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Kewirausahaan dan
Pengembangan Usaha dalam UPJA
Diklat TOT Manajemen UPJA Angkatan I
BBMKP Ciawi - 20 Februari 2017
1. Kewirausahaan sebagai kunci pengembangan usaha
2. Penggunaan Stakeholder Analysis untuk
pengembangan usaha UPJA
Kewirausahaan Sebagai Dasar
Pengembangan Usaha
Kewirausahaan berkaitan
dengan dua hal:
1. How to become a smart and good enterpreneur
2. How to build a smart and good company
“Ilmu kewirausahaan adalah suatu disiplin ilmu yang mempelajari
tentang nilai,kemampuan dan perilaku sesorang dalam
menghadapi tantangan hidup untuk memperoleh peluang dengan
berbagai resiko yang mungkin dihadapi”
Objek kewirausahaan:
a. Kemampuan merumuskan tujuan hidup / usaha.
b. Kemampuan memotivasi diri
c. Kemampuan untuk berinisiatif
d. Kemampuan berinovasi
e. Kemampuan untuk membentuk modal uang dan barang modal.
f. Kemampuan mental yang dilandasi agama
g. Kemampuan untuk membiasakan diri dalam mengambil
hikmah pengalaman baik maupun menyakitkan.
Karakteristik Kewirausahaan:
1.Percaya diri
2.Berorientasi pada tugas dan hasil
3.Pengambil resiko dan suka
4. Kemampuan
5. Keorisinilan
6. Beroreientasi ke masa
1.Keyakinan, ketidak-tergantungan, indivi-
dualitas, dan optimisme
2.Kebutuhan untuk ber-prestasi, berorientasi
laba, tekun, kerja keras dan inisiatif.
3.Kemampuan untuk mengambil resiko yang
4.Perilaku sbg pemimpin, bergaul dengan
orang lain, menanggapi saran & kritik
5.Inovatif, kreatif dan fleksibel
6.Pandangan kedepan, perspektif
How to start
a new business
how to build
a spirit of
how to enterhow to enter
the marketthe market
how to build a
smart and good
Strategic and
Penggunaan Stakeholder Analysis
Dalam pengembangan UPJA
Analiysis stakeholders sebagai tool
dalam rekayasa kelembagaan:
• Institutional arrangements =
“different (in)formal regimes and coalitions for collective action
and inter-agent coordination, ranging from public-private
cooperation and contracting schemes, organizational
networking to policy arrangements”
(Geels, 2004; Klein & Teisman, 2000).
• Institutional arrangements, understood as the dyna-mic
set of formal and informal regulations and networks,
are shaped by economic exchange, socio-cultural norms
and political regimes, and may provide welfare, identity,
solidarityand sense of belonging.
Ada 4 hal utama dalam rekayasa
1. PELAKU. Which factors contribute to or impede the emergence,
reforms and breakdown of (formal and informal) institutional
arrangements in development?
2. RELASI. How do institutional arrangements in the various
domains, and the interrelations between them, contribute to or
impede poverty alleviation, social cohesion and trust,
(re)distribution (of power and wealth) and innovation?
3. KETERWAKILAN. How are different actors - e.g. in terms of
gender, class, ethnicity- (mis)represented and (dis)empowered by
institutional arrangements?
4. PERAN dan FUNGSI. What are the roles and functions of
(horizontal) networks and (vertical) chains for social interaction,
political representation and collective action?
• Pendekatan rekayasa kelembagaan, dalam penelitian dijalankan
salah satunya melalui ANALISIS STAKEHOLDER. 13
Siapa kah stakeholders?
• Segenap pihak, baik individu maupun kelompok yang terkait dengan objek yang sedang
dipelajari, yang berpotensi mengambil peran aktif dalam sistem sehingga akan berpengaruh
dan berdampak terhadap berjalannya sistem.
• Kelompok atau individu yang dukungannya diperlukan demi kesejahteraan dan kelangsungan
hidup organisasi.
• Menurut Smith (.....) stakeholder adalah “individuals, groups, or organizations that have an
interest in the project and can mobilize resources to affect its outcome in some way”, atau
secara lebih formal didefinisikan sebagia "Individuals and organizations who are actively
involved in the project, or whose interests may be positively or negatively affected as a result
of project execution or successful project completion".
