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Presented By:
Raman Pandey(CSJMA12001390146)
Neha Chowdhary(CSJMA12001390136)
B.Tech, 4th Year (Information
The ability to identify the tomatoes based on quality in the food industry which
is the most important technology in the realization of automatic tomato sorting
machine in order to reduce the work of human and also time consuming.
Automation of quality control is highly significant because saving time and
expenses is always a necessity in industrial applications.
An automated system has to be developed which acquires the images of the
tomatoes and various features would be extracted using Image Processing and
these features would be further used to train machine using some Machine
Learning Algorithm and data would be classified and analyzed and accuracy and
quality of the test data will be determined.
 MATLAB :Matlab (MATrix LABoratory) is a multi-
paradigm numerical computing environment and
fourth generation programming language.
 R :R is a language and environment for statistical
computing and graphics.
E1071 and RGL libraries are used for SVM
classification and visualization.
 WEKA :Waikato Environment for Knowledge
Analysis. Weka is a collection of machine learning
algorithms for data mining tasks.
Libsvm package is used to classify data.
Proposed Methodology
 Images are acquired by camera with precision of 20 cm from the surface above from
standard scale for calibration.
 Contrast is adjusted for the acquired image.
 Segmentation is performed using Otsu’ segmentation method.
 Histogram of Images are bimodal hence pixel set of each histogram are calculated and
subtracted and the obtained pixel set is used for threshold.
 Mask is generated from threshold level and median filter is applied.
 Morphological erosion and filling operation is performed on the mask to generated finally
binary segmented image.
 Region props is used to calculated features such as centroid, major Axis Length for radius
and this will be used to find volume and area.
Algorithm Continued…
 Gradient weight is used to find the image weight.
 RGB to HSV transformation is applied on the acquired image and threshold level is
calculated for each red , green and blue level and these threshold are used to find
maximum number of pixels of different colors.
 The maximum value of red pixels represents very good quality of tomato and maximum
value of yellow pixels represents good quality of tomato and maximum value of green
pixels represents poor quality of tomato.
 These features data acquired and stored in the database and hence eventually total 145
samples feature data are stored.
 These samples are feed into WEKA for classification.
 SVM Multi class classification of Sequential Marginal Optimization algorithm is used to
classify data.
 70% of the data used for training and 30% is used for testing which generates accuracy of
Algorithm in Code
 Clear the Workspace;
clear workspace;
 Read and load the image
title('original image')
 Adjust Contrast of blue channel of the Original Image
IL = imadjust(I(:,:,3))
Algorithm in Code
 Get the size and total pixel count of the image
[rows, columns, numberOfColorBands] = size(IL);
[pixelCount, grayLevels] = imhist(IL, 256);
 Divide image in two half and get the total pixel count of the left half image
middleColumn = floor(columns/2);
leftHalfImage = IL(:, 1:middleColumn);
[pixelCountL, grayLevelsL] = imhist(leftHalfImage, 256);
 Get the pixel count of the another half right image
rightHalfImage = IL(:, middleColumn+1:end);
[pixelCountR, grayLevelsR] = imhist(rightHalfImage, 256);
Algorithm in Code
 Subtract the two left and right pixelcount and get the subtracted histogram
diffHistogram = int16(pixelCountL - pixelCountR);
 Create the threshold level of subtracted histogram value. Find Otsu threshold
thresholdLevel = 255 * graythresh(diffHistogram)
 Create mask from the threshold level
mask1 = IL > thresholdLevel;
 Apply Median Filter to the Mask
mask2 = medfilt2(mask1)
Algorithm in Code
 Apply Morphological Operation on the mask which will generate segmented Image
SE = strel('disk',2)
mask3 = imerode(mask2,SE)
mask4 = ~imfill(~mask3,'holes')
title('Segmented Image')
 Get the separate Channels of the Original Image
red = I(:, :, 1)
green = I(:, :, 2)
blue = I(:, :, 3)
 Get the Gradient Weight of the Image
weight = mean2(gradientweight(IL))
Algorithm in Code
 Get the Major Axis Length
radii = regionprops(mask3,'MajorAxisLength')
radii2 = mean2(cat(1,radii.MajorAxisLength))
 Calculate Volume
volume = (4.0/3.0)*pi*(radii2^3)
 Calculate Area
 %Convert to HSV Image
hsvImage = rgb2hsv(I)weight = mean2(gradientweight(IL))
Algorithm in Code
 Extract out the H, S, and V images individually
hImage = hsvImage(:,:,1);
sImage = hsvImage(:,:,2);
vImage = hsvImage(:,:,3);
 Threshold for Yellow Color
YhueThresholdLow = 0.10;
YhueThresholdHigh = 0.14;
YsaturationThresholdLow = 0.4;
Algorithm in Code
YsaturationThresholdHigh = 1;
YvalueThresholdLow = 0.8;
YvalueThresholdHigh = 1.0;
 % Now apply each color band's particular thresholds to the color band for
YhueMask = (hImage >= YhueThresholdLow) & (hImage <= YhueThresholdHigh);
YsaturationMask = (sImage >= YsaturationThresholdLow) & (sImage <=
YvalueMask = (vImage >= YvalueThresholdLow) & (vImage <=
Algorithm in Code
 Smooth the border using a morphological closing operation, imclose().
