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Saving Babies:
Inheritance = Jing
Saving babies from 24 weeks:
Ki Qi/back and PGP warnings
(Continuation from ‘Being Courageous With Caution’)
 Revision
 Positioning for sessions
 Multiples
 General problem/high risk pregnancies
 Saving prematurity
 Pain as warning of Ki Qi not strong enough - back and PGP
as for these disruptions to fetal Jing inheritance)
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 2
 Pregnancy context
 Wellness
 TH production leads to living well - spilling over as Jing
 For optimal pregnancy health
1. To be bleeding normally (Qi & Blood circ & production perfect)
2. Initial pregnancy (to ‘catch’ the fetus)
3. Later pregnancy
4. Birthing
5. Maternity
 Role of Yang Qi in promoting life
Heather Bruce 3
Pregnancy Context
 Wellness - Not disease absence as modern orthodox
medicine, or organ pathology check list
– but feeling and being vitally robust
Health definition – the ability to adapt to change
 Individual’s life story -
 How this has impacted on the optimal blueprint
 Need to be as strong as possible to make great new life
(make better babies and a better body for mum to be a mum).
Heather Bruce 4
Pregnancy is a snap shot
 How they have been comes home to roost
 Not just how they nourish themselves –
 Normal Qi and Blood circulation and production before
 Can see it all playing out.
 Including past own early life and how own Jing can
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Mum - times when a woman can
 (Dr John Shen)
 Menarche (puberty)
 Sexual initiation (he said marriage)
 Pregnancy
 Menopause
 At each time, the hormones (Ki and Jing) are altering.
At each time, apparently what happens in a woman’s life has
a pivotal effect on the rest of her life.
6Heather Bruce
Baby - crucial influences
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How Jing Manifests
8Heather Bruce
Where does Jing come from?
 (See Heather’s work on Jing Markers elsewhere)
 Parental bequeathing (sperm and egg – ‘genetics’)
 Optimal unfolding of potential gestationally (epigentics)
 Early life stable and supportive.
 Normal Three Heater expression
 (Body able to easily express itself - free of
blockages/contaminants to allow this to happen)
9Heather Bruce
What undoes the Jing?
 Modern living – lack of the basics – rest, fun, clean air,
nourishing food and water and replenishing sleep.
 Global environmental pollution on all levels
 Chronological age may be a feature – but the rate of
‘over use’/contamination may over rule this.
 Dr John Shen presented a model showing how we
mature and how we age.
10Heather Bruce
Women’s life Jing expenditure
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Yin requirements
 Good foundation (‘genetics’), so it has the right
blueprint to unfold (Parental Jing)
 Plenty of rest, water, nourishment and safety on all
levels. (post natal life)
 Clean non-toxic environment
 Circulation working – scars on all levels broken
through so the textbook flows (meridian charts) can
irrigate properly.
12Heather Bruce
Women’s Jing markers
 HAIR – flower of the kidneys
 NAILS – and red start to periods – (and hair) blood quality
and liver blood esp.
 SLEEP – blood nourishing Shen & peaceful?
Amount of Liver Stuck
 VAGINAL LUB – estrogen/Ki yin/jing
 LIBIDO – myriad – incl. Ki yang
 TEETH – jing/Ki/aging sign (gift horse in mouth. . . . )
 And of course a BBT that is optimal priory to conceiving
Heather Bruce 13
In pregnancy
 Are making another person’s foundation for life
 Also remaking self – well, or wasting the opportunity
 Seen only by all as mum’s story – but is actually the baby’s
beginnings and at birth the baby’s entry into love/pleasure/optimal
bonding and hormonal abundance OR fear/being imprinted with
violence/at the time of the pericardium and TH functions
 Need to take the emphasis from mum’s wishes onto her baby.
 How is baby to be made well if mum has TH issue?
 See Heather’s Hyperemesis Gravidarum and morning sickness
Heather Bruce 14
Imbalances needed a well
 (A la Julian Scott, 1981 – Journal of Acup, UK)
 Being cautious means paying attention to not overly
upsetting this mix
 Increase in Heat
 Increase in Dampness
 Increase in Blood
 Increase in Liver Qi
 Decrease in (maternally available) Kidney Qi
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Are they ‘stressed’?
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A word on ‘stress’ . .
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Positioning for sessions
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Cupping at 41 weeks
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Only 4 months preg with twins
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Can have multiple pillows
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Enhances baby position, relieves
back ache
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Three magic helpers
 Moxa (sacral fan)
 Magnesium (no Calcium)
 Massage (opening pelvis) releasing whatever is blocking
the Qi and Blood flow to the placenta, the birthing area and
the reproductive organs.
(see entire presentation back pain and on Stuck Liver Qi/Stuck
Liver Blood correlation with Mag deficiency on
Heather Bruce 23
Why magnesium is missing
in modern life
 Lowered magnesium availability in foods due to industrial
farming practices
 Dietary habits leading to low magnesium uptake, such as
consumption of sodas and carbonated beverages
 Excess stress or illness, which lowers the ability of the body to
utilize magnesium
 Mineral imbalances, such as excess calcium, which blocks
cellular magnesium activity
 Metabolic differences in individuals, such as excess magnesium
excretion by the kidneys, sometimes resulting in magnesium
losses and deficiency
 Stress: chronic, low grade creates adrenal deficiency
Heather Bruce 24
Maternal aches & pains
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Common pregnancy
pain triggers
 Past trauma (stuck Qi and Blood)
 Past cold invasion – general life or ‘therapeutic’ (esp in
modern maternal hospital context)
 Not enough exercise (causing Stuck Qi)
 Not enough rest/relaxation – compounded in
Magnesium and Blood/Yin deficiency
 Lack of Kidney Qi/Yin/Jing to nourish pregnancy and
her own body.
Heather Bruce 26
Back pain in pregnancy
 Already covered in Bandung WAAFS, 2012
 Only mentioning in passing here.
 Pain is not normal in pregnancy.
 It should not be tolerated.
 It is indicative of problems – esp for baby as mum is not
replete in the minerals and essential goodness hence
her Ki Qi is warning her – and generally all pay scant
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 27
Yang deficiency is endemic in my
pregnant women populations.
Cold exposure causes stagnation, contraction, lack of
circulation. Ice is used as the treatment of choice for all
trauma, is actively sought in all consumables, sleeping
in air conditioning
 In acupuncture theory, cold consumes the Yang. (Tureanu &
Tureanu, 1999)
Cold weakens the Kidneys, as a source of energy. (Roemer,
 Yang Qi is seen as being unnecessarily exhausted through
exposure to cold, (Betts, 2006),
cold causing stagnation of its flow. (Roemer, 1999).
Heather Bruce 28
Thyroid/Iodine link
 Allied to the cupping of the cold came a realisation.
 Some women’s bellies just never got better.
 I could cup and moxa every day – and still would come in again cold.
 I saw/finally felt in myself that the lack of iodine – possibly due to the use of
other halogens now in many aspects of life (not just what is in the water - the
chlorine and fluoride) was behind the Yang collapse.
 Along with the use of neurotoxins such as the trace amounts of heavy metals
supposedly inert in all vaccines, seems besides giving rise to a hypothyroid
epidemic, has lead to a loss of intelligence and resilience in all.
 Added to this the addiction of folic acid, without the B’s thus many B 12
deficiencies are being missed - and so it goes . .
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Want weighty babies when
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Sometimes twin mums
are not even eating
enough for themselves-
let alone one baby.
Brewer diet is a start –
but must add in all Dr
Weston Price’s sacred
foods ideas.
Triple trouble
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Born at 34 4
days – 1.7 –
1.9kg each.
Home by due
All well – mum
had no more
Triplets at 32 weeks
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32 week triplets
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39 week twins
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What are we making these
babies with?
 Michelle, 29, originally came for help prior to endo
surgery – one of the few who are the ‘problem’
 Husband 64% normal, 210 million /ml.
 Post surgery, clean up – instantly pregnant.
 Saw her again to help get pregnant No 2 – and never
saw her again . . 2 years pass.
 Post 1 session and Blood tonic, pregnant with identical
triplet daughters who are lost at 22 weeks -
‘incompetent cervix’.
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Why are we not spruiking
what we can do?
 Ob ‘care’ involved discussions on felt reduction at every
session. She sat on couch and wept.
 Labour started, she now has an external operation
around her cervix so she will need surgery to release
any further conception products released.
 Massive distress, sleeping problems, is consumed with
FB sites of maternal loss.
 2 months later - supplements, 3 healing undoing
trauma sessions – pregnant . .
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But . .
 He holds the purse strings – which is why she did not return
to see me all through the triplet pregnancy.
 No mention of improving her nutrition.
 All farmers scan their ewes and place twin/triplet
pregnancies in special care for optimal results.
 Compare G’s babies and M’s babies .. .
 G’s vibrantly alive and all same weight as if singleton (mum
ran out of inner room) and dead due to her inability to
nourish them – massive back pain, horrendously hot feet at
night, hair falling and depression all through till loss.
