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Unit 4 Notes
Civil War – Reconstruction
Election of 1848
• Whig Party Split
• Free-Soil Party – opposed slavery in the
western territories
• Martin Van Buren elected president
California Gold Rush
• 1848 Gold is discovered in California
• By 1849 more than 80,000 Forty-Niners
arrived looking for Gold
• Led to one of the largest migrations in
American history
Slavery in the Territories
• Wilmot Proviso - Proposed that any territory
gained from Mexico “neither slavery nor
involuntary servitude shall ever exist.”
• Popular Sovereignty – Citizens in each
territory should be allowed to decide if they
wanted to permit slavery
The Great Debate
• Secession – taking their states out of the Union
• Compromise of 1850
– California entered the Union as a Free State
– Popular Sovereignty in the Territories
– Fugitive Slave Law
– Slave Trade in D.C. Abolished
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
• Uncle Tom’s Cabin - Written by Harriet
Beecher Stowe. Changed the perception of
African -Americans and Slavery
• African – Americans were presented
as real people for the first time
• Southerners tried to have the book banned
Western Expansion
• Transcontinental Railroad – wanted to connect
the whole country
– Debate began over where it should run
• Gadsden Purchase – America bought the
southern tips of Arizona and New Mexico form
Mexico for $10 million
Kansas - Nebraska Act
• Kansas - Nebraska Act - Stephen Douglas
argued that Nebraska and Kansas should be
allowed popular sovereignty.
• Douglas wanted to undo the Missouri
Compromise and allow slavery in
Kansas but not Nebraska
Bleeding Kansas
• Kansas become the first battle ground for
those favoring the expansion of slavery
• Southerners rushed to the territory with their
slaves and Northerners rushed with the intent
of creating an antislavery majority
Harpers Ferry
• Incident at Harpers Ferry - Plan that was led
by John Brown that wanted to raid the federal
arsenal and “free and arm the enslaved
• Robert E. Lee led the US Army to put down the
• Brown’s plan to leave a
slave insurrection ended
with his capture
Harpers Ferry
• John Brown was tried and convicted on a
Virginia court
• He was sentenced to death
• Northerners saw his as a martyr for a noble
• Southerners believed that
Northerners were plotting to
murder slaveholders
Dred Scott vs. Sanford
• What are the issues before the supreme
• How did the court rule?
• What effects did this have on the country?
• In your opinion could the outcome of the case
been politically motivated?
Dred Scott Decision
• Dred Scott Decision
– was a slave from Missouri
– Sued for his freedom
– Declared that slaves were property
– Slaves were not citizens and could not use the
court system
Election of 1860
• Southerners blamed Republicans for what happened
at Harpers Ferry
• The Democratic Party split on the idea of slavery in
the territories.
• Lincoln nominated by the Republicans
• South vowed that if Lincoln was elected that they
would secede
• Lincoln did not even appear on Southern ballots
• South Carolina was the first state to secede.
• By February 6 more state had seceded
• Southerners believed that secession was in the
Revolutionary tradition and their rights as an
Compromise Fails
• As the southern states seceded Congress attempted
to find a compromise to save the union.
• Kentucky senator John J. Crittenden proposed a plan
known as the Crittenden’s Compromise
– Would extend the line drawn by the Missouri Compromise
to the border of California
• Lincoln rejected the plan
The Confederacy
• The southern state that seceded met in
Montgomery, Alabama and declared themselves that
Confederate States of America.
• They drafted a constitution based on
the ideas of the American Constitution
• They chose Mississippi senator
Jefferson Davis as the president of the
The Civil War
The Failure to Compromise
• Lincoln said that the national government
would not abandon its property in the south
• Said that the Union wouldn't use force in the
Northern Response to Southern
• March 1861 – Abraham
Lincoln took office as
President of the United States
• North said that the Union was
older than the states it had
created them
• Believed the Union had to be
• South believed that majority
rule was a threat to their
• North believed south was
pouting because they lost the
Crisis at Fort Sumter
• Confederate soldiers take over
government, military
• Fort Sumter—Union outpost in
Charleston harbor
• Confederates demanded
surrender of Fort Sumter
• Fort Sumter and Fort Pickens
needed supplies
- supply ships had been forced to
turn back after being fired on by
South Carolina gunners
Crisis at Fort Sumter
• Lincoln faced tough
decision concerning the
- Withdrawing the troops
would be recognizing the
- Sending supplies meant
risking war
- Reinforcing the fort
with force would also
lead rest of slave states
to secede
Crisis at Fort Sumter
• April 1861 - Lincoln announced that
he was sending relief expeditions
to the forts
– Meant he would fight if
• For South, no action would damage
sovereignty of Confederacy
• Jefferson Davis chose to turn
peaceful secession into war
• Confederate troops ordered the
Fort be turned over
• Union troops stood firm
• Confederates bombarded the
Fort for 33 hours before they
• Fort Sumter – First Shots of the
Civil War
The Upper South Secedes
• After the fall of Fort Sumter the upper south began
to secede
– Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas, Tennessee
• Lincoln sent troops to Maryland and imposed Martial
Choosing Sides
• Border states were the key to the war
• North had to have Maryland to keep contact with
Washington D.C.
