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גליון ח' | פרשת צו | י"ב ניסן 
Issue 8 
When speaking of the Tzivoi of bringing Karbanos, the Torah adds the word “Bayom” – “in the day”. Teaching us the Halacha, that Karbanos are meant to be offered specifically during the day. This is only L’chatchila though, once night has fallen however, it is still Mutar to offer parts that weren’t yet offered (“the Eivorim”). 
This Halacha, like any part of Torah – has a deeper meaning and relevance in a Yid’s Avoida. The Chiyuv of Karbanos in general refers to an obligation that every Yid has to be Makriv his own Nefesh Habehamis to Hashem. To transform his negative desires and actions to positive ones. 
Now within this general Chiyuv, is this above mentioned Halacha, that Karbanos should be brought during the day. “Day” means when it’s bright, in our lives then, this means that we should ideally sacrifice ourselves to Hashemin a bright way. Bright both physically and spiritually: With a healthy body a healthy soul and a long, good and comfortable life. This is the ideal way and setting to be offering ourselves to Hashem, when all is comfortable B’gashmiyus. 
However even during the night – Golus, when a Yid’s life is not so comfortable, and isn’t so bright, it is still Mutar (and therefore a Chiyuv) to bring Karbanos of ourselves. Since Hashem through this Halacha in his Torah gives us the strength and ability to do so. He gives us the power to turn night into day – Golus into Geula! 
Through our persevering and sacrificing in the night, we will turn this night into the ultimate day. The day when Moshiach will come, the day when it will be fulfilled “Laila Kayom Yo’er” – “night will be as light as day” may it happen speedily in our days, Amen! 
)בחוקותי תשמ"ט( 
,, זֹאת הַתּוֹרָה לָעֹלָה . . אֲ שֶׁר צִוָּה יְהֹוָה אֶׁת מ שֶׁה בְּהַר סִינָי בְּיוֹם צַוֹּתוֹ אֶׁת בְּנֵי יִ שרָאֵל:" )ויקרא ז, לז-לח( 
כתב יד 
In the year 5741 the Rebbe dedicated a special Sicha in honor of the Sefer Torah for children (printed in Lekutei Sichos volume 23) and finished off saying: 
בשעת משיח וועט קומען וועט ער זיכער די ערשטע זאך מאכן א התוועדות 
When Moshiach will come, surely he will first make a Farbrengen 
The Rebbe added 
Moshiach's name will be engraved into the "Even Hashisiya" )אבן השתי'ה( . 
)מדרש רבה יח, כג( 
דקהל גדול יבואו הנה, א התוועדות פון דוד מלכא משיחא 
On which a large crowd will gather here, and it will be a Farbrengen with "Dovid Malka Meshicha"!
On 11 Nissan 5716 the Rebbe wrote a long letter to Mr. Yitzchok Ben Tzvi (the president of Israel at the time). 
At the end of the letter the Rebbe explains his reason of why he didn't write any honorable titles before the president’s name. 
The Rebbe first explains that since he was a young child he would always imagine the time of Geula, and how at that time there will be a leader, a king (- Moshiach) who will be closest to Hashem, therefore since that day it is hard to even mention such a title on another Yid. 
Hence we bring below that portion of the letter with a free translation: 
"ב"ה, י"א ניסן, ה'תשט"ז 
ברוקלין, נ.י. 
שלום רב וברכה! 
..בכבוד ובהוקרה ובאיחולי חג הפסח כשר 
אפשר שפסקא הבאה להלן צריכה היתה 
לבוא בראש המכתב, והיא - בקשת 
סליחה על שפתחתי מכתבי בלי להקדים 
תוארים וכו'. וגם בזה סמכתי על מה 
שתיארו לפני ממדותיו ותכונות נפשו 
אשר יבין לדעי. 
