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Embedding Transformational
Leadership In Practice
Osama Fouad
Managerial Researcher
 Talk about Transformational Leadership (TF)
 What it is, what it really means
 Why it’s so important
 Practical things we’ve done to embed it and 360 degree appraisal in
various organisations
 Some of the lessons learned along the way
 Also here to learn from your experience
 Need to briefly recap the theory, but we’ll do that quickly
 Debunk some of the myths
 Challenge what you believe to be true
 Build in some activities around factors to consider when embedding
TF/using 360
 Handouts and questionnaires to take away
Why Do We Need
Quick Recap……….
Importance of Leadership
 Vision, direction and focus –real skill is aligning people to it
 Clear goals, don’t know where you are going you are unlikely to get there
 Team spirit…………….
 Manager’s managing is important
 Transformational Leadership has the biggest impact on morale, motivation,
stress, job satisfaction, productivity and performance
Importance of Leadership
 Poor leadership costs ££££££££££ in terms of stress
related absence, and has enormous cost in terms of
individual health and psychological well being
 Increased focus on leadership development and
assessment in our Corporate Performance
 “Leadership is the single biggest factor that drives
change and organisational improvement “ LG White
Direct Relationship
Between Leadership,
Motivation, Stress and
3 Variables That Affect Performance
Performance =
 A + Ability and competence
 M + Motivation
 R + Resources
Motivation Over Time
Leadership is about saying… “How can I
interact with people to improve their
performance, give them just enough
stretch to keep them motivated and help
them realise their potential?”
What’s The Biggest
Cause Of Stress In The
Climate Studies 50’s to 90’s
 60-75% of people said that in any organisation, the most stressful
aspect of their work was their immediate boss!
“Managers with controlling styles who fail
to clarify roles and responsibilities, who
exert undue pressure have working
groups with higher levels of stress and
Controlling Styles
Climate Studies- Main Causes Of Stress
 Unclear roles and responsibilities
 Lack of autonomy
 Lack of social support
Levels Of Arousal
Acceptable level of stress
Unacceptable level
Stress is Infectious!
 Average correlation within the same working groups
= .92
We leak!!!!
Leadership Development
is both a financial and moral imperative….
 Stress is increasing in
organisations at a phenomenal
 Cost of stress is also increasing
(in terms of absence as well as performance)
Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe
The Search for the Holy Grail
What makes a good leader?
Leadership Research: The Old Paradigm
1930s-50s Great Man Approach
Traits Approach
1960s The Behavioural Approach
1970s Situational/Contingency Approach
Autocratic Participative Consultative
Levels of
Tannenbaum Schmidt
Levels of
Levels of
1960’s Behaviour/Style Approaches
“one best style”
Blanchard-Situational Leadership
The New Paradigms of
Changing Paradigms of Leadership
 Seismic shift in thinking in the 70’s
 Old models only suitable for stable environments
 Research conducted with first line supervisors
 Need to engage with CExs with experience of managing strategic and complex
 Existing research not particularly valid- all self rating
The Myths of Leadership
 It’s rare
 It’s found mainly at the top
 It’s about being super-human
 You can only do it if you are male!
(We’ll save that one for another time)
Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe
Research on Charisma
 Early research- charismatic leaders were the star performers
 Utter rubbish -completely discredited
 You were perceived to be charismatic if you were evangelistic, expressive,
waived your arms about, had blue eyes, were extrovert rather than
 Leadership is about being quietly effective
Knight in shining armour
required to charge in on their
white horse and save the
organisation from ruin-
Mere mortals need not apply!
Unrealistic Job Ads
What’s the Difference
Between Leadership and
Another paradigm shift-leadership no longer
viewed as a subset of management………….
Kotter’s Comparison of Management &
Transactional Leadership
Creating Planning
Developing HR
Organising &
Execution Controlling &
Problem- solving:
Outcomes Produces a
degree of
predictability & order
Transformational Leadership
Establishing Direction:
Aligning People:
Motivating & Inspiring:
Produces change - often to a
dramatic degree
Leadership Versus Management
Management is about coping with
complexity, provides stability, order and
- Is transactional
- Promotes the status quo
Leadership Versus Management
Leadership is having vision, a clear
sense of direction and aligning people to
it, helping people cope with change
-Promotes transformation
and drives change
Leadership Versus Management
 Management is about doing things right
 Leadership is about doing the right thing
 We need to develop both
But where did the terms transactional
and transformational come from?…..
Transactional versus Transformational
 Transactional - negotiation exchange or bargaining
 Transformational - a vision that things would be different or better
George McGregor Burns
1980’s Bass’s Model of Transformational
 Idealised Influence (Vision)
 Inspirational Motivation (Charisma)
 Intellectual Stimulation
 Individualised Consideration
Bass, B.M. (1985) Leadership & Performance Beyond Expectations. London: Free Press
“Vision is the dream that invents the future”
 Developing a shared vision
 Direction, aligning people
 Painting pictures
 Make people believe it’s achievable
Be a Good Conductor
“The task is to get the orchestra
working to deliver the music in your
head. It’s a three stage operation-
hear the music, get it over to the
orchestra get them to give it to the
Leonard Bernstein
Redefining Charisma
 Quietly effective
 Positive role models others look up to and want to follow
 Encourage people to give more of themselves, go the extra mile
 Can be positive or negative
 Beware the pseudo-charismatics
Pseudo- Charismatics
 Often do well at interview
 All gloss and no substance
 Highly visible
 Good at self promotion/taking credit for the work of others
 Don’t deliver results
 Can generate compliance cultures
Zero correlation between charisma
and performance, strong correlation
between charisma and pay!
Potentially Worrying !!
