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Jyostna Jain
Unit 4
 Contribution of Technology to Corporate Communication Introduction,
Today’s Communication Technology, Importance of Technology to Corporate
Communication, Functions of Communication Technology in Corporate
Communication, Types of Communication Technology, New Media: Web
Conferencing, Really Simple Syndication (RSS)
 Information Technology in Corporate Communication Introduction, E-media
Relations, E-internal Communication, E-brand Identity and Company Reputation
 Corporate Blogging Introduction, Defining Corporate Blogging,
Characteristics of a Blog, Types of Corporate Blogs, Role of Corporate Blogs,
Making a Business Blog
Importance of Technology to Corporate
 Bring business efficiency:It helps people to be more productive and
efficient. Whether you’re using a word processing program that allows you to edit
with ease or an electronic bookkeeping system that pulls data at the touch of a
keystroke, technology makes life easier. You can schedule sales calls and
appointments, track employee time, and perform many tedious tasks that once took
hours in only minutes.
 Ensure Computational Accuracy:Modern spreadsheets like Excel, with its
computational formulas, ensure accuracy. Accounting programs like QuickBooks
allow keeping account inventory accurate and clear. All information related to sales,
its management, areas, customer data and pay bills, payroll have become easier with
the support of computer and its various functions. Technology helps to be
competitive in The use of digital marketing to promote a company and online sales
tools to sell across the street and across the globe. Embrace Customer Relationship
Management systems that allow a company to track what their customers do and like.
 Be Industry Relevant:Technology opens the other information as well related to business for eg. A
healthcare profession with the use of technology can connect its consumers online, understand their
health-related problems, get connect with a pool of doctors, and regular information about latest
development. It will help them to be industry relevant and acceptable in a market.
 Security:Technology can be used to protect financial data, confidential executive decisions and other
proprietary information that leads to competitive advantage. Simply put, technology helps businesses
keep their ideas away from their competition. By having a password on computers, a business can
ensure that all the important files are protected and saved.
 Efficiency of Operations:Technology also helps a business understand its cash flow needs and
preserve precious resources such as time and physical space. Warehouse inventory technologies let
business owners understand how best to manage the storage costs of holding a product. With proper
technology in place, executives can save time and money by holding meetings over the Internet
instead of at corporate headquarters.
 Information Retrieval and Distribution:Information from text to audio, video or images can be
easily sent to the public in a vast array of methods. This way relationships are created faster and
easier too.
Traditional Media New Media
Print media, local newspapers, magazines, weeklies are
the sources of traditional media
Broadcast media and new media are distance insensitive: target
audience worldwide and not necessarily in physical form.
Information is available on web platform
It is unidirectional: one-way dissemination
Interactive: feedback, discussion, debate and response to
requests by person or machine
Time constraints: Limited pages and airtime Large layered capacity of information
Highly trained to professional standards
Anyone with limited training or professional values may
High access costs Cost effective
Time-consuming Time-saving and high speed
Large audience and broad coverage Customized – even individually tailored
News hierarchy Nonlinear navigation
Slow feedback and limited Email and online chat are immediate and easy
Ad-driven Diverse funding sources varied but limited revenue
Institution bound Decentralized – grassroots efforts
Fixed format Flexible format
Conventional Non-conventional as per audiences and recent trends
Web Conferencing
 Web conferencing may be used as an umbrella term for various types of online collaborative services including web
seminars (“webinars”), webcasts. and peer-level web meetings in general, web conferencing is made possible by
internet technologies, particularly on TCP/IP connections.
 Services may allow time point communications as well as multicast communications. from one sender to many
 It offers data streams of text-based messages, voice and video chat to be shared simultaneously, across
geographically dispersed locations.
 Applications for web conferencing include meetings, training events, lecture, presentations from a web-connected
computer to other web-connected computers.
 Web conferencing usually allows real-time point-to-point communication as well as multi-task communications
from one sender to many receivers in separate locations
 . Depending on the service, either an application (additional software) is downloaded and installed or a web-based
application is launched in the attendee’s browser. The newest open source technology for Web Conferencing is
Google’s WebRTC.
