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Topics For Argumentative Essays For High
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Topics For Argumentative Essays For High School" can be
both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty lies not only in selecting a compelling topic but
also in the meticulous process of researching, organizing thoughts, and presenting a coherent and
persuasive argument. High school students often face the task of navigating through a plethora
of potential subjects, each requiring careful consideration and analysis.
Firstly, the challenge arises from the need to identify topics that are not only relevant to high
school students but also stimulate critical thinking. The essay should address issues that provoke
debate, allowing students to develop and articulate their perspectives effectively. The task
involves researching various subjects, understanding their complexities, and determining which
ones resonate with the intended audience.
Moreover, the process of developing a compelling argument demands a deep dive into the chosen
topic. High school essays require a balance between factual evidence and persuasive language.
This requires students to explore credible sources, comprehend different viewpoints, and
construct a well-organized essay that logically presents their stance.
Additionally, the challenge extends to the articulation of thoughts. Writing an argumentative
essay for high school necessitates a command of language, clarity of expression, and the ability
to weave together ideas seamlessly. Crafting a coherent and convincing argument involves
honing writing skills, which can be demanding for students who are still refining their academic
writing abilities.
In conclusion, tackling the task of writing an argumentative essay on topics for high school
students can be a challenging yet enriching endeavor. It involves careful topic selection, in-depth
research, and the ability to articulate thoughts persuasively. However, for those seeking
assistance or looking for a more streamlined process, similar essays and a variety of academic
writing services can be explored on platforms like, providing valuable support
for students navigating the complexities of argumentative essay writing.
Topics For Argumentative Essays For High SchoolTopics For Argumentative Essays For High
Causes Of The Hindenburg Disaster
1. The Hindenburg was destroyed in 32 seconds by one main cause. The extreme
amount of hydrogen on board. Though there were other factors, this was really the
central problem. To be more specific, a static spark ignited hydrogen that was
leaking in the Zeppelin, therefore causing the disaster we know today. If you can
accept that the Zeppelin was not sabotaged, then the reason for the hydrogen leak is
one of the biggest causes for speculation. According to Hugo Eckener, the president
of the Zeppelin company who was involved in the investigation, the Zeppelin should
have never tried to land it should have kept flying. The ships sharp turns when it
was trying to land could have definitely caused something to become loose or fall
out of place, which then could have caused a hydrogen leak. The materials used were
basically the best for what they had for the time, so the materials were not the
problem. Zeppelins were known to not be the safest way to air travel, because there
were multiple other accidents before the Hindenburg, without enough innovation to
help prevent future disaster. The problem was these zeppelins were so mesmerizing
and beautiful that... Show more content on ...
It is upsetting because zeppelins are amazing creations, but I agree the risk is just too
much. One of the most interesting things I learned is that the entire disaster
happened in 32 seconds. I had no idea it was that fast. It was also interesting to learn
that hydrogen was basically the entirety of the problem. It s upsetting that everything
could have turned out differently if the Hindenburg did not have the hydrogen leak.
The Hindenburg disaster really shows that engineers learn from their mistakes,
because if they did not, they would have continued building zeppelins. Once they
realize how dangerous it was nothing else mattered, they needed to be safe rather than
Increasing Use of Medical Marijuana
Increasing Use of Medical Marijuana
In this paper I am writing about the increasing use of medical marijuana. And with
the states legalizing this drug for medical purposes it is a wonder why people don t
care to realize that it is still very illegal under federal law for any use. The research
is based on the states of Washington and Rhode Island petitioning the federal
government on reclassifying marijuana as a drug that is accepted with medical uses,
saying they want to regulate this distribution without putting any type of risk for
federal persecution. This motion by Christine Gregoire of Washington, whom is a
Democrat, and Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island, whom is independent and used to be
a Republican.
There is no safe system in the state and federal law to supply legitimate people who
need medical marijuana as what was mentioned to Michele M. Leonhart, the
administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration.
Marijuana is currently classified by the federal government as a Schedule 1 controlled
substance, the same category as heroin and L.S.D. Drugs with that classification,
which has a high potential for abuse and no current medical use in treatment in the
United States.
The governors want marijuana reclassified as a Schedule II controlled substance,
which would put it in the same category as drugs like cocaine, opium and morphine.
The federal government says that those drugs have a strong potential for abuse and
addiction, but that they also
John C. Lincoln Electric Company
John C. Lincoln founded The Lincoln Electric Company in 1895. James F. Lincoln,
John s younger brother join the company and subsequently became general
manager and vice president in 1914. One of James early actions was to have a
committee that would advise him on company operations. Employees was asked
to elect representatives to the committee. They met twice monthly with the
executive officer ever since. A welding school was formed in 1917 and still
continues today. In 1918 an employee bonus plan was initiated then discontinued.
It returned later on however. In 1934 the bonus plan was purposed by the advisory
board, their has been a bonus every year since then. In 1919 the Lincoln Electric
Employees Association was formed providing health benefits and social activities.
This has continued today with added functions. The board of directors started a
suggestion system that is still in effect today. At least since 1935 Lincoln
productivity has been well above the average productivity vs. similar companies.
The golden rule at Lincoln Electric is to put customers first. One of the ways to do
this To build a better and better product at a lower and lower price James Lincoln.
In it s history, there have been price decreases such as the most popular welding
electrode decreasing from 16 cents a pound in 1929 to 4.7 cents a pound in 1938.
From 1958 to 1965, Lincoln largest selling portable machine (SA 200 Welder)
decreased in price. Welding machines and welding electrodes
Meaning Of Life In Summer Day By Mary Frye
What is the meaning of life? Jeremy, from Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life by
Wendy Mass, he often asks that question throughout his journey to open the box in
the novel. In Summer Day by Mary Frye, she asks about the world and many
questions that have currently no answers. Mass and Frye convey the message of
life is short and every moment should be lived to the fullest through the use of
repetition of rhetorical questions. Mass and Frye both get their shared theme of life
is short and every moment should be enjoyed, through using rhetorical questions.
Mass highlights one section of Jeremy s dad s letter when, I thought, what if this
woman was right? If I only had 4O years, how many more times would I eat
chocolate cake? (Turned out to
What Makes A Person Whole And Morally Sound
Virtues are what make a person whole and morally sound, they are the good that can
come from behavior or result from something ( Romans believed
that these were what a mortals life was based off of. The Aeneid Virgil includes
many of the virtues that the Romans value, one being magnitudo animi. Magnitudo
animi translates to greatness of the soul. This greatness of the soul is what a person
has from the inside and makes them deal with the hardest decisions or the easiest.
They persevere and in the end come out great. One person or demi god that represents
magnitudo animi is Aenas from The Aeneid. Aenas deals with his struggles and
remembers what it means to have this virtue and is the best example of this. In The
Aeneid it goes through the story of Aeneasand Dido. Aeneas deals with his journey to
find Rome due to his destiny and in the course of this meets Dido, the Queen of
Carthage (Line 15 16 Virgil). Dido is so infatuated when she first sees Aeneas that
she instantly wants to break her vow to her dead husband of never being with
another man; I recognize the signs of the old flame, of old desire. But O chaste
life, before I break your laws, I pray that earth may open, gape for me.... (Line 31 34
Virgil). After Dido prayed to the gods and got their permission. The gods heard her
wish and Juno along with Venus planed the event of the two becoming one; Plan
hunting in the forest...while beaters in excitement ring the glens my gift will be a
How The English Changed North America Essay
For civilization to evolve, changes must be made. Imagine what the world would
be like if the Natives were just alone and no country migrated to North America.
Would technology even exist? Would the main weapons be just spears and arrows?
Would medicine be invented so people could live long lives without dying of
diseases? These are questions that will never have to be answered because the world
evolved into a much bigger and better place. The English changed North Americano
matter what the cost was. Some may argue that the English are the ones to blame
for King Phillip s War, but that is not the case here. The Indians did not want
change and overall, it did not work out real well for them. In this case, the war was
brutal on both sides. The Natives did not change their customs as much as the
English wanted them to. By not assimilating to European values and customs, the
Natives caused the war over hatred of English values and traditions and made the
world a dangerous place to live in. Daniel Richter was the author of Facing East
from Indian Country and Jill Lepore wrote The Name of War. Lepore made some
very interesting points that will be discussed that can make the Natives look like
savages, but the English were not angels either. King Phillip s War is one of the most
brutal wars in America and there really was not anything good about it. Mistakes
were made and history was changed. Richter took a standpoint that focused on the
English pushing away the
Telescreens Comparison Essay
One parallel from modern day life to George Orwel s 1984 is the Telescreens or
big brother is watching you to the NSA s surveillance. In the novel the telescreen is
a device similar to a TV combined with a security camera. The device is used by the
party to monitor the behavior of the inner and outer party members and to insure that
they are not plotting against the party. The people of the inner and outer party have
very little to no privacy.
There are many similarities between the telescreen and NSA surveillance. Such as the
fact that everything that Americans say on phone calls can be recorded and listened
or put in to the data base similar to what the thought police do with the telescreens
everything that you say or do can be filed away and used against you at a later date.
If the government has any supsion that you are a terrorist or have anything to do with
them the NSA your phone could be tapped around 300 times a year.... Show more
content on ...
If the telescreen records you doing certain things you are immediately under
suspicion like turning your back to the telescreen Winston kept his back turned to
the telescreen. It was safer, though, as he well knew, even a back can be revealing.
(1.1.6) In book one chapter one paragraph 6 Winston reveals that even by facing
away the thought police could still detect his rebellion. Winston also reveals in
book one chapter five paragraph 65 that It [ s] terribly dangerous to let your
thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a
telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away... For example to wear an
improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was
announced, for example) was itself a punishable offense. There was even a word for
it in Newspeak: facecrime, it was called. (1.5.65). Which is similar to how a small
thing could put you under surveillance by the
White Australia Policy 1950 s
The White Australia Policy took place over a period of 72 years. The White
Australia Policy became a law in 1901, although it had been occurring since the 1850
s. It ended in 1973 when Australia realised than other countries were forming a nation
against Australia due to the policy. The White AustraliaPolicy was an attempt to
create a uni racial Australia. The Policy discriminated and took a massive impact on
anyone that was non European and others from other coloured races. The policy has
still changed Australia up until now. The policy is gone, but other policies still stand
to come to live in Australia. You need to get your citizenship to confirm that you are
here to live not for other jobs.
Dictation Test:
In 1901 the Immigration Restriction was introduced with the intention of keeping
out anyone that was trying to get into Australia. The main feature of the idea was
having a test called the Dictation Test. The test was given to anyone that tried to get
in Australia that wasn t already a citizen. Who ever was taking the test was to be
able to write correctly at least 50 words that were spoken by the Customs officer, the
officer could choose what ever language he wanted and you had no opinion in the
choosing. ... Show more content on ...
In 1905 this was changed to any language to make it less offence to the Japanese.
From 1932 onwards the Dictation Test could be anytime of the first five years of
residence, and try for the test any number of goes it took, so if you failed the test
you still had many chances to take the test
Berkshire Vale Case Study Essay
Throughout the last couple months, spending large amounts of time with your
household on Meadow Vale, I have selected specific issues that should be
addressed about your property and my corresponding recommendations. I have
carefully developed these recommendations, in order for your property to flourish
in the upcoming years and to overall improve current procedures being undertaken
at Meadow vale. 1.Managing the Property, Paddocks and Pasture In order to have
a successful, profitable farm the paddocks have to be in ideal conditions, whereas
Meadow Vale paddocks are in dire conditions. In order to maintain and support
correct growth and supply abundant food for the cattle this issue must be
addressed. A large contributing factor to this problem is the current soil quality of
the paddocks. High quality pastures need essential minerals in order to obtain
optimum quality pastures and metabolisable protein intake. Meadow vale soil tests
have indicated that they are very deficient in Phosphorous and Sulfur, but this can
very easily be fixed with a superphosphate fertilizer. In order to increase the Olsen P
value of 10 12ppm to the target range 18 20pmm and the current sulfur 5 6ppm to the
most favorable value of 15ppm, regular soil tests must be... Show more content on ...
In autumn, common pastures species such as ryegrass and white clover are a good
option for over sowing winter pastures in order to keep steady ground cover when
paspalum summer grass stops growing heading back into autumn. In order to main
consistent ground pasture in the more delicate months, nitrogen fertilizer is a suitable
option to assist the success of pasture. Additionally, pasture species are required to
undertake rotational grazing (normal rotations through winter through to summer) to
apply adequate and effective watering to the
Juvenile Justice And The Criminal Justice System
Juveniles have always been a touchy subject in the criminal justice system. Many
would argue that they deserve to be treated and sentenced as adults while others
believe that they can be rehabilitated and changed into fully functioning members of
society. Florida has established a Juvenile Detention Alternatives initiative in order
to support the vision that all juvenile justice offenders would have opportunities
put in place to develop them into law abiding adults. This initiative uses core
strategies and decision making skills based on data driven policies and practices
that will reduce secure detention placements and promote healthy lifestyles for the
youth while also enhancing public safety. A program established by the Department
of Juvenile Justice in Florida hopes to do just that. Intensive Delinquency Diversion
Services, also referred to as the IDDS, is offered to youth who are first time
offenders. This intense community and home based intervention hopes to deter
offenders from becoming lifelong criminals. This paper will give a brief
background the program, a summary and description of the program, a theory that
supports the program, and finally policy implications of the IDDS program.
