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Your Social Media
Event Kit Bag
Using Event ‘Stories’ to
Promote, Engage, and Interact
via Twitter, etc

July 2010

•   As part and parcel of our marketing calendar you create a regular flow of

    •   Press events, trade shows, sales/branding events, etc

•   Social Media gives you a great opportunity to tell the story ‘behind the
    headlines’ and ‘behind the brand’

•   When executed well, this provides your customers/fans with a set of
    accessible, interesting, useful and ‘shareable’ stories - allowing them to get
    closer to the brand, the people and the processes that design, build and
    deliver the products they know and love - and to pass these ‘stories’ around

•   In the process, this ‘storytelling’ activity can help you to grow your fan
    bases (Facebook), followings (Twitter), and (in time) the general scope of
    your web site content - which will help to improve your Search Engine
    rankings and your wider customer acquisition activity

•   As an exercise, the capture and publishing of event-based content can be
    extremely cheap and easy to do - given the right brief....!
Your Objectives...
•   To generate event-based Social Media content for real time
    and post-event publication via Social Media publishing
    platforms and Social Networking properities

•   In other words, capture event-based content and publish it to
    YouTube, Flickr, Facebook, and others... and cross-promote
    these stories via standard communications channels: web
    site, email, Twitter, Facebook, etc

•   Give your customer base rich content stories that are easy to
    pass around and share via their own Social Media activity

•   Generate buzz and awareness outside the confines of any
    given event (press conference, sponsorship activity, etc), i.e.
    extend your brand story to the Social Web

•   Grow your fan base and followings

Scoping the Event...
•   Is your event worthy/relevant!?

•   Here’s some guidance...

    •   Do you have any star attendees that can add value to / provide insight
        for the brand story?

    •   Is it co-hosted with another star brand that has it’s own set of (high
        profile) followings?

    •   Is it newsworthy!?

    •   Is it specialist interest?

    •   Is it strategic to the brand?

    •   ...etc

•   If the answer is ‘yes’ to any of the above, then there’s scope for telling a
    story about it via Social Media

•   NB: a little research can be very valuable at the scoping stage!

Types of Content...

•   Primarily, you’re interested in the following types
    of content:

    •   Video

    •   Photos

    •   Blog posts

    •   Twitter/Tweets

•   Taken individually, they can build a picture of any
    given activity

•   When combined, they can tell some great stories
    •   (e.g.) You can publish to the following channels:

Base Content                       ‘Story’ Destinations

•   Video                          •    Facebook

•   Images                         •    Blog

•   Tweets                         •    ...etc

Base content can quickly and           This content can then be
easily be published to the above       aggregated and ‘wrapped’ on
brand channels                         these destinations in the form of
                                       blogs posts or ‘Notes’ to tell a
                                       deeper story about the activity
Pre-Event Promotions...
•   Blog posts

•   Facebook (e.g. a ‘Note’ or an ‘Event’)

•   Twitter

    •   Where appropriate, create an event #Hashtag and use this in all Twitter

•   Social Media bulletins

•   Online press releases

•   Blogger interaction

•   Forums and discussion boards

•   Facebook adverts

•   Email blasts

•   ...etc

•   NB: ensure messages are on-topic, relevant, useful, interesting, fun and engaging

‘Live’ Event Actions...
•       Capture images

•       Capture video: event footage and 60 second Vox Pops

•       Tweets (using #Hashtags where appropriate)

•       Short updates to blog/Facebook

•       Post best images and video to Flickr / YouTube

•       Think...

    •        Event reportage

    •        Attendee interviews

    •        Behind the scenes insights with event organisers

    •        Capture brand assets - signage, products, etc

•       Storyboard as much of this as possible in the planning stage

•       Can you encourage event attendees to contribute to the content effort?

    •        e.g. ‘post to Flickr using the following ‘tag’ and we’ll include your images in our event coverage’

    •        e.g. ‘use #TAG’ as a hashtag and join in with the conversation on Twitter’

    •        Tactically, can this be signposted as part of the event invite process and/or via signage for larger-scale
             public events?