Really Simple Syndication (RSS)
 RSS feed is a form of new media which feeds favorite news and information to
deliver to a consumer as soon as they are posted online without consumers
having to search for the content. PR defined a customized XML-XPRL
(extensible Public Relations Language).
 XRPL aims to assist practitioners to transfer data or information electronically.
 Its purpose is to automate information exchange as much as possible, quicker
result and higher quality communication, with fewer errors.
 The RSS is a useful method for disseminating information because it provides a
link to the customers in a shorter volume of time, put users in control and very
easy to use.
Popular RSS Readers
 You may want to test several RSS readers/aggregators to see which one works
best for you
 . There are many RSS readers that offer a free version and an upgraded version.
Here are a few popular readers:
 Feedly for web, iOS, Android
 Panda is a Chrome extension, web, iOS
 Reeder 3 for Mac and iOS
 Feeder for Android, Chrome, and iOS
 Feedreader for Windows
Information Technology in Corporate
 The impact of organizational structure is huge and has substantially
revolutionized the practice of corporate communication around the world.
Because of digital changes and technological advancement, corporate
communication has moved across the globe.
 This has given tremendous powers to the executives and to the consumer as
well. Information technology helps PR to develop networks across the globe.
E-Media Relations
 PR is using different types of media sources in print, electronic and digital
platforms to reach their masses and increase the profits.
 Though newspapers will always be a primary source of spreading information
and interacting with people from company’s point of view, no one denies the
power of information technology and E-media relations
Sources of E-Media Relations
 Third Party e- Media: – Third –party e-media includes those media which is beyond the control of the
organization and it does not include their websites, magazines, online newsletters etc. however, it includes other
websites such as e-zines, journals, and third-party newsletters
 Webcasting:-Websites include online versions of print publication, news sites, and trade is a form of
broadcasting production that incorporates streaming video and audio on its website. It is like a video conference
and helps the company to answer the queries, explain the product and give them access to the largest audience.
 E-zines:-An e-zine is an online magazine. It covers a diverse range of topics as a traditional magazine. A well-
written press release is seen as a more valuable commodity online than it is in the real world
 Video-News Release (VNRs):VNR is a short news package presenting a news item from the organization’s
viewpoint. It is usually distributed by satellite. It can get key product elements. Through, VNR product doesn’t look
like a commercial plug but can be the best medium of conversation.
 . Electronic Media Kits:-Electronic Media Kits is generally a media package or kit, it is a page on company’s
website that contains resources and information for reporters and publishers.
 Voicemail:-Simply means a centralized electronic system which can store messages from telephone callers.
Electronic Meeting System
 EMS is a system where communication is relayed electronically. An electronic
meeting system (EMS) is a type of computer software that facilitates creative
problem solving and decision-making of groups within or across organizations.
The term was coined by Alan R. Dennis et al. in 1988.
 The unique features of EMS systems overcome the limitations of traditional
face-to-face meetings such as lack of participation, criticism, and domination of
the proceedings by a few members.
Advantages of EMS
 Participation of more people in groups
 Better group dynamics
 Increased openness and less personal prejudice through anonymity
 Any-place (online) capability which avoids travel time and cost
 Increased participant availability (any place, any time).
 Increased interactivity and participation by parallelization
 More sophisticated analysis by voting and analysis in real time
 Less effort in preparation by using meeting templates
 Repeatable meeting and workshop process through meeting templates
 Automatic, comprehensive, neutral documentation
E-Brand Identity and Corporate Reputation
 E-branding is a term that denoted branding through the internet.
 Many online companies which do not have physical stores sell their products
through E-branding.
 And In India, we have seen the plethora of E-commerce companies launches,
came into the market and disappeared.
 Many went out because of lack of funds or not able to manage their good
reputation through online.
 The best example of successful online shopping store is Amazon. Amazon started as an online
bookstore. It makes customers feel convenient with its tagline “apni dukaan”.
 They suggest customers relax at home and use of best brands for them. When they started
bookstore work, they actually suggested customers stay at home and wait a few days then they
could get the books they want to read in a lower price.
 After the big success in a book store, Amazon expended categories such as music, toys, and
 Amazon also gives the customer some recommendation by remembering customers’
preference, which enhances customers’ shopping experience.