מיום הלכי ל"חדר" ועוד קודם לזה התחיל 
להתרקם בדמיוני ציור גאולה העתידה - 
גאולת עם ישראל מגלותו האחרון, גאולה 
כזו ובאופן כזה שעל ידה יהיו מובנים 
יסורי הגלות הגזירות והשמדות. וכחלק 
מעתיד מזהיר זה וכחלק מגאולה זו יהי' 
"נשיא זה מלך, לא נשיא שבט - אלא 
שאין על גביו אלא ה' אלקיו" )הוריות יא, 
סוף ע"א(, והכל יהי' באופן אשר בלבב 
שלם ובהבנה מלאה - "יאמר ביום ההוא 
אודך ה' כי אנפת בי". ולכן כל כך קשה לי 
להשתמש בתואר זה בקשר עם בני 
ישראל בעת אשר יעקב קטן הוא ובני 
ישראל "דווים דחופים סחופים ומטורפין 
ויסורין באים עליהם". יכולתי להשתמש 
במלה זו מן השפה ולחוץ, אבל כיון 
ששמעתי אשר כ' "אמתי הוא - לא רציתי 
לכזב" בנפשי, ואתו הסליחה." 
the Rebbe's strong approval and encouragement is well- known. 
Something which is less common knowledge is the fact that Chassidim believed and eagerly anticipated the Rebbe's Hisglaus for many years prior to the 5750's and sometimes even received special attention from the Rebbe as a result of this. 
The following story is one example of this: 
The year of 5732 marked 70 years since the Rebbe's birth; the Rebbe marking the date with a revolutionary call for the establishment of 71 (or more) Moisdois that year. 
Chasidim around the world made their Hachonos way ahead of time and as 11 Nissan approached many sent in Michtovei Brocho. 
The Shliach of the Rebbe to Italy, Reb Gershon Mendel Garelik and family were no different in this regard. The Nusach Habrochah that they wrote in, however, was unique; including the Hachrozah that more than a decade later the Rebbe was to tell us is the key to Bias HaMoshiach and Tchiyas HaMeisim. The telegram (pictured below) started off with: "Yechi Malkeinu Kvod Kedushas Admur shlito Melech HaMoshiach" and then contained the names of their family members. 
It is interesting to note that all those who sent in Michtovei Brochah the Rebbe sent a standard Michtov Kloli Prati thank you letter-but to the Gareliks the Rebbe added at the beginning the following: “ בנועם הנני לאשר 
קבלת מברק הברכה " 
On 11 Nissan 5736 the Rebbe asked a general question, concerning Nissan being called the month of Geula: 
The Midrash (Shemos Rabba) says that when Hashem chose Yaakov and his children, Hashem then established the Chodesh Heguelah (the month of redemption). This is the message that Moshe delivered to the nation when he said “Hachodesh Hazeh Lachem”, that Nissan is the Chodesh Hageula and thus the first of the months of the year. This statement was made while the Yidden were still in Golus. 
The question arises; Mitzrayim was the hardest and darkest Golus; to the extent that any other Malchus which oppresses the Yidden, or any other difficulty, is called by the name Mitzrayim. Toras Emes testifies that the Golus of Mitzrayim was so strong that not even one slave could escape! So how can we already call the month the Chodesh Hageulah when there is yet 15 days left till the Geulah?! Even on the 10th of Nissan, on Shabbos Hagodol, when the firstborn fought against Pharaoh that he should send the Yidden free, it could not break through the darkness of Mitzrayim. The answer is; once Moshe Rabbeinu declared to the Yidden that the time of Geulah has come, that we will leave with “our young, our old, our sons, our daughters” then the Yidden have such an absolute conviction and confidence that the redemption will happen, that it is already called the month of Redemption even in the final moments of Golus! 
The lesson for us is; even as we find ourselves in this dark Golus, and the darkness is the greatest just before the dawn,[and we are even before the Ischalta Degeulah] our confidence and complete belief in the Torah's promise of the redemption should be so strong that we already act as if in a state of Geulah. 
This is not to say that we should call this dark Golus that it is Geulah , Chas V’shalom. Nevertheless, the main factor in a person being “free” [Zman Cheiruseinu] is not external factors, but the way we feel and act. Especially by putting the Neshama as the Ikkar, which never went into Golus, we can truly act free of Mitzrayim even in these last moments of Golus. 
In the first Maamar that the Rebbe said - Bosie L'gani, the Rebbe set out his goal of this generation - to bring down the Ikar Shchinah, and bring Moshiach now! 
Through out all the years the Rebbe always kept on telling us our purpose, our mission and how it's not something far, for its happening today. 
Chassidim were not used to hear the Rebbe talk about the pain of that Moshiach has still not arrived. Hence the Rebbeim hardly cried in public about the pain to Hashem. But there where exceptions. 
One such exception was at the 11 Nissan Farbrengen of 5722. 