Intellectual Stimulation
 Encourage people to question the way things are done and are not
 Take a collaborative approach to problem solving
 Intelligent and use a range of behaviours-adjust pitch and style according
to whom they are dealing with, gain credibility quickly
Individualised Consideration
 Genuine concern for others and their welfare
 Communicate positive expectations of people
 Treat them with dignity and respect
 Not interested in status and hierarchy- treat everyone as equals
 Value diversity and difference
 Are you ok?
Does The Soft and Fluffy Stuff Really
Research has shown that:
Transformational Leadership has a significantly greater impact than
Transactional Leadership on a variety of subjective and objective
outcome measures, including:
 job satisfaction, motivation, and performance of followers
 lower levels of stress & burnout amongst staff
 more collaborative, innovative, harmonious teams
 financial performance of organisations
 performance in public sector organisations
Source: Bass, B.M. & Avolio, B.J., (1996) Postscripts: Recent Developments for
Improving Organisational Effectiveness, Sage
The Importance Of Balance
“It’s about being transactional in a transformational way”
Managers Managing Is Also Important
Clarifying roles and expectations
Competency Framework
Training on key skillsDecision making
Training on personnel
policies and procedures
Managing poor
Why Conduct Further Research?
 Most leadership research was from the US
 Based on commercial & military organisations
 Focus was typically on male white top managers who were self rating
 Gender & race bias
How Was The Research Conducted?
 Think about leaders you have known
 2 outstanding, 2 average, 2 poor
 Write their initials on a card
 Shuffle cards and pick out 2
 To what extent are they similar but different from the rest?
 Elicit and group constructs
Interviews with 150 male and female managers, LG and NHS
using Rep Grid
New Model of Transformational Leadership
(1) Leading others
Genuine concern for others
Being accessible, available,
Encourages change
Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe & John Alban-Metcalfe
New Model of Transformational
Leadership (2)
(2) Personal Qualities
Honest and consistent
Acting With Integrity
Being Decisive
Inspiring Others
Resolving Complex problems
New Model of Transformational
Leadership (3)
(3) Organisational Skills
Political sensitivity and skills
Networker, promoter, communicator
Manages change sensitively and skilfully
Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe & John Alban-Metcalfe
3 Types of Handout In your Pack
How TF am I/Are We?
Transformational Leaders
 Are outward looking
 Drive change in organisations and make things
 Clear sense of direction and focus
 Develop a shared vision and bring people along with
 Communicate positive expectations
 Accessible, approachable, are honest consistent
and act with integrity
 Motivate and empower employees, help them cope
with change
The Relationship Between
Leadership and Self Awareness
“Leadership and self awareness
are inextricably linked- to be a
leader you first need to know
Robert Greenleaf
“ Leadership is connecting what
I do to who I am to those I
You are not a leader if no-one is
following you!!!
Problems with Traditional Appraisal
360 Is a Great Tool for Developing SAw
 Multiple perspectives on your leadership style
 Encourages a culture of openness and feedback
 Studies have shown it improves all aspects of TF ( if development needs are
 Performance improvement is sustained for at least two years
Particularly As…..
 Direct reports are the best predictors of performance
 Over and above assessment centres for the first seven years
 We all have blind-spots
 Everybody sees me differently but me!
 How transformational is your organisation?
 How do you know?
 Are you doing enough to develop TF, if not what
practical things do you need to do?
(Think specifically about the implications for
recruitment, A and D, competency frameworks,
development/ succession planning etc)?
 What practical things would you need to consider
prior to implementing 360?
Lessons Learned
Embedding Transformational Leadership
“Leadership & culture are 2 sides of same coin
-you can’t change one without the other”
Embedding Leadership Cultures in
The Culture Behaviour
Influences Reinforces
Focus At An
Organisational and An
Individual Level………..
Embedding TF-Research
 Clear statement about which leadership and
management skills the organisation values
 Core competency framework which assesses
management (the what) and TF leadership (the how)
 Don’t run out-dated re-cycled management
development programmes
 Assess the right behaviours when you recruit or
promote (handout refers)
 Send a clear message-you only get on here if you do
Challenge The Unwritten Rules
Explore the
Some Examples
 We want a high performance culture but reward
loyalty/length of service
 We want to reward TF but Job Evaluation
rewards the task/ we don’t look for TF in
 We are committed to equalities but few women
make it to the top
 We want to focus less on hierarchy and more on
empowerment- but only senior managers can
present to members
 Hull research-no contradictions in excellent
Other Lessons Learned
 Never under-estimate the effort it takes to embed
this down to grass roots-change agents can help
 Have a clear communications strategy that tackles
the “soggy sponge”
 Then do some mystery shopping to find out whether
employees at different levels know what TF is, what
they can expect in terms of their managers and
 Training is just the beginning-the days of just running
a conference and expecting it to happen are over!!!
 Focus on tangible results….
Other Lessons Learned…………..
 Managers at all levels need to work with their teams and identify
practical things they will do to to engender TF in their team/service and
enhance their own style
 Publicise quick wins (articles, certificates, recognition etc)
Its not just about training………
 Recruitment and succession planning are key (recruitment fact-sheet
Other Lessons Learned
 Don’t forget to bring your policies into line- reward, recognition, bullying and
harassment, managing poor performance
 This is also about how we do business- the how we go about projects is as
important as delivering to time
Don’t Forget The Importance Of Balance
“It’s about being transactional in a transformational way”
Individual as well as organisational behaviour contribute to
Embedding a Culture of Transformational
 Commitment from CEx and senior managers is vital
 Studies show there are three major blocks to TF in
Senior managers
Senior managers and
Senior managers!!!
and they are crucial in terms of role modelling
the right behaviours
Bass, B.M. & Avolio, B. J. (1993) ‘Transformational leadership & organizational culture’. Public
Administration Quarterly, 17, 112-121.
Essentially, Culture Management is
Message Management
“Culture is created and sustained through
the messages people receive about how
to behave.”