 Amazon also benefits from long-term customer relationship that customers trust Amazon and
set as premium shopping website.
Advantages of E – Branding
 Builds Trust: The more you are consistent and regular, the more trust you gain
from your viewers. Consistency and accuracy of information are very helpful to
readers and get connect with firms faster.
 Builds Credibility: company should maintain a high level of integrity which
will greatly boost any credible image which a company may want to establish.
 Increases Marketing Effectiveness: It is important for a company to start
working towards maintaining their image and reputation once they get the trust
and credibility in businesses.
Use of websites in creating Company Reputation
 Focus and be aware– Listen to your customers and identify your target market. Use the Web to keep abreast of industry
developments, competition, and news which could help steer how you act online.
 Monitor your reputation– Search for your business online regularly and monitor how you fare in search results and
what any feedback is. Understand what you can control and either adopt the services of a reputation management
company or go it alone with apps such as Google Alerts, Social Mention or our Review Monitoring
 Be authentic and honest– Nobody wants to read corporate ‘blah blah’, so make sure that the tone you use on social
media platforms is human and fits your target market. You want to come across as trustworthy and this means being
transparent and open; reacting in the right way to negative posts and comments rather than trying to cover your back
with marketing-spiel which could end up encouraging trolls.
 Create quality content– Write content your customers want to read, not just self-promotional copy, which is a turn-off.
Think about reciprocation and engage your customers rather than constantly adopting a direct sales approach.
 React and engage– To establish and maintain a good reputation, you need to be interactive too. This means being
accessible and responding quickly to build good relationships. Delays in responding to Tweets, posts, comments, and
questions can have a negative impact on your reputation.
 Be social– Social media platforms, used in the right way, can be an effective way to shape your company and brand
reputation. Don’t aim for instant results but take time to build up a genuine profile and create content that resonates
with your target market. Be strategic whilst focusing on the value of real connections.
 Start a blog– A blog is a great vehicle for getting information out about your company or even drawing in
customers with useful tips and observations. You can establish yourself as an industry expert too which gives your
business greater credibility. It’s also important to update your blog regularly to add to your professional image.
 Get in directory listings– Before the Internet, businesses would not have dreamed of not being listed in paper
directories, and today it’s essential that you utilize online directories. Being easier to find in searches will drive
traffic to your site where you can adopt reputation management tools to keep your visitors interested and active on
your pages.
 Seek publicity– Reputation management is proactive and not just reactive. While you might use social media to
entice customers without going in for the direct sell, there’s nothing wrong in self-promotion either. A good way to
seek publicity online is to write articles for other blogs, look at the benefits of Web advertising, and establish
yourself as an expert to spread your good company name.
 Encourage reviews– Feedback is valuable. It shows you who is interacting with you and gives you essential
insight into your reputation. Reviews should be welcomed with open arms, as nearly 90% of review readers believe
what they read online according to a recent study.
Corporate Blogging
 Blogging is considered to be the newswire of the digital revolution.
 It is a powerful tool for communicating company business stories.
 It is a way to engage new audiences and build relationships with existing
customers and positions it as a thought leader in its field.
 Blogs, short for web logs, are online platforms to create specific types of content,
share them and interact with audiences.
Types of Business Blogs
Senior Leadership, Founder, CEO
 This one is obvious – it’s a blog where the CEO/Founder of the organization is
providing most of the perspective and voice for the blog and the company.
 Perhaps it’s other senior leaders within their own area of expertise or role and
responsibility. It comes from the top so it is a powerful perspective to consider
General Company Blog, Multi-Author
 This is the next most typical type of blog where you have one general blog where
one or more authors contribute.
 Sometimes these are full-time roles within the company or a rotating publishing
schedule from key influencers within the organization (or those that can simply
blog and write well).
 This can be good to help provide a well-rounded perspective on the business as a
whole and help pass the responsibility around so that no one person is at fault for
not publishing consistently.
Specific Team or Department Blog
 Your organization may be large enough to have department specific blogs that
focus their content on what that specific department is responsible for
 . Examples would include the Information Technology (IT) team having a blog
sharing their thoughts on infrastructure and database management or the software
development team is honest about their approach and struggles with shipping
their product.
