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Embracing	Imperfec/on	
When	Good	Enough	is	the	Perfect	Solu/on	
Steven	J.	Weiskircher	
Chief	Informa/on	Officer	
Presented:	September	27,	2016	at	Retail’s	Digital	Summit
Key	Takeaways	
•  What	is	Agile	Thinking?	
•  Who	does	this	apply	to?	
•  How	do	you	recognize	‘good	enough’?	
•  What	do	you	need	to	get	started?	
•  Poten/al	piUalls
ThinkGeek began in 1999 with a group of friends
who saw a hole in the marketplace: products that
could speak to, and celebrate, the geek community.

And after 17 years, we are still obsessed with
creating and sharing unique experiences that excite
our fans' imaginations and fuel their geeky passions.
Retail	Environment	Today	
•  Pace	of	change	is	rapidly	accelera/ng	
•  Data	prolifera/on	
•  Evolving	customer	expecta/ons	
•  Market	disrupters	
•  M&A	
Post	Acquisi/on	Ac/vity	
•  Integrated	our	financial	organiza/ons	
•  Opened	10	physical	stores;	more	to	come	
•  Launched	a	combined	Gi^	Card	program	
•  Implemented	triggered	personalized	email		
•  Developed	pre-order	capability	
•  Integrated	product	recommenda/ons		
•  Created	first	na/ve	IOS	applica/on,	Android	on	its	way	
•  Developed	WMS	
Tradi/onal	Project	Approach	-	Ini/a/on	
•  Abempt	to	define	everything	up	front	
•  Because	we	don’t	know	everything	we	
add	things	‘just	in	case’	
•  Abach	a	cost	es/mate	to	it	
•  Then	forget	it	was	an	es/mate	
•  Create	a	plan	
•  Based	on	incomplete	data	&		
•  Laced	with	assump/ons	
Tradi/onal	Project	Approach		
Tradi/onal	Project	Approach	-	Execu/on	
•  Requirements	churn		
•  Plagued	by	indecisiveness		
•  Lack	of	clarity	leads	to	wasted	effort	
So	do	we	divorce	the	plan?			
No!	We	hold	it	/ghter.
Impacts	and	Organiza/onal	Response	
(throw	more	
in	just	in	
reqs–	pad	es/mates	
Padded	Es/mates	–	
strip	funding/
arbitrary	deadline	
Arbitrary	deadline	not	
based	in	reality	–	cut	
Deliver	late,	not	all	
Circle	of	Distrust
Plans	are	sta/c	
•  They	are	the	culmina/on	of	our	best	understanding	at	the	/me	
•  They	are	laced	with	our	assump/ons	and	(at	/mes)	our	biases	
•  They	are	not	designed	with	change	in	mind	
‘The	best	laid	plan	rarely	survives	first	contact	with	the	enemy.’	
	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	-	Helmuth	Von	Moltke	
19th	Century	Prussian	General	
The	Rise	of	Agile	
•  Agile	so^ware	development	
•  Scrum,	XP	
•  Kaizen	
•  Lean	Manufacturing	
•  Lean	UX	
•  Design	Sprint	
Common	Tenants	of	Agile	Processes	
•  Value	individuals	and	interac/ons	over	processes	and	tools	
•  Priori/ze	working	product	over	comprehensive	documenta/on	
•  Focus	on	collabora/on	over	contract	nego/a/on	
•  Adapt	to	change	vs	following	a	plan	
•  Eliminate	waste	wherever	it	appears		
Agile	Thinking	
•  Understand	the	problem	you	are	trying	to	solve	
•  Equip	the	team		
•  Minimize	churn		
•  Time	box	everything	
•  Understand	your	constraints	&	be	pragma/c	
•  Communicate	early	and	o^en	
•  Learn	how	to	say	‘no’	
•  Remain	flexible	
•  Be	decisive	
Understanding the Problem:

Minimum Viable Product
MVP	-	Wikipedia	
•  In	product	development,	the	minimum	viable	
product	(MVP)	is	a	product	with	just	enough	features	
to	gather	validated	learning	about	the	product	and	its	
con/nued	development.	
•  Gathering	insights	from	an	MVP	is	o^en	less	expensive	
than	developing	a	product	with	more	features,	which	
increase	costs	and	risk	if	the	product	fails,	for	example,	
due	to	incorrect	assump/ons.		
Where to Start
Define	your	MVP	
•  Focus	on	solving	a	
customer	problem	
•  Minimize	the	number	of	
individuals	involved	in	the	
decision	process	
•  Use	tools	like	‘buy	a	
feature’	to	build	consensus	
Buy	a	Feature	
•  Create	a	list	of	poten/al	features	
•  Put	a	price	on	each	
•  Give	each	stakeholder	a	pile	of	chips	
•  Have	them	place	their	bets	on	the	features	they	
•  Look	for	consensus	through	the	besng	process	
•  Draw	a	cut	line	where	you	have	‘solved’	the	
Benefits	of	Feature	Planning	
•  Focuses	aben/on	on	the	most	important	features	
•  Conveys	a	sense	of	rela/ve	cost	for	capabili/es		
•  Nothing	is	free	
•  Builds	consensus	within	the	stakeholders	
•  Forms	a	priori/zed	backlog	for	subsequent	itera/ons	
•  Minimizes	‘ear	mark’	nego/a/ons	
Build your credibility
Address	Normaliza/on	
The	Problem:	
•  Incorrect/incomplete	address	data	caused	mul/ple	issues	
•  Customer	service	calls	for	late/missing	deliveries	
•  Address	correc/on	charges	from	the	carriers	
The	Constraints:	
•  Only	UX	resources	available	
•  No	clear	business	sponsor	
Address	Normaliza/on	
•  JavaScript	based	Address	Correc/on	
Why	it	was	‘perfect’:	
•  Rapid	integra/on	=	Quick	results	
•  No	process	changes	
•  Reduced	correc/on	charges	
•  Improved	conversion	rate	
The	Problem:	
•  Ver/cal	integra/on	has	increased	inventory	risk	
•  Late	product	delivery	put	sales	at	risk	
The	Constraints:	
•  Billing	infrastructure	and	Order	Management	System	
•  Many	interested	par/es	but	no	clear	‘owner’
Pre-Orders	–	Solu/on	
•  Found	nimble	3rd	party	that	
specializes	in	pre-order	management	
•  ‘Light’	integra/on	on	product	page	
Why	it	was	‘perfect’:	
•  Two	week	integra/on	
•  Over	$1M	in	incremental	revenue	in	
first	year	
Marketplace	Selling	
The	problem:	
•  Need	for	new	revenue	channels	to	enable	growth		
The	constraints:	
•  45	days	to	develop	and	launch	solu/on	
•  System	constraints	in	pricing	management
Marketplace	Selling	
•  Par/al	integra/on	with	marketplace	aggregator	and	eBay	
Why	it	was	‘perfect’:	
•  Time	to	market	
•  Minimal	investment	enabled	us	to	learn	quickly	
•  Cancelled	program	a^er	10	months
The Design Sprint
Design	Sprint	
•  5	day	process	developed	by	
Google	Ventures	
•  Short-cuts	normal	cycle	/me	to	
quickly	move	from	idea	to	
•  Reach	consensus	on	approach	
Launch	Learn	
Design	Sprint	Ac/vi/es	
•  Surface	key	business	opportuni/es	
•  Defining	success	criteria	
•  Exploring	user	journeys	&	analy/cs	
•  Analyze	
•  Interview	key	team	members	
•  Crea/ng	concept	mind	maps,	storyboards	&	
•  Cri/que	&	vo/ng	on	key	ideas	
Design	Sprint	Process	flow	
o  Test the prototype on
actual users
o  Watch as users try out the
prototype to quickly see if
the design makes sense.
Unpack	 Sketch	 Decide	 Prototype	 Test	
o  Decide which solutions
are the best to move
forward with
o  Voting / etc.
o  Sketch / Design
ideas on how to
solve the problems.
o  Paper sketches to
encourage many
o  Build a working
prototype of the
whichever solution(s) 
o  Use whatever tools
o  InVision + paper
sketches + anything
o  Identify the problem
you’re trying to
o  Mind-maps
o  Define success
o  Research solutions
for similar issues. 
Other current iOS
shopping apps.
o  ID your killer feature
Output	of	the	Design	Sprint	-	MVP	
Feature	Group	 Feature	Detail		 Brief	Descrip/on	 Required	for	
No/fica/on	 Back	in	Stock	 allow	customers	to	receive	a	'back	in	stock'	no/fica/on	for	
a	specific	product	
		 Order	Status	 Order	confirma/on	 Need	
		 Shipping	 Order	shipped	 Need	
		 Exclusive	new	products	 New	products	added	to	the	site/category	 nice	to	have	
		 Shipping	cutoffs	 limited	to	key	holidays	 nice	to	have	
Base	Naviga/on	 Search	 search	for	product	by	name,	id,	abribute	 Need	
		 Filter	 filter	search	results	by	abribute,	filter	browse	path	by	
abribute;	e.g.	filter	apparel	by	size/gender	
		 Browse	 navigate	through	the	product	catalog	using	a	tradi/onal	
		 Product	list	view	 These	are	category/sub	category	lis/ng	pages.	 Need	
		 Ranking,	sort	order	 Adjust	product	lis/ng	display	based	on	sort	op/ons	 Need	
Account	crea/on	 Can	create	an	account,	sign-up	for	email	and/or	
		 Login	 		 Need	
		 Facebook	login	 		 nice	to	have	
		 Facebook	registra/on		 		 nice	to	have	
		 Login	/	Checkout	touch	ID	 		 Need	
		 Enter	/	save	addresses	 Customer	address	book.		Need	ability	to	retrieve	addresses	
from	and	add	to	the	address	book	
		 Address	correc/on	and	
We	use	Capture+	today	to	normalize	input.		Need	this	on	
the	mobile	UI	as	well	
		 Account	integra/on	 Tied	to	the	same	account	as	the	desktop	site	 need	
		 Cart	 Carts	should	be	moveable	between	the	desktop,	mobile	
web,	and	mobile	app	experiences	provided	the	customer	
is	a	logged	in	user.	
Checkout	 Geek	points	 need	ability	to	sign	up	for	Geekpoints	as	well	as	redeem	 Need	
		 Paypal	 want	to	use	the	na/ve	IOS	integra/on	 Need	
		 Payment	method	-	credit	
		 Apple	Pay	 		 nice	to	have	
		 order	confirma/on	 		 Need
IOS	Project	Timeline	
August - September
Design	&	Agile	
Kickoff	 Support	
•  Design	-	Bi-weekly	design	reviews	
•  Development	-	Two	week	development	sprints	(Mobify)	
•  Project	Management	-	Weekly	status	call
App	Results	
•  Delivered	in	4	months	
•  Approaching	$1M	
incremental		annual	sales		
•  Currently	expanding	to	
How	do	you	get	started?	
•  Focus	on	solving	a	customer	problem		
•  Define	your	MVP	–	this	is	what	success	looks	like		
•  ‘Good	Enough’	is	organiza/on	and	situa/on	specific	
•  Learn	how	to	say	no	
•  Be	bold!		
Steve	Weiskircher	

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