• Freeman (1984) = kelompok atau individu yang dapat mempengaruhi dan atau dipengaruhi
oleh suatu pencapaian tujuan tertentu.
• Biset (1998) = sebagai orang dengan suatu kepentingan atau perhatian pada permasalahan.
Jenis stakeholder:
• Stkeholder primer = yang merasakan dampak
langsung atau tak langsung dari proyek atau
Misal: masyarakat sasaran, kelompok etnis, gender dan
• Stakeholders sekunder (intermediari) = yag
bertindak atas nama stakeholders primer
Misal: pemerintah, NGO, pihak pendonor, dan berbagai
interest group lain.
Kegunaan analisis stakholders:
• Membantu dalam menemukan pendekatan yang tepat dan
interaksi kondusif dengan setiap elemen masyarakat dan berbagai
pihak dalam proyek
• Memahami respon stakeholders, dengan keanekaragaman karakter
sosial dan kepentingan ekonomi politiknya.
• Dapat membantu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi proyek
menjadi lebih matang, karena dapatmengidentifikasi kunci-kunci
• Membantu mengembangkan rencana pengelolaan stakeholder
• Analisis stake holder dilakukan di awal program
• Identifikasi pandangan dan karakteristik dari setiap stakeholder
merupakan dasar untuk pelaksanaan kegiatan (= menyusun “profil
Meeting stakeholder needs:
• Where does your organisation create stakeholder
• How can you do that better?
• Can you eliminate or reduce focus on processes
which do not add stakeholder value?
• How do you communicate with stakeholders?
• Do your communications encourage stakeholder
• Do you communicate the stakeholder value?
Siapakah stakeholders?
• Owners, stockholders &
• Banks and creditors
• Partners & suppliers
• Buyers, customers &
• Management
• Employees, unions, works
• Competitors
• Government &
regulators: local,
national, international
• Professional and industry
• Media: local, national,
trade, financial
• NGOs
• Communities & other
interest groups
Keuntungan menggunakan Stakeholder
• Get to know stakeholders better:
–Relative importance, power and interests
–Better managed relationships
–Risks identified
• Make better strategies and decisions
• Greater acceptance of organisation actions
by stakeholders
Kerugian menggunakan Stakeholder
• Best done on continuous basis
• Assessment of analysis may be subjective
• Maybe not all stakeholder interests can be
met at the same time
–Focus on most important stakeholder
–Balance & reconcile all interests according to
importance or urgency
Langkah-langkah analisis stakeholder:
1. Identifikasi semua stakeholder dan informasi yang terkait seperti peran,
departemen, kepentingan, pengetahuan, harapan, dan tingkat
2. Analisis dampak atau dukungan potensial pada masing-masing
3. Lakukan penilaian bagaimana stakeholder utama bereaksi atau
merespon pada berbagai situasi, bagaimana mempengaruhi mereka
dalam meningkatkan dukungan mereka dan mengantisipasi dampak
negatif yang mungkin muncul.
4. Analisis, mencakup:.
– Memperjelas pihak-pihak yang merupakan stakeholder proyek.
– Temukan dan selaraskan harapan stakeholder dan dampak individual pada
– Identifikasi garis besar persyaratan yang dibutuhkan yang mungkin akan
terjadi dalam proses
– Kaitkan kebutuhan dengan harapan untuk mengantisipasi risiko kegiatan
perencanaan dan respon terhadap risiko.
– Pelajari rencana komunikasi dalam strategi proyek.
Identifikasi awal seluruh stakeholder:
Stakeholder Analysis: List
Stakeholders Key
Importance to
on project
Model-model Klasifikasi:
1. Power vs interest
2. Power vs influence
3. Power vs dinamism
4. Influence vs importance
5. Influnece vs support
6. Infleunce vs interest
7. Influence vs impact
Model 1: tingkat kekuasaan (power) vs ketertarikannya
(interest) terhadap proyek:
Power / Interest Matrix:
Stakeholders in group A: Need only
minimum effort an monitoring
Stakeholders in group B: Should be kept
informed as they may be able to influence
more powerful stakeholders
Stakeholders in group C: Are powerful, but
level of interest is low. Generally expected to
be passive, but may move into group D on an
issue of particular interest
Stakeholders in group D: Are both powerful
and interested. Their co-operation is of key
importance for new strategies
Model 2. Power vs Influence
Model 3. Power vs dinamism
Model 4: tingkat pengaruhnya (influence) vs
kepentingan (importance)
Project Managers will need good
working relationships with these
stakeholders to ensure support for
project activities
May need special initiatives if
needs are to be met.
