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University of Queensland
      Centre for Innovation in Professional
        Lunchtime seminar & workshop

  Pedagogical patterns, learning
design and classroom orchestration
     for Computer Supported
  Collaborative Learning (CSCL)
            Prof. Yannis Dimitriadis
           GSIC/EMIC research group
            University of Valladolid
                 July 18, 2012
Seminar-workshop overview
s   Part 1: Seminar (12pm – 1pm) …
     s Practitioner-oriented presentation and discussion
     s Introduction to concepts and challenges of
       patterns, learning designs, orchestration in CSCL
s   Part 2: Workshop (1pm – 2pm) …
     s Group activity through sharing, discussing and
       creating designs for CSCL
     s Discussion on how to move towards effective
       and efficient innovation in real-life CSCL
Teaching practitioners – I
Struggling to overcome problems
s   Plan and carry out lessons (learning designs)
s   Assess and be aware of classroom activities
s   Handle emergencies and adapt designs
s   Align to curriculum and personal student needs
s   Respect time, space and budget, …, and other

Teaching practitioners (II)
Orchestration problems
s   In settings:
     s Physical f2f and/or virtual and/or informal
s   Using new and old technologies
s   Aiming to innovate using
     s Collaborative, problem, inquiry … based learning

 Orchestrate their TEL “ubiquitous” classrooms
             in real world conditions

           Are these problems recurrent?
     Are there any recurrent solutions to them? 4
A note on orchestration

From problems to solutions
s   Orchestration of TEL environments poses many
    problems for
     s practitioners (teachers, e-learning designers,
       tool and learning environment providers)
s   … in all phases of the lifecycle

Architecture practitioners
Pioneers in design
s   If you want to save energy:
     s Do not use windows on the “northern” (Oops! …
        “southern”) side of the house
s   But take also into account
     s Type of wall materials
     s Need for sun light
s   And
     s The problem/solution of energy for the roof!

Software Eng. practitioners
s   How can we produce (Web) user-oriented
    application that can survive changes?
s   The interface type of a form should not depend
     s on the data model
     s or the mechanism to handle the data
s   But such an independence is
     s costly in terms of initial development or
     s less efficient in terms of execution time
s   Name, literature, examples ?

Teaching practitioners
Collaborative learning problem
s   Global – cohort-based threads are shallow
     s Shy, slow, non-confident students do not
s   When we have discussions to find a solution to an
    open-ended problem
     s Have some time to think about a problem
     s Explain “non-perfect” opinion in small group
        s (and) Compare and listen to other views
     s And THEN enter the “classroom” battle field

Collaborative Learning
Ideas and problems
s   Collaboration puts emphasis on
     – group member interactions (process is important)
s   Collaborative learning (CL) is typically associated to
     s projects, problems, inquiry
s   And many conditions apply for effective CL
     s Positive interdependence clearly perceived
     s Personal responsibility (assessment) for group
     s Considerable need for facilitation and regulation
     s Strong use of interpersonal and group skills
s   Can Computer Support (CS) help to enhance chances for
    effective CL with CSCL?
CS Collaborative Learning
Some opportunities
s   Tools to support
    –   Communication (chat), shared spaces (Cmap,
        Dabbleboard), artifact creation (Gdocs)
    –   For synchronous or asynchronous work in small
        groups, classrooms or communities
s   But most importantly for
    –   Knowledge creation (OISE Knowledge Forum,
        Argunaut argumentation tool)
    –   Analysis of learning products/processes (Social
        Network Analysis, e-portfolios, Learning Analytics)
    –   Scaffolding/scripting of processes …
Any common point in all cases?
s   Recurrent solutions to recurrent problems
     s Placed in context
     s Taking into account tensions
     s Illustrated through an example
     s Connected to other problems
s   Based on existing practice-oriented knowledge
     s Extracted from studies with “expert” practitioners
     s And complemented/informed by theory
s   And aimed to
     s Help practitioners
s   Patterns for “grand” designs in
     s Architecture
     s Software Engineering
s   Pedagogical patterns for
     s Teaching and Learning (Learning Design)
     s “Classroom” Orchestration

A pedagogical pattern for
Collaborative Learning Flow (CLFP)
    s   Think-Pair-Share pattern
        –   It structures collaboration and promotes
            participation in large classes
                                   They comment or take a
                                   classroom “vote”

                                   They pair and discuss
                                   their ideas about the

                                   Each participant has
                                   time to think about the
Another CLFP:
Jigsaw (I)
                                Jigsaw CLFP (1)
 (related “larger”
     patterns)       … SCRIPTED Collaborative Learning…
                     This pattern gives the collaborative learning flow for
   CONTEXT           a context in which several small groups are facing the
                     study of a lot of information for the resolution of the
                     same problem.

