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earth to live joyously and
abundantly. They are p u r e
spiritual beings of divine light and
they carry positive vibrations love
and peace. They do not belong
to a particular religion and are
mentioned in most of the
religious scriptures.
Angels do not possess
emotions like us and they only
have unconditional love for each
and every creation of god. We
may not believe in them but they
definitely believe in us. They see
our true potential and encourage
us to unearth it. It is said “Every
blade of grass has an angel that
bends over it and whispers:
Grow! Grow!”
Angels can however help us only
when we ask for their help as
God has given us free will and
Say Hello to
Happy is the heart that
believes in Angels”- No truer
words have been said!
Happiness is elusive in lives
of people today and they
keep searching for it all their
lives. It is said that happi-
ness is within us and it is up
to us to dig within and
discover it!
While many have been able
to discover it, there are
those who need help and in
this quest there can be no
more true and powerful
allies than Angels. Angels
undoubtedly take us to this
destination called “Happi-
ness” and help us live our lives to
the fullest.
When we talk about Angels who
exactly are these beings? The
word Angels has been taken
from the Greek word “Angelos”
which means “Messenger”.
Angels are messengers of god
who are there to help each and
every soul incarnated on this
they can’t intervene or influence
free will of any person. Rest
assured when you call them for
help they will surely respond. You
don’t need any spiritual training,
invocation, chant to invoke them;
a simple request for help is
enough. Connecting to them is
as easy as connecting to a friend
in the physical world and it is
absolutely safe. Angels make
t h e i r
p r e s e n c e
felt through
s p e c i f i c
n u m b e r s ,
o d o u r s ,
f e a t h e r s
etc. They
have the
power to
open doors
of opportu-
nities and
b r i n g
s u c c e s s ,
h o w e v e r
they cannot do our karma for us,
and it is up to us to walk through
the opened doors. The best thing
about Angel Miracles is that they
HAPPEN!!. No matter how many
times you ask for their help,
resolution to problems, they
invariably come to the rescue.
In today’s world where so many
are being engulfed by depres-
sion and negativity it is impera-
tive that help of these divine
Dear Readers,
Welcome to Wellness Chakra! With great
pleasure do we introduce our monthly
Wellness is a term that comes with a
profound, deep-rooted meaning. It is about
creating an aura around one’s self whose
influence is felt in the most optimistic way
possible. It’s about striking the right balance
between the physical, intellectual, mental,
occupational and emotional existences.
With our monthly journals, we plan to
promote an overall wellness, balancing all
elements of wellness wheel(chakra) of one’s
being and motivate all our readers to be
hale, hearty and able-bodied.
We will strive to execute our goal with sincer-
ity and dedication, with exceptional gusto
and ultimate spirit.
Till then,
Stay Healthy, Stay Happy and Keep
-Team Wellness Chakra
Our Desk
August Edition,Kandivali (East) Free Circulation (12,000 copies)
No Medicines, No Scary Diet
Archana Shah
Founder & Chief Dietitian
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Living Healthier life is now possible without exercise.
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Contd. on Page3
The wellness of health is created, conceived and enjoyed in mind than in body.
Tell us something about your life journey emphasizing on New Diet System??
About twenty five years ago , I was constantly suffering from some or the other disease. There was not a single treatment that
I had not tried. I experimented with every possible medicine – be it Allopathy, Homeopathy or Ayurveda. But all of this only
offered temporary relief. So I started exercising. I got into rigorous exercising for a very long time. That too, was not up to the
mark. So I inclined myself towards Yoga, practicing vivid Yogasanas. Gradually, I became a Yoga teacher. I took up Reiki and
also started running a laughter club. The results still did not fulfill my expectations and satisfaction. By God’s grace, in Febru-
ary 1993, I came across something that opened my third eye, this New Diet System eliminated all my diseases within no time.
I thought of expanding this concept by experimenting on my wife, family and friends. The theory worked wonders for each
one of them.
So, what is the New Diet System?
The new concept is based on the Raw Food Theory and Fasting, of Ram Charit Manas and practical method of implementa-
tion. The system is based on law of mother nature and recommends to take natural food in natural form (without cooking).
Where do you see the New Diet System in the coming years?
It is my strong desire to propagate the New Diet System in the entire world. ‘World without Medicine’ has become our mission. There is no need of treatments, exercises or
medicines. All animals, birds and creatures existing in this world do nothing to get rid of diseases. They recover on their own. That is why, to attain a healthy condition, I’m
preaching this theory based on my personal experience.
As you mentioned that ‘World without Medicine’ is your global mission, can you tell us the methods or procedures involved in it and how is it different from
the world of normal medicines?
Ayurveda teaches us one thing – ‘Langanam Parama Aushadham’ which means Fasting is a super medicine. It teaches one to eliminate diseases developed by eating wrong
foods. This elimination can be done by Fasting. By fasting, the body is able to cleanse and heal itself and recover from any diseases. Just like how it is in other living beings.
They normally don’t catch sickness. But when they do, they stop the intake of food. This made us believe in the theory of fasting. During fasting, the body throws away all the
waste and unwanted debris accumulated in it over time. With this, we started using other fluids like juices made from green leafy vegetables and amlas – to cleanse the body.
The use of enema also proved to be very useful for digestion. We carried out experiments on a large mass which brought out miraculous results. This also proved to be helpful
in eradicating cancer.
How should a normal person implement the New Diet System in his lifestyle packed with routines and schedules?
Sir B.V.Chauhan with
a certificate of appreciation
for his magnificent work.
It is very simple. ‘Being Natural’. This includes everything. Today, we have started believing more in Science, leaving aside
the Almighty and his natural wonders. We have been bonded by scientific rules and regulations, while we should be accept-
ing and eating what nature has to give to us. We have started looking for supplementary vitamins and proteins while we are
the ones who destroy these essential nutrients by heating the food. Once the food is heated, all the proteins, vitamins,
minerals and other essential components are destroyed. This has become the major reason behind many diseases.
What are the common mistakes we make in our day-to-day diet?
Milk is said to be a very healthy food. It is said to be a very important source of essential nutrients. But, it’s a misconception.
It’s been 22 years since we have stopped consuming milk, and we’re still hale and hearty – both physically and mentally.
So, we realized our two mistakes. The first being – eating heated food. The second – consuming animal products. The third
mistake is the intake of water more than required. But, we worked on all of these mistakes, started eating natural foods,
avoiding man-made ones, with limited water intake and our health improved drastically.
We see a lot of people struggling with cancer, diabetes and many such diseases. So, if we apply the New Diet
System there, how would it make a difference?
As I said, Fasting, Enema and a Green healthy juice are the best options. Not only do they shoo away diabetes, but also
problems like migraine, cough, BP. Within just a few days, you see them gone. Also, cancer could be eradicated which
would take a while, depending upon what level it has reached. In short, enema, fasting and juices can be used for an
effective inner cleansing of the body. The preferred ratio is 70% raw food and 30% of cooked food like roti, sabzee and rice.
By implementing this in our daily lives, our life has become disease – free and truly joyful.This has not only brought about
a better change in our body, but also in our lives as a whole. So, this is a way of changing our lifestyle.
But we all have been taking medicines, treatments and supplementaries to eliminate our diseases since quite
a while now. So, how to break this chain of medicines and unnatural elements?
Well, this is quite a good question that you have placed here. It is simply about changing the future, which is definitely in
the youth’s hands. But this cycle cannot be changed only by talks. Kids see what they are shown. They might not listen to
you, but they definitely observe your actions and follow them. So, it is necessary for parents to follow the system themselves
for their kids to put it into practice. Also, increased inclination of the mass towards articial, scientific elements like doctors
is not the best thing in the world. But, doctors are not to be blamed for this. The education system is to be blamed. Kids or
even adults are misguided regarding issues of health and physical fitness. But this has to change. And only we can be the
instrument of this change.
Any piece of advice to our viewers and readers in general?
The message is simple. Once we have realized our mistake, we have to reflect upon it and try improving it. Let’s try fixing
the laws of nature if we have broken them. Let’s try making our lives better by accepting and consuming what nature has
to offer. Let’s try being parallel on the other side with nature. Let’s connect with nature and let it heal our bodies with utter
love, warmth and affection.
Meet Mr. B. V. Chauhan, the promoter of New Diet System who is on a noble mission of serving the mass selflessly to eradicate our never-
ending diseases and sufferings.Wellness Chakra was fortunate enough to be able to cover one of his very many motivating seminars and honor
him with a well-meant certificate of appreciation.
Wellness Encounters
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Mrs Afshan Nafis
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Multiple Intelligence
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Wellness Encounters
Check for full seminar video on:
“A fit, healthy body-- that is the best fashion statement."
wellnesschakra Pg:3
10 Minutes Workout Using Yoga Mat.
The importance of physical fitness cannot be emphasized enough. In today’s society which is
moving towards more sedentary lifestyle needs to increase their daily activities to gain a healthy
and fit life. Staying active means to keep your body functioning at high level. Exercises should not
be boring but it should be something that you enjoy and which increases your overall happiness
and reduces your stress, depression and anxiety. Try to find out some activities that you enjoy or
you can also join a buddy who can accompany you and make your workouts fun.