The Target Group should be here
Influential stakeholders but with
less importance for outputs. They
affect outcome of activities and
need careful management
The interests of these should be
monitored to ensure that they are
not negatively affected
Model 5: pengaruhnya (influence) vs tingkat dukungan
Model 6: influence vs interest
Setting Stakeholder Communications Strategy
Level of Interest
Low High
Level of
Low Apply Minimal Effort Keep Informed
High Active Communications Active Communications
and Engagement
Model 7. Influence vs Impact
Hasil analisis:
Perkirakan outline dan risiko (Outline
assumptions and risks).
Tentukan tingkat partisipasi stakeholder (Define
stakeholder participation)
• Nilai tingkat partisipasi stakholders
dan informasi kebutuhannya.
• Memperjelas peran kunci
• Menentukan sebanyak mungkin
saat berpartisipasinya.
• Matriks partisipasi merupakan
metode yang dapat membantu
manajer proyek dalam
mengkategorikan strategi mereka
untuk melibatkan stakeholders.
• Tahap siklus harus mencerminkan
tahapan proyek, demikian juga jenis
Examples of Stakeholder Engagement
Adapted from Bourne, 2015
The Power, Legitimacy and Urgency Model
Maps stakeholder behaviour according to its
balance of three characteristics:
Power: Of the stakeholder to influence the
Legitimacy: of the relationship in terms of
desirability or appropriateness
Urgency: The expectations of the stakeholder in
terms of criticality and time-sensitivity
Stakeholder behaviour is mapped into 7 types
Latent Stakeholders (Groups 1, 2 & 3): Sub-
divided into ‘dormant’, ‘discretionary’, or
‘demanding’ stakeholders
Expectant Stakeholders (Groups 4, 5 & 6):
Sub-divided into ‘dominant’, ‘dangerous’, or
‘dependent’ stakeholders
Definitive Stakeholders (Group 7): have all
three characteristics and should command a
high level of management attention
Note: management’s assessment of each
stakeholders position is still subjective!
Salience Model
Membangun kerjasama dan
Process to Identify Existing and/or Form New Producer
• Selection Process 1: Production and/or market-oriented groups
Identify, evaluate and select groups of farmers already engaged in some
level of commodity production and potentially.
• Selection Process 2: Socially-oriented groups exist
Focus on groups that are not currently engaged in commodity production
but have the capacity and interest to become involved.
• Selection Process 3: Farmers are not organized into groups
Used to bring together individuals with common business and economic
objectives to form new producer groups and cooperatives.
Selection Proses 1: Production and/or
market-oriented groups exist
•Step 1: Identify Existing Groups
•Step 2: Narrow the List
•Step 3: Conduct Background Check
•Step 4: Conduct Initial Site Visit
•Step 5: Decide Which Groups to Explore
•Step 6: Hold Introductory Group Meeting
•Step 7: Make Final Decisions on Groups
•Step 8: Convene a Mobilization/Kickoff
Meeting with Each Group
•Step 9: Conduct Group Baseline Evaluation
Selection Process 2:
Groups Exist
Step 1: Identify
Existing Groups
Steps 2 – 9: Follow
the same procedures as
Selection Process 1
Selection Process 3: Farmers are Not Organized into Groups
Step 1: Evaluate the Potential for Forming Groups
Step 2: Conduct Field Visits to Talk with Farmers
Step 3: Ground-truth Information Received
Step 4: Organize a Community Meeting
Step 5: Conduct Internal Selection Meeting
Step 6: Conduct Community Assessment
Step 7: Hold Discussions with Various Stakeholders
Step 8: Convene Internal Team Meeting
Step 9: Launch the Project in the Community
Step 10: Undertake an Internal Review and Selection of Applications
Step 11: Hold Kick-off Meeting with the Group
Managing the Partnership:
1. Agree on format and procedures for review of progress indicators. Open communication and
feedback are critical to any partnership. Expectations should be set up front as to how feedback
will be given among parties.