Background: Florida s initiative to keep youth offenders out of the formal criminal
justice system has given life to many new programs offered to juveniles. This
alternative initiative was launched in 1992. It hopes to move low risk offenders from
detention centers and juveniles
Christian Art Vs Greek Art Essay
Compare/Contrast of Ancient Greek art and late Antiquity art
While most art styles differ in many ways there are no two art forms, in my opinion,
that differ and contrast each other as much as Greek and early Christian art seem to.
And so, today we will be comparing but mostly contrasting these two art forms from
each other.
Greek Art is based most on worldly situations, this is because the Greeks viewed man
as the measure of all things, and they spent most of their time trying to create the
perfect specimen of humanity. The Greeks strive for perfection resulted in them
making very realistic art pieces such as statues; these statues were almost always of
young men at their prime and were called kouros. The attention to detail that the
Greeks had, along with the muscle definition and the expressions the statues often
possessed, the archaic smile in the archaic period that represented being alive and the
emphasis the people of the Hellenistic period had with draping and non geometric,
wet garments for women, resulted in Greek art becoming one of the most realistic
but also idealized ... Show more content on ...
This form of art is based on a canon that was created in the Late Empire period of the
Roman Empire, for a sculpture called the tetrarchs, which shows four people, two
ceasers and two agustie, with short and stocky bodies, big heads, hands and feet,
slim shoulders, and expressionless faces. Christian art is largely portrayals of Christ
as a young and carefree Sheppard, because of how hard life was for the Christians at
that time. It was very idealistic and did not have accurate portrayals of the human
body, in what is assumed to be the Christians attempts to distance themselves from
anything that resembled the Greeks and romans. Christian art was also mostly done
for inside churches, and was not for
Animal Archetypes
In 1753, Carl Linnaeus listed among the types of quadrupeds familiar to him the
Latin word for dog, canis. Among the species within this genus, Linnaeus listed the
red fox (as Canis vulpes), wolves (Canis lupus), and the domestic dog (Canis canis).
In later editions, Linnaeus dropped Canis canis and greatly expanded his list of the
Canis genus of quadrupeds and, by 1758, included alongside the foxes, wolves, and
jackals and many more terms that are now listed as synonyms for domestic dog,
including aegyptius (hairless dog), aquaticus, (water dog), and mustelinus (literally
badger dog ). Among these were two that later experts have been widely used for
domestic dogs as a species: Canis domesticus and, most predominantly, Canis
familiaris, the common or familiar dog.[20]... Show more content on
In comparison, the gray wolf differs from its closest wild relative, the coyote, by about
4% of mitochondrial DNA sequence. [21] Later that year, the domestic dog Canis
familiaris was reclassified as Canis lupus familiaris, a subspecies of Canis lupus in
Mammal Species of the World.[22][1] However, Canis familiaris is also accepted
due to a nomenclature debate regarding the naming of wild and domestic
Burial Practices In British Essay
Societal ideologies and beliefs are constantly evolving, changing and then returning to
past views; growing and receding like the tide. The same is true for burial practices
within Scotland. A typical Neolithic burial over time was converted into monuments
for the dead. Those same Neolithic monuments were changed into Early Bronze Age
cists, which restricted accessibility, since the burials were usually covered by a cairn
to mark the position of internment. Changes in burial practices in Scotland from the
Neolithicto the Early Bronze Age illuminate the splintering of society into smaller
factions. This correlates directly to the later emergence of a closer identification
between particular groups within Scotland. During the Neolithic,... Show more
content on ...
It is more closely related to a funerary structure than a tomb; it was designed for
ancestor worship rather than housing the dead. The architecture of the early
monuments did not allow for easy access to the remains of the dead. However,
with the development of larger chambers, the dead became more accessible. This
could be explained by the increasing importance of ancestry and increasing
utilization of the remains of the dead in rituals. Cairnholy is the site of two
Neolithic chamber tombs located in the Clyde region. The more elaborate of the two
tombs is known as Cairnholy I. Access to the mortuary area in the primary
monument would have required the removal of a heavy covering slab. Later in the
Neolithic, chamber tombs were enlarged and new chambers were added; this marked
a significant increase in the capacity of these monuments. More dead bodies could be
deposited and the increased chamber area and height would allow the sorting and
manipulation of human remains, which explains why around this time bodies were
beginning to be disarticulated. With the addition of arenas for public display,
rituals associated with the dead were becoming progressively a more important part
of Neolithic life (Noble, 2006, p. 133). During the Early Bronze Age, individuals
began to be displayed in elaborate burials within sites that were formerly used by the
wider community, which suggests that positions of power were increasingly
symbolized in more concrete forms. People
Disadvantages Of Multitasking
Multitasking causes many students one of the most problematic learning skills.
Students think that they are actually helping their ability to learn more efficiently, but
multitasking is actually making the learning process worse. Why are so many
students misinformed or confused about the disadvantages of multitasking?
Examining the learning process of the brain and bringing focus to the most efficient
ways of learning can provide more insight into this learning dilemma. This
information will supply a better understanding of what really helps the students to
Negative cognitive abilities are intensified when corresponding with multitasking. In
the article, How Does Multitasking Change The Way Kids Learn? Proves some of
the reasons why multitasking is corresponded with negative cognitive abilities when
it states, David Meyer, a psychology professor at the University of Michigan who s
studied the effects of divided attention on learning, takes a firm line on the brain s
ability to multitask: Under most conditions, the brain simply cannot do two complex
tasks at the same time. It can happen only when the two tasks are both very simple
and when they don t compete with each other for the same mental resources. It
processes and stores information in less useful ways, when distracted. (Paul 4). This
means when trying to complete many tasks at once, the brain cannot function
correctly in order to do so. Also when the mind is preoccupied it stocks the data in
worthless ways. This proves multitasking causes a negative cognitive ability the brain
cannot achieve, because the brain doesn t store the information in the correct ways;
therefore making them valueless. Multitasking also hinders student s thinking when
switching between tasks. The article How does Multitasking Change The Way Kids
Learn? Contributes to this idea when it states, There is greater difficulty transferring
student s learning to new contents especially when repeatedly dropping and picking
up a mental thread. (Paul 4). This also verifies that switching from one subject to
another allows student s to have trouble when they are constantly letting go and
picking up new information. This way means that student s cannot constantly be
External Conflict In Hamlet
In Shakespeare s plays, apparently, an essential part is conflict. His play Hamlet ends
up plainly a talk about this subject. Hamlet brings out numerous contentions and
understandings, for example, political imageries of present day society, connection
with religions, sorts of conflicts and its outcomes. All through the play, Hamlets
demonstrations of retribution for his dad s passing turned out to bring internal and
external conflicts of the story. His disputes, both remotely and within, originate from
his father s death caused by his uncle, Claudius. At the point when, in Act I, his dad s
ghostappears to his child, requesting that he vindicate his murder, Hamlet s life
winds up plainly overflowing with struggle and Hamlet s problem turns into the
center of the whole play. We see that when Hamlet, has lost his dad; his mom has
gone into an overhasty marriage with Claudius. Lamenting at his dad s passing, and
ethically offended at the rushed wedding, Hamlet agonizes about his weakness, until
the point when a phantom shows up on the defenses, disclosing to him his dad was
in certainty killed by his uncle, who poured poison in his ear while he was asleep.
Gertrude, his mom, is not directly drawn in, yet the phantom instructs Hamlet to
restrict his retaliation to Claudius. In a progression of postponing strategies,
somewhat intended to get visual evidence and somewhat an aftereffect of Hamlet s
delay to murder, he makes Claudius respond out in the open. Faking insanity,
Essay on Glass Menagerie
Compare amp; Contrast Essay
The Glass Menagerie, by Tennessee Williams contained well characterized
characters. The quot;Dead Poet amp;#8217;s Society quot; also contained a great
set of characters that were similar to those in The Glass Menagerie. It is fair to say
that the characters of The Glass Menagerie and the characters of quot;Dead Poet
amp;#8217;s Society quot; are more similar than different.
Both stories had no main characters; therefore it was easy to distinguish similarities
and differences between them. The Glass Menagerie had only four main characters,
but they were successfully characterized differently. quot;Dead Poet amp;#8217;s
Society quot; also had ... Show more content on ...
Not only were Knox amp;#8217;s character and the character of Laura similar in both
the works, but Todd from quot;DPS quot; and Tom from The Glass Menagerie are
also shown to be similar.
Todd kept a certain mystery about him throughout the work, as well as Tom. Tom
would go to the movies and keep to himself except for some outbursts of speech to
either Amanda or Laura. On the other hand, Todd usually kept to himself as well,
except when Captain made him recite the poem and when he stood up for the
captain. These outbursts of speeches characterize both Todd and Tom to be the same
type of character. Not only are Todd and Tom similar in that they are mysterious, but
they are also the same in how they are the ones that seem to be the most down to
earth in the works. These guys are realistical in the sense that they are not dreamers
like Amanda and Neil nor confined like Laura and Knox. Tom and Todd form the
stable cornerstones in both quot;Dead Poet amp;#8217;s Society quot; and The Glass
Both the quot;Dead Poet amp;#8217;s Society quot; and The Glass Menagerie
have their confined characters and their cornerstones as well as their dreamers. The
dreamers in the quot;Dead Poet amp;#8217;s Society quot; and The Glass
Menagerie are Neil and Amanda. These two are almost exactly alike. Neil was
dealing with many pressures in his life. He was dealing
Ap Biology Lab Report
Table of Contents
To model radioactive decay and half life
The trend will mimic the pattern of the half life of a radioactive material, with the
same approximate curve, because the M Ms with m showing will be approximately
half of the total M Ms at every half life, which is the same as decaying radioisotopes,
with half the atoms disappearing every half life.
A packet of M Ms
A clean sheet of paper (A4)
A clean jar/cupcake cup
1.Copy the table from the criteria sheet into your workbook
2.Count the total number of M Ms in the container
3.Shake up the container to mix the M Ms around
4.Pour the container onto the clean sheet of paper
5.Count how many M Ms show the letter m facing upwards
6.Record this number in the table
7.Place only the M Ms showing the letter m back into the jar and dispose of the
other M Ms appropriately
8.Repeat steps 3 7 until there are no M Ms left
DISCUSSION ... Show more content on ...
One of these is curium 243, with a half life of 29.1 years, with a graph pattern almost
identical to this experiment s. This experiment models what happens inside a
radioisotope when the atoms begin to decay, whether that be alpha, beta or gamma,
(alpha being a releasing of a helium atom, beta being an electron and gamma being
the release of energy at the speed of life known as gamma rays). In this experiment,
the M Ms without m represent the decaying atoms, which are launching themselves
out to become more stable, and the repeats are the half lives, the M Ms showing m
are the atoms that are still in the element. Every period of time, 29.1 years, ВЅ the
atoms decay, and so on until the element is completely split
Pig Reproductive System Research Paper
The Reproductive System: The reproductive system of a male pig includes: the testis,
the scrotum, seminiferous tubules, urethra, epididymis, and ductus deferentia. In a
female pig, the reproductive consist of: oviducts, uterus, vagina, vaginal vestibule,
and the oviduct. The reproductive systems are located between the hind legs in both
male and female pigs. The Cardiovascular System: The cardiovascular system
includes: the heart, thymus gland, coronary artery, septum, right and left atrium,
pulmonary trunk, trachea, and systemic circuit. The veins and arteries that help move
blood, are located throughout the body. The other major parts of the cardiovascular
system are located around the chest area, and between the rib cages. The Respiratory
System: The respiratory system includes: the lungs, alveoli, nares, glottis, trachea,
bronchi, larynx, the esophagus, and diaphragm. Oxygen is inhaled and carried
throughout the body through all of these parts of the body and released using the
same parts. The location of these parts are primarily between the throat and ribs with
veins being used to carry oxygen throughout the body.... Show more content on ...
In the cranial region, there is the thalamus, brain stem, cerebellum cerebrum, and
corpus callosum. In the lumbar region of the pig there is spinal nerves, and axons.
The spinal cord extends from the bottom of the cranial region, through the cervical
region, to the lumbar
On The Importance Of Having Superheroes
According to Jen Doll, writer of the article On the Importance of Having Superheroes,
Marvel s The Avenger released on May 4, 2012, managed to take in approximately
$640 million worldwide within the 12 days it was in theaters. This shows how
popular movies based on superheroes have become. It became so popular that from
1978 2017 there has been a drastic increase in the domestic box office of superhero
movies. Superheroes movies and television series have become so famous
throughout that passing point of years. However, this isn t astonishing because these
movies are relatable, send a message/ a lesson to the audience watching, and very
One of the reasons these superhero movies become so popular is because they are
relatable. Nathan
Arthritis In Knee
Arthritis in Knee Causes and Treatments
Arthritis affects approximately 43 million Americans. This condition thins the joint
cartilage which then results into painful knees or hands. Types of arthritis include
osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis in knee happens when the hinge type
joint from the femur s lower end rubs with the upper end of the shin bone or tibia.
Also involved are the patella or knee cap as well as the fibula or the long bone which
runs right beside the tibia on the outside portion of the leg.
What Causes the Knee Pain?
Soft tissue problems are more common than arthritis. Know that it is not just arthritis
that brings about knee pain. If you want to have the problem properly diagnosed, you
must see to it
How Does Faden Use Copyright
The copyright on Eric Faden is fair use because it s used to teach kids about
copyright laws. He is not making any money off of the remix. He is not looking in
making profit, he is simply educating. He borrowed very small pieces of Disney
films to transform into a remix. He also cited all the movies he took, and gave credit
to disney. Some people say it s copyrightbecause he didn t get permission from
He didn t use their work excessively, he only used what he was using to educate the
viewers. He didn t change any clips he just made a remix out of them. He not only
took small portions of the movies, but he also taught us about copyright which helps
educate us a lot. Another thing is the commentary, their words have different
The Correlation Between Amounts Of Time Spent Playing...
