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g/x]sf] kfOof] .
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5'66} sf]7f g/x]sf] kfOof] .
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dflj ax'jfgdf leGg} k':tsfno / cWoog sIf /x]sf] kfOof] . O{–k':tsfno sxL+ klg kfOPg .
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kfOPg . cleefjs lzIffsf] sdL dx;'; u/]sf] kfOof] .
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  • 1. ;fd'bflos ljBfnosf] cj:yf cWoog dxTjk"0f{ tYo / lgisif{x? ;xsfo{: dfgj clwsf/ tyf jftfj/0f d~r -km/]g_ /+u]nL gu/kflnsf, df]/ª
  • 2. s=cWoogsf] p2]Zo != /+u]nL gu/kflnsfsf ;fd'bflos dfWolds ljBfnox?sf] cj:yf klxrfg ug["{ @= /+Uf]nLsf ;fd'bflos ljBfnox?sf] cj:yfdf ;'wfsf nflu sfd ug{'kg]{ kIfx? klxrfg ug{' v= cWoogsf] If]q != /+u]nL gu/kflnsf If]qdf /x]sf !# j6f ;fd'bflos dfWolds ljBfnox? u= cWoogsf] ljlw != k|ZgfjnLM k|wfgfWofks / lzIfsx?sf nflu cnu cnu @= :ynut cjnf]sg M ljBfnosf] afxo kIfsf] cj:yf #= cGt/jftf{M Joj:yfkg ;ldltsf kbflwsf/L / afn ljsf; s]Gb|sf lzIfs:fFu
  • 3. != ;g @)#) ;Dddf ;fGble{s / k|efjsf/L l;sfOsf pknlAwx¿ xfl;n x'g] u/L ;a} afnaflnsfn] lgMz'Ns, ;dtfd"ns / u'0f:t/Lo k|fylds / dfWolds lzIff k'/f u/]sf] ;'lglZrt ug]{ @= ;g @)#) ;Dddf k|fylds lzIff xfl;n ug{ tTk/ xf]pmg eGgsf nflu u'0f:t/Lo afn ljsf;, :ofxf/ / k"j{ k|fylds lzIffdf ;a} afnaflnsfsf] kx'Fr ;'lglZrt ug]{ #=;g @)#) ;Dddf ;'ne / u'0f:t/Lo k|fljlws, Jofj;flos tyf ljZjljBfno nufot pRr lzIffdf ;a} dlxnf / k'?ifsf] ;dfg kx'Fr ;'lglZrt ug]{ $= ;g @)#) ;Dddf ;a} :yfgLo txdf afnd}qL :yfgLo zf;g nfu" ul/;Sg] cWoogsf] cf}lrToM !=cGt/f{li6o k|lta4tf k"/f ug]{
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  • 5. /+u]nL gu/kflnsfdf b/jGbLdf sfo{/t lzIfsx? tx :yfoL /fxt lzIf0f ;xfos hDdf k|ltzt dflj= @* !% !@ %% @@ lg=df=lj= %! & ) %* @# k|f=lj= !!^ @# ) !#( %% hDdf !(% $% !@ @%@ !)) Gff]6M txut cfwf/df lzIfs b/aGbL k"/f ePsf dfWolds ljBfnox?sf] ;+Vof # /x]sf] 5 .
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  • 7. pQ/bftf lzIfsx?sf] ;]jf cjlw ;]jf cjlw % jif{eGbf sd ^ b]lv !% jif{ !^b]lv @%jif{ @^jif{eGbf dfly hDdf lzIfs ;+Vof $$ $& $$ @! !%^ k|ltzt @* #) @* !$ !))
  • 9. ;j]{If0fdf ;+nUg lzIfsx?sf] ljj/0f tx dlxnf k'?if ;j]{If0fdf ;xefuL lzIfs s'n lzIfs ;+Vof s'n lzIfsdf ;j]{If0fdf ;xefuL k|ltzt dflj= ^ $) $^ %% *#=^$ lg=df=lj= !) #% $% %* &&=%( k|f=lj= @) $% ^% !#( $^=&& hDdf #^ !@) !%^ @%@ ^!=() s'n lzIfs ;+Vofsf] k|ltzt @#=)* &^=(@ !)) )) ))
  • 10. pQ/bftf ;Dk"0f{ lzIfs / k|csf] n}lªus cj:yf pQ/bftf ;Dk"0f{ lzIfssf] n}lªus cj:yf lzIfs !%^ -#^ hgf dlxnf @! k|ltzt_ / k|wfgfWofks !# -;a} k'?if_ ;lxt s'n !^( hgf lzIfsx? . ३६ १३३ महिला पुरूष ० १० २० ३० ४० ५० ६० ७० ८० ९० ० २० ४० ६० ८० १०० १२० १४० महिला पुरूष संख्या प्रनिशि
  • 11. ;j]{If0fdf ;+nUg lzIfsx?sf] z}lIfs cj:yf qm=;+ z}lIfs of]Uotf dlxnf k'?if hDdf k|ltzt ! P;Pn;L jf ;f];/x & !) !& !! @ k|df0fkq jf ;f];/x !* @! #( @% # :gfts jf ;f];/x !% #( %$ #$=^ $ :gftsf]Q/ & #* $% @*=* % ljBfjfl/lw ) ! ! )=^ hDdf $& !)( !%^ !))