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 Can make massive corrections in utero
 Eg Cooper (below) . .. 3rd baby – scanned at 20 weeks – told
to terminate as if ‘4’ is will die at birth, he is ‘3 ½+’ . . .
 Ultra grieving, she is sent to me as midwife thought that I
could help.
 Massive nutritional, Chinese herbs (pneumonia to clear up
first) and a few sessions – plus Reiki/massage & counseling
outsourced whilst I was gone. (commuting countries)
 Baby became so much better did not need to be born in
Auckland for instant cardiac surgery.
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Tetrology of Falot 6 months
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Choleostasis 34 weeks
 S – 34 weeks, choleostasis – told she needed urgent C
section, had vast itching for weeks, irritability, worried+
 Can only sleep with fan directed onto legs and even
then, no sleep.
 (First set of twins for 22 years – over 300 births in the
community . .) She attributes this to having longer gaps
between children.
 7th pregnancy – had to have me direct him to take ++Vit
C and B to get pregnant . .
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Health matters
 Dry lips.
 Tongue tie.
Can see purplish on tongue and after session, was less
so – plus more fur, the Blood Def. crack was more
prominent and colour better even she could see. .
 Did make the crack wider and far more obvious.
 Hair still falling all pregnancy. ‘Not one for resting’.
 Can’t sleep – spends all night scratching herself.
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Changes made
 Suggestions made 2 weeks prior to my arriving
 Drinks up to 5 litres water daily presently.
 Started her on 20 grams Vit C
 Told to now increase to 30 . .
 Liver 2, GB 34, GB 41 (both sore) R Co 11, Pc 6, Bil Bl 11,
Bl 46 (Dr VB happy point of pregnancy).
 Then massaged bum – started put really sore – whilst moxa
getting ready bil Ki 6 and sore R Liver 8.
 Stuck Liver Qi massage across back
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Tongue tie
 After first session - when she poked it out – better.
 Less purple and went out further.
 Often happens.
 I expect it to be better - part of moxa on needles Bl 23,
Gv 4,3
 With newborns I suspect insufficient minerals, and
magnesium, as has loosened it just with maternal mag
through the breast milk
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Not nourishing self
 Too thin,
 Not one for resting . . .
 Sent off to Brewer diet – though it does not have fat, iodine,
magnesium, minerals and Vit D as is a product of 30 years
ago when people lived more naturally.
 Sent her off to feast on fat (she hated it) and minerals and
no grains – already been off sugar for years.
 (Note how good her tongue is – relative to others)
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AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 46
Redder after being
upset re having to do
hospital not home
water birth
Apparently impossible
 What you may think is ‘high risk’ is a beat up for $$$.
 Just need more attention to bringing them back to normal.
Follow traditional medicine based on nature.
 Perhaps watch ‘testing, testing’ on
. .
 Or find Vicky Chan on FB and see what one midwife is doing
for the world – one village at a time.. .
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Cold – see ‘Iatrogenesis’
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Look to restoring Yang Qi
No micro managing.
Yang Qi – we are no use to
ourselves without an
ample supply in circulation
Cold causes the Yang to
be in storage holding it at
Cold and the reproductive
cycle of life
 Not just period pain alleviated with heat.
 Not just clotted, achy, cold extremities, Stuck Blood
manifestations, pale, often purplish tongue.
 Also – low BBT. Easy to track – vaginally.
 If you check Iodine painted on belly will absorb almost
 Low Iodine/thyroid function will show up as all cystic –
breasts/PCOS/endo and tubal issues and most cancers.
Also all hormonal disruptions and Hot Blood . .
Heather Bruce 49
COLD – how do we know it is
 Can feel it – palpation
 Can see it – blanching of skin, change of colour, tongue pale
maybe purple/flabby/moist, fur white
 They report feeling the cold more than others
 Nothing is flowing well – check out hypothyroidism S&S
 BBT will likely to be too low (36.6/8 non cycling) should be
37.2/3 C when pregnant
 Often a 3rd trimester woman will be this or lower – and have
all ‘high risk’ manifestations – treatment?
 Rescue her Yang again . . more later.
Possible pregnancy mishaps
– Spleen Qi xu
51Heather Bruce - 2014
How women may present
(At any stage in pregnancy)
 Extreme digestive problems (incl HG)
 Back ache (Ki Yang Qi)
 Extreme lethargy and inability to function
 Bleeding/cramping/insecure pregnancy/threatened loss/frank
bleeding/incompetent cervix/placental issues
 In later pregnancy - ‘Failure’ of placenta, or of baby to thrive
 Any ‘high risk’ pregnancy problem - clotting/bleeding/gestational
diabetes/instability of vascular system/prolapses/shocking veins/pre eclampsia
 Malnutrition – may be overweight - but what is essential is missing
Heather Bruce 52
Progression through the
community experience
 Already I was ‘onto’ the need for Zinc, Sel Mag and B and C, E
 2006 – worst Mag def ever seen
 No water drunk.
 Where is the B and C? 2009
 Minerals ??????? Zinc/iron/Selenium . . .
 No Vit D 2010
 Get rid of sugar 2012
 Add fat 2013
 Iodine 2014
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 53
Apparently impossible
 What you may think is ‘high risk’ outside the precious
First World retail model of medical ‘care’ – watchful
waiting whilst it all unravels more like.
 Just need more attention to bringing them back to
normal. Follow our own medicine and nature.
 Perhaps watch ‘testing, testing’ on . .
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AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 55
Calls on the Kidney Qi
 We can expect a decrease in maternally available Ki Qi, as
pregnancy calls for an increase everywhere. Kidney Qi to be
channeled to the uterus to make the new being. (Scott, 1979)
 Whether pregnant or not, at times of lessened sleep, more work or
stress load, or in general ageing, other manifestations of Kidney
complex weakness are likely (Maciocia, 2005).
 Kidney Qi forms the foundation for the pregnancy, and circulation
to the lower back. (Noll, & Wilms 2001).
 If there has been a past accident or local trauma, it is reasonable
to expect that the lower back pain may be aggravated with the
greater load of pregnancy. (Flaws, 2005)
Heather Bruce 56
 Ki Qi – moxa strengthens and if baby can – baby
moves to being perfectly positioned.
 This instantly often removes the source of the back
ache - Baby turns into the right spot.
 OP and breech and lateral lie ..
 No need to moxa Bl 67.
 MAJOR adjustment - get mum forwards facing
(straddle chair) and relaxed (warm, Magnesium and
Heather Bruce 57
 39, 1st pregnancy, 120 Kg 16 weeks (2009)
 Bleeding very heavily - so much so – was at emergency yesterday. No uterine
pain, but excruciating back pain.
 Restless legs (Mag deficiency), very hot feet. Depressed, usually on AD,
overworked and not eating properly. Moxa for back and to settle the very
depleted Spleen Yang so can keep holding pregnancy.
 Felt better on leaving, but fell down an escalator that afternoon and now back
next day with massive wounds on legs. No uterine bleeding and back much
 Kept baby – but needed much cupping and then moxa to help her low BBT –
she would not take my advice, specialist said (as usual) that the thyroid tests
were ‘within normal range’. She developed GD and had a C section. Baby and
mum fine . .
Heather Bruce 58
What I have learnt since
 If I were seeing Michelle now I would be standing on her nutrition a great deal more.
 The women whose bellies seem continually cold have low thyroid function.
 More fat, protein and magnesium was my mantra when I was seeing her 5 years ago.
Now also would be inundating her with Vit D , selenium and Iodine and ensuring
absolutely no fruit, sugar and cereals . .
 Taking her BBT will show (vaginal only and the instant they awake) that there is a
problem – and often I now find this at the 20+ week mark
 Blood tests are too wide a range – and S&S will show this
 Adding Iodine in to the mix painted on – and much more fat, Vit D and magnesium can
only help
 is changing the outcome of the previously ‘high risk pregnancies I was seeing.
Heather Bruce 59
Family relationships . . . .
Presented are several
members of the same line . .
 Mum – 12 adult children – most in dire need of repair.
 Few are placed in the T4 that medically they should have
had (although T4 is inactive and needs converting to RT3 for
use - just assumed – see more Sat 2 pm)
 None prior to my seeing them were aware of the problems
that they were individually having were all a pattern
 The family line shows us progressions of alarming Jing
indications for all – not just this one community, but in the
world we have shaped as ‘improved’.
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P – wanting help for further
 Arrived with her sister-in-law to check out what I could do to help
her. At 34, in readiness for her 7th pregnancy, she was worried
about the state of her back.
 She had been crippled in past pregnancies with back pain so
severe that she was bed ridden/in a wheel chair to get around from
26 weeks.
 Pain being felt in the lower back radiating to the central sacral
area, and heightened by often outrageous nausea and vomiting all
through the pregnancy.
 (Hospitalised for first pregnancy and had a C section – very
depleted baby girl – who has always been in poor health herself
 Is always exhausted.
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A family story . . .
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Mum is hyper
thyroid usually
Works in the cold
room with the milk
and has done for
Mother of P and,
S and all below . .