The Farbrengen started with a joyous atmosphere, after all the Rebbe was turning 60, it was also the first time that the first volume of Lekutei Sichos was published. 
It was at the end of the sicha, of which the Rebbe made a Hadron on Mesechtas Pesachim -The end of the Mesechta talks about the Chiyuv a Father had to redeem his 
B”h 11 Nissan 5716 
Brooklyn, NY 
Greetings and blessings! 
It would have been fitting for the following apology to appear in the beginning of this letter, for leaving out the appropriate tittles at the head of the letter. I relied on the descriptions I have heard about your character traits and I assumed that you would understand me. 
From the day I entered “חדר “, and even earlier, I have started to picture in my imagination the “גאולה “, the redemption of the Jews from this last exile, such a redemption that will supply a sufficient explanation to all the sufferings and decrees that the Jews went through during the years of “גלות “. And as part of this glorious future and this Geula, there will be a נשיא– 
meaning a king, not a נשיא of a “שבט “, rather such that has no one superior to him but Hashem himself, and everything will be then in a way that we will thank Hashem for dealing harshly with us. Therefore it was hard for me to use this same tittle )נשיא( 
regarding Jews now when the Jews are in a lowly state. I could have used this word outwardly but since I heard that you are a truthful person I didn’t want to be untruthful with you, and I apologize. 
The Koch of Chassidim in recent years in this that the Rebbe is Melech HaMoshiach with 
B'chor, first born son. After explaining the Nigleh'dike way, the Rebbe started to explain this Chiyuv B'penimiyus Ha'inyonim, how Hashem has the Chiyuv of taking his children out of Golus! 
It was then suddenly, the Rebbes voice choked with tears, sobbing again and again. A shudder passed through the crowd which heard the crying. The Rebbe is crying! 
"It says," the Rabbe continued: "that at the time right before Moshiach will come, Hashem will say "I look and there is no one to help and I watch and do not trust" --- Hashem, Kavyochol looks around, and sees no one to help them! To take his children out of this Golus --- 
So Hashem has to do it himself! 
The Rebbe cried... 
"When Hashem sees this generation of Moshiach, .... and Kolu Kol Hakitzin ... and the [freidiker] Rebbe said that we finished polishing the buttons ... and Moshiach still did not come .... " 
Oh until when…
י ח י א ד ו נ נ ו מ ו ר נ ו ו ר ב י נ ו מ ל ך ה מ ש י ח ל ע ו ל ם ו ע ד 
"Kol Yemei Chayecha": Every Moment of our Lives. 
In the Hagadah we read: "Rabi Elozar ben Azaryah Omer: Kol Yemei Chayecha l'hovi l'Yemos HaMoshiach". The Fridiker Rebbe explained this on a deeper level to mean that "kol Yemei Chayecha" all the days of one's life must be given over "l'hovi l'Yemos HaMoshiach" to bringing the days of Moshiach. 
The Rebbe explains that this means that a Yid may not sit idly and wait for Moshiach to come rather he must do All in his power to bring Moshiach. More so the Rebbe explains that one’s involvement in bringing Moshiach cannot be limited to the time when he is involved in doing Pe'ulos with the intent of bringing Moshiach; rather a Yid must be constantly doing things in this direction 24 hours a day, literally every second, this being his sole goal and purpose in life ("chayecha"). 
The sicha before us clearly illustrates this point, in it the Rebbe tells us that even when a Yid goes to sleep he must make sure that every part of his Hanhogah is in a way that will be fitting to greeting Moshiach Tzidkeinu, who he just might see standing in his very room. The Rebbe forewarns us that the "Kluginker" might try to convince us to give up on trying to seriously prepare for Moshiach and tells us that we have the "Koichos" needed to be ready for the moment that Yidden hoped and waited for for hundreds of generations. 
אן ענין למעשה בפועל: 
יעדער איד גלויבט דאך אין ביאת משיח, און ער 
שטייט אין א מעמד ומצב אז "אחכה לו בכל יום שיבוא" 
דארף א איד וויסן אז ס'איז ניט גענוג דאס וואס ער 
איז בא זיך מחליט אז "אחכה לו", אז ער האפט און וויל 
אז בשעת ער וועט זיך אויפכאפן פון שלאף מארגן 
אינדערפרי, וועט ער זען אז משיח איז דא; ער שטייט 
טאקע אין א גוטן מעמד ומצב )"אחכה לו"( – דאס 
קומט אבער ניט צו או ענין של מעשה בפועל, וואס 
"המעשה הוא העיקר". 