Carolyn Taylor, Walk the Talk
Managers Are Carriers Of Culture
 Send important messages about what s
acceptable and what isn’t through the way they
lead,manage and interact with others
 Whether they are open to feedback and
 By what they choose to reward, how fair
they are in this process
 Whether they deal with inappropriate
behaviour, and how well they tackle it
 We must invest in their development
Quick Levers to Pull In Terms of
Culture Change
Behaviour Training and role modelling
Myths and Stories Mavericks, heroes and villains
Positive reinforcement-
Signs and Symbols Eg: Creating a high
performance culture,
performance dashboards,
displaying evaluation data
Pace and choice-see reward
Systems Reward-measure recognise
and reward the right things-
Succession Communications,
Can Leadership Really be Developed?
It depends…..
 On the attitude of the individual
 Preparedness to accept others’ views as valid
 Whether they are open to feedback
 Quality of feedback
 The organisation’s commitment to reinforcing
what is important- supporting development-
what’s the sanction if people don’t change?
Lessons Learned
Embedding 360 Degree Appraisal
Critical Success Factors
 Be clear about why you are using it
 Is the organisation ready?
 Ethics/confidentiality agreement- the person owns the data
 360 should be used primarily for development purposes rather than
performance assessment (360 should not be linked to performance pay)
Critical Success Factors
 Supplements rather than replaces A and D
 Chose a valid, reliable instrument which reflects your strategic aims
 Cost and complexity can be a problem
 Pilot-light small fires
 Start at the top
 Develop feedback skills first
Get People To Admit There Is a Problem!!!
 When was the last time you asked for feedback about your personal style?
 How frank were the conversations?
 Do you know how your team would describe your style, your strengths, what
you bring?
 Do you know what they want you to stop doing/ do differently?
 Is there two way or one way feedback in A and D?
Critical Success Factors
 Clear advice on choosing raters
 Brief raters on TF- they need to understand what
they are assessing
 More detailed briefings may be required for
instruments which also assess competence
 Online briefings
 Credible qualified facilitator
 Prioritised Personal Development Plans with no
more than three key objectives
 Get commitment to resourcing development
Leadership In Practice
A Question to close……..
Can an organisation be transformational or is it
the people that make it?

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Transformationa lleadership presentation

  • 1. Embedding Transformational Leadership In Practice Osama Fouad Managerial Researcher
  • 2. Purpose  Talk about Transformational Leadership (TF)  What it is, what it really means  Why it’s so important  Practical things we’ve done to embed it and 360 degree appraisal in various organisations  Some of the lessons learned along the way  Also here to learn from your experience
  • 3. Style  Need to briefly recap the theory, but we’ll do that quickly  Debunk some of the myths  Challenge what you believe to be true  Build in some activities around factors to consider when embedding TF/using 360  Handouts and questionnaires to take away
  • 4. Why Do We Need Leadership? Quick Recap……….
  • 5. Importance of Leadership  Vision, direction and focus –real skill is aligning people to it  Clear goals, don’t know where you are going you are unlikely to get there  Team spirit…………….  Manager’s managing is important  Transformational Leadership has the biggest impact on morale, motivation, stress, job satisfaction, productivity and performance
  • 6. Importance of Leadership  Poor leadership costs ££££££££££ in terms of stress related absence, and has enormous cost in terms of individual health and psychological well being  Increased focus on leadership development and assessment in our Corporate Performance Assessment  “Leadership is the single biggest factor that drives change and organisational improvement “ LG White Paper”
  • 8. 3 Variables That Affect Performance Performance =  A + Ability and competence  M + Motivation  R + Resources
  • 10. Leadership is about saying… “How can I interact with people to improve their performance, give them just enough stretch to keep them motivated and help them realise their potential?”
  • 11. What’s The Biggest Cause Of Stress In The Workplace?
  • 12. Climate Studies 50’s to 90’s  60-75% of people said that in any organisation, the most stressful aspect of their work was their immediate boss!
  • 13. “Managers with controlling styles who fail to clarify roles and responsibilities, who exert undue pressure have working groups with higher levels of stress and tension” Controlling Styles
  • 14. Climate Studies- Main Causes Of Stress  Unclear roles and responsibilities  Lack of autonomy  Lack of social support
  • 15. Levels Of Arousal Perf. Acceptable level of stress Unacceptable level
  • 16. Stress is Infectious!  Average correlation within the same working groups = .92 We leak!!!!
  • 17. Leadership Development is both a financial and moral imperative….  Stress is increasing in organisations at a phenomenal rate  Cost of stress is also increasing (in terms of absence as well as performance) Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe
  • 18. The Search for the Holy Grail What makes a good leader?
  • 19. Leadership Research: The Old Paradigm 1930s-50s Great Man Approach Traits Approach 1960s The Behavioural Approach 1970s Situational/Contingency Approach
  • 20. Autocratic Participative Consultative Levels of Autonomy Democratic Tannenbaum Schmidt Levels of Freedom Levels of Control 1960’s Behaviour/Style Approaches “one best style”
  • 22. The New Paradigms of Leadership
  • 23. Changing Paradigms of Leadership  Seismic shift in thinking in the 70’s  Old models only suitable for stable environments  Research conducted with first line supervisors  Need to engage with CExs with experience of managing strategic and complex change  Existing research not particularly valid- all self rating
  • 24. The Myths of Leadership  It’s rare  It’s found mainly at the top  It’s about being super-human  You can only do it if you are male! (We’ll save that one for another time) Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe
  • 25. Research on Charisma  Early research- charismatic leaders were the star performers  Utter rubbish -completely discredited  You were perceived to be charismatic if you were evangelistic, expressive, waived your arms about, had blue eyes, were extrovert rather than introvert  Leadership is about being quietly effective
  • 26. Knight in shining armour required to charge in on their white horse and save the organisation from ruin- Mere mortals need not apply! Unrealistic Job Ads
  • 27. What’s the Difference Between Leadership and Management? Another paradigm shift-leadership no longer viewed as a subset of management………….