Penny’s dad
Heather Bruce 64
Hypothyroid with heart
issues due to lack of
Magnesium/minerals and
over working.
Always had the cracked
Would lose consciousness –
eventually post using Vit D
magnesium, minerals, T4
placed on very different diet
Oldest sister - after several
65Heather Bruce
(2012) 40 yo, 33 weeks.
•Pregnant with 13th child,
•Crippling back ache, gestational
diabetes, (and not eating to try to
sort out the problems – who is
paying attention to the baby
growing within?)
•Varicose veins, fluid retention,
vomiting/can’t function .
•Better with attention to gut flora,
and moxa after cupping cold from
belly at 30 wks (plus more sacral
moxa) meant she was feeling far
Younger sister - very ill
32 years old (12 weeks
pregnant) 7th baby.
Constant nausea/vomiting all
throughout all 6 pregnancies.
Depressed, no energy,
insomnia, extremely wasted.
Not eating to control ‘weight’
After all births has had 9
months of anal fissures and
massive anal hemorrhaging.
66Heather Bruce
P’s daughter
67Heather Bruce
Born of mum’s 1st HG pregnancy –
hospitalised - fluids continually, born C
section premmie
Very sickly baby, wouldn’t eat.
Tongue best I have seen it in 3 years.
Originally floppy, empty, purple with no
coating. Bed wetting at 13 still.
Exhausted no energy to live with.
Is greatly improved since all the
vitamins and cupping cold out and 2x
weekly moxa work.
Is also on Chinese herbal blood tonics,
digestive enzymes and a Glutathione
Example of brown tooth
decay rife in the community
Heather Bruce 68
P’s children’s cousin
S is 4 yo; has a cyst on the side
of her face that has been a
massive problem since she was
Her 2 yo brother’s teeth are
much worse than hers.
Her exhausted pregnant
mother, 39, 7th pregnancy
Heather Bruce 69
Herself the 16th child of a
mother who died of a brain
tumour when she was 12.
PCOS for years – Blood
Deficiency and Liver Qi Stuck
with Liver Fire.
Presently at 37 weeks, GD,
suffering hair loss, massive
nausea, IBS, huge back ache,
exhaustion, depression, (all
Blood and Jing depletion).
Baby preparation
 I asked P to hold off getting pregnant til she had three
normal periods – as they were currently early, flooding and
exhausting her further.
 She was to take a B complex several times daily, and a
Magnesium supplement before and all through the seventh
pregnancy (to assist her structural integrity and
prevent/relieve spasms/pain).
 Magnesium also to assist alleviate the headaches and
constipation and general malaise (Sircus, 2007)
 She had her husband use the moxa and the massage as
outlined (Bruce, 2005 ‘What Dads Can Do’) as needed. This
proved a Godsend, as not only did this allow for better
sleeping, it totally alleviated all back issues.
70Heather Bruce
P’s 7th pregnancy
 After my taking advice and waiting three months till a 28, not 23,
day cycle was happening, using moxa in her sacrum regularly and
taking several lots of magnesium daily, she instantly conceived.
 Very ill with vomiting all through, but no pain in pubic or back
areas. A full term baby instead of 3 weeks early.
 90 minute labour start to finish instead of the usual 15-24 hour
affairs. Usually had to push an unengaged baby down over 90
minutes. No post natal depression
 Baby is never ill, and has a strong healthy body and big white
teeth. 8th baby – one hour labour . . Back & PGP minimal
71Heather Bruce
21/2 years on – 9 wks pregnant 8th
baby – best ever been
72Heather Bruce
Used to be deeply cracked
at the sides and too red, with
no coating.
Deep central crack and yin
deficiency ones off lateral
are very shallow now – a joy
to behold.
Past histories: multiple issues
 S 24, 1st pregnancy, P’s youngest sister
 5 years ago – pneumonia with no cough – 3 litres of
pus drained out of lungs . Helicoptered out – not
expected to live. Putrid discharge.
 Very bad Hot Blood menstrual S & S – took only
‘Cruciferous’ and was lots better.
 Always ill – even got Parvo and was extremely ill.
 Ripped leg open 1 ½ years ago.
 Interesting scar treatment prior to pregnancy
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Whole other story . .
 Having recently done Daniel Deng’s workshop, I did
that version and she had massive releases & changes.
 All mouth heat – I did not know about - was released
 Waves of cool energy down leg and she was totally
freaked by my ability to alter massively how she felt
 Moods digestion all as would expect with excess heat.
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S’s leg April 2013
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Opposite arm and
needled all sore
points that
changed the
sensation of the
Hip to alter opposite under
arm drainage scar
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Actual underarm drainage
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altered the
in her foot
and leg
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Best tongue I had
seen of all her
sisters – is the
oldest of all to be
married off
Saving baby – navel cupping start
early Jan 2014
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26 weeks, starts bleeding,
sent to Chch hospital for
observation, & drugs to
hasted fetal lung
Eventually back – and still
a huge back ache problem
– working as before in the
freezer lifting heavy
weights (is her job)
Part way through
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Cupped and used moxa
on salt/ginger.
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Then got her sitting
facing forwards, moxa
sacrum with ginger
moxa, massage Stuck
Liver QI – all back
ache gone and feeling
Finished – no back ache
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But . . ..
 I have seen several women who have managed to be
electrocuted when pregnant – I wonder if some people are
just not marked for this
 Of all the people one would not want this to happen to . .
(excess inner heat already). She joins the list . .
 Back to see me a month later, as a few days before, she has
been electrocuted GV 4 – stuck under an electric fence!!
She thinks for at east 20 seconds.
 Contractions that ensued were stopped with lots of
magnesium and using Ventolin
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Scared her
baby was
dead as
usually in
movement –
and did not
even twitch
for 2 ½
Bled the Stuck Blood that was not
there a month before
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Copiously it came . .
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(She did not
even tell me
about) gone
. ..
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 88
Past scar - I redid
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 89
Saving babies #2
 Often life conspires.
 Invariably it seems some women just have things
happen. D – from WS 1 (30, started to stop
HG/freezing belly – was best ever been till flu . .
 Being of unsound constitution – she always gets more
ill than most (and has 5 children under 6 to mind all
through the night instead of replenishing herself - and
will be standing all day in her job
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 90
Dawn Now ill with bad
flu/can’t stop
coughing/vomiting as a
Throat raw from coughing.
Always feet out of
Was her best pregnancy
ever till got the flu
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 91
Scraped and
cupped all of
All better –
spirit back!!!
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 92
 Was perfectly well – then got ill with the gastric that her children
had (all her children are ill all the time – she had originally asked
me what I could do about making better ones for her).
 After 3 day of belly ache, she was helicoptered out for emergency
 Cold invasion – veins all collapsed
 34 weeks - Bled veins.
 Navel cupping and moxa and all well eventually
 Left me heaps better. . .
 (No doubt will conceive again within 3 months)
Heather Bruce - AACMAC 2014 Resolving tricky pregnancies 93
But . . .
 Early March 2 ½ weeks to go – usually goes early.
 Outrageous PSP and so is on Tramadin and prayed for
an answer and here she is at my place. .
 Liver 2, 3, GB 34, St 36 and all GB 30’s, Bl sacrals and
then did the Stuck Liver Qi massage the twiddling of
the sacral points – she got up and could not believe
how much better . . . after waiting about got a bit worse,
and then moxa sacral fan, and CV 2 and all fine . . .
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 94
3 weeks post
appendectomy –
cupped navel and used
moxa on salt/ginger
then general pregnancy
protocol, needles and
back sacral moxa.
She felt she had lost all
her condition – I agreed
– very unfortunate.
95Heather Bruce - AACMAC 2014 Resolving tricky pregnancies
Choosing to not use
 Sent home with more mag – she was only using the gel once
daily!!!! (With no S&S best to use 6 x to replenish body) And the
MSM spray/mag to be used all the time – she has forgotten to use
the iodine as it stings on her skin. .
 Huge back pain issues – but not after the moxa.
 Is not taking magnesium as feels weird after that.
 Blood tonic for late pregnancy as her hair is falling out.
 (No one keeping an eye on her family history of low thyroid).
 At 30 I originally saw her at 6 wks preg with a 4 and a 20
month old – plus 3 others under 6 years old . . . .
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 96
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 97
Comparison –
‘well’ vs very ill
Heather Bruce - AACMAC 2014 Resolving tricky pregnancies 98
9 weeks, 4th preg, 1 misc at 14
weeks - preventative for Bandl’s
ring/C section avoidance
3 months later - pneumonia
 When to jump in and use all that biomedicine has – as the
body is simply not ever going to catch up so look what
happened next . .
 From coming in about getting a vaginal birth from 2 C
sections, to almost dead with rampant pneumonia, to then
NOT recovering and still overworking, not eating well (from
being anorexic from a shocking background of poor
constitution and diet.
 Then losing about half a litre of blood gushing from a burst
vein in ankle.
 All with nausea and extreme back pain . ..
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 99
Very ill post pneumonia
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 100
Part way through session
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 101
Few months later
 Legs are a mess
 Body seems to have collapsed – vulval veins and
intense problems with varicose and cellulitis.