    •        Be consistent and engaging in your ‘real time’ communication - e.g. if Twitter is central, then use the
             event #hashtag to encourage others to do the same, and respond directly to other people via @mentions

Post-Event Actions...
•   ‘Wrap Up’ blog posts / Facebook Notes

    •   Aggregate ‘best of’ event content to tell the story

•   Wherever video is used, create a ‘best of’, branded, edited version. Have a pro editor / producer
    on standby to deliver this

•   Video can be collated in ‘playlists’ on YouTube where appropriate

•   Photography on Flickr can be grouped into ‘sets’ (or categories) around the event or sections of
    the event

•   The above content can then be promoted via:

    •   Twitter (using #Hashtags where relevant, and via public messages to those attendees who
        you are following)

    •   Via email to attendees

    •   Via Facebook Wall posts

    •   Blog comments (e.g. responding to blogs that cover the event)

    •   etc

•   In all cases, the goal should be to encourage people to interact with the content - post
    comments on blogs/Facebook Notes, Facebook ‘like’ ratings, comments on YouTube videos and
    Flickr images, etc

Tactical Considerations...
•       Photos and video

    •     Who captures/edits? Can I get a pro to do it?

    •     Are there any rights issues? Use release forms

    •     Event signage: make people aware that content may be used online in
          the public domain

    •     Are there any location restrictions? Is photography allowed?

    •     Lighting? Research your environment as part of the plan

    •     Sound? If doing video, make sure equipment and environment are

    •     Storyboarding? Scope the desired outcome as part of the plan.
          Storyboard the Q&A’s for Vox Pops and the event ‘overview’ video

    •     Branding collateral? Can the brand feature in pictures/videos? Can the
          editing process be informed by on-brand logos, messages, stills, etc?

Tactical Considerations...
•       Technology

    •     Is there a WiFi connection at the venue? ...For on-site working and

    •     Is there a mobile signal? ...For ‘real time’ Tweeting, publishing, etc

    •     Do you have the tools for the job: camera, video, laptop (or computer),

    •     Do you have the right applications: simple editing software for photos

    •     Do you have your profiles / access set up for publishing: Flickr, YouTube,
          Facebook, etc

•       Event-based promotions

    •     Can you promote participation (eg, on Twitter, Facebook, etc) via signage
          at the event?

    •     Can you mention your Social Media activity as part of the event agenda?
          Speakers? Presentations? etc
Competitions / Invites...
•       Always make it as easy as possible for people to enter, working within the
        technical restraints of the channel

    •     e.g. Facebook: RSVP’ing requires more effort than a Note comment

•       Always try to look for competition rules that require distribution of brand profile
        and/or building of followings

    •     e.g. Facebook: write us a comment and ‘Like’ us to enter

    •     e.g. Twitter: re-Tweet this message, use the #hashtag to enter

•       Beware of asking entrants to create content as a pre-requisite for entering the

    •     e.g. ‘Post us a creative video response’ in order to enter

    •     Think ‘opportunity cost’: is it worth my while creating a video to enter this
          competition? (Unless it’s a big ticket item and extremely attractive, or creation
          of content is intrinsic to the event/promotion, we’d recommend you avoid this!)

*In Action*
How to Capture Content...

•   Your (pre-configured) devices
    •   Smart Phone

    •   Flip camera / hand held digital camcorder

    •   Laptop

    •   Use of on-site computer

    •   Ensure applications are pre-configured to Social profile accounts to make
        content publishing easier

        •   e.g. Flickr and Twitter applications on phone

    •   ...and have your profile logins at the ready!

    •   ...or it could be just be an email or text to someone at HQ who can
        upload for you

Your Content Assets and Channels...
       Device     Content                  Live Content     Post-Event Content

                            Tag: #TAG

* Phone                                 * YouTube           * Facebook Tab
* Flip / Laptop   Video

                            Tag: #TAG
                                        * Flickr            * Flickr Set
                   Pix                  * Facebook          * Facebook Tab
* Phone
                                        * TwitPic/Twitter

                            Tag: #TAG

                                        * Twitter
* Phone           Tweets                * Facebook

                                                            * Facebook Note
* Computer                                                  * Blog post
                                                            * etc
Audience/Attendee Content and

* Flickr   * Twitter / TwitPic   * Facebook   * Blogs, etc

                                                             Monitor and cross-
                                                             promote live on
                          Tag: #TAG
                     Mention: @yourbrand
                                                             the day and also in
                                                             our post-event
                    Tweets          Video

                                                             NB: where you
                                                             can, loosely
                                                             structure / guide
                     ‘Blog’          Pix                     their content. Only
                                                             rule is to TAG!
Example Tagging Principles...
 •   You can use ‘tags’ to stream your publishing efforts. This can
     make your content more ‘findable’ and encourage engagement

     •   e.g. Twitter: use #TAG

         •   Enables attendees to participate in event-specific
             conversations that are filtered aside from their broader,
             public Twitter stream (as well as encouraging non-event
             attendees to tune in, when used sensibly)

     •   e.g. Flickr: use the tag ‘TAG’ for images when uploading

         •   Enables other people to use the same tag in order to
             associate their content with yours and with the event at
             large. Also helps you to discover their content and interact
             with it / publish it in your blog posts / Facebook Notes / etc

Twitter Editorial Notes...