What is the relationship between the amounts of time spent playing video games and
your amount of sleep?
Nearly every day, you can read articles about urbanized countries throughout the
world, with issues or concerns arising from individuals playing video games for
excessive amounts of time. Individuals form addictions to a surge in excessive or
violent behaviors, commonly found among teens or younger children. Studies
also indicate playing excessive amounts of video games can also have an effect on
your sleeping patterns in a negative way. For instance, playing an extreme amount
of video games prior to going to bed may create a more difficult time in falling
asleep. So, I decided to take on a similar yet different type of study to discover out
how much video gaming an average high schooler plays each night and how this
may affect how many hours of sleep he/she receives. I was unable to find any online
articles for this type of study, so I decided to find out for myself using the high school
population at a local school. As the study began, I did believe that students who
participated in excessive video gaming may receive less sleep.
Statement of Task
The focus of this study was to investigate if the amount of time students spend
playing video games each evening may have an influence on the quantity of sleep the
average high school student receives. To determine this, I requested teachers to allow
me to survey students during school hours in an
The Process Of Conflict Resolution
The process of conflict transformation includes numerous types of practices and
approaches. It is crucial for a conflict resolution practitioner to be able to self assess
the entire practice of intervention to get a clear notion of why the approach that has
been used was successful or caused fail. Conflict interveners whose practices are well
established on theories of conflict resolution and ongoing researches need to refine
their assumptions and skills through an extensive process of self reflection. Such
refining would help them to conceptualize a theoretical basis of their approaches and
intervention techniques. They would be able to understand what intervention
technique is appropriate for a situation, without trying out one tool after another. The
process of self asses or reflective practice in conflict resolution is beneficiary to
predict and understand conflict resolution approaches consequences and to evaluate
the success or failure of an intervention. For a conflict resolution practitioner theory is
the foundation upon which the nature of both conflict assessment and conflict
intervention are more understandable. For example, in a mediation process mediators
sometimes prefer and sometimes don t prefer to use caucus technique as a way for a
better conflict transformation. Theoretical foundation of involving of a mediation
technique would help avoid an unfortunate end of the entire process. Hence, it is
important for a conflict intervener to understand
Everything About Peru
Peru, the illustrious country in South America, with a population of about 30 million,
is home to a variety of culture and people. Peru is the fourth largest country in South
America. The official languages are Spanish, Quechua, and Aymara, and the ethnic
groups are Amerindian, Mestizo, and White. The capital city is Lima and their
current president is Pedro Pablo Kuczynski. Peruis in South America, south of
Ecuadorand Colombia, and north of Chile and Bolivia.
Peru has a lot of culture, including many festivals like The Guinea Pig Festival,
Carnaval, Fiesta de la Vendimia, and Puno Week. The Guinea Pig Festival is a
tradition that dates back to the fifteenth century and the Incan times. The guinea
pigs are dressed up in costumes, awarded prizes, and fed. Fiesta de la Vendimia, is
a festival in March, which is celebrated on the south coast of Peru in Ica, a small
city. This festival is mostly about wine and there are wine related activities. There are
parades, contests, and grape stomping.
Besides festivals, religion is a big part of Peru. Peru is a predominantly catholic
country. A census in 2007 said that 81.3% of the population was catholic. Many of
the festivals and ceremonies are religious. The Inca tribes first started in the Andes
region in the 12th century A.D., which is southeastern Peru. ... Show more content on ...
It spans around 5 miles, and it has the honor of being on of the Seven Wonders of
the World. The native language, Quechua, translates Machu Picchu to Old Peak or
Old Mountain. On the Inca Trail, many porters sleep with shiny metal objects or
mirror beneath them. They believe it banishes spirits coming up through the earth
and stirs them away. If asked, most guides will tell you that they have experienced
the feeling of being pulled out of their tents by spirits of the past. The Citadel of
Machu Picchu is considered the paramount attraction of Peru and one of the most
visited sites
Essay On Bank Of America
In the SWOT analysis for Bank of America one I performed a SWOT analysis for
the Bank of America. I assumed the role of a mutual fund manager work for First
Investment Inc Investment Inc. With the information I gathered in part one of my
paper I made the decision to invest in Bank of America. In part two of these papers I
will further explain why I chose to invest in Bank of America. This paper will address
the financial health of Bank of America by reviewing the banks income statement,
balance sheet, and cash flow (MGT/521 course syllabus). I will also analyze Bank
of America s financial health and compare it against another bank. After I do the
comparison I will compare Bank of America technological advantages, or address any
... Show more content on ...
Clearly Kenneth Lewis did do his homework on Countrywide Financial. Kenneth
Lewis knew the financial state of Countrywide Financial and failed to relay the
messages to the other stakeholder in the company.
If I were put in the same situation as Kenneth Lewis I would hire someone who is
knowledgeable on how to conduct a SWOT on a business before a purchase. I
would share the outcome of the SWOT with the stakeholders and I would hire
someone to do a background and market analysis on Countrywide Financial. The
reason the stock is tanking is because the market does not believe Bank of America
s assets are worth what they say they are worth (Henry Blodget 2011). First
Investment Inc believes that the main reason is Bank of America s failed to do the
proper outlook investment analyses.
Bank of America s management should have conducted future analyses on where the
business is today and where what the future holds. The managers at Bank of
America should review the banks financial situation. Bank of America should have
first looked at what their competitors were doing and the state of the economy. Bank
of America should have should have taken the time to analyze the mortgage and real
estate brokers, by not analyze the mortgage and real estate brokers people purchase
property that they couldn t afford. The price of houses declined in 2006 this caused
the houses that were
An Automotive Technici Running Diagnostics And Testing...
As an automotive technician, it is your duty to diagnose and fix mechanical issues
with vehicles. This most often concerns mechanical components, but due to the
advancement of technology in modern cars,more electrical knowledge is necessary.
These are the responsibilities of an automotive technician: Running diagnostics and
testing parts to identify the source of automotive mechanical problems. Completing
preventative maintenance on vehicles including tire rotations, oil changes, filter
replacement, and other pertinent repair.Providing advice to customers on how to
improve their care care.Following any state laws regarding emissions, and
reassemble parts. Using warranties , replacement part, and personal experience to
keep cost to a minimum. Providing and writing a general estimate to customers.
Using customer satisfaction kills to establish a trusting relationship with
clients.Maintaining a steady supply of parts by keeping inventory and ordering as
necessary.Working with other mechanics to help diagnose problems and decide the
best course of action.Being familiar with any and all tools necessary for repairs,
including power tools.Following rigorous checklists to ensure that every aspect of the
car receives an inspection.Talking continued education classes to further mechanical
knowledge on late model vehicles.Learning how to do repairs on electric, hybrid,
diesel, and gasoline powered automobiles.If required, taking phone calls for
appointments, as well
Essay African American Perception
The perception of racism towards African Americans in the United States is shown
through both current American novels and films. Nearly every novel and film made
today portrays a sense of racism towards African Americans and continually has the
African American gangster and the white man hero. Unfortunately, many African
Americans are categorized compared to whites as less qualified, educated and
trustworthy. More specifically, the novel Southland acknowledged a different racial
perception of jobs towards whites and people of color in relation to being a police
officer. White peopleare continually represented as the proper, social and economical
power by what jobs they are given and the actions they take. Different novels, films
and... Show more content on ...
In relationship of African Americans shown as the villain within a society, Revoyr
hints to this more when describing the apartment complex of Jackie s aunt. The two
shootings and numerous hold ups that had scared the residents lately had all
occurred within the Estates, not outside of them, so she didn t see why the guards
were so concerned with visitors (Southland, 15). This passage is important because
Revoyr illustrates with her words how African Americans are somewhat caged
within their own society and fighting people of their own kind. The idea of the white
person as always the hero and the African American as the villain directly relates to
the fact they are fighting within their own race and not others. Never in books are
fancy white neighborhoods shown as the poor, aggressive and hated area of society
quite like the African American ones. The perfect example of racismin film in
relation to African Americans portrayed improperly is David Ayer s Training Day.
This is a story about a white man, Jake Hoyt, who is becoming a police officer and
needs to be trained by an African American, Detective Alonzo Harris, but ends up
becoming the typical white hero without knowing. Detective Harris is a narcotics
officer who lives in a ghetto African American neighborhood where everyone hates
him because of how he abuses his authority. Detective Harris is portrayed in the film
as the badass
Throughout history, crime has existed in many different forms and has been
committed by not only individuals, but by groups as well. Crime is something that
knows no boundaries; it exists in all cultures, is committed by all races, and has
existed in all time periods. Crime exists as a part of the economic institution and is
a lifestyle for many people. Crime also exists in both organized and un organized
forms. Since the early 1900 s, quot;organized quot; crime has existed in the United
States. The following will show where, when, and why the Mafiacame to the United
States, who organized it in the United States, and how it differed from its origins in
the European mafia. By showing this you will see how this specific type of organized
... Show more content on ...
Don Vito, Vito Cascio Ferro, was the first SicilianCapo de Tutti Capi. He fled to the
United States in 1901 to escape arrest and formed a group of the Black Hand. Its
members were hardened criminals currently fugitives from Sicily. He is known as
the Father of the American Mafia. In 1924, Mussolini was determined to rid Italy
of the Mafia so many members fled to the United States to avoid persecution . This
increased the numbers of members in the organization. These fleeing Italians were
well aware there was money to be made in the United States through extortion,
prostitution, gambling and bootlegging. Every large city soon had its own Mafia
chapter. Prohibition which was a legal ban on the manufacturer and sale of
intoxicating drinks generated a wave of illegal activity since there was big money
to be made. During this time, gangsters openly flaunted their wealth and power.
This period established many young men as leaders in the New Age American
Mafia. Charles Luciano, born in 1897 in Sicily, came to New York in 1906. He
trained in the Five Points Gang, a Mafia crew, under John Torrio. In this gang, he
became friends with Al Capone and other prominent gangsters. Luciano started his
own prostitution racket in the early 1920 s and was in total control of prostitution in
Manhattan by 1925. In 1929 he was kidnapped, beaten and stabbed severally with an
icepick. He miraculously survived but maintained quot;omerta quot;,
The Man Of The Modern Conservatism
Burke, the father of the modern conservatism, is well known for his criticism, or
contempt of the French Revolution; assuming so, it is not hard to doubt that he in
fact sympathized with the American cause. If he is the true father of the
conservatism, then the reader may be surprised to hear that he sided with the
colonists; however, his decision makes a sense if we acknowledge that Burke
regarded the American Revolutionas a revolution that is not too far apart from that of
the Glorious Revolution, unlike the French Revolution. Paine would argue otherwise
by using the Universalist language that the French would used; however, in the eyes
of Burke, the colonists are the true Englishmen, who are asking for returns that are
entirely rational, and perhaps historical to the English culture of pursuing liberty.
French, in the other hand, did not have any concrete foundations for their pursuit of
liberty. The rule by the mass under equal findings were never heard of nor realized,
which makes Burke to beg the question of feasibility. In short, Burke, who finds the
justifications from the traditions as a conservative, fully acknowledges that the
American colonists are articulating their needs of self governance and liberty within
reason and within reach; in contrast, Burke despises the French Revolution, since it is
to dispose the traditions and the societal mechanisms that France developed over
time, through complete overturn of the society and denial of the past. Turning to
A Rush Of Blood To The Head Analysis
A Rush of Cash, Love, and 9/11 to the Head Coldplay s sophomore album A Rush of
Blood to the Head , harbors many incredible songs, including the tenth song on the
record for which the album is named; therefore, the artists must have wanted to install
an emphasis on this particular song. The album was released in 2002 after the
September 11th terrorist attacks, and the song, A Rush of Blood to the Head in
particular has many interesting elements pointing towards that event as inspiration.
The lead singer of Coldplay, Chris Martin, has said that the song is an homage to
Johnny Cashs way of singing because Martin wanted to sing a song in a low key
like that of Cash. A literal analysis of the lyrics interpret a man who is very
impulsive, and he will do anything to keep the woman he loves. A Rush of Blood to
the Head employs its low key and sad sound as a tribute to Johnny Cash; meanwhile,
the lyrics are so ambiguous that they can be understood as... Show more content on ...
The band s bass player, Johnny Buckland was deeply influenced by American
country music legend, Johnny Cash. Chris Martin admits that after learning about
and appreciating different artists such as Cash and after getting so much criticism,
Coldplay just decided not to care what everyone else thought and to make the music
that they wanted to make (Martin). The inspired team then took it upon themselves
to make a concerted effort to conceive a sound similar to the acoustic low key
guitar riffs of Cash. Their devotion towards this iconic music star resulted in the title
track, A Rush of Blood to the Head becoming the successful experiment of mixing
Cash s one of a kind sound with Coldplay s beautiful lyrics and Chris Martin s
steady, fragile, and falsetto
Energy Sources Of Energy Source Essay
Energy is a big part of our lives. We are heating our homes with natural gas or
electricity and driving to and from work and any other outdoors activities. Our main
source of the energy people use is fossil fuels and in the future, the availability of
those sources has an end date. As studies show there are renewable resources of fuel
and other equipment used for energy like wind, nuclear powerplants and solar
hydroelectric. There are many pros and cons to all forms of energy source, and they
all have their own merit. Also, the energy sources that people use does have floss and
can cause a negative impact on the environment, and humans. The most important
goal is reducing the overall use of our energy sources.
