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Volume 32 Number 6, December 2005 407
Pathophysiology, assessment
and management
Marianne S Elston MBChB FRACP, Endocrinology Research Fellow, and John V Conaglen MD
FRACP, Consultant Endocrinologist
Thyrotoxicosis, which results from the
biochemical and physiologic effects
of excess thyroid hormone regardless
of cause, is one of the more common
endocrine disorders presenting to the
family physician. By definition,
hyperthyroidism is a term restricted
to situations in which the thyroid
gland is responsible for overproduc-
ing thyroid hormone. Arbitrarily the
causes of thyrotoxicosis can be dif-
ferentiated into those associated with
a high uptake on radioactive iodine
or technetium scanning (most com-
monly Graves disease) and those with
a low uptake (Table 1).
The normal adult thyroid is one
of the largest endocrine organs
weighing about 15–20 grams. It con-
sists of two lobes joined by an isth-
mus, with arterial blood supply from
both the superior and the inferior
thyroid arteries. The normally high
blood flow of 4–6mL/minute/g (com-
pared to the renal blood flow of 3mL/
min/g) may increase to over 1L/
minute in the diffuse toxic goitre of
John V Conaglen is Clinical Director of
Endocrinology at Waikato Hospital and As-
sociate Professor of Medicine in the Waikato
Clinical School, Faculty of Medical and Health
Sciences, University of Auckland. His research
interests include the role of growth factors
in cellular repair, the clinical impact of endo-
crine genetic disorders and the investigation
and management of sexual desire disorders.
Marianne Elston previously
registrar at Waikato Hospital
and is currently working as a
Diabetes and Endocrinology Re-
search Fellow at Middlemore
Hospital, Auckland. Interests in-
clude familial endocrine disor-
ders and pituitary disease.
Graves disease, resulting in an audi-
ble bruit or palpable thrill. At a mi-
croscopic level the gland is composed
of follicles filled with thyroglobulin-
containing colloid in which thyroid
hormone is stored. In addition the
gland contains parafollicular (C cells)
cells, which secrete calcitonin. The
thyroid gland synthesises and secretes
thyroid hormones sufficient to meet
bodily needs. This involves active
uptake of iodide by the thyroid trans-
membrane sodium-iodide symporter,
subsequent oxidation of the iodide
by the enzyme thyroid peroxidase
(TPO) and incorporation into the thy-
roglobulin molecule in the form of
monoiodotyrosine (MIT) and
diiodotyrosine (DIT). These precur-
sors are joined or coupled to form
thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine
(T3) in the thyroglobulin molecule.
The thyroid stores large amounts of
thyroid hormones in the colloid, of
which only about 1% are secreted
daily. This excess storage protects
against hypothyroidism should thy-
roid hormone synthesis be temporar-
ily inhibited, for example by a di-
etary goitrogen. This excess storage
of thyroglobulin helps explain why
anti-thyroid medications may not
reduce the T4 levels for at least two
weeks. In addition, the thyrotoxico-
sis occurring after an inflammatory
thyroiditis in which the thyroid cells
are disrupted results from the release
of this preformed thyroid hormone
storage. All of the steps in thyroid
hormone synthesis and release are
stimulated by Thyroid Stimulating
Hormone (TSH), secreted from the
anterior pituitary. The thyroid gland
releases both T4 and T3, however in
the euthyroid state about 80% of the
T3 is produced peripherally from T4.
Being relatively lipid-soluble both
thyroid hormones circulate bound to
plasma proteins – Thyroxine-Bind-
ing Globulin (TBG) and transthyretin
and albumin and to a lesser extent as
the free hormone. Thyroid hormone
readily crosses the plasma membrane
and in the form of T3 binds to spe-
Continuing Medical Education
408 Volume 32 Number 6, December 2005
cific intra-cellular thyroid hormone
receptors, which as a complex act as
transcription factors to up- or down-
regulate many specific genes. The
circulatory levels of T3 are control-
led by negative feedback loops in-
volving the thyroid, pituitary and
hypothalamus. Stability of thyroid
hormone levels are assisted by the
large intra-thyroidal hormone pool.
Although thyrotoxicosis is not
always obvious clinically, (commonly
presenting as tiredness), the bio-
chemical profile of an elevated Free
T3 (FT3), and/or Free T4 (FT4), with a
suppressed TSH make the diagnosis
relatively straightforward. In T3-toxi-
cosis the FT3 is elevated and TSH is
suppressed with a normal FT4.
Occasionally a family physician
receives laboratory results in which
the T3 and/or T4 levels are above the
upper limit of the reference range and
the TSH is not suppressed. The most
common cause of elevated free thy-
roid hormone levels with a measur-
able TSH is interference with the as-
say by heterophile antibodies in a
clinically euthyroid patient. Specific
tests for heterophile antibodies can
be requested from the laboratory.
Thyroid hormone resistance is an-
other cause of elevated thyroid hor-
mone levels with a normal or elevated
TSH. Recent intake of excess thyrox-
ine in a previously noncompliant
patient may also cause the same pat-
tern, as free thyroid hormone levels
will elevate before the TSH falls.
Secondary thyrotoxicosis (elevated
free thyroid hormone levels, with a
measurable levels of TSH in a clini-
cally thyrotoxic patient) due to a TSH-
secreting pituitary adenoma is rare,
(estimated incidence approximately
one per million per annum). Although
extremely rare, TSHomas are impor-
tant not to miss as treatment is prima-
rily directed towards the pituitary.
Given the complexity, patients
with elevated free thyroid hormone
levels and a nonsuppressed TSH
should be referred to an endocrin-
ologist for more detailed investiga-
tion to ensure correct diagnosis and
Clinical features of thyrotoxicosis
Presenting symptoms resulting from
excess metabolic activity include
tiredness, heat intolerance, unex-
plained weight loss, excess sweating,
palpitations, tremor and irritability
(Table 2). Older patients with ‘apa-
thetic thyrotoxicosis’ may present
predominantly with weight loss, ano-
rexia, muscle weakness, depression
and lethargy. Occasional patients may
present with sudden onset profound
muscle weakness (which may
progress to a flaccid tetraparesis),
associated with severe hypokalaemia,
which resolves completely on resto-
ration of the serum potassium (thy-
rotoxic hypokalaemic periodic pa-
ralysis – THPP). THPP, which may be
precipitated by exercise or a large
carbohydrate meal, is more common
in males, especially Asian, Maori, and
Polynesian, and results from increased
intracellular uptake of potassium.
The severity of thyrotoxicosis can
vary from the patient who has very
few symptoms to those who present
with florid congestive cardiac heart
failure, life-threatening arrhythmias,
and even severe psychotic illness.
Thyroid storm, although extremely
rare, is usually of sudden onset and
may be precipitated by infection, sur-
gery or major illness. Fever is almost
always present, with profound tachy-
cardia and possibly arrhythmias.