און בנוגע למעשה בפועל – דארף א איד וויסן, אז 
אזוי ווי ער איז "מאמין באמונה שלימה )און אמונה 
פשוטה( בביאת המשיח", ביז אין אן אופן פון "אחכה לו 
בכל יום שיבוא" – איז בשעת ער לייגט זיך שלאפן 
היינט ביינאכט, דארף ער זיך לייגן אין אן אופן, אז 
בשעת ער וועט זיך אויפכאפן אינדערפרי און וועט זיך 
זען אז משיח )איז ניט נאר "עומד אחר כתלינו", נאר 
ער( שטייט ביי אים אין צימער, וועט אים משיח געפינען 
אין א מעמד ומצב וואס איז מתאים צו קבלת פני משיח 
וואס דאס איז ניט קיין ענין וואס מ'באקומט אין אן 
אופן פון מתנה, נאר דאס דארף געטאן ווערן ע"י 
מעשינו ועבודתינו. 
אבער דער יצר הרע הויבט אים אן צו אנשרעקן, און 
זאגט אים: וויבאלד אז דו ביסט סיי-ווי ניט שייך צו 
שטיין אין א מעמד ומצב וואס איז מתאים צו מקבל זיין 
פני משיח צדקנו – זאלסטו לכל הפחות ניט מבלבל זיין 
דיין שלאף! טראכט ניט וועגן דברים המבהילים, 
וועסטו האבן א רואיגע נאכט, און וועסט אויפשטיין מיט 
א קלארע קאפ, און בשעת משיח וועט דיר זאגן "שלום 
עליכם", וועסטו קענען אים קענעו ענפערן – מיט א 
קלארע קאפ – "עליכם שלום"! 
איז צוליב דעם דארפסטו אליין זיך מבהיל זיין, אז 
אזוי ווי משיח קומט, דארף מען זיין אנגעטאן ווי עס 
דארף צו זיין, ד.ה. אז די לבושים, מחשבה דיבור 
ועאכו"כ מעשה, דארף זיין אין אן אופן ווי עס פאסט צו 
א אידן וואס משיח גיט איפ אפ "שלום עליכם" – דו 
ביסט סיי ווי ניט שייך צו דעם מעמד ומצב! 
זאגט מען א אידן אז "איני מבקש לפי כחי אלא לפי 
כחן", וואס דערפון איז מובן אז ס'איז בכחו פון יעדער 
אידן צו דעם מעמד ומצב. 
און מ'זאגט אים בפירוש אז "הקב"ה עוזרו", און 
וויבאלד אז "הקב"ה עוזרו", איז "מי יאמר לו מה 
און בשעת ער שטעלט זיך אוועק אין א מעמד ומצב 
אז ער הויבט זיך אן גרייטן צו מקבל זיין פני משיח 
צדקנו ווי עס דארף צו זיין איז אינגאנצן ניט תופס מקום 
אין וועלגן מעמד ומצב אין וועלכן ער האט געפומען א 
רגע לפני זה, ווארום "בשעתא חדא וברגעא חדא" ווערט 
ביי אים דער ענין פון "האר פניך ונושע", און ווי 
מפרשים טייטשן אפ, אז דאס איז אין אן אופן פון 
"תשועת עולמים". 
)משיחת י"ג ניסן תשמ"א – בלתי מוגה( 
דאלאי גלות 
הת' יוסף שיחי' מינץ 
ליום הולדתו ח' ניסן 
שיהי' לו שנת הצלחה בגו"ר 
לעילוי נשמת 
הרה"ח ר' משה יוסף בן ר' אלעזר יונה ז"ל 
ליום היארצייט י' ניסן 
לזכות מלכינו נשיאנו 
ליום הולדתו הקי"ב 
שירווה נח"ר מצאן מרעיתו 
ומהרה יגלה ויוציאנו מהגלות 
תיכף ומיד ממש 
A chossid once related: "The day after the Rebbe's first visit to Camp Gan Israel, was parents visiting day. A ten-year-old boy, the son of a Chareidi Rav who was not a Chabad Chassid, was speaking to his father. 