- Lincoln ordered the arrest of lawmakers who had
supported the south
- Federal troops helped a group of western counties break
away from Virginia (West Virginia)
• War caused many families in the border states to spilt
Expecting a Short War
• That war came as no surprise
• Both sides had been arguing for years
• Everyone thought the war would be short
• Everyone was excited
Both Sides Strengths
• North
- Had more people
- Had most of the natural
resources (iron, coal,
- 86% of the nation’s
factories in the north
- Union kept almost every
ship in the navy
- More extensive railroad
- Lincoln’s leadership
• South
- Had better generals
- cotton profits
- Fighting a defensive war
(more of a will to fight)
• North
- Aimed to conquer south and
bring it back into the Union
- Didn’t have a strong enough
army to invade the south a the
- Anaconda plan: Union
strategy to conquer South
- blockade Southern
- divide Confederacy in
two in west
- capture Richmond,
Confederate capital
• South
- Only wanted to stay
- Wanted to avoid major battles
(hoped the north would get tired
of fighting)
- Invade North if opportunity
- Beginning of the war south
withheld cotton from Europe
(hoped Europe would help south
due to their need for cotton
- Europe found other places to
get cotton
The Two Armies
• 1861 – Union was unprepared to
- Many soldiers were city
• Southern army had organized
before the battle of Fort Sumter
• Southerners were used to
shooting guns
• Neither army had uniforms
(created confusion)
- Union wore blue
- Confederates wore grey
First Battle of Bull Run
• Union army was marching to
• Sightseers and picnickers followed
to watch the battle
• Thomas J. Jackson earned
nickname “Stonewall” for firm
stand in battle – 2nd in Command in
the Confederate Army
• Confederates forced the Union to
- Union army got tangled up with
the sightseer
• First Battle of Bull Run showed
that this was not going to be short
Union Armies in the West
• Protecting Washington,
• After Bull Run, Lincoln
called for 1 million
additional soldiers
• Appointed General
George McClellan to
lead the Union army
after Bull Run
Union Victories in the West
• Union captured New
• Feb. 1862 - General Ulysses
S. Grant captured
Confederate Forts Henry &
• Both held strategic locations
on the Tennessee &
Cumberland Rivers
Union Victories in the West
• Battle of Shiloh - Shiloh taught
that preparation was needed,
(Scouts, trenches & fortifications
• March 1862, Confederate troops
surprised Union soldiers at
• Grant counterattacked & forced
Confederates retreat
- Fiercest fighting of the war to
that point
- Both sides suffered heavy
• Showed that Confederacy was
vulnerable in West
A Revolution in Warfare
• New Weapons
- Rifles more accurate,
faster loading, fire more
rounds than muskets
- Minié ball (more
destructive bullet),
grenades, land mines were
- Fighting from trenches,
barricades new advantage
in infantry attacks
A Revolution in Warfare
• New ironclad ships
instrumental in victories of
Grant, Farragut
- Ironclads splinter wooden
ships, withstand cannon,
resist burning
• March 1862, North’s
Monitor, South’s Merrimack
fought to a draw
- 1st ever battle between
two ironclad warships
- The new ships were not a
decisive factor in the war
Union Victories in the West
• April 1862 - David G. Farragut
commanded fleet that took
New Orleans, Baton Rouge,
• Capturing all of the major cities
along the lower Mississippi
would cut Texas, Louisiana,
Arkansas, & Tennessee would
be cutoff
• Only Port Hudson, Louisiana &
Vicksburg Mississippi stood in
the way
The War for the Capitals
• 3rd part of Anaconda plan called
for the capture of Richmond
• McClellan waited to attack
Richmond (Too cautious)
- Drilled troops for 5 months
• Spring 1862 - Robert E. Lee took
command of Southern army
- Excellent general who had
declined an offer to head the
union army at the beginning of
the war
Seven Days Battles
• June 25 to July 1, 1862 - Lee & McClellan fought series of
battles known collectively as the Seven Days’ Battle
- South lost more men but forced north to retreat
• Lee’ determination and unorthodox tactics caused McClellan
leave Richmond
• Lee decided to invade the north
- Hoped a victory in the north would convince Lincoln to talk
- Hoped a victory would also persuade Europe to side with the
Second Battle of Bull Run
• August 29 & 30 1862 -
Lee won Second Battle
of Bull Run & marched
into Maryland
- Put Washington D.C. in
- Union troops had to
withdraw to protect it
Battle of Antietam
• Union army found a copy of
Lee’s battle plans
• Battle of Antietam - Bloodiest
single-day battle of the war
- 23,000 men died (more than
the war of 1812 & war with
Mexico combined)
• Ended in a draw
- Confederates retreat
- McClellan does not pursue
- Lincoln fired McClellan
• Considered a political victory for
the north
- Caused Europe to delay plans
to help the south
Emancipation Proclamation
• January 1, 1863 Lincoln issued
the Emancipation
• Emancipation Proclamation -
President Lincoln’s
announcement that he would
free the slaves in the rebelling
states (military strategy)
• Proclamation had symbolic
value by giving the war a high
moral purpose (Slavery)
Proclaiming Emancipation
• Lincoln’s didn’t believe the Federal government had
no power to abolish slavery where it existed
• Lincoln decided army could emancipate slaves who
labored for Confederacy ( Seizing supplies)
• Emancipation discouraged Britain from supporting
the South
• Abolitionist movement was strong in England
Emancipation Proclamation
• Northern Democrats
claimed it would
antagonize South &
prolong war
• Changed the character
of the war (The Old
South was to be
- Confederacy became
more determined to
preserve way of life
- Compromise was no
longer possible
Emancipation Proclamation
• Didn’t free the slaves in
the loyal border states
- Didn’t have the power
under the constitution
• Also declared that African
Americans could enter
the army
- Free blacks welcome
ability to fight against
- 54th regiment gained
fame attacking Fort
Wagner in South Carolina
African Americans Fight for Freedom
• African-American Soldiers
• African Americans 1% of
North’s population
• Made up 10% of army by the
end of the war
• Received lower pay than
white troops for most of war
& limited on military rank
• Suffered high mortality from
• POWs were killed or returned
to slavery
• Fort Pillow, TN - Confederates
massacred over 200 African-
American POWs
Both Sides Face Political Problems
• Neither side was completely
• Both sides had sympathizers
• Lincoln suspended habeas
- order to bring accused to
court & name charges
• Seized telegraph offices to
prevent them from being
used for subversion
Both Sides Face Political Problems
• Copperheads - Northern
Democrats advocating peace
were among those arrested
• Lincoln ignored Supreme
court ruling that stated he
had overstepped his
constitutional boundaries
• Davis denounced Lincoln,
then suspended habeas
corpus in South
• Lincoln expands presidential
powers & sets precedent
(War time)
• Both sides relied on volunteers in the beginning
• Casualties & desertions led to conscription - draft to
serve in army