Health benefits of mat exercises:-
1) Improves core strength
- Core muscles comprise abdominal muscles, lower back muscles and gluteal (pelvic floor)
muscles. Mat exercises continuously activate core group of muscles and make it strong.
2) Promotes muscular strength and endurance
- When we talk about endurance there are 2 types, Cardio vascular endurance and muscular
endurance. Most of us do cardio vascular endurance by jogging, swimming, cycling etc. Mat
exercises help to improve muscle endurance by continuously activating muscle cells.
3) Optimize body composition
- Our body has certain amount of fat and muscle tissues. Regular practice of mat exercises
reduce amount of fat from our body especially from tummy, thighs, side fats etc. Thus you may
get a perfect posture and physique.
4) Maintain spine health
- Most of the cases of back pain relates to lack of core stability or lower back muscles
weakness. To prevent low back pain one must do mat exercises especially useful for post
pregnancy back pain, old aged, sports person etc
5) Useful in rehabilitation of back and leg pains
- Also very useful in rehabilitation to recover from conditions like low back pain, trauma, disc
prolapsed, spondylosis, arthritis etc.
Let’s take a look at few useful exercises which you can complete in
almost around in 10 minutes:-
Prone Hold/ Plank exercise
Exercise Description
-Maintain the position as shown in picture
-Hold this posture where body is align and back is straight
-Hold it in the same position for 40-50 seconds depend on your tolerance
-While performing you need to keep your abs muscles contracted(tight)
-Take 40 seconds rest while moving to next exercise.
-Useful to strengthen core and back muscles.
Double Leg Bridging Exercise
Exercise Description
-As shown in starting position body should be supine. Head, upper back, arms ,lower back on the
floor, while knee is bend at 90 degrees.
-Now you should start lifting your lower back until it reaches to straight alignment.
Hold the position for 3 seconds, again come down to normal position.
-Repeat this movement 8-10 times, take 30 seconds rest before moving to next exercise.
-Helps to strengthen lower back and thigh muscles.
Russian Twists:
Exercise Description
-Upper and lower body should be uplifted off from the ground.
-Body is balanced on buttocks which needs lots of body control and
core stability.
-Twist both hands together to one side and other side continuously
while keeping legs stable.
-Dynamic workout for abdominal oblique muscles. Repeat at least
15 times each side.
Exercise Description
-Starting in supine position while both hands resting back to your neck
-Elevate your hands and legs like one elbow touches to opposite knee,
switch to other side.
-Continue this movement 30 times.
-Useful to burn calories and abs strength.
Mountain climbers:
Exercise Description
-Starting position is same like push ups as shown in picture.
-Quick movement of one leg towards chest and switch over to other leg
-Continue for 30 seconds, take 40 seconds rest before next exercise.
-Burns lots of calories and improves endurance.
-Dr. Abhishek Thakar(Sports Physiotherapist)
Contd. from Pg.1
beings be taken to win over daily battles, overcome hurdles and
most importantly to never give up on ourselves and our lives!
negative energies, healing for aura as well as physical bodies,
prosperity and success in career. Those who regularly contact
their angels see great positive changes in their lives.
They feel radiant, at peace and positive about their future. They
know that they’re not alone, because they have their spiritual
friends watching over them.
So everyone out there who is reading this article, if you really want
to bring 360 degree positive change in your lives then Look Up,
take a leap of faith and Say Hello to the Angels as they are nearer
than you think!!
-Preeti Mehta(Angel Healer and Life Coach)
In raising healthy children, it is not enough to just
focus on the physical aspect of health. To be truly
healthy, a child’s physical health must be nurtured
and strengthened due to which developing a mental
attitude of wellness is also essential. The wellness of
a child largely depends on his/her ability to deal with
things psychologically.
The Concept
A research on psychology, namely Child Psychol-
ogy, focuses on:
•What does a child do, how and why does he do it?
•How can he be of use in any field?
•What will a child become when he grows up?
•What can be done to ensure that he will become
what he wants to?
Child Psychology focuses its research on moral,
emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual and develop-
mentalaspects which are very general and common
to children.Psychologists have developed many
theoriesreferring to Psychosexual Development
(Freud),Cognitive Developmental Theory (Kohlberg),
Social Theory(Albert Bandura), that focus on
different aspects necessary for wellness and
development of positive attitude.
A Child’s Mind
Children have much more control over their own
mental health than we may think. The mind is a very
powerful mechanism with miraculous control over
health and healing. The more children learn to use
the extraordinary power of their mind, the healthier
and happier they will be.
A wellness approach would be to say to them “You
are so strong and healthy that you probably won’t
develop cold”, instead of directly saying in a much
negative manner, “You won’t catch cold”. There has
been much research on the relationship of wellness
and attitude. It suggests that even cancer and heart
diseases are strongly related to a person’s inner
Dr. Dyer suggests two elements that will help
children as much as physical components – using
visualization and having a sense of humor. These are
as important as diet and exercise. Visualization puts
the imagination to work to help achieve a desired
outcome. It is a process of creating positive thoughts
and images in the mind to communicate with the
body. Children can be taught to regularly see
themselves and their minds as being radiantly
healthy, vibrant and actively participating in whatever
activities they want to do.
As I have small children, once in a while they ask me
“Mumma, where is God? Who is that God, you are
praying to?” Sometimes they act closing their eyes,
in the hope that may be God would be visible when
we close our eyes. All this make me laugh and it
becomes difficult to covey. But then I recollect my
childhood that, I also had same questions, in fact
most of us had same questions. We did not see Him
but we used to pray that God please tell my parents
to get me huge size teddy bear, please tell my
parents to get me a new cycle, and if it is too hot
summer, we used to pray for cool breeze so that we
can play with great fun. We used to pray, God,
please tell my teacher, not to take class test today.
God please keep the heavy rain falls inside your
clouds till I can reach to my class room
Please tell my mother not to scold me for anything.
And so on…endless times we recited His name but
all without reasoning and going in depth. If you
would have asked me then who is God? What makes
him God? What miracles HE does? None of those
questions would have had any meaning to me. All I
knew was that He was listening whenever I talked to
Him, wherever I talked to him, as long as I really
meant what I said. Whatever I wanted He was the
That is all about the GOD whom I am praying since
childhood and that is same God to whom I pray now
as an adult. Yes, that time my heart was sacred and
divine. I knew no better, now I have a mind of my
own. I read books, studied from teachers, learned
and bloomed in the influence of my charming
Gardeners. I discuss, I argue, I realize, I sit I
scrutinize, I scan and I investigate my contempla-
tions. Why all this happen? Why we keep searching
who is that God whom we prayed as a child. Why we
need answers? Let us pray to Him with purity and
innocence. Let us talk to Him by putting aside all our
philosophy and reasoning, all the contemplations
and realizations and let us pray with the mind of a
small child.
-Shashi Dip(Spiritual Blogger)
Positive imagery is very helpful to children who are
overweight, who have acne and other skin diseases,
and need to establish a better self image. Laughter is
a strong healer and health builder. When children
laugh, they are actually releasing into their blood
stream chemicals, which are necessary for the
prevention and cure of diseases.
The Parental Approach
We all, parents know what struggle we make to
encourage our child to eat foods that are essential to
health and to avoid junk food! Children can have
negative unhealthy lifestyles that contribute to
sickness. When they are young, we can pretty easily
restrict the things we know which are unhealthy for
them. But as they grow older, they feel deprived and
would probably rebel when we ask them to do the
same. They need to know that they have a choice -
they can either choose good health and wellness or
opt for poor health and sickness. It becomes very
important to give them freedom and decide for
themselves and at the same time, guide them and
keep them grounded to bring about their overall
developmental wellness.
In his book ‘What Do You Really Want For Your
Children?’, Dr. Wayne Dyer says, “The more children
learn from you to rid themselves of attitudes that
foster sickness, the more you are helping them to
enjoy life each day.” They will actually live longer and
more productive lives if they learn about wellness as
very young children.
Let them have fun with friends, parents or
neighbours. Let parents be a little crazy and silly, and
laugh with children as much as they can. Each good
belly laugh means that you and your child are
becoming more physically and psychologically
-Dr. Arefa Mansuri (Associate
Professor,St. Xavier’s College.)
Dalia (broken wheat) –
3 tbsp
1 bowl of mix
vegetables (onion,
tomato, carrot, beans,
Ginger- ½ inch
Green chillies – as per taste
Jeera (cumin seed) – ½ tsp
Black pepper powder - pinch
Salt- as per taste
Oil –½ tsp
•Take one bowl of roasted dalia and soak it in warm
water for half an hour. After half an hour strain it and
wash it under fresh water for half a minute. Leave it
•In a pan put some oil. When it heats up put some
jeera(cumin seeds). When it crackles, add chopped
onions. Fry the onions till they turn golden brown. Add
chopped chillies ginger, capsicum, beans and carrot.
Sauté all the vegetables for five minutes.
•Make a puree of tomatoes add it to the vegetables.