  • 28. Kotter’s Comparison of Management & Leadership Transactional Leadership (Management) Creating Planning Budgeting: Agendas Developing HR Organising & Staffing Execution Controlling & Problem- solving: Outcomes Produces a degree of predictability & order Transformational Leadership (Leadership) Establishing Direction: Aligning People: Motivating & Inspiring: Produces change - often to a dramatic degree
  • 29. Leadership Versus Management Management is about coping with complexity, provides stability, order and consistency - Is transactional - Promotes the status quo
  • 30. Leadership Versus Management Leadership is having vision, a clear sense of direction and aligning people to it, helping people cope with change -Promotes transformation and drives change
  • 31. Leadership Versus Management  Management is about doing things right  Leadership is about doing the right thing  We need to develop both But where did the terms transactional and transformational come from?…..
  • 32. Transactional versus Transformational  Transactional - negotiation exchange or bargaining  Transformational - a vision that things would be different or better George McGregor Burns
  • 33. 1980’s Bass’s Model of Transformational Leadership  Idealised Influence (Vision)  Inspirational Motivation (Charisma)  Intellectual Stimulation  Individualised Consideration Bass, B.M. (1985) Leadership & Performance Beyond Expectations. London: Free Press
  • 34. Vision “Vision is the dream that invents the future”  Developing a shared vision  Direction, aligning people  Painting pictures  Make people believe it’s achievable
  • 35. Be a Good Conductor “The task is to get the orchestra working to deliver the music in your head. It’s a three stage operation- hear the music, get it over to the orchestra get them to give it to the audience” Leonard Bernstein
  • 36. Redefining Charisma  Quietly effective  Positive role models others look up to and want to follow  Encourage people to give more of themselves, go the extra mile  Can be positive or negative  Beware the pseudo-charismatics
  • 37. Pseudo- Charismatics  Often do well at interview  All gloss and no substance  Highly visible  Good at self promotion/taking credit for the work of others  Don’t deliver results  Can generate compliance cultures
  • 38. Zero correlation between charisma and performance, strong correlation between charisma and pay! Potentially Worrying !!
  • 39. Intellectual Stimulation  Encourage people to question the way things are done and are not defensive  Take a collaborative approach to problem solving  Intelligent and use a range of behaviours-adjust pitch and style according to whom they are dealing with, gain credibility quickly
  • 40. Individualised Consideration  Genuine concern for others and their welfare  Communicate positive expectations of people  Treat them with dignity and respect  Not interested in status and hierarchy- treat everyone as equals  Value diversity and difference  Are you ok?
  • 41. Does The Soft and Fluffy Stuff Really Work? Research has shown that: Transformational Leadership has a significantly greater impact than Transactional Leadership on a variety of subjective and objective outcome measures, including:  job satisfaction, motivation, and performance of followers  lower levels of stress & burnout amongst staff  more collaborative, innovative, harmonious teams  financial performance of organisations  performance in public sector organisations Source: Bass, B.M. & Avolio, B.J., (1996) Postscripts: Recent Developments for Improving Organisational Effectiveness, Sage
  • 42. The Importance Of Balance “It’s about being transactional in a transformational way”
  • 43. Managers Managing Is Also Important Clarifying roles and expectations Competency Framework ConstitutionDelegations Training on key skillsDecision making Structures Training on personnel policies and procedures Appraisal Managing poor performance Reward/sanction
  • 44. Why Conduct Further Research?  Most leadership research was from the US  Based on commercial & military organisations  Focus was typically on male white top managers who were self rating  Gender & race bias
  • 45. How Was The Research Conducted?  Think about leaders you have known  2 outstanding, 2 average, 2 poor  Write their initials on a card  Shuffle cards and pick out 2  To what extent are they similar but different from the rest?  Elicit and group constructs Interviews with 150 male and female managers, LG and NHS using Rep Grid
  • 46. New Model of Transformational Leadership (1) (1) Leading others Genuine concern for others Enabling Being accessible, available, Encourages change Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe & John Alban-Metcalfe
  • 47. New Model of Transformational Leadership (2) (2) Personal Qualities Honest and consistent Acting With Integrity Being Decisive Inspiring Others Resolving Complex problems
  • 48. New Model of Transformational Leadership (3) (3) Organisational Skills Political sensitivity and skills Networker, promoter, communicator Manages change sensitively and skilfully Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe & John Alban-Metcalfe
  • 49. 3 Types of Handout In your Pack How TF am I/Are We?
  • 50. Transformational Leaders  Are outward looking  Drive change in organisations and make things happen  Clear sense of direction and focus  Develop a shared vision and bring people along with them  Communicate positive expectations  Accessible, approachable, are honest consistent and act with integrity  Motivate and empower employees, help them cope with change
  • 51. The Relationship Between Leadership and Self Awareness “Leadership and self awareness are inextricably linked- to be a leader you first need to know yourself” Robert Greenleaf
  • 52. “ Leadership is connecting what I do to who I am to those I serve” You are not a leader if no-one is following you!!!
  • 53. Problems with Traditional Appraisal BOSS TEAM LEADER LINE MANAGER
  • 54. 360 Is a Great Tool for Developing SAw  Multiple perspectives on your leadership style  Encourages a culture of openness and feedback  Studies have shown it improves all aspects of TF ( if development needs are addressed)  Performance improvement is sustained for at least two years
  • 55. Particularly As…..  Direct reports are the best predictors of performance  Over and above assessment centres for the first seven years  We all have blind-spots  Everybody sees me differently but me!
  • 56. Activity  How transformational is your organisation?  How do you know?  Are you doing enough to develop TF, if not what practical things do you need to do? (Think specifically about the implications for recruitment, A and D, competency frameworks, development/ succession planning etc)?  What practical things would you need to consider prior to implementing 360?