As I stood to one side of them, I overheard the son tell his father about the Rebbe's visit. I listened to their conversation very carefully. The father asked his son, "And what did the Rebbe say to you?" The son replied "That Moshiach will come very soon" The father continued, "But what's so new about that? Haven't I always told you that we believe in and wait for him every day?" The son answered, "Yes, but the Rebbe means it seriously!" 
)כפר חב"ד, תמוז ס"ו(

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08. moshiach weekly tzav

  • 1. גליון ח' | פרשת צו | י"ב ניסן ב"ה Issue 8 When speaking of the Tzivoi of bringing Karbanos, the Torah adds the word “Bayom” – “in the day”. Teaching us the Halacha, that Karbanos are meant to be offered specifically during the day. This is only L’chatchila though, once night has fallen however, it is still Mutar to offer parts that weren’t yet offered (“the Eivorim”). This Halacha, like any part of Torah – has a deeper meaning and relevance in a Yid’s Avoida. The Chiyuv of Karbanos in general refers to an obligation that every Yid has to be Makriv his own Nefesh Habehamis to Hashem. To transform his negative desires and actions to positive ones. Now within this general Chiyuv, is this above mentioned Halacha, that Karbanos should be brought during the day. “Day” means when it’s bright, in our lives then, this means that we should ideally sacrifice ourselves to Hashemin a bright way. Bright both physically and spiritually: With a healthy body a healthy soul and a long, good and comfortable life. This is the ideal way and setting to be offering ourselves to Hashem, when all is comfortable B’gashmiyus. However even during the night – Golus, when a Yid’s life is not so comfortable, and isn’t so bright, it is still Mutar (and therefore a Chiyuv) to bring Karbanos of ourselves. Since Hashem through this Halacha in his Torah gives us the strength and ability to do so. He gives us the power to turn night into day – Golus into Geula! Through our persevering and sacrificing in the night, we will turn this night into the ultimate day. The day when Moshiach will come, the day when it will be fulfilled “Laila Kayom Yo’er” – “night will be as light as day” may it happen speedily in our days, Amen! )בחוקותי תשמ"ט( ,, זֹאת הַתּוֹרָה לָעֹלָה . . אֲ שֶׁר צִוָּה יְהֹוָה אֶׁת מ שֶׁה בְּהַר סִינָי בְּיוֹם צַוֹּתוֹ אֶׁת בְּנֵי יִ שרָאֵל:" )ויקרא ז, לז-לח( כתב יד In the year 5741 the Rebbe dedicated a special Sicha in honor of the Sefer Torah for children (printed in Lekutei Sichos volume 23) and finished off saying: בשעת משיח וועט קומען וועט ער זיכער די ערשטע זאך מאכן א התוועדות When Moshiach will come, surely he will first make a Farbrengen The Rebbe added Moshiach's name will be engraved into the "Even Hashisiya" )אבן השתי'ה( . )מדרש רבה יח, כג( דקהל גדול יבואו הנה, א התוועדות פון דוד מלכא משיחא On which a large crowd will gather here, and it will be a Farbrengen with "Dovid Malka Meshicha"!
  • 2. On 11 Nissan 5716 the Rebbe wrote a long letter to Mr. Yitzchok Ben Tzvi (the president of Israel at the time). At the end of the letter the Rebbe explains his reason of why he didn't write any honorable titles before the president’s name. The Rebbe first explains that since he was a young child he would always imagine the time of Geula, and how at that time there will be a leader, a king (- Moshiach) who will be closest to Hashem, therefore since that day it is hard to even mention such a title on another Yid. Hence we bring below that portion of the letter with a free translation: 5716 "ב"ה, י"א ניסן, ה'תשט"ז ברוקלין, נ.י. שלום רב וברכה! ..