                     The collaborative learning flow must enable
   PROBLEM           the resolution of a complex problem/task that
                     can be easily divided into sections or
                     independent sub-problems
Another CLFP:
Jigsaw (II)
                            Jigsaw CLFP (2)

  (educational (E.g.) To promote the feeling that team members need
   objectives) each other to succeed (positive interdependence)

  (complexity) High-risk: more appropriate for collaborative learning
               experienced individuals
   SOLUTION    Each participant in a group (“Jigsaw Group”)
               studies a particular sub-problem. The participants
               of different groups that study the same problem
               meet in an “Expert Group” for exchanging ideas.
               These temporary groups become experts in the
               section of the problem given to them. At last,
               participants of each “Jigsaw group” meet to
               contribute with their “expertise” in order to solve the
               whole problem.
Another CLFP:
Jigsaw (III)
     (diagram                         Jigsaw CLFP (3)
   the solution)
                   Individual or initial group
                                                        individual (or initial
                                                          group) activity

                                                        Collaborative activity
                                                          around the sub-

                                                        Collaborative activity
                                                        around the problem
                                                            and solution
Pedagogical patterns:
When are they useful?
s   Pattern formalism is only a means
s   Patterns reflect an approach for practice-oriented
s   They become even more useful
     s when innovation (collaboration, projects,
       problems, inquiry) is involved
     s and in complex CSCL/TEL environments with
       multiple tools, activities, social groupings
     s for less-experienced practitioners

Pedagogical patterns:
What can we do with them?
s   Include in repositories for documentation and
    sharing in communities “of practice”
s   Embed in ICT-based design processes and tools
    to represent, reflect, deploy and enact in TEL Virtual
    or Personal Learning Environments
s   Inspire designers/developers of TEL systems
s   Enable learning designers to create and support
    effective and sustainable scenarios
s   Use in Professional Development (PD) workshops

     Support practitioners (especially teachers) 19
Pedagogical patterns:
Types and relations
s   Are all Pedagogical Patterns
     s of the same type and granularity?
     s independent (how are they related)?
s   At GSIC/EMIC we have focused on scripted CSCL
     s General design patterns
        s Learning Flow, Assessment (and Resources,
          Roles, Adaptation, …)
     s Atomic patterns
        s For design, deployment and enactment

And a pattern language

                                     Collaborative Learning
     approaches                        Scripted Collaboration       (11 of E-LEN report)

        Roles and
       common CL
          level                          Jigsaw                    Learning
                                                     CLFPs        flow level
                                                    Structured discussion             of subject
                                                                Activity level        matters

     CSCL scripting patterns                  Debate PL (Goodyear, 2005)
Learning flow and assessment

Aligning both sets of patterns

A learning design in action
in a Primary Education classroom

And some atomic patterns

Learning Design and patterns
s   Learning Design (or Design for Learning) as a field
     s considers teachers (and other actors) as
       designers of …
     s … “learning designs”, “scripts”, “units of
       learning” or “learning environments”
     s in a sound pedagogical way
s   Looks for methodologies, representations, tools to
    support a better design cycle
s   Problems that could be solved by Learning Design

    Learning Design Practitioner Guide (draft version)26
Learning Design and patterns
s   Learning Design is related to other concepts as:
     s Instructional design
     s Student scaffolding
     s Activity or scenario scripting
     s Lesson planning
s   Pedagogical patterns can be considered as
     s representations, conceptual tools, mediating
     s that support better the learning design process

Learning Design tools
s   Articulate/exploit the knowledge of patterns and
    support the learning design process
s   Create a model or representation of a learning
    design (unit of learning, script, scenario, etc.)
     s That allows understanding and reflecting on the
       pedagogy, making the learning design explicit,
       sharing it with others
s   Through the Web Collage tool
s   Or other Learning tools by the Stellar Learning
    Design Grid Theme Team (LDG)
And a set of ICT tools