Product, Service, Marketing Blog
 Most businesses would take this type and roll it into one of the other types as a
sub-type but the better business blogs that I’ve seen strategically focus their
content on talking about one of their products, most likely their flagship product,
and making that the blog channel that becomes marquee.
 For example, if your entire business is centered around a specific web
application then having a blog that’s dedicated to sharing the details of the
product, the team behind it, the challenges, the updates, the “behind the scenes”
look would be pretty neat.
 A lot of great business blogs take this strategy and work in soft-marketing
approaches to entice new customers.
Employee Blog
 Finally, the last type of business blog would be a specific employee blog or
perhaps a network of employee blogs that are powered by individual employees.
 Perhaps it’s a blog that is company branded or perhaps it’s their independent blog
that just becomes the “voice” for the business.
 In either case, this can work well if the employee understands their
responsibility to the organization as a whole and that the specific expectations
are laid out.
Characteristics of a Blog
 A blog has some form of navigation, usual menus
 A blog’s layout contains a header, footer, and content. Usually, there is at least one sidebar running beside the
 categories of posts
 that readers can access the archives, previous posts
 that a post can contain text and images, (and often video and other media)
 that posts can contain links to other posts, both within a blog and to the entire web
 should contain a contact page and form
 should contain an about page
 It may also display of recent posts, a plugin that automatically sends a new post details to Twitter or Facebook,
image galleries and the ability to turn the post into an easy to print a document.
 Also, for writing a blog no technical knowledge is required. Only basics and understanding about the subject helps
to create effective blogs.
 Instant distribution of information to millions of masses across the globe
Role of Corporate Blogs in Public Relations
 Getting someone to hear the message is half the battle. Having the members of the media
consider it newsworthy is the other half. Somewhere, there must be another vehicle that can
gain the attention of an already swamped news editor. Help for the publicity-seeking business
person has arrived in the form of the blog.
 The blog can serve as an honest and concerned pipeline directly to the public. By
addressing the issues openly and honestly, the business can regain and even increase the
public’s trust. Concerned customers and the general public will view the blog as giving the
straight answers. Such trust will only help enhance the business’s reputation, both in the short
and long run.
 Personalization aspect.. If the goal of a public relations effort is to work in coordination with
sales and marketing, a blog will establish trust with current and prospective customers and
clients. It’s a well-known truism that people will buy from their friends and people whose word
they trust. The development of a blog component to the company website will go far in
achieving those trust based goals.
Making a Business Blog
1. Blog plan of approach: –first develop a comprehensive plan of approach
wherein they need to decide about the focal topic on which they want to focus.
 They also need to understand that what kind of audiences they are looking for
and what communication they would like to make with their target audiences.
 The company should have a clear agenda on what subjects they want to focus
their blog at one time it could be about business, economy, finance, company
philosophy, consumer awareness, discussion on any current subjects etc. while
doing all these, a company should never ever forget to be ethical in their
2 .Blog Design:-Experts suggest that blog design should be little different from the
conventional design of a website.
 It helps to find an easy identification and define the purpose. Blog design like all
design is the discipline of studying content, interpreting personality, anticipating
needs, and translating unspoken hope and desire.
 Blog design is about adding the gestures and modulation one would find in a
face to face conversation.
 Blog design supports and adds value to the text.
 Blog design also adds or subtracts credibility.
 3.Blog content:-Corporate blogging is the practice of creating content that addresses industry
updates, expert tips or best practices and company news from the perspective of a brand. It is used by
businesses of all sizes as a means of content marketing. The blog may be written by the executive
within a business or by professional SEO and content writers with industry expertise on behalf of the
 Choose the right topic and find your voice: – a blogger should always choose the relevant topic
based on business backgrounds and articulate thoughts systematically.
 Link the professional sites link: – it is important for an author to get connect with their audience,
therefore, they should create a link which can direct the audience to visit on the page of author
profile and interest details.