 On AB as cellulitis really bad.
 Started with cupping and moxa and a few needles
 To build her in order to relieve congestion
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 102
After lunch – back to do legs
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 103
She had scratched a vein
accidentally a few weeks
ago,& had lost at least 1/2
litre blood – it would not
stop -15 minutes worth.
Now exhausted due to
combined effects of not
recovering from so very ill,
and blood loss – and still
working, gut not good and
2 children under 3.
They were worse –
were black when I started
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 104
Very sore but never resting
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 105
Upper legs & vulval varicose
veins also
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 106
Cellulitis & past Ab for this
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 107
Cellulitis is still active . .
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 108
Only relief is lying down
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 109
Swollen and itchy
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 110
Both legs . . (9 weeks)
At 5 months post
pneumonia, no AB
They were much worse – are no
longer black
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 112
Post vein (tiny little ones)
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 113
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 114
Using herbs and
supplements she was a
lot better – and as the
pregnancy progressed
she was in much better
shape – though still
sore, the leg veins were
then red – gone from
black through purple to
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 115
Late in
pregnancy – in
much better
condition as she
has been
severely spoken
to re eating by
Rest – the magic ingredient
 In hospital awaiting birth – she was cooking for herself
and another community woman in Ronald McDonald
House – liver, eggs, veggies, good foods and
Rest – no jobs, just being a mum of one
 And growing baby.. .
 She looked the best I had ever seen her – and her
were legs healing.
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 116
Eventual further C section
 My concern – uterus splitting as she originally was in an ‘OK’
condition - but – was so very ill – and no antibiotics given for
pneumonia – and she was panting to breathe. In a wheel chair as
too ill to walk.
 There are limits to what we can do!!!
 She had became pregnant after 2nd C section less than 2 months.
 She went into labour and progressed far better than ever had – but
still ended as C section – hospital policies - would have been fine
at home in the water, surrounded by ‘of course you can’ . . .
 Will no doubt be pregnant again within 3 months after this.
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 117
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 118
S - Outrageous PGP
 36 years old 24 weeks 7th baby
 osteo PS unreasonable pain when walking - abdo and
in sacrum – feels like massive bruise
 Since 4th baby – body in a mess B/F beautifully and
births well.
 Sleeping – awake for hours
 Gets asthma and eczema
 Hair grows and also falls easily.
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 119
S . . . Outrageous PGP
 Horrible morning sickness 6 – 14 weeks
 VV in vulva and legs
 F/N ridges, break easily
 Feet s/t hot – out of bed.
 From toes up and fingers - often very puff/tingly
 First session – SLQ and moxa sacral fan then general
needles and moxa CV 2 – totally fixed . .
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 120
Gut health somewhat better
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 121
Second session – bled
all veins – magic
difference again – no
return of PGP/back as
long as husband uses
moxa nightly.
Life happens. . .
 Now 32 weeks
 Did not know how she was to make it through to see me. No
moxa for 2 weeks as she ran out.
 Legs are so much better since I bled them – esp the foot –
they are wonderful.
 (Were blackened with Stuck Blood on the GB meridian)
 BUT - she dropped a table on the worst leg – R and then
Arnica straight on it – and wonderful - no bruising (she is on
K2C2D3 and Vit D etc . .).
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 122
 Always over heated in pregnancy – and now very hot
generally – Bil Bl 11, (was sat straddled first) and Bi Bl
46, Hwa Tou Liver and GB.
 Cooled down & by end of her session was wrapped up
as she got cold!! (as I would expect her to with this
amount of depletion).
 General back massage, then up and wonderful across
the PS - lay her down to cup her navel. The moxa on
salt in that and CV2 – eventually felt vastly better and
tongue showed this.
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 123
Saving babies
 Rescue yang
 Rebuild yang
 Usually have low minerals, high sugar driving the ‘heat’
 Total rest, support, nourishing broths and fat in abundance.
 Vit D, Iodine, magnesium . .
 BBT should be 37.2/3 C all through pregnancy – no longer
is. .
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 125
R – apparently too ill
to conceive
 R, 43, 1st baby (2013) Never been pregnant though she had
tried over the years – she had been told she never would
be, due to bad endo, PCOS and Krohns disease.
 Came in to get ready to start IVF, when she conceived
accidentally (we got him off alcohol, into eating better and
taking supplements plus drinking water and exercising).
 In preparation for getting health fund ‘OK’ – I suggested
getting tubes cleared . .. (crossed off the list . .) waiting
waiting . . She thought till October - BUT
Heather Bruce 126
Never just one thing . .
 Was not in the state to be pregnant – and was ecstatic to be
so – unforeseen and accidental – post tubal clearance.
 Massive health problems everywhere. Very distressed that
her husband working away and now alone and pregnant.
Got very ill and stayed so – and worsened.
 Always used a lot of moxa.
 Was on multiple supplements and still not getting well.
 Got her to take her vaginal BBT - was 36.2 sometimes 35.9
C (should be 37+C). Blood tests said ‘OK thyroid . ..
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 127
Life goes on . . .
 As part of the ear infection/not sleeping/gut rebelling against the antibiotics,
she thought her baby had died and although had known not to, she iced her
belly to get baby to move.
 At 16 weeks, it looked like the baby was coming out.
 She then had massive continual belly cramping in addition to her now
worsening ear (on morphine), the lung infection deteriorated, and she had a
new symptom – terrible pelvic girdle pain.
 (Physios do suggest icing for this – and there then is the likelihood of at least
cold in the uterus to mess with birthing/holding Blood and baby in).
 She spent rest of pregnancy on thyroid medication and gradually got the BBT
up to 36.9 highest ever.
 At birth she was the same weight as conception, now (baby 10 weeks old) 10
kg lighter than when she conceived, vastly healthier and still with a cool belly.
Heather Bruce 128
 30 yo, 2nd preg, threatened miscarriage.
 17 weeks. Lifting heavy elderly damaged dog into the car.
Very cold weather, herself not feeling well.
 She felt something ‘give’ inside. She started bleeding and
then in the midst of grieving (she had had two miscarriages
early on – 8 and 10 weeks) remembered what was in my
WDCD book, rang me, got her husband to moxa her
sacrum, and the points related to the Yang Collapse, and
saved the pregnancy all by herself.
 (She would have been best employed having the cold pulled
out – but this did the job).
 More on miscarriage avoidance see ‘Bun in Oven’ Pro D
Heather Bruce 129
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 130
Apparently impossible
 What you may think is ‘high risk’ is a laugh in other laces – where
REAL risks are normal.
 Just need more attention to bringing them back to normal.
 Follow our own time tested medicine and nature.
 Perhaps watch ‘testing, testing’ on . .
 Visit FB and find Vicky Chan and help her help women who really DO
need help .. . Not our precious princesses too scared to become
mums. .
 (How safe is it to not birth, but be ’delivered’? – find all Dr Sarah J
Buckley has done on the subject of gentle birthing)
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 131
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 132
E, 35, 8th preg
Last 3 have been
transfused in utero
Antibodies used no
longer work
Last 2 born at 31
She intends to have
many more, naturally
RH –ve
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 133
 Mum’s blood attacking baby
 about to have third transfusion
 – has to go to Auckland.
 Through cord until last 2 as
 transfusion has had to be
 through baby’s belly as
 she has turned around.
Interventions always possible
 Gave her ‘Healing Birth Trauma’ drops for herself to take when it
happens – before and after .. . .
 Amazing change in baby – born 3 weeks ago at 36 weeks.
 Went into labour after last transfusion
 Best birth. Baby 5lb 9oz - Great condition.
 Was so calm - drops worked. She is her best baby ever.
 Drs in hospital say she has to have C sections from now on –she
won’t - baby and birth fine.
 Was on 15 grams Vit C daily, plus D, B, E, mag, Iodine, Zinc,
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 134
Treatment intention?
 Return to optimal health – not a disease model.
 Know what SHOULD be happening and enhance its
 Toward life, not away from death . . .
 Homeostasis
 Could we please look to the baby as being our patient? Not
at mum thinks is her right?
 As she is often no longer thinking baby first. . .
 And someone has to . .