• Both armies allowed draftees to hire substitutes to
serve for them
• Planters with more than 20 slaves were exempted
“Rich mans war poor mans fight”
• 90% eligible Southerners served
• 92% of the Northern soldiers were volunteers
Southern Shortages
• South experienced food shortages from lost
manpower, Union occupation & loss of slaves
• Caused inflation
• 1861 - $6.65 for food per month
• 1865 - $68 for food per month if available
• Blockade created other shortages (salt, sugar, coffee,
nails needles, & medicine)
• Some Confederates traded with enemy
• Smuggled cotton into the north in exchange for food,
gold or other goods
Northern Economic Growth
• Industries that supplied army boomed
• Contractors made huge profits
• Many workers’ standard of living dropped
• Wages do not keep up with prices
• Women replaced men on farms, city jobs &
government jobs
• Congress established first income tax on
earnings to pay for war
Civil War Medicine
• U.S. Sanitary Commission
worked to improve hygiene in
army camps
• It hired & trained nurses
• Dorothea Dix served
superintendent of women nurses
• Only hired women over 30 years
old to avoid romance
- Union death rate drops
• Surgeon general ordered at least
1/3 of Union nurses be women
• Union nurse Clara Barton served
on front lines
• Southern women also
volunteered as Confederate
The Two Armies
• Didn’t have antiseptics
– germ killing drugs
• Didn’t have anesthetics
– pain killing drugs
- Soldiers had to bite
bullets when being
operated on
• Living conditions in prisons
worse than in army camps
• Andersonville - worst
Confederate prison, in
– Had no shelter or
sanitation (men drank
from same stream that
served as sewer)
– Housed 33,000 prisoners
on 26 acres (34 sq. ft. per
– 1/3 of prisoners died
– Camp commander Henry
Witz was executed for war
crimes after war
Road to Gettysburg
• Both sides were tired of the war
• Blockade was killing the south’s economy ($1 to $7 )
• Northerners angry over the draft
• May 1863 - South defeated North at Chancellorsville
- Stonewall Jackson mistakenly shot by own troops
- Died 8 days later of pneumonia
• Lee led his army north to get supplies
• Also hoped for a peace settlement
Battle of Gettysburg
• Neither General intended to fight
- Troops ran into each other (Confederates go to find
shoes; meet Union cavalry)
• July 1, 1863 - Confederates drove Union back & took town
• The Second Day
- South attacked Union army
- Union army was Led by General George Meade on
Cemetery Ridge
- North repulsed repeated attacks on Little Round Top
- Many exhausted Confederates surrendered & Union line
Battle of Gettysburg
• The Third Day
- Armies exchange vicious artillery fire
- Lee orders attack on Union lines (Pickett’s Charge)
- North cut down Confederates
- Meade didn’t counterattack
-Lee retreated to Virginia
• Both sides suffered staggering losses
• Considered the single greatest battle of the war
• Three-day battle at Gettysburg crippled the South
– Battle of Gettysburg is considered the turning point of war
• General Lee would never again have sufficient forces to
invade the North
The Gettysburg Address
• November 1863 - ceremony
held to dedicate cemetery in
• Edward Everett, noted
speaker, gave flowery two-
hour speech
• Lincoln’s two-minute
Gettysburg Address asserted
unity of U.S.
- honored dead soldiers
- called for living to dedicate
themselves to preserve Union
& freedom
Battle of Vicksburg
• Confederate Vicksburg prevents
Union from controlling
• Spring 1863 - Union destroyed
MS rail lines & sacked Jackson
• May 1863 - Grant’s began siege
on Vicksburg
• July 4, 1863 - Starving
Confederates surrendered
(same day as Pickett’s charge)
• Port Hudson, LA fells 5 days later
• Grant’s seizing Vicksburg gave the
Union control of the Mississippi
• Cut the Confederacy in half
The Confederacy Wears Down
• Defeats at Gettysburg & Vicksburg cost the south
much of its limited fighting power
• South was no longer able to unable attack
• Only hoped to hang on and destroy North’s morale
to get armistice
• Civilian morale plummeted & public called for peace
• Discord in government prevented Davis from
governing effectively
Grant Appoints Sherman
• Lincoln wanted someone
who would attack General
• March 1864 - Lincoln
appointed Ulysses S. Grant
commander of all Union
• Lincoln liked Grant because
he could get things done
• Grant appointed William T.
Sherman commander of the
military division of the
Grant Appoints Sherman
• Grant planned to attack the
south on all fronts
- He would pursue Lee
- Admiral Farragut would
attack Mobile
- William T. Sherman would
lead an army southeast
from Chattanooga to
• Grant & Sherman believed
in total war to destroy
South’s will to fight
Grant and Lee in Virginia
• Grant’s strategy was to immobilize Lee in VA while
Sherman raided Georgia
• May 1864 – April 1865 - Grant and Lee fought many
• Both sides suffered heavy losses
• North 60,000
• South 32,000
• North could replace soldiers but South couldn’t
Sherman’s March
• September 1864 -
Sherman took Atlanta
• South tried to cut
supply lines (railroads)
• Sherman changed
strategies (Abandoned
supply lines & burned
Atlanta Before & After
Sherman’s March
• Sherman cut a wide path of
destruction in Georgia & lived
off the land
• 1st general to wage total war
- Destroyed everything in his
• Made no apologies for his
- Said “We are not only
fighting hostile armies, but a
hostile people, and must make
old and young, rich and poor,
feel the hard hand of war”
Sherman’s March
• December 1864 – Sherman reached Savannah
• Turned north to help Grant fight Lee
– Inflicted even more destruction in South Carolina (1st
state to secede)
– Followed by 25,000 former slaves who were eager for
– Burned almost every house in his path
– Stopped destroying private homes when he reached North
Carolina (last state to secede)
– Began handing out food & supplies (realized the war was
almost over)
The Election of 1864
• Lincoln faced heavy opposition in the
• Democrats wanted immediate armistice
- Nominated George McClellan
• Radical Republicans- wanted harsh
conditions for readmission to Union
• Nominated John C. Fremont
• Republicans changed name to National
Union Party
• Andrew Johnson was chosen as
Lincoln’s running mate (pro-Union
• Lincoln was pessimistic about his
• Northern victories & troops’ votes gave
him the win
The Surrender at Appomattox
• March 1865 – Clear that the
south was going to lose
• Union forces were closing in
on Richmond
• Grants forces defeated Lee’s
at Petersburg
• April 2 1865 - Davis’s
government left Richmond,
set it afire
The Surrender at Appomattox
• April 9, 1865 – Lee and
Grant work out the terms of
surrender at Appomattox
Court House
• Lee’s soldiers paroled on
generous terms (Lincoln’s
- Were given food
- allowed to return to their
homes and keep their
Political Changes caused by the War
• War ended threat of secession & increases power of federal
• Ended Slavery
• Changed the way Americans thought about their nation
- People accepted that the Union was more important than
individual states
• Helped the Federal Government Expand
- Placed new demands on the Gov.