 Good corporate blog posts are about 400-1,000 words:-Blog posts should be easily digestible
during a coffee break. Readers will give up if they need to scroll down endlessly. If you’re getting
upwards of 1,000 words, consider breaking your post into two parts, or tightening up your
ideas and language
Unit 4

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Unit 4

  • 2. Unit 4  Contribution of Technology to Corporate Communication Introduction, Today’s Communication Technology, Importance of Technology to Corporate Communication, Functions of Communication Technology in Corporate Communication, Types of Communication Technology, New Media: Web Conferencing, Really Simple Syndication (RSS)  Information Technology in Corporate Communication Introduction, E-media Relations, E-internal Communication, E-brand Identity and Company Reputation  Corporate Blogging Introduction, Defining Corporate Blogging, Characteristics of a Blog, Types of Corporate Blogs, Role of Corporate Blogs, Making a Business Blog
  • 3. Importance of Technology to Corporate Communication  Bring business efficiency:It helps people to be more productive and efficient. Whether you’re using a word processing program that allows you to edit with ease or an electronic bookkeeping system that pulls data at the touch of a keystroke, technology makes life easier. You can schedule sales calls and appointments, track employee time, and perform many tedious tasks that once took hours in only minutes.  Ensure Computational Accuracy:Modern spreadsheets like Excel, with its computational formulas, ensure accuracy. Accounting programs like QuickBooks allow keeping account inventory accurate and clear. All information related to sales, its management, areas, customer data and pay bills, payroll have become easier with the support of computer and its various functions. Technology helps to be competitive in The use of digital marketing to promote a company and online sales tools to sell across the street and across the globe. Embrace Customer Relationship Management systems that allow a company to track what their customers do and like.
  • 4.  Be Industry Relevant:Technology opens the other information as well related to business for eg. A healthcare profession with the use of technology can connect its consumers online, understand their health-related problems, get connect with a pool of doctors, and regular information about latest development. It will help them to be industry relevant and acceptable in a market.  Security:Technology can be used to protect financial data, confidential executive decisions and other proprietary information that leads to competitive advantage. Simply put, technology helps businesses keep their ideas away from their competition. By having a password on computers, a business can ensure that all the important files are protected and saved.  Efficiency of Operations:Technology also helps a business understand its cash flow needs and preserve precious resources such as time and physical space. Warehouse inventory technologies let business owners understand how best to manage the storage costs of holding a product. With proper technology in place, executives can save time and money by holding meetings over the Internet instead of at corporate headquarters.  Information Retrieval and Distribution:Information from text to audio, video or images can be easily sent to the public in a vast array of methods. This way relationships are created faster and easier too.
  • 5. Traditional Media New Media Print media, local newspapers, magazines, weeklies are the sources of traditional media Broadcast media and new media are distance insensitive: target audience worldwide and not necessarily in physical form. Information is available on web platform It is unidirectional: one-way dissemination Interactive: feedback, discussion, debate and response to requests by person or machine Time constraints: Limited pages and airtime Large layered capacity of information Highly trained to professional standards Anyone with limited training or professional values may participate High access costs Cost effective Time-consuming Time-saving and high speed Large audience and broad coverage Customized – even individually tailored News hierarchy Nonlinear navigation Slow feedback and limited Email and online chat are immediate and easy Ad-driven Diverse funding sources varied but limited revenue Institution bound Decentralized – grassroots efforts Fixed format Flexible format Conventional Non-conventional as per audiences and recent trends
  • 6. Web Conferencing  Web conferencing may be used as an umbrella term for various types of online collaborative services including web seminars (“webinars”), webcasts. and peer-level web meetings in general, web conferencing is made possible by internet technologies, particularly on TCP/IP connections.  Services may allow time point communications as well as multicast communications. from one sender to many receivers.  It offers data streams of text-based messages, voice and video chat to be shared simultaneously, across geographically dispersed locations.  Applications for web conferencing include meetings, training events, lecture, presentations from a web-connected computer to other web-connected computers.  Web conferencing usually allows real-time point-to-point communication as well as multi-task communications from one sender to many receivers in separate locations  . Depending on the service, either an application (additional software) is downloaded and installed or a web-based application is launched in the attendee’s browser. The newest open source technology for Web Conferencing is Google’s WebRTC.
