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You	Can't	Manage	What	You	Aren't	
Measuring	--	A4ribu6on	Strategy	and
Madan	Bharadwaj	
Founder	&	Principal,	Right	Measures	Consul6ng	
Mark	Sorkin	
VP,	Data	Sciences,	Black	Wolf	Group	
Presented:	September	26,	2016	at	Retail’s	Digital	Summit
Madan	Bharadwaj	
Founder	&	Principal,	Right	Measures	Consul6ng	
Mark	Sorkin	
VP,	Data	Sciences,	Black	Wolf	Group	
Panel	Discussion:	
Madan	Bharadwaj,	Founder	&	Principal,	Right	Measures	Consul6ng	
Mark	Sorkin,	VP,	Data	Sciences,	Black	Wolf	Group	
Milton	Pappas,	SVP,	Digital	Marke6ng,	HBC	Digital		
Jeff	Rosenfeld,	Vice	President	of	Customer	Insight	and	Analy6cs,	Neiman	Marcus
In	my	presenta=on	I	will	discuss:	
§  What	is	Mul6-touch	A4ribu6on	(MTA)?	
§  Does	your	brand	needs	MTA?	
§  What	are	the	poten6al	benefits	of	MTA?	
§  What	are	the	known	piYalls	?
Digital	Marketer’s	Daily	Conundrum	
Spend is
in upper
Digital	Marketer’s	Daily	Conundrum	
But performance
seems to be
driven by lower
funnel channels
Consumer’s	Journey	with	your	Brand
Consumer	behavior	
has	become	robustly	
cross-channel	across	
Last	Click	AGribu=on	is	woefully	inadequate
Last	Click	attribution	
ignores	every	touch	
before	the	last	touch
History	of	AGribu=on	Algorithm	
LastAd model was an innocuous
inven2on with the advent of web
analy2cs tools and the adserver
to assign credit to media driving
traffic to websites
Silo’ed	Last	Touch	AGribu=on	is	worse
100%	100%	
Every	vendor	uses	
their	own	Last	click	
leading	to	double/
triple	counting	of	
History	of	AGribu=on	Algorithm	
1999 2008
Rule-Based	Models	
Even	Weighted,	U-shaped	
Eg:	Atlas	Engagement	
Mapping,	ClearSaleing	
With Display media investment
taking off, and frequency with
consumers growing, rule-based
aCribu2on approaches came to
market as an improvement over
LastAd, to help jus2fy display’s
role in the funnel.
Ruled-based	AGribu=on	algorithm	went	further
Even	Weighted	Model	
8.3%	 8.3%	8.3%	8.3%	 8.3%	
8.3%	8.3%
But	is	subjec=ve
Rule	based	attribution	
is	subject	to	the	whims	
of	the	rule	designer	
5%	 5%	 5%	25%	 5%	
5%	5%	
U-shaped	Model
Omni-Channel	makes	it	more	complex	
Brick & Mortar Store
?	?	
?	?	?	
?	 ?	 ?	?	 ?	
Designing	rule-based	
attribution	models	for	
Omni-channel	brands	
can	be	mind	numbing
History	of	AGribu=on	Algorithm	
1999 2008
Rule-Based	Models	
Even	Weighted,	U-shaped	
Eg:	Atlas	Engagement	
Algorithmic	Models	
Eg:	Visual	IQ,	
Given how each rule based
approach lead to dras2cally
different understandings of
media effec2veness, machine
learning based algorithmic
aCribu2on approaches hit the
Algorithmic	AGribu=on	is	fully	data-driven	
Brick & Mortar Store
Algorithmic	attribution	
addresses	all	the	credit	
allocation	algorithm	
shortcomings	of	the	
previous	generations	of	
4.1%	14.4%	
12.1%	0.9%	7.1%	
0.7%	 1.1%	0.5%	1.5%
History	of	AGribu=on	Algorithm	Technology		
1999 2008
Rule-Based	Models	
Even	Weighted,	U-shaped	
Eg:	Atlas	Engagement	
Algorithmic	Models	
Eg:	Visual	IQ,	
Tailored	Data	
Eg:	Conversion	
Logic,	Visual	IQ,	
Given the core credit alloca2on
problem has gained wide
acceptance, now the industry is
inves2ng heavily in all the ramps
and pipes necessary to make
aCribu2on widely accessible to
Do	you	need	MTA?	
Are	your	budgets	large	enough	to	
merit	MTA?	
Is	your	business	even	amenable	for	
user-level	attribution?	