The main two kinds of energy used in my daily living are electricity, fossil fuel, which
is a type of biomass. The main fuel people use is fossil fuels. This day in age, it is
impossible to function without having a vehicle. The only vehicle that, I drive is
running on gasoline. In a normal week, my commute to my job is 20 miles round
trip, which is in a different town than where I live. Single mom of two children in
the same household consumes around 500.00 per month, it would be impossible to
bring all the food home if, I was to walk. Children have many different needs than
parents have. Single moms have to work and the children go to school. The central
heating in my house does not normally get turned on until its below 55 in the
apartment. With
Critical Writing Review Of Hamlet
Many people equate good critical writing with very descriptive writing when that is
simply not true. Good critical writing should not just be an in depth description of a
topic. Good critical writing should include a clear presentation of your argument and
your own evidence, a clear and confident refusal to accept opposing conclusions from
other critical writers, and a balanced presentation of reasons why the conclusions of
other writers may be accepted but are ultimately not correct. Many people have
written reviews about Kenneth Branagh s four hour uncut movie production of Hamlet
, but I m going to evaluate just four reviews to determine their credibility of being a
critical writing piece.
Alan Stone has written a drawn out review of ... Show more content on ...
In addition, Branagh did not add additional dialogue to indicate this scenario, but
rather a silent cut scene. In the end, Stone declares that these criticisms are no more
than quibbles about this glorious film (Stone). Alan Stone gives extensive
background of Branagh s film, is clear about his opinion, provides lots of evidence,
and includes and refutes opposing views. Berardinelli has written a piece that
includes only his opinion with no critical reasoning or specific evidence. Berardinelli
gives background information on Hamlet itself when talking about how legendary
actors John Gielgud, Richard Burton, and Laurence Olivier have taken the lead role
(Berardinelli). He also gives background to Branagh s connection with Hamlet and
how it has been something of a private obsession for Kenneth Branagh since the
age of eleven (Berardinelli). He then goes into a lengthy synopsis of Hamlet.
Berardinelli is not at all on the fence about his opinion; he states his argument very
clearly early on when he says I do not make lightly, this latest version is not only
the best filmed adaption of Hamlet I have ever seen, but the best cinematic
expression that I have come across of any of Shakespeare s plays (Berardinelli).
Berardinelli adds evidence to support
How Television Programs Can Support And Facilitate
For many years, parents have relied on using educational programs to teach and
engage their children with new concepts and materials. Conversely, many children
have also used television as an opportunity for learning and language development.
For example, the rise of television programs like Elmo Street and Teletubbies
demonstrates this upward trend of substituting media sources for teaching and
learning. However, despite the increasing support from parents toward television
programs, many researchers have mixed reviews on putting our children into
viewing long hours of what they considered unnecessary learning. Thus in what
follows of this paper, I will focus on explaining how television programs can
support and facilitate word development. Moreover, I will also discuss the mixed
literacy support for using television as a learning tool and finally, I will conduct a
study that measures, specifically, the relationship between watching educational TV
and learning novel words. Hopefully, with these measures, I will be able to find
supporting evidence that proves educational TV can be a good predictor for word
Throughout the years, one continuous point of debate has been whether educational
TV can facilitate and improve word learning in children. Many studies on this debate
have found distinct and mixed research outcomes. For example, one study has been
Mabel s Rice Word from Sesame Street, in which he found mixed supporting evidence
that television
Water Quality Lab
Water Quality Lab Reports: Water Quality Lab Report First and Last Name.
Before you begin writing, make a copy of this document and rename it this
Share your document with me, allow editing, UNCHECK notify people via email,
and fill out the Submission Form to share your link with me.
After you copy, share, and submit your Lab Report: Write your lab report in
complete sentences and use paragraphs to organize your ideas. Use your lab handout
guide and the Water Quality lab report questions to help you as you write your lab
Proofread your work carefully! Check for misspelled words, fragments, and clearly
written sentences.
Delete these instructions once you have finished your lab report.
The purpose of this lab ... Show more content on ...
Almost every experiment had good results. The only to bad results were the pH
using strips and the turbidity. The pH using trips was a 4 but doing the pH using
tablets had a 7. So it can go either way. Turbidity was 20 but that isn t that high. The
DO was 4ppm and that is almost perfect. That means that it has plants, but not a lot
of them. The temperature of the pond was not cold and not warm. The temperature
varies though throughout the seasons. There were 0 ppm results for the nitrates.
That is very good. It doesn t increase the plant growth but also doesn t decrease the
plant growth. The ammonia levels were also 0ppm. That means that the insects and
animals don t get sick by drinking the water or swimming in it. There were many
bioindicators in the pond. There were water striders, tadpoles, grass, flowers, algae,
gnats, and cat tails. The Voyager pond is very healthy and it should stay
Narrative Essay On Waiting On God
Dreaming with God is a beautiful gift from Him, and although questions filled my
limited mind, my capacity to comprehend, I owe everything to the Lord whose
grace and love abundantly flows. A series of parabolic dreams and clear visions
flooded my sleep nights, and what the Lord apparently conveyed has created a mixed
feeling of excitement and confusion.
Inquisitiveness to understand the mysteries of the night parables led me to dig
deeper into His word. But I couldn t seem to weave the thread together the way it
should a sizeable amount of thread was missing. Prayers for help and wisdom
became my expressions and it was in this season of waiting that I have learned a
valuable lesson:
Waiting on God is not a passive move we have to deliberately seek His Word with an
attitude of meekness and rely on the Spirit of God to illuminate hidden things.
One specific dream has baffled me for a long time.
Looking at these two kinds of trees in the garden that were parallel to each other has
created curiosity within. The tree on the left was radiantly shining, abundantly
flourishing with green foliage and strong branches, which reflect goodness and
vitality. The other tree on the right was the exact opposite, dead and wilted, and not
one leaf on the branches remains. While gazing on these two trees, trying to analyze
what I was seeing, I heard a voice that said the word nation .
The sound of this voice woke me up mystified. I prayed and sought the meaning of
this dream,
Essay on Ancient History Notes
Pharaoh: Amenhotep III
Building Program: He began his building program very early in his reign.
The Temple of Amen at Luxor; The colonnade and forecourt of this temple has been
acclaimed by art historians as being the most impressive achievement of Egyptians
temple architecture.
The third Pylons at Karnak He demolished the shrines and monuments of earlier
pharaohs, including some of his father s, and used the rubble to fill his new pylon.
This carried a lengthy inscription praising himself and Amen. On the southern side of
the temple he built a smaller pylon and set in front of it two colossal statues of
Malkata Palace; 4 loosely connected palaces, residential apartments, courtyards and
gardens, a small temple of Amen and ... Show more content on ...
strengthened his alliances with other countries by marrying the sisters or daughters of
kings from Babylon, Mitanni, Syria and Arzawa. maintained an army throughout the
Reports from civil and military officials kept the pharaoh informed of what was
happening within the empire.
Tribute continued to flow into Egypt from all parts of the empire.
Amenhotep III issued two commerative scarabs promoting his success as a hunter.
According to one he hunted 56 bulls in one day and 102 lions were killed in his first
10 years as king.
Pharaoh: Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten) When early in his reign he changed his name to
Akhenaten, meaning He Who is of Service to Aten , he also renamed his queen to
Nefer Nefru Aten, which is Beautiful is the Beauty of Aten.
Building Program:
Akhenaten moved away from Amen, creating a new state cult of the Aten, building
an innovative temple plan that was open to the sun s rays.
He broke with tradition when he built his tomb at Amarna and was probably buried
there. The tomb was constructed for the whole royal family and featured scenes of
the oryal family rather than funerary scenes.
His new city, Akhetaten, Tel El Amarna, was built on virgin soil dedicated to the
Aten and included the usual complexes of an ancient city; temples, palaces, military
barracks, treasuries, administrative
Mary Shelley s Presentation of the Relationship Between...
Mary Shelley s Presentation of the Relationship Between Frankenstein and the
It was on a dreary night of November that I beheld the accomplishment of my toils.
These are the famous words of Mary Shelley that foretold the birth of Frankenstein s
monster. A tale of catastrophe, love and endless yet hopeless toil; the tale of Victor
Frankenstein is a perfect example of early gothic literature. Born on a dreary
summer in 1816, his story has been immortalised in not only the pages of many
books but also on the silver screen.
Like many of its genre, Frankenstein is a terrifically dark yet pioneering story. Its
graveyard settings, the persecuted maiden, and the seemingly forlorn character ...
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Time and time again throughout the book this is proven through not only
Frankenstein s ever persistent hunting of the creature but also the creatures need to
be close to Frankenstein. It is this relationship that Mary Shelley exploits, through the
use of language, which keeps the reader interested throughout the book.
It is not until the fifth chapter that Frankenstein s lust for the creature, and ensuing
obsession for the gift of life is quite realised. Set on a dreary night of November , as
the rain pattered dismally against the panes , Mary Shelly immediately provides the
reader with a classic gothic scene, readying them for the obvious catastrophes that are
about to ensue. The addition of the tension provided by Frankenstein s comments as
he collected the instruments of life around him , and suffered with an anxiety that
almost amounted to agony stand well in giving the reader some idea of how long this
moment has been in preparation.
Shelley goes on to provide a gruesome description of the creature: His yellow skin
scarcely covered the muscles … his hair was of a lustrous black … his
teeth a pearly white … these luxuriance s only formed a more horrid contrast
with his watery eyes . It is at this description that Frankenstein comments of it being
beautiful . This reaction could be compared to that of a parent whose love for their
child is so obsessive and
The Arguments For And Against Software Piracy And...
What are the arguments for and against Software Piracy and downloading
copyrighted material? Contents Abstract2 Introduction2 My reasons for software
piracy and downloading copyrighted material.2 My reasons against software
piracy and downloading copyrighted material.3 Conclusion4 Abstract Even
though we know that software piracy is illegal, we are aware many people still
download and access this copyrighted material for their personal use on a daily
basis. The following report will weigh up the arguments for and against software
piracy. This will give you better knowledge and understanding in determining:
Who s right? The pirates or the government and businesses? Journals I ve read
suggest a variety of facts and opinions, of which will be included below.
Introduction In this report, we will be discussing reasoning for and against
software piracy and downloading copyrighted material. Therefore, the parts we
discuss are a matter of facts mixed with opinions. These include e books, reputable
websites, my personal experiences and many other resources from which I formed
my argument. This will not be biased towards either part, therefore producing a
report which is fair and delivers a reputable argument for the question we are going
to discuss. I will outline my reasons for software piracy in the first paragraph,
followed by my reasons against it. I will then give my reasoning to agree with
downloading copyrighted material, followed by
The Late Middle Ages
The late Middle ages was definitely a troubled time for citizens around Europe.
From the 14th Century to the 15th Century, humans were raveled by famines,
disruption of socio economics, and lost of faith in the Catholic Church. To the eyes
of many at the time, this era was looked at as a major decline of life. With the many
deaths, poor condition for poor people, and the schism of the Church, it may seem
easy to call this era a decline. Although upon closer looking, this era is more of a
transitional period into the next period than a decline due to many reasons. Whether
you look at religious, social movements, or economically, the late Middle Ageshelped
transition Europe into what it has become.
For example, the church went through a great ... Show more content on ...
Whole communities were unable to perform and provide economic relief due to
The Plague. The Plague had killed many valuable lives which slowed economic
growth and productivity. This was a negative impact on Europe but with this
negative impact also came a positive impact. Due to the loss of many lives, demand
for all careers were high. This gave the common people an ability to fight for better
pay. This high demand for all occupations and increased price on all products
benefited all workers. Matteo Villani states, But the mortality offered exceptional
opportunities, showing how important these were for the future of all common
people and workers. It may be easy to say that the economy was affected negatively
with limited resources and a smaller workforce, overall the events have created the
transition of how workers should be treated and better
Toni The Superhero
Toni the Superhero is a story book introducing the main character, Toni, to first
time readers. The very first panel shows Toni and then tells us that he s a
superhero, then it goes on showing us some of Toni s favorite activities. Toni is
shown playing with his friends, eating healthy food, swimming in a swimming
pool, rescuing an animal and helping his mom around the house. The book then
shows us Toni panel in his Superhero costume with a T across the chest and telling
us that Toni is terrific. This is a really cute storybook; my favorite thing about it is
that Toni, a young African American child is portrayed as a superhero. Already the
book earns props for diversity of its characters. It also shows Toni rescuing a
stranded cat and helping out, generally being friendly and playing well with others.
It sends a very positive message that terrific kids do good things. An impressionable
young child will see that and want to be as awesome as Toni.... Show more content on ...
Namely, right in the beginning it tells us that Toni is a superhero, but doesn t
really tell us what his superpower is. You could argue that saving animals, helping
out and generally being an agreeable little guy is his superpower. This isn t a major
issue as kids in the intended age range for this book aren t likely to question it, but
I can imagine an older child bringing it up. Another (also minor) issue is the font
and graphics; while I loved the character drawings themselves, I thought the title
font had a bit of a home spun feel to it and could be improved upon slightly to make
it more eye catching and perhaps a bit more
Aesop s Fables
I chose to research the genre of fables, specifically Aesop s fables. I only informed
of the basics of fables. To be frank with you I don t even think there is much to
know about fables. What is there to know? They contain lessons, animals, and they
are short. From time to time people use them in their quotidian day to back up their
opinions. Especially authority figures like parents, teachers, and, well I can just
think of those two. Personally I believe that Don t let things for the last minute is
their favorite one. Why haven t you done your homework? ... oh wait, that does not
apply to fables. Well in summation my knowledge on fables is very superficial.