בכבוד ובהוקרה ובאיחולי חג הפסח כשר ושמח. אפשר שפסקא הבאה להלן צריכה היתה לבוא בראש המכתב, והיא - בקשת סליחה על שפתחתי מכתבי בלי להקדים תוארים וכו'. וגם בזה סמכתי על מה שתיארו לפני ממדותיו ותכונות נפשו אשר יבין לדעי. מיום הלכי ל"חדר" ועוד קודם לזה התחיל להתרקם בדמיוני ציור גאולה העתידה - גאולת עם ישראל מגלותו האחרון, גאולה כזו ובאופן כזה שעל ידה יהיו מובנים יסורי הגלות הגזירות והשמדות. וכחלק מעתיד מזהיר זה וכחלק מגאולה זו יהי' "נשיא זה מלך, לא נשיא שבט - אלא שאין על גביו אלא ה' אלקיו" )הוריות יא, סוף ע"א(, והכל יהי' באופן אשר בלבב שלם ובהבנה מלאה - "יאמר ביום ההוא אודך ה' כי אנפת בי". ולכן כל כך קשה לי להשתמש בתואר זה בקשר עם בני ישראל בעת אשר יעקב קטן הוא ובני ישראל "דווים דחופים סחופים ומטורפין ויסורין באים עליהם". יכולתי להשתמש במלה זו מן השפה ולחוץ, אבל כיון ששמעתי אשר כ' "אמתי הוא - לא רציתי לכזב" בנפשי, ואתו הסליחה." the Rebbe's strong approval and encouragement is well- known. Something which is less common knowledge is the fact that Chassidim believed and eagerly anticipated the Rebbe's Hisglaus for many years prior to the 5750's and sometimes even received special attention from the Rebbe as a result of this. The following story is one example of this: The year of 5732 marked 70 years since the Rebbe's birth; the Rebbe marking the date with a revolutionary call for the establishment of 71 (or more) Moisdois that year. Chasidim around the world made their Hachonos way ahead of time and as 11 Nissan approached many sent in Michtovei Brocho. The Shliach of the Rebbe to Italy, Reb Gershon Mendel Garelik and family were no different in this regard. The Nusach Habrochah that they wrote in, however, was unique; including the Hachrozah that more than a decade later the Rebbe was to tell us is the key to Bias HaMoshiach and Tchiyas HaMeisim. The telegram (pictured below) started off with: "Yechi Malkeinu Kvod Kedushas Admur shlito Melech HaMoshiach" and then contained the names of their family members. It is interesting to note that all those who sent in Michtovei Brochah the Rebbe sent a standard Michtov Kloli Prati thank you letter-but to the Gareliks the Rebbe added at the beginning the following: “ בנועם הנני לאשר קבלת מברק הברכה " 5722 5736 On 11 Nissan 5736 the Rebbe asked a general question, concerning Nissan being called the month of Geula: The Midrash (Shemos Rabba) says that when Hashem chose Yaakov and his children, Hashem then established the Chodesh Heguelah (the month of redemption). This is the message that Moshe delivered to the nation when he said “Hachodesh Hazeh Lachem”, that Nissan is the Chodesh Hageula and thus the first of the months of the year. This statement was made while the Yidden were still in Golus. The question arises; Mitzrayim was the hardest and darkest Golus; to the extent that any other Malchus which oppresses the Yidden, or any other difficulty, is called by the name Mitzrayim. Toras Emes testifies that the Golus of Mitzrayim was so strong that not even one slave could escape! So how can we already call the month the Chodesh Hageulah when there is yet 15 days left till the Geulah?! Even on the 10th of Nissan, on Shabbos Hagodol, when the firstborn fought against Pharaoh that he should send the Yidden free, it could not break through the darkness of Mitzrayim. The answer is; once Moshe Rabbeinu declared to the Yidden that the time of Geulah has come, that we will leave with “our young, our old, our sons, our daughters” then the Yidden have such an absolute conviction and confidence that the redemption will happen, that it is already called the month of Redemption even in the final moments of Golus! The lesson for us is; even as we find ourselves in this dark Golus, and the darkness is the greatest just before the dawn,[and we are even before the Ischalta Degeulah] our confidence and complete belief in the Torah's promise of the redemption should be so strong that we already act as if in a state of Geulah. This is not to say that we should call this dark Golus that it is Geulah , Chas V’shalom. Nevertheless, the main factor in a person being “free” [Zman Cheiruseinu] is not external factors, but the way we feel and act. Especially by putting the Neshama as the Ikkar, which never went into Golus, we can truly act free of Mitzrayim even in these last moments of Golus. 