How	cross-channel	is	my	customers’	
At	least	USD	250k/year	
At	least	2	paid	channels		
(Eg:	Display,	Search)	
By	Sales	channel,	atleast	50%	of	
orders	at	customer-level	
Is	sum	of	vendor	reported	
conversions	>	130%	of	total	media-
driven	conversions	in	Omniture/GA	
for	same	time	period
What	can	aGribu=on	possibly	unlock?	
Strategic	Tac6cal	
Media Mix Optimization
Contact Optimization Enterprise–wide Operational
Attribution Reporting
Intra-Channel Media
Take	the	cheap	
tactical	wins	first	
Expect	to	find		
10-20%	in	media	
Perfect	vs	Good	-	it’s	
about	decisions,	not	
Rollout & Operationalization
Project Mgmt
Aligning Org
Budgeting &
Analytics & Insights
What	do	I	need	to	do	to	implement	MTA?	
Solution Configurations
Core Attribution Tech
Data Integration
User Interfaces
Expect	organizational	
Recruit	a	driven	marketer	or	
respected	analytics	leader	
within	org	to	lead	the	effort	
Start	with	a	strong	executive	
sponsor.	Sell	the	benefits	
into	the	org.	
Pick	a	vendor.	
Forrester	wave	report	
Onboard	your	best	analyst	
on	the	project	
Track	all	your	media	in	one	
Mark	A.	Sorkin	
VP	Data	Sciences,	Black	Wolf	Group
20+	years	in	Ecommerce	with	companies	such	as	
Sears	Holdings	
Charming	Shoppes		
Ascena	Retail		
Orchard	Brands	
25+	websites	
	3	Universal	Cart/	Mul6-Branded	sites	
Analy6c	implementa6ons	with	
Google	Analy6cs	
Adobe	Analy6cs		
Worked	with	mul6ple	Digital	Marke6ng	vendors
Measuring	AGribu=on		
The	BoGom	Line	
7	Steps	to	go	from	a4ribu6on	to	effec6ve	marke6ng	
•  Pick	an	a4ribu6on	Method	
•  Tag	all	Digital	Channels	
•  Audit	the	data	
•  Analyze	
•  Create	Ac6on	
•  Execute	
•  Measure	your	results
Successful	AGribu=on	
I	have	grouped	the	7	steps	into	3	stages	of	effort	
1.  Clarifying	(Semng	the	stage)	
2.  Unifying	(Enabling	data	and	analysis)	
3.  Verifying	(Taking	ac6on)
Measuring	AGribu=on	-	Clarifying	
How	to	u6lize	a4ribu6on	to	drive	marke6ng	spend	efficiency	and	grow	
profitable	sales	
There	are	several	reasons	to	measure	a4ribu6on			
Manage	digital	marke6ng	ROI	
Op6mize	digital	marke6ng	budgets	
Audit/Verify	digital	marke6ng	vendor	repor6ng/charges
Measuring	AGribu=on	-	Clarifying	
A4ribu6on	methodology	always	a	debate	in	every	company	
Companies	use	
Single	a4ribu6on	method	
Mul6ple	a4ribu6on	methods	
Single	or	Mul6ple	cookie	dura6ons	
Issue	is	same		
What	method	
What	dura6on
Measuring	AGribu=on	-	Unifying	
Essen6al	elements	needed	
•  Assign	tracking	codes	to	all	marke6ng	efforts,	including	SEO	
•  Create	tracking	codes	that	enable	you	to	break	down	by	
o  Channel	
o  Vendor	
o  Key		Segments/A4ributes	
•  Audit	the	implementa6on	of	tracking	codes	
•  A4ain	“Buy-In”	that	the	data	is	correct	
•  Create	usable	repor6ng	at	appropriate	levels
Measuring	AGribu=on	–	Unifying	
Standard	metrics	you	want	to	measure	
Other	informa6on	you	may	want	
Marke6ng	budget	by	channel	by	week	
Actual	costs	by	channel	by	week
Measuring	AGribu=on	–	Unifying	
Ability	to	measure	by	mul6ple	a4ribu6on	methods	
30	day	most	recent	
30	day	first	
14	day		
7	day
Measuring	AGribu=on	–	Unifying	
There	are	reasons	for	mul6ple	tracking	methods	
Measure	agreed	upon	corporate	measurement	
Valida6ng	Paid	Search	vendor	data	
Valida6ng	Affiliate	vendor	repor6ng	and	commission	report	
Track	addi6onal	ways	other	vendors	report
Measuring	AGribu=on	–	Unifying	