Part I: Seminar (wrap-up)
Some lessons learnt
 s We need to establish the conditions for
   successful Collaborative Learning (CL)
 s Patterns may convey sound pedagogical
   knowledge for CL and support practitioners
 s Patterns can be embedded in tools and
   support the process of creating effective
   learning designs (scripts) for CSCL
 s “Classroom” orchestration pays attention
   to “real-time management” and requires
   careful design
Part I: Workshop preview
 s   But we still need to
     –   Work on examples of real CSCL cases
     –   Understand problems to be solved
     –   Access and use some of the patterns
     –   Get an idea of how the GSIC/EMIC tools are used
         to support practitioners
 s   And …
     –   Take away challenges and issues
     –   Eventually try out these approaches in our own
         real projects!
Links to patterns
s   A list of collaborative learning flow patterns
s   A list of assessment patterns
s   Some lists of atomic patterns (in english)

Some general links
s   Publications
s   GSIC/EMIC channel at YouTube:
s   A video tour through the process
    s (6m)
s   The documents of this workshop

Part II: Workshop overview
 s   Read a scenario and choose a Collaborative Learning
     Flow Pattern (5m)
 s   Analyze a sample learning design proposed by UVA
     teachers (5m)
 s   Enrich the sample design with assessment and
     enactment patterns (10m)
 s   Suggest problems - and look for solutions – (10m +
 s   And if time allows …
     –   Make a tour through solutions provided by the GSIC/EMIC
         technological tools (10m)
     –   Take a look on even more problematic situations and
         conflicts during enactment (10m)

The proposed scenario
 s   The proposed scenario:
     –   24 registered students
     –   4 in-class hrs (2 2hr sessions) + 4 off-class hrs
     –   First week classes
 s   Learning objective:
     –   Look for and cite properly reliable information
     –   Include them in well-structured reports
 s   Use of Moodle and other ICT tools:
     –   GoogleDocs, GoogleForms, MediaWiki, IWB, ...
 s   Use of non-trivial collaborative activities
First design phase (5m)
 s   Read the Scenario and think of a
     Collaborative Learning Flow Pattern to be
     used as a basis for the learning design (5 min)
 s   A learning design should include:
     –   Sequence of activities (learners/teachers)
     –   Social groupings
     –   ICT and non-ICT resources to use in each activitiy
     –   Taking into account “in-class vs. off-class”
         nature and “timing” of activities

A learning design
Produced by UVA teachers (Feb 2012)

Design “enrichment” (15m)
 s Review the Sample Learning Design
 s Select an Assessment Pattern and an
   Enactment Atomic Pattern that might
   complement/enrich the design
 s Annotate the sample design with the
   assessment and enactment patterns
 s Think of and write down two additional
   problems envisaged (expected or
Putting things together (15m)
s Form a super-group with your neighbors
s Discuss and agree on assessment-enactment
s Reach a consensus on three problems that
  may occur in the sample learning design
  enacted in a UQ TEL environment (Moodle-
  based?), especially in order to
    –   Implement (deploy) the design
    –   Manage it during enactment
    –   Modify it in case of emergent conflicts   39
A set of additional problems

 s   In designs proposed by UVA teachers …
     –   ICT tools are scarcely used (except
         assignment delivery through Moodle) and
         even less to support collaboration
     –   Many teachers say
          s “that looks nice but I cannot afford to use these
            designs in my classes with 70 students”
          s “I cannot use collaborative techniques when
            assessment is individual and there is a huge
            pressure to deliver more contents”

Issues to be discussed
 s Could we really design and carry out these
 s Is there any solution to the previous
 s Have we used any patterns in this
 s Can we think of any other problematic
 s Can we count with conceptual and
   technological tools to support this process?
Back to the GSIC/EMIC tools

The GSIC/EMIC tools in action
 s A short video on using ICT tools to support the
 s And demo using the real tools
     – (Web Collage)
     –   Username: alumnobuendia25
     –   Password: xxx (to be announced)

Part II: Workshop wrap-up I
 s Work on a CSCL sample scenario
   (collaboration and ICT learning tools)
 s Use of patterns (collaborative learning flow,
   assessment, atomic) to generate learning
 s Use of GSIC/EMIC tools to support the
   learning design lifecycle (special focus on
 s Discussion of problems (and solutions?) in
   real-life situations
Part II: Workshop wrap-up II
 s   It is possible to implement innovative
     pedagogies in real-life TEL environments
     –   Collaboration, projects, problems, inquiry
 s   There are several tools (conceptual and
     technological) to support practitioners
     –   Patterns, GSIC (or non-GSIC) …
 s   Need to address many problems
     –   Teacher beliefs, deployment gap, orchestration
         issues for real-time management, context, etc
 s   But there is also some hope …
Problematic situation – I
(designs proposed by UVA teachers)
 s   Theme:
     –   What is the most important element in literature?
 s   Design:
     –   Individual remote work
     –   Produce remotely a document in groups of 4
         using GoogleDocs
     –   Generate conclusions using GoogleDocs in
         super-groups of 8 persons in a f2f session