- 1861 – establish the 1st income tax to pay for the war
- Funded transcontinental railroad and gave land to settlers
• 1865 - Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in all states
Economic Changes Caused by the War
• National Bank Act of 1863 - Established federal system of
chartered banks
- Set requirements for loans & called banks to be inspected
• Spurred industry
- Aided the growth of several postwar industries such as
petroleum, steel, food and processing
- Government subsidized the construction of a national
railroad system
• Gap between North and South widened
- North: industry booms; commercial agriculture takes hold
- South: industry, farms destroyed
• The war was a disaster for the South
- Nation was faced with job of rebuilding the South
Costs of the War
• Hundreds of thousands
dead, wounded; lives
- 620,000 men died in
the war
• Financially, war costs
the government
estimated $3.3 billion
The Assassination of Lincoln
• April 14, 1865 - Shot by John
Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theatre
• 1st president to be assassinated
• Assassin John Wilkes Booth
escaped but was trapped by
Union cavalry 12 days later &
shot in Virginia
• 7 million people paid respects
to Lincoln’s funeral train
(almost 1/3 of population
• Period after the Civil War was
known As Reconstruction
• Lincoln didn't want to punish
- Assassinated by John Wilkes
• Andrew Johnson becomes
- Believed reconstruction
was presidents' job
- Gave most white
southerners Amnesty
Southern Hardships
Black Southerners
4 million freed slaves now
found themselves with no shelter,
and no work
Plantation Owners
$3 billion in slave labor vanished
Many sold property to pay debts,
as gov't seized land and cotton.
Poor Southerners
White migrant workers now faced
poor job prospects, as freed
slaves flooded the labor pool.
African Americans Respond to
• Wanted to escape white control
• Traveled
- Looked for family
• Many officially married
• Created own churches
• Started schools
Land / Labor Issues
• Freedmen wanted land
- Most never received it
• South needed new labor system
- Landowners didn't have cash or labor
- laborers didn't have land
• Both sides had trouble with new system
- Planters not used to bargaining for labor
- Freedmen thought wage was extra (landowners
still provided food, clothing , and shelter)
• Freedmen’s Bureau - Gov. agency established to
distribute food and clothing to poor in the
- Also in charge of land that confederates
abandoned - Divided it into
40 acre parcels, couldn't sell it
• Most whites regained land after President
Johnson pardoned them
Two Reconstruction Plans
• Presidents plan
– Offered pardons to former
confederates who swore
loyalty to the Union.
– Required states to hold
constitutional conventions,
regardless of 10%
– States were required to void
secession, abolish slavery,
and ratify the 13th
– States could then hold
elections and participate in
the Union.
• Radical Republican plan
– Wanted to prevent leaders of
the Confederacy from
returning to power after the
– Wanted the Republican party
to become a powerful
institution in the South.
– Wanted to help African-
Americans achieve political
equality by guaranteeing their
right to vote.
Reviving the Old South
• Southern states rebuilt the same way as
before the war
• Refused to Ratify the 13th Amendment -
Abolished slavery
• Black codes - laws aimed at returning
freedmen to plantation labor
• Prohibited African Americans from meeting in
unsupervised groups or to bear firearms
Black Codes
Curfews- black
people not allowed
to gather after
Vagrancy laws
Freedmen who didn’t
work could be fined,
whipped, or sold for a
year’s labor.
Labor contract
Freedmen forced to
sign 1-year work
contract. If broken,
they lost all wages.
Rights Limits
Mothers forced to
work farm labor
instead of caring for
children at home.
Freedmen could only
rent land or live in
rural areas, forcing
plantation living.
New Amendments
 Congress wanted African American's rights protected in
the constitution
 14th Amendment - Stated that all people born in the
U.S. were citizens and had the same rights as citizens.
(gave African Americans citizenship).
 Amendment also prevented states from depriving any
person of life, liberty, and property without due
process of law.
 15th Amendment - voting rights for men of all races
 It required states to allow Blacks to vote
 Stated that states would lose Reps in Congress if they didn't
 President Johnson argued against the amendment
- Urged the south to reject it
- Every southern state except Tennessee did
Reconstruction Act of 1867
• Moderates angry at Johnson over 14th Amendment
• Agreed to work with radicals
• Military Reconstruction Act of 1867 - The act divided
the south into 5 military districts
• Prevented the pre war ruling class from voting 10 -
15 % of the population)
• Explained how southern states could re-enter the
- Had to approve new state constitutions that gave all
adult men the right to vote
- Had to ratify the 14th Amendment
New Order in the South
• 1867 – Freedmen’s Bureau began registering voters
• 735,000 Blacks
• 635,000 whites
• ¾ of the voters were Republicans
• ½ were whites who supported the north
- People who lived in up country poor and only grew
enough food for their families
- Blamed the planters for the states problems
- Called it the 'rich mans war
- Planters called them scalawags (scoundrels)
New Order in the South
• ¼ were whites who moved
from north after war
- Called carpetbaggers
(stuffed belongings into
suitcase and headed south)
- In reality they brought
• ¼ were African Americans
who had been free before
the war
- Ministers, Teachers Skilled
Republican South
• Carpetbaggers
– Northern republicans
who moved south during
reconstruction were
named this by
southerners, as many
southerners felt they
rushed south for nothing
more than personal
• Scalawags
– To be a southern white
who was republican was
to be a traitor in many
eyes, and these people
were named scalawags,
hated by many native
President Johnson is Impeached
• Johnson had worked against reconstruction
while obeying its laws
- He appointed people friendly to ex
confederate military commanders in south
• 1867 Congress passed law that prevented
president from firing cabinet members
President Johnson is Impeached
• Johnson opposed the law tested it
• Feb 1868 - Johnson fired (Secretary
of War) Edwin Stanton due to
disagreement over Reconstruction
- 3 days later the House of Reps.
Voted to impeach the president
• Johnson Impeached – because of
disagreements with congress over
• Senate acts as jury (needs 2/3 vote to
remove president)
- Fell-one vote shy
- Tradition of strong president
remained intact
Compromise of 1877
• The end of Reconstruction came as a result of the
election of 1876:
– Democrats ran Samuel Tilden
– Republicans ran Rutherford Hayes
– Neither candidate won a majority, so the decision
was left to Congress. The result was
– Compromise of 1877:
• Democrats agreed to vote Hayes (R) president if
all troops were remove from the South and the
Democrats were allowed to take back control of
the state and local governments.