The reason for me selecting fables is because they have an ... Show more content on ...
No joke, I love her. The whole process was a bit irritating but a fun experience.
What I love most about fables is that each one of them comes with a moral, the
positive or negative interpretation of a story that always leaves a life lesson. The
reaction generated from a fable s moral depends on the individuals knowledge
about life; each person will interpret a moral differently because each one has lived
a different life. Fables are also carried on from generation to generation and have a
purpose that is to entertain. These short stories are made up with animals or
inanimate objects representing humans. Fables are used as a teaching tool for young
children and even for adults. According to some scholars Aesopcould have been
African American because of his many references to animals. ( Aesop
Encyclopedia of World Biography, par 2). There are many hypotheses on what or
who Aesop could have been. There was also a rumor that he was a slave and got
free because of his extraordinary story telling abilities ( Aesop Encyclopedia of
World Biography, par 5). A fable is simply a synonym of allegory. Over the years
fables have maintained their position as a helpful tool to many teachers around the
world to help students. Fables continue to be very appealing to the public. They soon
begun to disperse around the world and started being translated in many languages.
Considering my age, one of the fables that we, teenagers, have to keep in
Armenian Genocide Cinema
The Armenian genocide is represented in many fields of art. For example, there are
numerous kinds of films and cartoons illustrating the Armenian genocide. Among
them are Ararat directed by Atom Egoyan. Or world known film of Anri Vernoy
Mother where the director tries to show the faith of an Armenian familysurviving
from Genocide. This family tries to establish their new life in France. They met many
difficulties including cultural land language issues . Basically they are left with
The Armenian genocide exists in paintings as well. Among the famous painters that
had survived from the genocide was American Armenian painter Arshil Gorki. One of
his world known paintings is The artist and the Mother , where he ... Show more
content on ...
The American Armeian rock band System of a down , for example, has a song
devoted to the Armenian genocide. Or, Famous French armenian singer Charlez
Aznavour who later has become as an actor, public activist , later as a diplomat,
always speaks about The Armenian genocide. And he announces everywhere that his
family is also a survivor of the Armenian genocide. All these famous people that are
mentioned above and are alive, still take active step . They participate in all activities,
among which are commemorate conference and demand march that takes part in
Armenia and in the United States of America which is one of the largest Armenian
diaspora in the world. All in all, the Armenian genocide that was the first genocide in
the human history of all times , is still unrecognized. Armenia and Armenian diaspora
demand Turkish government to recognize the crime that had been done by their
anccentores at the beginning of the 20th century. And they call all nations in the
world be aware of this kind of crime. It should not be repeated again.
I, as an Armenian, living in the Uneted States, try to find a time in my busy
shchedule to participate in all cultural events conserning the Armenian genocide. This
year I joined the demansing march as always and of course I will continue while this
problem has not solved

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  • 4. John C. Lincoln Electric Company John C. Lincoln founded The Lincoln Electric Company in 1895. James F. Lincoln, John s younger brother join the company and subsequently became general manager and vice president in 1914. One of James early actions was to have a committee that would advise him on company operations. Employees was asked to elect representatives to the committee. They met twice monthly with the executive officer ever since. A welding school was formed in 1917 and still continues today. In 1918 an employee bonus plan was initiated then discontinued. It returned later on however. In 1934 the bonus plan was purposed by the advisory board, their has been a bonus every year since then. In 1919 the Lincoln Electric Employees Association was formed providing health benefits and social activities. This has continued today with added functions. The board of directors started a suggestion system that is still in effect today. At least since 1935 Lincoln productivity has been well above the average productivity vs. similar companies. The golden rule at Lincoln Electric is to put customers first. One of the ways to do this To build a better and better product at a lower and lower price James Lincoln. In it s history, there have been price decreases such as the most popular welding electrode decreasing from 16 cents a pound in 1929 to 4.7 cents a pound in 1938. From 1958 to 1965, Lincoln largest selling portable machine (SA 200 Welder) decreased in price. Welding machines and welding electrodes
  • 5. Meaning Of Life In Summer Day By Mary Frye What is the meaning of life? Jeremy, from Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life by Wendy Mass, he often asks that question throughout his journey to open the box in the novel. In Summer Day by Mary Frye, she asks about the world and many questions that have currently no answers. Mass and Frye convey the message of life is short and every moment should be lived to the fullest through the use of repetition of rhetorical questions. Mass and Frye both get their shared theme of life is short and every moment should be enjoyed, through using rhetorical questions. Mass highlights one section of Jeremy s dad s letter when, I thought, what if this woman was right? If I only had 4O years, how many more times would I eat chocolate cake? (Turned out to
  • 6. What Makes A Person Whole And Morally Sound Virtues are what make a person whole and morally sound, they are the good that can come from behavior or result from something ( Romans believed that these were what a mortals life was based off of. The Aeneid Virgil includes many of the virtues that the Romans value, one being magnitudo animi. Magnitudo animi translates to greatness of the soul. This greatness of the soul is what a person has from the inside and makes them deal with the hardest decisions or the easiest. They persevere and in the end come out great. One person or demi god that represents magnitudo animi is Aenas from The Aeneid. Aenas deals with his struggles and remembers what it means to have this virtue and is the best example of this. In The Aeneid it goes through the story of Aeneasand Dido. Aeneas deals with his journey to find Rome due to his destiny and in the course of this meets Dido, the Queen of Carthage (Line 15 16 Virgil). Dido is so infatuated when she first sees Aeneas that she instantly wants to break her vow to her dead husband of never being with another man; I recognize the signs of the old flame, of old desire. But O chaste life, before I break your laws, I pray that earth may open, gape for me.... (Line 31 34 Virgil). After Dido prayed to the gods and got their permission. The gods heard her wish and Juno along with Venus planed the event of the two becoming one; Plan hunting in the forest...while beaters in excitement ring the glens my gift will be a black
  • 7. How The English Changed North America Essay For civilization to evolve, changes must be made. Imagine what the world would be like if the Natives were just alone and no country migrated to North America. Would technology even exist? Would the main weapons be just spears and arrows? Would medicine be invented so people could live long lives without dying of diseases? These are questions that will never have to be answered because the world evolved into a much bigger and better place. The English changed North Americano matter what the cost was. Some may argue that the English are the ones to blame for King Phillip s War, but that is not the case here. The Indians did not want change and overall, it did not work out real well for them. In this case, the war was brutal on both sides. The Natives did not change their customs as much as the English wanted them to. By not assimilating to European values and customs, the Natives caused the war over hatred of English values and traditions and made the world a dangerous place to live in. Daniel Richter was the author of Facing East from Indian Country and Jill Lepore wrote The Name of War. Lepore made some very interesting points that will be discussed that can make the Natives look like savages, but the English were not angels either. King Phillip s War is one of the most brutal wars in America and there really was not anything good about it. Mistakes were made and history was changed. Richter took a standpoint that focused on the English pushing away the
  • 8. Telescreens Comparison Essay One parallel from modern day life to George Orwel s 1984 is the Telescreens or big brother is watching you to the NSA s surveillance. In the novel the telescreen is a device similar to a TV combined with a security camera. The device is used by the party to monitor the behavior of the inner and outer party members and to insure that they are not plotting against the party. The people of the inner and outer party have very little to no privacy. There are many similarities between the telescreen and NSA surveillance. Such as the fact that everything that Americans say on phone calls can be recorded and listened or put in to the data base similar to what the thought police do with the telescreens everything that you say or do can be filed away and used against you at a later date. If the government has any supsion that you are a terrorist or have anything to do with them the NSA your phone could be tapped around 300 times a year.... Show more content on ... If the telescreen records you doing certain things you are immediately under suspicion like turning your back to the telescreen Winston kept his back turned to the telescreen. It was safer, though, as he well knew, even a back can be revealing. (1.1.6) In book one chapter one paragraph 6 Winston reveals that even by facing away the thought police could still detect his rebellion. Winston also reveals in book one chapter five paragraph 65 that It [ s] terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away... For example to wear an improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example) was itself a punishable offense. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime, it was called. (1.5.65). Which is similar to how a small thing could put you under surveillance by the
  • 9. White Australia Policy 1950 s Introduction: The White Australia Policy took place over a period of 72 years. The White Australia Policy became a law in 1901, although it had been occurring since the 1850 s. It ended in 1973 when Australia realised than other countries were forming a nation against Australia due to the policy. The White AustraliaPolicy was an attempt to create a uni racial Australia. The Policy discriminated and took a massive impact on anyone that was non European and others from other coloured races. The policy has still changed Australia up until now. The policy is gone, but other policies still stand to come to live in Australia. You need to get your citizenship to confirm that you are here to live not for other jobs. Dictation Test: In 1901 the Immigration Restriction was introduced with the intention of keeping out anyone that was trying to get into Australia. The main feature of the idea was having a test called the Dictation Test. The test was given to anyone that tried to get in Australia that wasn t already a citizen. Who ever was taking the test was to be able to write correctly at least 50 words that were spoken by the Customs officer, the officer could choose what ever language he wanted and you had no opinion in the choosing. ... Show more content on ... In 1905 this was changed to any language to make it less offence to the Japanese. From 1932 onwards the Dictation Test could be anytime of the first five years of residence, and try for the test any number of goes it took, so if you failed the test you still had many chances to take the test
  • 10. Berkshire Vale Case Study Essay Throughout the last couple months, spending large amounts of time with your household on Meadow Vale, I have selected specific issues that should be addressed about your property and my corresponding recommendations. I have carefully developed these recommendations, in order for your property to flourish in the upcoming years and to overall improve current procedures being undertaken at Meadow vale. 1.Managing the Property, Paddocks and Pasture In order to have a successful, profitable farm the paddocks have to be in ideal conditions, whereas Meadow Vale paddocks are in dire conditions. In order to maintain and support correct growth and supply abundant food for the cattle this issue must be addressed. A large contributing factor to this problem is the current soil quality of the paddocks. High quality pastures need essential minerals in order to obtain optimum quality pastures and metabolisable protein intake. Meadow vale soil tests have indicated that they are very deficient in Phosphorous and Sulfur, but this can very easily be fixed with a superphosphate fertilizer. In order to increase the Olsen P value of 10 12ppm to the target range 18 20pmm and the current sulfur 5 6ppm to the most favorable value of 15ppm, regular soil tests must be... Show more content on ... In autumn, common pastures species such as ryegrass and white clover are a good option for over sowing winter pastures in order to keep steady ground cover when paspalum summer grass stops growing heading back into autumn. In order to main consistent ground pasture in the more delicate months, nitrogen fertilizer is a suitable option to assist the success of pasture. Additionally, pasture species are required to undertake rotational grazing (normal rotations through winter through to summer) to apply adequate and effective watering to the
  • 11. Juvenile Justice And The Criminal Justice System Juveniles have always been a touchy subject in the criminal justice system. Many would argue that they deserve to be treated and sentenced as adults while others believe that they can be rehabilitated and changed into fully functioning members of society. Florida has established a Juvenile Detention Alternatives initiative in order to support the vision that all juvenile justice offenders would have opportunities put in place to develop them into law abiding adults. This initiative uses core strategies and decision making skills based on data driven policies and practices that will reduce secure detention placements and promote healthy lifestyles for the youth while also enhancing public safety. A program established by the Department of Juvenile Justice in Florida hopes to do just that. Intensive Delinquency Diversion Services, also referred to as the IDDS, is offered to youth who are first time offenders. This intense community and home based intervention hopes to deter offenders from becoming lifelong criminals. This paper will give a brief background the program, a summary and description of the program, a theory that supports the program, and finally policy implications of the IDDS program. Background: Florida s initiative to keep youth offenders out of the formal criminal justice system has given life to many new programs offered to juveniles. This alternative initiative was launched in 1992. It hopes to move low risk offenders from detention centers and juveniles
  • 12. Christian Art Vs Greek Art Essay Compare/Contrast of Ancient Greek art and late Antiquity art While most art styles differ in many ways there are no two art forms, in my opinion, that differ and contrast each other as much as Greek and early Christian art seem to. And so, today we will be comparing but mostly contrasting these two art forms from each other. Greek Art is based most on worldly situations, this is because the Greeks viewed man as the measure of all things, and they spent most of their time trying to create the perfect specimen of humanity. The Greeks strive for perfection resulted in them making very realistic art pieces such as statues; these statues were almost always of young men at their prime and were called kouros. The attention to detail that the Greeks had, along with the muscle definition and the expressions the statues often possessed, the archaic smile in the archaic period that represented being alive and the emphasis the people of the Hellenistic period had with draping and non geometric, wet garments for women, resulted in Greek art becoming one of the most realistic but also idealized ... Show more content on ... This form of art is based on a canon that was created in the Late Empire period of the Roman Empire, for a sculpture called the tetrarchs, which shows four people, two ceasers and two agustie, with short and stocky bodies, big heads, hands and feet, slim shoulders, and expressionless faces. Christian art is largely portrayals of Christ as a young and carefree Sheppard, because of how hard life was for the Christians at that time. It was very idealistic and did not have accurate portrayals of the human body, in what is assumed to be the Christians attempts to distance themselves from anything that resembled the Greeks and romans. Christian art was also mostly done for inside churches, and was not for