Restlessness and delirium or even
frank psychosis may occur and
progress to coma. Nausea, vomiting
Table 1. Causes of thyrotoxicosis
Thyrotoxicosis with high radioiodine Thyrotoxicosis with low radioiodine
uptake uptake
Autoimmune – Graves disease Thyroiditis
– Subacute
Autonomous thyroid tissue – Postpartum
– Toxic multinodular goitre – Drug-induced
– Solitary toxic adenoma e.g. interferon, amiodarone
– Radiation
– TSHoma (rare) Autonomous thyroid tissue with iodine
load e.g. amiodarone/x-ray contrast
– Hyperemesis gravidarum Excessive exogenous thyroid hormone
– Hydatidiform mole/ intake
choriocarcinoma (rare)
– Testicular tumours (rare) Ectopic thyrotoxicosis
– Struma ovarii (ectopic thyroid
– Metastatic follicular cancer with
with functioning metastases (rare)
Figure 1. Diffuse goitre Figure 2. Graves ophthalmopathy
Continuing Medical Education
Volume 32 Number 6, December 2005 409
and abdominal pain frequently oc-
curs early. Although this condition
is often exaggerated by the inexpe-
rienced clinician, unrecognised thy-
roid storm is usually fatal.
Graves disease
Graves disease is an autoimmune
condition with the thyrotoxicosis
caused by autoantibodies stimulating
the TSH receptor (TSHRAb or Thy-
roid Stimulating Immunoglobulins,
TSI). As in other autoimmune condi-
tions, Graves disease is more com-
mon in females (7–10:1) and a fam-
ily history of thyroid or other
autoimmune disease is often present.
The classical manifestations of Graves
disease include a diffuse toxic goitre
(Figure 1), congestive ophthalmopa-
thy (Figure 2) and dermopathy
(pretibial-myxoedema) (Figures 3
and 4). These three features of Graves
disease may occur simultaneously or
independently in a given individual.
In practice, patients commonly
present with thyrotoxicosis and a
diffuse goitre usually with a soft
bruit. Although congestive ophthal-
mopathy is often present, it is usu-
ally mild and may not be recognised.
Figures 3 and 4. Graves dermopathy
Dermopathy (pretibial myxoedema)
is relatively uncommon. It is impor-
tant to distinguish the congestive
ophthalmopathy of Graves disease
from the eye signs secondary to sym-
pathetic overactivity, which may oc-
cur in thyrotoxicosis from any cause.
Congestive ophthalmopathy is due to
swelling of the extraocular muscles
and orbital fat by accumulation of
excess water and glycosamino-
glycans secreted from fibroblasts.
This results in bulgy eyes (exophthal-
mos/proptosis) and conjunctival in-
jection, chemosis, periorbital oedema,
restriction in eye movements and, in
severe cases, visual loss. Thyrotoxi-
cosis from any cause may cause sym-
pathetic eye signs such as lid lag and
lid retraction and the stare (‘startled
rabbit’ look), which are not specific
to Graves disease.
Toxic multinodular goitre
Toxic multinodular goitre (MNG) is
due to the development of autonomy
in a (usually) long-standing pre-ex-
isting goitre. The thyroid feels nodu-
lar and there is no bruit. The thyro-
toxicosis may be precipitated by re-
cent iodine exposure, such as iodine
containing contrast from radiologi-
cal procedures, iodine from medica-
tions (e.g. amiodarone) or from health
shop preparations. Patients with toxic
multinodular goitre are often older
and more severely affected by the
hyperthyroidism. Radioactive iodine
is an effective treatment for toxic
MNG provided there hasn’t been re-
cent iodine exposure.
Solitary toxic nodule
Solitary toxic nodule refers to the
development of a (usually) solitary
nodule in a thyroid that is otherwise
normal. Most are due to a somatic
Table 2. Symptoms and signs of thyrotoxicosis
Symptoms Signs
Fatigue Finetremor
Heat intolerance Tachycardia
Weight loss (rarely weight gain) Sweating
Hyperphagia (rarely anorexia) Goitre
Palpitations Lid lag, retraction
Sweating Heart failure
Tremor Atrial fibrillation
Reduced exercise tolerance Ophthalmopathy
Increased frequency of defaecation Dermopathy
Loose bowel motions Proximal myopathy
Anxiety Gynaecomastia
Irritability Systolic hypertension
Poorsleep Hyperdynamic circulation
Irregular periods Hyperreflexia
Lighter periods Palmar erythema
Difficulty concentrating
Urinary frequency Other
Weakness Hypercalcaemia, raised alkaline
Shortness of breath phosphatase, deterioration in glycaemic
Continuing Medical Education
410 Volume 32 Number 6, December 2005
mutation in the TSH Receptor gene
resulting in constitutive activation of
the receptor without TSH binding.
With increased growth and activity
of the nodule the remainder of the
gland becomes suppressed and even-
tually atrophic. It is more common
in young-middle-aged patients with
mild thyrotoxicosis and presents with
a single smooth palpable nodule (with
no bruit). T3-toxicosis is not uncom-
mon in this setting. Treatment is ei-
ther radioactive iodine (with a low
risk of subsequent hypothyroidism,
as the rest of the suppressed gland
usually recovers function) or surgi-
cal removal of the nodule.
Subacute viral thyroiditis is another
relatively common cause of thyro-
toxicosis. The patient presents
acutely with hyperthyroidism, with
or without neck pain, and general
features of malaise, fatigue and my-
algia. The thyroid gland may be im-
palpable or mildly enlarged, and may
or may not be tender. The erythro-
cyte sedimentation rate and other
inflammatory markers are usually
raised, associated with a mild nor-
mochromic anaemia. If the clinician
is uncertain of the diagnosis a Tech-
netium 99m thyroid scan will reveal
reduced uptake of the radioisotope
(in contrast to Graves disease in
which the uptake is increased). This
condition is self-limiting with an ini-
tial thyrotoxic phase due to release
of preformed thyroid hormone from
disrupted thyroid cells, followed by
a hypothyroid phase, which may per-
sist for several months before the re-
turn to euthyroidism. Treatment is
symptomatic with analgesia for any
thyroid discomfort (paracetamol be-
ing first-line, followed by NSAIDs.
Glucocorticoids such as prednisone
are only rarely required). It should
be noted that none of these treatments
alter the natural course of the dis-
ease. Beta-blockers can reduce the
symptoms of thyrotoxicosis such as
palpitations and can be weaned as the
thyrotoxicosis resolves. The hypothy-
roid phase typically doesn’t need
treatment but occasionally a short
course of thyroxine is required if the
patient is severely symptomatic. The
whole process may take six to nine
months. In about 5% of patients with
subacute thyroiditis the hypothy-
roidism may be permanent.
The diagnosis usually just requires thy-
roid function tests – FT4, FT3, and TSH
followed by a subsequent good clini-
cal assessment. Measurement of thy-
roid antibodies may assist in determin-
ing the autoimmune nature of the con-
dition. Often the cause of thyrotoxi-
cosis is obvious from the history and
examination findings (e.g. a diffuse
goitre with bruit, with signs of con-
gestive ophthalmopathy is clearly
Graves disease and no further imaging
is required). When the diagnosis is not
obvious, e.g. the thyroid is not palpa-
ble, or when there is the suspicion of
silent thyroiditis, radionuclide (Tech-
netium 99m) imaging can be very
helpful. Patients with Graves disease
and a small thyroid gland will have
increased uptake of the isotope and in
those with thyroiditis, recent iodine
or thyroxine exposure, the uptake of
Tc99m will be reduced. In the major-
ity of thyrotoxic patients, ultrasound
is not useful as a first-line test (in con-
trast to euthyroid patients with a soli-
tary nodule).