Again fry for a minute. Now add salt to taste. Add either
red chilli powder or black pepper powder according to
your taste.
•Now add the dalia(broken wheat). Make sure all the
water is strained out from dalia. Keep stirring for few
minutes. Garnish with coriander leaves.
•Serve with coriander mint chutney.
Energy (kcals) 180.00
Protein (g) 3.00
Carbohydrates (g) 27.00
Fat (g) 6.00
Yellow moong dal
(split yellow gram) raw–
3 tbsp
Blanched and roughly
chopped spinach –
3/4th cup
Green chillies, roughly
chopped – as per taste
Fresh low-fat curd – 1 tbsp
Salt - to taste
Fruit salt- ½ tsp
Oil – 1/4th tsp
•Combine the yellow moong dal (soaked for 3 hours
and drained), spinach and green chillies and blend in a
mixer to a smooth paste without using any water.
•Transfer the mixture into a bowl, add the curd and salt
and mix well. Just before steaming, add the fruit salt to
the batter and pour 2 tsp water over it.
•When the bubbles form, mix gently.
•Grease the idli moulds using minimum oil, put spoonful
of the batter into idli moulds and steam in a steamer for
10 to 12 minutes or till the idlis are cooked.
•Cool slightly, de mould and serve.
Energy (kcals) 130.00
Protein (g) 6.5
Carbohydrates (g) 25.00
-Archana Shah(Chief Dietician)
Who says healthy food cannot be tasty?
We at Wellness Chakra are dedicated to make your life
healthy & tasty.
Healthy Bites
Wellness Diaries
If a child cannot learn in the way we teach, we must teach in a way the child can learn.
Pg:5Beauty is about enhancing what you have. Let yourself shine through
Co-Op.Housing Society and its Statutory
In our maiden edition we thrive to make the life of committee members of the coopera-
tive society simpler.
Rtn. CA Shilpa Shinagare- a Practicing Chartered Accountant, residing in Lokhawandwala
Township Kandivali(E) and Guru in Co-operative Housing society matters; shares latest
updates on important provisions of laws, rules & bye laws for a successful society
CA Shilpa Shinagare
Practising Chartered Accountant
The Statutory Compliances introduced by 97th Constitutional Amendment and subse-
quent amendments to the Maharashtra State Co-Op.Act of 1960 , Co-Op.Housing
Societies, in my opinion ,are aimed to be at par with any other body corporate in India.
The responsibilities cast on the managing committee and the office bearers for smooth
functioning of the Co-Op.Housing Society makes it a chanllanging job for those at the
helm of affairs due to the time that they can devote to the activities of the society taking
care of their own personal and professional responsibilities and also to some extent
because of the lack of knowledge or unawareness of the various provisions of the
Act,Rules and Bye laws of the Maharashtra Co-Op.Societies Act, 1960 and also the
provisions of other allied Acts like Income Tax & Service Tax mainly.
The effort has been made to list down some of the important provisons that a Housing
Society needs to take care wrt“AAAMIO” i.e Accounts, Audit , AGM ,Mandatory Returns,
Income Tax Returns filing and submission of Audit Rectification report in“O”form .
AAAMIO Deadlines:
A- Accounts to be finalized with 45 days from the close of the Co-op.year i,e.15th May.
A- Audit to be completed within 4 months from the close of the Co-Op.year ie.31st July.
A- AGM to be conducted on or before 30th September.
M-Mandatory Returns u/s 79(1A) & (1B) to be uploaded with Dept.of Co-operation by
30th Sept & 31st October respectively.
I- Inocme Tax returns to be filed by each and every Co-Op.Housing Society by 30th Sept.
O-Audit Rectification report in form“O” to be submitted to the office of the Registrar by
the society within three months from the date of submission of the audit report .
I’m a Proud Committee member and My Sweet Responsibilities towards
my CHS:
Mandatory adoption of Model Bye laws of 2014 at the earliest.
Classify the members’ portfolio in Active and Non-Active by 31st March and intimate
the Non-Active member of his classification by 30th of April in Form W.
The Audited Accounts alongwith the report of the Auditor first needs to be approved in
the Managing committee meeting.
The status of rectification or compliances to the Audit report needs to be placed in the
The Statutory Auditor needs to be appointed should be a Panel Auditor and should be
appointed by General Body. The Statutory Auditor needs to be appointed only for the
current year.
The same Statutory Auditor should not be appointed for a period of more than three
consecutive years.
The consent in writing needs to be obtained from the Statutory Auditor appointed by
the AGM within one month from his appointment.
The society needs to register itself with website of Department of Co-operation before
uploading the mandatory returns(
The mandatory returns giving various details such as Annual Report, Audited Accounts,
Ammendments to Bye laws if any, Disposal of surplus if any decided in AGM, Due date of
forthcoming elections etc.needs to be uploaded in form Y on or before 30th Sept.
Upload the Details of the Statutory Auditor alongwith his written consent within one
month from the date of AGM i.e.latest by 31st October.
The Audit Rectification Report in form “O” needs to be submitted by the CHS within 3
months from the date of the submission of the Audit Report.
Undoubtedly, some or probably a major chunk of help is needed to abide by all such
rules, duties and norms for which, we have experts like CA Shilpa Shinagare who would
effortlessly guide and advise one to manage, comply and co-ordinate activities which
are essential for the smooth functioning of a Co-op.Housing Society.
For Free seminar on Model byelaws, Election rules, Deemed conveyance ,
training to society managers etc.
Feel Free To Be In Touch wid CA Shilpa Shinagare @ or
Bodyography Veil Foundation Primer
What it is:
Veil Foundation Primer prepares your skin for flawless makeup application with its
highperformance quality. This in turn, will create an even skin tone, filling in
fine lines and restoring shine which makes your skin look radiantly beautiful.
Product Description
The Bodyography Veil Foundation Primer is
Vitamins A, E, Green Tea Extract, Grape Seed Extract,
Jojoba, seaweed extracts.
-Completely oil free with the best formulation of anti-oxidants,
vitamins A and E.
-Suitable for all skin types,
-acts as a rejuvenated therapy for dull and tired looking skin.
-Used widely among major professional artists.
- Makes the skin feel instantly silky smooth, consistent
in tone & texture.
-Provides sun-screen protection & anti-ageing effects.
Key Features:
•Its non greasy formula quickly absorbs into skin creating
the perfect canvas for your foundation/make-up.
•A Weightless Anti-aging Primer
•Gives Skin a Silky Smooth, Long-lasting, Flawless Base
•Fills in fine lines and wrinkles
•Prevents Collagen Breakdown
•Keeps the make-up intact for 6-7 hours without any touch-ups or an AC-environment.
•Safe for under eye use.
How To Use:
•For a flawless finish, apply Bodyography Veil Foundation Primer after your normal skin
care regiment, but before foundation.
•Just a small premeasured squirt is all you need to cover your entire face and neck, then
let it set for a couple of minutes before applying your foundation/makeup!
(Can be used underneath foundation, tinted moisturizer, powder, or on its own to
smooth fine lines and neutralize the skin.)
Pros of Veil Foundation Primer:
* Makes the skin very soft and smooth.
* Very little foundation is required when used on top of this primer.
* Acts as an awesome base on which your normal makeup looks more vibrant.
* Does not result in breakouts.
* Blends effortlessly with the foundation.
* Waterproof.
Cons of Veil Foundation Primer:
•Price is on the higher end.
•Available mostly online (Especially, on
•One has to try the tinted versions of the same to conceal dark circles and redness.
•Contains Silicones.
Which One Is For You?
This incredible foundation is available in 6
corrective and bronzing shades:
The original, best selling clear formula.
Erases redness and reduces the appearance
of blotchiness.
Conceals dark circles under eyes, and adds
warmth to skin.
Evens out shallow skin tones, and brightens the skins appearance.
•Tahitian Glow
Bronzing + shimmer. Perfect for creating a sultry sun-kissed look.
•Monaco Matte
Bronzing without shimmer. Gives a fresh summer look.
-Zubair Quraishi(Make Up Artist)
Money Matters
Financial Wellness is the balance between having a healthy state of well-being today while preparing financially for tomorrow.
It is not necessarily about being wealthy, but it is a state of psychological well being in which one feels they have control over
their current finances and financial future.
Maintaining that balance consists of being comfortable with where your money comes from and where it is going.
Pg:6Where health is the destination, wellness is the journey.
Kamalaya,Kindling Your Inner Potential
Nestling in the lap of Koh Samui(Thailand), the
third largest Thai island, is Kamalaya – A perfect
wellness as well as a holiday destination. The goal of
Kamalaya is to bring about an overall well being of
their clients for whom they carry out a number of
programs, seminars, private classes and group
retreats. Kamalaya is a wellness sanctuary as well as
a holistic resort which is an ultimate go-to place for
anyone who seeks mental stability, bliss and
Are you a beach person? A sea lover? Or do you love
walking along the fresh, beautiful gardens? Well,
Kamalaya has top notch accommodations to go with
every person’s moods and likes. The place has
luxurious accommodations which include sea view
villas, super suites, beach front villas, garden pool
villas and pent houses to name a few.