Problematic situation – I
Conflicts and solutions?
 s People are missing (but latecomers appear
   after a certain time)
 s A student interpreted erroneously the task
 s A group did not deliver its document
 s Not enough time to complete the task
 s GoogleDocs is not working any more

Problematic situation – II
 s   Theme:
     –   The Global Financial Crisis
 s   Design:
     –   Respond to initial questionnaire (individual, remote)
     –   Generate 3 ideas for an “aspect” (individual, remote)
     –   Reach a consensus on 3 ideas among experts (in
         groups of 3, f2f)
     –   Debate and generate concept map as experts in
         different “aspects” (group of 4, f2f)
     –   Revise map of another group (groups of 4, remote)
     –   Answer to critiques by reviewer (individual, remote)

Problematic situation – II
Conflicts and solutions?
  s Is it possible/easy to provide an
    implementation in Moodle?
  s A group does not provide its pair review
  s Only one member of a group generates
    the peer review

Problematic situation – III
 s   Theme:
     –   Issues regarding news with some social impact
 s   Design:
     –   Brainstorm and search for information (groups of 3,
     –   Document issues (groups of 3, remote)
     –   Sharing documentation (groups of 6, f2f)
     –   Generate common documentation and report
         (groups of 6, remote)
     –   Sharing and generation of a common sshort report
         (whole class, f2f)
Problematic situation – III
Conflicts and solutions?
 s There are doubts whether all people
   participated in the generation of the
   common report
 s During the process, it is found out that one
   concept has not been understood properly
 s There are serious errors in the common

Design of the UVA PD workshop
(textual description)

Design of UVA PD workshop
(based on patterns)