Treatment needs to be directed ac-
cording to the underlying cause. In
patients with the common causes of
primary hyperthyroidism (Graves,
toxic MNG and solitary toxic nod-
ule) there are generally three options
for management. The first is the tem-
porary use of oral medications in-
cluding Carbimazole (CBZ), or pro-
pylthiouracil (PTU). More permanent
Table 3. Comparison of radioactive iodine and surgery for thyrotoxicosis
Radioactive Iodine Surgery
Advantages Advantages
Noninvasive Rapid control of thyrotoxicosis
Well-tolerated even in the elderly Rapid relief from pressure symptoms
Lower risk of hypothyroidism especially No risk of recurrence (if total
if toxic nodular goitre thyroidectomy performed)
Can reduce size of goitre
No need for anaesthetic
Disadvantages Disadvantages
Doesn’t work immediately Invasive
Risk of late hypothyroidism - may be Risk of complications including
insidious so ongoing monitoring hypoparathyroidism, recurrent
required laryngeal nerve injury and other
surgical complications
Anaesthetic risk
Precautions required May not be suitable for patients with
significant underlying cardiac disease
Absolutely contraindicated in Scarring (keloid in some patients)
Risk of flare secondary to radiation Need for lifelong thyroxine
thyroiditis (uncommon) replacement therapy
May need a second or third dose Increased anaesthetic and surgical risk if
(especially if Maori) patientseverelythyrotoxicpreoperatively
Need for lifelong thyroxine Recurrent disease following incomplete
replacement therapy surgery
Continuing Medical Education
Volume 32 Number 6, December 2005 411
options include radioactive iodine
, or surgery (Table 3). All these
options have their place in the man-
agement of primary hyperthyroidism
and, as with all good medical prac-
tice, treatment should be tailored to
the patient’s circumstances.
1. Anti-thyroid drugs are com-
monly used as first-line treatment
to achieve a euthyroid state and
allow time for the more defini-
tive options to be discussed and
considered by the patient. CBZ
can usually be safely taken once
per day, whereas PTU needs to
be taken 2–4x/d depending on
dose. PTU is preferred in preg-
nant women as increasing reports
suggest an association between
methimazole (which is the
metabolite of CBZ) and a rare
embryopathy. In non-pregnant
patients, CBZ is usually preferred
as it is effective when taken once
daily and, in New Zealand, PTU
currently requires an exceptional
circumstances form. Both drugs
can result in agranulocytosis and
the potential for death. Agranu-
locytosis is reported to occur in
<1% of patients, usually in the
first few weeks to months of treat-
ment. Because, severe neutro-
paenia can develop suddenly,
warning the patient of the risk is
more important than routine
monitoring of the neutrophil
count. It is critical that any pa-
tient commenced on anti-thyroid
medication should be fully edu-
cated about the risk of agranu-
locytosis. In addition, the patient
can be provided with a labora-
tory form for a full blood count
with the suggestion that should
they develop any sign of infec-
tion such as sore throat and fe-
ver, they must stop the medica-
tion, have a blood test and phone
their family doctor for the result
the same day. After confirming
the neutrophil count is normal
the anti-thyroid medication can
be recommenced. If the
neutrophils are low, the test must
be immediately confirmed, and
urgent referral is required as the
patient may require hospital ad-
mission for antibiotics and
granulocyte colony-stimulating
factor. Anti-thyroid medication
should never be used in such pa-
tients again. One clinical diffi-
culty is that some patients with
thyrotoxicosis have a low neu-
trophil count prior to the use of
anti-thyroid medications. In this
circumstance consultation with
colleagues in endocrinology
and/or haematology and close
monitoring is recommended.
Other side-effects from anti-thy-
roid medications include liver
dysfunction, arthralgia and rash.
Approximately 40% of patients
with Graves disease are reported
to remain in remission after
ceasing a 12–18 month period
of medical therapy. This figure
of 40% is clearly an overstate-
ment as many patients on anti-
thyroid drugs will be requiring
such high doses of CBZ or PTU
at 12 months that they certainly
require definitive therapy, and
many other patients just choose
to have either radioactive iodine
or surgery or they have reacted
adversely to the drugs.
2. Radioactive iodine I131
: This is an
effective treatment administered
as an outpatient drink which car-
ries a risk of permanent hypothy-
roidism, especially in Graves dis-
ease. Hypothyroidism is gener-
ally preferable to hyperthy-
roidism since thyroxine replace-
ment is usually simpler for the
patient and physician and re-
quires less monitoring than sup-
pression with CBZ, or PTU. I131
has been in use for more than 50
years, appears to be safe and is
the recommended option for the
majority of patients requiring
definitive treatment, especially
the elderly. It cannot be given to
pregnant women, especially af-
ter the first trimester when the
fetal thyroid can concentrate io-
dine. I131
can also worsen the con-
gestive ophthalmopathy in a
small number of patients al-
though this is usually only mild
and temporary. Precautions such
as avoiding close contact for sev-
eral days or two weeks off work
for those working in the food
industry are required following
therapeutic I131
One disadvantage of radioactive
iodine is that it may take weeks
to months to have an effect. In
addition, the development of
hypothyroidism may be insidi-
ous and occur years after therapy.
For this reason it is important to
continue monitoring thyroid
function tests in euthyroid pa-
tient following I131
even if it was administered dec-
ades earlier. Rarely patients may
develop a radiation thyroiditis,
which results in a flare of the
thyrotoxicosis 10–14 days post-
treatment. Administration of ra-
dioactive iodine to children re-
mains controversial, especially
after the reports of thyroid can-
cer in young people after the
Chernobyl disaster.
3. Surgery: Prior to offering surgery
it is best to normalise the thyroid
function tests with anti-thyroid
drugs. Moderate to severe thyro-
toxicosis increases the anaesthetic
and surgical risk. Generally sur-
gery is considered for patients
with large goitres causing
compressive symptoms, amioda-
rone-induced thyrotoxicosis re-
fractory to treatment or in young
patients with a solitary toxic nod-
ule. However, some patients just
prefer surgery to the concept of
taking a drink of radioactive io-
dine. In addition, surgery has the
advantage of rapid control of the
thyrotoxicosis when compared to
and many patients just want
to get on with their lives. With
the exception of the solitary toxic
nodule in an otherwise normal
gland, near total thyroidectomy
is the preferred operation because
of the risk of recurrence of thy-
rotoxicosis in both Graves disease
and toxic MNG. Surgery does
Continuing Medical Education
412 Volume 32 Number 6, December 2005
carry a mortality risk (as does
every operation) as well as the
risk of permanent hypoparathy-
roidism and recurrent laryngeal
nerve injury. As the complication
rate is lower if thyroidectomy is
performed by an experienced thy-
roid surgeon, it is important that
the referring physician be aware
of their specific surgeon’s skills.
Subclinical hyperthyroidism
Low or undetectable TSH levels with
levels of FT4 and FT3 within the ref-
erence range are found in subclini-
cal hyperthyroidism. This state may
result from excessive exogenous thy-
roid hormone administration or due
to endogenous overproduction of
thyroid hormone, e.g. multinodular
goitre with some autonomy. Excess
exogenous thyroid hormone is com-
mon and may be intentional, as in
the treatment of metastatic or local-
ised thyroid cancer with high risk of
recurrence, or unintentional, as in
hypothyroid patients replaced with
thyroxine. It is important not to con-
fuse patients with hypopituitarism
who will have a similar biochemical
profile and low TSH levels as a re-
sult of pituitary gland hypofunction.