YstructuringElement = strel('disk', 4);
YcoloredObjectsMask = imclose(YcoloredObjectsMask, YstructuringElement);
 Fill in any holes in the regions, since they are most likely red also.
YcoloredObjectsMask = imfill(logical(YcoloredObjectsMask), 'holes');
YcoloredObjectsMask = cast(YcoloredObjectsMask, 'like', I);
Algorithm in Code
 Use the colored object mask to mask out the colored-only portions of the rgb
YmaskedImageR = YcoloredObjectsMask .* red;
YmaskedImageG = YcoloredObjectsMask .* green;
YmaskedImageB = YcoloredObjectsMask .* blue;
yellowImage = cat(3, YmaskedImageR, YmaskedImageG, YmaskedImageB);
 Yellow Pixel Count
yel = mean2(yellowImage(find(yellowImage)))
Algorithm in Code
 Threshold for Red Color
RhueThresholdLow = 0.03;
RhueThresholdHigh = 1.5;
RsaturationThresholdLow = 0.18;
RsaturationThresholdHigh = 1.5;
RvalueThresholdLow = 0.05;
RvalueThresholdHigh = 1.8;
Algorithm in Code
 Now apply each color band's particular thresholds to the color band for Red
RhueMask = (hImage >= RhueThresholdLow) & (hImage <= RhueThresholdHigh);
RsaturationMask = (sImage >= RsaturationThresholdLow) & (sImage <=
RvalueMask = (vImage >= RvalueThresholdLow) & (vImage <=
RcoloredObjectsMask = uint8(RhueMask & RsaturationMask & RvalueMask);
RstructuringElement = strel('disk', 4);
RcoloredObjectsMask = imclose(RcoloredObjectsMask, RstructuringElement);
Algorithm in Code
 Fill in any holes in the regions, since they are most likely red also.
RcoloredObjectsMask = imfill(logical(RcoloredObjectsMask), 'holes');
RcoloredObjectsMask = cast(RcoloredObjectsMask, 'like', I);
 Use the colored object mask to mask out the colored-only portions of the rgb
RmaskedImageR = RcoloredObjectsMask .* red;
RmaskedImageG = RcoloredObjectsMask .* green;
RmaskedImageB = RcoloredObjectsMask .* blue;
redImage = cat(3, RmaskedImageR, RmaskedImageG, RmaskedImageB);
 Red Pixel Count
rel = mean2(redImage(find(redImage)))
Algorithm in Code
 Threshold for Green Color
GhueThresholdLow = 0.15;
GhueThresholdHigh = 0.60;
GsaturationThresholdLow = 0.36;
GsaturationThresholdHigh = 1;
GvalueThresholdLow = 0;
GvalueThresholdHigh = 0.8;
Algorithm in Code
 Now apply each color band's particular thresholds to the color band for Green
GhueMask = (hImage >= GhueThresholdLow) & (hImage <= GhueThresholdHigh);
GsaturationMask = (sImage >= GsaturationThresholdLow) & (sImage <=
GvalueMask = (vImage >= GvalueThresholdLow) & (vImage <=
GcoloredObjectsMask = uint8(GhueMask & GsaturationMask & GvalueMask);
GstructuringElement = strel('disk', 4);
GcoloredObjectsMask = imclose(GcoloredObjectsMask, GstructuringElement);
Algorithm in Code
 Fill in any holes in the regions, since they are most likely red also.