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  • 1. University of Queensland Centre for Innovation in Professional Learning Lunchtime seminar & workshop Pedagogical patterns, learning design and classroom orchestration for Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Prof. Yannis Dimitriadis GSIC/EMIC research group University of Valladolid July 18, 2012
  • 2. Seminar-workshop overview s Part 1: Seminar (12pm – 1pm) … s Practitioner-oriented presentation and discussion s Introduction to concepts and challenges of patterns, learning designs, orchestration in CSCL s Part 2: Workshop (1pm – 2pm) … s Group activity through sharing, discussing and creating designs for CSCL s Discussion on how to move towards effective and efficient innovation in real-life CSCL classrooms 2
  • 3. Teaching practitioners – I Struggling to overcome problems s Plan and carry out lessons (learning designs) s Assess and be aware of classroom activities s Handle emergencies and adapt designs s Align to curriculum and personal student needs s Respect time, space and budget, …, and other constraints 3
  • 4. Teaching practitioners (II) Orchestration problems s In settings: s Physical f2f and/or virtual and/or informal s Using new and old technologies s Aiming to innovate using s Collaborative, problem, inquiry … based learning Orchestrate their TEL “ubiquitous” classrooms in real world conditions  Are these problems recurrent?  Are there any recurrent solutions to them? 4
  • 5. A note on orchestration 5
  • 6. From problems to solutions s Orchestration of TEL environments poses many problems for s practitioners (teachers, e-learning designers, tool and learning environment providers) s … in all phases of the lifecycle 6
  • 7. Architecture practitioners Pioneers in design s If you want to save energy: s Do not use windows on the “northern” (Oops! … “southern”) side of the house s But take also into account s Type of wall materials s Need for sun light s And s The problem/solution of energy for the roof! 7
  • 8. Software Eng. practitioners Model-View-Controller s How can we produce (Web) user-oriented application that can survive changes? s The interface type of a form should not depend s on the data model s or the mechanism to handle the data s But such an independence is s costly in terms of initial development or s less efficient in terms of execution time s Name, literature, examples ? s 8
  • 9. Teaching practitioners Collaborative learning problem s Global – cohort-based threads are shallow s Shy, slow, non-confident students do not participate s When we have discussions to find a solution to an open-ended problem s Have some time to think about a problem s Explain “non-perfect” opinion in small group s (and) Compare and listen to other views s And THEN enter the “classroom” battle field 9
  • 10. Collaborative Learning Ideas and problems s Collaboration puts emphasis on – group member interactions (process is important) s Collaborative learning (CL) is typically associated to s projects, problems, inquiry s And many conditions apply for effective CL s Positive interdependence clearly perceived s Personal responsibility (assessment) for group objectives s Considerable need for facilitation and regulation s Strong use of interpersonal and group skills s Can Computer Support (CS) help to enhance chances for effective CL with CSCL? 10
  • 11. CS Collaborative Learning Some opportunities s Tools to support – Communication (chat), shared spaces (Cmap, Dabbleboard), artifact creation (Gdocs) – For synchronous or asynchronous work in small groups, classrooms or communities s But most importantly for – Knowledge creation (OISE Knowledge Forum, Argunaut argumentation tool) – Analysis of learning products/processes (Social Network Analysis, e-portfolios, Learning Analytics) – Scaffolding/scripting of processes … 11
  • 12. Any common point in all cases? s Recurrent solutions to recurrent problems s Placed in context s Taking into account tensions s Illustrated through an example s Connected to other problems s Based on existing practice-oriented knowledge s Extracted from studies with “expert” practitioners s And complemented/informed by theory s And aimed to s Help practitioners 12
  • 13. Patterns s Patterns for “grand” designs in s Architecture s Software Engineering s Pedagogical patterns for s Teaching and Learning (Learning Design) s “Classroom” Orchestration 13
  • 14. A pedagogical pattern for Collaborative Learning Flow (CLFP) s Think-Pair-Share pattern – It structures collaboration and promotes participation in large classes They comment or take a classroom “vote” They pair and discuss their ideas about the question Each participant has time to think about the question
  • 15. Another CLFP: Jigsaw (I) Jigsaw CLFP (1) (related “larger” patterns) … SCRIPTED Collaborative Learning… This pattern gives the collaborative learning flow for CONTEXT a context in which several small groups are facing the study of a lot of information for the resolution of the same problem. *** The collaborative learning flow must enable PROBLEM the resolution of a complex problem/task that can be easily divided into sections or independent sub-problems