  • 58. “Leadership & culture are 2 sides of same coin -you can’t change one without the other” Schein Embedding Leadership Cultures in Organisations
  • 60. Focus At An Organisational and An Individual Level………..
  • 61. Embedding TF-Research  Clear statement about which leadership and management skills the organisation values  Core competency framework which assesses management (the what) and TF leadership (the how)  Don’t run out-dated re-cycled management development programmes  Assess the right behaviours when you recruit or promote (handout refers)  Send a clear message-you only get on here if you do x!!!
  • 62. Challenge The Unwritten Rules Explore the contradictions
  • 63. Some Examples  We want a high performance culture but reward loyalty/length of service  We want to reward TF but Job Evaluation rewards the task/ we don’t look for TF in recruitment  We are committed to equalities but few women make it to the top  We want to focus less on hierarchy and more on empowerment- but only senior managers can present to members  Hull research-no contradictions in excellent organisations
  • 64. Other Lessons Learned  Never under-estimate the effort it takes to embed this down to grass roots-change agents can help  Have a clear communications strategy that tackles the “soggy sponge”  Then do some mystery shopping to find out whether employees at different levels know what TF is, what they can expect in terms of their managers and leaders?  Training is just the beginning-the days of just running a conference and expecting it to happen are over!!!  Focus on tangible results….
  • 65. Other Lessons Learned…………..  Managers at all levels need to work with their teams and identify practical things they will do to to engender TF in their team/service and enhance their own style  Publicise quick wins (articles, certificates, recognition etc) Its not just about training………  Recruitment and succession planning are key (recruitment fact-sheet refers)
  • 66. Other Lessons Learned  Don’t forget to bring your policies into line- reward, recognition, bullying and harassment, managing poor performance  This is also about how we do business- the how we go about projects is as important as delivering to time
  • 67. Don’t Forget The Importance Of Balance “It’s about being transactional in a transformational way”
  • 68. Individual as well as organisational behaviour contribute to culture….
  • 69. Embedding a Culture of Transformational Leadership  Commitment from CEx and senior managers is vital  Studies show there are three major blocks to TF in organisations: Senior managers Senior managers and Senior managers!!! and they are crucial in terms of role modelling the right behaviours Bass, B.M. & Avolio, B. J. (1993) ‘Transformational leadership & organizational culture’. Public Administration Quarterly, 17, 112-121.
  • 70. Essentially, Culture Management is Message Management “Culture is created and sustained through the messages people receive about how to behave.” Carolyn Taylor, Walk the Talk
  • 71. Managers Are Carriers Of Culture  Send important messages about what s acceptable and what isn’t through the way they lead,manage and interact with others  Whether they are open to feedback and suggestions  By what they choose to reward, how fair they are in this process  Whether they deal with inappropriate behaviour, and how well they tackle it  We must invest in their development
  • 72. Quick Levers to Pull In Terms of Culture Change Behaviour Training and role modelling Myths and Stories Mavericks, heroes and villains Positive reinforcement- integration Signs and Symbols Eg: Creating a high performance culture, performance dashboards, displaying evaluation data Pace and choice-see reward Systems Reward-measure recognise and reward the right things- Succession Communications, meetings
  • 73. Can Leadership Really be Developed? It depends…..  On the attitude of the individual  Preparedness to accept others’ views as valid  Whether they are open to feedback  Quality of feedback  The organisation’s commitment to reinforcing what is important- supporting development- what’s the sanction if people don’t change?
  • 74. Lessons Learned Embedding 360 Degree Appraisal
  • 75. Critical Success Factors  Be clear about why you are using it  Is the organisation ready?  Ethics/confidentiality agreement- the person owns the data  360 should be used primarily for development purposes rather than performance assessment (360 should not be linked to performance pay)
  • 76. Critical Success Factors  Supplements rather than replaces A and D  Chose a valid, reliable instrument which reflects your strategic aims  Cost and complexity can be a problem  Pilot-light small fires  Start at the top  Develop feedback skills first
  • 77. Get People To Admit There Is a Problem!!!  When was the last time you asked for feedback about your personal style?  How frank were the conversations?  Do you know how your team would describe your style, your strengths, what you bring?  Do you know what they want you to stop doing/ do differently?  Is there two way or one way feedback in A and D?
  • 78. Critical Success Factors  Clear advice on choosing raters  Brief raters on TF- they need to understand what they are assessing  More detailed briefings may be required for instruments which also assess competence  Online briefings  Credible qualified facilitator  Prioritised Personal Development Plans with no more than three key objectives  Get commitment to resourcing development needs
  • 79. Embedding Transformational Leadership In Practice A Question to close…….. Can an organisation be transformational or is it the people that make it?

Editor's Notes

  1. 4 While managers managing is really important research ahs shown that its TF leadership that has a more positive impact on morale motivation stress job satisfaction and performance
  2. 1 Include practical activities and action planning – to break it up, but also to give you the chance to share you experience and ideas Basically there has been a load of baloney written about leadership over the years, so the main purpose of this session is to de-bunk some of the myths around leadership. That might challenge some of the things you believe to be true
  3. Let’s start by looking at why we need leadership Q&A- Responses to flipchart. A sense of direction , ensure everyone is pulling together towards a common aims etc……….. Leadership is the key to motivating staff to give of their best……………..persuading them to go the extra mile
  4. Don’t know where you are going you are not likely to get there
  5. Lets start by looking at
  6. Over the years psychologists have conducted loads of motivation studies, mostly with on cohorts of about 200 people . They found 3 significant variables that impact on performance Ability and competence . Obviously you need the ability to be able to do the job you’ve been appointed to do or performance will suffer 2 ) Motivation. Competence alone is not enough .You could be really competent but if you are not motivated your performance wont be great You also get the enthusiastic beginner- new to the job, really enthusiastic but they don’t know what they don’t know. The leaders job is to give them the right type of support and help them develop without curbing that enthusiasm The line managers role is crucial in terms of motivating staff , persuading them to give that bit extra , go the extra mile, by valuing them and recognising their contribution. (That was a really valid point you made in the meeting, thanks. It’s been a tough week thanks for working late .People have lives outside of work - they think “why should I work 70 hours a week if I never get any thanks ? Why should I kill myself if no-one ever says thanks, it’s the small things that make the difference Its leadership that encourages people to give of the maximum rather than the minimum and to realise their potential - well look at how we do this later 3)Resources- I need the resources to deliver
  7. The problem is that motivation levels change over time . When someone starts a new post they are only 40-50% effective for the first 6 months and that’s if it’s a familiar role . Once they become highly proficient motivation will wain if we don’t continue to give them challenging tasks. Eighteen months is usually the point at which they start looking for something else. The leaders role is to recognise that and intervene give them stretching projects Leadership is about saying how can I improve the way I interact with people to improve organisational performance Quick Q and A How good are you at valuing people in LES? How good are you at engaging people whose motivation might be dropping (due to quality of work rather than JE?) What do you need to do more of?