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 135
Heather Bruce
Brisbane, Australia
West Coast, SI, New Zealand
 Periods/Pregnancy Apps – problem solving – template is
’The Problem’, ‘The Why’, ‘The Solution’
 (Soon to also be a Fertility App)
 plus inspirational links to other sites for the natural life
 from
Heather Bruce 136
Thank you
AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 137

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Saving Babies: Inheritance =Jing

  • 2. Saving babies from 24 weeks: Ki Qi/back and PGP warnings (Continuation from ‘Being Courageous With Caution’)  Revision  Positioning for sessions  Multiples  General problem/high risk pregnancies  Saving prematurity  Pain as warning of Ki Qi not strong enough - back and PGP as for these disruptions to fetal Jing inheritance) AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 2
  • 3. Revision  Pregnancy context  Wellness  TH production leads to living well - spilling over as Jing  For optimal pregnancy health 1. To be bleeding normally (Qi & Blood circ & production perfect) 2. Initial pregnancy (to ‘catch’ the fetus) 3. Later pregnancy 4. Birthing 5. Maternity  Role of Yang Qi in promoting life Heather Bruce 3
  • 4. Pregnancy Context  Wellness - Not disease absence as modern orthodox medicine, or organ pathology check list – but feeling and being vitally robust Health definition – the ability to adapt to change  Individual’s life story -  How this has impacted on the optimal blueprint  Need to be as strong as possible to make great new life (make better babies and a better body for mum to be a mum). Heather Bruce 4
  • 5. Pregnancy is a snap shot  How they have been comes home to roost  Not just how they nourish themselves –  Normal Qi and Blood circulation and production before pregnancy?  Can see it all playing out.  Including past own early life and how own Jing can express. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 5
  • 6. Mum - times when a woman can ‘recharge’  (Dr John Shen)  Menarche (puberty)  Sexual initiation (he said marriage)  Pregnancy  Menopause  At each time, the hormones (Ki and Jing) are altering. At each time, apparently what happens in a woman’s life has a pivotal effect on the rest of her life. 6Heather Bruce
  • 7. Baby - crucial influences 7Heather Bruce
  • 8. How Jing Manifests 8Heather Bruce
  • 9. Where does Jing come from?  (See Heather’s work on Jing Markers elsewhere)  Parental bequeathing (sperm and egg – ‘genetics’)  Optimal unfolding of potential gestationally (epigentics)  Early life stable and supportive.  Normal Three Heater expression  (Body able to easily express itself - free of blockages/contaminants to allow this to happen) 9Heather Bruce
  • 10. What undoes the Jing?  Modern living – lack of the basics – rest, fun, clean air, nourishing food and water and replenishing sleep.  Global environmental pollution on all levels  Chronological age may be a feature – but the rate of ‘over use’/contamination may over rule this.  Dr John Shen presented a model showing how we mature and how we age. 10Heather Bruce
  • 11. Women’s life Jing expenditure 11Heather Bruce
  • 12. Yin requirements  Good foundation (‘genetics’), so it has the right blueprint to unfold (Parental Jing)  Plenty of rest, water, nourishment and safety on all levels. (post natal life)  Clean non-toxic environment  Circulation working – scars on all levels broken through so the textbook flows (meridian charts) can irrigate properly. 12Heather Bruce
  • 13. Women’s Jing markers  HAIR – flower of the kidneys  NAILS – and red start to periods – (and hair) blood quality and liver blood esp.  SLEEP – blood nourishing Shen & peaceful? Amount of Liver Stuck  VAGINAL LUB – estrogen/Ki yin/jing  LIBIDO – myriad – incl. Ki yang  TEETH – jing/Ki/aging sign (gift horse in mouth. . . . )  And of course a BBT that is optimal priory to conceiving Heather Bruce 13
  • 14. In pregnancy  Are making another person’s foundation for life  Also remaking self – well, or wasting the opportunity  Seen only by all as mum’s story – but is actually the baby’s beginnings and at birth the baby’s entry into love/pleasure/optimal bonding and hormonal abundance OR fear/being imprinted with violence/at the time of the pericardium and TH functions beginning.  Need to take the emphasis from mum’s wishes onto her baby.  How is baby to be made well if mum has TH issue?  See Heather’s Hyperemesis Gravidarum and morning sickness work) Heather Bruce 14
  • 15. Imbalances needed a well pregnancy  (A la Julian Scott, 1981 – Journal of Acup, UK)  Being cautious means paying attention to not overly upsetting this mix  Increase in Heat  Increase in Dampness  Increase in Blood  Increase in Liver Qi  Decrease in (maternally available) Kidney Qi Heather Bruce 15
  • 16. Are they ‘stressed’? Heather Bruce 16
  • 17. A word on ‘stress’ . . 17Heather Bruce
  • 18. Positioning for sessions AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 18
  • 19. Cupping at 41 weeks AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 19
  • 20. Only 4 months preg with twins AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 20
  • 21. Can have multiple pillows AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 21
  • 22. Enhances baby position, relieves back ache Heather Bruce 22
  • 23. Three magic helpers  Moxa (sacral fan)  Magnesium (no Calcium)  Massage (opening pelvis) releasing whatever is blocking the Qi and Blood flow to the placenta, the birthing area and the reproductive organs. (see entire presentation back pain and on Stuck Liver Qi/Stuck Liver Blood correlation with Mag deficiency on Heather Bruce 23
  • 24. Why magnesium is missing in modern life  Lowered magnesium availability in foods due to industrial farming practices  Dietary habits leading to low magnesium uptake, such as consumption of sodas and carbonated beverages  Excess stress or illness, which lowers the ability of the body to utilize magnesium  Mineral imbalances, such as excess calcium, which blocks cellular magnesium activity  Metabolic differences in individuals, such as excess magnesium excretion by the kidneys, sometimes resulting in magnesium losses and deficiency  Stress: chronic, low grade creates adrenal deficiency Heather Bruce 24
  • 25. Maternal aches & pains AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 25
  • 26. Common pregnancy pain triggers  Past trauma (stuck Qi and Blood)  Past cold invasion – general life or ‘therapeutic’ (esp in modern maternal hospital context)  Not enough exercise (causing Stuck Qi)  Not enough rest/relaxation – compounded in Magnesium and Blood/Yin deficiency  Lack of Kidney Qi/Yin/Jing to nourish pregnancy and her own body. Heather Bruce 26
  • 27. Back pain in pregnancy  Already covered in Bandung WAAFS, 2012  Only mentioning in passing here.  Pain is not normal in pregnancy.  It should not be tolerated.  It is indicative of problems – esp for baby as mum is not replete in the minerals and essential goodness hence her Ki Qi is warning her – and generally all pay scant attention. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 27
  • 28. Yang deficiency is endemic in my pregnant women populations. Cold exposure causes stagnation, contraction, lack of circulation. Ice is used as the treatment of choice for all trauma, is actively sought in all consumables, sleeping in air conditioning  In acupuncture theory, cold consumes the Yang. (Tureanu & Tureanu, 1999) Cold weakens the Kidneys, as a source of energy. (Roemer, 1999)  Yang Qi is seen as being unnecessarily exhausted through exposure to cold, (Betts, 2006), cold causing stagnation of its flow. (Roemer, 1999). Heather Bruce 28
  • 29. Thyroid/Iodine link  Allied to the cupping of the cold came a realisation.  Some women’s bellies just never got better.  I could cup and moxa every day – and still would come in again cold.  I saw/finally felt in myself that the lack of iodine – possibly due to the use of other halogens now in many aspects of life (not just what is in the water - the chlorine and fluoride) was behind the Yang collapse.  Along with the use of neurotoxins such as the trace amounts of heavy metals supposedly inert in all vaccines, seems besides giving rise to a hypothyroid epidemic, has lead to a loss of intelligence and resilience in all.  Added to this the addiction of folic acid, without the B’s thus many B 12 deficiencies are being missed - and so it goes . . Heather Bruce 29
  • 30. Multiples AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 30
  • 31. Want weighty babies when multiples AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 31 Sometimes twin mums are not even eating enough for themselves- let alone one baby. Brewer diet is a start – but must add in all Dr Weston Price’s sacred foods ideas.
  • 32. Triple trouble AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 32 Born at 34 4 days – 1.7 – 1.9kg each. Home by due date. All well – mum had no more room!!