The highlight of Kamalaya is the beautiful natural
elements that surround it. The healing aromas, the
goodness of the wild, yet green sights, and the
soundness of the great wilderness and melodious,
harmonious natural tunes are not only breathtaking,
but also bring peace and happiness to one’s body,
mind and soul.
For all the adventurous souls, there are activities like
swimming, rock climbing, sailing, snorkeling, hiking
and mountain biking. After all that hassle, a bit of
balance and composure is surely very essential for
which there are arrangements for meditation, weight
training, Pilates, Oi Gong, Tai Chi and more – to keep
one’s self healthy and rejuvenated.
Yoga: At Kamalaya, one could have a special,
holistic Yoga experience – for which there are several
facilities like private yoga classes, international
teachers and group yoga treats. There are three
beautiful, chamber-like places in Kama-laya - namely
Yoga Pavilion, Yoga Sala and Yantra House where
yoga activities are carried out.
Kamalaya is ever so keen on the health of an
individual that it never compromises on the quality of
food that is served. The Kamalaya cuisine is all about
organic recipes and nutritious raw food dishes. Low
fat, low sugar food and an optimum detox diet
certainly makes for healthy, happy guests.
Kamalaya also provides a number of dining areas
and cafés, swimming pools, yoga chambers with
lavish wooden floorings and a library where one
could leisurely indulge himself in the literary world.
A therapeutic meditation technique aimed at achiev-
ing a body-mind balance and inner happiness.
There is a vast line of wellness programs that Kama-
laya offers. Ranging from detox cleansing and stress
manage-ment programs to weight loss and
therapeutic spa treat-ments- it has it all.
Also, there are tailor made programs of Naturopathy,
Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine which
stimu-late one’s over all fitness.
Kamalaya surely is a symbol of awakening and
health, with which it is able to provide a relaxed,
inspiring and a comforting environment. A
life-enriching experience and a soul-soothing life
Health Entertainment
Pg:7Identify your problems but give your power and energy to solutions
ADDRESS:Shop No,4,Building No,48, Evershine Millennium Paradise, Phase 5, Thakur Village,Kandivali (E), Mumbai Ph:28865822 / 28865280 / M:9769955201
1.Oxy Bleach Rs.1555/-
Pearl / Oxy Facial / T.D.
Full Waxing / Hair Wash
Blow Dry
2.Cheryls Bleach Rs.1999/-
Cheryls Facial
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Full Waxing
3.Christal Pedi Spa Rs.2222/-
Christal Mani Spa
Back Massage
Head Massage
Hair Wash
Blow Dry
4.Full Body Massage Rs.2222/-
Head Massage
Pedi Spa
Mani Spa
5.Cheryls Bleach Rs.3555/-
Remilaure Facial
Christal Mani Spa
Christal Pedi Spa
Full Waxing
Timings- 9.00am-10.00pm
Hair Wash + Hair Cut + Blowdry - Rs.555/-
Pay Rs.1777/- & get Hair Cut, Highlights, Deep Conditioning
50% off on Straightening
30% off on Shine Bond Loreal
Weight Loss With Calorie Burning
One can easily lose weight by burning more calories than the calorie intake, by exercising and
keeping the diet under check. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Well, let’s have a look at the more
complex side of it. Although, weight loss is nothing but burning more calories than intake, there
are no magic ways to achieve it, machines and tablets cannot burn calories and manage
metabolism.The only ideal and proven way over years for burning calories is physical
activity.However, while doing so, making sure it is safe and gives you the most health benefits
depending on your constitution, becomes an essential part of one’s weight loss regime. Dancing
or brisk walking many a times may hurt your knees if you are already obese, (Our body during
such activities exerts load equivalent to 6G Six times your load on the joints).Yoga takes care of
nurturing one’s physical as well as mental health, but it should be followed under medical
supervision to address any health problems. Such a regime, combined with a balanced diet
could always bring about ideal weight loss. One may not reap rich, desirable benefits if either of
the two lacks, for they go hand-in-hand.  
Dr Ashiwini Keskar BHMS & PG Dietetic;9892597152
Wellness PLaces Near You
Book Your Space
Just 999*
Call us on
-Advance Facial
[Hair Straightening,Hairspa,Haircut 2999/- onwards]
Bridal Orders Accepted
Packages also available[999/-,1999/-,2999/-]
Shop No.42,Shree Ganesh Angan Co-op, Hosing Society,
Near Pizza Hut & McDonalds Thakur Village, Kandivali(E),Mumbai 400 101.
99304 19121
98928 59966
Dipika Chauhan
Conditions Apply*
A healthy attitude is contagious but don’t wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.
Wellness Explorer is our special section where Wellness Chakra takes you on a journey of exploration to a place nearby which offers products or services based on a new
or innovative concept. The destination for our maiden journey this month is Mineralz – The Wellness Shop, of Naturo Healthplus in Thakur Village, Kandivali that has
become a buzz in the area.
The promoter of this concept is Mr. Tribhuvan Kapdi, an IITian Chemical Engineer and
Salt-Technologist. While travelling various countries, he found Himalayan Rocksalt highly
popular for wellness and health. Naturo Healthplus was formed about 10 years ago and has
been a pioneer in bringing similar benefits to India. His team has done a lot of R&D on rocksalt
and has come up with more than 20 different products that are suited to Indian conditions.
Himalayan Rocksalt is the purest form of salt and contains energy stored over millions of
years. Its positive energy and wellness properties make it popular for use in various products.
Himalayan Rocksalt lamp consists of rocksalt crafted in various shapes and sizes, with a bulb
assembly attached below. When lit, the light passes through the crystals producing a soothing
glow and the heat causes the release of negative ions which help reduce pollution and
enhance quality breathing required for healthy brain, body and soul.
We all have experienced how refreshing it is spending time near the ocean, a waterfall or a hill
station. This is because all of these areas have a higher concentration of negative ions to
positive ones. In this E-world we are continuously exposed to massive amount of harmful
positive ions from our latest gadgets and gizmos and we are already witnessing its ill effects
on us. More and more cases of asthma, bronchitis, anxiety, stress, nervousness, lack of
concentration and social disorders are being reported even in babies. In our daily packed
schedule where we can’t find time for even our loved ones; we cannot imagine going out for vacation often to rejuvenate ourselves at a place closer to nature. But with
the help of Himalayan Rock Salt lamps we can convert the environment into one that has fresher and healthier air – creating an aura of positivity and tranquility even
Naturo Himalayan Rocksalt Lamp can be placed anywhere indoors, but placing it at certain locations can provide more benefits.
• Placing a lamp on the office table can help to reduce stress and keep one refreshed, also protecting from radiation-effects
• A lamp in the bedroom can not only spice up your love life but also help getting a sound sleep
and keep all the respiratory problems at bay
• A child’s concentration level can be increased by placing a lamp by the study table
• Keeping a lamp besides a patient’s bed can have therapeutic effect and help in faster recovery
• A lamp in the meditation room can take one’s meditation practice to the next level
Mineralz – The Wellness Shop has a large variety of rocksalt lamps in various sizes and shapes, and everyone is sure to find one as per his/ her liking. These include the
Rock Lamp (unique pieces of art), the Pyramid Lamp (specially designed for Vastu), the Globe Lamp (popular for Feng shui), Firebowl (resembling fiery crystals), the
elegant Oil-drop Lamp and USB-powered lamps that are easily portable with the laptop. Whats more, Naturo also has 5 different shapes of Tea-Lights that can be lit with a
candle, for use on a dining table, near a window, in a spa, and during festive seasons for decor and lighting.
These lamps are very popular as gifts for oneself as well as others. Can there be a better gift, than one that is pure and natural, excellent for enhancing the decor, and gives
positive energy plus health benefits? Whats more, these cost lesser than even the fancy lamp-shades we get in gift shops.
They also have Aromatic spa salts and soaps, essential oils, cooking plates & salad bowls, pain relief products (acupressure salts, relief bags, detox blocks, massage
balls), Rocksalt tiles, and a lot more.
Naturo Healthplus, with its vast experience and expertise in Himalayan Rocksalt
products, also supplies turnkey projects for Himalayan Rocksalt Wellness Spa, a
new concept in India. Their team has already set up a Salt Spa in Mysore and
looking to set up a few more in other cities, to continue on its mission of spreading
wellness and bringing innovative ideas
to life.
In case you too would like to get a
first-hand experience of these amazing
natural articles, you can visit their shop
at the below address or visit their
website for more information.
Wellness Explorer
Rocksalt Lamps at Mineralz – The Wellness Shop
Mineralz - The Wellness Shop,
Shop no. 6, Viceroy Court, Thakur Village, Kandivali-East, Mumbai 400101.