GcoloredObjectsMask = imfill(logical(GcoloredObjectsMask), 'holes');
GcoloredObjectsMask = cast(GcoloredObjectsMask, 'like', I);
 Use the colored object mask to mask out the colored-only portions of the rgb
GmaskedImageR = GcoloredObjectsMask .* red;
GmaskedImageG = GcoloredObjectsMask .* green;
GmaskedImageB = GcoloredObjectsMask .* blue;
greenImage = cat(3, GmaskedImageR, GmaskedImageG, GmaskedImageB);
 Green Pixel Count
gel = mean2(greenImage(find(greenImage)))
Algorithm in Code
 Find the Maximum Number of Pixels to determine the ripeness
ripe = max([yel rel gel])
if ripe == yel
ripeVal = 'Yellow'
else if ripe == rel
ripeVal = 'Red'
else if ripe == gel
ripeVal = 'Green'
ripeVal = 'Undefined'
 % Store Values in Local Database
data = [radii2,area,volume,weight,centroidxavg,centroidyavg,rel,gel,yel,ripeVal]
R Code
 Load Required Library
require(e1071) #For SVM
require(rgl) #For 3 D Plotting
 Load Data Set
FeaturesTrainingData <- read.csv("G:/8th sem/BTP Tomato Complete
 Create Data Frame from Training Data
ftd <-
R Code
 Create SVM Model
svm_model <- svm(C~., ftd, type='C-classification', kernel='linear',scale=FALSE)
w <- t(svm_model$coefs) %*% svm_model$SV
 Visualizing the Hyperplane and Support Vectors
detalization <- 100
grid <- expand.grid(seq(from=min(ftd$R),to=max(ftd$R),length.out=detalization),
+ +
z <- (svm_model$rho- w[1,1]*grid[,1] - w[1,2]*grid[,2]) / w[1,3]
plot3d(grid[,1],grid[,2],z, xlab="PC1 (72%)", ylab="PC2 (19%)", zlab="PC3 (7%)", col="pink")
spheres3d(ftd$R[which(ftd$C=='A')], ftd$A[which(ftd$C=='A')], ftd$V[which(ftd$C == 'A')],
spheres3d(ftd$R[which(ftd$C=='B')], ftd$A[which(ftd$C=='B')], ftd$V[which(ftd$C == 'B')],
14 0 2
5 0 0
4 0 18
Accuracy %age : 74.42%
Confusion Matrix
Correctly Classified Instances 32
Incorrectly Classified Instances 11
Kappa statistics 0.5456
Mean Absolute Error 0.2946
RMS Error 0.3827
Relative Absolute Error 72.7541 %
Root relative squared Error 84.8467 %
Main Application GUI
Loading the Image
Segmentation of Image
Features Extraction
Loading Data for Classification
Performing Classification
3 D SVM HyperPlane
 In this automated system, we have developed a methodology which identifies
and detect tomato ripeness and its quality based on an image processing
algorithm followed by classification process. In the algorithm, tomatoes
images are acquired via different perspectives and preprocessed and
segmented.And after segmentation process, five features are extracted such
as area,volume,weight,radius,perimeter and ripeness.The real value of
features of tomatoes are calculated such as volume using Archimedes
Principle and weight using weighing machine.
 In classification process, SVM is used with multi-class classification in
WEKA.We provided the training data in WEKA and Weka calculated SVM
accuracy of 74.41% and classified into three classes named A, B and C which
represent quality class of very good, good and poor respectively.
Future Scope
 The future scope of this Automated Application is in the industry of harvest
engineering and Automated Agriculture.
 This Automated Application will be helpful for easing of Supply Chain Management.
 This Application is used to detection of bad quality tomatotes using Computer
 It is also used to analyzed remote sensing data for farming purpose and large scale
control production.
 Image processing technique has been proved as effective machine vision
system for agriculture domain. we can conclude that image processing was
the non invasive and effective tool that can be applied for the
agriculture domain with great accuracy for analysis of agronomic
 Rafael C.Gonzalez and Richard E. woods, “Digital Image Processing”, Pearson
Education, Second Edition,2005
 A simple method for removing reflection and distortion from a single
 Recognition and localization of ripen tomato based on machine vision.[AICS]
 Noise removal and enhancement of binary images using morphological
 Tomato classification and sorting with machine vision using SVM,MLP and

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Tomato Classification using Computer Vision

  • 1. TOMATO CLASSIFICATION Presented By: Raman Pandey(CSJMA12001390146) Neha Chowdhary(CSJMA12001390136) B.Tech, 4th Year (Information Technology)
  • 2. Introduction The ability to identify the tomatoes based on quality in the food industry which is the most important technology in the realization of automatic tomato sorting machine in order to reduce the work of human and also time consuming. Automation of quality control is highly significant because saving time and expenses is always a necessity in industrial applications. An automated system has to be developed which acquires the images of the tomatoes and various features would be extracted using Image Processing and these features would be further used to train machine using some Machine Learning Algorithm and data would be classified and analyzed and accuracy and quality of the test data will be determined.