  • 33. Triplets at 32 weeks AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 33
  • 34. 32 week triplets AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 34
  • 35. 39 week twins AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 35
  • 36. What are we making these babies with?  Michelle, 29, originally came for help prior to endo surgery – one of the few who are the ‘problem’  Husband 64% normal, 210 million /ml.  Post surgery, clean up – instantly pregnant.  Saw her again to help get pregnant No 2 – and never saw her again . . 2 years pass.  Post 1 session and Blood tonic, pregnant with identical triplet daughters who are lost at 22 weeks - ‘incompetent cervix’. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 36
  • 37. Why are we not spruiking what we can do?  Ob ‘care’ involved discussions on felt reduction at every session. She sat on couch and wept.  Labour started, she now has an external operation around her cervix so she will need surgery to release any further conception products released.  Massive distress, sleeping problems, is consumed with FB sites of maternal loss.  2 months later - supplements, 3 healing undoing trauma sessions – pregnant . . AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 37
  • 38. But . .  He holds the purse strings – which is why she did not return to see me all through the triplet pregnancy.  No mention of improving her nutrition.  All farmers scan their ewes and place twin/triplet pregnancies in special care for optimal results.  Compare G’s babies and M’s babies .. .  G’s vibrantly alive and all same weight as if singleton (mum ran out of inner room) and dead due to her inability to nourish them – massive back pain, horrendously hot feet at night, hair falling and depression all through till loss. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 38
  • 39. Diet  Can make massive corrections in utero  Eg Cooper (below) . .. 3rd baby – scanned at 20 weeks – told to terminate as if ‘4’ is will die at birth, he is ‘3 ½+’ . . .  Ultra grieving, she is sent to me as midwife thought that I could help.  Massive nutritional, Chinese herbs (pneumonia to clear up first) and a few sessions – plus Reiki/massage & counseling outsourced whilst I was gone. (commuting countries)  Baby became so much better did not need to be born in Auckland for instant cardiac surgery. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 39
  • 40. Tetrology of Falot 6 months AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 40
  • 41. Choleostasis 34 weeks  S – 34 weeks, choleostasis – told she needed urgent C section, had vast itching for weeks, irritability, worried+  Can only sleep with fan directed onto legs and even then, no sleep.  (First set of twins for 22 years – over 300 births in the community . .) She attributes this to having longer gaps between children.  7th pregnancy – had to have me direct him to take ++Vit C and B to get pregnant . . AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 41
  • 42. Health matters  Dry lips.  Tongue tie. Can see purplish on tongue and after session, was less so – plus more fur, the Blood Def. crack was more prominent and colour better even she could see. .  Did make the crack wider and far more obvious.  Hair still falling all pregnancy. ‘Not one for resting’.  Can’t sleep – spends all night scratching herself. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 42
  • 43. Changes made  Suggestions made 2 weeks prior to my arriving  Drinks up to 5 litres water daily presently.  Started her on 20 grams Vit C  Told to now increase to 30 . .  Liver 2, GB 34, GB 41 (both sore) R Co 11, Pc 6, Bil Bl 11, Bl 46 (Dr VB happy point of pregnancy).  Then massaged bum – started put really sore – whilst moxa getting ready bil Ki 6 and sore R Liver 8.  Stuck Liver Qi massage across back AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 43
  • 44. Tongue tie  After first session - when she poked it out – better.  Less purple and went out further.  Often happens.  I expect it to be better - part of moxa on needles Bl 23, Gv 4,3  With newborns I suspect insufficient minerals, and magnesium, as has loosened it just with maternal mag through the breast milk AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 44
  • 45. Not nourishing self  Too thin,  Not one for resting . . .  Sent off to Brewer diet – though it does not have fat, iodine, magnesium, minerals and Vit D as is a product of 30 years ago when people lived more naturally.  Sent her off to feast on fat (she hated it) and minerals and no grains – already been off sugar for years.  (Note how good her tongue is – relative to others) AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 45
  • 46. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 46 Redder after being upset re having to do hospital not home water birth
  • 47. Apparently impossible  What you may think is ‘high risk’ is a beat up for $$$.  Just need more attention to bringing them back to normal. Follow traditional medicine based on nature.  Perhaps watch ‘testing, testing’ on . .  Or find Vicky Chan on FB and see what one midwife is doing for the world – one village at a time.. . AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 47
  • 48. Cold – see ‘Iatrogenesis’ AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 48 Look to restoring Yang Qi No micro managing. Yang Qi – we are no use to ourselves without an ample supply in circulation Cold causes the Yang to be in storage holding it at bay.
  • 49. Cold and the reproductive cycle of life  Not just period pain alleviated with heat.  Not just clotted, achy, cold extremities, Stuck Blood manifestations, pale, often purplish tongue.  Also – low BBT. Easy to track – vaginally.  If you check Iodine painted on belly will absorb almost immediately  Low Iodine/thyroid function will show up as all cystic – breasts/PCOS/endo and tubal issues and most cancers. Also all hormonal disruptions and Hot Blood . . Heather Bruce 49
  • 50. COLD – how do we know it is there?  Can feel it – palpation  Can see it – blanching of skin, change of colour, tongue pale maybe purple/flabby/moist, fur white  They report feeling the cold more than others  Nothing is flowing well – check out hypothyroidism S&S  BBT will likely to be too low (36.6/8 non cycling) should be 37.2/3 C when pregnant  Often a 3rd trimester woman will be this or lower – and have all ‘high risk’ manifestations – treatment?  Rescue her Yang again . . more later. ICTAM 2013HEATHER BRUCE
  • 51. Possible pregnancy mishaps – Spleen Qi xu 51Heather Bruce - 2014
  • 52. How women may present (At any stage in pregnancy)  Extreme digestive problems (incl HG)  Back ache (Ki Yang Qi)  Extreme lethargy and inability to function  Bleeding/cramping/insecure pregnancy/threatened loss/frank bleeding/incompetent cervix/placental issues  In later pregnancy - ‘Failure’ of placenta, or of baby to thrive  Any ‘high risk’ pregnancy problem - clotting/bleeding/gestational diabetes/instability of vascular system/prolapses/shocking veins/pre eclampsia etc.  Malnutrition – may be overweight - but what is essential is missing Heather Bruce 52
  • 53. Progression through the community experience  Already I was ‘onto’ the need for Zinc, Sel Mag and B and C, E  2006 – worst Mag def ever seen  No water drunk.  Where is the B and C? 2009  Minerals ??????? Zinc/iron/Selenium . . .  No Vit D 2010  Get rid of sugar 2012  Add fat 2013  Iodine 2014 AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 53
  • 54. Apparently impossible  What you may think is ‘high risk’ outside the precious First World retail model of medical ‘care’ – watchful waiting whilst it all unravels more like.  Just need more attention to bringing them back to normal. Follow our own medicine and nature.  Perhaps watch ‘testing, testing’ on . . AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 54
  • 55. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 55
  • 56. Calls on the Kidney Qi  We can expect a decrease in maternally available Ki Qi, as pregnancy calls for an increase everywhere. Kidney Qi to be channeled to the uterus to make the new being. (Scott, 1979)  Whether pregnant or not, at times of lessened sleep, more work or stress load, or in general ageing, other manifestations of Kidney complex weakness are likely (Maciocia, 2005).  Kidney Qi forms the foundation for the pregnancy, and circulation to the lower back. (Noll, & Wilms 2001).  If there has been a past accident or local trauma, it is reasonable to expect that the lower back pain may be aggravated with the greater load of pregnancy. (Flaws, 2005) Heather Bruce 56
  • 57. Coincidentally  Ki Qi – moxa strengthens and if baby can – baby moves to being perfectly positioned.  This instantly often removes the source of the back ache - Baby turns into the right spot.  OP and breech and lateral lie ..  No need to moxa Bl 67.  MAJOR adjustment - get mum forwards facing (straddle chair) and relaxed (warm, Magnesium and moxa). Heather Bruce 57
  • 58. Michelle  39, 1st pregnancy, 120 Kg 16 weeks (2009)  Bleeding very heavily - so much so – was at emergency yesterday. No uterine pain, but excruciating back pain.  Restless legs (Mag deficiency), very hot feet. Depressed, usually on AD, overworked and not eating properly. Moxa for back and to settle the very depleted Spleen Yang so can keep holding pregnancy.  Felt better on leaving, but fell down an escalator that afternoon and now back next day with massive wounds on legs. No uterine bleeding and back much better.  Kept baby – but needed much cupping and then moxa to help her low BBT – she would not take my advice, specialist said (as usual) that the thyroid tests were ‘within normal range’. She developed GD and had a C section. Baby and mum fine . . Heather Bruce 58
  • 59. What I have learnt since  If I were seeing Michelle now I would be standing on her nutrition a great deal more.  The women whose bellies seem continually cold have low thyroid function.  More fat, protein and magnesium was my mantra when I was seeing her 5 years ago. Now also would be inundating her with Vit D , selenium and Iodine and ensuring absolutely no fruit, sugar and cereals . .  Taking her BBT will show (vaginal only and the instant they awake) that there is a problem – and often I now find this at the 20+ week mark  Blood tests are too wide a range – and S&S will show this  Adding Iodine in to the mix painted on – and much more fat, Vit D and magnesium can only help  is changing the outcome of the previously ‘high risk pregnancies I was seeing. Heather Bruce 59
  • 60. Family relationships . . . . ICTAM 2013HEATHER BRUCE
  • 61. Presented are several members of the same line . .  Mum – 12 adult children – most in dire need of repair.  Few are placed in the T4 that medically they should have had (although T4 is inactive and needs converting to RT3 for use - just assumed – see more Sat 2 pm)  None prior to my seeing them were aware of the problems that they were individually having were all a pattern  The family line shows us progressions of alarming Jing indications for all – not just this one community, but in the world we have shaped as ‘improved’. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 61
  • 62. P – wanting help for further children  Arrived with her sister-in-law to check out what I could do to help her. At 34, in readiness for her 7th pregnancy, she was worried about the state of her back.  She had been crippled in past pregnancies with back pain so severe that she was bed ridden/in a wheel chair to get around from 26 weeks.  Pain being felt in the lower back radiating to the central sacral area, and heightened by often outrageous nausea and vomiting all through the pregnancy.  (Hospitalised for first pregnancy and had a C section – very depleted baby girl – who has always been in poor health herself  Is always exhausted. Heather Bruce 62
  • 63. A family story . . . AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 63 Mum is hyper thyroid usually Works in the cold room with the milk and has done for years. Mother of P and, S and all below . .