  • 7. Really Simple Syndication (RSS)  RSS feed is a form of new media which feeds favorite news and information to deliver to a consumer as soon as they are posted online without consumers having to search for the content. PR defined a customized XML-XPRL (extensible Public Relations Language).  XRPL aims to assist practitioners to transfer data or information electronically.  Its purpose is to automate information exchange as much as possible, quicker result and higher quality communication, with fewer errors.  The RSS is a useful method for disseminating information because it provides a link to the customers in a shorter volume of time, put users in control and very easy to use.
  • 8. Popular RSS Readers  You may want to test several RSS readers/aggregators to see which one works best for you  . There are many RSS readers that offer a free version and an upgraded version. Here are a few popular readers:  Feedly for web, iOS, Android  Panda is a Chrome extension, web, iOS  Reeder 3 for Mac and iOS  Feeder for Android, Chrome, and iOS  Feedreader for Windows
  • 9. Information Technology in Corporate Communication  The impact of organizational structure is huge and has substantially revolutionized the practice of corporate communication around the world. Because of digital changes and technological advancement, corporate communication has moved across the globe.  This has given tremendous powers to the executives and to the consumer as well. Information technology helps PR to develop networks across the globe.
  • 10. E-Media Relations  PR is using different types of media sources in print, electronic and digital platforms to reach their masses and increase the profits.  Though newspapers will always be a primary source of spreading information and interacting with people from company’s point of view, no one denies the power of information technology and E-media relations
  • 11. Sources of E-Media Relations  Third Party e- Media: – Third –party e-media includes those media which is beyond the control of the organization and it does not include their websites, magazines, online newsletters etc. however, it includes other websites such as e-zines, journals, and third-party newsletters  Webcasting:-Websites include online versions of print publication, news sites, and trade is a form of broadcasting production that incorporates streaming video and audio on its website. It is like a video conference and helps the company to answer the queries, explain the product and give them access to the largest audience.  E-zines:-An e-zine is an online magazine. It covers a diverse range of topics as a traditional magazine. A well- written press release is seen as a more valuable commodity online than it is in the real world  Video-News Release (VNRs):VNR is a short news package presenting a news item from the organization’s viewpoint. It is usually distributed by satellite. It can get key product elements. Through, VNR product doesn’t look like a commercial plug but can be the best medium of conversation.  . Electronic Media Kits:-Electronic Media Kits is generally a media package or kit, it is a page on company’s website that contains resources and information for reporters and publishers.  Voicemail:-Simply means a centralized electronic system which can store messages from telephone callers.
  • 12. Electronic Meeting System  EMS is a system where communication is relayed electronically. An electronic meeting system (EMS) is a type of computer software that facilitates creative problem solving and decision-making of groups within or across organizations. The term was coined by Alan R. Dennis et al. in 1988.  The unique features of EMS systems overcome the limitations of traditional face-to-face meetings such as lack of participation, criticism, and domination of the proceedings by a few members.
  • 13. Advantages of EMS  Participation of more people in groups  Better group dynamics  Increased openness and less personal prejudice through anonymity  Any-place (online) capability which avoids travel time and cost  Increased participant availability (any place, any time).  Increased interactivity and participation by parallelization  More sophisticated analysis by voting and analysis in real time  Less effort in preparation by using meeting templates  Repeatable meeting and workshop process through meeting templates  Automatic, comprehensive, neutral documentation
  • 14. E-Brand Identity and Corporate Reputation  E-branding is a term that denoted branding through the internet.  Many online companies which do not have physical stores sell their products through E-branding.  And In India, we have seen the plethora of E-commerce companies launches, came into the market and disappeared.  Many went out because of lack of funds or not able to manage their good reputation through online.
  • 15. Example  The best example of successful online shopping store is Amazon. Amazon started as an online bookstore. It makes customers feel convenient with its tagline “apni dukaan”.  They suggest customers relax at home and use of best brands for them. When they started bookstore work, they actually suggested customers stay at home and wait a few days then they could get the books they want to read in a lower price.  After the big success in a book store, Amazon expended categories such as music, toys, and clothing.  Amazon also gives the customer some recommendation by remembering customers’ preference, which enhances customers’ shopping experience.  Amazon also benefits from long-term customer relationship that customers trust Amazon and set as premium shopping website.