  • 16. Another CLFP: Jigsaw (II) Jigsaw CLFP (2) (educational (E.g.) To promote the feeling that team members need objectives) each other to succeed (positive interdependence) (complexity) High-risk: more appropriate for collaborative learning experienced individuals SOLUTION Each participant in a group (“Jigsaw Group”) studies a particular sub-problem. The participants of different groups that study the same problem meet in an “Expert Group” for exchanging ideas. These temporary groups become experts in the section of the problem given to them. At last, participants of each “Jigsaw group” meet to contribute with their “expertise” in order to solve the whole problem.
  • 17. Another CLFP: Jigsaw (III) (diagram Jigsaw CLFP (3) representing the solution) Individual or initial group Teacher Introductory individual (or initial group) activity Collaborative activity around the sub- problem Collaborative activity around the problem and solution proposal
  • 18. Pedagogical patterns: When are they useful? s Pattern formalism is only a means s Patterns reflect an approach for practice-oriented problems s They become even more useful s when innovation (collaboration, projects, problems, inquiry) is involved s and in complex CSCL/TEL environments with multiple tools, activities, social groupings s for less-experienced practitioners 18
  • 19. Pedagogical patterns: What can we do with them? s Include in repositories for documentation and sharing in communities “of practice” s Embed in ICT-based design processes and tools to represent, reflect, deploy and enact in TEL Virtual or Personal Learning Environments s Inspire designers/developers of TEL systems s Enable learning designers to create and support effective and sustainable scenarios s Use in Professional Development (PD) workshops Support practitioners (especially teachers) 19
  • 20. Pedagogical patterns: Types and relations s Are all Pedagogical Patterns s of the same type and granularity? s independent (how are they related)? s At GSIC/EMIC we have focused on scripted CSCL s General design patterns s Learning Flow, Assessment (and Resources, Roles, Adaptation, …) s Atomic patterns s For design, deployment and enactment 20
  • 21. And a pattern language Collaborative Learning Pedagogical approaches Scripted Collaboration (11 of E-LEN report) Roles and common CL mechanisms Collaborative level Jigsaw Learning CLFPs flow level Didactics Structured discussion of subject Activity level matters Facilitator Asynchronous Resource level CSCL scripting patterns Debate PL (Goodyear, 2005)
  • 22. Learning flow and assessment patterns 22
  • 23. Aligning both sets of patterns 23
  • 24. A learning design in action in a Primary Education classroom 24
  • 25. And some atomic patterns 25
  • 26. Learning Design and patterns s Learning Design (or Design for Learning) as a field s considers teachers (and other actors) as designers of … s … “learning designs”, “scripts”, “units of learning” or “learning environments” s in a sound pedagogical way s Looks for methodologies, representations, tools to support a better design cycle s Problems that could be solved by Learning Design Learning Design Practitioner Guide (draft version)26
  • 27. Learning Design and patterns s Learning Design is related to other concepts as: s Instructional design s Student scaffolding s Activity or scenario scripting s Lesson planning s Pedagogical patterns can be considered as s representations, conceptual tools, mediating artifacts s that support better the learning design process 27
  • 28. Learning Design tools s Articulate/exploit the knowledge of patterns and support the learning design process s Create a model or representation of a learning design (unit of learning, script, scenario, etc.) s That allows understanding and reflecting on the pedagogy, making the learning design explicit, sharing it with others s Through the Web Collage tool s Or other Learning tools by the Stellar Learning Design Grid Theme Team (LDG) 28
  • 29. And a set of ICT tools 29
  • 30. Part I: Seminar (wrap-up) Some lessons learnt s We need to establish the conditions for successful Collaborative Learning (CL) s Patterns may convey sound pedagogical knowledge for CL and support practitioners s Patterns can be embedded in tools and support the process of creating effective learning designs (scripts) for CSCL s “Classroom” orchestration pays attention to “real-time management” and requires careful design 30
  • 31. Part I: Workshop preview s But we still need to – Work on examples of real CSCL cases – Understand problems to be solved – Access and use some of the patterns – Get an idea of how the GSIC/EMIC tools are used to support practitioners s And … – Take away challenges and issues – Eventually try out these approaches in our own real projects! 31
  • 32. Links to patterns s A list of collaborative learning flow patterns s s A list of assessment patterns s s Some lists of atomic patterns (in english) s s 32
  • 33. Some general links s Publications s s GSIC/EMIC channel at YouTube: s s A video tour through the process s (6m) s (3m) s The documents of this workshop s 33
  • 34. Part II: Workshop overview s Read a scenario and choose a Collaborative Learning Flow Pattern (5m) s Analyze a sample learning design proposed by UVA teachers (5m) s Enrich the sample design with assessment and enactment patterns (10m) s Suggest problems - and look for solutions – (10m + 10m) s And if time allows … – Make a tour through solutions provided by the GSIC/EMIC technological tools (10m) – Take a look on even more problematic situations and conflicts during enactment (10m) 34