Overt thyro-
toxicosis is a risk
factor for oste-
oporosis and frac-
tures although this
is more controver-
sial in subclinical
with subclinical
receiving thyrox-
ine replacement
for benign thyroid
disease should have the dose re-
duced to ensure the TSH is in the
reference range. The treatment of
subclinical hyperthyroidism re-
mains controversial, although many
studies report increased rates of
atrial fibrillation and increased left
ventricular mass in these patients.1
A recent consensus panel supported
the treatment of patients with
undetectable TSH (<0.01mU/L) espe-
cially for patients older than 60
years, and those at increased risk of
heart disease, osteoporosis, or those
with symptoms suggestive of hyper-
Patients with endog-
enous subclinical hyperthyroidism
should be followed and referral to
an endocrinology service consid-
ered if the condition persists, par-
ticularly in those with atrial fibril-
lation or in whom thyrotoxicosis
would be poorly tolerated because
of comorbid disease.
Other causes of a low TSH and
normal free thyroid hormone levels
include central hypothyroidism (usu-
ally the free thyroid hormone levels
are at the lower end of the reference
range), recovery from hyperthy-
roidism and as a transient effect in
patients with nonthyroidal illness
(sick euthyroid syndrome).
Pregnancy is a special situation and
pregnant women with thyrotoxico-
sis should be referred to an
endocrinology service. Normal preg-
nancy with thyroid enlargement and
hyperdynamic circulation can mimic
some features of hyperthyroidism. In
addition, TSH levels can be sup-
pressed in preg-
nancy especially
during the 8th–
14th weeks be-
cause of HCG
stimulation of the
TSH receptor. Hy-
peremesis gravi-
darum may be as-
sociated with
frankly elevated
thyroid hormones,
which then settle
around 14–16 weeks as the HCG lev-
els settle. Distinguishing this condi-
tion from Graves disease can be dif-
ficult with pre-existing thyroid dis-
ease, sleeping tachycardia, family his-
tory of autoimmune disease and posi-
tive TSH-receptor stimulating anti-
bodies being more indicative of
Graves disease. Thyrotoxicosis in
pregnancy is associated with an in-
creased rate of spontaneous miscar-
riage, stillbirth, preterm labour, low
birth weight, and preeclampsia.
Treatment with PTU, rather than CBZ,
is increasingly recommended be-
cause of rare reports of methimazole
embryopathy. While this has not been
reported with carbimazole as
carbimazole is metabolised to methi-
mazole it is probably reasonable to
opt for PTU. Both medications cross
the placenta and can cause fetal hy-
pothyroidism and goitre so the low-
est possible dose should be given and
the maternal free thyroid hormone
levels should be maintained at the
upper end of the reference range and
measured monthly over the gestation.
Obstetric involvement is indicated
given the complexity and the small
risk of fetal thyrotoxicosis. Women
with only very mild thyrotoxicosis
can be monitored carefully without
treatment. Graves disease improves
throughout pregnancy and often
women can have the anti-thyroid
medication stopped by the third tri-
Key Points
• Consider the underlying cause
of the thyrotoxicosis – making
a specific diagnosis will allow
the practitioner to proceed
directly to appropriate therapy.
Uncertainty about the diagno-
sis will require early referral to
endocrinology or further
investigation such as techne-
tium scanning.
• Early referral should be made
for patients with severe
thyrotoxicosis, those on
amiodarone and those with
reduced physiological reserve,
e.g. the elderly and patients
with cardiac disease.
• Anti-thyroid-induced agranu-
locytosis is rare, but can be
life-threatening. Any patient
started on anti-thyroid medica-
tion needs to be warned about
this risk and instructed what to
do in the event of illness.
Radioactive iodine is
absolutely contraindicated
during pregnancy, but
surgery occasionally is
required in special
situations with the safest
time being during the
second trimester
Continuing Medical Education
Volume 32 Number 6, December 2005 413
mester. Radioactive iodine is abso-
lutely contraindicated during preg-
nancy, but surgery occasionally is re-
quired in special situations with the
safest time being during the second
trimester. Post-partum flare of Graves
disease in the mother is common and
should be anticipated based on the
pre- or early-pregnancy thyroid sta-
tus of the mother. Women with a his-
tory of Graves disease who are now
euthyroid (e.g. post thyroid ablation
with radioactive iodine or surgery)
may still have TSH-R antibodies
which can cross the placenta and
cause hyper- or hypo-thyroidism in
the fetus so TSH-R
Abs should be meas-
ured at the end of the
second trimester and
obstetric involve-
ment is required to
monitor for evidence
of fetal thyrotoxico-
sis, although this is
rare. Overzealous
treatment with anti-
thyroid medications
in the third trimester
can result in a fetal goitre, which may
lead to difficulties with delivery as
the fetal neck may be unable to fully
flex or with airway compromise.
Thyrotoxicosis in the elderly may
present more subtly so a high index
of suspicion is required. The older
patient often does not tolerate thy-
rotoxicosis well and has an increased
risk of atrial fibrillation, exacerba-
tion of preexisting ischaemic heart
disease and congestive cardiac fail-
ure. Any elderly patient with newly
diagnosed atrial fibrillation should
have their thyroid function measured,
as atrial fibrillation may be the only
manifestation of thyrotoxicosis.
Amiodarone is an iodine-rich medi-
cation (approximately 37% iodine by
weight) and, while most patients on
amiodarone remain euthyroid, it may
cause either hypo- or hyper-
thyroidism. Patients on amiodarone
should have regular monitoring of
their thyroid function every three
months. Amiodarone-induced thyro-
toxicosis (AIT) may
even occur months
after the amiodarone
very resistant to
treatment. Urgent re-
ferral to an
endocrinology serv-
ice should occur as
the typical patient
has underlying car-
diac disease so the
thyrotoxicosis may
be poorly tolerated. As the amiodarone
takes months to clear (half-life is 50–
60 days) there is no need to stop it
immediately on diagnosis of
amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis,
and indeed it may provide some
cardioprotection from the thyrotoxi-
cosis initially. The decision to continue
or stop the amiodarone should be
Patient information
American Thyroid Association website:
1. Biondi B, Palmieri EA, Klain M, Schlumberger M, Filetti S,
Lombardi G. Subclinical hyperthyroidism: clinical features and
treatment options. Eur J Endocrinol 2005; 152:1-9.
2. Surks MI, Ortiz E, Daniels GH, Sawin CT, Col NF, Cobin RH,
Franklyn JA, Burman KD, Denke MA, Cooper RS, Weissman NJ.
Subclinical thyroid disease. Scientific review and guidelines for
diagnosis and management. J Am Med Ass 2004; 291:228-238.
made by a cardiologist familiar with
the patient’s condition so that an al-
ternative therapy, e.g. beta-blockade,
can be considered. As amiodarone
blocks the uptake of iodide by the thy-
roid gland, the only effective thera-
pies for AIT include high dose antithy-
roid medications or surgery. Beta-
blockers or glucocorticoids may have
a role in treatment.