  • 16. Advantages of E – Branding  Builds Trust: The more you are consistent and regular, the more trust you gain from your viewers. Consistency and accuracy of information are very helpful to readers and get connect with firms faster.  Builds Credibility: company should maintain a high level of integrity which will greatly boost any credible image which a company may want to establish.  Increases Marketing Effectiveness: It is important for a company to start working towards maintaining their image and reputation once they get the trust and credibility in businesses.
  • 17. Use of websites in creating Company Reputation  Focus and be aware– Listen to your customers and identify your target market. Use the Web to keep abreast of industry developments, competition, and news which could help steer how you act online.  Monitor your reputation– Search for your business online regularly and monitor how you fare in search results and what any feedback is. Understand what you can control and either adopt the services of a reputation management company or go it alone with apps such as Google Alerts, Social Mention or our Review Monitoring  Be authentic and honest– Nobody wants to read corporate ‘blah blah’, so make sure that the tone you use on social media platforms is human and fits your target market. You want to come across as trustworthy and this means being transparent and open; reacting in the right way to negative posts and comments rather than trying to cover your back with marketing-spiel which could end up encouraging trolls.  Create quality content– Write content your customers want to read, not just self-promotional copy, which is a turn-off. Think about reciprocation and engage your customers rather than constantly adopting a direct sales approach.  React and engage– To establish and maintain a good reputation, you need to be interactive too. This means being accessible and responding quickly to build good relationships. Delays in responding to Tweets, posts, comments, and questions can have a negative impact on your reputation.
  • 18.  Be social– Social media platforms, used in the right way, can be an effective way to shape your company and brand reputation. Don’t aim for instant results but take time to build up a genuine profile and create content that resonates with your target market. Be strategic whilst focusing on the value of real connections.  Start a blog– A blog is a great vehicle for getting information out about your company or even drawing in customers with useful tips and observations. You can establish yourself as an industry expert too which gives your business greater credibility. It’s also important to update your blog regularly to add to your professional image.  Get in directory listings– Before the Internet, businesses would not have dreamed of not being listed in paper directories, and today it’s essential that you utilize online directories. Being easier to find in searches will drive traffic to your site where you can adopt reputation management tools to keep your visitors interested and active on your pages.  Seek publicity– Reputation management is proactive and not just reactive. While you might use social media to entice customers without going in for the direct sell, there’s nothing wrong in self-promotion either. A good way to seek publicity online is to write articles for other blogs, look at the benefits of Web advertising, and establish yourself as an expert to spread your good company name.  Encourage reviews– Feedback is valuable. It shows you who is interacting with you and gives you essential insight into your reputation. Reviews should be welcomed with open arms, as nearly 90% of review readers believe what they read online according to a recent study.
  • 19. Corporate Blogging  Blogging is considered to be the newswire of the digital revolution.  It is a powerful tool for communicating company business stories.  It is a way to engage new audiences and build relationships with existing customers and positions it as a thought leader in its field.  Blogs, short for web logs, are online platforms to create specific types of content, share them and interact with audiences.
  • 20. Types of Business Blogs Senior Leadership, Founder, CEO  This one is obvious – it’s a blog where the CEO/Founder of the organization is providing most of the perspective and voice for the blog and the company.  Perhaps it’s other senior leaders within their own area of expertise or role and responsibility. It comes from the top so it is a powerful perspective to consider
  • 21. General Company Blog, Multi-Author  This is the next most typical type of blog where you have one general blog where one or more authors contribute.  Sometimes these are full-time roles within the company or a rotating publishing schedule from key influencers within the organization (or those that can simply blog and write well).  This can be good to help provide a well-rounded perspective on the business as a whole and help pass the responsibility around so that no one person is at fault for not publishing consistently.
  • 22. Specific Team or Department Blog  Your organization may be large enough to have department specific blogs that focus their content on what that specific department is responsible for  . Examples would include the Information Technology (IT) team having a blog sharing their thoughts on infrastructure and database management or the software development team is honest about their approach and struggles with shipping their product.