  8. As well as keeping up their motivation we need to minimise their stress….. Generally what do you think is the biggest cause of stress in the workforce?
  9. Hundreds climate studies from the 50s to 90s showed biggest cause of stress in the work place was your immediate boss!!!! 17% absences relate to stress wonder how many relate to leadership
  10. Although we know that people need different levels of support depending on their ability and experience, some need more guidance than others, managers with controlling styles basically cause more stress. Managers who are prescriptive about the way things should be done and are constantly checking don’t empower staff Tell me what you want me to do, why we are doing it but give me some freedom as to how I go about it. Trust me to get on with it How would you staff describe your style?
  11. Tell me what you think my job is, how it fits with the big picture. Tell me what I should spend my time doing. Show me where the boundaries are, tell me what you don’t want me to do If I’m new, I've never done this before or just moved up a level, I may need a bit of guidance, but once I’m clear, let me get on with it Set me an objective, but let me choose how I go about it. Leadership is about accepting we haven’t got the monopoly on the truth, there’s more than one way of doing things. You might go about things in a completely different way and get a better outcome. Its having the ability to see the world through other peoples eyes Social support isn’t about a night out in the pub its about providing timely constructive feedback! Could be feedback on a presentation, or just something as simple as “jobs a good un, thanks”
  12. Psychologists call stress arousal which is much more interesting ! Obviously wanted stress is fine but too much stress and we become dysfunctional Unacceptable levels of stress cause burn out Line managers role is to ident
  13. The problem is even if we are trying not to transmit stress we leak. How do we leak ??!! Stress spreads like an infection through non verbal behaviour! Glazed look, rabbit in the headlights! Test is to ask your staff how do you know when I'm under stress -what do I do ?When the level of stress exceeds our ability to cope with it we cause problems for others as well as ourselves - average correlation .92 high) and probably put the absence figures up in the process-Not great as we have managed to get them down from 15.7 to 12.69%! (All England top quartile figure for 2004/5 was 8.9 days, Gateshead’s figure Was 13.2 days. Ours seems high because district Councils have much less absence) Leaders have a responsibility to manage their own behaviour, intervene when others are stress and provide the necessary support and develop containment strategies
  14. Developing good leaders is both a morale and a financial responsibility . We have a duty of care to our employees to prevent them from burning out The costs of stress in human terms is increasing at a phenomenal rate . Over the last few years they have found people in the public sector burn out faster than those in the private sector. A survey of staff in the NHS said levels of stress were directly to leadership – they studied 11,000 nurses admin staff and found 27% were probable psychiatric cases! The cost of stress is also increasing. Absence costs the authority anything between 7-9 million per year Aug 2006 Absence rates down from 15.2 to 12.16 17% days related to stress
  15. So, academics have spent years trying to identify what makes a good leader- the recipe for success-some with more success than others ! Before I take you thru the local government research we just need to make sure everyone is starting from the same place, is that ok? Well quickly recap some of theories and talk about their pros and cons
  16. You may be familiar with some of these models, but they are now known as the old paradigm of leadership After world war one (form the 1930s to 1950s) there was a lot of emphasis on military heroic models of leadership eg: the Great Man approach . This said basically leaders were born not made-it’s a gene thing . You inherited certain traits or characteristics that made you special. The principle was you either had it or you hadn’t , no amount of training would make any difference –so if your father went to Sandhurst and excelled you would automatically get in as it was assumed you would have inherited his positive leadership traits ANY PROBLEMS WITH THAT? Whilst the theory made sense at the time- you needed to in-still a willingness to be heroic, go over the top of the bunker, we now know leadership is not hereditary and it means different things to different people
  17. In the 1960’s the emphasis was on one best style of leadership. Remember the model ? It basically said that managers operated on a scale from autocratic to democratic but participative was best. What goes on in society influences research-what was going on in the 60s that would influence this- drugs flower power! WHAT PROBLEMS CAN YOU SEE WITH THIS MODEL? The problem with this model is that there are times when you need to be autocratic (if there was a fire you wouldn’t sit round and have a focus group !) Also, it may not be appropriate to totally devolve decision making on important issues to new members of staff-be totally democratic . The interesting thing is that research has shown if you adopt an more directive autocratic style in the short term, that leads to performance improvements. It also gives you the opportunity to communicate the fact that you expect high standards in performance short term, however as long term performance drops when autocratic styles are used you need to adjust your style over time.