  • 3. APPLICATIONS USED  MATLAB :Matlab (MATrix LABoratory) is a multi- paradigm numerical computing environment and fourth generation programming language.  R :R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. E1071 and RGL libraries are used for SVM classification and visualization.  WEKA :Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis. Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. Libsvm package is used to classify data.
  • 5. ALGORITHM  Images are acquired by camera with precision of 20 cm from the surface above from standard scale for calibration.  Contrast is adjusted for the acquired image.  Segmentation is performed using Otsu’ segmentation method.  Histogram of Images are bimodal hence pixel set of each histogram are calculated and subtracted and the obtained pixel set is used for threshold.  Mask is generated from threshold level and median filter is applied.  Morphological erosion and filling operation is performed on the mask to generated finally binary segmented image.  Region props is used to calculated features such as centroid, major Axis Length for radius and this will be used to find volume and area.
  • 6. Algorithm Continued…  Gradient weight is used to find the image weight.  RGB to HSV transformation is applied on the acquired image and threshold level is calculated for each red , green and blue level and these threshold are used to find maximum number of pixels of different colors.  The maximum value of red pixels represents very good quality of tomato and maximum value of yellow pixels represents good quality of tomato and maximum value of green pixels represents poor quality of tomato.  These features data acquired and stored in the database and hence eventually total 145 samples feature data are stored.  These samples are feed into WEKA for classification.  SVM Multi class classification of Sequential Marginal Optimization algorithm is used to classify data.  70% of the data used for training and 30% is used for testing which generates accuracy of 74%.
  • 7. Algorithm in Code  Clear the Workspace; clc clear workspace;  Read and load the image I=imread('t56.jpg'); figure; imshow(I) title('original image')  Adjust Contrast of blue channel of the Original Image IL = imadjust(I(:,:,3))
  • 8. Algorithm in Code  Get the size and total pixel count of the image [rows, columns, numberOfColorBands] = size(IL); [pixelCount, grayLevels] = imhist(IL, 256);  Divide image in two half and get the total pixel count of the left half image middleColumn = floor(columns/2); leftHalfImage = IL(:, 1:middleColumn); [pixelCountL, grayLevelsL] = imhist(leftHalfImage, 256);  Get the pixel count of the another half right image rightHalfImage = IL(:, middleColumn+1:end); [pixelCountR, grayLevelsR] = imhist(rightHalfImage, 256);
  • 9. Algorithm in Code  Subtract the two left and right pixelcount and get the subtracted histogram diffHistogram = int16(pixelCountL - pixelCountR);  Create the threshold level of subtracted histogram value. Find Otsu threshold level thresholdLevel = 255 * graythresh(diffHistogram)  Create mask from the threshold level mask1 = IL > thresholdLevel;  Apply Median Filter to the Mask mask2 = medfilt2(mask1)
  • 10. Algorithm in Code  Apply Morphological Operation on the mask which will generate segmented Image SE = strel('disk',2) mask3 = imerode(mask2,SE) mask4 = ~imfill(~mask3,'holes') figure; imshow(mask4) title('Segmented Image')  Get the separate Channels of the Original Image red = I(:, :, 1) green = I(:, :, 2) blue = I(:, :, 3)  Get the Gradient Weight of the Image weight = mean2(gradientweight(IL))
  • 11. Algorithm in Code  Get the Major Axis Length radii = regionprops(mask3,'MajorAxisLength') radii2 = mean2(cat(1,radii.MajorAxisLength))  Calculate Volume volume = (4.0/3.0)*pi*(radii2^3)  Calculate Area area=4.0*pi*(radii2^2)  %Convert to HSV Image hsvImage = rgb2hsv(I)weight = mean2(gradientweight(IL))