Phone: 022-28856695, Email:-, Web:
Rock Salt Spa - Mysore
A Project of Naturo Healthplus

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Wellness chakra journal august 2015

  • 1. width : 8.1694” height: 5.2096z” For Advertise earth to live joyously and abundantly. They are p u r e spiritual beings of divine light and they carry positive vibrations love and peace. They do not belong to a particular religion and are mentioned in most of the religious scriptures. Angels do not possess emotions like us and they only have unconditional love for each and every creation of god. We may not believe in them but they definitely believe in us. They see our true potential and encourage us to unearth it. It is said “Every blade of grass has an angel that bends over it and whispers: Grow! Grow!” Angels can however help us only when we ask for their help as God has given us free will and Say Hello to Angels! Happy is the heart that believes in Angels”- No truer words have been said! Happiness is elusive in lives of people today and they keep searching for it all their lives. It is said that happi- ness is within us and it is up to us to dig within and discover it! While many have been able to discover it, there are those who need help and in this quest there can be no more true and powerful allies than Angels. Angels undoubtedly take us to this destination called “Happi- ness” and help us live our lives to the fullest. When we talk about Angels who exactly are these beings? The word Angels has been taken from the Greek word “Angelos” which means “Messenger”. Angels are messengers of god who are there to help each and every soul incarnated on this they can’t intervene or influence free will of any person. Rest assured when you call them for help they will surely respond. You don’t need any spiritual training, invocation, chant to invoke them; a simple request for help is enough. Connecting to them is as easy as connecting to a friend in the physical world and it is absolutely safe. Angels make t h e i r p r e s e n c e felt through s p e c i f i c n u m b e r s , o d o u r s , f e a t h e r s etc. They have the power to open doors of opportu- nities and b r i n g s u c c e s s , h o w e v e r they cannot do our karma for us, and it is up to us to walk through the opened doors. The best thing about Angel Miracles is that they HAPPEN!!. No matter how many times you ask for their help, resolution to problems, they invariably come to the rescue. In today’s world where so many are being engulfed by depres- sion and negativity it is impera- tive that help of these divine wellnesschakra Dear Readers, Welcome to Wellness Chakra! With great pleasure do we introduce our monthly journal. Wellness is a term that comes with a profound, deep-rooted meaning. It is about creating an aura around one’s self whose influence is felt in the most optimistic way possible. It’s about striking the right balance between the physical, intellectual, mental, occupational and emotional existences. With our monthly journals, we plan to promote an overall wellness, balancing all elements of wellness wheel(chakra) of one’s being and motivate all our readers to be hale, hearty and able-bodied. We will strive to execute our goal with sincer- ity and dedication, with exceptional gusto and ultimate spirit. Till then, Stay Healthy, Stay Happy and Keep reading. -Team Wellness Chakra Our Desk August Edition,Kandivali (East) Free Circulation (12,000 copies) No Medicines, No Scary Diet ONLY NUTRITIOUS RECIPES!!!!!!!! Archana Shah Founder & Chief Dietitian 09167975321 A complete weight loss & lifestyle management programme will help you to lose weight in a healthy way. Living Healthier life is now possible without exercise. Weight Loss Diabetes Cholesterol Blood Pressure Post Pregnancy PCOD /archanashah.healthyu Heal Yourself Free For suggestions or to contribute in the form of articles or advertisement Call us on 9819939971 Email:- Contd. on Page3
  • 2. Pg:2 The wellness of health is created, conceived and enjoyed in mind than in body. wellnesschakra Tell us something about your life journey emphasizing on New Diet System?? About twenty five years ago , I was constantly suffering from some or the other disease. There was not a single treatment that I had not tried. I experimented with every possible medicine – be it Allopathy, Homeopathy or Ayurveda. But all of this only offered temporary relief. So I started exercising. I got into rigorous exercising for a very long time. That too, was not up to the mark. So I inclined myself towards Yoga, practicing vivid Yogasanas. Gradually, I became a Yoga teacher. I took up Reiki and also started running a laughter club. The results still did not fulfill my expectations and satisfaction. By God’s grace, in Febru- ary 1993, I came across something that opened my third eye, this New Diet System eliminated all my diseases within no time. I thought of expanding this concept by experimenting on my wife, family and friends. The theory worked wonders for each one of them. So, what is the New Diet System? The new concept is based on the Raw Food Theory and Fasting, of Ram Charit Manas and practical method of implementa- tion. The system is based on law of mother nature and recommends to take natural food in natural form (without cooking). Where do you see the New Diet System in the coming years? It is my strong desire to propagate the New Diet System in the entire world. ‘World without Medicine’ has become our mission. There is no need of treatments, exercises or medicines. All animals, birds and creatures existing in this world do nothing to get rid of diseases. They recover on their own. That is why, to attain a healthy condition, I’m preaching this theory based on my personal experience. As you mentioned that ‘World without Medicine’ is your global mission, can you tell us the methods or procedures involved in it and how is it different from the world of normal medicines? Ayurveda teaches us one thing – ‘Langanam Parama Aushadham’ which means Fasting is a super medicine. It teaches one to eliminate diseases developed by eating wrong foods. This elimination can be done by Fasting. By fasting, the body is able to cleanse and heal itself and recover from any diseases. Just like how it is in other living beings. They normally don’t catch sickness. But when they do, they stop the intake of food. This made us believe in the theory of fasting. During fasting, the body throws away all the waste and unwanted debris accumulated in it over time. With this, we started using other fluids like juices made from green leafy vegetables and amlas – to cleanse the body. The use of enema also proved to be very useful for digestion. We carried out experiments on a large mass which brought out miraculous results. This also proved to be helpful in eradicating cancer. How should a normal person implement the New Diet System in his lifestyle packed with routines and schedules? WellnessChakra felicitates Sir B.V.Chauhan with a certificate of appreciation for his magnificent work. It is very simple. ‘Being Natural’. This includes everything. Today, we have started believing more in Science, leaving aside the Almighty and his natural wonders. We have been bonded by scientific rules and regulations, while we should be accept- ing and eating what nature has to give to us. We have started looking for supplementary vitamins and proteins while we are the ones who destroy these essential nutrients by heating the food. Once the food is heated, all the proteins, vitamins, minerals and other essential components are destroyed. This has become the major reason behind many diseases. What are the common mistakes we make in our day-to-day diet? Milk is said to be a very healthy food. It is said to be a very important source of essential nutrients. But, it’s a misconception. It’s been 22 years since we have stopped consuming milk, and we’re still hale and hearty – both physically and mentally. So, we realized our two mistakes. The first being – eating heated food. The second – consuming animal products. The third mistake is the intake of water more than required. But, we worked on all of these mistakes, started eating natural foods, avoiding man-made ones, with limited water intake and our health improved drastically. We see a lot of people struggling with cancer, diabetes and many such diseases. So, if we apply the New Diet System there, how would it make a difference? As I said, Fasting, Enema and a Green healthy juice are the best options. Not only do they shoo away diabetes, but also problems like migraine, cough, BP. Within just a few days, you see them gone. Also, cancer could be eradicated which would take a while, depending upon what level it has reached. In short, enema, fasting and juices can be used for an effective inner cleansing of the body. The preferred ratio is 70% raw food and 30% of cooked food like roti, sabzee and rice. By implementing this in our daily lives, our life has become disease – free and truly joyful.This has not only brought about a better change in our body, but also in our lives as a whole. So, this is a way of changing our lifestyle. But we all have been taking medicines, treatments and supplementaries to eliminate our diseases since quite a while now. So, how to break this chain of medicines and unnatural elements? Well, this is quite a good question that you have placed here. It is simply about changing the future, which is definitely in the youth’s hands. But this cycle cannot be changed only by talks. Kids see what they are shown. They might not listen to you, but they definitely observe your actions and follow them. So, it is necessary for parents to follow the system themselves for their kids to put it into practice. Also, increased inclination of the mass towards articial, scientific elements like doctors is not the best thing in the world. But, doctors are not to be blamed for this. The education system is to be blamed. Kids or even adults are misguided regarding issues of health and physical fitness. But this has to change. And only we can be the instrument of this change. Any piece of advice to our viewers and readers in general? The message is simple. Once we have realized our mistake, we have to reflect upon it and try improving it. Let’s try fixing the laws of nature if we have broken them. Let’s try making our lives better by accepting and consuming what nature has to offer. Let’s try being parallel on the other side with nature. Let’s connect with nature and let it heal our bodies with utter love, warmth and affection. Meet Mr. B. V. Chauhan, the promoter of New Diet System who is on a noble mission of serving the mass selflessly to eradicate our never- ending diseases and sufferings.Wellness Chakra was fortunate enough to be able to cover one of his very many motivating seminars and honor him with a well-meant certificate of appreciation. Wellness Encounters Address: EMP 1, 101, Thakur Village, Near Federal Bank, Kandivali (East), Mumbai 400101. Mrs Afshan Nafis (M.A, B.Ed, PGDC) Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, DMIT Consultant 9820074221 Potentialities Abilities Multiple Intelligence Personality Brain Dominance Learning Style IQ, EQ, AQ, CQ Management Skills ...etc Also Counselling of Psychological Issues Reiki Tarot Workshops DMIT (Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test) Your Fingerprints reveal your INBORN Useful for all specially STUDENTS Age..3 years onwards Wellness Encounters Check for full seminar video on:
  • 3. “A fit, healthy body-- that is the best fashion statement." wellnesschakra Pg:3 Physical 10 Minutes Workout Using Yoga Mat. The importance of physical fitness cannot be emphasized enough. In today’s society which is moving towards more sedentary lifestyle needs to increase their daily activities to gain a healthy and fit life. Staying active means to keep your body functioning at high level. Exercises should not be boring but it should be something that you enjoy and which increases your overall happiness and reduces your stress, depression and anxiety. Try to find out some activities that you enjoy or you can also join a buddy who can accompany you and make your workouts fun. Health benefits of mat exercises:- 1) Improves core strength - Core muscles comprise abdominal muscles, lower back muscles and gluteal (pelvic floor) muscles. Mat exercises continuously activate core group of muscles and make it strong. 2) Promotes muscular strength and endurance - When we talk about endurance there are 2 types, Cardio vascular endurance and muscular endurance. Most of us do cardio vascular endurance by jogging, swimming, cycling etc. Mat exercises help to improve muscle endurance by continuously activating muscle cells. 3) Optimize body composition - Our body has certain amount of fat and muscle tissues. Regular practice of mat exercises reduce amount of fat from our body especially from tummy, thighs, side fats etc. Thus you may get a perfect posture and physique. 4) Maintain spine health - Most of the cases of back pain relates to lack of core stability or lower back muscles weakness. To prevent low back pain one must do mat exercises especially useful for post pregnancy back pain, old aged, sports person etc 5) Useful in rehabilitation of back and leg pains - Also very useful in rehabilitation to recover from conditions like low back pain, trauma, disc prolapsed, spondylosis, arthritis etc. Let’s take a look at few useful exercises which you can complete in almost around in 10 minutes:- Prone Hold/ Plank exercise Exercise Description -Maintain the position as shown in picture -Hold this posture where body is align and back is straight -Hold it in the same position for 40-50 seconds depend on your tolerance -While performing you need to keep your abs muscles contracted(tight) -Take 40 seconds rest while moving to next exercise. -Useful to strengthen core and back muscles. Double Leg Bridging Exercise Exercise Description -As shown in starting position body should be supine. Head, upper back, arms ,lower back on the floor, while knee is bend at 90 degrees. -Now you should start lifting your lower back until it reaches to straight alignment. Hold the position for 3 seconds, again come down to normal position. -Repeat this movement 8-10 times, take 30 seconds rest before moving to next exercise. -Helps to strengthen lower back and thigh muscles. Russian Twists: Exercise Description -Upper and lower body should be uplifted off from the ground. -Body is balanced on buttocks which needs lots of body control and core stability. -Twist both hands together to one side and other side continuously while keeping legs stable. -Dynamic workout for abdominal oblique muscles. Repeat at least 15 times each side. Bicycle Exercise Description -Starting in supine position while both hands resting back to your neck -Elevate your hands and legs like one elbow touches to opposite knee, switch to other side. -Continue this movement 30 times. -Useful to burn calories and abs strength. Mountain climbers: Exercise Description -Starting position is same like push ups as shown in picture. -Quick movement of one leg towards chest and switch over to other leg -Continue for 30 seconds, take 40 seconds rest before next exercise. -Burns lots of calories and improves endurance. -Dr. Abhishek Thakar(Sports Physiotherapist) Contd. from Pg.1 beings be taken to win over daily battles, overcome hurdles and most importantly to never give up on ourselves and our lives! negative energies, healing for aura as well as physical bodies, prosperity and success in career. Those who regularly contact their angels see great positive changes in their lives. They feel radiant, at peace and positive about their future. They know that they’re not alone, because they have their spiritual friends watching over them. So everyone out there who is reading this article, if you really want to bring 360 degree positive change in your lives then Look Up, take a leap of faith and Say Hello to the Angels as they are nearer than you think!! -Preeti Mehta(Angel Healer and Life Coach)
  • 4. Pg:4wellnesschakra WELLNESS OF CHILDREN – A PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE In raising healthy children, it is not enough to just focus on the physical aspect of health. To be truly healthy, a child’s physical health must be nurtured and strengthened due to which developing a mental attitude of wellness is also essential. The wellness of a child largely depends on his/her ability to deal with things psychologically. The Concept A research on psychology, namely Child Psychol- ogy, focuses on: •What does a child do, how and why does he do it? •How can he be of use in any field? •What will a child become when he grows up? •What can be done to ensure that he will become what he wants to? Child Psychology focuses its research on moral, emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual and develop- mentalaspects which are very general and common to children.Psychologists have developed many theoriesreferring to Psychosexual Development (Freud),Cognitive Developmental Theory (Kohlberg), Social Theory(Albert Bandura), that focus on different aspects necessary for wellness and development of positive attitude. A Child’s Mind Children have much more control over their own mental health than we may think. The mind is a very powerful mechanism with miraculous control over health and healing. The more children learn to use the extraordinary power of their mind, the healthier and happier they will be. A wellness approach would be to say to them “You are so strong and healthy that you probably won’t develop cold”, instead of directly saying in a much negative manner, “You won’t catch cold”. There has been much research on the relationship of wellness and attitude. It suggests that even cancer and heart diseases are strongly related to a person’s inner attitude. Dr. Dyer suggests two elements that will help children as much as physical components – using visualization and having a sense of humor. These are as important as diet and exercise. Visualization puts the imagination to work to help achieve a desired outcome. It is a process of creating positive thoughts and images in the mind to communicate with the body. Children can be taught to regularly see themselves and their minds as being radiantly healthy, vibrant and actively participating in whatever activities they want to do. As I have small children, once in a while they ask me “Mumma, where is God? Who is that God, you are praying to?” Sometimes they act closing their eyes, in the hope that may be God would be visible when we close our eyes. All this make me laugh and it becomes difficult to covey. But then I recollect my childhood that, I also had same questions, in fact most of us had same questions. We did not see Him but we used to pray that God please tell my parents to get me huge size teddy bear, please tell my parents to get me a new cycle, and if it is too hot summer, we used to pray for cool breeze so that we can play with great fun. We used to pray, God, please tell my teacher, not to take class test today. God please keep the heavy rain falls inside your clouds till I can reach to my class room Please tell my mother not to scold me for anything. And so on…endless times we recited His name but all without reasoning and going in depth. If you would have asked me then who is God? What makes him God? What miracles HE does? None of those questions would have had any meaning to me. All I knew was that He was listening whenever I talked to Him, wherever I talked to him, as long as I really meant what I said. Whatever I wanted He was the address. That is all about the GOD whom I am praying since childhood and that is same God to whom I pray now as an adult. Yes, that time my heart was sacred and divine. I knew no better, now I have a mind of my own. I read books, studied from teachers, learned and bloomed in the influence of my charming Gardeners. I discuss, I argue, I realize, I sit I scrutinize, I scan and I investigate my contempla- tions. Why all this happen? Why we keep searching who is that God whom we prayed as a child. Why we need answers? Let us pray to Him with purity and innocence. Let us talk to Him by putting aside all our philosophy and reasoning, all the contemplations and realizations and let us pray with the mind of a small child. -Shashi Dip(Spiritual Blogger) Positive imagery is very helpful to children who are overweight, who have acne and other skin diseases, and need to establish a better self image. Laughter is a strong healer and health builder. When children laugh, they are actually releasing into their blood stream chemicals, which are necessary for the prevention and cure of diseases. The Parental Approach We all, parents know what struggle we make to encourage our child to eat foods that are essential to health and to avoid junk food! Children can have negative unhealthy lifestyles that contribute to sickness. When they are young, we can pretty easily restrict the things we know which are unhealthy for them. But as they grow older, they feel deprived and would probably rebel when we ask them to do the same. They need to know that they have a choice - they can either choose good health and wellness or opt for poor health and sickness. It becomes very important to give them freedom and decide for themselves and at the same time, guide them and keep them grounded to bring about their overall developmental wellness. In his book ‘What Do You Really Want For Your Children?’, Dr. Wayne Dyer says, “The more children learn from you to rid themselves of attitudes that foster sickness, the more you are helping them to enjoy life each day.” They will actually live longer and more productive lives if they learn about wellness as very young children. Let them have fun with friends, parents or neighbours. Let parents be a little crazy and silly, and laugh with children as much as they can. Each good belly laugh means that you and your child are becoming more physically and psychologically sound. -Dr. Arefa Mansuri (Associate Professor,St. Xavier’s College.) DALIA UPMA INGREDIENTS Dalia (broken wheat) – 3 tbsp 1 bowl of mix vegetables (onion, tomato, carrot, beans, capsicum) Ginger- ½ inch Green chillies – as per taste Jeera (cumin seed) – ½ tsp Black pepper powder - pinch Salt- as per taste Oil –½ tsp METHOD •Take one bowl of roasted dalia and soak it in warm water for half an hour. After half an hour strain it and wash it under fresh water for half a minute. Leave it aside. •In a pan put some oil. When it heats up put some jeera(cumin seeds). When it crackles, add chopped onions. Fry the onions till they turn golden brown. Add chopped chillies ginger, capsicum, beans and carrot. Sauté all the vegetables for five minutes. •Make a puree of tomatoes add it to the vegetables. Again fry for a minute. Now add salt to taste. Add either red chilli powder or black pepper powder according to your taste. •Now add the dalia(broken wheat). Make sure all the water is strained out from dalia. Keep stirring for few minutes. Garnish with coriander leaves. •Serve with coriander mint chutney. NUTRITIVE VALUE Energy (kcals) 180.00 Protein (g) 3.00 Carbohydrates (g) 27.00 Fat (g) 6.00 MOONG DAL AND SPINACH IDLI INGREDIENTS Yellow moong dal (split yellow gram) raw– 3 tbsp Blanched and roughly chopped spinach – 3/4th cup Green chillies, roughly chopped – as per taste Fresh low-fat curd – 1 tbsp Salt - to taste Fruit salt- ½ tsp Oil – 1/4th tsp METHOD •Combine the yellow moong dal (soaked for 3 hours and drained), spinach and green chillies and blend in a mixer to a smooth paste without using any water. •Transfer the mixture into a bowl, add the curd and salt and mix well. Just before steaming, add the fruit salt to the batter and pour 2 tsp water over it. •When the bubbles form, mix gently. •Grease the idli moulds using minimum oil, put spoonful of the batter into idli moulds and steam in a steamer for 10 to 12 minutes or till the idlis are cooked. •Cool slightly, de mould and serve. NUTRITIVE VALUE Energy (kcals) 130.00 Protein (g) 6.5 Carbohydrates (g) 25.00 -Archana Shah(Chief Dietician) Who says healthy food cannot be tasty? We at Wellness Chakra are dedicated to make your life healthy & tasty. Psych-Connect Healthy Bites Wellness Diaries LET US GROW AND LEARN WHILE, NEVER LEAVING CHILD BEHIND If a child cannot learn in the way we teach, we must teach in a way the child can learn.