  • 13. Animal Archetypes In 1753, Carl Linnaeus listed among the types of quadrupeds familiar to him the Latin word for dog, canis. Among the species within this genus, Linnaeus listed the red fox (as Canis vulpes), wolves (Canis lupus), and the domestic dog (Canis canis). In later editions, Linnaeus dropped Canis canis and greatly expanded his list of the Canis genus of quadrupeds and, by 1758, included alongside the foxes, wolves, and jackals and many more terms that are now listed as synonyms for domestic dog, including aegyptius (hairless dog), aquaticus, (water dog), and mustelinus (literally badger dog ). Among these were two that later experts have been widely used for domestic dogs as a species: Canis domesticus and, most predominantly, Canis familiaris, the common or familiar dog.[20]... Show more content on ... In comparison, the gray wolf differs from its closest wild relative, the coyote, by about 4% of mitochondrial DNA sequence. [21] Later that year, the domestic dog Canis familiaris was reclassified as Canis lupus familiaris, a subspecies of Canis lupus in Mammal Species of the World.[22][1] However, Canis familiaris is also accepted due to a nomenclature debate regarding the naming of wild and domestic
  • 14. Burial Practices In British Essay Societal ideologies and beliefs are constantly evolving, changing and then returning to past views; growing and receding like the tide. The same is true for burial practices within Scotland. A typical Neolithic burial over time was converted into monuments for the dead. Those same Neolithic monuments were changed into Early Bronze Age cists, which restricted accessibility, since the burials were usually covered by a cairn to mark the position of internment. Changes in burial practices in Scotland from the Neolithicto the Early Bronze Age illuminate the splintering of society into smaller factions. This correlates directly to the later emergence of a closer identification between particular groups within Scotland. During the Neolithic,... Show more content on ... It is more closely related to a funerary structure than a tomb; it was designed for ancestor worship rather than housing the dead. The architecture of the early monuments did not allow for easy access to the remains of the dead. However, with the development of larger chambers, the dead became more accessible. This could be explained by the increasing importance of ancestry and increasing utilization of the remains of the dead in rituals. Cairnholy is the site of two Neolithic chamber tombs located in the Clyde region. The more elaborate of the two tombs is known as Cairnholy I. Access to the mortuary area in the primary monument would have required the removal of a heavy covering slab. Later in the Neolithic, chamber tombs were enlarged and new chambers were added; this marked a significant increase in the capacity of these monuments. More dead bodies could be deposited and the increased chamber area and height would allow the sorting and manipulation of human remains, which explains why around this time bodies were beginning to be disarticulated. With the addition of arenas for public display, rituals associated with the dead were becoming progressively a more important part of Neolithic life (Noble, 2006, p. 133). During the Early Bronze Age, individuals began to be displayed in elaborate burials within sites that were formerly used by the wider community, which suggests that positions of power were increasingly symbolized in more concrete forms. People
  • 15. Disadvantages Of Multitasking Multitasking causes many students one of the most problematic learning skills. Students think that they are actually helping their ability to learn more efficiently, but multitasking is actually making the learning process worse. Why are so many students misinformed or confused about the disadvantages of multitasking? Examining the learning process of the brain and bringing focus to the most efficient ways of learning can provide more insight into this learning dilemma. This information will supply a better understanding of what really helps the students to learn. Negative cognitive abilities are intensified when corresponding with multitasking. In the article, How Does Multitasking Change The Way Kids Learn? Proves some of the reasons why multitasking is corresponded with negative cognitive abilities when it states, David Meyer, a psychology professor at the University of Michigan who s studied the effects of divided attention on learning, takes a firm line on the brain s ability to multitask: Under most conditions, the brain simply cannot do two complex tasks at the same time. It can happen only when the two tasks are both very simple and when they don t compete with each other for the same mental resources. It processes and stores information in less useful ways, when distracted. (Paul 4). This means when trying to complete many tasks at once, the brain cannot function correctly in order to do so. Also when the mind is preoccupied it stocks the data in worthless ways. This proves multitasking causes a negative cognitive ability the brain cannot achieve, because the brain doesn t store the information in the correct ways; therefore making them valueless. Multitasking also hinders student s thinking when switching between tasks. The article How does Multitasking Change The Way Kids Learn? Contributes to this idea when it states, There is greater difficulty transferring student s learning to new contents especially when repeatedly dropping and picking up a mental thread. (Paul 4). This also verifies that switching from one subject to another allows student s to have trouble when they are constantly letting go and picking up new information. This way means that student s cannot constantly be switching
  • 16. External Conflict In Hamlet In Shakespeare s plays, apparently, an essential part is conflict. His play Hamlet ends up plainly a talk about this subject. Hamlet brings out numerous contentions and understandings, for example, political imageries of present day society, connection with religions, sorts of conflicts and its outcomes. All through the play, Hamlets demonstrations of retribution for his dad s passing turned out to bring internal and external conflicts of the story. His disputes, both remotely and within, originate from his father s death caused by his uncle, Claudius. At the point when, in Act I, his dad s ghostappears to his child, requesting that he vindicate his murder, Hamlet s life winds up plainly overflowing with struggle and Hamlet s problem turns into the center of the whole play. We see that when Hamlet, has lost his dad; his mom has gone into an overhasty marriage with Claudius. Lamenting at his dad s passing, and ethically offended at the rushed wedding, Hamlet agonizes about his weakness, until the point when a phantom shows up on the defenses, disclosing to him his dad was in certainty killed by his uncle, who poured poison in his ear while he was asleep. Gertrude, his mom, is not directly drawn in, yet the phantom instructs Hamlet to restrict his retaliation to Claudius. In a progression of postponing strategies, somewhat intended to get visual evidence and somewhat an aftereffect of Hamlet s delay to murder, he makes Claudius respond out in the open. Faking insanity,
  • 17. Essay on Glass Menagerie Compare amp; Contrast Essay The Glass Menagerie, by Tennessee Williams contained well characterized characters. The quot;Dead Poet amp;#8217;s Society quot; also contained a great set of characters that were similar to those in The Glass Menagerie. It is fair to say that the characters of The Glass Menagerie and the characters of quot;Dead Poet amp;#8217;s Society quot; are more similar than different. Both stories had no main characters; therefore it was easy to distinguish similarities and differences between them. The Glass Menagerie had only four main characters, but they were successfully characterized differently. quot;Dead Poet amp;#8217;s Society quot; also had ... Show more content on ... Not only were Knox amp;#8217;s character and the character of Laura similar in both the works, but Todd from quot;DPS quot; and Tom from The Glass Menagerie are also shown to be similar. Todd kept a certain mystery about him throughout the work, as well as Tom. Tom would go to the movies and keep to himself except for some outbursts of speech to either Amanda or Laura. On the other hand, Todd usually kept to himself as well, except when Captain made him recite the poem and when he stood up for the captain. These outbursts of speeches characterize both Todd and Tom to be the same type of character. Not only are Todd and Tom similar in that they are mysterious, but they are also the same in how they are the ones that seem to be the most down to earth in the works. These guys are realistical in the sense that they are not dreamers like Amanda and Neil nor confined like Laura and Knox. Tom and Todd form the stable cornerstones in both quot;Dead Poet amp;#8217;s Society quot; and The Glass Menagerie. Both the quot;Dead Poet amp;#8217;s Society quot; and The Glass Menagerie have their confined characters and their cornerstones as well as their dreamers. The dreamers in the quot;Dead Poet amp;#8217;s Society quot; and The Glass Menagerie are Neil and Amanda. These two are almost exactly alike. Neil was dealing with many pressures in his life. He was dealing
  • 18. Ap Biology Lab Report Table of Contents Aim0 Hypothesis0 Materials0 Procedure0 Results1 Discussion2 Conclusion3 References3 AIM To model radioactive decay and half life HYPOTHESIS The trend will mimic the pattern of the half life of a radioactive material, with the same approximate curve, because the M Ms with m showing will be approximately half of the total M Ms at every half life, which is the same as decaying radioisotopes, with half the atoms disappearing every half life. MATERIALS A packet of M Ms A clean sheet of paper (A4) A clean jar/cupcake cup PROCEDURE 1.Copy the table from the criteria sheet into your workbook 2.Count the total number of M Ms in the container 3.Shake up the container to mix the M Ms around 4.Pour the container onto the clean sheet of paper 5.Count how many M Ms show the letter m facing upwards 6.Record this number in the table 7.Place only the M Ms showing the letter m back into the jar and dispose of the other M Ms appropriately 8.Repeat steps 3 7 until there are no M Ms left DISCUSSION ... Show more content on ... One of these is curium 243, with a half life of 29.1 years, with a graph pattern almost identical to this experiment s. This experiment models what happens inside a radioisotope when the atoms begin to decay, whether that be alpha, beta or gamma, (alpha being a releasing of a helium atom, beta being an electron and gamma being the release of energy at the speed of life known as gamma rays). In this experiment, the M Ms without m represent the decaying atoms, which are launching themselves out to become more stable, and the repeats are the half lives, the M Ms showing m are the atoms that are still in the element. Every period of time, 29.1 years, ВЅ the atoms decay, and so on until the element is completely split
  • 19. Pig Reproductive System Research Paper The Reproductive System: The reproductive system of a male pig includes: the testis, the scrotum, seminiferous tubules, urethra, epididymis, and ductus deferentia. In a female pig, the reproductive consist of: oviducts, uterus, vagina, vaginal vestibule, and the oviduct. The reproductive systems are located between the hind legs in both male and female pigs. The Cardiovascular System: The cardiovascular system includes: the heart, thymus gland, coronary artery, septum, right and left atrium, pulmonary trunk, trachea, and systemic circuit. The veins and arteries that help move blood, are located throughout the body. The other major parts of the cardiovascular system are located around the chest area, and between the rib cages. The Respiratory System: The respiratory system includes: the lungs, alveoli, nares, glottis, trachea, bronchi, larynx, the esophagus, and diaphragm. Oxygen is inhaled and carried throughout the body through all of these parts of the body and released using the same parts. The location of these parts are primarily between the throat and ribs with veins being used to carry oxygen throughout the body.... Show more content on ... In the cranial region, there is the thalamus, brain stem, cerebellum cerebrum, and corpus callosum. In the lumbar region of the pig there is spinal nerves, and axons. The spinal cord extends from the bottom of the cranial region, through the cervical region, to the lumbar
  • 20. On The Importance Of Having Superheroes According to Jen Doll, writer of the article On the Importance of Having Superheroes, Marvel s The Avenger released on May 4, 2012, managed to take in approximately $640 million worldwide within the 12 days it was in theaters. This shows how popular movies based on superheroes have become. It became so popular that from 1978 2017 there has been a drastic increase in the domestic box office of superhero movies. Superheroes movies and television series have become so famous throughout that passing point of years. However, this isn t astonishing because these movies are relatable, send a message/ a lesson to the audience watching, and very flexible. One of the reasons these superhero movies become so popular is because they are relatable. Nathan
  • 21. Arthritis In Knee Arthritis in Knee Causes and Treatments Arthritis affects approximately 43 million Americans. This condition thins the joint cartilage which then results into painful knees or hands. Types of arthritis include osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis in knee happens when the hinge type joint from the femur s lower end rubs with the upper end of the shin bone or tibia. Also involved are the patella or knee cap as well as the fibula or the long bone which runs right beside the tibia on the outside portion of the leg. What Causes the Knee Pain? Soft tissue problems are more common than arthritis. Know that it is not just arthritis that brings about knee pain. If you want to have the problem properly diagnosed, you must see to it
  • 22. How Does Faden Use Copyright The copyright on Eric Faden is fair use because it s used to teach kids about copyright laws. He is not making any money off of the remix. He is not looking in making profit, he is simply educating. He borrowed very small pieces of Disney films to transform into a remix. He also cited all the movies he took, and gave credit to disney. Some people say it s copyrightbecause he didn t get permission from Disney. He didn t use their work excessively, he only used what he was using to educate the viewers. He didn t change any clips he just made a remix out of them. He not only took small portions of the movies, but he also taught us about copyright which helps educate us a lot. Another thing is the commentary, their words have different
  • 23. The Correlation Between Amounts Of Time Spent Playing... What is the relationship between the amounts of time spent playing video games and your amount of sleep? Introduction Nearly every day, you can read articles about urbanized countries throughout the world, with issues or concerns arising from individuals playing video games for excessive amounts of time. Individuals form addictions to a surge in excessive or violent behaviors, commonly found among teens or younger children. Studies also indicate playing excessive amounts of video games can also have an effect on your sleeping patterns in a negative way. For instance, playing an extreme amount of video games prior to going to bed may create a more difficult time in falling asleep. So, I decided to take on a similar yet different type of study to discover out how much video gaming an average high schooler plays each night and how this may affect how many hours of sleep he/she receives. I was unable to find any online articles for this type of study, so I decided to find out for myself using the high school population at a local school. As the study began, I did believe that students who participated in excessive video gaming may receive less sleep. Statement of Task The focus of this study was to investigate if the amount of time students spend playing video games each evening may have an influence on the quantity of sleep the average high school student receives. To determine this, I requested teachers to allow me to survey students during school hours in an
  • 24. The Process Of Conflict Resolution Introduction The process of conflict transformation includes numerous types of practices and approaches. It is crucial for a conflict resolution practitioner to be able to self assess the entire practice of intervention to get a clear notion of why the approach that has been used was successful or caused fail. Conflict interveners whose practices are well established on theories of conflict resolution and ongoing researches need to refine their assumptions and skills through an extensive process of self reflection. Such refining would help them to conceptualize a theoretical basis of their approaches and intervention techniques. They would be able to understand what intervention technique is appropriate for a situation, without trying out one tool after another. The process of self asses or reflective practice in conflict resolution is beneficiary to predict and understand conflict resolution approaches consequences and to evaluate the success or failure of an intervention. For a conflict resolution practitioner theory is the foundation upon which the nature of both conflict assessment and conflict intervention are more understandable. For example, in a mediation process mediators sometimes prefer and sometimes don t prefer to use caucus technique as a way for a better conflict transformation. Theoretical foundation of involving of a mediation technique would help avoid an unfortunate end of the entire process. Hence, it is important for a conflict intervener to understand