•   Ensure the following:
    •   Use the event #hashtag wherever you can

    •   Always try to re-Tweet other participants who are Tweeting in and around the event -
        the goal is to spark exchanges with as many people as possible in attendance, and
        also those who may be tuning in from outside the event. Don’t focus solely on you
        and (where relevant) the participants you’re hosting!

    •   Always respond directly to individual Tweets (‘@XYZ’ mentions)

    •   Be conscious of the public (web) Twitter interface. Be aware that others will be
        following you who have no interest in the event - therefore, keep the flow of event-
        only Tweets sensible... and mix them up with other non-event Tweets

    •   Make sure Tweets are personal / personable wherever possible. ‘This event is
        great!’ is boring. ‘I can see Hugh Grant from here and he’s lovely’ is more interesting

    •   If other high profile Twitterers are present, ride with them - get exchanges going,
        nudge them and encourage them

    •   Stay in direct (Tweeting) touch with any participants you are hosting

Blog / Facebook Notes...
•       Ensure the following:
    •         Use the post-event (or daily review) blog post/Note as your aggregation point for all other content

    •         Think ‘reportage’

          •          Here’s what David tweeted about the event

          •          Here are some great pictures from David

          •          David’s video shows this aspect really well...

    •         Remember, this content is also (and primarily) for people who didn’t attend the event. Therefore, tell
              the complete story

          •          Why you’re there, what the event/competition/etc was about, what happened on the day/s,
                     interesting insights behind the scenes, etc

          •          Use these pieces to promote all of your Social Media channels whenever you can

                 •        Follow us on Twitter for more events, promos and competitions

                 •        Become a fan on Facebook if you want to get the inside view on other events

                 •        Read the blog and stay tuned for future activity

          •          And always use these pieces to promote any upcoming activity / promos / competitions

Essential On-Site Elements...

•   Use signage to promote Social Media activity and
    interactions wherever possible

    •   ‘Follow our event conversations on Twitter via
        @yourbrand - join in, and use the event hashtag

    •   ‘Check out our event photography at XYZ and videos
        at XYZ’

•   For more formal events, use simple ‘release forms’ for
    Vox Pops video content

•   For all brand-run events use signage to tell people that
    video of the event will be taken and will be used for
    promotion on the web
Example Briefs...
•   Basic tips for encouraging people to participate in your event content

    •   Keep it simple/non-prescriptive

    •   Verbal briefs

    •   (If appropriate) use simple handouts (tune into/use this!)

    •   (Respectfully ask if it’s OK to get their insights via some pictures/
        video/comment at the event (for this, just give them the essentials
        and keep it simple - don’t weigh them down!)

    •   Encourage them to blog, post content, Tweet (etc) during and after
        the event!

    •   Again, if they’re attending the event as part of a promo/competition,
        then you can also encourage them to participate in the pre-event
        activity via their own Twitter / Facebook / etc activity

*Tick List*
Pre-Planning...                             Pre-Promotion - do a...                     Post-Event Promos...

Is my event a good source of content?       Facebook Note                               Tweet with links to your content

Can it be used as a promo or competition?   Twitter (with #Hashtag)                     Tweet with links to other people’s content

Can influential partners get involved?      Social Media bulletin                       Spark Twitter conversations with attendees

Can we tap into existing communities?       Online Press Release                        Email people wherever you can with links

Planning - Can We Capture...                Blogger interaction                         Comment on 3rd party content and link to yours

Video?                                      Forums (where appropriate)                  Facebook Wall posts - yours and other attendees

Photos?                                     Facebook ad                                 (Use Dashboard to monitor 3rd party content)

Interviews?                                 Email blast                                 Tactical Considerations...

Vox Pops?                                   Create event ‘tags’ (where appropriate)     Can you get pro editing help?

Planning - Where Would it Work Best...      Event Actions...                            Are there rights/usage issues

Facebook?                                   Capture Photos                              Signage: provide some to raise awareness/participation

Web site?                                   Capture video (60 second snippets!)         Lighting and sound - suitable?

Twitter?                                    Capture interviews                          Have I captured the brand where possible?