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  • 15. ljBfnodf lzIf0f of]hgf / z}lIfs lqmofsnfkdf lzIfssf] ;+nUgtfsf] cj:yf qm=;+= ;f]lwPsf] ljifo jf sfd 5 jf u5{' 5}g jf ulb{g lzIfs k|ltzt lzIfs k|ltzt ! z}Ifl0fs of]hgf agfpg] u/]sf] 5 jf 5}g< !)@ ^% %$ #% @ lzIf0f l;sfO ;'wf/ of]hgf agfpg] u/]sf] 5 jf 5}g< $^ @( !!) &! # lzIf0f l;sfO lqmofsnfk ubf{ b}lgs kf7of]hgf lgdf{0f ug{'x'G5< !)^ ^* %) #@ $ sIff lzIf0fdf ljBfyL{sf] kf7ok':ts k|of]u ug'{x'G5< !)) ^$ %^ #^ % ljBfyL{nfO{ n3' z}lIfs e|d0fdf nfg] ug{' ePsf] 5< $$ @* !!@ &@ ^ lzIf0f l;sfOsf qmddf sfo{d"ns cg';Gwfg ug{'x'G5< $@ @& !!$ &#
  • 16. sIffsf]7fdf lzIf0f l;sfO lqmofsnfk ubf{ b]lvPsf ;d:of l;sfO lqmofsnfk ubf{ b]lvPsf ;d:of hjfkm lbg] lzIfs pQ/bftf lzIfs k|ltztdf ;dodf kf7ok':ts k|fKt gx'g' !) ^ ef}lts ;fdu|Lsf] pknAwtf sd #% @@ l6lkmgkl5 ljBfyL{ efUg] #) !( ljBfyL{ lgoldt ljBfno gcfpg] #! @) eflifs ;d:of %( #* z}lIfs ;fdu|Lsf] cefj @! !# ul/aL !& !! ljBfyL{n] sIff 5f8]/ hfg] $ # sIff bf]x/ofpg] ;+Vof a9L $ #
  • 17. kmf/d ljZn]0faf6 kfOPsf]] != !# dfljdWo] * j6fdf ljBfno Joj:yfkg ;ldlt / * j6fdf lzIfs cleefjs ;+3 u7g ePsf] kfOof] . @= ;fdflhs k/LIf0f ;a} !# ljBfnodf x'g] u/]sf] kfOof] . ;a}sf] k|lqmof km/s km/s /x]sf] kfOof] . #= k|c / lzIfsx?sf] aLrsf] ;DaGw /fd|f] atfpg] dflj !) j6f 5g . $= k|cn] lzIfsx?sf] sIff cjnf]sg u/L k[i7kf]if0f lbg] dfljx? ( j6f 5g . %=;a} ljBfno ;'wf/ of]hgf agfO{ x/]s jif{ cBfjlws u/]sf] kfOof] . ^= ljBfnosf] ljsf; of]hgf * j6fn] agfPsf 5g .
  • 18. kmf/d ljZn]0faf6 kfOPsf]] &= ;a}n] jflif{s of]hgf agfPsf] atfPsf 5g . *= !@ j6f ljBfnon] z}lIfs of]hgf agfO{ sfof{Gjogdf NofPsf] atfP . (= !! j6f ljBfnosf lzIfsx?n] z}Ifl0fs of]hgf agfO{ lzIf0f u/]sf] atfOof] . !)= k|foM ;a}df pknAw k|fljlws pks/0fx? :df6{ af]8{, dlN6ldl8of, OG6/g]6 cflbsf] lzIf0f l;sfOdf k|of]u gePsf] kfOof] .
  • 19. ljBfno cjnf]sgaf6 b]lvPsf s'/fx? !=sDkfp08jfn M clw+sfz ljBfnodf sDkfp08jfn ePsf], s]xLdf pko'Qm gePsf] kfOof] . @= zf}rfno M ljBfnodf kof{Kt ;f}rfno 5}gg . zf}rfno ePklg kfgLsf] Joj:yf 5}g . ;/;kmfOsf] sdL 5 . aflnsfsf nflu r]lGhª?d 5}g . #=vfg]kfgL / xftw'g] Aoj:yfM afnaflnsfsf] nflu clwsf+z ljBfnodf z'4 lkpg] kfgLsf] cefj /x]sf] / 6o'aj]nsf] kfgL lkpg] u/]sf] kfOof] . xftw'g] wf/fx? afnd}qL 5}gg . wf/fsf 6'6L km'6]sf 5g . $= vfhf / rd]gfu[x M ;fgf sIffsf ljBfyL{sf nflu vfhfsf] gu/kflnsfaf6 vfhfsf] Aoj:yf ePsf] kfOof] . t/ 7"nf sIffsf ljBfyL{sf nflu l6lkmg ;dodf vfhf vfg] rd]gfu[xsf] cefj /x]sf] kfOof] . %=ljBfno ejg, sIffsf]7f / kmlg{r/ M clwsf+z ljBfnodf ejgsf] ;d:of /x]sf] kfOof] . t/, k|ultzLn dfljsf] ejg, sIffsf]7f / kmlg{r/sf] /fd|f] Joj:yfsf nflu ;'wf/ ug'{kg]{ b]lvof] . s]xL ljBfnodf ljBfyL{sf] pd]/ / sIff cg'?ksf] kmlg{r/ gePsf] kfOof] .