  • 35. The proposed scenario s The proposed scenario: – 24 registered students – 4 in-class hrs (2 2hr sessions) + 4 off-class hrs – First week classes s Learning objective: – Look for and cite properly reliable information – Include them in well-structured reports s Use of Moodle and other ICT tools: – GoogleDocs, GoogleForms, MediaWiki, IWB, ... s Use of non-trivial collaborative activities 35
  • 36. First design phase (5m) s Read the Scenario and think of a Collaborative Learning Flow Pattern to be used as a basis for the learning design (5 min) s A learning design should include: – Sequence of activities (learners/teachers) – Social groupings – ICT and non-ICT resources to use in each activitiy – Taking into account “in-class vs. off-class” nature and “timing” of activities 36
  • 37. A learning design Produced by UVA teachers (Feb 2012) 37
  • 38. Design “enrichment” (15m) s Review the Sample Learning Design s Select an Assessment Pattern and an Enactment Atomic Pattern that might complement/enrich the design s Annotate the sample design with the assessment and enactment patterns s Think of and write down two additional problems envisaged (expected or unexpected)? 38
  • 39. Putting things together (15m) s Form a super-group with your neighbors s Discuss and agree on assessment-enactment patterns s Reach a consensus on three problems that may occur in the sample learning design enacted in a UQ TEL environment (Moodle- based?), especially in order to – Implement (deploy) the design – Manage it during enactment – Modify it in case of emergent conflicts 39
  • 40. A set of additional problems s In designs proposed by UVA teachers … – ICT tools are scarcely used (except assignment delivery through Moodle) and even less to support collaboration – Many teachers say s “that looks nice but I cannot afford to use these designs in my classes with 70 students” s “I cannot use collaborative techniques when assessment is individual and there is a huge pressure to deliver more contents” 40
  • 41. Issues to be discussed s Could we really design and carry out these designs? s Is there any solution to the previous issues? s Have we used any patterns in this workshop? s Can we think of any other problematic situations? s Can we count with conceptual and technological tools to support this process? 41
  • 42. Back to the GSIC/EMIC tools 42
  • 43. The GSIC/EMIC tools in action s A short video on using ICT tools to support the s And demo using the real tools – (Web Collage) – Username: alumnobuendia25 – Password: xxx (to be announced) 43
  • 44. Part II: Workshop wrap-up I s Work on a CSCL sample scenario (collaboration and ICT learning tools) s Use of patterns (collaborative learning flow, assessment, atomic) to generate learning designs s Use of GSIC/EMIC tools to support the learning design lifecycle (special focus on orchestration) s Discussion of problems (and solutions?) in real-life situations 44
  • 45. Part II: Workshop wrap-up II s It is possible to implement innovative pedagogies in real-life TEL environments – Collaboration, projects, problems, inquiry s There are several tools (conceptual and technological) to support practitioners – Patterns, GSIC (or non-GSIC) … s Need to address many problems – Teacher beliefs, deployment gap, orchestration issues for real-time management, context, etc s But there is also some hope … 45
  • 46. Problematic situation – I (designs proposed by UVA teachers) s Theme: – What is the most important element in literature? s Design: – Individual remote work – Produce remotely a document in groups of 4 using GoogleDocs – Generate conclusions using GoogleDocs in super-groups of 8 persons in a f2f session 46
  • 47. Problematic situation – I Conflicts and solutions? s People are missing (but latecomers appear after a certain time) s A student interpreted erroneously the task s A group did not deliver its document s Not enough time to complete the task s GoogleDocs is not working any more 47
  • 48. Problematic situation – II s Theme: – The Global Financial Crisis s Design: – Respond to initial questionnaire (individual, remote) – Generate 3 ideas for an “aspect” (individual, remote) – Reach a consensus on 3 ideas among experts (in groups of 3, f2f) – Debate and generate concept map as experts in different “aspects” (group of 4, f2f) – Revise map of another group (groups of 4, remote) – Answer to critiques by reviewer (individual, remote) 48
  • 49. Problematic situation – II Conflicts and solutions? s Is it possible/easy to provide an implementation in Moodle? s A group does not provide its pair review s Only one member of a group generates the peer review 49
  • 50. Problematic situation – III s Theme: – Issues regarding news with some social impact s Design: – Brainstorm and search for information (groups of 3, f2f) – Document issues (groups of 3, remote) – Sharing documentation (groups of 6, f2f) – Generate common documentation and report (groups of 6, remote) – Sharing and generation of a common sshort report (whole class, f2f) 50
  • 51. Problematic situation – III Conflicts and solutions? s There are doubts whether all people participated in the generation of the common report s During the process, it is found out that one concept has not been understood properly s There are serious errors in the common reports 51
  • 52. Design of the UVA PD workshop (textual description) 52
  • 53. Design of UVA PD workshop (based on patterns) 53