When	trying	to	measure	the	effec6veness	of	your	marke6ng	
efforts	there	are	a	few	key	points:	
Pick	a	way	to	measure	
Measure	the	same	way	over	6me	
Compare	the	changes	in	key	metrics	
Other	key	metrics
Measuring	AGribu=on	–	Unifying	
When	tracking		marke6ng	efforts	here	are	some	suggested	
Marke6ng	Channel	
Measuring	AGribu=on	–	Unifying	
Paid	Search	
Channel 	 	Paid	Search	
Partner 	 	Google	/	Yahoo	/	Bing	/	Etc	
Group 	 	Branded	/	Non-Branded	
Detail 	 	“keyword”	
Channel 	 	Affiliate	
Partner 	 	Affiliate	Partner	Code	/	Name
Measuring	AGribu=on	–	Unifying	
You	can	create	a	tracking	code	that	enables	you	to	group	and	
breakdown	the	results	into	ac6onable	data	
Em	=	email	
Ps			=	paid	search	
Af			=	affiliate	
Ds		=	display	
Rt			=	re-targemng	
Paid	Search=		
Affiliate	Id	
for	Paid	
Search	and	
SEO	or	
Email	Link	
Brand	code	
if	you	have	
segments	or		
PPC	Bid	
Type	(Exact/
Paid	Search	=	
Brand	or	
Sub	groups	
for	tes6ng	
Channel	 Partner	 Group	 Detail	Segment	Brand
Measuring	AGribu=on	–	Verifying	
Real	World	Examples	
An	analysis	done	comparing	a	30	day	most	recent	and	30	day	
first	a4ribu6on	method	was	performed	
The	analysis	was	performed	across	
	Mul6ple	web	sites	
	Mul6ple	marke6ng	channels	
Over	80%	Percent	of	visitors	stayed	in	same	channel	using	1st	vs	last	touch	
Similar	results	across	mul6ple	brands	
Similar	results	across	mul6ple	Marke6ng	Channels
Measuring	AGribu=on	–	Verifying	
Real	World	Examples	(con=nued)	
Partner	Audit	Uncovering	Overpayment	
•  Found	Data	Discrepency	
•  Isolated	to	tagging	error	
•  The	partner	was	using	pre	discount	revenue	instead	of	post	
discount	(what	was	actually	paid)	
•  This	created	an	over	payment	of	agency	fees	and	commissions	to	
Measuring	AGribu=on	–	Verifying	
	Real	World	Examples(con=nued)	
Affiliate	marke6ng	program	–	New	Customer	Bounty	Program	
•  Created	ability	to	track	if	order	from	affiliate	was	a	New	or	Current	
•  Created	repor6ng	to	measure	NTF	by	Affiliate	Partner	
•  Found	partners	driving	high	level	of	NTF	
•  Offered	higher	commission	for	be4er	placement	to	drive	more	NTF	
Created	modified	commission	structure	
Original	 	7%	for	all	
New	 	9%	if	NTF	and	4%	if	exis6ng
Measuring	AGribu=on	–	Verifying	
	Real	World	Examples(con=nued)	
Paid	Search	-	Bidding	
•  Managed	vendor	bidding	levels	by	Branded	separate	from	Non-Branded	
•  Managed	Non-Branded	to	an	A2S	with	or	without	spending	caps	
•  This	enabled	an	op6mized	budget	spend	in	the	channel	
Natural	Search	–	Existence	and	Spend	
•  Tested	to	measure	pre	op6miza6on	vs.	post	op6miza6on	SEO	rankings	and	
•  Tested	and	measured	SEO	op6miza6on	enhancements	for	effect	on	SEO	traffic	
and	sales	
•  Analysis	used	to	size	SEO	op6miza6on	budget	and	SEO	vendor	expense
Measuring	AGribu=on		
Mark	A.	Sorkin	
VP	Data	Sciences	
Black	Wolf	Group,	Inc.
So,	what	are	the	key	takeaways...	
If	you	are	considering	MTA…	
•  Algorithmic	MTA	is	the	way	to	go	
•  You	need	at	least	USD	250k/year	
•  10-20%	in	media	efficiencies	
•  Secure	executive	sponsorship	first	
•  Track	all	your	media	in	one	adserver	
If	you	already	have	MTA…	
•  Take	the	tactical	wins	first	
•  System	of	record	vs	Media	Optimization		
•  Expect	pushback	from	organization	
•  Perfect	vs	Good	-	it’s	about	decisions,	not	
Perfect	vs	Good	-	it’s	about	decisions,	not	measurement

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