2. Identify primary points of contact from each party.
3. Set a schedule for regular review of the partnership.
4. Consider developing a work plan (simple or detailed, with timelines, outputs, deliverables, etc.)
to provide more structure to the relationship.
5. Document all communications related to the PA, including e-mails, meeting minutes and notes
from oral conversations.
6. Provide open, balanced feedback on the partnership as it progresses. This should include what is
going well, what is not going well and what could be done differently (by all parties).
7. Openly discuss the issue if one or more of the parties is not meeting their commitments as
defined by the MOU/PA. Action plans to get the partnership back on track should be developed,
documented and signed.
8. In case one or more of the parties wishes to terminate or suspend the partnership, follow the
terms and procedures outlined in the MOU/PA.
Kunci sukses berkerjasama:
1. Adequate planning
2. Shared vision, mission and goals
3. Communication and transparency among members
and leaders
4. Regular business meetings
5. Sound economic rationale, business plan and practices
6. Adequate financial recourses
7. Leadership with integrity and appropriate skills
8. Linkages with other cooperatives
Hal yang harus diwaspadai dalam
1. Lack of clearly identified mission.
2. Lack of democracy.
3. Lack of strategic planning.
4. Lack of proper governance.
5. Lack of financing.
6. Failure to identify and minimize risks.
7. Inadequate communications.
8. Outside influences
Untuk menyusun bisnis plan:
1. Why are farmers interested in forming a
2. What is the goal of the group?
3. What products does the group want to sell?
4. Where will they be sold?
5. How will the group accomplish this goal?
6. When does the group hope to reach this goal?
Outline Business Plan :
1. Purpose and Objective
2. Type of Business
3. Product
4. Customers
5. Competitors
6. Management
7. Source of Funds
8. Budget
9. Cash Flow (recommended, but not required)
10. Bylaws (usually an annex)

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  • 1. Kewirausahaan dan Pengembangan Usaha dalam UPJA Syahyuti Diklat TOT Manajemen UPJA Angkatan I BBMKP Ciawi - 20 Februari 2017 1
  • 2. Materi: 1. Kewirausahaan sebagai kunci pengembangan usaha 2. Penggunaan Stakeholder Analysis untuk pengembangan usaha UPJA 2
  • 4. Kewirausahaan berkaitan dengan dua hal: 1. How to become a smart and good enterpreneur 2. How to build a smart and good company “Ilmu kewirausahaan adalah suatu disiplin ilmu yang mempelajari tentang nilai,kemampuan dan perilaku sesorang dalam menghadapi tantangan hidup untuk memperoleh peluang dengan berbagai resiko yang mungkin dihadapi” 4
  • 5. Objek kewirausahaan: a. Kemampuan merumuskan tujuan hidup / usaha. b. Kemampuan memotivasi diri c. Kemampuan untuk berinisiatif d. Kemampuan berinovasi e. Kemampuan untuk membentuk modal uang dan barang modal. f. Kemampuan mental yang dilandasi agama g. Kemampuan untuk membiasakan diri dalam mengambil hikmah pengalaman baik maupun menyakitkan. 5
  • 6. Karakteristik Kewirausahaan: Ciri-ciri: 1.Percaya diri 2.Berorientasi pada tugas dan hasil 3.Pengambil resiko dan suka tantangan 4. Kemampuan kepemimpinan 5. Keorisinilan 6. Beroreientasi ke masa depan Watak: 1.Keyakinan, ketidak-tergantungan, indivi- dualitas, dan optimisme 2.Kebutuhan untuk ber-prestasi, berorientasi laba, tekun, kerja keras dan inisiatif. 3.Kemampuan untuk mengambil resiko yang wajar 4.Perilaku sbg pemimpin, bergaul dengan orang lain, menanggapi saran & kritik 5.Inovatif, kreatif dan fleksibel 6.Pandangan kedepan, perspektif 6
  • 7. 7
  • 8. HOW TO BECOME A SMART AND GOOD ENTERPRENEUR Good enterpreuner How to start a new business how to build a spirit of enterpreneurship how to enterhow to enter the marketthe market
  • 9. HOW TO BUILD A SMART AND GOOD COMPANY how to build a smart and good company quality concept operational concept marketing concept Strategic and management concept
  • 12. Analiysis stakeholders sebagai tool dalam rekayasa kelembagaan: • Institutional arrangements = “different (in)formal regimes and coalitions for collective action and inter-agent coordination, ranging from public-private cooperation and contracting schemes, organizational networking to policy arrangements” (Geels, 2004; Klein & Teisman, 2000). • Institutional arrangements, understood as the dyna-mic set of formal and informal regulations and networks, are shaped by economic exchange, socio-cultural norms and political regimes, and may provide welfare, identity, solidarityand sense of belonging. 12