5732 In the first Maamar that the Rebbe said - Bosie L'gani, the Rebbe set out his goal of this generation - to bring down the Ikar Shchinah, and bring Moshiach now! Through out all the years the Rebbe always kept on telling us our purpose, our mission and how it's not something far, for its happening today. Chassidim were not used to hear the Rebbe talk about the pain of that Moshiach has still not arrived. Hence the Rebbeim hardly cried in public about the pain to Hashem. But there where exceptions. One such exception was at the 11 Nissan Farbrengen of 5722. The Farbrengen started with a joyous atmosphere, after all the Rebbe was turning 60, it was also the first time that the first volume of Lekutei Sichos was published. It was at the end of the sicha, of which the Rebbe made a Hadron on Mesechtas Pesachim -The end of the Mesechta talks about the Chiyuv a Father had to redeem his B”h 11 Nissan 5716 Brooklyn, NY Greetings and blessings! It would have been fitting for the following apology to appear in the beginning of this letter, for leaving out the appropriate tittles at the head of the letter. I relied on the descriptions I have heard about your character traits and I assumed that you would understand me. From the day I entered “חדר “, and even earlier, I have started to picture in my imagination the “גאולה “, the redemption of the Jews from this last exile, such a redemption that will supply a sufficient explanation to all the sufferings and decrees that the Jews went through during the years of “גלות “. And as part of this glorious future and this Geula, there will be a נשיא– meaning a king, not a נשיא of a “שבט “, rather such that has no one superior to him but Hashem himself, and everything will be then in a way that we will thank Hashem for dealing harshly with us. Therefore it was hard for me to use this same tittle )נשיא( regarding Jews now when the Jews are in a lowly state. I could have used this word outwardly but since I heard that you are a truthful person I didn’t want to be untruthful with you, and I apologize. The Koch of Chassidim in recent years in this that the Rebbe is Melech HaMoshiach with B'chor, first born son. After explaining the Nigleh'dike way, the Rebbe started to explain this Chiyuv B'penimiyus Ha'inyonim, how Hashem has the Chiyuv of taking his children out of Golus! It was then suddenly, the Rebbes voice choked with tears, sobbing again and again. A shudder passed through the crowd which heard the crying. The Rebbe is crying! "It says," the Rabbe continued: "that at the time right before Moshiach will come, Hashem will say "I look and there is no one to help and I watch and do not trust" --- Hashem, Kavyochol looks around, and sees no one to help them! To take his children out of this Golus --- So Hashem has to do it himself! The Rebbe cried... "When Hashem sees this generation of Moshiach, .... and Kolu Kol Hakitzin ... and the [freidiker] Rebbe said that we finished polishing the buttons ... and Moshiach still did not come .... " Oh until when…
  • 3. י ח י א ד ו נ נ ו מ ו ר נ ו ו ר ב י נ ו מ ל ך ה מ ש י ח ל ע ו ל ם ו ע ד "Kol Yemei Chayecha": Every Moment of our Lives. In the Hagadah we read: "Rabi Elozar ben Azaryah Omer: Kol Yemei Chayecha l'hovi l'Yemos HaMoshiach". The Fridiker Rebbe explained this on a deeper level to mean that "kol Yemei Chayecha" all the days of one's life must be given over "l'hovi l'Yemos HaMoshiach" to bringing the days of Moshiach. The Rebbe explains that this means that a Yid may not sit idly and wait for Moshiach to come rather he must do All in his power to bring Moshiach. More so the Rebbe explains that one’s involvement in bringing Moshiach cannot be limited to the time when he is involved in doing Pe'ulos with the intent of bringing