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Unit 4 - Civil War

  • 1. Unit 4 Notes Civil War – Reconstruction
  • 2. Election of 1848 • Whig Party Split • Free-Soil Party – opposed slavery in the western territories • Martin Van Buren elected president
  • 3. California Gold Rush • 1848 Gold is discovered in California • By 1849 more than 80,000 Forty-Niners arrived looking for Gold • Led to one of the largest migrations in American history
  • 4. Slavery in the Territories • Wilmot Proviso - Proposed that any territory gained from Mexico “neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist.” • Popular Sovereignty – Citizens in each territory should be allowed to decide if they wanted to permit slavery
  • 5. The Great Debate • Secession – taking their states out of the Union • Compromise of 1850 – California entered the Union as a Free State – Popular Sovereignty in the Territories – Fugitive Slave Law – Slave Trade in D.C. Abolished
  • 6. Uncle Tom’s Cabin • Uncle Tom’s Cabin - Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Changed the perception of African -Americans and Slavery • African – Americans were presented as real people for the first time • Southerners tried to have the book banned
  • 7. Western Expansion • Transcontinental Railroad – wanted to connect the whole country – Debate began over where it should run • Gadsden Purchase – America bought the southern tips of Arizona and New Mexico form Mexico for $10 million
  • 8. Kansas - Nebraska Act • Kansas - Nebraska Act - Stephen Douglas argued that Nebraska and Kansas should be allowed popular sovereignty. • Douglas wanted to undo the Missouri Compromise and allow slavery in Kansas but not Nebraska
  • 9. Bleeding Kansas • Kansas become the first battle ground for those favoring the expansion of slavery • Southerners rushed to the territory with their slaves and Northerners rushed with the intent of creating an antislavery majority
  • 10. Harpers Ferry • Incident at Harpers Ferry - Plan that was led by John Brown that wanted to raid the federal arsenal and “free and arm the enslaved people” • Robert E. Lee led the US Army to put down the insurrection. • Brown’s plan to leave a slave insurrection ended with his capture
  • 11. Harpers Ferry • John Brown was tried and convicted on a Virginia court • He was sentenced to death • Northerners saw his as a martyr for a noble cause • Southerners believed that Northerners were plotting to murder slaveholders
  • 12. Dred Scott vs. Sanford • What are the issues before the supreme court? • How did the court rule? • What effects did this have on the country? • In your opinion could the outcome of the case been politically motivated?
  • 13. Dred Scott Decision • Dred Scott Decision – was a slave from Missouri – Sued for his freedom – Declared that slaves were property – Slaves were not citizens and could not use the court system
  • 14. Election of 1860 • Southerners blamed Republicans for what happened at Harpers Ferry • The Democratic Party split on the idea of slavery in the territories. • Lincoln nominated by the Republicans • South vowed that if Lincoln was elected that they would secede • Lincoln did not even appear on Southern ballots
  • 15. Secession • South Carolina was the first state to secede. • By February 6 more state had seceded • Southerners believed that secession was in the Revolutionary tradition and their rights as an American.
  • 16. Compromise Fails • As the southern states seceded Congress attempted to find a compromise to save the union. • Kentucky senator John J. Crittenden proposed a plan known as the Crittenden’s Compromise – Would extend the line drawn by the Missouri Compromise to the border of California • Lincoln rejected the plan
  • 17. The Confederacy • The southern state that seceded met in Montgomery, Alabama and declared themselves that Confederate States of America. • They drafted a constitution based on the ideas of the American Constitution • They chose Mississippi senator Jefferson Davis as the president of the Confederacy.
  • 19. The Failure to Compromise • Lincoln said that the national government would not abandon its property in the south • Said that the Union wouldn't use force in the south
  • 20. Northern Response to Southern Succession • March 1861 – Abraham Lincoln took office as President of the United States • North said that the Union was older than the states it had created them • Believed the Union had to be preserved • South believed that majority rule was a threat to their liberty • North believed south was pouting because they lost the election
  • 21. Crisis at Fort Sumter • Confederate soldiers take over government, military installations • Fort Sumter—Union outpost in Charleston harbor • Confederates demanded surrender of Fort Sumter • Fort Sumter and Fort Pickens needed supplies - supply ships had been forced to turn back after being fired on by South Carolina gunners
  • 22. Crisis at Fort Sumter • Lincoln faced tough decision concerning the forts - Withdrawing the troops would be recognizing the Confederacy - Sending supplies meant risking war - Reinforcing the fort with force would also lead rest of slave states to secede
  • 23. Crisis at Fort Sumter • April 1861 - Lincoln announced that he was sending relief expeditions to the forts – Meant he would fight if necessary • For South, no action would damage sovereignty of Confederacy • Jefferson Davis chose to turn peaceful secession into war • Confederate troops ordered the Fort be turned over • Union troops stood firm • Confederates bombarded the Fort for 33 hours before they surrendered • Fort Sumter – First Shots of the Civil War
  • 24. The Upper South Secedes • After the fall of Fort Sumter the upper south began to secede – Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas, Tennessee • Lincoln sent troops to Maryland and imposed Martial Law
  • 25. Choosing Sides • Border states were the key to the war • North had to have Maryland to keep contact with Washington D.C. - Lincoln ordered the arrest of lawmakers who had supported the south - Federal troops helped a group of western counties break away from Virginia (West Virginia) • War caused many families in the border states to spilt
  • 26. Expecting a Short War • That war came as no surprise • Both sides had been arguing for years • Everyone thought the war would be short • Everyone was excited
  • 27. Both Sides Strengths • North - Had more people - Had most of the natural resources (iron, coal, copper) - 86% of the nation’s factories in the north - Union kept almost every ship in the navy - More extensive railroad system - Lincoln’s leadership • South - Had better generals - cotton profits - Fighting a defensive war (more of a will to fight)
  • 28. Strategy • North - Aimed to conquer south and bring it back into the Union - Didn’t have a strong enough army to invade the south a the beginning - Anaconda plan: Union strategy to conquer South - blockade Southern ports - divide Confederacy in two in west - capture Richmond, Confederate capital • South - Only wanted to stay independent - Wanted to avoid major battles (hoped the north would get tired of fighting) - Invade North if opportunity arose - Beginning of the war south withheld cotton from Europe (hoped Europe would help south due to their need for cotton (BIG MISTAKE) - Europe found other places to get cotton