Excess iodine from any source may
cause hyperthyroidism (iodine-in-
duced hyperthyroidism or the Jod-
Basedow effect). For this reason, for
patients with known nodular thyroid
disease, clinicians need to consider
whether it is necessary to administer
iodine-containing materials (e.g. ra-
diological contrast agents, or drugs
such as amiodarone) as the extra io-
dine load may result in subsequent
Thyrotoxicosis factitia
This is thyrotoxicosis that occurs
from excessive exogenous intake of
thyroid hormone. Patients are usu-
ally aware that they are taking the
medication although may deny it. It
may also be taken inadvertently as
part of weight loss preparations.
Typically there are typical biochemi-
cal and clinical features of thyrotoxi-
cosis along with suppressed serum
thyroglobulin levels and reduced up-
take on technetium scanning.
Any elderly patient with
newly diagnosed atrial
fibrillation should have
their thyroid function
measured, as atrial
fibrillation may be the
only manifestation of
‘There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance. ‘
Hippocrates, Law
Continuing Medical Education

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  • 1. Volume 32 Number 6, December 2005 407 Thyrotoxicosis: Pathophysiology, assessment and management Marianne S Elston MBChB FRACP, Endocrinology Research Fellow, and John V Conaglen MD FRACP, Consultant Endocrinologist Thyrotoxicosis, which results from the biochemical and physiologic effects of excess thyroid hormone regardless of cause, is one of the more common endocrine disorders presenting to the family physician. By definition, hyperthyroidism is a term restricted to situations in which the thyroid gland is responsible for overproduc- ing thyroid hormone. Arbitrarily the causes of thyrotoxicosis can be dif- ferentiated into those associated with a high uptake on radioactive iodine or technetium scanning (most com- monly Graves disease) and those with a low uptake (Table 1). The normal adult thyroid is one of the largest endocrine organs weighing about 15–20 grams. It con- sists of two lobes joined by an isth- mus, with arterial blood supply from both the superior and the inferior thyroid arteries. The normally high blood flow of 4–6mL/minute/g (com- pared to the renal blood flow of 3mL/ min/g) may increase to over 1L/ minute in the diffuse toxic goitre of John V Conaglen is Clinical Director of Endocrinology at Waikato Hospital and As- sociate Professor of Medicine in the Waikato Clinical School, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland. His research interests include the role of growth factors in cellular repair, the clinical impact of endo- crine genetic disorders and the investigation and management of sexual desire disorders. Marianne Elston previously workedasaseniorendocrinology registrar at Waikato Hospital and is currently working as a Diabetes and Endocrinology Re- search Fellow at Middlemore Hospital, Auckland. Interests in- clude familial endocrine disor- ders and pituitary disease. Graves disease, resulting in an audi- ble bruit or palpable thrill. At a mi- croscopic level the gland is composed of follicles filled with thyroglobulin- containing colloid in which thyroid hormone is stored. In addition the gland contains parafollicular (C cells) cells, which secrete calcitonin. The thyroid gland synthesises and secretes thyroid hormones sufficient to meet bodily needs. This involves active uptake of iodide by the thyroid trans- membrane sodium-iodide symporter, subsequent oxidation of the iodide by the enzyme thyroid peroxidase (TPO) and incorporation into the thy- roglobulin molecule in the form of monoiodotyrosine (MIT) and diiodotyrosine (DIT). These precur- sors are joined or coupled to form thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) in the thyroglobulin molecule. The thyroid stores large amounts of thyroid hormones in the colloid, of which only about 1% are secreted daily. This excess storage protects against hypothyroidism should thy- roid hormone synthesis be temporar- ily inhibited, for example by a di- etary goitrogen. This excess storage of thyroglobulin helps explain why anti-thyroid medications may not reduce the T4 levels for at least two weeks. In addition, the thyrotoxico- sis occurring after an inflammatory thyroiditis in which the thyroid cells are disrupted results from the release of this preformed thyroid hormone storage. All of the steps in thyroid hormone synthesis and release are stimulated by Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), secreted from the anterior pituitary. The thyroid gland releases both T4 and T3, however in the euthyroid state about 80% of the T3 is produced peripherally from T4. Being relatively lipid-soluble both thyroid hormones circulate bound to plasma proteins – Thyroxine-Bind- ing Globulin (TBG) and transthyretin and albumin and to a lesser extent as the free hormone. Thyroid hormone readily crosses the plasma membrane and in the form of T3 binds to spe- Continuing Medical Education
  • 2. 408 Volume 32 Number 6, December 2005 cific intra-cellular thyroid hormone receptors, which as a complex act as transcription factors to up- or down- regulate many specific genes. The circulatory levels of T3 are control- led by negative feedback loops in- volving the thyroid, pituitary and hypothalamus. Stability of thyroid hormone levels are assisted by the large intra-thyroidal hormone pool. Although thyrotoxicosis is not always obvious clinically, (commonly presenting as tiredness), the bio- chemical profile of an elevated Free T3 (FT3), and/or Free T4 (FT4), with a suppressed TSH make the diagnosis relatively straightforward. In T3-toxi- cosis the FT3 is elevated and TSH is suppressed with a normal FT4. Occasionally a family physician receives laboratory results in which the T3 and/or T4 levels are above the upper limit of the reference range and the TSH is not suppressed. The most common cause of elevated free thy- roid hormone levels with a measur- able TSH is interference with the as- say by heterophile antibodies in a clinically euthyroid patient. Specific tests for heterophile antibodies can be requested from the laboratory. Thyroid hormone resistance is an- other cause of elevated thyroid hor- mone levels with a normal or elevated TSH. Recent intake of excess thyrox- ine in a previously noncompliant patient may also cause the same pat- tern, as free thyroid hormone levels will elevate before the TSH falls. Secondary thyrotoxicosis (elevated free thyroid hormone levels, with a measurable levels of TSH in a clini- cally thyrotoxic patient) due to a TSH- secreting pituitary adenoma is rare, (estimated incidence approximately one per million per annum). Although extremely rare, TSHomas are impor- tant not to miss as treatment is prima- rily directed towards the pituitary. Given the complexity, patients with elevated free thyroid hormone levels and a nonsuppressed TSH should be referred to an endocrin- ologist for more detailed investiga- tion to ensure correct diagnosis and treatment. Clinical features of thyrotoxicosis Presenting symptoms resulting from excess metabolic activity include tiredness, heat intolerance, unex- plained weight loss, excess sweating, palpitations, tremor and irritability (Table 2). Older patients with ‘apa- thetic thyrotoxicosis’ may present predominantly with weight loss, ano- rexia, muscle weakness, depression and lethargy. Occasional patients may present with sudden onset profound muscle weakness (which may progress to a flaccid tetraparesis), associated with severe hypokalaemia, which resolves completely on resto- ration of the serum potassium (thy- rotoxic hypokalaemic periodic pa- ralysis – THPP). THPP, which may be precipitated by exercise or a large carbohydrate meal, is more common in males, especially Asian, Maori, and Polynesian, and results from increased intracellular uptake of potassium. The severity of thyrotoxicosis can vary from the patient who has very few symptoms to those who present with florid congestive cardiac heart failure, life-threatening arrhythmias, and even severe psychotic illness. Thyroid storm, although extremely rare, is usually of sudden onset and may be precipitated by infection, sur- gery or major illness. Fever is almost always present, with profound tachy- cardia and possibly arrhythmias. Restlessness and delirium or even frank psychosis may occur and progress to coma. Nausea, vomiting Table 1. Causes of thyrotoxicosis Thyrotoxicosis with high radioiodine Thyrotoxicosis with low radioiodine uptake uptake Autoimmune – Graves disease Thyroiditis – Subacute Autonomous thyroid tissue – Postpartum – Toxic multinodular goitre – Drug-induced – Solitary toxic adenoma e.g. interferon, amiodarone – Radiation TSH-mediated – TSHoma (rare) Autonomous thyroid tissue with iodine load e.g. amiodarone/x-ray contrast HCG-mediated – Hyperemesis gravidarum Excessive exogenous thyroid hormone – Hydatidiform mole/ intake choriocarcinoma (rare) – Testicular tumours (rare) Ectopic thyrotoxicosis – Struma ovarii (ectopic thyroid tissue)(rare) – Metastatic follicular cancer with with functioning metastases (rare) Figure 1. Diffuse goitre Figure 2. Graves ophthalmopathy Continuing Medical Education