Flickr?                                     Tweet (sensibly!)                           Technical - connectivity / network access?

Set targets for the activity                Post content to YouTube/Flickr/etc          Have I got all the apps/logins/etc I need?

Planning - Storyboard it...                 Use ‘tags’ wherever possible/appropriate    Competitions/Promos...

Is it a ‘behind the scenes’ piece?          Post-Event Actions...                       Invite timescale - x6 weeks?

Is it a straight reportage piece?           ‘Wrap Up’ blog post / Facebook Note         Is it *really* easy to enter / participate?

Is it a personality piece?                  Aggregate your content and others           Is brand/message distribution built into entry process?

                                            Edited, branded, narrative video (3 mins)

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Your Social Media Event Kit Bag

  • 1. Your Social Media Event Kit Bag Using Event ‘Stories’ to Promote, Engage, and Interact via Twitter, etc July 2010 1
  • 2. Overview... • As part and parcel of our marketing calendar you create a regular flow of events • Press events, trade shows, sales/branding events, etc • Social Media gives you a great opportunity to tell the story ‘behind the headlines’ and ‘behind the brand’ • When executed well, this provides your customers/fans with a set of accessible, interesting, useful and ‘shareable’ stories - allowing them to get closer to the brand, the people and the processes that design, build and deliver the products they know and love - and to pass these ‘stories’ around • In the process, this ‘storytelling’ activity can help you to grow your fan bases (Facebook), followings (Twitter), and (in time) the general scope of your web site content - which will help to improve your Search Engine rankings and your wider customer acquisition activity • As an exercise, the capture and publishing of event-based content can be extremely cheap and easy to do - given the right brief....! 2
  • 3. Your Objectives... • To generate event-based Social Media content for real time and post-event publication via Social Media publishing platforms and Social Networking properities • In other words, capture event-based content and publish it to YouTube, Flickr, Facebook, and others... and cross-promote these stories via standard communications channels: web site, email, Twitter, Facebook, etc • Give your customer base rich content stories that are easy to pass around and share via their own Social Media activity • Generate buzz and awareness outside the confines of any given event (press conference, sponsorship activity, etc), i.e. extend your brand story to the Social Web • Grow your fan base and followings 3
  • 4. Scoping the Event... • Is your event worthy/relevant!? • Here’s some guidance... • Do you have any star attendees that can add value to / provide insight for the brand story? • Is it co-hosted with another star brand that has it’s own set of (high profile) followings? • Is it newsworthy!? • Is it specialist interest? • Is it strategic to the brand? • ...etc • If the answer is ‘yes’ to any of the above, then there’s scope for telling a story about it via Social Media • NB: a little research can be very valuable at the scoping stage! 4
  • 5. Types of Content... • Primarily, you’re interested in the following types of content: • Video • Photos • Blog posts • Twitter/Tweets • Taken individually, they can build a picture of any given activity • When combined, they can tell some great stories 5
  • 6. Channels... • (e.g.) You can publish to the following channels: Base Content ‘Story’ Destinations • Video • Facebook • Images • Blog • Tweets • ...etc Base content can quickly and This content can then be easily be published to the above aggregated and ‘wrapped’ on brand channels these destinations in the form of blogs posts or ‘Notes’ to tell a deeper story about the activity 6
  • 8. Pre-Event Promotions... • Blog posts • Facebook (e.g. a ‘Note’ or an ‘Event’) • Twitter • Where appropriate, create an event #Hashtag and use this in all Twitter promotions • Social Media bulletins • Online press releases • Blogger interaction • Forums and discussion boards • Facebook adverts • Email blasts • ...etc • NB: ensure messages are on-topic, relevant, useful, interesting, fun and engaging 8
  • 9. ‘Live’ Event Actions... • Capture images • Capture video: event footage and 60 second Vox Pops • Tweets (using #Hashtags where appropriate) • Short updates to blog/Facebook • Post best images and video to Flickr / YouTube • Think... • Event reportage • Attendee interviews • Behind the scenes insights with event organisers • Capture brand assets - signage, products, etc • Storyboard as much of this as possible in the planning stage • Can you encourage event attendees to contribute to the content effort? • e.g. ‘post to Flickr using the following ‘tag’ and we’ll include your images in our event coverage’ • e.g. ‘use #TAG’ as a hashtag and join in with the conversation on Twitter’ • Tactically, can this be signposted as part of the event invite process and/or via signage for larger-scale public events? • Be consistent and engaging in your ‘real time’ communication - e.g. if Twitter is central, then use the event #hashtag to encourage others to do the same, and respond directly to other people via @mentions 9