  • 20. ljBfno cjnf]sgaf6 b]lvPsf s'/fx? ^= v]nd}bfg M clwsf+z ljBfnosf v]nd}bfg 5g . t/ yk Aojl:yt / ;'/lIft ug'{kg]{ b]lvG5 . clwsf+zdf ljBnfo ejg lgdf0f{sf] sfd e}O/x]sf]n] lgdf{0f ;fdu|L /fv]sf] kfOof] . &=ljh'nL, ;f}o{phf{ / ljB'tLo ;fdu|L M ;a} ljBofnodf ljB't h8fg ePsf] kfOof] . t/, k'/fgf ejgx?df jfol/8 Aojl:yt 5}gg . sltko ljBfnodf sIffsf]7fdf k+vf 5}gg, ePsf klg ckof{Kt / ;xL xfntdf g/x]sf] kfOof] . *= lj1fg k|of]uznf M lj1fg k|of]uzfnf ;a} ljBfnodf ePsf] kfOof] . sltkodf k|of]uzfnfsf nflu 5'66} sf]7f g/x]sf] kfOof] . (=k':tsfno M cg';wfgsf] s|ddf w]/} ljBfofnodf Aojl:yt k':tsfnosf] cefj /x]sf] kfOof] . hgtf dflj ax'jfgdf leGg} k':tsfno / cWoog sIf /x]sf] kfOof] . O{–k':tsfno sxL+ klg kfOPg . !)=ljBfnosf] ;/;kmfO M ljBfnosf] sIffsf]7fdf ;/;kmfOsf] sdL b]lvof] . leQfx? sf]l/Psf, dfs'/fsf] hfnf], 8]S;a|]Gr km'6]sf / cAojl:yt cj:yfdf /x]sf] b]lvof] . clwsf+z sIffsf]7fdf 8l:6ljg b]lvPg .
  • 21. ljBfno cjnf]sgaf6 b]lvPsf s'/fx? • !!=tYofªs Joj:yfkgM cToGt sd ljBfnodf tYofªsx? leQfdf b]lvg] u/L /flvPsf] kfOof] . • !@=;"rgf clwsf/LM clwsf+z ljBfnox?df ;"rgf clwsf/L tf]lsPsf] / ;a}n] b]Vg] 7fpFdf kmf]6f];lxt ;"rgf clwsf/Lsf] gfd, ;Dks{ gDa/ 6fF; ul/Psf] kfOof] . • !#=;fd'bflos cWoog s]Gb| M dx]Gb| dflj d+unaf/]df ;fd'bflos cWoog s]Gb| Jojl:yt ?kn] ;~rfng eO/x]s]f kfOof] . s]Gb|n] cleefjs / ljBfnosf] ;DaGw k|uf9 agfpg d2t u/]sf] kfOof] . • !$=afn ljsf; s]Gb| M ;a} ljBofnodf afn ljsf; s]Gb| -ECD_/x]sf] kfOof] . afn ljsf; s]Gb|df sfk]{6x? ljR5ofOPsf] kfOof] . s]xL s]Gb|df ;;fgf uf]nf] 6]jn, leQ]n]vg u/]sf] kfOof] . • !%=;xof]uL sfo{stf{M afn ljsf; s]Gb|sf clwsfz ;xof]uL sfo{stf{ tflnd k|fKt 5g . t/, tflnddf l;s]sf] ;Lk k|of]udf NofPsf] kfOPg . afnaflnsfsf] cfdf;Fu tyf ;d'bfo;Fu 3/e]6 u/]sf] kfOPg. • !^=cleefjs e]nf / cleefjs lzIff M egf{ cleofg afx]ssf] ;dodf cleefjs e]nf / 3/e]6 u/]sf] kfOPg . cleefjs lzIffsf] sdL dx;'; u/]sf] kfOof] .
  • 22.
  • 23. ca s] ug]{< • abln“bf] kl/l:yltdf cfkmgf] ljBfnosf] cj:yf s:tf] ePsf] b]Vg rfxg' x'G5< • ;'wf/sf nflu tkfO+{sf] e"ldsf =====<
  • 24. tflnd kZrft ljBfnodf uP/ s] s] ug{'x'G5 < qm=;+= ul/g] sfo{x? lsg ug{'x'G5< s;/L ug{'x'G5< ! @ # $ % ^ &