax; ug{', cf]8 ug{', k|lt/Iff ug'{, ;dy{g ug'{, k|ltjfb ug'{ . • deficit: gfd– 3f6f, Go"gtf, sdL, cNktf, gk'u, 36L, ck'u . • define: lqmof– kl/efiff ug{', kl/eflift ug{', ;Ldf l:y/ ug{', :ki6 kfg'{, cfsf/ :ki‍6;Fu b]vfpg', JofVof ug{', nIf0f atfpg', ls6fg ug{', xb tf]Sg' . • definite: gfd– v;f]vf;, 7f]s'jf, lgot, lglZ‍rt, lglb{i‍6, kSsf, :ki6, ;fkm ;fkm, lgZrofTds . • definition: gfd– kl/efiff, :ki6 ljj/0f, lg?k0f, JofVof, lgZrog . • degree: gfd– kb, >]0fL, bhf{, :yfg, kbjL, pkflw, kof{o, cf1lKt, k|df0f–kq, k|dfl0fsf, lsQf, dfqf, sf]l6, 3ft, kf/f, c+z, tfkdfg, l:ylt, qmd, sbd, kl/df0f, pkflw–kq . • delay: lqmof– l9nf] ug'{ jf x'g', AofFnf] ug'{, lwªGofO ug'{, a]/ ug'{ jf x'g', ljnDa ug'{ jf x'g' . lqmof–ljz]if0f– l9nfO, ;':tL, 6fnd6f]n, AofFnf], ljnDa, :yug, ca]/, ca]nf . qmdzM Dof;Ro';]6; (Massachusetts) d Dof;Ro';]6; /fHo x'F . Dof;Ro';]6;, cd]l/sfsf] pQ/–k"jL{ /fHo xf] . Dof;Ro';]6;sf] /fhwfgL / 7"nf] zx/ af]:6g (Boston) zx/ xf] . n n n Dof;Ro';]6;sf] k"j{df cfGw| dxf;fu/ (Atlantic Ocean), blIf0fdf sg]l6s6 (Connecticut) tyf /f]8 cfONof08 (Rhode Island), pQ/df Go' XofD;/ (New Hampshire) tyf ed{G6 (Ver- mont) / klZrddf Go'of]s{ (New York) /fHo 5g . n n n ju{ lsnf]ld6/_ 5 . n n n Dof;Ro';]6;sf] hg;+Vof ^* nfv %( xhf/ * ;o !( 5 . w]/} hg;+Vof ePsf /fHodf of] !% cf}+ xf] . Go' O+uNof08 (New England) eg]/ lrlgg] o; If]qsf ^ /fHodWo] of] 3gf cfjfbL ePsf] /fHodf xf] . n n n Dof;Ro';]6;sf] j]a;fO6 www.mass. gov xf] . n n n o; /fHonfO{ a] :6]6 (The Bay State) sf pkgfdn] lrlgG5 . n n n o; /fHonfO{ 5f]6s/Ldf MA n]lvG5 . n n n Dof;Ro';]6;, cd]l/sfsf] !# j6f ;+:yfkg /fHodWo] Ps /fHo xf] . n n n Dof;Ro';]6;df !$ j6f sfpG6L (county) 5g . n n n of] cd]l/sfsf] $$ cf}+ 7"nf] /fHo xf] . o;sf] If]qkmn !) xhf/ % ;o ^% ju{ dfOn -@& xhf/ # ;o #&