  • 29. The Two Armies • 1861 – Union was unprepared to fight - Many soldiers were city residents • Southern army had organized before the battle of Fort Sumter • Southerners were used to shooting guns • Neither army had uniforms (created confusion) - Union wore blue - Confederates wore grey
  • 30. First Battle of Bull Run • Union army was marching to Manassas • Sightseers and picnickers followed to watch the battle • Thomas J. Jackson earned nickname “Stonewall” for firm stand in battle – 2nd in Command in the Confederate Army • Confederates forced the Union to retreat - Union army got tangled up with the sightseer • First Battle of Bull Run showed that this was not going to be short war
  • 31. Union Armies in the West • Protecting Washington, D.C. • After Bull Run, Lincoln called for 1 million additional soldiers • Appointed General George McClellan to lead the Union army after Bull Run
  • 32. Union Victories in the West • Union captured New Orleans • Feb. 1862 - General Ulysses S. Grant captured Confederate Forts Henry & Donelson • Both held strategic locations on the Tennessee & Cumberland Rivers
  • 33. Union Victories in the West • Battle of Shiloh - Shiloh taught that preparation was needed, (Scouts, trenches & fortifications • March 1862, Confederate troops surprised Union soldiers at Shiloh • Grant counterattacked & forced Confederates retreat - Fiercest fighting of the war to that point - Both sides suffered heavy casualties • Showed that Confederacy was vulnerable in West
  • 34. A Revolution in Warfare • New Weapons - Rifles more accurate, faster loading, fire more rounds than muskets - Minié ball (more destructive bullet), grenades, land mines were used - Fighting from trenches, barricades new advantage in infantry attacks
  • 35. A Revolution in Warfare • New ironclad ships instrumental in victories of Grant, Farragut - Ironclads splinter wooden ships, withstand cannon, resist burning • March 1862, North’s Monitor, South’s Merrimack fought to a draw - 1st ever battle between two ironclad warships - The new ships were not a decisive factor in the war
  • 36. Union Victories in the West • April 1862 - David G. Farragut commanded fleet that took New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Natchez • Capturing all of the major cities along the lower Mississippi would cut Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, & Tennessee would be cutoff • Only Port Hudson, Louisiana & Vicksburg Mississippi stood in the way
  • 37. The War for the Capitals • 3rd part of Anaconda plan called for the capture of Richmond • McClellan waited to attack Richmond (Too cautious) - Drilled troops for 5 months • Spring 1862 - Robert E. Lee took command of Southern army - Excellent general who had declined an offer to head the union army at the beginning of the war
  • 38. Seven Days Battles • June 25 to July 1, 1862 - Lee & McClellan fought series of battles known collectively as the Seven Days’ Battle - South lost more men but forced north to retreat • Lee’ determination and unorthodox tactics caused McClellan leave Richmond • Lee decided to invade the north - Hoped a victory in the north would convince Lincoln to talk peace - Hoped a victory would also persuade Europe to side with the south
  • 39. Second Battle of Bull Run • August 29 & 30 1862 - Lee won Second Battle of Bull Run & marched into Maryland - Put Washington D.C. in danger - Union troops had to withdraw to protect it
  • 40. Battle of Antietam • Union army found a copy of Lee’s battle plans • Battle of Antietam - Bloodiest single-day battle of the war - 23,000 men died (more than the war of 1812 & war with Mexico combined) • Ended in a draw - Confederates retreat - McClellan does not pursue - Lincoln fired McClellan • Considered a political victory for the north - Caused Europe to delay plans to help the south
  • 41. Emancipation Proclamation • January 1, 1863 Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation • Emancipation Proclamation - President Lincoln’s announcement that he would free the slaves in the rebelling states (military strategy) • Proclamation had symbolic value by giving the war a high moral purpose (Slavery)
  • 42. Proclaiming Emancipation • Lincoln’s didn’t believe the Federal government had no power to abolish slavery where it existed • Lincoln decided army could emancipate slaves who labored for Confederacy ( Seizing supplies) • Emancipation discouraged Britain from supporting the South • Abolitionist movement was strong in England
  • 43. Emancipation Proclamation • Northern Democrats claimed it would antagonize South & prolong war • Changed the character of the war (The Old South was to be destroyed) - Confederacy became more determined to preserve way of life - Compromise was no longer possible
  • 44. Emancipation Proclamation • Didn’t free the slaves in the loyal border states - Didn’t have the power under the constitution • Also declared that African Americans could enter the army - Free blacks welcome ability to fight against slavery - 54th regiment gained fame attacking Fort Wagner in South Carolina
  • 45. African Americans Fight for Freedom • African-American Soldiers • African Americans 1% of North’s population • Made up 10% of army by the end of the war • Received lower pay than white troops for most of war & limited on military rank • Suffered high mortality from disease • POWs were killed or returned to slavery • Fort Pillow, TN - Confederates massacred over 200 African- American POWs
  • 46. Both Sides Face Political Problems • Neither side was completely unified • Both sides had sympathizers • Lincoln suspended habeas corpus: - order to bring accused to court & name charges • Seized telegraph offices to prevent them from being used for subversion
  • 47. Both Sides Face Political Problems • Copperheads - Northern Democrats advocating peace were among those arrested • Lincoln ignored Supreme court ruling that stated he had overstepped his constitutional boundaries • Davis denounced Lincoln, then suspended habeas corpus in South • Lincoln expands presidential powers & sets precedent (War time)
  • 48. Conscription • Both sides relied on volunteers in the beginning • Casualties & desertions led to conscription - draft to serve in army • Both armies allowed draftees to hire substitutes to serve for them • Planters with more than 20 slaves were exempted “Rich mans war poor mans fight” • 90% eligible Southerners served • 92% of the Northern soldiers were volunteers
  • 49. Southern Shortages • South experienced food shortages from lost manpower, Union occupation & loss of slaves • Caused inflation • 1861 - $6.65 for food per month • 1865 - $68 for food per month if available • Blockade created other shortages (salt, sugar, coffee, nails needles, & medicine) • Some Confederates traded with enemy • Smuggled cotton into the north in exchange for food, gold or other goods