  • 25. Everything About Peru Peru, the illustrious country in South America, with a population of about 30 million, is home to a variety of culture and people. Peru is the fourth largest country in South America. The official languages are Spanish, Quechua, and Aymara, and the ethnic groups are Amerindian, Mestizo, and White. The capital city is Lima and their current president is Pedro Pablo Kuczynski. Peruis in South America, south of Ecuadorand Colombia, and north of Chile and Bolivia. Peru has a lot of culture, including many festivals like The Guinea Pig Festival, Carnaval, Fiesta de la Vendimia, and Puno Week. The Guinea Pig Festival is a tradition that dates back to the fifteenth century and the Incan times. The guinea pigs are dressed up in costumes, awarded prizes, and fed. Fiesta de la Vendimia, is a festival in March, which is celebrated on the south coast of Peru in Ica, a small city. This festival is mostly about wine and there are wine related activities. There are parades, contests, and grape stomping. Besides festivals, religion is a big part of Peru. Peru is a predominantly catholic country. A census in 2007 said that 81.3% of the population was catholic. Many of the festivals and ceremonies are religious. The Inca tribes first started in the Andes region in the 12th century A.D., which is southeastern Peru. ... Show more content on ... It spans around 5 miles, and it has the honor of being on of the Seven Wonders of the World. The native language, Quechua, translates Machu Picchu to Old Peak or Old Mountain. On the Inca Trail, many porters sleep with shiny metal objects or mirror beneath them. They believe it banishes spirits coming up through the earth and stirs them away. If asked, most guides will tell you that they have experienced the feeling of being pulled out of their tents by spirits of the past. The Citadel of Machu Picchu is considered the paramount attraction of Peru and one of the most visited sites
  • 26. Essay On Bank Of America In the SWOT analysis for Bank of America one I performed a SWOT analysis for the Bank of America. I assumed the role of a mutual fund manager work for First Investment Inc Investment Inc. With the information I gathered in part one of my paper I made the decision to invest in Bank of America. In part two of these papers I will further explain why I chose to invest in Bank of America. This paper will address the financial health of Bank of America by reviewing the banks income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow (MGT/521 course syllabus). I will also analyze Bank of America s financial health and compare it against another bank. After I do the comparison I will compare Bank of America technological advantages, or address any ... Show more content on ... Clearly Kenneth Lewis did do his homework on Countrywide Financial. Kenneth Lewis knew the financial state of Countrywide Financial and failed to relay the messages to the other stakeholder in the company. If I were put in the same situation as Kenneth Lewis I would hire someone who is knowledgeable on how to conduct a SWOT on a business before a purchase. I would share the outcome of the SWOT with the stakeholders and I would hire someone to do a background and market analysis on Countrywide Financial. The reason the stock is tanking is because the market does not believe Bank of America s assets are worth what they say they are worth (Henry Blodget 2011). First Investment Inc believes that the main reason is Bank of America s failed to do the proper outlook investment analyses. Bank of America s management should have conducted future analyses on where the business is today and where what the future holds. The managers at Bank of America should review the banks financial situation. Bank of America should have first looked at what their competitors were doing and the state of the economy. Bank of America should have should have taken the time to analyze the mortgage and real estate brokers, by not analyze the mortgage and real estate brokers people purchase property that they couldn t afford. The price of houses declined in 2006 this caused the houses that were
  • 27. An Automotive Technici Running Diagnostics And Testing... As an automotive technician, it is your duty to diagnose and fix mechanical issues with vehicles. This most often concerns mechanical components, but due to the advancement of technology in modern cars,more electrical knowledge is necessary. These are the responsibilities of an automotive technician: Running diagnostics and testing parts to identify the source of automotive mechanical problems. Completing preventative maintenance on vehicles including tire rotations, oil changes, filter replacement, and other pertinent repair.Providing advice to customers on how to improve their care care.Following any state laws regarding emissions, and reassemble parts. Using warranties , replacement part, and personal experience to keep cost to a minimum. Providing and writing a general estimate to customers. Using customer satisfaction kills to establish a trusting relationship with clients.Maintaining a steady supply of parts by keeping inventory and ordering as necessary.Working with other mechanics to help diagnose problems and decide the best course of action.Being familiar with any and all tools necessary for repairs, including power tools.Following rigorous checklists to ensure that every aspect of the car receives an inspection.Talking continued education classes to further mechanical knowledge on late model vehicles.Learning how to do repairs on electric, hybrid, diesel, and gasoline powered automobiles.If required, taking phone calls for appointments, as well
  • 28. Essay African American Perception The perception of racism towards African Americans in the United States is shown through both current American novels and films. Nearly every novel and film made today portrays a sense of racism towards African Americans and continually has the African American gangster and the white man hero. Unfortunately, many African Americans are categorized compared to whites as less qualified, educated and trustworthy. More specifically, the novel Southland acknowledged a different racial perception of jobs towards whites and people of color in relation to being a police officer. White peopleare continually represented as the proper, social and economical power by what jobs they are given and the actions they take. Different novels, films and... Show more content on ... In relationship of African Americans shown as the villain within a society, Revoyr hints to this more when describing the apartment complex of Jackie s aunt. The two shootings and numerous hold ups that had scared the residents lately had all occurred within the Estates, not outside of them, so she didn t see why the guards were so concerned with visitors (Southland, 15). This passage is important because Revoyr illustrates with her words how African Americans are somewhat caged within their own society and fighting people of their own kind. The idea of the white person as always the hero and the African American as the villain directly relates to the fact they are fighting within their own race and not others. Never in books are fancy white neighborhoods shown as the poor, aggressive and hated area of society quite like the African American ones. The perfect example of racismin film in relation to African Americans portrayed improperly is David Ayer s Training Day. This is a story about a white man, Jake Hoyt, who is becoming a police officer and needs to be trained by an African American, Detective Alonzo Harris, but ends up becoming the typical white hero without knowing. Detective Harris is a narcotics officer who lives in a ghetto African American neighborhood where everyone hates him because of how he abuses his authority. Detective Harris is portrayed in the film as the badass
  • 29. Mafia Throughout history, crime has existed in many different forms and has been committed by not only individuals, but by groups as well. Crime is something that knows no boundaries; it exists in all cultures, is committed by all races, and has existed in all time periods. Crime exists as a part of the economic institution and is a lifestyle for many people. Crime also exists in both organized and un organized forms. Since the early 1900 s, quot;organized quot; crime has existed in the United States. The following will show where, when, and why the Mafiacame to the United States, who organized it in the United States, and how it differed from its origins in the European mafia. By showing this you will see how this specific type of organized ... Show more content on ... Don Vito, Vito Cascio Ferro, was the first SicilianCapo de Tutti Capi. He fled to the United States in 1901 to escape arrest and formed a group of the Black Hand. Its members were hardened criminals currently fugitives from Sicily. He is known as the Father of the American Mafia. In 1924, Mussolini was determined to rid Italy of the Mafia so many members fled to the United States to avoid persecution . This increased the numbers of members in the organization. These fleeing Italians were well aware there was money to be made in the United States through extortion, prostitution, gambling and bootlegging. Every large city soon had its own Mafia chapter. Prohibition which was a legal ban on the manufacturer and sale of intoxicating drinks generated a wave of illegal activity since there was big money to be made. During this time, gangsters openly flaunted their wealth and power. This period established many young men as leaders in the New Age American Mafia. Charles Luciano, born in 1897 in Sicily, came to New York in 1906. He trained in the Five Points Gang, a Mafia crew, under John Torrio. In this gang, he became friends with Al Capone and other prominent gangsters. Luciano started his own prostitution racket in the early 1920 s and was in total control of prostitution in Manhattan by 1925. In 1929 he was kidnapped, beaten and stabbed severally with an icepick. He miraculously survived but maintained quot;omerta quot;,
  • 30. The Man Of The Modern Conservatism Burke, the father of the modern conservatism, is well known for his criticism, or contempt of the French Revolution; assuming so, it is not hard to doubt that he in fact sympathized with the American cause. If he is the true father of the conservatism, then the reader may be surprised to hear that he sided with the colonists; however, his decision makes a sense if we acknowledge that Burke regarded the American Revolutionas a revolution that is not too far apart from that of the Glorious Revolution, unlike the French Revolution. Paine would argue otherwise by using the Universalist language that the French would used; however, in the eyes of Burke, the colonists are the true Englishmen, who are asking for returns that are entirely rational, and perhaps historical to the English culture of pursuing liberty. French, in the other hand, did not have any concrete foundations for their pursuit of liberty. The rule by the mass under equal findings were never heard of nor realized, which makes Burke to beg the question of feasibility. In short, Burke, who finds the justifications from the traditions as a conservative, fully acknowledges that the American colonists are articulating their needs of self governance and liberty within reason and within reach; in contrast, Burke despises the French Revolution, since it is to dispose the traditions and the societal mechanisms that France developed over time, through complete overturn of the society and denial of the past. Turning to
  • 31. A Rush Of Blood To The Head Analysis A Rush of Cash, Love, and 9/11 to the Head Coldplay s sophomore album A Rush of Blood to the Head , harbors many incredible songs, including the tenth song on the record for which the album is named; therefore, the artists must have wanted to install an emphasis on this particular song. The album was released in 2002 after the September 11th terrorist attacks, and the song, A Rush of Blood to the Head in particular has many interesting elements pointing towards that event as inspiration. The lead singer of Coldplay, Chris Martin, has said that the song is an homage to Johnny Cashs way of singing because Martin wanted to sing a song in a low key like that of Cash. A literal analysis of the lyrics interpret a man who is very impulsive, and he will do anything to keep the woman he loves. A Rush of Blood to the Head employs its low key and sad sound as a tribute to Johnny Cash; meanwhile, the lyrics are so ambiguous that they can be understood as... Show more content on ... The band s bass player, Johnny Buckland was deeply influenced by American country music legend, Johnny Cash. Chris Martin admits that after learning about and appreciating different artists such as Cash and after getting so much criticism, Coldplay just decided not to care what everyone else thought and to make the music that they wanted to make (Martin). The inspired team then took it upon themselves to make a concerted effort to conceive a sound similar to the acoustic low key guitar riffs of Cash. Their devotion towards this iconic music star resulted in the title track, A Rush of Blood to the Head becoming the successful experiment of mixing Cash s one of a kind sound with Coldplay s beautiful lyrics and Chris Martin s steady, fragile, and falsetto
  • 32. Energy Sources Of Energy Source Essay Energy is a big part of our lives. We are heating our homes with natural gas or electricity and driving to and from work and any other outdoors activities. Our main source of the energy people use is fossil fuels and in the future, the availability of those sources has an end date. As studies show there are renewable resources of fuel and other equipment used for energy like wind, nuclear powerplants and solar hydroelectric. There are many pros and cons to all forms of energy source, and they all have their own merit. Also, the energy sources that people use does have floss and can cause a negative impact on the environment, and humans. The most important goal is reducing the overall use of our energy sources. The main two kinds of energy used in my daily living are electricity, fossil fuel, which is a type of biomass. The main fuel people use is fossil fuels. This day in age, it is impossible to function without having a vehicle. The only vehicle that, I drive is running on gasoline. In a normal week, my commute to my job is 20 miles round trip, which is in a different town than where I live. Single mom of two children in the same household consumes around 500.00 per month, it would be impossible to bring all the food home if, I was to walk. Children have many different needs than parents have. Single moms have to work and the children go to school. The central heating in my house does not normally get turned on until its below 55 in the apartment. With
  • 33. Critical Writing Review Of Hamlet Many people equate good critical writing with very descriptive writing when that is simply not true. Good critical writing should not just be an in depth description of a topic. Good critical writing should include a clear presentation of your argument and your own evidence, a clear and confident refusal to accept opposing conclusions from other critical writers, and a balanced presentation of reasons why the conclusions of other writers may be accepted but are ultimately not correct. Many people have written reviews about Kenneth Branagh s four hour uncut movie production of Hamlet , but I m going to evaluate just four reviews to determine their credibility of being a critical writing piece. Alan Stone has written a drawn out review of ... Show more content on ... In addition, Branagh did not add additional dialogue to indicate this scenario, but rather a silent cut scene. In the end, Stone declares that these criticisms are no more than quibbles about this glorious film (Stone). Alan Stone gives extensive background of Branagh s film, is clear about his opinion, provides lots of evidence, and includes and refutes opposing views. Berardinelli has written a piece that includes only his opinion with no critical reasoning or specific evidence. Berardinelli gives background information on Hamlet itself when talking about how legendary actors John Gielgud, Richard Burton, and Laurence Olivier have taken the lead role (Berardinelli). He also gives background to Branagh s connection with Hamlet and how it has been something of a private obsession for Kenneth Branagh since the age of eleven (Berardinelli). He then goes into a lengthy synopsis of Hamlet. Berardinelli is not at all on the fence about his opinion; he states his argument very clearly early on when he says I do not make lightly, this latest version is not only the best filmed adaption of Hamlet I have ever seen, but the best cinematic expression that I have come across of any of Shakespeare s plays (Berardinelli). Berardinelli adds evidence to support