  • 3. Volume 32 Number 6, December 2005 409 and abdominal pain frequently oc- curs early. Although this condition is often exaggerated by the inexpe- rienced clinician, unrecognised thy- roid storm is usually fatal. Graves disease Graves disease is an autoimmune condition with the thyrotoxicosis caused by autoantibodies stimulating the TSH receptor (TSHRAb or Thy- roid Stimulating Immunoglobulins, TSI). As in other autoimmune condi- tions, Graves disease is more com- mon in females (7–10:1) and a fam- ily history of thyroid or other autoimmune disease is often present. The classical manifestations of Graves disease include a diffuse toxic goitre (Figure 1), congestive ophthalmopa- thy (Figure 2) and dermopathy (pretibial-myxoedema) (Figures 3 and 4). These three features of Graves disease may occur simultaneously or independently in a given individual. In practice, patients commonly present with thyrotoxicosis and a diffuse goitre usually with a soft bruit. Although congestive ophthal- mopathy is often present, it is usu- ally mild and may not be recognised. Figures 3 and 4. Graves dermopathy Dermopathy (pretibial myxoedema) is relatively uncommon. It is impor- tant to distinguish the congestive ophthalmopathy of Graves disease from the eye signs secondary to sym- pathetic overactivity, which may oc- cur in thyrotoxicosis from any cause. Congestive ophthalmopathy is due to swelling of the extraocular muscles and orbital fat by accumulation of excess water and glycosamino- glycans secreted from fibroblasts. This results in bulgy eyes (exophthal- mos/proptosis) and conjunctival in- jection, chemosis, periorbital oedema, restriction in eye movements and, in severe cases, visual loss. Thyrotoxi- cosis from any cause may cause sym- pathetic eye signs such as lid lag and lid retraction and the stare (‘startled rabbit’ look), which are not specific to Graves disease. Toxic multinodular goitre Toxic multinodular goitre (MNG) is due to the development of autonomy in a (usually) long-standing pre-ex- isting goitre. The thyroid feels nodu- lar and there is no bruit. The thyro- toxicosis may be precipitated by re- cent iodine exposure, such as iodine containing contrast from radiologi- cal procedures, iodine from medica- tions (e.g. amiodarone) or from health shop preparations. Patients with toxic multinodular goitre are often older and more severely affected by the hyperthyroidism. Radioactive iodine is an effective treatment for toxic MNG provided there hasn’t been re- cent iodine exposure. Solitary toxic nodule Solitary toxic nodule refers to the development of a (usually) solitary nodule in a thyroid that is otherwise normal. Most are due to a somatic Table 2. Symptoms and signs of thyrotoxicosis Symptoms Signs Fatigue Finetremor Heat intolerance Tachycardia Weight loss (rarely weight gain) Sweating Hyperphagia (rarely anorexia) Goitre Palpitations Lid lag, retraction Sweating Heart failure Tremor Atrial fibrillation Reduced exercise tolerance Ophthalmopathy Increased frequency of defaecation Dermopathy Loose bowel motions Proximal myopathy Anxiety Gynaecomastia Irritability Systolic hypertension Poorsleep Hyperdynamic circulation Irregular periods Hyperreflexia Lighter periods Palmar erythema Difficulty concentrating Urinary frequency Other Weakness Hypercalcaemia, raised alkaline Shortness of breath phosphatase, deterioration in glycaemic control Continuing Medical Education
  • 4. 410 Volume 32 Number 6, December 2005 mutation in the TSH Receptor gene resulting in constitutive activation of the receptor without TSH binding. With increased growth and activity of the nodule the remainder of the gland becomes suppressed and even- tually atrophic. It is more common in young-middle-aged patients with mild thyrotoxicosis and presents with a single smooth palpable nodule (with no bruit). T3-toxicosis is not uncom- mon in this setting. Treatment is ei- ther radioactive iodine (with a low risk of subsequent hypothyroidism, as the rest of the suppressed gland usually recovers function) or surgi- cal removal of the nodule. Thyroiditis Subacute viral thyroiditis is another relatively common cause of thyro- toxicosis. The patient presents acutely with hyperthyroidism, with or without neck pain, and general features of malaise, fatigue and my- algia. The thyroid gland may be im- palpable or mildly enlarged, and may or may not be tender. The erythro- cyte sedimentation rate and other inflammatory markers are usually raised, associated with a mild nor- mochromic anaemia. If the clinician is uncertain of the diagnosis a Tech- netium 99m thyroid scan will reveal reduced uptake of the radioisotope (in contrast to Graves disease in which the uptake is increased). This condition is self-limiting with an ini- tial thyrotoxic phase due to release of preformed thyroid hormone from disrupted thyroid cells, followed by a hypothyroid phase, which may per- sist for several months before the re- turn to euthyroidism. Treatment is symptomatic with analgesia for any thyroid discomfort (paracetamol be- ing first-line, followed by NSAIDs. Glucocorticoids such as prednisone are only rarely required). It should be noted that none of these treatments alter the natural course of the dis- ease. Beta-blockers can reduce the symptoms of thyrotoxicosis such as palpitations and can be weaned as the thyrotoxicosis resolves. The hypothy- roid phase typically doesn’t need treatment but occasionally a short course of thyroxine is required if the patient is severely symptomatic. The whole process may take six to nine months. In about 5% of patients with subacute thyroiditis the hypothy- roidism may be permanent. Investigations The diagnosis usually just requires thy- roid function tests – FT4, FT3, and TSH followed by a subsequent good clini- cal assessment. Measurement of thy- roid antibodies may assist in determin- ing the autoimmune nature of the con- dition. Often the cause of thyrotoxi- cosis is obvious from the history and examination findings (e.g. a diffuse goitre with bruit, with signs of con- gestive ophthalmopathy is clearly Graves disease and no further imaging is required). When the diagnosis is not obvious, e.g. the thyroid is not palpa- ble, or when there is the suspicion of silent thyroiditis, radionuclide (Tech- netium 99m) imaging can be very helpful. Patients with Graves disease and a small thyroid gland will have increased uptake of the isotope and in those with thyroiditis, recent iodine or thyroxine exposure, the uptake of Tc99m will be reduced. In the major- ity of thyrotoxic patients, ultrasound is not useful as a first-line test (in con- trast to euthyroid patients with a soli- tary nodule). Treatment Treatment needs to be directed ac- cording to the underlying cause. In patients with the common causes of primary hyperthyroidism (Graves, toxic MNG and solitary toxic nod- ule) there are generally three options for management. The first is the tem- porary use of oral medications in- cluding Carbimazole (CBZ), or pro- pylthiouracil (PTU). More permanent Table 3. Comparison of radioactive iodine and surgery for thyrotoxicosis Radioactive Iodine Surgery Advantages Advantages Noninvasive Rapid control of thyrotoxicosis Well-tolerated even in the elderly Rapid relief from pressure symptoms Lower risk of hypothyroidism especially No risk of recurrence (if total if toxic nodular goitre thyroidectomy performed) Can reduce size of goitre No need for anaesthetic Disadvantages Disadvantages Doesn’t work immediately Invasive Risk of late hypothyroidism - may be Risk of complications including insidious so ongoing monitoring hypoparathyroidism, recurrent required laryngeal nerve injury and other surgical complications Anaesthetic risk Precautions required May not be suitable for patients with significant underlying cardiac disease Absolutely contraindicated in Scarring (keloid in some patients) pregnancy Risk of flare secondary to radiation Need for lifelong thyroxine thyroiditis (uncommon) replacement therapy May need a second or third dose Increased anaesthetic and surgical risk if (especially if Maori) patientseverelythyrotoxicpreoperatively Need for lifelong thyroxine Recurrent disease following incomplete replacement therapy surgery Continuing Medical Education