  • 12. Algorithm in Code  Extract out the H, S, and V images individually hImage = hsvImage(:,:,1); sImage = hsvImage(:,:,2); vImage = hsvImage(:,:,3);  Threshold for Yellow Color YhueThresholdLow = 0.10; YhueThresholdHigh = 0.14; YsaturationThresholdLow = 0.4;
  • 13. Algorithm in Code YsaturationThresholdHigh = 1; YvalueThresholdLow = 0.8; YvalueThresholdHigh = 1.0;  % Now apply each color band's particular thresholds to the color band for yellow YhueMask = (hImage >= YhueThresholdLow) & (hImage <= YhueThresholdHigh); YsaturationMask = (sImage >= YsaturationThresholdLow) & (sImage <= YsaturationThresholdHigh); YvalueMask = (vImage >= YvalueThresholdLow) & (vImage <= YvalueThresholdHigh);
  • 14. Algorithm in Code  Smooth the border using a morphological closing operation, imclose(). YstructuringElement = strel('disk', 4); YcoloredObjectsMask = imclose(YcoloredObjectsMask, YstructuringElement);  Fill in any holes in the regions, since they are most likely red also. YcoloredObjectsMask = imfill(logical(YcoloredObjectsMask), 'holes'); YcoloredObjectsMask = cast(YcoloredObjectsMask, 'like', I);
  • 15. Algorithm in Code  Use the colored object mask to mask out the colored-only portions of the rgb image. YmaskedImageR = YcoloredObjectsMask .* red; YmaskedImageG = YcoloredObjectsMask .* green; YmaskedImageB = YcoloredObjectsMask .* blue; yellowImage = cat(3, YmaskedImageR, YmaskedImageG, YmaskedImageB);  Yellow Pixel Count yel = mean2(yellowImage(find(yellowImage)))
  • 16. Algorithm in Code  Threshold for Red Color RhueThresholdLow = 0.03; RhueThresholdHigh = 1.5; RsaturationThresholdLow = 0.18; RsaturationThresholdHigh = 1.5; RvalueThresholdLow = 0.05; RvalueThresholdHigh = 1.8;
  • 17. Algorithm in Code  Now apply each color band's particular thresholds to the color band for Red RhueMask = (hImage >= RhueThresholdLow) & (hImage <= RhueThresholdHigh); RsaturationMask = (sImage >= RsaturationThresholdLow) & (sImage <= RsaturationThresholdHigh); RvalueMask = (vImage >= RvalueThresholdLow) & (vImage <= RvalueThresholdHigh); RcoloredObjectsMask = uint8(RhueMask & RsaturationMask & RvalueMask); RstructuringElement = strel('disk', 4); RcoloredObjectsMask = imclose(RcoloredObjectsMask, RstructuringElement);
  • 18. Algorithm in Code  Fill in any holes in the regions, since they are most likely red also. RcoloredObjectsMask = imfill(logical(RcoloredObjectsMask), 'holes'); RcoloredObjectsMask = cast(RcoloredObjectsMask, 'like', I);  Use the colored object mask to mask out the colored-only portions of the rgb image. RmaskedImageR = RcoloredObjectsMask .* red; RmaskedImageG = RcoloredObjectsMask .* green; RmaskedImageB = RcoloredObjectsMask .* blue; redImage = cat(3, RmaskedImageR, RmaskedImageG, RmaskedImageB);  Red Pixel Count rel = mean2(redImage(find(redImage)))
  • 19. Algorithm in Code  Threshold for Green Color GhueThresholdLow = 0.15; GhueThresholdHigh = 0.60; GsaturationThresholdLow = 0.36; GsaturationThresholdHigh = 1; GvalueThresholdLow = 0; GvalueThresholdHigh = 0.8;
  • 20. Algorithm in Code  Now apply each color band's particular thresholds to the color band for Green GhueMask = (hImage >= GhueThresholdLow) & (hImage <= GhueThresholdHigh); GsaturationMask = (sImage >= GsaturationThresholdLow) & (sImage <= GsaturationThresholdHigh); GvalueMask = (vImage >= GvalueThresholdLow) & (vImage <= GvalueThresholdHigh); GcoloredObjectsMask = uint8(GhueMask & GsaturationMask & GvalueMask); GstructuringElement = strel('disk', 4); GcoloredObjectsMask = imclose(GcoloredObjectsMask, GstructuringElement);
  • 21. Algorithm in Code  Fill in any holes in the regions, since they are most likely red also. GcoloredObjectsMask = imfill(logical(GcoloredObjectsMask), 'holes'); GcoloredObjectsMask = cast(GcoloredObjectsMask, 'like', I);  Use the colored object mask to mask out the colored-only portions of the rgb image. GmaskedImageR = GcoloredObjectsMask .* red; GmaskedImageG = GcoloredObjectsMask .* green; GmaskedImageB = GcoloredObjectsMask .* blue; greenImage = cat(3, GmaskedImageR, GmaskedImageG, GmaskedImageB);  Green Pixel Count gel = mean2(greenImage(find(greenImage)))