  • 50. Northern Economic Growth • Industries that supplied army boomed • Contractors made huge profits • Many workers’ standard of living dropped • Wages do not keep up with prices • Women replaced men on farms, city jobs & government jobs • Congress established first income tax on earnings to pay for war
  • 51. Civil War Medicine • U.S. Sanitary Commission worked to improve hygiene in army camps • It hired & trained nurses • Dorothea Dix served superintendent of women nurses • Only hired women over 30 years old to avoid romance - Union death rate drops • Surgeon general ordered at least 1/3 of Union nurses be women • Union nurse Clara Barton served on front lines • Southern women also volunteered as Confederate nurses
  • 52. The Two Armies • Didn’t have antiseptics – germ killing drugs • Didn’t have anesthetics – pain killing drugs - Soldiers had to bite bullets when being operated on
  • 53. Prisons • Living conditions in prisons worse than in army camps • Andersonville - worst Confederate prison, in Georgia – Had no shelter or sanitation (men drank from same stream that served as sewer) – Housed 33,000 prisoners on 26 acres (34 sq. ft. per man) – 1/3 of prisoners died – Camp commander Henry Witz was executed for war crimes after war
  • 54. Road to Gettysburg • Both sides were tired of the war • Blockade was killing the south’s economy ($1 to $7 ) • Northerners angry over the draft • May 1863 - South defeated North at Chancellorsville - Stonewall Jackson mistakenly shot by own troops - Died 8 days later of pneumonia • Lee led his army north to get supplies • Also hoped for a peace settlement
  • 55. Battle of Gettysburg • Neither General intended to fight - Troops ran into each other (Confederates go to find shoes; meet Union cavalry) • July 1, 1863 - Confederates drove Union back & took town • The Second Day - South attacked Union army - Union army was Led by General George Meade on Cemetery Ridge - North repulsed repeated attacks on Little Round Top - Many exhausted Confederates surrendered & Union line held
  • 56. Battle of Gettysburg • The Third Day - Armies exchange vicious artillery fire - Lee orders attack on Union lines (Pickett’s Charge) - North cut down Confederates - Meade didn’t counterattack -Lee retreated to Virginia • Both sides suffered staggering losses • Considered the single greatest battle of the war • Three-day battle at Gettysburg crippled the South – Battle of Gettysburg is considered the turning point of war • General Lee would never again have sufficient forces to invade the North
  • 57. The Gettysburg Address • November 1863 - ceremony held to dedicate cemetery in Gettysburg • Edward Everett, noted speaker, gave flowery two- hour speech • Lincoln’s two-minute Gettysburg Address asserted unity of U.S. - honored dead soldiers - called for living to dedicate themselves to preserve Union & freedom
  • 58. Battle of Vicksburg • Confederate Vicksburg prevents Union from controlling Mississippi • Spring 1863 - Union destroyed MS rail lines & sacked Jackson • May 1863 - Grant’s began siege on Vicksburg • July 4, 1863 - Starving Confederates surrendered (same day as Pickett’s charge) • Port Hudson, LA fells 5 days later • Grant’s seizing Vicksburg gave the Union control of the Mississippi River • Cut the Confederacy in half
  • 59. The Confederacy Wears Down • Defeats at Gettysburg & Vicksburg cost the south much of its limited fighting power • South was no longer able to unable attack • Only hoped to hang on and destroy North’s morale to get armistice • Civilian morale plummeted & public called for peace • Discord in government prevented Davis from governing effectively
  • 60. Grant Appoints Sherman • Lincoln wanted someone who would attack General Lee • March 1864 - Lincoln appointed Ulysses S. Grant commander of all Union armies • Lincoln liked Grant because he could get things done • Grant appointed William T. Sherman commander of the military division of the Mississippi
  • 61. Grant Appoints Sherman • Grant planned to attack the south on all fronts - He would pursue Lee - Admiral Farragut would attack Mobile - William T. Sherman would lead an army southeast from Chattanooga to Atlanta • Grant & Sherman believed in total war to destroy South’s will to fight
  • 62. Grant and Lee in Virginia • Grant’s strategy was to immobilize Lee in VA while Sherman raided Georgia • May 1864 – April 1865 - Grant and Lee fought many battles • Both sides suffered heavy losses • North 60,000 • South 32,000 • North could replace soldiers but South couldn’t
  • 63. Sherman’s March • September 1864 - Sherman took Atlanta • South tried to cut supply lines (railroads) • Sherman changed strategies (Abandoned supply lines & burned Atlanta)
  • 65. Sherman’s March • Sherman cut a wide path of destruction in Georgia & lived off the land • 1st general to wage total war - Destroyed everything in his path • Made no apologies for his actions - Said “We are not only fighting hostile armies, but a hostile people, and must make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war”
  • 66. Sherman’s March • December 1864 – Sherman reached Savannah • Turned north to help Grant fight Lee – Inflicted even more destruction in South Carolina (1st state to secede) – Followed by 25,000 former slaves who were eager for freedom – Burned almost every house in his path – Stopped destroying private homes when he reached North Carolina (last state to secede) – Began handing out food & supplies (realized the war was almost over)
  • 67. The Election of 1864 • Lincoln faced heavy opposition in the election • Democrats wanted immediate armistice - Nominated George McClellan • Radical Republicans- wanted harsh conditions for readmission to Union • Nominated John C. Fremont • Republicans changed name to National Union Party • Andrew Johnson was chosen as Lincoln’s running mate (pro-Union Democrat) • Lincoln was pessimistic about his chances • Northern victories & troops’ votes gave him the win
  • 68. The Surrender at Appomattox • March 1865 – Clear that the south was going to lose • Union forces were closing in on Richmond • Grants forces defeated Lee’s at Petersburg • April 2 1865 - Davis’s government left Richmond, set it afire
  • 69. The Surrender at Appomattox • April 9, 1865 – Lee and Grant work out the terms of surrender at Appomattox Court House • Lee’s soldiers paroled on generous terms (Lincoln’s request) - Were given food - allowed to return to their homes and keep their horses
  • 70. Political Changes caused by the War • War ended threat of secession & increases power of federal government • Ended Slavery • Changed the way Americans thought about their nation - People accepted that the Union was more important than individual states • Helped the Federal Government Expand - Placed new demands on the Gov. - 1861 – establish the 1st income tax to pay for the war - Funded transcontinental railroad and gave land to settlers • 1865 - Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in all states