  18. 70s –Blanchard situational leadership. Looking back on some of the lessons from the 2nd WW they found leadership was not hereditary’ it was contingent on the situation. This model says we each have a preferred style but need to adjust our style according to levels of competence confidence and the actual task. (Draw model on whiteboard and give egs) New to an organisation we tell – these are the policies procedures aims objectives, this is the way things are done. Once they are a little more experienced we sell – this is why we do it this way. Once they become competent and confident we involve them in a new range of situations, eventually we delegate Depends on task they are doing- new area more support .Great model for illustrating the importance of adjusting your style –practical-but more about way I the leader with the power and authority interact with you. Now thought to be more associated with management than leadership The leaders role is to take them on a journey as they mature and develop The skill is choosing the right style at the right time . Obviously context is important- even a highly competent Chief Exec will need guidance on joining a new org. Blake and Moutons managerial grid (handout) was also a situational model that said leadership style varied on two dimensions, task and people. Task-focussed leaders emphasise on planning setting goals. People- good working relationships. Managers who showed concern for both were the most effective Now more associated with management more than leadership but very effective in terms of teaching the importance of style flexibility
  19. 1970s siesmic shift in leadership thinking- globalisation, technology, In Search of Excellence. Old models fine in stable environments where nothing much changed. Did not help people cope with change Research old models had been conducted with first line supervisors. Academics said if we want to understand change we need to speak to CEOs of major companies. Problem is that in many cases they just asked them- why do you think you are so good- well hey I’m charismatic-but of course they were self rating. Who do you think is the best predictor of a bosses performance?
  20. Recent research has exploded some of the myths about leadership : It’s rare and found mainly at the top-in successful organisations leadership permeates, it’s found at all levels –rarely at the top ! There are exemplars, good role models everywhere who set the standards ,set the pace and challenge the status quo . It’s a bout being superhuman ( when you read some of the job descriptions for senior posts could almost read “white knight in shining armour required to save the organisation- how realistic are they- mere mortals need not apply!) Over the years there has been a lot of research done about charisma. Initially they thought to be an effective leader you had to be almost superhuman, provide divine inspiration, be evangelical to be effective, which actually made leadership inaccessible to most normal ordinary people. We now these sort of qualities are associated with pseudo-charismatics who are purely about pursuing their own agenda and self aggrandisement (interestingly there is a direct correlation between pay and charisma but not pay and performance). Although you need to be able to persuade influence and motivate we know know the most effective leaders do this by being quietly effective and by being a positive role model (you don’t have to be Billy Graham) . Doing the small things, interacting at personal level with people knowing what makes them tick, catches them on fire. That’s what gets people to go above and beyond the call of duty So, it’s not about being superhuman it’s about being a decent human being , showing a genuine concern for others and their welfare , treating people with dignity and respect , acting with integrity etc. Common sense Its about doing the small things like being accessible approachable ,having an open door
  21. Do these people really exist and if they did could we pay them enough
  22. The academics then started to view leadership as distinct in it’s own right ,rather than being a subset of management. Kotter crystalised the differences really well. Management is about what we do . Leadership is about how we go about it There was a seismic shift in the 70s when people like Kotter, Kanter Handy started to write about managing turbulence and chaos in organisations and coping with change We also had In Search of Excellence by Peters and Waterman was also instrumental in changing fundamentally held beliefs
  23. These models are known as the old paradigm of leadership In this day and age given the pace of change the old models are simply not enough . Leadership is about helping people cope with change, helping them make the fundamental paradigm shifts necessary to cope with the changing demands of the job You need both
  24. These models are known as the old paradigm of leadership In this day and age given the pace of change the old models are simply not enough . Leadership is about helping people cope with change, helping them make the fundamental paradigm shifts necessary to cope with the changing demands of the job You need both
  25. These models are known as the old paradigm of leadership In this day and age given the pace of change the old models are simply not enough . Leadership is about helping people cope with change, helping them make the fundamental paradigm shifts necessary to cope with the changing demands of the job You need both
  26. New Paradigms Of Leadership emanate from the work of George McGregor Burns coined the phrases transactional and transformational management when observing politicians for his research. TA vote for me and Ill deliver x y and z TF vote for me and things will be better or different Read slide then,,,,,
  27. 1980s Bernard Bass ( Occ Psych disillusioned with existing research ) developed his theory on TA and TF leadership based on the work of George Mcgregor Burns. He identified 4 key qualities of TF leadership ( using MLQ – multifactor leadership questionnaire ) His research is the model on which most of the TF models of leadership are based (Tichy and Dervana, J Konger and Alimo-Metcalfe etc)
  28. Leaders are future focussed Transformational leaders recognise they don’t have the monopoly on the vision (pointless having a vision if no-one is following it ) .Once they have initial ideas they engage and involve people in the process and foster commitment at every opportunity They paint pictures for staff - this is what it means for you, your job They make people believe its achievable Some people perceived to be TF are not – Alan Sugar – allegedly people employed to do his bidding –sugar lumps who dare not questions.. TF leaders don’t need enforcers they want people who challenge and disagree with them TF are open to challenge- tell me what will work, what won’t, is there a better way? How do you feel about what’s happening, how can I support you? Read slide
  29. Really he was saying its about being a good conductor-
  30. Lot of research about charisma has now been completely discredited. It’s not about being superhuman/ dynamic evangelistic. (one point down to eye colour and body language! How much you wave your arms about There are other ways. of instilling motivation in others. Valuing people, showing concern for their welfare-that’s what persuaded them to go the extra mile, treating people fairly with respect. Jim Collins wrote a great book in 2001 one about how some of the top performing companies went from Good to Excellent. Research by Tosi et al in 2004 showed zero correlation between charisma and performance, but a strong correlation between charisma and pay! Bass said being TF is about being quietly effective (supported by Minzberg 1999, Managing Quietly) Pseudo Charismatics Not all types of charisma are positive – David Koresh – mass suicide. TF leaders are not in it for self engrandisement-they are value driven open and honest confident and act with integrity