  • 64. Penny’s dad Heather Bruce 64 Hypothyroid with heart issues due to lack of Magnesium/minerals and over working. Always had the cracked tongue. Would lose consciousness – eventually post using Vit D magnesium, minerals, T4 placed on very different diet
  • 65. Oldest sister - after several sessions 65Heather Bruce (2012) 40 yo, 33 weeks. •Pregnant with 13th child, •Crippling back ache, gestational diabetes, (and not eating to try to sort out the problems – who is paying attention to the baby growing within?) •Varicose veins, fluid retention, vomiting/can’t function . •Better with attention to gut flora, and moxa after cupping cold from belly at 30 wks (plus more sacral moxa) meant she was feeling far better.
  • 66. Younger sister - very ill 32 years old (12 weeks pregnant) 7th baby. Constant nausea/vomiting all throughout all 6 pregnancies. Depressed, no energy, insomnia, extremely wasted. Not eating to control ‘weight’ After all births has had 9 months of anal fissures and massive anal hemorrhaging. 66Heather Bruce
  • 67. P’s daughter 67Heather Bruce Born of mum’s 1st HG pregnancy – hospitalised - fluids continually, born C section premmie Very sickly baby, wouldn’t eat. Tongue best I have seen it in 3 years. Originally floppy, empty, purple with no coating. Bed wetting at 13 still. Exhausted no energy to live with. Is greatly improved since all the vitamins and cupping cold out and 2x weekly moxa work. Is also on Chinese herbal blood tonics, digestive enzymes and a Glutathione preparation.
  • 68. Example of brown tooth decay rife in the community Heather Bruce 68 P’s children’s cousin S is 4 yo; has a cyst on the side of her face that has been a massive problem since she was 2 Her 2 yo brother’s teeth are much worse than hers.
  • 69. Her exhausted pregnant mother, 39, 7th pregnancy Heather Bruce 69 Herself the 16th child of a mother who died of a brain tumour when she was 12. PCOS for years – Blood Deficiency and Liver Qi Stuck with Liver Fire. Presently at 37 weeks, GD, suffering hair loss, massive nausea, IBS, huge back ache, exhaustion, depression, (all Blood and Jing depletion).
  • 70. Baby preparation  I asked P to hold off getting pregnant til she had three normal periods – as they were currently early, flooding and exhausting her further.  She was to take a B complex several times daily, and a Magnesium supplement before and all through the seventh pregnancy (to assist her structural integrity and prevent/relieve spasms/pain).  Magnesium also to assist alleviate the headaches and constipation and general malaise (Sircus, 2007)  She had her husband use the moxa and the massage as outlined (Bruce, 2005 ‘What Dads Can Do’) as needed. This proved a Godsend, as not only did this allow for better sleeping, it totally alleviated all back issues. 70Heather Bruce
  • 71. P’s 7th pregnancy  After my taking advice and waiting three months till a 28, not 23, day cycle was happening, using moxa in her sacrum regularly and taking several lots of magnesium daily, she instantly conceived.  Very ill with vomiting all through, but no pain in pubic or back areas. A full term baby instead of 3 weeks early.  90 minute labour start to finish instead of the usual 15-24 hour affairs. Usually had to push an unengaged baby down over 90 minutes. No post natal depression  Baby is never ill, and has a strong healthy body and big white teeth. 8th baby – one hour labour . . Back & PGP minimal 71Heather Bruce
  • 72. 21/2 years on – 9 wks pregnant 8th baby – best ever been 72Heather Bruce Used to be deeply cracked at the sides and too red, with no coating. Deep central crack and yin deficiency ones off lateral are very shallow now – a joy to behold.
  • 73. Past histories: multiple issues  S 24, 1st pregnancy, P’s youngest sister  5 years ago – pneumonia with no cough – 3 litres of pus drained out of lungs . Helicoptered out – not expected to live. Putrid discharge.  Very bad Hot Blood menstrual S & S – took only ‘Cruciferous’ and was lots better.  Always ill – even got Parvo and was extremely ill.  Ripped leg open 1 ½ years ago.  Interesting scar treatment prior to pregnancy AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 73
  • 74. Whole other story . .  Having recently done Daniel Deng’s workshop, I did that version and she had massive releases & changes.  All mouth heat – I did not know about - was released  Waves of cool energy down leg and she was totally freaked by my ability to alter massively how she felt  Moods digestion all as would expect with excess heat. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 74
  • 75. S’s leg April 2013 75AACMAC 2014 Resolving tricky pregnancies
  • 76. 76AACMAC 2014 Resolving tricky pregnancies Opposite arm and needled all sore points that changed the sensation of the scar
  • 77. Hip to alter opposite under arm drainage scar 77AACMAC 2014 Resolving tricky pregnancies
  • 78. Actual underarm drainage scar 78AACMAC 2014 Resolving tricky pregnancies Completely altered the sensations in her foot and leg
  • 79. 79AACMAC 2014 Resolving tricky pregnancies Best tongue I had seen of all her sisters – is the oldest of all to be married off
  • 80. Saving baby – navel cupping start early Jan 2014 AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 80 26 weeks, starts bleeding, sent to Chch hospital for observation, & drugs to hasted fetal lung development Eventually back – and still a huge back ache problem – working as before in the freezer lifting heavy weights (is her job)
  • 81. Part way through AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 81 Cupped and used moxa on salt/ginger.
  • 82. Needles AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 82 Then got her sitting facing forwards, moxa sacrum with ginger moxa, massage Stuck Liver QI – all back ache gone and feeling wonderful.
  • 83. Finished – no back ache AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 83
  • 84. But . . ..  I have seen several women who have managed to be electrocuted when pregnant – I wonder if some people are just not marked for this  Of all the people one would not want this to happen to . . (excess inner heat already). She joins the list . .  Back to see me a month later, as a few days before, she has been electrocuted GV 4 – stuck under an electric fence!! She thinks for at east 20 seconds.  Contractions that ensued were stopped with lots of magnesium and using Ventolin AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 84
  • 85. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 85 Scared her baby was dead as usually in constant movement – and did not even twitch for 2 ½ hours.
  • 86. Bled the Stuck Blood that was not there a month before AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 86
  • 87. Copiously it came . . AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 87
  • 88. Vast headache (She did not even tell me about) gone . .. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 88
  • 89. Past scar - I redid AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 89
  • 90. Saving babies #2  Often life conspires.  Invariably it seems some women just have things happen. D – from WS 1 (30, started to stop HG/freezing belly – was best ever been till flu . .  Being of unsound constitution – she always gets more ill than most (and has 5 children under 6 to mind all through the night instead of replenishing herself - and will be standing all day in her job AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 90
  • 91. Dawn Now ill with bad flu/can’t stop coughing/vomiting as a result. Throat raw from coughing. Always feet out of bedclothes Was her best pregnancy ever till got the flu AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 91
  • 92. Scraped and cupped all of back All better – spirit back!!! AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 92
  • 93. Appendicitis!!!  Was perfectly well – then got ill with the gastric that her children had (all her children are ill all the time – she had originally asked me what I could do about making better ones for her).  After 3 day of belly ache, she was helicoptered out for emergency appendectomy.  Cold invasion – veins all collapsed  34 weeks - Bled veins.  Navel cupping and moxa and all well eventually  Left me heaps better. . .  (No doubt will conceive again within 3 months) Heather Bruce - AACMAC 2014 Resolving tricky pregnancies 93
  • 94. But . . .  Early March 2 ½ weeks to go – usually goes early.  Outrageous PSP and so is on Tramadin and prayed for an answer and here she is at my place. .  Liver 2, 3, GB 34, St 36 and all GB 30’s, Bl sacrals and then did the Stuck Liver Qi massage the twiddling of the sacral points – she got up and could not believe how much better . . . after waiting about got a bit worse, and then moxa sacral fan, and CV 2 and all fine . . . AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 94
  • 95. 3 weeks post appendectomy – cupped navel and used moxa on salt/ginger then general pregnancy protocol, needles and back sacral moxa. She felt she had lost all her condition – I agreed – very unfortunate. 95Heather Bruce - AACMAC 2014 Resolving tricky pregnancies
  • 96. Choosing to not use supplements  Sent home with more mag – she was only using the gel once daily!!!! (With no S&S best to use 6 x to replenish body) And the MSM spray/mag to be used all the time – she has forgotten to use the iodine as it stings on her skin. .  Huge back pain issues – but not after the moxa.  Is not taking magnesium as feels weird after that.  Blood tonic for late pregnancy as her hair is falling out.  (No one keeping an eye on her family history of low thyroid).  At 30 I originally saw her at 6 wks preg with a 4 and a 20 month old – plus 3 others under 6 years old . . . . AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 96
  • 97. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 97
  • 98. Comparison – ‘well’ vs very ill Heather Bruce - AACMAC 2014 Resolving tricky pregnancies 98 9 weeks, 4th preg, 1 misc at 14 weeks - preventative for Bandl’s ring/C section avoidance 3 months later - pneumonia
  • 99. Discernment  When to jump in and use all that biomedicine has – as the body is simply not ever going to catch up so look what happened next . .  From coming in about getting a vaginal birth from 2 C sections, to almost dead with rampant pneumonia, to then NOT recovering and still overworking, not eating well (from being anorexic from a shocking background of poor constitution and diet.  Then losing about half a litre of blood gushing from a burst vein in ankle.  All with nausea and extreme back pain . .. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 99
  • 100. Very ill post pneumonia AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 100
  • 101. Part way through session AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 101
  • 102. Few months later  Legs are a mess  Body seems to have collapsed – vulval veins and intense problems with varicose and cellulitis.  On AB as cellulitis really bad.  Started with cupping and moxa and a few needles  To build her in order to relieve congestion AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 102
  • 103. After lunch – back to do legs AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 103 She had scratched a vein accidentally a few weeks ago,& had lost at least 1/2 litre blood – it would not stop -15 minutes worth. Now exhausted due to combined effects of not recovering from so very ill, and blood loss – and still working, gut not good and 2 children under 3.