  • 71. Economic Changes Caused by the War • National Bank Act of 1863 - Established federal system of chartered banks - Set requirements for loans & called banks to be inspected • Spurred industry - Aided the growth of several postwar industries such as petroleum, steel, food and processing - Government subsidized the construction of a national railroad system • Gap between North and South widened - North: industry booms; commercial agriculture takes hold - South: industry, farms destroyed • The war was a disaster for the South - Nation was faced with job of rebuilding the South
  • 72. Costs of the War • Hundreds of thousands dead, wounded; lives disrupted - 620,000 men died in the war • Financially, war costs the government estimated $3.3 billion
  • 73. The Assassination of Lincoln • April 14, 1865 - Shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theatre • 1st president to be assassinated • Assassin John Wilkes Booth escaped but was trapped by Union cavalry 12 days later & shot in Virginia • 7 million people paid respects to Lincoln’s funeral train (almost 1/3 of population
  • 75. Reconstruction • Period after the Civil War was known As Reconstruction • Lincoln didn't want to punish south - Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. • Andrew Johnson becomes president - Believed reconstruction was presidents' job - Gave most white southerners Amnesty
  • 76. Southern Hardships Black Southerners 4 million freed slaves now found themselves with no shelter, and no work Plantation Owners $3 billion in slave labor vanished Many sold property to pay debts, as gov't seized land and cotton. Poor Southerners White migrant workers now faced poor job prospects, as freed slaves flooded the labor pool. Different Groups Suffered
  • 77. African Americans Respond to Freedom • Wanted to escape white control • Traveled - Looked for family • Many officially married • Created own churches • Started schools
  • 78. Land / Labor Issues • Freedmen wanted land - Most never received it • South needed new labor system - Landowners didn't have cash or labor - laborers didn't have land • Both sides had trouble with new system - Planters not used to bargaining for labor - Freedmen thought wage was extra (landowners still provided food, clothing , and shelter)
  • 79. Reconstruction • Freedmen’s Bureau - Gov. agency established to distribute food and clothing to poor in the south - Also in charge of land that confederates abandoned - Divided it into 40 acre parcels, couldn't sell it • Most whites regained land after President Johnson pardoned them
  • 80. Two Reconstruction Plans • Presidents plan – Offered pardons to former confederates who swore loyalty to the Union. – Required states to hold constitutional conventions, regardless of 10% participation. – States were required to void secession, abolish slavery, and ratify the 13th amendment. – States could then hold elections and participate in the Union. • Radical Republican plan – Wanted to prevent leaders of the Confederacy from returning to power after the war. – Wanted the Republican party to become a powerful institution in the South. – Wanted to help African- Americans achieve political equality by guaranteeing their right to vote.
  • 81. Reviving the Old South • Southern states rebuilt the same way as before the war • Refused to Ratify the 13th Amendment - Abolished slavery • Black codes - laws aimed at returning freedmen to plantation labor • Prohibited African Americans from meeting in unsupervised groups or to bear firearms
  • 82. Black Codes Curfews- black people not allowed to gather after sunset Vagrancy laws Freedmen who didn’t work could be fined, whipped, or sold for a year’s labor. Labor contract Freedmen forced to sign 1-year work contract. If broken, they lost all wages. Women’s Rights Limits Mothers forced to work farm labor instead of caring for children at home. Land Restrictions Freedmen could only rent land or live in rural areas, forcing plantation living.
  • 83. New Amendments  Congress wanted African American's rights protected in the constitution  14th Amendment - Stated that all people born in the U.S. were citizens and had the same rights as citizens. (gave African Americans citizenship).  Amendment also prevented states from depriving any person of life, liberty, and property without due process of law.  15th Amendment - voting rights for men of all races  It required states to allow Blacks to vote  Stated that states would lose Reps in Congress if they didn't  President Johnson argued against the amendment - Urged the south to reject it - Every southern state except Tennessee did
  • 84. Reconstruction Act of 1867 • Moderates angry at Johnson over 14th Amendment • Agreed to work with radicals • Military Reconstruction Act of 1867 - The act divided the south into 5 military districts • Prevented the pre war ruling class from voting 10 - 15 % of the population) • Explained how southern states could re-enter the Union - Had to approve new state constitutions that gave all adult men the right to vote - Had to ratify the 14th Amendment
  • 85. New Order in the South • 1867 – Freedmen’s Bureau began registering voters • 735,000 Blacks • 635,000 whites • ¾ of the voters were Republicans • ½ were whites who supported the north - People who lived in up country poor and only grew enough food for their families - Blamed the planters for the states problems - Called it the 'rich mans war - Planters called them scalawags (scoundrels)
  • 86. New Order in the South • ¼ were whites who moved from north after war - Called carpetbaggers (stuffed belongings into suitcase and headed south) - In reality they brought capital • ¼ were African Americans who had been free before the war - Ministers, Teachers Skilled workers
  • 87. Republican South • Carpetbaggers – Northern republicans who moved south during reconstruction were named this by southerners, as many southerners felt they rushed south for nothing more than personal fortune. • Scalawags – To be a southern white who was republican was to be a traitor in many eyes, and these people were named scalawags, hated by many native southerners.
  • 88. President Johnson is Impeached • Johnson had worked against reconstruction while obeying its laws - He appointed people friendly to ex confederate military commanders in south • 1867 Congress passed law that prevented president from firing cabinet members
  • 89. President Johnson is Impeached • Johnson opposed the law tested it • Feb 1868 - Johnson fired (Secretary of War) Edwin Stanton due to disagreement over Reconstruction - 3 days later the House of Reps. Voted to impeach the president • Johnson Impeached – because of disagreements with congress over Reconstruction • Senate acts as jury (needs 2/3 vote to remove president) - Fell-one vote shy - Tradition of strong president remained intact
  • 90. Compromise of 1877 • The end of Reconstruction came as a result of the election of 1876: – Democrats ran Samuel Tilden – Republicans ran Rutherford Hayes – Neither candidate won a majority, so the decision was left to Congress. The result was – Compromise of 1877: • Democrats agreed to vote Hayes (R) president if all troops were remove from the South and the Democrats were allowed to take back control of the state and local governments.