  • 5. Volume 32 Number 6, December 2005 411 options include radioactive iodine I131 , or surgery (Table 3). All these options have their place in the man- agement of primary hyperthyroidism and, as with all good medical prac- tice, treatment should be tailored to the patient’s circumstances. 1. Anti-thyroid drugs are com- monly used as first-line treatment to achieve a euthyroid state and allow time for the more defini- tive options to be discussed and considered by the patient. CBZ can usually be safely taken once per day, whereas PTU needs to be taken 2–4x/d depending on dose. PTU is preferred in preg- nant women as increasing reports suggest an association between methimazole (which is the metabolite of CBZ) and a rare embryopathy. In non-pregnant patients, CBZ is usually preferred as it is effective when taken once daily and, in New Zealand, PTU currently requires an exceptional circumstances form. Both drugs can result in agranulocytosis and the potential for death. Agranu- locytosis is reported to occur in <1% of patients, usually in the first few weeks to months of treat- ment. Because, severe neutro- paenia can develop suddenly, warning the patient of the risk is more important than routine monitoring of the neutrophil count. It is critical that any pa- tient commenced on anti-thyroid medication should be fully edu- cated about the risk of agranu- locytosis. In addition, the patient can be provided with a labora- tory form for a full blood count with the suggestion that should they develop any sign of infec- tion such as sore throat and fe- ver, they must stop the medica- tion, have a blood test and phone their family doctor for the result the same day. After confirming the neutrophil count is normal the anti-thyroid medication can be recommenced. If the neutrophils are low, the test must be immediately confirmed, and urgent referral is required as the patient may require hospital ad- mission for antibiotics and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. Anti-thyroid medication should never be used in such pa- tients again. One clinical diffi- culty is that some patients with thyrotoxicosis have a low neu- trophil count prior to the use of anti-thyroid medications. In this circumstance consultation with colleagues in endocrinology and/or haematology and close monitoring is recommended. Other side-effects from anti-thy- roid medications include liver dysfunction, arthralgia and rash. Approximately 40% of patients with Graves disease are reported to remain in remission after ceasing a 12–18 month period of medical therapy. This figure of 40% is clearly an overstate- ment as many patients on anti- thyroid drugs will be requiring such high doses of CBZ or PTU at 12 months that they certainly require definitive therapy, and many other patients just choose to have either radioactive iodine or surgery or they have reacted adversely to the drugs. 2. Radioactive iodine I131 : This is an effective treatment administered as an outpatient drink which car- ries a risk of permanent hypothy- roidism, especially in Graves dis- ease. Hypothyroidism is gener- ally preferable to hyperthy- roidism since thyroxine replace- ment is usually simpler for the patient and physician and re- quires less monitoring than sup- pression with CBZ, or PTU. I131 has been in use for more than 50 years, appears to be safe and is the recommended option for the majority of patients requiring definitive treatment, especially the elderly. It cannot be given to pregnant women, especially af- ter the first trimester when the fetal thyroid can concentrate io- dine. I131 can also worsen the con- gestive ophthalmopathy in a small number of patients al- though this is usually only mild and temporary. Precautions such as avoiding close contact for sev- eral days or two weeks off work for those working in the food industry are required following therapeutic I131 administration. One disadvantage of radioactive iodine is that it may take weeks to months to have an effect. In addition, the development of hypothyroidism may be insidi- ous and occur years after therapy. For this reason it is important to continue monitoring thyroid function tests in euthyroid pa- tient following I131 treatment, even if it was administered dec- ades earlier. Rarely patients may develop a radiation thyroiditis, which results in a flare of the thyrotoxicosis 10–14 days post- treatment. Administration of ra- dioactive iodine to children re- mains controversial, especially after the reports of thyroid can- cer in young people after the Chernobyl disaster. 3. Surgery: Prior to offering surgery it is best to normalise the thyroid function tests with anti-thyroid drugs. Moderate to severe thyro- toxicosis increases the anaesthetic and surgical risk. Generally sur- gery is considered for patients with large goitres causing compressive symptoms, amioda- rone-induced thyrotoxicosis re- fractory to treatment or in young patients with a solitary toxic nod- ule. However, some patients just prefer surgery to the concept of taking a drink of radioactive io- dine. In addition, surgery has the advantage of rapid control of the thyrotoxicosis when compared to I131 and many patients just want to get on with their lives. With the exception of the solitary toxic nodule in an otherwise normal gland, near total thyroidectomy is the preferred operation because of the risk of recurrence of thy- rotoxicosis in both Graves disease and toxic MNG. Surgery does Continuing Medical Education
  • 6. 412 Volume 32 Number 6, December 2005 carry a mortality risk (as does every operation) as well as the risk of permanent hypoparathy- roidism and recurrent laryngeal nerve injury. As the complication rate is lower if thyroidectomy is performed by an experienced thy- roid surgeon, it is important that the referring physician be aware of their specific surgeon’s skills. Subclinical hyperthyroidism Low or undetectable TSH levels with levels of FT4 and FT3 within the ref- erence range are found in subclini- cal hyperthyroidism. This state may result from excessive exogenous thy- roid hormone administration or due to endogenous overproduction of thyroid hormone, e.g. multinodular goitre with some autonomy. Excess exogenous thyroid hormone is com- mon and may be intentional, as in the treatment of metastatic or local- ised thyroid cancer with high risk of recurrence, or unintentional, as in hypothyroid patients replaced with thyroxine. It is important not to con- fuse patients with hypopituitarism who will have a similar biochemical profile and low TSH levels as a re- sult of pituitary gland hypofunction. Overt thyro- toxicosis is a risk factor for oste- oporosis and frac- tures although this is more controver- sial in subclinical disease.1 Patients with subclinical hyperthyroidism receiving thyrox- ine replacement for benign thyroid disease should have the dose re- duced to ensure the TSH is in the reference range. The treatment of subclinical hyperthyroidism re- mains controversial, although many studies report increased rates of atrial fibrillation