  • 10. Post-Event Actions... • ‘Wrap Up’ blog posts / Facebook Notes • Aggregate ‘best of’ event content to tell the story • Wherever video is used, create a ‘best of’, branded, edited version. Have a pro editor / producer on standby to deliver this • Video can be collated in ‘playlists’ on YouTube where appropriate • Photography on Flickr can be grouped into ‘sets’ (or categories) around the event or sections of the event • The above content can then be promoted via: • Twitter (using #Hashtags where relevant, and via public messages to those attendees who you are following) • Via email to attendees • Via Facebook Wall posts • Blog comments (e.g. responding to blogs that cover the event) • etc • In all cases, the goal should be to encourage people to interact with the content - post comments on blogs/Facebook Notes, Facebook ‘like’ ratings, comments on YouTube videos and Flickr images, etc 10
  • 11. Tactical Considerations... • Photos and video • Who captures/edits? Can I get a pro to do it? • Are there any rights issues? Use release forms • Event signage: make people aware that content may be used online in the public domain • Are there any location restrictions? Is photography allowed? • Lighting? Research your environment as part of the plan • Sound? If doing video, make sure equipment and environment are suitable • Storyboarding? Scope the desired outcome as part of the plan. Storyboard the Q&A’s for Vox Pops and the event ‘overview’ video • Branding collateral? Can the brand feature in pictures/videos? Can the editing process be informed by on-brand logos, messages, stills, etc? 11
  • 12. Tactical Considerations... • Technology • Is there a WiFi connection at the venue? ...For on-site working and publishing • Is there a mobile signal? ...For ‘real time’ Tweeting, publishing, etc • Do you have the tools for the job: camera, video, laptop (or computer), smartphone • Do you have the right applications: simple editing software for photos • Do you have your profiles / access set up for publishing: Flickr, YouTube, Facebook, etc • Event-based promotions • Can you promote participation (eg, on Twitter, Facebook, etc) via signage at the event? • Can you mention your Social Media activity as part of the event agenda? Speakers? Presentations? etc 12
  • 13. Competitions / Invites... • Always make it as easy as possible for people to enter, working within the technical restraints of the channel • e.g. Facebook: RSVP’ing requires more effort than a Note comment • Always try to look for competition rules that require distribution of brand profile and/or building of followings • e.g. Facebook: write us a comment and ‘Like’ us to enter • e.g. Twitter: re-Tweet this message, use the #hashtag to enter • Beware of asking entrants to create content as a pre-requisite for entering the activity • e.g. ‘Post us a creative video response’ in order to enter • Think ‘opportunity cost’: is it worth my while creating a video to enter this competition? (Unless it’s a big ticket item and extremely attractive, or creation of content is intrinsic to the event/promotion, we’d recommend you avoid this!) 13
  • 15. How to Capture Content... • Your (pre-configured) devices • Smart Phone • Flip camera / hand held digital camcorder • Laptop • Use of on-site computer • Ensure applications are pre-configured to Social profile accounts to make content publishing easier • e.g. Flickr and Twitter applications on phone • ...and have your profile logins at the ready! • ...or it could be just be an email or text to someone at HQ who can upload for you 15
  • 16. Your Content Assets and Channels... Device Content Live Content Post-Event Content Tag: #TAG * Phone * YouTube * Facebook Tab * Flip / Laptop Video Tag: #TAG * Flickr * Flickr Set Pix * Facebook * Facebook Tab * Phone * TwitPic/Twitter Tag: #TAG * Twitter * Phone Tweets * Facebook * Facebook Note * Computer * Blog post ‘Blog’ * etc
  • 17. Audience/Attendee Content and Channels... * Flickr * Twitter / TwitPic * Facebook * Blogs, etc Monitor and cross- promote live on Tag: #TAG Mention: @yourbrand the day and also in our post-event content Tweets Video NB: where you can, loosely structure / guide ‘Blog’ Pix their content. Only rule is to TAG!
  • 18. Example Tagging Principles... • You can use ‘tags’ to stream your publishing efforts. This can make your content more ‘findable’ and encourage engagement • e.g. Twitter: use #TAG • Enables attendees to participate in event-specific conversations that are filtered aside from their broader, public Twitter stream (as well as encouraging non-event attendees to tune in, when used sensibly) • e.g. Flickr: use the tag ‘TAG’ for images when uploading • Enables other people to use the same tag in order to associate their content with yours and with the event at large. Also helps you to discover their content and interact with it / publish it in your blog posts / Facebook Notes / etc 18