  • 13. Ada 4 hal utama dalam rekayasa kelembagaan: 1. PELAKU. Which factors contribute to or impede the emergence, reforms and breakdown of (formal and informal) institutional arrangements in development? 2. RELASI. How do institutional arrangements in the various domains, and the interrelations between them, contribute to or impede poverty alleviation, social cohesion and trust, (re)distribution (of power and wealth) and innovation? 3. KETERWAKILAN. How are different actors - e.g. in terms of gender, class, ethnicity- (mis)represented and (dis)empowered by institutional arrangements? 4. PERAN dan FUNGSI. What are the roles and functions of (horizontal) networks and (vertical) chains for social interaction, political representation and collective action? • Pendekatan rekayasa kelembagaan, dalam penelitian dijalankan salah satunya melalui ANALISIS STAKEHOLDER. 13
  • 14. Siapa kah stakeholders? • Segenap pihak, baik individu maupun kelompok yang terkait dengan objek yang sedang dipelajari, yang berpotensi mengambil peran aktif dalam sistem sehingga akan berpengaruh dan berdampak terhadap berjalannya sistem. • Kelompok atau individu yang dukungannya diperlukan demi kesejahteraan dan kelangsungan hidup organisasi. • Menurut Smith (.....) stakeholder adalah “individuals, groups, or organizations that have an interest in the project and can mobilize resources to affect its outcome in some way”, atau secara lebih formal didefinisikan sebagia "Individuals and organizations who are actively involved in the project, or whose interests may be positively or negatively affected as a result of project execution or successful project completion". • • Freeman (1984) = kelompok atau individu yang dapat mempengaruhi dan atau dipengaruhi oleh suatu pencapaian tujuan tertentu. • Biset (1998) = sebagai orang dengan suatu kepentingan atau perhatian pada permasalahan. 14
  • 15. Jenis stakeholder: • Stkeholder primer = yang merasakan dampak langsung atau tak langsung dari proyek atau aktivitas. Misal: masyarakat sasaran, kelompok etnis, gender dan kelas. • Stakeholders sekunder (intermediari) = yag bertindak atas nama stakeholders primer Misal: pemerintah, NGO, pihak pendonor, dan berbagai interest group lain. 15
  • 16. Kegunaan analisis stakholders: • Membantu dalam menemukan pendekatan yang tepat dan interaksi kondusif dengan setiap elemen masyarakat dan berbagai pihak dalam proyek • Memahami respon stakeholders, dengan keanekaragaman karakter sosial dan kepentingan ekonomi politiknya. • Dapat membantu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi proyek menjadi lebih matang, karena dapatmengidentifikasi kunci-kunci keberhasilan. • Membantu mengembangkan rencana pengelolaan stakeholder proyek. • Analisis stake holder dilakukan di awal program • Identifikasi pandangan dan karakteristik dari setiap stakeholder merupakan dasar untuk pelaksanaan kegiatan (= menyusun “profil stakeholder”). 16
  • 17. Meeting stakeholder needs: • Where does your organisation create stakeholder value? • How can you do that better? • Can you eliminate or reduce focus on processes which do not add stakeholder value? • How do you communicate with stakeholders? • Do your communications encourage stakeholder exchange? • Do you communicate the stakeholder value? 17
  • 18. Siapakah stakeholders? • Owners, stockholders & investors • Banks and creditors • Partners & suppliers • Buyers, customers & prospects • Management • Employees, unions, works councils • Competitors • Government & regulators: local, national, international • Professional and industry associations • Media: local, national, trade, financial • NGOs • Communities & other interest groups 18
  • 19. Keuntungan menggunakan Stakeholder Analysis • Get to know stakeholders better: –Relative importance, power and interests –Better managed relationships –Risks identified • Make better strategies and decisions • Greater acceptance of organisation actions by stakeholders 19