  • 5. Pg:5Beauty is about enhancing what you have. Let yourself shine through wellnesschakra Co-Op.Housing Society and its Statutory Compliances In our maiden edition we thrive to make the life of committee members of the coopera- tive society simpler. Rtn. CA Shilpa Shinagare- a Practicing Chartered Accountant, residing in Lokhawandwala Township Kandivali(E) and Guru in Co-operative Housing society matters; shares latest updates on important provisions of laws, rules & bye laws for a successful society management. CA Shilpa Shinagare B.Com.,FCA,DISA(ICAI) Practising Chartered Accountant The Statutory Compliances introduced by 97th Constitutional Amendment and subse- quent amendments to the Maharashtra State Co-Op.Act of 1960 , Co-Op.Housing Societies, in my opinion ,are aimed to be at par with any other body corporate in India. The responsibilities cast on the managing committee and the office bearers for smooth functioning of the Co-Op.Housing Society makes it a chanllanging job for those at the helm of affairs due to the time that they can devote to the activities of the society taking care of their own personal and professional responsibilities and also to some extent because of the lack of knowledge or unawareness of the various provisions of the Act,Rules and Bye laws of the Maharashtra Co-Op.Societies Act, 1960 and also the provisions of other allied Acts like Income Tax & Service Tax mainly. The effort has been made to list down some of the important provisons that a Housing Society needs to take care wrt“AAAMIO” i.e Accounts, Audit , AGM ,Mandatory Returns, Income Tax Returns filing and submission of Audit Rectification report in“O”form . AAAMIO Deadlines: A- Accounts to be finalized with 45 days from the close of the Co-op.year i,e.15th May. A- Audit to be completed within 4 months from the close of the Co-Op.year ie.31st July. A- AGM to be conducted on or before 30th September. M-Mandatory Returns u/s 79(1A) & (1B) to be uploaded with Dept.of Co-operation by 30th Sept & 31st October respectively. I- Inocme Tax returns to be filed by each and every Co-Op.Housing Society by 30th Sept. O-Audit Rectification report in form“O” to be submitted to the office of the Registrar by the society within three months from the date of submission of the audit report . I’m a Proud Committee member and My Sweet Responsibilities towards my CHS: Mandatory adoption of Model Bye laws of 2014 at the earliest. Classify the members’ portfolio in Active and Non-Active by 31st March and intimate the Non-Active member of his classification by 30th of April in Form W. The Audited Accounts alongwith the report of the Auditor first needs to be approved in the Managing committee meeting. The status of rectification or compliances to the Audit report needs to be placed in the AGM. The Statutory Auditor needs to be appointed should be a Panel Auditor and should be appointed by General Body. The Statutory Auditor needs to be appointed only for the current year. The same Statutory Auditor should not be appointed for a period of more than three consecutive years. The consent in writing needs to be obtained from the Statutory Auditor appointed by the AGM within one month from his appointment. The society needs to register itself with website of Department of Co-operation before uploading the mandatory returns( The mandatory returns giving various details such as Annual Report, Audited Accounts, Ammendments to Bye laws if any, Disposal of surplus if any decided in AGM, Due date of forthcoming elections etc.needs to be uploaded in form Y on or before 30th Sept. Upload the Details of the Statutory Auditor alongwith his written consent within one month from the date of AGM i.e.latest by 31st October. The Audit Rectification Report in form “O” needs to be submitted by the CHS within 3 months from the date of the submission of the Audit Report. Undoubtedly, some or probably a major chunk of help is needed to abide by all such rules, duties and norms for which, we have experts like CA Shilpa Shinagare who would effortlessly guide and advise one to manage, comply and co-ordinate activities which are essential for the smooth functioning of a Co-op.Housing Society. For Free seminar on Model byelaws, Election rules, Deemed conveyance , training to society managers etc. Feel Free To Be In Touch wid CA Shilpa Shinagare @ or 9820053395/53495 Bodyography Veil Foundation Primer What it is: Veil Foundation Primer prepares your skin for flawless makeup application with its highperformance quality. This in turn, will create an even skin tone, filling in fine lines and restoring shine which makes your skin look radiantly beautiful. Product Description The Bodyography Veil Foundation Primer is -Contents: Vitamins A, E, Green Tea Extract, Grape Seed Extract, Jojoba, seaweed extracts. -Completely oil free with the best formulation of anti-oxidants, vitamins A and E. -Suitable for all skin types, -acts as a rejuvenated therapy for dull and tired looking skin. -Used widely among major professional artists. - Makes the skin feel instantly silky smooth, consistent in tone & texture. -Provides sun-screen protection & anti-ageing effects. Key Features: •Its non greasy formula quickly absorbs into skin creating the perfect canvas for your foundation/make-up. •A Weightless Anti-aging Primer •Gives Skin a Silky Smooth, Long-lasting, Flawless Base •Fills in fine lines and wrinkles •Prevents Collagen Breakdown •Keeps the make-up intact for 6-7 hours without any touch-ups or an AC-environment. •Safe for under eye use. How To Use: •For a flawless finish, apply Bodyography Veil Foundation Primer after your normal skin care regiment, but before foundation. •Just a small premeasured squirt is all you need to cover your entire face and neck, then let it set for a couple of minutes before applying your foundation/makeup! (Can be used underneath foundation, tinted moisturizer, powder, or on its own to smooth fine lines and neutralize the skin.) Pros of Veil Foundation Primer: * Makes the skin very soft and smooth. * Very little foundation is required when used on top of this primer. * Acts as an awesome base on which your normal makeup looks more vibrant. * Does not result in breakouts. * Blends effortlessly with the foundation. * Waterproof. Cons of Veil Foundation Primer: •Price is on the higher end. •Available mostly online (Especially, on •One has to try the tinted versions of the same to conceal dark circles and redness. •Contains Silicones. Which One Is For You? This incredible foundation is available in 6 corrective and bronzing shades: •Clear The original, best selling clear formula. •Green Erases redness and reduces the appearance of blotchiness. •Neutral Conceals dark circles under eyes, and adds warmth to skin. •Purple Evens out shallow skin tones, and brightens the skins appearance. •Tahitian Glow Bronzing + shimmer. Perfect for creating a sultry sun-kissed look. •Monaco Matte Bronzing without shimmer. Gives a fresh summer look. -Zubair Quraishi(Make Up Artist) Beauty Money Matters Financial Wellness is the balance between having a healthy state of well-being today while preparing financially for tomorrow. It is not necessarily about being wealthy, but it is a state of psychological well being in which one feels they have control over their current finances and financial future. Maintaining that balance consists of being comfortable with where your money comes from and where it is going.