  • 104. They were worse – were black when I started AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 104
  • 105. Very sore but never resting AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 105
  • 106. Upper legs & vulval varicose veins also AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 106
  • 107. Cellulitis & past Ab for this AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 107
  • 108. Cellulitis is still active . . AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 108
  • 109. Only relief is lying down AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 109
  • 110. Swollen and itchy AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 110
  • 111. Both legs . . (9 weeks) At 5 months post pneumonia, no AB
  • 112. They were much worse – are no longer black AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 112
  • 113. Post vein (tiny little ones) bleeding AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 113
  • 114. Finished AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 114 Using herbs and supplements she was a lot better – and as the pregnancy progressed she was in much better shape – though still sore, the leg veins were then red – gone from black through purple to red
  • 115. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 115 Late in pregnancy – in much better condition as she has been severely spoken to re eating by all.
  • 116. Rest – the magic ingredient  In hospital awaiting birth – she was cooking for herself and another community woman in Ronald McDonald House – liver, eggs, veggies, good foods and Rest – no jobs, just being a mum of one  And growing baby.. .  She looked the best I had ever seen her – and her were legs healing. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 116
  • 117. Eventual further C section  My concern – uterus splitting as she originally was in an ‘OK’ condition - but – was so very ill – and no antibiotics given for pneumonia – and she was panting to breathe. In a wheel chair as too ill to walk.  There are limits to what we can do!!!  She had became pregnant after 2nd C section less than 2 months.  She went into labour and progressed far better than ever had – but still ended as C section – hospital policies - would have been fine at home in the water, surrounded by ‘of course you can’ . . .  Will no doubt be pregnant again within 3 months after this. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 117
  • 118. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 118
  • 119. S - Outrageous PGP  36 years old 24 weeks 7th baby  osteo PS unreasonable pain when walking - abdo and in sacrum – feels like massive bruise  Since 4th baby – body in a mess B/F beautifully and births well.  Sleeping – awake for hours  Gets asthma and eczema  Hair grows and also falls easily. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 119
  • 120. S . . . Outrageous PGP  Horrible morning sickness 6 – 14 weeks  VV in vulva and legs  F/N ridges, break easily  Feet s/t hot – out of bed.  From toes up and fingers - often very puff/tingly  First session – SLQ and moxa sacral fan then general needles and moxa CV 2 – totally fixed . . AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 120
  • 121. Gut health somewhat better AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 121 Second session – bled all veins – magic difference again – no return of PGP/back as long as husband uses moxa nightly.
  • 122. Life happens. . .  Now 32 weeks  Did not know how she was to make it through to see me. No moxa for 2 weeks as she ran out.  Legs are so much better since I bled them – esp the foot – they are wonderful.  (Were blackened with Stuck Blood on the GB meridian)  BUT - she dropped a table on the worst leg – R and then Arnica straight on it – and wonderful - no bruising (she is on K2C2D3 and Vit D etc . .). AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 122
  • 123. Treatment  Always over heated in pregnancy – and now very hot generally – Bil Bl 11, (was sat straddled first) and Bi Bl 46, Hwa Tou Liver and GB.  Cooled down & by end of her session was wrapped up as she got cold!! (as I would expect her to with this amount of depletion).  General back massage, then up and wonderful across the PS - lay her down to cup her navel. The moxa on salt in that and CV2 – eventually felt vastly better and tongue showed this. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 123
  • 125. Saving babies  Rescue yang  Rebuild yang  Usually have low minerals, high sugar driving the ‘heat’  Total rest, support, nourishing broths and fat in abundance.  Vit D, Iodine, magnesium . .  BBT should be 37.2/3 C all through pregnancy – no longer is. . AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 125
  • 126. R – apparently too ill to conceive  R, 43, 1st baby (2013) Never been pregnant though she had tried over the years – she had been told she never would be, due to bad endo, PCOS and Krohns disease.  Came in to get ready to start IVF, when she conceived accidentally (we got him off alcohol, into eating better and taking supplements plus drinking water and exercising).  In preparation for getting health fund ‘OK’ – I suggested getting tubes cleared . .. (crossed off the list . .) waiting waiting . . She thought till October - BUT Heather Bruce 126
  • 127. Never just one thing . .  Was not in the state to be pregnant – and was ecstatic to be so – unforeseen and accidental – post tubal clearance.  Massive health problems everywhere. Very distressed that her husband working away and now alone and pregnant. Got very ill and stayed so – and worsened.  Always used a lot of moxa.  Was on multiple supplements and still not getting well.  Got her to take her vaginal BBT - was 36.2 sometimes 35.9 C (should be 37+C). Blood tests said ‘OK thyroid . .. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 127
  • 128. Life goes on . . .  As part of the ear infection/not sleeping/gut rebelling against the antibiotics, she thought her baby had died and although had known not to, she iced her belly to get baby to move.  At 16 weeks, it looked like the baby was coming out.  She then had massive continual belly cramping in addition to her now worsening ear (on morphine), the lung infection deteriorated, and she had a new symptom – terrible pelvic girdle pain.  (Physios do suggest icing for this – and there then is the likelihood of at least cold in the uterus to mess with birthing/holding Blood and baby in).  She spent rest of pregnancy on thyroid medication and gradually got the BBT up to 36.9 highest ever.  At birth she was the same weight as conception, now (baby 10 weeks old) 10 kg lighter than when she conceived, vastly healthier and still with a cool belly. Heather Bruce 128
  • 129. K  30 yo, 2nd preg, threatened miscarriage.  17 weeks. Lifting heavy elderly damaged dog into the car. Very cold weather, herself not feeling well.  She felt something ‘give’ inside. She started bleeding and then in the midst of grieving (she had had two miscarriages early on – 8 and 10 weeks) remembered what was in my WDCD book, rang me, got her husband to moxa her sacrum, and the points related to the Yang Collapse, and saved the pregnancy all by herself.  (She would have been best employed having the cold pulled out – but this did the job).  More on miscarriage avoidance see ‘Bun in Oven’ Pro D Heather Bruce 129
  • 130. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 130
  • 131. Apparently impossible  What you may think is ‘high risk’ is a laugh in other laces – where REAL risks are normal.  Just need more attention to bringing them back to normal.  Follow our own time tested medicine and nature.  Perhaps watch ‘testing, testing’ on . .  Visit FB and find Vicky Chan and help her help women who really DO need help .. . Not our precious princesses too scared to become mums. .  (How safe is it to not birth, but be ’delivered’? – find all Dr Sarah J Buckley has done on the subject of gentle birthing) AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 131
  • 132. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 132 E, 35, 8th preg Last 3 have been transfused in utero Antibodies used no longer work Last 2 born at 31 weeks She intends to have many more, naturally RH –ve
  • 133. AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 133  Mum’s blood attacking baby  about to have third transfusion  – has to go to Auckland.  Through cord until last 2 as  transfusion has had to be  through baby’s belly as  she has turned around.
  • 134. Interventions always possible  Gave her ‘Healing Birth Trauma’ drops for herself to take when it happens – before and after .. . .  Amazing change in baby – born 3 weeks ago at 36 weeks.  Went into labour after last transfusion  Best birth. Baby 5lb 9oz - Great condition.  Was so calm - drops worked. She is her best baby ever.  Drs in hospital say she has to have C sections from now on –she won’t - baby and birth fine.  Was on 15 grams Vit C daily, plus D, B, E, mag, Iodine, Zinc, Selenium AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 134
  • 135. Treatment intention?  Return to optimal health – not a disease model.  Know what SHOULD be happening and enhance its likelihood  Toward life, not away from death . . .  Homeostasis  Could we please look to the baby as being our patient? Not at mum thinks is her right?  As she is often no longer thinking baby first. . .  And someone has to . . AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 135
  • 136. Heather Bruce Brisbane, Australia West Coast, SI, New Zealand  Periods/Pregnancy Apps – problem solving – template is ’The Problem’, ‘The Why’, ‘The Solution’  (Soon to also be a Fertility App)  plus inspirational links to other sites for the natural life templates  from Heather Bruce 136
  • 137. Thank you AACMAC 2014 Saving Babies Heather Bruce 137