  • 23. Product, Service, Marketing Blog  Most businesses would take this type and roll it into one of the other types as a sub-type but the better business blogs that I’ve seen strategically focus their content on talking about one of their products, most likely their flagship product, and making that the blog channel that becomes marquee.  For example, if your entire business is centered around a specific web application then having a blog that’s dedicated to sharing the details of the product, the team behind it, the challenges, the updates, the “behind the scenes” look would be pretty neat.  A lot of great business blogs take this strategy and work in soft-marketing approaches to entice new customers.
  • 24. Employee Blog  Finally, the last type of business blog would be a specific employee blog or perhaps a network of employee blogs that are powered by individual employees.  Perhaps it’s a blog that is company branded or perhaps it’s their independent blog that just becomes the “voice” for the business.  In either case, this can work well if the employee understands their responsibility to the organization as a whole and that the specific expectations are laid out.
  • 25. Characteristics of a Blog  A blog has some form of navigation, usual menus  A blog’s layout contains a header, footer, and content. Usually, there is at least one sidebar running beside the content.  categories of posts  that readers can access the archives, previous posts  that a post can contain text and images, (and often video and other media)  that posts can contain links to other posts, both within a blog and to the entire web  should contain a contact page and form  should contain an about page  It may also display of recent posts, a plugin that automatically sends a new post details to Twitter or Facebook, image galleries and the ability to turn the post into an easy to print a document.  Also, for writing a blog no technical knowledge is required. Only basics and understanding about the subject helps to create effective blogs.  Instant distribution of information to millions of masses across the globe
  • 26. Role of Corporate Blogs in Public Relations  Getting someone to hear the message is half the battle. Having the members of the media consider it newsworthy is the other half. Somewhere, there must be another vehicle that can gain the attention of an already swamped news editor. Help for the publicity-seeking business person has arrived in the form of the blog.  The blog can serve as an honest and concerned pipeline directly to the public. By addressing the issues openly and honestly, the business can regain and even increase the public’s trust. Concerned customers and the general public will view the blog as giving the straight answers. Such trust will only help enhance the business’s reputation, both in the short and long run.  Personalization aspect.. If the goal of a public relations effort is to work in coordination with sales and marketing, a blog will establish trust with current and prospective customers and clients. It’s a well-known truism that people will buy from their friends and people whose word they trust. The development of a blog component to the company website will go far in achieving those trust based goals.
  • 27. Making a Business Blog 1. Blog plan of approach: –first develop a comprehensive plan of approach wherein they need to decide about the focal topic on which they want to focus.  They also need to understand that what kind of audiences they are looking for and what communication they would like to make with their target audiences.  The company should have a clear agenda on what subjects they want to focus their blog at one time it could be about business, economy, finance, company philosophy, consumer awareness, discussion on any current subjects etc. while doing all these, a company should never ever forget to be ethical in their approach
  • 28. 2 .Blog Design:-Experts suggest that blog design should be little different from the conventional design of a website.  It helps to find an easy identification and define the purpose. Blog design like all design is the discipline of studying content, interpreting personality, anticipating needs, and translating unspoken hope and desire.  Blog design is about adding the gestures and modulation one would find in a face to face conversation.  Blog design supports and adds value to the text.  Blog design also adds or subtracts credibility.
  • 29.  3.Blog content:-Corporate blogging is the practice of creating content that addresses industry updates, expert tips or best practices and company news from the perspective of a brand. It is used by businesses of all sizes as a means of content marketing. The blog may be written by the executive within a business or by professional SEO and content writers with industry expertise on behalf of the business.  Choose the right topic and find your voice: – a blogger should always choose the relevant topic based on business backgrounds and articulate thoughts systematically.  Link the professional sites link: – it is important for an author to get connect with their audience, therefore, they should create a link which can direct the audience to visit on the page of author profile and interest details.  Good corporate blog posts are about 400-1,000 words:-Blog posts should be easily digestible during a coffee break. Readers will give up if they need to scroll down endlessly. If you’re getting upwards of 1,000 words, consider breaking your post into two parts, or tightening up your ideas and language