Moshiach; rather a Yid must be constantly doing things in this direction 24 hours a day, literally every second, this being his sole goal and purpose in life ("chayecha"). The sicha before us clearly illustrates this point, in it the Rebbe tells us that even when a Yid goes to sleep he must make sure that every part of his Hanhogah is in a way that will be fitting to greeting Moshiach Tzidkeinu, who he just might see standing in his very room. The Rebbe forewarns us that the "Kluginker" might try to convince us to give up on trying to seriously prepare for Moshiach and tells us that we have the "Koichos" needed to be ready for the moment that Yidden hoped and waited for for hundreds of generations. אן ענין למעשה בפועל: יעדער איד גלויבט דאך אין ביאת משיח, און ער שטייט אין א מעמד ומצב אז "אחכה לו בכל יום שיבוא" - דארף א איד וויסן אז ס'איז ניט גענוג דאס וואס ער איז בא זיך מחליט אז "אחכה לו", אז ער האפט און וויל אז בשעת ער וועט זיך אויפכאפן פון שלאף מארגן אינדערפרי, וועט ער זען אז משיח איז דא; ער שטייט טאקע אין א גוטן מעמד ומצב )"אחכה לו"( – דאס קומט אבער ניט צו או ענין של מעשה בפועל, וואס "המעשה הוא העיקר". און בנוגע למעשה בפועל – דארף א איד וויסן, אז אזוי ווי ער איז "מאמין באמונה שלימה )און אמונה פשוטה( בביאת המשיח", ביז אין אן אופן פון "אחכה לו בכל יום שיבוא" – איז בשעת ער לייגט זיך שלאפן היינט ביינאכט, דארף ער זיך לייגן אין אן אופן, אז בשעת ער וועט זיך אויפכאפן אינדערפרי און וועט זיך זען אז משיח )איז ניט נאר "עומד אחר כתלינו", נאר ער( שטייט ביי אים אין צימער, וועט אים משיח געפינען אין א מעמד ומצב וואס איז מתאים צו קבלת פני משיח צדקנו! וואס דאס איז ניט קיין ענין וואס מ'באקומט אין אן אופן פון מתנה, נאר דאס דארף געטאן ווערן ע"י מעשינו ועבודתינו. אבער דער יצר הרע הויבט אים אן צו אנשרעקן, און זאגט אים: וויבאלד אז דו ביסט סיי-ווי ניט שייך צו שטיין אין א מעמד ומצב וואס איז מתאים צו מקבל זיין פני משיח צדקנו – זאלסטו לכל הפחות ניט מבלבל זיין דיין שלאף! טראכט ניט וועגן דברים המבהילים, וועסטו האבן א רואיגע נאכט, און וועסט אויפשטיין מיט א קלארע קאפ, און בשעת משיח וועט דיר זאגן "שלום עליכם", וועסטו קענען אים קענעו ענפערן – מיט א קלארע קאפ – "עליכם שלום"! איז צוליב דעם דארפסטו אליין זיך מבהיל זיין, אז אזוי ווי משיח קומט, דארף מען זיין אנגעטאן ווי עס דארף צו זיין, ד.ה. אז די לבושים, מחשבה דיבור ועאכו"כ מעשה, דארף זיין אין אן אופן ווי עס פאסט צו א אידן וואס משיח גיט איפ אפ "שלום עליכם" – דו ביסט סיי ווי ניט שייך צו דעם מעמד ומצב! זאגט מען א אידן אז "איני מבקש לפי כחי אלא לפי כחן", וואס דערפון איז מובן אז ס'איז בכחו פון יעדער אידן צו דעם מעמד ומצב. און מ'זאגט אים בפירוש אז "הקב"ה עוזרו", און וויבאלד אז "הקב"ה עוזרו", איז "מי יאמר לו מה תעשה"! און בשעת ער שטעלט זיך אוועק אין א מעמד ומצב אז ער הויבט זיך אן גרייטן צו מקבל זיין פני משיח צדקנו ווי עס דארף צו זיין איז אינגאנצן ניט תופס מקום אין וועלגן מעמד ומצב אין וועלכן ער האט געפומען א רגע לפני זה, ווארום "בשעתא חדא וברגעא חדא" ווערט ביי אים דער ענין פון "האר פניך ונושע", און ווי מפרשים טייטשן אפ, אז דאס איז אין אן אופן פון "תשועת עולמים". )משיחת י"ג ניסן תשמ"א – בלתי מוגה( דאלאי גלות לזכות הת' יוסף שיחי' מינץ ליום הולדתו ח' ניסן שיהי' לו שנת הצלחה בגו"ר לעילוי נשמת הרה"ח ר' משה יוסף בן ר' אלעזר יונה ז"ל גינסבערג ליום היארצייט י' ניסן לזכות מלכינו נשיאנו ליום הולדתו הקי"ב שירווה נח"ר מצאן מרעיתו ומהרה יגלה ויוציאנו מהגלות תיכף ומיד ממש A chossid once related: "The day after the Rebbe's first visit to Camp Gan Israel, was parents visiting day. A ten-year-old boy, the son of a Chareidi Rav who was not a Chabad Chassid, was speaking to his father. As I stood to one side of them, I overheard the son tell his father about the Rebbe's visit. I listened to their conversation very carefully. The father asked his son, "And what did the Rebbe say to you?" The son replied "That Moshiach will come very soon" The father continued, "But what's so new about that? Haven't I always told you that we believe in and wait for him every day?" The son answered, "Yes, but the Rebbe means it seriously!" )כפר חב"ד, תמוז ס"ו(