  31. Tell us what's wrong – challenge the status quo, see things from different perspective Are not defensive themselves when challenged Relish the opportunity to work outside their comfort zone Take a collaborative approach to problem solving Adjust the pitch according to who they are dealing with so gain credibility quickly (up or down a gear accordingly without being patronising or superior)
  32. Member of staff usually competent confident but their whole demeanour has changed (quiet moody unpredictable, burst into tears, make mountains out of molehills) obviously there is a problem. A TA manager probably would not even notice –so wound up in the task ! If they did they might ask are you ok? They probably would just accept it if the person said they were fine – What does fine stand for anyway – Fd off insecure neurotic and emotional ! # TF leaders understand what motivates their staff what makes em tick. They Communicate +ve expectations came out really high- really think you can do this THIS CAME OUT TOP OF THE LOCAL GOVT SCALE AND WE ARE THE WORST AT IT (LATER…)
  33. We do need both but further research has subsequently shown that TF behaviours have more positive impact on morale motivation stress job satisfaction and performance They are the behaviours we should be rewarding One of the problems is that traditionally particularly in local government people are appointed for their professional or technical expertise rather than leadership ( or management )qualities.We appoint TA Chief Execs who appoint people with TA styles they value – this compounds the problem. Similarly again and again we find that in attempt to cut costs Councils appoint to key positions (GD HOS etc) without assessing leadership in any way. Or they appoint on the basis of seniority rather than performance. This greatly concerns me Read slide
  34. Transactional is management, (the what) ;transformational is leadership (the how). Obviously we need both. Managers who take responsibility and manage and leaders who challenge the status quo and help set the new direction I worked for a manager once who was really dynamic and enthusiastic- couldn’t organise anything to save his life - used to leave a trail of chaos behind him, other people were left picking up the pieces . I worked for another one who was brilliant at managing data , producing reports but useless at dealing with people Tried really hard after we ran some training- almost like he had been programmed to ask “how are you?” Never listened to the answer!!! Its about being transactional in a transformational way, thinking in how can we go about this in a way that will help me get the best out of my staff
  35. Even Bass’s research was based on 70 male S African CEOs , 69 of whom were white S\Africans –all self rating Who do you think would be the best person to rate a managers style ? Staff – as they are direct recipients of their leadership behaviour
  36. These are the transformational behaviours identified by the research Show an eg of the TLQ 360 profile Genuine concern for people and their welfare, not seeing them as a means to an end. Understanding what motivates them and makes them tick. Communicating =ve expectations of what they can achieve Valuing them Being responsive asking for feedback- tell me what Im doing wrong, what isnt working Rate yourselves on the sheet provided Check this out with a colleague to see if your perceptions are right! Then identify three SMART development actions TOP ONE CRUCIAL THOUGHTFUL DEKGATION NOT DUMPING APPROACHABLE, TIME TO TALK EVEN WHEN YOU ARE BUSY QUESTION, THINK OUT OF THE BOX DIFFERENT WAYS OF DOING THINGS
  37. Open to criticism from others Admit if you don’t know/ have made a mistake Encourages divergent thinking- can move from the detail to big picture - do both Do what I say I will do Consistent not moody and irrational
  38. Networking was one of the most important dimensions in LG Working with partners to develop a shared vision sensitive to their agendas and targets Doesn’t seek to apportion blame (every innovation has a failure in the middle - Kanter)
  39. Self awareness and leadership are inextricably linked You can only be a leader when you know yourself and you know how others see you Correlation between manager staff and colleagues 0.6 see you in the same way
  40. Pygmalion studies example
  41. The problem with traditional appraisal of course is that its top down ( and in some cases you may never see you line manager - or they only see you once a fortnight in a meeting, not managing staff and never in a crisis situation They are not the direct recipients of your style Very difficult to develop leadership without 360. Much more appropriate in today’s climate as you get feedback from customers partners members and mostly importantly the people you lead
  42. Tools –EAS IIP
  43. But that means focussing on individual and organisational behaviour
  44. Behaviour (individual and organisational) and culture are also inextricably linked Behaviour influences culture which reinforces behaviour
  45. Senior managers must role model the right behaviours we must assess both TF and TA at recruitment / for promotion Content of training progrs should allow development of theses behaviours Bosses have an expectation for Ta targets, staff Tf - conflict
  46. Transactional is management, (the what) ;transformational is leadership (the how). Obviously we need both. Managers who take responsibility and manage and leaders who challenge the status quo and help set the new direction I worked for a manager once who was really dynamic and enthusiastic- couldn’t organise anything to save his life - used to leave a trail of chaos behind him, other people were left picking up the pieces . I worked for another one who was brilliant at managing data , producing reports but useless at dealing with people Tried really hard after we ran some training- almost like he had been programmed to ask “how are you?” Never listened to the answer!!! Its about being transactional in a transformational way, thinking in how can we go about this in a way that will help me get the best out of my staff
  47. Managers are role models of organisational intent They send clear signals in every communication about what is valued /important Team meetings are important vehicles that can be used to re-inforce organisational intent i.e… If we are trying to create a high performance culture, performance needs to be a regular agenda item If we are a learning organisation that values CPD we need to encourage people to share their learning from conferences/networking If we truly want to engage with our employees and capture their ideas we need to create an environment where people can speak up and express their views in a constructive manner
  48. There are some quick levers you can pull if your are trying to achieve culture change Focus on role modelling Telling stories about what is and isn’t acceptable Symbols can be very powerful ( the CEx having lunch in the canteen, One Council closed a canteen that was just for HOS and GDs to try and reduce the emphasis on hierachy etc Car parking spaces are powerful symbol Basically you get what you reward or sanction- you need to send a clear message you only get on here if you do x (link to succession planning) other wise you will never embed it That was then, this is now
  49. Cover counselling/etc
  50. create a climate of openness and feedback
  51. 2- known you for 6m or more in your current post, who you trust to give you honest feedback- think about whose feedback you would value Usually boss 3 colleagues, 3 peers, 3 staff can ask members partners-others
  52. Self awareness only comes through meaningful