  • 19. Twitter Editorial Notes... • Ensure the following: • Use the event #hashtag wherever you can • Always try to re-Tweet other participants who are Tweeting in and around the event - the goal is to spark exchanges with as many people as possible in attendance, and also those who may be tuning in from outside the event. Don’t focus solely on you and (where relevant) the participants you’re hosting! • Always respond directly to individual Tweets (‘@XYZ’ mentions) • Be conscious of the public (web) Twitter interface. Be aware that others will be following you who have no interest in the event - therefore, keep the flow of event- only Tweets sensible... and mix them up with other non-event Tweets • Make sure Tweets are personal / personable wherever possible. ‘This event is great!’ is boring. ‘I can see Hugh Grant from here and he’s lovely’ is more interesting • If other high profile Twitterers are present, ride with them - get exchanges going, nudge them and encourage them • Stay in direct (Tweeting) touch with any participants you are hosting 19
  • 20. Blog / Facebook Notes... • Ensure the following: • Use the post-event (or daily review) blog post/Note as your aggregation point for all other content • Think ‘reportage’ • Here’s what David tweeted about the event • Here are some great pictures from David • David’s video shows this aspect really well... • Remember, this content is also (and primarily) for people who didn’t attend the event. Therefore, tell the complete story • Why you’re there, what the event/competition/etc was about, what happened on the day/s, interesting insights behind the scenes, etc • Use these pieces to promote all of your Social Media channels whenever you can • Follow us on Twitter for more events, promos and competitions • Become a fan on Facebook if you want to get the inside view on other events • Read the blog and stay tuned for future activity • And always use these pieces to promote any upcoming activity / promos / competitions 20
  • 21. Essential On-Site Elements... • Use signage to promote Social Media activity and interactions wherever possible • ‘Follow our event conversations on Twitter via @yourbrand - join in, and use the event hashtag #XYZ’ • ‘Check out our event photography at XYZ and videos at XYZ’ • For more formal events, use simple ‘release forms’ for Vox Pops video content • For all brand-run events use signage to tell people that video of the event will be taken and will be used for promotion on the web 21
  • 22. Example Briefs... • Basic tips for encouraging people to participate in your event content • Keep it simple/non-prescriptive • Verbal briefs • (If appropriate) use simple handouts (tune into/use this!) • (Respectfully ask if it’s OK to get their insights via some pictures/ video/comment at the event (for this, just give them the essentials and keep it simple - don’t weigh them down!) • Encourage them to blog, post content, Tweet (etc) during and after the event! • Again, if they’re attending the event as part of a promo/competition, then you can also encourage them to participate in the pre-event activity via their own Twitter / Facebook / etc activity 22
  • 24. Pre-Planning... Pre-Promotion - do a... Post-Event Promos... Is my event a good source of content? Facebook Note Tweet with links to your content Can it be used as a promo or competition? Twitter (with #Hashtag) Tweet with links to other people’s content Can influential partners get involved? Social Media bulletin Spark Twitter conversations with attendees Can we tap into existing communities? Online Press Release Email people wherever you can with links Planning - Can We Capture... Blogger interaction Comment on 3rd party content and link to yours Video? Forums (where appropriate) Facebook Wall posts - yours and other attendees Photos? Facebook ad (Use Dashboard to monitor 3rd party content) Interviews? Email blast Tactical Considerations... Vox Pops? Create event ‘tags’ (where appropriate) Can you get pro editing help? Planning - Where Would it Work Best... Event Actions... Are there rights/usage issues Facebook? Capture Photos Signage: provide some to raise awareness/participation Web site? Capture video (60 second snippets!) Lighting and sound - suitable? Twitter? Capture interviews Have I captured the brand where possible? Flickr? Tweet (sensibly!) Technical - connectivity / network access? Set targets for the activity Post content to YouTube/Flickr/etc Have I got all the apps/logins/etc I need? Planning - Storyboard it... Use ‘tags’ wherever possible/appropriate Competitions/Promos... Is it a ‘behind the scenes’ piece? Post-Event Actions... Invite timescale - x6 weeks? Is it a straight reportage piece? ‘Wrap Up’ blog post / Facebook Note Is it *really* easy to enter / participate? Is it a personality piece? Aggregate your content and others Is brand/message distribution built into entry process? 24 Edited, branded, narrative video (3 mins)