  • 6. Pg:6Where health is the destination, wellness is the journey. wellnesschakra HEALTHY HOLIDAYS Kamalaya,Kindling Your Inner Potential Nestling in the lap of Koh Samui(Thailand), the third largest Thai island, is Kamalaya – A perfect wellness as well as a holiday destination. The goal of Kamalaya is to bring about an overall well being of their clients for whom they carry out a number of programs, seminars, private classes and group retreats. Kamalaya is a wellness sanctuary as well as a holistic resort which is an ultimate go-to place for anyone who seeks mental stability, bliss and tranquility. Accommodation: Are you a beach person? A sea lover? Or do you love walking along the fresh, beautiful gardens? Well, Kamalaya has top notch accommodations to go with every person’s moods and likes. The place has luxurious accommodations which include sea view villas, super suites, beach front villas, garden pool villas and pent houses to name a few. The highlight of Kamalaya is the beautiful natural elements that surround it. The healing aromas, the goodness of the wild, yet green sights, and the soundness of the great wilderness and melodious, harmonious natural tunes are not only breathtaking, but also bring peace and happiness to one’s body, mind and soul. For all the adventurous souls, there are activities like swimming, rock climbing, sailing, snorkeling, hiking and mountain biking. After all that hassle, a bit of balance and composure is surely very essential for which there are arrangements for meditation, weight training, Pilates, Oi Gong, Tai Chi and more – to keep one’s self healthy and rejuvenated. Yoga: At Kamalaya, one could have a special, holistic Yoga experience – for which there are several facilities like private yoga classes, international teachers and group yoga treats. There are three beautiful, chamber-like places in Kama-laya - namely Yoga Pavilion, Yoga Sala and Yantra House where yoga activities are carried out. Cuisine: Kamalaya is ever so keen on the health of an individual that it never compromises on the quality of food that is served. The Kamalaya cuisine is all about organic recipes and nutritious raw food dishes. Low fat, low sugar food and an optimum detox diet certainly makes for healthy, happy guests. Kamalaya also provides a number of dining areas and cafés, swimming pools, yoga chambers with lavish wooden floorings and a library where one could leisurely indulge himself in the literary world. A therapeutic meditation technique aimed at achiev- ing a body-mind balance and inner happiness. There is a vast line of wellness programs that Kama- laya offers. Ranging from detox cleansing and stress manage-ment programs to weight loss and therapeutic spa treat-ments- it has it all. Also, there are tailor made programs of Naturopathy, Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine which stimu-late one’s over all fitness. Kamalaya surely is a symbol of awakening and health, with which it is able to provide a relaxed, inspiring and a comforting environment. A life-enriching experience and a soul-soothing life style. Health Entertainment
  • 7. Pg:7Identify your problems but give your power and energy to solutions wellnesschakra ADDRESS:Shop No,4,Building No,48, Evershine Millennium Paradise, Phase 5, Thakur Village,Kandivali (E), Mumbai Ph:28865822 / 28865280 / M:9769955201 1.Oxy Bleach Rs.1555/- Pearl / Oxy Facial / T.D. Full Waxing / Hair Wash Blow Dry 2.Cheryls Bleach Rs.1999/- Cheryls Facial Deep Conditioning Full Waxing 3.Christal Pedi Spa Rs.2222/- Christal Mani Spa Back Massage Head Massage Hair Wash Blow Dry 4.Full Body Massage Rs.2222/- Head Massage Pedi Spa Mani Spa 5.Cheryls Bleach Rs.3555/- Remilaure Facial Christal Mani Spa Christal Pedi Spa Full Waxing Timings- 9.00am-10.00pm Hair Wash + Hair Cut + Blowdry - Rs.555/- Pay Rs.1777/- & get Hair Cut, Highlights, Deep Conditioning HIGHLIGHT FREE with GLOBAL HAIR COLOUR 50% off on Straightening 30% off on Shine Bond Loreal Weight Loss With Calorie Burning One can easily lose weight by burning more calories than the calorie intake, by exercising and keeping the diet under check. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Well, let’s have a look at the more complex side of it. Although, weight loss is nothing but burning more calories than intake, there are no magic ways to achieve it, machines and tablets cannot burn calories and manage metabolism.The only ideal and proven way over years for burning calories is physical activity.However, while doing so, making sure it is safe and gives you the most health benefits depending on your constitution, becomes an essential part of one’s weight loss regime. Dancing or brisk walking many a times may hurt your knees if you are already obese, (Our body during such activities exerts load equivalent to 6G Six times your load on the joints).Yoga takes care of nurturing one’s physical as well as mental health, but it should be followed under medical supervision to address any health problems. Such a regime, combined with a balanced diet could always bring about ideal weight loss. One may not reap rich, desirable benefits if either of the two lacks, for they go hand-in-hand.   Dr Ashiwini Keskar BHMS & PG Dietetic;9892597152 Wellness PLaces Near You Book Your Space At Just 999* Call us on 9819939971 "SPECIAL OFFERS" REINVENT YOUR SKIN 1499/- -Threading(Eyebrows,upperlips) -Advance Facial -D-tan/Bleach -Manicure -Pedicure -Waxing(full-hands,half-legs) -Haircut [Hair Straightening,Hairspa,Haircut 2999/- onwards] Bridal Orders Accepted Packages also available[999/-,1999/-,2999/-] Shop No.42,Shree Ganesh Angan Co-op, Hosing Society, Near Pizza Hut & McDonalds Thakur Village, Kandivali(E),Mumbai 400 101. 99304 19121 98928 59966 Dipika Chauhan Conditions Apply*
  • 8. Pg:8 A healthy attitude is contagious but don’t wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier. wellnesschakra Wellness Explorer is our special section where Wellness Chakra takes you on a journey of exploration to a place nearby which offers products or services based on a new or innovative concept. The destination for our maiden journey this month is Mineralz – The Wellness Shop, of Naturo Healthplus in Thakur Village, Kandivali that has become a buzz in the area. The promoter of this concept is Mr. Tribhuvan Kapdi, an IITian Chemical Engineer and Salt-Technologist. While travelling various countries, he found Himalayan Rocksalt highly popular for wellness and health. Naturo Healthplus was formed about 10 years ago and has been a pioneer in bringing similar benefits to India. His team has done a lot of R&D on rocksalt and has come up with more than 20 different products that are suited to Indian conditions. Himalayan Rocksalt is the purest form of salt and contains energy stored over millions of years. Its positive energy and wellness properties make it popular for use in various products. Himalayan Rocksalt lamp consists of rocksalt crafted in various shapes and sizes, with a bulb assembly attached below. When lit, the light passes through the crystals producing a soothing glow and the heat causes the release of negative ions which help reduce pollution and enhance quality breathing required for healthy brain, body and soul. We all have experienced how refreshing it is spending time near the ocean, a waterfall or a hill station. This is because all of these areas have a higher concentration of negative ions to positive ones. In this E-world we are continuously exposed to massive amount of harmful positive ions from our latest gadgets and gizmos and we are already witnessing its ill effects on us. More and more cases of asthma, bronchitis, anxiety, stress, nervousness, lack of concentration and social disorders are being reported even in babies. In our daily packed schedule where we can’t find time for even our loved ones; we cannot imagine going out for vacation often to rejuvenate ourselves at a place closer to nature. But with the help of Himalayan Rock Salt lamps we can convert the environment into one that has fresher and healthier air – creating an aura of positivity and tranquility even indoors. Naturo Himalayan Rocksalt Lamp can be placed anywhere indoors, but placing it at certain locations can provide more benefits. • Placing a lamp on the office table can help to reduce stress and keep one refreshed, also protecting from radiation-effects • A lamp in the bedroom can not only spice up your love life but also help getting a sound sleep and keep all the respiratory problems at bay • A child’s concentration level can be increased by placing a lamp by the study table • Keeping a lamp besides a patient’s bed can have therapeutic effect and help in faster recovery • A lamp in the meditation room can take one’s meditation practice to the next level Mineralz – The Wellness Shop has a large variety of rocksalt lamps in various sizes and shapes, and everyone is sure to find one as per his/ her liking. These include the Rock Lamp (unique pieces of art), the Pyramid Lamp (specially designed for Vastu), the Globe Lamp (popular for Feng shui), Firebowl (resembling fiery crystals), the elegant Oil-drop Lamp and USB-powered lamps that are easily portable with the laptop. Whats more, Naturo also has 5 different shapes of Tea-Lights that can be lit with a candle, for use on a dining table, near a window, in a spa, and during festive seasons for decor and lighting. These lamps are very popular as gifts for oneself as well as others. Can there be a better gift, than one that is pure and natural, excellent for enhancing the decor, and gives positive energy plus health benefits? Whats more, these cost lesser than even the fancy lamp-shades we get in gift shops. They also have Aromatic spa salts and soaps, essential oils, cooking plates & salad bowls, pain relief products (acupressure salts, relief bags, detox blocks, massage balls), Rocksalt tiles, and a lot more. Naturo Healthplus, with its vast experience and expertise in Himalayan Rocksalt products, also supplies turnkey projects for Himalayan Rocksalt Wellness Spa, a new concept in India. Their team has already set up a Salt Spa in Mysore and looking to set up a few more in other cities, to continue on its mission of spreading wellness and bringing innovative ideas to life. In case you too would like to get a first-hand experience of these amazing natural articles, you can visit their shop at the below address or visit their website for more information. Wellness Explorer Rocksalt Lamps at Mineralz – The Wellness Shop Mineralz - The Wellness Shop, Shop no. 6, Viceroy Court, Thakur Village, Kandivali-East, Mumbai 400101. Phone: 022-28856695, Email:-, Web: Rock Salt Spa - Mysore A Project of Naturo Healthplus