  • 34. How Television Programs Can Support And Facilitate Word... Introduction For many years, parents have relied on using educational programs to teach and engage their children with new concepts and materials. Conversely, many children have also used television as an opportunity for learning and language development. For example, the rise of television programs like Elmo Street and Teletubbies demonstrates this upward trend of substituting media sources for teaching and learning. However, despite the increasing support from parents toward television programs, many researchers have mixed reviews on putting our children into viewing long hours of what they considered unnecessary learning. Thus in what follows of this paper, I will focus on explaining how television programs can support and facilitate word development. Moreover, I will also discuss the mixed literacy support for using television as a learning tool and finally, I will conduct a study that measures, specifically, the relationship between watching educational TV and learning novel words. Hopefully, with these measures, I will be able to find supporting evidence that proves educational TV can be a good predictor for word learning. Throughout the years, one continuous point of debate has been whether educational TV can facilitate and improve word learning in children. Many studies on this debate have found distinct and mixed research outcomes. For example, one study has been Mabel s Rice Word from Sesame Street, in which he found mixed supporting evidence that television
  • 35. Water Quality Lab Water Quality Lab Reports: Water Quality Lab Report First and Last Name. Before you begin writing, make a copy of this document and rename it this Share your document with me, allow editing, UNCHECK notify people via email, and fill out the Submission Form to share your link with me. After you copy, share, and submit your Lab Report: Write your lab report in complete sentences and use paragraphs to organize your ideas. Use your lab handout guide and the Water Quality lab report questions to help you as you write your lab report. Proofread your work carefully! Check for misspelled words, fragments, and clearly written sentences. Delete these instructions once you have finished your lab report. Purpose The purpose of this lab ... Show more content on ... Almost every experiment had good results. The only to bad results were the pH using strips and the turbidity. The pH using trips was a 4 but doing the pH using tablets had a 7. So it can go either way. Turbidity was 20 but that isn t that high. The DO was 4ppm and that is almost perfect. That means that it has plants, but not a lot of them. The temperature of the pond was not cold and not warm. The temperature varies though throughout the seasons. There were 0 ppm results for the nitrates. That is very good. It doesn t increase the plant growth but also doesn t decrease the plant growth. The ammonia levels were also 0ppm. That means that the insects and animals don t get sick by drinking the water or swimming in it. There were many bioindicators in the pond. There were water striders, tadpoles, grass, flowers, algae, gnats, and cat tails. The Voyager pond is very healthy and it should stay
  • 36. Narrative Essay On Waiting On God Dreaming with God is a beautiful gift from Him, and although questions filled my limited mind, my capacity to comprehend, I owe everything to the Lord whose grace and love abundantly flows. A series of parabolic dreams and clear visions flooded my sleep nights, and what the Lord apparently conveyed has created a mixed feeling of excitement and confusion. Inquisitiveness to understand the mysteries of the night parables led me to dig deeper into His word. But I couldn t seem to weave the thread together the way it should a sizeable amount of thread was missing. Prayers for help and wisdom became my expressions and it was in this season of waiting that I have learned a valuable lesson: Waiting on God is not a passive move we have to deliberately seek His Word with an attitude of meekness and rely on the Spirit of God to illuminate hidden things. One specific dream has baffled me for a long time. Looking at these two kinds of trees in the garden that were parallel to each other has created curiosity within. The tree on the left was radiantly shining, abundantly flourishing with green foliage and strong branches, which reflect goodness and vitality. The other tree on the right was the exact opposite, dead and wilted, and not one leaf on the branches remains. While gazing on these two trees, trying to analyze what I was seeing, I heard a voice that said the word nation . The sound of this voice woke me up mystified. I prayed and sought the meaning of this dream,
  • 37. Essay on Ancient History Notes Pharaoh: Amenhotep III Building Program: He began his building program very early in his reign. The Temple of Amen at Luxor; The colonnade and forecourt of this temple has been acclaimed by art historians as being the most impressive achievement of Egyptians temple architecture. The third Pylons at Karnak He demolished the shrines and monuments of earlier pharaohs, including some of his father s, and used the rubble to fill his new pylon. This carried a lengthy inscription praising himself and Amen. On the southern side of the temple he built a smaller pylon and set in front of it two colossal statues of himself. Malkata Palace; 4 loosely connected palaces, residential apartments, courtyards and gardens, a small temple of Amen and ... Show more content on ... strengthened his alliances with other countries by marrying the sisters or daughters of kings from Babylon, Mitanni, Syria and Arzawa. maintained an army throughout the empire. Reports from civil and military officials kept the pharaoh informed of what was happening within the empire. Tribute continued to flow into Egypt from all parts of the empire. Other: Amenhotep III issued two commerative scarabs promoting his success as a hunter. According to one he hunted 56 bulls in one day and 102 lions were killed in his first 10 years as king. Pharaoh: Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten) When early in his reign he changed his name to Akhenaten, meaning He Who is of Service to Aten , he also renamed his queen to Nefer Nefru Aten, which is Beautiful is the Beauty of Aten. Building Program: Akhenaten moved away from Amen, creating a new state cult of the Aten, building an innovative temple plan that was open to the sun s rays. He broke with tradition when he built his tomb at Amarna and was probably buried there. The tomb was constructed for the whole royal family and featured scenes of the oryal family rather than funerary scenes. His new city, Akhetaten, Tel El Amarna, was built on virgin soil dedicated to the Aten and included the usual complexes of an ancient city; temples, palaces, military barracks, treasuries, administrative
  • 38. Mary Shelley s Presentation of the Relationship Between... Mary Shelley s Presentation of the Relationship Between Frankenstein and the Creature It was on a dreary night of November that I beheld the accomplishment of my toils. These are the famous words of Mary Shelley that foretold the birth of Frankenstein s monster. A tale of catastrophe, love and endless yet hopeless toil; the tale of Victor Frankenstein is a perfect example of early gothic literature. Born on a dreary summer in 1816, his story has been immortalised in not only the pages of many books but also on the silver screen. Like many of its genre, Frankenstein is a terrifically dark yet pioneering story. Its graveyard settings, the persecuted maiden, and the seemingly forlorn character ... Show more content on ... Time and time again throughout the book this is proven through not only Frankenstein s ever persistent hunting of the creature but also the creatures need to be close to Frankenstein. It is this relationship that Mary Shelley exploits, through the use of language, which keeps the reader interested throughout the book. It is not until the fifth chapter that Frankenstein s lust for the creature, and ensuing obsession for the gift of life is quite realised. Set on a dreary night of November , as the rain pattered dismally against the panes , Mary Shelly immediately provides the reader with a classic gothic scene, readying them for the obvious catastrophes that are about to ensue. The addition of the tension provided by Frankenstein s comments as he collected the instruments of life around him , and suffered with an anxiety that almost amounted to agony stand well in giving the reader some idea of how long this moment has been in preparation. Shelley goes on to provide a gruesome description of the creature: His yellow skin scarcely covered the muscles … his hair was of a lustrous black … his teeth a pearly white … these luxuriance s only formed a more horrid contrast with his watery eyes . It is at this description that Frankenstein comments of it being beautiful . This reaction could be compared to that of a parent whose love for their child is so obsessive and
  • 39. The Arguments For And Against Software Piracy And... What are the arguments for and against Software Piracy and downloading copyrighted material? Contents Abstract2 Introduction2 My reasons for software piracy and downloading copyrighted material.2 My reasons against software piracy and downloading copyrighted material.3 Conclusion4 Abstract Even though we know that software piracy is illegal, we are aware many people still download and access this copyrighted material for their personal use on a daily basis. The following report will weigh up the arguments for and against software piracy. This will give you better knowledge and understanding in determining: Who s right? The pirates or the government and businesses? Journals I ve read suggest a variety of facts and opinions, of which will be included below. Introduction In this report, we will be discussing reasoning for and against software piracy and downloading copyrighted material. Therefore, the parts we discuss are a matter of facts mixed with opinions. These include e books, reputable websites, my personal experiences and many other resources from which I formed my argument. This will not be biased towards either part, therefore producing a report which is fair and delivers a reputable argument for the question we are going to discuss. I will outline my reasons for software piracy in the first paragraph, followed by my reasons against it. I will then give my reasoning to agree with downloading copyrighted material, followed by
  • 40. The Late Middle Ages The late Middle ages was definitely a troubled time for citizens around Europe. From the 14th Century to the 15th Century, humans were raveled by famines, disruption of socio economics, and lost of faith in the Catholic Church. To the eyes of many at the time, this era was looked at as a major decline of life. With the many deaths, poor condition for poor people, and the schism of the Church, it may seem easy to call this era a decline. Although upon closer looking, this era is more of a transitional period into the next period than a decline due to many reasons. Whether you look at religious, social movements, or economically, the late Middle Ageshelped transition Europe into what it has become. For example, the church went through a great ... Show more content on ... Whole communities were unable to perform and provide economic relief due to The Plague. The Plague had killed many valuable lives which slowed economic growth and productivity. This was a negative impact on Europe but with this negative impact also came a positive impact. Due to the loss of many lives, demand for all careers were high. This gave the common people an ability to fight for better pay. This high demand for all occupations and increased price on all products benefited all workers. Matteo Villani states, But the mortality offered exceptional opportunities, showing how important these were for the future of all common people and workers. It may be easy to say that the economy was affected negatively with limited resources and a smaller workforce, overall the events have created the transition of how workers should be treated and better
  • 41. Toni The Superhero Toni the Superhero is a story book introducing the main character, Toni, to first time readers. The very first panel shows Toni and then tells us that he s a superhero, then it goes on showing us some of Toni s favorite activities. Toni is shown playing with his friends, eating healthy food, swimming in a swimming pool, rescuing an animal and helping his mom around the house. The book then shows us Toni panel in his Superhero costume with a T across the chest and telling us that Toni is terrific. This is a really cute storybook; my favorite thing about it is that Toni, a young African American child is portrayed as a superhero. Already the book earns props for diversity of its characters. It also shows Toni rescuing a stranded cat and helping out, generally being friendly and playing well with others. It sends a very positive message that terrific kids do good things. An impressionable young child will see that and want to be as awesome as Toni.... Show more content on ... Namely, right in the beginning it tells us that Toni is a superhero, but doesn t really tell us what his superpower is. You could argue that saving animals, helping out and generally being an agreeable little guy is his superpower. This isn t a major issue as kids in the intended age range for this book aren t likely to question it, but I can imagine an older child bringing it up. Another (also minor) issue is the font and graphics; while I loved the character drawings themselves, I thought the title font had a bit of a home spun feel to it and could be improved upon slightly to make it more eye catching and perhaps a bit more
  • 42. Aesop s Fables Introduction: I chose to research the genre of fables, specifically Aesop s fables. I only informed of the basics of fables. To be frank with you I don t even think there is much to know about fables. What is there to know? They contain lessons, animals, and they are short. From time to time people use them in their quotidian day to back up their opinions. Especially authority figures like parents, teachers, and, well I can just think of those two. Personally I believe that Don t let things for the last minute is their favorite one. Why haven t you done your homework? ... oh wait, that does not apply to fables. Well in summation my knowledge on fables is very superficial. The reason for me selecting fables is because they have an ... Show more content on ... No joke, I love her. The whole process was a bit irritating but a fun experience. Find: What I love most about fables is that each one of them comes with a moral, the positive or negative interpretation of a story that always leaves a life lesson. The reaction generated from a fable s moral depends on the individuals knowledge about life; each person will interpret a moral differently because each one has lived a different life. Fables are also carried on from generation to generation and have a purpose that is to entertain. These short stories are made up with animals or inanimate objects representing humans. Fables are used as a teaching tool for young children and even for adults. According to some scholars Aesopcould have been African American because of his many references to animals. ( Aesop Encyclopedia of World Biography, par 2). There are many hypotheses on what or who Aesop could have been. There was also a rumor that he was a slave and got free because of his extraordinary story telling abilities ( Aesop Encyclopedia of World Biography, par 5). A fable is simply a synonym of allegory. Over the years fables have maintained their position as a helpful tool to many teachers around the world to help students. Fables continue to be very appealing to the public. They soon begun to disperse around the world and started being translated in many languages. Considering my age, one of the fables that we, teenagers, have to keep in
  • 43. Armenian Genocide Cinema The Armenian genocide is represented in many fields of art. For example, there are numerous kinds of films and cartoons illustrating the Armenian genocide. Among them are Ararat directed by Atom Egoyan. Or world known film of Anri Vernoy Mother where the director tries to show the faith of an Armenian familysurviving from Genocide. This family tries to establish their new life in France. They met many difficulties including cultural land language issues . Basically they are left with nothing. The Armenian genocide exists in paintings as well. Among the famous painters that had survived from the genocide was American Armenian painter Arshil Gorki. One of his world known paintings is The artist and the Mother , where he ... Show more content on ... The American Armeian rock band System of a down , for example, has a song devoted to the Armenian genocide. Or, Famous French armenian singer Charlez Aznavour who later has become as an actor, public activist , later as a diplomat, always speaks about The Armenian genocide. And he announces everywhere that his family is also a survivor of the Armenian genocide. All these famous people that are mentioned above and are alive, still take active step . They participate in all activities, among which are commemorate conference and demand march that takes part in Armenia and in the United States of America which is one of the largest Armenian diaspora in the world. All in all, the Armenian genocide that was the first genocide in the human history of all times , is still unrecognized. Armenia and Armenian diaspora demand Turkish government to recognize the crime that had been done by their anccentores at the beginning of the 20th century. And they call all nations in the world be aware of this kind of crime. It should not be repeated again. I, as an Armenian, living in the Uneted States, try to find a time in my busy shchedule to participate in all cultural events conserning the Armenian genocide. This year I joined the demansing march as always and of course I will continue while this problem has not solved