and increased left ventricular mass in these patients.1 A recent consensus panel supported the treatment of patients with undetectable TSH (<0.01mU/L) espe- cially for patients older than 60 years, and those at increased risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, or those with symptoms suggestive of hyper- thyroidism.2 Patients with endog- enous subclinical hyperthyroidism should be followed and referral to an endocrinology service consid- ered if the condition persists, par- ticularly in those with atrial fibril- lation or in whom thyrotoxicosis would be poorly tolerated because of comorbid disease. Other causes of a low TSH and normal free thyroid hormone levels include central hypothyroidism (usu- ally the free thyroid hormone levels are at the lower end of the reference range), recovery from hyperthy- roidism and as a transient effect in patients with nonthyroidal illness (sick euthyroid syndrome). Pregnancy Pregnancy is a special situation and pregnant women with thyrotoxico- sis should be referred to an endocrinology service. Normal preg- nancy with thyroid enlargement and hyperdynamic circulation can mimic some features of hyperthyroidism. In addition, TSH levels can be sup- pressed in preg- nancy especially during the 8th– 14th weeks be- cause of HCG stimulation of the TSH receptor. Hy- peremesis gravi- darum may be as- sociated with frankly elevated thyroid hormones, which then settle around 14–16 weeks as the HCG lev- els settle. Distinguishing this condi- tion from Graves disease can be dif- ficult with pre-existing thyroid dis- ease, sleeping tachycardia, family his- tory of autoimmune disease and posi- tive TSH-receptor stimulating anti- bodies being more indicative of Graves disease. Thyrotoxicosis in pregnancy is associated with an in- creased rate of spontaneous miscar- riage, stillbirth, preterm labour, low birth weight, and preeclampsia. Treatment with PTU, rather than CBZ, is increasingly recommended be- cause of rare reports of methimazole embryopathy. While this has not been reported with carbimazole as carbimazole is metabolised to methi- mazole it is probably reasonable to opt for PTU. Both medications cross the placenta and can cause fetal hy- pothyroidism and goitre so the low- est possible dose should be given and the maternal free thyroid hormone levels should be maintained at the upper end of the reference range and measured monthly over the gestation. Obstetric involvement is indicated given the complexity and the small risk of fetal thyrotoxicosis. Women with only very mild thyrotoxicosis can be monitored carefully without treatment. Graves disease improves throughout pregnancy and often women can have the anti-thyroid medication stopped by the third tri- Key Points • Consider the underlying cause of the thyrotoxicosis – making a specific diagnosis will allow the practitioner to proceed directly to appropriate therapy. Uncertainty about the diagno- sis will require early referral to endocrinology or further investigation such as techne- tium scanning. • Early referral should be made for patients with severe thyrotoxicosis, those on amiodarone and those with reduced physiological reserve, e.g. the elderly and patients with cardiac disease. • Anti-thyroid-induced agranu- locytosis is rare, but can be life-threatening. Any patient started on anti-thyroid medica- tion needs to be warned about this risk and instructed what to do in the event of illness. Radioactive iodine is absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy, but surgery occasionally is required in special situations with the safest time being during the second trimester Continuing Medical Education
  • 7. Volume 32 Number 6, December 2005 413 mester. Radioactive iodine is abso- lutely contraindicated during preg- nancy, but surgery occasionally is re- quired in special situations with the safest time being during the second trimester. Post-partum flare of Graves disease in the mother is common and should be anticipated based on the pre- or early-pregnancy thyroid sta- tus of the mother. Women with a his- tory of Graves disease who are now euthyroid (e.g. post thyroid ablation with radioactive iodine or surgery) may still have TSH-R antibodies which can cross the placenta and cause hyper- or hypo-thyroidism in the fetus so TSH-R Abs should be meas- ured at the end of the second trimester and obstetric involve- ment is required to monitor for evidence of fetal thyrotoxico- sis, although this is rare. Overzealous treatment with anti- thyroid medications in the third trimester can result in a fetal goitre, which may lead to difficulties with delivery as the fetal neck may be unable to fully flex or with airway compromise. Elderly Thyrotoxicosis in the elderly may present more subtly so a high index of suspicion is required. The older patient often does not tolerate thy- rotoxicosis well and has an increased risk of atrial fibrillation, exacerba- tion of preexisting ischaemic heart disease and congestive cardiac fail- ure. Any elderly patient with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation should have their thyroid function measured, as atrial fibrillation may be the only manifestation of thyrotoxicosis. Amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis Amiodarone is an iodine-rich medi- cation (approximately 37% iodine by weight) and, while most patients on amiodarone remain euthyroid, it may cause either hypo- or hyper- thyroidism. Patients on amiodarone should have regular monitoring of their thyroid function every three months. Amiodarone-induced thyro- toxicosis (AIT) may even occur months after the amiodarone isstoppedandcanbe very resistant to treatment. Urgent re- ferral to an endocrinology serv- ice should occur as the typical patient has underlying car- diac disease so the thyrotoxicosis may be poorly tolerated. As the amiodarone takes months to clear (half-life is 50– 60 days) there is no need to stop it immediately on diagnosis of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis, and indeed it may provide some cardioprotection from the thyrotoxi- cosis initially. The decision to continue or stop the amiodarone should be Patient information American Thyroid Association website: References 1. Biondi B, Palmieri EA, Klain M, Schlumberger M, Filetti S, Lombardi G. Subclinical hyperthyroidism: clinical features and treatment options. Eur J Endocrinol 2005; 152:1-9. 2. Surks MI, Ortiz E, Daniels GH, Sawin CT, Col NF, Cobin RH, Franklyn JA, Burman KD, Denke MA, Cooper RS, Weissman NJ. Subclinical thyroid disease. Scientific review and guidelines for diagnosis and management. J Am Med Ass 2004; 291:228-238. made by a cardiologist familiar with the patient’s condition so that an al- ternative therapy, e.g. beta-blockade, can be considered. As amiodarone blocks the uptake of iodide by the thy- roid gland, the only effective thera- pies for AIT include high dose antithy- roid medications or surgery. Beta- blockers or glucocorticoids may have a role in treatment. Iodine Excess iodine from any source may cause hyperthyroidism (iodine-in- duced hyperthyroidism or the Jod- Basedow effect). For this reason, for patients with known nodular thyroid disease, clinicians need to consider whether it is necessary to administer iodine-containing materials (e.g. ra- diological contrast agents, or drugs such as amiodarone) as the extra io- dine load may result in subsequent thyrotoxicosis. Thyrotoxicosis factitia This is thyrotoxicosis that occurs from excessive exogenous intake of thyroid hormone. Patients are usu- ally aware that they are taking the medication although may deny it. It may also be taken inadvertently as part of weight loss preparations. Typically there are typical biochemi- cal and clinical features of thyrotoxi- cosis along with suppressed serum thyroglobulin levels and reduced up- take on technetium scanning. Any elderly patient with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation should have their thyroid function measured, as atrial fibrillation may be the only manifestation of thyrotoxicosis ‘There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance. ‘ Hippocrates, Law Continuing Medical Education