  • 20. Kerugian menggunakan Stakeholder Analysis: • Best done on continuous basis • Assessment of analysis may be subjective • Maybe not all stakeholder interests can be met at the same time –Focus on most important stakeholder –Balance & reconcile all interests according to importance or urgency 20
  • 21. Langkah-langkah analisis stakeholder: 1. Identifikasi semua stakeholder dan informasi yang terkait seperti peran, departemen, kepentingan, pengetahuan, harapan, dan tingkat pengaruh. 2. Analisis dampak atau dukungan potensial pada masing-masing stakeholder. 3. Lakukan penilaian bagaimana stakeholder utama bereaksi atau merespon pada berbagai situasi, bagaimana mempengaruhi mereka dalam meningkatkan dukungan mereka dan mengantisipasi dampak negatif yang mungkin muncul. 4. Analisis, mencakup:. – Memperjelas pihak-pihak yang merupakan stakeholder proyek. – Temukan dan selaraskan harapan stakeholder dan dampak individual pada proyek. – Identifikasi garis besar persyaratan yang dibutuhkan yang mungkin akan terjadi dalam proses – Kaitkan kebutuhan dengan harapan untuk mengantisipasi risiko kegiatan perencanaan dan respon terhadap risiko. – Pelajari rencana komunikasi dalam strategi proyek. 21
  • 22. Identifikasi awal seluruh stakeholder: 22
  • 23. Stakeholder Analysis: List Stakeholders Key Interests Importance to Project Influence on project Participation Primary Secondary 23
  • 24. Model-model Klasifikasi: 1. Power vs interest 2. Power vs influence 3. Power vs dinamism 4. Influence vs importance 5. Influnece vs support 6. Infleunce vs interest 7. Influence vs impact 24
  • 25. Model 1: tingkat kekuasaan (power) vs ketertarikannya (interest) terhadap proyek: 25
  • 26. Power / Interest Matrix: Stakeholders in group A: Need only minimum effort an monitoring Stakeholders in group B: Should be kept informed as they may be able to influence more powerful stakeholders Stakeholders in group C: Are powerful, but level of interest is low. Generally expected to be passive, but may move into group D on an issue of particular interest Stakeholders in group D: Are both powerful and interested. Their co-operation is of key importance for new strategies 26
  • 27. Model 2. Power vs Influence 27
  • 28. Model 3. Power vs dinamism 28
  • 29. Model 4: tingkat pengaruhnya (influence) vs kepentingan (importance) Project Managers will need good working relationships with these stakeholders to ensure support for project activities May need special initiatives if needs are to be met. The Target Group should be here Influential stakeholders but with less importance for outputs. They affect outcome of activities and need careful management The interests of these should be monitored to ensure that they are not negatively affected 29
  • 30. Model 5: pengaruhnya (influence) vs tingkat dukungan (support) 30
  • 31. Model 6: influence vs interest Setting Stakeholder Communications Strategy Level of Interest Low High Level of Influence Low Apply Minimal Effort Keep Informed High Active Communications Active Communications and Engagement 31
  • 32. Model 7. Influence vs Impact 32
  • 34. Perkirakan outline dan risiko (Outline assumptions and risks). 34
  • 35. Tentukan tingkat partisipasi stakeholder (Define stakeholder participation) • Nilai tingkat partisipasi stakholders dan informasi kebutuhannya. • Memperjelas peran kunci stakeholder • Menentukan sebanyak mungkin saat berpartisipasinya. • Matriks partisipasi merupakan metode yang dapat membantu manajer proyek dalam mengkategorikan strategi mereka untuk melibatkan stakeholders. • Tahap siklus harus mencerminkan tahapan proyek, demikian juga jenis partisipasinya. 35
  • 36. Examples of Stakeholder Engagement Profiles 36 Adapted from Bourne, 2015
  • 37. The Power, Legitimacy and Urgency Model Maps stakeholder behaviour according to its balance of three characteristics: Power: Of the stakeholder to influence the organisation Legitimacy: of the relationship in terms of desirability or appropriateness Urgency: The expectations of the stakeholder in terms of criticality and time-sensitivity 37
  • 38. Stakeholder behaviour is mapped into 7 types 38
  • 39. Latent Stakeholders (Groups 1, 2 & 3): Sub- divided into ‘dormant’, ‘discretionary’, or ‘demanding’ stakeholders Expectant Stakeholders (Groups 4, 5 & 6): Sub-divided into ‘dominant’, ‘dangerous’, or ‘dependent’ stakeholders Definitive Stakeholders (Group 7): have all three characteristics and should command a high level of management attention Note: management’s assessment of each stakeholders position is still subjective! 39