  • 22. Algorithm in Code  Find the Maximum Number of Pixels to determine the ripeness ripe = max([yel rel gel]) if ripe == yel ripeVal = 'Yellow' else if ripe == rel ripeVal = 'Red' else if ripe == gel ripeVal = 'Green' else ripeVal = 'Undefined' end end end  % Store Values in Local Database data = [radii2,area,volume,weight,centroidxavg,centroidyavg,rel,gel,yel,ripeVal] dlmwrite('test.csv',data,'delimiter',',','-append');
  • 23. R Code  Load Required Library require(e1071) #For SVM require(rgl) #For 3 D Plotting  Load Data Set FeaturesTrainingData <- read.csv("G:/8th sem/BTP Tomato Complete Sample/FinalBTPGUI/FeaturesTrainingData.csv") View(FeaturesTrainingData)  Create Data Frame from Training Data ftd <- data.frame(R=FeaturesTrainingData$Radius,A=FeaturesTrainingData$Area,V=FeaturesT rainingData$Volume,W=FeaturesTrainingData$Weight,C=FeaturesTrainingData$Class) View(ftd)
  • 24. R Code  Create SVM Model svm_model <- svm(C~., ftd, type='C-classification', kernel='linear',scale=FALSE) w <- t(svm_model$coefs) %*% svm_model$SV  Visualizing the Hyperplane and Support Vectors detalization <- 100 grid <- expand.grid(seq(from=min(ftd$R),to=max(ftd$R),length.out=detalization), + + seq(from=min(ftd$A),to=max(ftd$A),length.out=detalization)) z <- (svm_model$rho- w[1,1]*grid[,1] - w[1,2]*grid[,2]) / w[1,3] plot3d(grid[,1],grid[,2],z, xlab="PC1 (72%)", ylab="PC2 (19%)", zlab="PC3 (7%)", col="pink") spheres3d(ftd$R[which(ftd$C=='A')], ftd$A[which(ftd$C=='A')], ftd$V[which(ftd$C == 'A')], col='red',type="s",radius=0.01) spheres3d(ftd$R[which(ftd$C=='B')], ftd$A[which(ftd$C=='B')], ftd$V[which(ftd$C == 'B')], col='blue',type="s",radius=0.01)
  • 25. Result A B C 14 0 2 5 0 0 4 0 18 Accuracy %age : 74.42% Confusion Matrix
  • 26. Summary Correctly Classified Instances 32 Incorrectly Classified Instances 11 Kappa statistics 0.5456 Mean Absolute Error 0.2946 RMS Error 0.3827 Relative Absolute Error 72.7541 % Root relative squared Error 84.8467 %
  • 32. Loading Data for Classification
  • 34. 3 D SVM HyperPlane
  • 35. CONCLUSION AND RESULTS  In this automated system, we have developed a methodology which identifies and detect tomato ripeness and its quality based on an image processing algorithm followed by classification process. In the algorithm, tomatoes images are acquired via different perspectives and preprocessed and segmented.And after segmentation process, five features are extracted such as area,volume,weight,radius,perimeter and ripeness.The real value of features of tomatoes are calculated such as volume using Archimedes Principle and weight using weighing machine.  In classification process, SVM is used with multi-class classification in WEKA.We provided the training data in WEKA and Weka calculated SVM accuracy of 74.41% and classified into three classes named A, B and C which represent quality class of very good, good and poor respectively.
  • 36. Future Scope  The future scope of this Automated Application is in the industry of harvest engineering and Automated Agriculture.  This Automated Application will be helpful for easing of Supply Chain Management.  This Application is used to detection of bad quality tomatotes using Computer Vision.  It is also used to analyzed remote sensing data for farming purpose and large scale control production.  Image processing technique has been proved as effective machine vision system for agriculture domain. we can conclude that image processing was the non invasive and effective tool that can be applied for the agriculture domain with great accuracy for analysis of agronomic parameters.
  • 37. References  Rafael C.Gonzalez and Richard E. woods, “Digital Image Processing”, Pearson Education, Second Edition,2005  A simple method for removing reflection and distortion from a single image.[IJEIT]  Recognition and localization of ripen tomato based on machine vision.[AICS]  Noise removal and enhancement of binary images using morphological operations.  Tomato classification and sorting with machine vision using SVM,MLP and LVQ.[IJACS]