Editor's Notes

  1. Esta diapo es opcional, por si queda un poco corta la parte de aprendizaje colaborativo
  2. Esta diapo es opcional, por si queda un poco corta la parte de aprendizaje colaborativo
  3. .
  4. CLFP and assessment patterns
  5. Related and structured according to the models, maps or pattern languages
  6. Complex TEL/CSCL ecosystems Multiple tasks activities, multiple social levels, multiple tools How can we manage them and survive (ina sustainable way!), especially the teachers?
  7. Hacer referencia al escenario en papel que tiene cada uno. Dar un par de minutos para que lo lean.
  8. Hacer referencia al escenario en papel que tiene cada uno. Dar un par de minutos para que lo lean.
  9. Hacer referencia al escenario en papel que tiene cada uno. Dar un par de minutos para que lo lean.
  10. Hacer referencia al escenario en papel que tiene cada uno. Dar un par de minutos para que lo lean.
  11. Hemos visto… entre otras muchísimas cosas!
  12. Complex TEL/CSCL ecosystems Multiple tasks activities, multiple social levels, multiple tools How can we manage them and survive (ina sustainable way!), especially the teachers?
  13. Hacer referencia al escenario en papel que tiene cada uno. Dar un par de minutos para que lo lean.
  14. Hacer referencia al escenario en papel que tiene cada uno. Dar un par de minutos para que lo lean.
  15. Hacer referencia al escenario en papel que tiene cada uno. Dar un par de minutos para que lo lean.
  16. Mostrar la diapo parcialmente mientras los autores explican el diseño Repartir post-its de roles y diseño en papel a cada equipo. Luego, las diferentes tarjetas. Asen puede ir monitorizando a los criticones, incluso picándoles por el chat de Gdocs? Conflictos posibles: Falta gente Luego vienen latecomers Alguien entendió mal la tarea y está haciendo otra cosa Algún grupo no ha entregado la fase anterior No da tiempo a terminar la tarea GoogleDocs deja de funcionar Soluciones: 1. Rehacer agrupaciones en función de los asistentes? (cómo hacer el cambio en Moodle?) dilema: es mejor que se toquen todos los tipos de parámetros, o que haya trabajo colaborativo? 2. Rehacer agrupaciones? 3. Monitorizar durante la actividad 4. Cambiar tarea presencial a no presencial 4. Uso espontáneo de TIC adicional, plan B en lápiz y papel
  17. Conflictos posibles: Falta gente Luego vienen latecomers Alguien entendió mal la tarea y está haciendo otra cosa Algún grupo no ha entregado la fase anterior No da tiempo a terminar la tarea GoogleDocs deja de funcionar Soluciones: 1. Rehacer agrupaciones en función de los asistentes? (cómo hacer el cambio en Moodle?) dilema: es mejor que se toquen todos los tipos de parámetros, o que haya trabajo colaborativo? 2. Rehacer agrupaciones? 3. Monitorizar durante la actividad 4. Cambiar tarea presencial a no presencial 4. Uso espontáneo de TIC adicional, plan B en lápiz y papel
  18. Mostrar la diapo parcialmente mientras los autores explican el diseño Repartir post-its de roles y diseño en papel a cada equipo. Luego, las diferentes tarjetas. Asen puede ir monitorizando a los criticones, incluso picándoles por el chat de Gdocs? La verdad es que la implementación en Moodle no está clara... cómo ve cada grupo las críticas de los otros a su diagrama? se entrega en Moodle (assignment)! -  reutilización Conflictos: Cómo se implementa esto en Moodle? Algún grupo no hace la crítica Sólo uno de los miembros del grupo hace críticas (los otros pasan o no están) -  monitorización, assessment, rol de las TICs
  19. Mostrar la diapo parcialmente mientras los autores explican el diseño Repartir post-its de roles y diseño en papel a cada equipo. Luego, las diferentes tarjetas. Asen puede ir monitorizando a los criticones, incluso picándoles por el chat de Gdocs? La verdad es que la implementación en Moodle no está clara... cómo ve cada grupo las críticas de los otros a su diagrama? se entrega en Moodle (assignment)! -  reutilización Conflictos: Cómo se implementa esto en Moodle? Algún grupo no hace la crítica Sólo uno de los miembros del grupo hace críticas (los otros pasan o no están) -  monitorización, assessment, rol de las TICs
  20. Mostrar la diapo parcialmente mientras los autores explican el diseño Repartir post-its de roles y diseño en papel a cada equipo. Luego, las diferentes tarjetas. Asen puede ir monitorizando a los criticones, incluso picándoles por el chat de Gdocs? No está claro cómo se implementará el debate y la elaboración del informe final! Conflictos: 1. Algún alumno está completamente en la inopia durante la exposición 2. El profesor tiene serias sospechas de que en la elaboración del consenso ha habido gente que no ha hecho nada 3. Durante el debate, parece aparente que nadie ha entendido en qué debe consistir uno de los conceptos del informe 4. Para el informe final hay que tener ciertos aspectos, pero los informes de consenso tiene fallos graves Soluciones: (drop) 1. Tomar notas del debate (alumno) (drop) 2. Evaluar aleatoriamente trabajo unificado 3. Intercalar lección magistral en el debate, Síntesis de la discusión 4. Síntesis de la discusión, Tomar notas del debate con la PDI, Proyectar artefacto durante la discusión (y editarlo!)
  21. Soluciones: (drop) 1. Tomar notas del debate (alumno) (drop) 2. Evaluar aleatoriamente trabajo unificado 3. Intercalar lección magistral en el debate, Síntesis de la discusión 4. Síntesis de la discusión, Tomar notas del debate con la PDI, Proyectar artefacto durante la discusión (y editarlo!)