  • 42. Process to Identify Existing and/or Form New Producer Groups: • Selection Process 1: Production and/or market-oriented groups exist Identify, evaluate and select groups of farmers already engaged in some level of commodity production and potentially. • Selection Process 2: Socially-oriented groups exist Focus on groups that are not currently engaged in commodity production but have the capacity and interest to become involved. • Selection Process 3: Farmers are not organized into groups Used to bring together individuals with common business and economic objectives to form new producer groups and cooperatives. 42
  • 43. Selection Proses 1: Production and/or market-oriented groups exist •Step 1: Identify Existing Groups •Step 2: Narrow the List •Step 3: Conduct Background Check •Step 4: Conduct Initial Site Visit •Step 5: Decide Which Groups to Explore Further •Step 6: Hold Introductory Group Meeting •Step 7: Make Final Decisions on Groups •Step 8: Convene a Mobilization/Kickoff Meeting with Each Group •Step 9: Conduct Group Baseline Evaluation Selection Process 2: Socially-oriented Groups Exist Step 1: Identify Existing Groups Steps 2 – 9: Follow the same procedures as Selection Process 1 43
  • 44. Selection Process 3: Farmers are Not Organized into Groups Step 1: Evaluate the Potential for Forming Groups Step 2: Conduct Field Visits to Talk with Farmers Step 3: Ground-truth Information Received Step 4: Organize a Community Meeting Step 5: Conduct Internal Selection Meeting Step 6: Conduct Community Assessment Step 7: Hold Discussions with Various Stakeholders Step 8: Convene Internal Team Meeting Step 9: Launch the Project in the Community Step 10: Undertake an Internal Review and Selection of Applications Step 11: Hold Kick-off Meeting with the Group 44
  • 45. Managing the Partnership: 1. Agree on format and procedures for review of progress indicators. Open communication and feedback are critical to any partnership. Expectations should be set up front as to how feedback will be given among parties. 2. Identify primary points of contact from each party. 3. Set a schedule for regular review of the partnership. 4. Consider developing a work plan (simple or detailed, with timelines, outputs, deliverables, etc.) to provide more structure to the relationship. 5. Document all communications related to the PA, including e-mails, meeting minutes and notes from oral conversations. 6. Provide open, balanced feedback on the partnership as it progresses. This should include what is going well, what is not going well and what could be done differently (by all parties). 7. Openly discuss the issue if one or more of the parties is not meeting their commitments as defined by the MOU/PA. Action plans to get the partnership back on track should be developed, documented and signed. 8. In case one or more of the parties wishes to terminate or suspend the partnership, follow the terms and procedures outlined in the MOU/PA. 45
  • 46. Kunci sukses berkerjasama: 1. Adequate planning 2. Shared vision, mission and goals 3. Communication and transparency among members and leaders 4. Regular business meetings 5. Sound economic rationale, business plan and practices 6. Adequate financial recourses 7. Leadership with integrity and appropriate skills 8. Linkages with other cooperatives 46
  • 47. Hal yang harus diwaspadai dalam kerjasama: 1. Lack of clearly identified mission. 2. Lack of democracy. 3. Lack of strategic planning. 4. Lack of proper governance. 5. Lack of financing. 6. Failure to identify and minimize risks. 7. Inadequate communications. 8. Outside influences 47
  • 48. Untuk menyusun bisnis plan: 1. Why are farmers interested in forming a cooperative? 2. What is the goal of the group? 3. What products does the group want to sell? 4. Where will they be sold? 5. How will the group accomplish this goal? 6. When does the group hope to reach this goal? 48
  • 49. Outline Business Plan : 1. Purpose and Objective 2. Type of Business 3. Product 4. Customers 5. Competitors 6. Management 7. Source of Funds 8. Budget 9. Cash Flow (recommended, but not required) 10. Bylaws (usually an annex) 49

Editor's Notes

  1. May also use a ranking exercise